{"observed":"For the past four years my family has seen a creature unidentifiable to us; these sightings have been at our home seven miles north of Porcupine, South Dakota. The creature appears to be seven to nine feet tall and has left a couple of footprints that measured 18 inches long and 7 inches wide. It stands up straight and has a slight hunch when walking. We have also found hair; possible saliva mixed with grass, and dried blood stains on cactus. There have been small trees broken on the property; they look snapped which would take such strength. It has often been seen running at high speed, too quickly to follow. I and most family members have seen this creature continuously not just once; sometimes days pass between sightings.","location_details":"This location is near the junction of Bureau of Indian Affairs ( BIA) Highway 27 and 14 on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. The closest town is called Porcupine which is 35 miles Northeast of Pine Ridge, SD.","county":"Shannon County","state":"South Dakota","season":"Fall","title":"Report 5173: Large bipedal animal frequently observed by a South Dakota family","date":"2002-12-04","number":5173,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9xxntvhtws","temperature_high":16.79,"temperature_mid":10.74,"temperature_low":4.69,"dew_point":11.73,"humidity":0.94,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.02,"precip_intensity":0.0029,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1032.26,"summary":"Snow (< 1 in.) starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":1,"visibility":7.86,"wind_bearing":25,"wind_speed":2.14,"year":2002,"geometry":[-102.3971,43.35851]} {"observed":"My family had moved from the city of Rochester to Wolcott, a small town about 50 miles east of Rochester in July 2003. We were living in an old farmhouse on approx. 77 acres of woods & creeks near Lake Ontario. This incident happened sometime between the 18th-20th of September. My sister's birthday is the 20th and I recall a small group of family and friends were visiting the house for that occasion. My future-stepfather took a small group, including his brother, my four sisters, and a few other friends out for a \"tour\" of the property. I was not present, I had stayed behind at the house. As the group returned to the house, my stepfather lingered behind in an area of the property where a strip of woods runs between two fields. My stepfather was in the field closer to the house, we'll refer to it as field #1. He noticed to his left something in the woods and turned to see a tall, white, hair covered creature standing just off the path in the woods. He ran ahead and told his brother, but did not tell the rest of the group. His brother rushed into the house to get me, telling me that something was in the woods and I should come see. I followed him outside where my stepfather relayed the story to me and the three of us walked back to the area of his sighting. As my stepfather showed me the spot where the creature had been standing, we all noticed that the creature was still present, but had moved further back, to field #2. At this point, the three of us were standing in field 1 and looking through a small strip of trees at the creature in field 2, maybe 200 yards away or so. My observations of the creature are as follows: It was approximately 7' tall, covered in hair, white but with a dark area on the face, think and lanky, with a head that came to a slight conic shape. It was too far to distinctly see its face but there was a definite darker colored area where the face would have been. The creature was clearly observing us, as it paced back and forth, looking around trees, standing up taller, ducking down, etc. to get a better look at us. After approximately 45 seconds, the creature retreated to an area where we couldn't see it clearly. I walked through the trees into field 2 to get a better look at it, but it had disappeared. The area where it had been walking was matted down, but there were no distinct prints. Judging by nearby trees, I estimated its height to be 6.5 - 7 feet.","location_details":"East on Route 104, near town of Huron.","county":"Wayne County","state":"New York","season":"Fall","title":"Report 26566: Man observes tall, white hair-covered creature during a family gathering near Lake Ontario","date":"2003-09-20","number":26566,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dr9q4m8h21","temperature_high":70.3,"temperature_mid":60.38,"temperature_low":50.46,"dew_point":52.06,"humidity":0.67,"cloud_cover":0.35,"moon_phase":0.81,"precip_intensity":0.0007,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1020.92,"summary":"Overcast in the morning.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":286,"wind_speed":1.64,"year":2003,"geometry":[-76.89331,43.27314]} {"observed":"While this incident occurred a long time ago, it may be ofsome use, as I have never heard of any such sighting in North Dakota. Whilecoming back from a hunting trip outside of Minot, North Dakota in aroundthe third week of April, in 1962, a friend of mine and I were followedby a creature as we returned in the direction of the trailer park in whichwe lived. (My father was working for the Department of the Air Force onthe Missile site Installations at the time.) After walking back from somedistance out on the prairie, I had the distinct feeling that someone orsomething was following us. Eventually I became so uncomfortable that Idid look over my right shoulder and saw at a distance of about 50 yardsor so, what I thought at first was a great ape. I cannot describe to youwhat I felt at that moment. It fixed me with it's eyes and stood up onit's hind legs when it saw that it had been seen. As all I had was a singleshot .22, shooting it was out of the question. I got a real good closelook, long black shiny hair, oily looking, and it rose from all fours onto it's hind feet.(I am certain it had followed us for some time). Verytall. No hair on the face above it's nose or the palms of it's hands. Longarms. Very malevolent expression conveyed to me. I cannot overemphasizethis. It began to move in our direction. (I was with a partner). Both ofus ran as fast as we could. We didn't look back after this.","location_details":"Ward County, Just outside of a the Minuteman Trailer Park,outside of Minot, North Dakota.","county":"Ward County","state":"North Dakota","season":"Spring","title":"Report 751: Hunter describes described being stalked near Minot","date":"2000-04-21","number":751,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c8xfw2rt0n","temperature_high":79.51,"temperature_mid":58.955,"temperature_low":38.4,"dew_point":31.01,"humidity":0.32,"cloud_cover":0.34,"moon_phase":0.6,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1011.47,"summary":"Partly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":6,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":237,"wind_speed":11.14,"year":2000,"geometry":[-101.3166,48.25422]} {"observed":"(Please see Minot Daily News Vol.88 No.63 for March 3, 2004 for full story.)","county":"Mountrail County","state":"North Dakota","season":"Winter","title":"Report 8165: Rash of sighting reports from multiple witnesses","date":"2004-02-22","number":8165,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c8qzwbzmm1","temperature_high":30.68,"temperature_mid":26.28,"temperature_low":21.88,"dew_point":24.78,"humidity":0.94,"moon_phase":0.09,"precip_intensity":1.1551,"precip_probability":0.55,"precip_type":"snow","summary":"Heavy snow until afternoon, starting again in the evening.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":322,"wind_speed":1.7,"year":2004,"geometry":[-102.701,47.72964]} {"observed":"I was coming home after work about 9:30 to 10 pm heading north on ridge road. It recently rained. Something rain across the road on two legs. It was about 50 to 100 yards away. It appeared to be about as tall as the hood of my car. It stopped momentarily as my headlight hit, and looked at my car, and then it turned and continued to cross the road and disappeared into the woods. I was thinking, \"what the hell was that?\" I live nearby and hunt throughout the surrounding woods. I know it wasn't a bear or any thing we normally see in the area.","location_details":"forested wetland at the base of a ridge on southeast side and agricultural field on west. whatever it was it crossed west to east","county":"Warren County","state":"New Jersey","season":"Summer","title":"Report 13276: Motorist has nightime sighting near Harmony","date":"2005-12-21","number":13276,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dr4xfuf0rc","temperature_high":29.43,"temperature_mid":26.54,"temperature_low":23.65,"dew_point":13.71,"humidity":0.64,"cloud_cover":0.38,"moon_phase":0.69,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1021.73,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.91,"wind_bearing":266,"wind_speed":2.46,"year":2005,"geometry":[-75.11044,40.76345]} {"observed":"My summer ecology class was hiking to Middle Fork Lake. As with most classes, some students walked faster than others. I was with the stragglers, a few of whom were suffering from the cold and thin air. The trail had only been opened, as I recall, the previous day, and ours was the first group of the season to make the ascent. Lots of snow remained in shaded areas and in many places on the trail, and it was obvious no one had walked ahead of us, although a couple of older men on four wheelers passed us at one point. We were getting fairly close, within a half mile or so, to the lake; the slope was very steep. I remember our little group went past a switchback and we were uphill from a stream. Somewhere in this stretch, crossing the trail at a right angle, was a series of very large, apparently bipedal, tracks. In shape and contour, the tracks appeared human. No details, such as toe impressions, remained or could be readily detected, but every indication was that the tracks had been made by bare feet, not boots. The students immediately starting exclaiming, Bigfoot, bigfoot! Doing my best to downplay the tracks, I told the students that they were probably those of a hiker and that they had become enlarged as a result of melting and refreezing. Privately, I didnt believe that story for a second. As far as I was concerned, the impressions were the record of something extremely unusual. The tracks were huge, at least sixteen inches or more in length and quite wide. The depth of the tracks in the snow and soil was far beyond what I could duplicate; it was obvious, even to the students, that whatever or whoever made the tracks had immense weight (I told them the hiker was probably carrying a very heavy pack). The distance between the tracks was on the order of four feet or more, an interval that was all the more impressive considering the extreme steepness of the mountain in that area. It did not seem possible to me for any human to duplicate such a feat (so to speak) as was performed by the mysterious maker of those tracks, especially considering the conditions of snow and slope. In addition, the tracks were not headed to Middle Fork Lake. Of course, that doesnt prove anything, but I found it strange that anyone would hike up the mountain, avoiding the trail, and heading to something besides the lake. As best as I could determine, the tracks appeared to be going in the direction of Bull-of-the-Woods Mountain.","location_details":"We were on the trail to Middle Fork Lake. Approximately 36.5990 N, 105.4113 W.","county":"Taos County","state":"New Mexico","season":"Spring","title":"Report 4904: Professor and students discover series of large footprints crossing high mountain trail","date":"2000-05-17","number":4904,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9wt01q9uds","temperature_high":51.96,"temperature_mid":34.875,"temperature_low":17.79,"dew_point":12.2,"humidity":0.29,"cloud_cover":0.23,"moon_phase":0.48,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning and windy until evening.","uv_index":12,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":270,"wind_speed":14.15,"year":2000,"geometry":[-105.4113,36.599]} {"observed":"On Aug 26 around 2:20-2:30am my two cousins were driving back from Minot, they took the back roads to get home faster. They were about 2-3 miles from home on Counrty Road 7 when they said that they were just talking and notice on the left side in the North bound lane a large brown hairy 7-8ft tall thing was standing there, they said they were going about 50-55mph and slowed down a bit, as they passed by it they taped on the brake and in the brake lights they saw it and punched it back home, they said they were so scared that they were going aleast 90mph to get back. As they got to one of my cousins house they went and wroke my Uncle up and told him that they saw big foot. Then they drove to my house and wroke me up, so i said them \"yeah right like you seen a big foot around here\". They were both scared and shaking so thats when i knew that they saw something, so I took two spotlights a 5 million and a 3.5 million, my Uncle had a 1 million light also. We asked them to show us, in which they were both agreed after the calmed down a bit. we left there car and took my Aunts van and headed north, they showed us the spot and i marked by throwing out a full water bottle and I asked them which way do you think it was going and if they seen more, she said that \"it might of been moving West\", so we headed West bound on Country Rd. 6 just North of White Shield as we headed about 1-2miles west from Country Rd. 7 we turned North bound on Country Rd. 5 as we were spotlighting in the cut Wheat Fields. I was on the passenger side and my Uncle was driving we were both looking around with the lights when I picked up a bright RED reflection of eyes, as i told my Uncle to stop i notice that this thing was on all fours moving west towards us and then it stop and what looked like it sat down, i mean it looked like a gorrilla from the movies. As we stoped and sat there we must of been watching it for about 3-5mins, It seemed unreal to me but as i started to realize that this is happing and that we don't have gorrilla's in North Dakota that is when my Uncle notice two more sets of eyes behind the one we were watching, my cousins started screaming and cussing at us to leave and to get the Cops and Game & Fish, so after that we started to turn around and head back in i noticed it stood up that's when i said hurry up lets get Game & Fish out here. When i arrived at my house my cousin called the BIA and they said they will contact the Game Warden. My Uncle and I told my cousin to tell them that we are going to go back out there and wait for the Game Warden, my cousins stayed. My cousin husband wanted to go with us. As we started to turn on country Rd. 5 thats when we noticed the smell of pee and old sweet and slew odor, it wasn't us because i checked the smell inside that van and it smelled better then the outside. We stoped and jumped out and started to listen, thats when we noticed the truck lights on Country Rd. 6 it was the Game Warden. We flashed him down and talked to him and gave all the info so he said he will check the field out and left moving East with all his spotlights on. As we talked my Uncle said \"try to call it\" so my cousin husband made a howling sound and sure enough another sound came back a faint bellow South West of us about 1/2-1mi. There is no cattle around there so we started to head in that direction and stoped where we thought the sound was at. we had the windows down and started to listen for any sound, there was none not even crickets or birds or grasshoppers chirping so we turned around and left, stoped Game Warden and we stated looking untill 7am that morning, we noticed that there were lots of slew and deep weeds a place for a good hiding spot. On the next day we started looking for prints and we found some impressions in the cut wheat field and ditch, the prints were close to 15 1/5 inches and about 5 1/2 - 6 inches wide. We stoped a BIA officer and told him that we found some imprssions so he came out there and took some pictures, the foot prints pointed in a East direction as we started to track them we found 3 other sets that seemed like they were zigziging around, after an 30min or so we track it to a tree row where it seemed that there were spots of cut hay put into piles and pine tree branches 2in thick snaped off, the sap still ozzing out from the break, and sunflower or tall weeds stems in that spot, there was no tall weeds around that spot, so we walked around and found a slew just at the end of the tree row about 200yards away, had the same stems from the weeds. On the 31st of Aug my Uncle and I kinda made a path of direction, it looks like they follow slews and small ponds maybe for drinking water. The direction was taking them to Lake Sakakawea, has we tested taht theory we were West of White Shield when we heard a low scream, a dog that lived at a farm house started to bark. Where the spot we seen it and to the location where we heard it, are theory was correct. On Sept 4 since we left them alone for a couple of days we went to the spot where we thought the would be at.. NO Luck they weren't there so that was the end of the search or hunt, until Sept 9 when 6 kids saw a tall black thing running on two legs heading West on BIA 1 just 1/2mi North of White Shield, I talked to the kids and the said when it was running in the field it was black and on two legs and as it crossed the road it took 3 steps and it was on the other side. This was around 9pm and the sun was setting. By the time the kids told it was dark, my Uncle and I drove back there and found nothing, the next day Sept 10 we tried to find the path where this thing or big foot crossed, we are still looking for signs or even better prints. Thats it for now.. will update later","location_details":"From Garrison take Highway 37 west, keep going west when you hit 1804 to White Shild then turn North on BIA 1 which takes you thru White Shield, North of White Shield about 1/2 mile you will hit Country Road 6 that where big foot was seen crossing the road...","county":"McLean County","state":"North Dakota","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12562: Multiple witness sighting near White Shield","date":"2005-08-27","number":12562,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c8rx3mwvze","temperature_high":75.24,"temperature_mid":60.49,"temperature_low":45.74,"dew_point":48.76,"humidity":0.7,"moon_phase":0.78,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1011.85,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":316,"wind_speed":8.84,"year":2005,"geometry":[-101.8886,47.71188]} {"observed":"Foot prints where found in the bad lands of North Dakota near Mandaree.","location_details":"The location was about 10 to 15 miles south of Mandaree ND.The landscape was the bad lands,steep clay hills,some brush and trees.","county":"McKenzie County","state":"North Dakota","season":"Winter","title":"Report 8130: Tribal government employee photographs line of tracks in snow","date":"2004-02-26","number":8130,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c8qyyr6fnm","temperature_high":39.25,"temperature_mid":35.21,"temperature_low":31.17,"dew_point":30.5,"humidity":0.97,"moon_phase":0.21,"precip_intensity":2.069,"precip_probability":0.73,"precip_type":"snow","summary":"Mixed precipitation throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":108,"wind_speed":2.16,"year":2004,"geometry":[-102.7291,47.63297]} {"observed":"The following occured in 1975 when I was 14 years old. My family lived in Bellevue, Nebraska (near Offutt Air Force Base) where my father had recently retired from the U.S. Air Force after 24 years of active duty. I now live in Florida. Actually, this incident was a series of three encounters over a three-day period. A bit of background seems necessary. My girlfriend lived on the next block. Our houses were separated by a field with a stand of trees on the north side of the field; the stand of trees was approximately 20 feet wide at that time and ran East-West. The stand of trees ran to the East to Bellevue Blvd. On the East side of Bellevue Blvd. was a heavely forested area that was either a part of, or bordered, Fontenelle Forest. I would go over to my girlfriend's house and visit until it was time for me to go back home (my curfew was 10:00 pm during the summer). The first incident occurred as I was crossing the field on my way home around 10:00 p.m. I was walking in a NW direction with the thick stand of trees to my right. I heard heavy foot-falls and occasional snapping of branchs within the stand of trees. Whatever it was within the trees was paralleling me. When I stopped, it stopped. When I began walking again, it began walking. It was very dark in the field and I could not see anything. After several stops and starts, I became somewhat frightened and ran the rest of the way across the field, climbed over the 4-foot chainlink fence that surrounded our backyard, and ran up our backyard (it was basically a hill) and into the house. The second incident happened the very next night. This occurrence happened exactly the same way as the first incident. The final incident happened on the third night. As I crossed the field I again heard the heavy foot-falls and snapping of small branches within the stand of trees. However, this time I was not being paralled; the thing was heading in a SW direction which placed it on an intercept course to my NW direction of travel. I could hear it getting closer, but could not see anything because of the extreme darkness. Near the point of interception, I began to smell a foul odor. The odor was very stong and almost made me gag. By now the foot-falls were very near. I could feel the thing cross in front of me very close, but could not see anything. The foot-falls were now on my left. At this point I became extremely scared and began running across the field. I'm not sure, but I suspect I cleared our 4-foot fence without even touching it. About half-way up the hill (our backyard) I stopped. I can't explain why I did this, but I simply felt compelled to do so. I turned around and saw what had crossed my path. The backyard and a portion of the field was nicely illuminated by a flood-light my father had put on the back of the house. Standing at the edge of the field next to a clothes-line pole, was a creature on two legs. It was covered in dark brown hair. I estimate the height at 7 feet. This is based on the fact that the clothes-line pole was 6 feet in height and the creature's head was a good foot above the top of the pole. I was approximately 40-50 feet from it, but could not make out any facial features. I recall that there was eye-shine, but I can't recall the color, possibly reddish. The thing was extremely thick across the chest. The arms hung almost to the knees. This thing was very muscular. We stood there staring at each other for approximately 20 seconds before I turned and ran into my house (I chickened out before it did). There is no question in mind that what I saw was a bigfoot.","location_details":"Georgia Ave. and Tulip Ln. run East-West My house was approximately 1/3 of a mile from Bellevue Blvd., which ran along the heavily forested area of Fontenelle Forest.","county":"Sarpy County","state":"Nebraska","season":"Summer","title":"Report 7809: Teen has nighttime sighting near Fontenelle Forest","date":"2005-01-06","number":7809,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9z7f40nqfj","temperature_high":9.8,"temperature_mid":8.595,"temperature_low":7.39,"dew_point":1.68,"humidity":0.82,"cloud_cover":0.31,"moon_phase":0.86,"precip_intensity":0.0009,"precip_probability":0.52,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1020.34,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the evening.","uv_index":2,"visibility":8.21,"wind_bearing":212,"wind_speed":1.49,"year":2005,"geometry":[-95.88,41.134]} {"observed":"We live near Omaha, Nebraska. I am speaking on behalf of my mother. My mother first saw this \"thing \" when she was 10 years old. You have to understand the way the neighborhood we live in is set up. The house my mother lived in when she was 10 is less than a quarter mile away from the house that she lives in today. All of the yards in that neighborhood sort of connect with somewhat of a gully in the middle. The first time my mother had any knowledge of the thing, her sister and her were swinging on a double tire swing in her backyard. The next thing my mother knew, her sister had jumped off the swing and was running and screaming. My mom didn't know what to do, so she ran after her sister into the house. Her sister was hysterical saying she saw something in the back wooded area of their yard. I guess my grandpa did find some sort of large footprints. This was the first incident. The next incident was when my mom was outside her house when she was young. She saw a large thing covered in hair walking across her driveway. My mom told me that the \"thing\" walked almost as if it was bo-legged. She also said it's shoulders moved from side to side as it walked. Now my mother lives in the house I grew up in. As recently as two weeks ago, something has been seen in my mother's back yard. It hasn't only been seen by my mother, but also by my sister who frequently stays at my mom's house. About three years ago (April of 2002) is when my mom had her most vivid and frightening encounter with the \"thing\". She was letting our dogs out in the backyard and they both went barreling towards the fence surrounding our yard barking. My mom walked out in the yard, thinking nothing other than the dogs were just being dogs, and was standing waiting for them to use the bathroom. It was then when she noticed something moving in the next yard. She said it was about seven feet tall and standing behind a tree. She said as fast as the dogs had ran up to the fence to bark, they were running back to the house yelping. My mom said she froze. She always tells me the fear that she feels when she sees this \"thing\" is overwhelming. She said it then \"leaped\" from behind one tree to another. That's when she started running. She said she looked behind her and it was now coming forward towards her. She ran in the house and locked the doors. My mom lives in a brick house and she has also told me that on occasion she will hear something that sounds like something beating or throwing itself up against the side of her house. My mom is completely afraid of this \"thing\". We would really like someone to contact us or something. My mom doesn't really talk about this to anyone because she feels that they'd all think she was crazy. We don't know what to do but we do need some help or advice.","location_details":"(Location withheld by request).","county":"Douglas County","state":"Nebraska","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12482: Various sightings by residents near the Missouri River","date":"2005-08-13","number":12482,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9z7f971hy0","temperature_high":73.19,"temperature_mid":64.935,"temperature_low":56.68,"dew_point":62.29,"humidity":0.8,"cloud_cover":0.44,"moon_phase":0.28,"precip_intensity":0.0018,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.76,"summary":"Light rain until afternoon.","uv_index":8,"visibility":9.7,"wind_bearing":53,"wind_speed":3.86,"year":2005,"geometry":[-95.92,41.238]} {"observed":"It was dark at the time. I was living on a road surrounded by woods. I went out to take my dog for a walk. Our driveway connected to a dirt road that ran up the side from the main rd. We walked to the end of the dirt road and along that road is a tree lining of woods. As we started heading back I looked over a noticed a tall figure staring at me at the edge of the woods. I couldnt make out what it was. It was definitely taller than 7ft and stood on two legs. It had orangish eyes. I started walking back down the road towards my house and when I would stop it would stop an look at me. I would walk some more, so would the thing and then once I stopped it stopped and would look at me. At this point I was really freaked out so I yelled for my dog to run and we sprinted towards the house. When I finally got inside I looked down our driveway and across the road at the tree line and the figure was there still staring at me. I told my father but when he looked he saw nothing.","location_details":"[Investigator Note: For the Google Maps pin for the location of the figure seen in this incident, .]","county":"Strafford County","state":"New Hampshire","season":"Fall","title":"Report 69143: Dog walker reports being paralled at night along dirt road near Sunrise Lake","date":"2000-10-15","number":69143,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"drtrnx3gcb","temperature_high":70.04,"temperature_mid":53.855,"temperature_low":37.67,"dew_point":44.33,"humidity":0.58,"cloud_cover":0.17,"moon_phase":0.59,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1015.2,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":306,"wind_speed":7.28,"year":2000,"geometry":[-71.07906,43.45844]} {"observed":"Audio Experience only: Whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop, whoop, wooo.... Sunday, September 12, 2004 at about 03:00 AM I was woken up from a sound sleep by a very loud noise. I listened for a while and tried to figure out what could make such a loud, repetitive noise. It wasn't a coyote howl or fishercat screach, didn't sound like any owl I know of, wasn't a raccoon or tree rodent... After 15 - 20 minutes, I went to sleep. My dog woke me with frightened barking at 4:00 AM when the sound was twice as loud and I knew the critter was within 100 feet of the house. Also, there were two responding calls, one sounded fairly close and one was in the distance. I got up to make sure the sheep were OK in their pasture with an electric fence around it and there was nothing by the barn where the goats were. I flashed the light over to the chicken coop and nothing was there either. I flashed the light throughout the yard and into the trees to see if there was any clue or any danger to the animals. I saw nothing and while I shone the light, the calls ceased. All day I asked EVERYONE if they knew of any local animal that made the noise and repeated it all day long. A friend suggested that I look it up on the internet. I listened to all sorts of animal vocalizations with no luck. When I finally typed in the words of the actual sound it was an identical match to this site!!! I'm not saying I had a bigfoot encounter, but I definately encountered whatever the campers up in Lincoln, NH encountered last summer!!! There may be a rational explaination and someone may know of an indigenous animal that makes that sound -- and trust that I will still try to find out what it is... but the sound will resonate in my memory -- as it was like no other animal/bird I've ever heard. It was not too fast, nor garbled, it was incredibly loud and clear. The dog was very nervous.","location_details":"I would rather not give details as it was my home.","county":"Rockingham County","state":"New Hampshire","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9313: Vocalizations heard near Rockingham","date":"2004-09-12","number":9313,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"drtscv5bmt","temperature_high":74.98,"temperature_mid":65.595,"temperature_low":56.21,"dew_point":52.61,"humidity":0.78,"cloud_cover":0.07,"moon_phase":0.93,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1021.66,"summary":"Partly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":6,"visibility":8.82,"wind_bearing":203,"wind_speed":1.6,"year":2004,"geometry":[-70.93333,43.05]} {"observed":"Well it was a few weeks ago in Loudon, NH. Me and my wife had just settled into a house nestled next to a farm. It was night time no real overcast or anything. From inside the house we heard what we thought was barking constantly. We own several dogs so we were used to it. this continued for about an hour or two then quieted down. Later on that evening about 2am or so we heard the most bloodcurdling sound ever. The only way i can describe it is like about 20 dogs all screaming and yaulping at once in a shrill chorused scream. We haven't heard it again but it came from across the farmer's field in the woods across from The speedway. I'd have to say the date was around January 10th or so. We have heard other things too and seen plenty of deer...but never heading across the field. We don't know what it was and did not see it at all. We have seen shadows move down the dirt road we live on but figured it was just someone walking up the road. Maybe we're just paranoid...but i've lived in the woods here a long time and never heard anything like that before.","location_details":"It happened in the woods across from the NH International Speedway in the areas between Loudon and Chichester or so...big patch of woods out there very rural all the way to winnepesaukee.","county":"Merrimack County","state":"New Hampshire","season":"Winter","title":"Report 1975: Couples hears late night scream in Loudon","date":"2001-01-10","number":1975,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"drtnjxyu8j","temperature_high":21.08,"temperature_mid":14.84,"temperature_low":8.6,"dew_point":1.84,"humidity":0.55,"cloud_cover":0.12,"moon_phase":0.53,"precip_intensity":0.0001,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1011.39,"summary":"Breezy in the morning and mostly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":2,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":313,"wind_speed":9.19,"year":2001,"geometry":[-71.46778,43.28556]} {"observed":"I had never thought of looking on the internet to report what my ex-girlfriend, a friend, and I saw one night. Didn't know a nationwide report site was on the net. At the time we were students at the local college. We drove one night out to Red Cloud campground, adjacent to Chadron State Park, and parked in a parking pad at a campsite. We were in the car with the windows up. I recall the exact campsite. It was a full moon on a fall night in September of 2003. The grass was still green. This location is in the Pine Ridge, an escarpment, a part of Nebraska National Forest, just adjacent to Chadron State Park. We were parked facing up a ridge. We had been sitting for about a half an hour, when uphill in an area clear from some trees (this area is mostly covered by ponderosa pine trees), about 40 ft away we saw something on two feet run across our view out the front window, had to be running at least 30 miles an hour. From the silhouette that we saw, it was very tall, not exceptionally bulky. It had a rangy or sinewy build and looked muscular from the silhouette. It was a full moon, but there are no lights in or around this campground. It ran by way to fast to notice any hair features. We all looked at each other, like, \"What the f*** was that\". We were all bewildered, and my girlfriend was really scared. I definitely knew we had witnessed something extraordinarily strange, and we got the hell out of there. We didn't even go around the loop to turn around because that was toward where it was running. Note that we knew there was no one at all parked or camping up there while we were there because we went around the loop upon entering. We went back there the next day during the daylight to see where it would have been running. There is a lot of brush, grass, stumps, and bushes where this thing was running through, and in my opinion, there is no human that can run that fast through there even in the daytime. I've told people I might have seen Bigfoot, but like most people, they just think I'm full of it. I don't lie, and I would never have anticipated seeing something like that. As to my knowledge at that point, there were reports of Bigfoot in the Pacific Northwest area, not Nebraska. I camped at the campground last summer with my current girlfriend. Didn't see anything unusual, but got really bad vibes after revisiting my past memory. We were the only one's camping out there. Every other time we went camping out there it was with multiple people.","location_details":"From Chadron, you head south on US hwy 385. You begin to climb from Chadron's level on the plain up onto the Ridge, first crossing Chadron Creek, passing Chadron State Park (on the right). Red Cloud Campground is the first turnoff on the right just after Chadron State Park. The elevation is around 3500 ft at this point.","county":"Dawes County","state":"Nebraska","season":"Fall","title":"Report 23046: Three witnesses observe large creature run in front of them while parked in Red Cloud State Park","date":"2003-09-15","number":23046,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9xwfbhdmx9","temperature_high":81.52,"temperature_mid":64.095,"temperature_low":46.67,"dew_point":34.68,"humidity":0.46,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.66,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1013.21,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":215,"wind_speed":2.77,"year":2003,"geometry":[-103.0044,42.69657]} {"observed":"BACK IN THE SUMMER OF 1977,MY HUSBAND AND I WERE LEAVING HIS UNCLES HOME LATE AT NIGHT.WE WERE IN THE AREA OF MENDEM,N.J.(I BELIEVE THIS IS THE CORRECT SPELLING.)WE WERE ON A VERY REMOTE DIRT ROAD.WE HAD MADE THIS TRIP TO MY HUSBANDS UNCLE NUMEROUS TIMES AND I ALWAYS ASKED MY HUSBAND TO LEAVE THE INTERIOR LIGHT ON IN THE CAR,BECAUSE IT WAS THAT BLACK AND SOME HOW,I FELT SAFER. THIS ONE NIGHT AS WE LEFT,WE SLOWLY WENT ALONG THIS REMOTE TRAIL SLOW AS USUAL WHEN SOME THING CAUGHT OUR EYE.\"IT\" CAME FROM THE FRONT LEFT DRIVERS SIDE OF THE CAR,STOPPED DEAD CENTER IN THE MIDDLE OF OUR CAR WITH OUR HIGH BEAMS ON IT,AND THEN CONTINUED TO MOVE QUICKLY TO MY RIGHT INTO THE WOODS AGAIN. THIS HAPPENED SO QUICKLY,BUT MY HUSBAND AND I STOPPED THE CAR ALITTLE FURTHER UP TO ASK EACH OTHER WHAT WE JUST SAW.JUST FOR YOUR INFO,I AM A BELIEVER,AND MY HUSBAND IS THE SKEPTIC IN THE FAMILY.HE SAID EXACTLY WHAT I HAD BEEN DESCRIBING TO MYSELF: ABOUT 6 FEET TALL.HAIRY BROWN,WITH UNUSUALLY LONG ARMS THAT SEEM TO SWAY MORE LIKE AN APE.WHEN IT STOPPED IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF OUR CAR,IT'S FACE LOOKED MORE APE/MONKEY LIKE THAN HUMAN HOWEVER FEATURES WERE THERE THAT MADE IT APPEAR HUMAN LIKE.IT RAN/WALKED QUICKER ONCE IT SAW US. THIS HAPPENED SO MANY YEARS AGO,BUT IT SEEMS LIKE YESTERDAY TO US. MY HUSBAND IS NOW A BELIEVER BECAUSE HE WITNESSED SOMETHING VERY STRANGE.MANY MANY YEARS LATER WHILE BROWSING THROUGH A NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC MAGAZINE,I SPOTTED A PHOTO OF SOME PRIMATES.ONE IN PARTICULAR WAS VERY SIMILAR TO WHAT WE SAW THAT NIGHT IN NEW JERSEY. I AM NOT ONE TO WRITE IN,AND EVEN AFTER WE TOLD MY HUSBANDS UNCLE WHAT WE SAW THE FOLLOWING DAY,HE LAUGHED AND SAID IT WAS PROBABLY A BROWN BEAR.WE DON'T KNOW MUCH ABOUT BEAR,BUT I HAVE NEVER SEEN A BEAR WITH ARMS THIS LONG SWINGING THEM SIDE TO SIDE. SO WHAT WAS IT? MAYBE SOMEDAY WE WILL FIND OUT. I AM SHARING THIS EXPERIENCE WITH YOU BECAUSE WHAT WE SAW BACK IN 1977,WAS SIMILAR TO A \"BIG FOOT\" THAN ANY OTHER ANIMAL WE HAVE EVER SEEN,OR READ ABOUT.WE'RE OLD ENOUGH NOW TO TAKE A GOOD \"RIBBING\"FROM OUR FRIENDS,BUT IN 77,WE BASICALLY TOLD VERY FEW PEOPLE WHAT WE SAW THAT NIGHT. THANK YOU.","location_details":"I AM WRITING TO YOU AT 1:30 AM. MY HUSBAND IS SLEEPING.HE COULD GIVE YOU EXACT LOCATIONS AS HE WAS THE DRIVER. I BELIEVE THE AREA WAS CALLED MENDEM/MENDAM...NEAR BERNARDSVILLE. SHOULD YOU NEED ADDITIONAL LOCATION INFO I WILL GLADLY HAVE MY HUSBAND PROVIDE IT FOR YOU.","county":"Somerset County","state":"New Jersey","season":"Summer","title":"Report 2750: Driving along a secluded road at night, couple's car almost strikes creature crossing road","date":"2004-04-23","number":2750,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dr4zvcq63p","temperature_high":58.57,"temperature_mid":52.1,"temperature_low":45.63,"dew_point":50.05,"humidity":0.82,"cloud_cover":0.9,"moon_phase":0.13,"precip_intensity":0.0026,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1018.26,"summary":"Light rain overnight.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.77,"wind_bearing":50,"wind_speed":3.45,"year":2004,"geometry":[-74.6215,40.7446]} {"observed":"On a friday night in October of 1969 at 9:30pm, me and another person were sitting in a car on Serviss Ave in North Brunswick, New Jersey. I was 15 years old at the time, and had just come home from a night out. We were parked on the right hand side of the dead end side of the block. There are two houses on the right side of the street, then there is woods, and then Lawrence Brook. The moonlight was shining from behind the car towards the brook. While talking I glanced up towards the brook when I seen two red eyes in the middle of the road about 35 to 40feet away. Immediatly I said \"whats that thing in the road?\" The driver turned his headlights on and thats when we could see that this thing was not a dog or, person, or bear. This thing was hunched down on the ground, and from the ground to the top of its head, it looked to be three and a half to four feet tall. After the headlights were turned on it sat there for about thirty second. We saw that it was hairy with three to four inch length reddish/brown hair and while standing it was about five feet tall. After the thirty seconds it stood up turned around and sort of waddled into the woods at a snails pace. We guessed it was ticked off by the headlights, and good thing because we were scared and locked our doors. Once it went into the woods I exited the car and ran into the house. The driver threw the car into reverse backed out into Nassay Street, threw the car into gear and sped off down to Livingstone Ave. After I went inside my house I told my mother, whose answer was it must have been a dog or bear, and thought nothing of it. This was a one time occurance and I have not seen anything like it since, but I did hear other things when I lived there.","location_details":"Take Livingston Ave to Nassau St go up one block to Serviss Ave make a left and a you are there.","county":"Middlesex County","state":"New Jersey","season":"Fall","title":"Report 2271: Night time sighting by New Brunswick resident near Lawrence Brook","date":"2005-12-11","number":2271,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dr5n38g16w","temperature_high":38.56,"temperature_mid":32.735,"temperature_low":26.91,"dew_point":22.96,"humidity":0.77,"cloud_cover":0.41,"moon_phase":0.37,"precip_intensity":0.0005,"precip_probability":0.39,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1003.75,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":2,"visibility":7.05,"wind_bearing":246,"wind_speed":1.75,"year":2005,"geometry":[-74.4611,40.478]} {"observed":"It was about three or four months (April or May) ago in the late afternoon, about 5-ish when my brother and I and a few friends were hanging out on our back deck. My brother saw it first. I saw nothing until my brother gave me a better point of reference, then I saw it. It was sitting on a large rock on the hill side, a grey ape-like creature. My brother went and grabbed his BB gun. He took a shot in the general direction of it. It was seated in profile to and turned its body to look at us. It then got up and climbed a large rock face (about six to ten feet high) behind it. It was climbing hand over hand like a man or ape would. Once it reached the top it walked off over the ridge and out of sight. It walked with a bit of a hunch, not completely upright like a man but not like any other animal Ive ever seen. It was no bear nor a coyote.","location_details":"(edited out - home residence)","county":"Morris County","state":"New Jersey","season":"Spring","title":"Report 12065: Group observes animal in daylight, one mile from Federal Hill near Riverdale","date":"2005-12-10","number":12065,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dr71hww7b7","temperature_high":33.37,"temperature_mid":27,"temperature_low":20.63,"dew_point":17.88,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":0.07,"moon_phase":0.33,"precip_intensity":0.0001,"precip_probability":0.13,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1016.27,"summary":"Partly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.52,"wind_bearing":229,"wind_speed":1.71,"year":2005,"geometry":[-74.3249,40.9934]} {"observed":"It was at least 2:00 am, in January or Februrary. The temprature was in the low teens. I was dropping a friend off at his home, the back of which was separated from the Highway (Rt.72) by about 150 to 200 yards of woods and a dirt road. There are no homes or streetlights on this part of Rt.72. The east side of Rt.72 is completely untouched woods for miles into Burlington county. This area was the end of a development that had never been finished. Work stopped in the late 1970's, as part of the Pinelands Preservation Act. There was a dirt road about 30 yards behind the house,which connected to the East into a grid of unfinished, unpaved roads. At that time his house was the last house on that road, completely surrounded by woods. We were talking beside the car under the streetlight for at least 20 minutes, when we both heard a woman screaming. It sounded like it was coming from the unpaved road behind his house. We both thought someone was in trouble, so we ran inside his house and grabbed a flashlight, knife, and a hatchet. We ran into a trail along the right side of the house, (south-east) which led out to the dirt road. We could hear the screams getting louder and more to our right in the woods.| We were only about 40 paces into the woods, when I started feeling very uneasy, and I started to realize that this wasn't a woman screaming. I could hear it now to my right, more like a loud whistling now (not ahead in the dirt road like I had thought) about 15 yards away. We both stopped and listened for a few seconds, my friend had the flashlight scanning the woods which was new growth oak saplings, blueberry bushes (waist high) and 12' to 14'ft. scrubby pine saplings(20 years old?). I could hear it heaving as it breathed in and exhaled out with a very loud high pitched whistling, we couldn't see anything but It was very close to our right as we faced southeast -- within 10 yards. My friend immediately turned toward me and said \"that ain't no girl screaming\" and quickly moved past me back toward the house. I was standing still and listening, it was still screaming right at us. At this point I knew it wasn't a girl at all, more like a loud whistling is how I could best describe it. There was no noise other than the screams. There was no movement at all. No sound of struggle. I thought that it might be a wounded animal, like a deer or something. It was so loud and the deep breathing noises were from a much bigger animal than a fox. I could distinctly hear it breathing in and out rapidly to make the screaming noise. I remember thinking that it's dangerous to be this close to a large wounded animal. It was not like anything I had ever heard in my life. I turned and headed back, looking and listening. It was still screaming, but did not follow. We immediately called the police and reported it. Within 15 minutes we went back outside, now the screams were further toward the south-east, very faint now. It had definitely moved off quickly. The screams faded totally within 10 minutes. We listened for at least another 45 minutes but it was gone. I don't know what the police had done after we'd called. I had always thought it was a wounded animal of some kind.","county":"Ocean County","state":"New Jersey","season":"Winter","title":"Report 12825: Possible vocalizations heard in undeveloped section of Ocean County","date":"2005-11-13","number":12825,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dr54j64hyy","temperature_high":61.55,"temperature_mid":59.05,"temperature_low":56.55,"dew_point":48.9,"humidity":0.79,"cloud_cover":0.19,"moon_phase":0.42,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1024.06,"summary":"Partly cloudy starting in the evening.","uv_index":3,"visibility":8.54,"wind_bearing":204,"wind_speed":6.56,"year":2005,"geometry":[-74.2975,39.7384]} {"observed":"I don't know what I saw, but I have been hunting the woods of New Jersey for over 16 years, and I have never come across a thing like this. I got to my tree stand just before light as I do every time I hunt the mornings. It was the rut, when bucks chase does to mate. So the woods had a musky ordor to it. But this was a smell that was differnt than the smell of deer urine. This smell was more strong and foul. I hunted the morning but didn't see a deer. Around 10 oclock I called my buddy who already got down that I was getting down. He told me he was going to get breakfest. So I got down and slowly hunted back to the truck. I took the long way back on an old logging trail. As I hit the logging trail that strong ordor came back. I thought that maybe I should knock an arrow. As I began to knock the arrow I felt that a deer stepped out onto the trail, but it wasn't a deer, I don't know what it was it wasn't a bear either. It looked at me , stopped for a second and turned back and walked back from where it came from. It was about seven or eight feet tall about four or five hundred pounds may be more with long dark hair and short brown hair on his neck and head. I paused for a second thinking may be this was a joke be played on me, but my buddy said he left to get food and he is no where near as big as the thing I just saw. I called my buddy but our phones were out of range. I ran out of the woods in the opposite direction as the thing. I thew my bow and nap sack of so I could run faster. We later went back with a farmer who new the land better and also brought his 12 gauge. We didn't find anything when we went back. The ground was too hard and leafy for obvious tracks.","location_details":"Little mountaininess very rocky","county":"Passaic County","state":"New Jersey","season":"Fall","title":"Report 10918: Hunter has early morning encounter 8 miles north of Riverdale","date":"2005-12-10","number":10918,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dr71sycpg5","temperature_high":32.99,"temperature_mid":25.915,"temperature_low":18.84,"dew_point":17.68,"humidity":0.69,"cloud_cover":0.05,"moon_phase":0.33,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1016.06,"summary":"Partly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.6,"wind_bearing":225,"wind_speed":1.3,"year":2005,"geometry":[-74.321,41.08335]} {"observed":"I work for (removed at request of witness). The headquarters dispatcher reported some customers were without water in the Rocksprings community. I responded and went up to the storage tank site which is located approximately 1 1/2 miles Northwest of the Sagebrush Bar. I checked the tank level and found them to be empty so I proceeded back towards Highway 264, the road to the tanksite is a dirt road. I was about 150 yards from the highway, the only light was from my unit's headlights shining straight down the road. My mind was traveling around the water system thinking about the scenarios that would be causing this water outage.About 20 yards from the truck I saw something walk out from behind a Juniper tree that is located on the west side of the dirt road. Right when it stepped out into the lights of the truck, it hesitated and it looked towards me,I stopped the truck at that moment. It then started to walk faster, picked up it's stride a little more. It took about 4 steps walking across that road, it did not cross the road in a straight manner, it crossed at an angle on the road and walked behind another Juniper tree that is located on the East side of the dirt road. I had stopped the truck as soon as it had stepped out onto the road, my visual contact time with what I now refer to as \"the Creature\" was about 15 seconds. I waited there to see if it would come back out or if I could see any type of movement, I did not see any. I sat there for awhile thinking,what did I just see ? My mind went through an elimination process, I thought, that was not a horse, a cow, a deer or an elk, 4 of the large animals that are prevalent in this area. The creature had a shiny brown hairy coat, it was approximately 7 feet tall, it's face was like a monkey's and the eyes were big and black, like a big teardrop shape. it's head was small and it came to a long point towards the back. The torso was skinny, narrow shoulders, the arms and legs were about 3to 4 inches in diameter, it had elbows and knees but I did not see any hands, fingers or a type of foot or toe structure. The hand and foot area were just rounded off, like nubbed. The only closest description would be like the way an amputee's arm or leg might look, rounded off.It took about 4 steps for it to cross the road,it's gait was long. I sat there about 30 seconds wondering if I should start driving forward towards the highway or turn around and use the other turnoff further west. Also at that time, a chill came over me and I hurriedly locked both doors, I did not even want to look out towared my side window because a fear had come aver me at that point. I just revved the engine and drove fast towards the highway. I drove fast down to the pumphouse and found the problem, it was a power outage to the wellsite. I had to go back to Ft. Defiance to pick up some fuses, I did not want to go back out to the area alone, so I had the dispatcher contact the Electric Line standby and I went back to the well along with him and I got the well back in service. The next day, my co-worker and I went back to the site and found the footprints, he had a digital camera and he took some photos of the footprints. The footprints were about 4 to 5 ft apart, we tracked it to the East into the brush area. That night I went home and drew what I had seen and told my children of the incident.","county":"McKinley County","state":"New Mexico","season":"Fall","title":"Report 10266: Witness sees unknown animal cross dirt road near New Mexico State Route 264","date":"2002-09-17","number":10266,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9w6ddxt49j","temperature_high":74.6,"temperature_mid":64.7,"temperature_low":54.8,"dew_point":39.32,"humidity":0.44,"cloud_cover":0.41,"moon_phase":0.38,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1005.9,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning and breezy until evening.","uv_index":8,"visibility":9.79,"wind_bearing":232,"wind_speed":12.65,"year":2002,"geometry":[-108.8676,35.63736]} {"observed":"I was driving at night on I-25 on raton pass. This happened last night. It was late and then I noticed something on the side of the road. I thought it was a bear or something. Then it took of and ran across the road behind my car. I was so surprised and shocked I did not stop. It was about 6 ft plus and it crossed the road in three steps or so.","location_details":"Approx 1 mile from the top of Raton Pass going south on I-25","county":"Colfax County","state":"New Mexico","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10349: Motorist has nighttime sighting below Raton Pass","date":"2005-01-23","number":10349,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9wtdqqryjj","temperature_high":61.35,"temperature_mid":44.63,"temperature_low":27.91,"dew_point":19.71,"humidity":0.52,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.45,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1022.72,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":249,"wind_speed":1.67,"year":2005,"geometry":[-104.4801,36.9934]} {"observed":"My uncle, my six year old cousin, and I were on one of our little weekly expeditions to explore the surrounding mountains in Winnemucca, Nevada. We were walking up the foot of a mountain on the ridge of a wash and there was still about a foot and a half of snow on the ground when my cousin said that she saw a guy standing on top of the mountain and I said \"There's no one up there, it's to far from any civilizations. It's probably just a juniper bush.\" But about five minutes later, our 95 pound Doberman/Greyhound mix made a mad dash underneath the truck by the foot of the mountain. (And our dog was not one to be scared off easily, it scare's away anything that comes close to the house, and it even took on a mountain lion once, it has the scars on it's underbelly to prove it.) Just about the time me and my Uncle looked up towards where my cousin was pointing, we heard a low, droning howl and what I thought was the juniper bush, was animated now, walking downwards, and swaying side to side slightly. It spooked me and my uncle because on the way up we saw a totally decimated cow carcass! About that time we headed out to the truck because we were pretty shaken up by what we had just seen. We were reluctant to tell anyone in fear of being laughed at and ridiculed.","location_details":"You can see the mountain from on the outskirt's of town. You can basicaly see the peak of the mountain that the sighting occured.","county":"Humboldt County","state":"Nevada","season":"Winter","title":"Report 20780: Hikers spot a dark figure walking on a snowy mountainside near Winnemucca","date":"2005-02-15","number":20780,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9r5yw9z903","temperature_high":25.44,"temperature_mid":20.48,"temperature_low":15.52,"dew_point":19.28,"humidity":0.95,"moon_phase":0.24,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":52,"wind_speed":8.55,"year":2005,"geometry":[-118.1806,40.52737]} {"observed":"I was traveling southeast from crownpoint nm, on the eastern part of the Navajo Reservation. i was headed home as i was going through a small canyon (pass) in the head lights of the vehicle i observed a animal traveling east to west across the high way, it appears to about 6ft. tall and big, it was walking on two legs and went into a small gully i pulled the vehicle around and shine the light up the gully and i could not relocate the animal. due to the darkness and only seeing it through the head lights i could not make out the hair color it appeared dark. i know the differents between deer and other animals and it was not one of them, i could not explain what i've seen.","location_details":"about 10 miles southeast of crowpoint nm on highway # 9 i belive it a bia road","county":"McKinley County","state":"New Mexico","season":"Fall","title":"Report 12994: Man observes creature walking across road.","date":"2005-11-03","number":12994,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9w74qqnmkv","temperature_high":55.76,"temperature_mid":48.065,"temperature_low":40.37,"dew_point":26.18,"humidity":0.38,"moon_phase":0.06,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1017.14,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":228,"wind_speed":7.26,"year":2005,"geometry":[-107.9978,35.58565]} {"observed":"Last summer, my mother was awaken by the dogs who were barking really hard so she got up and went upstairs to check on the children. On her way back down she just happened to look out of the window and she saw this dark figure walking up the road. She couldn't see it that well because trees were blocking her view but the window was open so she heard it making deep grunting noises. All the dogs in the neighborhood were barking and crying. About a week before my mom seen it, my aunt was also awaken by the dogs and she looked out here window (upstairs) and saw it disappear into the trees behind her house. She lives just next door to us. A few weeks after my mom seen it, I saw it. I woke up about 3 o' clock a.m. and my bed is positioned in my room so that if I sit up, I can see directly out of my window. My room is also on the second floor so I sat up and I saw it walking up the road. My window was open and the odor it let out smelled like something dead or decaying. It was about 7 or 8 feet tall, it was black, it's head kind of had a point near the back, as it walked it seemed slightly hunched over and it naturally swung it's arms. it was about 8 ft from an orange street light so I could see it clearly. I watched it as it walked up the road and once it got past the trees I couldn't see it anymore so I ran downstairs to my mom and woke her up then she came up to my room and she sat on my bed with me then the dogs started barking back by my house so we just sat on my bed and looked out the window. In the ditch by the road, we see it's figure through the trees, it was playing with a can or something. It was scary. We hear a lot of stories from the people who have seen it. Our neighborhood isn't that big and it's only been there for about 10 to 15 years, plus it's in the mountains.","location_details":"Between Mescalero and Ruidoso, New Mexico. On the Mescalero Apache Reservation.","county":"Otero County","state":"New Mexico","season":"Summer","title":"Report 1918: Nighttime sightings on Mescalero IR","date":"2001-08-06","number":1918,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9tuv3cfye5","temperature_high":81.53,"temperature_mid":69.825,"temperature_low":58.12,"dew_point":41.44,"humidity":0.36,"cloud_cover":0.07,"moon_phase":0.58,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Partly cloudy in the evening.","uv_index":12,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":110,"wind_speed":4.11,"year":2001,"geometry":[-105.7395,33.27735]} {"observed":"We hear screams almost every night throughout the spring and summer months. This particular incident occured after midnight, approximately 1:00am. I was awakened by all the neighborhood dogs barking. Even my dog was barking outside my window. Suddenly my dog began to cry. I sat up and walked into the living room and opened the sliding door enough to peek out side and listen to what the dogs were barking at. When I heard a loud scream like screeching then it turned into a loud holler. This screaming sounds went on for about ten minutes and came closer to my home. I then closed the sliding door and continued to peek out my living room window. I saw this tall hairy thing like a man standing next to the other window looking inside my home. I got down on all fours and began to crawl into the kitchen where he couldn't see me. I remained there for about five minutes, then looked toward the window where he was standing and could not see him. I crawled to the window and peeked out. I saw it walking into the dark carrying something in its hand. The next morning when I looked out my front porch my deer jerky that was hanging to cure was gone.","location_details":"Four miles north of Mescalero School.","county":"Otero County","state":"New Mexico","season":"Spring","title":"Report 10126: Possible night time sighting by a resident in the Carrizo neighborhood of Mescalero IR","date":"2004-06-02","number":10126,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9tuv4m3287","temperature_high":84.91,"temperature_mid":66.79,"temperature_low":48.67,"dew_point":16.19,"humidity":0.14,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.48,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":12,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":237,"wind_speed":2.82,"year":2004,"geometry":[-105.7197,33.2516]} {"observed":"Around 11:00p.m. my sister in-law ran in to my mother in-law's house from outside and said that she seen something very tall walking on the trail below the house. She said it was walking back and fourth on the trail below before it came up to the house and stood at the corner looking at them sitting there. That's when her and her friends ran inside and told me. We checked outside around the front but saw nothing. So they went in her room after that. Me and my girlfriend stayed in the living room and watched TV. When we heard some noise in the dinning room I said,\"what was that?\". She said I dont know so I jumped up to see. Some of the girls came out to see what the noise was. It was like somebody throwing stuff around in the room. When I got to the dining room I saw a large hand reaching in the window. It reached across a table by the window and pulled out a bowl that had some food in it. We all got scared and I called the conservation office. Nothing else happened after that. This thing has been hanging around this town [Mescalero] for about 2-3 years now. About 2 years before that, a bigfoot followed my brother in-law home from a friends house about 12:00am He saw it down the road, about 150 yards away. He got scared and ran home. When he got to the door he started pounding on it. He didn't know it had followed him, but when he looked behind him he saw that the bigfoot was standing there looking at him, about 10 feet away. When they opened the door my brother ran inside. He said the thing left after about 5 minutes. Another sighting was about a year ago at the same house. My mother in-law went out to get her clothes off the line. There was snow on the ground. It was about 8:00am. She saw two sets of tracks, a very large set and a smaller set, like it had a smaller one with it. The tracks went between the house and the clothes line. Some of her clothes were on the ground. The tracks went down to the trees below her house. Now I live in a trailer home up the highway. The closest house is a mile away. One time I could hear loud screams one canyon over from where I live. One night me and my girlfriend were here without any power and no dogs. We were going to bed and we heard a sound like a rumble on the side of our room. It was like somebody bumped our trailer with a car. It happened just once. I figured it was a bigfoot because we've heard it around here.","location_details":"all of this happened over different seasons and times. And the locations were brushy and have alot of trees around.","county":"Otero County","state":"New Mexico","season":"Summer","title":"Report 10114: A few witnesses see something reach through an open window in Mescalero N.M.","date":"2004-07-26","number":10114,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9tuu8ed8kf","temperature_high":67.72,"temperature_mid":59.7,"temperature_low":51.68,"dew_point":53.67,"humidity":0.83,"cloud_cover":0.62,"moon_phase":0.31,"precip_intensity":0.0017,"precip_probability":0.62,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.2,"wind_bearing":102,"wind_speed":1.55,"year":2004,"geometry":[-105.7947,33.15405]} {"observed":"my name is ( withheld ) i am a water hauler i was working on some water pits early one morning in december around 3:30 am it was very cold that morning i had my work lights on around my truck i smelled what i thought was a dead animal when i noticed in the moonlight something very large on two legs running around my truck it wouldn't get near the light it seem to be afraid i didnt say anything to anybody one day i told one of my coworkers and he told me he had seen something a month earlier that looked like a animal on two legs and was chasing his truck the reason im telling you i read that the sighting was in january of this year in raton i was curious if its maybe the same thing this happened in ( withheld ) between bloomfield nm and dulce nm ( withheld ) my coworker and talked about what ever it was in feburary he called me one evening about 7:00 pm and told me he had seen it again and it was standing next to his door on the drivers side ive never heard of anybody being that afraid on the phone but to this day we havent heard of it being seen lately","location_details":"(withheld)","county":"Rio Arriba County","state":"New Mexico","season":"Winter","title":"Report 11526: Water hauler has late night encounter","date":"2004-12-15","number":11526,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9we3p3wt17","temperature_high":45.92,"temperature_mid":36.62,"temperature_low":27.32,"dew_point":20.43,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":0.2,"moon_phase":0.14,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1028.67,"summary":"Foggy starting in the evening.","uv_index":3,"visibility":7.97,"wind_bearing":186,"wind_speed":0.62,"year":2004,"geometry":[-107.6021,36.7474]} {"observed":"I was in gubnerdor nm rio areba co. it was about 6:30 p.m. and i was in a oil field on blm land. im a water hauler and was heading out to the hiway and got stuck in a ditch. it was at this time that i saw it. i was sitting there and was looking around when i felt it starring at me .. i turned and looked out my drivers side windo and he was looking at me. he was about 3 to 6 feet away and it was dark and had just rained . i looked at him and turned on my side work lights and he put up his hands to block the light from his eyes and thats when i got a real good look at him .. he was about 7 or 8 foot tall and very musculer build hie hands where like a humon hand but bigger and his face was that of a gurillas but little more human and his hair was long and dark brown after a few seconds he let out a scream and turned around and ran off with very long strides and very smoth gat .. that was the 2nd. time i saw it out there and a friend saw it a time ot two .","location_details":"this was in the oil field in gubnerdor on BLM land ans ranch land","county":"Rio Arriba County","state":"New Mexico","season":"Winter","title":"Report 11109: Close range night time sighting by water hauler near Gobernador (on BLM land).","date":"2005-01-10","number":11109,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9we8uhucm1","temperature_high":51.82,"temperature_mid":44.24,"temperature_low":36.66,"dew_point":35.35,"humidity":0.83,"moon_phase":0.02,"precip_intensity":0.04,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1020.65,"summary":"Rain until evening, starting again overnight.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":161,"wind_speed":1.24,"year":2005,"geometry":[-107.3956,36.72065]} {"observed":"DULCE NEW MEXICO Around 2:55 am on the morning of June 21st, I was going outside to check the trash cans to check if there was room for more trash bags. As I walked outside I heard what sounded like a scream coming from over by the Navajo River area. The scream lasted for about 15 seconds. During the time there was absolutely no sounds, ie dogs barking, crickets, etc. It was interesting, and kind of scary.","location_details":"Around the navajo river.","county":"Rio Arriba County","state":"New Mexico","season":"Summer","title":"Report 11976: Vocalizations heard near Dulce","date":"2005-06-21","number":11976,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9wefj20h10","temperature_high":88.74,"temperature_mid":71.26,"temperature_low":53.78,"dew_point":37.06,"humidity":0.33,"moon_phase":0.48,"precip_intensity":0.0029,"precip_probability":0.32,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"wind_bearing":95,"wind_speed":1.27,"year":2005,"geometry":[-106.9958,36.91475]} {"observed":"while camping protecting other equipment before a feats was starting. Early in the morning heard several screems from one of the canyon, we where camping at the entrance to two canyons. the screems where high pitch and whooping frist set of screems where about two min. long the secound was about min. i got up early and asked my nephew if heard the screeming he stated he heard it from up the canyon. i know the diffrence between a coyote, cougar, or bobcat screem it sounded nothing like it, it sounded more like the recorded screems, recorded by others over the net.","location_details":"(withheld)","county":"Rio Arriba County","state":"New Mexico","season":"Summer","title":"Report 11992: Late night vocalizations heard near Dulce","date":"2005-06-26","number":11992,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9wecnhvzwz","temperature_high":73.74,"temperature_mid":59.49,"temperature_low":45.24,"dew_point":37.51,"humidity":0.44,"moon_phase":0.67,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":5,"wind_bearing":204,"wind_speed":0.78,"year":2005,"geometry":[-106.9547,36.7657]} {"observed":"I am new to this stuff, so I won't even try to cover everything related to this trip. That's for others to talk about. I can tell about what I observed and heard. There were about twenty five people at the BFRO's Jemez Mts. expedition in northern New Mexico a few weeks ago. Several things happened during the expedition. I'll only describe what I observed personally, from where I was standing or sitting at the time. If you were on this trip, and you don't see me mentioning the other incidents that happened closer to your positions, then please write them up yourself. This is what I personally experienced. Pam R. Albuquerque, New Mexico [Portions below are edited by BFRO editors] Thursday, August 11th: Day : Bright and Sunny I, along with my sister our two boys, followed the expedition group along mountain roads near the first base camp to help find views over elk grazing areas where the guides could blast and listen. Several good spots were found and noted by GPS units. All of were at high elevations and had breathtaking views across vast mountain forests and canyons. The guides needed to see as many of these locations as possible while it was still light, so we kept moving most of the time. We explored these mountains for hours and only passed two other vehicles and one ranch house. Night : Rainy and Windy Most people headed out for the view locations visited during the day. My sister and another lady remained at the base camp to rest and listen for sounds in that area. Blasting at first location : Nothing heard. There was a lot of wind and rain from the west. No animals were heard responding to the blasts, not even coyotes or owls. The decision was made to move around to the east facing slope, away from the winds. Blasting at second location : We heard some things. Unlike at the first blasting location, there was very little wind and rain on this side of the mountain. The guides said the east side of the mountain would get the usual afternoon rain coming up from the Gulf of Mexico, but it was pretty sheltered from the storms blowing in from the west. There was only a slight drizzle once we got up on the east slope, and there were patches of fog hanging in the gullies. My two boys (Nick and Will), and I drove past the blasting site (#2) about 1/4 mile (using left fork in road at blasting site). One boy was asleep in the bed of the pickup truck. Around the first curve, the headlights lit up a small cloud of dust swirling in the road, as if an animal has just got off the road in a hurry. We drove slowly through the dust swirl. The ground was too rocky and gravelly for tracks. Not far beyond the swirl of dust, a bank of thick fog covered the road. We drove into the fog bank and pulled up to a clearing on the left, about 1/4 mile up the road from the blasting crew. We stopped and shut off all lights. Both boys were in the bed of the pickup truck and I was inside with the windows down. I heard nothing for a while. After a few minutes, the boys said they heard the sounds of sticks breaking inside the tree-line. The fog was too thick for us to see inside the tree-line. The source of the sound did not seem to move. There were occasional branch snapping sounds coming from one direction. This lasted for about two minutes. We could hear the blasts from down the road, but heard no responses to the blasts. After about an hour of hearing nothing more, we drove back down to the blasting team. At the blasting site I continued to listen for several minutes. I was very tired by now and cold. I needed to relieve myself, and I'm female, so I turned on a flashlight and marched up the road just far enough away to find some privacy. I walked in the opposite direction of where we had seen the dust swirl in the road. When I rounded the first curve in that direction, I was \"hit\" with a series of low pitched growls (about 7 or 8) that seemed to come from the tree line directly ahead of me. I stopped for a few seconds to make sure of what I was hearing. The growls were distinct, but very low pitched and just barely audible. I could feel the hum of the growls in my chest area. It seemed like I could feel the sounds better than I could hear them. Then, there was a louder growl which I could hear much better. That caused me to run back to the truck and my boys. I went toward the truck and whispered to Nick and Mike that I had been growled at. We walked back toward where I had heard the growls. On the way down Mike stopped me and said he saw movement in the brush. I heard branches snapping in the same direction. The three of us moved back to the truck and tried to call the others via the walkie-talkie. As I fiddled with the radio I heard loud moos and bellows from some cows in a gully below us. I had the impression that they were spooked by something. I got in the pickup truck to warm up. Nick walked with Mike Sedillo and the other guys down to where the leg of a young deer was found in the road. Will and I sat bundled up in the vehicle with the windows down. After 20 or 30 minutes we heard a wild clamor of fighting coyotes in the woods uphill from us. Among the fray of coyote sounds was something odd. It was a strange yowling. It stood out among coyotes' yips, yaps, and snarls. It sounded more like a human or an ape. This went on for about 45 seconds and then died down. I think a few people near the blasting area recorded it. [See the link to the sound clip at the bottom of the page] People were spread out at bit. Other people heard sounds that I did not hear from where I was. Many were distant sounds, some were closer. There were lots of different animal noises in this area (frogs, coyotes, owls, cattle, elk, etc.) compared to almost no animal sounds near the first blasting area. It was getting very cold around 2:30 am. The plan for the next day was discussed. It was obvious that there was a higher concentration of animals in this area compared to the first area. About six or seven people, including me, insisted that we also heard something that was not a 'known' animal. Everyone agreed that we should focus on this area, and move the base camp closer to this area. Friday morning, August 12 : Packed up Base Camp #1. Everyone helped pull up camp near the first blasting location, and relocate it closer to where the sounds were heard the night before. Friday night, August 13 : At Base Camp #2 the guides recommended that we blast Tahoe screams and Ohio howls and some other sounds from base camp that evening, because the sounds would echo through the area where we were the night before. They said if what we heard the night before was actually a sasquatch, the blasts would likely attract it toward the base camp. After the second blast a short but distinct \"return call\" was heard. It sounded very similar to the Tahoe recording, which is what they were using to blast with at that moment. Some of the other people who heard it said (over the walkie-talkies) that it might have been a loud echo of the Tahoe recording. They radioed for Ed to blast it again, to see if they could hear the \"echo\" again. After a few tries, there was agreement that what was heard originally could not have been an echo, because we could not reproduce it. Within 30 minutes or so, some of the other people said they could hear something walking in the woods on the north side of camp. There was some talk about how to respond to this, so as not to scare off whatever was stalking the camp, but rather to encourage it to come closer. I didn't get to hear those sounds. My own tent was about 100 yards away from that group (Los Alamos team). What they heard at that point, and later on, is for them to tell. Saturday morning, August 12: We returned to blasting area #2 during the day and searched the area where Mike and Nick said they had been paralleled through the woods by something. We found some freshly overturned aspen trees and cow bones. We also found the spot where I think the growls had come from. Lots of possible impressions. The ground and leaf litter was too thick to make any identification of tracks. Saturday around sundown, August 12: The group I was with drove up the road beyond blasting area #2 and dropped off five of us (Nick, Will, Mike, Pam (me), and Brooke) to walk the road downhill. The drivers moved the vehicles ahead to make various sounds from their positions. They gave warnings over the radios, then made a particular sequence of sounds which they have heard in other areas. We could hear it clearly from our position. Everyone stood still and silent and listened for responses. There was no immediate response. After about twenty minutes the sequence was repeated. Within a few seconds we heard at least two faint, womanish shrieks in the distance. The shrieks frightened my extremely skeptical sister. We assured her that those noises were peanuts compared to the ones the night before. We listened for another twenty minutes and heard nothing. It started to rain so we drove back down to Base Camp #2. It was not far down the hill. Blasts made from the base camp could be heard from this area, so we figured we could lure it toward the base camp by blasting a few times from there. We went back and blasted from base camp. For about an hour we heard no responses, so we turned in for the night. While in our tents, the four of us, who were camped farthest away from the other tents, heard whistle noises coming from the woods on the slope above us. There was more than one whistler and there might have been three. They were not whistling continuously. It was an occasional back and forth exchange, but this went on for about an hour and we probably heard about 30 or 40 different whistles. They were definitely not elk whistles, and were too variable in tone and pitch to be bird. They sounded more like short, soft human whistles calling back and forth to each other as they moved to different parts of the hillside. I fell asleep eventually but then awoke to the sound of two loud, heavy footsteps directly outside the tent. I thought at first that someone from the group had silently approached our tent and expected to hear someone call our names. I whispered to my sister, \"Did you hear that?\" She tapped me on the shoulder twice, which I thought was a signal to go back to sleep. As it turns out, she was trying to tell me that she had heard it as well and wanted me to simply be quiet and listen some more. I went to sleep, and heard no more sounds that night. The next day several people took time to look around the hillside where the whistles were heard. Several possible tracks had been found on a different part of that hillside the day before. More were found on Sunday. Bill and Brooke from San Francisco cast a few those. Some brush structures were found and photographed. I'll leave it to the others to tell about the other things they heard and found.","location_details":"Jemez Mountains ; North-Central New Mexico","county":"Rio Arriba County","state":"New Mexico","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12418: Various sounds heard during the BFRO's Jemez Mts. expedition.","date":"2005-08-11","number":12418,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9w7vq4uhwg","temperature_high":78.6,"temperature_mid":66.73,"temperature_low":54.86,"dew_point":51.66,"humidity":0.65,"moon_phase":0.21,"precip_intensity":0.0092,"precip_probability":0.88,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Rain starting in the evening.","uv_index":1,"wind_bearing":315,"wind_speed":0.95,"year":2005,"geometry":[-106.9571,36.095]} {"observed":"[Note - At their request, the witness's names were removed from this report.] It was back a few years ago when we were still scouting put-ins and take outs on the non- commercial sections of the San Juan River. We would drive these narrow two track roads to find river access. And then float and scout these sections accordingly. We could not find any real information either in print or on the web about the river from Shiprock, Nm, down to Montezuma Creek Utah. We had to explore it ourselves via kayaks and canoes. Nowadays, we have a river company through the Navajo Tribe, and take people down this sections all the time. We found a put-in at mile ten just out side of Shiprock. It's about ten bumpy bad road miles to the river, but provided a good launch area. We used my truck to put -in with the boats. We had already dropped a truck off at Four Corners Bridge. (some 17 river miles away) The day was fairly warm for early March, mid 60's I think. We did the run in under 5 hours. We loaded the boats and gear in the truck,and headed back over to pick up my truck. It was getting dark by the time we got there. My ex wife, and my partner pulled up out of the small canyon before me. We carry walkie talkies on the river and in our vehicles. I turned mine on, and told them to wait up. My partner replied \"sure no problem\"--just then before he let go of the button, I heard XXX (my ex-wife) screaming. \"What's going on up there!\" I shouted through my walkie talkie. \"XXX sees somthing up by that old sheep corral, turn your bright's on, I can't see it because I'm trying to get outta here, and not reck this truck, she says look it's on your right, you'll be coming right up on it!\" Sure enough, I got right behind them, I saw the back of it as it turned in my headlights. A few swings of it's arms, and it was out of there. This was not what I expected to see at all. I would put it at about 7 feet tall, skinny, gray in color, arms past the knees, like looking at the back of a grinch head-pointy. XXX got a better look at it then I did. She said it looked right at her. Does not much want to talk about it. J p.s. We see strange things out here all the time.","location_details":"There is a turn off to the right of the highway just before the ten mile marker. It's about ten miles to the river. We had just come up out of the first canyon to a small flat area when this incidence occured.","county":"San Juan County","state":"New Mexico","season":"Spring","title":"Report 12542: River guide sees skinny bigfoot at dusk","date":"2002-03-16","number":12542,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9wd9mjdu1s","temperature_high":42.07,"temperature_mid":32.42,"temperature_low":22.77,"dew_point":4.32,"humidity":0.32,"cloud_cover":0.47,"moon_phase":0.08,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1011.73,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.64,"wind_bearing":219,"wind_speed":4.39,"year":2002,"geometry":[-108.7608,36.81315]} {"observed":"Big foot sighting Saturday June 15, 2002 At approximately 8:30 pm I was on my way back from a dinner with my grandfather Near Shiprock, NM. While sitting on the passenger side of my mom's truck I was looking out the window. On state highway near crystal NM. before bowl canyon turn off. At that moment I was feeling calm, bored and frustrated with trying to calm my younger cousin who was very hyper. So. while I was looking for something to amuse him I sighted something unusual moving, it was HUGE. It was as tall as the cedar trees that are around there. I was very scared and shaken when I saw it. I thought \"What the heck is that!\" It looked like a man but, as I was watching it I noticed it had hair covering its whole body with a mixture of grey/ dark brown and white on its chest. The head and the feet also the hands were all dark in color and the legs were dark grey. The face was lighter in color and when I saw the face it was turned toward my direction. The forhead was most unusual and it really stuck out with no neck. It had a little slump in the shoulder and its arm spanned down to its knees. It took large steps and its arms swung back and forth. The distance from the highway was about 60 yards. and I told my mom to stop, but she was scared, too scared to turn around.","location_details":"Between Highway State routes 12 North and New Mexico State Hwy 666 (on New Mexico State Route 134)","county":"San Juan County","state":"New Mexico","season":"Spring","title":"Report 4538: Early evening sighting in meadow near Narbona Pass in the Chuska Mountains","date":"2002-06-15","number":4538,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9w6td8e31n","year":2002,"geometry":[-108.87,36.126]} {"observed":"LATE IN THE AFTERNOON, EARLY FALL. GETTING READY TO MOVE OUR LIVESTOCK BACK DOWN FROM THE MOUNTAIN TO THE WINTER CAMP. MY BROTHER AND I WITH OUR MOTHER, WERE LOOKING FOR OUR CATTLES, MOM HAD COOK AND WE ATE LATE LUNCH. GOT SOME REST AND TALKED ABOUT WHAT AREAS WE NEED HAVEN'T CHECKED YET. MY BROTHER WAS STILL EATING SO MY MOM AND I, DECIDED TO CHECK THE AREA BELOW OUR SUMMER SHEEP CAMP, WE GOT IN MY TRUCK AND STARTED DRIVING SLOWLY. WE HAD DROVE ABOUT A MILE OR TWO FROM THE HOUSE, DOWN THE MOUNTAIN SIDE, THICK BRUSHES AND PINE TREES. DRIVING SLOW ENOUGH TO LOOK AROUND FOR ANY COWS THAT WERE DOWN THAT WAY, USUALLY THERE ARE SOME, BUT TODAY THEY WEREN'T ANYWHERE TO BE FOUND. SO WE, KEPT DRIVING, MOM TALKING ABOUT HOW THE WEATHER WAS CHANGING AND GETTING A BIT CHILLY. I KEPT LOOKING LEFT AND TO THE RIGHT DRIVING SLOWLY, THEN I SAW A MOVEMENT JUST BEHIND THE PINE TREES, FIRST I THOUGHT IT WAS A MAN, SO I STOPPED AND BACKED UP FOR JUST A BIT, AND SAID TO MOM, WHO'S THAT? SHE GOES WHERE? I SAID RIGHT THERE, LOOK! AND POINTED FOR HER IN THAT DIRECTIONS. THAT (PERSON ) WAS STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO A PINE TREE, TALL REDDISH BROWN, THAT (PERSON) WENT BEHIND A TREE AND STOOD THERE, SO I BACKED UP SOME MORE AND THEN THAT (PERSON) TURNED AND STARTED MOVING FAST AWAY FROM US INTO THE THICK BRUSHES, THATS WHEN MOM AND I, BOTH NOTICED THIS (PERSON) HAD LONG HAIRY ARMS BECAUSE WHEN IT TURNED AROUND, THE ARMS SPAN AROUND, IT WAS REDDISH BROWN. IT RAN INTO THE FOREST, WE WERE STILL PARKED THERE PUZZLED, MOM GOES \"WHAT WAS THAT?\" I SAID I DON'T KNOW..THEN I GOT SCARED AND LOOKED AT MY MOM ,AND SAID, LETS GO, WE TURNED RIGHT THERE ON THE ROAD AND HEADED FOR HOME, WE DROVE BACK FAST AND BELIEVE ME, THIS PARTICULAR ROAD REQUIRES SLOW DRIVING, BUT NOT THAT AFTERNOON, WE GOT BACK TO THE HOUSE AND TOLD MY BROTHER...HE GOES, IT'S PROBABLY A SHEEPHERDER, I TOLD HIM A SHEEPHERDER WOULDN'T HAVE LONG HAIRY ARMS. THEN HE TELLS ME, NO THEY WOULDN'T. HE WANTED TO GO BACK DOWN THERE AND LOOK FOR THAT PERSON, BUT I WAS SCARED AND SUN WAS ABOUT TO GO DOWN BEHIND THE MOUNTAIN, IT WOULD BE DARK SOON, I'M GOING DOWN THERE THAT EVENING, NO WAY. WE PACKED UP OUR STUFF AND LEFT FROM THE MOUNTAIN.","location_details":"NEAR THE ARIZONA AND NEW MEXICO SATELINE, ON THE CHUSKA MOUNTAIN. BETWEEN RED VALLEY, AZ AND TSAILE, AZ. EAST SIDE AND THE CHUSKA MOUNTAIN. SUMMER SHEEP CAMP.","county":"San Juan County","state":"New Mexico","season":"Fall","title":"Report 11589: Mother and daughter see creature from the road","date":"2003-10-19","number":11589,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9w6rn2b4cz","year":2003,"geometry":[-109.0612,36.39135]} {"observed":"My sister is in town visiting from Texas with my niece and nephew. She wanted to visit my grandmother's summer camp up in the Chuska Mountains before she headed back to Texas. We left on Friday the 5th of August from Albuquerque and headed through Farmington to Shiprock. We didn't arrive until about 2330 at the location of my grandmother's home which is abandoned now and dilapidated. The door faces east the back portion of the home the roof has collapsed. We set up camp in a clearing north of my grandmother's home near my aunt's home and my uncle's home, just to the west of the clearing and east of a small grove of pine trees. We finished setting up the tent about 0030 the 6th of August (Saturday morning) with the main tent door facing south and the other 3 small doors facing west, south and east. We ate a late dinner of warmed up hamburger patties my sister made earlier in Albuquerque. We finally bedded down about 0115. I was near the west door and then my mother, my niece and nephew and my sister was near the east door of the tent. We said goodnight goofing around saying \"good night John Boy\". It was then I shut off my cell phone to conserve the battery and it listed 0128. I settled in and looked up thru the rain cover, it has a clear plastic portion in the center of the tent and I couldn't see any stars because of the clouds. Also due to the rain cover I could not smell much from outside the tent. The outside of the tent you couldnt see without a light source, the best you could see was about 2 feet in front of you and the rest was pitch black. About 15 minutes later I heard what I thought was leaves blowing from the northwest direction. The reason I thought it was leaves at first was because I only heard it when the wind was blowing from the southwest. When the wind started again I heard what sounded like leaves but then it occurred to me there are only pine trees around and only pine needles were on the ground. It came close to the tent still on the northwest side of the tent and bumped into the nylon rope used to secure the rain cover of the tent. I heard the nylon rope pull the rain cover and snap back. Then it moved to the door I was nearest. From there it walked around, even when the wind stopped blowing for about 30 seconds. The sound of the footsteps was muffled and was bi-pedal. Earlier (about an hour) there were dogs barking to the west on the other side of the lake, so I thought it was a dog at first, but it was walking on 2 legs. It then moved to the southwest portion of the tent but did not yank the other nylon rope staked down. It moved closer to the tent, near where there were 2 nylon belts for the rain cover staked down in the ground. It sounded like it squatted down and started scratching the rain cover. I heard about 10 scrapes or so, like it was wondering what this structure was made of. It must have pulled up the stakes up because when the wind blew that portion of the rain cover started flapping. I couldn't see any shadows from outside because of the overcast. It was still squatting by the corner when I heard a second set of footsteps to the southeast of the tent about ten feet away. This is when I got nervous because now there were two of these things outside the tent. I didn't hear the second one come close to the tent. About a minute later I heard rocks clicking from the northeast direction, but it was a distance away. I got more nervous thinking there might be three of those things out there, so I hit the panic button on my sister's SUV key chain. The alarm went off. That's when my sister woke up wondering why the SUV was beeping. I told her there's two of something outside the tent. I didn't hear the one near the tent (southwest) leave but the other started walking away and it stepped on a branch as it left. Then about 3 minutes later I heard the rock clicking again but this time from the southeast direction and this too sounded quite a distance from us. My sister couldn't hear the rocks clicking. She's a little hard of hearing but she did hear the branch breaking as one of them walked away. All of this occurred in about a 20 minute time frame. I waited for 10 minutes more but didn't hear anymore footsteps and I turned on my cell phone again to check my time which listed it as 0215. I stayed up for about 30 minutes and finally went to sleep. When morning came I heard my sister wake up her kids to head to the outhouse just west of our camp. I got up to see if there were any footprints. I didn't find any. The grass was growing randomly and was already trampled by us. This is when I found the tent stakes were pulled up about 4 inches from the ground. There were no marks on the tent where the scrapping occurred. Then I checked where I heard the second moving and found what looked like a footprint. There were outlines of toes facing south. The whole track looked about 8 inches long. I compared it to my hand which measures 7 3/4 inches. We had breakfast and left the location about 1030. Before we left I took a look around and found 4 trees bent from about 4 feet from the ground.","location_details":"[Removed]","county":"San Juan County","state":"New Mexico","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12271: Possible visitation at a camp, 10 miles northeast of Whiskey Lake.","date":"2005-08-06","number":12271,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9w6tdun25m","temperature_high":66.88,"temperature_mid":61.375,"temperature_low":55.87,"dew_point":50.38,"humidity":0.72,"moon_phase":0.05,"precip_intensity":0.0004,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":113,"wind_speed":0.5,"year":2005,"geometry":[-108.8548,36.14505]} {"observed":"I was hunting in the Chuska Mountains (unit [withheld] of the Navajo Nation). I heard wood knocks, just two clear knocks towards the north of my tent. The previous night i had heard foot steps coming towards my tent. The other campers were south and southeast of my area 10 to 20 yards away. I was already in my tent ready to sleep.","location_details":"Before you get into the town of Sanostee, there's a turn off to the southwest (across from the trading post turn off). This is a well used dirt road that leads to the mountains. (Withheld)","county":"San Juan County","state":"New Mexico","season":"Fall","title":"Report 12915: Zoologist hears wood knocking.","date":"2005-10-11","number":12915,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9w6rn2b4cz","dew_point":29.55,"humidity":0.83,"moon_phase":0.29,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":263,"wind_speed":3.8,"year":2005,"geometry":[-109.0612,36.39135]} {"observed":"In the fall of 2003 my husband and I were living in Bordentown NJ. We were on our way home from Yardville NJ, driving down Hogback Rd heading towards Ward Ave. This road is located in Crosswicks NJ. As we came around a bend in the road we noticed what seemed to be a primate looking creature running across the road. It was upright but crouched over useing it's arms to propel itself across the road. This was no oversized monkey. It was dark, but it looked to be a dark brown color, and the body covered in a thick shaggy looking coat. It was roughly 5 foot in height hunched over. It's startling feature was it's broadness. We only saw a side and back view, so we could not make out any frontal features. As we passed the point were we saw it crossing the road, we looked in both directions of where it had ran to, and from where it had come. Looking in the direction of where it had come we saw a dog standing at the edge of the property barking. There was no sign of the creature in the direction it ran. My husband and I saw the same thing, both being startled and trying to think of logical possibilities. Trying to think of logical explainations, and none could be thought of.","location_details":"Take US 195 and get off the exit for route 130 south toward bordentown. At the light for Groville Rd you make a left. Go down until you come to Hogback rd. Make a right. The road will go straight for a while. Where it bends around to the left that is the approximate location where we saw it. If you come to the youth correctional center you passed the site.","county":"Burlington County","state":"New Jersey","season":"Fall","title":"Report 11168: Late night sighting by motorists in Crosswicks","date":"2005-12-10","number":11168,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dr4ukxf8n3","temperature_high":34.93,"temperature_mid":27.85,"temperature_low":20.77,"dew_point":18.72,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":0.04,"moon_phase":0.33,"precip_intensity":0.0001,"precip_probability":0.3,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1017.08,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":8.82,"wind_bearing":249,"wind_speed":1.76,"year":2005,"geometry":[-74.68135,40.16465]} {"observed":"October 1994 wharton forest. I picked up my hunting buddy at his house and went to his hunting spot. When i parked to let him out we decided to waste some time and b.s. It was early morning,dark and very still. We stood outside the truck talking when something let go a roar that made the hair on my neck stand up.Whatever it was, it was about 50 yards away and it wasn't moving. We shined our flashlights in its direction but didn't see anything. We got in the truck and got out of there. It was loud,like a lions roar. In late october or early november the following year, we were hunting about a mile from where we heard the roar. I got into my tree stand one afternoon at about 2:30 and waited for the deer to start moving. We where hunting on a deadend road that stopped at a thick swamp. No wind and cruchy leaves perfect for listening for deer. Dusk was setting in when i heard something making alot of noise to my right. It sounded like someone shimmying down a pine tree. It began walking across in front of me but about 50 yards away. It was heading towards the road, then it went away from me. I thought there must be another hunter in the woods besides me. I listened to it walk and it changed direction and was now walking away from the road. I said to myself, this is a deer or a hunter who is disoriented. It now was walking towards me. I stood up and got my bow ready just in case. As it came into veiw [ at about 10-15 yards ] i could see it wasn't a deer, but it looked like a man dressed in solid black. I pulled out my flashlight shined it on him and whistled. It stopped mid-stride. I put the flashlight away and tied my bow on my string and lowered it down. I then got my light back out and looked for the guy. He was gone. I never heard him leave. By now it was dark as i climbed down from my stand. I walked through the woods to the road and headed for the truck. When i got to the truck i asked my hunting parner if he had seen anyone walk by or drive by and he said, no its just you and me here. I told him i thought i saw another hunter by my stand, and he was wearing all black. The more we thought about the more it didn't make sense. Where was his bow? where was his flashlight? why didn't he acnowledge me when i hit him with the light? I didn't see any facial features, or any other color than black, like a shadow.","location_details":"within 5 miles of batsto","county":"Burlington County","state":"New Jersey","season":"Fall","title":"Report 10249: Night time sighting in Wharton State Forest, within five miles of Batsto","date":"2005-12-23","number":10249,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dr4ctf2jxs","temperature_high":52.02,"temperature_mid":40.87,"temperature_low":29.72,"dew_point":24.79,"humidity":0.59,"cloud_cover":0.12,"moon_phase":0.75,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1014.85,"summary":"Partly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.48,"wind_bearing":219,"wind_speed":4.01,"year":2005,"geometry":[-74.6298,39.652]} {"observed":"I have been a police officer in Nevada for over 19 years. In 2004 two of my college roommates called me from Idaho, and wanted to set up a climb to Boundary Peak. Boundary Peak is the highest mountain in Nevada at over 13.000 feet. It is located in the White Mountains East of Bishop, California. One of my roommates is a loan executive for a bank in Idaho, and the other is a farmer. We left Boundary Peak trailhead on the last Saturday morning of July, 2004 around 0600 am. Around 2:00 p.m. we were several hundred feet from the summit of Boundary Peak. There were two climbers making their way down the trail towards us. The last 300 feet of the climb is steep with lots of obstacles, and the trail is very narrow. We waited at our location so that the two climbers combing down would have room to pass on the trail. As we were waiting I spotted a lone climber making his way across the rim rock trail between Montgomery Peak and Boundary Peak. He caught my attention, because he kicked a rock off the West side slope of the sheer rock cliff. When the two climbers reached our location I observed something moving south about 300 feet down from us in a large bowl. The movement was too fast to be another climber, because the area that it was in was full of small shale rock. This rock is extremely hard to walk in and keep your balance on the steep mountain side. There were also several large boulders in with the shale rock where the trail was that this climber was using. When I first observed this subject, I said out loud; \"Look at that guy go. He is wearing a funny hairy climbing suit.\" My first thought was that he was some expert climber wearing a modern high tech climbing suit. All five of us looked at what I just pointed out, and there was a dead calm silence among us. We all sat there for about two minutes and watched as this creature made its way to the trees below us. While I was watching it, I made the listed observation: This creature would run on two legs upright until it came up on a large boulder, and then it would crawl over it on all four legs and run for a while on all four legs. After a short distance, it would stand back up on two legs and run until it came up to another obstacle. This creature was between 5' and 5'6\" tall. Its arms hung down to almost its knees. The head area appeared to have a long hair around the face and head. It appeared to be a light brown in color with darker hair around the head and groin area. Once it reached an area of heavy vegetation, we lost sight of it. It took over 90 seconds to reach the vegetation from the first place that we observed it. I asked the other climbers if they knew what it was that we just saw. They did not say anything. My first thought was that it looked like an orangutan. I told this to one of my friends and they replied, Yeh, maybe it escaped from captivity... Everyone left it at that and we all started back up the summit, while the other climbers made their way down. Before the other climbers left, I asked them where they were from and they said Southern California. As we were going back up I spotted the other lone climber crossing the divide between the peaks. He was about 1/2 mile south of Boundary Peak. I thought to my self that this climber might have scared the creature from his hiding place when he knocked a rock off the cliff. Once we were on the peak, the lone climber met up with us. He was an Asian male. I asked him if he saw anything down the South slope of the divide that he just came across. He said he didn't see anything (i.e. anything unusual). All three of us in our climbing party had cameras. They were all in our back packs when we observed the creature. I initially thought of trying to take my gloves off and taking off my pack to get my camera out. I realized that my camera did not have a zoom on it, and that a regular 35mm would only show a dark spot at a distance of over 300 yards. When I returned home I told a couple of my close friends about the creature that I saw. I did not want a lot of people to know about what I saw, because I did not want them to think that I was loosing it. In February of 2007 I bought 10 acres of land about 5 miles from the area that I saw the creature. I did not know it at the time, but this is where I am going to retire. I was talking to one of the local residence and I told them about what I saw up on the mountain. They did not seem surprised, and told me about a local prospector who saw something in the forest that scared him to the point that he does not want to talk about it ever again.","location_details":"It was about 1,000 feet S.E. of the peak to Boundary Peak Mt.","county":"Esmeralda County","state":"Nevada","season":"Summer","title":"Report 22386: Daylight sighting by Reno police officer and two friends on Boundary Peak Mtn.","date":"2004-10-15","number":22386,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9qez77yked","temperature_high":61.08,"temperature_mid":42.435,"temperature_low":23.79,"dew_point":10.43,"humidity":0.29,"moon_phase":0.06,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":170,"wind_speed":1,"year":2004,"geometry":[-118.325,37.8583]} {"observed":"This is a somehat long story but i will try to shorten it the best i can without leaving out anything. I also reported this to the Western New York bigfoot association and contacted back and forth with thier director Mike George. He was suppose to come down and meet me so that i could take him out to the location this vocalization occurred , unfortunatley he never made it down. This happened to myself and my long time friend and hunting partner back in winter of 2001. We were out grouse hunting one day in an area know as \"Michigan hill\" , a state owned piece of land 13,000 acres big near Richford , NY . We had hiked a mile and a half or so off the road with no luck finding any birds when we came upon a large thickly wooded gorge with a creek running through the bottom. We decided to head down the very steep hill into the gorge hoping that in the thick pine and old apple trees would be a few grouse. Once reaching the bottom and crossing over the creek we were both stopped dead in our tracks by a sound which made both of our hairs stand on end. A series of screaming growls which i can only describe as i have before as a 700 pound hyena with a serious bad attitude had stopped twop grown men with guns instantly. i will tell you as i told the WNYBIC , I have been hunting for over twenty some years and have never , and I mean never heard anything such as this in my life.Well anyway , after two or three of these vocalizations ,which were coming from only about 30 yards away or so through the very thick trees , we decided to move a little closer. What happened then was what really put the scare into us , As we split about 10 yards apart and started to move towards the sound it seemed to move around my partner almost as if it were flanking him , when it moved you could here it walking through the snow and breaking branches and smaller tree limbs , it definitley weighed alot more than in my opinion him and i put together. We moved a little more before it vocalized a few more times and moved to our left evn farhter as if it were trying to get behind us. Needless to say with all this happening and the constant barking of the dogs from the farm up by the road we were actually getting scared and nervous, whatever was in those trees didnt want us there . after about three or four minutes i glanced over at my friend whom at that time was down on one knee with his gun shouldered as if whatever was there was heading for him . He looked at me and i motioned to him that i thought it was time to leave that area and whatever was down there and headback to the road and truck as quickly as possible. We did just that moving very quickly but cautiously, the whole time looking back over our shoulders till we made the truck. We never spoke to much about what happened but never went back to that place. A year or so later i told something of the story to another friend and huning partner of mine , he was playing with me and said \"hey maybe it was bigfoot\" , up until then i never thought about that at all, then one day the same friend played me some supposed recording of bigfoot that he found on the internet and my jaw dropped , a sound i hadent heard since that day a little over a year earlier was playing in front of me , belive me when i tell you the chills were enough to kil ya. I had him record the sounds and i called my hunting partner who was with me that day (he had moved to florida ) , i played the sounds over the phone and he had the same chiiling feeling. It was indeed , 100% positive , the exact same vocalizations we experienced that day hunting. A month or so later i contacted the WNYBIC and he i sent them this story along with the tape explaining that the sounds on the tape are exactly what we heard that day , i wanted to know exactly what they were. They responded with two of their own tapes which contained even more supposed bigfoot vocalizations. i could not believe i was hearing the identical sounds we heard that day , then They even top it by telling me that there have been several other sightings and vocalizations from that area and that they would like to come down and check it out for themselves , that was the last contact i had with them , a letter along with the tapes from 2/4/02. I just wanted to share our story as i have never in all my years been a believer in a creature like this but will tell you my mind has remained totally open since then. I am not exactly sure what we heard or what was there , but i will guarantee that it was there.","location_details":"State land area known as \"Michigan hill\" in Richford , NY main road )travel out of newark valley on route 36 , you turn right of route 36 just after fishing access area. go about 1/4 mile and hang a right on michigan hill road go up th mountain approx 3 or 4 miles and hang left on access road.","county":"Tioga County","state":"New York","season":"Winter","title":"Report 7890: Two hunters experience vocalizations and encounter very large unknown animal","date":"2001-01-01","number":7890,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dr9c4xs43h","temperature_high":19.57,"temperature_mid":13.235,"temperature_low":6.9,"dew_point":10.44,"humidity":0.8,"cloud_cover":0.59,"moon_phase":0.21,"precip_intensity":0.0002,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1022.07,"summary":"Light precipitation until afternoon, starting again overnight.","uv_index":1,"visibility":6.71,"wind_bearing":312,"wind_speed":9.51,"year":2001,"geometry":[-76.17366,42.40489]} {"observed":"The town of Albion is small, there are woods, fields & streams just on the outskirts of town. With the time being around 2:00am in the morning, there were no sounds of any traffic or industrial sounds. The weather was excellent; no clouds, not the slightest breeze. My girlfriend and I had turned in for bed at around 1:30-1:45 am. We were talking to each other, just little chit chat when we both heard a far off howl/moan! At that time of night and that there was no wind to disturb the trees and hamper what we heard, it sounded like it came from the south maybe a mile or a mile and a half. The sound started low and kept going up in pitch for about 5 seconds. We both looked at each other and said \"What the hell was that?!\" Now what really freaked us out is that it did it again, only at around 6-7 seconds! It was like, \"Ooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh-----\" Now I consider myself an excellent observer with a very keen ear. I can hear things that most people either don't, or just overlook. What we heard was NOT anything mechanical nor was it a whistle. It sounded like it traveled over some distance; not like it was down the street. I am very fimiliar with all kinds of traffic noises that are associated with small towns. Even before we had heard it, we both had noticed how silent it was for quite some time. After the howl/moan, there was an echo. The sound went up in scale and didn't go down like a siren or anything like that. It wasn't a cry for help or a wolf nor any coyote (I have heard a coyote three times, once from only 200 yards)","location_details":"The incident took place right in town, but being so early in the morning it was dead quiet; no traffic noise, no wind, nothing.","county":"Orleans County","state":"New York","season":"Summer","title":"Report 7939: Powerful vocalizations heard near town of Albion, NY","date":"2002-08-22","number":7939,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dr8muthktg","temperature_high":82.25,"temperature_mid":74.145,"temperature_low":66.04,"dew_point":64.99,"humidity":0.79,"cloud_cover":0.74,"moon_phase":0.49,"precip_intensity":0.0008,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1016.09,"summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":8.33,"wind_bearing":239,"wind_speed":4.76,"year":2002,"geometry":[-78.1946,43.2265]} {"observed":"Hi, in the end of Jan. 2003 my wife and I were spotlighting for deer and coyotes in Waterport NY. We were driving my 4x4 truck through the apple orchards. The lane went through a large hedge row with a small stream in it. When we got to the other side we spot-lighted along the woods. About 75 to 100 yards there is an old spot they use to dump garbage. There was something standing next to the old fridge. I have hunted these woods since I was a little boy and never had seen anything like this. Its belly was about the top of an almost 6 foot tall fridge. I know it was an animal because its eyes reflected in the spotlight. It looked almost like a bear standing on its hind feet but there is no bears in this part of the state. As we sat there trying to figure out what it was it started to turn and walk into the woods. Wince we didn't have any weapons on us we just got the hell out of there.","location_details":"If you live around there you know right where that is","county":"Orleans County","state":"New York","season":"Winter","title":"Report 11688: Husband and wife see animal near garbage dump","date":"2003-01-15","number":11688,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dr8qee78u8","temperature_high":30.52,"dew_point":12.18,"humidity":0.56,"moon_phase":0.41,"precip_type":"snow","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":248,"wind_speed":8.7,"year":2003,"geometry":[-78.23962,43.34806]} {"observed":"I was getting ready for work one morning in the late spring of 2004. I walked out of my bathroom and there is a window in my bedroom, directly outside of my bathroom door. I thought I saw something peripherally and turned to look and see what wildlife might be outside my home this day (my backyard is completely wooded). I gasped and RAN back into the bathroom. What I saw when I looked out the window was no further than four feet from the back of my house and striding by the window when I looked. Whatever it was stood about 7 feet tall and was covered in brown hair. It was moving very quickly and was walking on two \"feet\". I don't know if it saw me, but I saw it. I stood in my bathroom for about a minute trying to gather my thoughts and I peeked out. At this point, I saw nothing. I'll be honest, for the past year I've tried convincing myself that there was a bear outside and that I couldn't possibly have seen what I did see. I do remember specifically saying for the next two weeks (around the house to my significant other and my daughter only) that [a] bigfoot lived in our backyard.","location_details":"The witness does not want the specific location published. It is near the town of Sidney, NY.","county":"Otsego County","state":"New York","season":"Spring","title":"Report 12388: Women sees tall animal pass by her bedroom window in morning daylight (8:00 AM).","date":"2004-05-31","number":12388,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"drd2u9v1t0","temperature_high":59.6,"temperature_mid":55.05,"temperature_low":50.5,"dew_point":46.47,"humidity":0.89,"moon_phase":0.41,"precip_intensity":0.0059,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Light rain starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":162,"wind_speed":0.59,"year":2004,"geometry":[-75.3811,42.32921]} {"location_details":"Rt 9 to snake hill road, 3rd private road 200 yard in.","county":"Putnam County","state":"New York","season":"Summer","title":"Report 15144: Possible red eyeshine in woods near Garrison, New York","date":"2004-09-20","number":15144,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dr77mvpsug","temperature_high":66.86,"temperature_mid":58.62,"temperature_low":50.38,"dew_point":46.42,"humidity":0.78,"cloud_cover":0.04,"moon_phase":0.21,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1027.09,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":352,"wind_speed":0.63,"year":2004,"geometry":[-73.91649,41.38084]} {"observed":"This account happened on the night of the lunar eclipse back in 2003. I was camping with my friend Pete in NY up behind his cabin (about 1/4 mile up the hill). It was about 11pm and we were both in our bags in the shelter we built. Pete was already asleep... I was trying to sleep but couldn't so I was poking the fire with a long stick. I heard something coming down the hill (heard rustling leaves, etc) but figured it was deer coming down the game trail. It is tough to tell where sounds come from at night and judge distance in the woods because it's so quiet.... but I figured it was pretty far out (about 150 or 200 yds) moving to our left. I heard some sort of popping sound like the trunk of a tree being hit with something solid or two 2x4s being smacked together and a few growls (kinda like a lion but higher pitched, kinda like a stomach growling)... I still didn't really pay any attention. I dismissed the popping as trees cracking and the growling to Petes stomach or a low volume snore. Whatever this thing was, it circled our camp keeping the same distance away. All I heard was the rustle of leaves or twig snaps. I kept hearing the popping sound occasionnally but I still wasn't freaked out. The sound eventually stopped basically where it I started hearing it. I starting thinking that whatever it was, it was a predator (showing stalking behavior)... I figured it was a bear, fox, or some other predator/scavenger that thought it was a good idea to leave us alone. But then I started getting a really creepy feeling that I was being watched. I thought my mind was playing tricks and I was imagining it... but it got worse and worse. I couldn't hear anything definitive in the woods but was still getting creeped out. I could only see part of the woods because only part of our shelter is open... but I started looking around (from my bag inside the shelter, not walking around) and what I could see was lit up pretty well because of the full moon (after the lunar eclipse anyway). I looked into a stand of trees and saw a really big dark spot... it looked like a broken off tree trunk darkened by shadow... in basically the same spot where the noises stopped. I looked around the woods a little more and came back to the same spot where I saw the tree looking thing... and IT WAS GONE!! I woke Pete up so I could tell him what was going on... and so I would know I wasn't crazy if I heard something again. I was telling him what was going on when we heard the popping/thudding sound again... He loaded his gun (Pete has a permit to carry a handgun in NY). We got out of our bags and restoked the fire and I heard his stomach growl... really loud!! He said, \"Man you must be hungry.\" I said I thought that was his stomach and we just looked at each other. We went to investigate where I saw the disappearing shadow thing and we made a lot of noise to scare off whatever it was (breaking branches, kicking at the leaves, talking/yelling to each other). We looked around the woods a bit... I heard something up on the ridge keeping pace with us but moving away. It didn't run, just moved away from us at the rate we were moving toward it. We stayed up for a little while longer and heard nothing so we went back to bed. Pete was out like a light and I stayed awake just listening. About 30 minutes later, THE THING CAME BACK!! I woke Pete up as I heard it come down off the hill from the same direction it started from... it was making a truck load of noise banging trees (we think it actually pushed one over too). It growled a few times, and it's foot steps were really heavy... based upon how Pete and I sounded moving through the woods earlier, this thing had to weigh much more than both of us (I'm 6'2\" and 250lbs). It came in on our left and walked behind our camp about 30-50 yds... We couldn't see it because it was on the non-open side of our shelter and we didn't want to pop out and provoke an attack. It kept walking in the same direction and eventually was out of earshot but we figured that was enough of a warning. We packed up and went back to the cabin. There are many screwed up things about this. First, I've been hunting for years and I don't get spooked... Pete is ex-military and no slouch in the woods either. But this spooked us bad enough to make us want to pack up the gear at two in the morning (leaving some of it on the hill) and come back to the cabin. Second, two of us heard this thing so I know its not just my mind playing tricks on me... it was definitely there!! Third, this thing was massive... It made a whole bunch of noise when it walked behind our camp (more than any animal I have ever heard) and it's footsteps almost shook the ground. But here comes the most screwed up part of the story. I have hunted for 15+ years and know what animals sound like coming through the woods... I have heard deer, bear, fox, etc... just about any animal in NJ, NY, PA, and ME... and, ofc ourse, other hunters. I can tell you with 100% certainty... THIS THING WAS WALKING ON TWO FEET!! I checked the area the next day and found a large foot print in soft earth... about 3 inches longer than mine and about 2 inches wider (I wear a size 12). I tracked the animal (or whatever) for a few hundred yards but only found one other definate track and it was the same size roughly. I also found a dead tree that was knocked to the ground probably the night before (fresh earth on the roots, leaves under/around it disturbed)... I presume it was the large crash we heard the night before.","county":"Steuben County","state":"New York","season":"Fall","title":"Report 19836: Campers describe incidents over 3-4 hours with unseen animal near their camp outside Prattsburgh","date":"2003-11-09","number":19836,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dr8fp8b3t5","temperature_high":33.96,"temperature_mid":24.41,"temperature_low":14.86,"dew_point":17.21,"humidity":0.81,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.52,"precip_intensity":0.0035,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1039.21,"summary":"Heavy snow (12 in.) in the morning.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":167,"wind_speed":1.8,"year":2003,"geometry":[-77.36516,42.54346]} {"observed":"I submitted this report, I thing back in october(i think) and did not see anything posted or had any contact and omitted my phone number as no one in my household has been told of this story but will resubmit fully. I'm unsure of exact year but I had returned to the area in june of 2000 and I think it happened the following fall of 2000 or 2001. Me and a buddy(him driving) were out driving backroads spotting deer as it was near hunting season if I recall correctly. We often drove the backroads out here doing just that......spotting wildlife. It was roughly around 1AM. We were heading south on Foster Valley Road in Tioga county New York and approaching one of the main country roads(Day Hollow Road) and were within 1/2 mile of it......or there abouts, traveling about 30mph. As we were approaching the S's we could see the approaching lights of an oncoming car. Their headlights would have shined away to the uphill side (east side) of the road and they might not have even seen the creature due to location, light direction and visible location in the turns. We passed the car at about the same time we passed the creature and the headlights kind of obsured my vision of the creature but my buddy was focused on it and says he was not so bad and he probably got a more vivid look than I did as i lost good clear vision due to eye adjusting to the oncoming glare. The road is a bit windy and as your approaching Day Hollow there is a couple of slight switch back \" S \" turns. When heading south, right along that section there is a very steap bank at road edge to your right side with no guardrail and bank at it's highest might be 15 feet and drops down to a slightly tree'd slightly open flat so to speak. A person could easily jump from the road and land in the flat it is that steap. The S turns are just about as perfectly inbetween the two closest houses to the area. There are NO street lights in that section and a very dark section it is. Due to the direction we were traveling and location of the headlights. Well we could see \"something/someone\" standing right on the edge of the road but on the bank. This bank is extemely short and steap. I would think it be a challenge for any person to stand or climb that bank but here is what we thought of as a person standing right there. It was DIRECTLY infront of us and we could see that it was looking at the other approaching car even though it's headlights were not even close to being fixed on it. We spotted this \"person\" probably around 50 yards away so we had some time to try and focus. Even though the encounter actually happened within a short time frame I can look back on it as if it was slow motion and is permanently engrained in my mind. As we approached this creature we didn't realize what it was or how big it really was till just after passing it. The comments inside the truck were kinda humorous and no offense is intended towards anyone peron inparticular but kind of go along with the sighting. Now the location of this thing in relation to the road and time of occurance was quite quite a dangerous spot for a \"person\" and most people would have probably stepped back away from the road but keeping in mind one step back is about 6 feet down easy. The comments as we approached were with some explitives and without being offensive here something like..... Holy cow, what kind of idiot would be standing there dressed in all black hooded sweatshirt. I don't know but they better step back. Damn it looks like one BIG woman(torso completely visible and appeared large chested with what I'd figure as breasts) Ya and why she all dressed in dark with a hooded sweatshirt on(looking back on it now I'd give a smoked charcol dark grey) Damn they better step back if they don't wanna get hit(we actually slowed a bit due to oncoming car and passing at location of creature so we needed the full road and edge of shoulder to pass the car) The creature seemed to be looking more at the other vehicle and didn't turn to look at us till we were just about to hit/pass. She wasn't maybe five feet from the side of the truck and I looked her in the face out the side window as passing. At that moment we both got a decent look at her face. When she turned to look at us she kind of turned her torso and body with the head to do so. She was obviously big and even though she was standing on the bank, i'd have to say that we saw about 5 feet of the creature from about waist to high upper upper on up and looking back on it now and knowing the bank that she probably had about 4 feet we couldn't see below the bank edge. Her arms wer almost to the level of the road. As we passed and got a glimps of her face the comments continued and were something like....... OH MY GOD is she butt ugly. Ya she is, she had a pig face, did you see that snout of a nose(there was no snout at all but a large very wide open nostraled slightly upturned nose). Man is she ugly, she looks like she got beat with a couple ugly sticks out here in the woods. Ya she sure as hell has one hell of an ape face. At that moment, with the ape face comment. both of us turned to each other to see the expression on each others faces as the realization of what we may have just passed WAS. We did not turn around. we did not go back to look ...... I honestly didn't want to. The reason I say hooded sweat shirt is..... well we've all seen people with one on and we all know how they kind of have a pointed head where the hood is sown together. well she had the same kind of coned head. We didn't realize we were looking at hair and not a sweat shirt. She had a humanish face but man for a human she was very very hampered in the looks department. She was definitely what I would call breasted and large roundish belly and large torso and had to be all of 8 feet if not bigger.","location_details":"Go out Day hollow Rd from Endicott NY about 10 to 15 minutes and foster valley is a right hand turn off of day hollow. the sighting occured about 1/4 mile from day hollow.","county":"Tioga County","state":"New York","season":"Fall","title":"Report 10136: Close roadside observation of female upright animal along country road","date":"2001-10-22","number":10136,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dr6pwe4rtk","temperature_high":54.17,"temperature_mid":49.21,"temperature_low":44.25,"dew_point":44.82,"humidity":0.77,"cloud_cover":0.75,"moon_phase":0.2,"precip_intensity":0.0038,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.12,"summary":"Light rain in the afternoon.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.16,"wind_bearing":339,"wind_speed":1.84,"year":2001,"geometry":[-75.64853,42.1174]} {"observed":"I was camping with my wife and two other couples at Jabes Pond, Hague, New York (near Sabbaths Day Point), Adirondacks. We were having a great time. Yes we were drinking.The time was between 3:00-3:30am. Four of the six campers hit the sack just before 3:00am. Let me paint a picture of the environment. The lake is shaped like an L on top of a small mountain, surrounded by pine trees, crystal clear water. There is a swamp on the northwest side of the lake. It's a gorgeous place. The six of us canoed out to the camp site, only three maybe four sites on this lake. No other campers were there. We did what all young campers do -- build a big fire, drink, eat and be loud. We were doing this till about 2:30AM. Then the girls went to bed. There was only two of us standing. We were stuffing our faces before we went to bed. I walked down to my tent.The tent was set up right on the lake shore, I mean one maybe two feet away from the water. The tent is square and flares inward at the chest level. Two of the four sides of the tent were facing water. So I climb into the tent and as I am just about to lay next to my wife my wife says, \"Steve, Steve, Steve!\" My head hits the pillow and I am looking up into the tent. I hear water splashing next to the tent and my wife says something is out there. I hear branches being moved and what ever is out there is behind our tent. I WAS FREAKING OUT. I am laying on my back in the sleeping bag and I look up and I see an elbow being draged down the side of my tent. I am shiting my pants, then I hear thud, thud, thud, thud, thud of something running away. NO MORE ROOM TO WRITE","location_details":"follow split rock road, turns to dirt, fork in road bear left, keep going into the woods, easy to find","county":"Warren County","state":"New York","season":"Summer","title":"Report 20363: Campers describe a possible approach to a camp near Lake George, Adirondacks","date":"2001-08-15","number":20363,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"drg8z00r5f","temperature_high":79.36,"temperature_mid":64.88,"temperature_low":50.4,"dew_point":53.11,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.09,"moon_phase":0.87,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1017.37,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":8,"visibility":9.48,"wind_bearing":200,"wind_speed":1.53,"year":2001,"geometry":[-73.52,43.7268]} {"observed":"This was recorded very soon after it happened in our camp journal. It was the weekend of May 11th 2002. My wife and I were at our seasonal camp on Lake George for the early season. We had bed for the night in front of the fireplace. There were only a few lights belonging to other early season camps across the lake. It was a calm night. My wife was sound asleep. She often sleeps through thunder storms. I was up throughout the night. I was awake for the sound of the first scream. The first cycle did not wake my wife unfortunately the second closer scream did. Someting screamed four times in the distance. Thirty seconds later it screamed again, on our property. We have less than a quarter acre of land. The time was around 2:30am. Thirty seconds to a minute later it screamed for the last time in the distance at a third location. The scream was in an evenly spaced pattern of four screams. Each scream was about three to five seconds apart. The volume was that of human sized lungs. However, there was no attempt to form words or partial words. The scream did not change pitch. It sounded much like a human female. There was no sound of the creature crashing through the woods. Please note that a few years back a similar sound was heard by a camp only five down from us. Other sitings have occured very near to my camp. The screams made the hair on our necks stand up. Very frightening. There have also been sightings of mountain lions in the area. However, sounds of the mountian lion's scream were not like the screams we heard.","location_details":"(exact location withheld by request)","county":"Warren County","state":"New York","season":"Spring","title":"Report 15565: Possible vocalizaitons heard approx. two miles from Sabbath Day Point","date":"2002-05-11","number":15565,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"drg8rjmzm7","temperature_high":63.75,"temperature_mid":54.12,"temperature_low":44.49,"dew_point":29.09,"humidity":0.47,"cloud_cover":0.04,"moon_phase":0.97,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1027.37,"summary":"Mostly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":315,"wind_speed":5.98,"year":2002,"geometry":[-73.51238,43.6678]} {"observed":"I witnessed a Sasquatch at about 225 yards distance for approximately 15 seconds, while it traveled around 75 yards along the back of a stone quarry near Middleport, NY in the Fall of 2002/September. I stop there to look for deer in a large field behind the quarry that are always there and immediately noticed when I exited my truck a dark biped moving very rapidly through waist high field grass on very uneven rocky terrain. It seemed to float through the grass as I could not see its legs due to the height of the grass it moved through. Immediately I noticed that it was completely the same color and it seemed to hold its arms at its side as it moved very, very quickly from left to right. At first sight I thought it was a girl with very long hair but quickly noticed that it was completely the same color with no obvious clothes coloration and moved much too fast although at the distance I was I could not make out any actual features and at no time did it look in my direction, but I believe I startled this creature by pulling into the stone driveway which makes considerable noise. As it crossed a path next to a corn field and angled slightly away from me I noticed that its glutteal area was somewhat lighter colored. The biped then moved directly into a standing corn field and was not seen after that time. When I say traveled very quickly, I mean it was really moving very rapidly but at no time did it seem like it was running as you or I would look if traveling at that speed due to fact that there was no discernable movement of its arms as it \"floated\" through the tall grass. I am convinced that this was a sasquatch I witnessed as I have been an avid outdoorsman since a very young age, hunting, hiking and camping for over 40 years and very experienced with animals in the wild and I know what I saw that afternoon was remarkable.","location_details":"Mountain Rd. runs parallel to Rt. 31A and parallel to the Erie Canal about 1/2 mile North of sighting location. A large stone quarry operation is on both sides of road and area is generally farmland with considerable woodlots in general area.","county":"Niagara County","state":"New York","season":"Fall","title":"Report 12709: Daylight sighting by hiker outside Middleport","date":"2002-09-21","number":12709,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dr8jsxrm1j","temperature_high":75.25,"temperature_mid":65.905,"temperature_low":56.56,"dew_point":63.58,"humidity":0.76,"cloud_cover":0.69,"moon_phase":0.51,"precip_intensity":0.001,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1011.6,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.81,"wind_bearing":216,"wind_speed":10.89,"year":2002,"geometry":[-78.54224,43.19501]} {"observed":"My family owns a home on Chazy Lake in the northeast corner of the Adirondacks. I spend many weekends there and often wake up early on Monday morning in order to get into work (about 1 hour away). In February of 2005, I had gotten up and left the house at about 6:30 am. Approximately 2 miles down the Chazy Lake Road, headed toward the Town of Saranac, is where I had my sighting. A ditch (approximately 3 feet wide and 2 feet deep)runs along side of the road. There was probably a foot of snow on the ground. As I was driving, I saw something dark stand up from inside the ditch and head into the woods. When I saw it, it was probably 150-200 yards in front of me. It appeared to have a human shape but was slouched over. I could not tell the height nor could I give an approximate weight. The sighting lasted probably no more than 5 seconds. I saw the upper 2/3 of its body which appeared to be dark brown or black in color. I told my wife about it that night and we joked about it for a bit saying it must have been Bigfoot. In all honesty, I thought I had either seen or bear or my eyes were playing tricks on me. I hadn't thought about the sighting for quite some time until I read about a sighting in Clinton County (1998) on this web page and noticed it was in almost the exact same location as my sighting.","location_details":"Take Route 374 from Dannemora heading west towards Lyon Mountain. Turn Left on to the Chazy Lake Road heading towards Saranac. Approximately 2-3 down the road.","county":"Clinton County","state":"New York","season":"Winter","title":"Report 14035: Possible night time sighitng by motorist on Chazy Lake Road outside Saranac","date":"2005-02-15","number":14035,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"drgw44g497","temperature_high":41.1,"temperature_mid":36.64,"temperature_low":32.18,"dew_point":31.92,"humidity":0.83,"cloud_cover":0.9,"moon_phase":0.24,"precip_intensity":0.0001,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1012.75,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.87,"wind_bearing":205,"wind_speed":5.22,"year":2005,"geometry":[-73.73606,44.66399]} {"observed":"My wife and I have had our farm near Treadwell, NY in Delaware County since the summer of 2001. The farm is above 130 mostly wooded acres (I don't want to give the exact number of acres to avoid someone figuring out which one it is), with about 30 acres of fields, with a few trails throughout the woods. The property is bordered by probably 2,000 or more acres of continuous woods (privately owned), and countless more acres of woods and fields that lead all the way up to Canada by just crossing dirt roads, except for one major highway (88). I have had a fascination for Bigfoot since I was young, and read about reported sightings, etc., so I am keen to notice things that could be attributed to these possible creatures others might not notice. I say possible creatures because even though I have a strong feeling they exist, I have not seen one with my own eyes. The first thing that happened was not long after we got our place. We were sitting around a campfire we made not far from the house, when we began to hear the sound of wood being pounded against wood coming from what seemed to be our woods up on the hill. The distance up to those particular woods is probably 300 yards or more, but this sound was clear and strong. I told my wife what I thought it could be and she told me she didnt want to hear anymore about it because it frightened her. There was no other explanation that could explain that distinct sound to me though. I tried to duplicate the sound in the woods myself, but could get nowhere near the resonance that must have been produced to carry the distance I think we heard it from. On another occasion I took our dog out for his nightly walk, and heard a tremendous short howl/scream/yelp with a whole lot of modulation. It gave me a chill down my spine. It was just a huge sound. We have coyotes all around here and I have heard them make some strange sounds, but I have never heard that sound from a coyote. Whatever made that sound I would imagine had to be a pretty big animal. It did not seem far away either, so after shinning the flashlight along the edge of the woods, I hightailed back to the house checking over my shoulder often. Perhaps along this same line, my wife was out with the dog one early evening in the field, and this is the mildest dog you will ever encounter, it has only ever growled while asleep and chasing something in its dreams. My wife told me that she had never seen our dog behave this way, and it doesnt even pay attention to deer when it sees them anymore because it sees them so often. The dog was looking intently at something along the wood line and growling. My wife could see nothing, but the dog saw something that scared it. It may have been a bear, as I have seen tracks and sign occasionally? The last incident, and probably the most convincing to me are the tracks that we saw in our woods this past winter (2004). We have never been able to get into our woods in the winter because the snow has always been too deep, and the hill to those particular woods to steep. The snowshoes that we tried in the past just sunk in the powdery snow. We tried a new type on a snow with an ice crust and we were able to get into the woods for quite a ways. We came across a trail of two pairs of tracks going in a couple of different directions and meeting up again a hundred yards or so later that no humans could have made. I at first I thought the tracks could have been made by deer leaping, but the tracks appeared to be a two legged stride with one foot pointing a little right and one a little left alternating perfectly. I am 6 feet tall, and I took my snowshoes off to see what king of stride I could make, and I was about a foot or two short of reaching the stride of these prints. The prints were pretty old as they had been snowed on, so I couldnt see much, and tried to feel for features like toes, but could not say for sure that I felt any. They were quite long, but the snow could have melted to make them bigger? What struck us was the length of the stride though. So, that is our experience to this point for what its worth. I only wanted to let you know that there could be something to these incidences. I would not dare ask my neighbors if they have had any strange thing happen, even though they are very good friends of ours. I find it ironic that they may have had more significant encounters and may be afraid to say anything to us about it. One neighbor did say they heard what sounded like a dear being attacked and screaming in the woods in the night. They have never heard anything like it, so that was their only explanation. One of them works for an environmental agency that I wont identify and spends a lot of time in the woods.","location_details":"Location directions withheld by request.","county":"Delaware County","state":"New York","season":"Winter","title":"Report 8953: Multiple observations over three year span","date":"2003-03-01","number":8953,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"drd8vpdpph","year":2003,"geometry":[-75.0116,42.36176]} {"observed":"My unusual experience occurred during the first week of October 2005. I was scouting for deer in a very isolated and limited access area in upstate New York accessible by a 4 x 4 trail. I had scouted another area earlier during the day and had about 2 hours of good daylight left to scout this area. My standard practice is to drive the entire length of the valley to check the parking areas as to see where other hunters are located before scouting. On this day, like most during pre archery and archery season, I was the only person and vehicle on the 4000 acres. I turned around and headed back up the valley to where I wanted to scout. It was a nice sunny fall day but the sun was beginning to drop. I parked my truck, grabbed my backpack, and headed down a steep ravine into a creek bed. I crossed the creek and proceeded up the other side of the wooded ravine. There is a field at the top of the ravine that I crossed and a hedgerow that separated a hidden field on top. I wanted to check some apple trees for apples. On the far side of the hidden field is a large pile for rocks that appear to be the foundation of an old homestead. I usually climb on top of the rock pile because it is high enough for me to glass the entire field to the top, which is a couple hundred yards. I glassed the field and saw nothing, which is odd for that time of day but not unheard of. A deer trail crosses in front of the rock pile and heads into a marsh area with a thicket on the backside of the marsh. The thicket is a few hundred yards wide then breaks into a mature open hardwood where I wanted to scout for a tree stand location. I was about halfway across the marsh when I heard a very loud, deep, resonating growl or roar. It stopped me dead in my tracks and came from the thicket I was headed into about 100 yards away. I have never heard anything in the woods in my 25 years of hunting like it. It was not a cat, coyote, dog, and I do not think a bear. I did see a very large bear the season before in this area at 20 yards but he did not make a sound when I waved him off. He just stood up and looked at me then turned and ran off about 50 yards before walking again. I had a rifle at the time and the bear did not see me until I waved at him. He was walking straight down the mountain at me where I was sitting on stand next to a huge boulder. One year I did spook a bear out of a small orchard and he kind of \"woofed\" at me as left the area. But this sound wasn't anything like a \"woof\" it was more of a roar that lasted about 1 to 1.5 seconds. I was shocked and taken back by it. After stopping dead in my tracks I spotted a big flat rock a few feet away. I climbed up on the rock and took my pack off. What ever made the noise was very large so I dug out my hunting knife and put it on my belt. I usually carry a sidearm when scouting but they are not allowed in this area. That day I wish I had one with me. I glassed the thicket with my binoculars but I could not see anything that could have made the sound. After about 5 minutes of looking, I wrote it off as a bear and decided to change direction and go check another field that is over the hill from the field I crossed to get to the marsh but at other end of that field. I started walking up the marsh parallel to the thicket and to my surprise and shock; whatever was in the thicket was walking parallel to me or flanking my right side. I could hear it snapping limbs and twigs as it walked. This was something heavy at least the size of a deer, bear, or person. I never heard anything scamper or scurry in the leaves like a small animal will eventually do if you listen long enough. I could hear it busting through the saplings. At this point I decided to get out of the marsh and into 75 to 100 yard wide hedgerow and that runs between the field I crossed and the marsh. This also would lead me away from the thicket. I could not hear whatever was in the thicket after I got into the hedgerow. I was about in the middle of the hedgerow on an old logging road that runs parallel to the field I crossed to get to the marsh when I ran across something odd. There were two trees about 20 to 25 feet in height bent completely over and parallel to the ground across the logging road. The trees were a good 4 to 5 inches in diameter. There was no obvious damage to the trees and the trees were alive with green leaves on them. I kept walking up the hedgerow and toward the field at the top. I arrived at the top of the hill and top of the field I had crossed to get into the marsh. There is a hedgerow that separates the two fields. I glassed the second field for a few minutes and saw nothing. I had yet to see any kind of wildlife on this scouting trip. The sun was starting to get very low in the sky so I decided to start heading back to my truck. I knew if I followed the top hedgerow down the hill I would pass a couple apple trees and it would lead me to the top of the ravine. I kept following the hedgerow down the hill until I almost reached the top of the ravine. I stopped to check for deer sign around a couple of apple trees. As I was looking for sign, I heard a series of \"knocking\" noises coming from about the area where I crossed the ravine on my trip up into the fields. I would estimate the knocking was 200 to 250 yards away. It was not a woodpecker because the time between knocks was too long and it was a more dulled whack rather than a hollow sound a woodpecker makes. A woodpecker has an almost machine gun sound to it. I heard a series of about 4 or 5 knocks then 20 seconds later another series and then another series. At this point, I got kind of spooked because it seemed whatever was in the thicket had backtracked me to where I had crossed the creek and ravine at the start of my scouting trip. The sun was starting to set behind the mountain and it was going to start to get dark quickly. I was literally miles from any main road or person and in the middle of nowhere. If whatever was backtracking me continued to do so, then we were going to end up at the same place, my truck. My original plan was to walk the top of the ravine back down to where I had crossed the first time because it is easier to climb back up the hill. Well, that is where I was hearing the knocking noise coming from so I decided I didn't want to get any closer to the source of the knocking. I headed straight down the side of the ravine into the creek bottom. It much darker in the creek bottom and everything was in shades of gray. I stopped for a moment to catch my breath before I started up the other side of the ravine to my truck. As I was standing there catching my breath, I started hearing rocks landing on the rocks in the creek bed a couple of hundred yards downstream from me. I could not tell if they were rolling down the hill and landing on the rocks in the creek bed or being thrown. I could hear the rocks land on other rocks and roll around a bit. This happened 5 or 6 times. After hearing this, I just headed straight up the other side of the ravine grabbing trees to pull myself up and got out of there as quickly as possible. I hit the jeep trail about 75 yards above where I parked. I made a beeline for my truck, dumped my pack in the passenger side and drove out of there as quickly as I could and the trail would let me. It was four wheel drive low range all the way out. I kept checking in my side and rearview mirrors for anything on the road behind me. I never saw anything on the road behind me. Was it a bigfoot? I can't say that. I can say that I have never heard a roar or growl like that in the woods. I researched the Internet on animal vocalizations but could not find anything that was an exact match. The closest match was a snarling wolf but it was not the sound I heard. I listened to the bigfoot vocalizations on this site and can not say that is what I heard either. The thing roared or growled once and it was kind of short. It startled me and I didn't get a second chance to hear it. After reading some of the reports on this site, the unusual events that occurred that day match other people's experiences. There are also reports on this site that are from the same area as I was scouting. I was back in the area again during gun season 6 weeks later and did not see or experience anything unusual. I usually don't spook very easy and travel the backcountry alone quite often. I will admit, that day I was spooked by something.","location_details":"Witness requested location details be kept confidential","county":"Delaware County","state":"New York","season":"Fall","title":"Report 14373: Possible daylight stalking and knocking heard by hunter near Deposit","date":"2005-10-01","number":14373,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dr6rktjg2f","temperature_high":71.6,"temperature_mid":57.33,"temperature_low":43.06,"dew_point":44.3,"humidity":0.81,"moon_phase":0.94,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":219,"wind_speed":1.11,"year":2005,"geometry":[-75.38025,42.0837]} {"observed":"I didn't have an encounter exactly but we are owners of a camp in a remote region of the Adirondack Mountains. This camp is only accessible by hiking to it. There is rarely anyone ever around our camp. We have found strange things that have occurred. 1) Fall 2002: We went hiking for the day and when we got back we found a small pile of rocks at the back door that were neatly stacked with a stick coming out of them. These rock were not there when we left. They appeared to be deliberately stacked. We understand that these could have been made easily by a human, but there is never anyone around up there. 2) Fall 2003: One night around 7:30 pm (dark) my wife and I went outside with 2 dogs. We smelled something very strong and musty, like nothing we smelled before. It wasn't the dogs or anything we could identify. The 2 dogs got very antsy and wanted to go inside right away. This was very strange and freaky, these dogs are generally not scared dogs. They also are large dogs about 80 lbs. each. We had never seen them act this way. When we bring them out at night or day they run all over the woods this night they wanted nothing to do with that. Almost like they smelled something that scared them. 3) The same exact night as number 2. I went outside around 9:30 pm to relieve myself. While I was doing that I heard large heavy stomping behind me. The stomping was loud and heavy as if something was fleeing. The strange part is it sounded like it made 4-5 bounds then stopped. I heard nothing else after that. I looked around a little but the happenings of this night made be uneasy so I went inside and locked up the cabin. I don't know what did all of this and maybe it is easily explained away but these things altogether make me think it might have been a bigfoot.","county":"Essex County","state":"New York","season":"Fall","title":"Report 11956: Unusual events at remote family cabin near Keene Valley, NY","date":"2005-12-28","number":11956,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"drge27txu2","temperature_high":30.95,"temperature_mid":30.695,"temperature_low":30.44,"dew_point":21.53,"humidity":0.89,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.91,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1007.56,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":1,"visibility":8.51,"wind_bearing":104,"wind_speed":0.52,"year":2005,"geometry":[-73.8094,44.1856]} {"observed":"It was about 130 in the morning and me and a buddy were driving up to Caroga lake on rt 29 when my headlights caught something crossing the road in the distance. When we got close enough to see whatever it was crossed the guard rail like it wasnt even there and proceeded to walk into the woods. I couldnt tell what color it was but it was big we went back the next day and my buddy who is 62 tried to cross the guard rails and he had trouble doing it so I would have to say it was at least 7 feet tall. Twice around the same area a couple of years apart we heard a loud whirling sound like weve never heard before.","county":"Fulton County","state":"New York","season":"Summer","title":"Report 25913: Two men see a 7' tall biped in their headlights while driving near Caroga Lake","date":"2004-06-16","number":25913,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"drej37cy3y","temperature_high":78.73,"temperature_mid":68.47,"temperature_low":58.21,"dew_point":55.71,"humidity":0.76,"moon_phase":0.96,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":312,"wind_speed":1.6,"year":2004,"geometry":[-74.47383,43.13206]} {"observed":"well here is my sighting. on june 20th 2004, [near] rochester [and] greece, me and 2 friends where out on a bike ride like we do three times a week. we start at 104 and fetzner rd in rochester new york and travel down the bike trail too the [parkway] and iland cottage rd. we always stop at the pond and [our] bike rides are well into the night around 12 - 1 am. we hang out for a while then head back home. what would make it a 15 - 20 mile bike ride. while standing talking we all noticed something standing behind tree. it was about 7 - 8 feet tall tan in color or gray fur. it stood out in the black background. one of my friends start[ed] heading towards it and so did the other and then me with my headlight. when the first friend moved the thing started off too the woods on 2 feet. my one friend said he seen it turn around and look at him. i just seen it go into woods. when we got too the woods which woul be heading west next too parkway, one went in a little. me and other stayed on edge. we stood still and heard alot branches and then silence. dont know if it was related too [our] sighting but seemd like the only sorce at the time because [of] what was seen. it was pretty chilling and strange. felt very weird like it wasnt happening.","location_details":"location ny interstate 390 north too the ny state pkwy going west at or over iland cottage rd there is a little pond in the middle of entrance and exit from 390 to pkwy and iland cottage rd is on the norteast side","county":"Monroe County","state":"New York","season":"Summer","title":"Report 8905: Three men have a late night encounter with a bi-pedal figure","date":"2005-07-27","number":8905,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dr8y0syz9w","temperature_high":70.64,"temperature_mid":64.17,"temperature_low":57.7,"dew_point":65.73,"humidity":0.91,"cloud_cover":0.89,"moon_phase":0.73,"precip_intensity":0.0398,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1009.85,"summary":"Rain until afternoon.","uv_index":4,"visibility":7.63,"wind_bearing":334,"wind_speed":1.79,"year":2005,"geometry":[-77.664,43.2696]} {"observed":"I've been an avid outdoorsman in the Pike and Ross county areas for years. (Bow Hunting) On many, many occassions I have heard the growls, screams, holwls, and drum-like beatings; mostly in the early morning hours between (1am and 3am). Several times I have observed \"something\" moving across the edge of my vision, and when I tried to find tracks, or make a determination as to what actually occured; the only thing that I could find was scratch marks high up on trees. Since there are no grizzly bears in that particular area, it was easy to guess what made these tears in solid wood. INCIDENT: Near Lake Jackson (SE of Waverly): My friends and I were hunting/camping beside an old gravel pit surrounded by high cliffs and ponds. During the late evening hours we all smelled a peculiar \"wet dog/skunk\" odor emmanating from across the small pond. My best friend and I armed ourselves (feral dog do roam the area) and proceeded to the other side of the pond. There is a small dike that runs from one side to the other. Halfway across the dike there was a series of frightening growls coming from the edge of the treeline. Immediatley after bushes and medium size trees were being violently shaken, as if in a warning for us to stay away. (We took the advice and retreated back to our side of the pond) The rest of the night was spent listening to soft moaning, somtimes howls, and on one occassion rocksw and tree limbs sailed across the pond towards us. The next morning we once again armed ourselves and checked out the area across the pond. There were no trail-signs, no hair, nothing that would indicate a track. (And-I am a decent enough tracker). Throughout the next few years I returned to that area many times, and always had this very keen sense that I was being watched. Sometimes to the point that my hair would stand on end. There are still certain deep hollows (600' deep) that I ABSOLUTELY) will not go into. In one particular hollow; everytime I go down into it, there seems to be a sense that I am in danger. A survey of the area was startling: The hollows; which range from 25' to 900' deep, run along the entire region into WV and parts of PA. One could litteraly walk state to state, and never emerge into sunlight. I have since moved from Ohio to Wyoming. and I am sure the locals (many of whom have substantiaed my thoughts on this) still hear the screams and wolf-like howls.","location_details":"Near and around Lake Jackson. Also several howls in the area around Hay Hollow. The SCARRY HOLLOW (my name for it) is located on top of Hay Hollow. EXACTLY located across from (NW Line Of Sight) from old white church.","county":"Ross County","state":"Ohio","season":"Fall","title":"Report 16489: Camper describes trees shaken and possible encounter near Waverly","date":"2002-09-07","number":16489,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnvn7yv6f5","year":2002,"geometry":[-82.79665,39.10495]} {"observed":"I was hunting in the area and was coming back down the trail when I looked up and saw something in the trail walking into the woods and looking up the trunk of a tree. I walked closer to see what it was and there was a creature about seven to eight feet tall standing and it was staring me down. I thought it was going to attack me. I was frozen with fear. It just stood there so I started to walk in the other direction when it let out a screeching howl. I stopped and my heart was racing and I couldn't breath. I turned back around and it was about 20 feet from me. I got the idea to slowly put my gun on the ground to show I wasn't going to mean it harm. The creature started to walk towards me so I stood very still. It looked at me with big brown eyes. It started to walk away and I tried to follow but it started running too fast.","location_details":"The closest road is State Route 772 and State Route 50. There is a mountain called Coppers Mountain.","county":"Ross County","state":"Ohio","season":"Winter","title":"Report 7932: A young hunter witness's a seven foot tall creature less than 25 feet away","date":"2002-12-01","number":7932,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnuzh0w2fk","temperature_high":31.55,"temperature_mid":30.045,"temperature_low":28.54,"dew_point":15.23,"humidity":0.63,"moon_phase":0.9,"precip_type":"snow","summary":"Breezy starting in the evening.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":254,"wind_speed":9.76,"year":2002,"geometry":[-83.13585,39.20212]} {"observed":"I was 15 years old at the time, I remember because I didn't have my drivers license yet. My brother and father and I were hunting squirrel. The funny thing was, this was our first hunting experience except for our father. Dad was born and raised in this part of the country. We had moved to Springboro, which is south of Dayton, when he decided to take us on a \"hunting trip.\"... Me and my brother were not the \"outdoors type,\" both of us being born in Dayton. My father had borrowed the guns we were using, since we would probably never go again. Me and my brother both knew how to shoot a gun, just never hunted wildlife before. Anyway, we were on our first \"safari,\" very excited and scared at the same time. The year before, my brother and I had got walkie talkies for Christmas. Not the cheap kind, but a nice set with a range of a \"mile\" under normal circumstances.. which was..... ha ha apparently not hills and \"hollers.\" Sorry, back to the sighting... We had split up a few hills back, each combing a hill or two. I heard a few shots from two different directions before it got very quiet. Birds had been chirping as the sun was high and the temperature had to be well within the 80's. I was at the top of a \"holler\" and decided to go down, instead of staying on top of the hill. As I descended, I got a weird feeling, as though I shouldn't be there or something else. I started to call my brother on the walkie talkie when I heard a loud sound coming from the right of me and fifty some yards down. I thought, why is someone running? As I approached it from behind, I turned off the walkie talkie so I didn't disturb what I was about to see. At first I thought it was a bear, but it was sitting on a large rock. Then I thought it was my father playing a trick on me, trying to scare me, but he didn't have a costume when we started to hunt. Did he bring one earlier? As this is going through my mind it stood up, I was coming quietly down the \"holler.\" I now could hear noise to my left and then right, like people just walking, not trying to draw attention to themselves. What gets me is that it never turned around, like it knew I was there. I was above wind, so how? As it stood, I was maybe 30 yards behind it, I never saw what was to my left and right, but it took off like a shot of lightning. I am now 6 foot 2 and 300 pounds, this thing was at least 8 foot tall and between 350 pounds and 450 pounds. I stood there for what felt like forever, a horrid odor had filled my senses, making me want to cry. I decided to go back up the \"holler\" away from what I had seen. I stood on top of that hill, calling my brother on the walkie talkie telling him to hurry. My father got there first, which I never understood, and he looked old and tired. I asked why are you standing so alert? He said \"we should leave now.\" As we were leaving in the truck, I asked why leave so early? He said \"son some things can't be explained.\" I understand now.","location_details":"A few miles off of State Route 139.","county":"Scioto County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 5229: Man recalls seeing a strange bipedal animal during his one and only hunting trip","date":"2004-06-25","number":5229,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnvh8vgseh","temperature_high":72.18,"temperature_mid":69.17,"temperature_low":66.16,"dew_point":57.87,"humidity":0.81,"moon_phase":0.25,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":11,"wind_speed":0.82,"year":2004,"geometry":[-82.93085,38.79215]} {"observed":"Yesterday up the road from my house a friend and I actually saw a bigfoot in the daylight about 6 pm. As i stated on the 99 incident at my home this must be a route they use after what we saw yesterday. We are going to go look for prints today. We we driving down the street and at the top of the hill I saw something dart past a telephone pole on my right. It was very fast and my first reaction was that its a jogger dressed in black, just like in 1973 and I said nothing but as we got to the intersection my friend says \"where'd he go\" and I said \" did you see something dart up in the woods?\" He said yes. We turned around right then and there and went to look in the woods. There was nothing there. Nothing moves at that speed. By the way we live just west of Alliance Ohio where there have been sightings. Maybe this is a route they use?? Thing was all black and had a long torso with very tall long arms that were swinging in a forward motion when it was running.","location_details":"just off us state route 30 south out of E. Canton.","county":"Stark County","state":"Ohio","season":"Winter","title":"Report 1851: Two men see see a hairy creature running into woods","date":"2001-02-24","number":1851,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpnpyzmuqv","temperature_high":38.3,"temperature_mid":39.835,"temperature_low":41.37,"dew_point":20.53,"humidity":0.64,"cloud_cover":0.67,"moon_phase":0.04,"precip_intensity":0.0007,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1027.3,"summary":"Light rain until afternoon, starting again in the evening, and breezy overnight.","uv_index":4,"visibility":8.54,"wind_bearing":121,"wind_speed":9.19,"year":2001,"geometry":[-81.25768,40.77789]} {"observed":"Well, this is kinda weird because I have been wanting to see a sasquatch for many years now and I believe I had a brief look at one about a week and a half ago. I was driving east on Sagamore Rd. in Sagamore hills Ohio at about 10:33 am to be exact. It was a very Hot muggy day with tempetures in the 90's. As I was driving east on this rd. their is a jogging trail that crosses the road and is actually part of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park system. The trail area was about 100 to 150 yds ahead of me when from the right side of the road I seen a dark figure come out onto the road with such speed that their was no way it could have stopped to look for cars before crossing, this thing was dark brown or black from head to toe. It crossed the road and the open area before the road when I first seen it in 3 strides and it was gone. This thing had the speed of an animal and it held its forearms up high kind of reminds me of the memorial day footage. I also seen a flash of silver or gray color by the forearm and head/face area like it looked my way in the last stride it took. When I first seen it I thought heck it had to be a jogger. The more and more I thought about it I felt that it couldnt have been a jogger for a few reasons, 1 it was 90F + and I couldnt imagine someone dreesed in such dark colors from head to toe, 2nd is the speed this thing had was not humanly possible, if I had blinked my eye I would have missed it, if I would have had a camera I would have missed it anyway because of the speed. 3rd is I am 5'10'' and it took me 5-6 strides just to cross the road in that area which does not include the area that is viewable to the right of the road where the creature first stepped out into.4th is since I have seen this I have driven that road many times to and from work, I have been at about the same distance in my van and have seen joggers cross the road and their arms look like toothpicks compared to what I had seen on that day, as far as guessing a height of the creature I would say it was well over 6ft. but cannot be any more sure than that because their is nothing their to have compared it to but it looked stocky for sure from that distance.","location_details":"This Rd. is off of St. Rt. 8 obtainable through Northfield Ohio","county":"Summit County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12157: Motorist sees hairy biped crossing road by Cuyahoga Valley National Park","date":"2005-07-12","number":12157,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpmgpzfmk6","temperature_high":91.22,"temperature_mid":80.315,"temperature_low":69.41,"dew_point":62.35,"humidity":0.55,"cloud_cover":0.64,"moon_phase":0.19,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1015.97,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":7.83,"wind_bearing":131,"wind_speed":1.57,"year":2005,"geometry":[-81.57021,41.35208]} {"observed":"I WAS DRIVING ON RT 271 NORTH OVER BY BOSTON MILLS SKI RESORT WHEN I SPOTTED SOMETHING WALKING INTO THE WOODS IN AN UP RIGHT POSTION I NEW IT WASN'T A MAN OR BEAR IT WAS AT THE TOP OF THE HILL ON SOUTH SIDE OF 271","location_details":"NORTH SIDE OF INTERSTATE 271 GOING OVER THE NATIONAL PARK BY BOSTON MILLS SKI RESORT","county":"Summit County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 25715: Man recalls early evening sighting near Brandywine Ski Resort","date":"2005-09-14","number":25715,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpmfxyzgwg","temperature_high":82.4,"temperature_mid":73.34,"temperature_low":64.28,"dew_point":61.39,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":0.49,"moon_phase":0.37,"precip_intensity":0.0008,"precip_probability":0.36,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.73,"summary":"Foggy overnight.","uv_index":5,"visibility":4.58,"wind_bearing":202,"wind_speed":1.84,"year":2005,"geometry":[-81.56255,41.2584]} {"observed":"At about 5:45pm I was walking out back and saw a large black creature out by the road. I yelled at it and it ran down the street. I think it went into the woods. When I walked up by the road I didn't see it and I did see some very large human like tracks in the snow.","location_details":"About 1.5 miles from Mosquito lake","county":"Trumbull County","state":"Ohio","season":"Winter","title":"Report 4978: Prints found following sighting near Mosquito Lake","date":"2000-02-01","number":4978,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpqe64ep2q","temperature_high":26.89,"temperature_mid":18.95,"temperature_low":11.01,"dew_point":16.44,"humidity":0.76,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.88,"precip_intensity":0.0004,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1015.37,"summary":"Light precipitation starting in the evening.","uv_index":2,"visibility":5.23,"wind_bearing":267,"wind_speed":11.09,"year":2000,"geometry":[-80.76735,41.36755]} {"observed":"Being out in the wooded area since around 7 AM, it was around 10 am, give or take an hour....I had left my watch in the car. I've been hearing activity in the brush for a while, I decided to seek a higher spot on the terrain to get a better view, so I was ascending this small knoll, or very small hill. As I crested the top, there it was, directly in front of me, and about 30-40 feet away. It was kneeled down, like a human does to tie its shoe, on one knee. As quickly as I saw it, it stood up, and we just stared at each other, eye to eye, for a few seconds that to me seemed like many minutes. I think somehow it knew it startled me, then I was overcome by this very strange feeling of calm. Within a minute or possibly less, it just turned and strolled into the dense part of the woods. It didn't seem scared of me, and looked back only once before it went out of sight. I opened my pack, yanked out my audio recorder, dropped it on the ground, had to reinstall the batteries, set my pack on the ground, and headed off after the creature. I roamed those woods for several hours only to hear some possible noises, but never saw it again....several times later that afternoon, while trying to locate my pack again, I heard sounds in the brush around me. sometimes it sounded like on two sides, not sure if the sounds were from small mammals, or possibly a couple of creatures. I never found my pack, and had to give up the search as darkness was coming soon. As for the creature, it was a male, looked young, around six feet tall. Its hair color appeared to be a light milk chocolate. It was stocky, by mans comparison, yet not really thick and bulky. the hair or fur was only about 2 inches long.","location_details":"Very near the Grand River State Game Preserve, also near the Grand River, and west of the Mosquito Creek reservoir.","county":"Trumbull County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9129: Man has close encounter very near the Grand River State Game Preserve","date":"2004-08-07","number":9129,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpq7xm348n","temperature_high":74.86,"temperature_mid":65.015,"temperature_low":55.17,"dew_point":50.17,"humidity":0.66,"cloud_cover":0.37,"moon_phase":0.74,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1017.52,"summary":"Partly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":9.84,"wind_bearing":316,"wind_speed":1.39,"year":2004,"geometry":[-80.89096,41.42579]} {"observed":"A friend and I had decided to go fishing one morning after working the night shift. We arrived at eagle creek around six thirty it was still very dark out but had our lanterns with us. As we stopped the car and got out we walked to the back of the car to get our equipment as soon as my buddy popped the trunk lock we heard a horrible scream and what sounded like someone yelling but the speech was backwards this sent chills down our backs. The sound came from the area we were headed. We waited a few seconds and tried to think of an explanation of the sound but couldn't come up with any thing. We fished till morning light and then decided to walk the creek edge. We came across a sand bar with a lot of mussels attached to some shale rocks that protruded up from under the sand as we got closer we saw signs that something had been digging at the mussels at first I thought this could have been any animal doing this but as we got even closer we saw two very detailed foot prints in the sand. There is no doubt in ether of our minds that someone had walked in the sand with bare feet. The prints were approximately 12 to 13 inches what puzzled us was what was someone doing out at six thirty in the morning in early spring with an outside temp around 35 degrees because we had very heavy clothes on because of the cold and the prints led straight up a four foot embankment and into some very heavy thorn brush the kind that a you can't even walk threw with out ripping your cloths to shreds. We walked the rest of the creek but couldn't find any other signs or prints.","location_details":"I am not sure of the exact location but my buddy knows exactly where it is. I do know the location is very close to the Ravenna military ammunition plant also known as the Ravenna arsenal. The area is very close to the Trumbull county Portage county line.","county":"Trumbull County","state":"Ohio","season":"Spring","title":"Report 24356: Two fishermen hear possible vocalizations then find footprints west of Warren","date":"2005-03-01","number":24356,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dp06ngevu2","temperature_high":28.77,"temperature_mid":24.78,"temperature_low":20.79,"dew_point":18.46,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.76,"moon_phase":0.68,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1014.86,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":3,"visibility":8.88,"wind_bearing":299,"wind_speed":13.81,"year":2005,"geometry":[-89.34647,39.74678]} {"observed":"My girlfriend and I left Akron about 1:00 PM to head south for the afternoon. My room mate had given us directions to a waterfall in a little-known back road park on the edge of Tuscawaras and Stark Counties. His directions weren't so great, and we couldn't find the place and ended up in the small town of Winesburg. After looking around we decided to head back, however we decided to \"get lost\" for some fun and took a couple of turns without noticing any street names. We eventually found ourselves on a class two state highway in Dundee, OH area. Heading north we passed a state gameland office on the left, and I started looking for a parking area to take a hike. I'm an avid hunter, and love the wildlife area's here in Ohio as they normally have nice trails and roads to hike around on. We came up on a set of railroad tracks from the south, and right before the tracks on the left there was a small one lane dirt road. It was marked as state game land, so I turned down it. It went down a hill, skirted along a swampy region, and then turned west a bit. The parking area was about 3/4 of a mile to a mile from the main road I'd say, and the road continued on past the parking area but there were signs saying no vehicles were allowed past that point. At the time we were the only ones there and got out to take a walk. We started out on the road past the parking area. It took us to the railroad tracks, and we crossed them. The road continued on from there, and took a small branch in the road. We first went right, and hiked a while. This branch of the road went towards the swamp, and was quite overgrown. We never really stopped to listen, but eventually turned around and took the fork in the road that went higher up the hill away from the swamp. This led to a very overgrown field, and we skirted along the West edge along the woods and along the edge of the hill that overlooked the swamp. At the end of the field, I decided to walk into the woods and stop and listen just to observe what was around, as I usually do when hunting. This is when it happened. Across the swamp about 150 yards, we heard three loud evenly spaced knocks on what sounded to be a rather large tree. They occurred about three knocks in two seconds, I'd say. A couple of seconds later we heard three more knocks from what seemed a larger distance, probably 250 yards or more. After a short pause I brought my girlfriend's attention to the sounds. At that time we heard three more large knocks from in front of us, followed by three more louder knocks from the left. At this point, three knocks came from our right from across the body of the swamp. The water I'm sure obscured my judgment of distance, but with that in consideration now I'd say they were maybe 200 yards away. At this time, we heard four louder knocks from in front of us, then three to our left. At this time I felt uncomfortable enough to say I wanted to get out of there. After walking at a high rate of speed out of the area for a few hundred yards, I felt we were out of danger. My love for trains took over, and we walked for a 100 yards or so up the tracks to the south through a large rock cut and back to the path. We headed back to the car, and came across a puddle and I was showing my girlfriend a frog when all of a sudden the sounds came back. I don't know if whatever created the sounds on the far side of the swamp had moved, or if what we had perceived as the sound coming from our right was now in front of us. In any case, we heard three more knocks from straight across the swamp from us, and then three more from our right again across the swamp. Distance was too hard to judge as we immediately started heading for the car. I knew there was a swamp in between us but I didn't like sticking around. On the way out we crossed paths with two hunters in camo and armed with bows. I said hello, but didn't bother mentioning the sounds as at the time I hadn't thought much about it. During the whole incident the thought of the possibility of Bigfoot crossed my mind, but I didn't let it stay long. Afterwards, while thinking about what happened, I said something to my girlfriend about how strange the sounds were, and that maybe it was Bigfoot. She shockingly agreed, saying she had seen TV reports of similar instances involving Bigfoot. I must admit a history of being very interested in Bigfoot as a whole, but never have I experienced something like this. I know of no animal that communicates like this. We both agree that it seemed like communication, either to us or to each other. The sounds seemed too big for humans to make, and the knocking was quite deep in pitch, indicating a larger sized tree. On return my room mate said he had indeed heard stories of people having encounters in that area, and I immediately turned here. I hope someone can validate this encounter, or at the very least tell me what other type of woodland creature communicates by regular banging on trees","location_details":"North of Dundee off of State Route 93.","county":"Tuscarawas County","state":"Ohio","season":"Fall","title":"Report 5076: Multiple wood on wood sounds heard in the Beach City Wildlife area","date":"2002-10-12","number":5076,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpjzpu7j9x","temperature_high":60.57,"temperature_mid":57.09,"temperature_low":53.61,"dew_point":54.54,"humidity":0.89,"cloud_cover":0.85,"moon_phase":0.23,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1020.28,"summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":6.9,"wind_bearing":144,"wind_speed":1.79,"year":2002,"geometry":[-81.5693,40.6298]} {"observed":"One night I was riding my off road motorcycle on the family property when I stopped to pet one of our dogs. I shined my flashlight at the dog when I noticed behind the dog something was squatting in the ditch. I shined my light on the thing in the ditch and it stood upright. What I was looking at was a tall hairy creature of some sort that had very wide shoulders and glowing green eyes. I quickly panicked and jumped back onto my motorbike, started it up, and raced away. The creature started to chase me down the old railroad towards my house. I knew it was chasing me because since I wasn't wearing a helmet, I could turn around and see the creature running after me. As I approached a pond area, I hit a ditch and flipped my motorbike over and became scuffed up. At this time, the creature stopped chasing me and starting walking towards me. I panicked again and started my bike by rolling down the hill and letting the clutch out. As I approached my house, I wrecked again at the base of our driveway and ran to the house. The creature followed me to my house and didn't leave until I turned the large floodlight on in our front yard. I feel like the creature could have caught me at anytime. Then, it ran off to a dried up swamp area and I didn't see it again.","location_details":"State Route 93 north out of Hamden to Rowland Road then turn right.","county":"Vinton County","state":"Ohio","season":"Spring","title":"Report 7995: Young teen is chased by a seven foot tall hairy creature","date":"2000-05-25","number":7995,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnvqg4wz2z","year":2000,"geometry":[-82.47604,39.17029]} {"observed":"On June 20, 2004, at 2 AM, I was lounging in my recliner watching TV. I noticed something like a large dark shadow looking in my window. We have four full length windows with no curtains because our family room faces the woods. I had no lights on other than the TV and my fish aquarium. The moon was slightly giving some light but not enough do make out any features. At first, I thought I was just imagining this. Slowly, I turned off the TV. When I did, the shadow moved over. I thought it was my imagination so I covered my head a went to sleep in my recliner. The next morning at 6 AM, I was still unnerved. When I looked toward the window, there was two large hand prints on the glass about 12 inches long. My brother wears a size 14 ring and these fingers were about four inches longer than his hand. It looked like a very large mans hand with fingers spread apart. I am retired from a Police Department and worked in fingerprinting and latent examination. I called my two brothers to come to my house and went into the bedroom to wake up my husband. I trembled in fear for about an hour afterwards. This thing had to be at least eight to nine feet tall to be standing where it was. I showed the handprints to my entire family. I did not want to report this because I am a foster parent and I was afraid people would think I'm crazy. On July 20, 2004, my dogs were screaming wildly. That night, my brother had stayed over since he was sick and was sleeping in the spare bedroom. At 4 AM, something was beating on the walls of my house so hard it knocked items off a shelf over the bed and dislodged my vinyl siding. This was new siding just installed in the spring! Needless to say, we were up all night. I was talking to my brother a few nights later at around 1 AM when I noticed another set of handprints on the window. Being a trained fingerprint technician they appeared to be not human and showed very little or no detail at all. The next day, we decided to clean these prints off our windows. We figured whatever left them would be back and leave some more. We used pure vinegar to clean the prints. Whatever was on its hands did not want to come off! It took some serious scrubbing to finally remove them. Other than the handprints, my windows were actually very clean. I have lived here for four years. My foster daughters told us twice that they were seeing a big man around our 1.5 acre pond. I didn't believe it was anything like this! We live in the country. Ever since we bought a large dog kennel to keep the dogs from running around this thing is getting brave enough to look into our windows and hit the house. I am convinced that something is outside my house. We live very close to Zaleski State Forest. We will be setting up my brother in laws wildlife camera hoping to catch this thing on film. I will let you know if and when we get a picture.","location_details":"North of State Route 50 very close to Zaleski State Forest.","county":"Vinton County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9042: A woman has close sighting through living room window, very near the Zaleski State Forest","date":"2004-06-20","number":9042,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnvrrbks13","temperature_high":76.63,"dew_point":48.7,"humidity":0.67,"moon_phase":0.09,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":67,"wind_speed":0.76,"year":2004,"geometry":[-82.27037,39.24523]} {"observed":"I saw one in Napoli, NY, by Sawmill Run Rd. It was October 2000. My dad and I were hunting turkey on state land we were walking slow and quietly stopping and looking around. We were about 20 yards apart and we were both looking SE. I turned slowly and didn't see anything, but then did see movement in front of me. I pulled up my gun, ready for a turkey. It was about 20 yards away and I didn't shoot. I didn't know what it was. It was on two legs, all brown-red hair all over it and at least six feet tall. It took off running like a big guy, but swift. It ran down hill away from me and was out of sight. My dad was still looking the other way. I wish he saw it to, but he didn't.","location_details":"New York State Land on Bucktooth Rd. & Sawmill Run Rd. in Napoli, NY.","county":"Cattaraugus County","state":"New York","season":"Fall","title":"Report 13288: Daylight sighting by turkey hunter near Napoli","date":"2004-10-15","number":13288,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dprzy6bh9w","temperature_high":55.72,"temperature_mid":49.415,"temperature_low":43.11,"dew_point":46.03,"humidity":0.83,"cloud_cover":0.93,"moon_phase":0.05,"precip_intensity":0.0116,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":996.63,"summary":"Rain in the afternoon.","uv_index":3,"visibility":6.96,"wind_bearing":184,"wind_speed":6.24,"year":2004,"geometry":[-78.82683,42.15947]} {"observed":"Since this spring my family noticed several unusual things in our area. First was a very strange set of 3-hoofed or 3-toed prints that we found and my 10 yr.old daughter followed with her feet down a path and into the woods coming away from a large lake people fish at alot. It is located in a nature reserve area right next to my home here in Huber Heights, Ohio. Friday, Labor Day weekend, I took my children to a secluded place on the Miami River in Tipp City, Ohio. We were just going to play in a very shallow area and mess in the river.I was with my 10 yr. old daughter and my son who is 6, and their friend (male) who is 10 also. I knew something was weird when we first went down the path to the river because it was so dead quiet. You could hear your voice echo and nothing else. No Crikets or birds or bugs. Was very eary! None the less we found a path that led right to the river. We stood there and besides this tree with a bunch a sticks laying under it. The kids picked up large sticks and began hitting the tree with them. We then turned to leave the area and try to get closer to the rocks we wanted to get to. As I left, my 10 yr.old saw across the river a set of bushes and a tree shake like something hit it. It spooked her and she ran up ahead of me. The kids then found a pond further down the path and were throwing rocks in it, when I decided to walk back towards the car. I still was not feeling comfortable at all about the silence.I then heard out of this silence, a very loud chirping-whistle coming from somewhere so I stopped and turned to face the river. I heard the whistle first to my left,then immediatly to my right. Then it seemed to travel away to the right and get fainter.For some reason, Im not sure why, but I whistled at it. It then whistled back and when it did, it changed its tone and went down an octive. ( I have studied music my whole life and I couldn't hit its tone or pitch.)But it answered me back really scaring me. I called for the kids to come over by me and I then told them I thought it was time to go. I stopped and asked if they heard that chirping which seemed to be moving off down stream to my right still. I said to them \"listen I'll whistle and then it will answere me back.\" I whistled again and instead of the sound I thought it would make, It began to chirp on our side of the river it seemed. The sound kept getting louder and louder. Moving closer to us when all of a sudden, we heard this enourmous tree being literally pushed to the ground to our right.Right infront of us! I screamed \" RUN!\" We all turned and ran, but my 6 yr. old didn't run. My oldest daughter said she looked over her shoulder to see where he was when we were running. She noticed he wasn't with us and he was standing frozen with his fists clutched to his sides.His eyes were really big and he looked so scared.She then yelled at him and he turned and ran.I only noticed him not being with us we all were in the van with the doors shut, car started, and he was then on the outside screaming to get in. In those seconds he didn't run, this is what he said he saw: He told me that when the tree fell, something caught his eye so he turned to look.(to the right)He said it walked out of the woods and turned on the path looking straight at him. It took 3 steps stopped, and tilted its head to the side. It then took 4 more steps, paused and began moving even closer to him. It was then that he heard us yelling. He swears that he NEVER heard me scream run and he never heard us screaming and running to the car.He said that it was about as tall as his sister who is ten. It had a very large head that was round but it was sorta pointed on top. It was completly covered with brown fur or hair even the face had hair on it.Its eyes he couldn't see until it was closer and then he said they were round and black. His nose was black and sqwished to its face. Almost flat like.Its mouth was very wide, big, and looked like it was frowning. ( Or sad as he put it) It had very long arms that hung passed his knees and swung out very far in front and back as it walked.It was hunched over when it walked too. Big shoulders and a \"VERY\" big chest. He said when it got really close to him he then smelled it and it smelled like rotted garbage form the garage(haha)He even said he noticed clumps of mud hanging from its arms on the fur or hair. It never growled or made a sound. It just kept walking towards him and looking at him. He has been in serious distress at times since then. Fear, saddness, and anger are the bigger ones. He felt as though it was sad because of the face. Anger, because for a day and half we wouldn't listen to his story. He kept trying to tell us all somehing but we wouldn't listen. Fear, because it was incredibly scary to be standing alone and seeing this walk to you. I have had contacted our pediatrician and he is checking up on him and has been great in believing our story. We contacted someone who had a simular experience with his family in Oregon, and he has talked with my son and has helped us in dealing with all the anxiety in this whole situation and has be-friended him as well. We have made this a positive thing for him saying \"How many people actually see a bigfoot! What a cool kid you are!\" Plus allowing him to express how he has been feeling about this whole thing. He is excited about it, then very reserved about it too. He also picked up a strange stick which I'm sending off to be evaluated. It looks as though something has used it for something. It was sanded down smooth by something and has tan and black animal hair fibers in certain parts of the wood. Something exists and we heard but our hero, Brian saw it!","location_details":"You go to the center of the town of Tipp City. Turn left onto 3rd St. coming from I-75. Go down past a large Park, swimming pool, and highschool football stadium. go another mile or so down the road and to your right is a little nature reserve sign and gravel drive way. Turn right and go back the drive way to the gravel parking area.","county":"Miami County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 257: Mother describes possible observations by children near Tipp City, along Miami River","date":"2000-09-01","number":257,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dph5ktfep3","temperature_high":86.07,"temperature_mid":77.93,"temperature_low":69.79,"dew_point":71,"humidity":0.82,"cloud_cover":0.48,"moon_phase":0.12,"precip_intensity":0.0031,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.9,"summary":"Rain in the evening and overnight.","uv_index":5,"visibility":8.87,"wind_bearing":95,"wind_speed":2.54,"year":2000,"geometry":[-84.1735,39.9784]} {"observed":"My girlfriend and I were driving home from work in the winter of 2003. We had several inches of snow, so we were moving slow. I was driving down State RT 56. I looked to the farm field on my left and noticed something walking along the creek. I slowed down to get a better look and asked my girlfriend if she could see what I was watching. She said yes. I pulled our truck over as far as I could get and got out. I walked across the road to get a better look. What we saw plain as day was covered in reddish brown hair, walked upright, had a conical shaped head, long arms, stocky build and was at least six feet tall. We watched this thing for several minutes until we had cars backed up. I got back into the truck and we turned off of the road to the next left where the creek crossed and the ditch turned into a small thicket which is the direction what we both agreed, without a doubt was bigfoot, was heading. We waited till it got dark to see if anything came out. Nothing did. We went to both entrances of the farm fields and saw no tracks of anything. I am an avid hunter and fisherman and have no trouble distinguishing camoflage from hair at the distance the subjet was from us, which was about two hundred yards. We only recently told our family and close friends about what we saw.","location_details":"RIGHT AT THE CLARK AND MADISON COUNTY LINE.STATE RT.56 AND HOUSTON PIKE .THE CREEK IS A FEEDER CREEK THAT FLOWS INTO LAKE CHOCTAW.","county":"Madison County","state":"Ohio","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10330: Two motorists have a lengthy sighting along SR56 near the Madison and Clark County line.","date":"2003-02-18","number":10330,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dphe7eeh2h","temperature_high":28.14,"temperature_mid":28.14,"temperature_low":28.14,"dew_point":22.02,"humidity":0.86,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.56,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1020.97,"summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":5.57,"wind_bearing":229,"wind_speed":9.72,"year":2003,"geometry":[-83.51394,39.96627]} {"observed":"8 years ago my friend and I were bored one fall day and decided to hike through the forrest behind my house. The forrest was very deep but also very easy to see through because there was very little brush. Its the type of forrest with no trails, just tree after tree for miles. It was late in the day, early evening. The sun was going down and sending beams of late through the tree tops. It must of rained the day before because it was very wet. We wore our boots to keep our feet dry. With the musty smell of wet leaves and mud we walked deeper and deeper into the forrest. All of a sudden we saw some type of wooden scraps laying on the ground. With us pondering we saw what seemed to be cat eyes staring right back at us. We believed it was a cat or raccoon or something. While staring we heard a crackling noise of sticks being snapped. When we looked behind us to see what it was we were shocked. A furry creature between 7 to 8 feet tall was standing upright like a man staring right at us. We freaked and began to run back towards my house. As we were running I kept glancing back and the figure was keeping up with us. As we got to the end of the woods my friend stepped on an apple thorn which went through his boot and into his foot. He fell to his knees but with our addenaline pumping and fear of the creature we continued back to my house. This took place 8 years ago but I still remember it like it was yesterday. I stopped telling the story to people cause no one believes it. Only me and my friend know it to be true from witnessing the creature with our own eyes. We still talk about it from time to time but after meeting a believer a few days back I was influenced to share my story.","location_details":"I was between route 224 and Mahoning Ave. Austintowns water comes from Meander Reservoir which is protected by park rangers. We were within a mile from the reservoir but exact location within the forrest is unknown due to the production of housing developments within the past few years.","county":"Mahoning County","state":"Ohio","season":"Fall","title":"Report 26709: Young man recalls encounter behind his house and close to the Meander Creek Reservoir","date":"2001-09-30","number":26709,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpq9cbkg8t","temperature_high":66.54,"temperature_mid":53.885,"temperature_low":41.23,"dew_point":40.65,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":0.07,"moon_phase":0.44,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1024.5,"summary":"Partly cloudy in the afternoon.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":12,"wind_speed":6.46,"year":2001,"geometry":[-80.77592,41.09087]} {"observed":"I was returning from work in Akron. My route took me past a large open crop field on Rt. 57 near I-76 and Greenwich Rd. I glanced over to the west of Rt. 57 and saw a large very tall figure, completely covered in brown striding across a small clearing between patches of woods. It walked in very large strides and covered much of the clearing in a few seconds as I observed it while driving. It was probably 200 yards or more away. I thought that it was too tall for a man (it appeared maybe 7-9 feet tall) in coveralls and took much larger strides than a man could. I cannot totally remember the arms but they may have been swinging as it walked. I mused that it may have been a Bigfoot and forgot about the incident. I recalled this just recently and told my wife several weeks ago when we passed the field. I read your recent reports and was amazed that it was in the same area that I saw this large whatever on two legs. It is an area that a small creek runs through and farther to the North is River Styx, an area prone to flooding in the past and known for its wildlife back to the 1800s. It is being built up now and the woods are being removed for building lots and such, although at the time of this writing is yet a farmers field.","location_details":"It was north of the I-76 and Rt. 57 interchange approximately 1/4 to 1/2 mile. It was west of Rt. 57 at a distance of 200 yards give or take. It was between River Styx Rd and Rt. 57.","county":"Medina County","state":"Ohio","season":"Fall","title":"Report 8778: A possible sighting of the River Styx monster crossing a small clearing","date":"2000-10-01","number":8778,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpmcddv2yy","temperature_high":72.08,"temperature_mid":63.455,"temperature_low":54.83,"dew_point":51.81,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.4,"moon_phase":0.13,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1018.46,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":5,"visibility":7.96,"wind_bearing":180,"wind_speed":6.63,"year":2000,"geometry":[-81.79669,41.06019]} {"observed":"One afternoon I was riding my bike on my grandfather's farm through an alfalfa field. I was approaching a small crest on a hill and started coasting down. About 300 feet away to my left I noticed this huge hair covered creature coming up the hill towards the cornfield. When it noticed me, it stopped and turned back towards the woodline. I stopped my bike and watched as it went down the hill into the woods. When I stopped, it swung its body to look at me. Then, it started to run down the hill and out of sight. When it went down the hill it stumbled and made a strong grunt like noise. I rode back to the house as fast as I could to tell everyone what I just saw. My grandparents didn't believe me and said I was just seeing things.","location_details":"State Route 42 south from Medina to Friendsville Road. The farm is on the right hand side of the road.","county":"Medina County","state":"Ohio","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7973: A young teen sees a hairy creature on the family farm while riding his bike.","date":"2001-09-25","number":7973,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpm9wggmxf","temperature_high":47.7,"temperature_mid":44.475,"temperature_low":41.25,"dew_point":42.82,"humidity":0.9,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.29,"precip_intensity":0.0115,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1014.8,"summary":"Light rain until afternoon, starting again in the evening.","uv_index":4,"visibility":8.94,"wind_bearing":260,"wind_speed":11.31,"year":2001,"geometry":[-81.96419,41.06648]} {"observed":"I saw a large hunched over creature about 8 feet tall. It was walking on the elevated tracks behind my house and then preceded to sprint down the tracks and jump down into the brush on the other side of the tracks. It was very fast and it had black hair all over. Looked like a monkey and man mix.","location_details":"Just south of Lodi, Ohio.","county":"Medina County","state":"Ohio","season":"Spring","title":"Report 6330: A man standing on his back porch watches a large hair covered creature run down the railroad tracks and jump down into the brush","date":"2003-05-01","number":6330,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpm9mv6144","temperature_high":79.2,"temperature_mid":64.785,"temperature_low":50.37,"dew_point":58.97,"humidity":0.76,"cloud_cover":0.42,"moon_phase":0.01,"precip_intensity":0.0107,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1010.18,"summary":"Rain starting in the evening.","uv_index":8,"visibility":7.48,"wind_bearing":206,"wind_speed":7.31,"year":2003,"geometry":[-82.0101,41.03]} {"observed":"I was with my friends at one of their houses. We were spending the night in a tent in his back yard and we had a small fire going. We had been hearing strange noises, like some animal grunting or snorting for about 15 minutes when we noticed a 10-12 foot tall hairy creature walking upright along a tree line at the edge of a corn field. We could see it since the corn was recently harvested down to the stalks. The creature appeared for about 20 seconds and then looked in our direction and took off into the woods. We could hear tree limbs falling and we could hear some more noises as it ran off. It was the scariest moment of my life, and I am not scared easily.","location_details":"State Route 202 heading south to Ross road then to Wildcat Road.","county":"Miami County","state":"Ohio","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7718: Four teens camping hear grunting or snorting, observe creature walk from corn field into the woods","date":"2003-09-03","number":7718,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dph4vnpd15","temperature_high":78.05,"temperature_mid":70.85,"temperature_low":63.65,"dew_point":65.97,"humidity":0.85,"cloud_cover":0.72,"moon_phase":0.25,"precip_intensity":0.0002,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.54,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":5,"visibility":5.8,"wind_bearing":266,"wind_speed":4.18,"year":2003,"geometry":[-84.14493,39.89172]} {"observed":"I live in london ohio and this sighting took place about 50 miles from were I live due west in a wooded area that has a pond with enormous catails at the far side away from the road at approx 50 to 75 yds.I was driving at or around 35 mph going to church in august of 2004 at around 9;45 am on a sunday morning and as my 13 year old daughter and I were quiet and each just looking out our door windows in my chevy 4x4 when all the sudden to my left standing behind the catails was what I thought was a man in a dark chestnut fur coat I could only see from the waist up and its shoulders were enormous never paid much attention to the face it was to far away but those shoulders were huge so I told rachel aint it a little hot for a fur coat then it struck me what that thing was.A few weeks later I drove this other road indicot that corners it and mad river lies about a mile behind it.","location_details":"from columbus take 70 west huber heights exit go left until chambersburg rd turn right the pond is down on the left cant miss it","county":"Montgomery County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9766: Motorist has a brief daylight sighting at the edge of Huber Heights","date":"2004-08-15","number":9766,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dph4sykg8d","temperature_high":74.47,"temperature_mid":63.165,"temperature_low":51.86,"dew_point":54.07,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.36,"moon_phase":0.98,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1025.29,"summary":"Partly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":7.7,"wind_bearing":328,"wind_speed":1.8,"year":2004,"geometry":[-84.15971,39.8494]} {"observed":"My husband and I were on our way home late one night when I saw the headlights of the car shine on something crossing the road. I shouted to my husband \"DID YOU SEE THAT?\" He said, \"See what?\" I was all excited and couldn't believe that he didn't see it, but he had a good reason, he was focused on the steep hill and curve we were about to drive up and it was late and dark out. We drove down Cherry Street in Germantown that turns into Diamond Mill on the outskirts of town. There is a fork in the road at Little Twin Road. We go this route frequently when we go to my mother's in Middletown from our home off of Diamond Mill located on the outskirts of Farmersville and we come home the same direction. We were on the way home when I saw this creature. I was in total shock that night when I saw something really tall with long straight hair all over, dark rusty brown, and had a long stride as it crossed the road. I was trying to see if it were a hunter dressed in some hunting outfit, but then remembered that it was March and NOT hunting season. I told others of this sighting and was made fun of repeatedly until my neighbor just told me this morning of seeing the bigfoot in the same area. I was elated that finally someone else saw what I saw in the same location! I now travel with my camera ready in that area!","location_details":"Cherry Street going out of Germantown turns into Diamond Mill Road at Little Twin Road, the fork in the road where Little Twin Road is where the sighting of this huge long haired thing crossing Little Twin Road from Diamond Mill.","county":"Montgomery County","state":"Ohio","season":"Winter","title":"Report 26369: Late night sighting by motorists north of Germantown","date":"2005-02-15","number":26369,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dph12pss1c","temperature_high":66.31,"temperature_mid":50.535,"temperature_low":34.76,"dew_point":39.86,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":0.14,"moon_phase":0.24,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1014.71,"summary":"Overcast overnight.","uv_index":4,"visibility":8.92,"wind_bearing":200,"wind_speed":3.84,"year":2005,"geometry":[-84.36874,39.63662]} {"observed":"My wife and I were returning from Galion, Ohio back to our home southeast of Mt. Gilead. As we approached the intersection of SR 61 and TR 75 I noticed a large black thing run (west to east) across the road about .25-.1 mi ahead. We looked at each other and asked, \"Did you see that?\". We both saw the same thing. I slowed down to see if we could see when it went, no such luck we didn't see anything more of it. It sent chills down our spines. We talked about it a few more minutes and then the subject changed to something else. Later that evening I telephoned a friend in Columbus and told my story. As I was describing its gait to my friend--just like the classic bigfoot film footage on TV. My wife then looked at me and said, \"That is exactly as I had seen it\".","location_details":"Intersection of SR 61 and TR 75. It ran for west to east along fence row of the newest white ranch style house on the east side of SR 61 south of TR 75.","county":"Morrow County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9537: Two Motorists Have An Early Evening Sighting North of Mt. Gilead","date":"2002-08-15","number":9537,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpjngm4g83","temperature_high":83.49,"temperature_mid":76.82,"temperature_low":70.15,"dew_point":69.71,"humidity":0.83,"cloud_cover":0.58,"moon_phase":0.26,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1017.29,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":7,"visibility":6.87,"wind_bearing":199,"wind_speed":9.68,"year":2002,"geometry":[-82.82214,40.5896]} {"observed":"My friend lives outside of Cardington. It was about 6:00 P.M. when I got to his house and we decided to build a small camp fire just for the sake of fun. He lives right next to a small wooded cliff that follows a tiny river. Right behind his house next to the cliff that leads into the small woods is his security light that stays on all night. It was about 9:40 P.M. that night and we had a really good camp fire going when he said we are just about out of wood do you think you could take the flash light and pick up some small twigs to keep this fire going. At the time I really didnt think anything of it and being a hunter and all Im not scared of going into a woods at night. So, I said sure and took the flash-light and proceeded down a cut path on the face of the hilly cliff. The first step I took heading down that hill I will never forget for the rest of my life. As I took my first step onto the path I saw a massive black object/thing at the bottom of the cliff in a wall of weeds taller than me. Now, Im about 6 1 and this black thing was a good 8 feet in height or taller. The weeds at the bottom were it stood are a good 7 in height or longer themselves. With said, I just stood there froze in fear asking the same question in my head what the hell is it? As I stood there it just moved side to side like a large animal studying its pray for the kill. At that time it looked up at me with its red eyes and that is when my heart dropped to the bottom of my small intestine. The red eyes on this thing glowed off the security-light at the top of the cliff and I was just scared shitless. After about two minutes of just standing their motionless, I finally managed to move my arm in a backwards motion to touch my friend on the shoulder. When I did that Josh said what and turned towards me where he got a fearful look at this thing as well. He then yield shit and took off for the door to his house leaving me just standing their thinking o-shit he just left me hear by myself with this thing. About that time this large bear/human looking thing just took off running in a mad run for the riverside; crossing it towards the field on the other side. When that happened I took off towards the house door as I fell over myself just turning around. As for what I seen that night I really cant say. But I do know one thing and that is it was no person or animal Ive ever seen. I would also just like to add that later this past week myself, my friend, and some college friends took a walk down into the woods in the middle of the night where we discovered and photographed three large footprints coming up out of the river bed.","location_details":"Just outside Cardington.","county":"Morrow County","state":"Ohio","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10863: Two young men have a sighting while tending a campfire near Cardington.","date":"2005-01-13","number":10863,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpjn6ne0ds","temperature_high":63.6,"temperature_mid":45.615,"temperature_low":27.63,"dew_point":47.17,"humidity":0.79,"cloud_cover":0.57,"moon_phase":0.12,"precip_intensity":0.024,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1005.93,"summary":"Breezy until afternoon and rain starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":2,"visibility":8.21,"wind_bearing":199,"wind_speed":11.67,"year":2005,"geometry":[-82.87663,40.50945]} {"observed":"Just sitting on the patio with my husband talking and I looked out toward the woods behind our home and in the blink of an eye a tall black creature walking on two legs took 2 large steps past our shelter and barn and was gone. I didn't say a thing to my husband. I was not believing what I just saw. From where I was sitting the creature was as tall as our bugwacker. I only saw the side view of it. It never turned its body or head, it just took 2 large steps and was gone.","location_details":"edited","county":"Muskingum County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6722: Woman observes a sasquatch behind her fence near Zanesville, Ohio.","date":"2003-07-26","number":6722,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpjen26dxd","temperature_high":84.52,"temperature_mid":77.98,"temperature_low":71.44,"dew_point":63.03,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.06,"moon_phase":0.91,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1023.28,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":9,"visibility":6.01,"wind_bearing":214,"wind_speed":4.16,"year":2003,"geometry":[-81.98721,39.90416]} {"observed":"My family and I were on our way back from Chauncey, Ohio visiting a friend. We were on Route 13 just about four miles south of Moxahala, Ohio. I had to go to the bathroom real bad so I pulled off a access point. I got out leaving the car running so the kids would not be afraid. I had just walked around the car to go. I heard a bunch of noise in the woods near the car and to look up and see a face looking out at me. It was like a big type of face almost like a sunflower is my first thought. It was only six to eight feet away from me. It was a light colored brown when looking at it in the car lights. I froze and thought for a moment was it there before?.... the answer was no! When I saw it the sounds had stopped. I ran around the car and we sped away. I told the kids and they believed me because they felt the hair on there necks stand up like I had. It was about 12:30 AM in the morning.","location_details":"about four miles south of Moxahala on Route 13 on a pull off next to the road....the edge of Wayne National Forest","county":"Perry County","state":"Ohio","season":"Spring","title":"Report 6313: A family witness's a hairy humanlike face in the cars headlights while pulled off the side of the road","date":"2003-05-11","number":6313,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpj9e8xdvp","temperature_high":73.09,"temperature_mid":61.86,"temperature_low":50.63,"dew_point":56.92,"humidity":0.71,"cloud_cover":0.65,"moon_phase":0.33,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1002.81,"summary":"Light rain in the morning and breezy throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.08,"wind_bearing":231,"wind_speed":13.07,"year":2003,"geometry":[-82.1013,39.64193]} {"observed":"I have talked to others who have heard or have seen what may be a Bigfoot. While talking to a fisherman he told me in 2000 that many people were hearing cries around the Scioto River. While along the river I have heard the same cries. It sounded like it was calling out another creature. The cries echoed up the river for about a 1/4 mile. The spring of that same year while walking around Lake White just north of a residential area I saw what I believe to be a Bigfoot. It seemed to be a younger one but just as tall. It appeared more manlike than ape-like. I could not believe my eyes so I bent down to get a better look as it moved rapidly behind a tree. As I looked it peeked from around the tree and looked at me. My mind said this is what they call a Bigfoot. As it moved so did the deer that were right behind me. I bolted and so did the deer. I think it was hunting the deer and the deer knew this. When I walked by the deer they stood still, then I saw the Bigfoot. The deer seemed confused on which direction to run away. This creature seemed to move very stealthlike like a kung fu like movement all in one motion. It seemed very smart and not afraid of me. It seems these animals travel the waterways as we do roads.","location_details":"From Waverly take State Route 220 south and make a left onto State Route 551.","county":"Pike County","state":"Ohio","season":"Spring","title":"Report 5977: A brief encounter with a light colored hair covered creature","date":"2000-05-01","number":5977,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnuyqrnc9g","year":2000,"geometry":[-83.0363,39.10611]} {"observed":"This incident occured in the town of Atwater,OH. One day in the late afternoon my sister and I climbed on my motorcycle and headed back to what was once strip mines.I frequently rode there and knew every bit of it.We had just rounded a corner and were headed north when we noticed South of us 2 \"people\".I immediately assumed it was my one friends with his dad..They are big guys.Well,I turned the bike around and headed toward them.At this point, they were quite a distance away.As we got closer,a strange transformation took place in my mind.What had been my friend took on a different appearance altogether.I remember feeling strange because my previous thoughts were being replaced as we got closer.At some point, we realized it was not my friend, and within seconds after that,saw them enough to get the details.They were indeed large,covered with hair,and looked human.They were not bears for 2 reasons.Their faces,and the way they left, on 2 legs.When years later I saw the Patterson film,the first thing that struck me was the way that animal looked at the camera.When these 2 beings looked at us,they also turned their upper body with their head to see us.As soon as I realized that we were looking at 2 huge, 2 legged things looking at us,I immediately got scared.Right after they looked at us,they were gone into the woods.We coasted up to the spot,and my sister reached up and turned off the bike.I protested! In the distance we heard distinctly branched breaking as if something snapped them as it ran.I also remember thinking that the snapping sound was deeper,as if whatever was breaking was larger than the typical twig.We re-started the bike and ran for home.It wasnt until later that we even thought about Bigfoot.But i must stress,we saw them in the day,and we saw them close enough to know what we saw.","location_details":"from the corner of 183 and 224 in atwater,you follow 224 east till you come to Porter Rd.Its only about a few miles.Turn right and go down 3 houses on the left.The big blue house is still mom and dads.from there,the mines are behind the house.Since then,they have dozed most of the area so it doesnt resemble much of what it looked like.","county":"Portage County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 359: Daylight sighting by motorcyclist near Atwater","date":"2000-08-01","number":359,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpq34jkbd2","temperature_high":81.52,"temperature_mid":73.895,"temperature_low":66.27,"dew_point":66.35,"humidity":0.78,"cloud_cover":0.65,"moon_phase":0.06,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1014.42,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":6.91,"wind_bearing":212,"wind_speed":8.6,"year":2000,"geometry":[-81.11642,40.98596]} {"observed":"I myself have had many different occasions with the creature I have dubbed \"Fang\". I have come to understand through self experiences that there is more than one creature in our area. I go hiking quite often in the same area and know exactly where they usually are, as they tend to follow me most of the times I am there. My mother told me today about your web site and I felt obliged to write. I fear of people coming to our area and trying to find Fang and his clan. I feel somewhat of an understanding and a protective closeness, and I feel they should be left alone. Anyone who has had the wonderful experience of seeing one with their own eyes knows the truth. The world would only want to capture and destroy them if given the chance I fear. I would be willing to talk to someone about my experiences, but I do not really want to tell everyone, due to my beliefs. My children have heard their cries out in the woods, and we have gotten rather close enough for their smell many times. Just last week my younger son and I found footprints in the woods by a thicket too dense for us to walk into.","location_details":"(edited)","county":"Portage County","state":"Ohio","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7224: Ongoing Encounters with \"Fang\" on old family land","date":"2003-10-10","number":7224,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpq60bhsmg","temperature_high":72.54,"temperature_mid":62.885,"temperature_low":53.23,"dew_point":57.02,"humidity":0.8,"cloud_cover":0.87,"moon_phase":0.52,"precip_intensity":0.0007,"precip_probability":0.84,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1020.35,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":7.21,"wind_bearing":102,"wind_speed":1.81,"year":2003,"geometry":[-81.17155,41.13356]} {"observed":"I listened to the alleged Bigfoot howling on the BFRO website and have came to a conclusion that I'm hearing almost exactly the same type of howling in the woods behind my northern Portage County Ohio home. The last time I heard this sound was two weeks ago and when I was out working in the backyard. We often hear it at dusk.","location_details":"Off of State Route 44 in northern Portage County.","county":"Portage County","state":"Ohio","season":"Fall","title":"Report 5406: A family is hearing howling behind their home identical to the howls on the BFRO website","date":"2003-11-02","number":5406,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpq5pdeyz4","temperature_high":71.99,"temperature_mid":62.59,"temperature_low":53.19,"dew_point":57.83,"humidity":0.88,"cloud_cover":0.82,"moon_phase":0.3,"precip_intensity":0.0003,"precip_probability":0.45,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1022.1,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":4.95,"wind_bearing":210,"wind_speed":3.98,"year":2003,"geometry":[-81.22745,41.3235]} {"observed":"About three weeks ago I was walking down south Leighton St. on my way home. It was around 9:45 or 10:00 PM. As I was crossing the bridge I heard a splash in the water under the bridge. I go fishing under the bridge all the time so I'm not scared to go under there. I decided to see who was down there so I walked down the side of the bridge to get down there and when I got to the edge I didn't see anyone on the bank so I thought it was a fish splashing. The river is not that deep..three maybe four feet. I started to walk directly under the bridge and I heard the splash again. Standing in the middle of the river was a big huge hairy ape looking thing. It didn't look like what I thought a Bigfoot would look like. That is if it was a Bigfoot. As soon as I seen it the words holy s**t just came out my mouth. The darn thing heard me and turned around and started running through the water towards me, making a weird gurgling noise. I hauled a** up the side of the bridge and ran across the railroad tracks and fell and cut my elbow open. I went home told my mom and she thought I was on drugs. After that night I would make evry effort to avoid walking across that bridge at night. Who ever said these things will not harm you are full of it. I truly believe if that thing would have got a hold of my it would have tore me apart. Please take me seriously.","location_details":"Coming in from Lima on 309 east. When you enter Kenton on 309 east turn right at the second traffic light. After you turn right go down a little ways and you will see the bridge.","county":"Hardin County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4760: Young man see's a \"huge hairy ape looking thing\" under a bridge on the Scioto River","date":"2002-07-18","number":4760,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dphx1r5erg","temperature_high":87.88,"temperature_mid":79.44,"temperature_low":71,"dew_point":70.76,"humidity":0.78,"cloud_cover":0.1,"moon_phase":0.3,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1014.41,"summary":"Light rain in the evening.","uv_index":9,"visibility":3.82,"wind_bearing":249,"wind_speed":4.98,"year":2002,"geometry":[-83.6118,40.6445]} {"observed":"I HAVE SEEN THIS CREATURE THREE TIMES IN MY LIFE TIME.EACH TIME I HAVE ENCOUNTERED THIS ANIMAL BIGFOOT I GOTTEN A CHANCE TO GET CLOSER AND FINALLY A UNDERSTANDING OF ITS NATURE. ONE EVENING ABOUT 8:45 PM I WENT OUT BACK TO WALK MY DOGS. THEY WERE TIED UP AT THE TIME. SO I LET THE ONE DOG GO AND HE WENT RUNNING. JUST HAPPY TO GET LOOSE.MIND YOU, IT WAS DARK OUT BUT YOU COULD STILL MAKE OUT THINGS FROM THE LIGHTS FROM THE OUT BUILDING 50 YARDS AWAY.MY DOGS WERE TIED UP NEAR THE WOOD LINE AND THERE IS A STEEP VALLEY JUST BEHIND THE WOOD LINE, AND A THREE HUNDRED ACRE FOREST SOUTH OF ME.THERE IS ALSO A PARK AREA WEST OF HERE. AS I WENT TO LET THE OTHER DOG GO I NOTICE A SHADOW JUST FOUR FEET AWAY FROM ME. IT STOOD ABOUT 8 FT TALL AND VERY WIDE. IT WAS WHITE AND GRAY. THATS WHAT IT LOOKED TO BE.I WAS THINKING THAT THIS MUST BE A TREE I DIDNT NOTICE FROM BEFORE, BUT I THOUGHT NOT OUT HERE IN THE OPEN FIELD.IT STOOD THERE MOTIONLIST. IT DIDNT MOVE OR MAKE A SOUND.WHAT EVER IT WAS HAD NO SMELL OR MAKE ANY SCREAMS OR HOWL. I JUST KNEW IT WAS SOMETHING STANDING THERE UPRIGHT LIKE A MAN. IT WAS COVERED IN WHITE AND GRAY FUR ALL OVER ITS BODY. I KNEW I WAS IN TROUBLE IF I HAD MADE ANY SUDDEN MOVE,SO I WATCH IT OUT OF THE CORNER OF MY EYE.I WAS CLOSE ENOUGH TO TOUCH IT WITH MY OWN HANDS. I COUNTINUE TO RELEASE MY OTHER DOG. I COULD FILL IT LOOKING AT ME, SO I PRETEND LIKE I DIDNT SEE IT. MY OTHER DOG I LET GO OF EARLIER CAME RUNNING FULL CIRCLE TO CHECK ON ME AND MY OTHER DOG FULL SPEED. WHEN I SEEN HIM ALMOST RUN RIGHT INTO THIS THING HE CAME TO A DEAD HALT AND COWED DOWN ON ALL FOURS. I KNEW SOMETHING WAS WRONG. THERE HE LAY LIKE HE WAS DEAD. THE CREATURE NEVER MOVED AN INCH. HIS EYES WERE ON ME AT ALL TIMES.I CONTINUED TO RELEASE THE OTHER DOG.I DIDNT KNOW WHAT TO EXPECT. THIS THING WAS REAL, AND I HAD NO WHERE TO RUN. THE SECOND DOG I UNTIED WENT BLAZING OUT OF THERE.I DARE NOT LOOK RIGHT AT THE ANIMAL. I KEPT HIM IN SIGHT OUT OF THE CORNER OF MY EYE, AND PRAYED THAT GOD PROTECT ME. I DID SOMETHING AS NOT CAUSE THIS THING TO ATTACT ME AND TURN MY BACK TO HIM OR HER.I KEPT WALKING AWAY NEVER TURNING BACK TO LET IT THINK I DIDNT KNOW IT WAS STANDING RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. AS MY OTHER DOG CAME RUNNING PAST ME I KNEW IT WAS LETTING US GO AND I DIDNT FILL THREATEN ANYMORE.SOMETHING OF THAT SIZE HAS NO REASON TO FEAR ANY MAN.I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND WHY IT DIDNT ATTACK ME, AND WHY DIDNT THE DOGS BARK AND ALERT ME THAT SOMEONE OR THING WAS THERE. FINALLY WHY DIDNT IT RUN AWAY WHEN IT SAW ME COMMING DIRECTLY AT IT.IT ALLOWED ME TO COME WITHIN A FEW FEET OF IT.I AM NO LONGER AFRAID OF IT, BUT I DONT THINK I WOULD WANT TO GET THAT CLOSE AGAIN. ONE OF MY FRIENDS WHO LIVES DOWN THE STREET FROM ME SAID HE SAW SIX OF THEM TOGETHER. HE THINKS THAT THEY ARE A FAMILY. HE TELLS ME THAT THEY WOULD COME TO HIS HOUSE AND SIT ON HIS PORCH. I DONT KNOW HOW TRUE THAT IS BUT I NOW BELIEVE.HE TELLS OF THE CAVES THEY LIVE IN NEAR MY HOUSE. I USED TO LIVE WERE HE ONCE LIVE AND ALWAYS THOUGHT THEASE THINGS WERE OUT OF MY IMAGINATION, BUT I TRULY DONT CARE WHAT PEOPLE THINK ABOUT ME. THERE IS SOMETHING OUT THERE AND WE MUST PROTECT IT BY UNDERSTANDING IT TOO LIVES AS WE DO. I AM NOW TRYING TO CHANGE THE AREA WHERE THEY ROAM INTO A WILDLIFE PRESERVE SO THEY CAN CONTINUE TO LIVE IN PEACE. EVEN THO I CARE NOT TO SEE ONE AGAIN I THINK THEY SHOULD BE PROTECTED FROM THE PLUBLIC.MOST OF THE FOLKS WHO LIVE NEAR THE WOOD LINE HAVE HAD A ENCOUNTER WITH OUR HAIRY FRIENDS. THERE HAS BEEN ONLY TWO CASES WERE PEOPLE HAVE BEEN IN A SIMULATED ATTACKED OR CHASED INTO THEIR HOME WITHOUT BEING HARMED OR KILLED BY ONE OF THE BIGFOOT CREATURES.THERE HAVE BEEN LOTS OF UNEXPLAINED SCREAMS, SIX INCH TREES SNAPPED IN TWO, ONE WITNESS HAS SEEN THEM ATTACK A DEAR AND LEAVE NOTHING BUT THE RIBS .IF THEY COULD DO THAT TO A DEAR, THINK OF WHAT THEY COULD DO TO US.I HAVE LOST TWO DOGS THAT LOOKED TO HAVE BEEN STRANGLED OR UNEXPLAINED DEATHS.I DONT KNOW IF THEY WILL TALK OR NOT.I WILL.","location_details":"Take Rt.422 east from Cleveland,Ohio to Chagrin Falls, Ohio. South Franklin to Woodland to Loraine St. There is a forest south of me where this unusual wildlife seems to come from. I live in a low income area that where people are considerate of each other and keep to themselves. Most of the people here are African American and are very decent folks.","county":"Geauga County","state":"Ohio","season":"Spring","title":"Report 3248: Bainbridge (Chagrin Falls) Ohio resident reports multiple sightings","date":"2001-10-26","number":3248,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpq5t061n8","temperature_high":40.08,"temperature_mid":38.97,"temperature_low":37.86,"dew_point":32.37,"humidity":0.75,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.33,"precip_intensity":0.0075,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1012.37,"summary":"Light rain and windy throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":8.4,"wind_bearing":260,"wind_speed":23.94,"year":2001,"geometry":[-81.33974,41.39803]} {"observed":"This is the second time I've seen one. The first was at a campground about 20 years ago by Mohican state park (Ohio). I left the campfire to check on the kids. We were camping with a few other families and the tents were basically in a circle. As I passed the tent next to mine there was what i take to be a young bigfoot (about my height, which is 5'7\") I would call it grayish brown, not like an ape, the facial features were flatter, more like a person's (not the big jaw an ape has). I stopped dead in my tracks and it stared at me and I stared at it. It frightened me since I didn't expect to see it but it never moved, giving me the impression it was just as scared. I went back to the fire and it disappeared. The second time was two nights ago. It has been very hot the last few days so I was staying up later to do wash and put it in the dryer. It was about 11:45 pm I was loading the dryer and glanced up at the open window to see a head and shoulders and the top of the back walking past the window. The window is about 6 feet off the ground so I guess it was roughly 7 feet tall. It evidently bumped into something on the way because it knocked into the house. Personally I hate seeing it. It scares me even if they are supposed to be harmless. The second one was the same color, grayish brown, hairy, straight hair but obviously fur rather than human hair, more coarse looking. I don't tell people because they think you are nuts. However a friend of mine has seen them a number of times looking in her windows (she lives 5 -10 miles from me but due east) she lives in Windsor in Ashtabula county, I live in Geauga county in Claridon (Ohio)","location_details":"I don't remember the exact directions to the camp ground or even the name, it was way back. My house on the other hand is right on state rt 322 with an open field and woods behind it. They recently began building in some of the woods but it would still be somewhat small town, bordering on rural","county":"Geauga County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4762: Woman has two evening encounters twenty years apart","date":"2002-08-04","number":4762,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpqk38z0r5","temperature_high":88.6,"temperature_mid":80.83,"temperature_low":73.06,"dew_point":65.72,"humidity":0.7,"cloud_cover":0.42,"moon_phase":0.85,"precip_intensity":0.0002,"precip_probability":0.58,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1020.98,"summary":"Humid and mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":7.29,"wind_bearing":248,"wind_speed":2.62,"year":2002,"geometry":[-81.1351,41.5325]} {"observed":"My friend and I were heading down the trail on our mini bikes when we parked on the trail for a bathroom stop. We both went off to the left side of the trail and were still walking side by side. As we were walking, we were startled when a figure jumped out of a tree no more then 20-30 feet in front of us in the direction we were headed. The figure landed facing us on 2 feet and was very obvious it was like nothing we had ever seen before. I do not believe it was an adult due to the fact it was only about 5 ft. tall. It had brown hair all over its body and just stared at us. After about 5 seconds or so we freaked out and ran for our bikes and took off. We saw this thing in broad daylight at a close range. I think it may have thought we saw him and we were approaching him and that's why he jumped? We had no clue it was there till he made the leap.","location_details":"If you were headed down Wilson Mills from Chardon you would take a right onto Woodiebrook. The sighting happened in the woods about 4-5 acres behind the houses on the right side of the road.","county":"Geauga County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 39158: Recollection of a daylight sighting while riding mini-bikes near Chardon","date":"2004-07-01","number":39158,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpqhrw5hy0","temperature_high":80.54,"temperature_mid":70.63,"temperature_low":60.72,"dew_point":59.04,"humidity":0.69,"cloud_cover":0.16,"moon_phase":0.47,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1018.34,"summary":"Partly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":9,"visibility":7.83,"wind_bearing":280,"wind_speed":1.82,"year":2004,"geometry":[-81.22853,41.5621]} {"observed":"I was on my way home from work at about 10:30 PM. I was heading east on Wilson Mills Rd. just approaching Chardon. I was especially alert due to the large number of deer in the area. To the right of me I saw a flash of glowing eyes in my headlights. I slowed down and looked into my rear view mirror and saw what appeared to be the silhouette of a very large man. It had stepped into the road behind me and I could clearly see it because the moon was full and very bright. There were no other cars on the road so I began to stop to get a better look. This thing looked to be nearly as tall as a stop sign with very thick limbs. It was walking upright but slightly bent. It proceeded to cross the street and disappeared into the trees. I drove home awestruck with the image burned into my mind. I decided to only tell my boyfriend what I saw and as I was sketching it out he went online and found this web site. I'm not telling anyone else!","location_details":"About 7 miles east of SR 306 on Wilson Mills Rd.","county":"Geauga County","state":"Ohio","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10766: Motorist has a nighttime sighting just outside of Chardon.","date":"2005-02-24","number":10766,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpqhxb0b72","temperature_high":25.95,"temperature_mid":19.11,"temperature_low":12.27,"dew_point":16.57,"humidity":0.78,"cloud_cover":0.61,"moon_phase":0.52,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1022.1,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":8.86,"wind_bearing":44,"wind_speed":3.64,"year":2005,"geometry":[-81.22075,41.57231]} {"observed":"I had been told about recent Bigfoot sightings in this area, so Id been on the lookout for Bigfoot and sign ever since. I knew that many sightings had occurred after rainfall. One night last August, after a day of bad storms that ended by evening, on a whim I decided to drive to this park at night. It was an eerie night with distant lightning flashes in the sky. Theres a road that leads to a parking lot. At one point the road sharply veers to the right into the parking lot. If you were to go straight, you would be driving down a private drive. As I turned down this road, looking straight ahead down this private lane, I saw big eyes looking back at me. There was one set of very large, close together, blue-white eyes high off the ground. They almost looked cartoonish in shape, they were so large. They were oval and sort of cocked toward each other like a cartoon figure. They were totally unthreatening looking in fact, my impression was of a gentle and frightened creature. Halfway down this large creature I saw several smaller blue-white eyes. I never saw a pair, though. They were just random blue-white dots in several places halfway down the creature. When I first saw the eyes, I stopped my car and just stared in disbelief. The eyes didnt move for several seconds. Then the tall big-eyed creatures eyes started to sway back and forth. When it did that, the shorter eyes all started to move, appearing and disappearing and moving around in a smooth and floating manner. I never saw figure shapes or fur. Just eyes. When everything started moving, I panicked unfortunately, turned my car around and got out of there as fast as I could. What can I say? Im a female and I was alone at night in a park looking at strange eyes. I went to my sisters house 10 minutes from there and told her about it. She got her son and his girlfriend, and the four of us went back to the sighting area to explore it with flashlights. We saw nothing no prints or sounds or smells. However, it was a noisy night insect wise, but when we walked in the sighting area, it was eerily quiet. Two things I noticed. By seeing my nephew and sister in the same spot where I saw the eyes, it was apparent that the adult creature was much taller than they are. Also, I was able to clearly see my relatives shapes and clothing. I couldnt see the creatures shape, so it (they) must have been very dark from top to bottom. My general impression was that I stumbled upon a female with her young children out walking around after the heavy rains that day.","location_details":"Location edited at the request of the witness.","county":"Geauga County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 15088: Possible approach at night near Chesterland","date":"2005-08-14","number":15088,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpqhn758n9","temperature_high":73.64,"temperature_mid":69.295,"temperature_low":64.95,"dew_point":68.18,"humidity":0.91,"cloud_cover":0.78,"moon_phase":0.31,"precip_intensity":0.0008,"precip_probability":0.57,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1014.62,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":6.73,"wind_bearing":30,"wind_speed":1.67,"year":2005,"geometry":[-81.28275,41.50086]} {"observed":"About two weeks ago while driving on I-675 northbound inside Greene co, coming toward Dayton, Ohio I looked in a corn field. I observed a dark-colored figure in the middle of the field, the top of the head, was dark gray and black, long dark hair. It stood between seven feet and eight feet in height, slim built.The time of day was around 1630 hours, cloudy, the temp. was up around seventy.the date ,was 06-01-02.","county":"Greene County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4498: Late afternoon sighting by motorist on I-675 near Beavercreek","date":"2002-06-01","number":4498,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dph4nknqk0","temperature_high":82.57,"temperature_mid":73.08,"temperature_low":63.59,"dew_point":66.05,"humidity":0.78,"cloud_cover":0.47,"moon_phase":0.71,"precip_intensity":0.0026,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1008.93,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":8,"visibility":6.92,"wind_bearing":235,"wind_speed":6.91,"year":2002,"geometry":[-84.09158,39.74961]} {"location_details":"Not quite to Cambridge, on rt 77 south,the part of the highway i was on did have highway lights.","county":"Guernsey County","state":"Ohio","season":"Spring","title":"Report 24141: Large creature mistaken for roadkill stands up and runs on two legs near Salt Fork Lake State Park","date":"2003-05-15","number":24141,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpnh0j2nh4","temperature_high":70.05,"temperature_mid":62.525,"temperature_low":55,"dew_point":55,"humidity":0.83,"cloud_cover":0.72,"moon_phase":0.48,"precip_intensity":0.028,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1012.2,"summary":"Heavy rain in the morning and overnight.","uv_index":6,"visibility":8.66,"wind_bearing":177,"wind_speed":4.13,"year":2003,"geometry":[-81.56232,40.10801]} {"observed":"I woke up on the morning of April 17, 2004, at about 5:45 AM and made my way out of the tent to make breakfast (I was on a camping trip with my father). As I got breakfast ready, I sat down to watch the water boil when I heard a loud scream/howl sounding very much like the Columbiana County, Ohio recordings on this website. As soon as I heard this I ran down a hill from my campsite to the North bank of Salt Fork Lake. On my way down I heard another howl. Both were slightly shorter than the Columbiana recordings but still the same sound. I know that they came from the southern bank and I would guess that they were most probably a mile or so away. I only heard the sound twice. I was still a little shocked and didn't tell my father until a few hours after he got up. The howls didn't wake up any campers that I know of. The two days before this incident I was walking on a trail and found a series of human-like footprints leading down the trail in the same direction I was traveling (west). I found one to still be in good condition so I cast it. It was of a left foot. It measured slightly over 12 inches long and was 5 1/2 inches wide. It had three well defined toes, one that was barely pressed down, and one toe that is missing, although there is a space for a toe in the area in question. Other, less defined prints were found. They were in about 4 - 4 1/2 ft. strides.","location_details":"It was on the northern bank of Salt Fork Lake at Salt Fork State Park, which is just off State Route 22 in Guernsey County, Ohio. I was staying in the \"F\" loop camp area. I do believe I was staying in the camp plot \"25.\" The call was heard right from the site and a little down the hill leading to the lake and the footprint was cast about a mile down the trail from the campsite on a trail touching the lake.","county":"Guernsey County","state":"Ohio","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8843: Vocalizations heard and tracks found at Salt Fork State Park","date":"2004-04-17","number":8843,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpnh12rdqf","temperature_high":80.07,"temperature_mid":68.71,"temperature_low":57.35,"dew_point":49.6,"humidity":0.62,"cloud_cover":0.12,"moon_phase":0.94,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1021.3,"summary":"Light rain overnight.","uv_index":8,"visibility":9.7,"wind_bearing":224,"wind_speed":5.88,"year":2004,"geometry":[-81.49697,40.0799]} {"observed":"I get up every morning about 5:15 am to get ready for work. On this morning I got up a little early, so I decided to eat a banana. I wanted to look outside to see if there was any deer or rabbits outside. Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of a figure that was huge and black. I thought it was a deer at first, but the more I could see of it, I realized it wasn't. This thing stood up and walked right through the crab apple trees like nothing. Then out of the corner of my left eye, I could see another figure smaller in size, but still as black as the big one. It went running like a child after its parents through the crab apple bushes, kinda wobbling. As It moved through the bushes, I could see the trees shake back and forth hard. I wondered where the big one was and looked to my right, and there it was standing in some thick brush staring right at me in the window. I got sick to my stomach! We stood there staring at each other for less than a minute. I took one step back from the window, then it looked at my dog kennel, and started walking up the hill. The trees were shaking back and forth as far as I could see and then they were gone. The night before, I threw almost rotten bananas and cantaloupe into the back yard. It was the same general location that I first noticed the large dark thing. They were gone by the next day.","location_details":"Take I-77 to State Route 313 and head west. When you get to (edited) road, turn left.","county":"Guernsey County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9281: Man has an early morning sighting near Pleasant City","date":"2004-08-17","number":9281,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpjgnutk3g","temperature_high":76.73,"temperature_mid":66.835,"temperature_low":56.94,"dew_point":55.76,"humidity":0.77,"cloud_cover":0.23,"moon_phase":0.05,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.88,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":9,"visibility":6.35,"wind_bearing":234,"wind_speed":1.78,"year":2004,"geometry":[-81.61014,39.92781]} {"observed":"My wife and I were having a picnic supper at Salt Fork State Park on August 18, 2004 at approximately 7:00 p.m. After approximately 15 minutes we decided to hike down a path into the woods with our dog. After progressing approximately 15 feet into the woods we heard loud unexplainable noises. The noises/howls continued as whatever was making the noises seemed to be walking parallel with us. We were nearly 75 yards into the wooded area when we stopped and looked more closely to see what was making the noises. The noise was heard again and I saw it, and began shouting at my wife, \"There it is! There it is!\" Together we saw what appeared to be a nearly 8 foot tall, dark colored subject looking at us. We watched it for about 10 seconds and then it walked upright, in a human form, deeper into the woods and away from us. Scared, we turned and quickly walked out of the woods hearing the noise several times behind us. We reached our picnic area, picked up our belongings, and that's when we heard it again, this time thunderously loud, and we knew it had followed us and believe it was within about 50 feet of us still concealed in the woods. We grabbed our stuff and ran for our vehicle (with our dog). It was the eeriest encounter we have ever had in our lives.","county":"Guernsey County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9188: While picnicking in early evening, a couple has sighting at Salt Fork State Park","date":"2004-08-18","number":9188,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpnh1puyrt","temperature_high":79.64,"temperature_mid":72.445,"temperature_low":65.25,"dew_point":61.33,"humidity":0.8,"cloud_cover":0.21,"moon_phase":0.08,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1014.56,"summary":"Rain starting in the evening.","uv_index":9,"visibility":6.02,"wind_bearing":176,"wind_speed":4.97,"year":2004,"geometry":[-81.5117,40.1218]} {"observed":"I was catfishing by the spillway that runs out of Salt Fork Lake at around two o'clock in the A.M. I was only about 15 yards from my vehicle and had been there for about 1 to 2 hrs. I had a Coleman lantern which was lit and about 4 ft. away. The hole I was fishing is approx. 25 yrds across. On the opposite side is a small gravel parking lot. At the edge of the lot is a small line of sapplings. They are growing about 10 or 15 ft. above my line of site. At around two o'clock A.M. I had the strangest feeling that I was being watched. Now let me say this, I'm not an amateur outdoorsman. I was born and raised in the area and at one time hunted anything that walks, crawls or flies. Bowhunting for whitetail deer was my favorite thing to do for years. I've always been in tune with my surroundings when in the woods. At any rate, I had a headlamp on and that was my only source of directional light. Things were very quiet. No bug or frog noises that I can recall. That added to the erie feeling I had. I turned on my headlamp and scanned the line of sapplings across the water from me. I stopped when I lit up a pair of eyes staring straight at me. It was a little freightening at first but I told myself it was a deer. I kept the light trained on the eyes for about 30 secs. or so. They didn't so much as flinch. I then stomped my foot on the ground and snorted like a deer ( a sort of warning sound they emit when spooked). Typically this will cause a deer to give the same warning \"snort\" and abruptly run off. No such result. The eyes never diverted for a moment, There was still no movement or response of any kind. This is the point in time that I became quite concerned. Almost in a panic, I picked up several rocks and pitched them in the direction of the eyes. Once I'd thrown the third rock or so, the eyes moved away, directly back, like a person walking backward. This is also atypical of deer behavior. They always turn about 180 degrees and trot or run. There was still no noise as the animal did this. It then turned to its right (as best I could tell) and calmly, with no noise, walked toward the brush/ Wills Creek. I then quickly gathered my gear and left. I must say, I was fairly shaken up by the behavior of this animal. Keep in mind, my headlamp was only strong enough to light up its eyes and not whatever they belonged to. I would estimate the animal to be approx. 5.5 to 6 ft. in height. This also clued me in that whatever it was. It was not a deer. In the past I have also heard a sound like something beating a log on the side of a tree. I realize now this is primate behavior. Once again this was late at night while I was catfishing from a boat. It occured shortly after I had turned my nav. lights on and then off again.","location_details":"The first county road off state rt. 21 ( Old 21 Road) to the left just before you go under I 77. Possibly Bell Rd. but I'm not sure of the name. Then approx. 1/8 mi. and on the left is Salt Fork Lake spillway. It drains into Wills Creek about 1/2 mi. down stream.","county":"Guernsey County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 15876: Possible stalking near Salt Fork Lake spillway (drains into Wills Creek)","date":"2005-08-12","number":15876,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpnh0nrzc6","temperature_high":92.86,"temperature_mid":80.46,"temperature_low":68.06,"dew_point":67.02,"humidity":0.69,"cloud_cover":0.04,"moon_phase":0.24,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1014.9,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":5.88,"wind_bearing":248,"wind_speed":3.11,"year":2005,"geometry":[-81.5518,40.1138]} {"observed":"Me and my wife picked my mother up from work in Lima, OH at 2 AM. We were traveling down 117S/E and turned left on Philips rd. We were on our way home and drove across the second bridge when a dark shape on the south side of the road caught my attention, and apparently my wife and mother also. I had not said anything until they said they saw something, my suspicions were now confirmed. I stopped the car and backed up. Whatever it was appeared to have been laying in the ditch that goes under the bridge and when I backed the car up it appeared to get up and lean over as if shielding itself and seemed as if it realized we could see it. The creature stood up and rushed at our car. It seemed that it covered about 30 feet effortlessly, it was very fast I think we were all shocked. I floored the car without thinking. I asked them if it was still behind us. They said it had come out into the road behind us. I got the feeling that it had wanted to scare us off. I questioned my wife and mother about what they had seen. We all saw the same thing. I just seen the immense size of it and it looked like it had very coarse looking hair. My mother and wife said it had a very large belly and was of a very thick build. My wife said it had a round head and no neck.","location_details":"Hardin/ Allen County line, near Rt.117/235","county":"Hardin County","state":"Ohio","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8446: Three motorists have early morning road sighting near Hardin/Allen county line","date":"2004-03-25","number":8446,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dphr3cntuc","temperature_high":65.4,"temperature_mid":60.895,"temperature_low":56.39,"dew_point":45.66,"humidity":0.64,"cloud_cover":0.95,"moon_phase":0.15,"precip_intensity":0.002,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1026.41,"summary":"Light rain in the morning.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.99,"wind_bearing":201,"wind_speed":9.24,"year":2004,"geometry":[-83.9374,40.6559]} {"observed":"We had built a new two story cabin and had some friends down to play music and camp overnight. We were playing music and one lady decided that she would go to a smaller cabin and retire for the night. We had discussed the sighting that my wife had a couple years ago and this lady was completely unaffected and thought we were crazy. She made some fun of my wife about the situation. The lady open the back door and we heard a scream and I ran out fearing she had fallen. She was nearly hysterical and said \"I saw It.\" As she was going to the other cabin, a large gray creature was standing near my truck near the drivers door. She couldn't estimate the height but believed it was six to seven foot tall. She didn't give any details on the shape of it or anything else. I was out the door no more than 10 second after the scream and saw, smelled or heard nothing. We called a local investigator over to investigate but neither he nor my son could find anything. The lady was still shaking the next afternoon when they returned home. I can't saw what she saw but it effected her deeply. Two years later she refuses to talk about the incident and turns away.","location_details":"My place is two miles off CR 37. State Route 250 is about three miles south on CR 37.","county":"Harrison County","state":"Ohio","season":"Fall","title":"Report 5013: Campers have encounter at night close to Tappan Lake","date":"2000-10-01","number":5013,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpnjyzrmex","temperature_high":71.16,"temperature_mid":59.455,"temperature_low":47.75,"dew_point":39.34,"humidity":0.52,"cloud_cover":0.33,"moon_phase":0.13,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.28,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":6,"visibility":5.91,"wind_bearing":165,"wind_speed":3.91,"year":2000,"geometry":[-81.25576,40.42655]} {"observed":"We have had sporadic, maybe a couple times a year, activity (sightings, tracks, screams, wood-on-wood, deer kills, bent and snapped trees) on our property in Harrison Co. for the last 25 years. We have had several reports filed with BFRO. The investigators think this may be a migratory route between two remote areas. We have not heard or seen anything much for about the last year and wondered if the activity had ended. We were there for the weekend last week and had some 10 overnight guests staying in our cabins. It had rained nearly all day on Saturday or up until about 2 to 3 PM. We retired around 1 AM. At about 3 to 4 AM Sunday morning, many of us were awakened by wood-on-wood. It hammered on and off for about 5 min. in series of 5 or 6 hits and all was again quiet. We could not really tell the direction nor the distance. All spoke of the noise the next morning and why someone would be making the racket. We explained what we thought that it was and all agreed that it made sense. What fool would be beating on a tree or log or cutting wood with an ax at that time of the morning since no one really is out in the wet woods on steep inclines. The neighbors don't burn wood. It was too warm for a fire anyway and who cuts wood with an ax anymore. Also, my large dog saw something after dark across the hollow the night before and went ballistic with his hair standing on end. Some of the people noted a foul odor before retiring for the night.","location_details":"In the Northwest Corner of Harrison County. The road is about 3 to 4 miles north from State Route 250 (in the corner of Harrison, Tuscarawas, and Carroll Counties).","county":"Harrison County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9022: While staying in cabins, sleepers awakened in early morning by strange sounds and notice unusual smell in Appalachian foothills","date":"2004-07-18","number":9022,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpnjyzrrdd","temperature_high":74.73,"temperature_mid":67.535,"temperature_low":60.34,"dew_point":62.72,"humidity":0.87,"cloud_cover":0.54,"moon_phase":0.04,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1011.78,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the afternoon.","uv_index":6,"visibility":6.29,"wind_bearing":16,"wind_speed":2.92,"year":2004,"geometry":[-81.2558,40.42687]} {"observed":"We went out to an area off of State Route 93 looking for an old Cemetery. One of my hobbies is Cemetery head stones. We turned left onto Bear Run Road, then turned left onto a dead end dirt Road. Then we pulled into an oil access road and got out to look for an old cemetery. We all walked down the access road (with me behind) when I caught something moving on my right hand side. I turned to look and there was a large 6 1/2 to 7 feet tall carmel blonde creature staring at me. It had a very stocky build with no apparent neck. It was around 25 feet away. I noticed the face had light colored skin and dark eyes. Then, it moved from behind one tree to another standing up on two legs the whole time. After this, I told my family we should go and I started running to the car. I was so upset, I even locked the family out of the car because I was so frightened. Once in the car, I told my husband to get out of here. Wondering what was wrong with me, he asked what's wrong. Once we got to State Route 93, I started telling them what I saw. They all laughed at me. Didn't believe me at all. Even though they didn't believe me, I know what I saw.","location_details":"Take State Route 93 north out of Logan, turn left onto Bear Run Road and follow until you pass Rowland Derr Road. Then turn left on the first dirt road (no outlet) you see.","county":"Hocking County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 378: Sighting by woman visiting an old rural cemetery, near Logan","date":"2000-07-11","number":378,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpj3jtsg65","temperature_high":80.95,"temperature_mid":70.945,"temperature_low":60.94,"dew_point":68.26,"humidity":0.85,"cloud_cover":0.55,"moon_phase":0.35,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.66,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":7.76,"wind_bearing":51,"wind_speed":4.36,"year":2000,"geometry":[-82.36887,39.58157]} {"observed":"My wife and I were newlyweds having just been married about six weeks prior to the incident. Likewise, we had only lived in this house for the same amount of time. The incident occurred on a dry, warm day in early June (late spring). It was around 9:30 PM and I was having my last cigarette of the day before getting ready for bed. I preferred smoking in our garage which is on the backside of our house attached to the basement, directly facing the woods of the ravine. I sat in a chair while I smoked and noticed it was getting dark quickly. Within a minute or two from sitting down, I suddenly began to feel really uncomfortable and could not shake the sense of another presence or the feeling of being observed from the woods. I kept looking into the trees, but it was much too shadowy and dark to make anything out. I then began to feel very nervous and a strong sense of fear developed. My heart was beating rapidly, and I was in a state of extreme vigilance. I felt powerless and vulnerable. It was an awful, dreadful terrible feeling and I could not take it anymore and quickly extinguished my smoke, shut the garage door and went into the house. I immediately felt physically safer in the house, but mentally and emotionally I was still very shaken and upset. My concern now went for my wife, who was upstairs preparing for bed. I did not want her to be scared and decided not to tell her what had happened to me. We went about our routine and finally were in bed with the lights out shortly after 10:00 PM. We were having a conversation, and while my wife was speaking my attention was drawn to sounds coming from the open window in the back room of the house (facing the woods). This whole time I was still in shock from my experience in the garage. The sounds were faint at first and were strange. I thought I could make out words, maybe even hearing my name but it did not sound right or normal. My wife had not noticed the sounds yet and was still speaking when I asked her to be quiet and listen. She heard the sounds also which were becoming more bizarre and diverse. We got out of bed and went to the back bedroom window to have a better listen. It was now pitch black outside and we couldn't see anything. The sounds began to vary from short \"bird calls\"and babbling to the sound like an infant crying to a higher pitched human-like sounding voice to escalating screaming/screeching with an unbelievable volume. The sounds were extremely disturbing and seemed to be of a supernatural, ungodly nature. Around this time we noticed a flashlight beam coming from a neighbors house. When this happened, whatever was making the screams seemed to became super agitated and the screams were now in a frenzied state. At this point, even though looking out a second floor window, we felt fearful and unsafe and shut the window and went back into our bedroom. Shortly after, we heard nothing else. The whole incident lasted about three minutes. The next day I told my wife about what had happened to me when I went out for my last smoke of the day. This whole incident left us disturbed and spooked for days since we could not come to any explanation as to what could have made the sounds other than they were supernatural and possibly demonic. About a year ago I watched \"Sasquatch, Legend Meets Science\" and as soon a I heard the supposed Bigfoot vocalizations and realized that there were sightings all across the country I believed that the sounds we heard and the presence I encountered could very well have been a Sasquatch. I discovered the BFRO website and especially researched the Ohio information. Without telling my wife my newfound possible explanation of the origin of the sounds, I played the Ohio \"Scream\" for her. Instantly chills went down her spine and she said that sounds like what we heard in the back woods. She also believes it could have been a Sasquatch that made the sounds. To this day, we both are leery of being in the backyard after dark. I have been wanting to fill out this report for some time. The recent surge in Ohio reports being verified and posted have inspired me to add this one.","location_details":"South of State Route just off of Sunset Blvd.","county":"Jefferson County","state":"Ohio","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8006: Strange vocalizations heard near a ravine just outside of Steubenville.","date":"2001-06-01","number":8006,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpntsjefgg","temperature_high":73.52,"temperature_mid":63.39,"temperature_low":53.26,"dew_point":53.99,"humidity":0.8,"cloud_cover":0.72,"moon_phase":0.35,"precip_intensity":0.0362,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1008.02,"summary":"Heavy rain in the morning and afternoon.","uv_index":8,"visibility":8.56,"wind_bearing":188,"wind_speed":5.31,"year":2001,"geometry":[-80.67828,40.3725]} {"observed":"Hello, I live in Huntsville, Al. I have a friend who lives near Steubenville, Oh. She has told me that she has found large human-like footprints on her property several times over the past few years. Her son and nephew had a sighting of a Bigfoot a year ago. Now, she says that over the past week and a half or so, she has been experiencing some things. One of her sons and she went out in the woods behind her house 10 days ago or so, and she felt like she was being watched. Shortly afterwards, she smelled something that she described as \"rotting garbage.\" Then, she heard a loud knocking noise nearby. She described it as sounding like a log being banged against a tree. She noticed leaves stripped off trees that were out of her reach. And, she said to me that the sounds, and the feeling of being watched have continued to the present time. I asked her if it was OK that I contacted you, and she said that was fine. I then asked her if she would be willing to talk to someone about these happenings. She said yes. But, she feels a little uncomfortable about this, and wants me to be sort of a liaison. I told her I would email this in, then you can contact me, and I'll keep her updated. I wanted to tell you ASAP, in case you had an investigator who could run by there before these happenings quit. I'm not sure at this time, but I think if the investigation was discreet, she would allow one on her property. I'll have to talk with her some more about that. Or, if she's comfortable, maybe I can arrange for one of you to talk with her personally.","location_details":"North of Steubenville off of State Route 213.","county":"Jefferson County","state":"Ohio","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8785: Family has series of experiences north of Steubenville off of State Route 213","date":"2004-05-01","number":8785,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpntux21br","temperature_high":79.01,"temperature_mid":70.88,"temperature_low":62.75,"dew_point":56.71,"humidity":0.67,"cloud_cover":0.53,"moon_phase":0.38,"precip_intensity":0.001,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1014.63,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":196,"wind_speed":8.17,"year":2004,"geometry":[-80.6616,40.42591]} {"observed":"We were driving home to the Lancaster, Ohio area on Lithopolis Road heading in a southeastern direction. We were coming over the hill just before the intersection of Lithopolis and Rock Mill Road slowing down to 30mph because of the very dangerous intersection. As we approached the intersection about 100 feet from the covered bridge, my friend said that he sees a set of eyes reflecting from the car lights on the left-hand side of the road. We quickly slowed down to take a look at what he was looking at. We all looked in the direction and witnessed a tall dark figure with yellowish green eyes walk from the left side of Lithopolis Road into the wood line at a normal pace taking very large strides. Being so late at night, we came to the conclusion that it could not have been a person because of the lack of homes in the area and it being late at night. We all agreed that the object in question was way to built in stature to be a person. The limbs appeared to be more elongated than a person. At no time did the object in question go down on all fours like a bear.","location_details":"Rock Mill area of off Lithopolis Road intersecting Rock Mill Road very close to the covered bridge.","county":"Fairfield County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 7936: Three people driving slow down to witness a dark biped walking toward the wood line near the Rock Mill Wildlife area","date":"2000-06-29","number":7936,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpj4n49u90","temperature_high":76.29,"temperature_mid":63.705,"temperature_low":51.12,"dew_point":55.68,"humidity":0.71,"cloud_cover":0.31,"moon_phase":0.92,"precip_intensity":0.0007,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.07,"summary":"Partly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.77,"wind_bearing":292,"wind_speed":5.74,"year":2000,"geometry":[-82.70263,39.74107]} {"observed":"When a friend and I were training a hunting dog one night during the fall of 2000 our dog suddenly became very spooked and would not venture into the woods. We couldn't figure out what the dog's problem was. We stood puzzled for several minutes when suddenly there was a loud, deep throated shriek unlike anything either one of us had ever heard. The shriek came from a place no more than 200 yards from where we were. My friend and I were stunned for a few seconds and saw something huge and hairy walk through a nearby clearing. We could make out only the outline, but it was at least seven foot tall and very massive. The sighting occurred at Resthaven Wildlife Reserve which has no known bears or any large animals.","location_details":"State Route 269 in the Resthaven Wildlife Reserve.","county":"Erie County","state":"Ohio","season":"Fall","title":"Report 4299: Two men training a hunting dog hear a loud, deep scream then briefly witness a large hairy thing cross a small clearing","date":"2000-10-29","number":4299,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpm5ekbwpw","temperature_high":51.7,"temperature_mid":50.265,"temperature_low":48.83,"moon_phase":0.08,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1029.21,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":7,"wind_speed":12.64,"year":2000,"geometry":[-82.82491,41.42364]} {"observed":"Me and a friend were shoveling snow in our driveway when we noticed two sets of strange barefooted footprints with about a three foot separation between each step. We both thought it was a little strange that someone would walk in the snow barefooted. We started to follow the tracks into the woods. We walked about thirty yards from the drive on the tracks and started to hear a faint banging. As we got closer we could see two greyish figures. We couldn't tell what they were until we got closer. They were about eight feet in height and muscular. One was banging on a tree and the other was digging in the snow. We could smell them - it was very foul. When they noticed us the one banging on the tree let out a high pitch squeal like a train or a chainsaw. They both ran off into the woods.We thought it was a prank so we tried to follow them further but after a while we gave up. We don't know if it was real or not, but we reported anyway.","location_details":"Directions: Off of Interstate 90 head south on Rt. 534 to Cork Cold Springs Rd. Once on Cork Cold Springs head east to Windsor Mechanicsville. On Windsor Mechanicsville head north to Country View ln. On Country View head east to Timberwoods. Once on Timberwoods go to the end of the road, it dead ends. Past the dead end is large patch of woods. That is where the sighting occured.","county":"Ashtabula County","state":"Ohio","season":"Winter","title":"Report 1117: Daytime sighting by two witnesses, near Geneva, at the end of Timberwoods Rd","date":"2000-12-28","number":1117,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpqmr7jkkm","temperature_high":19.77,"temperature_mid":17.065,"temperature_low":14.36,"dew_point":12,"humidity":0.81,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.09,"precip_intensity":0.0005,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1021.35,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":1,"visibility":5.12,"wind_bearing":315,"wind_speed":4.56,"year":2000,"geometry":[-80.88494,41.72134]} {"observed":"This is the second track find we have had since 1999. The first sighting I was contacted and I sent photos to a person who called on the phone. He was supposed to come and check it out, but never did. Okay, we have had more activity on our property and this time there are two three different sets of footprints, like a family so to speak. There is one that is very small like a young one. About two weeks ago, my mother told me to look at some footprints outside, I did not get a chance until today (May 26, 2002), the first thing we seen when going outside was our bird feeder had been bent all the way over, as to if something had pulled it down to get the birdseed. We have two of them almost side by side, the other one wasn't touched. We took the bird feeder and metal pole that it sat on inside the house. I then went back outside to look for the prints, I had found several prints ranging about seven to just over twelve inches. The toes seemed to be dug in more than the heels. What they did was follow a ravine up through our front yard, which is mud and sandstone. When it rains water goes down through there and we believe they must have been following the path down into the ravine below. The dogs bark constantly around here, and my toddler couldn't sleep one of those nights, he kept saying \"Rarrs\" which in toddler language at least his, means monster. He must have heard something outside his window, maybe a sound they make or something in that nature? The first time I submitted photos, they asked about seeing red eyes. My mother seen three sets of these eyes, and also heard the screaming, she was a born and raised country girl, so she knows what sounds are what in the country. She said she never heard anything like that in her life and made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. After hearing the sounds she quickly came in the house. She felt they were really close because of the loudness of the scream. Anyway, I hope someone can get out here quick, since we feel the bird feeder was destroyed by the track makers and they may destroy something else. As far as seeing them personally, we haven't yet.","location_details":"North of State Route 50 on Haga Ridge Road.","county":"Athens County","state":"Ohio","season":"Spring","title":"Report 4409: A series of encounters on Haga Ridge near the Wayne National Forest","date":"2002-05-16","number":4409,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnvz3rsjze","temperature_high":70,"dew_point":34.23,"humidity":0.46,"cloud_cover":0.22,"moon_phase":0.14,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1020.4,"summary":"Overcast starting in the evening.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":224,"wind_speed":7.21,"year":2002,"geometry":[-81.85331,39.28537]} {"observed":"I have been an avid hunter for over 25 years and I am convinced that bigfoots are out there. This encounter happened in mid to late october in the 2002 deer bow hunting season. I was working 2nd shift at the time. Their were four of us who experienced this. I got off work at about 11pm. picked up my hunting buddies and drove down to southern ohio where we hunt. We arrived at about 2:30 to 3:00 am. Parked the truck and decided our next move. Everyone was hardcore ready to go. I personally have no problem with cat-napping in a tree-stand , We piled out of the truck and proceded to get our hunting clothes and gear ready. Down the road in both directions (east-west) you could here two barred owls hooting back and forth. I personally thought nothing of it. I've heard and seen lots of owls and they did'nt sound any different than owls I've heard before. We got ready and then proceeded up the hill to where we were going to split up. This was a large hill we climbed and when we reached the top we followed the ridge out to where it converges into a larger ridge. When we reached the top of the hill we took a breather and I had noticed the two owls had crossed the road and were in the hollows on either side of us. One on one side one on the other. We caught our breath and proceeded to follow the ridge top to where we were headed. The owls followed us down the ridge in either hollow but now they were not only still hooting they were making one hell of a racket (branches breaking and stuff). Not like normal owls at all, let alone following us. We travel close to about a mile down the ridge to where we split up. The owls (which I don't think are owls anymore) followed us on either side the whole way. We get to the place where we are supposed to split up and stop. A couple of the guys ask me about the owls and all the stick snapping commotion as we came down the ridge. I tell them I have no clue other than maybe the owls were pushing deer. We talked about the hunt and where we would meet up at noon. unless one of us took a deer. We were there about 15 minutes and all of a sudden we here this noise that I can say kinda started as a growl that turned into a scream. This had to be close(within a hundred yards) because it was like you were at a rock concert and you feel the base drum reverberating in your chest. It was really loud! Everyone was like \"what the heck is that!\" We were all a little mortified and I think they did'nt want to split up. We waited about another twenty minutes trying to figure that scream out and get our nerve up. We decided to hunt anyway and all kinda joked about it being a couple of bigfoots and how if one of them came by our treestand we would kick it in the teeth. We split up and got into our treestands. It was probably about 4:30 now, I personally couldn't get over how quiet the woods were from then on out. The sun finally came up and I was pretty glad. We hunted until noon and then met up with each other. Everyone had the same story, It was absolutely death quiet until about 11:00am, no birds, no squirrels, no nothing, you could hear a pin drop. We decided to get out of there and hunt somewhere else. I firmly believe that the moment we stepped out of the truck that they were watching our every move and followed us. I think we got a little too close to one or more of their positions and they gave us a warning. I think they are nomadic in general and were just passing through that area. I'm hunting on over 2000 acres of private land that has lots of logging roads all through it. We have a lot of the locals tresspassing on atv's and railcars. I really don't think the bigfoots would permanently live or hang out in there.","location_details":"I do not want the location posted (you can use the county and town of Malaga only)","county":"Belmont County","state":"Ohio","season":"Fall","title":"Report 17388: Possible vocalizations heard by bow hunters near Malaga","date":"2002-10-15","number":17388,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpn6b0kfkt","year":2002,"geometry":[-81.20422,39.86019]} {"observed":"I saw a tall dark figure walking with very long strides. It was about seven feet tall or taller. It was walking in the distance so I didn't get that close of a look at it. It had very long arms, much longer than a human's. There was a very bad smell after it had passed, not like anything I had ever smelled before.","location_details":"It was locate about 20 minutes east of Brookville lake and about 2 minutes east of Govner Bev park.","county":"Butler County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4672: Midnight sighting by two witnesses near Okeana","date":"2001-06-06","number":4672,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dngxyr3x2s","temperature_high":78.88,"temperature_mid":70.575,"temperature_low":62.27,"dew_point":66.69,"humidity":0.92,"cloud_cover":0.85,"moon_phase":0.52,"precip_intensity":0.0325,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.58,"summary":"Rain in the morning and afternoon.","uv_index":5,"visibility":7.73,"wind_bearing":210,"wind_speed":2.71,"year":2001,"geometry":[-84.80138,39.37215]} {"observed":"MY WIFE AND I WERE OUT ON OUR DECK ABOUT 12:30 A.M. ON JULY 14,2002. WE OFTEN SIT OUT ON THE DECK TILL LATE AT NIGHT AND EARLY MORNING. WE ENJOY WATCHING THE WILDLIFE AND LISTENING TO ALL THE SOUNDS OF THE NIGHT. WE LIVE OUT IN THE COUNTRY WITH SEVERAL WOODED AREAS AROUND US. WHILE WE WERE OUTSIDE ON THIS PARTICULAR NIGHT WE HEARD A STRANGE HOWLING NOISE THAT NEITHER OF US HAD EVER HEARD BEFORE. IT WAS A VERY LOUD AND DEEP HOWLING. IT LASTED APPROXIMATELY TWO OR THREE MINUTES. WE HAD HEARD OF SIGHTINGS OF BIG FOOT IN THE AREA JUST A FEW DAYS EARLIER. THIS PROMPTED US TO GET ON THE INTERNET. I FOUND THE TAPE OF THE HOWLING NOISE IN COLUMBIANA, OHIO AND PLAYED IT. IT WAS EXACTLY THE SAME THING WE HAD HEARD EARLIER IN THE NIGHT. IT REALLY GAVE US A STRANGE FEELING TO HEAR THE SAME HOWLING AS WAS ON THE TAPE. ABOUT 15 MINUTES LATER WE WENT OUTSIDE AND THERE WAS A VERY FOUL ODOR. SIMILAR TO THAT OF A SKUNK AND URINE MIXED.","location_details":"WOODED AREA, COUNTRY WITH FARMS,FIELDS,CREEKS.","county":"Butler County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4659: Couple hears vocalization late at night - son finds prints near Okeana","date":"2002-07-14","number":4659,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dp58n2n8tb","temperature_high":83,"temperature_mid":72.46,"temperature_low":61.92,"dew_point":63.67,"humidity":0.77,"cloud_cover":0.4,"moon_phase":0.15,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1015.28,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":9,"visibility":6.56,"wind_bearing":28,"wind_speed":1.52,"year":2002,"geometry":[-84.79429,39.37509]} {"observed":"I was about 8 years old, I believe it was fall. Everyone was asleep in bed and I had woken up to a noise at the window. We had no curtains on the windows and we lived in a trailer deep in the country surrounded by woods. When I looked out the window I seen a large figure looking at me through the window. I was so scared that I was unable to speak or scream, or even move. When I finally was able to get the courage to go to my parents room I could not say a single word. I ran back to my bed and hid under the blankets until morning. The next morning I told my parents and when they looked outside there were indentations in the ground in front of the window. They then decided to look online and seen there were more sightings in the general area. They showed me a picture and asked if that was what I had seen, and it was indeed a Bigfoot.","county":"Carroll County","state":"Ohio","season":"Fall","title":"Report 56957: Woman tells her memory of being wakened by something watching her thru bedroom window near Augusta","date":"2001-10-17","number":56957,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpnrkq8205","temperature_high":46.06,"temperature_mid":36.565,"temperature_low":27.07,"dew_point":31.21,"humidity":0.69,"cloud_cover":0.73,"moon_phase":0.04,"precip_intensity":0.0009,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1020.54,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day and breezy until afternoon.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.97,"wind_bearing":290,"wind_speed":11.71,"year":2001,"geometry":[-81.02382,40.68514]} {"observed":"i walked out of my mothers farm house i heard a deep howling sound coming from down by the calf penI returned to inside the house and explained to my mother that i heard the same noice decribed to me by my mothers boyfriend a few weeks earlier that he had heard then i left it was foggy out i was going down the hill right beside my mothers house i thought it was a telephone pole on the right side of the road it took off in front of my jeepit was brown and larger than i am and im six foot three inches and 240 lbs it ran across the road in 3 or 4 large steps it was very hairy and dark brownit didnt even look at me it just ran on 2 legs i also heard the whilstles sound last year coon hunting and thought it was a bird till i heard the exact same sound on a recording on the internet","location_details":"North of Malvern, near the Pride Valley Trailer Park.","county":"Carroll County","state":"Ohio","season":"Spring","title":"Report 11771: A young man hears vocals and has a sighting north of Malvern","date":"2005-05-30","number":11771,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpnr8s7gyg","temperature_high":66.75,"temperature_mid":56.48,"temperature_low":46.21,"dew_point":51.22,"humidity":0.82,"cloud_cover":0.69,"moon_phase":0.75,"precip_intensity":0.0007,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1016.17,"summary":"Foggy overnight.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.29,"wind_bearing":137,"wind_speed":0.35,"year":2005,"geometry":[-81.18352,40.71737]} {"observed":"Late Oct 2000, fall weather but jacket needed, about 1030-1100 pm, my wife and I were driving back home from her sister's house north of Donnelsville, driving south on Snider Rd. Just as I came over the small bridge over the drainage ditch headed south toward the RR tracks, I saw a tall (about 7-8ft), large fur covered biped, standing about 15 ft east of the roadway near the tree line as if waiting to cross the street after we passed. The fields are slightly lower than the roadway, and it's head was higher than mine in my old pickup that rides 6 ft high. It was dark in color, broad shoulders, no neck, fur covered head to toe. I didn't tell my wife until we were home because I did't want to scare her. It sent shivers up and down my neck, and actually I felt sort of funny like something was strange before I actually got to the bridge, you know like something is going to happen or someone is watching you when you are alone in the woods. I tried to look back through my mirrors but couldn't make out anything in the dark, even though there was a little moon-light.","location_details":"(edited)","county":"Clark County","state":"Ohio","season":"Fall","title":"Report 1755: Driver sees a tall (about 7-8ft), fur covered biped along roadside","date":"2000-10-15","number":1755,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dph6c26ngj","temperature_high":72.85,"temperature_mid":62.3,"temperature_low":51.75,"dew_point":51.51,"humidity":0.66,"cloud_cover":0.83,"moon_phase":0.58,"precip_intensity":0.0015,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1018.96,"summary":"Light rain in the morning.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.09,"wind_bearing":195,"wind_speed":4.11,"year":2000,"geometry":[-83.96562,39.86096]} {"observed":"Late Nov 2000, in Clark County, during the Ohio deer gun season, after Thanksgiving, an overcast rainy turn to snow day, early morning hours about 45 minutes before legal deer gun season hours, on a friends farm. My daughter's boyfriend, his Dad, and I were hunting the south end of the field in the woods (about 75-100 yds thick) along the north side of Mad River. We got the boy settled in (his first deer gun hunting trip), me and his Dad went back out to the edge of the field and walked east along the edge of the trees to where we would be sitting about 1/4 to 1/2 mile away from the boy, to the east along the river edge. When we had gone about 100 yards east from the boy, his Dad and I heard a loud crack like something had broken a stick on the ground while moving away from us along the creek in the trees. We couldn't tell what it was and passed it off as scaring up a deer which we occasionally do going in before light. Later at lunch, the boy said something very big ran westward very fast between him and the creek, about 30 yds away in the dark, and turned north-west up the western edge of the field then stopped about 50 yds away from him, waited a few minutes, then continued on NW at a walk towards Donnels Creek and the fields beyond. His Dad got a deer on the southeast corner of the field within 1 hour of the opener that morning, turned out in the dark and wet, he sat down amongst a small deer herd (about 8 deer) bedded there. When the boy said something big ran past him fast, I originally thought it a deer. I didn't find out till later when we were hunting back there again, that it was bipedal, big and fur covered and dark gray to dark brown coloring. He said it scared him so much he almost didn't want to go out again hunting but since this was his first year he kept his mouth shut until I later asked him about what he saw. The ground was wet and soft on the top so prints might have been possible, though I didn't go back to check.","location_details":"(edited)","county":"Clark County","state":"Ohio","season":"Fall","title":"Report 1756: Deer Hunter sees large, bipedal, fur covered man-like critter run by in early morning encounter","date":"2000-11-24","number":1756,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dph6cqjk9t","temperature_high":44.93,"temperature_mid":40.195,"temperature_low":35.46,"dew_point":17.79,"humidity":0.58,"cloud_cover":0.48,"moon_phase":0.96,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1024.33,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":85,"wind_speed":5.82,"year":2000,"geometry":[-83.96123,39.89216]} {"observed":"In July of 2001 I was driving up State Route 170 from Calcutta, Ohio. I passed through a small town called Fredericktown and continued north on State Route 170. About a mile or so up the road I noticed a very tall, hair covered creature walk across State Route 170 from east to west. I was less than 100 yards away when I initially saw it and by the time I got up to where it crossed all I could see was the backside of the creature cresting a hill out of sight. This was nothing that I have ever seen before. It walked in big strides unlike any animal known to me. To me, it was a Bigfoot.","location_details":"Off of State Route 170 near Smith Road.","county":"Columbiana County","state":"Ohio","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6620: A man driving down the road witness's a 'huge\" creature walk across the road","date":"2001-07-16","number":6620,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpnxqrq2ss","temperature_high":85.07,"temperature_mid":74.83,"temperature_low":64.59,"dew_point":57.9,"humidity":0.6,"cloud_cover":0.69,"moon_phase":0.85,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1018.45,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":217,"wind_speed":2.15,"year":2001,"geometry":[-80.57593,40.68935]} {"observed":"Well, I'll start out telling you that my aunt has always heard some type of screaming in the late night to early morning hours. She always has said I know that it is Bigfoot. The next incident was at night time. My uncle which does not believe in anything unless he sees it went out one night in April to sit up in a deer stand to watch the deer that travel trough the fields behind his house. My uncle came running in the house and he was as white as a ghost. He said, \"I just seen a Bigfoot.\" He said that when he was looking at the creature the creature looked right back at him as if he was scared of my uncle and not sure of what my uncle (being in the tree) was. My uncle said that the creature was about eight feet tall and when it walked it too huge steps. It would have taken my uncle four steps of his own to equal one of the creatures. When the creature looked at him he swayed back and fourth moving the top half of his body as his hands were placed on his knees.","location_details":"Off of State Route 7 (the rest omitted).","county":"Columbiana County","state":"Ohio","season":"Fall","title":"Report 6900: Ongoing accounts with a screaming ape-like creature","date":"2001-11-01","number":6900,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpnxuz9xn4","temperature_high":68.54,"temperature_mid":63.295,"temperature_low":58.05,"dew_point":38.65,"humidity":0.46,"cloud_cover":0.88,"moon_phase":0.51,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1023.12,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":181,"wind_speed":7.98,"year":2001,"geometry":[-80.64831,40.77972]} {"observed":"On May 7'th at 1:29 p.m. I received a report of tracks that had been discovered at appx. 10 a.m. the same day. I contacted Richard Myers of Newcomerstown to accompany me to the location. We arrived at appx. 2:30 p.m.and we were told the following account.... \"Well, last night our dogs were acting strange. Several times they headed into the woods barking, then would return back to the house a short time later. This happened several times. Well this morning (May 7'th, 2000) my husband went outside to work on the three strand wire fence he was constructing to place our horses in. As he approached the spot he had quit working on the night before, he noticed that the bottom two of the three wires had been pulled down towards the ground and underneath a fallen tree, which had already had the top cut off. After repairing this problem, he noticed a single print in the soft sandy soil beside a tree on the inside of the fence line, heading down hill. He then walked around and searched for additional prints. Upon arriving at the creek in the valley, on a sandbar, he noticed another track. After examining this print he came up to the house to tell me about the discoveries. He said he might have found the reason the dogs had been acting strange the night before.\"","county":"Coshocton County","state":"Ohio","season":"Spring","title":"Report 4555: Large footprints found by individual while he was repairing a fence.","date":"2000-05-07","number":4555,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpjtqhcdxu","temperature_high":85.93,"temperature_mid":74.225,"temperature_low":62.52,"dew_point":58.43,"humidity":0.64,"cloud_cover":0.47,"moon_phase":0.13,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1016.06,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":7,"visibility":7.17,"wind_bearing":234,"wind_speed":5.46,"year":2000,"geometry":[-81.99955,40.3244]} {"observed":"A friend of mine and myself went to Coshocton County Ohio. My friend has been deer hunting there for about 15 years and wanted to show me his tree stand along with the area he hunts. My friend took me to an area where there were the carcasses of at least 3 deer[all bones].He told me he had seen them there in this field next to the woods a couple years ago,along side of the scattered deer bones were about 7 fresh muskrat carcasses lined up in a straight row as if someone or something laid them all side by side. As we walked by this small lake near the edge of the deadend road I glanced to my left and noticed something that resembled a bees nest in a tree about 3ft off the ground, it was April 2001 so there were no leaves on the trees yet making the apparent bees nest stick out like a sore thumb. Upon looking a bit closer we found it not to be a bees nest but a few dead ducks hanging in the trees and scattered all over the area below the tree.It was a very eerie sight,very unnatural and spooky.The ducks had been twisted around tree limbs and were there for sometime based on the mummified remains, their necks were wedged into the crotch of the tree. We counted at least 12 dead ducks in the tree and on the ground.This was very weird, I did have my camcorder and videotaped the scene.Later in the year [this past fall] we returned to the area,the duck remains were still there but were quickly deteriorating, we also noticed more dead ducks further down the road on a hillside. These too had been wedged into the crotch of a tree about 6-7ft. off the ground this time. This I also videotaped. This is just very strange to see something like this, I'm not saying it was Bigfoot but this area is a real hotbed for sightings in Ohio. I just wonder if you have any other info on this and if you have ever heard of this before. Any input will be appreciated.","location_details":"I was not driving and had never been there before so Im not even 100% on the county rd.name.It was on woodbury wildlife refuge [public hunting].","county":"Coshocton County","state":"Ohio","season":"Spring","title":"Report 3535: Two witnesses find animal carcasses in possible display arrangement, near Coshocton on the Woodbury Wildlife Refuge","date":"2001-04-15","number":3535,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpjt502k10","temperature_high":53.21,"temperature_mid":45.895,"temperature_low":38.58,"dew_point":45.55,"humidity":0.86,"cloud_cover":0.71,"moon_phase":0.75,"precip_intensity":0.0517,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1008.17,"summary":"Rain starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":5,"visibility":7.22,"wind_bearing":14,"wind_speed":4.49,"year":2001,"geometry":[-82.1334,40.25597]} {"observed":"About a couple years ago my dad and I heard this sound which sounded like a women screaming like she was getting raped or something. After that day we started to hear it more often about three times a summer. Well, three days ago, I had a bunch of my friends come over and we were going to try and get a picture of whatever was making the sounds. When three of my friends went ahead of the group a ways like they were going to try and scare us the rest of the group turned around and went back to the house and decided to wait and listen for it before we went looking for it because it was pretty cold and it was supposed to start raining. Well, the three kids who went ahead to try to scare us didn't know that we had turned back and so they waited crouched in the woods waiting for us. As they were waiting they heard something behind them in an old cabin that has fallen in and starting to decay. When they shined the flashlight behind them at the object, they saw the silhouette of an enormous object. My one friend, who is about 6 ft. 5 in. tall, said the objet was just as tall as he was, at least. They didn't get a very good look at it, though, because as soon as they saw it they turned and ran about a quarter mile back to the house as fast as they could. I knew they saw something because I could see in there eyes how scared they were.","location_details":"The sighting occured down the road from Clearcreek Metro Park, just off of State Route 33.","county":"Fairfield County","state":"Ohio","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8450: Property owners hear loud vocalizations in early morning and have a possible sighting near Clearcreek Metro Park","date":"2004-04-03","number":8450,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpj0ze4z3z","temperature_high":58.18,"temperature_mid":46.845,"temperature_low":35.51,"dew_point":36.4,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":0.69,"moon_phase":0.43,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1008.73,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day and breezy starting in the evening.","uv_index":7,"visibility":8.93,"wind_bearing":286,"wind_speed":9.56,"year":2004,"geometry":[-82.6353,39.5246]} {"observed":"My sighting happened on November 21, 2002, on or about 7:30am in Catoosa, Rogers County, Oklahoma. I work in a dental office, and happened to look out of the window and saw what I automatically knew was a bigfoot/sasquatch, walking beside an abandoned house. It was very dark brown or nearly black, thick neck with broad shoulders,and had a wide skull, it was at least 7ft.tall. I only saw the backside of the animal. I can best describe it as primate looking animal that stood more upright than a gorilla but somewhat stooped, it slowly swung its arms, and had a slight knee bend.","location_details":"1755 NORTH HIGHWAY 66, CATOOSA, OKLAHOMA","county":"Rogers County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7062: Woman has sighting through dental office window.","date":"2003-10-09","number":7062,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9y7vv7bpwd","temperature_high":77.82,"temperature_mid":67.185,"temperature_low":56.55,"dew_point":64.82,"humidity":0.85,"cloud_cover":0.75,"moon_phase":0.48,"precip_intensity":0.0558,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1012.09,"summary":"Heavy rain in the morning and afternoon.","uv_index":5,"visibility":7.98,"wind_bearing":61,"wind_speed":2.32,"year":2003,"geometry":[-95.74556,36.18889]} {"observed":"I was eight years old and we just moved to the country, that had lots of wood all around the house. We had a little camper I played in. I had several chihuahuas and a rottwieller. Well one day I was playing in the camper and the dogs were barking running just a little ways from were I was. I decided to follow them. What came after was cute. It was a little fawn. I was going to chase it but [I saw] this huge, smelly, 8 foot tall, red mud clay color thing (as little as I was I thought it was a tall man until I hollered hey who are you. He looked at me and his face was so ugly and scary I knew then he wasnt a man. He stepped right over a 5'5 fence. The little fawn ran right under it. He didnt catch fawn. I was in shock and I couldnt speak so my dad told me to draw what I saw. He said it look similar to a Sasquatch. That deer season my dad was deer hunting. He had a deer right next to him. He was about to shoot him and he heard something coming toward him the buck ran off. Dad stood up and yelled you scared my deer off your on my land. He heard a high pitched sound like a lion and a bull mixed together and heard branches breaking over his head. He ran to the house and got both my brothers, they each got a gun. My mom called the sheriff and he thought it was a prank but they sent a deputy anyway when he heard those sounds he said call me if you kill it and left. Now it was dark the sun had set so they gave up. The rest of the night it paced back and forth making that high pitch sound.","location_details":"One Half mile east of S.Canadian River,heavily wooded area, a lot of deer and other game. Several creeks running from here to river.","county":"Pontotoc County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Fall","title":"Report 3731: Child watches fawn being chased near Canadian River","date":"2002-02-06","number":3731,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9y5q2662xt","temperature_high":37.56,"temperature_mid":36.66,"temperature_low":35.76,"dew_point":32.36,"humidity":0.92,"cloud_cover":0.99,"moon_phase":0.82,"precip_type":"snow","summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":7.08,"wind_bearing":325,"wind_speed":2.52,"year":2002,"geometry":[-96.66528,34.86111]} {"observed":"My family and I were driving home early in the morning between 2 and 3 A.M. We took a shortcut down HW 63 which runs between Haleyville,Ok and Kiowa, Ok. The Highway now is paved, but at the time of our encounter it was a well maintained dirt road. The road had many curves and hills. We were traveling around 40-50 mph. We crossed over a hill and right below the hill was a small bridge. On this bridge was a creature that was standing to the right of our pickup as we passed by. The creature was between 6-7 ft. tall and had brown shaggy hair all over it similar to an irish setter dog. As we passed, I looked at the creature right in the face. His face resembled that of an old man's. More human than apelike. I could see that the creature's face had wrinkles and very little hair around it's eyes and nose. The creature had no neck and it looked as if his head was just plopped up on his shoulders. I felt like we surprised the creature and once he finally saw us, he had nowhere to go. I remember seeing him stand real stiff against the bridge's railing as we passed. I asked my mother to turn around and see if we could get a better look at this mysterious creature. She replied\"No way!!\" I asked her what she thought we saw, she replied\"I guess it was a bear.\" I felt that it looked more like a man. She said that it was way to big to be a man. At the time of this incident, I had never heard of such thing as a bigfoot or sasquatch. Although we only got a quick glimpse of this creature, it couldn't have been an illusion. We all felt that we saw the same thing.","county":"Pittsburg County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Summer","title":"Report 10595: Family has early morning encounter at small bridge","date":"2005-02-10","number":10595,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9y5yp3dz0r","temperature_high":57.52,"temperature_mid":44.01,"temperature_low":30.5,"dew_point":26.92,"humidity":0.67,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.07,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1028.94,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":227,"wind_speed":2.53,"year":2005,"geometry":[-95.65417,34.81417]} {"observed":"I was 16 years old. I am 33 now. Me an my three younger sisters was coming back from visiting our baby cousin was recently born. It was about 10 pm driving down the road headed back home. We see a figure walking down the side of the road just like causal. I mention to my sister in the front seat it's awful late to be walking down a dark road without any type of lights. I slow down as i come up behind him. He stood about 9 to 10 feet tall with almost like a dark fur coat. He slowly turns his head and he had the evilest yellow eyes I have ever seen. By this time my younger sisters are in the back seat screaming an crying saying don't stop Ernie. I proceed to lock the doors and speed off. To this day we all have the same story. My sister's ages at the time is 15 8 6.","location_details":"The location is Ottawa county Oklahoma. About 5 miles from the Devils Promenade Bridge heading west. And about 4 miles from the town of Peoria.","county":"Ottawa County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Winter","title":"Report 57435: Brother & sisters spot a sasquatch late at night outside Peoria near \"Devils Hollow\" along Spring River","date":"2001-03-16","number":57435,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9ysdhtyw9s","temperature_high":45.88,"temperature_mid":35.415,"temperature_low":24.95,"dew_point":32.05,"humidity":0.79,"cloud_cover":0.75,"moon_phase":0.76,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1017,"uv_index":4,"visibility":9.889,"wind_bearing":325,"wind_speed":12.8,"year":2001,"geometry":[-94.71512,36.94679]} {"observed":"Hello,I drive a delivery truck to Kansas 3 times a week.On the day of this sighting I had taken my 12 year old son with me on my route.As we turned onto Highway 10 from Highway 75 I told him to watch for deer on his side of the truck and I'd watch on mine. This road has had several deer killed from vehicles and I didn't want to hit one.As I drove we watched and seen no deer along the 6 miles stretch to Wann.As we rounded the curve on the east side of Wann it turns back into wheat fields, so we resumed watching for deer.As I started to watch on my side of the road I looked out across a winter wheat field (which is green this time of year)and noticed about 200-300 yards away a HUGE black figure bent over. I slowed the truck down to get a better look when my son turned to look at what I was looking at and he said,\"Dad,is that a Bigfoot?\"and about that time it stood upright and looked at the truck.I replied \"I think so.\"I would have to say it was about 7-8 feet tall and about 300-500 pounds with jet black hair and a cone shaped head and very well proportioned. As we watched it for about 2 minutes it just stood there and watched us while it ate something it was picking off of a small branch it held in its right hand. (berries perhaps)The wierd thing about it it never ran or walked away.As we drove on it turned its whole body to watch us drive off not just its head. Now when I drive that road I carry a digital camera with me to get a picture if I happen to see it again.","location_details":"Directions are:From Highway 75 North of Bartlesville, Oklahoma take Highway 10 East about 6 miles to Wann,Oklahoma.Once you pass the convenience store in Wann the field is just outside of the city limits on the North side of the road.","county":"Nowata County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Winter","title":"Report 5620: Black bigfoot observed from highway by route driver and son","date":"2003-10-20","number":5620,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yef5bjx14","temperature_high":87.46,"temperature_mid":68.795,"temperature_low":50.13,"dew_point":54.42,"humidity":0.64,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.82,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1016.81,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":200,"wind_speed":5.64,"year":2003,"geometry":[-95.80417,36.91528]} {"observed":"This is a story I have been reluctant to even think about. One night me and three other friends were in a storage shed located on the back of my friends property fetching things we needed. We decided to head back to the house after we got what we came for and I was left behind attempting to latch the door because it was very old and hard to get it to fasten properly. My three buddys had walked off at this time leaving me headed towards the house. I was walking the exact same path they were taking actually more of a faster trot when I heard a noise like disturbed leaves to the left of me. Curiously startled I stopped and looked in the direction of the noise and there it was. Now at this location it happens to be at the back of the house and there is a chain link fence and about fifteen feet seperating me and this creature. The thing I most remember is the size of this thing and the silouette of the creatures head to neck and shoulders. Where a human has a visible neck line what I witnessed had not, but I did notice huge shoulder mucles too supernatural to be of anyone I've seen. I didn't notice how dense the hair on the body of this creature was so it could of added to the size of what I saw. I didn't mention this but there was only moonlight for me to see this by. Also this things abdomen was also tremendous and in a well defined v shape atop curvy big legs. I have read some of the other reports and alot noticed a pungent odor but I did not and I believe that there was only fifteen feet at the most between me and this creature. But what I did notice was a deep deep breathing sound and then a deep growl rumble like a cougar kind of intermitent if that makes sense and after that it promted me to slowly walk off out of fear. This occurance only took about thirty to fortyfive seconds but I remember what I saw. I never mentioned this to anyone until about a year later when my friend had told me about something strange that happend in the woods near the property.","county":"Oklahoma County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Summer","title":"Report 8381: Young man has midnight close encounter.","date":"2004-03-26","number":8381,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9y6ceb1c32","temperature_high":73.97,"temperature_mid":68.745,"temperature_low":63.52,"dew_point":61.03,"humidity":0.75,"cloud_cover":0.75,"moon_phase":0.18,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1016.7,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.92,"wind_bearing":174,"wind_speed":15.07,"year":2004,"geometry":[-97.21555,35.42014]} {"observed":"The sighting occured around l0 pm at night, we live in a very rural area of Adams County, Ohio, we have a house on 60 very wooded acres. My wife was sitting a watching TV, as were we all, we have a back window near the TV some l0 feet from where we sit, my wife suddenly said that there two eyes staring at her thru the window. I first thought she was joking, but she wasn't, I got up and went to the window, which was closed, as it was cold, and opened the window and could not here anything or see anything, but it was dark. At about the same time as my wife said she saw the eyes, my oldest son was getting up to go outside on our front screen deck porch, as I was at the window, my son had just gone out the sliding glass door to the porch and was lighting a cigarette, as I turned away from the window, my son, opened the door and was yelling for me as he was pointing out the porch to the separate garage building that is next to our house, he dropped his cigarette and stood there looking for a few seconds and then quickly came into the house saying that he had just seen a big hairy thing looking around the corner of the garage in his direction. This got us all excited and somewhat scared, I had just had a knee operation so I did not go outside to investigate, I did however get a gun out and load it. I went onto the porch but I did not here or see anything. I was convinced that my wife and son had seen the samething, as it could have walked across the back of the house and garage and come around the corner within that time frame. My wife described the eyes as very close together and a glowing green color and larger than a humans eyes. My son described the creature as being very dark in color, with the hair very long and hanging down over its face, he couldn't make out any facial features. Our deck/porch is some 4 feet raised off the ground with the garage on the ground, based on my sons description of the height of the head in relation to the basketball hoop that was on the front of the garage, the thing was in the 7-8 feet tall range. The next day I went out looking for any signs, I found nothing at the window or behind the house and garage area at the corner, I walked across a grass field that extends out from the side of the garage and did find what appeared to be a faint impression of a very large foot in a hard clay/sand non grassy spot. I measured and copied the imprint the best I could, I have it somewhere in a notebook, but do remember it being some 16 inches in length and some 10-12 inches in width across the top, the impression was made along the weight bearing area's with a large arch area that left no impression, the toes appeared to be small with all leaving the same type of impression. This sighting occured in late December, around l0pm at night, and I feel that the year was l997 or l998. I also, a year or so before this sighting, being on the rear deck porch off our master bedroom, also later at night, hear a strange howling sound far off in the distance, sounding like it was near the top of the ridge some l/4 mile up the hill behind our house. I don't think it was a coyote or dog.","location_details":"The nearest town that shows on a map is West Union, we actually live some 8-10 miles easterly from there off State Road 125 in the Brush Creek Township in the community known as Lynx.","county":"Adams County","state":"Ohio","season":"Winter","title":"Report 3315: Nighttime sighting by mother and son in Lynx, near West Union","date":"2002-05-26","number":3315,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnusq7u68g","year":2002,"geometry":[-83.39134,38.73687]} {"observed":"The first incident for me happened in late winter 2003 around the end of February or early March. I had an exchange student living with me and my family and she had a snow day so we headed outside that day. Since she rarely gets to see snow I thought it would be a treat to walk around and play in the snow. I told her we would take a short walk into the pine grove behind us even though it is not our land, I figured it wouldn't hurt for her to take some pictures of the trees. As we were walking I was struck at the fact that I couldn't find her any animal tracks. I just figured it was new snow and the tracks had been covered up. As we walked I was really surprised how quiet it was. Again thinking the new snow had something to do with it. There are a lot of crows in the woods but that day they made no sound. As we walked we did come along some tracks. I asked her what did she think made those knowing what I was thinking; I wanted to hear what she had to say first. She said it looked exactly like some one was walking around barefoot. She asked me what kind of animal has footprints like a human. I thought about bear but have studied bear print pictures and these were very long and narrow. The fact that there were only two also eliminated the bear. There was no overlapping of prints. The space between them was really far as well. I am not tall but I didn't even come close to stretching my stride that far. We followed the footprints and they had stopped and looked as if they squatted down. Just the toes were showing which consisted of the five toes. We looked up and the tracks stopped just inside the woods looking towards the back of my husbands shop. That kind of freaked us both out. The footprints started to turn and walk up the fence post in the direction they had come. My exchange student wanted to follow but I said no way. She even had a camera with her and we didnt even think to get a picture. On Spring break in April of that same year my daughter and I decided to go hiking in the late afternoon, in our other neighbors woods across the street after getting permission. They have about 400 acres of woods and we had never been in it before. When we went in we were both surprised how rugged and diverse the landscape was. There was a swamp on the property as well as high cliffs. We had walked for a very long time trying to stay near the river. When I slipped down a very steep incline we both heard a very loud deep growling in the thick underbrush on the other side of the river. It was too dense for us to see what had made the scary noise and I told my daughter to run as I knew there was no way I was getting back up the hill with a bad knee. She came down anyways and we heard it growl again but this time farther away. We headed back home after that as it was getting late. Curiosity got the best of us and we headed back the next afternoon taking along our exchange student. As soon as we entered the woods we heard the growl. We couldnt see it this time either. We kept walking for a long time but never heard it again. We went the next afternoon including my husband this time but we didnt hear anything. There were only two things we saw strange that day; one was as we were cutting across a field headed for home several turkeys came running fast from the woods just ahead of us followed by a couple of deer. My husband said we must have spooked them and I said if that were the case why did they come our way and not head into the woods? The other thing that was odd was a medium size log was placed over the entrance to the path we had been taking on those earlier afternoons. I asked the neighbors if they had placed it there and they said no. The following evening at my home I had to let my dog out at 10pm before we went to be. I had turned on the smaller porch lights that didnt illuminate the yard as well as a big street light we have. When I stepped out the door to get my dog that wouldnt come in I smelled the worse B.O. smell I have ever smelled. I got my dog and something to the left of me caught my eye. It was some kind of creature near the corner of the house and it looked as if it were squatting down. I could see it had very long reddish hair and I really couldnt fathom what it was. It never even looked my way just stood motionless. I ran to get everyone else to see it. When they came out they couldnt believe what they smelled. It filled the entire yard and was very thick. No one else got to see this thing because it was gone. We also kept hearing something knock on a tree 3 times several evenings after that night of the smell. The following weekend I and my daughter plus two of her male friends went to check out the neighbors woods once again. We walked for sometime but saw nothing and headed back walking in a field next to the woods. I looked down and saw what appeared to be a large footprint that was human in appearance. I called the others and my daughters friend put his foot next to it. His shoe size was fifteen and this barefoot was much larger. We saw several that were walking on only two feet and had a very large stride, much larger than any of us could ever make. I remembered to use my camera that I had brought and I have a good picture of the print you could see it even more clearly in person then even the photo shows. I am reporting this because strange things have been going on for some time around here. I was just messing around with my spotlight scanning the fence row behind the house other night and a huge low growl happened again. I figured we were going to once again have a strange summer. My son told me a few years back that he and his friend had seen a very tall hairy creature salvaging in the back of my husbands truck near the shop late one evening. He said he thought when it stood up that it appeared to be between 7 and 8 feet tall. Of course I figured he was just pulling my leg but now that I have seen strange things I believe he saw something as well.","county":"Ashland County","state":"Ohio","season":"Spring","title":"Report 11946: Footprints and vocalizations culminate in a brief sighting for a family living near Savannah.","date":"2003-04-07","number":11946,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpm3jr00uc","temperature_high":41.09,"temperature_mid":38.695,"temperature_low":36.3,"dew_point":35.46,"humidity":0.94,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.18,"precip_intensity":0.0184,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1020.38,"summary":"Rain until afternoon, starting again in the evening.","uv_index":4,"visibility":4.36,"wind_bearing":81,"wind_speed":11.28,"year":2003,"geometry":[-82.38627,40.99562]} {"observed":"I would be happy to send you a copy of a colored picture I drew when I was 5 years old back in 1943 of what possibly could have been a bigfoot. I was lost out in the woods while camping with my parents somewhere in central Ohio and this large female ape-like creature put me back in our camp. Then I started screaming and my parents who were out looking for me heard me and came back to the camp and found me. I have not showed this picture to many people because they would have thought I was crazy. I was a lawyer here in Summit County for nearly 40 years and I did not need any aspersions cast upon my sanity. I have had two cancer surgeries in the past six months and I would now like to leave the original of this picture as a bequest in my will to the right kind of museum before anything else happens to me. I also hope that this picture might corroborate the testimony of people with similar experiences whom nobody would believe before. If you don't have the time to look at it, please let me know the address where the picture can be sent by parcel post or UPS. I am grateful to that blessed creature for my life and would like to honor her memory in some way.","location_details":"Somewhere between Cleveland and Columbus in one of the little campsite areas along State Route 3, from what he recalls. (He called back to describe the Mohican Memorial Forest as the likely general area.)","county":"Ashland County","state":"Ohio","season":"Fall","title":"Report 5333: Man recalls being picked up as a child in Mohican Memorial Forest","date":"2004-08-29","number":5333,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpjx006mup","temperature_high":79.69,"temperature_mid":71.58,"temperature_low":63.47,"dew_point":66.67,"humidity":0.89,"cloud_cover":0.73,"moon_phase":0.48,"precip_intensity":0.0013,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.32,"summary":"Light rain in the morning.","uv_index":6,"visibility":5.68,"wind_bearing":266,"wind_speed":2.53,"year":2004,"geometry":[-82.26236,40.60787]} {"observed":"I was in the Love Valley Wildlife Management Area hunting feral hogs. I had been sitting on my stand for about two hours when I began to smell something akin to cat urine or skunk musk, and I thought that with the prevailing winds a large boar must have just crossed the ridge above me. So after a little while when the odor did not decrease I decided to see if I could circle around the top of the ridge and get a shot at the boar. I left my stand and moved about 60 yards down the base of the ridge (away from my hunting buddies who were in two different stands further down the base of the ridge) to a well used game trail and began my ascent. I got about halfway up the slope and something came flying through the air to my right and then after another step or two something came thought the air to my left this time by the sound of its landing and crashing through the brush, something much heavier than the first object. At this time I froze and began to scan the ridge line first with my eyes and then with my rifle scope, and I began to think that one of the guys I was hunting with was playing a prank on me. So I continued to climb the hill until a large piece of rock (it looked like a piece of ruined tombstone from the abandoned cemetery on the hill top but I am not sure) landed just at my feet and rolled down the hill with some force and momentum behind it. At almost that same moment I caught just the faintest glimmer of movement and from that was able to make out the shape of what looked like a huge man. I am 6' 2\" and 260 lbs but this thing was at least 9-10' tall and three or four times as broad as I am. I slowly brought my rifle and scope up to get a better look at it. Most of it was covered by brush and under growth but its head down to its upper chest were clearly visible. It had a shaggy coat (the breeze did a fair job of breaking up its silhouette) that was dark colored even with the aid of my scope all I could tell was that the beast was covered in fur and that it was of dark coloration. Its eyes seemed impossibly small for the size of its oblong head. I watched it with my scope for perhaps a minute or it could have been ten, I honestly could not tell you as I was not sure whether to be fascinated or terrified (from its size and mass I was not sure the 30-06 I had in my hands would be sufficient if I needed to be terrified). After a period of time I took one slow step back and then another after about my third slow step back down the hill the beast slowly turned as if to disregard me and my rifle and walked away in the other direction. After it was gone I found the piece of stone that had landed on the path in front of me and tumbled past and as I said before it could have been a piece of one of the crumbling tombstones from on top of the ridge or it could have been rock from some other source but I can tell you that I could not have thrown it at least not as far or with the same force as this rock had been thrown. I would estimate it to have weighed around 45-55 lbs. After that I proceeded to go back down the base of the ridge to where both of my friends were still sitting in their stands one about 80 yards down from where I was set up and the other about 90 yards from the first. I have not shared this with them or anyone but my wife for fear of ridicule, but that is my story and it is what happened to me.","location_details":"We were hunting in the Hog pen area of the WMA.","county":"Love County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Summer","title":"Report 10074: Hog hunter has dusk encounter in Love Valley Wildlife Management Area","date":"2004-12-22","number":10074,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9y4brj91su","temperature_high":38.1,"temperature_mid":27.635,"temperature_low":17.17,"dew_point":21,"humidity":0.64,"cloud_cover":0.78,"moon_phase":0.38,"precip_type":"snow","summary":"Breezy until evening and light snow in the morning.","uv_index":2,"visibility":6.53,"wind_bearing":4,"wind_speed":15.21,"year":2004,"geometry":[-97.07361,33.82444]} {"observed":"In 2002, in early fall (it was still nice outside) I was driving to work. Ahead of me, on the crest of a hill, I saw a creature crossing the road. It did not remind me of a monkey. The legs and torso were too long. It was on all fours at first; the limbs were substantial. It was covered with dark brown longish hair. It started across the road on all fours; the back limbs looked about the same length as the front limbs. It was not great big and bulky; however it was of considerable size. There was quite a bit of room between the stomach area and the ground. Very tall in that way. After a few steps, it stood up and took a couple of huge running steps, as if trying to hurry up. Then it leaped up over about a 6' embankment and a fence. I went back later on after work to the site, and there were numerous footprints of all kinds of game; obviously it was a frequently used crossing for all sorts of animals.","location_details":"From the city of Tryon; approx. 1 to 2 miles west on Highway 105 at the peak of a hill.","county":"Lincoln County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Fall","title":"Report 5681: Rural commuter sees large animal shift from quadrupedal to bipedal movement","date":"2003-01-31","number":5681,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9y7h13yh3b","temperature_high":59.55,"temperature_mid":45.855,"temperature_low":32.16,"dew_point":33.31,"humidity":0.72,"cloud_cover":0.12,"moon_phase":0.98,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1020.07,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":4,"visibility":7.66,"wind_bearing":287,"wind_speed":4.39,"year":2003,"geometry":[-96.968,35.86972]} {"observed":"We were walking down the road enjoying our summer vacation. When one of us noticed that there was something walking in the pasture North of where we were standing. It was close to 7 feet tall, had long white hair (at least a foot), was walking on two legs. It stopped when it noticed us standing there watching it. Actually we were almost too scared to run. Anyway it acted like it was going to come our way so we took off for a little ways then stopped to look again. Everyone knows that a fence with 6 strands of barbed wire is at least 5 feet tall right. Well, it stepped over that like it wasn't there and kept on going to the East taking long strides and swinging its arms back and forth while it walked. A few days later we were in the same general area and noticed some long white hair hooked on the top wire of the fence. We took it home to prove our story we told the day before. We called it a Honka. Have to say that we were more careful about how late we stayed out from that day on. Always made sure we were home before dark. Until the moment we saw it we had heard lots of stories but never believed them. Seeing is believing. If you can talk to anyone in the Dustin area you will be told of several sightings of this nature and also will be told about what everyone called \"The Light\"","location_details":"it was about 3 miles east of hwy 84. not too far from the mountain. There was creek that ran through the pasture.","county":"Hughes County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Summer","title":"Report 5817: Woman recalls childhood encounters.","date":"2003-02-11","number":5817,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9y7b8hucbu","temperature_high":57.12,"temperature_mid":45.28,"temperature_low":33.44,"dew_point":27.83,"humidity":0.56,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.32,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1018.81,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":72,"wind_speed":1.57,"year":2003,"geometry":[-95.97,35.27056]} {"observed":"It was dark, about 8pm. My two sons and I were watching television while eating popcorn. The eldest, age 16 was sitting accross the room, on the loveseat. The youngest, age 8 was sitting next to me on the sofa, we were sharing a bowl of popcorn placed between us. I smelled this horrific stench coming from the window directly behind us.(My family has teased me about having the nose of a hound)so the my 16 yr.old says \"Oh Mom your always smelling something.\" Well, I look around and the smell dissipates,we continue watching television; a few minutes pass, and the stench blows in again. I got up while telling my oldest son to help me pull out the sofa that there is something horrible under it.As he appooached he smells the stench and says\"It'ts a snake\", the youngest moved back, we pulled the couch out and looked all over the entire room and came up with nothing.We notice the breeze blowing the curtain and deside that whatever the source it's outside, and we'll check it out in daylight. The 16 yr old went outside about an hour later. He came back inside for the shotgun.(His Dad has taken him hunting since he was 6 years old, he knows guns and the woods.)He said someone was standing in back, about 6 yards (north )of the house by a railroad tie post, watching the house, and it was one darn big guy. He took the gun and went toward our chicken pen. I heard him yell from about 50 yards or so from our chicken pen to \"call the law.\" I was scared beyond measure for my son not knowing what was happening. I called the sheriff, after about 10 min. my son came back to the house he said the guy stepped over a bobbed wire fence, and jumped over a brush pile while leaving. He'd not had to use the gun. Two sheriff deputies arrived.They shined lights up and down the yard and property and found nothing. My son went to his Grandmothers house to inform her that we had a prowler. She lived about 40 yards northeast of us.He'd been gone about 20 min.when I heard the metal latch of an outside storage building.Someone had gone into the building.Now my youngest son and I were in the house, the eldest knowing I was already spooked would not be lurking about. His Dad was out of town working putting up a gas rig. The question being who had opened the latch?The building is my laundry room and contained my washer, dryer, and deepfreeze. I phoned my mother-in-law, and asked to speak to my son. When he answered the phone I asked if he'd been there the whole time. The answer being yes, I told him someone had entered the laundry building, and to my knowledge hadn't left.He said he would be home after telling him to be careful, I waiting and watched. He was home in two minutes. While we were discussing what to do he yelled what in the **** is that? My 8 yr.old ran into the kitchen, they both had seen a face in the picture window behind the sofa.The eldest said it was hairy and dirty. I called the sheriff again, my son got the shotgun, my youngest son and myself waited behind him sitting on the floor with the lights out. I fully expected some deranged vagabond to jump through the window.While waiting we smelled the stench again as we were only 3 or 4 ft. from the window.Then I knew the scent was coming from this person.Knowing this sent chills up my spine. The deputies arrived and again found nothing, and left.I never associated this event with the bigfoot until reading about other icidents.The stench is what ties it in for me, and the discription my son gave of the face in the window, the way this character acted just wasn't in keeping with anything I've ever known. But the deciding factor for me was about 8 months ago I repeated this story to a friend of ours, retired Oklahoma Highway Patrolman, who hunts with my husband.He said this was out of character for any perp he'd ever seen.As close as I can describe it the scent was a mix between dirty,wet,steamy blue jeans,soiled diapers,and wet, filthy dog. Thats why for years I thought we'd had a deranged, or drugged tramp lurking about, as my husband had found the signs of someone being in the woods round about.","county":"Latimer County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8678: Mother and sons have encounter with unidentified \"prowler.\"","date":"2004-05-14","number":8678,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yhq8m8e4h","temperature_high":59.71,"temperature_mid":56.975,"temperature_low":54.24,"dew_point":55.04,"humidity":0.89,"cloud_cover":0.99,"moon_phase":0.86,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1020.13,"summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.1,"wind_bearing":349,"wind_speed":1.57,"year":2004,"geometry":[-95.26167,34.92333]} {"observed":"In July of 1983 I worked for the timber company driving a one ton truck pulling a 12 hundred gallon tanker in the Honobia-Pickens area. On a trip back to our facility a very large hairy creature ran across the road in front of me. I came within a few feet of running over it. It did not stop it just kept on running. It was approximately seven feet tall. The upper torso of its body was a brownish color and the lower was a lighter color. One of the things I particulaily noticed was no SHOES. My first thought was someone's pulling a prank. I soon realized that couldn't be, not up here in these mountainous forest. No houses for miles. I was told by phone by a relative that three large manlike, hairy creatures were observed on a persons porch and yard. The man got his SKS and has allegedly shot at one. My relative also told me that contractors who plant young pine seedlings are refuseing to go in near Honobia and plant trees. Today Jan 28, 2000 we have had a very heavy snow and while I was home listening to the scanner I overheard a conservation between two Oklahoma game wardens talking about the incident. One told the other to be on the lookout for large manlike hairy creatures. They seemed very serious. T They were talking about the same incident that I have mentioned above. This area is called the Honobia Wildlife area and is very,very sparsly inhabited. The area of 875.000 acres is owned by a large timber company and as the loggers move in to cut there are sightings.","county":"Le Flore County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Winter","title":"Report 1506: Nighttime sighting by trucker near Honobia","date":"2000-01-28","number":1506,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yhsctjqgh","year":2000,"geometry":[-94.84861,34.61361]} {"observed":"I was fishing the creek that runs through my mother's property with a lure. I was just downstream of the fork in the creek that goes to your left as you're going downstream. My wife, children, mother, sister and brother-in-law were swimming and fishing about 500 feet upstream at our swimming hole. I had been noticing that my lure was running funny and was looking at it trying to fix it before making another cast. Downstream from my position, the creek makes a slight curve to the right. I was standing on rocks, as close to the waters edge as I could, fishing in the fast water just below the rapids. After messing with my lure, I looked up, toward downstream, to make another cast. When I did, I distincly saw the legs, from the mid thigh area down, (my vision was impeded of seeing anything higher than that because of tree limbs),of what I thought at the time was a man, another fisherman, about 50 feet away. It was in full stride, in the edge of the water, walking out of the water onto the bank at the right. I saw it take two steps, one from my left to my right, and another diagonally away from me, disappearing into the thicket. I remember thinking, \"there's another fisherman down there\", and continued to fish while looking to see where they went. The foliage on both sides of the creek is extremely dense in that area. Having grown up visiting my grandparents and later my parents in that area, and being very familiar with the terrain and forestation from hunting it and fishing it my whole life, I was suprised to see anyone there, that far from the bridge for several reasons. One, it was over 1000 feet downstream from the bridge and there was no car parked anywhere near the bridge, two, we had been swimming and fishing for over an hour before I had the encounter and there was noone fishing by while we were there, three, there is no residence or access by road anywhere nearer than the upstream bridge, four, the terrain is extremely rugged, full of underbrush including a thick maze of briars and poison ivy, and from experience, anyone who is there is either fishing up or downstream, five, the treck up or downstream is rugged and time consuming to trevail causing one to wade, cross at fast water areas and walk in the water on slick mossy rocks, there is nothing that would bring one to that remote area unless they were fishing. As a result, I made about three more casts while intently watching to see this \"other fisherman\" to reappear. He never did. I began to get a little spooked while thinking, \"What did I just see\"? I walked on downstream looking intently for what I saw to reappear either downstream or on the bank area where I saw it disappear. Nothing. I couldn't hear any sound other than the rapids rushing behind me. It would have been hard to carry on a conversation where I was standing when I saw it. I began to second guess myself when I couldn't see anybody or anything. Then I realized, if I saw what I that I saw, there will be water on the rocks and bank at the edge. Even though I was spooked, I decided I has to investigate any traces of something leaving the water. I waded down to where I saw it leave the water, and sure enough, there was a wet footprint on a big rock and several sprinkles on others rocks and dirt on the bank. I peered into the thicket and saw nothing but a faint trail to the other fork of the creek, probably only about 30 feet away. I decided I had seen enough, and was sure that whatever it was was there close watching me. I hightailed it back upstream to where my family was still swimming and told them the story. It wasn't until then that my mother told me about the recent sighting at Honobia, which is only about 9 miles west. I'd like to mention here that I never really believed there was any credibility in the big foot sighting stories, but I was quickly convincing myself that what I saw wasn't human. When I saw it, and I only saw it for a second, I that it was someone who was wearing dark navy blue overalls. The legs were a consistent diameter from top to bottom and I saw no indication of a human-like foot, like the pants legs extended over a persons shoe. I saw no distinction in color, it looked like a solid dark blue or black. My sister and brother-in-law had a video camera on the bank and the three of us decided to go back to the spot to see if we could get something on tape. All we got was video of the still wet rocks, and some disturbed soil where some rocks had been embedded in the dirt. It appeared that something had been sitting there. You could see indentions of where rock had been in the dirt and in the bottom of the indentions, the dirt was still damp looking, proving it hadn't been that way long. I also found a length of dung which we videoed that looked something like coyote only bigger in diameter than I had seen before from a coyote. My sister and her husband agreed with me that no human would bust through that thicket just to visit the creek.","location_details":"Highway 144 east of Octavia at new Big Eagle Fork bridge; south on Big Eagle Fork 300 meters approximately, but north of bluff.","county":"Le Flore County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Summer","title":"Report 1302: Brief sighting by a fisherman ; Tracks found ; Report from investigators.","date":"2000-07-01","number":1302,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yheyn1qfn","year":2000,"geometry":[-94.65639,34.44333]} {"location_details":"my ex husbands house, down in the bottom land of hodgens, oklahoma","county":"Le Flore County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Summer","title":"Report 1966: May/June 83/84 Oklahoma Leflore","date":"2001-03-20","number":1966,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9yhwnwexrq","temperature_high":65.97,"temperature_mid":49.755,"temperature_low":33.54,"dew_point":36.84,"humidity":0.64,"cloud_cover":0.03,"moon_phase":0.87,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":8.43,"wind_bearing":352,"wind_speed":3.28,"year":2001,"geometry":[-94.63111,34.84167]} {"observed":"I found what was left of a black and tan coonhound after it had been shot in the head and dumped at the Honobia, OK town dump. All the soft tissue (organs/muscles/connective tissue,etc.)was gone (with the exception of the entire head, the four paws and the skin and hair). It was apparently eaten by the same animal that had pulled upwards on the hound's chest wall and stretched out ligaments in an upward motion. The ligaments did not break but were stretched enough to easily remove the contents of the chest cavity. The ribs and the sternum, as I recall, were still held together by this stretched out ligament.The head was totally untouched except for the .22 cal. bullet hole in it's temple. The hound's skin had been pulled apart over the abdomen and chest and peeled back and was laying in the same spot where it fell after being separated (on each side of the body, but still attached to the back of the dog. There were no teeth marks on the bones. The hound's eyes were still present and untouched. Only inches away there was a dark and greasy spot that smelled, not surprisingly, like a dead dog...horrible. The dark greasy spot was about three feet in circumference and was on very hard flat ground. There was nothing noticible on the dark spot, just a dark tint to the ground. I believe that it took the use of human-like hands to pull the chest upwards in the manner that it was pulled and stretched out. I suspect a sasquatch.","location_details":"The town dump is located on the north side of Boktuklo Mt. just half a mile south of Honobia. From the Girl's Camp intersection, go half a mile south, turn left on the first road. Cross the river and go about one quarter mile to the dump. There are other entrances to the dump, but this one is the one where I removed boulders that had been placed in the road in an apparent attempt to block it. (This was not a rock slide situation.)And trees broken in a series, not all at the same time, along the road leading to the dump. This is, also, the location where I found, above a rock outcropping, a large western red cedar that had been used as a lookout tower by something of great weight that came up from the river. There were no trails leading to the tree. It was obstructed by green briars and there were bleached out, undisturbed leaves on the ground everywhere except the stone outcropping that extended about ten feet or so down to the river. There was a heavy wear pattern on one side of the tree as if it had been used as a ladder. From that vantage point in the tree, traffic on Indian Hwy. and traffic on the road to the city dump could be viewed. (This lookout was not situated over a game trail.)","county":"Le Flore County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Winter","title":"Report 1888: Strange calls and other possible bigfoot related activity experienced by investigators.","date":"2001-04-22","number":1888,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9yhkrxsgd7","year":2001,"geometry":[-94.93722,34.53889]} {"observed":"The BFRO sponsored an expedition to investigate a series of reports of bigfoot related activity in Le Flore County, Oklahoma. I was part of the BFRO team undertaking the investigation. While walking down a remote access road at about 9:00 PM on Sunday, 30 September 2001, all three team members present heard a loud pop against a nearby tree trunk. A rock had been thrown with considerable force and had hit high up on the tree trunk. We heard the rock fall to the ground after hitting the tree. We stood and looked intently with night vision spot lights towards a mountain just north of us, but saw nothing unusual. Although this was the only rock throwing incident I experienced, other similar occurences were experienced by different team members over the next several days. The local land owners had reported repeated incidents like this and recently had to clean a bunch of fist size rocks from the roof of one of their buildings located at the foot of that same mountain. Nothing out of the ordinary occurred at my location during the next nights observations. On the third night, however, I had a startling experience. We had been broadcasting bigfoot vocalizations provided by the BFRO, hoping to hear vocal responses. I was stationed about a mile away from the broadcast site, up a major creek in the area. At 7:54 PM and again at 8:20 PM, I heard sounds similar to the ones we had been broadcasting. We had heard numerous owls and coyotes, etc., and I had studied recordings of common animal vocalizations so as not to mistake them for bigfoot related vocalizations. The two sets of calls that I heard were very distant, but definitely similar to the bigfoot vocalizations the BFRO has recorded near Lake Tahoe, California. At 9:30 PM, we began our sound broadcasting protocol for the evening. Before dark, I had deployed a primate pheromone chip supplied by BFRO curator Dr. Greg Bambenek. I was sitting about 30 or 40 yards away from that chip in an elevated observation platform about 15 feet off the ground. Suddenly, at about 11:30 PM, I heard heavy foot falls in the brush to my east. They startled me because they sounded as if they were only 20 or 30 yards away and I did not hear them approach. The animal moved slowly north and south, pacing back and forth. I strained in my night vision equipment to see something, but all I saw was brush. This behavior went on and on. It was just pacing back and forth, moving very slowly. Occasionally I heard big sticks breaking under the foot falls. My mind began to race. Maybe it was a bear, or was it a sasquatch? I turned off my radio. I did not want a radio check with the creature only yards away. I kept sweeping the area alternately with night vision equipment and then natural vision. I watched for brush movement to indicate the location of the creature, but could see none. This was very puzzling since the animal sounded so close. Occasionally it would walk directly toward me. It sounded so close I leaned out and looked directly under my platform because I thought it might have slipped up to the base of the tree I was in. It did this 3 or 4 times over the next two hours. As 1:30 AM approached (the time the last series of broadcasts were scheduled to begin), I made up my mind that I would radio the broadcast team and ask them to walk up and escort me out when the broadcasts were finished. I realized the radios might drive the animal away, but at that point I considered it a safety issue because all I knew was that some large mammal had been intently watching me for hours. I was still not sure if I was dealing with a bear or a bigfoot. The steps had been so slow and deliberate that no cadence could be detected to determine whether it was 2 footed or 4 footed. While I was talking to the broadcast team, the animal moved slowly south and then I did not hear it anymore. I waited through the last set of broadcasts, and after the last one, the team called and said they were on the way up. I had heard nothing for about the last hour, so I figured the animal had moved off, but I was not sure where it was. The team made a couple of radio checks on their way to my location. They were flashing a laser light in the tree tops and kept asking if I could see it. After one of these calls, I heard a loud \"Plooorp\" sound about 40 yards behind me and slightly to the west. My first thought was that a bear had rolled a large rock near the waters edge. After a few seconds, I heard a more \"splashy\" \"plooorp\" sound followed immediately by foot falls racing down the water in the creek bed about 25 yds to my west. It raced past my location and up the stream about 30 yards, and then I heard nothing. There were about 12 splashing footsteps that sounded DEFINITELY BIPEDAL over a period of about 4 or 5 seconds. Upon later investigation in the daylight with BFRO curator R. N., we discovered that the creek bed was covered with boulders from 6\" to 18\" in diameter. The distance from the only pool deep enough to have been the source of the original sound to the place where the standing water ends was a distance of about 70 yds. I can offer no other suitable explanation for this event other than bigfoot. It covered more rough area quicker than anything I can conceive. The area was scouted in the daylight, but no tracks or other evidence was discovered. The next night I climbed the very same tree, but had no unusual occurrences at all except a whinnying noise we had heard before and which we had concluded during the day to be a screech owl. My sense of the situation is that the animal that walked around me may have been drawn to the area by the sound blasting, or that it may have simply happened by. Once in the area, it probably was stopped by the pheromone scent. It may have detected me while looking for the source of the pheromone scent. I also had the zip lock bag ( that had contained the chip ) on the platform with me. It was still quite pungent. The creature was obviously able to move stealthily since I did not hear it until it was very close. Maybe it made noise for so long trying to draw me down from my perch, who knows? Having departed to the south, it took up a position straight downwind of both me and the pheromone chip. I made a serious mistake by picking a tree directly downwind from the chip. Perhaps if I had chosen a position 50 yds cross wind, I would not have been seen or scented. I would do it differently in the future. At any rate, this animal took up a position directly behind me, placing itself in my blind spot behind the tree I was in. It was also in my back track; maybe it hoped I would leave the same way I came. I think it waited there, still watching me, until it heard the team approaching it from behind. Then, having an unknown presence in front of it and behind it, it panicked and ran straight up the rocky creek bed where it would leave no tracks. This behavior indicates an animal that is extremely intelligent, curious, and observant. It apparently had acute night vision. It also was not afraid of me, even after hearing radio communications, a very unnatural sound. I believe it was waiting for me to come by. There is the possibility that two different animals were involved, but that would not be my first guess. Perhaps others will be able to draw more from these events. I submit this record with the hope that it will prove helpful to future efforts.","location_details":"Land owners request that no directions be given.","county":"Le Flore County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Fall","title":"Report 3199: BFRO investigator hears loud footsteps and bipedal running","date":"2001-10-02","number":3199,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9yhskvrs3m","year":2001,"geometry":[-94.70278,34.52667]} {"observed":"Primate observed from tree stand. The animal itself was in a tree.","location_details":"Withheld by request.","county":"Le Flore County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Fall","title":"Report 4532: Small sasquatch seen in tree by hunter, near Big Cedar","date":"2002-06-27","number":4532,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yhub1zzm6","temperature_high":84.07,"temperature_mid":73.76,"temperature_low":63.45,"dew_point":67.79,"humidity":0.88,"cloud_cover":0.14,"moon_phase":0.6,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Humid throughout the day and partly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":11,"visibility":7.52,"wind_bearing":211,"wind_speed":0.44,"year":2002,"geometry":[-94.55944,34.59583]} {"observed":"Having had the benefit of finding a footprint when I was 13, my interest in bigfoot has led me to privately research the subject for many years. Thanks to your website I have been able to concentrate much of my attention on Oklahoma, since it has many more reports than my native Kansas, which has not been updated. On that note, myself and some other interested participants traveled to Leflore County in SE Oklahoma in an attempt to find some evidence, since this area is a hotspot of reported activity. Traveling to Honobia, we met a few of the inhabitants who were more than willing to provide us with information and possible locations where we might have some type of encounter. Please note that this is near the exact location that the Mysterious Encounters team filmed the Oklahoma Wildman episode. We too visited the house where they set up operations and noted how the previous occupants had left so abruptly that most of their possessions remained in the home, including a refrigerator full of spoiled food. Having set up camp we proceeded to stay up until near dawn, occasionally playing the Sierra bigfoot vocalizations, and patroling the area. Nothing was seen or heard throughout the night. The following day, while walking through the area, myself and one other located three full footprints and one potential track on a road leading up the hillside toward the top of the hill. While we did not apply plaster-of -paris to the tracks or accurately measure them, we did take photos. Using dollar bills as gauges to measure the length not only of the footprint, but also the stride between tracks, I would quite accurately estimate that the prints themselves were over sixteen inches long and the stride nearly five and a half feet. These tracks were located on a sloping road traveling upwards at nearly 40 degrees. Also of note: I understand that many people will disregard such tracks as those of bears or other large animals, but we also took photos of bear tracks we found near the Little River located nearby. Anyone who has any idea of what animal tracks look like can tell the difference. They are not even close. These tracks were huge.","location_details":"Just off of State Highway 144 one mile east of Honobia. The hill we camped on allowed us a picture perfect view of the small town.","county":"Le Flore County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8811: Footprints found near Honobia","date":"2004-04-02","number":8811,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9yhs2hcyur","year":2004,"geometry":[-94.91928,34.52436]} {"observed":"On April the 17th 2004 I was Turkey hunting in the Ouachita National Forest with my girl friend and my brother. I had crossed the creek that ran along side an old log road that headed up the mountain to the west, when I decided to hunt the creek bottom that afternoon. As I set up my Turkey blind and got settled in to do some hunting I blew one of my locater calls it was a screaming hawk. After sitting there for about 15 minutes I turned my head and noticed a burnt looking tree about 50 yards to my left. I raised my shotgun and looked at it with my scope when I realized what I was seeing was not a tree but a large creature like I have never seen before, it stood about eight feet tall, had charcoal dark color hair covering its entire body. [The hair] was about three inches long and coarse in appearance. It was watching me as well as I was watching it. Its eyes were reddish-brown in color, it had long arms and walked up right never taking its eyes off me, and I never took my eyes off of it. This thing was just looking at me as if it had been watching me for some time. This thing scared me pretty bad if you can give me a call I will give you more details. This thing is out there this is not a joke what I saw was Real! I have never been scared of anything in the woods but this thing was massive in size and I can say this thing scared me, and I have not been back in the woods before daylight since.","county":"Le Flore County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8543: Turkey hunter has close encounter with bigfoot in Kiamichi Mountains","date":"2004-04-30","number":8543,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yhtk6cyhf","temperature_high":79.68,"temperature_mid":69.03,"temperature_low":58.38,"dew_point":63.84,"humidity":0.86,"cloud_cover":0.58,"moon_phase":0.35,"precip_intensity":0.0456,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Heavy rain until afternoon, starting again overnight.","uv_index":10,"visibility":7.79,"wind_bearing":166,"wind_speed":1.29,"year":2004,"geometry":[-94.7325,34.689]} {"observed":"This was our third trip to the LeFlore county area. We were aware of the BFRO reports from this area and decided to camp,explore and just enjoy some time outside. To become more familiar with the area we wanted to spend time in the Honobia Wildlife Area and the Ouchita Nat'l Forest. We arrived late on October 22nd and just picked an easy place to access. We set up camp in the Billy Creek campground. At approximately 2330 hours Ann and I both heard an unusual sound. Ann described the sound as being a cross between an elk and an elephant. She heard the sound twice and thought it came from west of us on a slight ridge. I heard the sound four times and thought it came from the creek bottom. I would describe the sound as having a hollow quality with two distinct pitches. The sound lasted about three seconds with the first half being the higher pitch. Our dog was acting rather nervous for a short time before and during the sounds. After the sounds he settled down and went to sleep. We didn't hear anything else. We were the only ones in the campground that night. The next night there were three other tents. We heard nothing that night. We're not saying that this was a bigfoot, but we've spent quite a bit of time outdoors and haven't heard anything like this previously. Being rural people we're aware of the different wildlife sounds but, this was a new one to us.","location_details":"Billy Creek campground","county":"Le Flore County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9853: While camping, couple hears repeated strange, night time vocalizations","date":"2004-11-27","number":9853,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9yhtmkh3p8","temperature_high":55.08,"temperature_mid":40.95,"temperature_low":26.82,"dew_point":41.47,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.54,"moon_phase":0.53,"precip_intensity":0.0019,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Mostly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":2,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":305,"wind_speed":6,"year":2004,"geometry":[-94.685,34.695]} {"observed":"As reported to Roger Roberts. The witness, age 18, observed one bigfoot \"slowly jogging\" across Holson Valley Road; which is two lane blacktop, west of Cedar Lake. He described the creature as \"military brown\" in color, with long matted hair, heavy set, over 6 ft tall, \"fat head\" and whiskers. The witness's total time of observation was approximately 10 seconds. The area is devoid of houses and is somewhat remote. The creature never looked in his direction, and continued to \"jog\" up hill on two legs after crossing the road.","location_details":"West on Holson Valley Road, west of Cedar Lake.","county":"Le Flore County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Spring","title":"Report 2018: Young man has road cross encounter at dusk","date":"2004-12-14","number":2018,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yhtuvh8ww","temperature_high":40.2,"temperature_mid":27.925,"temperature_low":15.65,"dew_point":13.57,"humidity":0.51,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.1,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":3,"wind_speed":4.15,"year":2004,"geometry":[-94.70667,34.78833]} {"observed":"I was reading some of your sighting reports of other people who have had an encounter with one of these creatures. I also have seen one back in 1986 in Bowie County, Texas while deer hunting with my Nephew late one November afternoon. Since that time I live in LeFlore County, Oklahoma.Last Spring while Turkey Hunting with my brother at Big Cedar,OK he had an encounter with one that was about 8'-9' tall this thing shook him up pretty bad. I got a call from a guy at Big Cedar Thursday Jan. 26th last week saying a Road Crew that was working on a bridge on highway 63 East of Big Cedar had found some large tracks of some kind of man or Something. My Nephew and I went there yesterday and seen the tracks they look real my nephew took some pictures, and I contacted Jerry Heston and told him about this. The last two or three years there has been a number of sightings around this area. Myself being an avid hunter and outdoorsman I have desided to hunt for one of these creatures, not to shoot or kill one, but to prove they do exist. If I can be of any help please let me know. Alot of the people that are doing research on these things are good people, but some of them don't know the first thing about the outdoors or this creature. A few of us have started our on investigation due to it taking so long to get someone down here like when these tracks were found.","county":"Le Flore County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10422: Local family reports huge tracks near Big Cedar.","date":"2005-02-14","number":10422,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9yhtpghddf","temperature_high":75.47,"temperature_mid":61.595,"temperature_low":47.72,"dew_point":40.29,"humidity":0.6,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.21,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":219,"wind_speed":1.97,"year":2005,"geometry":[-94.575,34.64583]} {"observed":"I had just got off work approximately 60 miles away and had been driving home. I saw something (I'm not saying it was a bigfoot,) large bending over (its back facing me). It looked like it was picking something up off the highway that runs over the bridge. It was pretty different than I had imagined they looked like, though. It was really tall, even bending over the way it was. It had long, straight brown hair, though, like a dog or something. I always pictured them to have black hair, but this was brown. There were things hanging in the hair, little sticks and undergrowth looking stuff, and it was really dirty. The only other thing I really remember is the smell as I drove by, it was awful! I was driving my convertible with the top down, and the smell of what ever that was - well, I can't even describe how bad it was. That's really all I saw, etc. I was driving about 60 mph and after I saw whatever that was, I sort of got the creeps and sped home and ran in to tell my husband what happened. I didn't even put the top back up on the convertible. The bridge that I saw whatever that was on is only about a quarter of a mile from my house. So, needless to say, I'm not real happy about coming home from work after dark anymore. Also, I know this sounds weird, but about a week and 1/2 before the sighting, we kept hearing the strangest scream (that's the best way to describe the noise,) and it was not one of our calves or any of our livestock, and after about 2 days of hearing this noise, it finally stopped. The next day, we found a little baby goat with the umbilical cord still attached and dragging the ground all alone - no mother goat to be found anywhere. We found him all alone in the wooded area back behind our house. When we found him, he was terrified, he didn't make a noise or anything - it took us hours to catch him. He finally bleats (cries) now, and it sounds nothing like the noise we heard before we found him. We have also lost 4 baby kittens in the last month, they seem to have just disappeared. We do live way out in the country, though. It's possible that anything could have carried them off or had them for dinner, but I feel like it's worth mentioning.","location_details":"Deep Fork River.","county":"Lincoln County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12204: Motorist has midnight road cross encounter.","date":"2005-07-07","number":12204,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9y75087vj8","temperature_high":84.67,"temperature_mid":76.755,"temperature_low":68.84,"dew_point":66.76,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.03,"moon_phase":0.04,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1015.2,"summary":"Partly cloudy in the afternoon.","uv_index":11,"visibility":8.66,"wind_bearing":135,"wind_speed":3.68,"year":2005,"geometry":[-97.00389,35.68583]} {"observed":"My wife, daughter, son, and I were fishing at a lake near Guthrie Oklahoma. It was the end of May and we decided to do some night fishing but arrived well before dark. We got our poles in the water and were enjoying being outdoors when some doves started calling back and forth. Our daughter began imitating the calls and did a fairly good job of it. As it began to get dark, I attempted to light my old Coleman lantern but couldn't get it to generate so we packed up and moved over closer to the boat ramp where there was some light from a street lamp. Once it was dark, the noise from the frogs and insects was loud enough for us to comment about. A couple of owls also began hooting back and forth and our daughter began imitating them too. This went on for some time until one of the owls flew right in front of us - close enough to see it in what little light we had. Almost as soon as the owl was past there was in incredible roar from the direction the owl came from. It was so loud and forceful that I felt it vibrate in my chest. It lasted about 5 seconds and then it became dead silent. No frogs, no bugs, nothing except my wife and daughter looking at me and asking, What the hell was that? It took a bit but the frogs and bugs slowly began their chorus again. I spent 21 years in the military and never in my travels heard anything like this. What ever made this noise had to be huge and it sounded angry. I spent time in Central America and have heard Howler monkeys at close range. They are loud but never did one rattle my chest. We stayed a few minutes longer and then packed up and went home. I've spent a lot of time outdoors in various parts of the world and have very seldom felt uneasy - this rattled me a bit. Our son had gone to the vehicle and fell asleep about 45 min earlier and didn't wake up for this.","location_details":"Near boat ramp on east side of the lake","county":"Logan County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Summer","title":"Report 59414: Family fishing is roared at in Logan County","date":"2003-05-16","number":59414,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9y6ffz3rb9","temperature_high":71.91,"temperature_mid":64.97,"temperature_low":58.03,"dew_point":63.33,"humidity":0.89,"cloud_cover":0.88,"moon_phase":0.54,"precip_intensity":0.0075,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1003.7,"summary":"Rain throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":8.576,"wind_bearing":37,"wind_speed":12.76,"year":2003,"geometry":[-97.26022,35.68081]} {"observed":"I was walking with my dog down a dirt road near my grandparents house. It was about 8pm and still light out. We were about 1/2 mile down the road when my dog started barking and going crazy. She would just stand between my legs and growl and bark, this is a big dog, a German Shepard. Finally I got her to calm down. I heard some grunting and moving around in the woods to our right, I figured it was a deer or wild hog. As I moved closer, I saw it raise up from behind a fallen tree. I'd say it was roughly 7' tall. I would guess it was 300-400 lbs, kinda reddish brown hair covering its body. Its face looked like a monkey in a way. I couldn't move, my dog was going crazy trying to stay between me and what ever it was. It was only there for a flash. I know it turned and ran off and my dog gave chase to it, and I turned and ran home. About 30-45 minutes later, my dog came home, panting, but unhurt. I have heard all kinds of noises at night there all my life. They sound like a \"whoomping\" sound, kinda like a howler monkey I've seen on the Discovery Channel.","location_details":"Various ponds and fresh water creeks in the area. The Canadian River is close by.","county":"McClain County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9376: While walking dog, man has early evening encounter not far from Canadian River","date":"2004-09-24","number":9376,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9y687zt5hv","temperature_high":84.73,"temperature_mid":71.36,"temperature_low":57.99,"dew_point":59.47,"humidity":0.65,"cloud_cover":0.49,"moon_phase":0.36,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1019.94,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.88,"wind_bearing":38,"wind_speed":2.29,"year":2004,"geometry":[-97.5625,35.24194]} {"observed":"I was told by phone by a relative that three large manlike, hairy creatures were observed on a persons porch and yard. The man got his SKS and has allegedly shot one. Two others came out of the nearby forest and carried him away. That the FBI was called and samples of blood and hair have been taken for testing. My relative also told me that contractors who plant young pine seedlings are refuseing to go in near Honobia and plant trees. Today Jan 28, 2000 we have had a very heavy snow and while I was home listening to the scanner I overheard a conservation between two Oklahoma game wardens talking about the incident. One told the other to be on the lookout for large manlike hairy creatures. They seemed very serious. They were talking about the same incident that I have mentioned above. This area is called the Honobia Wildlife area and is very,very sparsly inhabited. The area of 875.000 acres is owned by a large timber company and as the loggers move in to cut there are sightings.","county":"McCurtain County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Winter","title":"Report 1299: Sighting by logger, Recent incidents near a rural home.","date":"2000-01-28","number":1299,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yh7tvwt7x","year":2000,"geometry":[-95.01167,34.39639]} {"observed":"While my son and I were camping in the Quachita National Forest on Oct 19 2001, in McCurtain County we discovered 4 large foot prints and one large hand print. We were off one of the logging roads that wind through out the forest. I came upon a area that had a very steep cut out along the bank off the road. This cut off had exposed the underlining strata, and I thought it would be a good time to show my son some geology of the area. The exposed strata was layered and I could show my son (18 years old) how the rock and soil was layered by water over thousands of years. We went up to the bank and was starting to show him the layers when suddenly my son said \"Dad look at this print\" it turned out that it was a very large hand print. After further investigation we found 4 large foot prints. The prints were in a single line and you could follow the prints for a space of roughly 15 -20 feet. We did not have a tape measure or ruler to measure accurately so every measurement is a guesstimation. The first print seen is a left foot, then comes right foot about two feet away, then comes left foot about 8 feet further up then about 3-4 foot away and slightly higher up the (what I will call for lack of a better term alluvial fan, because off this bank the soil and rock is washed down into a pattern like that off larger areas such as the sides of mountains, etc.) Following the left hand print comes another left foot print about 3 feet away, however this print only shows the toes and about 1/2 of the foot it appears to have been made while the foot was rotating off the ball and toes, and stopped at what with some caution I will call the arch. (I say that because there does not seem to be much if any arch at least like a normal human foot.) Following this print is another large print however this print seems to be out of place as that it is perpendicular to the others and headed further up the debris pile. After this the tracks stop. There are some others there that I think were at one time prints however they were deteriorated to the point where it would be impossible to ID. The material in this wash is a combination of small chat like material mixed with the native soil (clay based sandy loam). It is not a material that is condusive to holding any print of any kind for very long and they will be gone totally after the first rain. The track these prints and place was not a easy track for it was slightly up the debris pile and a fairly steep angle, my best guess why it would take this track was because the location of this place is in one of the few places in this area which has any open ground (not very large, but larger than the surrounding area) and as stated earlier it was right off one of the logging roads, so I guess he/it was walking along the bank to minimize his silhouette while treking along this open space next to the road. The next morning (Oct 20) we went back out there and we took some small sticks and placed hunters orange tape on the tops of the sticks then placed the sticks in the middle of the tracks so that we could get a visual on its track. We used one piece of tape to mark foot prints and used two pieces of tape to mark the hand print. This was so we could get a easier visual sight of what was going on. We then took the video camera and filmed the tracks and the track markers, so we have all this on video and you are welcome to view this, and in fact I can/will furnish a copy of the tape if interested in it. Just let us know if you wish to see it.","location_details":"Coming south on Highway 259 you travel about 5 miles of the junction of 259 & 4 (which heads back to Smitville proper). On the east side of 259 you will see a low water crossing that crosses Mountain Fork river you follow that logging road 2 miles to the east. At the two mile mark the road Y's back south there is a pond on the south side to mark this spot. You take this logging road about 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile further and you will see the steep bank off the road on your right hand side (west). I will include more precise directions here below: Using the Smithville Quadrangle 7.5 minute topo map the UTM coordinates are as follows: Zone 15 347964E 3806266N This area sits between Hee Mountain which is to the south and Mountain Fork River which is north.","county":"McCurtain County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Fall","title":"Report 3240: Father and son observe hand print and footprints near old logging road","date":"2001-10-19","number":3240,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9yhezrf14k","temperature_high":71.56,"temperature_mid":63.995,"temperature_low":56.43,"dew_point":54.18,"humidity":0.88,"cloud_cover":0.59,"moon_phase":0.11,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.96,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.75,"wind_bearing":98,"wind_speed":1.18,"year":2001,"geometry":[-94.60042,34.45195]} {"observed":"A hairy bi-pedal creature carrying a calf or deer carcass over its left shoulder crossed the road from East to West, approximately 150 yards in front of my pick-up truck during a brief rain storm. A part-time rig hand with me in the truck also witnessed the creature. The following day we found several partial footprints along the creek bank on the West side of the road. We lost the tracks after 10-15 yards in the dense undergrowth.","location_details":"A creek where the creature crossed the road and a Federal WPA water impoundment a 1/4 mile to the West.","county":"Muskogee County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8591: Oil well owner and rig hand have road crossing encounter.","date":"2004-05-03","number":8591,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yk52mmqe1","temperature_high":67.09,"temperature_mid":58.435,"temperature_low":49.78,"dew_point":39.4,"humidity":0.61,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.46,"precip_intensity":0.0072,"precip_probability":0.36,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1022.67,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":10,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":125,"wind_speed":3.24,"year":2004,"geometry":[-95.60667,35.7575]} {"observed":"My friend and I were leaving her house. We decided to check out a tree in her yard that we thought we had seen something in about 2 weeks before. The tree was about 60 yards from her house and close to the road. We drove down to the tree and I had my bright lights on and was about 50 ft away from the tree. We saw something huge and white sitting on a branch of the tree. I saw the head and shoulders. The shoulders were broad and it didn't look like it had a neck. My friend saw two legs dangling down. The legs were hairy and were moving. The head and shoulders were moving slightly back and forth like it was getting ready to jump down. My friend screamed and shouted \"go, go, go\". I was in shock, but managed to put the car in reverse and backed out as fast as I could and drove off. I called my brother on my cell phone and my friend called her mother and told her not to come out of the house.","location_details":"From Lawton,Ok, go west on Hwy 62, take Cache exit go south on Hwy 115,until you get to intersection of old Hwy 62, go west about 1 1/4 mi, turn right, on Quannah Rd, go down about 3/4 of mi, house on left or west side of road.","county":"Comanche County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10234: Large white creature seen in tree","date":"2005-01-10","number":10234,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9y1v58j517","temperature_high":66.96,"temperature_mid":50.535,"temperature_low":34.11,"dew_point":53.4,"humidity":0.9,"cloud_cover":0.09,"moon_phase":0.02,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1015.04,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the evening.","uv_index":3,"visibility":6.91,"wind_bearing":188,"wind_speed":7.05,"year":2005,"geometry":[-98.62833,34.62944]} {"observed":"My cousins and I were spotlighting one night to find coyotes. We were driving alongside a treeline when we spotted eyes shinning in the light about 150 feet away next to the trees. I had binoculars and one of my cousins had a 22. magnum with a scope. We had a very good view of a large biped covered with brown hair, except for white patches on the pecs (chest) and one of its arms. It was about 8' tall or more. It tilted its head down because of the light, but stayed in place for about 5 minutes then stepped across the fence on the treeline and disappeared into the woods. The face was like a man and an ape.","location_details":"Northeast of Soper, OK.","county":"Choctaw County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Fall","title":"Report 6541: Young hunters have night time encounter north of Red River","date":"2004-12-21","number":6541,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yh4041dgx","year":2004,"geometry":[-95.62278,34.11306]} {"observed":"This weekend 8/19/00 while hunting off of Salmonberry Road off HWY 26. I was looking for bear tracks on a trail that I have hunted before; anyway, when I came out at the trails end on one of the logging roads I decided to take a walk up the road with my fiance. I always keep an eye on the sides of the raods for traks to see where an animal may have crossed. Well about a half a mile up I saw a track, with very decerable toes (5) and I put my foot up nxt to the print, I am a size 12 and the print was about the same. The funny thing was, the print looked like the foot was broken and healed wrong, I do know that it was not human and it deffinatly was not any type of animal I hunt for. My fiance also saw this print as well. As we first hit the trail, I should mention we both herd a howl the likes of nothing I have never heard before in my LIFE, the hair on the back of my neck stood on end, even my fiance said that it was the wierdest thing she ever heard. There was no noticable odor in the air at that time. This was all in the morning at about 6:10am. I will be checking this area again in about a week. I will not forget that howl\\moan for as long as I live. It is monday and I can still hear it in my head.","location_details":"All information is listed in the above statement. Please contact me ASAP","county":"Tillamook County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 102: Couple hears unknown howl, later finds possible deformed track","date":"2000-08-19","number":102,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c20hnmyf38","temperature_high":57.98,"temperature_mid":47.115,"temperature_low":36.25,"dew_point":48.62,"humidity":0.97,"cloud_cover":0.77,"moon_phase":0.65,"precip_intensity":0.0178,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1020.65,"summary":"Rain in the morning and afternoon.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.54,"wind_bearing":302,"wind_speed":0.56,"year":2000,"geometry":[-123.466,45.7351]} {"observed":"I called the professor at WSU and left a message but he never contacted me. I had a pretty close encounter in September, 1994(I believe) near tolgate, OR during elk bow season.I had been in the woods for several days. I was tracking a hit elk on the north side of usfs rd 64 (skyline)about opposite jubilee lake at about 1 or two PM. I was down the skookum spring side of dusty ridge about 1/4 to 1/2 mile from dusty spring, an abandoned campground, and saw movement about 70 yds crosslope and down at the edge of a clearing(approx 50 76 45 n 117 59 30w)some 30 or 40 yds across . a large biped with unusually long seeming arms walked across the clearing heading away and upslope at an unhurried pace. near the far edge of the clearing it stopped and turned, looking directly at me. it was covered head to foot in hair, dark brownish in color and i got a very (too good actually) look at it. it knew i was there, i have no doubt to this day. it then turned and continued away. i saw it for perhaps two minutes, in bright sunlight. I vacated the area without finding my elk or going over to look for tracks. I can say it was not a man or anything i have seen before. as it walked it swung its arms but they were so that the palms of the hand was clearly to the rear and much nearer the knees as opposed to the hip as mine are. The datetime can be better established because when i got home and was telling my wife, she said that the previous weekend some guy had taken videos of bigfoot at Hoodo spring some twenty miles from where i was at and they had been on the news. I have no pictures but can certainly take someone to the spot without difficulty even now.","location_details":"north side of usfs rd 64 (skyline)about opposite jubilee lake at about 1 or two PM. I was down the skookum spring side of dusty ridge about 1/4 to 1/2 mile from dusty spring, (approx 50 76 45 n 117 59 30w)","county":"Umatilla County","state":"Oregon","season":"Fall","title":"Report 980: Elk hunter spots reddish-brown sasquatch","date":"2001-03-05","number":980,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c2hhg11xd3","temperature_high":40.44,"temperature_mid":30.105,"temperature_low":19.77,"dew_point":31.04,"humidity":1,"cloud_cover":0.54,"moon_phase":0.36,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1019.24,"summary":"Overcast in the morning.","uv_index":4,"visibility":8.01,"wind_bearing":172,"wind_speed":3.05,"year":2001,"geometry":[-117.991,45.84175]} {"observed":"First of all I have kept this to myself for many years, for fear that people would say we were nuts. It was early summer late spring my brother and I were test driving his new toyota pickup, I guess it would be south and east of the millcreek watershed near the wash. oregon boarder.We had just crossed millcreek and passed the watershed entrance about a mile or so up the hill.The road was gravel and one side was steep embankment down into the gorg and the other went straight up.We had stopped to take a leak on the side of the road. As I stand there I looked across the gorg, it was approx. 100 yds. and there on an old tree stump was this thing, just standing there motionless looking at us. It was about 2:30 or so in the afternoon clear sunny day about 75 degrees. I quickly turned to my brother who was standing at the other end of the truck and told him to look up on the hill. We both stood there looking at this thing look at us for a good 5 min. or so. then as if it were never there it turned and disappeared into the trees. It looked like a large hairy man kinda brownish with dark streaks and patches on the shoulders and hips and legs.It moved so quickly , it was there one second gone the next. I do not recall any significant smells but it was big what ever it was.We could not get to the area where it was standing do to the terrain so we could not see if there were any tracks. But if they are out there that area above walla walla is where they are.","location_details":"Mill Creek Rd. east out of Walla Walla cross mill creek near the water shed continue up the hill towards oregon approx. 1 to 2 miles.","county":"Umatilla County","state":"Oregon","season":"Spring","title":"Report 1065: Brothers see sasquatch watching them","date":"2001-03-20","number":1065,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c2hj8uxgwy","temperature_high":50.3,"temperature_mid":38.79,"temperature_low":27.28,"dew_point":29.98,"humidity":0.72,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.87,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1023.02,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":134,"wind_speed":3.22,"year":2001,"geometry":[-118.0811,45.99215]} {"observed":"I heard something funny while running my computer. Out the back window --- I saw a bigfoot looking at me!! --- I said hello (to him?) but he just turned away and went out toward the field. An update from John (12/20/02)--I went around the place and did find a footprint on the bank behind the house. It was pointing toword the house and I took a tape and it was 16\" long with it being 6/7\" wide and on the heel. I could see dermal ridges. (John was encouraged to cast the track. -tp) I also asked the neighbors if thay heard/seen anything. One said they had heard the same weird voices, like a talking, but not making any sense.","location_details":"It was here at the house.","county":"Umatilla County","state":"Oregon","season":"Fall","title":"Report 5505: Rural Oregon resident sees a bigfoot look into the window","date":"2002-12-17","number":5505,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c256wuvbgw","temperature_high":44.44,"temperature_mid":35.95,"temperature_low":27.46,"dew_point":27.44,"humidity":0.75,"cloud_cover":0.26,"moon_phase":0.43,"precip_intensity":0.0006,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1003.76,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":1,"visibility":9.63,"wind_bearing":158,"wind_speed":3.48,"year":2002,"geometry":[-118.875,45.46571]} {"observed":"I was returning to my home in Kennewick, WA, after delivering Christmas gifts to relatives in southern Idaho. It was early evening (around 5:45 pm), and I was driving in the westbound lanes of I-84. I had encountered heavy, thick fog at the top of what is locally known as \"Cabbage Hill\". It also began to snow. The roadway was snow-covered and slick. Traffic was moving quite slowly (20-30 mph). Trucks were moving especially slow due to the steep roadway, poor visibility, and slick roads. Traffic was backing up. There were 5-6 vehicles, including mine, travelling as a group, with 2-3 in the left lane and 2-3 in the right. The westbound lanes make a sharp turn to the right, straighten, steepen their grade, go through a cut in the hillside, and make a turn to the left, crossing Patawa Creek. This was in the vicinity of milemarker 222. There is a guardrail alongside the exposed side of the westbound lanes when they are not protected by embankments. As we were driving on the straight section between the curves, I could see the brake lights of the vehicles in front of me come on - the red glow getting brighter. I assumed we were either getting closer to the left turn and people were slowing, or there was some slower moving trucks ahead. I was in the left lane, and slowing down, putting more space between me and the car in front. Suddenly, I saw a large creature sitting/leaning on the pavement side of the guardrail - this would be to my left. It appeared to be watching/waiting for traffic go by. It's head turned from side to side, but I didn't notice detail. I looked at it as I drove by, and noticed that it appeared to be covered by long hair, or a long fur-like coat, which was covered/streaked with snow. It watched me drive by. At first I thought there must be an accident or stalled vehicle ahead (there were none behind me that I had passed), because why would someone be standing/sitting in that location, watching traffic? I was puzzled by what I saw, and noticed there were no vehicles stalled/parked below the location, either. The more I thought about it, the more I realized this was crazy. Why would someone be there? Except for the interstate, this spot is fairly isolated; farms/ranches are quite a long distance away. The terrain is very steep and rugged. The weather was quite cold, damp, inhospitable. If this was a \"person\" stranded or seeking help, he/she/it did nothing to atract attention or to get someone to stop. This was definitely not the time or place one would encounter someone out for a leisurely \"stretch of the legs\". I don't disbelieve in Sasquatch. I know there will always be hoaxes, and logical explanations for things that seem unexplainable. But I also know there are things yet to be \"discovered\", and new discoveries are made regularly. The more I thought about this, the more I began to think that maybe I did see what my second reaction said I saw. I called my wife on my cell to tell her. She got a big kick/laugh out of my story, said something about maybe I've been driving too long and should take extra care in travelling the remaining distance to home. When I got home, I retold my story to my family/friends. That \"understanding\" smile has been the usual reaction. But some have also said, \"Who knows? Maybe you did see Sasquatch!\". I finally convinced myself to report this to your site. Maybe I'll discover I wasn't the only one to see something extraordinary that night.","location_details":"Left lane of westbound lanes, near milemarker 222, before roadway goes through cut in rock and then crosses Patawa Creek, guardrail on left (downhill) side of left lane. The area is known as Cabbage Hill - steep, winding roadway south of Pendleton, OR on Interstate-84.","county":"Umatilla County","state":"Oregon","season":"Winter","title":"Report 5650: Driver has early evening road sighting on Interstate 84 southeast of Pendleton","date":"2004-10-05","number":5650,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c25ekgkefq","temperature_high":77.39,"temperature_mid":64.73,"temperature_low":52.07,"dew_point":32.35,"humidity":0.38,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.73,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1017.48,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.64,"wind_bearing":143,"wind_speed":0.5,"year":2004,"geometry":[-118.6131,45.58982]} {"observed":"I and my husband were at the local swimming hole, called Black Bridge. I was at the gravel watching over our two nieces who were wading around the water. The swimming hole is under a rail road bridge. The footings are cement. My husband walked around the cement, along the edge, to the back side. I walked the other way along the gravel where I found two indentations under the trees. The indentations looked like a sleeping place for a bear. But it was odd how they were so big and right in the open. Anyway, the girls were getting chilled and got out to dry in the summer sunshine. My husband came back about then, too. You should have seen the look on his face! He had that stare of disbelief and his face was drained of color. I asked what it was, what was wrong. He said he was just about to walk along the path, into to trees... What was that? Someone whispering? He didn't think anything of it but felt uneasy. He heard two someone's whispering again. He stopped moving and they stopped moving. He'd start moving and so would they. He thought someone was just playing around but felt so uneasy. About the 4th or 5th time of this red light green light game, he for no reason got the heebie jeebies. He said something just was not right and he felt like high tailing. He remained calm, and just backed out to the water's edge where I turned to climb the cement back. Any way, he was just telling me about the whispering and that he thought they were saying \"Look, who is that? It's --- (my husband's name).\" Something... he wasn't sure, but he did make out his name. He was telling me the story when this huge limb comes flying out from back there and hits the water with a splash. We looked at each other and back to the limb, as it floats down river. No one could have possibly thrown that, I thought. We were just talking of checking it out when we heard this huge splash back there. There was this kind of grunt along with it. I figured we were interrupting the Big Man's meal gathering and we probably should leave. We said our apologies to whoever was back there and left tobacco as a courtesy and left.","location_details":"Beginning at Pendleton, Oregon, go east on Mission Rd. to Cayuse Rd. and continue for about 10 miles. Turn left at silver railroad bridge.","county":"Umatilla County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 15747: Native family along the Umatilla River reports possible encounters","date":"2005-07-15","number":15747,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c25evgph2d","temperature_high":94.79,"temperature_mid":80.475,"temperature_low":66.16,"dew_point":45.9,"humidity":0.33,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.29,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1011.62,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":289,"wind_speed":1.7,"year":2005,"geometry":[-118.5658,45.6764]} {"observed":"It was dark. I was driving my truck going South on hwy.219 out of Hillsboro. I had the truck's bright lights on. I was scanning the countryside for wildlife as is my practice. I've seen hundreds of deer and a number of elk over the years.(Not necessarily in this location.) But, what I saw that night, made my mouth drop open. I saw a very tall, shaggy golden brown animal with two very long legs. Its' arms were hugging its' sides. It was standing as still as a tree as the headlights hit him. My first impression was \"THAT is the biggest deer I have ever seen in my life!\" But, even though it was looking directly into the headlights, the eyes were not reflective. It had no antlers, and as I got closer I saw that it didn't have hind legs or a horizontal body attached. It was taller than an elk and much, much taller than a white tail deer. I would estimate that it stood approx. 8' tall. It had a good build (well proportioned)The hair seemed to be about four inches long and covered all the body except for the eyes. The head was round on top with little or no neck. The face appeared flat and the nose was small enough not to be noticed. The hair had a slight wave to it. It did not lay flat. To tell the truth, it looked a lot like Chewbaca (sp?) from Star Wars. It was standing in a field about 2-3 pickup lengths from the road,facing the road at an angle in such a way that my headlights hit him straight on as I approached, and I could see him from the side as I passed him. I was going 55 MPH so I saw him for only seconds. But the image is etched in my brain! I've thought about this since the day it happened and can figure out nothing else that it could be other than a sasquatch. I finally decided to report it.","location_details":"From Hillsboro, take hwy. 219 south. Jackson Bottom Slough is just a little ways past the railroad tracks. From the Jackson Bottom Slough sign, continue on hwy. 219 for exactly 1.5 miles to a field that is just opposite where Tongue Rd. intersects with 219. It is in that field that I saw what I believe was a sasquatch.","county":"Washington County","state":"Oregon","season":"Fall","title":"Report 1829: Motorist witnesses two-legged man-like creature in field just off Hillsboro highway","date":"2000-10-15","number":1829,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c20d9rc0n6","temperature_high":57.19,"temperature_mid":53.49,"temperature_low":49.79,"dew_point":43.69,"humidity":0.88,"cloud_cover":0.61,"moon_phase":0.58,"precip_intensity":0.0006,"precip_probability":0.73,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.22,"summary":"Light precipitation overnight.","uv_index":2,"visibility":6.17,"wind_bearing":98,"wind_speed":0.43,"year":2000,"geometry":[-122.9903,45.48204]} {"observed":"10/14/01 3:30pm Partly sunny 65 degrees I was hunting the Wolf creek Rd area. 3.5 miles up the road is a clearing. I decided to walk down into the timber stand about 1/2 mile down the side of the slope. The path then cuts right and follows the wood line and the creek at the bottom. I am always looking for any signs of our big friend. I am involved in ongoing research in the Salmonberry area, so my eyes are always scanning. About another half a mile up the trail I caught sign of pretty big print. I measured the print to the following dimensions. 17 inches long 6 inches wide Could count all five toes in the print I am 282 pounds and left no impression in the soil. This print left a 1-inch depression in the soil. In scanning the immediate area I could see the trail it followed up from the creek bed. The print was heading in the westerly direction down the trail where I was heading. No odor was detected and no scat was found. Foliage in the area was low to the ground so I observed no broken tree limbs at an unusual height. I will be returning this weekend with some fruit and will try to work more of the bottom of the timberline and see what can be found deeper into the tree line.","location_details":"Rt 22 west to Wolf Creek Rd. 3.5 miles up the road in the clearing on the right hand side.","county":"Washington County","state":"Oregon","season":"Fall","title":"Report 3209: Track find by BFRO field researcher","date":"2001-10-14","number":3209,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c20k2g7umq","temperature_high":59.32,"temperature_mid":46.82,"temperature_low":34.32,"dew_point":49.26,"humidity":0.92,"cloud_cover":0.73,"moon_phase":0.93,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1020.81,"summary":"Drizzle in the morning.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.36,"wind_bearing":212,"wind_speed":0.33,"year":2001,"geometry":[-123.3601,45.76569]} {"observed":"This sighting happened over 1 year ago. I happened upon your site recently, although I did write to George Noory about the sighting 10 months ago. I am a truck driver. I was headed north on US Route 69. Another truck was passing me and his cab was just about 5 feet from the front of my truck. Off to my right I saw a something running towards the road. The other truck locked up his breakes and I slowed down to keep from hitting it. It took only 2 steps to cross both lanes of the highway, went down the median and crossed the southbound lanes. It ran upright and held its arms to its side as opposed to having its elbows bent like a man would . Its hands where down to its knees. It was covered with dark hair I'd guess about 6 or 7 in long. The \"thing\" glanced our way as it ran and seem to have dark or black eyes. It was taking long strides and was slightly bent at the waist. The hair on its legs seemed to be longer the the rest of it's hair. I say hair and fur as it flowed as it ran. It was able to look straight into my cab so I would estimate it was between 7 and 9 ft tall.","location_details":"Right before a bridge about 10' south of a sign that reads Clear Boggy Creek, came from a field on the east side to a slight hill and sparce woods on the west side of the highway. (i could take you to the exact place.)","county":"Atoka County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Fall","title":"Report 13348: Night time sighting truck driver near Clear Boggy Creek","date":"2004-10-12","number":13348,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9y5dfen08w","temperature_high":74.09,"temperature_mid":63.815,"temperature_low":53.54,"dew_point":51.04,"humidity":0.7,"cloud_cover":0.46,"moon_phase":0.95,"precip_intensity":0.0092,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":6,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":307,"wind_speed":5.51,"year":2004,"geometry":[-96.21,34.25]} {"observed":"We were at my lake house where we were living for the past 3 months. We had returned to get some things that we wanted at our other house so we spent a couple of hours gathering stuff up and cleaning a bit. I went out side looking for the cat then my wife followed. I was in the front yard yelling \"tiger\" \"tiger\"! My wife went to the back yard and started yelling. Then out of nowhere she hears a hoot owl. \"hoo, hoo hoot\" it was loud. it sounded close to me and i was in the front yard. but she said it came from not more than 10ft from her. she stoped startled. Then another one went off from the other direction even closer. She comes runnin to the front yard.(we werent more than 15yds. apart to begin with and i kind of met her 3/4 of her way at the front corner of the house) Shes like \"Oh my god did you hear that. two owls right there above me\". Doesnt sound that creepy butin the middle of the night in the middle of nowhere with no flash light it will startle you. I said \"yea i heard it what was it?\" she said \"they sounded like owls but owls are territorial and are never that close unless they are mating.\" Just as she said that every where around us started \"hooting\" 20 to 30 differernt ones. Loud to like stereo turned up all the way in your car loud. And then some of the calls turned in to jungle noises. Like monkeys and tookans all kinds of noises, and in the middle of some of the calls it in a way sounded almost like human laughing but kind of like in an insane way. It just kept getting louder and louder until it was almost ear piercing and then there was complete silence..... The crickets and bugs started back in and i heard a twig \"snap!\". We hurridly got in the car and put it in reverse. Then peeled out (if you can do that in dirt). On the way down the drive way not more than 20yds from our house. I saw the out line of some thing big and dark colored. But the what I remember the most is the eyes they almost glowed.","location_details":"10 miles sw of caddo jake bridge (canadian river)on my land","county":"Caddo County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Summer","title":"Report 3964: Wooded, rural, lake house scene of late night encounter","date":"2002-04-29","number":3964,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9y4pdnq8db","temperature_high":74.92,"temperature_mid":66.825,"temperature_low":58.73,"dew_point":59.5,"humidity":0.85,"moon_phase":0.6,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"visibility":9.87,"wind_bearing":70,"wind_speed":4.16,"year":2002,"geometry":[-98.34056,35.10278]} {"observed":"My wife and I were driving through Cogar, Oklahoma in the afternoon on our way to her parents house. We were about 100 yards from approaching an intersection when I saw a [dark hair-covered, manlike] creature on two legs crossing the intersection we were about to turn on. It was running fast and it looked like it possibly stepped over a barbwire fence. I also saw something black about 25 feet from the fence as if it had come to a sitting position and i kept my eyes on it and when i got to the intersection i turned to see if it was there but didnt see anything. I dont think what i had my eyes on was what i saw crossing the road but i did see something about 5-6 feet tall cross the intersection fast and step over the fence. My wife did not see it but told me that many sightings have been reported around there and so did her dad when we got there. There has also been known to be a black panther in that area but this did not look like a panther. I was really amazed at what i saw that day. I never thought I'd see something like that. The road we were on had trees to the right and a farm to the left. When I saw it crossing the road it could have been hiding in tall grass afterwards.","location_details":"Go through Union City. Get on highway 152, drive about 15 minutes until you get to the Cogar \"quick stop\" and trun left on a road. Go straight until you get to an intersection. (I saw it crossing from the right to the left)","county":"Caddo County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6513: Daylight road crossing sighting by motorist in Cogar","date":"2003-06-13","number":6513,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9y61nbrdyd","temperature_high":84.27,"temperature_mid":75.825,"temperature_low":67.38,"dew_point":67.3,"humidity":0.83,"cloud_cover":0.26,"moon_phase":0.47,"precip_intensity":0.0176,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1009.31,"summary":"Rain in the morning.","uv_index":11,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":97,"wind_speed":2.61,"year":2003,"geometry":[-98.13028,35.33389]} {"observed":"In the summer of 2000 I went with my stepfather and his friend to some land (40 acres) that my mother inherited from my grandfather. Its in a fairly remote and sparsely populated area near Lake Tenkiller. My grandfather had bought the land because we went to the lake multiple times every year when I was growing up, and fancied building on it. He passed away having never done anything with the land. We were going to clear a road\" from the public road to as far as we could go to the back of the property. That meant clearing brush and cutting trees (with chainsaws). We arrived around 9:00 am and began work. We took a break for lunch and I decided to explore the rest of the property while they sat in the truck and ate. At the back of the property (approximately 150 yds from where we were working) the land dropped steeply into a canyon/ravine. It was pretty clear all the way to the bottom and probably 80-100 feet of vertical drop. As I neared the bottom I saw what looked like a cave on the opposing side. That side of the canyon was much steeper and nearly solid rock. I walked down to the cave entrance and looked inside. I quickly realized it had another entrance as it was fairly well lit (being noon during the summer). The entrance I was looking into was about 5 feet high and 3 feet wide. I couldn't see the other entrance from it as the cave made a curve. I went inside and realized something had been living in there. The other entrance was about 30 feet from the first and roughly the same size. In the middle of the cave was a large nest\". It consisted of a shredded (filthy) sleeping bag, various pieces of cloth, grasses, and leaves. It was clearly fashioned into a large sort of oval shaped nest about 6 feet across. There was a few pieces of torn up trash scattered around that was mostly food wrappers. My first thought was maybe a homeless person was living there. That would be really weird though because it is miles to any towns or even campgrounds. There are a few nearby, the nearest being about a half mile away. I began to get a very uneasy feeling. I went out the other entrance/exit and decided to go back and tell my stepfather what Id found. I was about 25 feet from the cave when I heard a huff\", like an animal snorting. I looked back and up the hillside above the cave probably 30 feet up I saw the head and shoulders of what can only be described as bigfoot. It was looking over the top of one the big rocks covering the hillside. It was covered in reddish/brown hair and didn't look like a human or an ape, more like a cross between the two. It was looking directly at me and I turned around and ran screaming back up the hill towards my stepfather and his friend. When I got back to them I was out of breath and huffing and puffing and trying to tell them what Id seen. They laughed and told me I was full of crap. Despite my frenzied insistence, they didn't believe me. They said they thought we'd cleared enough road\" for the day and we'd come back again another day. Well, we never went back. It's a 2 hr drive from where we live in Norman and my mom decided it wasn't worth the time and effort. As far as I know, she still owns the land but none of us have been there since. I will never forget that day. No one I know believes me, but I know what I saw. I'll never go back there without at least a pistol. Whatever that thing was, I got the distinct impression that it didn't like me being in it's cave. Visiting Lake Tenkiller many times over the years Ive heard and read of many sightings in the area. I always thought they were kinda kooky, probably just people mistaking deer or maybe even a bear for bigfoot. I'll never doubt them again. I'm 52 years old and I know what I saw that day. At times I've tried to tell myself that I was mistaken, but I realize Im just trying to make believe it didn't happen. But it did happen and it's something I'll never forget.","location_details":"I would have to get the directions from my mom, as I haven't driven there and haven't been back since this incident.","county":"Cherokee County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Summer","title":"Report 63286: Brief but clear daylight sighting near Lake Tenkiller","date":"2000-06-10","number":63286,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yk2uysx03","temperature_high":81.62,"temperature_mid":75.5,"temperature_low":69.38,"dew_point":70.31,"humidity":0.89,"cloud_cover":0.65,"moon_phase":0.32,"precip_intensity":0.117,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.2,"uv_index":9,"visibility":8.938,"wind_bearing":164,"wind_speed":10.53,"year":2000,"geometry":[-95.0585,35.325]} {"observed":"Various newspaper articles reporting possible bigfoot near Tahlequah, Oklahoma. First report was on August 1, 1990 at a mobile home near Eldon, Oklahoma which is east of Tahlequah at the junction of highways 62 and 51. Woman living in the mobile home reported to Cherokee County Sheriff's Deparment that she heard noises and noticed a bad smell. She then observed a creature approximately 10 feet tall and about 400 pounds. Deputy Joe Weavel investigated the reports and found impressions big enough to place both his feet in. Two days later, an 8 year old girl and her mother described a similar creature going through a trash pile near their house. Their dog chased it but returned with it's tail between it's legs. The creature was described as 8 feet tall with dark brown frizzy hair and similar to a bear except that it was described as walking upright. Oklahoma Wildlife Department district chief, Joe Adair said he had received several calls regarding the animal and believed it to be a bear. He said he \"nothing to base that on\" and that it was unusual for a bear to walk on it's hind legs for very long. Similar reports came from this area in the early 70's.","location_details":"Highway 51 and 62 junction, Eldon, Oklahoma and 3 miles east.","county":"Cherokee County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Summer","title":"Report 2041: August 1 1990 Oklahoma, Cherokee County, near Eldon","date":"2001-03-26","number":2041,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yks6hdbhg","temperature_high":47.85,"temperature_mid":41.54,"temperature_low":35.23,"dew_point":15.34,"humidity":0.44,"cloud_cover":0.1,"moon_phase":0.05,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the evening.","uv_index":8,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":22,"wind_speed":4.85,"year":2001,"geometry":[-94.83,35.92806]} {"observed":"My family resides close to Norman, Oklahoma, and from 1976 to the present, there have been numerous incidents revolving around Bigfoot, including two sightings in 1976 and one in January 2003, footprints in both mud and snow, several incidents where vocalization was heard, and numerous other accounts of stones being thrown, foul odor being smelled, fruit being taken off of trees, etc. Back in 1976, Bigfoot researcher Bob Stamps and his partner took several plaster casts of footprints and interviewed family members who had heard and seen the creature. The most recent sighting happened in January of this year. My 61-year old brother-in-law was chopping wood and breaking kindling approximately 40 feet from his house near the edge of the woods. It was early evening and he was just about to finish when he happened to look up and caught the sight of the creature out of the corner of his eye. At that point, the creature was approximately 15-18 feet away from him, standing in enough of a clearing so that he could see him from the waist up (due to thick underbrush he could not see any further down). He estimated the creature to be 7-8 feet tall with a slight hunch. He froze for a minute and then dropped the wood that was in his hands and ran inside of the house. By the time he entered the house he was visibly shaken and according to my sister, he was \"as white as a ghost.\" The hair on his arms were standing on end caused by physical reaction of goosebumps due to the state he was in. He was having difficulty breathing and therefore was having a hard time speaking. All he could say was \"Buh...buh...buh...\" My sister and niece thought he was having a heart attack and were fearing for his life. When he was finally able to calm down, all he could get out was \"Bigfoot. I just saw Bigfoot.\" Since my brother-in-law was snapping kindling over his knees, we have come to the conclusion that it was this noise that drew the creature to him.","county":"Cleveland County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Winter","title":"Report 7473: Family finds tracks and has close visual encounter.","date":"2003-11-29","number":7473,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9y6b9jfege","temperature_high":63.56,"temperature_mid":52.415,"temperature_low":41.27,"dew_point":18.85,"humidity":0.36,"cloud_cover":0.03,"moon_phase":0.21,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1020.97,"summary":"Breezy until afternoon.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":193,"wind_speed":15.14,"year":2003,"geometry":[-97.33528,35.27639]} {"observed":"(This is what took place in the spring of 2000 to my husband and two of his friends. He related this story to me last year after returning from a camping trip to Jay OK. This is the first time I have seen him come back frightened from a fishing trip. After accidently discovering your web sight, I was amazed to find out that there had been sightings in the past in the Jay area and felt that their experience could be important because of previous sightings in the Jay area.) April of 2000, myself and two friends went to an area apx 12 miles west of Jay Ok to do some \"gigging\". We set up camp and went out on the boat until about 10pm that night. We came back to camp, cooked and ate supper, and retired for the night in one large tent. About ten minutes after settling in, there were very loud, deep throated, \"banchee\" screams coming from across the creek, which echoed throughout the area. All three of us have hunted and fished all our lives, one of us grew up in Jay, yet none of us had ever heard that sound before. It was extremely frightning to put it mildly. The screaming went on for around 30 minutes, and whatever was screaming seemed to be moving up and down the opposite side of the creek-or there was more than one animal screaming. There was no doubt that the sound was coming from a LARGE animal of some kind. Nobody said a word to each other as the screaming went on. Each scream lasted about 3-4 seconds. Everyone admitted that the screams where totally unknown to them and that it was a very frightening experience. We went gigging the next day also. We retired around the same time, 12pm that night. Again the screaming started, but this time it was coming from behind our tent in a wooded area in front of a bluff. The screaming seemed louder because it was apx. 300 feet away. Again we lay very still, feeling it would be safer to stay in the tent instead of trying to get to the truck. It again lasted around 30 minutes and then fell silent. We left the next day. We just returned from another camping trip to the same area, April 2001. There was no screaming, just alot of thrashing in the brush across the creek, made by something that seemed to be large. We felt pretty uncomfortable as the creek was shallow, around 4 feet, and there was a feeling that whatever was thrashing the brush, could easily come after us in the boat. There were no visual sightings, only the screams in 2000 and the thrashing brush in 2001. If we make the trip next year, I will be bringing a tape recorder.","location_details":"Creek between Spavinaw and Eucha on land owned by the city of Tulsa Oklahoma.","county":"Delaware County","state":"Oklahoma","season":"Spring","title":"Report 2386: Unusual screams and thrashing sounds heard by 3 fishermen","date":"2000-04-04","number":2386,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9ykrpgu903","temperature_high":58.04,"temperature_mid":51.735,"temperature_low":45.43,"dew_point":25.37,"humidity":0.45,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.01,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":8,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":301,"wind_speed":5.83,"year":2000,"geometry":[-94.92667,36.4075]} {"observed":"While sitting in the Blazer (with 3 other females ranging in age from 13-34 all of which were sleeping) that was broken down waiting for help to return I noticed on the east side that there seemed to be something peeking out from a tree aprox. 20' into the woods. I was thinking that it could have been a trick of lighting and the wind moving some branches as the only time I seemed to be seeing movement was when I was looking straight ahead to the north the direction the Blazer was headed and this was out of the corner of my right eye to the east and every time I would move my head to the right it would stop. I played this game for a while, but decided that if I was really seeing something, that I was going to have to turn my head to the right. I dozed off for a while and when I awoke I was still looking off to the right (east) and there was something peeking around a tree that was closer more like 15' or so, so I just kept my eyes on the object and was able to make out!that it was tall, hairy, light coloring in the face except for the eye and mouth area. It didn't move but just like a shifting of feet once in a while. It didn't advance any more, but seemed intent on watching what was going on or in seeing just what it was that it was looking at. I couldn't smell anything as the wind was blowing to the east. I didn't awake anyone because I didn't want to scare them. I didn't feel threatened, but I wasn't going to go and check it out either. At 3:30 help arrived and so I concentrated on what needed to be done to get the broken-down rig off the hill.","location_details":"Take highway 22 west from Salem following signs to Lincoln City, you will end up on highway 18, traveling through the Van Duzen Corridor, take a left onto Slick Rock Creek Road, which becomes Boulder Creek. Travel east on Boulder (becomes logging road, so it goes different directions) continue on the main road for about 2-3 miles and the road splits, take the right split, continue on the main road for another 3-4 miles and the road splits again take the left split, continue on the main road 2-3 miles till comes to another road like a 3-way intersection take the right turn, continue till there is a road on the left (aprox. 1/2 mile) that almost doubles back up the hill, take the first right (aprox. 1/32-1/16 mile), continue on the main road (this is a narrow road, there is another road that cuts back to the west just after turning on this one, but continue straight on the main road). The sighting occured about 1/2-1/3 miles in.","county":"Lincoln County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 1224: Possible movement and footsteps heard by women waiting in stranded vehicle","date":"2000-07-15","number":1224,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9pzzz9bhuj","temperature_high":55.05,"temperature_mid":46.01,"temperature_low":36.97,"dew_point":44.19,"humidity":0.97,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.48,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1020.76,"summary":"Windy in the afternoon.","uv_index":10,"visibility":9.66,"wind_bearing":342,"wind_speed":11.85,"year":2000,"geometry":[-123.7718,44.96651]} {"observed":"Today is June 12 2005.My husband and I were around Lake Jefferson north of Suttle Lake out fishing and scouting elk. When we stopped to follow fresh bear and elk tracks. We could smell something very bad in the air and thought we were very close to a bear. A large bear. We came across a large stump that had some kind of hair all over it. We studied this for some time trying to figure out what had happened there as the stump had hair all over it and it was also all over the ground. We brought some home with us because it was the strangest fur we had ever felt. This fur was white and very coarse.It was not elk or deer or any fur we knew of. We looked on the ground and notice a set of elk horns that had been dropped. We continued down what looked like a game trail and found a wallow. In it were several foot prints from what looked like elk and bear. Also we saw foot prints that were at least 18 inches long and as wide as my foot.(I wear a 6 1/2). shoe.) We followed the tracks and they headed toward a creek. The prints were easy to follow as the ground was clean where they stepped but surrounded with what looked like splashing from wet fur around each print. We investigated further, though I was scared to death, and had noticed the bushes and tree branches had been splashed as well with the muddy water from the wallow. There were tracks every where. What ever made the prints was very heavy. The tracks were deep. My husband who weighs 230 lbs. tried to make prints that deep by jumping next to some and barely dented the ground. My husband, who was a logger and is very familiar with the wilderness had never seen anything like it before and was also astonished. He was curious and wanted to keep investigating but I was so frightened I just wanted to get back in the truck. To the best of our reasoning we figure the tracks were a day old. It had rained on Friday and they had dried enough for us to see them on Sunday afternoon. We usually carry our video camera with us when we go out in the woods but forgot it on this trip. If it doesnt rain this week my husband is going to go back and film it, he wants to gather more evidence of what is there. I dont know if I can go back. It may not sound like much in the telling of this story, but in real life you could just feel that something very large and strange lives there and we should not be in this place. This has made such a lasting impression on us both, that we had to come home and tell someone right away.","location_details":"on the border of deshutes and jefferson counties","county":"Deschutes County","state":"Oregon","season":"Spring","title":"Report 11886: Tracks found south of the Warm Springs Reservation (REPORT UPDATED)","date":"2005-07-09","number":11886,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9rct81195z","temperature_high":66.81,"temperature_mid":59.495,"temperature_low":52.18,"dew_point":47.65,"humidity":0.7,"moon_phase":0.1,"precip_intensity":0.0001,"precip_probability":0.06,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":268,"wind_speed":0.92,"year":2005,"geometry":[-121.6384,44.56625]} {"observed":"I was walking in the woods behind my house in Lookingglass, near the Callahan Mountains during the late afternoon/evening. I was enjoying the late summer weather by taking a walk when suddenly I heard something stir in the brush several yards ahead of me. I walked silently for a few yards, daring not to get too close. More rustling. It was moving away now.... and then out of nowhere it appeared ahead of me. I don't think I have ever seen any bipedal thing that tall.... and hairy. Of course I wasn't right next to it... with the animal being about 20 yards away. I was twelve at the time, but I know what I saw. Call me crazy, but when I got to where I first heard the rustling, there was this odiferous smell that I can't put into words. The creature was dark brown, almost black, and hairy, like an ape, but bipedal like a human. Its face and muscular structure resembled an ape, but its upright appearance looked more like a human. I followed the animals' route several days later for about 20 yards after it disappeared and found a faint footprint. It was enough to make out the characteristics. Five toes and I would estimate that it was larger than Shaq's foot by a long shot. I walked along the fence line for a while and I couldn't see any holes. There were some parts of the fence though, that the animal could have just stepped over, being that big (8ft approx).","location_details":"Out in Lookingglass, 5 miles from the Lookingglass Store. Foot of the Callahans. Touchstone Lane up to the logging area. You can gain access to where I saw it from there.","county":"Douglas County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 22996: Girl describes close encounter on family property in the Lookingglass / Roseburg area","date":"2002-08-20","number":22996,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9r8ju3eky2","temperature_high":70.26,"temperature_mid":59.845,"temperature_low":49.43,"dew_point":48.47,"humidity":0.66,"cloud_cover":0.6,"moon_phase":0.43,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1017.11,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":6,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":329,"wind_speed":2.39,"year":2002,"geometry":[-123.5585,43.2073]} {"observed":"I was driving home from work a year ago, December. It was about midnight. I was driving on hwy 138 heading east about 15 miles out of Roseburg, Oregon. As I rounded a curve in the road, I saw what I thought was a deer way up ahead crossing the road. I slowed down a bit as I got to where I thought the deer would be. What I saw was a figure standing just off the road by a fence with one hand on the fencepost and it turned as I went by, watching me. I thought It was a man so I stopped to see if he needed help. I got out of my truck with my flashlight in hand and started walking back toward the \"man\". I was working the lightbeam along the fenceline when I heard the most godawful sound I've ever heard in my life! I froze. I was in the military and I work as a psychiatric nurse and I don't scare easily but that scream scared the crap out of me. It sounded like a dying calf in a hail storm..It was ranging in tone, starting out high pitched, then ending up as a threatening, low pitched, guttural sound. I dropped my flashlight and RAN back to my truck and spun tires getting out of there. The next day on my way to work, I stopped at the same spot. My flashlight was still there. I didn't notice any footprints but did see the tall grass had been walked through on the other side of the fence. I looked on all the fence posts in the area where I saw it but did not see any evidence of hair. As to what it looked like, I only got a brief look as I went by, but it had to be at least 7 foot tall. I base this on the fact that I drive a Dodge Ram truck; when I'm sitting in the driver's seat, my head is 6 feet off the ground. The spot where this thing stood is in a depression in the ground. When I park my truck in that spot and stand where it stood, I can't see into the cab at all. And yet, that night I saw it, its head was even with mine, I was looking directly out the window not slightly up or down. I couldn't make out features as it was dark but the lights of my pickup slightly illuminated the area where it stood as I went by. As I said, I thought it was a man at first who needed help. It looked so human at that moment, it wasn't until later that I came to believe it couldn't have been a man. No man could have made that sound. What I remember seeing was a figure standing next to the fence. Its head followed me as I went by. It didn't appear to have shoulders, it looked like the head just spread out until it became shoulders. It appeared to have long hair all over; at first I thought it was a long jacket like a duster, but as I look back it had to be fur. But it was the scream that stands out in my mind. It was like a warning, \"don't come closer\", at least that was the message I got!","location_details":"It had just crossed the hwy and was standing on the south side of hwy 138 east, about 15 miles east of Roseburg, about 4 miles west of Glide, Or","county":"Douglas County","state":"Oregon","season":"Winter","title":"Report 8227: Driver stops, approaches bigfoot on foot around midnight on Hwy 138, 4 miles W of Glide","date":"2002-10-15","number":8227,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9r8qm7hcdm","temperature_high":82.68,"temperature_mid":63.58,"temperature_low":44.48,"dew_point":32.29,"humidity":0.32,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.33,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.16,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.91,"wind_bearing":11,"wind_speed":0.5,"year":2002,"geometry":[-123.1611,43.3029]} {"observed":"On Saturday about 5:45 AM my hunting partner and I were walking down a gravel road and heard a loud scream from up hill above us. The scream started in a high pitch and went into more of a gruntal growl and echoed through the canyon. After a brief discussion I told my friend that it sounded like something was mad that we were out there and wanted to scare everything in the canyon. The next day at approx. 8:00 pm. we were hunting high above the canyon on the next ridge. I was the first back to the pickup and sat down about 30 yds. away to watch for elk. Suddenly i heard something coming down the hill through the burned trees. it sounded like another hunter, only it was being very loud. I stood up to try and see what it was but the wind picked up and blew my scent toward it. The sound stopped for a few seconds and it turned and ran back up the hill. I ran out the road to try and see what it was. By this time it had reached the top and was running upright along the ridge. I caught three or four glimpses through the burned trees before it went over the ridge. About 10 seconds later I heard two loud screams like before. My friend called me on the radio to ask if I heard it and to tell me he was heading in. I walked further out the road to meet him. As we were talking about it, we heard it once more. The thing I saw was walking upright, about six ft. tall and looked like a man with no neck in a ghilli suit.","location_details":"The first sounding was in the Warm Spring Creek area off NFD 600. The next day we were just off road 700 / Kelsay Mountain. The area is above the Umpqua River and about 10 miles north of Diamond Lake.","county":"Douglas County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9248: Hunter hears morning vocalization and has evening sighting north of Diamond Lake","date":"2004-08-28","number":9248,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9r9nety5p5","temperature_high":73.08,"temperature_mid":58.885,"temperature_low":44.69,"dew_point":47.65,"humidity":0.77,"moon_phase":0.45,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":294,"wind_speed":0.9,"year":2004,"geometry":[-122.1814,43.3622]} {"observed":"My brother and I went camping in the area between Glide and Diamond Lake on Highway 138. We pulled into a forest Service campground named Eagle Rock and found we were the only ones in the campground. The campground is situated right alongside what I believe is the Umpqua River. There are steep mountains on both sides so I guess you would say we were at the bottom of a canyon. The water was running over a lot of rocks next to our site and made a lot of noise. My brother decided to pitch his tent next to the river and I slept in my van in the parking spot. As darkness fell, we sat out in the dark talking about our lives. This was the first time we had been together in about 20 years so we had a lot of stories to tell. While we were was talking,I heard something making a weird calling noise from the mountain across the river from us. I wasn't sure until I heard it a second time. Since my brother was talking at the time, he didn't hear it. We eventually headed off to our respective beds. My brother woke up at 0200. He said he was checking his watch fo the time when he heard 2 loud hoots from across the river about 50-100 yards downstream. He called them hoots but said it wasn't really a hoot. He couldn't really describe or imitate the sound. They had to be very loud to be heard over the noise of the river. He laid frozen in his sleeping bag then heard something walking around the campsite. About that time something woke me up. I heard something moving around outside the van and was about to raise the windowshade to peek out when I heard what sounded like a gorilla grunting next to my van. I have no real experience with gorillas and have only heard them on nature shows on TV, but that's what I heard. Needless to say I was too afraid to lift the shade at that point. After a while, it got quiet (except for the river noise) and somehow we both fell back asleep. When it finally got light we came out, compared notes and started looking for any tracks. The ground was too hard and the river too rocky to show us any. I also checked the campground to see if there were any other campers there, but there were none. We don't think it could have been deer or elk because it was right in the middle of hunting season and hunters are all over the place up there. I don't think any deer or elk would come into a human camp at that time of year. When we got home we listened to the recordings on the site. The calls I heard were similar to those on the site, and my brother thought what he heard sounded similar.","location_details":"Eagle Rock Campground. Plainly marked on AAA map of Douglas County.","county":"Douglas County","state":"Oregon","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9534: Campers hear several types of early morning vocalizations near Diamond Lake","date":"2004-09-28","number":9534,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9r8y71yc6r","temperature_high":83.33,"temperature_mid":70.43,"temperature_low":57.53,"dew_point":48.06,"humidity":0.54,"moon_phase":0.51,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":290,"wind_speed":0.88,"year":2004,"geometry":[-122.5541,43.296]} {"observed":"At about 11pm, after sitting silently in front of the campfire for a couple of hours, I all of a sudden started hearing a single, loud wailing sound. It sounded like a cross between a wolf and 'tarzan'. Somewhat human, but definitely not. The high-pitched howl that at first I thought was a wolf, became louder and longer, and was moving slowly through the woods about a quarter mile from me at most. It would stop briefly, then continue, sounded like something in pain or extremely lonely or lost, calling out for others. I heard no other calls in response, and I didn't utter a sound because I didn't want to scare it off. I was mesmerized. It kept sounding off for about 10 minutes, then gone. It was not close enough to hear footsteps associated with it. VERY Loud vocalizations. When I realized that I've heard wolves, coyotes, and cougars before, I knew this was nothing of the sort. That's when my whole body got chills as I realized that I must be hearing a 'Sasquatch'. I can't say I had really ever considered that they exist or not. I was certainly open, but skeptical. Not Anymore! I consider myself extremely lucky; most people will never hear such a thing.","location_details":"This happened at the Dixie campground, Dixie Pass, in Malheur National Forest.","county":"Grant County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 7687: Lone camper hears vocalization","date":"2003-08-15","number":7687,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9rgtm7uzd4","temperature_high":89.98,"temperature_mid":69.725,"temperature_low":49.47,"dew_point":33.11,"humidity":0.24,"moon_phase":0.62,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Partly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":7,"wind_bearing":230,"wind_speed":0.57,"year":2003,"geometry":[-118.5908,44.5385]} {"observed":"Three strange things in three days: I woke up one morning and went into the trailer to get a cup of coffee and we had two dogs and I let them out and the little dog took off somewhere. I decided to go and look for her. I started walking up the hill right behind the trailer and I got up to a rock face were I could look down on the other side of the hill. I couldn't see anything and I was tired from walking up the hill, so I sat down to have a smoke. I sat there for about five minutes and was looking at the great view. Then I heard the dog bark and I turned my head and looked back and all I saw was a 7-8 foot tall black streak running down the hill. I jumped up and started following it; I couldn't see it but I could here it crashing through the brush. I got down to the bottom of the hill were there was a clearing. When I got down to that clearing, the crashing noise stopped. Then on the second day, I decided to go for a walk early in the morning. I walked to the top of the hill and walked down going north. When I got to the middle of the hill, the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I got goose bumps. I looked behind me and beside me but didn't see anything, so I started walking again. I walked across the top of the hill and then walked through another clearing that would take me back to camp. I walked through the clearing and saw the trailer and my little brother- he was sitting out side - I waved to him and I walked back up over the same hill. I didn't see anything at all but when I got back to camp, my mom, her boyfriend and my little brother said that my little brother saw something orange in color walking on two legs, following me. My mom said she had never seen him that scared before and her boyfriend was out going to the bathroom and when he walked back to camp my little brother saw the top of his head through the trailer window and he had long hair and she said my brother freaked out and said that it was coming to get him. On the third day, after I knew that something was following me, I walked back up the same hill and when got half way up it, I could hear something. I looked up the hill and there were branches of trees about 2-4 inches thick and about 3-4 feet long being thrown down the hill at me. My mom's boyfriend has heard three very loud screams come out of the canyon only about a 3/4 mile away from the trailer.","location_details":"About 10 air miles N. of Granite, just east of North Trail Creek. The area is also about 4 miles east of the North Fork John Day Wilderness Area.","county":"Grant County","state":"Oregon","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9604: Campers have several visual encounters","date":"2004-09-15","number":9604,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9rgzf6ynts","temperature_high":53.21,"temperature_mid":44,"temperature_low":34.79,"dew_point":42.59,"humidity":0.91,"cloud_cover":0.79,"moon_phase":0.04,"precip_intensity":0.0007,"precip_probability":0.64,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.89,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.91,"wind_bearing":213,"wind_speed":1.39,"year":2004,"geometry":[-118.3692,44.9723]} {"observed":"At about 7:00 pm I was taking a walk along the eastern edge of Call Meadow. I had parked before the cattle gate on the southern end. Cattle were grazing toward the south end of the meadow, and also in the woods to the east, but they were fenced out of the meadow, where I was walking on an old road. I'd gone maybe about 500 ft. and heard, off to the southwest, near the E-W fenceline, in the woods on the other side of the meadow, a really horrible noise. I've worked in the woods on the coast for almost 20 yrs., and have been camping over in the Malheur for about as long, and I have never heard anything like it. It was very loud, like a cow bellowing but it wasn't a cow. It's hard to describe, or even remember exactly, but it was almost like a scream, but not a scream, it almost sounded like something may have been in a lot of pain, or maybe just really mad. It went on for at least a minute or more. I was listening, and a first thought coyote, but it didn't sound like a coyote. I have heard that cougars can scream like a woman, but it didn't sound like that. I was most impressed by how loud it was. It was probably about 1000 ft. away from me. I could see across the meadow, and kept watching while I headed back for the rig. It was pretty scary, so I cut my walk short.","location_details":"South end of Call Meadow, north of Junction of FS road 28 and 2850. Pavement ends on 28, gravel begins, it's another 1/4 mile or so.","county":"Harney County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6584: Vocalization heard in Call Meadow area","date":"2003-07-02","number":6584,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9rg980kvd3","temperature_high":72.81,"temperature_mid":57.545,"temperature_low":42.28,"dew_point":32.51,"humidity":0.42,"cloud_cover":0.02,"moon_phase":0.1,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1013.66,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":11,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":269,"wind_speed":2.33,"year":2003,"geometry":[-118.8215,43.85975]} {"observed":"My wife and I were on vacation visiting different sites around the southern edge of Mt. Hood off of Highway 35. We came across a sign for the Barlow Road (US Forest Service Road 3530) and decided it would be fun to drive into the woods and perhaps see some of the wagon ruts. We drove to the edge of a clearing just north of a deserted campground and stopped to take a look around. Just after getting out of the car we noticed an extremely large pile of fresh droppings about 10ft from where we had parked. My wife, who has had experience hunting bears, elk and other large mammals, commented that the droppings looked odd and did not look like bear or elk droppings. They were more \"human\" in appearance but way too large for a person to have made. After a few minutes of looking around we both noted that we no longer heard any other animal noises of any sort. It seemed way too quiet. We had been visiting sites within a few miles of this place all day and this place really stood out as being eerily quiet. It was at this moment that my wife stated that it felt like we were being watched. I agreed. The whole environment just seemed really strange. We both got an extremely creepy feeling and decided to just turn around and leave. It was such a relief to be back in the car and moving up the road that we both laughed out loud and shouted about how creepy the whole thing was! Then my wife confessed to me that just before we left she had seen something watching us from across the meadow a 100ft or so away. She said that it had reddish brown fur, was moving on two legs. Just after she saw it, it started heading away from us and back into the forest. She only saw it for a few seconds before it was already back into the trees and out of site. She was sure it was not a bear based on her experience on hunting trips with her family.","location_details":"At the intersection of US 26 and OR 35 (marked Hood River / Bend exits), exit right onto OR 35 towards Hood River. Stay on OR 35 up hill 2.5 miles to Barlow Pass SnoPark exit (FS 3531). Turn right on FS 3531 and proceed to FS 3530. There is a large sign for the Barlow Road.","county":"Hood River County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9109: Couple has fleeting, afternoon encounter near Barlow Pass","date":"2001-09-08","number":9109,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c213x1gs5v","year":2001,"geometry":[-121.6796,45.274]} {"observed":"On Tuesday, September 24, 2002 I was hiking alone on the Ruckel Creek trail near Cascade Locks. The time was about 4 p.m. I was beginning descending from the area known as The Benson Plateau. Although I am not sure of my exact position it was probably close to 45 deg. 38' 21\" N, 121 deg. 52' 24\" W at an elevation of about 3,300 feet. The trail was very dry and dusty and the steep decent required that I walk very carefully. As a result I made almost no sound at all. There was suddenly a very loud crashing sound from close by and my thoughts were that a bear had been surprised. At first I saw nothing, but the sound indicated that an animal was fleeing up the steep hillside. Then for about two seconds from a distance of about a hundred feet I could clearly see what looked like a large guerrilla running up the hill. Only the back was visible and it was black. The animal was only visible from the waist up. It had powerful back and shoulders and a very large head that rose to a distinct hump much as it does in pictures of some apes. I do not know how big it was other then to say it was a lot bigger then me. The head was particularly massive I thought. The animal apparently tripped and fell forward, but caught itself and kept moving up through the dense thicket. At that moment it turned its head enough for me to see its head and face in profile. It had a distinct nose but there was little else I could distinguish. At this point I went for my camera. This took a few seconds. When I looked up again I could see motion but could not make out the animal. There was a fallen tree about a hundred and fifty feet up the hill and it began to rock up and down at a uniform rate of about 1 HZ. It made a corresponding creaking and rubbing sound and this continued for some time, perhaps fifteen seconds keeping my attention drawn to that spot but seeing nothing but the tree bobbing up and down like it was being deliberately shaken at a uniform amplitude. Then it suddenly stopped and I could hear nothing. Then I noticed some motion about fifty feet to the right of the tree and thought I could see a face looking at me. The face seemed smaller that the animal I had saw but it still looked like a face and shoulders against a lighter backdrop. I stood with the camera ready knowing that the animal was still there and expecting it to stand up and again show itself. But this waiting game went on for perhaps two minutes. Then I began to wonder if the animal was in fact gone and perhaps I was looking at some strangely shaped stump because it did not move and I could not see it well enough to tell exactly what it was. At this point I took a picture thinking I might blow up the photo later for closer study to determine if anything was in fact there. It occurred to me that I should move around a bit and try to find a better angle. But there was no better position then where I was and caution prohibited me from moving closer. When I returned to my original position I no longer could see the face. I stayed around and listened and watched for a while but noticed nothing. The trail itself was very dusty and took prints well. My own prints were very clear but there were no other prints that I could see. During the incident I smelled nothing. When the digital picture was lightened and adjusted for contrast the head that appeared to be looking at me did look like it could be real. But in the background was what could be another far bigger animal. The larger image in the background is about the right size for the animal I saw. But the front looks like a light tan. I just took the picture and that is all I know about it. The picture quality is poor. Obviously if the animals were willing to pose I might have done better. I went back to the site two times to try to locate the exact position from clues in the picture but have been unable to relocate it exactly. I wanted to get another look and take another picture from the same location just to make sure I was not seeing something that just looked like what I was trying to see. The interesting part is right in the middle of the picture and needs lightning to see properly. I did go back about two days later and explore the place where the animal might have been headed. This area is called Rudolf Spur. All I found there was a pile of shit that was flat as a pancake and looked like tar. It was the size a large human might leave.","location_details":"On the Ruckel Creek trail, near Cascade Locks Oregon at a point somewhere between the Mark Hatfield Wilderness boundary and the first switchback going down the hill, at about 3,300 feet elevation. Approimately 45 38' 21\" N, 121 52' 24\" W","county":"Hood River County","state":"Oregon","season":"Fall","title":"Report 5100: Hiker sees, attempts to photograph a sasquatch in the Columbia Gorge","date":"2002-09-24","number":5100,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c217dsq7v9","temperature_high":74.08,"temperature_mid":56.585,"temperature_low":39.09,"dew_point":44.48,"humidity":0.63,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.6,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1014.03,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.96,"wind_bearing":254,"wind_speed":0.33,"year":2002,"geometry":[-121.8735,45.63923]} {"observed":"Vocalizations over a period of months. Long drawn out howls. They were very loud in comparison to other animals that you would hear in the area. The sounds appeared to be originating from BLM land across the street from my house. Did not see anything, but these were not howls that you would hear from other animals in the area. This happened throughout the summer and fall of 2003.","location_details":"The events were heard in the 800 block of Upper Applegate Rd. It sounded like the sounds were in the BLM land called Woodrat Mountain.","county":"Jackson County","state":"Oregon","season":"Fall","title":"Report 65789: Possible vocalizations heard outside Ruch on BLM land called \"Woodrat Mountain\"","date":"2003-09-15","number":65789,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9r882bb0jn","temperature_high":76.81,"temperature_mid":60.32,"temperature_low":43.83,"dew_point":44.92,"humidity":0.54,"cloud_cover":0.06,"moon_phase":0.67,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1013.3,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":9.594,"wind_bearing":343,"wind_speed":3.73,"year":2003,"geometry":[-123.0137,42.2356]} {"observed":"My wife, daughter and I were towing our trailer up to a local camp site on a Saturday morning for an overnight campout. I was driving along on the Prospect/Butte Falls highway. I came around a corner and was slowed down to about 30 mph. As we turned the corner, about 40 yards down the road on the right hand side, I saw what I thought was a man take a step from the road into the forest. I clearly saw an arm swing and a leg. What struck me strange was that he was pitch black from head to toe. I said to my wife, \"What was that?\" She said, \"I don't know.\" At this point I am still thinking that it was a person, but that it was strange. There was a dirt logging road that crossed the highway right where the creature was standing. I started slowing down and expected to see a person, or a truck or camper on the road. As we went by and looked, there was nothing there. We continued down the road and my wife and I talked about what we had seen. My daughter was in the back seat of the truck and did not see anything. I all happened very quickly. I did not see anything until it moved as I was proocuppied by driving and towing. My wife saw it standing there by the road before it moved and clearly saw hair and could see both sides of the torso. I kept running over in my mind what it might have been. I have lived in this area all of my life and have seen every animal that lives in the woods. This did not fit in any catagory. The only thing that color is a black bear, and this clearly was not a bear. We finally agreed that it may have been a bigfoot. We decided to hurry to out camp and drop the trailer and get back down and look for tracks. I had my camera and my intention was to find some tracks and get some pictures of them. We went to camp and hurried back to the spot. The time since we went by was about an hour. The logging road turned out to be very dry and hard. I searched all around in the forest and on the other side of the highway for tracks, but could not find anything that was clearly a bigfoot track. I went back to were it was standing an stood in the same spot and was looking up in the tree standing there looking for a bees nest or something that perhaps a bear might be interested in. I was still trying to eliminate all other possibilities. Then it occured to me that when I had seen this creature step off of the road that it had stepped behind some branches on this tree. As I looked up I realised that the branches were way above my head. I am 6' 4\". This thing was big. That convinced me.","location_details":"Go to Butte Falls. Go through town. At the fish hatchery turn onto the Butte Falls - Prospect Highway. Approximately 10 miles north near the side road to Camp Creek.","county":"Jackson County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 8986: While towing trailer to campsite, family has mid-morning road encounter near Butte Falls","date":"2004-07-03","number":8986,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9r8fm506vx","temperature_high":80.12,"temperature_mid":64.545,"temperature_low":48.97,"dew_point":52.26,"humidity":0.61,"cloud_cover":0.15,"moon_phase":0.55,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1014.24,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":10,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":306,"wind_speed":2.16,"year":2004,"geometry":[-122.475,42.6]} {"observed":"This sighting took place while I was on a fishing trip with my girlfriend, another couple, and their mom. My friends were staying at the resort cabins at one of my favorite fall fishing lakes. By the time we arrived (delayed by wiring problems on my boat trailer) it was about 3 a.m. We talked untill there was little reason to go to bed, just to have to get right back up to catch the morning bite. About an hour-and-a-half before sunrise my friend Wes and I decided to go for a little walk down to one of the streams that feed out of the lake. I was curious to see what the fish were doing. We both had flashlights, shining them into the stream as we walked along trying to spot fish. The further we went, the more uneasy I became and I have been in these woods all of my life and never felt like this ever. I asked Wes if he felt kind of weird he said, \"Kind of.\" We decided we'd head back. We moved to a different cabin closer to the lake. After the evening fish I returned at late light, bummed about missing a very large brown trout. I spent most of the evening listening to fish jump and looking at stars. Wes' mom went to bed first and about 11:45p.m the rest of us went to bed. My girlfriend and I were not sleeping in the cabin with Wes and his family. We were sleeping in the back of a full size Chevy Surburban, mainly because Angela and I wanted a little privancy. Angela and didn't go right to sleep. This was about an hour-and-a-half after everyone said good night at the camp fire. I sat up to smoke a cigarette and I was looking out the rear side window when something caught my eye. The cabins where we were staying are not very large. There was outdoor lighting attached to the middle of the roof line of the cabin. At first I thought it was the wind moving the tree branches or bushes but something wasn't right. I then began to realize was I was seeing. I thought maybe I was a little more tired than I thought and that my eyes were playing tricks on me. Except the trick didn't go away. Just to make sure, I asked Angela to sit up and look around and tell me what she sees. I totally expected to look stupid and have her tell me she saw nothing. I did not tell her what I was seeing or where I was seeing it. I looked down at the floor. Angela sat up and it wasn't even two seconds before she visually locked onto the same thing I did. Still looking at the floor, I asked, \" What do you see.\" Her first word was, \"Yeti,\" and with that things now felt real. We both became excited, scared, and curious. I was a bit more uneasy with how the bigfoot was moving and acting. It was about 50 feet away back in the tree line on the other side of the cabin, about 15 feet away from Wes' mom's truck. It was standing just out of the light, so as not be directly seen. It was about 7-1/2 to 8 feet tall, covered in hair, very broad in the shoulder and across the chest. It wasn't as bulky as what is in the Patterson film. What made me very uneasy was its movements and actions. It wasn't coming forward. It had one arm up above its head and to the side, resting on a tree. It was rapidly rocking from side to side, and bobbing up and down. Angela made a statement about getting out to maybe get closer to it. I was in the process of telling her, \"No!\" when the next surprise was realized. Anglea points out that there's more than one. About two feet behind the tailgate of my friend's moms truck, was crouched not one, but two of what appeared to be smaller bigfoots. They were crouched close together, sitting motionless and looking directly at us. They looked like they were younger ones, compared to the big one still rocking back and forth by the tree. They were not as broad in the shoulders or chest. Angela and I wondered what to do, quietly talking to each other for five or ten minutes. I decided to wake up Wes by yelling toward the window of his bedroom, which was in the middle of the back wall of the cabin. Wes answered back and I told him to look out his window. At first he couldn't see anything through the window. I didn't tell him what to look for or what I was seeing for fear of him thinking we were pulling a joke or that we were totally out of our minds. As he opened the window, I asked him, \"Do you see it?\" His response was, \"Oh, my #%&^@ God!\" Wes didn't say another word, which made me even more uneasy. I couldn't deal with it anymore. I jumped up to the front seat and was gonna start up the rig to back them off a little. When I got up front, I couldn't find the keys. I became a bit panicky. I found the keys and started up the Chevy with a big \"vrooom!\" and it hardly seem to bother them. I then decided if I was going to see Bigfoot, then by god, I'm gonna try to get a good look!! I was parked in such a way that I had to pull way out and swing the front end around for my lights to hit them directly. As soon as the Chevy moved, they took off back into the trees and bushes. I then headed down the road toward a picnic aera where they might cross the road. On the way, Angela said she had enough and didn't want to be around the bigfoot anymore. I turned around, ended up taking a wrong turn finding, and myself driving cross country through the cabins and the resort. I was turned around so badly I didn't know where I was. Angela spotted the cabin where we stayed the first night. I then began to drive out to the highway to leave because Angela didn't want to return until daylight. Just before I got to the highway, I remembered my friends at the cabin and the fact that they had their newborn baby with them. Angela agreed we couldn't leave them there, so we returned. Wes said that as we were driving off, something ran across the road behind us on two legs. Angela and I decided to leave the Chevy parked halfway blocking the road and go inside the cabin. After we got inside, I asked Wes if he'd seen what we saw, because I still could not take in the fact that this really happened. Wes told me he definitely saw what he belives to be a bigfoot. he explained that he became silient because of the two smaller ones at the back of his mom's truck. After twenty minutes had gone by, I needed a smoke real bad and Wes' mom wanted something to drink. Both were in my rig. Wes was the first to step out side. On the way back to the cabin, we heard a bunch of comotion down toward the lake, like something running through bushes, snapping and breaking limbs. We ran to the front door of the cabin. Just as we started up the steps, I fell onto the porch, scaring Wes to death. Once inside, we talked and tried to rationalize everything that had happened. Things were quiet outside from then on, other than the fact that a raccoon thumped on our door, which startled us. What was strange was that the raccoon seem to want to come into the cabin. The raccoon did not touch any of the food outside the cabin.","location_details":"Suttle Lake Resort (east end of Suttle Lake) off the Santiam Highway (Hwy 22) east fo the Santiam Pass, cabin # 6","county":"Jefferson County","state":"Oregon","season":"Fall","title":"Report 5610: Three guests at Suttle Lake Resort get long look at three sasquatches","date":"2002-10-24","number":5610,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9rckwp3y4t","temperature_high":55.83,"temperature_mid":36.555,"temperature_low":17.28,"dew_point":17.01,"humidity":0.43,"moon_phase":0.61,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":68,"wind_speed":0.21,"year":2002,"geometry":[-121.726,44.42565]} {"observed":"I and my now-ex-husband were hiking the Big Tree Trail after going on the Oregon Caves Tour. We were about midway along in the hike, when we heard a loud, deep call. It came from above us on the hillside, starting at our left. It started faintly, and picked-up volume as passed above us on the hillside, and then faded away. It moved quickly... not as quickly as a bird flies, but far faster than a man travels. It was deep, and the quality was such that it seemed far away, yet was clearly audible. It sounded like, \"whuh! whuh! whuh! whuh!\" The trail cuts through pretty dense forest, and we couldn't see anything. There were no starts and stops to this repetitive call, no slowing of movement judging by the movement of the sound.","location_details":"The location is the switch-back portion of the Big Tree Trail from the Cave at the Oregon Caves National Monument park. I certainly couldn't be more specific after three years.","county":"Josephine County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6655: Couple hears repetitive calls near Oregon Caves N. M","date":"2000-07-30","number":6655,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9r2pryetp6","year":2000,"geometry":[-123.4043,42.09224]} {"observed":"I am 16 years of age,and it is 4:27 and about an hour ago i was mowing a friend of the familys lawn and kept noticeing these rocks being thrown at me and so i thought that the weed eater was hitting these rocks and didn't think much and it, well about two mins later i could smell this awful B.O smell and thinking i must really have bad B.O, so i checked and i couldn't smell anything and the rocks started to come back at me again but this time i could hear laughter but like a retarded person so i keep looking around to see if anyone was around messing with me, AND NOBODY WAS THERE so i just kept mowing and smelling that awful smell and then the rocks started being thrown at me and i looked over in the woods and trees and saw this huge creature behind a tree and my hair went strait up on end and i ran like a bat out of hell and when i got to the door i looked back and it was running through the trees and the trees and bushes were moving fast like in Jurassic Park and i know it wasn't a bear it was too tall and no bear can run that fast on two legs if they can run on two legs at all. it was about 8 to 9 ft. tall. 6/8/02","location_details":"Redwood Hwy to Helms Road","county":"Josephine County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4481: Sighting by young man trimming lawn near Grants Pass","date":"2002-06-08","number":4481,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9r81nugjmy","temperature_high":57.12,"temperature_mid":50.64,"temperature_low":44.16,"dew_point":32.96,"humidity":0.52,"cloud_cover":0.86,"moon_phase":0.93,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1021.02,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":349,"wind_speed":5.4,"year":2002,"geometry":[-123.449,42.39031]} {"observed":"A friend and I were driving from Vancouver, WA, to Eureka, CA, at about 11.45 pm late in July of 2002. We were lucky enough that the road opened on the same day we planned to travel as it had been closed much of the week before because of the sour biscuit fire. Anyway, we were both alert as we were excited about seeing the effects of the fire and indeed some of it was still burning in isolated pockets all around the road. There was very little traffic that night. I was suprized at first by seeing movement on the left side of the road. My first reaction was hitchhiker? then a millisecond later my brain said \"bear?!.. standing...upright? then another fraction of a second and the creature was in the road in the open right in full view of my high beams. At that time I jokingly said \"There he goes right there\" as I told my friend earlier that bigfoot was supposedly seen in this area before. About the same time my mind was coming to the realization that it was not a bear because it was walking on two feet and my friend started to make this \"hooo hooo!\" kind of sound and pulled his legs up to his chest fetal style. Now I must interject at this point that my friend and I are not easily frightened and also that he is 6'4\" and to pull his legs up to his chest in a Toyota 4Runner is not the easiest of movements. Thats when I was gripped in a fear that I have never known not even when the Cali police have pulled their weapons on me, not when I was surrounded by Yurok indians drunk and pissed off at me and my entire race. But at that moment I was stricken with a fear that I can only say was instinctual as I was not terrified but something deep inside me said\" Get the f... away from here now!\" Please excuse my language but that is as close as I can descibe my feelings at the time. When the fear hit, me my right foot immediately floored the accellerator, not in an attempt to hit the creature but in an attempt to get away from it. That last little bit of info bothers me to say openly as I have always been interested in things that are supposedly mysterious and I am not someone who would ever be called weak-willed. I wish in hind sight that I would have slowed down or even stopped but my instincts took over and all thoughts of interest in the creature were not even in my mind at the time. The creature was at least seven feet tall, more like eight feet, as it was a full foot taller than my 4x4. I am in construction by trade and I am fairly adept at estimating sizes as I have to do it all the time. It was covered in fur/hair medium to dark brown. Long arms and legs, with each appendage not having any parts out of proportion with the other parts of the same appendage. Which I mean to say is that the calves were not overly long in comparison to the thighs and so forth. The only time I saw the arm go down it went past its knee and the individual fingers flexed, although I will admit to not getting many details. [My eyes] did get drawn to the shoulder area which was very wide and that's when I noticed something that makes me think it was not a trick or hoax. The muscles in the shoulder areas and between them bulged independently. I could see little muscles under the fur ripple in various ways when it moved like an animal, not at all like a bulky costume or a hide worn by a person that would move in a more uniform and less isolated way. The head was somewhat conial and sat upon a thick short neck. I unfortunately didn't see the face up close so I can supply no clear details. I did get a glimpse of the face when it first hit the road and heard us coming, though. It was too far to detail anything accurate but it was wide with very little in the way distinguishable features. When the creature saw us it seemed to pick up speed but never ran or even trotted, just seemed to increase its pace. Now this thing walked directly in front of my truck at very little distance in full view of my high beams. If this was a trick, someone spent a lot of time, money, expertise, and genius to pull it off on a road that was until a few hours before was closed to all traffic. Not impossible but I dont think so. The most unsettling thing for me (besides the abstract fear) was the way the creature moved - something familiar about it. Now I've seen many shows playing what are supposedly films of bigfoot and how it could be faked. But in these reeactments the fakes are easily seen for what they are. Someone in a suit or with fur covering them trying to move like and ape, which usually turns out very mechanical and almost obvious. This creature moved with extreme fluidity and smoothess. All appendages moved at the same time, head turning, legs moving, arms moving, all with the same fluidity. After the creature moved across the road to the trees on the right side, we both looked at each other and said \"No way!\" with very wide eyes. A few minutes later we came to the first signs of civilization when we passed a Ford Explorer on the side of the road with three firefighters in it. The driver's side doors were both open and I saw the faces of two of them and they looked amazed or shocked. I think they were just a few minutes ahead of us and they may have seen something too or they were the culprits of an very elaborate and expert hoax. If there were any other reports in the area or if it is possible to talk to some of the firefighters fighting the fire in the region I would like to speak to them. Please any info you might have would help.","location_details":"About 3-5 miles north of Cave Junction on Hwy 199.","county":"Josephine County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 8392: Sasquatch walks across road near major forest fire","date":"2002-07-20","number":8392,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9r8063ygmy","temperature_high":90.29,"temperature_mid":72.955,"temperature_low":55.62,"dew_point":48.39,"humidity":0.42,"cloud_cover":0.01,"moon_phase":0.38,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1015.12,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":10,"visibility":8.33,"wind_bearing":352,"wind_speed":4.32,"year":2002,"geometry":[-123.6416,42.24165]} {"observed":"I was just browsing Google earth tonight and clicked on some place marks that turned out to be links to your big foot sighting page. The place marks were on the Big Tree loop at the Oregon Caves and it perked my interest because I have ridden my dirt bike through those mountains and made it to the caves from the Applegate Lake side. After reading those reports I think I should share with you guys something that happened to me on the Sturgis Creek trail. Sturgis Creek trail is at the base of mount Elijah which is probably 2 miles to the east of the Oregon Caves. The trail will take you from mount Elijah all the way to the Big Tree loop where you can then walk down to the cave area. The first time I went to the trail was in mid spring of 2005 and I got my truck stuck in the snow. I tried to get it out and decided I should probably walk back down and find a phone unfortunately not knowing that it was 14 miles to the nearest house with a phone. As I started walking down the road something started screaming / howling from the trail head area behind me. I know what mountain lions, wolves and coyotes sound like and this was nothing like that. The only thing I can compare the sound to be the howling Ive heard in the werewolf movies. It sounded like a deep screaming howl, and it echoed off the valley walls very loudly. It repeated probably seven times, and I was getting really nervous. The most distinctive thing about the sound is it didnt die out like you hear with wolf and coyote howls, it would end abruptly and start again. Luckily I had my 45 caliber carbine rifle with me and I had the safety off for at least four miles after hearing that. I was pretty freaked for a while. I walked backwards for at least a mile and was constantly watching my back after that. After reading the reports from 2000 in the cave area I think theres something around there, I just hope I dont run into it especially if its screaming like that.","location_details":"Take Carberry Creek road from Applegate Lake west to Sturgis Fork Road then west then NFD 1020 to NFD 600.","county":"Josephine County","state":"Oregon","season":"Spring","title":"Report 14891: Hiker reports possible vocalizations near Oregon Caves.","date":"2005-04-15","number":14891,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9r2r3mp2vz","temperature_high":53.13,"dew_point":32.94,"humidity":0.72,"moon_phase":0.23,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":220,"wind_speed":1.07,"year":2005,"geometry":[-123.3333,42.0833]} {"observed":"I recently moved into this house in May of 2004 and when exploring found different animal trails. Thinking they were deer, I occasionally follow them. After seeing that deer like to feed in the lawn area, I started putting apples and other fruit out for them. Within the last couple of months I have heard some things at night and when I checked I never saw anything but I always would smell a strong musky odor. The dog would go out barking; I knew he would come back in smelling like a skunk. He always came right back without a smell. When he went out chasing deer, he would always stay out for some time. I started to put fruit out on the table by the house. In the morning it was gone. A couple of nights ago I awoke with the motion sensor light coming on. I smelled that smell but by the time I got to my feet to look out the window all I saw was something large and dark walking on two legs, heading back into the trees. Unfortunately, the creature had moved into the shadows. The ground is solid so I have not been able to see tracks of anything, not even the deer that I do see crossing the property. I smell him almost nightly and continue to try to get a better look at him. I could not honestly tell if it was Bigfoot or a man but from where I saw him he was walking past a pull trailer and he stood with his shoulders well above the top. I am 5'5\" and the trailer is taller then I stand. This is why I THINK I may have a Bigfoot around. I often feel like I am being watched. One last thing. When I first moved here, I had chickens and each night 1 or 2 would end up missing. There where never any feathers around so whatever took them carried them off. A coyote, racoon, skunk, etc. would kill at the site and there would have been feathers. I never did find any feathers, not even near the house.","location_details":"From Hwy 238 drive about 2 miles, take a right on New Hope Road, drive about 3 miles, take right on Fishhatchery Rd., drive just under 2 miles to Wetherbee Dr.","county":"Josephine County","state":"Oregon","season":"Spring","title":"Report 12019: Witness sees biped leaving her yard","date":"2005-06-15","number":12019,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9r80zyk3um","temperature_high":79.77,"temperature_mid":68.5,"temperature_low":57.23,"dew_point":41.99,"humidity":0.5,"cloud_cover":0.19,"moon_phase":0.28,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1011.42,"summary":"Mostly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":10,"visibility":9.23,"wind_bearing":14,"wind_speed":0.34,"year":2005,"geometry":[-123.4034,42.354]} {"observed":"Date: 09/19/2004 Time: Approx. 6:00 PM Conditions: Partly Cloudy w/ clear visibility Location: About one mile or less from Cascade Summit Pass on Hwy 138. I had spent the weekend visiting my kids in Ashland and was returning home to Redmond. I was traveling on a very straight section of 138 East of the pass when I saw a large very dark humanoid figure appear out of the woods and very quickly run (great strides) across the roadway and disappear into the woods to the south before I could get even to it. It was maybe 50 yards ahead at first sight. Though it was clear, it appeared to be shadowed from head to foot.","location_details":"About 10 miles west of the junction between highway #138 and #97 (Diamond Lake Junction).","county":"Klamath County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9352: Driver has daylight, road-cross encounter near Chiloquin","date":"2004-09-19","number":9352,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9r9jjupvm1","temperature_high":44.03,"temperature_mid":37.81,"temperature_low":31.59,"dew_point":33.03,"humidity":0.94,"moon_phase":0.18,"precip_intensity":0.0072,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Light rain starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":296,"wind_speed":0.8,"year":2004,"geometry":[-122.0802,43.08929]} {"observed":"As I was coming down into the lake country as I call it. The wind was blowing from my left to my right. I picked up this bad smell, almost like something had died. I looked to my left and next to the trees 15 or 20 ft. away was this upright dark haired creature standing there looking at me. I said geese what the hell is that. Then this creature turned and went into the trees. To be honest I did not follow it. It scared the devil out of me. I have not returned. I'm not sure I want to.","location_details":"Go up the McKenzie Hwy 126 from Springfield past McKenzie Bridge to Boulder Creek Road turn right and go to the top. Hike over the ridge into the Mount Washington Wilderness. About a half mile in on the left was this upright dark haired creature.","county":"Lane County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 673: Hiker encounters large animal at close range in Mount Washington Wilderness","date":"2000-07-15","number":673,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9rc7buscz0","year":2000,"geometry":[-121.9524,44.27795]} {"observed":"Myself and my two cousins were out hunting. I had met up with my younger cousin and we both hiked up to an old logging road. We then heard a very loud scream come from across a valley. It was about a mile or so across and the scream seemed so loud at first I thought that some lady was screaming for help or something. The screaming lasted for just a short time, mabey 30-45 seconds or so. I Asked my cousins what that sound was and they said they have never heard it before even though they have hunted these woods for about seven years now. I then remembered that I read in a book that sasquatch sometimes make a loud screaming noise. I still do not know exactly what made that noise.","location_details":"It was near the Diamond Peak Wilderness area maybe within five miles near it; we were about five or six thousand feet in elevation.","county":"Lane County","state":"Oregon","season":"Fall","title":"Report 1778: Three young hunters hear very loud scream across Diamond Peak Wilderness valley.","date":"2000-09-10","number":1778,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9r9pvzj8kb","year":2000,"geometry":[-122.0833,43.5883]} {"observed":"My girlfriend and I were driving westbound on Hwy 58 just west of the summit. When I saw this very large, seemed to be dark in color, come running across the road at a very fast speed!!! I was very tired and thought that maybe it was a large elk or something. So I looked over at my girlfried and she was in shock, she could'nt believe what she saw. She was very certain that it was on two legs. So this is what I saw just to let you know i am not the type of person that would just write something like this if it was not 100% true. I just would like to report what I saw and try and help you guys out. thanks.","location_details":"none","county":"Lane County","state":"Oregon","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7366: Couple in car observe an upright animal crossing highway","date":"2003-11-08","number":7366,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9rc0js1kxb","temperature_high":41.2,"temperature_mid":37.15,"temperature_low":33.1,"dew_point":33.99,"humidity":0.86,"moon_phase":0.49,"precip_intensity":0.0017,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":125,"wind_speed":2.37,"year":2003,"geometry":[-122.1,43.6165]} {"observed":"July 17, 2004 My two sons and I were camping this weekend at the One Potato Mineral campground...just up the Forest Service Access Road from Mineral Camp. (Sharp Creeks/Bohemia Mine area). We were hiking up the steep road leading to the Ghost Town mining area in the early evening. We kept talking about a \"strange bird sound\"...the \"Whoop-Whoop- Whoop\"...and just dismissed it as some weird bird. I happened across your website because I was looking for information on the Bohemia Mine. I had chills and goosebumps when I read your journal entry. We also heard \"heavy\" footsteps outside our tent on Saturday night, July 17th. Then in the very early morning...around 4:00am...I could smell something REALLY nasty. Here...something had \"Marked\" our tarp and our tent. The urine smell was SO strong...we had to leave our tent tarp behind. I really do believe NOW that we had a \"Sasquatch Encounter\". Whoa!","location_details":"The campground is about 8 miles SE of Dorena Lake.","county":"Lane County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9020: Camping family has auditory and olfactory encounter in early evening southeast of Dorena Lake","date":"2004-07-17","number":9020,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9rb8meb8n8","temperature_high":87.7,"temperature_mid":73.18,"temperature_low":58.66,"dew_point":50.69,"humidity":0.43,"moon_phase":0.02,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":289,"wind_speed":0.84,"year":2004,"geometry":[-122.8042,43.6583]} {"observed":"It was the middle of the night and I was woken up by the dogs barking, I opened my bedroom window and yelled \"shut up\" and when I did something screamed, I mean SOMETHING SCREAMED - I have never in my life heard what I had just heard. I went to get my husband up as he had fallen asleep on the couch that night. I was in the living room and could hear the dogs barking frantically in the back yard which is backed up to a mountain. I opened the window to call the dogs back and heard what ever it was moving along the back side of the yard. It was a definitely a very large animal by the sounds it made while running. I yelled for the dogs and what ever it was stopped and I could hear it breathing. It was a raspy sound and very close. It was too dark to see but Im sure it was stopped looking back at me from a distance of approximately 75ft. It then ran up the hill. By the sounds of its running I'm convinced it was on two legs, not four and that scream was nothing I had ever heard before or ever want to hear again. My family has been hunting my whole life I know what a cougar sounds like and a bear and elk and what I heard that night was none of those. We live on six acres backed up to a mountain range also we are within 5 miles of the cascades. I believe in my heart bigfoot was in my yard that night. Also we found footprints on top of the mountain several months later that I photographed but I did not measure properly for which I kick myself for being so stupid. The prints were huge, at least 18 to 20 inches long and when you put your hand down in the print you could feel where the toes and ball of the foot were. What ever made these prints was very large and heavy. I can scan the pics and email if you want them.","location_details":"It is located on Hungry Hill off Hwy 226 . Take Hwy 20 from Albany,Ore go east 7 miles and go left on Hwy 226 go another 6.5 miles to Hungry Hill Rd and go left take first driveway to the right go to top and you are there","county":"Linn County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 7209: Observer yells at dogs from window and hears return scream","date":"2001-07-15","number":7209,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9rbwh6ru9t","temperature_high":68.79,"temperature_mid":62.065,"temperature_low":55.34,"dew_point":48.81,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":0.76,"moon_phase":0.82,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1014.27,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":313,"wind_speed":5.95,"year":2001,"geometry":[-122.8494,44.6616]} {"observed":"While I was archery hunting on Aug 31, 2004 near Maxwell Butte, I found two tracks that measured 14x5 inches, both tracks had a prominent large toe on the side of the track. The tracks were not together but on the same ridge. I also found a feces pile that was like bear in contents (berry seeds) but much larger and more human-like. it was like a fifty cent piece in diameter and 12-14 inches long. I had a visitor the next morning at 4 am. I was sitting in my dimly lit tent listening for elk bugling. I woke at 3 am and was wide awake drinking coffee and hoping to get a head start on my hunt by hearing elk. I was surprised by a low growl that sounded like it came from my stomach. I thought it was odd that I didn't feel it, but as soon as that thought crossed my mind a loud scraping sound was followed by a loud thud that came from the thick patch of trees next to my tent, only 2-3 feet away, I heard no other sound after that. I slapped the table top [inside the tent] hoping to hear something leave but whatever stomped the ground didn't make another sound. I put my boots on, grabbed an axe and went outside yelling, hoping to scare off the animal but I never heard another sound. I think a bear would have been more obvious. This animal was able to get next to my tent and leave without me noticing anything except for the growl and the stomp.","location_details":"The tracks were off the Maxwell Butte trail, I had been cutting cross country and would have to draw a map or show someone the exact location; my campsite was just up the road from the blacktop area, second camp site on left - sits across from large reprod.","county":"Linn County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9289: Elk hunter hears growl, finds footprints, feces.","date":"2004-08-31","number":9289,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9rckbw1kud","temperature_high":79.66,"temperature_mid":65.995,"temperature_low":52.33,"dew_point":49.4,"humidity":0.64,"moon_phase":0.56,"precip_intensity":0.0001,"precip_probability":0.22,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":281,"wind_speed":0.28,"year":2004,"geometry":[-121.9683,44.4625]} {"observed":"On July 10, 1:45 am in our camp site of Taylor Park between the towns of Lyons and Mill City Oregon. My family and I were camping for our final night when 3 of us were awakened by a scream like howl that sounds 100% exactly like the Klamath recording it screamed twice right after a siren went off. At that moment we knew it was like nothing any of us ever heard before so when we arrived home searching for the sounds of cougars mountain lions and bigfoot as well we finally came accross your site and knew positively that it was bigfoot. The hair on our bodies arose as if we were there again hearing it all over again and the fear over took me and I began to cry again from what we know now was Bigfoot.","location_details":"Across the river from little north fork a private camp site called Taylor Park","county":"Marion County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4644: Vocalizations heard by campers in Taylor Park","date":"2002-07-10","number":4644,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9rbyffm4s9","temperature_high":93.05,"temperature_mid":74.225,"temperature_low":55.4,"dew_point":57.71,"humidity":0.61,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.01,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1014.42,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":10,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":314,"wind_speed":1.38,"year":2002,"geometry":[-122.5674,44.79307]} {"observed":"I believe it was in June of 2003 when I was fishing on the Breitenbush River approximately 4 miles upstream from Detroit, OR. The river flows through a fairly steep gorge at this point. Because of a hip replacement I had less than a year before, I moved very slowly and deliberately down to the river. The weather was clear and the ground dry. The river is approximately 50 ft wide, swift, and could be as deep as 10 feet. I had been fishing for about 15 minutes when I heard a loud branch snap across the river. In retrospect, I would say the snap sounded like a dry 3-inch branch snapping. I placed the sound about 20 feet up the bank. Since I was armed and very immobile with my bad hip, I decided to continue fishing. My thought was that there was a bear or elk in the thick brush. I kept an eye on the other bank but soon lost interest. I then heard a second loud snap similar to the first. Now, whatever it was had my attention. There was something big across the river in the brush. However, I was armed and separated by the river. I continued to fish with my eye on the other side. As I continously scanned the area, I observed what I first thought was a man move from right to left through a clearing near the source of the sound. The sighting lasted only about 3 seconds. There was no sound as \"it\" moved. My actual thought was, \"Oh, there's a man over there.\" I then thought, \"Damn', he was one big...\" I was approximately 25 yards away when I saw \"it\". As my mind digested the information I realized that what I saw had the profile of a sasquatch. I remember a barrel chest, no neck, and it was bi-pedal. I climbed back over the hill to my car to drive over to the other side. No way could I cross directly. Approximately one quarter of a mile upstream, I found a place to park and a path. The path along the river was well above the point where I spotted \"it\". Because of my hip, I could not cut through the brush to the river. There was no lower path.","location_details":"Included in text","county":"Marion County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 11818: Fisherman has close sighting on Breitenbush River","date":"2003-06-15","number":11818,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9rcntttpum","temperature_high":76.67,"temperature_mid":62.92,"temperature_low":49.17,"moon_phase":0.55,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":341,"wind_speed":0.28,"year":2003,"geometry":[-122.095,44.7679]} {"observed":"On June 21, 2005, I started a solo bicycle tour from Salem, Oregon that would take me east up into the Mount Hood National Forest, Warm Springs Indian Reservation, Old Mckenzie Pass Hwy just west of Sisters, and then loop back to Salem. On this trip I would have 2 encounters that are up to discussion as to what they were. Let me just start by saying I'm recently a believer in Bigfoot. For several months I've been reading the case histories on the BFRO website, and frankly, I knew that the areas I'd be riding in were prime Bigfoot country. Let me also add that I had no desire to have any kind of Bigfoot encounter because I'm on a bike, I'm alone, I carry no weapon for defense, I'm often camping miles from anywhere, and I scare easily. Well, on Friday June 24th, I was up near Detroit Dam at about 9pm, and was setting up my tent. I was about a 1/2 mile from the boat marina along what's called the upper arm of Detroit Lake, off Hwy 46, which is fed be the Breitenbush River. So its now about 9:45pm, I'm in the tent just listening to the night sounds, like the flow of the water, the leaves blowing a little in the trees, kind of just getting acclimated to where I was camping, when suddenly I hear this tremendous scream that shook me and filled me with dread. It came from about a mile away, sounded a little higher than middle pitched, like a scream a human might produce more so then an animal, but absolutely could not because of its loudness. This scream lasted about 4 to 5 seconds. It reverberated off the mountainsides in the area. What's more creepy is I was aware that a fisherman had reported to the BFRO a while back of an audible encounter. After the trip I looked it up, its #689, and sure enough this scream came from the area of the first report. I was roughly on the Northeast side of Detroit Lake, and Hoover campground is about a mile further east and south of me. Anyway, this is what I heard; it was definitely a scream and not a howl or a whoop, and frankly, if I had not heard recorded Bigfoot sounds previously, I don't think I would of known what to make of it. It was a little like the Puyallup Whoop-Howl of '73, but did not trail off at the end, was even in pitch the whole time, was louder and more like a scream. The second occurence happened on July 3rd. It was about 7:30pm; I was walking my bike along Hwy 242 (Mckenzie Pass Hwy). I was about 7 miles west of Sisters, OR. It was nice clear weather, sunny and early evening. I was walking the bike because I was too tired to ride, and it was too early to make camp. I was noticing how remote this area is. I had passed earlier a primitive campground called Cold Springs, and was 2 miles west of it. I noticed there were no more pull-outs for cars and didn't see anything or anybody up there. A car would pass about every 15 minutes. There were trees on either side of the road. It was a very pleasent walk. Well, all of a sudden I heard 4 knocks come from the woods just to my right about 50 feet away, behind a stand of trees and bushes. At first I thought Bigfoot, having heard wood knocking on the internet; I immediately looked at the road ahead to see if it was up, down or level. Being the bike and gear weighed 80 pounds, I would be able to make my escape only if it was down, and it was. I looked back at the area the knocks came from, and now saw one large bush suddenly shake, and then what sounded like a very low animal-like growl coming from it. At first I thought FLEE, but then thought of reports I'd read on BFRO, how people often filled with terror and ran. So I decided not to do that. I stood there and watched to see what was next, trying to act brave, and stood for about 30 seconds and thought- hell I don't really care what's next, I just wanted out, this ain't gonna be the day I investigate Bigfoot, I actually said to myself - maybe I'd comeback some other day. So I started walking off, and nothing else happened. I camped about 2 miles west from there. I should say to me this did not sound like a woodpecker, which is often high up in the trees, is faster and more in number of strikes, and is higher pitched. What I heard was four knocks, evenly spaced, coming from about ground level, the sound like that of wood on wood. No one was in the area, no development, it being preserved, protected wilderness. So what made that sound?","location_details":"To reach first location, take Hwy 22 for about 48 miles to Detoit, turn north on Hwy 46 and go 1/2 mile. Second location go about 7 miles west from Sisters Oregon on Hwy 242.","county":"Marion County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12156: Bicyclist hears vocalization, wood knocks and sees tree shaking","date":"2005-06-21","number":12156,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9rcn791ye1","temperature_high":71.96,"temperature_mid":62.28,"temperature_low":52.6,"dew_point":50.26,"humidity":0.64,"moon_phase":0.48,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":250,"wind_speed":0.75,"year":2005,"geometry":[-122.1874,44.699]} {"observed":"Creature 7 to 8 feet tall was sighted by my wife and son at 9:15 pm 01/09/02 near Multnomah Falls. It crossed the freeway in front of their vehicle before going over guard rail toward the Columbia River. They nearly hit it in the westbound lane. She called me from her cell phone and told me what just happened.","location_details":"Update from earlier report( 01/11/02): On return trip from Portland today,It was determined that the creature actually crossed at mile marker 29 on west bound side. Appoximately 300-500 feet west of marker. I-84 -Andrew B.","county":"Multnomah County","state":"Oregon","season":"Winter","title":"Report 3624: Nighttime sighting by motorist on I-84, west of Multnomah Falls","date":"2002-01-09","number":3624,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c2155sc15v","temperature_high":49.8,"temperature_mid":43.935,"temperature_low":38.07,"dew_point":41.18,"humidity":0.89,"cloud_cover":0.64,"moon_phase":0.88,"precip_intensity":0.0002,"precip_probability":0.44,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1024.96,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":1,"visibility":5.57,"wind_bearing":26,"wind_speed":0.67,"year":2002,"geometry":[-122.1884,45.55364]} {"observed":"My friend and i were going out sign stealing, near Corbett off of I-84, we found a sign that we liked and got out of the car to get it. As we approached the side of the road, near the woods, I heard a low territorial growl. I asked my friend if he had heard it, but he hadn't. We were both kinda freaked out by what I had heard, so we raised out eyes to the darkness of the woods. At the exact second we looked out into the darkness, there came a shriek like nothing we had ever heard before. Then we heard something crashing through the underbrush, and we ran like little girls back to the car. I got the hell out of there, but we are going back this weekend to check it out. We talked about the noise and decided that it was like nothing we had ever heard before. Not human, or animal","location_details":"Gordon Creek Rd. is south of Corbett, Oregon, in Multnomah County, near the Clackamas County line between Corbett and the hamlet of Aims, Oregon","county":"Multnomah County","state":"Oregon","season":"Fall","title":"Report 5053: Possible bigfoot encounter changes a mischievous teenager's plan","date":"2002-09-05","number":5053,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c214djm0wu","temperature_high":69.64,"temperature_mid":57.23,"temperature_low":44.82,"dew_point":44.47,"humidity":0.65,"cloud_cover":0.11,"moon_phase":0.95,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1016.53,"summary":"Partly cloudy in the evening.","uv_index":6,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":292,"wind_speed":1.92,"year":2002,"geometry":[-122.2487,45.4684]} {"observed":"I WAS HUNTING WITH MY TWO BROTHER IN LAWS IN OCTOBER OF 2000. WE WERE IN THE COASTAL RANGE MOUNTAINS ABOVE FALL CITY. WE WERE DRIVING OLD LOGGING ROADS LOOKING FOR GOOD LOCATIONS TO SPOT DEER. WE DROVE UP ONE LOGGING ROAD WHERE THERE WAS A TURN-AROUND OVERLOOKING A HUGE REVINE CONTAINING A DENSE FOREST. I GOT OUT TO LOOK OVER THE EDGE WHEN I NOTICED A LARGE HUMAN-LIKE FOOT PRINT. IT WAS SLIGHTLY LONGER THAN MY SIZE 12 HIKING BOOT AND POSESSED 5 TOES. THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE OF ANYONE BEING THERE RECENTLY(I.E., TIRE TRACKS, SHOE PRINTS, FRESH GARBAGE AND BULLET SHELLS, ECT....ALL THINGS COMMON TO THESE TYPE OF TURN-AROUNDS). WE WERE VERY DEEP IN A COMPLEX SERIES OF LOGGING ROADS THAT WERE PROBABLY SELDOM USED. THE TRACK LOOKED RELATIVELY FRESH, MADE UP OF LOOSE DIRT( A FEW DAYS OLD AT THE VERY MOST). I TOLD MY BROTHER IN LAWS(WHO ARE VERY SKEPTICAL) WHO WERE STILL IN THE CAR TO GET OUT AND LOOK AT WHAT I FOUND. THEY WERE INTERESTED, BUT VERY SKEPTICAL. AT A CLOSER LOOK WE DISCOVERED THAT THERE WAS A HAIR OF SOME SORT WITHIN THE PRINT. THE HAIR WAS ABOUT AN INCH LONG AND WAS VERY CORSE. IT WAS VERY DARK BROWN AND HAD A BLONDISH COLORED TIP. WE HAD A VIDEO CAMERA AND A STILL CAMERA WITH US JUST IN CASE WE ACTUALLY GOT A DEER ON OUR HUNTING TRIP( WE NEVER HAVE). SO, WE TOOK VIDEO AND STILL PICTURES OF THE PRINT. WE COLLECTED THE HAIR AND PUT IT IN A FILM CONTAINER. UNFORTUNATELY WHILE TAKING THE HAIR OUT TO SHOW SOMEONE, IT WAS LOST. I DO HAVE EVIDENCE OF IT IN THE VIDEO THOUGH. THE PRINT WAS LOCATED BETWEEN A PATCH OF GRASS/UNDERGROWTH AND THE STEEP LEDGE. WHATEVER IT WAS THAT MADE THE PRINT WAS STEPPING FROM THE GRASS TO THE LEDGE. THE LEDGE SEEMED TO HAVE SOME IMPRESSIONS MADE BY THE SAME CREATURE WALKING SIDEWAYS DOWN THE HILL, BUT IT WAS SO STEEP AND HAD SUCH LOOSE SOIL THAT NO ACTUAL PRINTS WERE APPARENT. I DO HAVE PHOTO AND VIDEO EVIDENCE OF THE PRINT.","location_details":"OREGON COASTAL MOUNTAIN RANGE NEAR FALLS CITY OREGON.","county":"Polk County","state":"Oregon","season":"Fall","title":"Report 3633: Hunters find track in mountains above Falls City","date":"2000-10-15","number":3633,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9rbpqbj5rj","temperature_high":58.9,"temperature_mid":53.775,"temperature_low":48.65,"dew_point":42.81,"humidity":0.87,"cloud_cover":0.48,"moon_phase":0.58,"precip_intensity":0.0005,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":8.87,"wind_bearing":197,"wind_speed":0.96,"year":2000,"geometry":[-123.4462,44.86875]} {"observed":"I was driving home early in the morning from work when a large creacher cross the hiway infront of my car. It was walking upright and took the road in 3 large steps.","location_details":"About 5 miles west of the spirt mountain casino just past the first set of passing lanes","county":"Polk County","state":"Oregon","season":"Fall","title":"Report 548: Motorist observes bipedal creature crossing highway","date":"2000-10-30","number":548,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c2003566n1","temperature_high":58.77,"temperature_mid":48.33,"temperature_low":37.89,"dew_point":41.76,"humidity":0.88,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.12,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.83,"summary":"Light precipitation in the morning.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.16,"wind_bearing":318,"wind_speed":0.35,"year":2000,"geometry":[-123.7027,45.06215]} {"observed":"I sumited a report to you of a sighting I had last September in Polk County, Oregon. I was asked if I was interested in looking for tracks in that area. At the time I said, \"No\". The area that I had my sighting seemed promising enough for me to check it out on the last two days of bow season last year. I found an excellent hunting area for this year. I had almost forgotten why I went up there in the first place and that was to satisfy my couriosity about possible bigfoot activity. This morning 9/1/01 I was hunting in the area. I have been hunting in the area all week. I heard a strange noise and then a large tree fell in the forest. I will explain later. I believe I have found indistinct tracks in several areas. In these areas I saw and photographed trees that are snapped off in an unusual manner.","location_details":"Gated forest road # 7 on north side of highway 18 about two miles west of Grande Rhonde, OR","county":"Polk County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 3064: Bowhunter finds twisted trees, tracks, scat, & unusual sounds","date":"2001-09-01","number":3064,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2003uugup","temperature_high":73.53,"temperature_mid":60.035,"temperature_low":46.54,"dew_point":54.61,"humidity":0.71,"cloud_cover":0.74,"moon_phase":0.46,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1014.73,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"wind_bearing":229,"wind_speed":4.39,"year":2001,"geometry":[-123.6664,45.07072]} {"observed":"I may have stumbled onto a print by pure accident, while hiking with my niece and nephew in the Siuslaw Natl. Forest, west of Dallas, Or. I will give details of the location later, as not to saturate the site with the public, so I can finish my investigation in the area and get more readings and data... GPS, photos, and history on the area... Here is what I have thus far.... On the mid afternoon of 24 July, I took my niece age 13, and nephew age 16, to an area I used to hunt and log about 30 years ago west of Dallas, Oregon. Thirty years has changed the area quite a bit as Weyerhauser has bought up a lot of the land, Boise and Hampton Co. as most of the area is logged out, there is still a large standing area of some old growth and an area in which to hike. We were not 15 min. out from my truck on a trail and my nephew blurted out... \"Uncle Ron, look at this foot print!\" Off the trail a foot or two was a large print made in dried mud, (the last rain in the area was about 6 July 2003), so the print was well defined and clear as the photo shows. Several things I noticed about the print, 1) It was not a boot print as no boot tracks were showing, the print was smooth, consistent with a bare foot print. 2) The width was about 9 inches wide at the largest width, and about 14 inches long. 3) Toe contours could clearly be seen, but it looks like what ever made he print may have stepped on a twig, wood, so not all the toes made an imprint in the mud, as the casting shows. 4) The foot print clearly shows a heel print, and arch in the foot, the edge of the foot at wide proportions from a very heavy individual. 5) As the trail is used lightly by mountain bikers and horses, as seen by tracks on the trail. Our 5 hours up on the trail, I only saw one mountain biker that day while in the area. So, it is not used that much, maybe only by locals who live in Dallas or people who know the area. I attempted to make GPS readings that day, but for some reason, my GPS could not pick up satellite signals possibly from the heavy canopy of trees. Another attempt for a long/lat reading with negative results on a second trip. I will attempt a 3rd trip with new batteries and see what happens. The print was, as I said, left of the trail, going SSW. I searched the area for about 2 hours, hair samples on trees, scat, or other prints in area...negative results...photos of area were taken from different perspective points. At this point, as I dont want to \"contaminate\" the area with undue traffic, I will keep the exact location confidential until I complete my investigation. Now a little history on the area. I have hunted the Falls City and Dallas area since 1970. In 1972, while heading to Falls City, Or. my friend Rick swerved to miss something darting across the road... I was a witness to something large, tall and running on two legs, not four....thinking it may have been a bear, or a crazed hunter dressed in black... we both, as teenagers could not answer what we saw... The stories we had heard is, that the Dallas and Falls City area from old timers, and hunter friends of ours, stories of BIGFOOT circulated during that time... especially after the famous RED BLUFF, Ca. film clip of the famous Roger Patterson... from 1967. As the photo shows I took a casting of the footprint, as mentioned, only one was found thus far. Within the next few days I will attempt to return to the area for further investigation and findings. Will keep you posted... You do have my permission to post this report and photos... At this point, \"undetermined what made the print\" At his point only two other Bigfoot Research Websites have been contacted on this sighting, no response as of yet. My friend RAY CROWE has highly recommended your site and organization for years. I first met Ray Crowe at a seminar he did on BIGFOOT in 1994. I am also a good friend of Lyle Vann of the Arizona Bigfoot Center Paulden, Az.","location_details":"West of Dallas, Or. off Ellendale rd. Right on Rob Mill Rd. about 10 miles past WeyerHauser Land and west side of the Siuslaw Natl Forest. Off the Mud Puddle/Tree Fort Trail (used by mt. bikers and horses).","county":"Polk County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6734: Family members encounter footprint","date":"2003-07-24","number":6734,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2007bu7ey","temperature_high":81.23,"temperature_mid":65.725,"temperature_low":50.22,"dew_point":48.07,"humidity":0.58,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.85,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1015.92,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":344,"wind_speed":3.61,"year":2003,"geometry":[-123.5792,45.0487]} {"observed":"I was driving from Portland to Lincoln city to retrieve my work bag that I had left in Lincoln City over the weekend. I left Portland at 3 am and had only had coffee and donuts to eat; there were not many other cars on the road at all, none that were going in a westerly direction that were within sight of me and only about 2 cars passed me between Spirit Mountain Casino and the site were I had my sighting. I was driving about 55 mph and had my bright lights on and had just came over a rise in the road shortly after you start down the back side of Murphy Hill summit. As I crested the rise out in the distance I saw what I thought at the time was a deer on the left shoulder of the road about 200 yards out from me. I slowed down to 40 mph or so because I didn't want it to jump in front of me or if there were other deer in the area I might spook them into the road. As I got within 75 yards the object began to move across the road from left to right, that is, when I saw that it was not a deer and I thought it might be a bear which I have seen cross a road before but this was way different. The object was hunched over slightly and was on two legs and cleared the road in about 4 steps. The best way to describe the color was dark brown to black and I would guess the hair to be 4 or 5 inches. The arms looked to come down to mid thigh area. I did not see the face except for there seemed to be a deer-like shine coming from the face area. The height was about 7ft + as it disappeared over the edge of the road to the right. I was about 50 yards away by this time. I was starting to feel pretty weird like this was something I had never seen. Hard to explain the feeling as I passed the spot where it went over the bank I tried to look over and see where it had gone. I was going about 25 mph now as I went about 20 yards past the spot and stopped I then reversed my car to the spot where I had seen it go over the bank. I stopped my car and left the engine running I had my window rolled down slightly for air flow as I was driving. When I stopped I could smell a musty type smell not real bad but strong enough to notice. I could hear some movement in the brush but not a lot because of the car noise and the fact that my window was only down 2 or three inches on the left side when the object was now on my right. I had a really strong feeling that I was being watched; every hair on my body was rigid, I had goose bumps over my whole body I have them now as I write about this, not as bad but the chills. I decided then that it would be a really good time to leave so I drove off as fast as my Metro would go I made it to Lincoln City at 6 am and had about 10 cars pass me going east on hwy 18 in that time.When I got there I went to my girlfriend's to get my bag and was going to come right back to Portland to work. Instead I stayed until 9 am then left to go back to Portland. As I drove by the spot I thought about stopping but decided against it. I know the area well though because I helped a lady who had rolled her car off the road in the same are many years ago. The bank in the are is about 7 ft down on both sides and is swampy in some places. I lived in Lincoln City for many years and have spent time in the woods alone and with others and have never felt or seen anything like this I dont know what to make of it except for it being Bigfoot. No bear walks on its back legs like this. If you want to see the spot I can take you there just let me know also I drive this stretch of road 2 times sometimes more a week.","location_details":"About 1/4 mile west of Murphy Hill summit in coast range on a long straightaway","county":"Polk County","state":"Oregon","season":"Winter","title":"Report 7537: Sasquatch crosses road in Coast Range in front of car","date":"2003-12-08","number":7537,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c200370f0v","temperature_high":47.04,"temperature_mid":44.665,"temperature_low":42.29,"dew_point":42.33,"humidity":0.95,"cloud_cover":0.78,"moon_phase":0.49,"precip_intensity":0.0004,"precip_probability":0.31,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1021.65,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":1,"visibility":6.72,"wind_bearing":97,"wind_speed":2.01,"year":2003,"geometry":[-123.694,45.0608]} {"observed":"My partner and myself were elk hunting in the \"Saddle Mountain Unit.\" It was approximately one hour after daylight. We were standing near our vehicle on a pullout off an old logging road trying to spot elk. I then heard a loud wailing scream tapering off into an agonizing moan. My partner just stood there looking into the canyon.I didn't speak to him. After another couple minutes passed, the scream occured again. I knew that he had heard it both times. I asked him what he thought it was. He asked what I thought it was. I told him that we both know it's a sasquatch. The sound was very loud. If I were to guess it was 250-300 yards away. Over the next ten minutes, the scream occured 2-3 more times. It seemed that the sound was directed to different directions the last couple screams. My hair was sticking up and it quite literally scared the hell out of me. No more screams were heard.(more to story)","location_details":"Vernonia Rd. to Clear Crk. Rd. to Columbia River Mainline. North to Rocky Pt. Rd. and West approx. 3/4 mile. R5W- T4N This is approx 3.5 miles north of Four Corners on Hwy 26.","county":"Columbia County","state":"Oregon","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7957: Two hunters hear repeated loud screams.","date":"2003-11-09","number":7957,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c20kdq69fb","temperature_high":53.74,"temperature_mid":46.55,"temperature_low":39.36,"dew_point":39.7,"humidity":0.86,"cloud_cover":0.42,"moon_phase":0.52,"precip_intensity":0.0038,"precip_probability":0.73,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.94,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the evening.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.61,"wind_bearing":262,"wind_speed":0.52,"year":2003,"geometry":[-123.296,45.82565]} {"observed":"Driving tractor and trailer on US 6 appox. 6 mi east of Coudersport Pa. on May 7th at appox. 10:30 pm. Going up Denton Hill just past the ski area, there was a car in front of me appox. 100 yds. There was lightning to the west of my location but not yet raining where I was at. The highway going up the hill has a passing lane. The car in front of me was in the driving lane and then swerved into the passing lane as if to miss something. After he swerved I noticed a large black figure beside the road. It was standing upright on the shoulder of the road on my right about to go up a steep incline to the woods. Just saw it for a second then it disapeared. Took a second for me to make out what it was. The car in front of me did not stop or put on it's brake, so I'm not sure if I really saw something or it was my imagination. Appeared to be appox. 7 to 8 feet tall. using the car as a reference point for height. Total black with long arms and legs.","location_details":"6 mi. east of Coudersport PA. on US 6. I was coming up Denton Hill, just past ski slopes.","county":"Potter County","state":"Pennsylvania","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8633: Trucker has nighttime sighting on Denton Hill east of Coudersport","date":"2004-05-09","number":8633,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dr2teg5vej","temperature_high":68.82,"temperature_mid":62.515,"temperature_low":56.21,"dew_point":54.84,"humidity":0.86,"cloud_cover":0.71,"moon_phase":0.68,"precip_intensity":0.0515,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.45,"summary":"Rain in the morning.","uv_index":8,"visibility":8.26,"wind_bearing":226,"wind_speed":3.23,"year":2004,"geometry":[-77.8768,41.7655]} {"observed":"What I saw was a thing about 6 foot tall, all black and short hair, its body was skinny and its forearms were bigger than its biceps. It was leaning over, drinking out of a stream by the path I was walking on. It had to be very strong because wen I came walking by, it stood up on two legs very fast and grabbed on to the tree behind it to help it up the hill. This thing I saw almost looked like a monkey except way too tall to be a monkey and also way to skinny to be a bear and too fast.","location_details":"Where I saw this thing was on the outside of Philomath when you're leaving and there's a road to King's Valley. You take that right and on that road take another right and down that road there's an old abandoned mill and beside that there's a pond and a path. If you take the path, you will see that there are little areas of connecting streams that run off the pond. I saw it drinking out of one of them.","county":"Benton County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4846: Boy has two encounters at eastern edge of Coast Range.","date":"2002-08-24","number":4846,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9rbjxs4ubf","temperature_high":84.14,"temperature_mid":69.545,"temperature_low":54.95,"dew_point":53.78,"humidity":0.72,"cloud_cover":0.02,"moon_phase":0.56,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1017.15,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":8,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":325,"wind_speed":1.54,"year":2002,"geometry":[-123.4166,44.58335]} {"observed":"While on a hike during this nice sunny day, I heard a low grumbling sound. My husband was leading me along the trail and he did not hear this sound. I stopped him and described the sound to him as a sort of \"wild boar\" type sound. It was VERY hard to describe. The sound was low, deep, like a vibrating growl or snort. We looked around and listened. When we didn't hear anything for quite a few minutes, we began walking again. Not more than 3 or 4 steps down the trail we hear a rustle noise and I quickly turned to see a rock or something rather large, dark and round fall to the ground with a large THUMP! The item had landed just where I was standing only a moment before. My husband heard this large item hit the ground and we stood stunned for a moment trying to figure out where it came from. I looked around the area and found a rock about the size of a baseball sitting where the item had hit the ground. My husband and I could NOT figure out where it had come from. Was a rock in the tree and it just now fell? Did something throw that rock at us? We were a bit jumpy but kept on down the trail. About 1/4 mile along the trail we hear a loud \"whomp, whomp\" like wood against wood sound ahead of us up on the hill. I asked my husband what that was and he decided it was probably just some people doing work on the trail. I didn't believe that's what it was. It sounded too heavy to be man made. Maybe machinery, but there was no motor sound and it was a Sunday evening. I doubt workers were on duty at this time and on this day. Just then we heard the sound move and we turned to hear the same wood on wood \"whomp\" noise behind us on the trail and still above us on the hill. My husband remarked, \"If that was bigfoot I don't know how he moved that quickly!\" I told him that we could rule out trail workers and that it was quite possible that it was TWO bigfoot communicating with each other. We joked about it, but we were both very shaken. We just could not come up with a more reasonable explanation for this sound. My husband describes this sound as a person hitting a tree quite hard with a large log. After yet another few minutes of looking around and hoping to see something, we walked along the trail without answers. After this we heard nothing more and came across several hikers on the last mile of the trail. Several hikers had dogs and we didn't hear any dogs going wild barking at anything unusual. My husband and I were going to stop some hikers to ask if they had heard anything, but we didn't want to look crazy or scare them away from the trail. Other than the rock being thrown at us we didn't feel as though we were in any kind of danger. When I got home I called my father who is quite familiar with forest animals and noises. He couldn't explain where the rock would have come from, but he believes that the wood on wood sound could possibly be deer or elk. I doubt that it was deer or elk just because the trail was so populated. They would have been spooked by the hikers and the dogs... besides, the \"whomp\" sound was SO heavy and SO loud that I can't imagine a deer making such a large sound. We didn't smell anything, we didn't see footprints...but I can't think of anything else that would explain these noises and the rock being thrown at us. I just really feel as though it could have been \"Bigfoot\".","location_details":"McDonald-Dunn State forest, west on 99 north of Corvallis, near Peavy Arboretum.","county":"Benton County","state":"Oregon","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10928: Hikers hear growl, wood knocking, have rock thrown at them.","date":"2005-03-13","number":10928,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9rbq5ebcwc","temperature_high":67.16,"temperature_mid":48.11,"temperature_low":29.06,"dew_point":32.19,"humidity":0.49,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.12,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1025.12,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":10,"wind_speed":4.86,"year":2005,"geometry":[-123.2433,44.6693]} {"observed":"Right off the bat, I'll tell you I'm a 16 year old kid telling absolutely the truth, so god strike me dead. I hope you don't take my report as bogus because of that. Let me explain my situation to you: I live, and have lived, on the Molalla river for most of my life and never thought twice about walking around at night or anywhere period. About 2 months ago, I was alone in my Grandmas house using the computer, when I decided to go home (my house is only about 50 yards away). As I was stepping outside the most hideous feeling of being alone and fear thumped my heart. I kept walking in terror, when all of the sudden about 30 feet off to my right, I heard a loud thumping sound crash out. From there on, being distorted by my act of running faster than I've ever moved before, I could swear I heard the distinctive two-legged footsteps veering toward me from off the trail between houses. I raced in my house, slammed the door, locked it and sat in the living room to calm down from my strange experience.The oddest feelings flushed through me then, and now. Now, before you dismiss my story as a frightened child running from noises, I'll have to tell you of the strange past our 45 acres of land at the end of the Dickey Prairie road has had: Around three years ago, when we had cattle and cows fenced on our property, I noticed casually how they would always stay together and go near the barns at night. Then one day we discovered two of them killed up in the woods by the drinking creek. The killings weren't average killings either. The cows didn't have a scratch on them, both had broken necks and their eyeballs sucked cleanly out. Since those experiences, I'm now scared to go hiking and travel at night. Yes, average signs of fear, but I have the weird feeling of being an 'Intruder'. Thank you for your time sincerely, Shawn Murray p.s. I'm a believer.","location_details":"It occured between two houses on our property, fairly wooded area.","county":"Clackamas County","state":"Oregon","season":"Spring","title":"Report 85: 16 year old has strange experience walking home","date":"2000-06-08","number":85,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c20bhvujwe","temperature_high":59.36,"temperature_mid":53.615,"temperature_low":47.87,"dew_point":49.63,"humidity":0.86,"cloud_cover":0.98,"moon_phase":0.23,"precip_intensity":0.0006,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1012.38,"summary":"Light precipitation in the evening.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":263,"wind_speed":4.74,"year":2000,"geometry":[-122.4808,45.03255]} {"observed":"Before I go any further, I'd like to emphasize that I am not sure that I actually heard a bigfoot sound. I am mainly putting it on here because I have thought about it in depth (that's why the delay in reporting), and the only thing in my memory that has any resemblance at all to what I've heard is the past audio recordings of bigfoot (although what I heard had better audio!). I still wonder if this was a bigfoot, how or why it would have been near a town, but I have no other explanations. I was in Sandy, Oregon with my family during the weekend of July 21-23, 2000. We were staying at the Sandy Inn, which is just west of the main part of town. It was hard to sleep the night of the 21st; it was very humid and some thunderstorms did move through about midnight or so. I was up several times during the night; either to shut the window, open the window, turn on the air conditioning, etc. I got up once around 3 or so in the morning on the 22nd after the storms passed. I was sticking my head out of our 2nd story window, enjoying some cool air and kind of looking off into the woods toward the north. There was not a sound anywhere (that I could hear). No cars on the highway, nothing. Then I heard a very indescribable sound. I thought at first it was tires screeching but as the seconds passed I realized a car would have to be burning rubber for a long ways. Then as I kinda cleared my head, I thought it sounded like a man screaming, or better yet, wailing. But I've n ever heard a human do a sound like that either. It was not a moan or howling with an \"o\" sound, it was more like \"eye-eeee--ah-eye-eee\". Very high pitched. It won't do me much good to try to interpret the sound in letters. But the way the pitch of the sound went up and down so fast, I've never heard any animal or human do that, and I've heard quite a lot of animals. If a a human did what I heard, they'd bust their vocal chords. It went on for about 20 seconds-maybe a little longer, but not sure of that. It did seem to kind of trail off at one point then come back. I know it was long enough for me to get a good listen. It was not close by, either. The window faced toward the north, so it's possible that's where it came from but I can't be sure of that. It seemed like it was off in the distance somewhere. When it started, it was rather quiet, and ended trailing off in the same manner it started. Even though I was a bit groggy, it was wierd enough to wake me up and even scare me a bit. I didn't think too much of it at the time but the next morning I was thinking to myself, \"What was that?\" I didn't report it or consider that until now because I wasn't sure and after a while I honestly had forgotten about it until something in my mind triggered it again. All I can say is, if it wasn't a bigfoot, fine. But please tell me what it was","location_details":"I was looking out a second story window in the Sandy Inn Hotel in Sandy. I was facing the north, toward the woods and the columbia river beyond.","county":"Clackamas County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 187: Unusual vocalization heard near Sandy","date":"2000-07-22","number":187,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c21438b5e0","temperature_high":67.02,"temperature_mid":60.67,"temperature_low":54.32,"dew_point":56.02,"humidity":0.84,"cloud_cover":0.94,"moon_phase":0.7,"precip_intensity":0.0025,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.7,"summary":"Light rain in the morning.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.93,"wind_bearing":202,"wind_speed":3.13,"year":2000,"geometry":[-122.2777,45.40023]} {"observed":"Today, March 18, 2001, my brother and I were hiking near Table Rock Wilderness in Clackamas County, Oregon. Found footprints in the snow very much like a very large, bare, human foot. We wear size 12 and 13 boots and the prints were significantly bigger. Using a dollar bill as a size reference I took pictures with a digital camera. Using the dollar bill we measured a stride of 4 feet. Also the prints were deeper than ours or the other human prints in the area. I would like to submit the pictures for expert evaluation and will do so if an e-mail address is provided.","location_details":"To get to Table Rock Wilderness from Molalla take Dickey Prairie Road to South Molalla Road and follow Molalla River. Follow signs to Table Rock. See \"investigator comments\" for precise directions to location.","county":"Clackamas County","state":"Oregon","season":"Winter","title":"Report 1986: Hikers make track find on Table Rock Creek, Oregon","date":"2001-03-18","number":1986,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9rcpbg7twe","temperature_high":48.06,"temperature_mid":39.06,"temperature_low":30.06,"dew_point":43.63,"humidity":1,"cloud_cover":0.96,"moon_phase":0.81,"precip_intensity":0.0179,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1018.59,"summary":"Rain in the morning and afternoon.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.79,"wind_bearing":190,"wind_speed":10.97,"year":2001,"geometry":[-122.3057,44.97487]} {"observed":"I am submitting this report for the witness. The sighting was viewed from the witnesss home, through the window. The creature was viewed at a distance of approximately 130 feet when a cars headlights backlit the creature as it ran from left to right across the road from the witnesses perspective. The occupants of the car where not identified or contacted, but did stop a short distance from the creature, insinuating that the driver also observed the sighting. The creature was running fast, upright, very hairy, humanoid in appearance, and estimated to be 7 feet tall (definitely larger than the witness who is 63). The local dogs were barking excitably, which is why the witness looked out the window. A search for footprints with flashlights was unsuccessful for finding clues or footprints. However, the ground is moist and soft, and it is currently not precipitating, so there may be fresh prints or evidence still available in the morning.","location_details":"Go East on #26 to Rhododendron, turn left before the Mt. Hood Foods store. Road immediatly continues left and parellels the highway for 100 yaards, then right. Sighting was about forty feet from the small outhouse looking building on the left another 50 yards up the raod.","county":"Clackamas County","state":"Oregon","season":"Winter","title":"Report 3441: Oregon resident near Mt. Hood catches glimpse of a bigfoot in his neighborhood","date":"2001-11-29","number":3441,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c213cu3h84","temperature_high":42.59,"temperature_mid":39.575,"temperature_low":36.56,"dew_point":39.67,"humidity":0.96,"cloud_cover":0.95,"moon_phase":0.46,"precip_intensity":0.0216,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1003.57,"summary":"Rain in the morning and afternoon.","uv_index":1,"visibility":8.85,"wind_bearing":221,"wind_speed":7.41,"year":2001,"geometry":[-121.9139,45.33175]} {"observed":"I lived in Welches, Oregon. I am 42 yr old now. This was 2 1/2 years ago, in November 2003. I was living in an apartment over a garage overlooking the Salmon River. At around 6pm there was a large bang on my front door. The door was locked, thank goodness. I called 911 and told them that something banged on my door, and I was alone and scared. I lived right next to the Mt. Hood National Forest. No families lived there in the winter time. If something happened to me no one would hear me scream. I heard grunting. I looked out onto my deck, through the windows and I saw those eyes. It had to be huge animal. It was there watching me and I was watching it. It blinked its eyes, but it was like the animal was frozen with its eyes set on me. It had a furry head. It took 3 hours for the police to show up. They came in on foot, from down the road, but did not see anything when they looked around.","location_details":"Elk Park Road, Welches, Or 97067.","county":"Clackamas County","state":"Oregon","season":"Winter","title":"Report 14841: Possible approach to a property on the edge of the Salmon Huckleberry Wilderness","date":"2003-02-15","number":14841,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c213bf7k1w","temperature_high":46.59,"temperature_mid":42.865,"temperature_low":39.14,"dew_point":38.76,"humidity":0.85,"cloud_cover":0.86,"moon_phase":0.45,"precip_intensity":0.0242,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1008.48,"summary":"Rain until afternoon, starting again in the evening.","uv_index":2,"visibility":8.15,"wind_bearing":91,"wind_speed":3.05,"year":2003,"geometry":[-121.9547,45.3207]} {"observed":"I was at a friend's house in the Colton area. It was around midnight when I noticed strange noises in the treeline approx. 100 yards from his house. These noises were birdlike in nature and seemed to be coming from 3 places, directly in front of the house and off to both sides and further away. These noises sounded like birds but were only part of a bird call, and they seemed to be answering each other. There were 5 different noises and while they seemed birdlike they definitely came from something larger than a bird. At approx. 12:30 am I finally asked the other people at the house to come outside and listen. Everyone agreed that the noises were strange and like nothing they had ever heard before. We shined a flashlight in the area that noises seemed closest and saw nothing due to heavy brush, but the noises quit in that area until we stopped shining the light. These noises lasted until approx. a half an hour until dawn and quit quite suddenly. I grew up in the area and spend alot of time hunting and fishing and being in the outdoors, as does the property owner, we could not identify any local animal that makes these noises. In the morning we went and looked in the area closest to the house and found want could 2 possible tracks, they matched nothing we had ever seen, and we compared them with the other animal tracks in the area and they matched nothing, also noticed that the grass was pushed down in approx 3-4 foot strides running through the field behind the stream area where we found the possible tracks and where we thought some the noises were coming from. Since then the property owner has heard the same noises at night and last night heard something thrashing around in the brush. Also, if this has any bearing, there has been a good deal of logging in the area we thought that perhaps something has been pushed out of that area. Thank you for your time.","location_details":"Northeast of Colton off Highway 211.","county":"Clackamas County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 8888: Night time calls and footprints witnessed by several people northeast of Colton off Highway 211","date":"2004-06-20","number":8888,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c20cp1vrs7","temperature_high":86.44,"temperature_mid":70.855,"temperature_low":55.27,"dew_point":47.56,"humidity":0.5,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.09,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1017.78,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":10,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":335,"wind_speed":1.14,"year":2004,"geometry":[-122.3803,45.1867]} {"observed":"13 Miles south of Glen Avon Bridge on the Molalla River in Oregon, my friend, myself and two large dogs jumped out of my truck to check up on a regular camp site we use throughout the summer. We walked only about 25 ft from the gravel road and a huge sound of bushes/trees crackling and breaking came from our left. I saw the disturbance out of the corner of my eye and when I looked over, I could see the brush moving violently about 10 ft beyond our path. I didn't see any thing but there was an enormous two or three steps traveling away from us and I could feel the vibration of the weight of the steps under my own feet. That was no deer or elk, the pounding of steps was too heavy and there was a distinct - one step, then a broad second step hitting the ground. I instantly knew that we had definitely startled something that was very big, very close and very fast. I have heard many human-like steps that seemed excessively heavy on more than one camping trip at the Molalla. They are always after all have gone into their tents or settled in for the night. Usually between midnight and three am.","location_details":"Molalla River Road, 13 miles south of Glen Avon Bridge.","county":"Clackamas County","state":"Oregon","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9391: Campers are greeted by tree-shaking display in afternoon near Molalla River","date":"2004-09-26","number":9391,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9rbzy9r41q","temperature_high":70.75,"temperature_mid":62.01,"temperature_low":53.27,"dew_point":53.57,"humidity":0.78,"cloud_cover":0.64,"moon_phase":0.44,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1019.35,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":4,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":18,"wind_speed":0.3,"year":2004,"geometry":[-122.4,44.9633]} {"observed":"I don't wanna disclose that actual location because of potential bigfoot killers. We were in a enchanted, mossy and fern over grown forest. When we heard(me, mother,father, 4 brothers, 1 sister and a friend) all heard a loud hair raising scream some what like that of a pterodactyl dinosaur. somewhat like a sucking in sound. it was very long like from something with very massive lung capacity. There was a pause between each scream there were four screams total. my mother attempted to imitate the sound and it replied back each time. Earlier that day were took pictures of what were believed to be 2 sets of tracks down a road about a mile from where we heard the screams. The tracks one a smaller and a larger set. The forest was very old with huge trees that had fallen with other trees the same size growing out of them. some trees were so huge I could not see over the fallen one and I am 5'7. There was not sound in this forest it was completely silent. Very eerie. The only sign of wildlife was foot long slugs. the soil was very dark and rich. the moss was think. I put my finger through some moss to see how thick it was and my finger did not touch the ground.","county":"Clatsop County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 3766: Family finds prints and hears vocalizations in forest near Seaside","date":"2001-08-03","number":3766,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c0pvshgmjn","temperature_high":64.03,"temperature_mid":60.525,"temperature_low":57.02,"dew_point":57.82,"humidity":0.91,"cloud_cover":0.97,"moon_phase":0.49,"precip_intensity":0.0038,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.68,"summary":"Light rain in the morning.","uv_index":5,"visibility":8.48,"wind_bearing":197,"wind_speed":9.47,"year":2001,"geometry":[-123.9211,45.99378]} {"observed":"On September 20th, 2001 at approximately 11:30p.m. my wife was returning from Portland to the coast. She stopped at the rest area on Highway 26 (which I believe is at about the 27 mile marker) to let our dog out. While there she heard what she described as an \"eerie\" scream coming from the southeast and lasting about 4-5 seconds. She said that it was far enough away that it didn't scare her.As described the scream would have come from across Highway 26 and in an area where there has been some activity (see reports under Clatsop County). I played the recordings on this website for her, and she said it sounded like Matt Moneymaker's Ohio recorded scream.","location_details":"Rest area along Hwy 26 between Portland and Seaside.","county":"Clatsop County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 3148: Traveler hears \"eerie and strange\" scream while walking dog near Elsie","date":"2001-09-20","number":3148,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c20h4bgn2w","year":2001,"geometry":[-123.625,45.70835]} {"observed":"June 2004 For three days at dawn, I heard a long series of calls, the first of which lasted for about half an hour. I was not fully awake for the first calling, and half awake, wondered if it was a screaming cow, being attacked or something. We have major preditors here, including a Mountain Lion. THIS WAS NOT A MOUNTAIN LION. We've heard their screams, and this was nothing like that. Each dawn, the calls occured for a shorter and shorter duration. I was wide awake on the second and third dawns. On the third day at dusk, there was a brief series of calls. It was the softest in volume. Since then, I have heard nothing. I live on one side of the Nehalem River valley, up a little on the ridge, and it sounded like the calls came from the opposite ridge which is very forested. The calls sounded like a huge howler monkey, sort of a whoooop whoooop whooooop who's pitch went up at the ending. As it progressed, the whooops got closer and closer together, until it was whooopwhoooopwhoooop, and then gradually faded out softly. This sound reverberated across the entire valley, which is perhaps one mile from ridge to ridge. I have lived in the woods of No Cal and Oregon, and heard many wild animals. This was not a wolf, coyote, owl, elk, mountain lion, or the cows and donkeys that are a mile away. This was much louder than the most emphatic sounds that these animals make. A friend who has lived here, and on an Elk Preserve for many many years, heard the last dusk calling, and he said he had Never heard anything like it, and that Elk do not make that noise, nor are they that loud. I live on Hwy 103, in Jewell, one mile off of Hwy 26.","location_details":"This area is the extended roam of one of the largest herds of Elk. There is a large Elk Preserve a few miles away, along the Nehalem.","county":"Clatsop County","state":"Oregon","season":"Spring","title":"Report 9547: Early morning vocalizations heard on three consecutive days","date":"2004-06-04","number":9547,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c20jkdxdmx","temperature_high":70.69,"temperature_mid":62.425,"temperature_low":54.16,"dew_point":51.4,"humidity":0.82,"cloud_cover":0.34,"moon_phase":0.56,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1017.46,"summary":"Light rain overnight.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.1,"wind_bearing":206,"wind_speed":2.11,"year":2004,"geometry":[-123.5417,45.93701]} {"observed":"On the morning of August 6th, at approximately 6:30am, at a location off Dutch Canyon road in Scappoose, while pre-season scouting, I was observing several deer, 4 bucks and 2 does. While watching the deer for approximately 15 minutes, I watched all six deer look towards the east into a tree line about 1000 meters from my location and the location of the deer. Within 30 seconds of watching the deer look over a bellowing scream came out of the wood line. I knew exactly what it was from my prior reports from the Salmonberry area. In was on queue with the Ohio recordings. The scream started at a low tone and progressively and increasingly became louder until it became a loud type of moaning growl. The deer at that point became intensely agitated, their tails went up and they took off heading west into an adjacent tree line about 300 meters from my location. They did not stop for anything or anybody. At that time, I focused my binoculars on the tree line that the scream came from and waited, and observed for almost 2 hours with no physical sighting. I have gone up several days now with nothing further to report. Being that the season opens up this coming weekend I will keep an eye on the area and animal behavior for anything out of the ordinary.","location_details":"Dutch Canyon Road west of Scappoose.","county":"Columbia County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9204: While scouting, hunter hears morning vocalization west of Scappoose","date":"2004-08-06","number":9204,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c20s607hqj","temperature_high":69.42,"temperature_mid":63.23,"temperature_low":57.04,"dew_point":55.38,"humidity":0.79,"cloud_cover":0.72,"moon_phase":0.71,"precip_intensity":0.0053,"precip_probability":0.92,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1014.22,"summary":"Rain in the morning.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.48,"wind_bearing":192,"wind_speed":2.62,"year":2004,"geometry":[-122.9546,45.7492]} {"observed":"I entered this part of the Coos County Forest at its western edge, looking for possible hiking trails that I could follow to the top of the hills. I walked east along an old dirt logging road but it ended at the edge of a steep creek. The brush was very thick and I couldn't get through so I followed the creek in a southerly direction, walking through the \"slash\" (all the debris left over from clear cutting.) Actually, stumbling is a more apt description of my mode of travel. If you've been in a clear cut you know what I mean. Anyhow, I came upon a small spot of soft dirt next to a trunk and saw a footprint about an inch deep. It was a bare foot and just slightly bigger than my male size 10 1/2 in combat boots. I could plainly see the toes. I couldn't imagine how anyone could walk barefooted in that area. I found I couldn't get where I wanted to go due to some wicked stickers so I left. I kept thinking about that print and decided to go back with a camera. Unfortunately, it rained for about 4 days. When it cleared up, I went back and stumbled around some more but it was washed pretty clean. However, I found some other prints that were bigger than the original, and some impressions that were smaller than my own foot (a youngster?). I tried taking pictures and can send them, but they aren't very clear. I could sort of see the track they took and I figured the stride to be about 6 feet between prints. The next day I entered the forest from the north. I followed a dirt road that led to another clearcut. From a high point I could see the area I had been in the day before, so I was sort of north-east of the original spot on the other side of the creek. I saw a beautiful deer and a snake there and found some more impressions. They appeared to be about 15 inches long with the same 6 foot stride. They were not well defined as the ground was hard and may have been made before the rain. I'm not a tracker, but I stood at the print and looked in the direction of travel and could see what appeared to be a trail. That's how I figured the stride. 2 of my strides=6 feet. I'm not a hunter or tracker but once I saw that print, I found it easier to spot others.","location_details":"Between Seven Devils Road and Highway 101.","county":"Coos County","state":"Oregon","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9276: Several tracks found near County dump for Bandon","date":"2004-08-21","number":9276,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9pxt9ummsf","temperature_high":60.99,"temperature_mid":58.18,"temperature_low":55.37,"dew_point":54.89,"humidity":0.94,"cloud_cover":0.83,"moon_phase":0.19,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1013.63,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":8,"visibility":7.15,"wind_bearing":152,"wind_speed":0.24,"year":2004,"geometry":[-124.3688,43.1786]} {"observed":"Late Oct 2004. I was picking Matsutaki mushrooms near Storm Ranch in Coos County. I noticed free range cattle acting spooked so I kept my path moving in a clock wise motion. Periodically the cattle would sound off, but always behind me, roughly at my 7 o'clock. This happened for around 3 hours and when I decided to call it a night and hiked out to the road. When I got there I heard the cattle again. This time a huge bi- pedal animal ran up the side of the road directly at me. It was 7+ feet tall, huge shoulders, covered in reddish blonde, brown hair, no neck, pointed head, long arms and shorter legs. I could hear the bare feet slapping the road surface as it ran. I was frozen with fear. This thing came within 100 feet of me and stopped. I could see its breath as it stood there breathing heavily. After a few seconds, it turned away from me and with 2 bounds it cleared a two lane road, then jumped over a patch of sala brush. The brush stood 4' tall and extended off the road 20 feet. I never heard it land and the rest of the walk out I heard what sounded like Racoons chattering all around me.","location_details":"Near Storm Ranch / New River","county":"Coos County","state":"Oregon","season":"Fall","title":"Report 42352: Early evening close encounter near Bandon by mushroom hunters leaving the forest","date":"2004-10-29","number":42352,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9pxs8ebv4u","temperature_high":57.39,"temperature_mid":54.21,"temperature_low":51.03,"dew_point":47.67,"humidity":0.85,"cloud_cover":0.55,"moon_phase":0.56,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1023.16,"summary":"Overcast starting in the evening.","uv_index":3,"visibility":8.91,"wind_bearing":178,"wind_speed":3.91,"year":2004,"geometry":[-124.43,43]} {"observed":"At sunset on March 17, 2001, my friend & I were hiking along a creek/log-jam when we heard what sounded like a strange sort of singing in a culvert. My friend quickly approached the culvert and urged me to join him immediately. There at the far end of the culvert were 2 ape-like creatures with glowing eyes. I believe this was my first Bigfoot sighting. The singing continued, despite our intrusion. The creatures did not move toward us, and we left in a hurry so as not to disturb them.","location_details":"I do not wish to divulge any more specific details.","county":"Curry County","state":"Oregon","season":"Winter","title":"Report 2841: Two hikers both hear strange sounds in a creek culvert, investigate to see two ape-like creatures sitting at far end of culvert","date":"2001-03-17","number":2841,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9prx76xe80","temperature_high":51.04,"temperature_mid":49.91,"temperature_low":48.78,"dew_point":45.78,"humidity":0.95,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.78,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1021.95,"summary":"Light rain in the morning and evening.","uv_index":3,"wind_bearing":173,"wind_speed":7.16,"year":2001,"geometry":[-124.3,42.07]} {"observed":"On June 4, 200l, I stopped at a beach north of Brookings, Oregon for my usual evening walk with my Golden Retriever. When we crossed the creek (near where it empties into the ocean), to get to the north & rugged end of the beach, my dog--who normally runs a block ahead of me--froze. She did NOT wish to walk anywhere in this area. We turned around and took a walk on the south beach. At 7:15 p.m., heading up the path to the parking lot, I happened to glance up at the steep hills on the north. I was stunned to see what appeared to be 2 very large men--both dressed completely in black. I looked again to determine if they were a threat to me, and saw they were, in fact, covered in black, and it probably wasn't dark clothing. The figures walked in a hunched-over posture, one right in front of the other, arms swinging like apes, and taking very long strides. They seemed to see me and appeared to be coming toward me. I started to run to my Chevy Blazer. Part-way there, I turned to see if I was being pursued--only to make eye-contact with a large doe (perhaps less than 100' away).","location_details":"Beach is just off Hwy 101, perhaps 14 miles south of Pistol River.","county":"Curry County","state":"Oregon","season":"Spring","title":"Report 2900: Evening beach walker with dog observes two huge upright dark hunched ape-man figures swinging arms and walking long strides one behind the other along nearby hillslope","date":"2001-06-04","number":2900,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9prx7krtb0","temperature_high":55.52,"temperature_mid":52.095,"temperature_low":48.67,"dew_point":46.01,"humidity":0.91,"cloud_cover":0.37,"moon_phase":0.46,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.36,"summary":"Light precipitation overnight.","uv_index":9,"wind_bearing":328,"wind_speed":1.22,"year":2001,"geometry":[-124.3,42.08]} {"observed":"I was at our hunting cabin along with my dad, uncle and brother. My brother and I were sitting out in front of our cabin in front of a small campfire. My dad and uncle were inside of the cabin. It was about 10:00 at night and my brother and I heard a noise that neither one of us has ever heard before. We grew up in the country and spent alot of time in the woods, even sleeping out with buddies when we were younger.Whatever it was was in the woods about 30 yards from us and it was screaming loudly and you could hear it breaking pretty good sized limbs. This went on for about 30 seconds or so, long enough for us to hustle to the cabin. I yelled for my dad and he came out on the porch and heard it as well. He said it was something he never heard either. We have combined 70 plus years hunting between us and none of us ever heard anything remotly like this before. It almost seemed like whatever it was was very unhappy that we were there.","location_details":"About 3 miles east of Bennezzette, 1 mile from Rt. 555","county":"Elk County","state":"Pennsylvania","season":"Summer","title":"Report 10251: Hunters hear loud vocalization and breaking branches","date":"2003-09-30","number":10251,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dr2700dzuc","temperature_high":58.29,"temperature_mid":51.305,"temperature_low":44.32,"dew_point":40.1,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.71,"moon_phase":0.17,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1023.3,"summary":"Breezy in the afternoon and light rain overnight.","uv_index":4,"visibility":8.45,"wind_bearing":217,"wind_speed":6.95,"year":2003,"geometry":[-78.39445,41.31268]} {"observed":"it was july 1 2005 i drive a tri axle dump my boss ask me to deliver some stone to a remote camp he took me to the location first by pick up it was a very remote camp the next day i took aload of stone to the camp and dump it the fallowing day i took another load of stone to the location to tailgate it i went to the camp to turn around to tailgate out to the main rd when i got out to chain my gate i had i wierd feeling that something was watching me i scaned the woods nothing i went on about my work i drove out the road about 150 yards raised my box in the air the tried to trip my gate it dident trip then it did dumping a2 foot pile of stone i finaly got the truck into gear and started to tail gate it i went about 75 yards i dident have my chains set right so back up to the pile of stone that i dumped when i back around the corner there was a sin color animal on the stone it look like a 250 to300 pound bear i kept backing the back up alarm was beeping but still this animal did not look at me i got about 5or6 feet and hit my brakes it stood up most of it was behiund the truck i then seen something else run across the road i went to the other mirror nothing i went back to drivers mirror the animal was gone i got out walk to the back of the truck there was nothing i scanned the woods it was gone i fix my chains and started to tailgate agian to my surprise i went about 40 yards and i look in my mirror there was 2 of these animals walking upright the big one was about8or9 feet tallvery large redish brown hair black face it scared me i took off went to my boss we went back up ther with a couple of other people we had flash lights when we first got out of the trk we heard a high pitch whissle and hoot or howl ive never heard this in the woods after all im a advid hunter something big took off runing throught the woods there where foot prints in the stone we measured them the one was 17 inchs and 7 in acrossed the other were10 inches we took pictures of the foot prints i thought you would like to know about this sighting i know it changed my out look on this matter i never believed in this i know what i saw it was bigfoot it will change the way i feel about the woods my gaurd will be up for know on thank you tghe nanimal had very hairy body black face it looked just like the picture on the home page of the web sight standing next to the man","county":"Lycoming County","state":"Pennsylvania","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12034: Truck driver has late afternoon encounter while dumping stone","date":"2005-07-01","number":12034,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dr37s3c435","temperature_high":85.09,"temperature_mid":74.715,"temperature_low":64.34,"dew_point":64.32,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":0.19,"moon_phase":0.85,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1006.8,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the afternoon.","uv_index":10,"visibility":6.71,"wind_bearing":267,"wind_speed":1.39,"year":2005,"geometry":[-76.804,41.4065]} {"observed":"For years our neighbors would tell us that there was a bigfoot that roamed the woods where we lived. We thought that it was a way to keep us from wondering off and finding the illegal plants they may have been growing. The only reason we somewhat believed them was, the grandmother who told us the same thing was a minister at a local church. She is no longer with us. The day i saw what i believe to be a bigfoot was a summer day around 7:45 to 8:30ish. My sister and i was going to visit our friends. She was driving. We travel this route all the time. During the school year the bus travels this route also. The reason i say this is to let you know, im familiar with the area. As we aproached the small brige that crosses a pond that we call a swamp we both noticed it in the middle of the road. At first i thought it was a bear. As she slowed the car and hit the horn; it stood up looked in our direction and took off across the swamp. I have seen many bears, twice too close for comfort. I had one to stand up in front me in my grandmas back yard. I think it was spooked as much as i was. We both ran. It ran away on four legs. So i know what i saw was not a bear. I remember being amazed watching this thing run off.I asked my sister to turn around and go back. She locked the doors and turned around. When we got back there was something in the road that it must have been eating. A rabbit,opossum some type of small animal. Probably road kill. It was dark brown at least 6 to 7 foot tall. It happened so quick, i was not able to get a good look at the face. All i remember was it was big, harry, large back with no neck. I was 16 yaers old at the time, my sister was 18. No one believed us. Not even our neighbors. I am now 34. I can still see the image in my head. What made me recall this, was the footage; where the men on horses record it walking away. Seeing that thing walking back into the woods looking at the large back and the muscle, man!","location_details":"just off hwy 24. back road to fairplay.","county":"Oconee County","state":"South Carolina","season":"Summer","title":"Report 13170: Daylight sighting by motorists on Hwy 24 near Seneca","date":"2005-12-05","number":13170,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnhvhss2xx","temperature_high":53.01,"temperature_mid":42.12,"temperature_low":31.23,"dew_point":45.77,"humidity":0.85,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.15,"precip_intensity":0.04,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.34,"summary":"Rain until afternoon.","uv_index":2,"visibility":4.02,"wind_bearing":52,"wind_speed":1.11,"year":2005,"geometry":[-83.11639,34.65375]} {"observed":"I was Hunting for Feral pigs at the Cinnamon Ridge Hunting lodge in Erhardt, SC. We had not seen any hogs the first day so on the second day we hunted in the swamp. On the way over in the morning our guide was telling us about strange noises he had heard back in the area while hunting himself. I love to hunt in the swamps for deer and ducks and have for years. At about 5:30 pm I started hearing several great horned owls calling back and forth in the area behind me which is swamp. My stand was located on a dike between a oak ridge and the water. There was a large gator hole about 100 yrds away. As the owls started calling I heard what sounded like a noise an ape would make but very loud. The \"ooow, ooow\" sound was very quick and repetetive. All the animal noises stopped suddenly and it was very still. The wood ducks and squirrels that we feed took flight in a sudden burst of movement. After the calls none returned and the area was very quiet, even the song birds. I waited until a little before dark and walked out to meet the pick - up vehicle. I have heard several vocalizations similar to this before. Once as a teenager in Delaware while hunting the swamps around Phillips Landing in the Nanicoke Foest in southern Delaware. I could also hear something very large moving around. The second time was in Washington State while stationed there in the Navy. While walking thru the Bremerton Watershed area with my new wife. That night we were followed down the logging road by something large that stayed in the brush and would stop when we did. That was also accompanied by a foul odor and even had an 80 lbs Rottweiller cowering and we had to hold him with a leash to keep from running off.","location_details":"Unknown what the stand number was but could heard occassional boat traffic on the river","county":"Colleton County","state":"South Carolina","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10623: Hog hunter hears possible vocalizations in the late afternoon near Erhardt","date":"2005-02-11","number":10623,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"djyehtgg03","temperature_high":54.61,"temperature_mid":39.78,"temperature_low":24.95,"dew_point":21.07,"humidity":0.49,"cloud_cover":0.05,"moon_phase":0.1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1020.17,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":7,"wind_bearing":302,"wind_speed":3.09,"year":2005,"geometry":[-80.65645,32.9032]} {"observed":"My co-worker and I were on a turkey farm at about 12:30AM. one night in October,2003. I began smelling a strange smell that I had never smelled before on a birdfarm. I began shining my Q-beam spotlight around in the darkness. I noticed something standing behind the barn across from me. I could see the animal picking up acorns or something off the ground.The animal didn't like my spotlight because it would block the light with its hand. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I ran over to my coworker, that was working on the other feed truck to warn him as to what I had seen. He laughed and said for me to quit tryin to scare him. I told him that I was serious, and he would see it if it was still there, since it was behind the last barn that he had to pump feed in. I noticed he was startled when he shined his spotlight and saw this large creature for himself. He claimed that this creature started walking toward him, and it really shook him up, because he ran to the front of his truck and sped to the front of the farm where I waited on him. He was white as a ghost. He claimed that this creature was between 8 to 10Ft. in height and as broad as two linebackers. I told him that's exactly what I had seen .","location_details":"Hwy.#1 N. to McBee, turn left onto Hwy.151. Go about 6 to 8 miles turn left at a little country store onto Hwy.903 . Then go about 2 to 3 miles turn right at second paved rd. This will take you to the turkey farm.","county":"Chesterfield County","state":"South Carolina","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9475: Two turkey farmers have nighttime sighting near Jefferson","date":"2003-10-17","number":9475,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnnuf8ymq5","temperature_high":74.84,"temperature_mid":64.04,"temperature_low":53.24,"dew_point":51.05,"humidity":0.76,"cloud_cover":0.2,"moon_phase":0.72,"precip_intensity":0.4907,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Heavy rain throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":7.21,"wind_bearing":195,"wind_speed":1.43,"year":2003,"geometry":[-80.3891,34.59]} {"observed":"I was traveling up [road name omitted] about 7am or a little after. I was topping the hill when movement caught my eyes, about 800 to 900 ft. ahead. It was large and dark colored. When I got to the spot it crossed the road, I slowed down some to see if I could see if it was still there. I was still driving so I couldn't just take my eyes completely off the road, (I should have stopped) but as much a I could, I looked up the small hill, there was a massive creature on top of the hill with gray coarse hair about 3 to 4 in. long. Its chest was massive and it had a white spot in its chest about two foot across. I was so in amazement it never even occurred to me to look up. Its chest was about 3 ft. across and on each side of the white there was about 6 to 7 in. of more coarse gray hair, the color of a gray fox or coyote. I went back after work, but did not find tracks or disturbance of any kind. There was an overpowering smell. It smelled like fresh meat, like a meat locker.","location_details":"[Exact location details omitted.] Location is near pine forest, creek runs along side and there are a number of large farms in the location.","county":"Cherokee County","state":"South Carolina","season":"Spring","title":"Report 41739: Motorist watches massive bipedal figure cross a rural road south of Gaffney","date":"2003-04-15","number":41739,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnnnb51c9p","temperature_high":80.6,"temperature_mid":64.885,"temperature_low":49.17,"dew_point":53.84,"humidity":0.67,"cloud_cover":0.02,"moon_phase":0.46,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1023.65,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":8.3,"wind_bearing":238,"wind_speed":0.33,"year":2003,"geometry":[-81.56005,34.9533]} {"observed":"On July 9th we were driving from NYC through the Carolinas for a vacation with family members. While driving on 95 I missed my exit and continued on 95 til south of the border. We weren't sure if we missed our exit so we got off the highway and went to a gas station to ask for directions. I was told to take Rte 301 off 95. This is in South Carolina. While on 301, about 10 minutes into it, I was driving at about 70-75 miles an hour when out of the dark, a black, hairy, tall thing crossed the road in front of us. It was not a bear. It stood like a person with a slight bent. It had hair all over its body. I had to turn the wheel to the left to avoid hitting this thing. It almost hit the right side of my van. The screams inside my car were frightening. We almost lost control of our car. I saw it, so did my wife, 2 aunts and my 7 seven year old granddaughter. It happened at about 12:30-12:45am, July 9th.","location_details":"On rte 321 toward rte 301, near the SC/GA border","county":"Allendale County","state":"South Carolina","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12205: Late night sighting by motorists near GA/SC border","date":"2005-11-25","number":12205,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djvgwugmpw","temperature_high":61.45,"temperature_mid":48.41,"temperature_low":35.37,"dew_point":34.54,"humidity":0.55,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.8,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":53,"wind_speed":1.32,"year":2005,"geometry":[-81.61264,32.98597]} {"observed":"i just started working as a police officer, and i was assigned the midnight shift. i was doing my basic patrols, when i was runing low on gas. the officer who was working the evening had the gas card with him and he lived approx. 7 miles south of wanblee on a gravel road. i did speak to him over the phone and he said that he'll be waiting for me to come get it. i drove out to his residence and i did get the card and i started driving back into wanblee. as i was coming over a hill (the ditch area is approx.4-5 feet deep, on both sides of the gravel road) my patrol unit was a chevy tahoe, which did sit kind of high to the ground. i was north-bound when i started to descend the hill i noticed some thing \"bobbing\" in the ditch (west side of the road) and i was kinda high off the ground. i thought it was a bat or a bird, so i did'nt think nothing of it. the next minute, i did saw something run across the road, right in front of me. it was running towards the east. i did see what i think was the shoulder area to the thigh area, through the windshield. i had a side view of this thing. i could still remember seeing the reddish-brown hair which covered the thing. the hair looked to be approx. 4-5 inches in length. and the overall torso/body from what i could see, was slim. from the chest to the arms. the arms were long and slim, i do not remember seeing the hands. it only happened for a brief second or so, but what ever it was.....was very fast. i did stop and turn around to try to see what it was , but it was gone","location_details":"i am quite surprised that there are no other reports, coming from the wanblee area. there is a creek running from a butte (8 miles south of wanblee) through wanblee and out to the badlands. and there is a rich history of sightings of bigfoots in this particular area.","county":"Jackson County","state":"South Dakota","season":"Fall","title":"Report 13691: Police officer describes late night road crossing sighting south of Wanblee","date":"2003-11-01","number":13691,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9xxxjj39en","temperature_high":35.89,"temperature_mid":33.39,"temperature_low":30.89,"dew_point":26.24,"humidity":0.83,"moon_phase":0.27,"precip_intensity":0.0014,"precip_probability":0.56,"precip_type":"snow","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":180,"wind_speed":9.19,"year":2003,"geometry":[-101.7312,43.4471]} {"observed":"I was travelling down Hwy 402 in Berkeley County going to load some steel at a steel plant. It was just before dark and I saw something ahead on all fours crossing the road. At first I though it was a horse. Then a bear. It did not have a natural gait and the body was too thin to be a horse and it was too tall to be a bear. As I closed up on it I saw that it had dark brown hair that was several inches long. The head was smaller than a horse or a bear. I believe it to be a bigfoot on all fours. I had slowed down and stopped where I thought it had gone into the woods. It was very thick at this point. Standing, it would probably be 9 feet tall from my opinion.","county":"Berkeley County","state":"South Carolina","season":"Fall","title":"Report 16734: Possible road crossing sighting in the Francis Marion National Forest","date":"2004-10-20","number":16734,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"djzhqpqpzu","temperature_high":79.51,"temperature_mid":71.38,"temperature_low":63.25,"dew_point":66.52,"humidity":0.87,"cloud_cover":0.46,"moon_phase":0.24,"precip_intensity":0.0018,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.28,"summary":"Light rain in the morning.","uv_index":5,"visibility":8.04,"wind_bearing":339,"wind_speed":1.21,"year":2004,"geometry":[-79.884,33.132]} {"observed":"This particular incident happened to me about 3 years ago. An event that I had kept to myself for at least a year before I even told any of my closest friends about. Like the majority of people who have an experience like this, the fear of being ridiculed and labeled \"nuts\" has kept me quiet. Stumbling upon your website and reading other reports prompted me to give my account. Being from the South I have always been active outdoors; fishing, hunting,camping and spelunking. I was on a solo camping trip on the Cumberland Plateau. It was early morning, very dark and my campfire had long been extinguished and my propane lantern was spent. I was asleep in my 2 man tent when I suddenly awoke to the feeling that someone was approaching me. I had strategically set my tent up so that I could see the end of the 40 yard, steep incline that led to my campsite. Sitting up I saw the silouette of a humanoid figure at the top of the trail.(The closet comparison I can make would be similar to the alien in Predator.) I strained hard to make sure I was relly seeing what my eyes were telling me I was seeing. The figure had apparently stumbled upon me by chance and stopped. As I was looking, I first noticed the height to be 6 1/2 to 7 foot tall, bi-pedal and shoulders that were the widest I had ever seen. It was then that I saw a second figure of equal proportions directly behind the first. At this point, the second figure moved left as if to outflank my tent. That is when the sudden rush for urgency swept over me. I quickly started feeling around for the .44 Magnum and flashlight that I had in the tent with me. What seemed like forever but only took 3-5 seconds, I located both and shined/aimed it in the direction of the trail and it was gone. I stayed in the tent and replayed the events that just happened over and over becoming more and more convinced that what I saw were actually 2 Bigfoot creatures. The size, stealth and intelligence of these creatures was humbling. There are black bear that inhabit the woods also, but being familiar with the species and the fact that the two figures stood bi-pedally still and silent for an extended period of time and the intelligence to outflank me solidifies my belief in this encounter. I eventually went back to sleep with the thought that I was no longer in danger and that I had probably startled them as much as they did me. I left the area that morning knowing I had experienced something unlike any other experience in the wild that I had ever had.","location_details":"Off of Hwy 27 North, turn left into the Laurel-Snow Wilderness Pocket.","county":"Rhea County","state":"Tennessee","season":"Spring","title":"Report 20231: Camper Awakens and Sees Two Creatures in the Laurel Snow Pocket Wilderness","date":"2004-03-01","number":20231,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dn7d1pn4d1","temperature_high":66.43,"temperature_mid":59.99,"temperature_low":53.55,"dew_point":45.01,"humidity":0.64,"cloud_cover":0.73,"moon_phase":0.33,"precip_intensity":0.0008,"precip_probability":0.36,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.31,"summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.71,"wind_bearing":186,"wind_speed":4.7,"year":2004,"geometry":[-85.02585,35.5467]} {"observed":"Driving North and just crossed the border into Tennessee from North Carolina on Hwy #441 & #71, driving toward Gattlinburg, TN. It was getting dark so we drove on down the mountain. After a few minutes of driving around curves in the highway, we came to a straight section of the highway and could see street lights through the tree covered highway about a mile ahead. There was a curve in the highway where they were positioned. All of a sudden from our vantage point, the lights illuminated the shadow side of a very tall being crossing the highway from the left to the right which was less than a half mile in front of us. We all had a clear view of this being from the shadow side. It looked hairy and not clothed. It was walking on two feet the entire crossing of the highway. We could not see anything when we got to the area this being had crossed due to darkness. It was ape like in my opinion and large. I found this website and although a its been a few years ago, I wanted to tell what my wife & I and our two friends saw & experienced. I think, Big Foot is in those woods ,,,,,,,,,,,somewhere.","location_details":"From my GPS map, I think that we saw this being just before the crossing of Trout Branch","county":"Sevier County","state":"Tennessee","season":"Summer","title":"Report 16013: Vacationers see large, upright figure near Newfound Gap.","date":"2002-07-01","number":16013,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnkdu2qfu5","year":2002,"geometry":[-83.47566,35.64151]} {"observed":"I live in henderson county in west tennessee on the border of the natchez trace state park my home is about a 1/4 of a mile back from the road and is surounded by forest i have a small man made pond near my home that dosent have very much water in it right now my husband was doing some yard work around it when he noticed large foot prints down in the mud and some that were in the shallow water he called me outside to take a look. to me it looked like there were three sizes a very large pair and then two smaller pairs although the smaller pairs were still much larger than my husbands foot even with his shoe on you could see 5 toes and the arches in the foot i doubt that they could be anything else but this worrys me because i have an 11 month old baby in the house and my husband leaves for work at 3:30 a.m. every day i have a dog but she is very small","location_details":"we are off of highway 40","county":"Henderson County","state":"Tennessee","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10740: Couple finds tracks in backyard pond","date":"2005-02-09","number":10740,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dn35wqx488","temperature_high":46.86,"temperature_mid":37.855,"temperature_low":28.85,"dew_point":41.71,"humidity":0.95,"moon_phase":0.03,"precip_intensity":0.0003,"precip_probability":0.76,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":310,"wind_speed":3.69,"year":2005,"geometry":[-88.30945,35.80762]} {"observed":"My neice went out to roll the windows up on my daughters car when she heard someone hollering at her. She looked toward a field next to the house and seen something white standing there. It kept making the noise and spooked her so she ran back in the house to tell us. Shortly after this our dogs started barking. My daughters boyfriend took a flashlight out next to the fence to see if he could see anything. He ran in the house to get the gun because he heard some movement. When he returned to the fence he shined the flashlight toward the woods again. What he saw stunned him for a few seconds. He said it was a huge white fury creature. He fired the gun and the creature stumbled and took off runing. While all this was taking place my daughter and neice were standing on the porch and witnessed the whole thing. They seen enough of the creature to describe it as being a huge, white furry creature on two feet instead of four. They also heard the low deep grunt my neice had already heard earlier.","location_details":"We are located approx 15 miles SE of Fayetteville,TN Near Teal Hollow We are also just a few miles from Flintville where other sighting have been reported","county":"Lincoln County","state":"Tennessee","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6638: Night time sighting of a white creature near Kelso","date":"2003-07-16","number":6638,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dn4xb2q4g7","temperature_high":82.33,"temperature_mid":75.125,"temperature_low":67.92,"dew_point":72.64,"humidity":0.83,"cloud_cover":0.57,"moon_phase":0.6,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Light rain in the morning.","uv_index":6,"visibility":9.87,"wind_bearing":239,"wind_speed":2.92,"year":2003,"geometry":[-86.465,35.11417]} {"location_details":"Location is in Cherokee National Forrest.","county":"Monroe County","state":"Tennessee","season":"Summer","title":"Report 3008: Gold dredgers have afternoon encounter in Cherokee National Forest","date":"2000-08-03","number":3008,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnk0d4ffsk","temperature_high":80.77,"temperature_mid":72.675,"temperature_low":64.58,"dew_point":66.79,"humidity":0.83,"cloud_cover":0.61,"moon_phase":0.13,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Overcast in the morning.","uv_index":10,"wind_bearing":291,"wind_speed":2.2,"year":2000,"geometry":[-84.28315,35.2597]} {"observed":"A friend and I decided to go hiking on the Fiery Gizzard trail in the Spring of 2000 or 2001. We were hiking back to the trailhead through the gorge near the Fiery Gizzard creek when suddenly the woods literally erupted in the loudest screaming/whooping/whooing noise I have ever heard in my life. There was definitely more than one of whatever was making this racket because I remember hearing screaming above the background of whooping and whooing sounds. I remember thinking at the time that it sounded like one of the indian attack scenes in \"The Last of the Mohicans\" movie. This went on for about 5 seconds and then complete silence. I expected to hear someone laughing or running off but there was no sound of any kind. I asked my friend \"What the hell was that?\" He said it was probably boy scouts. There isn't a boy scout alive with the lung capacity to make the noises we heard that day and we hadn't seen many other people if any on the trail that day as I remember. Nothing else unusual occurred for the rest of the way out. I have hiked this area many times since this incident with nothing unusual happening.","county":"Grundy County","state":"Tennessee","season":"Spring","title":"Report 19100: Hikers hear characteristic vocalizations on Fiery Gizzard Trail","date":"2000-04-10","number":19100,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dn702tqxsz","year":2000,"geometry":[-85.75014,35.23036]} {"observed":"My wife and I were returning home from a quick trip to the store. It was dark, about 10pm. We live in a rural area, in Blaine, TN. As we rounded a turn, almost to our house, my headlights caught the eyes of what I thought was an animal. Then I noticed as we got closer that it was standing on two legs and was furry all over. It hopped a road-side barbed wire fence and disappeared into the night. I stopped immediately, just past where it had jumped the fence. I asked my wife if she saw it, but she was trying to get something out of the floor board. I got out but stayed by the vehicle, and looked out into the field but couldn't see anything. I do remember that its eyes caught light like an animals eyes, but I know from the shape and the way it jumped over the fence using its arms to lower the top wire that it was not a bear. The terrain was hilly area with wooded ridges and fields, and a river about 1/2 mile or so from the sighting area. This occured in early April 2005.","county":"Grainger County","state":"Tennessee","season":"Spring","title":"Report 12815: Brief night time sighting near Blaine","date":"2005-04-13","number":12815,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnkmysutcc","temperature_high":55.83,"temperature_mid":48.555,"temperature_low":41.28,"dew_point":52.39,"humidity":0.97,"cloud_cover":0.98,"moon_phase":0.16,"precip_intensity":0.0185,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1006.86,"summary":"Rain starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":4,"visibility":5.48,"wind_bearing":28,"wind_speed":0.23,"year":2005,"geometry":[-83.73153,36.19408]} {"observed":"It was a Saturday morning in August, a friend and I were going hunting. We were driving down Lanes Ferry Hwy about 5:00am when we came around a curve and some thing ran across the road in front of us in the headlights. I looked at my buddy and said \"did you see that?\" and he said \"Yes, what was it?\" I said it looked like a baby bigfoot. He said that's what he thought also but wanted to make sure i did too. He was about 4 or 5 ft tall and you could see his arms swinging when he ran ran across the road from one cow pasture to the other headed towards the bluff and the river in the same direction as where we were going to hunt.","location_details":"near the cross on lanes ferry hwy of of 51 hwy","county":"Dyer County","state":"Tennessee","season":"Fall","title":"Report 8060: Brief predawn encounter with a smaller creature near the Obion River","date":"2005-01-10","number":8060,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dn2m7ejc3w","temperature_high":58.2,"temperature_mid":58.2,"temperature_low":58.2,"dew_point":48.93,"humidity":0.88,"cloud_cover":0.97,"moon_phase":0.02,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1021.23,"summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":7.31,"wind_bearing":178,"wind_speed":4.11,"year":2005,"geometry":[-89.48666,36.09583]} {"observed":"I live in a retirement community known as Fairfield Glade on the Cumberland Plateau in East Tennessee. Knoxville is the nearest large city and is 65 miles east. Our little community is surrounded on almost three sides by a state forest and the Catoosa Wildlife Refuge. We have an over abundance of \"protected\" wildlife of all kinds (including too many deer, in my opinion) that venture, at will, into our community. Always the bold tomboy, I preferred to get my exercise by hiking the heavily forested back roads and trails near our home instead of playing golf as my husband did. I never hiked more than 6 miles from home, and always in the early morning. One morning, I was approximately 4 miles from my home when I came upon an unexpected sunny clearing that seemed to have been an old road or path at one time because it was grassy and void of underbrush or trees. On my hikes I am normally under a full canopy of very tall trees. So the sunlight was an unexpected pleasure. As I rounded a curve and my eyes caught the filtered sunlight from the clearing, I observed a large ape-like creature jump from the woods and pounce at something on the ground. I abruptly froze. In a flash, the creature stood back up holding a long snake by the head. Just as quick as this happened, the creature disappeared back into the cover of the woods alongside the clearing. I remained still for a moment contemplating whether the animal had seen me and how best to protect myself. I literally heard my heart beating. I quickly ruled out tree climbing and decided the only alternative was to turn in the opposite direction and run as fast as my legs would carry me. I ran nearly all the way home. I was so disturbed by what I had seen, I decided that no one would believe it, so I never told anyone. That was about 5 or 6 years ago, and my husband has since died. Over the years, I have tried to convince myself that I really didn't see the thing that has so frightened me that morning in the woods. I tried to convince myself that I had somehow imagined it; however, the vivid memory persists. To this day, I have never set foot in any woods again, essentially breaking a very longstanding and much revered habit that day. I am still fearful of seeing that creature again. I have always been a sober-minded individual, not at all given to making up fantasies or stretching the truth as I know it. I was completely caught off guard and stunned the other day when an ad spot for your show came across my TV screen. After watching your show, I am now convinced that I actually did see what I thought I saw that day on my last hike. Your show also brought to mind the night a few years ago. This happened well after my experience in the woods. My husband and I were sitting on our deck looking up at the stars, so clearly visible up here on a clear night in the dark woods of the Cumberland Plateau. We were quietly listening for the Whipoorwill who nests every year in the woods across our street. He calls relentlessly for a mate every night during season. Piercing through the peace and tranquility we heard the most horrific deep bellowing scream from what seemed like some distance away. We had both been leaning way back in our lawn chairs admiring the night sky, and almost fell out of our chairs in shock. I remember my husband abruptly stood up and said we should go inside and he added that he had never seen a mountain lion big enough to scream like that. I did not make the mental connection to the scream we heard and the creature I had seen a few years prior until I saw your show and heard your team members calling out to bigfoot. Oh my gosh! That was the same sound! I must confess that I am a reluctant convert!","location_details":"It was within a few miles of the community stables and Dorcester Golf Course, roughly between Fairfield Glade (Peavine Rd), I-40, and the village of Crab Orchard, but beyond the FFG subdivisions.","county":"Cumberland County","state":"Tennessee","season":"Summer","title":"Report 31005: Early morning walker witnesses a sasquatch pouncing on a snake east of Crossville","date":"2005-06-01","number":31005,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dn7sskscuh","temperature_high":68.05,"temperature_mid":62.92,"temperature_low":57.79,"dew_point":59.29,"humidity":0.86,"cloud_cover":0.79,"moon_phase":0.83,"precip_intensity":0.0119,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1012.4,"summary":"Rain in the morning and evening.","uv_index":5,"visibility":6.6,"wind_bearing":95,"wind_speed":6.27,"year":2005,"geometry":[-84.88466,35.97231]} {"observed":"at 2:30 a.m. on wednesday september the 1 2004 my brother called me on the telephone and told me that he had been outside to hook a car trailer to his truck. he said he went in the house to get a flashlight and when he came back outside he heard a noise so he shined the light up into the woods to look around, and as he came around with the light something reflected the beam and when he came back to the spot of the reflection in the grass just on the other side of his truck there was a creature that looked like a man covered in long shiny black hair with eyes about the size of a horses. it was squatting down with its arms around its knees just staring at him and when the light hit it in the eyes it just turned its head away. that is when he went in to call me. while we were on the phone he opened the door to see if it was still there and you could hear it running through the woods yelling. the reason i am on this sight is to see if we can get some help and some answers.","county":"Giles County","state":"Tennessee","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9254: Man working with wrecker has late night encounter in Tennessee woods.","date":"2004-11-22","number":9254,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dn3brbdph5","temperature_high":59.28,"temperature_mid":57.595,"temperature_low":55.91,"dew_point":54.68,"humidity":0.96,"cloud_cover":0.97,"moon_phase":0.37,"precip_intensity":0.0034,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1018.73,"summary":"Light rain in the evening and overnight.","uv_index":2,"visibility":5.01,"wind_bearing":74,"wind_speed":0.73,"year":2004,"geometry":[-87.19556,35.20416]} {"observed":"It was unusually warm to be mid-December on this day and me and my buddy was hunting in a area known as Chilhowee. It was about a hour before sunset when we climbed out of our deer stands. I met my buddy in a little holler about 100 yards from both of our tree stands. We were walking back to the 4 wheeler when we heard a very low rumble in the holler we had just met in. We were now at this time about 35 yards from the holler almost in a field, so we thought we would be real still and sit on the edge of the field for a minute and see if we could hear anything else. At this time we were thinking it was just a grunt or a blow from a deer that we had scared. We wated probally 10 minutes before we heard a loud splash in a little drinking hole, me and my buddy looked at each other and said what the hell is that. So we wated another minute, still hoping that a deer would come out then we heard a second splash. At this time we realized it wasnt a deer. so we walked probally 20 yards and saw what we believe is a bigfoot. It was aproximately 7 to 8 feet tall and I would say weighed 300-350 pounds just guessing. Me and my friend were almost in shock at what we had scene. The bigfoot saw us and actually didnt seem to care that we were watching it. He kind of just lingered around the area for another minute before walking over a small ridge where we lost sight of it and to be honest we were to scared to go and look for it so we went back to the house and told everybody there, but they said we were crazy and it was just a bear. I have been hunting bear for years and I am familiar with their movements. This was no bear. I know this because it never dropped down on all four of its feet the whole time we watched it and we probally saw it walk a total of only 30-40 yards but I am 100 % sure it was no bear. It was some sort of human ape creature I am positive it was a sasquatch and so is my buddy.","location_details":"South of Maryville, TN about 20 miles from the N.C. line.","county":"Blount County","state":"Tennessee","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10814: Two deer hunters observe upright walking biped near Tallassee.","date":"2004-12-14","number":10814,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnk4r2y2pk","temperature_high":30.48,"temperature_mid":25.325,"temperature_low":20.17,"dew_point":18.14,"humidity":0.64,"cloud_cover":0.95,"moon_phase":0.1,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1030.26,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.57,"wind_bearing":352,"wind_speed":3.45,"year":2004,"geometry":[-84.0475,35.5559]} {"observed":"I don't know if what I saw was two bigfoots or something else, but one thing I know is they were things I've never seen before. I also know they weren't bears. I worked in the coal mines near a small town called Amigo. What I used to do (my job description) was coal sampler. I would drive around all day collecting coal for chemical analysis, from the high walls to the deep mine. The deep mine is more remote since they just put the belt head in. It is so far from the plant to the deep mines it would take me about 30 to 35 minutes driving in the mountains. Last week I was driving back from picking up a sample and noticed something running back up in the woods. It was two does. Then I noticed something was laying on the ground. I beeped my horn thinking it was a bob cat and up jumped this light tan (just a little bit darker than the deers skin) thing. I froze. It was definitely wasn't a man or bear. All I know is it was walking upright. It did something that looked like it clapped its hands. Then I watched it kneel down and crawl into an airshaft for an abandonned mine. To my surprise, another one appeared out of nowhere and ran past it. I could tell this one was only a couple inches taller than me (6-7). I do know it was something Ive never seen before. The second one kneeled down and crawled into the same airshaft.","location_details":"Heading to the deep mine Poca #2, the airshaft would be on your right hand side. Look a little past the bridge where the stream flows south. All this is private property.","county":"Wyoming County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Winter","title":"Report 13237: Daylight sighting near an abandonned mining chamber near Amigo","date":"2005-12-03","number":13237,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnwjy13p0p","temperature_high":35.86,"temperature_mid":35.075,"temperature_low":34.29,"dew_point":18.87,"humidity":0.64,"cloud_cover":0.71,"moon_phase":0.07,"precip_intensity":0.0042,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1018.66,"summary":"Rain overnight.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.41,"wind_bearing":145,"wind_speed":1.02,"year":2005,"geometry":[-81.29745,37.58135]} {"observed":"My family and I went to Ludlow, Vermont for Columbus Day weekend since we enjoy the northeastern woods. We all enjoy observing the local flora and fauna in their natural settings and we often drive and/or walk the back roads looking for deer, moose, bear and whatever else we can spot. One evening we went \"Moose Spotting\" on Tyson Road since during a summer trip to the same area, earlier, we had observed eight moose in one evening. As we drove along Tyson Road I saw a large bipedal form cross the road in two strides. I asked one of my daughters, \"Did you see that? Tell me what did you see.\" I purposely didn't say what I'd seen since I wanted to know if she'd seen what I'd seen. I wanted to be sure I had not imagined it. Very quickly she said, \"I don't know what it was but it was real big, maybe eight feet tall, hairy and crossed the road in two steps.\" She saw the same thing I did. It crossed the road about 50 feet ahead of us and judging from the trees where it crossed the road I'd say her height estimate is accurate +/- 20%. My other daughter didn't see it since she was in the back seat and was looking out the side windows of the car. I still don't quite believe it but I know what bear, deer and moose look like in natural settings since I've been hunting for 40 years. It wasn't anything I had ever seen in the woods. It walked across the road in two strides, was heavily built, covered in short dark hair and, as stated previously, approximately eight feet tall. One more thing. The day before, we had driven the same area, didn't see anything at all, no fauna at all, but we did hear some very odd vocalizations that sound very much like the recordings available on your website.","location_details":"It's off Rt 100 outside of Ludlow Vermont. It crosses some very heavily wooded, desolate areas.","county":"Windsor County","state":"Vermont","season":"Fall","title":"Report 13285: Evening sighting by motorists on Tyson Road, off Route 100, outside Ludlow","date":"2005-10-08","number":13285,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"drsr389u23","temperature_high":58.23,"temperature_mid":51.335,"temperature_low":44.44,"dew_point":52.08,"humidity":0.98,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.17,"precip_intensity":0.1225,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1011.68,"summary":"Heavy rain throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":4.73,"wind_bearing":343,"wind_speed":2.69,"year":2005,"geometry":[-72.7051,43.4654]} {"observed":"A friend and I were Bowhunting in October of 2000 or 2001.We found the area we wanted to hunt the day before.We hiked into the woods together.He chose a spot down by the creek over looking a small swampy area.It was down a deep ravine.I continued on further down the path and found a spot and sat down in the tall grass.Neither one of us had a tree stand. I had sat down for a couple of hours and was awaiting the time my friend and I call \"Crunch Time\". That is the time when the wind usually calms down and Deer start to move.Off to my left I could hear what sounded like an animal moving very quietly.I'd like to add that where I sat there was a small hill between me and the spot where I had hoped to ambush a Deer.This animal kept quietly rustling about and I moved from a sitting position to a crouch, getting ready for a shot.All of a sudden a very large tree started to shake violently and whatever this animal was let out a roar/scream that scared the hell out of me.I could see up into the tree and saw nothing in the tree. I could not see the bottom of the tree as it was obscured by the small hill. I immediately got up and ran all the way back to the truck.When I arrived at the truck two DNR officers were waiting to probably check our licenses.One of the officers was a male the other a female.The officers questioned me why I was running. I told them what happened and also told them that my friend was still in the woods.One of the Officers unsnapped his holster but did not pull out his gun.At this time it was dark we walked into the woods looking for my friend.After a short walk we could see his flashlight. The first words out of his mouth were, \"Did you hear that thing scream\". I told him that I did. He also elaborated that immediately after the scream two deer ran through the swampy area at full speed.We all walked out of the woods together with the officers instructing us to leave. They didn't even bother checking our licenses. They were at a loss to explain what had happened.I have since bought a trailer down the road in Manistee County and am in the area quite a bit.In looking back the thing that scares me the most is the fact that this powerful animal was very stealth until it wanted me to know it was there.The area also has legendary creature known as the Dog Man.","location_details":"South of 46rd. Between 17rd and 21rd.","county":"Wexford County","state":"Michigan","season":"Fall","title":"Report 26196: Possible intimidation experienced by two bow hunters near Cadillac","date":"2000-10-01","number":26196,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpg572bh1b","temperature_high":76.72,"temperature_mid":68.845,"temperature_low":60.97,"dew_point":50.41,"humidity":0.59,"cloud_cover":0.01,"moon_phase":0.13,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Breezy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening, and mostly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":196,"wind_speed":10.49,"year":2000,"geometry":[-85.63835,44.16985]} {"observed":"It was late midnight and me and friends are out shining for deer and as we came across this field with the light we seen this thing crouched down in the middle of the field, but it was out from the road about 100yrds and as we seen it, it stood up and started to run toward us so I gunned the gas and by the time I was at the end of the field it was right next to the road, I was doing 30 plus mph.","location_details":"Summit City Road south past County Line road. Continue south on the gravel road, No. 31 Road, for 1/2 mile. Field is on the east side of the road.","county":"Wexford County","state":"Michigan","season":"Fall","title":"Report 45572: Teens shining for deer have a scary encounter near Kingsley","date":"2000-10-21","number":45572,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpgjnn193r","temperature_high":56.92,"temperature_mid":46.765,"temperature_low":36.61,"dew_point":39.37,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.21,"moon_phase":0.8,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1022.58,"summary":"Partly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":3,"visibility":8.3,"wind_bearing":30,"wind_speed":3.2,"year":2000,"geometry":[-85.51546,44.50587]} {"observed":"I was hunting hogs and felt I was being watched all day. I turned around to go back to the truck. It was sitting beside a tree. It stood up and I looked at it through a scope. It walked away like I was not even there. [It was] big, very big. The hair on it was dark brown, close to a chestnut horse. The hair was long and matted. The face had no hair on it. It looked almost soft. It eyes were big and brown, very soft and thoughtful like it was working things out. I wished I could draw to show what I mean.","location_details":"Near the Sabine River.","county":"Wood County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 8376: Hog hunter encounters unknown animal near Sabine River.","date":"2004-03-25","number":8376,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vu1br4d8m","temperature_high":79.5,"temperature_mid":72.75,"temperature_low":66,"dew_point":60.25,"humidity":0.77,"cloud_cover":0.9,"moon_phase":0.15,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1021.64,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":8.79,"wind_bearing":150,"wind_speed":12.41,"year":2004,"geometry":[-95.61056,32.69028]} {"observed":"At approximately 10 pm one night, my wife and I returned home from a shopping trip. Upon opening the car door and stepping into the gravel driveway I heard a distinct and loud vocalization. It wasn't a howl, not a growl, nothing I had heard before which is what caught my attention. At 31 years old now, 28 then, I had spent my life in the outdoors, locally and abroad. I have never heard anything to match this. My wife asked me what it was and I had to admit I didn't know, but perhaps it was a big cat. But it didn't sound like a cat, and the only cats in the area that are known as 'big' would be bobcats, a big one being 18-29 lbs. I walked inside the house, cutting on the rear porch light, and walked through the house to the front deck where I walked back outside, cutting on the front deck light. I stood at the end of the deck facing east and listened intently. The 'cries' were coming from a ridge in a large woodlot across the railroad tracks behind our house. Our house is situated on 10 acres, and the rear property boundary is the railroad. At that time the nearest house to us, a couple of hundred yards to the east was uninhabited, but the next houses up and across the railroad tracks were. Between cries, I realized I could hear leaves rustling loudly as though two feet were shuffling through them in large strides. When the leaves stopped making noise, an agitated cry was heard. This went on for a minute or two, then the noises came from closer to the neighboring houses, then it started going in the other direction. I probably listened for ten minutes total, until could no longer hear the leaves moving, and howls were coming from farther away. It was mid fall and cold, the sky was clear, no traffic on the road in front of my house which intersects with the railroad maybe a quarter mile down the road. I have labored under the impression that the cries came from some kind of cat, but after listening to the Ohio recording, the cries I heard were frightfully akin to the howls on that recording. They were shorter and sounded more agitated as though something was making the 'issuer' of the cries mad. The large woodlot across the tracks is semi-surrounded by a loose assortment of houses in a neighborhood, which could be easily walked through unseen in the dark. Everything else for surrounding areas is farm pasture and mountain, in fact one mile from my house to the east starts a gravel road running across a mountain into the next county. My inside dogs were whining and agitated, but never offered to bark, then, they rarely do. However neighborhood dogs could be heard barking in the distance, beagles I know for sure and a German Shepherd.","location_details":"Peppers Ferry Road near Max Meadows, VA","county":"Wythe County","state":"Virginia","season":"Fall","title":"Report 15107: Possible vocalizations heard by a farmer near Max Meadows","date":"2003-10-23","number":15107,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnw6rxc1w6","temperature_high":51.72,"temperature_mid":41.02,"temperature_low":30.32,"dew_point":31.17,"humidity":0.59,"cloud_cover":0.6,"moon_phase":0.93,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1009.92,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":286,"wind_speed":8.71,"year":2003,"geometry":[-80.8797,37.00085]} {"observed":"We showed up and set up camp around 5:00pm. Started the fire and around 9:00pm the noises followed shortly therafter. We heard the noise about a half mile away and it progressevly got louder. It was still getting darker when we heard the noises and we saw a bird flying overhead and swooping down and then the noise was heard. We are all pretty sure that the noise was not bear or elk. It sounded like a schreech howl grunt. We heard the noise again the next day around the same time.","location_details":"Unmarked campsite on right side just past the turn for state campsites and boat launch.","county":"Yakima County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 1462: Sound heard month earlier than another report in same area","date":"2000-06-13","number":1462,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c23dxu9mtk","temperature_high":50.63,"temperature_mid":50.175,"temperature_low":49.72,"dew_point":44.19,"humidity":0.92,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.4,"precip_intensity":0.0075,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1026.06,"summary":"Light rain in the morning and overnight.","uv_index":5,"visibility":3.04,"wind_bearing":259,"wind_speed":9.36,"year":2000,"geometry":[-121.2981,46.87139]} {"observed":"While on a family camping trip this summer, my husband, our two teenage boys, and our two Newfoundland dogs headed out towards Naches where my husband often hunts. We don't like \"organized\" camping, so we headed towards Bumping Lake in the Mt Baker/Snoqualmie National Forest. We had got a late start, and arrived at the lake about 8:00 pm. We continued on past the camping area at the dam about 4 or 5 miles towards the \"Deep Creek\" area, hoping for a secluded camping spot by the lake. We turned off on a four-wheel drive trail about a mile from Deep Creek. Found a campsite next to a swamp, and as it was getting late and almost dark, we decided to camp. After setting up camp, about 10:00 pm, our dogs went absolutely nuts, barking and very excited...a few minutes later, a car arrived looking for a camp site, but turned and left. The dogs definitly heard this car well before we did, and did their job annoucing the presence of this \"intruder.\" We fired up the campfire and ate a late dinner, while getting comfortable with our surroundings. It was a mild night, it had been hot and dry for some time. About midnight our two boys headed off to bed. Our big male Newfoundland was chained to a tree about 5 yards away from the campsite. Our female Newf was at our feet, as usual. It was extremely quite where we were. My husband and I were sitting by the campfire relaxing when, out of the swamp beside us, not more than 100 to 200 feet away came a noise, a screem or a grunt that changed pitch to a screech and then ended in a grunt-huffing sound, lasting a long time. The dogs had not reacted at all until they heard this scream, when they went wild. My husband is a logger and advide hunter-outdoorsman, so I turned to him and asked \"what was that?\" From the look of his eyes and on his face, I knew that he did not know what it was. He has heard the voices of about every animal in the Pacific Northwest at some time in 30 plus years of being in the woods. Our oldest son came out of the tent and asked if \"someone was messing with us.\" He thought it sounded very human-like. Please remember that there was absolutely no noise, ie sticks or brush breaking or moving prior to the scream, and the dogs didn't detect anything around us, and they were extremely on edge in their new surroundings. We got the dogs settled down and began discussing possibilities of what was out there. All was quite about 15 minutes later, when we heard what sounded like two sticks being hit together about 100 yards north of the original scream. The dogs once again went nuts. About another 15 minutes went by when we heard this same noise of sticks being hit together, this time farther away, about 300 yards north and the dogs once again did their thing. Whatever it was had moved silently through the brush in the swamp, apparently downwind from us as the dogs detected no movement between the noises. About an hour later we found ourselves in the middle of a dry-lighting storm and heard no more unusal sounds. The following morning my husband and sons went on a search of the area and found no tracks or broken brush around the swamp. We promptly packed up and moved to Deep Creek!","location_details":"From Naches, Wa, head west on Highway 410 towards Chinook Pass. The turnoff to Bumping Lake is about 30 miles from the summit of Chinook Pass. We went on past Bumping Lake about 4 or 5 miles towards Deep Creek. It was the last 4-wheel drive trail before Deep Creek. This 4 wheel trail was about a mile long, ending in a swampy area.","county":"Yakima County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 382: Campers hear screams and wood knocking near Bumping Lake","date":"2000-07-21","number":382,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c23dxth2f2","temperature_high":80.08,"temperature_mid":66.125,"temperature_low":52.17,"dew_point":55.23,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.02,"moon_phase":0.66,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1015.35,"summary":"Foggy overnight.","uv_index":9,"visibility":7.95,"wind_bearing":230,"wind_speed":8.21,"year":2000,"geometry":[-121.3051,46.8733]} {"observed":"My nephew, his girlfriend and I were camping at the Bumping Lake camp grounds adjacent to the boat launch. It was about 10:30pm and we had just finished cleaning up after dinner. All of us goofed off for awhile running through the dark woods with flashlights, just exploring. After getting our fill of that, we built a fire in our fire-pit and were just relaxing and talking. Suddenly, we heard a horrific scream coming from behind us on what I think was Nelson Ridge. It was a long, high-pitched bellow that instantly caught our attention. The scream was a classic sasquatch scream, trying to catch the attention of another. About 15 seconds later, we heard another roar come back from down-range from what I think was Miners Ridge. We were all petrified and instantly knew what it was. Things settled down and we ended up going to bed. My nephew and I were up, decidedly exited about what we heard. We were laying in our tent, just talking. Suddenly, we heard another scream. Both of us grabbed our hand-guns at that point. We weren't sure what was going to happen. Eventually we fell asleep and nothing else happened. We are planning a trip back to Bumping Lake, specifically to look for what we heard.","location_details":"From Western Washington, take state hwy. 410 over the pass, past Ghost Lake and past Crystal Mountain. Exit at the Cedar Springs Campground Exit. Follow the Bumping River back until you reach Bumping Lake. The latitude is 46.873 deg-N and 121.300 deg-W. Elevation is 3426 ft.","county":"Yakima County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 2268: Three campers near Bumping Lake hear vocalizations from Nelson Ridge","date":"2000-07-25","number":2268,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c23f2795zp","year":2000,"geometry":[-121.2764,46.82167]} {"observed":"First of all I don't know if this incident is a big deal or not, but I been a outdoorsman for many years and it kind of caught my attention. I was Elk hunting in the Bumping river area of Yakima County. I was walking up the American ridge trail in the am Hours. I had reached a portion of the the trail that was flat and had soft dirt. I noticed a foot print on the trail. My first thought was why would someone walk barefooted up on the mountain. The track was not large. It looked like a slender womans foot print. I followed the track up the trail for about six to eight feet and I then lost sight of the track. I continued walking and I heard a wierd whistling sound. It wasn't real loud, but I definetly didn't recognize it. I started to put things together in my mind (Track/Whistle) and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I continued up the trail and eventually sat down to watch a draw for any elk that may be crossing. I again heard the whistling sound. I have been hunting in this exact area since about 1977 including other places and I don't recall hearing a similair sound. Looking back now, It seems even more strange that if the foot print was in fact a person that had taken off their shoes to fix their socks or whatever, why would they walk up the trail, especially in late October?","location_details":"On the Bumping Lake Rd, 3/4 of a mile up the trail to American Ridge, near Cougar Flats.","county":"Yakima County","state":"Washington","season":"Winter","title":"Report 1438: Barefoot tracks and whistling heard while hunting","date":"2000-10-28","number":1438,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c23fbryqqy","temperature_high":38.19,"temperature_mid":34.69,"temperature_low":31.19,"dew_point":32.1,"humidity":0.95,"cloud_cover":0.79,"moon_phase":0.05,"precip_intensity":0.0074,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1000.2,"summary":"Heavy snow (12 in.) in the morning.","uv_index":2,"visibility":7.99,"wind_bearing":120,"wind_speed":4.47,"year":2000,"geometry":[-121.2692,46.93333]} {"observed":"June 11th. 6:00 pm. Witnessed large creature crossing road north of Glewood on Yakima Indian Reservation returning from the K 1400 raft launch on the Klickitat river. Headed from north to south possibly enroute to Bird Creek.","county":"Yakima County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 3038: Evening sighting by motorist near Glenwood","date":"2001-06-11","number":3038,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c21wpehn0b","year":2001,"geometry":[-121.3055,46.0722]} {"observed":"Elk Camp 2001 . . . VERY LOUD and LONG VOLCALIZATIONS! The night before the incident, I aimed my 2,000,000 candle power spotlight to the cliffs and caves above the camp. As usual the relatives were around the campfire till late at night (1:00 a.m.) cracking jokes and making the most racket around, long after other area camps shut off their noisy generators. Believed this attracted it's couriousity. The relatives (3) who witnessed the sounds are very experienced outdoorsmen. One worked in the Northwest woods as a surveyor and has been chased by bears a couple of times (One time his co-worker had his pack ripped from his back as they ran) and all three know the sounds animals make. What they heard was NOT something like a Bear or Cougar! They are braver than most, not easily frightened by anyone or anything! The night of the incident was quiet and cold . . . about 2:30 a.m. one relative went outside the tent to relieve himself. As usual, he shined his flashlight around the perimeter of the camp. As the light beam went close to the creature, it let out a VERY LOUD and LONG Volcalization as it ran through the dense timber. The noise was very intense and continious without breaking branches along the way and again 3/4 mile up the high ridge. It seemed to be mad for almost being spotted and made the sound as it ran as though it was without effort. Comparable to a kids loud car stereo turned on with the volume already up and was steady for 10 - 12 seconds. The second time up the ridge could have been from another creature but sounded like the same one. It would have easily beaten any person up the heavily timbered and steep ridge. It was defenetly NOT any known animal like a Bear bellaring as it ran or a cougar. The noise was so loud it woke up three camps about 1/4 mile apart. The relatives left a gas lantern on until it burned out each night afterwards and they went out with a loaded gun or second person with their loaded gun. None of them will EVER sleep on the ground again! That week of hard hunting, the 14 other hunters in the area didn't see any Elk or Deer. Also did not hear any coyotes! Seemed like everthing was frightened away, very unusual. There was no sign in the hard frozen ground or up the high ridge the next day.","location_details":"Logging road above Rimrock Lake.","county":"Yakima County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 3759: Elk hunters encounter large animal and hear vocalizations near Rimrock Lake","date":"2001-10-29","number":3759,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c23cjph50b","temperature_high":37.97,"temperature_mid":33.465,"temperature_low":28.96,"dew_point":28.9,"humidity":0.96,"cloud_cover":0.95,"moon_phase":0.42,"precip_intensity":0.0001,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1022.39,"summary":"Light precipitation in the morning and overnight.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.85,"wind_bearing":230,"wind_speed":1.92,"year":2001,"geometry":[-121.0638,46.621]} {"observed":"when i was a kid we lived out side of yakima out in the country by parker a little town out side of yakima . Near the yakima river matter of fact we were so close to the river that in the spring when the river rose we had to move the animals an go into town .the woods were thick we had a pig pen it was a long ways away from the house really thickly wooded. all the time we lived there you wood hear shrill whistling whistling in the bushes at this time we were maybe ten years old never heard of bigfoot before im 48 years old now so it was long ago.It was in the ninteen sixtys way before roger patterson nobody knew about bigfoot . Well anyway us kids were sent into the woods to feed the cows at the big pond . We had two cows we had a little wagon with a bail of hay on it .We left it there for them to eat we left and stopped by the river to talk. Four of us kids we were all looking the same way when all of a sudden 30 feet away something something stepped from the clearing in full view of us took one step maybe six feet an dissapeared behind a bush it was id say eight feet tall hairy it took one step and was gone .We alllooked at each other an ran home nobody beleived us the said it may have been a hunter or something . that was the end of it . It was years later that i learned what it really was .I was 40 years old looking in a library when i saw something about it and what i read told of sightings of bigfoot in the same place where we lived the same years we lived there. It didnt try to chase us we were kids it could have caught us easily but i think it was just watching us . I also reamember my aunt going to kook for us kids at anoughter time at the pig pen we came home anighter way she came running up out of breath she heard a loud whistle behind her in the bushes i remmber hearing those all the time even in the daytime they were so shrill. Once my aunt was alone at the house at night she came out side to get into the car to pick us up in town she herd the shrill whistle behind her next to the house she tore out out of there so fast she drove right therw the loced fence. all of this is true he does exist i saw him . I have other stories to tell im half indian i spent my whole life in the yakima valley.","location_details":"parker washington out side of yakima washington","county":"Yakima County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6347: Daylight sighting by residents near Yakima River","date":"2003-07-21","number":6347,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c262e0ubu4","temperature_high":95.49,"temperature_mid":77.02,"temperature_low":58.55,"dew_point":46.09,"humidity":0.35,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.76,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1016.15,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":206,"wind_speed":0.31,"year":2003,"geometry":[-120.4474,46.4984]} {"observed":"I was traveling west on road 1502 (which is graveled) looking for a campsite for bow season. I glanced in my rearview mirror and saw a very large upright creature step to the middle of the road. I immediatly slowed down and quickly glanced around for a safe spot to pull over and there wasn't one I looked back over my shoulder through my canopy window and saw that the creature was still standing in the middle of the road. There was still a lot of dust in the air from where I had passed and all I could make out was that What I was looking at was very tall maybe (7 to 8 feet) and broad it also was very dark in color. The arms appeared to be held out slightly from the sides and reached to about mid thigh. when I reached a full stop the creature seemed to pivot on its left leg while swinging its arms turned to the left and took one step to the opposite side of the road and disapeared from view. When I looked at the area where it crossed I was unable to discern any tracks in the gravel that I could definately say were footprints. The area where the creature went off the road is very steep and rocky. I would not want to try going down it without ropes and I doubt if what I saw was another hunter out scouting since the hill ends in a cliff just a few hundred yards down.","location_details":"From hwy 410 turn off at the wood shed go back to road 1500 follow it till you see a sign saying McDaniel lake thiis will be road 1502 once you cross the Rattlesnake river bridge you will go about a half of a mile and you will make a hairpin turn you will travel uphill for about 3/10 more of a mile and make a curve to the right you will come out into the open and the hillside will start to fall off to your left this is where I saw the creature. It evidently came down the hill from the right heading in a north to south direction.","county":"Yakima County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7117: Hunter sees bigfoot cross road behind him west of Nile, WA","date":"2003-11-07","number":7117,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c23fk8871t","temperature_high":34.04,"temperature_mid":31.69,"temperature_low":29.34,"dew_point":15.51,"humidity":0.62,"cloud_cover":0.71,"moon_phase":0.46,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1024.55,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.89,"wind_bearing":60,"wind_speed":0.75,"year":2003,"geometry":[-121.0909,46.80505]} {"observed":"First off I am not a true beliver in BigFoot. I was messing around on the internet and stumbled apon your site. I thought it would be funny to see what sightings have happend around my home city of Yakima Washington. When I clicked on the report form of the July 2000 (class B) hearing sound around bumping lake, I got the chills. Let me start from the begining. Myself and a couple of buddies of mine took off from Yakima really late with the intent of climbing the trail and spending 3 days of camping at Twin Sisters. We were going to stay at the first lake (Or First Sister). The lake is about 8 or 9 miles past bumping lake and you have to hike in about 1-1.25 miles straight up. When we arrived at the lake after taking way to long to climb the trail (Over confident and over packed) we set up came and got the fire going by 12:30am-1:00am. We were exhausted and really didn't feel like drinking or anything else but eating and going to bed. About two hours after going to bed I was awoken by some little grunting sounds. I woke up kind of starteld but then realized they were basically a quarter the way around the lake so I just sat and listened. All of a sudden they turned from little gruntings to a grunt/scream. I quietly called out my friends Shawns name and he had been woken up and was listening to. I asked him what the hell that was and after talking about it we both convinced ourselves that it was an elk or something. I am not an animal call expert by any means but to this day when I think about that trip one of the first things I think about is how weird that sounded. I have heard elk and deer grunts before but this sounded different. As Ron White would say \"I told you that story so I could tell you this one.\" On the last night I slow cooked some stakes over the fire coals for about. When they were done my friends and I were enjoying them when were heard something about 60 or 70 yards out from camp. We were camped out below the rocky base of the mountain top. Its like the dirt stops and the rocks go up the rest of the way. The sound was coming from the rocky area but we all thought it was a cat or bear so we got up grabbed the guns and an axe and started out with a lantern to go see what the hell was out there. The sound was like what a rock being thrown and hitting the other rocks and then coming to rest. It didn't sound like a little rock slide and it happen several times until we got closer, infact we had barehanded our stakes and finished them while we were away from camp as close to the sounds as we could get without climbing the rocky face, they completely stopped. At no time did we every think it was bigfoot but we couldn't figure out what would make a sound like that? It didn't sound like an animal that was mearly passing by, it moved to quick and to speratic(as if someone was throwing at different targets. The only reason I look back on it now is that I was watching a bigfoot special today on the history channel and they had a gentlemen on there saying bigfoot was throwing rocks at him. And now looking back I could definatley see how someone or something throwing a rock down twords us could make that sound. Were the activity was would be the exact place I would be if I wanted to mess with my buddies back at camp. We always talk about those noises and never ever gave bigfoot a chance of being the sorce of the sounds and now I just don't know. After all this time of not even considering it now that I think of that as a possiblity it makes more and more sence even though I don't truely believe in Bigfoot.","location_details":"Go past bumping road and head up the dirt trail, anytime the road forks go right. The trail will dead head and park you car. Get out find the trail sign that says Twin Sister and follow it. I can't remember how far it is exactly but it is between 1 and 1.25 miles in, very steep climb.","county":"Yakima County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 11702: Campers hear scream and witness rock throwing at Twin Sister Lakes","date":"2005-07-08","number":11702,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c239yqhjs1","temperature_high":51.1,"temperature_mid":47.09,"temperature_low":43.08,"dew_point":46.79,"humidity":0.94,"moon_phase":0.07,"precip_intensity":0.0095,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Light rain starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":230,"wind_speed":0.35,"year":2005,"geometry":[-121.3603,46.74778]} {"observed":"I parked up the road a ways so any cops or ranger patrols didn't see my car. It was 1am with a 3/4 moon. The water was very low this day. I was fishing and there was about 4 Beaver-Tail slaps on the water so I knew there would'nt be any smallies hanging around. I took a few more casts and caught a Dace. Its like a sucker with the body of a trout. Very silver in color and unedible. I was trying to get the fish off my hooks when I heard something heavy about 45 yrds away from me cracking sticks as it approached from the road onto the freshly cut brush (from the work they did around there, days prior). It sounded like a human walking, and I thought I was in trouble with the law. My flashlight was dying and I was having trouble seeing just getting the fish off my 2 treble hooks. I asked, \"Who's There?!?!\" and I just heard a stick snap really loud as it stood still. I hit my flashlight in order to make it brighter and I seen big eyeshine and a dark sillouette of what looked to be shoulders. I started yelling at it to get out of here and at this point, I'm thinking deer... or worse, maybe a bear standing up. I heard a few more big snaps as it walked onto the paved road and that's when it cried out in this terrible noise that I've never heard before. It echoed thru the mountains and it scared the bajesus out of me. It wasn't a bear, or a deer, that's for sure. It was huge, and the sound it made sounded like a shrieking demon baby. That's the only way I could describe it. A loud shrieking howl. It wasn't a roar or a deep growl. It was more high pitched. I cut my line with the lure still in the fishes mouth and kicked the fish half hazardly into the water and ran as fast as I could to my car which was the scariest run/walk/stop & listen journey to my car I've ever encountered in my life. I was waiting for a werewolf to jump out and get me or something. True terror that I've never experienced to this day.","location_details":"After 9-11, the government closed the thru-way that runs along side the reservoir that feeds Springfield its water supply. These mountains have been off-limits to hunters, hikers, fisherman, and the public for years before 9-11. Now its completely blocked off. Lots of deer and wildlife in this large expanse of protected mountainous terrain. The Reservoir holds lots of Small-Mouth bass, Rainbow, Brook, and Brown Trout. My Uncle, worked at the Pumping Station, he let me and my cousins fish there. I stayed there for weeks at a time. As an adult, I couldn't help myself to go fishing there still. I respected the land and put all fish back and wouldn't throw any trash around. I packed it up and brought it back with me. I fished there all day sometimes but mostly at night with top-water poppers for Small-Mouth bass. Fun,fun!","county":"Hampden County","state":"Massachusetts","season":"Fall","title":"Report 38386: Night fisherman has possible encounter at the Cobble Mountain Reservoir","date":"2000-10-01","number":38386,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"drkptk602h","temperature_high":67.09,"temperature_mid":56.35,"temperature_low":45.61,"dew_point":46.91,"humidity":0.88,"cloud_cover":0.38,"moon_phase":0.13,"precip_intensity":0.0005,"precip_probability":0.62,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1021.84,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":5,"visibility":6.89,"wind_bearing":183,"wind_speed":2.61,"year":2000,"geometry":[-72.89154,42.12302]} {"observed":"My dog was bothering me to go out ealry morning around 3 AM on November 25th 2000. It was very brisk out and I believe the weather was clear. Not sure about the lighting. As I was walking her, I could hear coyotes howling for a good few minutes from a distance and didn't think much of it. Then a few minutes later after it had stopped, I was about to walk inside and heard this loud wailing coming from the woods. It literally sent a chill down my spine. It definitely was not human and not anything else I would recognize. We don't have much wildlife bigger than deer and coyote. This went on till about 5:30 AM and kept me up. The wailing to me almost sounded depressing like it was upset or something. I told my friend's father a few weeks later and he told me that he was out walking his dog a few years earlier and said that he clearly saw something in the woods watching him. He never told anyone because he thought no one would be lieve him. This happened across the major road by the resevoir early evening.","location_details":"Between 3A and Old Oaken Bucket Road in the woods that separates them.","county":"Plymouth County","state":"Massachusetts","season":"Fall","title":"Report 20670: Unrecognized wailing heard near Scituate","date":"2000-11-25","number":20670,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"drmxvymhkw","temperature_high":34.3,"temperature_mid":31.555,"temperature_low":28.81,"dew_point":11.49,"humidity":0.55,"cloud_cover":0.05,"moon_phase":0.99,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1031.74,"summary":"Partly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.98,"wind_bearing":233,"wind_speed":1.32,"year":2000,"geometry":[-70.75587,42.17865]} {"observed":"This incident occurred in late September or early October in 2002. I was living in Seney at the time and working in Manistique in the U.P. of Michigan. I would take the Manistique river road to work every day to try and bag a couple of partridge on the way in. This is a gravel road that runs along the river from Germfask to Manistique. On this day, I left early and drove slowly for about the first half of the road. I had shot one bird, and chased another into the popples a way, and realized that I was close to being late. I cased up my shotgun and jumped in the car and put the hammer down in the 1991 Ford Fiesta. About 45mph is pretty fast on this road, but I had driven it many times. With the river on the right and white pine stands on the left, I was approaching an area called the \"second high bank.\" I saw movement on the left in the pines, and slowed down thinking to avoid hitting a deer. About 30 to 40 yards ahead of me I saw what can only be described as a sasquatch approach the road, then pause and look in my direction, and apparently, change his mind and turn and run parallel to the road in the direction I was travelling. This scared the s*** out of me. I slowed down but was scared to stop, and I didn't want it to jump me in the small car, so I jammed brakes, and reversed a couple hundred yards. I took my single shot 20 ga. out of the case and loaded it with birdshot. Still scared to go back in the direction I was headed, I sat there for about 2 to 3 minutes, until a pickup truck with another hunter approached from the same direction I had come. I let him pass and then followed him on through to Manistique. As I passed the area where the sasquatch had been I looked for sign, but saw none. I have never told anyone about this until recently, when a friend of mine told me of a similar occurrence that had happened to his aunt. He told me about this web site.","location_details":"Second high bank on the Manistique River Road.","county":"Schoolcraft County","state":"Michigan","season":"Fall","title":"Report 24127: Partridge hunter has a daylight sighting while driving from Germfask","date":"2002-09-15","number":24127,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"f04yg8d46u","temperature_high":64.1,"temperature_mid":55.105,"temperature_low":46.11,"dew_point":48.01,"humidity":0.77,"cloud_cover":0.17,"moon_phase":0.31,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1020.13,"summary":"Partly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":17,"wind_speed":2.28,"year":2002,"geometry":[-85.97613,46.18968]} {"observed":"While mt. biking near a creek I stoped for a break and noticed a set of foot prints that followed the edge of the creek. It was mid febuary and I thought what kids would be out with no shoes this time of year. I joked to myself \"baby bigfoot\". The tracks in soft mudd showed very clearly had no arch. At the time I didnt think a bigfoot would live around here and just went on my way. It wasnt till i read the report of a sighting one mile from this location that I considered fileing this report. one other detail the creases in the print looked the texture of a crumbled paper bag.not smooth. I would guess the sizes 8 and 10 (shoe size) I ride alone alot and would rather not have bigfoot around here.","location_details":"(edited)","county":"Washtenaw County","state":"Michigan","season":"Winter","title":"Report 3007: Bare, wide footprints seen in the mud of a February thaw","date":"2001-02-15","number":3007,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dps89cexbx","temperature_high":32.14,"temperature_mid":30.375,"temperature_low":28.61,"dew_point":24.01,"humidity":0.8,"cloud_cover":0.9,"moon_phase":0.76,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1018.55,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.81,"wind_bearing":57,"wind_speed":4.1,"year":2001,"geometry":[-83.59014,42.285]} {"observed":"While driving home with my mother at 01:12 hours, on Tuesday, August 07, 2001, in Washtenaw County, Michigan. My Mother and I observed a large hairy creature kneeling on the north side of Geddes Road, (edited). The creature was not a bear and closely resembled an ape like human form, covered with dark brown hair, but lighter in the facial area, with broad shoulders. The head seemed to be part of the shoulder area with no neck. The area around the head had longer hair in the back. After passing the creature, my Mom turned the car around and headed back westbound on Geddes Road, but the creature had fled north into the wooded area.","location_details":"(edited)","county":"Washtenaw County","state":"Michigan","season":"Summer","title":"Report 2953: 2 witnesses see a BF at night in the headlights","date":"2001-08-07","number":2953,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dps89t2fug","temperature_high":94.51,"temperature_mid":83.175,"temperature_low":71.84,"dew_point":71.31,"humidity":0.69,"cloud_cover":0.18,"moon_phase":0.6,"precip_intensity":0.0009,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1017.55,"summary":"Humid throughout the day and partly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":8,"visibility":9.73,"wind_bearing":268,"wind_speed":7.89,"year":2001,"geometry":[-83.60472,42.30472]} {"observed":"I'm only 12 years old. I was siting on the couch when I was waiting for my dad to come home when I saw a black figure running down the street. It was about 11:30 at night when I saw it. I thought it was a germiln or a baby bigfoot. I didn't want to see it up close because I was too scared. It was maybe about 3 to 4 feet tall and it was runing with long arms swaying back and forth. Also it ran like the hunch back of Notre Dame. Then I ran up stairs until my dad got home.","location_details":"(edited)","county":"Washtenaw County","state":"Michigan","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8389: Young man sees strange animal running down road under streetlight.","date":"2004-03-27","number":8389,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dps94pfckz","temperature_high":56.33,"temperature_mid":49.32,"temperature_low":42.31,"dew_point":47.95,"humidity":0.86,"cloud_cover":0.92,"moon_phase":0.21,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1026.41,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":8.59,"wind_bearing":63,"wind_speed":4.24,"year":2004,"geometry":[-83.58,42.40611]} {"observed":"I was with several of my friends and we were lighting off fireworks (the bright kind, not the loud kind) in an abandoned gravel pit we had walked to a few miles down the road. We were getting ready to light one off when we all heard a loud scream. It was very early in the morning, probably around 1:00 a.m., and it was loud enough and so uot of place that it made all of us pause. It sounded identical to the Klamath Screams I heard on the Oregon Bigfoot website. It wasn't right next to us, it was some distance away, but it was loud. Though we were all creeped out, we just brushed it off at the moment. Later, I remembered your website and that Bigfoot/Sasquatches have been known to vocalize similar screams.","location_details":"There are a lot of woods and farm fields around. The closest house was probably one-third of a mile away.","county":"Washtenaw County","state":"Michigan","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9544: Loud vocalization heard near gravel pit","date":"2004-08-31","number":9544,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dps358w61g","temperature_high":78.51,"temperature_mid":66.88,"temperature_low":55.25,"dew_point":57.37,"humidity":0.77,"cloud_cover":0.12,"moon_phase":0.56,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1021.46,"summary":"Partly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":6,"visibility":9.92,"wind_bearing":302,"wind_speed":2.31,"year":2004,"geometry":[-83.86097,42.36639]} {"observed":"I was bowhunting for deer yesterday (September 17th, 2005) in the swamp bottoms of West River in Churcton, Maryland when I heard what I can only describe as jibberish hollering coming from behind the deer blind that I was in at about 100 yards or so. It moved east to west hollering jibberish and moving closer and closer to where I was. I unzipped the back of the deer blind to try and see with my field glasses what was making all that noise and scaring the deer away. I saw nothing. The sound was getting closer and I began to feel nervous even though I had permission to hunt there. Thats when the smell of damp musty roadkill mixed with dirty diapers hit me. I had to exit the deer blind for fresh air and an overwhelming sense of fear gripped me. It was more of a safety issue that made me exit the deer blind and nock an arrow in my bow and leave the area as fast as I could before I came in contact with whatever was making the noise. I was unnerved by the aggresive tone in the jibberish and hollering. The fact that it was close by and I could not see it coupled with the smell and the tone of its voice, made me realize that I had best leave the area, and quickly. As I exited the woods, I walked briskly towards my vehicle and was approximately twenty five yards from my truck when I heard more loud jibberish coming paralell from me about twenty yards in the woods. Whatever it was was following me and that unnerved me even more and I headed straight for my truck with my bow fully drawn and ready to fire at whatever was stalking me. Again, I saw nothing. No movement in the woods and I made my way to my truck and released my draw without shooting my arrow. I put my bow in the back seat of my Suburban and cranked up my truck and left immediately. I have never felt that way in the woods in my entire life. I have hunted bear, wild pig and deer all of my life and never have I ever felt the need to flee the woods. Until now.","location_details":"Incident occured in Churchton, Maryland on Shady Side Road between Shady Side Road and West River in the West River swamp bottoms. Hardwood forest with chokecherry and underbrush thickets. Some old growth trees exist but mainly medium growth scattered with pines and red oak. Swamp vegitation and gallberry trees are abundant. Area condusive to wildlife habitation and wildlife is abundant. Deer, turkey, owls, foxes, woodland game birds like dove have been spotted in the area. Rails,coots, snipe and waterfowl found closer to West River area along with raccoon tracks and large preditor cat paw prints have been sighted.","county":"Anne Arundel County","state":"Maryland","season":"Fall","title":"Report 12601: Bow hunter hears vocalizations, smells foul odor","date":"2005-09-14","number":12601,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dqcsf4m9bg","temperature_high":83.83,"temperature_mid":79.78,"temperature_low":75.73,"dew_point":71.83,"humidity":0.81,"cloud_cover":0.83,"moon_phase":0.37,"precip_intensity":0.0001,"precip_probability":0.2,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.52,"summary":"Humid and mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":8.91,"wind_bearing":138,"wind_speed":1.91,"year":2005,"geometry":[-76.54514,38.81639]} {"observed":"Ontonagon Michigan in the Upper Peninsula July 20th 2002 First, I should tell you that I am a scientist. For this reason I would like to remain anonymous but thought it would be of value to report my experience. My wife and daughter and I were staying at a friends newly built cabin up in the Michigan UP. The cabin is on the shore of lake Superior in a desolate area on a dirt road not too far away from the nearest town. I was amazed by the quietness of the forest area and the very tall pine tree stands. At 9:30 PM my wife was reading a story to my daughter in bed and I was laying on a mattress right next to the window. All of a sudden I heard Whoooop Whoooop, long pause, Whoooop, Whoooop, long pause, Whoooop, Whoooop. The pitch was rising from low to high. The first thing that went through my mind was what the hell is that? The sound came from a thick area of pine trees to the west of the property. The next thing I noted was the incredible volume of the sound. Even though it was probably 150 yards away, it was so loud that it echoed off of the trees. To me it was a very zoo sound, It sounded so much like a primate that it gave me chills. The vocalization sounded almost exactly like the whooping on the Sierra sounds webpage. Up until that moment, bigfoot had not crossed my mind at all. Let me add that I have had about 25 years of experience hiking, camping and fishing in the Sierras and throughout the country and I had never heard a sound like that. It clearly was not an owl, bear, loon, coyote or moose. I have heard similar sounds on the internet as well. There are multiple creeks and swampy areas as well as lots of blueberries. There are thick stands of pine trees. It had rained earlier in the day. Some of our group were out picking blueberries during the day, I was out fishing that day on a nearby river and in lake Superior. Im aware that there was credible sighting in 1998 by a bear hunter on the Firesteel river in Greenland county less than 5 mi away from the cabin that I was staying at. Also, there is an account of an Ontonagon logger who claimed that 2 bigfoots rescued him from under a fallen log. Those 2 incidents got me thinking that there may be some reality to what I heard. The thought of the existence of another bipedal primate is a shock to most people, including me. I did not make an effort to investigate the area where the noises came from in the morning. Partly because we were busy taking care of small children and I was not prepared to have an encounter. Next time I go to the UP Ill keep my camera ready.","location_details":"Edited.","county":"Ontonagon County","state":"Michigan","season":"Summer","title":"Report 5137: Scientist hears nocturnal vocalizations near Ontanagon.","date":"2002-07-20","number":5137,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"f026xses58","year":2002,"geometry":[-89.31389,46.87111]} {"observed":"My boyfriend and I were just leaving (edited). We were heading out of the drive way at about 2:30 A.M. I seen something like a extremely tall male run across the road in front of us. It was a grayish, almost ghostly figure. I thought maybe it was just my imagination at first, but then my boyfriend stopped the car. He asked if I seen it too? Of course I told him yes. But then the figure stopped for a few seconds and started running away again. We sped off to come home because we were so freaked out by this incident. I'm not 100% sure what the thing was, but I can tell you it was no man.","location_details":"(edited)","county":"Montcalm County","state":"Michigan","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4502: Late night sighting by motorist on 19 Mile Rd. near Greenville","date":"2002-06-12","number":4502,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpemcyxyhs","temperature_high":76.82,"temperature_mid":68.725,"temperature_low":60.63,"dew_point":62.79,"humidity":0.83,"cloud_cover":0.78,"moon_phase":0.05,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1010.39,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":6,"visibility":6.48,"wind_bearing":285,"wind_speed":7.9,"year":2002,"geometry":[-85.34194,43.235]} {"observed":"In June of 2000 my friend and I went camping. 4 of us total. We had a campfire and settled in about 12:00 to 1:00 am. At about 3:00 am I woke to what sounded like rocks being smacked together or stacked, I woke my boyfriend, (now husband) and a LARGE animal/animals proceeded to CRASH through the woods around us. It was big and breaking branches huge crashes I was Scared! It eventually made its way around our camping site and walked off but I was waiting to be attacked. Sadly in the morning we never investigated the area, we woke up early and left the camp site. I don't camp deep in the woods anymore!","location_details":"It was a mixed deciduous forest with a swam/wetlands near by. We were camping in an open grassy area where there used to be a house long time ago.","county":"Oceana County","state":"Michigan","season":"Summer","title":"Report 37652: Possible nighttime activity while camping and a chimp-like animal seen lifeless in the road near New Era","date":"2000-06-15","number":37652,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpdxsmjwc6","temperature_high":71.58,"temperature_mid":68.28,"temperature_low":64.98,"dew_point":57.46,"humidity":0.77,"cloud_cover":0.43,"moon_phase":0.46,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1003.99,"summary":"Breezy in the morning and mostly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.96,"wind_bearing":211,"wind_speed":13.39,"year":2000,"geometry":[-86.29,43.5345]} {"observed":"While sitting around the bonfire listening to music and talking our family heard screams out in the distance. They sounded like a party that turned into chaos. At first we figured it was nothing but then after hearing Cliff scream on Finding Bigfoot we figured we heard a Bigfoot Up North so we thought we should report it.","county":"Ogemaw County","state":"Michigan","season":"Summer","title":"Report 34990: Family members describe possible nighttime vocalizations heard over the years near Prescott","date":"2001-07-15","number":34990,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpu73x6edn","year":2001,"geometry":[-83.95399,44.2055]} {"observed":"I was deer hunting in the Rifle River State Park in Michigan. I was on the west border of the park about 300 yards from the southern border. I had walked into the area from the south and stopped to \"let the forest quiet\". I watched as three female deer crossed my path about 75 yards north of me. They were stopping and looking back to the west as they moved to the east. I thought that a buck would be sure to follow. What I saw was a figure that walked silently through the woods. It seemed to be a very large man in a fur coat. I thought,what a fool to be out in the woods in a fur coat and no hunter's orange during deer season! I had on an orange hunting coat and hat. As I stood up, the \"man\" turned to face me. It was then that I realized that this may not be a man. It turned and ran in the direction that it had come. I could not believe how quiet it ran through the woods. I have been hunting for over 50 years and have spent many days in the wilderness at a time but I have never seen such an animal. I have never seen any large animal move so quietly. I have hunted bear, moose, whitetail deer, wild boar, and moose. Never had any of these animals moved through the woods without making a sound. In fact, I had heard the three deer well before I saw them. When I got back to camp, I mentioned this incident to a guy that has hunted the area for decades. I only told him that I saw a guy in a fur coat. He seemed to be a little concerned about going back to the area. I have not hunted that area again. This animal was about 6'8\", had a grey/brown hair and seemed to have arms that were longer than a human's. It walked upright but not as a man would and not as a chimp or other primate that I know of would. There seemed to be white hair around the face and on the chest. The more that I think about it, I am convinced that it was trailing/hunting those deer. It was the rut and those does would be in heat. This could have masked my presence.","location_details":"I was walking the west border of the Rifle River State Park west of the bridge over Rifle River. I had made it about 300 yards into the park.","county":"Ogemaw County","state":"Michigan","season":"Fall","title":"Report 10904: Deer hunter watches large bipedal animal in Rifle River State Park.","date":"2003-11-17","number":10904,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpuhrk6118","temperature_high":44.88,"temperature_mid":44.12,"temperature_low":43.36,"dew_point":38.38,"humidity":0.88,"cloud_cover":0.96,"moon_phase":0.77,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1020.55,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":1,"visibility":5.03,"wind_bearing":157,"wind_speed":3.06,"year":2003,"geometry":[-84.05358,44.36434]} {"observed":"I was coming home from a school function around 9:00 in the evening on a thursday, down (edited) street. Shortly after passing (edited) the car in front of me began to slow down, and I thought they were going to turn, but they did not signal. They then came to a complete stop and I was slowly coming up behind them. Something then crossed the road. At first I thought it was deer, not giving it much thought, but then I realized it was probably a good four feet taller than the mid-size car in front of me. Another one followed not too far behind the first. They were very large, barrel chested, like a gorrilla walking like a human. They sort of marched, lifting their knees higher than a person would when they walked. They did not seem at all frightened by the running cars with bright lights, they didn't even look towards the cars. I couldn't see their color or texture because of the darkness, and they were definitely not human. The car in front of me took off quickly, and I drove past a little slower looking out my window, kind of half hoping to see them once again. I hurried home after that, quite shaken.","location_details":"N.W. of the City of Holland, (exact location edited)","county":"Ottawa County","state":"Michigan","season":"Fall","title":"Report 5280: Two cars stop to let pair of BF cross the road.","date":"2002-11-07","number":5280,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpdez5jftu","temperature_high":51.49,"temperature_mid":51.735,"temperature_low":51.98,"dew_point":33.25,"humidity":0.71,"cloud_cover":0.37,"moon_phase":0.11,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1015.69,"summary":"Partly cloudy until afternoon and breezy starting in the evening.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.76,"wind_bearing":198,"wind_speed":9.05,"year":2002,"geometry":[-86.16861,42.86361]} {"observed":"I had went for the evening to relax in the nearby harbor (Presque Isle) to have dinner and then drove up to the New Presque Isle Lighthouse and parked my car. I walked thru a clearing of trees (east) from the lighthouse towards Lake Huron. It was a full-moon, clear night with very little waves on the lake. I had been at this location for around :30 minutes to about :45 minutes and had been wading out in the water to just cool off. I was in shorts/t-shirt and flip-flops as it was summer. After I decided that it was time to leave I started to go back towards my car and subsequently dry off. As I was walking back thru the same clearing that I had come from earlier I could hear some motion in the trees to my left. I remember also it was very still/quiet that night while on foot. At different times I heard what sounded like large (or fairly large) twigs snapping on or near the ground and thought maybe it was a deer of some sort, probably not a bear I didn't think. Sometimes it would be one or two twigs/branches snapping, other times it was multiple snaps which would occur quite quickly as if perhaps (at the time) whatever it was had some good size weight to itself. I had the distinct impression (or sense) that I was being watched and it made me feel quite un-easy, I had a more sense of urgency at this point of just wanting to get to my car and leave. Also at other times I heard what sounded like whole trees being moved or pushed somewhat out of the way, I was puzzled as it implied to me that something was off in the trees that had a fairly good size body mass. As I continued on towards the end of the clearing, the sound would parallel (or stay) with me--it wasn't getting distant or going away from my vantage point of where I first starting hearing the commotion going on. After I had gotten into my car I felt hugely relieved but couldn't still necessarily understand why. I remember too, that I was constantly looking around \"over my shoulder\" very intently but figured it was more than likely a small animal and no big deal. As I drove off (about maybe--? 50-100 yards) as I had already turned on the radio and was feeling pretty relaxed I noticed from off the left side of my car (from the headlights shining onto some of the trees and roadway) a large black, furry looking figure standing completely in the front of the tree line looking dead, straight at me with some powerful--menacing eyes. (The eyes followed me as I went past). It completely shocked me, I slammed on the brakes of my car and just sat in the middle of the road for around half a minute (or less) and was trying to figure out (rationalize/take in) what I had just seen. It stood around I would say between 7'-8' feet tall and it's arms were unusually long. More than anything, the face is what spooked me and I remember the most as it closely resembled that of a man--the nose was flat and it stood completely erect, was not slouched or bent over--exactly still. The head looked like it was just perched onto some huge shoulders, the shoulders were massive going across and the upper torso was quite impressive. I decided it would be best to just keep going as I had thought about of maybe turning the car around and shine my high beam lights into the tree line (to see if I could spot it again) but decided this probably would not be in my best interest. I went on and headed back to Alpena where I had come from originally. I was never so glad to see \"city lights\" again until I reached the north end of town while on U.S.-23. I told no one what I had seen, actually for a long time.","location_details":"Nearly at the end of the road, by the lighthouse is where I had my sighting. Take US-23 north, to E. Grand Lake Rd and turn right. Turn Right at (4-way intersection) and continue on E. Grand Lake Rd to Presque Isle Harbor. About 1 mile north of the harbor is the New Presque Isle Lighthouse and the road ends in a U-turn or cul-de-sac as you are at the conclusion of this small peninsula.","county":"Presque Isle County","state":"Michigan","season":"Summer","title":"Report 33611: Air National Guardsman describes being ushered out of the woods culminating in a nighttime sighting from his car near the Presque Isle Lighthouse","date":"2003-07-15","number":33611,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"f0h9upvs8z","temperature_high":75.56,"temperature_mid":65.58,"temperature_low":55.6,"dew_point":61.03,"humidity":0.81,"cloud_cover":0.56,"moon_phase":0.57,"precip_intensity":0.0163,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1009.83,"summary":"Rain until afternoon.","uv_index":5,"visibility":8.29,"wind_bearing":216,"wind_speed":6.06,"year":2003,"geometry":[-83.4885,45.351]} {"observed":"It was opening morning of firearm deer season, November 15. Approximately 8:30 a.m. It was unusually warm for this time of year. I was sitting in my deer stand roughly a mile to a mile and a half away from my dad who was also in his deer stand. It was really quiet and still that morning. There was a really musty-damp smell that rose in the air. Shortly after that there was a scream that resembled a womans scream, but not quite. That happened twice within a few minutes. Made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Shortly after that the musty smell had left. Never seeing anything out of the ordinary, I stayed in my stand and finished out the morning hunt. Upon picking my dad up for lunch that day, he had asked me if I had heard the screams also. He described them to me the same way. NO other sounds were heard that day. The very next morning, my brother about 3 miles away said he had hear the same noise. Never did find out what it was exactly. It was however, like nothing I've ever heard before.","location_details":"near Gay, Michigan","county":"Keweenaw County","state":"Michigan","season":"Fall","title":"Report 3388: Father and sons hear screams while deerhunting near Gay","date":"2001-11-15","number":3388,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"f03k9y34qf","temperature_high":60.06,"temperature_mid":48.53,"temperature_low":37,"dew_point":47.63,"humidity":0.75,"cloud_cover":0.3,"moon_phase":0.02,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1010.52,"summary":"Breezy in the afternoon and mostly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":1,"wind_bearing":281,"wind_speed":11.22,"year":2001,"geometry":[-88.16361,47.232]} {"observed":"I was delivering grain to a farm on Hwy 60, but to get to the farm, had to turn south off 60 onto Emerson Rd. to get to unload in the area. Right after turning off 60, I usually stop and turn on trailer backup lights and remove tailgate turnbuckles so I can see to back up at farm. On this morning, as I was walking to the back of the trailer, I heard a lot of noise, snapping limbs, sounds like something was pacing back and forth, in the patch of woods on the east side of road. As I got to the back of the trailer, I suddenly had the smell of a dead animal, strong, coming from the deep ditch on the west (field) side of the road. This road had one little property light up by the intersection, otherwise it was dark except for the small amount of light from the tractor and trailer backup flood lights. Suddenly I'm struck with fear. Now, I'm six foot 230lbs and don't scare easily, and cant explain the feeling that came on me. The noise in the woods was intensifying, getting louder, almost impatient, while the smell got more intense and I felt like there was something in the ditch staring at me. I was overwhelmed by the feeling of fear and ran back to the cab, took off into the farm and unloaded. I got out after unloading, this is just on the south side of the patch of woods and couldn't hear or smell anything and the feeling was gone.","location_details":"Just south of the intersection of HWY 60 and Emerson Rd.","county":"Jackson County","state":"Michigan","season":"Fall","title":"Report 45976: Trucker recounts possible early morning experience while making a delivery outside Spring Arbor","date":"2000-09-01","number":45976,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpebh7ymm3","temperature_high":87.72,"temperature_mid":78.715,"temperature_low":69.71,"dew_point":69.96,"humidity":0.83,"cloud_cover":0.14,"moon_phase":0.12,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1017.21,"summary":"Foggy in the morning and humid throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":6.66,"wind_bearing":152,"wind_speed":0.55,"year":2000,"geometry":[-84.53098,42.20901]} {"observed":"A few of my brothers friends, my brother & I were sitting at home. My brother & his friends were in the next room & I was in the dining room on the computer when I heard loud banging & thumping on the deck. I disregarded the noise as my cat & I went back to what I was doing. But I kept hearing the noise, so I went & got my brother & his friends & we all went outside to check out the noise, there was nothing there. The moon shown down on the grass & we saw a large shadow kneeling down across the lawn we saw the large beast stand up & run across the lawn & through a mud puddle heard the splash, & up a neighbors driveway. It scared my cat which was out near it. So we went back inside got a flashlight & several small blunt weapons incase we were attacked. Three of us ventured out to the driveway & the last one stayed at the house. Us other three went to the driveway & saw nothing. We all heard the same low growling & groaning. This afternoon I found a large foot print in a nearby sandbox (I'll have a follow up on that, I have pictures). The print was a foot & a half long and 6 inches or so wide, and a couple inches deep. I have had several other small encounters but nothing of this magnitude. This is by far the most frightening experiance with it.","county":"Kalamazoo County","state":"Michigan","season":"Spring","title":"Report 4414: Nighttime sighting by four witnesses, near Plainwell","date":"2002-05-26","number":4414,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpe1hjez0u","temperature_high":70.1,"temperature_mid":58.14,"temperature_low":46.18,"dew_point":42.75,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.17,"moon_phase":0.51,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1020.49,"summary":"Partly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":10,"visibility":9.27,"wind_bearing":200,"wind_speed":4.41,"year":2002,"geometry":[-85.60028,42.39472]} {"observed":"To begin with, I'm not sure what I saw, but it was something I couldn't identify, so I thought this might be the right forum to approach it. During the summer of 1993, my brother and I were looking for Lake Superior Agates along the shore of Lake Superior about 3-4 miles west of the mouth of the Two-Hearted River. It was mid-afternoon on a windy and overcast day. When looking for agates you spend much of your time looking at the ground, but occasionally stand up to stretch your back and look down the beach. It was during one of these times I noticed a figure some 300-500 yards down the beach standing at the tree line in the direction from which we'd been walking. My first instinct was that it was another agate hunter and I voiced this to my brother stating that we now had \"competition\". As I watch the figure I noticed that it did not bend over (which is typical of agate hunters) nor did it move from its position at the tree line. It was at this time I realized the stature of the figure when I compared it to the nearby pines. I then asked my brother to retrieve my binoculars from by day pack on my back, because that was the \"tallest person\" I'd ever seen and wanted to take a closer look. I also thought I might be catching a rare glimpse of a bear. Instead of handing me the binoculars, by brother observed the figure through them first. When I asked him if it was a man, he said he couldn't tell, but it was \"a man-like figure\". He then gave me the binoculars to get my opinion. On looking at the figure through the glasses it was magnified considerably, though I could discern no color variations. The figure was completely black. I observed the figure walk from the tree line to the shoreline a number of times, but could not distinguish what it was doing exactly. At one point the figure began walking towards us and made both my brother and myself quite nervous. By this time we realized we may be seeing something extraordinary. The figure cut another 100 yards between us in a very short period of time, but still no discernable color variations where you would expect to find them. At this point, I observed the figure bend down and pick up a beach rock and toss it into the lake (underhand). It was at this point when I decided it was a man and told my brother this based solely on the fact that it tossed a rock into the lake. This seemed to satisfy both of us and we continued our rock hunting ignoring any subsequent activities of the figure. In retrospect, I believe we were so quick to identify the figure as human because we had to return to camp in the same direction and the alternative to the figure being human was unacceptable. We did not look for prints on our way back nor did we discuss the incident until some days later (there was no reason to do these things, because we had resigned ourselves to identify the figure as human). A few days later, we were conveying the story to a relative jokingly referring to it as our \"bigfoot story\". When our relative asked us \"why wouldn't a bigfoot throw rocks\", we realized we may have identified it as human too quickly and unfortunately may have missed more detailed identification through the investigation of footprints.","location_details":"End of County Road 412, about 3-4 miles west of the mouth of the Two-Hearted River","county":"Luce County","state":"Michigan","season":"Summer","title":"Report 475: Rock hunters watch tall upright figure along Lake Superior near Newberry","date":"2005-07-15","number":475,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"f0738zwhg6","temperature_high":88.89,"temperature_mid":73.555,"temperature_low":58.22,"dew_point":56.35,"humidity":0.59,"cloud_cover":0.15,"moon_phase":0.29,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Partly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":8,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":175,"wind_speed":2.19,"year":2005,"geometry":[-85.38834,46.71195]} {"observed":"I had just finished a 12 hour shift at work and I was heading home. I always go slow due to the amount of wildlife that you can encounter on the way home. The road is called 550 the road travels northwest out of the city of Marquette. The road runs parallel to Lake superior and many vast areas of dense forest, large rock, and \"boggy\" areas. There is an area by a large rock cliff called Sugar Loaf mountain hiking area, north of this area along the road on the opposite side of the road is Wetmore Pond area is a \"boggy\" marsh, a large animal that was covered in brownish/red fur head to toe, long arms and long strides walk/ran fast across the road, stood up on the guard rail and leap down on the other side of the guard rail. Due to the time of night and region I did not stop nor did I look back. It was not a person and it was not a bear. I have seen both and a bear does not run on two legs across the road. I have not reported this before, for fear that people would say yeah right.","location_details":"Can not miss as 550 heads Northwest of Marquette and the landmarks are marked by signs.","county":"Marquette County","state":"Michigan","season":"Fall","title":"Report 30902: Nighttime sighting on CR550 outside Marquette","date":"2002-11-15","number":30902,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"f03c1u036k","temperature_high":28.22,"temperature_mid":14.715,"temperature_low":1.21,"dew_point":17.41,"humidity":0.77,"cloud_cover":0.96,"moon_phase":0.37,"precip_type":"snow","summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":1,"visibility":6.86,"wind_bearing":15,"wind_speed":3.21,"year":2002,"geometry":[-87.46171,46.60424]} {"observed":"Hello , my name is shawn age 26 . I just heard about the BFRO today from my mother who told me right away about this bigfoot investigation team coming to marquette and this subject is something im very passionate about especially after an encounter my bestfriend erik and i had a couple years ago , the only people i ever told was some family and ofcouse discussing with my buddy over the years since . So the night it happend was i believe in 2004 and sometime in late january . we were driving on the back road just past Acocks Sanitarium on a dirt road that goes up to the right and heads back to some railroad tracks and LOTS of woodland . well it was between 9 and 10 and we very board and trying to find new places where we could snowboard so we decided to pull over there and walk up the road and see if we could find some good size hills back there . we got a couple flashlights out of my buddys car and started walking up the road past the gate . not even about 300 feet away from the gate we heard a strange sound but didnt think anything of it so we kept walking . i noticed what looked like very large prints in the snow to my right and right away thought it was from someone on snowshoes but even though it was late at night there was quite a bit of light out so even with the flashlights not on the prints you could see clearly they were to far apart in stride so this struck erik and i . we shined our lights closer on them and realized they were NOT from a snowshoer but there was clearly shaped FOOT prints , toes and all . it was very warm that day and even that night was pretty nice so i kept telling myself there is no way that its a bigfoot print and was telling myself that maybe the snow had melted a bit and made a footprint look larger but then i realized ok thats silly because its an actual FOOT print , clear as day and why would someone walk around the snow in bare feet and who would have feet that are that big . my flashlight was 12 inches long and i put it alongside it and the print was still quite larger than that and very wide . erik had a disposible camera in his car so i ran down and grabbed it and i even took a picture of the print . the stride on it also was very far apart , i walked in the snow next to it and i had to seriously spread my legs out far just to come close to the stride of these prints . i would almost have to run and leap to make those strides . so that really got me thinking and so erik and i were standing there discussing this whole thing not beliveing that it was real and not even 5 minutes after talking a huge tree across the road and down a little bank about 20 feet from us started shaking violently and the snow was falling off it and branches breaking so erik started running back towards the car and i followed . we sat in the car for a minute to just gather ourselfs of what it could have been and till this day we swear by what we saw . this is the first time ive ever wrote of this . and i just gotta say i think your BFRO is a great thing and i know someday bigfoot will be proven true .","location_details":"im not sure as to the exact name of the road but if you go past lost creek apartments and keep following that road until you get to where it says Acocks where there used to be a sanitarium . keep going past that and its the next right , there is a road going up a little hill and there will be a gate . just about 300 feet from that to the right is where we seen the prints in the snow .","county":"Marquette County","state":"Michigan","season":"Winter","title":"Report 19936: Possible footprints found in snow outside Marquette","date":"2004-01-22","number":19936,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"f03b8v9yqu","temperature_high":-0.62,"temperature_mid":-2.415,"temperature_low":-4.21,"dew_point":-10.09,"humidity":0.66,"cloud_cover":0.87,"moon_phase":0.04,"precip_type":"snow","summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":1,"visibility":6.25,"wind_bearing":301,"wind_speed":13.8,"year":2004,"geometry":[-87.5034,46.52545]} {"observed":"We were mountain biking through \"Lost Nation\", state land that is open to most outdoor activity. The land is hilly and fairly heavily wooded, has a river run through it, and covers a large expanse of land, so there are many remote areas inaccessible to most casual adventurers. We were riding up the hill leading into the deeper part of the trail, when we stopped to rest, just as we stopped we heard a deep growling kind of sound that was so loud, you could kind of feel it even though the sound came from a good distance away. My friend and I were at a loss to be able to explain the sound...it was as if something was letting us know it was there...but we never saw anything. After a couple of minutes, the loud \"growl\" was heard again...just about as close as the first time. My buddy and I just joked it off as being \"bigfoot\", but I have lived near that area almost all my life, and I heard stories of people seeing something strange out there since I was a small kid...I am now 38 years old. Also, when I was a kid, a group of us came around a corner near my house when we saw what we thought was a bear..we only got a small glimpse of the \"animal\", and I was probably 10 or 11 at the time...so I don't have too vivid a memory about the encounter, but there were 4 or 5 of us in the car, and at least 2 of us were adults and we all agreed that we had seen something. I have ridden the trail several times since the day of the strange sounds, and I always get the feeling of being watched, if I am by myself, I either won't ride that section of trail, or I won't stop at all for the entire 5+ mile section...and I am always looking over my shoulder and all about...the whole area just gives me a weird feeling, and it is so thick in spots that there are several places that something could hide out in...we had even talked about how easy it would be to go in and camp and never see anybody. I wouldn't even think about staying overnight there now. The area is located in Pitssford Michigan, a little town between Hudson and Hillsdale, the county is either Lenawee or Hillsdale...the area in question is about 5 miles from M34, I'm not sure of the name of the side road it's located on.","location_details":"About 5 miles south of M34 on Pittsford road..I think...te parking spot for the trail is at the top of a large hill on the left side of the road, there is a trail leading to a lake right off the parking spot...but the trail leading to the area in question is across the road and about 200 yards south, at the bottom of the hill. Take the trail all the way up the hill...roughly 1 to 2 miles in...you will round a corner by an open area and enter a heavily wooded area...from this spot on, I always feel watched and like someone is there.","county":"Hillsdale County","state":"Michigan","season":"Spring","title":"Report 7181: Two bikers hear strange sound near \"Lost Nation\"","date":"2003-05-01","number":7181,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dp7vy0g19e","temperature_high":71.09,"temperature_mid":60.125,"temperature_low":49.16,"dew_point":55.89,"humidity":0.8,"cloud_cover":0.64,"moon_phase":0.01,"precip_intensity":0.0262,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1008.83,"summary":"Rain starting in the evening.","uv_index":9,"visibility":7.28,"wind_bearing":234,"wind_speed":2.45,"year":2003,"geometry":[-84.4587,41.79639]} {"observed":"I have some friends that live in Lovells, which is located in Crawford County. In the summer of 2000 I was visiting my friends. I arrived at their house at approximately 6-7pm and no one was home. It was during mid-summer so I got out of my vehicle and sat outside. Their residence is in a secluded area. While I was outside I heard many noises, like something was moving around in the woods and \"heavy\" grunts. I dismissed it as coyotes or maybe a bear, but I got back in my vehicle feeling a little unnerved and left. I returned later when they were home and told them about what happened. They laughed at me and told me it was the \"Bigfoot\" that lives in the area. Although they dismissed me with humor they had told me that they had prior experiences with something, but they weren't sure what it was. Their location is a densely wooded area.","location_details":"(edited)","county":"Crawford County","state":"Michigan","season":"Summer","title":"Report 7800: Odd sounds and animal behavior from the forest cause woman concern.","date":"2000-07-15","number":7800,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpgyvxw35u","temperature_high":73.93,"temperature_mid":66.735,"temperature_low":59.54,"dew_point":57.78,"humidity":0.78,"cloud_cover":0.58,"moon_phase":0.47,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1009.74,"summary":"Light precipitation starting in the evening.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.82,"wind_bearing":0,"wind_speed":7.57,"year":2000,"geometry":[-84.47611,44.82167]} {"observed":"I was walking in Holy Cross Cemetery looking for graves of veterans. I am building a database of veterans buried at Holy Cross and Lakeview Cemeteries in Escanaba. I was in the back of the cemetery when I noticed, what I thought was a deer. But it did not appear to run away like a deer would do. I continued doing what I was doing but continued to feel I was being watched. I would look in that direction every so often and thought something was there but because of how far I was I could not get a good description. This was in the evening between 6 - 8 pm.","location_details":"This was in the back of Holy Cross Cemetery, which is located between the Airport and 12th Rd (or Jaeger Rd). Portage Creek is nearby with a bridge on M-35. Jehovah Witness has a church near the cemetery.","county":"Delta County","state":"Michigan","season":"Summer","title":"Report 44387: Possible early evening sighting at a cemetery outside Escanaba","date":"2001-07-16","number":44387,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"f04h4nu0pu","year":2001,"geometry":[-87.09378,45.74023]} {"observed":"Heading west on 17th Rd as I was making a left hand turn onto C Rd. A couple deer ran across the road from my right to the left so as the driver, I was fixated on not hitting the deer. At this time my passenger was looking west (right side of vehicle) and said \"Holy s#!t what is that!\", by the time I looked there was only a large dark upright blob already in the tree line, so I did not get a good look, but my passenger swears it was a sasquatch. He thought it was chasing the deer.","location_details":"4546'56.90\"N 8719'33.59\"W","county":"Delta County","state":"Michigan","season":"Fall","title":"Report 43145: Possible sighting by a motorist avoiding deer west of Escanaba","date":"2005-10-22","number":43145,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"f01uky7nhw","temperature_high":45.19,"temperature_mid":40.95,"temperature_low":36.71,"dew_point":41.08,"humidity":0.95,"cloud_cover":0.93,"moon_phase":0.68,"precip_intensity":0.0189,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Light rain until afternoon, starting again in the evening.","uv_index":2,"visibility":8.25,"wind_bearing":58,"wind_speed":2.12,"year":2005,"geometry":[-87.326,45.78247]} {"observed":"I was coming home from hunting and I looked down the side of a field. I then seen a big, black thing walking down the side of the field and I went back to check it out. The creature seemed to be afraid of me as it jumped in the weeds leaving only its legs exposed. I then got my binoculars out and seen that its legs were hairy. The creature seemed too big for a human being or a bear.","location_details":"(edited)","county":"Arenac County","state":"Michigan","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7408: Bigfoot tries to hide under brush, leaves legs exposed","date":"2003-11-15","number":7408,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpu3fhtprv","temperature_high":43.23,"temperature_mid":40.895,"temperature_low":38.56,"dew_point":33.2,"humidity":0.81,"cloud_cover":0.91,"moon_phase":0.7,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1017.86,"summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":7.79,"wind_bearing":200,"wind_speed":6.64,"year":2003,"geometry":[-83.92834,43.92736]} {"observed":"Myself and several others were at our deer hunting campsite, we had used the same spot for years. While we were sitting at our campfire, we heard this mournful wail just outside the light of the campfire behind one of the campers. Next there was what sounded like a low growl then a sort of howl yelping sound, we all went for flashlights and stopped dead in our tracks when we heard the sounds of trees being snapped and branches breaking. We changed from flashlights to rifles as the growling increased. We stood there looking out into the dark for what seemed like 20 min or so then the sound started moving away deeper into the woods. At daybreak we ventured out towards where the sounds were coming from and found several small trees snapped and bushes uprooted. There were what could have been footprints but the ground was so tore up, it was impossible to tell what kind they were. Later that morning a friend of mine was out scouting for a place to put his blind and he came across a huge mound of earth that looked as though it was just piled there. He called the camp on his walkie talkie and told us to come out to where he was we could find him by following his trail markers into the woods going south off the logging road. When we got to him he was pointing his rifle towards some thickets of tag alder saying that when he approached the huge pile of sand and earth he heard the same sounds that we had heard the night before coming from that direction.To make a long story short we contacted the DNR in Harrisvile and an officer came out upon examining the dirt mound several mutilated deer and some wild blackberry bushes were buried in it. Again the ground was tore up so bad that no distinguishing footprints were apparent. The DNR officer said that what we had in the area was most likely a big bear. We have used that site ever since and have never encountered anything like that year again. We still talk about it over the campfire though.","location_details":"Huron National Forest in the Hayes Tower area, Beaver Pond 1/4 mile away.","county":"Alcona County","state":"Michigan","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7272: Hunters endure hour-long, intimidation behavior by unseen aggressor(s)","date":"2003-11-07","number":7272,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dputgw4b69","temperature_high":32.41,"temperature_mid":25.6,"temperature_low":18.79,"dew_point":15.1,"humidity":0.59,"cloud_cover":0.44,"moon_phase":0.46,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1023.16,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day and breezy until afternoon.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.94,"wind_bearing":267,"wind_speed":10.22,"year":2003,"geometry":[-83.51418,44.6375]} {"observed":"Early Summer 2004: One morning at 3 am I heard a vocalization at what I thought was quite a ways off. Now, looking back at the situation, I was in the house and heard it clearly. I have no idea of the distance. But it was definately the whoop howl that is recorded here on your website. November 2004: I saw something big on two legs run through my yard one night. The ground was frozen, so no tracks. It was big is all I can say. (Original report edited by the investigator to add the date notations.)","location_details":"North of what is now the airport.","county":"Pine County","state":"Minnesota","season":"Summer","title":"Report 27028: A man is woken by a whoop near his home and a few months later sees an upright creature run past his barn","date":"2004-06-01","number":27028,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"cbjvy666gn","temperature_high":54.61,"temperature_mid":50.845,"temperature_low":47.08,"dew_point":47.5,"humidity":0.9,"cloud_cover":0.91,"moon_phase":0.44,"precip_intensity":0.0033,"precip_probability":0.91,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":6.85,"wind_bearing":30,"wind_speed":6.25,"year":2004,"geometry":[-92.88618,46.02361]} {"observed":"We live at a rural residence south of Hibbing. Shortly before 5 on Saturday July 17th, 2004, my husband had gotten up and started his coffee when he started hearing strange noises. He said they sounded like a low cry or calling noise. He said he had never heard anything like it before and so he stepped out the door and thought he would walk down to get the previous days mail and see if he could determine what the noise was. When he was next to his car he looked to the left into a growth of pines about 50 ft away and he saw a figure there that was 6-7 ft tall and not in clothing and covered in fur head to foot. It was on two feet. He looked at it for several seconds and was too stunned himself to move and then it noticed him and ran off to a field or the woods just north of us. It ran in human form and not on 4 legs. My husband went to the area after but there was not much he could tell on the pine needles but in the grass he could see large footprints pressed down. Later that day my father walked out to the grassy area and followed his tracks a while and he came upon feces that he says were not from deer or bear.","location_details":"Witness requests location kept private.","county":"St. Louis County","state":"Minnesota","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9012: Vocalizations heard and animal observed near Hibbing.","date":"2004-07-17","number":9012,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"cbmugjtb30","temperature_high":77.73,"temperature_mid":63.125,"temperature_low":48.52,"dew_point":54.36,"humidity":0.71,"cloud_cover":0.1,"moon_phase":0.02,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1019.06,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":8,"visibility":8.87,"wind_bearing":160,"wind_speed":1.15,"year":2004,"geometry":[-93.02428,47.27147]} {"observed":"On Sunday, May 19, 2002, my family and I were camping on our land, riding a dirt bike and hiking. While we were taking turns riding our motorcycle, my eleven year old son spotted what looked like a \"cave man\" sitting near our camp site, about 75 yeards away. The view of it was slightly obstructed by some large straw bales, therefore I didn't see it at first when my son tried to point it out to me. By the time I finally saw it, it had stood up and was walking away towards heavy tree growth and a steep ravine. What I saw was a very large, man-like, reddish brown colored, hairy creature with its back towards me. All I could see was it's upper half, stooped forward slightly, with what appeared to be a very long, muscular right arm. The Head appeared larger than human from my angle. My son saw the right side of it's face, saying it looked like a cave-man like in the books. The face had light brown skin, with no hair on it's face, but slightly deformed-looking. That's about all he can recall. I think it took him totally by surprise. It appeared to be about seven feet tall. After calming down from this we decided to walk in the direction it headed for and found three or four very large foot prints in the creek bed area. They were slightly larger than my size thirteen boots, with five distinct human-type toes. Later that afternoon while I was riding the dirt bike, it suddenly stopped on me, about a half mile from the sighting. Looking at the wiring on the motorcycle, and alone there in the gully, I heard a very high pitched scream coming from what seemed a quarter to half mile away from me, opposite the direction of our camp. i thought it might be my family, but after getting the bike up and running right away, I quickly discovered it couldn't have been them. They were near our camp to the rear of me. No one else was on the land but us. That evening, our closest neighbor's ( 1 1/2 miles away) dog started barking like crazy around 11:00 pm and was heading our way down thru the woods. I could hear the dog barking all night long, while what seemed he was following or chasing something all over the place. Around 3:30 am, I could hear the dog was about one hundred yards away from us, just going nuts and acting very vicious. All of a sudden, while laying there in our tent, I heard something huge come crashing thru the trees and run right by my head, with what sounded like bi-pedal type footsteps, only extremely fast and heavy (the ground near my head shook somewhat when it went by), with the dog right behind it. I sat up and counted the heads in my tent to be sure we were all accounted for. Then the dog let out a terrible yelp and everything got very quiet. Needless to say, I stayed up and slowly went outside to check on things and light a camp fire for warmth and security.","county":"Fillmore County","state":"Minnesota","season":"Spring","title":"Report 4379: Two witnesses have a daylight encounter in their camp near Spring Valley","date":"2002-05-19","number":4379,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9zy34m8my5","temperature_high":56.15,"temperature_mid":44.54,"temperature_low":32.93,"dew_point":25.13,"humidity":0.43,"cloud_cover":0.22,"moon_phase":0.25,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1026.02,"summary":"Partly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":10,"visibility":6.51,"wind_bearing":349,"wind_speed":8.25,"year":2002,"geometry":[-92.36145,43.80075]} {"observed":"February 2000 my wife Jean and myself went for a walk with our 2 Labs. Something got our attention to look out across a small lake with an Island on it. Crossing the frozen lake was a tall man like person walking at a fast pace. Body was dark in color, almost black. Head was a lighter color brown with hair coming down to his shoulders. When we first seen him he was about 350 yards away. He walked into cattails about 150 to 175 yards away. At time we could only see his shoulders and head. 2 Geese flew over honking and he turned his whole upper body to look at the Geese. He went into a wooded area and I lost sight of him. I wanted to get a closer look but my wife was frightenned. So she went back to the truck. The really odd thing is my dogs would not go with me. I'm a avid hunter and my dogs are with me always, but not now. I went to the area of cattails but could not see over them. I'm 6' tall. The snow and ice were hard pack and I couldn't see prints. When Jean talks about it, it raises the hair on her neck. She didn't want me to report this for the safty of our visiter. But Its somthing I'll never forget.","location_details":"A small lake north of the Twin Cities Metro Area. This lake contains a large wooded island, and a large track of marsh/swamp land near-by. A nature park is located on the Western shore of the lake.","county":"Anoka County","state":"Minnesota","season":"Winter","title":"Report 17551: Daylight sighting by a couple, on a frozen lake near Centerville.","date":"2000-02-21","number":17551,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"cbjc436js1","temperature_high":41.75,"temperature_mid":34.77,"temperature_low":27.79,"dew_point":26.34,"humidity":0.82,"cloud_cover":0.07,"moon_phase":0.58,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1016.7,"summary":"Foggy overnight.","uv_index":3,"visibility":6.26,"wind_bearing":140,"wind_speed":6.01,"year":2000,"geometry":[-93.06226,45.1836]} {"observed":"On Feb. 06 2005 Tracks were found along a swamp in Red Lake, Minn. Pictures were taken of the tracks. The tracks were measured 17 inches long. Tracks were also found by the elem school where it went over a fence walking around in school yard, and around several homes. Woman like screams were heard coming from the swamp. Dogs were also barking around 2 a.m.","county":"Beltrami County","state":"Minnesota","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10620: Footprints found in the snow in Red Lake.","date":"2005-02-06","number":10620,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"cbs2mgduhp","temperature_high":11.08,"temperature_mid":3.435,"temperature_low":-4.21,"dew_point":2.78,"humidity":0.75,"cloud_cover":0.87,"moon_phase":0.92,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":1,"visibility":9.79,"wind_bearing":302,"wind_speed":8.99,"year":2005,"geometry":[-95.0168,47.8764]} {"observed":"I tell this very hesitantly because I'm certain this will probably be ignored and maybe laughed at or eyes rolled back by you in disbelief. But, here goes, just the same; Around the first week in October of this year, I had decided to go out squirrel hunting since it was such a nice day. I went out to a piece of land we had previously owned and have retained hunting rights on it. I had just left my truck and headed down into the woods, checking out a large rock/over-hang formation when something moving to my right (southwest) about 175-200 feet away, caught my eye. I was looking thru rather thick brush, separated by a barbed wire fence, a creek bed and lots of vegetation and thick brush. At first, all I could see was what looked like \"the biggest turkey I'd ever seen' flapping its wings in a very strange way. All I could make out was something that appeared to be a very large black turkey flapping its wings in a very strange, but fast manner. I moved around to the right a little bit to try and get a better look, when all of a sudden this thing gets up on two feet and starts running like a bat out of hell. It no more got up when suddenly another one, much larger and reddish brown in color jumped up behind it and in its attempt to catch up to the black one, appeared to almost fall forward, all the while moving very, very fast and disappearing just as quickly, but amazingly quietly thru some of the thickest brush we have down there. I think I was frozen stiff in disbelief, trying to gather what I had just seen. I stood there, dazed for about a minute and decided to cross the barbed wire fence and creek bed and go over to where I had seen \"them\" get up and run. Once I got over there, I found indentations in the soft grassy, almost marsh-like terrain, but no real discernable tracks. what is interesting is that what I thought I had seen as a turkey flapping it's wings,was probably the black animal sitting or kneeling, and reaching up for choke-cherries on the tree it was nearby. I followed their brief trail right up to where they silently entered the thick brush and decided not to go any further, thinking that if two creatures so huge could go thru that thick brush so quitely, how would I ever know they hadn't circled back and were watching me from behind? I got spooked at that thought and got out of there. I told my wife what I saw and the friend of our's we had sold the land to.","county":"Fillmore County","state":"Minnesota","season":"Fall","title":"Report 13049: Daylight sighting by squirrel hunter near Spring Valley","date":"2005-10-08","number":13049,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9zy34m8my5","temperature_high":54.57,"temperature_mid":44.765,"temperature_low":34.96,"dew_point":33.36,"humidity":0.75,"cloud_cover":0.04,"moon_phase":0.18,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1022.03,"summary":"Partly cloudy in the afternoon.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.88,"wind_bearing":117,"wind_speed":3.18,"year":2005,"geometry":[-92.36145,43.80075]} {"observed":"I didn't actually see it. But I heard it on 2-3 occasions in the middle of the night while I was wake in bed. It was a very loud high pitched scream, loud enough to wake me up one time in the middle of the night.","location_details":"The area is open fields along with heavy wooded areas. Mostly for cattle grazing. We lived on a 200 acres farm at the time. We lived on a gravel road about 3 miles outside of town. It was road 157.","county":"Polk County","state":"Missouri","season":"Spring","title":"Report 4116: Woman hears nighttime screams near Polk.","date":"2000-04-21","number":4116,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9ytqz7nt5x","year":2000,"geometry":[-93.5395,37.7664]} {"observed":"My girlfriend and I both live in a small area, filled and surrounded by hills and forests. During the summer I would often stay at my her house until midnight before going home. Often (once or twice a week) I would hear strange noises coming from the woods next to her house as I walked to my car. It sounded like people laughing, only a little different... it's tough to explain. It was like laughter, but there was something off about it. It just didn't sound like human laughter. The sound was terrifying. It was almost like it was artificial, but I know that it couldn't have been someone trying to play a trick. There are very few people nearby, and they're all older people and farmers. Anyway, the \"laughing\" continued for two or three months. Eventually, my girlfriend admitted that on her daily walk through the hills she had heard strange sounds as well, but the calls she heard were more like babies crying rather than people laughing. She also found it to be eerie and inhuman. she eventually heard the laughter too, as did her mother and one of her neighbors. it disappeared for some time, but then came back about a few weeks later, just in time to keep her and her visiting sister from sleeping. After that, whatever it was became more bold. It started venturing into her yard at almost exactly 2:00 AM every morning. We would both hear it walking around outside, going through her trash, and knocking things over. Her dogs would usually get riled up and bark at it for about an hour every night (until it left, I suppose). One dog was apparently kicked or attacked by it, because I heard it being struck and a sharp yelp, then the following day it seemed to limp a bit and was afraid of us. After that, I didn't really hear much from whatever it was again. The phenomena went on for over half a year, but as soon as it started getting cold things suddenly stopped. Maybe it migrated, I don't know. I don't know what it looked like either, since I never actually saw it. I tried to find it, but never came up with any physical evidence other than missing apples and overturned garbage cans. I've figured it was probably a MoMo, or something of that sort. I can't say with certainty, but I can say that it wasn't normal. Nothing that lives in Missouri makes sounds like that.","location_details":"4893, S. 136th Rd. Bolivar, MO. 65613. The forests and hills of Karlin, between Bolivar and Morrisville.","county":"Polk County","state":"Missouri","season":"Summer","title":"Report 3667: Eerie vocals in the forests of Karlin.","date":"2001-07-20","number":3667,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9yttd7huv5","temperature_high":92.36,"temperature_mid":82.93,"temperature_low":73.5,"dew_point":71.98,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.03,"moon_phase":0.99,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1015.07,"summary":"Partly cloudy in the afternoon and humid throughout the day.","uv_index":10,"wind_bearing":180,"wind_speed":3.18,"year":2001,"geometry":[-93.41,37.54661]} {"observed":"While Bow-hunting in Creve Coeur bottoms, I had been in my stand all day and had no luck. So I got down right before dusk and proceded to stalk along side a trail leading to the river. I had come to a point were the trail turns and runs parelell to the river.When I started around the turn something moved in the corner of my eye off to my right. My first thought was that I was going to scare up a deer, So I drew my Bow and tried to take aim on the area of movement, But what I saw was not a deer. At first, I thought it was a man in camo laying on the ground, That freaked me out, so I let off my Bow. However, I was trying to make out this \"person\" laying on the ground, on thier belly, When it raised up on it's right arm, turned the upper half of it's body, And looked at me. This was no person. It was to dark to see any features, But I could see two legs stretched out behind it, Two arms in front, A large torso, And a head. It seemed to be covered in greyish-brown from head to toe. No visible gear, Which struck me as odd, So I continued to try and figure out what this was. I stared at it, And it at me, When I felt the need to LEAVE. I did not feel threatened, Just that I had to go. As I began to leave and head back toward the levee, I kept thinking about turning back because I could not believe what had happened, But something made me go out of the woods. I have grown up in woods all my life, Have hunted in south-central and eastern Missouri, And grew up only a few miles from here, But never before have I seen Something I could not explain. If this thing had stood up, It would easy have been a foot or more taller than Me.","location_details":"This area was behind Chesterfield Golf Club, and bordered up river by St. Louis County Water Works. This area is now fenced off and posted by Missouri Department of Conservation.","county":"St. Louis County","state":"Missouri","season":"Fall","title":"Report 10927: Bow hunter observes animal lying down in the Creve Coeur bottoms.","date":"2005-10-15","number":10927,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yzs5un4t0","temperature_high":72.81,"temperature_mid":56.645,"temperature_low":40.48,"dew_point":44.6,"humidity":0.6,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.44,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1019.28,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.93,"wind_bearing":334,"wind_speed":1.78,"year":2005,"geometry":[-90.52987,38.69428]} {"observed":"Creature crossed small two lane paved road in front of vehicle late afternoon. No other vehicles in area, low volume road. Creature did not stop, but continued to cross the road and enter wooded area. My father is the witness, he described creature as tall, hairy {different shades of hair}, long arms, ape shaped face, with large stride, but almost limping.","location_details":"Hilly terrain, rural area, sparsely populated area, approximately 7 miles to nearest populated area.","county":"Ste. Genevieve County","state":"Missouri","season":"Spring","title":"Report 1150: Ape-like creature seen by a motorist crossing the road and enter a wooded area near Ozora, Missouri","date":"2000-05-31","number":1150,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yxzrk0p9k","temperature_high":89.33,"temperature_mid":77.62,"temperature_low":65.91,"dew_point":60.39,"humidity":0.54,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.93,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":11,"visibility":9.65,"wind_bearing":184,"wind_speed":7.61,"year":2000,"geometry":[-90.0329,37.8602]} {"observed":"It was July, 1978. My family had just moved from Illinois to Cape Fair, Missouri a few weeks before. Our parents went back to Illinois for a funeral and my sisters (ages 16 & 14) and I (12 years old at the time) were there alone. It was late at night around 11 or midnight when we all were startled by our dogs barking and growling on the porch. Normally the dogs would go down to the driveway if they heard something. This time they stayed on the porch looking towards the front yard barking and growling like I have never heard them do before. What scared us was that the dogs were scared to go down off the porch. We turned all the lights off in the house and looked out the front windows and door to see if we could see headlights or something outside. There was a flood light at the corner of the driveway that cast a light on the front yard. The front yard was all uphill with a 5 ft barbed wire fence separating our yard from the pasture. The front yard had huge black walnut trees spaced about 30-50 feet apart scattered around. I was looking out the front window and saw a large figure standing partially behind a walnut tree. I stared at it a few moments to focus in the dim light to see what it was. I thought it was maybe a drunk camper who was lost. You could walk down our back yard to the lake, so I thought maybe someone was looking for a way to the lake through our yard. People would camp and fish very close by, so we thought somebody was lost. All around our house it was dense forest and there was only one other house on our 1/2 mile road, so we were very isolated. My 16 yers old sister went to calm the dogs down. The 14 year old and I were stioll looking out front. Then after a few moments the figure dashed to the next tree about 50 feet away in about 3 or 4 strides. I kept looking and before I could ask my 14 yr old sister if she saw that- she ran to the back porch to help my 16 yr old sister with the dogs. By this time the dogs were freaking out. Then I looked back to the front yard where I saw it go to another tree, then another tree-zigzagging its way up the hill towards the pasture. Then to my amazement it cleared the barbed wire fence in one stride and was gone into the night. My sisters were tending to the dogs so they didn't see all of what I saw. My 14 year old sister said she saw something by the tree-but she never said anything more than that. I don't know if they were trying to keep me from getting scared, but I think she saw it too. I told my parents about it when they got home. They just blew it off to a city kid seeing \"something\" in the country night. While I lived there until 1984, I had heard stories of the \"Ozark Mountain Monster\" but thought it was just folklore. I did have several conversations with oldtimers from the area and heard stories of bigfoot sightings over the years, but never had the courage to \"go public\". I am 37 now and do still believe to this day I saw a bigfoot. I still get chills when I think about it and am having chills while I am typing this right now. Too spooky!","county":"Stone County","state":"Missouri","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6656: Teenagers observe animal hiding behind trees in yard near Cape Fair.","date":"2004-11-21","number":6656,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9yt8bnkpg0","temperature_high":50.94,"temperature_mid":50.405,"temperature_low":49.87,"dew_point":45.46,"humidity":0.88,"moon_phase":0.34,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":78,"wind_speed":1.64,"year":2004,"geometry":[-93.51,36.73]} {"observed":"I was just a kid when I saw it. I was sitting in the back of an old Chevy Citation at the time it was pretty new, my uncle was driving and my aunt was in the passenger seat and my little cousin who was around 4 or 5 at the time was sitting in the back with me, were coming home and I believe from visiting family or something. My aunt & uncle lived down this old dirt road around 2 miles and right before their driveway which was on the left was and old dry branch or creek that ran across the road and it did not have a concrete slab to cross over it so you had to slow down a little to cross. Directly to the right of the creek was an old driveway leading to an old abandoned house which no one had lived in for years. It was dark so naturally we had the headlights on and as my uncle began slowing to pass over the rough gravel something in the corner of my right eye came into view. My aunt kind of screamed but not loudly because we were amazed and terrified. Something that looked to be around 8 foot tall, (I know as a 10-11 year old kid it was huge) came across the branch which led out of the old driveway and not running but walking briskly came directly in front the car. We all just stared as it was some dream. It was swinging it's arms a little and acted like we were not even there. It walked across the creek and crossed the water gate which I don't remeber if it went under or over but what I do remeber is the branch had washed out the bank of my uncle's yard and his perimter fence was quite tall if you were staning in the branch and this bright red haired thing jumped over from the bed of the branch like nothing and into my uncles yard. Mind you were still watching in the car. We could see it walk up thru the yard and up the hill until we lost sight of it with the headlights. My uncle turned into the drive and we had all locked the doors. My aunt and uncle went thru the count of 3 thing and we open the doors and ran inside. We got inside and my uncle got his hunting rifle out and went outside with his flood lite and looked for it and on his way back which he didn't walk far he tripped on the chord and it came unplugged then he yelled and got up and ran into the house and locked the door. To this day if you ask him about what he saw he will say he saw something but he doesn't know what it was or that somebody was playing a joke on us. My aunt will tell that she saw bigfoot and so will I. My little cousin was to small to remeber much but I remeber and to this day I don't go out into the woods without a weapon. To the best of my ability this is what it looked like. It was around 7-8 foot tall, completly covered in red hair and 1 feature I remember is it looked like it's arms were almost as long as it's legs and that it was not afraid of us. Also at that time there was a man I do not remember but lived in the area and was at the local store there in Souder, Mo. and was telling everyone he had seen bigfoot and no one believed him so none of us ever made much mention to it except to family or close friends. But I believe. I know what I saw.","location_details":"From 60 highway East from Springfield, Mo. take 5 Highway South to 95 Hwy. North and it is approx. 6 miles then left county road. Can't remember the # of the road.","county":"Ozark County","state":"Missouri","season":"Winter","title":"Report 5085: Family has nighttime sighting near Gainesville.","date":"2004-12-05","number":5085,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yw22cd1v6","temperature_high":46.78,"temperature_mid":46.78,"temperature_low":46.78,"dew_point":37.91,"humidity":0.87,"cloud_cover":0.6,"moon_phase":0.78,"precip_intensity":0.0112,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.13,"summary":"Rain in the afternoon and evening.","uv_index":2,"visibility":5.46,"wind_bearing":104,"wind_speed":3.8,"year":2004,"geometry":[-92.425,36.615]} {"observed":"I was living at in Missouri at the time, about a mile from where my sighting took place. I was on my way home from a friends house on my bike about to head up the hill. I heard something off in the woods to my left and looked to see what it was. I was very used to being in the woods, having grown up around them all my life. I expected to see a deer or some other type of wildlife that I was so familiar with. But, I turned and saw what I still believe was bigfoot. It was a little less than a hundred yards away, and walking perpendicular to me. The strides that it took were amazing, so fluid. There was no real bobbing of the head like I have heard of from other sightings, and the arms didn't swing out as much as others have reported, it was very human like. It's body was covered in a brown hair, not a very dark brown though. It was more the color sandstone, that's the best thing I can think of to compare the color. I watched it walk for about a minute, I was to scared to move at all, so I was just kind of frozen there watching it. Then it stopped right beside a large birch tree. I was afraid that it had seen me and didn't know what it would do, so I turned to look up the hill and contemplate running up the hill towards my house or to turn and run back to my friends house. I decided that I was going to leave my bike and run back to my friends since it wasn't up hill to his house. I turned to look back and see where the creature was at and couldn't see it anymore. I believe it hid behind the large birch that it stopped beside. That's when I ran, I was so scared I just ran to my friends house and didn't even knock, I just ran inside and told them what had happened. I made his dad drive me home, we picked up my bike on the way. I never went down that road again on my bike, I never had the nerve to.","location_details":"I can't remember the exact road name that I spotted it from. But I do know that it was right next to \"The Captians Fancy\" a resort that my mother was the manager of at the time, that's where I lived at. It was about a mile away from there.","county":"Morgan County","state":"Missouri","season":"Summer","title":"Report 5552: Youth bicyclist has daytime sighting near Gravois Mills.","date":"2004-11-20","number":5552,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yvcztye5m","temperature_high":50.73,"temperature_mid":47.415,"temperature_low":44.1,"dew_point":45.19,"humidity":0.85,"cloud_cover":0.99,"moon_phase":0.3,"precip_intensity":0.0003,"precip_probability":0.67,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.79,"wind_bearing":325,"wind_speed":0.99,"year":2004,"geometry":[-92.8254,38.3085]} {"observed":"Bigfoot standing in the middle of hwy 17. was 6 ft. tall or better very dark brown or black. It was looking down at the ground in a north west direction arms to it's side. It looked slim or gaunt. My brother was driving a feed truck back from Tuscumbia, Mo. going north on Hwy 17 about 2 miles from the Marys Home turn off. As he rounded a curve to the left was when he saw it in the road about 200 yds. ahead. He looked away for just a second and It was gone. When he got back to Jefferson City, Mo., in about 30 min, he called me and told me about it, and that he was taking another load down to meet him there. I did so. He showed the place and then he left to make his delivery. I walked up and down both sides of the road and found where somthing had walked up to the fence from the east. The grass was thick and mashed down but no imprints were left. I also noticed the cattal acting spooked. I am making this report for my brother, whom would not.","location_details":"About 200 to 400 yds.south of Buster Rd. on Hwy 17 in the middle of the highway.","county":"Miller County","state":"Missouri","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8890: Truck driver has daylight sighting on country road near Marys Home.","date":"2004-12-05","number":8890,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yy3cjhqg9","temperature_high":47.82,"temperature_mid":47.955,"temperature_low":48.09,"dew_point":36.34,"humidity":0.83,"cloud_cover":0.54,"moon_phase":0.78,"precip_intensity":0.007,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1011.89,"summary":"Rain starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.01,"wind_bearing":145,"wind_speed":3.8,"year":2004,"geometry":[-92.411,38.305]} {"observed":"In the year of 2002/2003 around 3:00 am during the summertime I was leaving my girlfriend's house in Dover, Missouri which is located on the Missouri River bluffs. At the time there were only two houses located in that area on Coal Mine Road. One of the properties was owned by Kerr Orchard, which was in the midst of its apple season, and the other property was owned by the Dunkel family who raised livestock. I was driving (Blue Ford Escort ZX2) south on Coal Mine Road from my girlfriend's house on the gravel road approaching the S-curve. As I rounded the first half of the S-curve, my headlights lit up a large, dark, sparkly/reflective object with yellow eye glow in the middle of the road. I began to slow down my car, and the reflective object hurried to the side of the road still on all fours. As I got closer to the unknown object, initially I thought it was a black bear which is uncommon in this area. All of a sudden, the object stood up on two feet broadsided and froze as I continued to approach it in my car. At this time I observed an unknown creature that was fully covered in extremely long (approximately eight to ten inches long), matted hair. The hair was black and gray and fully covered the creature except for the chest/shoulder area where the creature's skin appeared to be much lighter. I could see large, pectoral muscles in the creature, and at this time I knew the unknown creature was a male. The creature had very broad shoulders and extremely long arms that hung down beyond its kneecaps. I could not see the face or hands because of the long hair covering its body. The creature appeared to be approximately eight feet tall and towered above my vehicle as I was about fifteen feet away from it still driving slowly down the gravel road. I would estimate him to be five hundred or more pounds and was solid muscle. When I passed him, I was so scared and down shifted my clutch to second almost killing my engine. As I continued my drive home to Lexington, Missouri, I could not believe what I had encountered. The next day I told my mom/dad and brothers about what I saw. Before the sighting I have driven home from that area in Dover, Missouri for 5 years and have never seen anything like it before. There is no question about what I saw that night. I know without a doubt I saw a male Bigfoot. In my opinion, the Bigfoot I observed appeared to be a unknown giant Ape that has not been identified by scientist yet.","location_details":"North on P highway from 24 highway. Make a right on Dover Bluff Road and immediate left onto Coal Mine Road.","county":"Lafayette County","state":"Missouri","season":"Summer","title":"Report 62930: Law enforcement officers' face-to-face encounter outside Dover","date":"2003-07-11","number":62930,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yvwd947un","temperature_high":88.16,"temperature_mid":76.96,"temperature_low":65.76,"dew_point":62.32,"humidity":0.6,"cloud_cover":0.31,"moon_phase":0.44,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.5,"uv_index":8,"visibility":8.427,"wind_bearing":242,"wind_speed":5.06,"year":2003,"geometry":[-93.4025,39.1175]} {"observed":"I was living with my daughter and son-in-law while my new home was being built. They live just down the road from me. A friend of mine had asked me to drive her to Montana at that time, so we left and I was gone for at least a week. When I returned, it was around 11:00 at night somewhere around the first part of October 2000. I parked my truck down next to the barn area and walked up towards the house. Off to my immediate right I heard this hair raising guttural growl. My mind was racing...was this one of my nephews bull cows, or was it a deer, but none of those fit anything like that sound. I thought my feet would never get me to the door of the house. This sound was done once again. I finally went in and told my family what I had heard. My son-in-law insisted that it must have been a bear. I have hunted all of my life and know all of the animal sounds, including a bear. The next morning I called the Conservation office, and they put a gentleman on the phone and I related to him what had happened. I even made a similance of the sound the best I could. He said that he and his wife go to Alaska all the time to study bear and he had never heard anything like that and it definitely wasn't a bear. The next night, my other daughter and I were upstairs getting ready for bed around 11:00 p.m again and had the windows open. I heard the same sound again out my bedroom window. I quickly turned out the lights, and my daughter crawled from her room to mine to see if she could also hear it. By then, the sound had stopped. Several days later in the eveming, my grandaughter, grandson, and I believe another grandson were playing outside the garage door which was raised up about 3 feet. They heard this loud guttural sound also very close to the same place I had heard it originally and rolled under the garage door as fast as possible. Since that time, several of my family have had some very scary encounters with this sound near their houses. We live in a very wooded cedar and hardwood area with a year round creek. I would like to relate all of these incidents, but they are fairly numerous. I would be glad to tell you, and introduce you to the ones who have had these various experiences. These creatures have lived in this area for many years. My youngest son who is in college now, was out hunting with his friend. They were both about 11 years old at the time, and were hunting up a powerline when they saw what they thought was person, but realized it had hair on it like a gorilla, and it was shaking a fairly good sized cedar tree, which we assume it was trying to shake something out of it. They both turned and left the woods very quickly.","location_details":"[Details removed by witness request]","county":"Franklin County","state":"Missouri","season":"Fall","title":"Report 20677: Resident describes possible vocalizations near Robertsville.","date":"2002-10-09","number":20677,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9yzd2pf20g","temperature_high":68.11,"temperature_mid":58.865,"temperature_low":49.62,"dew_point":50.09,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.45,"moon_phase":0.12,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1020.06,"summary":"Overcast in the morning.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.96,"wind_bearing":183,"wind_speed":0.73,"year":2002,"geometry":[-90.7,38.40685]} {"observed":"This happened about 1982, in the area of Steelville Missouri. We were camping on the Meremac River. The group consisted of myself, my wife, my son, my daughter and a friend and his wife. The place we camped was on an elderly ladies farm. There were about 5 other campsites, all about 30 yards apart, with our campsite being on the end and closest to where the woods became thick. There was a dirt road that went from our spot into the woods a short distance. While myself and my friend were gathering fire wood, my son...about 7 at the time, sat at the begining of the road playing in the dirt. My wife said all of a sudden he looked down the road, jumped up and made a bee line for her, all the time yelling \" Mommy a big black man. My friend and I heard him screaming and ran back to camp to see what was wrong. I know my son was young at the time, but I'd never seen him so upset. He kept repeating that he saw a big black man standing part way down the road. Now at the time, we lived in St. Louis and my son was used to seeing black people but he insisted this man was differant. After we calmed him down he told us the man was real tall. Way taller than me or my friend, who was about 6'2'. He also insisted the man wasn't wearing clothes but was covered with black hair. My friend and I were both armed and decided to take a look down the road. It was getting dark by then and we didn't see or hear anything out of the ordinary except it did smell like something dead was close. There was to be a huge meteore shower that night so we walked out into a pasture to have a clear view of the sky. The pasture bordered the woods on our left, with our camp and the river to our front. We hadn't been sitting there long when we heard something heavy walking around in the woods. At first we thought it might be a stray cow but the more we listened it sounded more like the way a man would move. What really got our attention was that all of a sudden we heard limbs snapping. Not small ones but big enough to sound like rifle shots. I'm a Vietnam Vet and a long time hunter. I've never heard anything move through woods like that. It spooked us enough that even though we were armed, both carrying .44 cal hand guns, we didn't venture into the woods to investigate. That ended our star gazeing and we spent most of the rest of the night sitting in camp with our pistols close at hand. The next day we found where something had bulldozed it's way through the heavy bush and left some good sized broken limbs and saplings in its wake, but to be honest we didn't look too close. Also the smell of something dead was gone. The rest of the camping trip was un eventfull though I did notice one thing. The lady who's land we were camping on was carrying a 12 gage shotgun every time we saw her. She even had it across her lap when she'd sit on her porch. Never knew her to do that before. She was of old hillbilly stock and not one to scare easy so I asked her about it. She just replied she wanted it close and would say no more. To sum it up, My son's insisting he saw a very big hairy black man, the way it frightened him,the noise that night and the broken trail of brush and limbs, the smell and the elderly ladies keeping her shotgun close at hand, I have to wonder. Especially since I read, here on your site, of other bigfoot sightings in the area.","location_details":"Can't remember the exact directions to get there, my brother in law would know as he grew up in the area and has family there, but it's about mid way, on the river, between Meramec Springs and Onondaga Cave.","county":"Crawford County","state":"Missouri","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6775: Child has daylight sighting along Meramec River","date":"2004-12-05","number":6775,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9yz0vdjddm","temperature_high":49.92,"temperature_mid":49.415,"temperature_low":48.91,"dew_point":36.92,"humidity":0.75,"moon_phase":0.78,"precip_intensity":0.0021,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Drizzle in the morning and afternoon.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":180,"wind_speed":6.94,"year":2004,"geometry":[-91.1569,38.11203]} {"observed":"I don't know what to think. I have visited this website many, many times and was impressed by what I have read and the research you do. I have to add what I have experienced. First a little background on me: I am 60 years old and work for the U.S. Government. I have been camping for most of my life and was an Adult Boy Scout Leader and Trainer for approx. 20 years. I have been hunting for over 30 years as well. I know the animals that inhabit the woods in Missouri. I own 80 fenced acres of private property in the Mark Twain National Forest in Dent County Missouri. I am bordered on the southeast 40 acres by a farm and on the northwest 40 acres by a farm. The rest is all National Forest on all sides of my property. On my property there is a wet weather creek that almost always has a little water in it. My property is mostly oak forest with about 10 acres of open space that was once used for grazing cattle. There is a pine foreset on the northeast side where an old logging road is our entrance to the property. I have heard some strange vocalizations since buying the property over 3 years ago. I have heard the same or similar sounds or \"vocalizations\" on this website. I know what bobcat, coyote, screech owls, barred owls and most other \"forest animals and birds\" sound like and these vocalizations don't sound like any of these. I have also heard the banging of wood on trees in the woods around me at night. I was staying overnight at this \"farm/hunting cabin\" of mine on the weekend of 15-17 April 2005. There was a 3/4 moon out and the nights were very clear and somewhat cool (about 48-52 degrees on Friday & Saturday nights) but I had the window cracked as I like to go to sleep to the \"night sounds\". I had just gone to bed (about 10:30PM) on Friday night when I heard the \"night sounds\" completely stop. About 4-5 minutes later I heard an incredibly loud screech or scream come from somewhere close and from the southwest of my \"farm/hunting cabin\" (probably within 200-300 yards at the most). About 30 seconds later there was an answering vocalization from quite a ways off and to the southeast. This repeated 4 different times. Each time the vocalizations got closer together and the one closest to my cabin got farther away towards the southeast. Between the 2nd and 3rd vocalizations I heard a banging like a board was being smacked against a tree. There was 3 load bangs from close to me and then three (almost answering) bangs from the vocalization farther away. After the 4th vocalization (which seemed very close to each other and farther from me) all the vocalizations and tree banging stopped. About 3-4 minutes later the whippoorwills started in and the \"night sounds\" came back to the woods. On Saturday night it was very much like the night before except there were no vocalizations or tree banging, just the \"night sounds\" ceasing and about 3-4 minutes later the window right next to my bed (on the outside this window is about 4 feet from the ground to the bottom of the window and the window is 2' wide and 3' tall) went completely dark as if something stood outside and blocked out the moon and stars at the window. This \"blackout\" only lasted for 2-5 seconds. I don't know exactly how long for sure as I was practically holding my breath and trying to be as quiet as possible. I even reached for my pistol just to be safe. I had the window slightly open and DID NOT smell anything special like I have read about. I did smell what smelled like a wet dog and there were no dogs around that weekend. I should know as I have 2 Labrador Retrievers and a Rottweiler, none of which where with me at the time. I did go to the door, after the moonlight came back in through the window, and turned on the porch light to see if I could see what had blocked out the moonlight. There was nothing there and there was not even a cloud in the night sky. I was alone at the \"farm/hunting cabin\" doing some scouting for the upcoming Turkey season. The next morning I looked under the window and as much as 10 feet away for any sign of footprints but there was nothing there. The ground was covered by leaf clutter all around the \"farm/hunting cabin\" and I couldn't find any trace of footprints in the dry leaves. I don't know what this was but if someone wants to call me they can","location_details":"Withheld at witness request.","county":"Dent County","state":"Missouri","season":"Spring","title":"Report 11453: Vocalizations and wood knocking in Mark Twain National Forest.","date":"2005-04-15","number":11453,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9ywypfdkrr","temperature_high":78.74,"dew_point":31.71,"humidity":0.27,"moon_phase":0.22,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":79,"wind_speed":2.07,"year":2005,"geometry":[-91.41383,37.63169]} {"observed":"Overview: Dates - Oct. 17 -20, 2002 Location - Douglas County, MO near Dora, MO - Mark Twain National Forest Campground off CC Highway, North Fork, Campsite #20 (Pine loop). Evidence - Loud calls, rock/boulder throwing, footprints, displaced log in middle of lower trail, multiple incidents. Witnesses - Myself and camping partner, Carl. No other campers were in the entire park on 10/17/02. Incident #1 10/17/02 approx 7:30-8:00 PM After eating dinner my camping partner and I were sitting in front of the large camp fire facing the stream (North Fork of the White river). It was an extremely quiet night. No crickets, or locusts or frogs/toads could be heard at all. It was very quite. We were talking and listening to music. Over the music I heard an animalistic sounding call out of my right ear. I heard it twice before I asked Carl if he heard it. To me it sounded about 150 - 200 yards away, upstream and on the opposite side of the stream up on the bluffs over looking the stream. He said, \"I hear something\". I jumped up and turned off the music. Immediately after turning off the music we both heard a similar call from downstream approximately 50-100 yards away. It sounded as though it was coming from the upper path running parallel to the stream. The campsite (#20 - Pine Loop) was unique as it was created in the middle of the upper trail. In other words, someone walking the trail would actually walk right in the middle of the campsite. The call was very unusual. It sounded initially somewhat canine. When I first heard the second call I was unsure of my original impression of the first call coming from upstream. Carl and I are both avid outdoor/camping enthusiasts. Carl 50-60 years old and has been an outdoorsman most of his life. I am 30-40 years old and have been camping many times as a child, with Carl twice per year for the last 10 years, and with my own family. We have both heard many identifiable animal calls while in the forest. This was an animal call that was unlike anything we had ever heard, or seen on any documentary or while camping. To describe the sound this animal made is difficult. It began the call as a canine type \"howl\" followed by a \"whoop\" or \"bark\" repeated several times. This was NOT a coyote or wolf. The pitch was much deeper and tonal quality gave the impression of something larger than a coyote or wolf. The animal made 2-3 of these \"howl/whoops\" and then was silent. During the silence Carl and I speculated as to the source. We immediately ruled out coyote and wolf as we had both heard those animals in the past. We heard no movement of the animal during the silence - but we were talking/whispering to each other and could have missed any movement sounds. 30-45 seconds after the downstream calls, what we believed to be the same animal let out a call the truly defies description. The animal was now almost directly in front of us if not slightly downstream. The sound appeared to come from the lower path running parallel to the stream just in front of us. This would make the animal approx 35 yards away between the campsite and the stream. The call was another \"howl/whoop\" combination repeated 2-3 times. It was so loud that the echo from behind me was almost equal to the original sound in volume. It was a \"blood curdling\" call. Clearly the animal was either posturing or warning us. I felt the call was directed specifically to us. The call was almost human - but would have had to be a very large tall human. The depth and volume of the call indicated to me an animal of a minimum of 150 - 200 pounds. For the first time in my 38 years, an animal call triggered my \"fight or flight response\". I immediately picked up a large knife and felt an almost over-whelming urge to loudly scream back into the darkness and to rush toward the sound. My adrenaline was pumping. I said to Carl that I felt the sound resembled a large human imitating a wolf. That the call was very \"exaggerated\" and was clearly meant to scare us. We speculated that someone might be playing a hoax on us. Carl responded that he felt this was a close description of the sound. Just as he said those words, not more than 5 seconds after the end of the loud call in front of us, we heard a second animal make the SAME call from 150 yeards or so UPSTREAM. When we heard the second animal make an identical call, we knew we were not dealing with a human prank. I am a musician. The second animal was not a human being. The second animal's tonal characteristics and depth matched the first animals almost identically. We humans have such different voices. I would have been able to differentiate the two human voices from each other if it was a prank. When we heard the second animal we knew we were hearing something neither of us could explain. It was NOT human, it was NOT a coyote or wolf, it could not be explained. The second animal seemed to be giving it's location to the first. The first animal seemed \"male\" or parental. The second animal seemed \"female\". Within 30 seconds, The first animal seemed to have moved from in front of us and was now approx 75 -100 yards upstream and on the opposite bank where it met up with the second animal. Both animals then gave 2-3 howling/whoops. Immediately following both animals began a series of completely different sounds. These were very spooky sounding. The sounds were very fast, gutteral and rising and falling in pitch. It sounded like a language to me. It sounded as though they were having a very emotional verbal argument. It was almost like a cross between a gorilla's grunt and a witch's cackle. Then it sounded as if both animals ran further up stream and over the bluff. The enitre series of calls lasted approximately 5-7 minutes. Incident #2 10/17/02 approx 9:45 -10:00 PM. I had gone into the tent to sleep at approx 9:30. Carl followed a little later - approx 10-15 minutes. Immediately after Carl entered the tent we heard one animal make the same \"howl/whoop\" combination 2-3 times and then silence. It appeared to come from the upstream direction about 100-150 yards away. Incident #3 10/18/02 appox 02:00 AM I was awakened by a very loud crashing sound. I heard the sound 2-3 times before I woke Carl up. The sound appeared to some from slightly upstream - maybe 20 yeards or less. The sound was VERY loud. It sounded as if very LARGE (minimum of 20 pound - possibly 100 pound or greater) boulders were being purposely thrown in the stream. The boulders were so large that the sound had to parts. The first was the object hitting the water, the second was the object hitting the river bed itself. It was a \"Splat-boom Boom\" cannon type sound. Carl had been snoring loudly (as do I) prior to waking up. This sound happened at least 12 times over a 5 minute period. I stated to Carl - \"This shows intelligence and strength\". I believe it was still trying to scare us off. Immediately after the last boulder impact we heard one of two animals make a very brief \"howl/whoop\" (1-2 times). It was as if the animal wanted to place his signature on the boulder throwing. Incident #4 10/18/02 While exploring the lower path 20 yards from our campsite, Carl discovered a large log blocking the path. This water soaked log was completely out of place. It did not come from any surrounding trees. When I attempted to pick it up it crumbled in my grasp. We did not see the log on the path on 10/17/02 - however it was dark and we could have missed it. It appeared to also be a \"message\" - as though something wanted to block our path downstream. Incident #5 10/19/02 10:00 AM While walking on the upper path downstream approx 40-75 yards from our campsite, Carl and I found 2 foot prints. They were approx 14 inches in length. The heel and ball of the print appeared very human like - very similar to \"Big Foot\" prints and casts I have seen in various medias. However, the toes were very different. The clearest print showed this to be a THREE-TOED Creature. I am NOT CRAZY. I could not believe only three toes. The toes were very human if not \"pod-like\" in appearance. We took several pictures of the clearest print. We did not have the materials to make a cast. Carl felt the print might not even lend itself to casting. We did get several pictures of the prints. We could not identify any other charateristics from the prints. I will say this - as with the loudest call from directly in front of us - I believe whatever made these prints is very large. A minimum of 6.5 feet tall and 250 pounds. More likely my \"instincts\" tell me it is 7-8 foot tall and 350-500 pounds. It appeared from the angle of the prints that the animal came down the trail and was alarmed/suprised/angry to see our camp blocking the middle of the trail. The trail was hard packed and yielded no prints. The prints found were just off the side of the trail and in very soft and somewhat wet soil. Incident #6 Unlike the evening of 10/17/02. The evening of 10/18 and 10/19 brought scattered rain showers. Depsite the rain, the forest was NOT eerily quiet as it was on 10/17. Crickets, frogs, etc. were very loud on 10/18 and 10/19. Strange!","location_details":"Mark Twain National Forest Campground along the North Fork in the Devil's Backbone recreation area just outside Dora, MO in Douglas County off route CC. Campite #20 in the \"Pine\" Loop.","county":"Douglas County","state":"Missouri","season":"Fall","title":"Report 5123: Loud calls, rock/boulder throwing disturbs campers","date":"2004-11-19","number":5123,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9yw3p502nr","temperature_high":55.5,"temperature_mid":52.835,"temperature_low":50.17,"dew_point":49.19,"humidity":0.91,"cloud_cover":0.87,"moon_phase":0.26,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1016.06,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":2,"visibility":6.81,"wind_bearing":204,"wind_speed":1.68,"year":2004,"geometry":[-92.1527,36.7548]} {"observed":"My four year old son and I were visiting my parents who lived in Lonedell, Missouri. My mother was napping, my father was at work (he helped farm there on the land--they lived in a trailer on the about 350 acres owned by their landlord). I was sitting on the front porch with my son and my parent's dog, Buddy. It was mid-afternoon, probably between 1 and 3 pm. I noticed something or someone walking in the field connected to the front yard coming in our direction. My first instinct was to get my baby and get inside. However, I could not help but stand in the doorway, screen door closed but the wooden door open just enough for me to peer through. Whatever that thing was, it kept coming closer to the trailer. By this time, Buddy (the dog) was timidly barking. I could tell from his bark that he was threatened but afraid. I felt bad leaving the dog out on the porch alone, but was too afraid to go out there. The thing (for lack of a known word to call what it was that I saw)was walking, on two legs, aimlessly, not in a hurry and I could not find a reason as to why it came into the yard as it was just looking around aimlessly and leisurely walking. There was a wooden fence, mostly for decoration and only about 20 feet long, that the thing walked next to. My mother had some decorations (can't remember what) hanging on the fence that the thing seemed to look at. The dog barking did not startle the creature, it just kept walking. I was absolutely astounded by what I was seeing; if not for the fact that the dog was seeing it too, I would have wondered if my eyes and/or brain was playing tricks on me. I decided to be brave and opened the screen door just enough to stick my head outside. That's when the thing looked at me, met my gaze. I just stood there, half afraid of it's reaction and it's next move but more curious than anything. My heart was racing. I held my son up to look at it also, still indoors. After it looked at me and yet showed no fear I had more time to study it and I was racking my brain to identify what it was that I was seeing. Here is the best description I can give...It was between 4-6 feet tall, walking on two legs, covered from head to toe in very long white hair. It's face was mostly covered in white hair as well, except for it's eyes and maybe it's mouth. It did not have the snout like a dog, it's shape and build was that of a human's. I even compared it to a bear in my head, but their were not enough similarities. This thing was not very animalistic in behavior--the way it walked and looked at me were more typical of human behaviors. Yet, the way it wandered and seemed oblivious to the man-made things around it (cars, the trailer, even the fence) was more like the characteristics of an animal. I did not get the feeling that it was aggressive or wanting to cause harm. Yet, because of the size and animalistic nature of it, I knew that it was strong and could hurt me, my son, or the dog. It began to walk around the side of the garage, out of my sight, but closer towards the end of the trailer that had the bedroom my mom was napping in. I ran down into the bedroom and began frantically looking out the windows searching to see where it had gone. i woke my mother up in my tizzy and quickly told her what I had seen and I wanted her to look. She was still half-asleep and slow to process what I was saying. I did not see where it went from there. I could not locate it through the windows and I was much too afraid to go outside and look. My mom, my son, and I all sat and talked about what I had seen that afternoon. I was still shook up about it. My son was able to confirm to my mother that it was not a dog, not a bear. The fact that we both saw and heard that dog barking at it helped to convince my mom that it wasn't a human or another dog, bear, etc. My mom said that people down the road have two big white dogs--but like I told her, this thing was walking on two legs, not on all fours like a dog. For many other reasons, I knew it was not a dog. I'd never seen a bear in real life before, but I am sure it was not a bear either. I had heard of and seen animated Yetis on a pc game before. That was the closest thing I could match to what I had seen. I knew then and know now that many people do not believe Yetis are real--but whatever it was that I saw that day makes me wonder if they are in fact real and if that is what I saw. I believe it was late summer when this happened. Nice weather, sunny day. Like I said, mid-afternoon and it was out in the open. There were clear farmlands all around us. One pond stocked with fish and swans right next to the end of the trailer that it went in the direction of. There were also two other ponds on the land. I know that a lot of the 350 acres was wooded. Also, there was a road about 300 feet from where the thing was and also from where I was. There was only about 150 feet between myself and the creature. I'm not good at mathematical estimations, but I was as close as I would have wanted to be to whatever that was. It looked as if it could have made about 10 strides to me in a very short amount of time, so I stayed inside. I've read a few of the other sightings here on your sight, but all that I have read are of people seeing creatures covered in dark brown or almost black long hair. That wasn't the case with me. The description of the hair being that it was very long and covered the whole creature, not tangled, matted, or dissarrayed, but it was a blinding white color--didn't even look dirty or yellowed. I wish I could remember its hands or feet, but I can't. I can say that it's eyes were bigger than that of a human's and seemed very dark. Other than when we met each other's gaze, it had it's head looking down so I could not see it's eyes or facial features well if at all. It did not make any noises at all. It hardly made any sounds while walking. This happened about 5 years ago and I have not forgotten it--never will forget it. In fact, my son still remembers seeing it as well. I told my dad about it when he got home--he couldn't tell me what it was either, had not seen anything like that before. I've told my husband, my brother, some friends--no one can relate to what I saw or help me to name what it was. I often wish I could go back to that day and be less afraid and more willing to study it, to even sit outside and watch it instead of hiding inside. I doubt I will ever see anything like that again, and yet I don't know if I really want to, lol. I hope this helps with your work in some way. I had no idea that there have been so many sightings of similar creatures in Missouri and in our country as a whole. I'm going to look through some more stories of sightings after I submit this--I'm curious to see if anyone else has reported a white creature before. It feels great to share my story with someone who might be able to tell me what it was that I saw that day--someone who might have seen something like this before themselves. Thanks, Amber.","location_details":"Lonedell, MO","county":"Franklin County","state":"Missouri","season":"Summer","title":"Report 24879: Daylight sighting of a white-haired Bigfoot in a yard outside Lonedell","date":"2005-08-25","number":24879,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yxrjb63c1","cloud_cover":0.22,"moon_phase":0.72,"summary":"Partly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":8,"visibility":8.91,"wind_bearing":51,"wind_speed":0.72,"year":2005,"geometry":[-90.79886,37.79465]} {"observed":"On 4-11-03 my son came running to the house screaming let me in..let me in. He was shaking and very upset. He said the woods monster was going to get him. I asumed his older brother had scared him. I confronted his brother and told him to quit scaring his brother. He said he was not even near him and wanted to know why he was crying in such hystericks. When I asked my son again he said it was not his brother...it was the woods monster. I went outside to the back yard, our house sets at the edge of a big woods just up from a river. I smelled something musky, I then had a good idea what he might have seen. My son is 5yrs old, He knows nothing of bigfoot other than the monster truck. When asked again he said it was just looking at him, I asked was he small or...before I could say anymore he said no, he was big like this...pointing to the ceiling in our livingroom. My wife asked, why do you say he...my son replied..he's just like us only bigger. Then I asked him if he smelled anything. He said yes it stunk like a skunk. We laughed at what he said and decided to drop it so he could calm down and sleep that night. The next morning he came to our bed, I asked him if he was going outside today...he said no..then said if he did he would not go near the woods. My wife asked if he could draw what he saw. He said yes. He took a piece of printer paper and got his crayons. He dumped out the crayons and after a second or so said Do you seen the brown crayon. I told him it was still in the crayon tin. He first drew a big rectangle and colored it brown. Then he took the red and drew arms and legs and head. He also drew some squigly line around it, those were the branches he was looking through. Then I got on the computer, I found the picture of the Patterson film. As soon as the picture materialized on the screen my son backed up and said THATS IT. I beleve my son 100% because abot 20-21yrs ago I seen something similar not 200yrds in the same woods. And in 1975 my now brother-in-law saw the same thing not 10 miles or so from here. I just found out today that some people not more than 3 miles from here had some kind of an incident the night after my son seen what he saw. If interested in the other stories you may contact me. I wished that my sons encounter not list any names due to ridicule from people in the area. Myson had to many right answers to what he saw for someone who didn't even know this thing exists. I dont talk about my encounter, and never have around my sons. And we monitor what they watch on tv. He had all the right answers. A 5yr old doesn't just pull things like that out of his imagination.","location_details":"Withheld by request.","county":"Gasconade County","state":"Missouri","season":"Spring","title":"Report 6194: Two decades separate sightings of father and son at farm","date":"2003-04-11","number":6194,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yycg08mpv","temperature_high":72.46,"temperature_mid":58.055,"temperature_low":43.65,"dew_point":33.73,"humidity":0.47,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.31,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.6,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":345,"wind_speed":1.31,"year":2003,"geometry":[-91.6253,38.28]} {"observed":"The events of that I am about to relate to you happened on August 9, 2002. just outside of Springfield Missouri. It was about 2:00am. My son and I had driven out into the country to get away from the city lights to watch the Persudes meteor Shower. We drove south on Hwy ZZ and stopped at the top of a large hill. We turned west onto a gravel road and stopped on the top of a hill. There were no close by trees or structures to interfere with our viewing of the night sky. It was a clear night with no moon. After a few minutes in the dark our eyes adjusted quite well. We could see the open fields to the East and south and north of us. Looking west we could see the light colored road going down the hill and off into the distance. After watching the sky for a few minutes I noticed out of the corner of my eye something large moving in the field south of us. At first I couldn't tell if I was actually seeing something or not, when I looked directly at it I couldn't see it but then if I looked off center of it I could see it in my peripheral vision. At times it seemed to be moving west then east. I realized it was zigzagging back and forth. I asked my son if he saw it but he didn't. About then there was a flurry of shooting stars and I diverted attention to the sky again figuring it must have been a cow or a deer. After a few minutes both my son and I were facing north east when we heard a very deep and loud growl from behind us. Almost together we turned to each other and said\" did you hear that\". Turning around we both could see a large object in the road. We could not make out any details except its outline against the light colored roadway. It was huge, it seemed to have a roughly man like shape but a kind of cone head and extremely wide shoulders. It was swaying back and forth about half way down the hill. After watching it for a few seconds I realized that it was swaying back and forth because it was walking up the hill toward us. At this time it growled yet again, a very low deep rumble like growl. I noticed how quiet everything else was. In fact I remember thinking how funny it was that the thing made no sound on the gravel as it walked. By this time it was getting fairly close, perhaps three to four car lengths away. It growled once again very loud and what seemed unnaturally long. With that my son screamed \"lets get the hell out of here\" We jumped into our car and I floored it down the road and back to the highway. I didn't slow down till we hit town. The next day, (in full daylight of course) I went back out to the spot. I didn't find any tracks or anything. I did however notice that there was a 4 foot high barbwire fence between the field on the South and the road. If this thing was the same thing that I had seen in the field zigzagging across it would have had to step or jump the fence, as the fence was not strong enough for anyone to climb. Especially something as big as this. I do not know what it was but it obviously did not want us there and made no bones about it. I am very curious if anyone else in this area has seen anything similar recently.","location_details":"South on Hwy ZZ to the Greene / Christian county line, turn west on side road.","county":"Greene County","state":"Missouri","season":"Summer","title":"Report 5286: Meteor watchers see large two-legged dark creature approach vehicle near Springfield","date":"2002-08-09","number":5286,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yte1cq0s0","temperature_high":88.01,"temperature_mid":77.205,"temperature_low":66.4,"dew_point":55.3,"humidity":0.56,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.03,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1018.99,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":10,"visibility":9.66,"wind_bearing":122,"wind_speed":4.78,"year":2002,"geometry":[-93.4303,37.0968]} {"observed":"I grew up on a dairy farm, and would bring in the cows for the evening milking. This was often done on horse back for both pleasure and convenience. Since I was only ten years old at the time I didn't have to actually milk the cows after they were at the barn, and could ride the horse while my brother and father milked. On the evening of the incident I was riding our appaloosa Gelding south from the barn lot toward the back of our farm. Most of our farm had been cleared by dozing eight years before, but the farm behind ours was completely overgrown,with trees,and brush, and it had not been used for anything for several years. The east boundry of our farm was a river, and there are many caves and sink holes in the area due to the karst topography. As I mantioned above most of our farm was open so visability is good. I had ridden about 100 yards west of the barn and was within about 100 yards of the back fence when Ace, our horse stopped walking. I kicked him in the ribs a little to get him going again, but he would only go a step or two and would stop again. This went on fow several minutes with me trying to force Ace who was a very well behaved horse to go forward. I only managed to get him to go perhaps 20 or 30 yards, before he would go no further. All the while he was stamping his front feet, and snorting air out his nose in great puffs,as well as having his ears laid back against his head. I was getting very frustrated with Ace, and was slapping the reigns against his flanks, and kicking my heels into him,but he would not go. At this time from behind a small cedar tree a large black humanoid creature stood up, as though it had been crouched there hiding. It turned toward the back fence of our farm, being just on our side of the fence. I took four or five long strides walking upright then jumped the fence like a man would jump over something, rather like a great hop. I didn't get a chance to watch what ever it was because Ace turned and bolted back for the barn, and there was nothing I could do to stop him. I was barely able to stay in the saddle he was running so recklessly. I got my father and brother, and we went back to where I saw what ever it was but it was long gone. I remember that it was not covered with long stringy hair as these things are often reported, but was very dark from head to toe.I saw it from about 60 to 70 yards away,clearly with nothing between us until it jumped the fence. It was probably 6:00 to 6:30 pm, but it was only late September so it was still light out at the time.There were other occurrences in this area with screams, or cries at night, the sound of crashing movement in the brush near our house, and a putrid,rotten smell that when smelled while coon hunting would cause the hound to come back to us, and they would slink around at our heels with their tails between their legs. These things took happened over several years, but mine was the only actual sighting of anything, by my family.","county":"Greene County","state":"Missouri","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9502: Young horse rider has daytime sighting near Ash Grove.","date":"2004-12-05","number":9502,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9ytkmu02gt","temperature_high":49.3,"temperature_mid":49.585,"temperature_low":49.87,"dew_point":38.81,"humidity":0.85,"cloud_cover":0.66,"moon_phase":0.78,"precip_intensity":0.0084,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1011.64,"summary":"Light rain until afternoon.","uv_index":2,"visibility":6.71,"wind_bearing":149,"wind_speed":5.7,"year":2004,"geometry":[-93.614,37.3317]} {"observed":"It was a bright sunny summer day. My 14 year old daughter and I were on our way to pick up my 16 year old daughter. I was watching the road ahead and saw a figure cross the road from one treeline on the west side of zz to the east side treeline. We were about 800 ft . away. I ask my daughter to look and tell me what she saw, she said \" Bigfoot or something like it\". It looked about 7 ft. tall and 300 lbs. It had a long lope as it cleared the road in seconds and by the time we were where it had been, there was no sign, not that I stayed long. It looked like it had long hair. The next weekend my neighbor came over and mentioned that her 6yr. old granddaughter had came in the other day yelling grandma theres a monster in the field. She just brushed it off, and I never told her what we saw.","county":"Chariton County","state":"Missouri","season":"Summer","title":"Report 7766: Motorist has daylight sighting near Marceline.","date":"2004-11-21","number":7766,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9zjfjm79xz","temperature_high":42.58,"temperature_mid":38.595,"temperature_low":34.61,"dew_point":32.87,"humidity":0.79,"moon_phase":0.34,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":31,"wind_speed":3.03,"year":2004,"geometry":[-92.9282,39.7557]} {"observed":"The incident all started at our house in Cedar Springs, MO. we were burning trash in our trash barrel and playing our harmonicas. we then decided to race around the poll barn about 100 yards away. we then moved our way to the side of the car parked about 5 yards to the left of the trash barrell. i decided to spout a few notes off my harmonica to start the race. once finished we both layed down our mouth harps and got ready to run the two of us took about 2 - 3 paces and both stopped dead in our track not saying or looking at each other we both turned and ran. what we both noted that we saw was something that was very tall and broad. it stopped and looked at us as we ran towards it and I believe that is what startled us the most is that no animal would just stand as two humans ran towards it.","county":"Cedar County","state":"Missouri","season":"Fall","title":"Report 23686: Two young men almost run into a large nighttime visitor north of Stockton Lake","date":"2005-11-18","number":23686,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9ytr3n39xk","temperature_high":55.44,"dew_point":24.84,"humidity":0.51,"moon_phase":0.59,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":255,"wind_speed":2.18,"year":2005,"geometry":[-93.82087,37.87153]} {"observed":"I am 27 years old now, this happened when I was about 11, I believe the year 2000. I realize I was young, however, I have thought about this experience many times over the years and have not been able to explain what was seen that day. I was with two other people, one female who was my age at the time and her brother who was about 13-14 years old. The two of us girls were walking and he was on a bike. We were on the outskirts of Columbia, MO, I am not sure of the exact location but I did force my dad to walk that path with me again in the days after so I'm sure he would remember. The bike path was wooded on both sides, the weather that day was overcast but since it was the middle of the afternoon the visibility was fine. We were about 30 yards from where the path opened up to a lake. We were just walking and chatting and, unannounced, this creature walked out of the left side of the woods (no excessive noise, just a little bit if rustling like a deer was moving around) it then crossed the path and moved up into the right side of the woods. No drama, no growling or screaming... it did nothing to spook us. It just quietly and matter of factly walked from one side of the woods to the other. It did not look at us or do anything threatening. It was only about 6-6.5 ft tall, fairly thin (lanky almost.. the best way to describe it I find is to compare it to an Irish wolfhound dog on two legs, without the dog shaped facial structure). It had longer, stringy hair. The most striking part to me and what I remember most clearly, is that it's hair was grey, not brown. It was a dirty-grey type color. I did not see any facial features distinctly. It's gate was long-strided, the arms were longer and I remember they swung by its sides in an ape-like manner. The entire encounter was fairly short and unassuming. We saw this creature walk calmly across the path, no one said a word but we all wheeled around and ran the entire way back to the house.. I just remember being genuinely scared. I know I was young but I know I saw something that I struggle to comprehend or explain even today. I don't know if Bigfoot is a real animal but I know what I saw was not just someone trying to scare us.","county":"Boone County","state":"Missouri","season":"Spring","title":"Report 58092: Recollection of a daytime bike path crossing in front of three youths near Columbia","date":"2000-05-01","number":58092,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yyme0388n","temperature_high":76.08,"temperature_mid":67.085,"temperature_low":58.09,"dew_point":56.44,"humidity":0.69,"cloud_cover":0.71,"moon_phase":0.91,"precip_intensity":0.0005,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1012.53,"summary":"Light rain in the morning.","uv_index":8,"visibility":9.65,"wind_bearing":242,"wind_speed":1.67,"year":2000,"geometry":[-92.32704,38.93704]} {"observed":"On November 18, 2004 at approximately 6:45 pm, I was traveling south on a winding, dirt road less than 5 miles from my home on C Hwy between McDowell and East Purdy, Mo. As I drove along, I noticed ahead in the ditch line, an animal. I know that there is a mule that often gets out nad roams the area, so I slowed down considerably so as not to hit her. As I got closer, it stood up, facing my Explorer. Instead of moving into the headlight beam as a deer or something would do, it came at an angle from the ditch, towards the passenger side of my truck. It was in my estimate, at least as tall as I am (5'8\") covered with hair. The hair was a buff or light color. All I really remember at that point is hitting the lock button on my doors and screaming. It came up to the passenger side window and I could see it's chest. If I saw the face, I do not recall it, just the chest in the window. I was screaming and hit the accelorator and sped away as fast as I could. I don't know what it was, only that I have never seen anything like it before in my life. But, it does make me wonder about events that have happened around our house in the past. In the spring of this year, my dogs started going crazy barking and I stepped out onto the porch to see what was wrong. I hear a scream that I took to be a mountain lion. Knowing that I had a dog in the back pasture, I went to my truck and went to the back to let her into the main pasture with the other dogs. I noticed on my way down to the back pasture that my very large dogs had all of my goats in a tight knot by the small barn and the dogs were in a semi-circle around the goats. When I got to the back, to let the other dog in, I noticed that there was no sound at all in the woods nearby. My dogs were silent. The dog that I went down to get was terrified and rushed through the open gate as soon as I opened it. I went back to the house and went to bed. The next day the neighbor told me that my dogs had fought something behind his house at about 3 am. He didn't know what it was, only that it was large. When I checked my dogs out, they did not have the slash cuts they would have had, if they had tangled with a mountain lion. There were scrapes but that was about it. Our fence at the back of the place was also pushed down. Our fence consists of cattle panels that are 52\" tall. They are hooked to the post with heavy wire ties. I can not bend the ties with my bare hands. At the place where the fence was pushed down, the panel was loose from the post and the clips were in the brush. AT the time I thought it odd, as a mountain lion would not have been capable of doing this. A bear could, but not a cougar.","location_details":"I can show you the place where I saw it.","county":"Barry County","state":"Missouri","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9840: Nighttime sighting on country dirt road","date":"2004-12-06","number":9840,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yt33j8j0b","temperature_high":58.71,"temperature_mid":49.985,"temperature_low":41.26,"dew_point":51.97,"humidity":0.95,"moon_phase":0.81,"precip_intensity":0.0232,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Rain starting in the evening.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":175,"wind_speed":3.51,"year":2004,"geometry":[-93.8232,36.8133]} {"observed":"around july-2004 my self and some friends were camping at Rocky Fork Lake in Cloumbia, Mo. we were standing around a camp fire and were proceeding to cookup some dinner when something came from the south side of our site. it sounded like a huge animal. it ran past our site..it came as close as 6-8 feet of us. it circled us three times and then ran to the lake front . it made a whaling sound from the water area. it was a high pitch howl that sounded as it was attacking something. it sounded as a pig squealing. it ran behind us.","location_details":"the location was at the Rocky Fork Lake which is part of the FingerLake Park located outside of columbia","county":"Boone County","state":"Missouri","season":"Summer","title":"Report 27023: Huge animal screams and circles campsite at Finger Lake Park","date":"2004-07-13","number":27023,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9yyq75z355","temperature_high":93.73,"temperature_mid":82.95,"temperature_low":72.17,"dew_point":75.97,"humidity":0.77,"cloud_cover":0.06,"moon_phase":0.88,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1013.54,"summary":"Humid throughout the day.","uv_index":10,"visibility":9.96,"wind_bearing":263,"wind_speed":4.68,"year":2004,"geometry":[-92.31901,39.08817]} {"observed":"I was parking out in the woods with my date late one fall evening. All of a sudden my car began to shake. I looked out the drivers side-window and found myself looking at a huge face. We stared at each other not over 3 inches from each other through the glass. I hurriedly started the car and put the headlights on. The first thing we saw was that now the animal was on the passenger side of the car and on all fours as if it were trying to stay out of the light from the headlights. The animal hurriedly covered the 35 feet in front of the car and into the woods. It only stood up as it reached the trees. The speed that it moved was amazing. It was much faster than any deer. It was over 7 feet tall, brown and had a large head though we could not see the face. We quickly left the area and headed back to town. It took over an hour to get my girlfriend calmed down.","location_details":"dead end county road","county":"Callaway County","state":"Missouri","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9941: Couple has car shaken and sees large animal up close near Tebbetts.","date":"2004-12-06","number":9941,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yyeeqe1c1","temperature_high":58.66,"temperature_mid":52.515,"temperature_low":46.37,"dew_point":50.56,"humidity":0.89,"cloud_cover":0.81,"moon_phase":0.81,"precip_intensity":0.0109,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1006.22,"summary":"Rain starting in the evening.","uv_index":2,"visibility":8.4,"wind_bearing":164,"wind_speed":3.24,"year":2004,"geometry":[-91.96238,38.62]} {"observed":"This is the second report I have submitted. The first was of screams in Arizona where I am living now. This one took place in Jackson County Mississippi in 1973. My father was living in Ocean Springs and working for Littons Ship Systems in Pascagoula. I had joined him there from Arizona when I decided to try my hand at pipefitting instead of Mining. I had bought an acre of land and put a trailer house on it before I had my wife join me. We were on the south side of town in an area of bayous. One night we were at my Dads place playing dominoes when we ran out of diapers for my baby daughter. It was only about a half mile from Dads to my house, so the wife and I jumped in the pick-up and went to the house for more diapers. I had two Red Bone hounds penned in the back of the house and when we got there they were barking as if they had something treed. I was curious as to what they were barking at, as they seldom barked while penned. When I got out of the truck, I noticed a rancid smell coming from the back of the house. I ask my wife what she had given the hounds and she said nothing that smelled that bad. I left the truck running and we went into the house and gathered the new diapers then back to the truck and left. We didn't give it anymore thought that night. I didn't pay much attention when we got back home later, but didn't remember smelling anything then. The next night we were back at my Dads playing dominoes again, and listening to the news from the TV. We heard a report from Pas Christian that a woman had called the police and reported a hairy ape looking man outside her backyard, looking in her kitchen window. She said it was looking over her back fence, which was six foot tall, and she could see it's head and shoulders above the fence. Also, the kicker was that it was accompanied by a rancid smell like rotting meat. The same smell I encountered around my house the night before. Wow, was that weird. I looked around the next morning, but couldn't find any tracks or anything around the house. And there was no smell of rotting meat to be detected. I think we had a close encounter.","location_details":"South of town, near the gulf about half mile from the ocean.","county":"Jackson County","state":"Mississippi","season":"Fall","title":"Report 2376: Young couple encounter a rancid smell","date":"2001-09-08","number":2376,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dj2uughukt","temperature_high":84.31,"temperature_mid":78.345,"temperature_low":72.38,"dew_point":74.25,"humidity":0.87,"cloud_cover":0.41,"moon_phase":0.68,"precip_intensity":0.185,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.34,"summary":"Heavy rain in the morning and afternoon.","uv_index":5,"visibility":8.75,"wind_bearing":100,"wind_speed":0.76,"year":2001,"geometry":[-88.72985,30.38345]} {"observed":"My brother and I were driving around at night looking for deer as we did often. He was driving.I spotted gold eyes to the left side of the road about eighty yards in front and ten yards off the road. It was standing with its back to a barbed wire fence in two to three foot tall sage grass. As we approached my brother slowed the truck and slightly turned to shine what it was.The thing was about six feet in height had long brown hair on its head and down his shoulders.the face was dark and we were unable to make out features. It was swaying side to side.As we passed by slowly I hollered stop but my brother kept going.Usually my brother stops when a good buck is spotted. He wouldnt go back either.We are both hunters and know all the critters in our area. This was not a bear. I know of two hunters that were run out of the woods in the area by something that stunk and made noises that gave them willies a couple years prior.Both men are locals who hunt as we do.","county":"George County","state":"Mississippi","season":"Fall","title":"Report 4767: Brothers have nighttime sighting near Leaf River Wildlife Management Area","date":"2005-01-13","number":4767,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dj88jzpsdh","temperature_high":71.59,"temperature_mid":57.58,"temperature_low":43.57,"dew_point":59.55,"humidity":0.92,"moon_phase":0.12,"precip_intensity":0.0276,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1012.3,"summary":"Heavy rain until afternoon, starting again in the evening.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":175,"wind_speed":3.09,"year":2005,"geometry":[-89.0338,30.97675]} {"observed":"In 1998, January, I saw a large, light-colored, upright creature 10 miles south of my home in Bolivar County. I was driving north on highway 61 in southern Bolivar County when I saw about 200 yards ahead of me a large individual cross the road from left to right. When I reached the spot where it stopped in a ditch, it didn't look at me, but rather straight ahead. I would say it stood around 7 1/2-8 feet tall, and weighed about 450-500 pounds.","location_details":"The directions were in the southern part of Bolivar County, going north towards Shaw.","county":"Bolivar County","state":"Mississippi","season":"Winter","title":"Report 8732: Motorist has late night sighting of a light colored creature on rural highway","date":"2005-01-30","number":8732,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vzqvwrve2","temperature_high":45.23,"temperature_mid":42.07,"temperature_low":38.91,"dew_point":38.28,"humidity":0.84,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.67,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1022.54,"summary":"Rain overnight.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.71,"wind_bearing":31,"wind_speed":6.96,"year":2005,"geometry":[-90.8022,33.56555]} {"observed":"I was driving from Columbia Falls to St. Regis Montana to pick up my daughter Jessica. She had spent the weekend with her father who lives in Spokane Washington. It was a bright sunny afternoon either the last weekend of Feburary or the first weekend in March. The time was 3:55 PM on a Sunday. I remember the time as I had just looked at the clock on my dash and we always exchange Jessica on Sunday. We had been following the river for some time and I noticed the ice was breaking up from around the edges and floated down stream. My daughters 15 year old boyfriend was traveling with me. We were traveling west on highway 135 at aproximately 60/65 MPH towards St. Regis. As we started over the bridge that spans the clark fork river I looked to my left as I always do. I like to look for deer and other wild life along the river bank. There is a sand bar that reaches out into the river on the west side and near the tip I saw a very tall (8 to 10 feet) hairy being and a much smaller one. It looked to be right at or just taller then the knee of the larger one. The larger one was standing about 5 to 6 feet behind the small one with it's arms outstreched and taking a step forward. The small one looked as if it was curious about the chuncks of ice that were near the waters edge as it was leaning forward looking down. The tall one had long reddish brown hair. I remember seeing it flow from the upper arm area, and the hair on it's head and shoulders was also long. It looked silky and shown in the bright sun light. The small one looked to be the same color with shorter hair. When I saw them I said to my daughters boyfriend, \"Look at that!!!\" He said \"WHOA!!\" then we were over the bridge. We looked at each other with our mouths open. We didnt turn around, I think we were stunned and didnt quite believe what we had just seen, maybe a bit scared too?. We didnt talk about it on the way back. After picking up my daughter, the two of them were excited to see each other and talked non-stop in the back seat. I did look at the sand bar on the way back over the bridge which was about 30-40 minutes later, but I didn't see anything. I didnt tell my husband about this until a few weeks ago. I'd been trying to convince my self I didnt really see what I saw. Then one night at dinner I told my family what I had seen. My husband said, \"YA RIGHT!\" My daughter's boyfriend happened to be there for dinner and said, \"Kelly, I remember that, I was there with you!\" He and I hadn't talked about this until that night. I knew then I had to send our siting to the BFRO. I totally believe that what he and I saw was a mother Bigfoot and her young child. I got the feeling in that brief moment, that she was showing her young one something new, allowing him or her to explore. Perhaps her baby had gone too close to the river and she was reaching out as if to say \"that is far enough!\" Just as I have done with my own children.","location_details":"To the right of the bridge is a public boat launch on the east side of the river. The sighting took place on the west side of the river in a popular picnicing/camping area in the summer months. In the winter it is deserted.","county":"Sanders County","state":"Montana","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8999: Woman reports riverbank sighting","date":"2004-03-14","number":8999,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c2myyjr274","temperature_high":50.66,"temperature_mid":40.55,"temperature_low":30.44,"dew_point":25.41,"humidity":0.55,"cloud_cover":0.89,"moon_phase":0.78,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1015.81,"summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.91,"wind_bearing":273,"wind_speed":1.44,"year":2004,"geometry":[-115.3903,47.62167]} {"observed":"I drive truck for a living with my wife traveling with me. My log books will verify place & time. We saw a big foot sprint across the road on HWY 93 approximately between conner, MT and lost trail pass/Cheif Joseph Pass. I live in MT.... know what a bear looks like and that a bear can not stand upright and run like the creature we saw. He only passed in front of us about 40 feet as we were heading south. Both of us saw it plain as day. No doubts in our mind we saw a sasquatch. The river was next to the road and no place to pull the big rig over. William Earl Thornton (e-mail address removed)","location_details":"Steep mountain side to our left. River to our right.","county":"Ravalli County","state":"Montana","season":"Fall","title":"Report 21839: Trucker couple report daytime road-crossing sighting near Sula","date":"2005-09-20","number":21839,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c2nuttf9kn","temperature_high":71.6,"temperature_mid":56.365,"temperature_low":41.13,"dew_point":27.57,"humidity":0.35,"moon_phase":0.6,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":237,"wind_speed":5.15,"year":2005,"geometry":[-114.0125,45.82285]} {"observed":"What was seen was a Hairy Animal on two feet running towards us on a wet rainy night...It was late one night about 3:00am... I was driving from Houston Texas from a job interview, I had been driving all night long, and My Mom was with me because she decided to go, and we were almost home when it began raining. I'd say we had about 20 more miles to Meridian, somewhere between Enterprise and Meridian on Interstate 59..I was going about 55mph because of the rain. I noticed a large figure to the left of the Jeep running towards us. I looked at my Mom and asked her if she had seen what I seen, and she said yes. I asked her to describe what she had seen and she said that she had seen a large hairy man, or something running at us. We both came to the conclusion that it had to be a bigfoot. I hunt alot, and I have never seen anything like this in my life. I believe that what we witnessed that night was truly bigfoot... This creature looked to be about 8 ft tall... Scared the Hell out of us.I don't know what else it could have been if not a bigfoot.","location_details":"The location of this incident was on Interstate 59 between Enterprise and Meridian","county":"Clarke County","state":"Mississippi","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12290: Motorists have early morning sighting near Enterprise","date":"2004-06-15","number":12290,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dj8z1f71wd","temperature_high":87.96,"temperature_mid":81.555,"temperature_low":75.15,"dew_point":73.13,"humidity":0.83,"cloud_cover":0.73,"moon_phase":0.94,"precip_intensity":0.0012,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1012.97,"summary":"Humid and mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":8,"visibility":9.54,"wind_bearing":149,"wind_speed":6.44,"year":2004,"geometry":[-88.864,32.1806]} {"observed":"I did not directly see this incident. I don't even know if this IS a sighting! We were on our way to Alaska in 2003 and went via Glacier National Park. I had a video camera that I was recording on and took more videos than photos. Only months after we got back home and I got around to looking at the tapes, did I see this figure in the video. I wish I had seen it while I was filming.","location_details":"This was on the main road (Going To The Sun Highway) into Glacier National Park from Missoula, Montana - the western side of the park. I know this bridge was a little way after the first big lake (Lake McDonald). One could walk down in to the park and one had to walk down a narrow little dirt path to get to the bridge that went over the river which is on the left side of the road.","county":"Glacier County","state":"Montana","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12636: Video taken of running biped near Avalanche in Glacier National Park","date":"2003-06-18","number":12636,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2xhcvyv9c","temperature_high":90.19,"temperature_mid":74.58,"temperature_low":58.97,"dew_point":48.11,"humidity":0.46,"moon_phase":0.66,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":126,"wind_speed":0.51,"year":2003,"geometry":[-113.82,48.68]} {"observed":"I was 11 or 12 at the time. I was at a boyscout Jamboree. My friend came to me and asked if I beleived in bigfoot. He then told me to follow him because he saw a bigfoot. We walked about a half mile to the rivers edge. Accross the river we watched what looked like a large gorilla like creature about 6 ft tall standing next to the river picking leaves off a bush and eating them. We watched for a couple minutes until it walked into the brush and disappeared. It was not a bear. It picked the leaves off the tree just as a human would. We stayed in the area as much as possible the next few days but never saw it again.","county":"Lewis And Clark County","state":"Montana","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6170: Boy Scouts watch creature eating leaves along Dearborn River","date":"2004-01-18","number":6170,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c82kj7qhcg","temperature_high":42.97,"temperature_mid":31.27,"temperature_low":19.57,"dew_point":11.2,"humidity":0.48,"moon_phase":0.89,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":183,"wind_speed":7.85,"year":2004,"geometry":[-111.9094,47.12806]} {"observed":"In mid july 2004 I was on my back porch it faces east and it faces a mountain I live in the woods on the side of my house where the creature was the house is scarecly wooded and the land is flat. The sun was shining. The reason I went out side is this, my dogs started to bark and run through the house they got half way through the dog door stopped an whined. I thought that was odd so I went and sat on the back porch. Then I saw the tree to my left move and the tree was about 300 yards away from me or less I am bad with measurements. So I watched the tree to see what caught my eye and then I saw the creature. It was behind the tree looking out from behind it. It's head was in the banches and it was hunching. Is's head was large and it had a definate brow I thought I was seeing an oranatang. Except it was about 6 and ahalf feet tall. It was moving it's head aroud the tree to watch me as I stood up to get a better look. It's hair was a rust color like to color of dead pine needles, It's eyes were haunting. And it was completely silent. It was watching me while I was watching it. I sat back down. I watched outside for about 6 minutes and didn't tell the person on the phone. Then I went in the house and watched throught the window to make sure it wasn't a trick of shadow. Then the creature moved in front of the tree, staying hunched over but watching me in the window. I watched a few more minutes and then went to the back of the house when I went back it was gone. While this was going on my kids were in the front yard playing in the water. I think if the creature had been aggressive it would have made some sort of move. but it d=seemed peaceful. It seemed to be curious I think it was young to be in such a vulnerable open area. When my husband came home we went out to the tree and all of the knapweed was completely trampled down around the tree. We didn't find any hair though. I look every day To see if it ou t there again but to no avail.","location_details":"We live just inside the Flathead Indian Reservation near Evaro.","county":"Missoula County","state":"Montana","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9873: Woman reports sighting at the edge of backyard","date":"2004-07-20","number":9873,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c2qgsppd0x","temperature_high":73.35,"temperature_mid":63.03,"temperature_low":52.71,"dew_point":52.85,"humidity":0.71,"cloud_cover":0.41,"moon_phase":0.1,"precip_intensity":0.0013,"precip_probability":0.56,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.77,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":8,"visibility":9.96,"wind_bearing":257,"wind_speed":1.63,"year":2004,"geometry":[-114.0717,47.06032]} {"observed":"Firstly, let me say that I am an educated man who works in the medical field at our trauma hospital in Montana. The other witness is a Deputy Sheriff. Both of us are in our mid-thirties, married and have children. Neither of us however, drink, use drugs, or in any way were incapacitated during the time of the 'sighting'. It would also be relevant to tell you that I grew up in Washington where I spent countless summers camping, hiking, and enjoying the outdoors. My good friend grew up in Oregon and spent a great deal of time hunting, camping and recreating in the outdoors. We both now live in Missoula, Montana and have never heard the sounds like we did last night, on 01/23/2005. My buddy and I returned from a coffee at Barnes and Noble and he was dropping me off in my driveway near 2030 hours. The moon was pretty full last night and it was cloudless, so visibility was pretty good. Behind my new home, which sits on nearly two acres, is a large hill that descends on the other side to a partially wooded area in a canyon where deer are seen all the time. The heavier, more dense forest starts less than a mile away, and in fact heads into the mountains. As we conversed in my driveway, the COMPLETE silence was broken by this god-awful howl/growl/moan that echoed the whole valley. The volume was overwhelming. Immediately, my dog, as well as multiple dogs on the road, began barking and almost seemingly panicked. Now please let me tell you that we get elk, deer, bear and mountain lion around here pretty consistently, but never any reaction from the dogs like this. We went behind my house where my dog was no longer barking, but instead just shivering and looking up at the hill - just as 'it' did it again. The sound is so incredibly similar to the 'howl' you have on your site that it is eerie. A third series of growls (and let me tell you they were deep and extremely loud) soared across our neighborhood. I let my dog have refuge in his fenced kennel where he retreated to his doghouse. My dog is a year old lab who has grown up exposed to many wild animals. We waited but the noise finally stopped after 1-2 minutes. We both commented on how the hair on the back of our necks were sticking up and that neither of us had heard ANYTHING like that before in all our years. My friend left and I headed into the house where I felt compelled to load hollow point slugs into my shotgun. For nearly thirty minutes I noticed my dog staring up on the hill but did not hear another noise for the remainder of the night.","location_details":"South of Missoula","county":"Missoula County","state":"Montana","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10357: Two men report powerful vocalizations behind neighborhood","date":"2005-01-23","number":10357,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2qfh01qr2","temperature_high":55.5,"temperature_mid":41.635,"temperature_low":27.77,"dew_point":29.04,"humidity":0.58,"cloud_cover":0.53,"moon_phase":0.45,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1023.98,"summary":"Overcast in the morning.","uv_index":2,"visibility":6.19,"wind_bearing":246,"wind_speed":0.36,"year":2005,"geometry":[-114.08,46.75889]} {"observed":"I was driving East on Highway 90 Between Livingston and Bozeman Montana. It was about 7:30 am. Montana has long stretches of road and we had been driving for quite awhile. I happened to glance up to the right of the road and couldn`t believe what I saw. A very large reddish brown animal was walking upright about 125 yards from the side of the road. It was very large. I don`t know exactly how big or how much it could have weighed but I do know the hands of the animal hung to about the tops of the fence posts it was walking next to. Those posts are about three to four feet of exposed post There were two of us who saw the creature walking. After we passed it I said, \"what the heck was that?\" My friend responded by saying, \"I don`t know what you saw but it looked like chewbacca to me\". Instead of pulling over and continuing to watch the creature or flag someone down to see it for themselves, we just kept on driving. I will never frogive myself for this and if I ever have another encounter I will definately act differently. I now live in Portland Oregon, the heart of Sasquatch country. This sighting has provoked an interest in me to find out what is out there. I know something is there. I have begun my own expeditions into the local wilderness as I know an encounter is basically chance and this area has been flooded with Sasquatch sightings. The skookum cast is especially interesting and I hope it brings some credibility to the search.","location_details":"The southern side of U.S. 90 on the Livingston side of the Bozeman hill.","county":"Park County","state":"Montana","season":"Summer","title":"Report 2995: A van driver and passenger observe a large animal walking","date":"2001-08-22","number":2995,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c815y92yu4","temperature_high":85.19,"temperature_mid":71.26,"temperature_low":57.33,"dew_point":38.31,"humidity":0.38,"cloud_cover":0.07,"moon_phase":0.14,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1010.28,"summary":"Partly cloudy starting in the evening.","uv_index":8,"visibility":9.66,"wind_bearing":126,"wind_speed":2.09,"year":2001,"geometry":[-110.8069,45.66722]} {"observed":"In connection with report #8804, my house is approximately 5 miles south of this sighting. Throughout the spring of 2004, our neighborhood was disturbed regularly by something walking through the woods at night. Almost everyone in the neighborhood was affected, in that we would hear footsteps, twigs snapping, and one neighbor heard scratching on the side of the house. Outside my kitchen window, which is about 8 feet off the ground, the plants are all smashed down like something repeatedly stood there. My neighbor sleeps with his bedroom windows open and hears it approaching in the middle of the night. The dogs in the area would absolutely go nuts! He has night vision and just as soon as he gets outside, he hears the footsteps slowly moving away. He never picked up anything on the nightvision. In May 2004 I came home late, about midnight, and as I was exiting the car, I heared a the classic bigfoot scream way out in the distance, maybe half a mile away. In July, it all suddenly ended and we haven't heard anything since.","county":"Orange County","state":"North Carolina","season":"Spring","title":"Report 9212: Rural residents disturbed by nighttime activity near Buffalo Creek","date":"2004-05-12","number":9212,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnrvgp1604","temperature_high":81.92,"temperature_mid":72.28,"temperature_low":62.64,"dew_point":62.33,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.2,"moon_phase":0.79,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1023.66,"summary":"Partly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":8,"visibility":9.16,"wind_bearing":195,"wind_speed":2.6,"year":2004,"geometry":[-78.968,36.2058]} {"observed":"My wife, children, my father, our lab mix dog and I were camping At Bear Den Campground Sept 7th thru the 11th, 2000. The campground is located just off the Blue ridge parkway near SprucePine, NC. I have summited a report earlier this year my grandfather told me about (local legend stuff). Anyway, The first night there I could not sleep and was reading a book, it was around 2-3am. I turned off the lantern and was just getting settled in when I heard a howl/moan. It sounded sort of like a cow bellowing only alot deeper. The sound was off to the southwest of the campsite and sounded maybe 1 mile away. It was very quiet that night and I could hear away in the distance a train coming through the valley. This sound would call out (oooooohhhh, ooooooohhh, oooooooohhh) like it was lost or searching for something. I sat up and listened to it for more than 30 mins. I looked over at my dog but he was just asleep. It moved away over the ridge the the west. I thought at first maybe it was a cow and a layed back down to go to sleep. I woke up around 4 am hearing it again this time coming back over the ridge and going more back to the south east. I told my wife about the next day, she did not believe me. My father arrived at the camp on the 9th. The morning of the 10th my dad asked me if I was up the previous night. I told him no, I went bed around 11pm and sleep all night till 7am. He said he heard what he thought was a bird at first in the trees directly behind my tent around 3am. He said it made a Whoop, Whoop, Whoop noise and lasted for several mins and was very loud. He got up with his flashlight and checked around but didnt see anything. He described the noise as something up in the trees. The trees at the camp site where mostly pine with a few large oaks. We didnt check around for anything then because he was sure it was just a bird or something. The same thing happened on the morning of the 11th. He stated to me that \"that thing was back again a 3 o'clock in the morning\". He described to me the same whoop, whoop, whoop sound and that it ended very low in a chattering kind of sound you hear at the zoo, like a monkey. My wife heard my dad and said she had heard it both nights. I slept through the whole thing. I sort of felt that maybe it could have been a bigfoot but both my wife and dad described it as being up in the trees behind the tent. Also my dog did not wake up at any of the noises. This dog can't stand any kind of wildlife and will bark at it till it leaves. Only around people does he \"lounge around\". I kept asking my wife and dad to give me more details such as smells. Neither smelt anything or heard any other noises. I figured that it had to be just some animal or maybe a peacock because it did not come across as any of the other vocalizations encounters I have heard about before. About a week after we got back My dad, stepmom, wife and I were at my home and the conversation went back to those sounds. Both my wife and dad said \"It sounded like something a the zoo\" again and I remembered that this site has vocalizations recorded. I played the howl and scream. The howl is close to what I heard only much longer, lower in pitch and slower. When I played the scream both my dad and wife \"went white\". My dad jumped up and said \"that's it!, that's what I heard only there was like a chattering at the end\". My wife refused to discuss it any further and acted both scared and mad. Please note I have 3 kids ages 3- 10 years old and they nor my dog heard or seemed to hear anything. I hesitated about posting this report until I read the most recent postings about the vocalizations, especially the sightings of a bigfoot up in a tree. I have never heard that these things could climb before. Also how my dog did not react to any of the sounds, I noticed in another report how some dogs will react and in one case the dog did not at a sighting.","location_details":"BearDen Campground Rt 3 Box 284 SprucePine, NC 28777 Just off the BlueRidge parkway milepost 324.8","county":"Mitchell County","state":"North Carolina","season":"Fall","title":"Report 450: Possible vocalizations heard by campers on the Blueridge Parkway","date":"2000-09-09","number":450,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnmsnqjw1q","temperature_high":76.11,"temperature_mid":66.1,"temperature_low":56.09,"dew_point":61.48,"humidity":0.84,"cloud_cover":0.3,"moon_phase":0.37,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":8,"visibility":6.58,"wind_bearing":153,"wind_speed":1.37,"year":2000,"geometry":[-81.98335,35.8934]} {"observed":"I live on 1010 Highway near the Johnston County Airport. Its kind of a country road , couple swampy areas and such, a good hunting area you could say. I was on my way back from the beach at my dad's house, my sister was with me. I'm 24 she's only 15. Anyway, I just turned out of the local BBQ place for some food (White Swan open 24 hrs) to head home. I got past the local livestock building, and turned onto 210 Hwy, drove about 3-4 minutes, turned onto 1010 or Cleveland Rd. There was an old car parked on the side of the road, so I could hardly see to turn left, so when I did, I drove for maybe 10-15 seconds when I saw eyes in front of me (it was about 9:15 in the PM) I turned lights on bright and I thought it was a homeless man walking along the road, but seeing someone walking down here when its dark is unlikey, I slow down ,I didn't know if it was gonna cross the road , I was driving about 35 in a 45 mph zone. As I got closer I noticed it was not a man, it was something else, like a bear walked up right with long legs and arms longer than a man, had dark hair, I couldn't really see the color very well. He was about as big as my grandfather and he is 6' 11'' . I was speechless, and my sister was scared to death because our house is 1 minute from where he was at. That night I couldn't sleep and the next morning I got up and went back there, no foot prints or anything because it is so dry here from no rain.I haven't seen it since but it's only been a few days","county":"Johnston County","state":"North Carolina","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4676: Nighttime sighting by a man and his sister on road near Smithfield.","date":"2002-07-14","number":4676,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dq24pu5ret","temperature_high":85.03,"temperature_mid":78.99,"temperature_low":72.95,"dew_point":71.11,"humidity":0.82,"cloud_cover":0.86,"moon_phase":0.15,"precip_intensity":0.1727,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.69,"summary":"Heavy rain until evening.","uv_index":6,"visibility":7.1,"wind_bearing":71,"wind_speed":0.87,"year":2002,"geometry":[-78.4048,35.5311]} {"observed":"My buddy and I were camping on July 2, 2005, in the [Blue Ridge mountains] of western NC, several miles outside of [a mountain town]. At midnight, we were preparing to retire for the night to our respective tents, when we heard a prolonged howl which was about as far away from us as the 1994 Columbiana, OH, howl (on the BFRO website) seemed from its source. At least, that's the best way I could determine the distance from us. This howl was at least twice as long (I want to say even longer) as the Columbiana, OH, howl. I'd estimate the howl we heard to be more or less ten seconds long. It was the length of the call, as much as it was the deep tone and strength of it, which attracted our immediate attention. It just didn't seem to quit. It wasn't interrupted, either, like if the creature took a breath and then continued. This went on continuously for around 10 seconds. Although we only heard the one howl, it was so loud (for its distance from us) and so prolonged, and gained strength at the end instead of waning, that we were rather shaken by its magnitude .... commenting to each other that nothing human or zoological that we knew of, could possibly have made that noise. I have studied/researched Sasquatches since grad school in Idaho in the mid-1970's, even though my degree is in Literature/English. I roamed the Rockies of the NW every chance I got for most of five years, looking for evidence, tracks, sign, sounds, anything......found zilch. This is the first experience I have had, and even though auditory, it was exhilirating. Both my friend and I were struck by the animal-like characteristics of this howl, and tried to think of things which might have made the sound, OTHER than a sasquatch. No, we decided quite without hesitation, it couldn't have been a machine-made sound (like a siren) because it was too low in tone. No, we decided, it couldn't have been fireworks, as they tend to \"scream\" and then wane, whereas this howl was low in tone and went on for a number of seconds (beyond 5 or 6 secs.) and gained momentum and strength toward the end, so we ruled fireworks out. Since it was July 4th weekend, that's why this was a consideration. No human could make that loud a howl for that period of time.... human lung capacity way too small, we concluded. And, on we went, trying to explain to each other the howl/sound by some origin other than a sasquatch. He and I had been joking and talking for the past several years about perhaps encountering one, hearing one, etc., but never really expected this to happen. When it did, we wanted to try to cover all the potentialities for the source of such a sound, and a sasquatch is all we could come up with, esp. Since I had heard the Columbiana Ohio sound on your website, and was immediately reminded of it when hearing (and replaying in my head) that sound on 7/2/05. We went back to that same campsite a few weeks later, hoping for a \"repeat performance,\" but no such luck. We had a lab-mix retriever with us both times. The night we heard the sound, the dog became very animated, very intently listening to that distant howl, but because it was so far away, it didn't seem too bothered by it, though it DID move off into the forest toward the direction of the howl, but soon returned. Both the dog and we maintained something of a vigil that night, but no other indications of that critter's presence were made known to us.","location_details":"I'd rather not give any more specific a location than I have given for on-line use, as we hunt in this vicinity and the fewer people who know about it, the better for the critters AND us. I can provide explicit directions to researchers, should they contact me about this experience.","county":"Jackson County","state":"North Carolina","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12333: Possible vocalization in the Blue Ridge Mountains","date":"2005-07-02","number":12333,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnkbr1unuw","temperature_high":78.25,"temperature_mid":70.4,"temperature_low":62.55,"dew_point":63.82,"humidity":0.84,"cloud_cover":0.84,"moon_phase":0.88,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1011.62,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":6.49,"wind_bearing":356,"wind_speed":0.35,"year":2005,"geometry":[-83.007,35.211]} {"observed":"A friend and I were camping in the Big Creek Campground in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park right on the Tennessee and North Carolina border. It was dark. We just finished cleaning up after dinner and were walking to the restroom to get ready for bed. We heard crashing and the excited snorting sound deer make when startled. We had flashlights with us and shined them on some deer that were looking toward the forest. There was a trail which went up the side of the mountain in the direction the deer were staring. They turned their attention toward us for a second but then continued looking toward the trail. They ran a few feet and made some noise and stopped again to stare in the same direction. We figured a bobcat, coyote or something scared them. Eventually the deer slowly calmed down and crept back to where they were originally browsing. This all lasted about 5 minutes. We were walking back to the camp when out of the dark (in the direction the deer were looking) came a long call. It echoed through the woods. We thought it sounded like a primate - some kind of monkey or ape. Eventually I stumbled on your website and read how you use gibbon calls to attract sasquatches. I then got curious and started checking out different animal calls. The call of a gibbon is exactly the sound we heard that night. I wish at the time we had thought it could be Bigfoot, but we didn't, so we never took off into the night to look or it or look for prints. The noise wasn't a recording. It wasn't any animal I have ever heard before and it sounded exactly like a gibbon.","location_details":"It was within Big Creek Campground which is part of the Great Smoky National Park. Big Creek Campground is not far from exit 451 on I-40 in NC.","county":"Haywood County","state":"North Carolina","season":"Fall","title":"Report 12640: Possible vocalization in Great Smoky Mountain National Park","date":"2005-12-02","number":12640,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnku1q5hnv","temperature_high":41.77,"temperature_mid":34.07,"temperature_low":26.37,"dew_point":19.8,"humidity":0.58,"moon_phase":0.04,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":272,"wind_speed":3.74,"year":2005,"geometry":[-83.26097,35.89305]} {"observed":"I submitted a report earlier on in the year and have already discussed this incident with a researcher (while we were talking about my first report), but I will submit this second report regardless. I was in my apartment one evening in December, 2000, around 7:30 in the evening. We were having a snow storm and it was raging outside. Suddenly my dog, who is normally pretty laid-back unless there is something weird going on, went absolutely NUTS and tried to break through my sliding glass door, barking, clawing and growling. She is very gentle with people and loves just about everybody, so this clued me into the fact that there was probably an animal outside, which stuck me as unusual since she has never reacted like THAT to any animal; usually she woofs a little or gives curious little whines. My brother looked at me and said, \"What is THAT all about?\" I told him that I thought that there was probably an animal outside and not to worry about it. At about 10:00 in the evening I took my dog out to do her business. As soon as we got to the yard I noticed very unusual tracks in the snow. Unfortunately, it was pretty late and the snow had been blowing for 2 1/2 hours, so I could not decifer any particular features, toes nor boot sole patterns. All I could see were footprint indents. They were unusual because they were so huge, deep and spread apart. Initially I thought that my neighbor's boyfriend was probably outside earlier in the evening, but then I realized that that would be ridiculous. For one thing, his feet aren't that large, and the prints could have been from a size 14 or 15 shoe, and why in the world would he be walking around at night in the middle of a snowstorm? For another thing, he is not THAT tall; I put my heavy hiking boot, woman's size 9, up next to the prints and they could have swallowed my boots 2 1/2 times. I also mimicked the gait to see if I could guess-timate about how tall the individual was. My legs had to spread 4-5 feet apart just to keep in step with the prints. I also noticed that there was only one set of tracks going in one direction---from a deep part of the woods, across the lawn, and over a bank and into the woods again. I deduced from the drifts that the prints had been made within two to three hours, exactly the same time my dog went nuts earlier in the evening. I could have kicked myself for not checking it out when it happened.","location_details":"My apartment complex is located on the side of a small mountain in Henderson county, on the outskirts of Hendersonville. There are a lot of woods in the area and some houses and other apartment buildings. My building is small (six units)and situated by itself. There is a steep hill directly behind my building and directly in front of it. The building itself sits on a \"lip\" on the side of the mountain.","county":"Henderson County","state":"North Carolina","season":"Winter","title":"Report 2054: Tracks found before Christmas, near Hendersonville","date":"2000-12-19","number":2054,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnm35j1dum","temperature_high":32.89,"temperature_mid":20.855,"temperature_low":8.82,"dew_point":19.77,"humidity":0.76,"cloud_cover":0.99,"moon_phase":0.81,"precip_intensity":0.0052,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1011.11,"summary":"Snow (< 1 in.) in the morning and evening and breezy starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":2,"visibility":5.8,"wind_bearing":357,"wind_speed":9.44,"year":2000,"geometry":[-82.4831,35.36]} {"observed":"It was the first week of December 2002. I was camping with my friend [edited], in Macon County, North Carolina. We had been there 2 days. We decided to take one of our usual late night walks. Because of the weather we were one of only three sites occupied. There was an icestorm on the way and we were planning to leave early the next morning. We had crossed the river and walked about 200 yards to the gates when we were startled by a scream that made the hair on my neck stand up. I have spent my entire life in the outdoors, much of it in wilderness areas and I have never heard anything like this in my life. I was carrying my sidearm and immediately drew it and aimed my maglite in the direction of the scream. The next thing we knew,several rocks were thrown in our direction. TO say we were frightened would be an understatement. We went back to camp and left early the next morning. Since then we have returned several times, but there have been no further incidents, although we sometimes feel uneasy in one particular area.","location_details":"[Details removed at request of witness]","county":"Macon County","state":"North Carolina","season":"Winter","title":"Report 14075: Camper describes possible vocalization and rock throwing outside Franklin.","date":"2002-12-07","number":14075,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnhzdn8k8k","temperature_high":45.78,"temperature_mid":34.82,"temperature_low":23.86,"dew_point":27.25,"humidity":0.82,"moon_phase":0.12,"precip_type":"snow","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":266,"wind_speed":0.89,"year":2002,"geometry":[-83.23206,35.10486]} {"observed":"[Editor's Note: The observation described below is Class B. The Class A observation was told by family members during the course of the on site interview. See the *investigator's comments* section of this report. The two men who had the Class A sighting do not care to type it up themselves. Their incident is so closely connected with this Class B submission from this family, that it should be combined. The men's incident is clearly Class A, so the *combined* report should show a Class A ranking. There will not be a separate report for their incident.] It was a damp July night around 10:00 and we were staying at my Grandpa's house. My family and I had a fire going outside. We were all sitting around it talking. It rained all day so the night seemed darker than usual. The house is set on thirty wooded acres with a creek about twenty-five feet away. There aren't many houses on this mountain due to the fact that it runs with the Pisgah National Forest. I went in the house to get the cd player. It was a very still night. We listened to a few songs; when we decided to play the Sierra Sounds cd with bigfoot recordings on it. As we listened to the cd we all became jumpy and the feeling of someone was watching us came over us. We then started hearing sounds of what sounded like saplings being broken up above us; higher up in the mountain. We just laughed it all off as nerves. Then we heard what sounded like a tree about ten inches around being broke then slide down the mountain at us. All us became scared and ran to the porch of the house for protection. When I seen my cousin run I knew it had to be something. He is in his late thirties and has grown up in the mountains. He is familiar with the animals sounds and the layout of the mountain. I don't know if it was anything or not, but it sure scared the heck out of us.","location_details":"Edited out per request of witness and family.","county":"Madison County","state":"North Carolina","season":"Summer","title":"Report 13492: Family describes incidents in Pisgah Nat. Forest ; NC-06 Exped notes","date":"2005-07-05","number":13492,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnmh5jvy03","temperature_high":85.08,"temperature_mid":75.445,"temperature_low":65.81,"dew_point":68.48,"humidity":0.77,"moon_phase":0.97,"precip_intensity":0.0022,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":309,"wind_speed":0.24,"year":2005,"geometry":[-82.829,35.892]} {"observed":"One morninig after leaving the camp ground in the national forrest to get a biscuit me and my father saw something big walking across the road. I couldnt identyfi it. it was walking then stoped looked at us real fast and steped off the road into the woods. their was a road sign when this thing walked in front of it it completly blocked out the sign. I asked my dad if he had seen what I had seen and he said yes. Isaid thank god I thought I was going crazy or something. We pulled up to where the thing steped off the road and looked around nothing nothing at all the brush which this thing had went throught was not even moving. we got back in the truck and started driving my dad said what in the world was that. We tried to rule out every other possiblity but big foot but they didnt work out to good. First Isaid it could have been a bear or some one riding a horse. But my dad said if it was a bear it wouldnt be walking upright unlees it was thratened or try ing to reach for food and it wasent presnt,and bears arent around the stanley county area.Then my dad said maybe it was a horse because there are horse riding trailand a horse camp in the national forrest,But theres one problem Something as big as a horse or a bear should have upset the brush and it should have been moving but it wasnt. Some thing very fast and very smart had to have steped over te brush. After all this did only happen in 30 secs while we drove down the road. And Iprety much Agree with my dad. Thanks for your time. Ps I couldnt spell the name of the national forrest its one of those native american words I always have troble with those.","location_details":"it start a U sounds like you -are -e national forrest its in stanly county","county":"Montgomery County","state":"North Carolina","season":"Summer","title":"Report 8983: Campers have morning sighting in Uwharrie National Forest","date":"2004-06-12","number":8983,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnr1dhsct8","temperature_high":79.21,"temperature_mid":72.07,"temperature_low":64.93,"dew_point":68.03,"humidity":0.81,"cloud_cover":0.69,"moon_phase":0.84,"precip_intensity":0.0032,"precip_probability":0.83,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":8.1,"wind_bearing":57,"wind_speed":3.5,"year":2004,"geometry":[-80.0616,35.4449]} {"observed":"In March 2001 at 4:30 am on my way home from work, on the back roads, something crossed in front of my headlights, this \"thing\" had long hair, long arms, between 6-7 feet tall and traveling fast. It crossed the road in front of me in 2-3 steps, it stepped over a fence and went into a coastal field out of my vision. It was grayish color but everything in that area is covered in rock crusher dust so it could have been any color. This \"thing\" was not as hefty as the pictures on your site, but he was tall with long arms. He stood on two feet like a human with long arms and didn't run but was lumbering across the road. I told others at my work about this and two other men saw the same \"thing\" on April 12, 2001 about 1 mile from where I saw it. My boss saw \"it\" when he was a young man and stated it screamed like he had never heard before and couldn't mimic the sound it made. We live in Texas and are hesitant to speak about this but what I saw that morning was something I have never seen before.","location_details":"Please contact me for directions.","county":"Wise County","state":"Texas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 2237: Early morning encounter on North Texas backroad.","date":"2003-10-10","number":2237,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vfmmskvjh","temperature_high":80.74,"temperature_mid":69.92,"temperature_low":59.1,"dew_point":64.44,"humidity":0.82,"cloud_cover":0.67,"moon_phase":0.52,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":4,"visibility":5.94,"wind_bearing":121,"wind_speed":0.53,"year":2003,"geometry":[-97.8375,33.29083]} {"observed":"Let me first start by saying that when I opened my new issue of Texas Fish and Game, it opened right to the page with the picture of the \"creature\" on it, and the hairs stood on my head. The image of the creature in the background is right on the money for what I saw. At the time, I was probably around 13 - 14 years of age (I'm now 37), and I've never had the opportunity to \"officially\" tell anyone about this until now. Only my family and close friends have heard this, and everytime I tell it, my eyes water, and the hairs on my head stand on end (I can't explain this reaction). Back then, we were in the process of clearing @ 40 acres of bottom land for farming. I was in the woods alone, operating a Model R John Deere, with an offset plow. I was making a turn under a tree, when a limb got hung on the stack of the tractor. When freed from the stack the limb came towards the rear of the tractor, where I was already on the floorboard, so instead of catching me, and throwing me off the seat into the plow, caught the throttle (mounted on the steering column), killing the engine, and putting a nice bend in the steering wheel. Don't know how much you know about a Model R, but it has a smaller motor (pony motor), which starts the larger motor. I was never succesful in starting the larger motor with the pony motor. I was in the \"bottom\" of this 40 acre bottom, and to my left was a dirt road, and some cows inside a fence. To my right was the majority of the acreage, and a fence about 175 - 200 yards away. It was on the fence line 175 - 200 yards away, where I saw a large dark figure (standing on two legs), and appeared to be trying to get a better look at me, by leaning one way then the other. I actually saw the arm move a branch. It was partially blocked by foliage along the fenceline, and I could not make out any facial features. After us getting a better look at each other, I had seen enough and sprung from the tractor, running as fast as I can (which is not easy to do in freshly plowed ground). I realized the tractor was probably my best chance out of there, so I ran back, pulled the pin from the clevis, and started pulling furiously on the starter for the pony motor which started. I released the compression on the larger engine with one lever, and then engaged the pony motor to the larger engine with another lever, and for the first time, successfully started that tractor on my own. While beating a hasty retreat, I looked back along the fenceline, but could not see \"it\" anymore.","county":"Wharton County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9315: Boy sees a bigfoot while clearing land","date":"2002-04-29","number":9315,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9v5x1v0fk3","temperature_high":91.69,"dew_point":73.18,"humidity":0.81,"moon_phase":0.6,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Humid throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":172,"wind_speed":9.34,"year":2002,"geometry":[-96.25,29.38333]} {"observed":"I was sitting out on the porch around 10 pm on Tuesday night, August 31st. My dogs (a lab mix and a pit bull) started acting strange and growling. I heard something over to the right of our house. It was very dark over there because we have no light over there. It sounded like something heavy stepped on a piece of tin that is over there on the ground. I could not see anything because it was so dark. That's when I decided that it must be someone over there because it sounded like a heavy person had stepped on the tin. I ran into the house to get my husband. I told him that there must be someone outside. My husband got his pistol and came outside. As my husband was coming out the door, our pit bull ran inside the house very scared. Our lab mix kept staring over to the left side of the house where we have a light and my husband's trailer. We stood there on the porch for a little bit when suddenly this grayish animal that looked like an overgrown monkey jumped up on the corner of a refrigerator that was lying on the tail end of my husband's trailer just outside our chain link fence. It was stooped over and very fast. As soon as it jumped up on the fridge, it jumped off and tumped the trailer back off its blocks and made a loud banging noise. It scared us to death. My husband fired his pistol toward the ground just as it started to run off very fast. It ran off like it was going out across the road toward the lake that is across the road from us. It was on two legs and stooped over. It was grayish and had a manlike face, but its nose was flatter than a human nose. Its face had no hair. It was about 5 ft tall and was covered with gray hair. It had to be very fast to run around the front of the house the way that it did when I went in to get my husband. It was not an ugly animal, it looked groomed with lots of grayish hair. My husband called the Wharton County Sheriffs department and they sent a deputy out. He came and talked to my husband and they looked around but they didn't see anything else. I hope this thing is not dangerous because I have kids. I always thought things like this weren't real but now I know different. They are very real. After we saw what we saw, the El Campo newspaper had an article about a similar animal about 30 miles away in Matagorda County. We could not believe it.","county":"Wharton County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9312: Woman and her husband have night time encounter near El Campo","date":"2004-09-12","number":9312,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9v5tbzdnkw","temperature_high":91.23,"temperature_mid":81.325,"temperature_low":71.42,"dew_point":69.06,"humidity":0.76,"cloud_cover":0.25,"moon_phase":0.93,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Partly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":8,"visibility":7.58,"wind_bearing":49,"wind_speed":4.69,"year":2004,"geometry":[-96.29222,29.17805]} {"observed":"It was dark and we noticed we were running low on fire wood. we walked down a trail on the south side of the campsite to get some wood from a small clearing we had noticed earlier. We were watching some lights move across Brown mountain trying to determine if they were the Brown Mountain lights (investigator's note: apparently this is a locally known phenomenon), or just motorcycles. At any rate it was about this time we heard the noise. We had our flash lights off cause we were watching the lights on Brown mountain, then we heard this long scream. We stopped in our tracks and listened carefully. The scream repeated. It was coming from the south west of our location deep in the valley. We hurried back up to camp and turned off the radio in the truck. The scream continued. Now this has been going on for a couple mins and the scream changed. It would scream for a few seconds and then the sound would start to break up. At the time we described it as a cackle like sound, but the newspaper article (that was found in the BFRO media files) described it as a yodeling sound, which is more accurate. This continued on for several mins, every few seconds another scream continuing on to the yodel. Both of us are avid campers, and camp in this same area every October. But we had never heard a sound like this before. We first thought perhaps a mountain lion, because we had heard their cries compared to a woman in pain screaming. We debated for a while and at last decided to move to another campsite for the night as we had not explored our surroundings much prior to nightfall. We have yet to be back, but we have full intentions of going back and exploring the valley from which the sound came.","location_details":"(specific location edited per witness request)","county":"Burke County","state":"North Carolina","season":"Fall","title":"Report 3270: Two experienced campers hear vocalizations unlike any thay are familiar with","date":"2001-10-20","number":3270,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnmgfkpw45","temperature_high":73.44,"temperature_mid":58.77,"temperature_low":44.1,"dew_point":42.79,"humidity":0.65,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.14,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.34,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.05,"wind_bearing":269,"wind_speed":0.1,"year":2001,"geometry":[-81.80479,35.83845]} {"observed":"A friend and I were at the back of my family's land playing at the creek. As we were playing I noticed something under a tree that was out in a pasture along a fence line. My friend and myself saw what appeared to be something squatting down. This thing was humane in appearence but was dark in color that looked like fur or long hair. As we watched it suddenly seemed to raise up its arm. At this time we are scared and start to head back to the house. We looked back and then again it raised it's arm then let it fall back to it's side. We ran as fast as we could back to my house. This thing looked just like a huge monkey squatting down.","county":"Van Zandt County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 4994: Two boys have afternoon sighting out behind family land in Sabine River Basin.","date":"2004-08-30","number":4994,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vgc7csxbd","temperature_high":86.95,"temperature_mid":74.865,"temperature_low":62.78,"dew_point":63.8,"humidity":0.69,"cloud_cover":0.03,"moon_phase":0.53,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1017.32,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":40,"wind_speed":1.97,"year":2004,"geometry":[-95.80556,32.57306]} {"observed":"I saw a bigfoot in my backyard. He stood about 7-8 foot tall. It weighed 800-1000 lbs. It was black and hairy all over. Smelled worse than a skunk. Had arms like an ape. The creature looked prehistoric. It was very shocking to see and watch a bigfoot. Most recently, a teenage boy saw a bigfoot in the same Woodville, TX area. My son has told me one night something that stunk came close to the house by the bedroom where he was sleeping. Whatever it was moaned and groaned and he could hear it breathing. My son lives in the same house where I saw the bigfoot in Woodville, TX.","county":"Tyler County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7548: In Woodville, woman sees bigfoot in back yard.","date":"2003-12-12","number":7548,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vkz5d2vke","temperature_high":55.43,"temperature_mid":49.935,"temperature_low":44.44,"dew_point":38.57,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":0.92,"moon_phase":0.62,"precip_intensity":0.0195,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Heavy rain overnight.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.54,"wind_bearing":99,"wind_speed":2.94,"year":2003,"geometry":[-94.41528,30.775]} {"observed":"My friend and I were out on Old Ferry Road near Paleface Park. My buddy, who is still my best friend, saw something big and hairy trotting upright on two legs, crossing the road ahead of us. We were parked on the side of the road. He instantly locked both doors. I saw the object from behind, moving through the brush. This object was about 75 yards ahead of us at dusk. This scared us so bad that we went straight home. We talked to a Travis County Sheriff several days later, and he reported seeing a bear. What we saw was not a bear, trotting on two legs. [It was] between 6 & 7 feet tall and brownish in color.","location_details":"Near the Pedernales River.","county":"Travis County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 8530: Two men see unknown, bipedal animal run across road near Pedernales River.","date":"2004-04-24","number":8530,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9v6hzgxz5v","temperature_high":67.2,"temperature_mid":64.77,"temperature_low":62.34,"dew_point":63.8,"humidity":0.9,"cloud_cover":0.98,"moon_phase":0.16,"precip_intensity":0.0195,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1012.42,"summary":"Rain in the morning.","uv_index":5,"visibility":8.67,"wind_bearing":17,"wind_speed":0.77,"year":2004,"geometry":[-98.08611,30.38667]} {"observed":"It has been a very long time but I just can't seem to forget that day. Let me start by saying that I knew the area fairly well - I used the riding trails as relaxation for my horse. I would ride in the area at least once a week for a couple of years. I knew the different trails and the animals and birds that usually occupied the area. I had been riding for approximately 30 minutes when we came upon a ridge - my horse began to walk very cautiously almost as if he was getting nervous. He didn't make a sound but you could tell he felt uncomfortable. His ears were pointing towards the front and he was watching the ridge very closely. I noticed that it was completely silent which was strange for the area. Usually the mockingbirds and scissortails would follow you from tree to tree but not this day in this area. We came up to the top of the ridge and began walking down a narrow trail when my horse began to shake. I remember like it was yesterday that I began to feel like I was being watched and became a little scared myself. Then my horse jumped to the right, I looked over to the left expecting to see a rattlesnake and squatting in a large brush (a group of bushes - not just one bush) was something large - it was very dark and scared me to death! My horse took off running. I couldn't hold him back at all - he was scared, very scared. I remember looking back and seeing something come out of the brush but I never could tell height or weight because of the winding trail. You could definitely make out that it was covered with hair, I say that because I didn't see any clothing and it was covered - no skin was showing. We came upon an area with a small clearing and I forced my horse to stop - I looked back to see if anything was following us and I saw nothing. Regardless my horse wanted out of there and began pawing at the ground. He wanted out of the area. We made it back to the horse trailer in just a minute or two. My parents were there and saw the fear in my face and how scared my horse was. I told them what happened and they never questioned me - I was pale white and the horse was ready to leave - he never acted like that. I think they thought it was a person hiding out and didn't ask anything else. I would never go back to ride in the area again. I don't know if it was a transient or what but I can't imagine someone just hanging out there. Especially in the brush - I am not sure what kind of brush it was but it was the kind that would cut you to pieces. The area was mainly motorcycle/horse trails but very few people used them. The area was not far from the lake and there was ranchland to the north. The day was hot with a gusty breeze - I remember that because I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts. I know it was fall because I was back in school. I know the ecology doesn't seem to fit the habitat of a bigfoot but I just can't figure out what it was. It wasn't a black bear or big cat because it was coming out of the brush in a upright position not on all fours. You could tell it was going to stand up - thankfully my horse was scared enough I never had to see the actual height. There were some berries in the area and plenty of rodents so that might be able to sustain a large animal for a short time - perhaps he/she was just moving through the area. The area is now a state park and the particular place I had the encounter is no longer accessible, and even if it was, I would not go back to even try to find the spot. It is not a remote location anymore due to urban sprawl. At the time there were very few homes in the area to the north - it was primarily cattle and sheep ranches.","location_details":"The location is not accessible anymore (or at least I don't think it is). The location and the surrounding area is now a state park. I remember it was close to a spillway, an area known as Red Arroyo. The exact location is to about 100 yards northwest of the spillway on a ridge. The road that led to the location has been dug up and vegetation has covered what was once a paved road. I do not live in San Angelo anymore and haven't for years so I do not remember the actual road name that was once there but it intersected with Mercedes St.","county":"Tom Green County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7836: Horse rider has daytime encounter near San Angelo.","date":"2004-11-19","number":7836,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9v8dfyp1z6","temperature_high":70.01,"temperature_mid":61.29,"temperature_low":52.57,"dew_point":51.43,"humidity":0.84,"cloud_cover":0.07,"moon_phase":0.26,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1016.28,"summary":"Mostly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.54,"wind_bearing":132,"wind_speed":0.47,"year":2004,"geometry":[-100.4161,31.45417]} {"observed":"Reported on behalf of a friend who wishes to remain anonymous. While fishing from a small boat close to shore on the Texas side of Toledo Bend, D.R. noticed a strong, musky/fecal odor for several minutes before actually seeing anything. The shore sloped gently up from the water, and was covered with short grass. This offered an unobstructed view to the trees which began growing approximately 20 yards up from the bank. These trees were short (approximately 5-10 feet), and spread far apart. D.R. cast his line into the shallower water toward the bank and that is when he noticed what he thought was someone watching them from the treeline. He also noticed that the creature was attempting to hide behind one of the short trees. It was very still, and did not move for several seconds (reckoned to be two to three minutes). At that point, the creature stood up straight (it had been semi-crouched behind the tree), walked into the open and looked directly at the boat, and then turned and walked slowly up the bank and into the heavier trees. The distance was later to be estimated at 60 to 70 yards before the creature disappeared into the forest. D.R. described the creature as being 8 to 9 feet tall, covered with the exception of the face with reddish-brown hair. A companion in the boat noticed the smell, but never saw the creature.","location_details":"Approximately halfway (North to South) down Toledo Bend Reservoir. Unknown exact mileage from nearest town.","county":"Sabine County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 1213: Encounter on Toledo Bend","date":"2004-02-03","number":1213,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vt5xckd36","temperature_high":54.48,"temperature_mid":47.985,"temperature_low":41.49,"dew_point":31.72,"humidity":0.77,"moon_phase":0.41,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":41,"wind_speed":3.98,"year":2004,"geometry":[-93.87194,31.56]} {"observed":"I was about 5 years old at the time. It was summer and the door was left open and the screen door closed. My grandfather had been in a wreck and his head had been in traction. He was laying on the couch fold out bed asleep. My grandmother and mother were in the other room with a friend playing a game of cards and I was playing with toys and watching The Price is Right (didn't have any choice - too small to change the channel) on tv. When I looked toward the door there was a 4 foot thing covered in a ruddy reddish brown fur. He was wide across the shoulders, sort of flat face watching me play with my toys. I walked up the the screen and we watched each other for a while. Its eyes almost like it was curious me like I was of it. I walked into the other room and to get my grandmother to show her this thing at the front door. But when she came it was gone. I never felt afraid of it nor did it act aggressive just curious about me or my toys. They pretty much discounted it as a child trying to get attention but to this day I can still see it in my mind every detail. And the following morning I took the toy outside and left it for the furry being. Never saw that toy again. Years later after I had gotten older I looked into native america lore and looked at information on sasquatches and put together I had seen a child. After listening to Coast to Coast I decided it was time to say something that I wasn't alone in seeing something like this.","county":"Rusk County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6007: Young boy has encounter with young bigfoot on front porch at grandparents' house","date":"2003-10-08","number":6007,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vsrx52s5p","temperature_high":82.55,"temperature_mid":75.975,"temperature_low":69.4,"dew_point":67.18,"humidity":0.85,"cloud_cover":0.37,"moon_phase":0.45,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1016.07,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":4,"visibility":4.85,"wind_bearing":97,"wind_speed":3.62,"year":2003,"geometry":[-94.965,32.27444]} {"observed":"One night in mid-October of 1999, around 9:45 at night, my daughter and I were coming home from Kilgore. I had my high beams on. Up ahead I noticed something on the right side of the road, and I continued watch it as we got closer, and slowed down a little, because I was afraid it might be a dog or something and run out in front of us. As I got closer, I noticed that it wasn't a dog, but some thing much bigger, and appeared to be crouched over beside the road. It turned toward us and stood up. There is a steep drop right off the shoulder of the road, and the thing just took about 2 steps and disappeared into the woods. I had started to tell my daughter to look, but cut myself short when the thing stood up and looked toward the car. I was just dumbstruck, I had never seen anything like it!!!! I just drove us home as fast as I could. My 8 year old was asking me all the way, \"What was it mommy?\" and all I could say was \"I don't know...\". My husband could tell something was wrong when we got home, because he told me I was as white as a sheet. The hair was still standing up all on my arms! I decided to make this report after my oldest daughter came home last January, very upset and talking about a \"monkey-man\" that had run in front of her car. I asked her to tell me where it had happened, and it was not a half mile from where I had seen the \"thing\". Both of these locations are within 3 miles of our home.","county":"Rusk County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7546: Driver and child see a bigfoot on side of the road.","date":"2003-12-12","number":7546,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vu803sn4x","temperature_high":50.93,"temperature_mid":45.555,"temperature_low":40.18,"dew_point":35.69,"humidity":0.72,"cloud_cover":0.92,"moon_phase":0.62,"precip_intensity":0.0265,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1017.34,"summary":"Rain starting in the evening.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.02,"wind_bearing":93,"wind_speed":6.08,"year":2003,"geometry":[-94.90528,32.35306]} {"observed":"I was driving north on 259 from Henderson, TX at approximately 1:30 am. I was about 9 to 9 1/2 miles from the Alford Landon Loop around Henderson. There was patchy fog. I had crossed over 2 creeks and saw a very large, dark figure just off the highway to my right. It was standing next to a group of trees that jutted out from the wooded area. I didn't slow down to get a better look because quite frankly, I was scared to death! I had just gotten off work where I am a nurse. I had been at work for an extremely long time (19 hrs) and I was very tired, but not too tired to pay attention to my surroundings. Most of my training for working is attention to detail.","county":"Rusk County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7671: Nurse has roadside encounter with \"very large, dark figure.\"","date":"2003-12-30","number":7671,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vsx9nngxe","temperature_high":61.41,"temperature_mid":45.915,"temperature_low":30.42,"dew_point":25.71,"humidity":0.58,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.26,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1025.6,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":161,"wind_speed":3.73,"year":2003,"geometry":[-94.86833,32.28944]} {"observed":"I was duck hunting in waders at Lake Cherokee. After hunting that day, I was exiting the water onto the shore and looked to my right about 200 - 300 feet. I had that creepy feeling that I was not alone. I thought to myself that it was just a big tree stump, but it moved. I saw a large creature that was fairly tall and dark. It looked at me. It appeared to be hairy. I could clearly make out that it was not another hunter. It had hair on it - kinda long and dark. We looked at each other for what must have been 20 minutes. I think it had been looking at me before I noticed it. I could not make out any facial features. Finally, what I saw turned and started walking away from me. I stood there watching it walk along the banks of the lake. After it was pretty far away I headed back to my truck. At the back of Lake Cherokee where I was hunting there were no houses or structures back then (in 1980). I haven't been there in over 15 years. I didn't hunt at that location for quite some time. When I did, I took someone else with me. It really spooked me. I have never gone on record with this for fear of being labeled a nut.","location_details":"Not too far from Tiawichi Creek, the western most boundary of Lake Cherokee, just south of the Gregg County Airport. It was beyond a forest of pine trees at the water's edge. There was approximately 100 feet of shoreline between the trees and the water. The closest town would be Monroe, Texas on west side of SH 322.","county":"Rusk County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 7670: Duck hunter has encounter on Lake Cherokee.","date":"2003-12-30","number":7670,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vsxunqq8j","temperature_high":61.54,"temperature_mid":46.045,"temperature_low":30.55,"dew_point":25.74,"humidity":0.58,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.26,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1025.6,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":161,"wind_speed":3.75,"year":2003,"geometry":[-94.7375,32.33528]} {"observed":"I climbed out of my deer stand at about 9:30 because we had to look for a deer my cousin had shot late the evening before that we could not find because of the thick brush and darkness. Well I cut thru the brush, down across the creek and got about 200-300 yards from my cousin's stand when I heard my Uncle yell something at me. I couldn't hear what he said so I yelled back for him to keep talking so I could get his direction. I got about 100 yard from him. I couldn't see him yet but I could hear him. He said there's a gorilla over here in the tree looking at me. I told him he was crazy. He said there really is, come and look. So when I got to him he said it again. I asked him was he drinking in his stand. He said no come around here and look. So we walked from down below my cousin's stand around to the side of it in the oat patch. I looked up in the tree he showed me with my binoculars and I saw something but I couldn't tell what it was because my binoculars are small and one side is kind of messed up. So I used my rifle scope. At between 100-150 yards away I had my cross hairs right on its chest. It had orange-brown hair all over its body except around its eyes and mouth area. It stood straight up in the fork of the tree with it arms down to its side. It didn't look like a gorilla. It was about 6ft tall but it was hard to tell [for sure] at that distance. I told my Uncle let's walk over there and see what it does. So we got about 75 yards from it and I looked down and then back up and it was gone. We walked over by the tree that it was in and the only tracks I found was where something landed real heavy on its heels and seemed to walk heavy on the heels. The smell was the worst the I ever smelled. We looked down through the woods to a line of oak trees and saw two figures in the trees about 300yards out moving around. Oh I forgot to tell you my Uncle said that there was what seemed like a female on the branch over the male but when I got there it was gone. We watched them for about 20 minutes and then went back down to get the deer which I did find on the way up from the creek. We kept an eye out for what ever it was and the male did come back to the tree and then left as we where pulling the deer up to the road. Everybody thinks we're crazy but I don't care I know I saw something I've never seen in the zoo or in the woods before. Maybe next time I'll have pictures with my new spycam.","county":"Rusk County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9867: Deer hunters have morning encounter on hunting lease","date":"2004-11-26","number":9867,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vswjkmwwe","temperature_high":65.91,"temperature_mid":60.505,"temperature_low":55.1,"dew_point":48.87,"humidity":0.76,"cloud_cover":0.59,"moon_phase":0.49,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1012.09,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day and breezy in the afternoon.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":168,"wind_speed":11.85,"year":2004,"geometry":[-94.68333,32.01667]} {"observed":"While predator calling this date, I was targeting bobcats with an electronic call. (I mention this because with this particular call, only a bobcat would be expected to respond. A fox, coyote, coon, etc. would not respond to this call.) After about 10 minutes of calling, I heard a sound from behind me that I could not identify. I was using a varmint light, which has a red filter. This light is not normally readily seen by predators. I shined the light toward the sound, and saw what I thought was a bear. It was dark in color, but everything was either light or dark because of the red filter. I have hunted in the West several times, and seen many bears. I initially thought that's what this was. But as stated earlier, a predator does not respond (normally) to this light. But this animal did. It stood up and moved away very rapidly on it's two \"hind\" legs. While on all fours, it appeared to be a bear. Upright, it appeared to be around 5-foot tall with a fairly large stride. I wasn't able to notice any other details because of the light source and because of how quickly it moved off. Bears do not move great distances on their hind legs, and especially not rapidly. It made this sound continuously as it moved away, gradually decreasing in volume until I couldn't hear it any longer. I'm not sure what this was, but I'm quite certain what it was not, and it was not a bear, a hog, or any other animal native to this area. After a recent conversation with Daryl Colyer, he and Craig Woolheater encouraged me to make this report. I did not do so earlier because I simply had no idea there was a possiblilty this could have been a bigfoot-type animal. Should there be any follow-up, I'd like to request Daryl Colyer as the investigator.","location_details":"Creeks and ponds in the area.","county":"San Jacinto County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10591: Predator caller has night time encounter in Sam Houston National Forest","date":"2004-01-08","number":10591,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vknr2ssj4","temperature_high":55.45,"temperature_mid":49.89,"temperature_low":44.33,"dew_point":47.35,"humidity":0.95,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.53,"precip_intensity":0.0104,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1021.92,"summary":"Rain until afternoon.","uv_index":3,"visibility":4.46,"wind_bearing":98,"wind_speed":0.89,"year":2004,"geometry":[-95.3,30.63333]} {"observed":"One evening a friend and I were riding my ATV through the Sam Houston National Forest. While riding down a straight and rather wide trail approximately 20 yards wide, I turned around to say something to my friend who was riding as passenger. Whenever I turned back around there was a large humanoid creature, approximately 6 6.5 foot tall, broad shouldered and thick in appearance, with either dark brown or black hair covering its entire body. It spooked me and I yelled at my passenger to look. When I yelled the creature turned and ran into the woods, (the creature made a quick turn upright and ran upright this marks out the possibility of being a bear). My friend did not see it and asked what I was yelling about. I could not speak from awe. The creature was only approximately 40 50 yards in front of us in the wide open. I sped up the ATV to the location where the creature ran into the woodline. The limbs and brush were shaking back and forth but I did not see him again due to the thick underbrush East Texas is known for. It scared me at first and I downshifted the ATV as fast as possible and sped away, stopping several hundred yards down the trail to explain to my friend what I had just seen. It was an experience I will never forget, and who knows maybe it was meant just for me to see. I have told many people this story, most laugh. But I know what I saw.","county":"San Jacinto County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9305: While riding ATV, police officer has sighting in Sam Houston National Forest","date":"2004-09-12","number":9305,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vkmk5u3er","temperature_high":92.24,"temperature_mid":81.865,"temperature_low":71.49,"dew_point":68.12,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.35,"moon_phase":0.93,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1014.38,"summary":"Partly cloudy in the evening.","uv_index":8,"visibility":8.31,"wind_bearing":47,"wind_speed":1.01,"year":2004,"geometry":[-95.09167,30.475]} {"observed":"It was the evening before thanksgiving and as we have done for many years our extended family went camping near our parents retirement home in Coldspring. There had been very bad weather the day before, bad enough that we considered not going; it was very cold, very wet, the power was out....the firewood was wet, yuck. This camping area is in the Sam Houston National Forest near Cleveland; it feels as though you are right in town because it's only a few minutes drive to the grocery store, but it's a very small store, and it takes a good half hour to get there on little country roads (sorry, I don't know their numbers). There is a small lake and a lot of marsh in the area. We set camp in the afternoon and then drove to pick up some family members at IAH at about 7pm; we then cooked dinner, sat by the smoky fire for a bit and decided to retire to our tents since it was quite cool and we had a bit to do the next day. My daughter, my dog, and myself waited up a bit in our tent for my husband to come in. After about 10 minutes of waiting and talking about how cold it was we turned off the tent light (yes, we have one of those battery powered clamp-on lights), the dog laid down on his dog bed and we were quiet. Within the next minute or less there were heavy footsteps quite near the tent, then a very quiet mis-step in some loose gravel; there followed a quiet grunt/growl. I said, \"oh, there he is finally,\" and my daugheter said \"uh huh.\" Well, nothing happened. No husband unzipping the tent, no dog looking up expectantly, nothing. About twenty minutes later my husband came in and we went to sleep. Some time later, minutes or hours I can't honestly tell, we were wakened by a very loud cry, exactly like the \"whoops\" on the BFRO page. Most of the folks in camp that nite didn't hear anything as it only occured once; something however woke up myself and the two other adult women in the camp and was followed by the \"whoop\"; as we were fairly far apart there was no talking between the tents. My daughter reports being wakened and hearing a \"mechanical\" sound the same night but did not hear the cry.","county":"San Jacinto County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 10800: Campers hear loud vocalizations in Sam Houston National Forest","date":"2004-11-24","number":10800,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vkmg3mw8k","temperature_high":54.44,"temperature_mid":45.18,"temperature_low":35.92,"dew_point":46.46,"humidity":0.82,"cloud_cover":0.38,"moon_phase":0.44,"precip_intensity":0.001,"precip_probability":0.82,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1011.8,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":291,"wind_speed":7.52,"year":2004,"geometry":[-95.12305,30.55]} {"observed":"[First incident:] It was approximately midnight in late April 2005 when me and three other friends were hiking in the Sam Houston National Forest. The weather was clear and the temperature was approximately eighty degrees. We had stopped to take a break and two of the three friends that were with me had gone up ahead of me and another guy. When me and my buddy were resting and talking about where we were going to go next we heard a long drawn out howl just like the Ohio howl on this website. I interrupted my friend and told him to listen. Approximately thirty seconds later we heard it again, identical to the Ohio howl. The howl lasted for about seven to eight seconds both times. The howls came from approximately five to seven hundred yards away through the woods. I have heard every variation of howl of every known animal in these woods and this sounded like no normal animal. My buddy and I caught up with the other two that were in the group and asked them if they heard anything strange, to which they replied, \"No\". [Second incident:] This incident occurred in the Sam Houston National Forest in late May 2005 at approximately midnight. A friend and I decided to go on an expedition of our own down near the east fork of San Jacinto River right off of FM 2025. We were approximately three to four miles off of the roadway down on the river in the thick of the woods. We set up and then waited to let the noise from us getting prepared die down. After about thirty minutes of silence I did the best impersonation of the Ohio howl that I could in a series of three, but got no response. We waited for a while longer and then I did it again in a series of three howls. And to our surprise, something hollered back at us that was within two hundred yards. It wasn't the same as the Ohio howl but it was a long loud deep growl, unlike a hog snorting, and it did this approximately three to four times. After it did that there was a long series of chattering noises that came from two different animals in front and behind us, but we never could see it. This went on for about one minute. My friend that was with me got instantly freaked out and jumped on his four wheeler saying, \"come on, let's go, its right there!\" I was able to convince him to wait and listen. We waited for approximately twenty minutes until we heard nothing but insects again. I told my friend to keep watch that I was going to try something that Daryl Colyer had told me about. So I picked up a stick about the size of a man's forearm and I hit it on a nearby tree about six times in a row then stopped. I did this three times in about a twenty minute span. After the third time, from the other side of the river we could clearly hear something that sounded just like what i was doing, banging a limb on the side of a tree and it sounded like it had some force behind it. Whatever it was, it did this about one to two minutes and quit. We waited a while and I hit the tree again as well as did imitations of the Ohio howl but never got another response. We waited a while but never heard anything but coyotes again after that. I guess it is possible for woodpeckers to be up between midnight and 2am, however highly unlikely. I had never heard anything like the chattering we heard that night that made our hair stand up. The low deep grunt/growls were not hogs and did not sound anything like hogs. However, we never actually seen them.","county":"San Jacinto County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 11987: Vocalizations, wood knocks and strange chatter heard in the Sam Houston National Forest.","date":"2005-06-27","number":11987,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vkm7306q7","temperature_high":92.76,"temperature_mid":81.09,"temperature_low":69.42,"dew_point":70.23,"humidity":0.7,"cloud_cover":0.05,"moon_phase":0.71,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1015.63,"summary":"Humid throughout the day.","uv_index":11,"visibility":7.3,"wind_bearing":141,"wind_speed":1.56,"year":2005,"geometry":[-95.13,30.46]} {"observed":"Only in the past few years have I associated a previous experience with an investigative report. I presumed at the time I was not believing what I saw. I was 16 yrs old at the time and was out with my cousin and a few others \"coon hunting\", south of Tyler, Texas in a creek bottom known as \"Marlow Bottom\". We heard the dogs \"on tree\" and went to see what coon (raccoon) was treed. We approached with our coleman lanterns, flashlights and guns drawn. I believe there were five of us there...we saw a huge animal of some sort, covered in red fur, flaying it's arms and making a dreadful howling noise toward the dogs. One of us, I don't remember who, shot toward the animal and there was a terrifying growl that absolutely scared the wits out of all of us, including the dogs. We immediately left the area at a run. At the time we didn't think anyone would believe us, so we chalked all of it up to a disbelief and forgotten. There was no reports of a Sasquatch, Bigfoot, or anything like that in 1963.","location_details":"Marlow Bottoms, 5 miles S. of Tyler towards Bullard Texas, at Marlow Creek going west about 3 miles into the bottoms.","county":"Smith County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 1063: Coon hunters observe large, hairy \"monkey\" in pin oak","date":"2003-10-22","number":1063,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vsnyfy57n","temperature_high":90.67,"temperature_mid":75.57,"temperature_low":60.47,"dew_point":55.16,"humidity":0.55,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.89,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1014.86,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":9.8,"wind_bearing":248,"wind_speed":2.8,"year":2003,"geometry":[-95.32,32.13972]} {"observed":"Okay me and my friends were fishing down at the creek by our house and we were tired and decided to leave. So we all started walking back up the road from the wood area and [our friend] said that he had forgotten the bait. So he ran down to the creek to get the bait then he came running back and screaming and said that he saw a giant white hairy thing picking up leaves and droping them. So we were all freaked out. So like 3 of us went back down there to see what he was talking about and as we were walking along the creek a big hairy white man like thing jumped out from behind a tree in front of us, looked at us then jumped the creek (which is far too wide for the average human to jump) and ran off.","county":"Smith County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9436: Teenagers have night time sighting on Blackhawk Creek near Whitehouse.","date":"2004-10-03","number":9436,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vsr16c36z","temperature_high":83.89,"temperature_mid":76.34,"temperature_low":68.79,"dew_point":65.14,"humidity":0.71,"cloud_cover":0.4,"moon_phase":0.67,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1021.93,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":5,"visibility":8.69,"wind_bearing":55,"wind_speed":0.92,"year":2004,"geometry":[-95.21667,32.18333]} {"observed":"There are three incidents in roughly the same location to report. These incidents happened on our friends 400 acre ranch. During the first incident, my son, 14, was invited to his friends ranch earlier this summer or fall, 2003. The closest city to this ranch is Tyler, TX. The ranch is very large and out in the middle of nowhere. This area is a very wooded area with some hills and trails. On the first occasion my son and a friend were riding on a 4-wheeler on a trail where there was a fence running parallel with the trail. My son said they were going approx 20 miles an hour and he could hear loud footsteps keeping pace with the 4-wheeler. His friend who was on the back said that he also heard the footsteps and could see the trees \"moving\". On the second occasion, my son was invited to go camping on the ranch with his friends from his youth group. They were driving the 4-wheelers up to the camp spot after dark. The camping spot was roughly the same area where the first incident occured 3-4 weeks earlier. Coming around a corner, my sons friend said the lights from the 4-wheeler picked up \"glowing eyes\" about 7 feet above the ground that my sons friend saw. The friend said that he didn't see great detail other than the \"glowing eyes\" and a bushy or hairy face. The latest incident at the same ranch occured at around 12:00 am at night on 1/15/04. My son and his friends were riding 4-wheelers again and one of the 4-wheelers got stuck in the mud. My sons friend went to get a chain or rope to pull the 4-wheeler out of the mud. My son said he heard a loud moaning sound off in the distance. His friend who was with him did not hear it because he said he was thinking about something else and wasn't paying attention. My son described it as one long moan. He called me the morning of 1/16/04 and told me about it. I remembered the BFRO website and knew there were sound recordings there that we could compare. On 1/19/04, we listened to the four recordings on the BFRO website and my son indicated that it sounded exactly like the one with the 3 long, deep moaning sounds with the dog barking in the background. We have always been interested in Bigfoot. Our next step may be to take a recording of the moaning sounds out to the site at night and play them to see if we can generate a response.","county":"Smith County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 7802: Teenager hears vocalization at night and has possible sighting not far from Sabine River.","date":"2004-10-03","number":7802,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vu0uxq8g7","temperature_high":82.44,"temperature_mid":73.86,"temperature_low":65.28,"dew_point":64.29,"humidity":0.76,"cloud_cover":0.28,"moon_phase":0.67,"precip_intensity":0.0002,"precip_probability":0.56,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1021.93,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.07,"wind_bearing":47,"wind_speed":0.8,"year":2004,"geometry":[-95.41817,32.51556]} {"observed":"I went to the river camp in the afternoon, at the end of October 1999, to fill my deer feeders. I had a late start and I was afraid I would get stuck (if it started raining) in the bottom so I parked a 1/2 mile or so from the camp. There was a chance of rain in the area which was good because it had been dry, but it doesn't take much for this area to get wet, quick. I filled two, 2 and 1/2 gallon buckets with feed corn and took off walking down the road that leads past the first feeder. I noticed before I got to it that the feeder was missing. After a closer look I found the feeder hanging in the tree. It had been wrapped around the limb it was tied to, like a teather ball. The feeders we were using were made of 4\" heavy PVC drain pipe about 2 feet long. The rope was about 10 feet long. I was thinking of climbing up the tree (or better of it) when I saw something move to my left. It was about 75 feet away and was hiding behind a large oak tree. I had seen it for just a second and thought I was seeing some strange looking, shaggy hog. As soon as I moved toward it, it started to move off. I followed it for a couple of minutes in this fashion but I could never get a good look. It was very good at keeping the brush and trees between it and myself . As this is in a place where the river over flows regularly (the run-off end of a slough), there is excessive amounts of dead trees, brush and briars at times. Sometimes it piles up so thick, it looks like beaver dams. I could only catch glimpes of it because of the thick cover. Because of it's shaggy appearance I had begun to believe it was an emu or maybe two. I know this sounds strange, but a couple of weeks earlier, a man in one of the hunting clubs up the road told me someone had emptied a cattle trailer full of unwanted emus in their club and I was convinced this is what I was looking at. We continued on this way movin up the river. We came to the old R/R crossing at another camp house and boatramp across the river. We were to a point were it/they either had to step into the open, go back the way it/they came or turn and face me. When it stepped out I really couldn't believe it, at first. It was a bigfoot, sasquatch, wooleybooger, or whatever you want to all it. There is nothing else it could have been. I was 50 feet or less away from it. The left side and back were to me and I couldn't see the face. It was about 7 feet tall, walking upright, and covered with long shaggy hair. It was longer on the arms (which hung to the knee) and covered its (hands ?). The hair was dark gray-ish black, and reminded me of old hay rolls that had been left out in the pasture, uncovered. It had huge, wide shoulders and the head just sort of blended into them. I did not see the feet. I would estimate its weight at 300 lbs. Although it was large, I would have to discribe it as \"lanky\". As it moved over the bank, paused, and moved down to the river out of sight, I noticed the hair on its rear end was thinner and I could see its butt. It was black and I could see the muscles working. The sighting lasted about 10 seconds. By then my hands were shaking from the adrenaline rush I was having. I haven't had a rush like that since I was a little boy, about to take my first deer (or try, I missed). After I steadied myself (20 seconds or so) I decided to go see where it went. I figured it had crossed the river. You can walk across here easily when the river is down (and it was). I took about ten steps and a very loud \"snap\" came from directly behind me, at about 200 ft. That's when I left. I went straight back to my feeder, dumped the corn out on the ground and got the hell out of there. I was feeling flighty, to say the least. There is no doubt in my mind that when I started following this animal, it was on all fours. If at anytime it would have been on two legs (at 7 feet tall) I could have seen it clearly. It took full advantage of the thick cover. It didn't stand until it reached the opening of the river crossing. I've heard the \"booger monster\" stories all my life, but never really believed them. I now realize this animal has been there all along. I've seen some strange things, in the woods, I couldn't explain. Some of them don't seem so strange anymore. If I see it again, he can go his way and I'll go mine.","location_details":"Neches River. Cow pasture across river from our camp.","county":"Tyler County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 11687: While checking deer feeders, hunter has encounter on Neches River.","date":"2005-06-15","number":11687,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vsb6pd7pp","temperature_high":97.61,"temperature_mid":84.92,"temperature_low":72.23,"dew_point":71.38,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":0.07,"moon_phase":0.27,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1013.3,"summary":"Humid throughout the day.","uv_index":10,"visibility":9.17,"wind_bearing":337,"wind_speed":0.53,"year":2005,"geometry":[-94.47903,31.0232]} {"observed":"I am a little unsure if this is a Bigfoot sighting or not but it certainly freaked me out enough that I felt the urge to look into a bit further. It happened in September of 2001 on the county line between Walker and Montgomery Counties in East Central Texas. At the time I was living in the college community of College Station Texas and would commute the hour and a half from home to my work in Conroe. Due to the drive and the time I needed to be at work I often left long before the sun was rising. On the 11th of September I left home at about 4:30 A.M. and headed to work. The quickest not easiest route leads through some rather empty country and part of the Sam Houston State Forest which borders Lake Conroe. I was on FM (Farm to Market Road) 1375 which cuts through the Forest and over part of the Lake. The 'cut off is approximatly 15 miles from the state highway to interstate 45 running north south from Dallas to Houston. Halfway down the road is a bridge spanning the upper portion of the Lake. I had just crossed that bridge headed east when I decided to pull to the side of the road. I am a heavy coffee drinker and for obvious reasons the rural nature of the spot made it an easy stopping point. Where I had stopped years of fishermen have worn a path down the from the road bed to the Lakes edge. I had just started to step onto that path when I noticed a VERY heavy musky odor. I wish now I would have made a point to stop and take another breath but at the time I was thinking just that it was a really strange skunk odor. I had taken maybe 2 or 3 more steps when the hairs on my neck literally stod on end and to this day I swear I heard a 'woofing' noise. Not like a dog does but kinda like that and as if something was telling me I was not where I needed to be. I stopped and that is when to my immediate right something stood up and grabbed the branches of a small tree right next to my head and began to shake. I had left my lights on in at the truck and though they were not shinning in my direction the reflection was enough to get a general idea. It stood well over a foot taller then me and was still 'below' me on the slope of the embankment I am 5'8\" so I would think it was about 7 feet tall. It had dark colored hair, a rather large head and I could not see the nose or eyes due to shadows. It had long arms I think and large hands. I am a little unsure of that because I can not remember if I really looked at its hands or not. The stench was amazing. Enough to make my eyes water. It began to make a squelling bark kinda noise and in 2 or 3 strides was past me and headed for the road. I don't know why it didn't turn and head back into the forest but it didn't. I turned to watch and as it started across the road a light colored truck came around the bend in the road headed west. I don't know if the driver saw what I did but I can remember the red lights of the brakes shinning so he/she must have seen something. The creature moved up the hill on the otherr side of the road and went into the pine trees there. I got back into my truck and got the heck out of dodge so to speak. I have only told one other person about this cause to be honest I don't want to look like some idiot seeing a ghost in the middle of the woods in Texas.","location_details":"I have given about as good of a description of the area as I can. Half way down FM 1375 on the north side of the road just past the bridge spanning the upper portion of Lake Conroe.","county":"Walker County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4206: Predawn sighting on north side of FM 1375, just east of bridge over Lake Conroe","date":"2001-09-11","number":4206,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vkj8uwkft","temperature_high":86.24,"temperature_mid":74.97,"temperature_low":63.7,"dew_point":64.3,"humidity":0.71,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.79,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.74,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.67,"wind_bearing":5,"wind_speed":1.27,"year":2001,"geometry":[-95.58334,30.52361]} {"observed":"Mike Hall and I had just wrapped up night operations with TBRC/BFRO on that Saturday night, we hiked out of our area and met with Daryl Colyer, Alton Higgins and other members of the group at the forest service road where we had parked Mike's Jeep. We loaded our gear in the back and headed back to base camp as the others left to go back into the woods to do some further research. Interested in getting back to base camp and getting warm, and much needed sleep, I was concentrating on watching for animals in the roadway, as I didn't want us to hit something and be stuck out there in the cold. Mike was driving and there was no conversation until we topped a hill in the road, and I saw something moving in the same direction that we were in the middle of the road. I pointed and asked \"what is that?\". Mike slowed and asked \"what is what?\" and I answered \"that thing in the road just beyond the headlights.\" Mike looked and said \"holy s---!\" and I said \"whatever it is don't hit it.\" What we saw was a large dark upright moving creature walk in the middle of the road. It was about 5 1/2 to 6 feet tall, moving upright, in the same direction that we were traveling. It had noticeable hair and its head seemed domed and no neck, as if its head rested right on its shoulders. It was very very broad at the shoulders and thick (massive). It never turned to look at us, so I don't know what the face looked like. We have no recollection of its hands or lower body, our focus was on how wide it was and how smooth that it moved. It was amazing, just very graceful. No jerky movements, very fluid in its movement. As we neared, it moved to the side of the road in a smooth motion then stepped off into the ditch and into the woods to the right side of the road. Then Mike realizing what we were witnessing, stopped the jeep and grabbed the gun and flashlight and jumped out to look for tracks. I stayed in the jeep not believing what I was seeing with it running. As mike scanned the woods following sounds he was hearing, he motioned for me to cut the engine and waved for me to get out an join him. I did both reluctantly. As I got near Mike he asked for me to look where he was shining his flashlight and to tell him what I saw, to my utter disbelief I saw a large shape of head and shoulders move quickly between two trees and disappear. I must have blinked because it was there one second and gone the next. We scanned the woods and the road for any signs but couldn't see anything, we also listened for movement but it was dead quiet. We then moved back into the jeep and just sat there, amazed at what we had just witnessed. There was no odor and no sound, other that what Mike had heard before I got out of the jeep. In reflection on the event I did have the feeling that we were being watched. Mike was so excited over this he could hardly think, so I grabbed a pad and pen and said to him, \"Here let's write down what we saw.\" He was so shaken that he couldn't even write, so I took over and had him dictate what he saw and added what I saw. Not having any way to communicate with the others in the woods, we didn't know what to do. Not thinking clearly because of the excitement and lack of sleep we drove back to base camp, where we were headed in the 1st place. Upon reaching camp, I just couldn't face another cold night on the ground and begged Mike to take me into town to a nice warm hotel. The next day we returned and reported the incident to Daryl Colyer and the rest of the group.","location_details":"Near Lake Conroe, several creeks in area that we were scouting around.","county":"Walker County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10407: Journalist and investigator have early morning sighting in Sam Houston National Forest","date":"2005-01-28","number":10407,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9v7ypfs3gm","temperature_high":48.86,"temperature_mid":47.005,"temperature_low":45.15,"dew_point":43.64,"humidity":0.93,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.6,"precip_intensity":0.0177,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.9,"summary":"Rain in the morning.","uv_index":3,"visibility":8.81,"wind_bearing":11,"wind_speed":3.33,"year":2005,"geometry":[-95.63,30.6]} {"observed":"A large hairy creature unlike any thing I have ever seen before, stood up right like a person, but was NOT a person. Found footprints next day, but did not have a camera to take photos.Guessing that it would weigh around 450 to 500 pounds, very mobile, jumped a 4' fence with ease.","location_details":". 9 miles south of Imperial going across the road from right to left. ( East to West )","county":"Pecos County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 4140: Two rabbit hunters witness large, upright, hairy creature near the Pecos River late at night","date":"2000-02-15","number":4140,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9twczjjc4k","temperature_high":88.07,"temperature_mid":70.965,"temperature_low":53.86,"dew_point":30.05,"humidity":0.24,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.36,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1012.55,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":243,"wind_speed":8.18,"year":2000,"geometry":[-102.6922,31.27278]} {"observed":"Me and my wife set out to go on an overnight camping trip in the country. I go hiking and camping fairly often and my wife sometimes accompanies me on my outings. This time we went about 30 miles southeast from where we live, in Nacogdoches to some remote family-owned land. Our land is on a small blacktop county road and few people live there. Only one neighbor lives close by, an old woman across the road. The road parallels Sam Rayburn reservoir for several miles and is a short distance from it at this point. It was late afternoon when we arrived there. Wildlife are plentiful in this area, with deer, bobcat, hogs, etc. and since I occasionally would hunt deer there, I put out some corn for them to get ready for season and then we set up our camp. We have a small storage building that family and friends use to sleep in on our hunting and camping outings. After we were set up for the night, I started a fire about five yards away from the building to roast hot dogs on. It was beginning to get dark at this time. We have a camcorder that we always take on our trips and I filmed the outing. I remembered that as it had gotten dark, dogs could be heard across the nearby road, barking like crazy. Up to this point I filmed everything, but since I was getting hungry, I stopped to make me some supper. My wife was sitting down on a makeshift chair and I was at the fire. Suddenly, a loud howl, or hoot came from a nearby creekbottom, a distance of about 70 yards. The sound is best described as a \"WOO-WAAH\" sound. It was very loud and sounded almost baboon-like, but also much like a human's vocal chords. We were both shocked by the piercing sound, but before we could react, whatever it was came to within approximately 8 yards and screamed again. My wife jumped from her chair sideways and ran to the shed spraining her ankle in the process. I didn't know what the sounds were, but I am sure they were NOT deer, hogs or hoot owls, or anything else that I have EVER heard. I could not be sure if it was not some prankster, although someone would risk getting shot coming to a person's camp at night like that. I ran to the shed to get my pistol which I always carry on our outings, all the while the \"animal\" screamed the same sound in rapid succession, about 7 times in all.The sound emanated from behind a pile of tree limbs placed there on previous outings. I went to the edge of our camp and shined my flashlight into and around the pile and held my pistol ready, but no more sounds were heard. I couldn't see any eyes shining in my flashlight beam either. Even though we were a little unnerved by the event, I planned to go ahead and make our beds for the night, but my wife's ankle was beginning to swell and she was in pain, so we packed our things and went back home. I have gone back a few times since then, but have not noticed anything strange. So if it wasn't a bigfoot, fine I just don't really know what it was. All the experienced outdoorsmen I have talked to about the sounds say they have never heard anything like them either.","location_details":"Take Hwy103E from Lufkin approximately 24 miles from the Lufkin loop.","county":"Nacogdoches County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 3390: Campers are disturbed by strange vocalizations in Piney Woods of East Texas","date":"2003-10-15","number":3390,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vsfm2h9cu","temperature_high":75.84,"temperature_mid":64.025,"temperature_low":52.21,"dew_point":48.04,"humidity":0.67,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.66,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1019.45,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":137,"wind_speed":1.37,"year":2003,"geometry":[-94.33334,31.33333]} {"observed":"My grandaughter was driving and spotted a man in a field where men are never seen as it is flood for rice. She went back to see what he was doing. As this is a very senstive area due to 9/11. As he came closer she could see he was huge, then she could see the hair he was covered with. He was bending over as if looking for something doing this several times she was still at good distance. She knew no one would believe her so she took several pictures. Two of which came out. One coming and the other going away after she honked her horn. We think these pictures could be of great interest. They were just taken Wednesday [June 9, 2004]. Thanks for your time.","county":"Matagorda County","state":"Texas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8832: While driving, young woman has afternoon sighting near South Texas Project.","date":"2004-06-30","number":8832,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9v5ey6yk5v","temperature_high":82.36,"temperature_mid":79.71,"temperature_low":77.06,"dew_point":75.71,"humidity":0.88,"cloud_cover":0.31,"moon_phase":0.43,"precip_intensity":0.0159,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1016.98,"summary":"Rain in the morning and afternoon.","uv_index":10,"visibility":8.24,"wind_bearing":111,"wind_speed":2.35,"year":2004,"geometry":[-96.04472,28.8]} {"observed":"On the afternoon of January 5th 2001, I discovered several footprints in the Yellow House Canyon of Lubbock Texas. I took several photographs of the footprints.","location_details":"In the yellow house canyon just south of the Lubbock Lake Site","county":"Lubbock County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 1123: Footprints photographed in Yellow Canyon.","date":"2001-01-06","number":1123,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9tzy33zst6","temperature_high":57.36,"temperature_mid":46.38,"temperature_low":35.4,"dew_point":32.84,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.38,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1012.06,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":289,"wind_speed":8.64,"year":2001,"geometry":[-101.5361,33.45278]} {"observed":"In January of this year (04) my girlfriend and I were on our way to visit family in Kountz, Texas. We share an apartment in a suburb of Houston. The quickest route to my mom and stepdad's house is through Cleveland, Texas and take 105 from there to almost Kountz. [At] approximately midnight, we left from Kingwood and traveled through Cleveland onto 105. We had been on 105 about 20 minutes (about 45 minutes from Kingwood) we were approaching the Trinity River bottom when I noticed something in the center of the road. My girlfriend was dozing beside me and I yelled thinking we were about to be in an accident. She sat up and screamed that we were about to hit 'him'. I locked the brakes of her truck up and when I did whatever it was stood up in the road and started to 'run' to our right towards the woods. My girlfriend, started to open her door and I grabbed her to stop her. She yelled that it was a 'bigfoot'. I had heard of them, I mean who hasn't, but to be honest until that very moment, I would never have believed that they existed. By the time I looked up from her the creature was standing on the side of the road watching us. When she opened her door the creature made like a squalling sound and turned into the woods. I think it was around 7 feet tall. I am not too sure I do know it was quite a bit taller then myself. It was black in color but it had what looked like mud on its legs and arms. The fur or hair was long. It was on my girlfriend's side of the truck about 10 feet away and she said its hands were long and the thumbs were 'not right'. I am not too sure what she meant other then they looked longer I think, too be honest not too sure how to describe that. Where the thing was squatting in the road was a doe that had been hit by a car. I am not sure if it was looking or feeding on the doe but it had been moved by it. You could see where the creature had shifted the animal on the road or at least it looked like that when I got out to look. I have read on here, when I decided to post the incident. that there was an 'oder' a lot of times. When we got out I really could not remember an oder or anything else that smelled strange. I am not too sure of what else to tell about what we saw.","location_details":"20 or 25 minutes outside of Cleveland Texas on State Highway 105. Approaching the Trinity River Bridge crossings. We were headed east on the highway at the time.","county":"Liberty County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 8441: Couple has early morning sighting on Highway 105 very near the Trinity River","date":"2004-05-04","number":8441,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vks1tuk4u","temperature_high":81.99,"temperature_mid":70.995,"temperature_low":60,"dew_point":58.77,"humidity":0.73,"moon_phase":0.49,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":175,"wind_speed":3.2,"year":2004,"geometry":[-94.85,30.26667]} {"observed":"My wife and I were crossing the Trinity River on Highway 105 just before sunset on May 29, 2004 after having been to a Cardinals-Astros baseball game. The west bank of the Trinity was a long sand bar, and there were a few people (ten - fifteen) spread out along the sandbar doing various things. There were a few kids and a dad camping, two guys sitting on a tailgate, there was a couple farther down fishing, and there was another truck backed up to the sandbar with its stereo playing. My wife and and I drove down to the sandbar, had to engage the four-wheel drive to avoid getting stuck and turned around to go back to the highway (Hwy 105). We got back out on the highway and my wife asked me to drive on across the bridge to the other side. I did so. My wife saw what she called \"a waterfall\" off the left side of the bridge (actually it was just water running over rocks in a small creek off the Trinity). We turned off on a dirt road just past the bridge, drove over a small wooden bridge over my wife's \"waterfall\" and came to a gate that was locked with two padlocks. Keep in mind that the area is very heavily wooded, swampy and marshy in areas and highly inhospitable, once you step foot into the woods. At the gate, we got out of my truck. We climbed the gate just to look around the area. We could hear the music and the kids playing across the river (probably 1/4 of a mile back across the bridge). On the other side of the gate, the road turned into a two-track trail. There had been vehicles down there probably within the last month. We walked down the trail. The sun was setting and it was starting to get dark. This was very impromptu and we had not planned for this jaunt at all. My wife had heels on! I walked on ahead, probably thirty feet ahead of my wife. There was a sign that indicated that the area was a private hunting club area. We were very quiet and made very little sound. It was then that I saw it - about forty yards down the trail, where the trail turned sharply to the left. \"It\" leapt across the trail much like a long-jumper, landed on the right side of the trail and leapt again into the woods - quickly, quietly, in the blink of an eye. It was a rusty-red color, about six feet tall, and was extremely, extremely fast. In an instant, my mind tried to ascertain what it was I saw. I kept telling myself, \"No way. No way.\" But - my data banks could not process it or link it to any other creature that I had ever seen. I saw no face, and do not remember seeing arms or feet - but I did see an upright something about six feet tall leap ten feet across the trail and spring into the woods. I turned to whisper loudly to my wife, \"DID YOU SEE THAT!?\" No. She was busy dealing with a slimey, slithery something that slithered across her foot. She was quite distraught, and her encounter happened at exactly the second that mine occurred. When she realized what had happened, she quickly jogged up to me and we jogged to spot of the crossing. When we arrived at the crossing area, we could hear the animal still running through the woods, sending birds to flight near its path. It was then that I smelled a musky smell, much like a horse actually. We looked for tracks of any nature and found absolutely nothing. The creature cleared the road and the road was the only place that tracks would have been made. We turned to look to the left, and there in the woods was a clump of uprooted trees with fresh sod still on the roots, as though they had recently been put there. I am sorry, but I can't say with certainty that what I saw was a bigfoot, but I can say with certainty that what I saw was: 1. Rusty-red (orangutanish); 2. Approximately six feet in height; 3. Incredibly fast; 4. Appeared bipedal and upright; 5. Not a deer, coyote, cat, horse, human, fox, bear, wolf, hog, dog or any other indigenous animal that I have seen in Texas. (I was raised in the backwoods of East and Central Texas). We had no cameras with us, but even if we had, the creature was way out of sight before I could have drawn any camera. And he was way too fast for any hope of pursuit. We surmised that perhaps he had been watching the people across the river from a very safe and secure position - until he saw us coming up the road, at which time he fled in a panic. He probably saw us long before we saw him. When I first saw him, he was in mid-air leaping across the road. He touched down and sprung up and into the woods. We heard him for a few seconds after we arrived at the crossing area and then it went silent, save for the people noises from across the river. We thought that he may have stopped and surveilled us from a hidden position in the woods. We looked around for just a few minutes and had to return to the truck - it was getting dark in a hurry and we were largely unequipped.","county":"Liberty County","state":"Texas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8790: Man sees an upright creature jump across wooded trail","date":"2004-06-03","number":8790,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vks4yjx7m","temperature_high":89.06,"temperature_mid":80.655,"temperature_low":72.25,"dew_point":70.49,"humidity":0.82,"moon_phase":0.52,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Humid throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":42,"wind_speed":2.52,"year":2004,"geometry":[-94.79333,30.26861]} {"observed":"My son and I was driving down FM1008 (Kenefick) heading towards our road hwy 321. It was about 11PM. I was driving around a curve and it was just there. His face was as tall as the speeding sign that he was standing next to as if he was crossing the road. If I was 20 seconds later I would have hit a man that had hair covering his whole body except I could see his mouth and nose with no hair; the eyes were pretty clear of any facial hair also. He \"looked\" upset.Clearly not sure what it was that my son and I saw but it was a man like being that was as tall as the street sign. My headlights reflected off the sign as this thing turned his face to see us and we see him. It was practically in my windshield. I would have hit him if I had not swirved.","county":"Liberty County","state":"Texas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8857: Mother and son endure frightening road encounter with hairy, \"man-like\" being.","date":"2004-06-15","number":8857,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vke6244vz","temperature_high":80.21,"temperature_mid":75.73,"temperature_low":71.25,"dew_point":72.61,"humidity":0.93,"moon_phase":0.94,"precip_intensity":0.0895,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Heavy rain in the morning and afternoon.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":289,"wind_speed":0.85,"year":2004,"geometry":[-94.82,30.10305]} {"observed":"My mother and I and one of my friends were traveling north on FM 1008 between Dayton and Kenefick TX. I believe it was late evening or early night. All three of us watched a very tall creature completely covered with hair from head to toe stand at the side of the road and disappear into the woods. All three of us saw the same thing. I will talk to my mom and get her to recall the incident.","county":"Liberty County","state":"Texas","season":"Unknown","title":"Report 9036: Three motorists have night time road encounter near Kenefick.","date":"2004-07-22","number":9036,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vke1k80n7","temperature_high":87.95,"temperature_mid":80.49,"temperature_low":73.03,"dew_point":75.04,"humidity":0.87,"cloud_cover":0.57,"moon_phase":0.17,"precip_intensity":0.0412,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1014.65,"summary":"Heavy rain in the afternoon.","uv_index":6,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":119,"wind_speed":1.83,"year":2004,"geometry":[-94.86667,30.08333]} {"observed":"First off I was a young boy when this happened so please forgive some memory errors. I was riding my bike in the woods and going home on a trail, I could \"feel\" something watching or \"following\" me. I raced out of the woods to a better trail I could hear in the bush as something was keeping pace with me. The bush was being thrashed about as if it were chasing me or just following me. I cleared the woods and turned to look and I could see something that had reddish-brown hair all over it. It stood very tall well over 8 feet. It had \"blackened skin\" along the facial areas that I could see. This incident has haunted my childhood and adulthood dreams. The area in which I had seen this \"creature\" is now cleared and a subdivision is built upon it. Most of it is still very wooded. As a young boy I hunted these woods often and would smell a horrid stench and often attributed it to a decaying animal, but after the chase I quickly remembered the smell as it filled the air. I was now looking at as this thing stood there. I remember my father telling my about bigfoot and that he and some friends had seen something he could not identify as a boy in West Virginia.","location_details":"The area was in the back of Woodland Acres off FM1409. It was off of Magnolia Lane. One of the last roads in the subdivision.","county":"Liberty County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9169: While riding bicycle, teenager has afternoon, close encounter not far from Trinity River","date":"2004-08-19","number":9169,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vkd402qr5","temperature_high":89.97,"temperature_mid":84.165,"temperature_low":78.36,"dew_point":77.18,"humidity":0.86,"cloud_cover":0.62,"moon_phase":0.12,"precip_intensity":0.0004,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Humid and mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":156,"wind_speed":6.29,"year":2004,"geometry":[-94.83334,29.88528]} {"observed":"As a son of residents of Liberty County, I am reporting a possible encounter for my parents. Not clearly remembering which day, but it was early May when my parents seen something strange. As they were traveling West from Romayor towards Cleveland on FM 787, they seen a large creature run swiftly across the highway into the woods. It was in the morning, around 9:00, when a huge brownish-red haired creature crossed 70+ yards in front of them. As quickly as it happened, my father said it moved in a swift leaping motion. It had huge long arms, which one arm hit the ground to help it move faster. It had a wide, slouching, pear-shape body with long legs. Its fur or hair was brownish-red, like very dark and old dead pine needles. However, it was too far to describe or see its face. Describing the location of the encounter was near 4 miles west of the Trinity River. It was just a half a mile past the Rayburn town sign near a 100 yard stretch of woods and a pipeline trail. It was crossing from the North through the woods to the south which seems to be pipeline trail that leads to Highway 105. Not being sure on what they saw and being in a hurry had only made them slow down and look down the trail. However, there was no trace of it as they passed by. The next day I came over to visit and I remembered them telling me they had seen something cross them in Rayburn. They've told many family and friends and every time the story has been very accurate. However, I haven't seen anything like that.","location_details":"Coming from Cleveland, travel East on FM 787 for 12 miles until you pass a green sign saying RAYBURN and the Rayburn Baptists Church. Looking to the right there will be a pipline trail. If you come to a steep hill and another sign that says DOLEN, you went too far.","county":"Liberty County","state":"Texas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 9862: While driving between Trinity River and Cleveland, couple has morning road-cross encounter","date":"2004-11-26","number":9862,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vkt130jyq","temperature_high":71.14,"temperature_mid":68.14,"temperature_low":65.14,"dew_point":56.16,"humidity":0.85,"moon_phase":0.49,"precip_intensity":0.0042,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Breezy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening, and rain overnight.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":143,"wind_speed":8.65,"year":2004,"geometry":[-94.86667,30.41667]} {"observed":"I was squirrel hunting on my grandmothers property, that is around 2 1\\2 miles east of Dayton. I had just walked in a clearing, about 14 x 30ft, surrounded by dense foliage. I had a New England single shot 12 gauge with me. I was looking up into the trees for any sign of squirrels when I caught a movement out of the corner of my right eye. I looked down and to the front of me and saw standing about 15ft away a very large creature. It was about 6ft7in to 7ft tall, very broad shouldered, very hairy except the face. The face was devoid of hair. Coal black eyes, wide nose, very long arms and big hands. It was like I had surprised it. We stared at each other for about 10 seconds, when I cocked my 12 gauge. At that time it turned to its right and disappeared. VERY quickly. It was getting to be dusk but I did look for tracks and found none. There was no smell. I hunted at that location quite often and know the surroundings. That day there were no birds, squirrels or any signs of wildlife whatsoever. It started to get darker so I started home.","location_details":"Linney Creek. Across the road from property is the Trinity River bottom land.","county":"Liberty County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10272: Squirrel hunter has pre-dusk close encounter near Linney Creek","date":"2005-01-17","number":10272,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vkdc8k7fb","temperature_high":55.25,"temperature_mid":44.72,"temperature_low":34.19,"dew_point":28.75,"humidity":0.62,"cloud_cover":0.33,"moon_phase":0.26,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1036.12,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":4,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":47,"wind_speed":2.73,"year":2005,"geometry":[-94.85,30.01667]} {"observed":"As a teenager from the early seventies up until 1980, I hunted this area. Numerous times I had mentioned a smell to a friend which I described as somewhere between a skunk and a wet dog. My friend acknowledged that he had smelled it several times himself. We blew it off as being some type of plant or weed, but as I began smelling it more often I could tell it was some type of animal as opposed to a plant or weed. I began thinking that it was probably ferral hogs. As I continued to get older and continued to squirrel hunt these same areas, I began to notice that every time I smelled this odor, there were no squirrels moving or any wildlife for that matter. I do not know exact dates or even the year in which these incidents occured, but it was in the mid to late seventies. I have been reluctant to tell anyone about these incidents. 1978: The first visual experience that I had came deep in the woods from the road. I had walked about a mile down in the woods where I came upon a pinoak flat.I could see all the way through the flat to the other side which was about 150-175 yards. On the other side of the flat was a stand of reset pine all about 15 ft. tall with high dead grass underneath. Immediately I noticed something laying under a pine tree across the flat. At first it looked like the area below the tree and the trunk of the tree had been burnt out. As I eased closer it began to look like a gorrila laying under the tree. I am a pretty stealthy person in the woods and I told myself I am seeing things, but I am going to try and get closer to this thing just to prove to myself I am not seeing this. As I moved within 100 yards or so, I could see that I was not crazy. It's head was moving and at this time I could tell it's color was gray with a black gorrila face. The adrenalin kicked in, I checked my gun, put some trees between myself and this thing and proceded to try and get closer, peering around the trees every few feet to see if it was still there. I got to within 50-75 yards and peered around the tree and it was gone.The floor of the pinoak flat was dry with a lot of crunchy leaves and twigs. I knew I was going to scare it off before I could get as close as I liked. After I noticed that it was gone I sat down in the flat for about an hour and did not see any wildlife at all. I then got up and went over to area where I had seen it and was hit with \"that smell\" and the grass was mashed down underneath the pine. At first I don't think that it knew I was there, because it was moving it's head and acting unconcerned. As I tried to sneek up on it though, It deffinately sensed my presents or heard me crunch a twig. I know it never visually made me out, because I kept trees between myself and it the whole time. 1979: It had rained sometime between 3am and when I had set out to go squirrel hunting. It was very foggy and misty on this morning and the woods were damp and very quiet. I came upon a large thicket and sat down against a tree at the edge of the thicket. I instantly started to smell something. As it got lighter, light enough to shoot, I could hear something in the thicket. Also I noticed there were no squirrels moving. I thought that there were some hogs in the thicket. I sat in this spot longer than I normally would sit somewhere without seeing anything, because of the sounds I heard coming from the thicket. About mid morning I was hearing something sniffing the air and making low, deep, grunting sounds. This was no hog! I decided to play a trick that I have used before on game in thickets and throw a two foot section of a dead limb over and beyond the sounds hoping to flush it out to my side. When I did this it made a deep and louder primate type grunt at me. The sniffing of the air also became more pronounced and no hog breathes like this. I then threw another stick into the thicket and received the same grunts and sniffing, only louder. About 20 min later I heard it moving through the thicket and then heard a huge, two legged splash into a body of water on the other side of the thicket, followed by grunts and heavy breathing. There is no doubt in my mind what I had encountered was a bigfoot in the thicket. Although I never saw him, this was something I had never experienced in the woods before. After the splash and the exit, I made my own hasty exit back to the road.","location_details":"It has been twenty years since I have hunted there. All I can tell you is that it is northeast of Houston towards Beaumont,TX.","county":"Liberty County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10438: Squirrel hunter has encounters not far from Trinity River.","date":"2005-02-02","number":10438,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vkkyp9j37","temperature_high":46.52,"temperature_mid":43.91,"temperature_low":41.3,"dew_point":41.22,"humidity":0.91,"cloud_cover":0.95,"moon_phase":0.77,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1023.42,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.91,"wind_bearing":336,"wind_speed":7.06,"year":2005,"geometry":[-95.00833,30.40833]} {"observed":"I saw the figure thru my window, it just stood there just looking in at me. It didn't move or make any sound. I'm not sure how long it was there, it was already standing there when I happened to walk by and noticed something standing in front of the window and appeared to be looking in. About fifteen or so minutes later when I went to look at the window it was gone. The next day I went out to search for evidence but didn't find anything.","county":"Matagorda County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 10273: Teen has visual encounter through window.","date":"2005-01-17","number":10273,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9v5sz5dc3x","temperature_high":56.9,"temperature_mid":47.14,"temperature_low":37.38,"dew_point":39.43,"humidity":0.88,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.26,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1034.72,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.84,"wind_bearing":51,"wind_speed":7.52,"year":2005,"geometry":[-96.01666,28.97944]} {"observed":"One day at about 3:00 p.m. my friend and I, Shaun, were out riding his four wheeler back in the woods. We stopped and turned off the four- wheeler for about 20 minutes and went walking. When we got back we were just about to turn on the four wheeler when we heard a call that sounded like some kind of primate call. Then I remembered when I was watching the history channel about bigfoot and the people recorded a call from bigfoot and they played it and it sounded just like what I just heard.","county":"Matagorda County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 11927: Two witnesses hear a possible vocalization in woods near creek Bay City.","date":"2005-02-01","number":11927,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vhhfz710x","temperature_high":46.46,"temperature_mid":45.12,"temperature_low":43.78,"dew_point":44.36,"humidity":0.96,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.73,"precip_intensity":0.0291,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.41,"summary":"Rain in the morning.","uv_index":3,"visibility":8.17,"wind_bearing":8,"wind_speed":9.14,"year":2005,"geometry":[-95.5,29]} {"observed":"Me and my family had moved to the Mongomery county area in October of 2001.In december I had noticed a old logging road leading into the Sam Houston National Forest from the sub-division which was still under development at the time.I haven't hiked since I was a teenager so I decided to see where this road went when weather permitted.In April 2002 I had taken some vacation time from work and one afternoon after mowing I thought I would go for a walk a routine I continued for several days going further down the road and deeper into the woods with each trek.I had seen evidence of deer, hog, squirrel and even bear in the area. On the sixth day I walked by an area that had springs on both sides of the trail which alternated sides every so often. I noticed on this trip there was no animal sounds or activety and I felt watched. So I stopped and surveyed my surroundings and to the east of me about 25yds in the thick underbrush something quite robust in size and dark in color seemed to be crouched between a couple of trees looking in my direction. I thought it was a large hog or maybe a bear so I turned south heading toward home and this creature moved along with me keeping a distance of approximately 15-30yds between us at all times. We continued this kind of cat and mouse routine for about 20-25 minutes. I stopped to releave myself. Then suddenly I don't know what possessed me to turn into the woods toward this creature. It stopped and crouched very low to the ground and remained perfectly still. I had gotten into about 10 yds. and I got wind of a strange odor I can't describe I heard a low gutteral growl coming from the creature's area. I could see it was very dark in color and almost lying in a prone position much like a sniper lining up a shot it and human like legs only very hairy I could make out thick arms and shoulders also covered with thick hair probibly no more 1-2\" in length. It was down almost as if it was tring to hide it's face. I would estimate it to be no more than 6ft.tall.The hair on my neck stood up when I heard movement of something large moving in woods from accross the trail behind me. I moved quckly back onto the trail and it seemed I wasn't being followed so I slowed my pace, by this time I was about 100-125 yards from the point I had urinated I turned and saw this dark figure walk upright out of the east woods and stop at my puddle area it squatted for a few second then stood up and looked directly at me for a few more seconds. It head turned abruptly toward the west woods and much larger dark being came slightly into view they both watched me as I back peddled watching them for another dozen or so yards when I decide home was the best place to be and ran off.","location_details":"Hwy105@Crockett Martin","county":"Montgomery County","state":"Texas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 10733: Hiker has daytime encounter in Sam Houston National Forest","date":"2002-04-17","number":10733,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vkhqyyp7h","temperature_high":84.47,"temperature_mid":77.27,"temperature_low":70.07,"dew_point":70.4,"humidity":0.8,"cloud_cover":0.73,"moon_phase":0.16,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1018.19,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":6,"visibility":9.37,"wind_bearing":144,"wind_speed":9.03,"year":2002,"geometry":[-95.32,30.31667]} {"observed":"Deer hunting in the Sam Houston National Forest last November (2003). Near dark, I heard what sounded like a large limb or small tree snap. I listened, but heard nothing further. Next day, I returned before sun-up, and spent the day hunting the area. Late afternoon, I hid in a clump of small trees near the edge of the field. As darkness fell, I heard a mumbling sound, like someone was whispering. No words could be made out, although individual syllables were definately distinguishable. The sound was coming from the thick woods and sounded maybe 300 yards distant. Sounded quite human, but carried far better than I would think human whispering would. Most syllables seemed to start with \"s\" sounds. I listened for a while, then said \"who's there?\" No reply, and silence for maybe 10 minutes. Then the chattering resumed. The source of the sounds seemed to move around, but I took it to be one critter, changing location. It was very dark by now, and I turned on my flashlight and moved into the woods to try to see what was making the sounds. As I walked, the source of the chattering seemed to maintain it's distance. I spotted a \"hair\" on a sapling bent over the game trail that I was following. It (the \"hair\") was later analyzed by a competent scientist and determined to be of plant origin. As I walked, I realized that I would have to be within 10 or 20 yards of something to see it. Not likely, so I reversed direction and left for the night. No odors were noticed. I have returned to the location many times since, and found nothing. That is until a few weeks ago, and almost a year after my first \"encounter\". October, 2004, same location: Bow hunting, I spotted a few does on the way in, but could not get a clear shot. I passed. Later, kicked up something, but had no visual contact (probably a deer). Near dark, I decided to walk the fire trail quietly. A few hundred yards in, I found a somewhat human shaped footprint along the side of the firetrail. It was the same length as my size 12 EEE boot [14 inches], but quite a bit wider at the \"toe\" end. The \"toes\" also seemed to end rather evenly, and not the arched, rounded look of a human track. As I photographed, I noticed an odor, mild at first, and quickly becoming quite powerful. I would describe it as complex, layered. The predominant odor was of sour sweat. I could also smell decaying flesh, and a musky undertone. I finished photographing the best track (there were several other \"impressions\"), and photographed the woods directly behind me, from where I felt the odor eminated. I slowly and quietly walked back to my truck (20 minutes), and set my bow in the bed of the pickup as I retreived my keys from my pocket. It was completely dark by now, and overcast. Something growled at me. It was close, maybe 25 yards. The growl lasted between 1 and 2 seconds. I waited a good 5 minutes staring at the woods where the growl came from, then reached to my flashlight and turned it on. Nothing. The woods are incredibly thick here, and I could hide from someone easily in there. I had at least expected to see eye-shine. I keep plaster in my truck after the former incident, last November. Although I was entertaining the thought of going back in to make a casting, the growl made me think better of it. Had I been carrying my sidearm or a rifle, I would have done so, but not with a bow in complete darkness. That growl, while not loud, sounded serious. I headed out to develop the film, then home.","location_details":"Little Lake Creek Wilderness Area, Sam Houston National Forest.","county":"Montgomery County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9627: Hunter hears strange chattering and finds tracks in Sam Houston National Forest","date":"2004-10-29","number":9627,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9v7vwj206d","temperature_high":87.57,"temperature_mid":80.505,"temperature_low":73.44,"dew_point":72.16,"humidity":0.83,"cloud_cover":0.43,"moon_phase":0.55,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1014.79,"summary":"Humid and partly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.23,"wind_bearing":167,"wind_speed":5.02,"year":2004,"geometry":[-95.71278,30.52694]} {"observed":"After storm, power went out, so I got flashlight, rubber boots and poncho on to walk the powerline up to main road. We had alot of lightening during storm, so wanted to check lines for damage. I walked the line up to main road and found a place that lightening hit, so was walking back to house up drive. By the way, I live on 47 acres so the drive is long and winding to the house. I came around bend towards house and looked up and noticed two white dots. I thought they were lights from power company, working on lines, but as I got closer I noticed them blink. I got a little nervous, so I kept flashlight on them. At first I thought it was a deer then realized they were way to high to be deer. As I got closer I guessed they were about 6 to 8 ft. off ground. They blinked again and the air had an iron musky smell. When I shined the light again in the direction I noticed a dark figure, big and bulky [it was] hard to tell because the flashlite wasn't very bright. But it blinked again, I ran and fell in mud. I got back up and shined lite and eyes were gone, but could hear it moving thru treeline next to me. I couldn't run fast enough to the house. I ran in and locked the door. Everyone in house never saw the look I had on my face before, was scared and I don't scare easy. We went back out in a bit and I got my Qbeam out and panned the tree line till I was beside the house and they hollered stop, LOOK and there were the eyes again beside the house in woods. Couldn't see whole thing because it was behind the trees, just eyes blinking in the bright light. Then it ran off, deeper in woods and we heard a throaty howl.","county":"Montgomery County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9869: Man has night encounter at home just outside Sam Houston National Forest","date":"2004-11-26","number":9869,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vkhvzpcbq","temperature_high":71.47,"temperature_mid":66.15,"temperature_low":60.83,"dew_point":56.43,"humidity":0.88,"cloud_cover":0.65,"moon_phase":0.49,"precip_intensity":0.0002,"precip_probability":0.65,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1012.7,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":153,"wind_speed":6.32,"year":2004,"geometry":[-95.36166,30.405]} {"observed":"Well in my case just a visual sighting. I was a good distance away so I didnt hear any sounds. In the summer of 2003 I had an experience that will for ever be burned in the front of my mind. I was with some family members and a friend, we had went horse back riding on a hunting lease that was not in use due to summertime. We was riding on the dirt roads crossing through-out the lease, when we came to then end of a road. We then started back the way we had just rode. About quarter to a half mile back I had stopped to look at a dead coral snake I hadnt noticed on the way to the dead end. I was facing towards the dead end, when for some reason I looked up towards the dead end. When from outa no-where a very large animal (creature) cleared the width of the road from left to right with about 15 ft from one edge of the brush line to the other. It was completely covered in hair that was redish-brown in color. I turned to the other riders and asked if they had just seen that. They wasnt turned around like I was and was riding in the opposite direction. I told them I just had seen a bigfoot but they tried to explain it away as a cow or deer. I have never seen a cow clear that much distance even at a dead run, I know deer can but this animal (creature) was upright and I could clearly see the motion of the arms like it had made a running jump. I kinda got the feeling it was tracking us threw the woods or that when I had looked towards the dead end road that we had just went down that something was watching us. I cant explain why I looked up at that particular moment.","location_details":"Small ponds scattered through out the hunting lease.","county":"Montgomery County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 11543: While riding horse, man has mid-day sighting.","date":"2005-05-02","number":11543,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vkhxdnqng","temperature_high":77.35,"temperature_mid":66.61,"temperature_low":55.87,"dew_point":48.3,"humidity":0.59,"cloud_cover":0.01,"moon_phase":0.8,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1019.5,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":11,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":67,"wind_speed":1.96,"year":2005,"geometry":[-95.28653,30.3343]} {"observed":"The Woodlands, Texas October 18th about 12:30 am to 1 am at least. I live in a newer subdivision but are surrounded by dense forest. I take my dogs on walks late at night very often. I heard a noise somwhat of a call that I could not identify. I new it was coming from a larger animal in the distance. It could hear it clearly. It is the exact same Whooping noise that was in the 1974 recording. I did not hear any knocking but the Whooping was the same. Now that I have a idea of what it may be, I will see about recording it. Hopefully I hear it again.","location_details":"There is a back entrence in to The Woodlands in this area and it is not developed. That is where it was coming from.","county":"Montgomery County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 12858: Possible vocalization heard near Woodlands Parkway","date":"2005-10-18","number":12858,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vk57rsb4p","temperature_high":89.31,"temperature_mid":74.67,"temperature_low":60.03,"dew_point":59.1,"humidity":0.66,"cloud_cover":0.02,"moon_phase":0.55,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1015.36,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":8.6,"wind_bearing":201,"wind_speed":0.8,"year":2005,"geometry":[-95.47556,30.14378]} {"observed":"Just wanted to acknowlege that myself & my sister sighted a bigfoot, or what looked like one in the 60s in East Texas at my grandparents home in the Piney woods. It was in the summer and we could see out the bedroom window. There was a full moon and we heard something step on branches or twigs. We looked out the window and saw a big, hairy animal and my grandfather knocked the screen out of the window and shot. The animal bellowed or roared. About that time we heard him running and saw him clear the barb wire fence that separated the pasture from the area around the house. He cleared that fence, just practically stepped over it and there was a creek on down the pasture area, Boggy Creek, it was a spring creek with lots of pine and cedar trees. We had a lynx or bobcat on that creek, too. This animal had lots of hair and looked somewhat like an ape but was walking tall and upright, he had his back turned to us, we were simply looking out my bedroom window at the creature, but he was huge, around 7 foot tall I would say and I had 20-20 vision at that time. I was a teenager and my sister, Mary, was 4 years younger. I don't remember my exact age or hers, or the year, either, but definitely remember the incident. This happened at Bradfield Chapel in Daingerfield, Texas.","county":"Morris County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9879: Two sisters have late-night sighting through bedroom window","date":"2004-11-27","number":9879,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vueut8945","temperature_high":62.22,"temperature_mid":48.89,"temperature_low":35.56,"dew_point":45.63,"humidity":0.67,"cloud_cover":0.29,"moon_phase":0.53,"precip_intensity":0.0082,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Mostly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.99,"wind_bearing":282,"wind_speed":6.2,"year":2004,"geometry":[-94.72334,33.03333]} {"observed":"Me, my mom, and my sister were driving home from a friends house down a dirt road when a tall lurky creature dashed across the road. We slowed down but didn't stop. When we passed we looked back and saw the thing had come in the midde of the road staring at us.","county":"Newton County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9274: While driving home at night, family has sighting not far from Sabine River.","date":"2004-09-06","number":9274,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vmrh0vuu4","temperature_high":92.86,"temperature_mid":83.65,"temperature_low":74.44,"dew_point":72.27,"humidity":0.77,"cloud_cover":0.26,"moon_phase":0.75,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Humid throughout the day and partly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":7,"visibility":7.62,"wind_bearing":6,"wind_speed":1.39,"year":2004,"geometry":[-93.68333,30.76667]} {"observed":"My dad was bowfishing when he saw something on the bank. It was about the size of a man with raggy fur and entangled with twigs and leaves, it also had bright yellow eyes. My dad smacked the water with the paddle. It immediately turned and screamed.","county":"Newton County","state":"Texas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 9387: Fisherman has afternoon encounter while bowfishing for gar in Sabine River bottom","date":"2004-09-26","number":9387,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vmqv8qqt7","temperature_high":89.14,"temperature_mid":76.5,"temperature_low":63.86,"dew_point":66.6,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.12,"moon_phase":0.44,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Partly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":7,"visibility":7.67,"wind_bearing":38,"wind_speed":1.58,"year":2004,"geometry":[-93.61667,30.72028]} {"observed":"It was early July of 1988, and I was a Boy Scout at Worth Ranch for Summer Camp in Palo Pinto, Texas. I didn't see much but a white figure shooting behind a grove of trees on top of a nearby rocky ledge. We were camped near the river bottom, my troop and I, and I was all by myself at the camp site. I heard a rustling noise up top, following by a few screams. I see two of my fellow scouts come running down the hill, shaking. The told me of a large, humanoid white ape creature with long arms walking a cow trail. They said it screamed like a woman and ran off when they made eye contact with it. The boys were shaking for hours afterward and were afraid to sleep at night all week. I only saw it from a distance, but I could tell it was upright, white and mobile. The two boys who saw the creature deny it ever happened, dismissing it as the result of overactive, juvenile imaginations. But I know there was something. Whether it was a Boy Scout camp staff member in a costume trying to scare us, or an actual creature, I will never be sure. But it did match several legends of an albino ape in the area -- one of which, Hugo's Monster, is a totally ficitious, Frankenstein-genre tale. But it could be based on some degree of truth for all I know. That is all I can recall.","location_details":"Near Possum Kingdom Lake.","county":"Palo Pinto County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 8861: Boy scouts have possible encounter near Possum Kingdom Lake","date":"2004-10-31","number":8861,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vf4c1pkn2","temperature_high":69.91,"temperature_mid":64.75,"temperature_low":59.59,"dew_point":61.43,"humidity":0.96,"cloud_cover":0.64,"moon_phase":0.61,"precip_intensity":0.0112,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1008.46,"summary":"Rain until afternoon, starting again in the evening.","uv_index":4,"visibility":8.02,"wind_bearing":294,"wind_speed":0.85,"year":2004,"geometry":[-98.38333,32.83333]} {"observed":"I worked as a truck driver, I hauled crude oil and condensate off of oil leases to unload stations. I would start to work about dark and finish up right before daylight or sometimes a little earlier. I did this in Gregg, Rusk, Panola, Smith and surrounding counties. I don't remember the roads because we hauled so many different leases that my memory fails me. In the wee hours of a cool foggy morning in December I had loaded and was on my way out of the lease. We were required to open and shut the gate on these leases because of livestock and public safety. Our trailers had bright lights for seeing how to back up at night and I always turned them on when I closed gates. Just as I closed the gate and locked it, I saw something step out of the woods and onto the lease road. It paused a minute and continued on across the lease road. My blood ran cold and every hair on my body stood on end. It was only about 30 feet from me, I could see it's breath in the cold night air. If bigfoot exists, this is what I saw. It did not seem menacing. I ran for the truck and drove off, and never looked back. I have never told this to anyone, not even my wife.","county":"Panola County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 7649: Truck driver has early morning encounter near Gary, Texas","date":"2003-12-28","number":7649,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vsyk3qes1","temperature_high":59.11,"temperature_mid":50.11,"temperature_low":41.11,"dew_point":51.71,"humidity":0.92,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.19,"precip_intensity":0.0272,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1016.28,"summary":"Rain throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":6.43,"wind_bearing":321,"wind_speed":1.03,"year":2003,"geometry":[-94.37444,32.04361]} {"observed":"I was hog hunting from a tree stand next to the Sabine River. I had gone to my stand around 5:30 AM, put out sliced apples and table scraps to hold the hogs for a few minutes for a shot. I got in my tree stand and waited for the woods to settle down and the sun to rise. At sunup, I heard hogs rooting around, working the river's edge towards me. I could first see them to my left at about 45 degrees, about 50 yards out. No clear shot, waiting for them to get to my bait area, I noticed movement to my right about 80 yards out. Putting my rifle scope on it, I could see only the side of something's face. It was dark, hair covered and slowly moving its head around looking in the direction of the hogs. At this time it quickly moved to another tree. I could see most of its body, it was huge, standing on two legs, slowly looking around the tree at the hogs. At this time I was quite afraid but tried to keep my scope on it study its features. The hogs were still feeding towards my bait area and the animal was working towards the hogs. It moved quickly and disappeared. It quickly reappeared moving to another tree, still looking at the hogs. I could again study its features. At this time I was quite afraid but tried to keep my scope on it. Its movement from tree to tree was a quick leap, landing at the base of next tree on two feet. Standing behind tree and slowly looking around at the hogs. This continued for several minutes until they were about 30 yards apart and almost directly in front of me at about 40 yards. The animal dropped to all fours, bunched up its rear legs and leaped. It took two leaps to reach the hogs and it screamed during the second leap causing the hogs to panic for a split second. The second leap ended with it slapping one hog in its side, knocking it through the air into side of a tree. As the squealing hog bounced off the tree, it pounced on it, beating it with its fist like a person pounding on a desk. I could hear bones crunching with each hit. All this happened very fast. About 4 seconds from first leap to dead hog. The quickness of attack was very unnerving. The three live hogs were in full flight. The animal picked up the dead hog, tucked it under its arm and started walking off and let out a noise like (Grrrrrrrrrrr, whoop, whoop, whooooooop, whoop). It was immediately answered from about 200 to 300 yards out by a shorter (whoop, whoop, whoop ). After a couple more steps in the direction of the answer, it stopped, dropped the hog and turned to look past me. It turned back to my tree and raised its head to look at me. I have never been more afraid in my life. I tried to keep the scope on its head in case it came after me. It looked at me, cocked its head to one side. Its face had a curious expression as if studying me. It opened its mouth showing its teeth, letting out a soft (rrrrrrrrrr) sound. It then turned back to pick up the hog and walked off in no hurry as if I didn't exist. I was looking thru a 3 X 9 scope. Originally set on 3 power for the hunt but turned it up to 9 power after first trying to see object approaching from my right. After that time I was afraid to make the movement necessary to take scope off 9 power. I sat in tree stand for another 30 minutes or so, trying to calm myself. After concluding that if it wanted me, it would have already slapped me out of my tree stand. I got down and went to find my hunting partner, who was about a quarter to half mile away. He had heard the attack scream and both whooping calls.","location_details":"In the Sabine River bottoms.","county":"Panola County","state":"Texas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8547: Hog hunter watches bigfoot kill hog in Sabine River bottoms.","date":"2004-04-11","number":8547,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vtn27vxsz","year":2004,"geometry":[-94.2,32.05806]} {"observed":"When I was about 16 which was in 1988 my friends and I always spent our weekends and breaks from school at my hunting camp on the Sabine River in Panola County TX. We would hunt and fish and live off the land mostly. One evening we had been fishing and had caught a lot of catfish so we cleaned our catch at our camp water well. It was an old type well with a hand pump. We built a fire and began to cook our fish. We had just finished eating when we heard a noise from where we cleaned our fish. We are used to having varmints such as racoons and oposums and coyotes come in to get the guts from the fish. Well I got my flash light and my 22 rifle and went to shoot whatever was getting the guts. When I was about 50 or so yards from the well I heard a moan not a growl but a moan. I could see a large dark mass at the well. I thought it was just several racoons in a wad eating. So I raised my light [and] when I did the large mass stood erect on two feet. I thought it was someone playing a trick on me. I immediately called to the person or what i thought to be a person. I told them I had a gun and was gonna use it. The thing didn't move or answer. I called again and said this aint funny I'm scared and gonna shoot. Now I stand six foot even and weigh 250 lbs. This thing was at least six foot five or taller and bigger than me. As I got closer my light exposed more of the thing. It began to move as I got closer it was covered in what looked like mud covered hair. I cant tell you the color because it was all matted up with mud just like pigs do to get rid of biting insects. Well the closer I got the more scared I got and I fired a couple of shots in the air to see if it was a joker they would tell me not to shoot. The thing ran off but not far I could hear its foot steps in the leaves it was then I walked back to tell my buddies and get help. None of them would go back with me to the well. The next day there were large five toed footprints at the well and all the guts were gone except the heads. My buddies all said I was playing a prank and made the tracks myself but I wear a size 13 shoe and these tracks were longer and wider than my shoe. I spend lots of time in the woods of East Texas and am as close to an expert as you can get on wildlife around here and I can tell you what I saw was an as yet unclassified animal.","location_details":"On my hunting lease off County Road 430 in Panola County.","county":"Panola County","state":"Texas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 10157: On Sabine River, young fisherman has late night encounter.","date":"2005-01-18","number":10157,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vtn1erhee","temperature_high":46.56,"temperature_mid":38.06,"temperature_low":29.56,"dew_point":24.19,"humidity":0.68,"moon_phase":0.3,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":82,"wind_speed":3.09,"year":2005,"geometry":[-94.14306,32.01083]} {"observed":"I was driving home from town, to my parents house in southwest Parker County, when I came to the turn off to go down their road. I saw something big to the left of the road. It was dark brown or black and was standing up next to a tree. It must have been 7 or 8 foot tall. It looked like it was eating leaves off a tree or something. As I drove up to the turnoff, it ran back (on 2 legs) into more trees, toward my parents home. I was afraid to get out of the car when I reached the house, thinking this thing could be right behind me. This memory has always haunted me. I do not lilke going down to my parents house at night any more, for fear something is living around that area. My parents house is about 1 to 1 1/2 miles from the Brazos river.","location_details":"It was at the corner of Bennett Road and Dobbs Valley Road.","county":"Parker County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 400: Woman remembers encounter not far from Brazos River.","date":"2003-10-17","number":400,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vf610y73c","temperature_high":77.13,"temperature_mid":61.605,"temperature_low":46.08,"dew_point":52.25,"humidity":0.63,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.73,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1021.34,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":2,"wind_speed":3.16,"year":2003,"geometry":[-98.03333,32.7]} {"observed":"My girlfriend and I were parking at the edge of a creek flowing into the back of the lake. It was dark and under the cover of trees where we were parked you could not see your hand in front of your face. We had the windows cracked little and were in the back seat of the car when we heard something out of the ordinary. We had been there before so knew the usual night sounds in the area. A owl lived in the big tree near by and hooted all the time. The hill in front of the car went down to a swamp with a creek in the middle going to the lake. There was crickets, frogs and locust all making there normal sounds that night. But we heard something coming through the leaves in the bottoms, it sounded like it was heading to our car. I have spent a lot of time in the woods hunting, fishing and trapping growing up so I don't get spooked to easy. At first I thought it was a cow, but then we noticed all the night sounds were gone, no frogs, crickets, owl - dead quiet except the foot steps. They were on 2 feet a step and a drag step like it had a hurt foot or something. Then being a kid I thought of all the horror movies I watched and figured it was a guy who jumped the train and was coming to kill us and take our car. As the steps got closer I got really bugged, it was coming up the hill right at the car. Finally after what I thought was an eternity I flew over the front seat and started the car, the only problem was it was a new car she just bought and I never drove it. She was screaming about dieing or something when I threw it in reverse and stomped the gas. I was there before and new the road opened up behind me so as I was going backwards I hit the light switch. This was a big mistake because it turned out to be the cigarette lighter, as soon as we came out of the tree cover we got some moonlight and I found the headlight switch. This all happened really quick, but I looked up and there was this animal leaping over the hill going into the creek, it was really wide at the shoulders and had almost no neck. I thought at first it was a bear but there was not any bears in this area. I saw a big brownish black creature running through the trees. I saw two shoulders and the back of the head go between two trees, later measured to be about 4.5 feet apart. It covered between them easily. I asked my girlfriend did you see that, she said she saw a brown spot in the lights like a bear on two legs. I think the car scared it, so we went to town for help. After we got more people, truck's with lights and some equipment we came back. We left the truck lights shining in the bottoms and looked around for tracks with our flashlights. We started to look for footprints, the ground was dry and covered with leaves but we did find large scrapes going up the hill to where the car was parked, they looked like it was where the animal jumped over the hill. They were very far apart, I had to stretch as far as I could from the one on the bottom to the one at the top. I am 6' 4\" with a 38\" inseam, this was a large stride. This is when the whole woods went quiet again, it was nuts, 5 pretty big guys all standing in a circle like a herd of buffalo back to back, scared I guess, none of us moved a muscle. Flashlights and guns pointed out at the dark we listened to the dead quiet of the woods. Then all of a sudden a tree limb snaps - loud, and then everything gets back to normal. Then one by one the frogs, crickets, owls all started making noise again. Really strange night for sure. The next day my brother and a friend went to walk the creek with buckshot in our shotguns. We walked about a half mile down the creek spread out like small game hunting. We came to the area where the railroad tracks were up on the hill, my brother was at the bottom, I was in the middle, my friend was on the end farthest from the hill. Then we heard a lot of racket and looked over to my brother, he yelled my name in a really scared voice as something was going up over the hill. I remember seeing trees bending back as if being used to help something get up and over the top. When I got to where my brother was he was on one knee and had his gun pointed up at the hill. I said what was it and he said I DON'T KNOW, BUT IT WAS BIG. We found 2 marks on the really steep bank going up to the railroad tracks, I tried to climb it and could not. The marks were in the middle of the hill and at the top, something very strong and powerful went up the hill. It had a big stride also. The hill was about an 80% incline.","location_details":"Near Sunshine Lake.","county":"Parker County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 9810: While parking near Sunshine Lake, teens have late night encounter","date":"2004-11-20","number":9810,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vf6t8xbvv","temperature_high":66.89,"temperature_mid":63.32,"temperature_low":59.75,"dew_point":57.75,"humidity":0.94,"cloud_cover":0.86,"moon_phase":0.3,"precip_intensity":0.0063,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.49,"summary":"Rain in the evening.","uv_index":3,"visibility":4.67,"wind_bearing":97,"wind_speed":3.29,"year":2004,"geometry":[-97.83334,32.78611]} {"observed":"On a summer morning in 1972, can't remember what month.Me and my brother were sleeping and I noticed by our window where we slept a shadow.It was a big head pointing upward,I told my brother not too move.It stood there for about five minutes like it was looking for something.A day later we went behind the house where we saw this thing the only thing we saw was a set of tacks leading towards the house's.","location_details":"West Texas Plain's there are some mountain's but no forest,about one hour drive from the nearest town.Pecos River is S\\W of the small town.","county":"Pecos County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 7653: Two brothers have early morning encounter","date":"2005-02-01","number":7653,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9tx0wng3b3","year":2005,"geometry":[-102.3881,31.06278]} {"observed":"This is what happened as told to me by my sister-in-law who lives with my wife and family. On this night she had my baby daughter in the room with her on the bed and she was getting up to close the blinds to the window that she said,\" she could see the stars up in the sky that she had noticed earlier that night\", as she got up off the bed, she turned to make sure her niece wasn't going to fall from being close to the edge, when she turned back towards the window she noticed something looking in from the outside, it scared her so much that she grabbed her niece and ran out of the room to tell her mother who was in one of the other rooms of the house. Her mother then called my place of work to have me come back to house to take a look around, as I first arrived, I noticed that there was some kind of bad odor in the area but as i keep looking around along with my coworker, who gave me ride back to my house, and my mother-in-law, on the east side of the house where there is no lights, we all heard something stepping on twigs or branches laying on the ground for the snapping and breaking noise that it makes, as I attempted to walk towards the noise, whatever was there seemed to move farther back into the woods out of reach of my flashlight, after looking around we went to ask my sister-in-law if she could say who or what she had seen in the window, all she could say was that it was \"big, black, hairy\" and something about its eyes, she is really talkative all of the time but after that happened she looked liked she was in shock her face was pale and her eyes seemed to liked she was lost.","county":"Polk County","state":"Texas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 11325: Teen has sighting through bedroom window.","date":"2005-04-18","number":11325,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vkwtnbdcd","temperature_high":74.86,"temperature_mid":66.245,"temperature_low":57.63,"dew_point":57.95,"humidity":0.77,"moon_phase":0.31,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":145,"wind_speed":1.41,"year":2005,"geometry":[-94.70139,30.71139]} {"observed":"My husband was on his way to work, on his bicyle and there is a long hill he has to ride after bear creek. He heard something with heavy steps coming from the left side of the road, my husband stopped and used his flashlight into that area, when he did that whatever it was started moving back into the woods and he could hear branches breaking. My husband said, he rode his bike so fast. Whatever it was scared him. It happened around 5:30 a.m.","location_details":"between Big Sandy Creek and Bear Creek","county":"Polk County","state":"Texas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 11451: While biking to work, man hears loud animal in woods.","date":"2005-04-26","number":11451,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vkwxybfy6","temperature_high":78.28,"temperature_mid":60.97,"temperature_low":43.66,"dew_point":51.6,"humidity":0.56,"moon_phase":0.58,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":2,"wind_speed":2.94,"year":2005,"geometry":[-94.58,30.71139]} {"observed":"In March 2005 at approximately 04:30, as reported by an individual called to the scene as part of the emergency response team, an individual was involved in a single-car accident on a highway through the Big Thicket National Preserve. Upon arriving to the scene, the response team found the individual still in the car; the car apparently rolled and ended up in the woods off the highway. The individual reportedly gained consciousness when the team arrived and then began to tell them what happened. The individual remembered seeing a dark upright figure with long hair standing in the middle of the road. The height of the figure could have been anywhere between five feet and eight feet, and certainly bigger than a child. The individual remembered that the figure was facing the car and was standing erect. The individual honked the horn but the figure did not budge. The individual swerved to miss the figure and came as close as twenty feet before veering off the highway and rolling the car. That is the last thing the individual remembered before crashing.","county":"Polk County","state":"Texas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 11635: Single car accident in Big Thicket National Preserve.","date":"2005-05-08","number":11635,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vkwmz3bvu","temperature_high":72.4,"temperature_mid":65.07,"temperature_low":57.74,"dew_point":63.94,"humidity":0.92,"moon_phase":0.02,"precip_intensity":0.0365,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Rain starting in the evening.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":68,"wind_speed":0.77,"year":2005,"geometry":[-94.66653,30.66986]} {"observed":"While fishing late one evening in the late summer of 1979 I had a brief encounter with something that I cannot readily explain. I was fishing at a pond in an open field across from some apartments that my grandparents and I were staying at until our house was ready. I had been fishing for about an hour when I got the feeling that someone or something was watching me. I wasn't in a secluded area, but there was no one else around. No activity at all from anybody. All of a sudden the birds and normal animal noises silenced like they do when a predator comes around. I could feel something watching me. I looked back to the south across the field to the fence line that divided the field. Along the fence line were several cedars ranging from 6 ft to 15 ft or so. I stared at what I thought was a small group of trees when something stepped out from them towards the fence. It was dark brown almost black with grass and debris in its hair like it had been laying down. It came up to the fence and watched me from beside a cedar tree, almost blending in with them. Frozen in fear all I could do was stare back. When it moved again I ran. I left my fish and my stuff right where it was. I ran for the fence that bordered the apts. I jumped the fence and ran home. I told my grandparents what had happened. To my surprise they sort of believed me. My Grandfather would not venture out at dusk to retrieve my gear, he said we would get it in the morning. The next morning we returned early to find that my tackle box had been knocked around like a toy, my rod was undisturbed, but my stringer of perch was gone. The only thing we found of that was a fish head between the pond and the fence line where I saw it.","location_details":"Several ponds in the area.","county":"Red River County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 8083: Boy encounters bigfoot while fishing on a pond just north of Detroit","date":"2002-11-02","number":8083,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vupxbzfeb","temperature_high":51.96,"temperature_mid":49.265,"temperature_low":46.57,"dew_point":41.01,"humidity":0.78,"cloud_cover":0.7,"moon_phase":0.92,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Rain starting in the evening.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.16,"wind_bearing":90,"wind_speed":9.19,"year":2002,"geometry":[-95.27361,33.66666]} {"observed":"BFRO Investigators James Walker and Daryl G. Colyer have interviewed this witness extensively. This report was filed on behalf of the witness, due to his inaccessibility to the internet. The most compelling testimony given by the witness involves an incident that occurred on another lease prior to the one he currently leases, but in the same general vicinity. Approximately 1992, the witness was hunting for deer in the late afternoon. As he sat on a hunting stool, he continually scanned the surrounding terrain, and noticed some trees in a creek bed area with \"buck scrapes\" (marks made by male deer with antlers). The witness focused on that particular area. After a while, the witness noticed a \"stump\" approximately 125 - 150 yards away that he had not earlier detected. The witness raised his weapon and observed through his scope what appeared to be a large, gorilla-like animal standing very still, arms down by its side. At this time, through the use of the rifle scope, the witness was able to observe the animal as though from a distance of only 25 - 30 feet. The hunter now knew that he was not the only one doing the observing. The animal was watching him every bit as much as he was watching the animal. The witness described the animal as having rather thin hair on its body, but the hair almost had the appearance of being combed or groomed. The color was described by the witness as being \"tawny-brown.\" After approximately 15 - 20 minutes had elapsed, the witness heard a loud snap of a branch off to his left. He broke visual with the creature to identify the source of the sound to his left. When he attempted to regain visual of the creature, he could not do so. Apparently the animal fled or hid very quickly. The witness believes that the animal suddenly hid in the tall grass surrounding it in order to escape his scrutiny. The witness conjectured that the loud snap that he heard was created as a diversion by another creature to distract him from the first creature. At that, the witness quickly left the area - leaving behind the stool and everything else that accompanied him with the exception of his weapon. The witness never once considered shooting the creature and further stated that he felt no hostility whatsoever. He had absolutely no inclination to pursue or seek out the mystery animal. The creature was described as being \"gorilla-like\" in appearance, but very distinctly bipedal. Height was estimated to be between eight to nine feet tall. Estimated weight was between 400 - 500 pounds. The face was similar to that of a gorilla. The nose was flat but \"turned upward\" and the witness stated that he could actually see into the nose of the animal. There appeared to be thin facial hair surrounding the mouth, almost in a beard-like fashion. Hair on the animal had somewhat of a \"combed or groomed\" look. The head had somewhat of a round shape and there was no appearance of a neck. The shoulders appeared very wide. The witness requested that a sketch artist contact him. This incident is one of many that the witness has experienced through the years. However, none of the other incidents involved a visual identification of the creature.","county":"Red River County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7168: Hunter and family has repeated encounters over two decades","date":"2003-11-16","number":7168,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yh299r3rv","temperature_high":74.67,"temperature_mid":68.55,"temperature_low":62.43,"dew_point":58.08,"humidity":0.84,"cloud_cover":0.22,"moon_phase":0.74,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Overcast overnight.","uv_index":4,"visibility":6.67,"wind_bearing":110,"wind_speed":2.09,"year":2003,"geometry":[-95.19722,33.845]} {"observed":"I was towing my friend's car back to Midland TX. We were coming through the Davis Mt. area of SW Texas. The road was a two lane highway. I saw something on the side of the road that at first looked like a large cactus. I was driving about thirty-five mph. I hit my high beams and slowed down. When I turned on my brights I saw a very large head turn away. By then we were passing this thing. It looked to be about seven ft.tall. As we went by we all turned and looked at it, and it was looking at us as well. It had a very large head, large eyes and very long thick hair. The body was covered with thick, matted hair. It stood with a stoop and the arms were very long. This thing did not move as we drove past. But there was a very strong smell like garbage.","location_details":"I would have to look at a map to find this area again","county":"Jeffdavis County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 6937: Close encounter near Davis Mountains in West Texas","date":"2003-10-08","number":6937,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9tqpp4zfrc","temperature_high":65.21,"temperature_mid":62.705,"temperature_low":60.2,"dew_point":59.54,"humidity":0.86,"cloud_cover":0.9,"moon_phase":0.45,"precip_intensity":0.0355,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Rain until evening.","uv_index":4,"visibility":8.1,"wind_bearing":157,"wind_speed":1.7,"year":2003,"geometry":[-103.7439,30.77722]} {"observed":"This incident occurred in Texas about one year ago. I know Texans are known for telling tall tales but so help me this is true. While driving down a country road about three miles southeast of Bryson, Texas around 10AM on a bright clear day I noticed what I first thought was large person crossing the road in front of me. I was driving around 30mph. It was about 50 yards in front of my truck. I came to a stop where I thought it had crossed. It crossed from south to north. North was to the left of my truck. I looked to see if I could recognize the person who crossed the road. I grew up in that area and know most of the people who live there. Standing about 50 ft. from my truck was some sort of creature. It was standing and facing me. The creature was about seven to eight feet tall. It had redish brown hair all over its body. You could also see its skin because the hair was thin. Its skin was very pinkish like it was sun burnt. Its hands and feet looked human like but they were very large. Its nose was wide but flat. Its lips were very thin. We looked at each other for a good five min. I had a gun in my truck but never thought of shooting this thing because it looked so human but also ape like. It finally turned and walked into the woods. I sat in my truck shocked at what I had seen. After a little while I got out to see if I could see any foot prints. I did not find any. The ground was too hard to leave any. This creature had to weigh at least 400 lbs. I have never said anything to anyone about this creature before. I didnt want people to think I am crazy but I know what I saw. It was not any animal I have seen in a zoo or anywhere else. We do not have bears in this part of Texas or no apes that I know of.","location_details":"East of Bryson, Texas on a dirt road.","county":"Jack County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 6941: Man has encounter at close range for several minutes.","date":"2003-10-21","number":6941,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vfh3zxxwu","temperature_high":89.39,"temperature_mid":70.955,"temperature_low":52.52,"dew_point":52.29,"humidity":0.61,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.86,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1018.46,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":225,"wind_speed":2.78,"year":2003,"geometry":[-98.35,33.13333]} {"observed":"Several Bigfoot were observed with binoculars in a deeply wooded area. They were dodging in/out of the tree line, like a game of cat and mouse, with each other. Thought it was a hoax being played on me and just watched them move closer in my direction. We also heard some cackling noises in the distance that I likened to hyenas or coyotes. Separate from these noises were dogs barking in the area. Horses in the area that became real jumpy. After walking into wooded area, we disturbed a large creature that let out a very deep and loud growl that I've never heard any animal make before and we heard a loud thud like a heavy animal jumping. Shots from a .45ACP handgun were fired in the vicinity followed by heavy footsteps and branches/brush being disturbed by the same heavy animal making a hasty retreat. We went into the same distance and reached a creek bed area. There was dead silence and we noticed some smudged prints near the water's edge but didn't hear a splash or any other noise. We got the feeling that we were being watched and feared that whatever we were following had doubled back on us and might corner us with our backs to the water. By this time, it was darker outside but in the more open areas you could see without a flashlight. As we were leaving the area, we heard very heavy footsteps and stomping along with tree branches crashing to the ground that I likened to a bull dozer without the engine rushing behind us. We got to a clearing and turned to face whatever it was and saw a HUGE, silver-grayish colored Bigfoot just at the tree line. It was in the 10 O'clock position from where we were and it was stomping and \"bluff charging\" or \"mock charging\" at us and throwing branches. The trees in this area were middle growth to mature trees and he (appeared to be male by the aggressive nature and sheer size...) was rattling these trees with no problem! We squatted down to get a better look and to take aim at him in case he charged. He stayed within the tree line and rocked back and forth like a gorilla. The only sounds that were heard, at this point, were the stomping and the branches being thrown at us. He was about 20 yds. away from us and the large branches were coming very close. I had the gun aimed right at him and I'm convinced that he had a better sighting on me than I had on him because he reacted just like a squirrel on a tree does. I was thinking about taking a shot at him when suddenly from the 12 O'clock position, we noticed another Bigfoot that was shorter than he was and wasn't as thick, up top, and appeared to be female because of (her) actions. The larger one(10 O'clock position) was at least 8 or 9 feet tall and was very massive in the shoulder areas. The smaller one(12 O'clock position) was at over 7 feet tall and was standing there rocking back and forth, but not as violently as the larger one. (seemed like she was following his lead and waiting to see what he would do next....) As long as I pointed the gun in their direction or shined a flashlight at them, they stayed behind the trees and tried to hide their faces. It became a sort of hide-n-seek as I shined the light to see their faces. I did catch a glimpse and the face appeared more sloth-like, from what I saw. They had BIG heads, the eyes were dark looking despite the growing darkness and flashlights. On one, I did notice a sort of frowned expression on the face and it almost looked sad. At this point, I couldn't shoot because I wasn't sure that it still wasn't a hoax, although I understood what I was looking at. Also, it almost seemed like they could almost understand things more than other animals. (I won't say they were thinking and reasoning.....) But, it was as if they were upset that I shot at them and was asking me \"WHY?\" The larger one (10 O'clock position) became more agitated and wanted us out of the area and began to stomp more and more, so we decided to slowly back out of the area (with gun pointed in their direction) and leave. As soon as we got out of the area, we then heard what I likened to a loud shouting type of horse whinnying shout. That I labeled their victory call, for running us out of the area. I had a camera hanging from my neck but didn't touch the camera until I got home and noticed it hanging from my neck! I was very much afraid and wasn't sure if I'd make it out of there alive or not.","county":"Hunt County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 7632: Bigfoots observed demonstrating intimidation behavior near Lake Tawakoni","date":"2003-12-24","number":7632,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vgemju7ry","temperature_high":58.99,"temperature_mid":49.495,"temperature_low":40,"dew_point":28.17,"humidity":0.57,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.05,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1021.47,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":131,"wind_speed":1.93,"year":2003,"geometry":[-96.10222,32.94722]} {"observed":"About 12:30 to 1:00am my wife and I was awakened by our neighbors dogs barking. At first we thought that maybe a skunk was in the area as we had the windows open and we smelled something that was rank. Our bedroom windows were open due to our AC unit not working. After about five minutes of this the dogs quit barking, and I decided to get up and use the rest room. Upon returning to the bedroom my wife asked me to get her a glass of ice water. I went down the hall into the dining room and turned to go into the kitchen when I noticed that a large head was looking in the kitchen window and was now looking at me. The distance from the hallway to kitchen window is about 20 feet. I have a \"Streetlight type\" security light in my backyard and it was on so I was able to see the creature clearly. The head was conical in shape and covered in a dark brown almost blackish hair about 4-5 inches in length. The face itself was basically hairless around the nose, cheeks and only a small amount of hair around the upper mouth. The jaw line was very powerful and large in shape much like the jaw line of a gorilla but more human like then a gorilla. The creature had a large prominant eyebrow ridge that was covered with smaller length of hair. The skin color was a dark gray almost blackish in color. The thing I remember most though was the eyes. The eyes were yellowish in color with large black iris's with no white that I could see. The color reminds me most of all like the eyes of a cat in color. I stood still and looked at the creature which was looking at me for about 30 seconds before I realized that the eyes and head was in the top section of the window and that I could not see the shoulders as they were outside of the window frame. But the head was large and muscular as was the neck and chest area that was visible to me. I would say that from my impression of this creature had to be at least 450 to 500 lbs in weight. This weight approximation is due to the overall impression of size and bulk of the creature I could see. I should note that the window is 26\" in length and I never did see below mid stomach area which was slightly large but not fat looking. I then became frightened when I realized that this creature was very powerful and a lot bigger then me. I'm 6 foot, 4 inches and about 250 lbs and in very good health and considered somewhat a large and strongly built man in the upper body. But I realized that this creature would make me look like a child if I was standing next to it. And if it wanted it could easily do bodily harm to me or anyone. I turned and ran into the bedroom closet and grabbed my SKS, then went to where I kept my ammo for the rifle. My wife realized that I was scared and asked what was wrong. She stated that I was white as a sheet as I was shaking from being so scared that I could not load the rifle. This I was trying to do in the light from the bathroom and I definitely did not want to turn on any more light until I had the rifle loaded, and ready. I finally got some rounds onto the bed for the rifle. and I told her that something was staring at me from the kitchen window and it was huge as I tried to load the SKS. I finally put all ten bullets into the rifle before I went back into the dining room. I am still not sure that one, two or even three rounds even the hard hitting power from a military round such as a 7.62mm round of a SKS would stop it easily, short of a head shot. While I was loading the rifle we heard a loud weird howling sound come from the backyard which finally got me moving as I thought it would be coming in the house next. When I got back into the dining room I turned on all the lights both inside the house and the porch lights before I went outside. I will say that I WAS definitely intending to SHOOT the damn thing and deal with the problems from doing so later. It scared the hell out of me and I was afraid for my family. I have spent six years in the US Army, was in Special Forces and I am a combat veteran, (Panama and Gulf War). When I went outside I could not see it anywhere around, so it had probably ran off by that time except that I had a feeling that I was being watched from the open field behind my house. I finally went back into the house and explained to my wife what I had seen. After about five minutes from the time I went back into the house my neighbors dogs started barking again. Which made me a lot more nervous and edgy at first until my wife said that they stopped barking while it was outback. Anyway I spent a long night waiting for it to return but it never did. The next day I went outside to see if I could find any sign of the creature. I found that part of my barbed wire fence on the back of my property was pulled down about a foot in a place that might have been a scuff mark in the ground where it might have stepped as it went over the fence but nothing definite that would have stood up to any sort of official investigation. The fence height is five feet along that fence line. By then I realized that I had seen a bigfoot, sasquatch or what ever you want to call it. And should I ever see one again in my backyard I will try to shoot it as I did not feel safe then and I do not want one of them to get near my wife or kids. Some measurements on the window and back of house: I have measured the window in the kitchen and it is 32 inches wide and the top of the window is over eight feet off the ground outside, as the house is higher then the surrounding ground in the backyard. So if the creature was looking in at the top plane of glass in the kitchen window it was at least 8' 6\" in height and had a shoulder width of at least 36\" and more like 44\" by the width of shoulders that I could see and the extrapolation of the part of the shoulders I could not see. The weight I listed earlier is due to the fact that a creature that tall and broad and the depth it had to have since it seemed so powerful; must be at least the weight I listed as 450 to 500 pounds. I have not seen anything since that time and have taken a lot of kidding from my family and close friends that I or my wife have told this to but I still stand by what I saw that night and will do so until my dying day. AS I know what I saw and heard that night.","location_details":"My home is about 150 yds off the north service road to Interstate 20, and is about 5 miles east of the nearest town. This area has a lot of undeveloped land and several stocktanks for water, as well as a diversified animal base (I am a hunter and fisherman and can fish in two small lakes within 9 miles of my house as well as lots of areas for hunting that holds more wildlife than thought to be in West Texas).","county":"Howard County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9385: Former Special Forces soldier has late night sighting through window not far from Colorado River","date":"2004-10-03","number":9385,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9txzkv3b6y","temperature_high":70.45,"temperature_mid":65.95,"temperature_low":61.45,"dew_point":57.57,"humidity":0.82,"cloud_cover":0.48,"moon_phase":0.67,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Light rain starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":6,"visibility":9.08,"wind_bearing":122,"wind_speed":5.62,"year":2004,"geometry":[-101.3903,32.24083]} {"observed":"I was about 3 miles from the Sulphur River on family land. I walked down a creek bed to a pool on the other side. When I came back down the hill I stopped to relieve myself. Just as I started to step away I heard a high-pitched scream that startled me. A few seconds later it made the scream again. 25 yards in the thick woods I saw a slight movement. By a tree I saw a patch of dark brownish fur. Not sure what I was looking at, I held my ground and felt no fear. I was waiting for something normal to appear. I scanned the area but nothing else was moving. When I looked back to the patch of fur it was gone. Just when I was gonna shrug it off, I heard the scream again. This time it was behind me! As before, it screamed a second time. I spun around just in time to see it crouch behind a bush 20 yards from me. All I could see was the outline of a large head. It was moving around the bush trying to get a better look at me. About that time it occured to me - I didn't know what the hell this was. Now in fear for my life, I turned and walked quickly up the hill to my car. I never looked back until the car was moving. I didn't see it again.","location_details":"From Sulphur Springs hw 19 to hw 71 turn right go to hw 1536 turn left aprox. 4 miles on right.","county":"Hopkins County","state":"Texas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 7652: Encounter near Sulphur River not far from Sulphur Springs","date":"2004-01-09","number":7652,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vuj9gec7f","temperature_high":46.66,"temperature_mid":36.215,"temperature_low":25.77,"dew_point":28.86,"humidity":0.67,"cloud_cover":0.17,"moon_phase":0.57,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":8.44,"wind_bearing":337,"wind_speed":9.89,"year":2004,"geometry":[-95.54278,33.33]} {"observed":"I was asleep on the couch and we have around 7 dogs. They started running around the house frantically barking and carrying on. We recently had a small fire that cleared out the back part of the woods back there and more and more people keep moving to this area. So I figured it was an animal or coyote or something they were chasing. I run a small security perimeter every night or so. There's always been a rumor of a panther up here, so I carry a weapon with me, not to mention snakes. I have never seen the panther but I have many times come up on something I assumed was the panther story but I never thought about a big foot theory till this morning. My wife woke up and made me go look. So I loaded my rifle and headed out on my security sweep. I first hit the road about 200-300m from the house, small dirt road. I don't use a flashlight, I can see fairly well at night. I have a brindle boxer who was freaking out sniffing the ground every 4-5 steps and just real jumpy, usually he just marks it and goes away. I saw no signs of the other dogs, when something jolted passed me out of the bushes almost knocking the boxer over, he ran the other direction. It scared the crap outta me and I got off 3 shots but missed it because my rifle jammed up with two shells in the chamber. I thought whatever it was I scared off, and used my pocket knife to release the two jammed shells. So I walked about 350m to my shop to grab some more ammo. I felt like the hairs on my neck were standing up. I loaded my rifle up and opened the door to my shop. Instantly I noticed this, pardon the expression, but this stout crap/wet grass odor really thick in the air. Not more than 5 minutes had passed and I felt like I was being watched again. I snuck around to my parent's house about 200m from my shop and climbed on the roof to get a better look. I was up high so could see lots more from there. We have a school bus on the property that we use for storage. It's about 350m NW of my location and I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me when I thought I saw a large thin shadow go past the bus. I figured it was my brindle boxer's shadow because there's a light on the shop. My house porch light creates a lighted area near there. But then it stop and looked right at me on my perch. I had it open sights but thought it was my dog with just a shadow. Then outta nowhere behind me the neighbor's dog started going crazy. I turned for two secs and the shadow was gone. My dog was behind me, not in front. I sat up there for another 10 minutes trying to find out what the neighbor's dogs were barking at. They were howling, growling, weirdest sounds too. They have a hound dog but it did not sound like that. It was really hard to describe the sound, almost like a howl but a growl at the same time. Very distinctive and then it all just stopped, a dead silence. I turned back to the bus area kinda just looking in the general area, trying to figure out what I saw, if it was just my imagination. Then I saw it again, plain as day. It was squatting down like it was hiding. It looked at me again and then ran around the side of the bus, it was as tall as the bus but skinny, but it was dark so not sure. I instantly jumped off the house and ran over there. The closer I got the more slower I went. Rifle held in a firing position as I crept around the bus. My heart pounded and when I got around the bus, nothing but the open area of where the fire had been. I am always suspicious of the land across the hwy, they have a fence around the property that is almost 9-10 ft high. They have many Exotic animals over there. A huge manmade water source. I think its a wildlife preserve or something, but nothing like this ever happened till it showed up. After this I am convinced it's not a panther. I have been running security every night or so. Bigfoot no idea, I am unsure what I saw, but it was intelligent. No matter what I think, I am absolutely sure, I was not the one hunting it. I don't think its intentions were harmful, it probably could have got to me at anytime. And I am not that easy to catch. It came back to the same place 3 times in one night even after I shot at it. I'm not sure but it's braver than me. Not the first time, just the first time I have seen it in the open. It seemed to me like it was testing defenses, probing to a point. It is either fast or there is more than one, because our homesteads are half a mile from each other. The neighbors and their dogs flipped out last night as well. I just know what I saw and it was not a coyote, wild pig or a panther.","county":"Hood County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 7552: Man has early morning encounter with unidentified creature","date":"2003-12-12","number":7552,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vf30fd0mk","temperature_high":49.44,"temperature_mid":41.175,"temperature_low":32.91,"dew_point":36.58,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.89,"moon_phase":0.62,"precip_intensity":0.0037,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1014.21,"summary":"Light rain starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":2,"visibility":7.27,"wind_bearing":114,"wind_speed":1.92,"year":2003,"geometry":[-98.05,32.53333]} {"observed":"While letting my two dogs out to use bathroom there were deeps screams/clacking of wood and sounds like trees breaking. 12/15/03. Something carried off deer feed bucket made a big mess out at feeder area. This is ongoing noise as this house is in a very remote area of woods/creek/pond and deep ravines. My horses were so spooked from the screams that they were running into the fences I had to calm them down. This house sits in the middle of the 30 acres wooded area.","location_details":"Hwy 19 in Trinity to FM 230 to Eastham prison to property across the road.","county":"Houston County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 7604: Possible bigfoot activity near Walker County line.","date":"2004-01-09","number":7604,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vs00un36w","temperature_high":57.88,"temperature_mid":46.17,"temperature_low":34.46,"dew_point":38.9,"humidity":0.69,"cloud_cover":0.4,"moon_phase":0.57,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1026.43,"summary":"Overcast in the morning.","uv_index":4,"visibility":8.75,"wind_bearing":350,"wind_speed":8.49,"year":2004,"geometry":[-95.58334,30.95972]} {"observed":"Around 11 pm returning to Commerce along Hwy. 50, as I approached the Sulphur River bottom I noticed movement along the east side of the highway near the shoulder. There was another vehicle heading south coming from the opposite direction of my travel. At first I thought it was just a shadow caused by the on coming cars headlights. As I got closer the object I had noticed moved quickly across the road heading west. What I saw was a very large animal that walked upright, but just slightly slumped forward as it moved. It did not run but took very long steps as it moved. As I passed where the animal had crossed I slowed down to look. I could not see anything. I believe the oncoming car also saw the animal as it braked when it went by the spot as well. The car did not brake because I had slowed down. Once the car had passed I decided to turn around and go back. I saw nothing else. It was dark that night with very little light from the moon the best that I can remember.","county":"Hunt County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 7664: Road cross encounter on Hwy 50 in Sulphur River bottoms","date":"2003-12-29","number":7664,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vgsz7u8y8","temperature_high":53.58,"temperature_mid":42.23,"temperature_low":30.88,"dew_point":27.63,"humidity":0.6,"cloud_cover":0.07,"moon_phase":0.23,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.71,"wind_bearing":307,"wind_speed":3.94,"year":2003,"geometry":[-96.00306,33.19944]} {"observed":"Well to begin, my uncle which lives across the street from my parents heard his dogs barking so he got a flashlight and went out in his pasture to check it out. He shined his flashlight to an old vehicle he has in the pasture and saw eyes. He just stood there trying to figure out what it was then he saw it turn and run. He said he beat the dogs back to the house it scared him bad. Well he called my parents telling them about it. They laughed at him and asked him if he had been drinking - he said no, it ran towards y'all. Well my dad went outside to see if he could see anything and he didn't find anything. We thought he was just joking till about a week later my mom went outside to throw something in the trash. She flipped on the porch light and had her back to the back pasture till she got a funny feeling something was wrong. She felt something staring at her. She turned around and all of a sudden my mom ran in the house shaking and crying, saying \"that SOB is out there!\" She panicked. I said, \"Mom what is it?\" She said, \"He wasn't lying, that thing is out there.\" My dad ran to the porch to see what it was but by that time it had already ran off. I asked my mom what it looked like after I finally calmed her down she said it was about 7 1/2 to 8 feet tall standing there kind of slumped over with his arms dangling, staring at her. She said the lights reflected off of it and its eyes were glowing red from the porch lights reflection. It looked like it had been bedding down in an old hog pen my parents have. It is in the woods not too far from the creek. Mom saw it twice. We have never told anybody about this cause we didn't want people to think we were crazy or stupid.","county":"Jackson County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9367: Two family members have night time encounters near Navidad","date":"2004-09-22","number":9367,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9v5jpk1cme","temperature_high":86.19,"temperature_mid":78.03,"temperature_low":69.87,"dew_point":69.96,"humidity":0.77,"cloud_cover":0.43,"moon_phase":0.29,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1015.37,"summary":"Partly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":9.51,"wind_bearing":88,"wind_speed":8.84,"year":2004,"geometry":[-96.71,29.02611]} {"observed":"Me and my friend Aaron were at my uncles house, we were on the back porch playing darts. We started to notice that there was a lot of meteors. We stepped into the back yard to get a better view. We were facing towards the front yard, I was looking up when I noticed something move out of the corner of my eye, I looked and there was a creature around 5 foot tall running through the front yard, from left side of the yard to the right side, it was not large like most reports, it had muscle definition, black or dark brown hair, no neck ,no hair on the face, chest and stomach area, inside of the arms or palms of the hands. It was going at a slow jog, then it must of smelt or heard us. It slowed down, turning its head while slowing down. then it stopped looked at us for around 3 to 4 seconds. Then it ran towards the dark area of the yard, it ran so fast no man can run that fast. I sat there thinking what was that, I was quiet for a while, I didn't want to say anything and sound crazy, hey i just saw a Bigfoot. I looked at my friend Aaron, he had a strange look on his face and he was shaking his head,he looked at the same spot in the yard. I asked did you see something? He replied yes. I then asked did it look like it was on two legs running up right. He replied yes, then my heart really skipped a beat, not only did I just see something , but my friend did to. My uncle did not see the creature, he said yaw didn't see anything yaw just messing with me. After that we went inside, nothing else happened, we continued to talk about what we had saw . My uncle said that we are crazy.","location_details":"9 miles south of Jasper","county":"Jasper County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 13028: Two young men have a surprise backyard encounter while watching a meteor shower south of Jasper","date":"2003-01-15","number":13028,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vmpmt58je","temperature_high":49.12,"temperature_mid":45.14,"temperature_low":41.16,"dew_point":39.61,"humidity":0.89,"cloud_cover":0.72,"moon_phase":0.41,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":5.88,"wind_bearing":132,"wind_speed":2.33,"year":2003,"geometry":[-93.972,30.83315]} {"observed":"Recently my son went outside just after dark. He ran back in telling me there was something out side making a strange noise. I went outside thinking I was going to hear the nearby bulls, dogs, or even a coyote. What I heard was the strangest sound I had ever heard. We stood there for quite a while trying to figure out what it could be until my five year old started crying saying he was scared. Today I listened to several video [audio] clips of the Sasquatch Whoop Howl. That is the EXACT sound I heard. I got chills when I heard these recordings. I then looked up sightings in Texas to see if it were possible that there could be any in my area. I was shocked to discover that there had been sightings very close to my house in Newton County on the Sabine River. I even found where there had been a sighting in Buna, which is where I live, in the 1980's. I live in a wooded area. The woods behind me, over 500 acres, have been untouched for over a hundred years. It has just recently been sold and timber starting to be cut in the area. I am wondering if this is stirring it up? Please let me know if you think it could be possible that what I heard is real. I know that is the sound I heard. I will be listening now every night and hope to get a recording. Also, my children play in the woods quite often. Is there any danger for them playing in the woods?","county":"Jasper County","state":"Texas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 11439: Mother and sons hear whoops in woods behind house.","date":"2005-04-25","number":11439,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vmjpkrmkq","temperature_high":63.84,"dew_point":53.87,"humidity":0.89,"moon_phase":0.54,"precip_intensity":0.0032,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Light rain in the morning.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":72,"wind_speed":2.63,"year":2005,"geometry":[-93.89,30.43444]} {"observed":"I [work] in Jasper County, Texas. On Thursday August 4, 2005, [in the early evening] I was walking [outdoors on company property surrounded by the Big Thicket]. There was some rustling in the underbrush about thirty yards off to the left side of the dirt road which I was travelling down. Shortly after hearing the rustling I began to smell what seemed like a mixture of a skunk and strong coffee mixed with kind of like a dead fish smell. At first I thought that it might have been some wild hogs bedding down for the evening, so I stopped to listen for anything that might have indicated piglets since wild sows are dangerous if they are protecting their young. After about thirty to forty-five seconds, the rustling around stopped. I couldn't see into the brush, but I felt like whatever was in there was watching me. Not wanting to be the focus of a hog charge, I hollered in hopes that I would scare off whatever it was in the brush. After not getting any response, I figured that whatever it was had left, so I resumed [what I was doing]. I had to go down to a gate and turn around. When I passed the spot where I had my encounter, I heard a whoo--whoo--whooping sound coming from behind me. It was quiet at first then it got louder as I got farther away. I was puzzled as to what could make that sound. I am an experienced deerhunter, and I have never heard that sound before. It sounded kind of like a howler monkey. In fact that's what I would have thought that it was if I didn't know any better. About two and a half hours later [at a different location] I smelled the same smell. I have smelled that smell there several times after dark. I would like for my specifics to be kept confidential, as well as my job title.","location_details":"Edited at request of witness.","county":"Jasper County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12314: Evening worker hears vocalizations, smells strong odor in Big Thicket","date":"2005-08-14","number":12314,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vmhtdgdrh","temperature_high":92.17,"temperature_mid":82.865,"temperature_low":73.56,"dew_point":74.3,"humidity":0.82,"cloud_cover":0.11,"moon_phase":0.31,"precip_intensity":0.0025,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.07,"summary":"Light rain starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.62,"wind_bearing":159,"wind_speed":2.9,"year":2005,"geometry":[-93.97194,30.33778]} {"observed":"My wife and I were out on the Brazos River with some friends. We were fishing and swimming on a sand bar in the Goatneck bend of the river. A member of our party noticed someone moving around on a rock ledge up on the cliffs about 250-300 feet above the river. They were about 1/2 mile away from us. As we started watching, whatever it was started jumping around, waving its arms like it was trying to get our attention. It did get our attention. It was jumping around like it was playing. We were able to observe it for 5 to 10 minutes. It jumped from one rock ledge to another that was 15 feet away and 20 feet or so down. A person couldn't have made that jump. It then jumped into a gully and disappeared. We waited a long time to see if it would reappear, but it didn't.","location_details":"On the Brazos River where it flows into Lake Whitney.","county":"Johnson County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 7534: Sighting on Brazos River near Lake Whitney","date":"2003-12-10","number":7534,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vdxh0wxjk","temperature_high":55.85,"temperature_mid":43.85,"temperature_low":31.85,"dew_point":21.01,"humidity":0.42,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.56,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":313,"wind_speed":6.68,"year":2003,"geometry":[-97.54944,32.17194]} {"observed":"I'm posting this on behalf of my wife, on a friend's computer. Recently my family relocated to land that we own -- upon which we are in the process of bulding a new house. Despite the noise of nailguns, etc., as weird as it might appear, my wife claims that at approx 4:30pm CST, on the last Saturday of the year, 29th?, she went for a walk in the woods. This was not an ordinary walk, because we live right at the edge of a forest/woods that surrounds a lake. We are located NW of Paris, Texas, in Lamar County. Anyways, she went for this walk in the woods because it was her first walk of the season. We are affraid to go down into the woods during the summer, as it is snake infested. So we usually wait until it freezes before we venture... It was down around 30 to 40 degrees that day. Our land is a pretty chunk of property. It backs up within 1/2 mile of the lake. We are the last owners on our road. Uncle Sam is our neighbor. I believe the land is part of the State of Texas' Wildlife Management land, and the Army Corp of Engineers, actually built and own the lake. My friend is telling me now that the area adjoining this lake is approx 19,000 acres +. Anyways, thats the rough conditions here in Lamar County. Heavily wooded and open pasture mix. Lots of snakes. Moderate climate. My wife walked approx. one hundred yards down to a creek below our property, stopped and sat on a natural log bridge, suspended over this small ten foot creek, which drains down to the lake, usually having a steady but small amount of water. Lots of moss, dead trees, gnarly grapevines, etc., type-setting. She claims that she was looking into the binoculars and saw a \"large monkey looking creature.\" The funny thing was that she told me also that \"it couldn't have been a Bigfoot, cause' it was only about your size...\" (I'm approx 6 foot4, and 240 lbs. and big and hairy myself!!) So she admitted her perception of Bigfoot is like 8 or 9 feet- maybe he is, maybe he isn't- I don't claim to know. Anyways, that's what she saw. She says that she observed it through binoculars on two feet, and in stride, freeze, and come to a standstill stance that was the forward leg was bent at knee, and back leg trailing- arms (at least one) out along same plane, like literally freezing in stride while sort of stooping. This is the way she described it to me, and is consistent with my own perception of what I would imagine a stance taken by someone or an animal when alerted, and when that something goes into freeze mode (hand-in-cookie-jar stance.) Anyways, that's what she described. No view of head. She said she spotted with binocs, put them down and looked unaided, returned to binocs again and observed again, looked unaided again, but was gone when she looked through the third time. She said that she got a little scared, but remained there for some time, and could not hear it, nor saw it again. My gut reaction is that she may have saw a Sasquatch, Bigfoot. She is pretty straightup lady. She has her own small business- we work hard. Drink moderately hard, party some, raise a child, work, work. Over the years, I have heard walking in the woods which never revealed itself. Although there is some hunting, it is not as much as one would suspect. You have to \"draw\" to be able to legally hunt back there, and there are a lots of better places to hunt around here. Mainly fishermen. Also, I have talked to other individuals who also claim to have had first- hand or second-hand experiences in the general area, over the past 20 years. I'll be willing to talk to someone with credentials. You can contact me through my friend at his email addy.","location_details":"see above","county":"Lamar County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 3587: Late afternoon sighting at creek, about fifteen miles NW of Paris","date":"2001-12-29","number":3587,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9y5bryj3gf","temperature_high":41.31,"temperature_mid":35.9,"temperature_low":30.49,"dew_point":20.87,"humidity":0.51,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.47,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Breezy in the morning and mostly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":354,"wind_speed":14.41,"year":2001,"geometry":[-95.62861,33.82722]} {"observed":"I was riding in the car with my friend, she was driving. It was the opening weekend of deer season, full moon, very bright. We were on a one lane gravel road in the Direct Bottoms. We saw less than 100 feet away from us a creature cross the road from left side of road to right. It was 7 to 8 feet tall, with long gray hair. It walked right in front of us. Its arms were longer than a man's, swinging them as it walked. It stepped right over a barbed-wire fence. A mile down the road, we turned around and got stuck in a wheat field. We were stuck 30 minutes. After we got the car unstuck, we went back the same way as we came in. We were scared that we would encounter the creature, but there was no sign of it. After all this time, I would love to see that creature again.","county":"Lamar County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7758: Road encounter with bigfoot near Direct, Texas","date":"2004-01-13","number":7758,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9y5b7hyhd7","temperature_high":59.33,"temperature_mid":52.845,"temperature_low":46.36,"dew_point":48.53,"humidity":0.85,"cloud_cover":0.8,"moon_phase":0.7,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Foggy overnight.","uv_index":2,"visibility":6.86,"wind_bearing":52,"wind_speed":0.91,"year":2004,"geometry":[-95.83639,33.82083]} {"observed":"It was dark and my wife and son saw something crossing the road in front of their van. This is a very heavily wooded road with no lights. My wife actually saw the form of a large animal walking upright and very tall crossing the road. It seemed to be covered totally in hair. By the time my son looked up he saw the creature peering at them from behind a tree. They said that the eyes were approximately 7 to 8 feet high, wide apart and red. The \"head\" was very large and hairy. When the van came alongside of the creature my wife saw it walking toward the lake. She said that it seemed to walk right into the water and disappear. They were on their way to our new house that was under construction to turn the lights on for the night. Neither of them wanted to go out there that night so they went down the road a little further and turned around. They were both very upset with what they had seen.","county":"Henderson County","state":"Texas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 9924: Mother and son have night time encounter on county road.","date":"2004-12-03","number":9924,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vsnbwf1wt","temperature_high":58.6,"temperature_mid":47.92,"temperature_low":37.24,"dew_point":37.61,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.17,"moon_phase":0.71,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1021.55,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":218,"wind_speed":0.88,"year":2004,"geometry":[-95.6,32.16139]} {"observed":"me and a friend were gathering cattle around dusk about 300 yards from the river. We were pusing the cattle towards the barn which was about a mile from our locataion at the time. as we pushed the cattle we noticed our horses becoming ancy and they wanted to go the opposite way of the river and the cattle were becoming hard to hold togeather and they were getting ancy as well and nervous. we decided that it was a lost cause because for some reason they were frightend. we just thought it was becasue a storm was on its way and cattle gather in a corner before and during a storm. and it was getting dark so we headed in and angrily decided to do it in the morning. as we headed home our horses would not go and we figured that they were nervous from the oncoming storm. as we impatiently loped them towards the river my buddies horse took off on a dead run for the barn, soon after that mine fallowed. as we got to the sandy bank of the Canadian river we saw a bigfoot standing there about 100 yards down river from us. he was sqwating on the side of the river and when we came up he was startled and jumped to his feet, but didnt run off. the horses stoped with alot of pulling back on the rains and becasue they didnt want to hit the river with a full head of steam. they were very nerous though, prancing in circles around each other. but we still got a good look. at first we were very startled but we didnt run out of curiosity and shock i think. we watched it watch us for about 30 seconds i think before it hauled as into the trees. it ran with a gate that i have never seen and it was not human at all, it was about 9 feet tall and its strides were about that long. as it ran with its head towards us it just clobered a small tree right at the edge of tree line, as it did the tree broke and the bigfoot barely flinched. this was when we both knew that it was not human at all. we didnt have the balls to check things out that night but we did go back the next morning, but we couldnt tell much because of the rain that night. but to this day i swear by my story and i swear that whatever that thing was it was no human","location_details":"Several miles west of Canadian on the river","county":"Hemphill County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 448: Daylight sighting by ranchers on the banks of the Canadian River","date":"2000-07-05","number":448,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9y2sc1d5hq","year":2000,"geometry":[-100.5,36]} {"observed":"Hello, I was talking to my wife, who lived in Mexico City at the time, by cell phone. This happened about a year and a half ago. I drove from my house about 2 miles up the road. I live on farm land so the neighbors are far away from each other. I got to a hill where the road goes left and right. I stopped the car and had the motor turned off. Right before I hung up I heard a yell coming from the woods that were to my right. I told my wife, who is a vetenarian what I heard. She laughed a little and we said good bye. Before I turned the key I heard it again but it was getting really close. Im talking about 200 feet.I did not want to find out what was there so I turned around and came home. I got on the internet that day and found a site that describes different animal sounds. A coyote, a donkey and a bear. The next sound was that of a bigfoot. It matched perfectly. I live about 20 miles south southeast of a town called Seguin. I went back listening the next day and several times after that. I have not heard it again and I really dont care to. Mikey","location_details":"Drive to exit 612 off of Interstate I 10 east about 7 miles from where the Seguin exit is at. After the ramp ends turn left. Turn right after the road dead ends. Go a couple of curves until you see a runway the Air Force uses for touch and go. This Highway is Alt 90. Turn left. Go to the 1st yellow blinking light and turn right. This road is 1123. Go 3 miles to a 4 way stop. This is 466.Turn left here. About 10 miles farther you will come to a sign that says . This is the Vivroux Ranch RD intersection where the noise came from.","county":"Guadalupe County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6583: Unusual screams pierce evening at rural property near Seguin","date":"2003-10-08","number":6583,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9v4rnm2k43","temperature_high":83.5,"temperature_mid":78.87,"temperature_low":74.24,"dew_point":71.46,"humidity":0.83,"cloud_cover":0.79,"moon_phase":0.45,"precip_intensity":0.0057,"precip_probability":0.58,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.47,"summary":"Light rain overnight.","uv_index":4,"visibility":6.43,"wind_bearing":110,"wind_speed":4.09,"year":2003,"geometry":[-97.81083,29.385]} {"observed":"This day I did not get in my deer stand, I took a chair and got in the woods (not sure how many yards in the brush). The weather was bad and I had no business there. After ten minutes or so of sitting on the spot waiting for deer or hogs I heard at aprox. 20 yards a real loud scream I mean loud. I became concerned since I was by myself and this is a private property far from any houses. I walked out of the woods and as soon as I made it to the right of way I heard something walking toward me and it sounded heavy breaking limbs as it came. I moved away from the edge of the woods, raised my 30/30 and got ready to confront whatever it was. This thing never came out but it was looking at me because I could hear the very heavy breathing just standing in the brush. It was already getting dark. I decided to get back to my truck parked about 1/4 of a mile down. Still holding the rifle, I got to the dirt road just on the other side of the right of way and walked as fast as I could to the truck. I did not run because I am a hunter and know the nature of wild things and dont want to be chased. As I walked toward the truck I could still hear this thing walking right along with me, but it would never come out. The dirt road makes a right and this is when I was scared the most because I could no longer hear or see that area. Anyway I made it to the truck (thank God) and got out of there as fast as I could. Like I said never saw what it was and never hunted in the spot again.","location_details":"Tehuacana Creek that leads to [the] Trinity River.","county":"Freestone County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 8549: Hunter is stalked by large, loud, unknown animal near Tehuacana Creek.","date":"2004-04-28","number":8549,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vet6fm79e","temperature_high":75.91,"temperature_mid":69.515,"temperature_low":63.12,"dew_point":53.12,"humidity":0.65,"cloud_cover":0.3,"moon_phase":0.28,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1016.24,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":10,"visibility":9.98,"wind_bearing":162,"wind_speed":4.49,"year":2004,"geometry":[-96.2,31.87333]} {"observed":"I was hunting arrowheads on some land that has a large lake on it. I was not really supposed to be there but I was just looking. I had been there about 4 hours and was leaving when I got on the lake shore I noticed about 300 yards away something in the water on the other shoreline. At first I thought it was just a stump but then it got up and moved. It was a good distance away but I know it was no bear. It never noticed me and keep soaking in the water. As i climbed up the dam to leave it must have seen me because it got up and walked to shore. I didn't see it as I finished crossing the dam to leave.","county":"Franklin County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 7669: Arrowhead hunter has distant encounter in Sulphur River bottoms.","date":"2003-12-30","number":7669,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vum8t9etm","temperature_high":60.76,"temperature_mid":47.55,"temperature_low":34.34,"dew_point":21.88,"humidity":0.47,"cloud_cover":0.02,"moon_phase":0.26,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.98,"wind_bearing":168,"wind_speed":7.23,"year":2003,"geometry":[-95.24917,33.34139]} {"observed":"I was driving from Windom. It was after midnight. I had the high beams on as you never meet another car at that time of night. I saw a dark colored upright figure, like a \"big\" man run across the road. The figure was at the edge of my headlights so I didn't get a real clear look at it. It ran from the west to the east. I was traveling pretty fast so I reached where it had crossed within a second or two and it was gone. It had disappeared into a cluster of cedar trees that were along the fence line. I have only told a couple of people about it. At the time I didn't think about it being a big foot because I have never heard of any in the area. After reading other reports recently, I am convinced of what I saw. I did not go back to check. I don't even like to drive that road at night anymore.","county":"Fannin County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 7519: Bigfoot runs across road in front of woman in car near Pecan Gap","date":"2003-12-08","number":7519,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vgy67b4h2","temperature_high":71.8,"temperature_mid":66.2,"temperature_low":60.6,"dew_point":48.72,"humidity":0.75,"cloud_cover":0.03,"moon_phase":0.49,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Mostly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":3,"visibility":8.48,"wind_bearing":165,"wind_speed":11.29,"year":2003,"geometry":[-95.8775,33.46333]} {"observed":"I was on my way to Gatesville traveling south on US281 south of Stephenville when I topped a hill and noticed something at the edge of my high beams crossing the road. It appeared to be a large man possibly a hitch hiker but as I got closer it turned towards the truck continuing to walk in the bar ditch. This thing was approximately 8' tall and covered in long hair. It appeared to have long hippie like hair and somewhat of a beard. From what I could see this thing was very big as all I could see was from the thigh up and it still towered over the top of my truck. As I got closer the one thing that really got my attention was the eyes. They appeared a yellowish green and only slightly shined. The nose wasn't like a pigs nose but more human with flaired nostrals and the face seemed very humanlike in its expression. It had a very large upper body and chest. It appeared to have no neck as the deltoid muscles kinda flowed into the head. As I passed I checked my rearview and could see it turn into the brush. I checked my brakes and started to turn around but then thought what am I doing, thinking my eyes and the early hour of the morning were playing tricks on me and continued on to Gatesville. The rest of the way to Gatesville I kept trying to figure out what I had seen. Was it a man, hitch hiker, transient, or animal. I tryed to put it out of my mind but could quite not let it go. I told my wife only after 3 or 4 years had passed and I got that look so I never told anyone else until I found this website and found how many other people have had similar experiences.","location_details":"Leon River basin.","county":"Erath County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 11260: Early morning road cross encounter south of Stephenville.","date":"2005-03-19","number":11260,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vdnrc7qff","temperature_high":68.47,"temperature_mid":57.21,"temperature_low":45.95,"dew_point":39.71,"humidity":0.52,"cloud_cover":0.02,"moon_phase":0.31,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Mostly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":8,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":80,"wind_speed":2.61,"year":2005,"geometry":[-98.09234,32.04417]} {"observed":"Approximately two weeks ago we had a very unusual incident take place in our area. Of course, it is hunting season so there are incidence of wild animals coming into our area. Most times we can identify the animals, even if they turn out to be refugees from an exotic animal ranch. On this night, sometime around midnight, I heard a strange sound at the other end of the house. At the same time, our dog bounced off the bed and began barking towards our kitchen. I was home alone so I went armed in search of the intruder. The door was locked and there was no intruder in the house. On my way back throught the house, our dog began barking viciously at the back door. She was bouncing up and hitting the back door with her chest. She is very protective. She was very aggressive but I refused to let her out of the house. As I pulled her away from the door, this awful stench hit me. I can only say that the smell was a cross between swamp mud and musk. I drug the dog to the bedroom to try and quiet her down. The doors and windows were closed, but the odor managed to fill the room. I knew that what ever the animal was, it had to be fairly good-sized. When my wife came home, I told her about the incident but she did the eye roll thing and plopped down to watch tv. I was still curious about the smell so I opened the back door. Just as I got the door open, this \"thing\" screamed an ungodly scream. Not sure if my wife heard it, I turned to ask her if she had. The second scream came and I didn't have to ask, my wife had turned sheet white. Needless to say, I slammed the door shut. I do know that the \"thing\" was northwest of our house. I thought I might find tracks but the ground was too dry. I do know that the \"thing\" upset every dog in the area and they stayed stirred up for several days. I did mentioned the \"incident\" to a relative who is an avid hunter and outdoorsman and asked if he knew what it might have been but he said no. I wanted to make sure because I had another idea. Several years ago, I watched a documentary about Big Foot. In the film, they played a sound that they swear is a big foot yelling. However, non-big foot believers say the sound came from a wounded moose, not big foot, and they gave a long speel and some outrageous example. Okay, that was the sound I heard twice to a \"T\" and we don't have any wounded moose in this part of Texas, so what the hell was it?","location_details":"Confidential","county":"Dickens County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7303: Strange odor precedes strange vocalizations in rural Texas","date":"2003-11-06","number":7303,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vbr32tkkt","year":2003,"geometry":[-100.8361,33.62167]} {"observed":"Our daughter told us this at Christmas following the event in October of 2001. She had been afraid of ridicule and did not mention it until we decided we needed to tell her about its existence. We had become acutely aware of its passing through our area due to its screams which could be heard several nights in a row in the creek (Caney) bottom below our house (about 3/4 mile). I had been aware of the screaming since I moved to this location in the winter of 85/86. Local residents had spoken of a \"wild man\" that jumped fences and made loud yells but I assumed that if the stories were true, they were referring to some mentally ill human. It was years later that I became aware that there were sasquatch-type creatures along the Red River. In September of 2000 my wife and I found some extremely unusual rock formations in the Kiamichi Mountains of Oklahoma and in the course of our investigations were told of 6 bigfoots that lived in the area by a 98 year old resident. When we arrived home around 9:30 pm that night we heard the screaming down in the creek bottom and all the livestock, dogs and cats in the vicinity were agitated for days afterward. We heard the screams even after sunrise the following day. We did not mention this to our daughter because she worked a night shift in Sherman and returned home between 2 and 3 am. During a series of nights in the fall of 2001 my wife became so anxious that she finally decided to tell our daughter so that she would get into the house quickly at night. By Christmas, though, our daughter had moved to Sherman and would not even come back to get her clothes. That's when she finally told us what she had seen. As she drove up the one lane gravel road that connects the new highway to where we live, it ran a few yards in front of her headlights, running very fast upright from the west to the east. This is an open cow pasture on the west bounded by a barbed wire fence about chest high. On the east side of the road was a maize field and an abandoned house about 200 yards further. My wife pressed her for details but all she said was \"It looked like that thing from Harry and the Hendersons\". She doesn't like to talk about the incident because her friends in town make fun of it. After this incident early in 2002, my wife and I found a coyote completely stripped of flesh except for the paws. It was very fresh and the bones were still \"wet\"; that is they were not dried and discolored to white. I cannot positively say what did that but I've lost 14 dogs since I've lived here and I have never found any traces of their bodies or bones. Then around June of this year I went into the fallow field behind my house to dig for some very old stone artifacts I've been finding for two years on a low mound above the creek. There in the yellow clay was a very large human looking footprint between 14 and 16 inches long on the side of a trench I had excavated about 3 feet deep. I noticed a swarm of flies boiling around something on the opposite side of the trench from the footprint. It turned out to be a square piece of white meat about two inches square and 1/4 inch thick. One of the edges had coarse hair like a coyote's. I brought my wife back and showed her the track and the meat. She thought we ought to make a cast of the track but I told her it was pointless as no amount of casts would ever convince anyone of anything. Besides, I was not interested in convincing anyone of the thing's existence; those who are involved don't need to be convinced and those who need convincing aren't involved. We have seen \"nests\" in the tall grass behind the house and under the big pecan tree in front of the house. They could be some other large animal bedding down but there are not many animals that big around here since we stopped pasturing cattle a couple of years ago. I have suddenly smelled a strong skunk like odor when I've been digging at my site but we have a lot of skunks around here. On two occasions I've found stone artifacts lying on top of soil I've removed from my excavation the next day as if they had been left there for me. At the suggestion of a bigfoot hunter from Sulphur, Oklahoma, I left a small hand mirror and some dried fruit in a plastic bag at my dig site, but nothing ever disturbed them. Likewise I leave all the natural flakes and pebbles I dig up in small piles but I've never found them disturbed either. Many times as I am digging I have a strong sense of something watching me from the treeline on the creek below but I've never seen anything to confirm that.","county":"Fannin County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7567: Family experiences activity near Ector.","date":"2003-12-15","number":7567,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vgx16b5gj","temperature_high":68.82,"temperature_mid":53.685,"temperature_low":38.55,"dew_point":42.22,"humidity":0.65,"cloud_cover":0.24,"moon_phase":0.72,"precip_intensity":0.0098,"precip_probability":0.81,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Breezy until afternoon and rain starting in the evening.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.31,"wind_bearing":190,"wind_speed":14.13,"year":2003,"geometry":[-96.27306,33.59]} {"observed":"In October 2000, I began hunting on my wife's family land.The land had sat idle for at least ten years. When I began hunting the land, the deer and hog population was quite high. I took quite a few animals with nothing out of the ordinary taking place. Oct 2001: I started filling my feeders and noticed deer every time I entered the property.Strange things started to take place on the first day of season. At the time I didn't think much about it. On opening day, (evening) I was hunting in my stand that was closest to the creek.(I would later find this was close to the bigfoot's nest area). My dad and I had been whispering at my stand. He left to walk to his stand (100 yards off). Shortly after he left, all wildlife sounds stopped. I then heard a large tree crash to my right (north). I then heard what sounded like a buck hitting his horns (scraping) on a tree. The animal then made a loud blowing noise.I didn't think this unusual. I then heard an animal moving through the dense trees(going from north to south to my dad's stand) I never saw it. It went in the direction of my dad's stand. At one point, it turned and started back in my direction. It then ran out of the woods(going east) to the fire road. At no point did I ever see what the animal was. My dad said that he heard it come up behind him. It then turned and went back in my direction. All season, there was an eerie feeling felt by all that hunted the place. There are two roads running through the place. Both travel north/south and cross a dry creek. All strange activity would happen across the creek between the two roads.Squirrels would start barking on the creek and then complete silence. Later in the season, my wife was hunting with me. I left her in her stand (on the 1st road) and I walked down and crossed the creek to hunt. When I arrived to get her (dusk), she was in shock and crying. She said that something big had walked up close behind her. She turned to see what it was and the animal fled. She said it moved to her right and crossed the road. She heard it run and jump the small creek. After it landed on the other side, it growled at her. She also stated that it had a horrible smell. I had never mentioned anything to her about bigfoot (smell sounds).It is my belief that this is what she had contact with. The last week of deer season, my dad and I were hunting off the second road. We had got in the woods late, so I walked in about 30 feet (off the road) and sat on a stump. About 75 yards down, I heard a squirrel barking in a very strange way. I then heard three large tree breaks. Shortly after, I heard movement to my left in the thicket. Within a few minutes, I heard strange noises coming from the road behind me. Within a few seconds I heard very heavy footsteps on the road. The road is soft silt (water runoff). Part of it was exposed dirt, part covered in dry leaves.The footsteps were in the dry leaves. I turned to see a large red creature walking on two legs. I couldn't see the entire animal at one time due to the trees along the road. I would estimate the animal at seven feet tall, long thick arms, thick chest, long red hair (the color of an Irish Setter dog). It appeared to be a large ape. The animal was in no hurry and I assume, had no idea I was sitting there. I stood up and turned to face the animal. I leveled my shotgun at it (for protection), and called my dad on the walkie talkie. As soon as I spoke, the animal let out a low short scream and broke into a run down the road.I have never seen an animal move that fast. I'm quite sure that it never saw me,as I scared it by speaking. My dad arrived and I told him what had taken place. We looked on the road and found two sixteen inch long foot prints in the soft silt. My dad advised that he heard the animal come through the thicket between us, but didn't see anything. At the time, I was a member of the Texas Bigfoot Research Center. I called and reported the incident. The next day, myself and several members searched the area. Across the creek (from one of my stands), an area was located that appeared to be a bedding area. An old 16 inch track was found in the bedding area. The next summer, I was taking a TBRC member to the bedding area when we came across a nest constructed of tree limbs. It was constructed on the north side of the tree. Several limbs (north side only) were broken off the ceder tree and laid aginst it in an \"A\" frame type leanto. There were additional branches that had to have come from other trees. The \"nest\" was about 4 feet tall. It did not show to have recent usage (winter nest?) About eight feet away,another ceder tree showed to have branches broken down touching the ground. This tree showed recent usage under the tree. Both trees were within fifty feet of the first bedding area found after my sighting. No one has access to this part of the place. It is very remote. 2002: Again a strange feeling was felt by all that hunted on the place.It seemed as long as we (hunted off the first road) did not cross the creek we were not bothered. Anytime we hunted off the second road we had unusual things happen(vocal,trees breaking). My wife and I crossed the creek and hunted from a fire road overlooking a creek. Weeks later, we came back to hunt the same spot. We had hunted in a stand of 3 trees together. When we came back, there was a ceder tree (pulled up roots and all) that had been thrown into the trees we had been hunting. The oddest thing about it is this area is nothing but hardwoods. The ceder tree was pulled up from somewhere else. This again, was within a short distance from the nest area. The last week of season, my wife, friend, his young son, and I were hunting the 1st road. My wife, the boy, and I crossed the creek to hunt. My friend took one of my stands. We left the boy on the road where I could watch him. the wife and I walked in about 50 yards and sat on the creek. About 30 minutes before dusk, a loud, low roar was heard down the creek (between the 2 roads). It was so loud it just seemed to vibrate my chest. Something was heard walking around but couldn't be seen. It scared the boy so bad he got up and moved. Not seeing him, I got up to go find him. At this point, we decided to end the hunt. 2003: A friend and I went to the property to plant green patches for the deer to eat. I decided to cross the creek and plant one near where I had a feeder. This feeder is a gravity feeder made from PVC pipe. It has a large Y pipe on the bottom (held to the tree by a rubber bungie on the bottom and rope on the top). We found the lower Y pipe had been removed. No damage was done to the feeder. It was if the pipe had been twisted enough to break the glue. The rubber bungie was hung on a tree limb (7 feet off the ground) by the hook. Several old tracks were found behind the tree.They had been stepped in several times. There was no way to tell the length of them. What could be seen, indicated the size around 16 inches.The missing section of pipe was located about 50 feet away in some ceders. The camo paint had been scratched off in long straight lines. As would be seen if someone used their fingernails. I had taken a camcorder with me, and recorded what was found. All during deer season, one of my bucket feeders was constantly being taken apart. The bottom was being unscrewed, and the parts found scattered down the creek.This is a free hanging feeder.It takes two people to screw the bottom on (very tight). Opening weekend, another track was found on the second road where I had my sighting (seen by two other people). My friend, his son, and I hunted the second road by the creek. After coming out that evening, they both said they heard tree branches being broken after they returned to the truck. I was inside the truck and didn't hear anything. Nothing else occured this season. We inspected the nest and the area around it. No other signs were seen. My friend suggested that he didn't have that strange feeling out there anymore. It could be that after four years the creature moved on. The game population has been depleted/scarce with the arrival of this animal. Since its arrival, only one animal has been harvested in three years. A large 300lb boar was taken the last day of season this year.","location_details":"6 miles north of Honey Grove I would like to leave this as the only online listed location to the property.","county":"Fannin County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7907: Family has encounters on private, hunting land in Red River - Sulphur River corridor.","date":"2004-01-30","number":7907,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vgz1xdxnr","temperature_high":43.66,"temperature_mid":37.215,"temperature_low":30.77,"dew_point":29.31,"humidity":0.79,"cloud_cover":0.68,"moon_phase":0.29,"precip_type":"snow","summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.4,"wind_bearing":336,"wind_speed":4.15,"year":2004,"geometry":[-95.90694,33.61666]} {"observed":"i was driving south bound on hwy 37 from bogata texas at about 1am with my girlfriend and another friend headed toward mount vernon texas.Hwy37 there is a what i call a wide 2 lane road (it is 2 lanes but has a wide shoulder lane on both sides) when i saw something in my peripheal vision moving fast.i didnt slam on my brake but took my foot off the gas pedal thinking oh **** a deer but when it came out of the ditch it lept into the middle of the road and was now in full view of our bright lights i realized it was no deer!it was big black and long haired landed in full stride and it was then when it launched its self not straight across the road but angled back toward us. it used its arm to push or pull it forward.that is when i realized its other arm had ROTATED all the way around like a pitcher warming up all the way around over its head. its head was down turned away from the light so i did not see its face.but my friend did as it went past the other side of the car and he said it looked right at him turning its head up and back at us like damn what hell was that.we where all silent for a split second or two still processing what had just happened when all at once we yelled WHAT the **** was that.no one in the car was impaired in anyway.we all saw the same thing which was a large ape like animal run or leap in front of us.i will take ANY lie dector test are any other test but WE DID SEE EXACTLY THAT PERIOD END OF STORY.","location_details":"right past the sulfur river bottom on hwy37","county":"Franklin County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 19073: Large creature leaps in front of car on TX-37 near the Sulphur River","date":"2004-10-20","number":19073,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vumbf8dsf","temperature_high":88.54,"temperature_mid":79.545,"temperature_low":70.55,"dew_point":62.37,"humidity":0.71,"cloud_cover":0.18,"moon_phase":0.24,"precip_intensity":0.0004,"precip_probability":0.33,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Foggy overnight.","uv_index":5,"visibility":7.77,"wind_bearing":182,"wind_speed":2.19,"year":2004,"geometry":[-95.23958,33.36867]} {"observed":"We were sitting at a picnic bench when I saw three creatures. They were different sizes. I told my friend to turn around and he saw them also. They were standing in the trees up against the lake. We were at the Hagerman picnic area. In this same area, I heard pigs screaming terribly. Followed by a loud roar.","county":"Grayson County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 7679: Two people have encounter at Lake Texoma","date":"2003-12-31","number":7679,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vgpsjj6kx","temperature_high":60,"temperature_mid":58.045,"temperature_low":56.09,"dew_point":40.18,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":0.23,"moon_phase":0.29,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Overcast starting in the evening.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":172,"wind_speed":8.93,"year":2003,"geometry":[-96.84806,33.69]} {"observed":"I do not know the exact year. It must have been spring or early summer. A storm was coming in and it was at night. Our landlord kept two old horses on the pasture. Somehow they had gotten out and my father and his friend were trying to find them. They had drove off in my dad's jeep (toward the tree of Lebenon). I was standing on the front porch watching them drive off when I felt something eerie, I guess. I turned toward the pasture and there was this tall, lean, lanky, hairy mannish thing coming toward me. I called quietly to my younger sister because I was terrified. It's eyes never left mine even when my sister came onto the porch. I could not speak or breathe but my sister was making a whimpering noise, it still held my gaze. It came to the fence and put it's hand onto the top. I was awestruck that the lower part of his chest was the same height as the top of the iron fence. The fence is at least four to five feet tall. He towered over it. My dad was returning down the road and the headlights of the jeep drew me out of my fixation. I glanced at the jeep for only a second and when I turned back, the creature was half way down the pasture in one second, then disappeared into thin air. When my father came back home after finding the horses I questioned him on if he saw anything and he did not. My younger sisters were both crying and my dad was angry saying I was frightening them on purpose. I am shaking now just remembering about it's eyes. I was never supposed to speak about it again after many lectures from my father. I lived in that house until 1996, all through my high school years. After that incident, not sure how long after, I felt something watching me in my bedroom to a point that it drew me to the window. I could not see it clearly but along the tree line on by the far fence it was there watching me, I could make out it's massive shadow but could not make out its features. I shut my shades and went into another room, for I was not to talk of such nonsense. I never went out at night by myself again. I got chills for no apparent reason and felt watched often.","county":"Grayson County","state":"Texas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8038: Near Lake Texoma and Hagerman Wildlife Refuge, ongoing activity near family home.","date":"2004-02-19","number":8038,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vgpv9862z","temperature_high":70.22,"temperature_mid":57.795,"temperature_low":45.37,"dew_point":46.5,"humidity":0.63,"cloud_cover":0.15,"moon_phase":0.98,"precip_intensity":0.0029,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Breezy throughout the day and light rain until evening.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":179,"wind_speed":20.74,"year":2004,"geometry":[-96.78917,33.71472]} {"observed":"Today I accidentally found your site looking for something that had nothing to do with big foot. I had no idea anyone else in my area had ever seen or reported any stories of a big foot. I never told anyone about what I and my friend seen hunting after school one day. I don't remember me and him even talking about it very much. It was in 1987 it was hunting season I'm not sure the month. The two of us were walking along a dirt road in the Lockerplant river bottoms. Not sure which of us seen it first but definitely caught our attention.We were looking down a right of way when this large figure walked out of the trees. It walked along the tree line for several seconds going back into trees. At first we thought it was one hell of a big man or maybe someone hauling a deer across there shoulders. I remember asking [my friend] if that guy was wearing a fur coat. We knew what it was and it was not a man. The thing was at least 7 foot tall and covered in hair. It seemed to walk like a person, it was too far away to notice any details about face, hands or feet. I'm not sure but think it noticed us and that was the reason it never crossed the right of way. We knew what we seen and even with guns in our hands we both ran all the way home.","location_details":"Gladewater. Hwy 80 east to Lockerplant Rd. Follow into river bottoms approx.1.5 miles.","county":"Gregg County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 9038: While hunting in Sabine River bottoms, two boys have daytime encounter","date":"2004-08-16","number":9038,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vu8brrzmd","temperature_high":88.99,"temperature_mid":77.255,"temperature_low":65.52,"dew_point":59.43,"humidity":0.57,"cloud_cover":0.21,"moon_phase":0.02,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1021.76,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":10,"visibility":9.96,"wind_bearing":117,"wind_speed":2.61,"year":2004,"geometry":[-94.9,32.51667]} {"observed":"I have a dog kennel where i raise and sell puppies. Every night when I get up out of the bed to go to the bath room I look out my window to check my kennels. My bathroom window looks out over my dog kennels. I don't turn on my lights while doing this because it obstructs my view. I thought I was seeing things. There standing on the other side of the pens was a 7 to 8 ft hairy creature. The dogs were all in their houses as if cowering and it was deathly quiet. He was standing facing the dog pen at which point he turned to the east walked about three steps then he turned to the north and stood there. That's when I went and got my mother. She saw it too but not as clear as I. It stood there after my mom came in then it walked into the woods. My house is surrounded on three sides by woods. It is very secluded. Every night it's here and we are terrified. It screams often. My children have heard it. I know I sound like a fruitcake I don't tell anyone because I feel like people will think I'm crazy. I'm buying motion lights to see if it will make him go away. If you know of any other method to chase him away, please, please let me know. There is no man that lives here. He's here every night, we can hear him scream. I don't know if neighbors have heard or seen anything. I don't want to be made fun of. DESCRIPTION: 7 to 8 foot tall. I couldn't see any facial features because of the light. There is a security light by the kennels, but its not very good. His knees moved like a person's, not a bear. He had hair all over him his feet were large, that's about the best description I can give","county":"Harrison County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7505: Woman sees creature by dog kennels in area close to Lake O' the Pines.","date":"2003-11-29","number":7505,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vu9zwbjce","temperature_high":61.72,"temperature_mid":49.365,"temperature_low":37.01,"dew_point":24.9,"humidity":0.53,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.21,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1028.05,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":194,"wind_speed":3.53,"year":2003,"geometry":[-94.59222,32.68945]} {"observed":"I was deer hunting on a piece of land called Benton right off of Caddo lake. I was standing at the shore line watching the water when I saw something out of the side of my eye. Looked to my left and saw an animal come out of the water, look both ways and then walk into the woods. The animal was large even at the 50 yard distance dividing us. As I was walking back to the truck I saw a foot print in some loose soil.","county":"Harrison County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 8067: Deer hunter encounters bigfoot at Caddo Lake near Karnack","date":"2004-02-22","number":8067,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vv495jcvg","temperature_high":67.37,"temperature_mid":55.795,"temperature_low":44.22,"dew_point":35.59,"humidity":0.55,"cloud_cover":0.13,"moon_phase":0.08,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1019.19,"summary":"Mostly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":6,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":142,"wind_speed":1.82,"year":2004,"geometry":[-94.16666,32.8]} {"observed":"In 1988 my wife, fiance at the time, and I were visiting my grandmother who was in her mid eighties at that time. She was living on some property that has been owned by my family for over half a century. She had spent a good portion of her life on this property. It was dusk and we were about to leave so we decided to sit on her porch before leaving. After sitting on the porch and talking for a while we heard a loud AHHHHHHHWW! It was coming from just inside the woods behind her house. Im pretty familiar with animal sounds, but couldnt identify this sound. I figured that since my grandmother lived there most of her life she would know what it was. I asked her about the sound and she said that she didnt know, but she said that she takes all her scraps and garbage to the edge of the woods every evening and lately she had the feeling that she was being watched. She also told me she had started carrying a garden hoe when she went out there. In December of 1989 my friend and I went hunting on my family's property near Caddo Lake. It was about two hours before dawn and we settled into our deer stands. My deer stand was on the edge of a pipeline clearing. My friends stand was in a thinly wooded area overlooking a small clearing about a quarter mile away from mine. I sat in my stand freezing my butt off. I didnt hear or see anything for almost an hour in the freezing temperatures. There was a full moon that night and it was pretty easy to see in the cleared areas. About an hour before the sun started to rise, I noticed something coming out of the woods. It began to walk down the opposite side of the pipeline clearing, towards me. It stayed in the shadows along the side of the wooded area it had exited. It was walking on two legs. At first I thought it maybe a hunter, but I looked hard to see if he had a gun and didnt see one. This was private property a mile off the nearest road and I didnt see a gun! It was also deer season, dark outside, and the woods are thick with trees, vines, and briars. This thing had just walked out of woods that are hard for me to walk through during the daytime without getting cutup from the briars. I couldnt imagine any person strolling through these woods at night during deer season. At first it was probably 75 yards away but it was getting closer. I thought maybe Im seeing things, but I decided to click the safety off on my gun just in case. Immediately after I had clicked off the safety, this thing heard it; it was barely audible to myself. I could tell it had turned my direction, because its shoulders were now turned towards me. Without missing a step it was now walking backwards while looking at me. After about four steps backwards, it quickly spun around and I couldnt count the steps after that, it took a few more steps and quickly exited the pipeline. It entered the woods at a different location from where it had exited. I still couldnt believe what I had seen, but I kept watching where it entered the woods in case it came back out. I noticed one large tree a few yards back in the wooded area that was higher than the other smaller trees around. This tree began to shake violently. After that I was done hunting, but was too scared to exit my stand. I was certain that it had to be Bigfoot. Every noise I heard after that spooked me. I stayed in my tree-stand until my friend came and got me after the sun came up. I told him what I had seen. I dont know if he believed me but we went to look for tracks. We didnt find any tracks but we saw a well-worn trail on the ground where it had exited the woods. I couldnt enter this trail because the trees and briars were real thick. It looked as if small animals could only use this trail, as it was low to the ground. There was a freshly beaten path where it had reentered the woods. I was able to enter the where it had reentered. I noticed an old plastic pail hanging about five or six feet up on the tree that had been shook. I have no idea why this pail was there. Nothing was in it but pine straw. The woods were too thick from that point on and didnt see where it could have gone from that point.","county":"Harrison County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 8107: Ongoing encounters with a bigfoot on family property at Caddo Lake","date":"2004-02-27","number":8107,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vv186tssf","temperature_high":60.75,"temperature_mid":49.115,"temperature_low":37.48,"dew_point":35.51,"humidity":0.69,"cloud_cover":0.22,"moon_phase":0.24,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1024.79,"summary":"Partly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":5,"visibility":8.93,"wind_bearing":129,"wind_speed":2.77,"year":2004,"geometry":[-94.2,32.62194]} {"observed":"I saw something very tall and dark cross the road ahead of my car. It was about 7 or 8 feet tall because it was taller than the sign there at the bridge, at least head and shoulders taller. I was heading to Marshall, and I saw movement on the side of the road. I slowed cause I thought it might be a deer. I was about 100 yards away when it stepped up on the road. It crossed the highway in three strides and went in to the bush as I passed by. It was almost dark and I couldn't see too well, but I did stop there just past the second bridge heading east. I got out and looked but it was gone. There was a trail where the water had dripped off it though: it was kind of flooded there I guess it was crossing the water through the woods there. There was a foul smell like a dead animal but i didn't see any there by the road. I stood there for about a minute I guess, i didn't see anything else but I did feel like it was there in the brush looking at me though. I got in my car and left.","county":"Harrison County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 8108: Driver sees a bigfoot cross the road near Harleton","date":"2004-02-27","number":8108,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vuc94uxum","temperature_high":62.55,"temperature_mid":49.51,"temperature_low":36.47,"dew_point":34.37,"humidity":0.66,"cloud_cover":0.05,"moon_phase":0.24,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1024.58,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":6,"visibility":9.24,"wind_bearing":138,"wind_speed":3,"year":2004,"geometry":[-94.52,32.62389]} {"observed":"My son and I were going north on FM 1997 outside of Marshall, Texas heading to Lake O' the Pines for New Year's party. We saw something that appeared to be a very large man with a brown fur coat on. It was a mostly wooded area but the thing was just off the road approximately 8 feet. The highway right-of-way was cleared about 20 feet to wooded areas on both sides. A small creek ran a few feet north of where it (the creature or ?) was. It looked like it was kneeling possibly on one knee facing away from us. I slowed the car when we first saw it. We said to each other \"what was that?\" We discussed going back to get a better look but decided against it. The next morning we went back to the spot to see if maybe someone had left a large object on the side of the road, but found nothing.","location_details":"About 15 miles west of Caddo lake.","county":"Harrison County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 8116: People see large, hairy animal near road","date":"2004-02-28","number":8116,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vucsrz0p9","temperature_high":60.87,"temperature_mid":56.58,"temperature_low":52.29,"dew_point":39.04,"humidity":0.65,"cloud_cover":0.33,"moon_phase":0.27,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1023.31,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.46,"wind_bearing":136,"wind_speed":4.35,"year":2004,"geometry":[-94.37361,32.65]} {"observed":"A 7-foot upright stooped ape like figure, dark brown in color. It had a deer hindquarter in its left hand.","county":"Harrison County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 8117: Deer hunter has encounter with bigfoot carrying deer hind quarter","date":"2004-02-28","number":8117,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vv13ed59u","temperature_high":60.74,"temperature_mid":56.29,"temperature_low":51.84,"dew_point":40.23,"humidity":0.7,"cloud_cover":0.58,"moon_phase":0.27,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1024.05,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.96,"wind_bearing":132,"wind_speed":6.13,"year":2004,"geometry":[-94.15,32.58333]} {"observed":"I arrived at site during fall thunderstorm and after it passed around 9 pm, set up to fish under bridge as the water was running and the catfish had swam upstream from Spence to feed. Observed one identifiable humanoid track (fresh) in river mud under bridge and several large smears along rivers side in 20 ft radius. Around 10 pm., from across the river, we heard 2 LOUD roars, that ended in a scream, grunt cough? This was unnerving, as we had fished this area several times times in the past and even though at times felt nervous in the area, maybe spooked?, nothing like this before. After the screams we heard a heavy moment in the thick mesquite in the area the roars came from, then a heavy thudding sound. Nothing more occurred for 1hr, until my fishing buddy said in a low voice that someone had just threw a rock at him, at that moment a large rock hit the dirt between us with a lot of velocity, I yelled to cut it out, and another roar answered me, this time there was no doubt it was time to leave. We gathered our gear as fast as possible and left for the truck parked up on the road above us, as we were walking up the concrete to the bridge, we both heard a heavy splashing and something running in the river below, {river at this time around 5 ft. deep due to run off} and a grunting noise. When we got to the truck we both saw river mud spattered all over the windshield, side and grill, and it had the most foul odor I've ever smelt, like the smell of lake mud when the lake turns over in the fall. I've never been spooked like that before or since. Also I've never returned to that spot because it scared me. Problem is, it's some great fishing! Locals in the area at times had told us to stay away from under this bridge, but never gave explanation. The store in the town of Silver (pop. 10, at the time was the areas meeting place. For what is worth, there's the info. hope it can be of assistance to you guys.","location_details":"Near E.V. Spence Reservoir.","county":"Coke County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7835: Unseen animal intimidates fishermen on Colorado River near Lake Spence.","date":"2004-01-22","number":7835,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9v8t0stgpj","temperature_high":57.92,"temperature_mid":54.57,"temperature_low":51.22,"dew_point":44.34,"humidity":0.82,"moon_phase":0.04,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":151,"wind_speed":0.2,"year":2004,"geometry":[-100.5167,31.84167]} {"observed":"One night around 11:30-12:00 me and my boyfriend and his cousin were out in a pasture at my boyfriends grandpas land just sitting around talking and his cousin looked over and saw a very large figure was walking toward us. She told us to look and it was over 7 feet tall because my boy friend is 6'5 it had long arms and very bulkey. it stood there looking at us and as we stood up it crouched down.I ran to my car and his cousin jumped in the back seat and I climbed over the passenger seat into the drivers seat and turned on the lights and it was gone by the time I had turned on the light so my boyfriend got into the car and we left and never went back at night.","county":"Anderson County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 14567: Midnight sighting by couple parked in a pasture near Elkhart stargazing","date":"2001-06-15","number":14567,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vegzh3qzd","year":2001,"geometry":[-95.6669,31.6212]} {"observed":"My name is [omitted]. My ex-husband and I were going west on Highway 91 toward Mesquite, Nevada. The wind was blowing south to north. Tumbleweeds had been blowing across the road before. He came up from the south by the Santa Clara River. We saw him in our headlights. He was about in the middle of the road when we saw him. He was swinging his arms like a human and he kept glancing back to see how fast we were apporaching. He was 8 to 10 feet tall, had a hairy body and looked like the ones I have seen on TV. His hair was brown in color. His hair was blowing in the wind, and we did not feel any fear. The speed limit in this area is 45 MPH. Ray slowed down to about 25 MPH. We did not even talk to each other until we got past him. Then we each said \"what did you just see\"? We got to see him for a long time because the road was quite wide and it took quite a while before he went of the shoulder and down a small embankment.","location_details":"Near the Santa Clara River by the Shivwits Indian Reservation, on Highway 91, west of Ivins, Utah","county":"Washington County","state":"Utah","season":"Winter","title":"Report 26179: Large, bipedal animal crosses road in front of couple near Santa Clara River","date":"2002-02-13","number":26179,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9qx5ebf2gg","temperature_high":61.15,"temperature_mid":53.385,"temperature_low":45.62,"dew_point":1.28,"humidity":0.15,"cloud_cover":0.03,"moon_phase":0.05,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Partly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":4,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":67,"wind_speed":4.65,"year":2002,"geometry":[-113.7382,37.182]} {"observed":"Me and 3 of my friends were hiking up Rock Canyon. It was around 10:00pm and we were about 1 1/2 hours up the canyon, just before the rock canyon camp ground. I remeber that there was no snow in the valley but once we got that high up, there was about 6 inches of hard, crusty snow on the trail. I remember we had to talk louder than normal to hear one another over the loud, cruch of our feet walking on the crunchy snow. We heard a noise that was so loud, but so far away it easily silenced our loud conversations with eachother and we instantly stopped in our tracks on the trail and looked at eachother as we all hear this loud noise. The noise started off sounding like a loud motorcycle way off in the mountain range and then in morphed into a mechanical like scream. I wish I could impersonate it so you can hear somewhat of what it sounded like but all I have are words. The noise lasted for about 15-20 seconds. It was SO LOUD but so far away you could hear it's massivness echoing throughout the entire back mountain range. When the noise stopped, we all instantly started running down the mountain and didnt stop till we got to the bottom. We were all 20 years old plus and we ALL heard something unlike anything we have ever heard before that was scary enough to make us all run down the mountain. We all talked about it once we left the canyon and no one could think of any logical explanation or animal that could have made the noise. To this day will all admit we heard something up Rock Canyon that night, we just dont know exactly what it was. About a month or so after this happened, I got really curious to what this noise could have been. So I started researching noises on the internet to see if I could find a match. I listened to Bear screams, mountain lion noises, wolverines, (even though I dont think they are native to utah) pretty much every animal that I could think of that could possibly make the noise we heard. Nothing I researched came close to sounding like what we all heard that night. Then I came across a Bigfoot audio. I figured I'd give it a try, so I listened to it. I got chills up my spine when I heard these bigfoot audio screams. It sounds so simular to what we had heard. It didnt perfectly match the noise we heard but it is the closest noise that ive found to come close to what we heard that night.","location_details":"If you hike up the Rock Canyon trail. It is about 1 1/2 hiking distance from the parking lot. It is where the trail splits to go to the overlook trail and the campground trail. This is where we heard the noise.","county":"Utah County","state":"Utah","season":"Spring","title":"Report 17265: Possible bigfoot scream heard by hikers in Rock Canyon, in the Wasatch Mountains","date":"2003-03-15","number":17265,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9x0thd2ks4","temperature_high":45.31,"temperature_mid":38.425,"temperature_low":31.54,"dew_point":29.57,"humidity":0.66,"cloud_cover":0.41,"moon_phase":0.4,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":163,"wind_speed":5.93,"year":2003,"geometry":[-111.5986,40.26705]} {"observed":"My family and I took a hike to the falls behind BYU family camp located in Aspen Grove, Ut. Which is I think in Utah county. On the way back we missed a turn on the regular trail and were soon on a game trail. We had traveled about a mile down this trail when it became almost impassable. I looked down to the right and recognized that we had passed the family camp and could see the end of the State Campground. We were at the far end of the campground and about 1/2 to 3/4 miles above it. I decided to take a game trail that was very over grown down the mountian side to trek back to the camp. It was about 3:00 pm and I was concerned that we would be caught on the mountain at dark. With me were my wife 50, my son 7, and my daughter 11 at the time. After leaving the bench we were on we pushed our way through the brush to the next bench. As we made it to the clearing my daughter and I stopped cold and she said big foot! What we saw was a footprint about 15 inches long and 6 to 8 inches wide. The imprint was at least a 1/4 inch deep in the hard dirt. My wife and son came up behind us and said the same thing. I jumped up and down to try and make an imprint (I weigh 220 pounds) and could only make a small impression. We looked around (a little because my family was frightened and I need to get them home) but we did not find any other evidence. When we got back to camp I thought I would go back and take a picture of the print. However, after looking back up the hill I wasn't sure I would find it again and my wife forbade it. We were all spooked.","location_details":"North (I am bad at directions but I think it was north) of the trail to the falls. Same direction would go from family camp to the state park.","county":"Utah County","state":"Utah","season":"Summer","title":"Report 11324: Family finds footprint while hiking near Aspen Grove.","date":"2004-07-05","number":11324,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9x0tgy1x86","temperature_high":68.57,"temperature_mid":58.495,"temperature_low":48.42,"dew_point":39.34,"humidity":0.51,"cloud_cover":0.06,"moon_phase":0.62,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1013.16,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":11,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":327,"wind_speed":2.3,"year":2004,"geometry":[-111.63,40.42]} {"observed":"Ok my wife and i decided to look at the fall leaves in covered brige canyon just off highway 6 about five minutes up spanish fork canyon. Instead of parking off the side of the road i decide to drive the short way up to the sterling hollow trailhead, so i get to the trail head and turn the jeep around so we could veiw the other side of the canyon. We decide to get out and we are standing in front of the jeep talking quietly, and my wife says she wants to sit in the jeep so i ask her why and she says she dont feel good about standing there, i had also noticed that uneasy feeling and agreed. I opened the passenger door for her then went around to the driver side and got in. I found the keys and started to start the jeep when i looked at my wife who was staring at the small gassy flat. I turned the key and a big fast black hairy object made me turn my head to the left, and i saw it run very fast into the thick oak trees. It looked about 6 feet tall hunched over, but it covered alot of ground fast. I saw it for only a few seconds. I looked at my wife, she sat frozen and i knew what i saw ( i thought it was a bigfoot) so i asked my wife if it was a bear she said no so i asked if it was a moose she said no so i asked if it was a black cow and she said it was a hairy bigfoot. She said she had watched it the whole time after i let her in the jeep and got in myself till i started the jeep, and she said it was a bigfoot. I hightailed it out of there and returned at dark with hunting equipment to track it, but only found where it went through the oak, the leaves were deep and the bank was torn up. i have been a avid hunter my whole life it was not any animal known to me, i know it was not a bear moose, elk ,cow,or anything i have ever seen.","location_details":"Sterling Hollow Trailhead, by Covered Bridge Canyon, southeast corner of Maple Mountain","county":"Utah County","state":"Utah","season":"Fall","title":"Report 23264: Husband and wife looking at fall colors have daytime sighting in Spanish Fork Canyon area","date":"2005-09-14","number":23264,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9x0ev9zsh5","temperature_high":66.59,"temperature_mid":56.425,"temperature_low":46.26,"dew_point":28.53,"humidity":0.36,"cloud_cover":0.05,"moon_phase":0.38,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":311,"wind_speed":1.14,"year":2005,"geometry":[-111.5447,40.0445]} {"observed":"Just after dark I decided to go to the park for some night fishing. Pulled over before I got to the lake to urinate. I stepped just into the woods and began to take care of business. I then heard something walking through the woods towards me. I could hear the leaves crushing as it came my way as if it was walking with heavy steps. I decided it would be a good idea to get out of there so I started back for my truck. Then the noise became louder, like jogging or running. I ran, jumped in my truck and began driving. I watched my rearview mirror and all I could see was something big and dark standing on two legs come into the road behind me. I wasn't about to stop and see for sure what it was.","county":"Anderson County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 3393: Something chases man back to truck and he sees dark figure in rearview mirror","date":"2003-10-17","number":3393,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9veuy9vx2f","temperature_high":76.61,"temperature_mid":63.93,"temperature_low":51.25,"dew_point":61.23,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.5,"moon_phase":0.73,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":6,"visibility":8.29,"wind_bearing":315,"wind_speed":3.03,"year":2003,"geometry":[-95.68333,31.78333]} {"observed":"Late one afternoon in Nov. 1986, my nephew came down and wanted to go deer hunting at Maud. I grew up hunting at the old Berry Farm. I put him in one of the deer stands that my brother and I had put up and I had went on to mine. I told him I would come back by the stand that he would be hunting out of so we could come out of the woods together. That afternoon it was starting to get dark but still light enough to see I started back towards my nephews stand. I started up a creek bottom that ran in to a big swamp thicket next to the lake when I smelt something with a very foul odor. I could hear something moving in the thicket, at first I thought it might be a deer, but it was too big to be a deer, and sounded more like a man walking in the water, so then I thought my nephew had got down and started to my stand so I yelled his name so he would know I was coming his way. This thing started moving away from me fast. Down the thicket about 50 to 75 yards there was a little opening about 30 feet across, this thing crossed the opening. I could not believe what I was seeing, this thing was around 6 to 7 feet tall with dark brown hair covering its whole body. It crossed the opening in what seemed to be 5 or 6 steps! I really don't have enough room to write all this down. I'm not crazy, I know I SAW SOMETHING AND WHAT EVER THIS THING WAS IT WAS BIG.","county":"Bowie County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 8039: Deer hunter encounters tall, upright, hairy creature near Wright Patman Lake","date":"2004-02-19","number":8039,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vuvkg51mq","temperature_high":72.01,"temperature_mid":64.805,"temperature_low":57.6,"dew_point":41.21,"humidity":0.7,"cloud_cover":0.15,"moon_phase":0.98,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1013.87,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.35,"wind_bearing":182,"wind_speed":9.97,"year":2004,"geometry":[-94.35722,33.28333]} {"observed":"This blind is the most remote blind on the 3,000 acre lease. The land consists of a couple of open fields, but is mostly heavily wooded. The blind I was in always has a lot of activity around it. You will see deer, bobcats, armadillos, coyotes, rabbits, all manner of birds, and hogs, lots of ferrell hogs. The blind sets at the end of the road, at the end of the property, in somewhat of a valley. As you exit the woods,the road turns slightly to right and drops down into the \"valley\". From where the road exits the woods to my blind is at least 700yds or more. The road continues on down to the blind, but when I am hunting, I park my truck and walk to the blind using a small flashlight so as not to disturbed the wildlife. The land opens up from one end of the \"valley\" to the other. There is about 300yds of fairly open gound from one tree line to the next. My blind sets on NW side at the tree line. As usual, there was a lot of wildlife activity, until about 7AM. All the animals, even the birds, left. Then I started to hear large branches breaking and then something hitting the trees with, I assume, the branches. The blind sets about 12' off the ground, but I never saw anything. I used my scope and binoculars, but the woods are very thick. About 30 minutes after the branch breaking started, a hog ran out of the woods from the direction of the noise and ran into one of the guide wires on my stand (3/8\" cable). Very easy to see. It then jumped up, ran into the ladder and then proceeded over the hill. It seemed to be a bit frightened. About an hour later, a branch hit my blind. When that happened,I almost had to change my drawers. The branch breaking and tree pounding kept up for about 2 1/2 hours. When the noise stopped and the wildlife came back, I left. The next morning, I went back to the blind, walking in as usual. About halfway, I could hear something walking with me. It was a little ways inside the brush. At that point, I reached in my hunting bag and got my headlamp and put it on. I put my flashlight up so I could get to my side arm easier. I never wanted to run so bad in my life but thought better of it. Just as I got to my stand, something very close to me made a very deep, grunting growl. That is the only way I can describe the sound. I dropped my hunting bag and went up the ladder into my stand in record time. About daybreak, the events from the previous day began again. I never smelled anything nor did I find any tracks. To be honest, being alone, I didn't look very hard. I just recently told one of my hunting buddies, and to my surprise he said, \"I knew there was something strange about that place.\" He said ever since he started going out there, he has felt very uneasy, as if he is being watched, sometimes more than others. He has been hunting the woods all his life, so is very familiar with the surroundings. He told me there is one place he absolutely will not go on the lease. If you knew him, you would realize how totally out of character this is for him. I didn't hunt the lease in 2004 because of time constraints, but I think constantly about those two mornings in November 2003.","county":"Burleson County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 10277: Loud, unseen animal torments deer hunter two days in a row","date":"2005-01-17","number":10277,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9v7mdhbj4b","temperature_high":53.52,"temperature_mid":45.125,"temperature_low":36.73,"dew_point":30.76,"humidity":0.71,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.26,"precip_intensity":0.706,"precip_probability":0.43,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1035.95,"summary":"Mixed precipitation (2237 in. of snow) throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.04,"wind_bearing":64,"wind_speed":1.5,"year":2005,"geometry":[-96.59167,30.525]} {"observed":"My name is Rooster, obviously my nickname. I am currently on Active Duty Army for 20+ years now. I have been contemplating for the last several years on whether I should write to you all or not. I started watching your show by sheer coincidence around 2016 or so. Your show was the 1st time I heard of Bigfoot actually being discussed widely. It is something I never grew up hearing or talking about. I saw a couple of y'alls episodes where yall did expeditions in East Texas. I grew up in North East Texas in a town called Linden, not far from an area you all visited in Tyler. So that is what made me think, well maybe you should write, and tell them your story. I just think you all need to go to this town and have a town hall like you do on the show and ask people there, whats going on. I do not know if you will find anyone that has stories, but if I saw something, I am sure someone else who has been in this area for years, has to have seen or heard things. My story happened in 2000, about 20 years ago. It was me, my mom, and my father out fishing in a small wash on the side of the road. So I was living here in Oklahoma and talking to my mom. She said they found a new fishing hole off the side of the road, where they had been catching a lot of fish. I know the area, so I was pessimistic. I drove down one weekend to visit; go check out this fishing hole, and low and behold, there was good fishing there. So, I go down and fish with my mom and dad, in the wash several more times. This one particular time is when the sighting happened. We were all fishing this wash for several hours and the sun started to set. It was just getting dusk when me and my mom, now on the opposite side of the road from my dad, began to hear footsteps in the water. THIS HOW THE CONVERSATION GOES: MOM: Do you hear that? ME: Yes MOM: What is that? ME: Must be a deer. MOM: No, it sounds like its walking. ME: Yes, a deer walking through the water, you can hear its steps. MOM: No, it sounds like it's walking on two feet, cause a deer has four legs and youll be able to hear them. ME: I dont know, sounds like a deer to me. MOM: Listen closely; whatever it is is walking on two legs coming this way. So, at this point, I am unsure of what I am hearing now. I am now leaning towards hearing the footsteps of a person and not a deer. We listen for several more minutes as whatever this was was getting closer and more distinct. As we look up the wash is when we see this thing casually walking down the wash. At this point, I am convinced now it is a person. MOM: Look at that thing. What is that? ME: Got to be a hunter. MOM: Walking in the river? ME: Well, might be someone around here trying to scare us because they dont want us fishing here. So the entire time we are having this discussion, this thing is still walking towards us. As it is in front of us head-on, you can see it is massive. I am still thinking that it is a guy in a Gilley hunting suit. Then I immediately think to myself, well how deep is this water here? How soft is the bottom, it's like a marsh, because this thing, this guy is walking smoothly enough to throw water effortlessly. Again, It was dusk at this point, this thing was literally 20 ft, in front of us in the wide open. Since it was dusk, just past sunset, where you still have that moment of visibility, you can see how big it was. There was a piece of fencing there and some stumps in its way, so it turned to our left and walked up the hill. At this point we yelled to our dad, \"Let's get the hell out of here.\" He was confused at what we were screaming about, so we chucked everything in the car and left. I do not remember talking about it much besides what the hell was that. After we got home I never talked to my mom or dad about it. I end up coming back to Oklahoma after the weekend was over. None of us ever talked about it again after that moment. Not sure why to me it was like a distant memory that quickly. I was unsure of what the hell just happened anyway, so I never thought about looking into it any further. I believe people are seeing what they claim, but it is so incomprehensible at the moment you are witnessing it, that your brain is not comprehending, thats what I felt like. For me, it was like my brain was stuck in the middle of understanding what I am seeing and not understanding. My mom passed away the next year in 2001. I never got to ask her what her thoughts were about that day. Not until I started seeing y'alls show that I was able to think well hmm, maybe this what it was. I still struggle with understanding what I saw because your show actually makes me doubt myself. My story does not seem to fit into what Matt, Cliff, and Bobo say is what seems to be normal Bigfoot behavior to me. I doubt myself because: I never smelled a foul odor. It never made a noise; like it didnt see us standing right in front of it. If it saw us, it did not run, it did not hide. So, it was not until 19 years later after watching y'alls show did I decide to get on the computer here and look at the terrain in the area. I had no clue there was a lake there at all. I am not saying I saw a Bigfoot. I do not know what the hell I saw. All I know is I am 61. I was standing on the road and the water line was like 3-4 foot below the road. This thing was about eye level if not taller and twice as wide as I was at the time. Just massive. I could not make out any details besides how big it was. I grew up in these woods, fishing, hunting, whatever. I never heard of talk about anything like this nor have I seen anything like this. This area is not known for bears, I do not think. I never saw one, but if a bear can walk on two legs thru a creek and turn and walk up the embankment on two legs, then I saw a bear. I never thought about even sharing my story with y'all until I saw episodes where yall were close to the town I grew up in. I did try telling some people about my experience, and they just laugh and make jokes, even my sisters. I just stopped trying to tell them, even though they still live in that area. Thank you, Rooster","location_details":"3300'36.8\"N 942628.7\"W 33.010211, -94.441309 or 86-945 FM 130, Linden, TX 75563 (google maps).","county":"Cass County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 67313: Fisherman and his mom have a close encounter 4 miles west of Linden","date":"2000-10-01","number":67313,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vugfcqchw","year":2000,"geometry":[-94.44,33.01]} {"observed":"1st - Myself, my older sister and a friend of ours found a 16\" -20\" footprint by the pond at the back of the property my sister and her husband were renting. Something was watching us. We found where something had eaten a wild duck that was always at the pond. There was a very scary feeling back there. No one ever went back there at nite. Strange noises all the time seemed to be the norm. One nite, my sister was alone at the house, when something scared the horses and cattle so bad that a horse ran right into the side of the house. It seemed like it was trying to get in! The animals were always in an uproar. My sister and her husband moved to Diana late that year. They were living in a small trailer park. They had the last trailer in a line of trailers. Once again my brother-in-law was out in the tractor trailer he drove for a living and my sister was alone. She had the uneasy feeling of being watched and would hear strange noises all the time. But one nite in particular, a super-loud scream of ungodly origin scared her so bad she peed herself and locked the doors and hid all nite. They moved again soon thereafter. My family grew-up in east Texas, and I'm certain that I've had other close encounters in the woods in Avinger Texas. But I've never actually seen a creature, but I've been \"chased\" out of the woods a time or two. Most of us East Texans know that there are huge animals that roam those woods. My sister and I know.","location_details":"Near Lake o' the Pines and several of its small streams and creeks.","county":"Cass County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 8289: Tracks found and other encounters in area near Lake o' the Pines.","date":"2004-03-01","number":8289,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vuepm62kh","temperature_high":75.64,"temperature_mid":61.635,"temperature_low":47.63,"dew_point":44.04,"humidity":0.62,"cloud_cover":0.22,"moon_phase":0.33,"precip_intensity":0.002,"precip_probability":0.74,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Partly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":6,"visibility":9.62,"wind_bearing":235,"wind_speed":4.53,"year":2004,"geometry":[-94.6,32.9]} {"observed":"I was headed north on Hwy 59 into Atlanta, Texas. I was the only one on the road for as far as I could see. I came to an S curve in the road. It went to a curve to the right and then back to a curve to the left. I made the first curve and when I was coming aroung the other curve I saw this huge beast just step over a six strand barbed wire fence. I slammed on my brake and then just took off. I was scared to death. This was no man and damn sure not a bear.It had to be at least 8 to 8 1/2 feet tall and weight no less than 500.bs. I weigh 230lbs and it was at least twice my size! It's hair was a really dark brown and not as long as I thought it would be. It looked to be covered with 6 to 8 inch hair. It's chest and abdomen didn't seem to be as hairy and I could see it's eyes, nose, and mouth, so I assume they were not hairy either. As I've said before when I made the curve it was stepping over a 4' fence like it was nothing. It saw me and didn't run, but just turned it's head and continued to walk down the fence line. I should have taken a longer look, but I was really freaking out at this point so I just drove on into Atlanta.","location_details":"I was on Hwy 59 heading north into Atlanta. I couldn't have been more than 2 to 5 miles south of Atlanta at the time. I only got a look at it for no more than 4 or 5 seconds.","county":"Cass County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9137: Route driver has early morning road encounter near Atlanta","date":"2004-08-10","number":9137,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vuupjk5yj","temperature_high":95.71,"temperature_mid":81.705,"temperature_low":67.7,"dew_point":68.22,"humidity":0.7,"cloud_cover":0.14,"moon_phase":0.83,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1015.59,"summary":"Humid throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":8.66,"wind_bearing":303,"wind_speed":1.55,"year":2004,"geometry":[-94.25694,33.07639]} {"observed":"It was about 1:00 - 2:00 A.M. in the morning, I woke up to go to the bathroom, when I woke up I happened to look towards the window and I saw this huge figure standing on our front deck. There was a security light outside so it made it more visible to see. I knew that it was not a person my father is 6'3 and that creature was much taller and more broad shouldered. I did not see his actual body just the outline mostly through the window.It was just huge, and I was too scared to walk to the window and look out, I just layed down on the pallet I had made earlier that night while I was watching movies. I have noticed strange events occuring around our property, such as our ducks had ended up dead, heads had been completely torn off, and on the way to the pond in the pasture was a dead cow with most of its insides torn out. Now we did smell rotten odors, but we brushed it off as being water moccasin's because they do have a terrible odor when near by, and at the time did not think anything of it. We also raised horses but nothing had really disturbed them. I was about 7 when this happened so I was terribly frightened. And a few days after the event I was out back and I looked into the feild and saw something large walking on two hind legs I would guess about 100 meters away. I know it was way too large to be anything human. Ever since then I have been scared to go out into the country at night anymore.","location_details":"About 3-4 miles from hwy 59 on a dirt road back then, now slightly paved. Minimum Traffic flow on the dirt road.","county":"Cass County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 11389: Young man tells of childhood experiences.","date":"2005-04-21","number":11389,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vuum8vr8k","temperature_high":81.98,"temperature_mid":74.095,"temperature_low":66.21,"dew_point":64.44,"humidity":0.79,"cloud_cover":0.34,"moon_phase":0.41,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1013.49,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.21,"wind_bearing":194,"wind_speed":3.67,"year":2005,"geometry":[-94.32139,33.09625]} {"observed":"Our family has some property down in deep East Texas at the top of what is called the Piney Woods region. We have about 200 acres with open pasture fronting a farm-to-market road and pushing back into the middle of the property and heavy woods in a U shape on the sides and back into the back of the parcel. There are two stream that originate on the land and another that passes through; two in the east woods, one in the west. On the east side the woods are many miles deep going back across other properties and all the way over to some river bottom land where the Neches River runs through that part of the country. Anyway it was early spring before the leaves had come out and everything was still fairly dead looking except the evergreens. I was out playing 50 yards from the trailer on the outside ring of a tall stand of large trees and about 250 yards from the edge of the forest. It was about dusk, just before dinner time, but there was enough light to clearly see down into the edge of the forest. I kept getting the willies or the feeling that something was not quite right and for some reason I was drawn to look to the east woods tree line - like I felt I was being watched, but I don't think I would have put it that way at the time. I just stopped playing ( I had just come down from climbing a sweetgum tree and was looking for lizards at the base) and kept looking at the tree-line several times. About the second or third time this happened I noticed a low evergreen shrub (in the shadows of the woods even evergreens look kinda grey/brown or just darker than the surroundings) or at least a dark pear shape that I took to be like a small bushy cedar just inside the forest canopy - I thought something like \"that sure looks like a big person shaped bush . . . \" and probably thought it looked creepy or something. A few moments later the feeling was so strong I stood straight up and looked right at that bush - no scanning the line - that bush was what I focused on. I must have stood there stock still for a solid 20 count just staring at this shape when I got the shock and, frankly, the fright of my young life! The damned thing stood up and ambled off into the woods! Down into a streambed and up the other bank off into the forest to be exact! It looked just exactly like a very large man wearing a solid dark fur parka pulled up over it's head only there's just no way it was a dude in a coat - there was no variation in clothing, no lines, waving flapping wrinkling nothing. I can tell you I was jolted with fear like nothing you can imagine - first to realize I had been observed for all that time and second by something big and very monster looking to me at the time (I was eleven). After it was gone I ran into the house crying that I had seen a monster in the woods. My father dismissed the entire affair as a black cow down in the woods, but I've been out in those woods all my life and even had the cows come up on me in the woods while I was camping out - that was no cow. On a side note, although I've never again seen anything fishy down at that property, there have been reports in Rusk County over the years, which is just one county south of Cherokee County. Also, when my father and I were discussing this event recently my dad pointed out something I thought a bit odd. We have sometimes heard the thunderous pounding of our entire herd of cows running up through the pasture away from the woods, always at night, and always up from the woods. Who knows, maybe there's something passing through.","county":"Cherokee County","state":"Texas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 2379: Man recalls childhood experience with bigfoot","date":"2003-10-22","number":2379,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vsmtbtvj1","temperature_high":92.5,"temperature_mid":78.115,"temperature_low":63.73,"dew_point":55.42,"humidity":0.59,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.89,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":257,"wind_speed":2.32,"year":2003,"geometry":[-95.01264,31.90791]} {"observed":"I feel stupid doing this but my teacher told us in class the other day about his bigfoot experiences. I don't want to attempt to tell the whole story but you people should really talk to him. I respect him alot and he told us that he has encountered a \"creature\" at least 6 times in his life time in or near the vicinity of a bridge called the \"1893 bridge\" in Cooke County, Texas. It's located north east of Callisburg on Survey Road. He told us that they have seen it in the light of their headlights. He said it stood at least 8 maybe 9 foot tall and that it could step over a fenceline. On one occasion he told us the creature was bouncing a limb up and down with its arms one night in the light of their headlights and they measured the height of the limb the next day and he said he couldn't even reach the limb. On several occasions there was more than one person in the vehicle with him. Several times he had people go with him during the day time to look for tracks and stuff and he said that they found bones in the bottom of this creek where they had seen the creature during the night time. He claims that his buddies have taken shots at the creature but it never had any effect (he didnt know if they hit it). I hope this can be of some use to you. This is all second hand but it is from a well respected man of the community who doesn't lie.I can find out exact details if you would like me too.","county":"Cooke County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 6235: Biology teacher's experiences around \"the 1893 Bridge.\"","date":"2004-05-24","number":6235,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9y503s3rwt","temperature_high":83.43,"temperature_mid":77.725,"temperature_low":72.02,"dew_point":68.14,"humidity":0.75,"cloud_cover":0.63,"moon_phase":0.17,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day and breezy in the evening.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":165,"wind_speed":11.91,"year":2004,"geometry":[-96.96333,33.81861]} {"observed":"I was 14 years old in 1976. It was either Nov or Dec 1976 and I had rode my dirt bike to what is known in Cooke County, Texas as the Old Toll Bridge located at the Red River. At the river stands 3 old piers that supported the bridge back in the 20's or 30's. I was standing by the edge of the river looking at the ice float by when I heard what sounded like to me as Coon dogs hot on the trail of something across the river on the Oklahoma side. As I looked across I saw a dark hairy animal, or something, running on two legs like a human. There was a dead tree log that this large animal jumped over. The coon dogs jumped across the log after it. As I watched in amazement I heard the lead dog let out a loud yelp. The 2nd dog came running back and jumped over the log back into the direction that they originally came from. The first dog never came back nor made another sound. At 14 years old it scared the hell out of me so I ran and jumped on my motorcycle and took off home. I told everyone at the house of what I saw and everyone laughed at me. I hade been back there several times after that but never seen or heard anything. The Old Toll Bridge Road is now closed off. I know what I saw and it wasn't human nor a bear. It was a Big Foot. Next was in the late summer of 1978 and my friend and I had just returned from cruising the drag in town. We had went back to his parents house out by the Girls State School in Gainesville, TX. When we go there his parents, brothers and sister where all in the back yard not talking. We asked them what was going on and his Dad said just to listen. We said what for. He said that they had heard some kind of wild animal growl coming from creek bottom out in Mr. Leowold's pasture. We set there for a while and they went in. I was talking to my friend when we heard a load roaring growl. Like a four wheel drive truck locking up the tires on the highway. Just then it did it again. We ran inside and told his parents. They said just to leave it alone. We went and snuck out our 22 rifles and jumped in the truck to drive down to where the creek went under the bridge just east of state school. As we were listening we heard bird chirping then flying off out of their roost. Then limbs breaking and rocks being knocked around on the creek bed. We decided to get out of there and left ASAP. The next day we went back over to where we had access to get to the creek by the highway. David and myself walked the creek when we came across a barefoot foot print that was much larger than any grown man. We left and never made it back there again.","location_details":"Red River.","county":"Cooke County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 11592: Youth has sighting near bridge.","date":"2004-12-27","number":11592,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9y4bpkeg28","temperature_high":57.36,"temperature_mid":50.325,"temperature_low":43.29,"dew_point":27.4,"humidity":0.5,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.54,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Breezy in the afternoon.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":146,"wind_speed":7.56,"year":2004,"geometry":[-97.05903,33.77528]} {"observed":"I was hunting on our private land near Gatesville, Texas. It was very cold and very early in the morning at around 4 a.m. When we arrived at the gates to our property me and my stepfather exited our vehicle and applied a last coat of scent blocker from our heads to our toes then applied raccoon urine to the soles of our boots. We entered our property and began walking through the first 40-acre field. At the far side of the field my stepfather settled into his hunting blind, leaving me to continue on to my hunting spot alone. It was about another 3/4 or 1 mile past my step dads hunting blind to my hunting spot. I walked mostly by memory of the trails of our land using my flashlight only when I absolutely had to, which was a maximum of 5 times and for a only a few seconds each time. I reached my hunting spot by about 430 or 445 a.m. I settled into my usual hunting spot at the base of what we call the East Hill. I remember that I picked that spot because the wind that day was blowing to the east/south-east and the deer generally walked out north of that spot. It had a excellent sight line down the left side of the creek on our property (which I believe was north) under a large tree with lots of brush grown in front of it. There was no moon that night. It was around 5 to 5:15 in the morning, but still so dark that I could not see my hand in front of my face. After being there for 15-20 minutes I began noticing the sound of footsteps coming from my right down the hill. Even though they sounded very far off, the distinct heavy and slow footsteps made me to wonder what it was. It definitely sounded like it was walking on 2 legs. It could not have been a horse or cow and no goat was heavy enough to produce the foot sounds that I heard. Bear have never been spotted anywhere in this region so it didn't take long for the frightening realization to set into to me that this might be a bigfoot. I fully cocked my 30-30 rifle and pointed it in the direction of the footsteps. It still sounded like it may have been as much as 15 yards away but was steadily moving in my direction with pauses every so often for up to a minute. One pause was so long that I had thought it had snuck off, but suddenly its distance to me had jumped from 10 or 12 yards away to about 5 yards away. I later discovered that there was a very large flat rock breaking the surface of the ground about 10 yards from me in that direction. I was becoming extremely nervous at this point but the sounds still moved closer. I began to hear heavy breath sounds from the animal as it was getting closer. It sounded labored or very deep with a heavy exhale. I estimate that it was 10 feet from me or so when it took one last step. It then seemed as if it finally realized I was there, because it turned so quickly to leave that it tripped or slipped. It sounded like it fell down and hit the ground hard with a thud, then scrambled to get up. It ran away with what sounded like a long heavy stride which faded away quickly in the distance in the same direction it came from. I waited till daylight to go looking for evidence. The only evidence I found was what appeared to be the spot were it fell on the ground. The distance from my hunting spot to the spot where I believed it fell and came out to be 11 feet. I hunted for about 1 hour after that but couldnt stand to be in the area any longer. Also, there was not 1 single animal in the area, not even the squirrels that usually run free along the trees near the creek during that time of year.","county":"Coryell County","state":"Texas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 15696: Possible stalking of hunter near Gatesville","date":"2004-12-01","number":15696,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vdde045x9","temperature_high":57.38,"temperature_mid":46.025,"temperature_low":34.67,"dew_point":31.45,"humidity":0.69,"cloud_cover":0.03,"moon_phase":0.65,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1025.93,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.66,"wind_bearing":176,"wind_speed":4.28,"year":2004,"geometry":[-97.59946,31.37756]} {"observed":"I live in Northeast Texas close to the town of Commerce. I was witness to several incidents when I lived just outside Commerce. At the time I was employed for the Delta County Sheriffs Dept as a deputy. It was around 1990 and a friend and I were in the business of buying dairy calves to raise and resell. My friend lived in an area close to the town of Horton. The actual town is now under water - part of Cooper Lake. This was a very remote area of dense thick woods running all the way to Sulphur Springs. My friend began finding his calves dead at the barn. It appeared that their necks had been broken. This all came to a head on an evening as he heard his boar hog squealing loudly from the pen. The pen was located at the edge of the woods. My friend had a very mean boar hog that weighed around 400lbs. He called me on the phone and told me to come as fast as I could. When I arrived he was almost in shock and told me that he went and grabbed his rifle and went to the barn. He said that he saw a very tall hairy creature lifting this boar hog over the pallet fence. My friend fired a shot at it and it dropped the hog and ran off. My father and I went to the pen and found a set of tracks. These resembled a very large human foot in the dirt. My father - a retired Dallas police officer, contacted my friend's neighbor. The neighbor was also a retired police officer and professor at Northeast Texas Community College. He came and called a couple of his students and plaster casts were made of the print. Several pics were taken of the cast and one was even printed in the local paper. The cast went on display at the college in the science dept. I have the cast. At this time I am still trying to find where it was stored to get the dimensions for you. As we were talking with my friend's neighbor, he advised that he oversaw a cabin across from him (bordering my friend's land) way back in the woods. The owner had said that strange things were happening at this place. We saw that the tracks went due east toward this other piece of property. We went to the cabin and saw several more of the footprints going in a circle around the cabin. Over time we saw and measured two other sets of tracks. The only size I remember was 12 inches. The other tracks were bigger than the set we cast. The strange happenings always started in the spring and continued until the late fall. His property is about 2 miles from the Horton bottoms where I know several people who have seen this creature but would not go public for fear of being thought crazy. One was chased out of the bottoms while duck hunting at a slew (see ). I have since moved to a different part of the county. About eight years ago a friend and I were walking along the Sulphur River and found tracks going to the water as if to get something to drink. As I said I am still looking for the cast as my dad put it into storage. As soon as it is found I would be glad to send a pic to you. In the cast you can clearly see the tissue ridges on the bottom of the toes - much like ours. I am curious if anyone has ever reported anything like this in this area. I have nothing to gain from telling this story. I have been a law enforcement officer in this area for 13 years. At first I told a couple of people of what I had seen and most thought I was crazy. Thanks to the internet I can relay this story to you. Please feel free to contact me if you wish. Thank You.","location_details":"I believe the FM # is 3310 it runs from Commerce into Delta County. The location is from Ivory Moore park in Commerce-The park is on an unpaved county road that runs into 3310. At the time I was at the sheriffs dept this road was not yet numbered. I havn't been in this area in at least 3 years","county":"Delta County","state":"Texas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 638: Series of encounters with bigfoot in close proximity to Sulphur River","date":"2003-12-15","number":638,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vgvhsqrj7","temperature_high":70.02,"temperature_mid":54.915,"temperature_low":39.81,"dew_point":46.27,"humidity":0.69,"cloud_cover":0.38,"moon_phase":0.72,"precip_intensity":0.0031,"precip_probability":0.42,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day and breezy until evening.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.31,"wind_bearing":182,"wind_speed":12.32,"year":2003,"geometry":[-95.77,33.24722]} {"observed":"I was born in 1936 and grew up on a farm in Delta County, while working in the field we would see what we referred to as the nude woman. It was a large animal walking upright along the edge of woods and never coming completely out in the open. I left in 1954 to serve my Country for 23 years and returning to same area that I grew up in. Sometime in the mid 1980's after a heavy rain with flooding, my baby brother found footprints where this animal had departed the water and walked around in the mud. In the early 1990's my Mom and Dad were traveling down TX 71 in Delta County and just before crossing the South Sulphur River a large man like animal walked across the road in front of them and stepping across fence and heading north. Again in the 1990's my son-in-law and myself had a couple of encounters with a large animal walking through trees in waist deep water while we were duck hunting in what is now Cooper Lake. Around 1995 while checking my cattle about 10PM I encountered a rather large man like animal (look to be about 8 ft tall) in my light and he went one way and I the other. One never hears of this animal any longer and the only wild animals you see now is wild boar and black panther.","location_details":"North off TX hwy 71 on South Sulphur River and East from FM 1531 between Middle Sulphur and South Sulphur River. Most sightings were seen at the end of County Road 2070 onto the Cooper Lake area.","county":"Delta County","state":"Texas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7568: US Air Force retiree encounters bigfoot in Sulphur River bottoms near Cooper Lake","date":"2003-12-16","number":7568,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vgv5x1w7p","temperature_high":46.91,"temperature_mid":36.715,"temperature_low":26.52,"dew_point":27.51,"humidity":0.55,"cloud_cover":0.26,"moon_phase":0.75,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.92,"wind_bearing":308,"wind_speed":9.96,"year":2003,"geometry":[-95.82056,33.26222]} {"observed":"I am reporting a sasquatch seen crossing the road at night; seen very well by the headlights. It ran erect. It had long arms and was massive in size in comparison to a man. When it reached the steep (empty) canal bank it used it's arms like legs, knuckles down, like a quadruped, to swifty climb the embankment. We returned to my sister house in Dryfork canyon by the Remember the Maine Park the next day for my mother's birthday. We told a few people what we had seen the night before. My sister began to ask some neighbors if they had seen a sasquatch. Some of the neighbors knew about other sightings in the area.","location_details":"Location is mouth of Dryfork canyon, right before the canyon starts. At this point the dryfork river is several hundred yards from the road","county":"Uintah County","state":"Utah","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10123: Night time road crossing northwest of Vernal, Utah.","date":"2004-12-25","number":10123,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9x1y7hv387","temperature_high":45.65,"temperature_mid":33.505,"temperature_low":21.36,"dew_point":6.52,"humidity":0.38,"cloud_cover":0.07,"moon_phase":0.47,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1027.69,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.83,"wind_bearing":300,"wind_speed":1.3,"year":2004,"geometry":[-109.9,40.5]} {"observed":"I was family camping with my wife, daughter, and father below Huntington Reservoir. The last two nights of this trip while sitting around the fire late at night we started hearing a moaning sound that sounded like it was coming from the opposite ridge roughly 2-4 miles away. We heard these sounds repeatedly for over an hour on both nights and they seemed to be coming from at least two different directions. My father and I are both avid bigfoot enthusiasts and have been to all of the locations of recent sightings in Utah posted on your site. But, this trip we weren't even thinking about it or talking about when my father said do you hear that. After listening for a second I heard a long moaning howl that(as far as we can tell) sounds amazingly similar to the Ohio howl.","location_details":"We were camped in the Lake Fork Campground just below Huntington Reservoir. The dam was in sight of our campground and the ridge that we felt the sounds were coming from were due East of our location and as far as I know there aren't any roads accessing that area.","county":"Sanpete County","state":"Utah","season":"Summer","title":"Report 14732: Possible vocalizations heard near Huntington Reservoir","date":"2005-08-15","number":14732,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9x0bsghg9j","temperature_high":65.92,"temperature_mid":56,"temperature_low":46.08,"dew_point":45.8,"humidity":0.77,"cloud_cover":0.27,"moon_phase":0.35,"precip_intensity":0.0009,"precip_probability":0.52,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.49,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the evening.","uv_index":10,"visibility":9.91,"wind_bearing":138,"wind_speed":0.25,"year":2005,"geometry":[-111.23,39.48]} {"observed":"In August of 2004, my family and I were camped at Hoop Lake, in the Uinta Mtns of Utah. Just south of our camp was the outflow stream of Hoop Lake that cut a very deep gorge, some 100+ feet deep. Along that gorge runs an ATV trail, that we rode along quite often during our four-day camp. The ATV trail ends on the shoulder of a mountain, and overlooks about 3,000 acres of meadow and climax forest. On the morning of the incident, my wife, myself and two of our nephews took an ATV ride along the trail. We ended our ride at the shoulder, and turned off the vehicles. We had been talking about sasquatch sightings and I had expressed the sentiment that I thought it would be awesome to see a sasquatch. My nephews asked me if it made sounds, and I said that it's vocalizations had been recorded. They asked what it sounded like, and I told them that I would imitate it. I made as loud a vocalization as I could, trying to recall the tonality, and pitch of the recordings. When I stopped, the sound echoed off of the walls surrounding the meadow, and down a nearby canyon. It was quite eery to hear the echoes. They asked me to do it again, and I did. The third time I made the call, something answered back from the forest next to the meadow. The hair stood up on the back of our necks, and we decided that we had heard enough. As we started to leave, one of my nephews shouted \"What's that Uncle B.....?\" I turned and saw a cow moose bolt out of the trees on a full gallop. As it ran it continued to look back into the trees. I am not necessarily convinced that what I heard was a sasquatch, but I have heard many different animals (bears, coyotes, elk, deer, hawks, falcons, eagles, and wolves), and the sound that I heard didn't match any of those sounds.","location_details":"Drive south, out of Mountain View, Wyoming. The highway turns east just on the outskirts of town. Drive to a dirt, forest road that is marked \"Hoop Lake\". The road goes south into the North Slope of the Uintah Mountains.","county":"Daggett County","state":"Utah","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12396: Possible vocalization heard near Hoop Lake.","date":"2004-08-10","number":12396,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9x3bwtd7z8","temperature_high":79.11,"temperature_mid":61.875,"temperature_low":44.64,"dew_point":16.11,"humidity":0.16,"moon_phase":0.83,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Breezy in the evening.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":301,"wind_speed":4.88,"year":2004,"geometry":[-109.75,40.9]} {"observed":"As I was watching the show on tv. They showed the dash cam vid. It gave me chills. A few years back two friends and I saw The exact figure that was displayed while driving in The mountains of bountiful ut. All three of us will give you the exact same account. Even if interviewed apart. For years we joked about big foot till I saw that movie. The creature started off crouched on the of a steep hill on the side of the road as I turned on my brights it stood up, ran across The road and vanished up the mountain into thick trees.","location_details":"We where headed down the road just below buckland trail. We where headed west it crossed south to north.","county":"Davis County","state":"Utah","season":"Winter","title":"Report 29690: Driver and passengers have late night sighting on mountain road in Bountiful Canyon","date":"2004-03-04","number":29690,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9x22zbdynt","temperature_high":28.15,"temperature_mid":23.985,"temperature_low":19.82,"dew_point":21.62,"humidity":0.93,"cloud_cover":0.89,"moon_phase":0.42,"precip_intensity":0.0002,"precip_probability":0.33,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1010.82,"summary":"Foggy starting in the evening.","uv_index":4,"visibility":5.55,"wind_bearing":289,"wind_speed":1.05,"year":2004,"geometry":[-111.8038,40.91689]} {"location_details":"Head south on highway 150 from evanston. about 2 miles .75-1.25 miles south of the ranger station turn left on the christmas meadows road. about half a mile turn right and then another immediate right and travel about .25-.5 miles to where we were at.","county":"Summit County","state":"Utah","season":"Summer","title":"Report 18056: Possible late night sighting by camper near the UT/WY border","date":"2001-06-13","number":18056,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9x30npgwy7","year":2001,"geometry":[-110.825,40.825]} {"observed":"I was hunting Elk with my Bro in Law. Up in Chalk Creek. That is in Summit County in Utah. We had been in this deep canyon for some time. It was getting dark, so we heeded out of it. I can still see this in my head,..We were climbing up out of a small draw onto a flat meadow. As we got to the top of it. We both saw something very black in color move into a small stand of pine trees. It let out a huge Whoooff sort of sound as it went in. Also it moved a pine bow that flipped from the ground to about five feet in the air. My Bro in law said \" What the Heck was that\"!!! As he put a shell into the chamber. This stand of pines was no bigger than a front yard. There was a clearing behind it. I have thought on this for some time. I think that we came in contact with it. And we surprised each other. The Creature was to our left, and we had a Beaver Dam to our right. The thing was about 30 feet away from us in the pines. We were on a Deer path between the pond and the pines. We backed up, and this thing let out a low gutteral growl at us. You could hear it's teeth chatter also. I have felt fear in my life, but a sense of evil came over me. On the way home we talked about what we had saw. We were so close to this thing. I know for a fact it was not a Bear or Moose. A Bear does not move that fast on it's hind legs. I used to work at Lagoon in Farmington. It's an amusement park. I used to feed the animals down there. They had a Leapord that would growl at you when you walked by it's cage. That growl was almost just like what I heard on that mountain. I have been in the hills all my life, and have never seen or heard anything like that. Pleas give me a call.","location_details":"It's a CWMU known as Thousand Peaks.","county":"Summit County","state":"Utah","season":"Fall","title":"Report 25154: Two elk hunters & tall bipedal creature startle each other at Chalk Creek east of Coalville","date":"2004-10-15","number":25154,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9x30b1rrdp","temperature_high":57.61,"temperature_mid":48.74,"temperature_low":39.87,"dew_point":22.47,"humidity":0.4,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.05,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1011.68,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":247,"wind_speed":4.45,"year":2004,"geometry":[-111.0837,40.92128]} {"observed":"On a recent backpack trip in the Marsh Peak/Twin Lake area of the High Uintahs in Utah I and several others in the party noticed the obvious lack of small birds, chipmunks, deer and other small wild life. On the morning of the second day shortly after our camp became active with the days preparation for more hiking we heard whooping sounds coming from up the trail where we assumed there was another group of hikers. The whoops matched one sound bites found on this web sight. As it turns out we were the only group hiking in that area at that time as we found no trace of other visitors in the area during our time there.","location_details":"We were camped at the lower Twin lake east of Marsh peak and north of Paradise park resevoir. We hiked in on trail 075 and trail 050 from Paradise park.","county":"Uintah County","state":"Utah","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12289: Possible early morning vocalizations in the Uinta mountains.","date":"2005-08-02","number":12289,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9x1z2bh7qj","temperature_high":62.08,"temperature_mid":53.585,"temperature_low":45.09,"dew_point":50.25,"humidity":0.87,"cloud_cover":0.32,"moon_phase":0.93,"precip_intensity":0.0003,"precip_probability":0.7,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.68,"summary":"Overcast in the morning.","uv_index":11,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":188,"wind_speed":0.73,"year":2005,"geometry":[-110,40.65]} {"observed":"In 2003 I was driving on Widewater Road in Stafford VA, just South of Quantico Marine Corp Base. I was going west from the Potomac River area. It was just after dusk and my 13 year old daughter and I were traveling at about 40 MPH. I came around a bend through a wooded area when my headlights caught an animal that was hairy, walked upright and stood about 8 feet or so tall. The animal paused in the middle of the road and as we slowed down the animal turned its head to look in our direction, after a few seconds the animal turned and continued walking south into the woods. Neither my daughter nor I could specifically identify exactly what we saw but we know we did not see a bear.","county":"Stafford County","state":"Virginia","season":"Fall","title":"Report 30258: Nighttime road crossing observed by a father and daughter near Quantico Marine Corp Base","date":"2003-09-13","number":30258,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dqbfzvty4t","temperature_high":78.93,"temperature_mid":74.34,"temperature_low":69.75,"dew_point":67.36,"humidity":0.9,"cloud_cover":0.93,"moon_phase":0.6,"precip_intensity":0.007,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1017.88,"summary":"Light rain in the morning.","uv_index":4,"visibility":6.87,"wind_bearing":30,"wind_speed":2.71,"year":2003,"geometry":[-77.34673,38.48342]} {"observed":"It was early bow season around oct 5, 2004 approx 6:30 pm. It was pretty cold and the wind was blowing in all directions. I was sitting in my tree stand on top of a ridge over looking a creek bottom with minimal vegation spaced along it. this area is pretty remote and is a traveling place for our deer. Well it was about dusk when I heard some crows in the tree tops above the creek started to make alot of noise. I then saw three deer running full out down the creek bed, I heard a scream and the a loud thump. two of the deer I saw head in another direction, but the one remained down in the vegatation thrashing around. I thought perhaps it had been wounded by another hunter, and decided to go down there and investigate. As I went down the hill to the creek bed, the wind shifted blowing right in my face, the smell what would i asume was nasty body odor, was so strong it made me feel kinda sick.As I looked around for the deer, a uneasy feeling kinda came over me,I got scared, i then heard what I could only describe as sticks being tapped together or up against down logs or even trees,coming from two diffrent directions, kinda like it was in a circling manner. I then heard some type of weird scream, at that moment I decide to get the heck out of dodge, I turned back up the hillside and proceeded back up towards my tree stand, the next thing I know a white acorn bounced off the top of my head, I dismissed it as pherhaps falling from a tree, but when the next one flew by my head, I relazied something was throwing objects at me, I then got real scared and decided to run, as I got alittle ways away I paused to catch my breath, as I was resting I heard whistling and jabberish popping and clicking sounds, once again in two diffrent directions, I heard leaves crunch and out of the corner of my I eye I saw something very big trying to blend in with the trees and bushes observing me I guess.when I heard the whistling again from behind me I just took off, and never returned. It was like black and tan mix whatever it was and very big. That is the most ever I have been scared in my life, to my knowledge this area is very remote and I have never seen anyone back there and I have been hunting that for years, whatever it was it was after that deer,and for the sounds ihave never heard those types of noises made by any animal organic to that area.","location_details":"scott co. va near dungannon","county":"Scott County","state":"Virginia","season":"Fall","title":"Report 12727: Bow hunter is escorted from woods by foul-smelling, acorn-throwing bipeds","date":"2004-10-16","number":12727,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnt3u93hg8","temperature_high":56.18,"temperature_mid":45.145,"temperature_low":34.11,"dew_point":36.55,"humidity":0.7,"cloud_cover":0.59,"moon_phase":0.09,"precip_intensity":0.0036,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1008.47,"summary":"Light rain in the morning.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.58,"wind_bearing":248,"wind_speed":5.99,"year":2004,"geometry":[-82.4179,36.8778]} {"observed":"Hi, I am relaying this story for my brother since I have access to the net and he does not, but I will relate the story to you just as he told it to me with his permission. My name is [PB], I am 35 years old and live in Salem, VA in Roanoke County. My brother [RB] who actually had the sighting on April 4 of this year is 8 years younger. I have several rental properties in this area and my brother is my repair person/handy man. One particular rental property is vacant and it happens to be directly in front of the house that I live in now. On Thursday April 4, 2002, my brother was painting the interior of this house. I work 2nd shift and usually get home around 11:30 each night. At 11:30 I noticed that my brother was still working on the house so I stopped to see how things were going. He was visibly shaken so I asked him if anything was wrong. He then told me that at aprox. 10:45pm that night, he took a break and went out to the front yard to smoke a cigarette. He heard a dog barking back in the woods, about a 100 yards away. A short time later my dog became extremely agitated, barking and growling. He was startled because he had never known my dog to behave in this manner. He then heard something large \"crashing\" through the trees, and what he saw, he just couldn't beleive. He said he saw a \"very large creature\" traveling at a high rate of speed and making a very loud \"gutteral grunting noise\" running much faster than a human could possibly run. He said he got a very good look at it before it crossed the road and went out of sight. It's arms were swinging down by it's sides. He said it was very broad and very tall but he could not tell me just how tall it was. He said that it was very hairy, and described the hair as \"long and curly like a sheepdog\". He said that it appeared to be a silver-gray color. (All the reports of bigfoot sightings I have ever read however seem to say that they are brown or black in color). My brother said that he would be glad to speak to anyone who might be interested in hearing his story first hand. This is also not the first sighting in this area that I have heard about. I also have a good friend who tells me that he saw a \"Bigfoot\" while out scouting for deer in Ironto VA. in Montgomery county. Acording to my GPS, it is 9 miles from here as the crow flies. I can honestly say that I absolutely beleive my brother's story and my friend's as well. Thank you very much for the great work and I look forward to hearing from you, Sincerely, [PB]","location_details":"[not for public display]","county":"Roanoke County","state":"Virginia","season":"Spring","title":"Report 4077: Night sighting on the edge of Salem, within a few miles of Roanoke River","date":"2002-04-04","number":4077,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnx5bec057","temperature_high":55.23,"temperature_mid":42.485,"temperature_low":29.74,"dew_point":21.98,"humidity":0.43,"cloud_cover":0.22,"moon_phase":0.75,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1024.63,"summary":"Partly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":8,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":347,"wind_speed":4.73,"year":2002,"geometry":[-80.13276,37.2423]} {"observed":"Two friends and I were backpacking on great north mountain in the winter of 2002. It was our second night and we reserved a stone cabin from the PATC, named sugar knob cabin, we had not seen anyone all day. There was an ice storm coming and we attributed it to that. We made a fire outside the cabin just before dusk while it was still nice out. We began to hear slow moving, very heavy footsteps walking around the perimeter of the location we were at. We thought it was a bear or a deer but it was clearly on two feet by the sounds it was making. We called out to see if it was a poacher or just someone walking around but no response was given. This is a pretty remote spot and definitely not very visited in the winter months. The walking sounds continued but because the sun was down by now we could not see too far into the woods. We all heard the walking sounds for quite a while and it really freaked us out so much so we abandoned the fire and pretty much locked ourselves into the cabin. All of us had a lot of outdoor experience and had backpacked a lot as well. We had never heard or experienced anything like this before. The sounds got closer once inside the cabin. It is a stone cabin so it is fairly well Insulated from noise. So whatever it was, was large. The footsteps seemed to stop and continue for maybe an hour or so. We made dinner inside and after we ate the footsteps were right next to the cabin, there was a window opposite the door with wood shutters on the blinds that were closed so I opened them expecting to see a person but we all witnessed a dark, very hairy large face looking at us about a foot outside the window. We were terrified, shaking and speechless. The creature took off after a few seconds of seeing us and vise versa. We never heard anymore sounds after that either. We stayed up all night, though just kind of standing guard. The next morning we awoke to ice everywhere and could not find any tracks or evidence of what we saw and heard. We hiked down the stony creek trail to the cars as fast as we could without getting hurt with the ice on the ground. There was a cabin journal at that time and we read it over that night after the incident and read several accounts that were similar to ours. We never stayed there again and this is the first time I have ever told this because I did not want people to think I was nuts or something.","location_details":"Sugar knob patc cabin on great north mountain on the boarder of va and wva","county":"Shenandoah County","state":"Virginia","season":"Winter","title":"Report 30006: Hikers startled by encounter at remote cabin near Woodstock","date":"2002-02-16","number":30006,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dqbjdzqr1s","temperature_high":48.57,"temperature_mid":37.95,"temperature_low":27.33,"dew_point":28.12,"humidity":0.58,"cloud_cover":0.42,"moon_phase":0.13,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the evening.","uv_index":4,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":263,"wind_speed":7.95,"year":2002,"geometry":[-78.6205,38.9766]} {"observed":"It was early in the morning 12:30 to 1:00 A.m It was Jan of 2005, I was plowing snow on US 89 Through Logan Canyon, I was in my truck plowing snow I was near the Franklin Basin Road and saw something in the road. I flipped on the plow lights (now these lights are landing lights) they are very bright and I saw something walk across the road. It was large, Tall, and hairy it stood about 7 ft tall. It looked right at me.and continued to walk across the road. I didn't stop cuz of the snowy conditions. When I stopped back in the morning all tracks were covered in new snow. What sealed the sighting for me was that morning on the radio I heard of someone reporting a sighting up cub river in Idaho. The Franklin Basin Road connects Logan canyon To Cub river in Idaho. My family thinks I'm nuts but I know what I saw It was not man. I hope this helps.","location_details":"Going east out of Logan follow US 89 past Tony Grove turn off about 3 miles far east you'll see a sign for Franklin Basin. As you cross the bridge on 89 there is a turn off going north. It was in this area where the bigfoot crossed the road coming from the south . This is also the road that will take you to Cub river area in Idaho","county":"Cache County","state":"Utah","season":"Winter","title":"Report 29013: Driver sees a Bigfoot cross the road while snowplowing Logan Canyon","date":"2005-01-05","number":29013,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9x2wtyzvm8","temperature_high":22.63,"temperature_mid":19.67,"temperature_low":16.71,"dew_point":17.22,"humidity":0.94,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.83,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1017.45,"summary":"Foggy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":1,"visibility":6.57,"wind_bearing":51,"wind_speed":1.67,"year":2005,"geometry":[-111.5333,41.96181]} {"observed":"Since this happened 4 years ago you can tell I've been somewhat haunted by it. How I came to believe what I saw was Gigantopethicus or something very like it took time to develop and just tonight (June 26, 2007) after reading the news item about the expedition to the UP of Michigan, finding your site and then seeing Bill Munns model of Giganto on http://www.uiowa.edu/~bioanth/giganto.html I'm convinced I saw something out of the ordinary. After driving in from our home in NY my daughter and I were staying in a cabin for a few days at the Staunton River State Park, VA with a friend of hers from VA. On the night in question I had to drive to Danville to pick up and bring back another daughter who was coming up from Greensboro to stay with us for the weekend. Her bus didn't pull in to Danville until around 11PM so I left the park around 9PM. It was a dark, rainy drive with some patchy but not heavy fog. Because of the conditions and my unfamiliarity with the road I concentrated more on driving than noticing much of the surroundings. At some point around 1/2 way I was coming around a wide bend to the left when my headlights fell upon a broadside view of what I first thought was a huge dog, just off the road moving from left to right. It simply turned it head to look at the lights and lumbered slowly but deliberately towards the treeline. It was then I realized it was no dog. Maybe a lion? It had huge eyes like a lion as well as a mane. But it wasn't shaped like a lion, it was big in the front, big head, big shoulders and chest but more streamlined to the rear. Walking on all fours but not like a dog or big cat. The front legs seemed taller than the rear. If you remember the monster in the scifi movie 'Forbidden Planet' you'll have pretty good idea of it's shape, not of course as exaggerated as that but similar. It did not appear startled or afraid, it simply walked in towards the trees while watching my car drive past. Since then I had no idea what it could have been until I read something about Gigantopethicus and saw a pic of a statue of it on all fours on a website. That statue I thought was close but no cigar. Then tonight I found the Bill Munns picture with the model in color and it clicked. It was very much the same coloring, mane, head and eyes. The only difference was the size, what I saw was huge, on all fours maybe almost the size of a Volkswagen Beetle but if it stood up not quite so tall...but then again the sighting was only seconds before I had to return my attention to navigating the rest of the turn at maybe 40 miles per hour.","location_details":"Location was about 1/2 way between Staunton River State Park and Danville, VA. on Rt 58 at a fairly sharp left-hand bend in the road","county":"Halifax County","state":"Virginia","season":"Spring","title":"Report 19906: Traveller observes lumbering figure along roadside near Danville","date":"2003-04-19","number":19906,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnx8pkb42e","temperature_high":53.1,"temperature_mid":51.76,"temperature_low":50.42,"dew_point":45.43,"humidity":0.87,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.61,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1026.08,"summary":"Light rain in the morning.","uv_index":4,"visibility":5.6,"wind_bearing":31,"wind_speed":5.69,"year":2003,"geometry":[-79.1345,36.589]} {"observed":"I have grown up in the outdoors and been hunting and fishing my entire life. From a childhood spent in North Georgia to stints in West Virginia and now (for the past 16 years) in Virginia, I have spent a great bit of time in the woods. I know animals and flora and that is why what occurred back in the fall of '03 has bothered me so much to this day, enough to finally submit this report. My former roommate's father owns the property this incident took place on. I have had access to it since I was 15. It's a small sportsmans paradise of nearly 200 acres and a 5-acre bass pond. I had hunted it every fall since '94 and had fished there for years before that. I hit the woods, completely scent proof, at about 3:30AM and hiked from the farmhouse appx. 600 yards back to the deer stand I was planning on using that morning. I stopped short about 100 yards to apply a drag rope (doe in rut scent) and then crossed the creek bridge and walked a wide pattern out in front of the stand to put out several scent markers on the game trails. This took perhaps 15 minutes and no game animals were spooked. I then headed back towards the tree stand, tied off my rifle and gear to a safety rope, climbed the stand and pulled up my gear. This would give me a full hour and a half to let the woods settle down and help my presence go unnoticed. What happened next has cost me countless nights of sleep and still gives me chills every time I think about it. Once in the stand I went about the business of sorting out my gear and making sure everything was where I would need it, binoculars, grunt caller, etc. Out of nowhere came the most god awful, blood-curling scream/yell/growl that I had ever heard in my life. The morning calm was completely shattered and it sounded close. I immediately ran the a mental list in my mind as to what it could be, but nothing I had ever heard before could match this in either pitch, depth, or duration. It lasted for at least 5-7 seconds. I was scared. It started so high and just kept expanding in pitch into a howl that ended in a menacing guttural growl. Before the sound was even over I realized/felt extreme danger. The real fear was from the fact that the volume was so loud and it came upon me so suddenly that I knew it was close, too close, within say 25 yards. Following the \"howl\" there was complete silence. I immediately felt to close to the ground, for whatever reason (in a 17ft. tree stand), and carefully stood up so that my feet were not dangling off the seat. I pulled out my mag light and started scanning the area to my front and right that the sound seemed to come from. I tried to listen for further movement while scanning, but realized that my ears were actually ringing from the howl. I remember thinking (from previous survival training) to keep cool and not panic, and figure this out. I quickly chambered a round and checked to make sure the safety was on my rifle, a Winchester model 70 in .300WSM. I then continued scanning between the woods to my front and the pine thicket to my immediate right with my flashlight. I just felt so vulnerable, and remembered thinking that this rifle might not be enough so I fetched my S&W.40 handgun from my backpack and secured it to my belt (now I know that it's unlawful to carry a sidearm during rifle season, but there are black bear on this property and I wasnt going to leave myself without an option). It took several moments for my hearing to return and when it did I heard distinctive movement back in the pine thicket to my front and right, maybe 20 yards into the trees. Then nothing. Thats when the smell hit me. I'm not sure I noticed it at first because I had been handling deer scents, but I smelled what I can only describe as a \"rotten cabbage/ripe dumpster\". It didnt last long, and there was no noticeable wind at the time of this incident to carry this scent. I stood there in that tree stand for the next two hours until first light and then got the hell out of there. I'm not the type to scare easily and I was right back out there two days later, but didnt think to check for tracks or any other evidence. The game was still scarce. I've been back several times since then to fish the pond and nothing out of the ordinary ever occurred during those trips. I totally forgot about this incident for nearly a year. It bothered me so I just didnt think about it. That changed when I caught a documentary on T.V. concerning bigfoot/Sasquatch. The BFRO was mentioned and I found your website out of curiosity. I was stunned when I read the report (also in Franklin Co.) that you had listed, but was even further stunned when I listened to some of the recording in your database. Several (from '73 and '78 I think) sounded similar to the very beginning of the howl during my incident, but the sound I heard was so close and loud and went so deep at the end that they are tough to compare. Whatever made that noise had one hell of a set of lungs though. I was also surprised about the smell that \"they\" supposedly emit when threatened. I had no idea. That was the icing on the cake that made me think that I might have possibly had an encounter. I've always been someone comfortable in the woods, and for the most part I'm still that person, I'm just a little more aware of what could possibly be out there.","location_details":"From Roanoke: 220 South to Rocky Mount, then 40 West past Ferrum College","county":"Franklin County","state":"Virginia","season":"Fall","title":"Report 13212: Possible pre-dawn vocalization heard by hunter near Ferrum","date":"2003-11-13","number":13212,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnx44t52wn","temperature_high":45.65,"temperature_mid":38.555,"temperature_low":31.46,"dew_point":21.67,"humidity":0.4,"cloud_cover":0.24,"moon_phase":0.64,"precip_intensity":0.0002,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1014.11,"summary":"Breezy throughout the day and partly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":295,"wind_speed":17.47,"year":2003,"geometry":[-80.04166,36.94165]} {"observed":"I was ridding my atv on the family farm going down an old washed out road which you cant drive fast on. As I started down the road looking down at the road then looking up down the road something caught my eye about 150 to 200 yards down this road. The sun was to my left shining across this road to the right as I looked down this narrow road there was a reflection of the light coming off the fur of something that I never had seen before,it was tall and massive. For that split second I saw it. The way the suns reflection came off of this thing it look almost silver. But being a hunter (I hunt this land all the time) There isnt anything silver in color. And that the sun coming off the back of a black turkey can look silver. So thats what caught my eye. This animal went back in to the woods back to the right. I worked my way down to where I thought I saw it. I turned my atv off and smoked a cig. Listing for any thing and about 5 min. had past and I heard something big running away from my direction breaking big tree limbs. (It was way louder than a deer running through the thickets). I could hear this for about 1 to 2 seconds and then it went quiet again. If I had to guess how far away it was I would say about 50 to 60 yards away from me when I first heard the running. (You cant see more than 20 yards in to this thickets from where I was at. (Hunting season end for general firearms 10 days before this so the deer are still alert.) Then it seemed like a couple of min. later I heard two big bangs like someone hitting a stick against a tree or log then the hair on the back of my neck stood up.Then there was the snorting of the deer that came from the thicket right after that. (When a deer snorts from my experience in the woods during the day they see you and snort once or twice and then they take off leaving you just to see there white tail waving at you as they go out of sight.) But there must have been 4 or 5 white tail in there all of them snorting and stomping the ground and they were real loud.The deer did this for about what seamed to be more than a min.then I heard them take off running. And thats when I decided it was time for me to leave too.I went home and told my wife about what had just happened and she couldnt believe it and was surprised at what I told her and ask if it was bear? I told her I never saw a beer in the woods and it seamed way to big to be a black bear.So the next day (Wednesday the 22nd) I wasnt going to GO BACK THAT DAY.I took a camera in where I heard this animal and took pictures of what I believe to be footprints and some hair that was left on a tree limb about 5 1/2 feet off the ground","county":"Franklin County","state":"Virginia","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10082: Hunter has daylight encounter near Gills Creek","date":"2004-12-21","number":10082,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnx4z7ncdh","temperature_high":54.42,"temperature_mid":41.815,"temperature_low":29.21,"dew_point":21.44,"humidity":0.56,"cloud_cover":0.44,"moon_phase":0.35,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1021.18,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":255,"wind_speed":1.86,"year":2004,"geometry":[-79.82829,37.06266]} {"observed":"I put off sharing this story publicly for some time. When the incident occurred, I was working in Law Enforcement at a Regional Jail in Virginia. Stories of Bigfoot always intrigued me, and because I read quite a bit about them, my fellow officers got a kick out of asking me questions about Bigfoot habits. A couple of friends who worked with me decided we should do a \"Bigfoot Hunt\", aka, a weekend camping trip. We told other people we were heading out to find Bigfoot in jest, we were all really going to just get away from everything for a couple of days. We all met up and traveled into Giles County, Virginia into the Jefferson National Forest. This was not a new place for a couple of the guys in our group who camped, fished and hunted in the area most of their lives. In all, about 10 of us, most of us Law Enforcement Officers, wound up camping that weekend. The first night was on a Friday Night. It was clear skies and crisp air, but no moon. Some of the group decided right before the sun set to take a hike through the woods. To the best of my recollection, we were only a short distance from the West Virginia Border, so the trail actually went up into the mountains around us, we were in what would best be described as a kind of horseshoe valley with mountains and very densely wooded area surrounding us. It took them a couple of hours to make it back to camp and we all sat around the campfire talking and telling stories until about 11:00pm or so, and some of the guys who had worked that day went to bed. We had our tents set up around the clearing of the camping space we had, most of the tents fairly close to the campfire area. A few of us sat up around the fire and continued talking. Around 12:30am or so, while we were talking we heard what I would describe as a vocalization on a ridge that I would estimate was about a mile or so from us. We all stopped talking and looked at each other. Within a few seconds, there was a second vocalization from another area that was to our left and had to have been another creature answering the first one. There were no more sounds, but it did make us all take a moment and try to figure out what it was. A couple more guys went to bed and that left me and another gentleman who had came with a co-worker, sitting at the campfire. While we were talking, I kept hearing these \"Click\" sounds behind us. I realized it was small stones or pebbles being thrown and hitting the picnic table that was about 10 feet away. We took out our flashlights and shined them into the trees but saw nothing. There was just an eerie feeling of being watched from that point on. Even though we could see nothing, I couldn't shake that feeling. I decided to sleep in my car that night instead of my tent. It was such a black night outside that without light, you couldn't see your hand in front of your face. Very dark night. A creature could have walked around the camp and we would have never seen it outside the campfire light. The next morning, I would say about 30 minutes before the sun came up. It was light outside, but not quite day yet, after a very sleepless night, a few guys had come out of their tents and we met at the picnic table. I was telling the guys what had happened the night before, there was 4 of us at the table and another guy was building the campfire back up, we heard what I can only describe as talking. It was loud enough that all of us heard it, and it came from the dense woods behind where we were standing. It sounded like a language I had never heard before, like a mix of something that sounded Russian or Eastern European and an Asian language of some kind mixed. The sound was about 3 to 5 seconds long, like it was saying a sentence and then it was silent. We were all pretty much shocked into silence as we looked at each other then at the woods. Keep in mind, almost all of us were cops, and many of us were armed, but none of us was going into the woods to see what had spoke. I stayed for the day, still wondering what we had encountered the night before and that morning. I didn't stay the second night. Some of the guys who had not been up when the incidents occurred gave those of us who had experienced the events a hard time in jest, but I wasn't staying out there again. Could we have been pranked? Possibly, but if anyone knew who we were and what we did for a living, that would have been a dangerous thing to do at night. I also don't know anyone who would have been that far out in the middle of nowhere that would have stayed out there all night long just to mess with us. That just doesn't make sense.","location_details":"Up Big Stony Creek road to Jefferson National Forest","county":"Giles County","state":"Virginia","season":"Spring","title":"Report 40534: Strange encounter experienced by LEO's camped near Goldbond","date":"2005-05-28","number":40534,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnwsv62ye4","temperature_high":70.08,"temperature_mid":56.57,"temperature_low":43.06,"dew_point":46.99,"humidity":0.71,"cloud_cover":0.39,"moon_phase":0.68,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1013.31,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":8,"visibility":9.44,"wind_bearing":283,"wind_speed":3.24,"year":2005,"geometry":[-80.6275,37.41095]} {"observed":"After finally getting my twelve campers to sleep I left them with my co-counselor and took the short walk to the showers. The time was 11:00 pm and everyone was asleep or at least in their cabins. It took me 3 minutes to walk to the showers and on the way I didn't notice anything unusual. After my shower I stepped outside at approximately 11:25 to walk around to the other side of the building. At this point I recall the sounds of the forest being stilled or a little subdued. I also noticed that there were no sounds of the junior staff coming from the bunk house or pool as was usual that time of night, but it didn't make much of an impression on me as I entered the other side of the building and grabbed my laundry basket. Coming back outside and rounding the building I heard something that stopped me in my tracks. It seemed to be coming from a wooded area west of the bunk house and my initial thought was that it was junior staff playing around, laughing, and yelling. But the sound seemed to be coming from one individual and was carrying very far. It was a really loud howling changing into a type of whining bark and then ending almost like a hoot. It was a sound that puzzled me because I am knowledgable in the sounds of wildlife and had never heard anything like it. I also knew somehow that it was impossible for a human to make that sound, yet it sounded eerily human. Since I only heard it once I sucked it up and started walking out of the circle of light streaming from the shower building and towards the girl's cabins. Of course my cabin was the last one on the end and of course most people had forgot to turn on their porch lights. None of this bothered me though until I heard the noise again. It was a little closer and louder and it frightened me that it wasn't just a one time thing as it immediately \"called\" again after the second time. I wasn't afraid I was going to get attacked or anything but it would be nice to be indoors so I started walking faster. The sound was repeating itself again and it sounded as if whatever was making it was getting still closer and paralleling my path. I finally decided to break into a run and quickly reached my cabin, entering it. The time that had elapsed from when I first heard the \"call\" til when I entered my cabin was probably a minute and a half since I ran some of the way back to my cabin. I also didn't hear anything else after I got inside but that may be due to the fact that I put on my discman to calm my nerves. Also, the number of \"calls\" I heard in the elapsed time were about seven, some flowing into each other near the end. The next day I told the camp director and a few other counselors what had happened but they brushed it off as being a turkey or a dog and even though I didn't know what it was, I knew it wasn't one of these two. Being a prankster and practical hoaxster wasn't on my side because many thought I was joking. When I wouldn't relent with my story I was poked fun at and so I think anyone else that may have heard anything may have been discouraged from saying anything. I didn't make this report sooner because I didn't discover the website until a few months ago and I have been searching the internet for sound clips of wild animals to maybe rule out or make a possible connection with what I heard. Everything I listened to was worlds away from what I heard, except for sound clips of supposed Sasquatch that were available on this site and some others.","location_details":"The location was on Bunch Walnut Road, on the North side of the Northwest River about 1/4 of a mile away from the river.","county":"Chesapeake City County","state":"Virginia","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4788: Screams heard in the Great Dismal Swamp","date":"2000-07-21","number":4788,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dq9b0h9qck","temperature_high":81.65,"temperature_mid":74.04,"temperature_low":66.43,"dew_point":68.77,"humidity":0.82,"cloud_cover":0.71,"moon_phase":0.66,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1013.49,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":8,"visibility":8.56,"wind_bearing":200,"wind_speed":3.25,"year":2000,"geometry":[-76.28729,36.5884]} {"observed":"In the Summer of 2000 my friends and I were camping in George Washington National Forest. Ramsey's Draft Wilderness area. We experienced knocks and rock throwing. The thing that made us a bit UN-nerved was that that night in spite of our loud talking a deer had decided to wander up to the camp within about 10 feet and stayed next to us the entire night! This area is frequented by large amounts of hunters during the fall which should have made the deer stay very far away. We also had a large campfire. It seems to me that the deer was seeking a safe place to be because there was obviously something bigger to worry about than us humans. There were several more rocks thrown that night.","location_details":"There are several campsites. The location was about 1 1/2 miles in.","county":"Augusta County","state":"Virginia","season":"Summer","title":"Report 38411: Campers experience strange events in Ramsey's Draft Wilderness Area","date":"2000-07-15","number":38411,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnzd44md7p","temperature_high":77.43,"temperature_mid":65.725,"temperature_low":54.02,"dew_point":61.7,"humidity":0.84,"cloud_cover":0.32,"moon_phase":0.47,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Partly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":10,"visibility":8.24,"wind_bearing":319,"wind_speed":1.01,"year":2000,"geometry":[-79.35755,38.3331]} {"observed":"Amherst County, VA US 60 100 yds. west of state route 778 approx 10:pm Dec. 7, 2003. I had passed that point about an hour earlier and the area was loaded with deer. Had to slow way down to avoid a collision. There were at least 8 there at 9:pm. I was taking my sons, who are in the Nat'l Guard back to the University after their \"drill.\" (They are now at Ft.Dix being retrained for an all-expense paid trip to Iraq.) On the way back Eastbound down the mountain after delivering my sons back to their dorm (their car was off-line), I slowed way down as I approached the area. I looked carefully to avoid any animal contact In the brights, as I looked right I saw a yellow reflection first. As I got closer, I saw the top part of an obviously large creature. Its arms were spread out to either side. I could see hair hanging from the arms. The elbows were bent slightly. The head appeared flat-faced, huge and slightly higher at the rear. The shoulders were broad. The color was dark. A slight sulfurous odor was detected. The steep bank hid most of the creature. It was perfectly still. I almost felt it thought it was not visible to passing vehicles. I went back to the area about 10 days later and saw some scuff marks on the bank side. This area is criss-crossed by many deep ravines and creeks. After discovering your great sight, my interest was pricked. I've hesitated to turn this one in because it was so fleeting.","county":"Amherst County","state":"Virginia","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9842: Man Sees Large Animal By Roadside","date":"2003-12-07","number":9842,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnxvc4hh6z","temperature_high":42.05,"temperature_mid":31.09,"temperature_low":20.13,"dew_point":16.63,"humidity":0.48,"cloud_cover":0.09,"moon_phase":0.46,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1018.52,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":314,"wind_speed":4.37,"year":2003,"geometry":[-79.052,37.585]} {"observed":"I am a Civil War re-enactor and I was participating in an event on the grounds of Hildene Mansion, which is Robert Todd Lincoln's home near Manchester, Vermont. We were camped on the front lawn of the mansion, which is bordered on two sides by woods. The whole area is somewhat off the beaten path, the house is probably a half mile from the main road. In the middle of Friday night, I would guess around 1-2 a.m., I woke up and was walking to the building beside the main house to use the rest room, and as I left my tent and was walking toward the restroom I heard footsteps walking near me in the woods. They seemed to follow me as I went to the rest room and as I walked back from the rest room they walked back with me to my tent. The whole time walking back I had an uneasy feeling like I was being watched. The next night, Saturday, I was sitting around the campfire around 11:00 pm talking and we heard footsteps coming from the woods which we were right next to, but the noises were coming from inside the woods. We shined a flashlight on the area that the noise was coming from and it stopped immediatly and as we turned the flashlight off we heard the noises again heading away from us. Both times that I heard the noise it sounded like a large animal and from what I could hear it sounded like a large animal walking on two feet. While there were other groups at the event I don't think that it was another person as there were trails that were clear that they could have used. Also of course it was so late at night and there was no light from a lantern or a flashlight.","location_details":"You need to get on Vermont Route 7A and the turn-off for the park is labeled. I am not sure of exact directions before then but if you reach the Equinox Hotel you have gone too far.","county":"Bennington County","state":"Vermont","season":"Summer","title":"Report 13345: Possible stalking at Hildene Mansion grounds, near Manchester","date":"2005-08-25","number":13345,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"drsj91wmeg","temperature_high":77.38,"temperature_mid":63.095,"temperature_low":48.81,"dew_point":52.41,"humidity":0.75,"cloud_cover":0.08,"moon_phase":0.71,"precip_intensity":0.0001,"precip_probability":0.43,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1023.65,"summary":"Partly cloudy in the afternoon.","uv_index":7,"visibility":9.15,"wind_bearing":346,"wind_speed":0.94,"year":2005,"geometry":[-73.0723,43.1635]} {"observed":"On Monday night (actually early Tues. morning July 3, 2001) I was performing some nighttime noise monitoring at a residence outside of Shelton, Washington. I monitored from 2:30 am to 4:30 am. There are a few residences where I was, but the area is surrounded by Simpson timber land. The Washington State Penitentary is closeby. It was perfect noise monitoring conditions, clear night with no winds at all (extremely quiet). Right when I started my measurement I heard coyotes from the direction of the driveway, off in the distance. A few dogs in the distance barked at the howls. I then heard some different animals. I heard 2 or 3 screams from one location and a single scream in response from further north. These screams seemed to be communicating to each other. It lasted about 30 seconds or so. The dogs in the distance continued to bark, although the 2 dogs in the yard with me did not. I was really wondering what animal it could have been. I would describe coyote howls as an owwwoooooooo noise. These screams started as a howl but ended in a scream, like ooooaaaahhhcchhh. The ending part sounded like a woman screaming, but the scream was solid-sounding and not screechy. It sounded about a half-mile away but still very loud and clear. Now maybe you can tell me... It could have been mountain lions, but I am not sure if those animals are 'group' animals. Maybe it was a mother and her cubs trying to find each other. It just did not sound cat-like to me, although I have not heard mountain lion calls specifically.","location_details":"Please do not contact the people at this location, or post very specific directions. I asked their permission to monitor at their house, but I do not know their names. I can tell you that I was situated just off SR 102. The prison is to the west and Highway 101 is to the east. The noises were coming from the direction of Highway 101. Looking at a topo map there are several lakes north of SR102, west of Hwy 101. I believe almost all the land is Simpson timber land with clear cuts/trees of several different heights.","county":"Mason County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 2760: Environmental Engineer hears calling and responding screams","date":"2001-07-03","number":2760,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c22kvknv7d","temperature_high":85.13,"temperature_mid":69.305,"temperature_low":53.48,"dew_point":49.57,"humidity":0.56,"cloud_cover":0.06,"moon_phase":0.44,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1018.1,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":28,"wind_speed":2.96,"year":2001,"geometry":[-123.1583,47.2641]} {"observed":"About 12 years ago Carla, Cindy and myself, Brian, took a road trip to Brown creek, in Washington state. Went down a dirt road to the end where it met the river. I (Brian) went fishing going down steam while Carla and Cindy walked up river, I walked around a bend I saw a big tree that looked like lightning hit it, but while looking at it better, steam was coming off it, then the top foot and a half turned slowly to where I saw the whites of its eyes, his hair looked like bark, he was squatting, sitting on it heals with knees to its chest, it really looked like a tree broken off. A little one, a 6 footer, jumped over some rocks and logs and was gone, the big one sitting on its heels was 7-to 8 foot, 3-4 feet wide, It was not scared of me, I ran up river to find the girls, found them and said I wanted to show them something weird, as us three went back, sure enough it was still there. The top turned again looking at us all, approx 25 yards away, we ran as fast as we could to the van in which you could see where this happened but nothing was there. I won't go back without protection.","county":"Mason County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 45423: Memory told of seeing two sasquatches by a river west of Union","date":"2002-05-15","number":45423,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c22m9z01zz","temperature_high":58.59,"temperature_mid":46.04,"temperature_low":33.49,"dew_point":38.04,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.61,"moon_phase":0.11,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1021.89,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":8,"visibility":9.39,"wind_bearing":252,"wind_speed":0.78,"year":2002,"geometry":[-123.3212,47.41184]} {"observed":"It was early November 2002. My buddy and I went fishing on Bingham Creek in the Matlock area. It was in the early afternoon. It was a snowy day, and I was kind of suprised that it was snowing so early. We were fishing in hip waders, my friend was about 20 feet upstream from me when we heard a sound like a huge log being smacked against a tree about 100 yards away from us, I think to our west/northwest. I think the sound of the log hitting the tree was about 3 times, whack, whack, whack. Soon after we heard the same sound coming from about 100 yards away from the first one, and the same distance from us. The area that the noises were coming from were on the same side of the stream that we had come from our vehicle from. I looked at my friend and said, \"what was that?\" He replied that he didn't know. My friend has been hunting all over western Washington since he was nine years old, and is very familiar with the wild life here and the noises they make, I might add. We didn't think much of it when a few minutes went by and we heard the most eerie growling roar I have ever heard. I really don't know how to describe it, but whatever made that sound was not being as close to as loud as it could have been, and the sound still went right through me. I could feel it in my chest. I was more terrified than I had ever been in my life and I ran to my friend upstream. I don't know which one of us did it first, but we both ended up putting our hands up over our heads and yelling trying to dissuade whatever it was from coming after us. I was more scared than I had ever been. We got out of the creek at this point, and grabbing some rocks headed back to the truck through the woods. I was bringing up the rear and keeping watch as we went. I was much calmer walking back. On the way back we were even joking around about it. Back at the truck I asked my friend what he thought it was. He said he didn't know, but he knew it wasn't a bear, cougar, elk or anything else he'd ever heard before. I never made a report of it before because I just never thought of it before until reading some similar stories on your site. I believe that whatever we heard that day was a sasquatch. My friend also believes what we heard was a sasquatch.","location_details":"Coming from Highway 101 take Matlock exit, take a left before the store on a dirt road, go past a house that has solar panels on top, go about 1-2 miles and take a left on the road that goes down towards Bingham Creek.","county":"Mason County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9850: Two fishermen hear tree knocking and low roar","date":"2002-11-01","number":9850,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c22k813zvq","temperature_high":58.56,"temperature_mid":40.44,"temperature_low":22.32,"dew_point":18.87,"humidity":0.44,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.89,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1022.69,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":65,"wind_speed":1.42,"year":2002,"geometry":[-123.3958,47.2055]} {"observed":"I am having a house built and I had the drain field all dug up for the septic system installation. I was walking around in the dug up area just checking things out and looking for more remains that belonged to the deer skull we found when digging. I found some big tracks in the dirt. The dirt was loose in places but I still barely made a print with my shoes. The prints were pretty big and I only found a few. Maybe three to be exact. They looked like a human print with a big toe and smaller toes and shaped just like human. I took some pictures of the prints but I made the mistake of not putting something next to the print to gauge its size. I dont think anyone would have walked out there barefoot and if they had, they had some tremendous feet. The tracks had to be 14 inches long. The pics arent great because it had rained before I took them. But you can still make out the print.","location_details":"I do not want the location posted because I moved there for privacy and just dont want people there. The directions are go to Harstine Island out of Shelton. *Edited*","county":"Mason County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 8197: Hartstene Island homeowners find footprints and hear strange vocalizations","date":"2004-06-08","number":8197,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c22sewmcgz","temperature_high":74.79,"temperature_mid":65.33,"temperature_low":55.87,"dew_point":51.6,"humidity":0.72,"cloud_cover":0.47,"moon_phase":0.71,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1012.09,"summary":"Partly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.4,"wind_bearing":249,"wind_speed":1.64,"year":2004,"geometry":[-122.885,47.23194]} {"observed":"actually there is several parts to my report so bare with me.First my background. I am a Mason County resident that has lived here in Shelton for most of my life.My father was a State Fire Warden since the late 1950's up until his retirement in 1978,and my Mother was a floral greens harvester for about 50 years.Consiquently I know this area better than most residents as I also run a business that requires me to be in the woods a lot.I was employed by the USFS from 1970 to 1983 in Fire Management. My first encounter with what I believe to be a Sasquatch was in October,1984.I was living in Oregon at the time and had came home to visit my folks who resided on the Cloqullam road about 3 miles west of Shelton.One evening as I was sleeping on their couch I heard a screaming noise off in the distance(I am estimating a 1/4 mile)that I can only describe as a cross between a donkey braying,a high pitched scream and a growling noise at the end.What amazed me most was the duration of this howling as it lasted about 15 seconds.About 5 minutes later it howled again, this time much closer to the house and repeats itself twice.I can still recall my parents watchdogs scratching at the door to get in.As the noise got closer I could hear a more distant but unquestionably return answer to the screaming. The thing finally got to within a couple hundred yards of the house and the noise was like an air raid siren.I have never heard any animal as loud as this.It screamed a couple of more times and then it headed back the way it came continuing to scream at intervals until it was a very distant noise and either was out of my range of hearing or had quit.The next morning I asked my parents if they had heard the noise from the previous night.They answered yes and told me that they had been hearing it for years. I did a little checking around the area and found an elderly couple who with a little urging told me of there encounter about a year before that.The couple lived about a mile from my parents place and were in the habit of taking an evening walk up a pipeline which runs betwwen their place and my parents.One evening'as they put it,something tall,large,and hairy walked from the brush across in front of them into the timber on the other side of the pipeline.It walked on two legs,and was not in a hurry but took long strides and crossed the pipeline in about 5 strides.They said it was about 50 yards in front of them and had a very bad odor. Other people in the area attested to hearing the noises.As a prologue to this about 3 weeks later my parent's dog came up missing and I found him on the pipeline.His neck was broken and he was severly torn up.I don't know if this had any thing to do with the noise but I have always wondered. My other encounter was in early fall of 1996.I was out with my dog checking on some leases I had with Simpson Timber Company.After my business was finished I stopped at an area I knew I could find some mushrooms to take home.This is in an area near the Satsop River and betwwen the Cloqullam road and the Matlock-Brady road.It was late afternoon around 5:30 pm and I only had about an hour of light left. My dog and I hiked a short way in from the road and I was down on my hands and knees cutting mushrooms when my dog came over to me and tried to get as close as he could.I was mad at him because he was stepping on the mushrooms.I recall getting a whiff of very putrid smelling air.The smell was overpowering almost like something had died with an overtone of rotting garbage.I stood up to see where the smell was comming from and turned to my right and in doing so saw a large hairy creature standing in a fern patch about 200 feet away.We both made eye contact about the same time and I was so startled for a few seconds I had to rationlize what I was seeing. It stood a good 3 to 4 feet above the ferns and was very dark(although it was late, and this could have made it seem darker in color)It turned its head to look back and then turned its torso and arms and as it did I could see long hair on its arms.It proceeded to walk quickly away.I proceeded to walk out and come home.I didn't tell anyone for a couple of days as I kept going over it in my head to ensure myself that this it what I actually saw and I am positive of the events. I have since then found tracks in the same area which is only about 8 miles as the crow flys from my parents house.","location_details":"Contact me","county":"Mason County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7580: Man shares encounters of an unknown subject","date":"2004-11-16","number":7580,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c22htvv6x5","temperature_high":49.42,"temperature_mid":41.435,"temperature_low":33.45,"dew_point":43.18,"humidity":0.95,"cloud_cover":0.77,"moon_phase":0.16,"precip_intensity":0.0035,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1022.03,"summary":"Light rain in the afternoon.","uv_index":1,"visibility":5.97,"wind_bearing":205,"wind_speed":0.96,"year":2004,"geometry":[-123.4898,47.2293]} {"observed":"Myself and two friends camped out at the Klipchuck Campground in the Okanagon Nat. Forest, just west of Mazama, WA. We had hiked up to Driveway Butte that day, and had not seen any other people or recent sign of any one. In addition, we were the only people at the campground. It was quite cold that night, so I was awake for a good portion of the night. At around 2 or 3 A.M. I heard a loud yelling noise coming from the ridge to the north of us. It sounded like a very large man yelling at the top of his lungs. It did not have that voice-like quality of a person though. Several minutes later, I heard it again. Next morning, my friend who had been sleeping in the back of his pickup mentioned it, and described the incident in almost the exact way I remembered it. He was so startled by the noise, that he pulled his remote car horn beeper out of his pocket, and was ready to blast the horn if anything happened. I have spent years in the backcountry of the West, and never heard anything like it.","location_details":"The campground is about 5 miles west of Mazama on Highway 20.","county":"Okanogan County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 422: Campers hear possible vocalizations in the Okanogon Nat. Forest","date":"2000-10-06","number":422,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2dk3wv9wn","year":2000,"geometry":[-120.5122,48.59694]} {"observed":"I have a picture of some VERY convincing tracks. I could mail it to you if I get an email address...","location_details":"Near Buckhorn Mt.","county":"Okanogan County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 3623: Two deer hunters find tracks near Buckhorn Mountain","date":"2001-10-12","number":3623,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2e7kkn4n8","temperature_high":50.06,"temperature_mid":35.65,"temperature_low":21.24,"dew_point":35,"humidity":0.84,"cloud_cover":0.54,"moon_phase":0.85,"precip_intensity":0.0008,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1016.15,"summary":"Breezy and mostly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":2,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":163,"wind_speed":4.98,"year":2001,"geometry":[-118.9844,48.40611]} {"observed":"Every year for the past 20 years i have been going my family has a deer hunting camp outside of Winthrop, WA. We stay near Falls Creek and not in a camp ground, but up in the hills. The nearest hunter to us is probably 5 miles away. It is always a good time. In October of 2005, this last hunting season, we had a stange experience. My friend and I were walking down an old logging landing down to a creek bottom. We were talking and weren't being very quiet. When we got to within 50 yards of the creek, we began to here rocks being smashed together repeatedly. The sound was definitely rocks being slammed together, and it was loud. We figured it was right in front of us about 50-75 yards away. Our first thought was if it wasn't a man how could a bear slam rocks. We figured they would roll them over to look for food or something and wouldn't be able to hold them and slam them together at some points 4-5 times in row. There are no trails or roads to this creek. You have to walk through thick timber to get to it. Since we were the only hunters in the direct vicinity, we ruled out it was a person doing it. We could barely see anything down at the creek from where we stopped walking cause the timber was so thick. We walked a little closer to see if we could see anything and the rock smashing started up again. We thought it was time to leave and as we walked back to camp it stopped. The next morning we set out the opposite direction from the rock smashing of the day before. We went up the mountain this time, through a creek draw. I was on one side of the draw walking the edge as my friend was walking on the other side. The draw was wide enough to not hear each other when talking so we used radios. About 1/2 mile from the experience we had the afternoon before my friend radios to me as says he hears something and had a unnerving feeling something was following him just above him on the treeline of the draw. He could not see anything nor could I. He walked down into the draw and up to my side. We walked up the draw together about another 20 yards when we began to hear what sounded like 2 large sticks being slammed together about 3-5 times in repetition. The higher we walked the more we heard it. We could hear it parallel to us across the draw. After a few minutes we heard it parallel to us and then right away another set of stick slamming sounds came from about 100-150 yards just ahead of us on our side of the draw. We know we were being followed by something and there was more than one. Afer that we turned around and left. We left for home the very next morning.","county":"Okanogan County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 13487: Possible stalking of deer hunters near Falls Creek","date":"2005-10-17","number":13487,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2de9tt2g6","temperature_high":70.96,"temperature_mid":59.915,"temperature_low":48.87,"dew_point":41.84,"humidity":0.5,"cloud_cover":0.79,"moon_phase":0.51,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1010.06,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":2,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":179,"wind_speed":2.42,"year":2005,"geometry":[-120.1611,48.45809]} {"observed":"It was a friday, April 20th 2001. I was doing salmon Habitat surveys for the Dept of Fish and Wildlife. My partner and I had gone up to do our Steelhead index in Fall river. He had dropped me off on the 7000 bridge to walk my 1/2 mile section while he drove to mid point and walked lower section where Boss creek comes in. I finished my section of the stream and drove down the 7083 to where the road ends to pick him up. It was probably around 11 or 11:30. I got out of the truck to pour myself some coffee when i heard this loud scream. i heard it twice and it sounded almost like my partner was calling my name. Con...nie!!! I listened and then I heard this strange animal cry. it sort of made a Mraaa...Mraaa...Mraaaa.. sound. I could tell it was coming from down in the stream area. I thought possibly a bear cub or bobcat? It was definitely in distress. then I could hear the sound of rocks smashing onto the gravel bar as if someone was picking up big boulders and smashing the rocks. i thought my partner might have found some large agates and that is why he was calling me. (we love to rock hunt this area) but again I heard the animal cry..Mraa Mraaa.. and more rocks being smashed. I started to walk to our trail (about 30 feet away) to see if I could see my partner or what was making the noise when i could hear the brush crashing and some mumbling noise. i thought \"who the heck is Tom talking to?? Is someone down there killing animals? did he have an encounter with something? someone? and is he fending it off? with rocks?\" But the mumbling just sounded like they were having a conversation. I walked to the edge of the brush where the trail leads down to stream, I couldn't see anything (pretty brushy) and It was raining. I had a horrible cold/sore throat and didn't feel like walking down the trail and upstream to meet him (which is what I usually do to look for rocks) not to mention I was feeling a bit uneasy. Something kept telling me to NOT go. I was even afraid to holler his name. I had no idea what was going on in the stream and who or what was there. I started back to the truck and heard the brush behind me crashing. I turned thinking it was Tom..and.. no one. each time i started back to the truck (only about 30 feet away) the brush would crash again. still not Tom. i just jumped inside the truck and waited. He was now running a bit later then normal and i had no idea what i would do. no radio and cell phone service to call for help if he didn't show or was hurt. It seemed like about 15 to 20 minutes went by when i saw him coming up a different trail (off to my right, not the left where he should be) (from he mouth of boss) I got out to ask him what the heck he had been doing down there and he informed me that when he got to our trail to get out of the stream, there on the gravel bar was a freshly killed deer, steam rising from it and blood coming off it, and the brush was splattered with blood maybe as high as 8 to 10 feet. But the worst part was, the upper torso (stomach to head) was gone...it was ripped in half and there was a bloody trail going straight up our trail, practically in front of our truck and across ridge to boss creek. I sort of wanted to go down and look at the animal (with him) but my partner wanted nothing to do with it. We got out of the area in a hurry in case whatever came back to get the rest. He said he had never heard any sounds. Just came upon the dead animal. AND did NOT even look for foot prints of any kind. He just wanted to get past it quick. I cannot believe whatever was there nearly walked in front of me with that upper carcass and I did not see it. my husband and i planned to go back the next day to see if there was anything left but it rained and rained so hard for the next few days that we never got back. It was over 2 weeks before we could go back to survey that area again. I refused to walk that section. in fact, I didn't want to walk any of it. My partner did. there was nothing on that gravel bar (no bones, no hair, nothing). when I finally did walk that area, i came across a large pile of scat on that same gravel bar. HUGE.. not sure what it was. I left ASAP. I sent in a report to Fish and Wildlife. we did get radios for our vehicles after that.","location_details":"There are several ways to get up to Fall river. there is a fish ladder on the river below where our incident was. but going through Brooklyn towards Oakville, taking the M500, to the M600 onto the H-line to the 7800 (left) then it tuns into 7000. then right on 7080 and stay left onto 7083. runs along Fall river and ends. walk out to edge of trees and you can see Boss on right and Fall on left. Your not up to high, but you can look down into the rivers. It's in Pacific Co but pretty close to Lewis Co border.","county":"Pacific County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 29700: Salmon surveyor has unusual experience near confluence of Fall River and Boss Creek","date":"2001-04-20","number":29700,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c221xzmzmr","temperature_high":56.22,"temperature_mid":46.465,"temperature_low":36.71,"dew_point":39.71,"humidity":0.85,"cloud_cover":0.38,"moon_phase":0.9,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1012.04,"summary":"Partly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":7,"visibility":9.6,"wind_bearing":284,"wind_speed":2.91,"year":2001,"geometry":[-123.4013,46.71103]} {"observed":"My friends and family and I were Kayaking across Sullivan Lake in North Eastern Washington. We had spent the entire day slowly making our way around the side of the lake that is unpopulated (there is a highway on the opposite side of the lake). We \"beached\" at the far end of the lake where there was a small campground/swimming area, and it was there that me had lunch and let the teenagers swim and mess around. All of the adults felt very uneasy as if we were being watched and we made sure we kept the families close together. When we had to use the out houses we walked together and returned quickly to the beach. As we were beginning to leave the beach several of us noticed a rope swing on a very steep bank of the lake only about a hundred yards from the swimming area. I was among the last ones into a boat so by the time I came to the area of the rope swing, the others had already passed it and were quite a ways ahead of me (approx. 200 yards ahead). I was just daydreaming and enjoying the scenery, ( and to be honest with you glad to be away from the uneasiness that I had felt at the beach )when a movement caught my eye near the rope swing. AT first I couldn't focus on what it was and it took me a moment to realise what I was looking at. There next to the rope swing on a stump sat an old man.He was very tall and dressed in grey from head to foot.( My own father is 6'6\" and I remember thinking to myself that this old man must have had him beat by at least 10 inches!) His legs were crossed and he had his hands clasped in front of his upper knee. I smiled and waved to him as I floated closer to him. He didn't move. He was tottaly still and watched me very intently. AS my boat passed in front of him (about 15 yards), I realised that this man wasn't wearing any clothes at all and he was covered completely with a very thick silver fur! Even his eyes were almost completely hidden from a thick (eyebrow?)of silver fur. WE stared at each other the entire time I passed by him, myself with my jaw gaping (I'm sure), and he just quietly sitting very still. AS soon as I looked ahead to see where everyone else was at and then looked back toward the rope swing, he was gone and just the branches of the bush that was near it was moving. I have never seen anything like it before in my life. I thought I was honestly seeing things until my niece pulled me aside later that evening and asked me if I had seen the Sasquatch that was sitting by the rope swing. I honestly have never really given much thought to Bigfoot before that day. I had passed close enough to him to actually see the direction the fur was growing in! It was mostly all one direction (down)like a dog's hair, except around his eyes were it seemed to stick straight out.","location_details":"I am not sure as to how to get to the actual campground spot except by boat! We put in our kayaks at the Noisey Creek campground at Sullivan lake, and kayaked around the right side of the lake (unsure what direction that was)to the swimming hole and campground that was on the far end of the lake. The rope swing was only about a hundred yards from the beach on the right side(heading in)of the lake.","county":"Pend Oreille County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6303: Woman kayaking with family at Sullivan lake sees bigfoot","date":"2003-07-17","number":6303,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c2stg61pcg","temperature_high":86.86,"temperature_mid":70.35,"temperature_low":53.84,"dew_point":34.68,"humidity":0.28,"moon_phase":0.64,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":188,"wind_speed":0.75,"year":2003,"geometry":[-117.2776,48.83558]} {"observed":"My buddy Terry and I decided to head up for a weekend at Sullivan Lake, to do some fishing, and to just get away from it all. We got to our spot on the lake, a little spot away from the campgrounds on the south end of the lake. It was a few hours before the sun went down. We had plenty of time to set up a tent and to cook a nice dinner. After we had put out the fire, we both got in our sleeping bags and dozed off. I dont know how long we were out, but some time later in the night, Terry and I were both woken up by some large crash that sounded maybe 100 or so yards away. When we opened up the tent and got out to investigate, we both looked at eachother and asked eachother, do you smell that? Something in the air smelled musty, almost rotten. We both had our flashlights handy, but because of the trees that surrounded us, it was hard to see anything very far away. We both called out to see if any person was in the area, which there shouldnt have been, with how far away from the campground we were. After about 5 minutes of just scanning we figured it was nothing of importance and decided to just forget it. Almost the instant we got inside the tent we heard an even louder crash that sounded like it was only 10 to 15 yards away from our site. Terry and I both frantically searched for anything we could find to protect ourselves from whatever was outside. The best we could do was to pull out our pocket knives. I heard something like a grunt coming from the side opposite of the door of the tent, so I shined my flashlight out of the mesh window and I saw something. Just past the clearing of our site, I could make out a tall shape and some gray fur, on something that stood maybe 7 to 9 feet tall. Maybe the flashlight scared it, or maybe it just wanted to investigate, but as soon as i turned my flashlight on it, it ran fast through the woods. Before i could walk out the door to shine my light on it and see it better, it was already gone. Terry stood outside of the tent, and was shaking when i first saw him in the light. We both decided to spend the rest of the night in my truck, and lock the doors. We spent the next day fishing, but didnt want to have another night like the one before, so we packed up and left.","county":"Pend Oreille County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 11186: Possible sighting near Sullivan Lake","date":"2005-04-18","number":11186,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2ste4hct5","temperature_high":53.7,"temperature_mid":43.305,"temperature_low":32.91,"dew_point":30.03,"humidity":0.66,"moon_phase":0.32,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":40,"wind_speed":0.64,"year":2005,"geometry":[-117.2833,48.79056]} {"observed":"In July 2005, my son and I were prospecting in Pend Oreille Co,Wa. just outside Metaline Falls City. We had been asleep for a couple of hours when I was awoke by the smell of wet fur. I got up to go relieve myself while looking at the creek when I spotted something walking across the creek about twenty feet away from my truck. I quickly went back to my truck and tried to wake my son to no avail. While doing this I grabbed my rifle and stepped away from the truck where I chambered a round and watched until the figure stopped by a tree next to the bank, then told my son to hit the remote button to unlock the truck and turn on the bed light to shine out towards the creek. This I did several times until I felt safe again. I could not see the figure anymore so I went to bed. I've been hunting and fishing also prospecting for over thirty years so I know the differance between bears and what I saw in the moon light and it wasn't a bear.","location_details":"Near Sullivan Lake - [location specifics removed].","county":"Pend Oreille County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 13503: Possible moonlight sighting by prospector outside Metaline Falls City","date":"2005-07-27","number":13503,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2stcpxf41","temperature_high":89.1,"temperature_mid":73.8,"temperature_low":58.5,"dew_point":43.8,"humidity":0.36,"moon_phase":0.73,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":176,"wind_speed":0.55,"year":2005,"geometry":[-117.3672,48.86479]} {"observed":"R. and I were walking up the road at about 6:30 pm. We were doing a follow up investigation of the area after hearing of a sighting of bigfoot. We had some wood and paper but I forgot matches at the truck so we had to turn around and walk back to the truck. We had walked through a half mile of woods and through a clearcut about half mile wide. On the way back to the truck and upon leaving the clearcut and entering the woods, I felt the hair raise on the back of my neck and I thought it might be because it had gotten dark and my senses were playing tricks on me. But after walking through the woods a quarter mile and getting closer to the truck, we both heard very distinct and loud knocking of a piece of wood striking another piece of wood about 12 - 15 times. The noise was coming from near my truck. Then we heard two more and it stopped. We got to my truck and I realized I had left my dome light on. We grabbed my spotlight and waited near the truck for a half hour to hear more knocking and we also knocked two pieces of wood together ourselves but couldn't get a reaction. I shined the spotlight into the forest and suddenly we heard what sounded like a big man take off at a sprint though the woods. I know what deer and elk sound like and this sounded like two feet running through the woods at a sprint. This was no deer or elk. My heart started pounding. We waited at the truck until 8 pm when another truck came down the road so we left. We didn't hear anything else but noticed the dogs would start barking in certain areas and then stop but I didn't think that was significant evidence of anything unusual.","county":"Pierce County","state":"Washington","season":"Winter","title":"Report 1584: Loud knocking of wood striking another piece of wood","date":"2000-03-13","number":1584,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c22g7sfhew","temperature_high":56.65,"temperature_mid":50.53,"temperature_low":44.41,"dew_point":41.72,"humidity":0.85,"cloud_cover":0.94,"moon_phase":0.27,"precip_intensity":0.0243,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1017.29,"summary":"Rain starting in the afternoon and breezy overnight.","uv_index":3,"visibility":7.64,"wind_bearing":214,"wind_speed":2.44,"year":2000,"geometry":[-122.5386,47.00444]} {"observed":"I was taking a walk up the path I had been excavating through my woods. I had been doing this by hand the previous day. I wanted to make a loop path through the thick vine maple and hazelnut brush on my property, when I suddenly got spooked for no discernable reason. I stopped and looked around, when I was growled at by something that sounded like a dog back in the woods. I had my gun, and thinking it was a coyote, I advanced and heard it running through the woods. Later, I looked around by the front of my woods behind my burnpile, and found odd looking feces. Full of a light colored hair. The next day, I went into my woods again early in the morning, and in the same spot, I heard a loud knocking like someone with at least a six inch rock banging it on a tree just out of sight. Within fifty feet of me. Once again, I looked for it, but found no sign, but for no real reason, I was scared even with a .45 cal handgun in my hand. Decided to report this after reading other accounts from pierce county similar to mine.","county":"Pierce County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 337: Man working his land hears rock against wood sound and distant answer","date":"2000-08-16","number":337,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c22g7sfh7x","temperature_high":75.81,"temperature_mid":61.03,"temperature_low":46.25,"dew_point":48.06,"humidity":0.64,"cloud_cover":0.12,"moon_phase":0.55,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1024.39,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":8.82,"wind_bearing":292,"wind_speed":1.04,"year":2000,"geometry":[-122.5386,47.0044]} {"observed":"At about 9pm, on October 7, I was driving down a private lane near the Orting-Kapowsin highway. I was on my way to farm-sit for my friends, who have a large piece of property in woods and pasture. It was full dark, with scattered lights from houses and pole lights in some yards. A 4-foot cyclone fence ran alongside the lane, with open gates at intervals. I passed a man walking in the same direction on my left, and shortly after passing him, I noticed someone else moving on the other side of the fence, through the yards. I turned my head to get a better look, and saw the figure from the side and behind as it passed me going the opposite direction on my left. The 'person' was extremely tall and broad. I thought for a minute that it might be a bear, but it was moving completely upright, with the gait of a man. I probably saw it cover about 100 feet very quickly, and it was soon out of my field of vision. The figure was completely uniform in color, with no lines of demarcation that would indicate clothing or skin. Then, with a sense of wonder, I realized that it must have been a Sasquatch. Possibly the line crew working down the street, which had lots of flashing lights going, drove it off its normal path. I don't know why I didn't stop the car to get a better look, except that I was tired and already late getting there. As I got out to unlock the gate, I had a few seconds of trepidation, but was soon greeted by the three large dogs I had come to tend, so I felt secure. That night, I left all the outdoor lights blazing. About midnight, I was startled awake, but I don't recall what the sound was. The dogs went crazy, and made so much commotion that I had to let them out. Once outside, they just ran around in circles sniffing. They calmed down right away when I let them back in. In the morning, I looked to see if there was something in one of the yards that I could have mistaken for the figure I saw, but I could find nothing. I checked again the following night, in case it was a shadow or something, but again, there was nothing there. I don't think that there would be footprints, as the ground is extremely rocky there, and it has rained heavily since then. The following weekend, leaving early on Sunday morning, I heard a strange scream coming from the woods. I chose to think it was some kind of bird, but it was definitely unusual, and definitely not the peacock which lives in the pasture. On the 21st , I was locking the gate as I left, and the neighbor came out to talk. I told him my story, and he told me that a week or so earlier, he and his wife had been awakened by a loud scream right outside their bedroom. He felt whatever it was must have been inside his fence, a five-foot solid wood enclosure. They were both frightened by it, and had never heard that sound before or since. He also told me he had heard rumors of a couple other recent sightings in the area, but he didn't elaborate.","location_details":"I was driving west after turning off the Orting-Kapowsin Highway. I sighted the bigfoot about halfway down the lane on the left. At the end of the lane, a left turn onto a gravel road takes one past 3 houses to my friends' gate. The neighbor I spoke with lives in the last house on the right before the gate.","county":"Pierce County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 495: Passing motorist observes a tall, hairy animal in the headlights along a side road just off of the Orting-Kapowsin Highway","date":"2000-10-07","number":495,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c2358cpdkq","temperature_high":74.76,"temperature_mid":59.35,"temperature_low":43.94,"dew_point":38.93,"humidity":0.61,"cloud_cover":0.06,"moon_phase":0.32,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1015.06,"summary":"Partly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":4,"visibility":8.41,"wind_bearing":209,"wind_speed":2.14,"year":2000,"geometry":[-122.3003,47.0274]} {"observed":"I was letting my dogs go for a run in the woods off of the McKenna cut-off road in Pierce County. I was only about a quarter of a mile into the walk when my dog, Einstein (an Akita/Shepard mix), stopped ahead of me on the trail. He was blocking the trail facing towards the bushes on my left (East), he had his hackles up and was growling. My other dog, Bandit (Border Collie/Chow mix), had just stopped and barked once and then ran back behind me continuing to play. I walked up to Einstein thinking there was a little animal or something in the bushes. When I got up next to him I heard the bushes rattling off to my left and when I looked over in that direction I saw something really big standing next to a tree about 40' away from me, seemed to be shaking the limbs on the tree to make noise. I also got the feeling it was looking at me but it didn't move behind the tree or crouch down to hide. I also didn't feel threatened. I thought it might be a big bear because of the shape of it's body. It was a dark color, I couldn't make out any facial features or see how long the arms were. The shoulders were quite broad and there didn't seem to be a neck. Because it never got down I thought it a transient person, but if it was a transient they were dressed in a dark parka with the hood pulled up and were wearing alot of bulky clothing with the tempature above 70. I grabbed Einstein and we turned around to head back to the truck. Bandit was running ahead of me. Every once in a while I would look back and eventually I saw what ever it was walking upright down the road away from me. The trees blocked the upper part of the body but I could see the lower part of the legs, I didn't see any boots or shoes or clothing. At one point Bandit was running along the highway and I yelled really loud for her to come to me and when I look back down the trail it looked like whatever it was was now headed towards me, going in and out of the bushes on the right side of the old road. I know it wasn't a bear and it sure didn't look like it was a human walking towards me. I couldn't get the dogs in the truck fast enough, but when I did I looked back down the road and didn't see anything. I've got to say I never really believed in Bigfoot, but I do now.","location_details":"Hwy 702 is the McKenna Tanwax cutoff road. I was about 1-2 miles west of Hwy 7. There is a pullout on the south side of Hwy 702 right across from a Century 21 for sale sign. The street sign says 34 Av S. You can see an old vehicle path heading south into the woods. I was about a quarter of a mile into the woods. I could just see the front of my truck when I turned around to head back.","county":"Pierce County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 2303: Woman see's dark upright man-like figure while walking dogs","date":"2001-04-25","number":2303,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c22gp0u4ud","temperature_high":73.04,"temperature_mid":59.85,"temperature_low":46.66,"dew_point":51.24,"humidity":0.76,"cloud_cover":0.57,"moon_phase":0.07,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1018.49,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":7.77,"wind_bearing":19,"wind_speed":4.18,"year":2001,"geometry":[-122.382,46.9382]} {"observed":"My Wife and I stopped at a view spot to enjoy one last look at the river valley below. We were stationary, enjoying the view. Then, we both perceived what looked like a tall man in a trenchcoat walking along the river bed. The trenchcoat guy in question was traveling left to right up the Carbon river bed from my point of view.I would guess 500 yards away total. 300 yards out, and 200 yards below our state of elevation. My first perception of this visual was with in one second met with confusion. I remember this objects gate was very strong making good time across a boulder garden section of riverbed. The easy going swing of the arms was so natural, so at home cruising with ease across boulders and rocks. So smooth, like walking on a sidewalk. The legs went far out to make big steps. As that first second of visual recognition happened, I noticed how there was no clue of clothes or shoes. What I originally thought was a trenchcoat quickly gave way to questions in the mind over the next micro seconds. There is no sleeve ending into hands, but a continuity of dark color all the way to the finger tips. Same thing with the feet area, no shoes! I will call this a \"HE\" from here on out because that's what my gut is telling me. Though a couple paragraphs in words, only 2 seconds at this point observing this creature walking up the valley river bed. About the 2 second mark I glance at my Wife and she at me who is standing directly next to me. Then we look back, and this guy is up until now been walking. Looking straight ahead of him self... Here is the cool part of the story. About the moment we look back in unison, thinking \"just what IS THAT?\" Thinking, not saying. He just cocks his head completely to his side and up to meet our eyes instantly! And holds my eyes in his, while he is still walking...Then He goes behind a tree line between us and that's when I say \"I think its Time to Go\". My wife said \"Yep\" and we jumped back on our bikes and blazed up the dirt road back to our car. Both of us were shaken a little. I feel that what I saw was a Hairy Mountain Man that showed high intelligence, through the fact that he some how \"picked up on us\" watching him... His eyes looked deep into mine for at least 2 seconds. Lots going on in that set of eyes that I remember to this day 5 years later...","location_details":"If you google Wilkeson, Washington.follow SR165 to the right, and follow Carbon river road split untill you see the wide spot of the Carbon river just before Fairfax. There is a yellow gate that is locked most of the time. on the left hand side of road . just enough room to park with out blocking gate. This old logging dirt road takes off at 30 degrees split off of Carbon river road,looks like a doglegg really, if the gate was not in place. walk down this dirt road about an 1/8 of a mile down round the corner to a view spot where you get your first clear view of the river below.","county":"Pierce County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 16364: Family on bikes sees black hairy creature walking in a riverbed near Fairfax","date":"2001-05-01","number":16364,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c235rnvvbf","temperature_high":50.8,"temperature_mid":43.005,"temperature_low":35.21,"dew_point":39.65,"humidity":0.85,"cloud_cover":0.72,"moon_phase":0.29,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1025.94,"summary":"Breezy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening, and light precipitation in the evening.","uv_index":5,"visibility":8.62,"wind_bearing":221,"wind_speed":11.8,"year":2001,"geometry":[-122.0282,47.01562]} {"observed":"Well, my dad had taken me, my sisters, brother, and step mother out for a day of 'rock hunting' so that he could find the rare and odd rocks that he loves to go and find in the mountain areas. Me and my younger sister were walking along a trail that my step mother and youngest sister had just come from, they had said it was a nice trail and that we should check it out. So we did. About...a fourth of a mile towards a half of a mile down the trail me and my sister stop at this little creek, we stay there for a while playing in the water, I wanted to continue down the trail, but my sister freaked out on me, telling me that she had a very bad feeling and wanted to go back to where my dad and the others were. I told her it was ok and eventually convinced her to head down the trail a bit more, however once we started off again something charged at us from a wooded hill that was right next to me. We heard this horrible terrifying howl/growl coming towards us as the trees and bushes moved around as if a truck was coming through them. All i saw was a black figure and I started running, I yelled to my sister to get the hell out of there, me and her both cursing and running as fast as we could over the trail, now that I recall the trail was a dirt bike trail, i still don't know the exact location, it was a while ago. Anyways as we ran back I fell and hit my ribs, i couldn't run any longer and looked back to make sure whatever the hell it was, wasn't chasing us, and nothing was there, my sister wouldn't stop so i had to keep going, even though I was so out of breath I couldn't run anymore. She wouldn't stop. When we got back we were both crying and so scared that we left right away with everyone because we couldn't stay there any longer. We were to scared. I thought at the time it was a bear, or a cougar, then on the way home i realized those don't sound like that, i know what those sound like, and whatever was chasing us did not sound like a bear or cougar. After hearing some prerecorded, suposed, whoops and howling from bigfoot in my area, it got me scared becuase they sounded so similar to what me and my sister heard","location_details":"Rock quarry type area, thick woods, on a dirt road, im sorry i cant be more specific than that. Take Hwy 410 past Enumclaw. Continue past Greenwater to FR 70. Take FR 70 for 12 miles. Look for the two gravel pits. The trial is behind the second. (Scott Taylor)","county":"Pierce County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 21807: Teenage girl and her younger sister chased out of the woods near Greenwater","date":"2002-07-15","number":21807,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c23eumdz1c","temperature_high":75.07,"temperature_mid":61.355,"temperature_low":47.64,"dew_point":45.94,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":0.16,"moon_phase":0.2,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1016.55,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":10,"visibility":8.78,"wind_bearing":255,"wind_speed":2.11,"year":2002,"geometry":[-121.45,47.09685]} {"observed":"It was about 7:30 on Friday the 15th of November. It had been dark for a couple hours and had been raining all day. I was wood working on my front porch. Several houses exist in the woods around me, but the properties are large and wooded, and civilization only diminishes as you head South. Our neighbors live about 20 yards East of us, and ten yards beyond their house are old growth cedars, maples, and firs. They weren't home at the time. I was in the middle of using my cordless drill, when I heard this call come from the woods. I instantly stopped drilling and listened. The first thing I thought was \"That's loud!\". It started in a low moan-like sound and climbed to almost a scream. The sound lasted steadily for three seconds, then was followed by two to three short whooping sounds. At that point I was severely freaked and was already heading inside. I only report it because it seems consistent with other reports I've read. Two days later, I down-loaded a Bigfoot scream, and the hair stood up on the back of my neck when I played it. That is what I heard.","location_details":"Witness wishes the location to be kept confidential","county":"Pierce County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 5725: Man hears loud vocalization while woodworking on his porch","date":"2002-11-15","number":5725,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2359qcb0q","temperature_high":50.4,"temperature_mid":44.305,"temperature_low":38.21,"dew_point":41.39,"humidity":0.94,"cloud_cover":0.68,"moon_phase":0.37,"precip_intensity":0.0006,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1020.41,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":1,"visibility":7.57,"wind_bearing":174,"wind_speed":1.19,"year":2002,"geometry":[-122.2864,47.0586]} {"observed":"Im a gunsmith in Seattle WA. I was out deer hunting on 11/16/02 east of GREENWATER WA. off of FSRD.73 approx. 12 mi. in off of RT.410 high up on a mountain 200 yds from Mt. Rainier N.P. Approx. 8:30am I was slowly working my way down the frozen dirt rd watching for any movement when about 300 yds down the road my eye caught a movement. It was black & coming toward me. At first glance I thought it was a bear but as I watched it I could see it was walking upright so I assumed it was a man.& I thought \"What the hell is this idiot doing up here in the middle of nowhere during deer hunting season dressed like that without a stitch of blaze orange on..God, he's even wearing a black stocking cap He's just begging to get shot. It kept walking towards me and I was taking small quiet baby steps toward it. All I could see that wasn't black was a kind of round lighter gray area where its face was. I didnt think it could see me cause I was headed down hill & the uphill road was at my back.It was windy & overcast& was even snowing on the peaks above & behind me.After it walked toward me..some 50 yds.to about 250 yds..all of a sudden it stopped & I froze in my tracks cause I knew it had seen me. In the blink of an eye it leaped from my side of the road( I was in the left tire track walking downhill) All the way across the road cleared the road & 4 or 5 ft. to the thick trees & disappeared. When it lept or bounded, I could see no distinction between the two legs. So I quickened my pace as I thought \"What the hell was that!!\" I got to a small grass road where there was a place where another campsite was About 60 yds from where this thing hit the trees,I made a mental mark where it went in, The grass road went in about 40 yds and then I was looking straight down off the ridge. I sat down on a pile of big deadfall and waited, figuring it would either come toward me or away from me..as it sure as hell wouldnt go over that ridge. After 20 mins. or so, I walked back out to the dirt road and went down to where I thought it had gone into the trees..as the mud in the dirt rd was frozen, I couldnt find any tracks..hell, I wasnt even leaving any tracks..I searched up & down the tree line it was so thick w/ under brush I couldnt find any tracks there either..But I knew that if it was a bear or any big animal w/ claws, it would have left at least claw marks when it leaped!","location_details":"East on Rt. 410 out of Enumclaw WA. Past Greenwater to FSRD. 73 turn right on 73 go across bridge over Huckleberry creek(approx. 5 mi.) keep going straight uphill to mile marker 9 50 yds. past the mile marker go left on the dirt rd.about a mile I saw it about a half a mile from the end of the road","county":"Pierce County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 5331: Upright creature walks on two legs towards hunter near Mt. Rainier National Park","date":"2002-11-16","number":5331,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c23e2k3mbt","temperature_high":39.3,"temperature_mid":36.26,"temperature_low":33.22,"dew_point":32.17,"humidity":0.94,"cloud_cover":0.61,"moon_phase":0.4,"precip_intensity":0.0082,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1011.72,"summary":"Mixed precipitation starting in the afternoon and breezy in the evening.","uv_index":1,"visibility":7.7,"wind_bearing":269,"wind_speed":2.97,"year":2002,"geometry":[-121.6279,47.0019]} {"observed":"April? 2003 Washington state. A friend and I drove from Seattle towards Mount Rainier. Heading south on the 164/410 we pulled off onto one of many dirt roads just a few miles south of Enumclaw. I drove a few miles and parked. We hiked in the forest for a few hours and when we tried to get back to the freeway someone had locked some yellow gates on all the access roads. We had to spend the night in the car and right after dark we began hearing what sounded like hard wood beating on soft wood(like someone hitting a tree with a baseball bat) very close, maybe within 100 ft. We were terrified and drove around the access roads for a few miles and within minutes of shutting the car off it started again very close. This was not just a loud noise echoing all throughout the woods, even from inside the car I could definately tell this was within throwing distance and directed at us. We left and drove several miles again and again minutes after the car stopped the noise started again. We drove until we found a road that was seperated by just a ten foot ravine from the freeway and still it started, this time more distant in the forest. It lasted for the next couple of hours until the sun rose. I swear to god this is the truth, I have no reason to lie.","location_details":"Maybe 5-10 miles south of Enumclaw on the 410. The forest was recently taken by Wyerhouser? unsure of spelling. We made a right on a dirt road that had a small yellow bar-gate, open at the time, and just followed it over a small bridge that crosses over White river. There were a few dirt roads before this one off the 410 and they all connect. At the time it looked like they had just begun logging the area.","county":"Pierce County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 9447: Unusual sounds heard near Enumclaw","date":"2003-04-05","number":9447,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c23k61rr2g","temperature_high":40.65,"temperature_mid":38.57,"temperature_low":36.49,"dew_point":35,"humidity":0.92,"cloud_cover":0.95,"moon_phase":0.12,"precip_intensity":0.0064,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1014.25,"summary":"Mixed precipitation starting in the evening.","uv_index":4,"visibility":8.8,"wind_bearing":180,"wind_speed":3.12,"year":2003,"geometry":[-121.8943,47.16145]} {"observed":"I was heading to my home in So. Calif after vacationing in the Bella Coola region of British Columbia. It was getting late around 11:00 PM so I decided to pitch my tent just for the night off a Forest Service Rd. heading south from State Highway 410. I was wide awake reading a magazine inside my tent when I heard a distinct animal vocalization essentially identical to the recordings on the BFRO website listed as the Puyallup and Snohomish recordings. The call consisted of a 20 to 30 second duration \"shriek/howl\" and multiple \"bark/grunts\" of short duration lasting about 90 seconds. My Golden Retriever was sound asleep for most of the vocalization but woke up for the last 15 seconds and immediately bacame alert peering out into the darkness. I was surprised at his reaction due to the fact I could barely hear the grunts near the end of the incident and I thought my dog was pretty hard of hearing as he is 11 years old.","location_details":"The vocalization sounded at least a mile away due west from my location on Mt. Baker Snoqualmie National Forest Route 7160 approximately .6 miles from Washington Highway 410","county":"Pierce County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 6990: Scream heard while staying overnight near Greenwater","date":"2003-12-09","number":6990,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c23ed04pwt","temperature_high":32.04,"temperature_mid":30.445,"temperature_low":28.85,"dew_point":26.58,"humidity":0.88,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.53,"precip_intensity":0.0003,"precip_probability":0.77,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1017.39,"summary":"Foggy throughout the day.","uv_index":1,"visibility":1.06,"wind_bearing":82,"wind_speed":1.56,"year":2003,"geometry":[-121.5497,47.0228]} {"observed":"Spring of 2005 mid after noon we drove up to a place we call the Oasis (a pond on the top of one of the foot hills on Skate Creek (Mt. Rainier but I believe it is GP national forest) its a ways up there and some 4x4'n is needed to get there. When we got there and got out of the car you could hear a noise that sounded kind of like a monkey noise....ooh ooh ooh....it was repetative and I didnt think anything of it at first. So we hike up the hill side to where the noise is coming from and where the pond is, and we discovered a foot print while the whole time still hearing this noise, ooh ooh ooh, short and sharp but monkey like. At one point we felt as if it ran right up behind us as if to scare us but we didnt hear any brush crashing or anything but the noise got closer and you could actually like hear it in the back of his throat. Nothing real exciting or more than circumstantial but when we returned again a few months later the noise was not there.","location_details":"Hwy 7 past Ashford, take a right before you see a sign for the national park. This road turns into Skate Creek Rd. It's a dirt road on the left. Go right at an over pass between mile marker 12 and 14. Drive all the way up. Take a right at the first fork then stay to the left. You will need a 4x4 vehicle. 4x4 vans will not make it.","county":"Pierce County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 12655: Possible tracks and vocalizations outside Ashford","date":"2005-11-02","number":12655,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c234p0hstu","temperature_high":47.2,"temperature_mid":43.615,"temperature_low":40.03,"dew_point":34.95,"humidity":0.76,"moon_phase":0.02,"precip_intensity":0.0009,"precip_probability":0.39,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":89,"wind_speed":0.84,"year":2005,"geometry":[-122.0297,46.75861]} {"observed":"I WAS CAMPING NEAR BAKER LAKE, IN THE BAKER- SNOQUALMIE NATIONAL FOREST. I HAD GONE FOR A DRIVE DOWN THE MAIN ROAD NEAR THE CAMPGROUND. I TURNED OUT OF THE SHANNON CREEK CAMPGROUND EXIT BACK ONTO THE MAIN ROAD. AT THE STOP SIGN JUST BEFORE I TURNED, I HAPPENED TO LOOK UP THE HILL ACROSS FROM THE SIGN AND SPOTTED THE BIGFOOT. HE WAS ABOUT FIFTY FEET FROM ME SLIGHTLY UP THE HILL. ALL I SAW WAS THE BACK, SHOULDERS, HIPS AND TOP OF BUTTOCKS. IT WAS STILL AND HAD ITS BACK TO ME. THE HAIR COLOR WAS A LIGHTER SHADE OF RED AND SPARSE. I COULD SEE THE MUSCLES BENEATH THE HAIR. I TURNED THE CORNER AND DROVE DOWN THE ROAD, NOT WANTING TO DISTURB IT. I'VE GONE BACK TO THE SAME SPOT SINCE THEN LOOKING TO SEE IF THERE IS ANYTHING I COULD HAVER MISTAKEN FOR A BIGFOOT. THERE IS NOT!","location_details":"Highway 29, North to Baker Lake Rd. Follow to Shannon Creek Campground Rd.","county":"Skagit County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 10509: Large animal seen crouching near Baker Lake","date":"2004-06-15","number":10509,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9rc8bghftd","temperature_high":64.79,"temperature_mid":51.675,"temperature_low":38.56,"dew_point":33.04,"humidity":0.53,"moon_phase":0.94,"precip_intensity":0.009,"precip_probability":0.68,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":19,"wind_speed":1.7,"year":2004,"geometry":[-121.6009,43.74251]} {"observed":"I am an archer/hunter who hunts elk in the Mt. Adams region of WA and I have two incidents to report; one of personal observation and one of dependable hearsay. First, my hunting partner and I were washing in a stream on the FR88 out of Trout Lake, and we both saw a very clear footprint on the side of the stream. There were no dislodged rocks nearby, and it was not the front and rear tracks of a bear. The track was too large for black bear. Second, my hunting partner, while hunting near the same location (by the junction of the Sawtooth Berry Fields), heard calls that ascended in pitch to make a \"whoop whoop\" sound, and then the banging of a stick against a tree, as if to signal others. He is convinced the sound was not made by a human. My hunting buddy is an FAA air traffic supervisor, and I am a salesman. We both would be able to produce witnesses to vouch for our integrity and sanity.","location_details":"Take Forest Road 88 north from Trout Lake approx. 15 miles.","county":"Skamania County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 3786: Bow hunters find footprint and hear vocalizations near Indian Heaven Wilderness","date":"2000-09-15","number":3786,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c21qnt817q","year":2000,"geometry":[-121.7064,46.08515]} {"observed":"On Sunday, March 4, 2001, six friends and I attempted a climb of Mt. St. Helens via the Swift Creek route from the Marble Mountain Sno-Park. At approximately 7:30 a.m. at 4,000 ft. elevation, we heard a scream from the ridge just to the east of the one we were climbing, about 100 yards away. The wind was blowing hard from the east, which helped to carry the sound. We all stopped, looked, and called to each other \"did you hear that?\" \"what WAS that?\" It did not sound human, so none of us thought it was a call for help. The ridge was not part of the climbing route and access to it required a steep downclimb then up steeply. And since visibility was excellent, so there was no plausable reason for anyone to be over there. It was not an elk or coyote, and did not sound like a dog. The ridge was snow covered with just a few small trees and rocks poking through. I looked closely for signs for movement, but saw none. I told my friends half-jokingly, maybe it was Bigfoot! They laughed, but I wondered. I listened to the Bigfoot Scream 1978 Snohomish recording and yes, indeed, it sounded exactly like that! The difference is that we heard only one scream, not a series of consecutive screams. Based on that recording, I believe that what my friends and I heard on Mt. St. Helens was Bigfoot.","location_details":"The Swift Creek climbing route on Mt. St. Helens from Marble Mountain Sno-Park at approximately 4,000 ft. elevation.","county":"Skamania County","state":"Washington","season":"Winter","title":"Report 1904: Mountain climbers hear loud scream on Mount St. Helens","date":"2001-03-04","number":1904,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c21nkcufh7","year":2001,"geometry":[-122.1283,46.10861]} {"observed":"Since my wife and kids were away visiting my parents in Ohio, two co-workers (A.S. and D.G.) and myself decided to try our hand at bigfoot \"hunting\" after hearing about the BFRO expedition to Skookum on the Medved radio show and then reading about it on the website. We decided to camp out two nights (starting Friday) at the Tillicum campsite which was about 4 miles from Skookum, hike into Skookum Saturday, and then leave Sunday morning. All three of us were sharing a four man tent and after going to bed Friday night, I was awoken by A.S. who mentioned that there were strange sounds outside. At that point all three of us were lying there awake. The first sound that I heard sounded just like coyotes but then I heard a weird gutteral growl like sound (which in all truth kind of gave me the shivers). That was the last sound I heard and before going back to sleep I remember commenting aloud \"weird\". The next morning before going out on the hike we talked briefly about the sounds and A.S. mentioned that before the coyote sounds there were some stranger sounds that had woke him up (more about this and the other sounds later). On the hike down trail 21 we found some deer trails that per A.S.'s GPS system looked like they went down do Skookum. We decided to follow the trail and maybe an eighth of a mile down the trail A.S. got excited and pointed to what could have been prints. The prints were vague but did appear to be somewhat human shaped with possible toe and hill prints (the ground was fairly firm and the prints did not look fresh). I would say that the prints looked like size 12 or 13 feet. The prints also appeared to go down the trail and there were possibly 4 or 6 that we could make out. Since the prints were pretty vague it would have been impossible to make casts and we decided that the pictures probably wouldn't come out well (now I wish that we had). For the rest of the trip we didn't see or hear anything strange. After the trip we discussed the prints more and of the three of us, D.G. appeared convinced that the prints were the real thing, I was fairly neutral giving them about a 50% chance of being the real thing (I would like to have higher confidence but I was worried that we could be biased in that we \"really\" wanted to see something) and A.S. who had been the first to see them and initially very excited pretty much talked himself out of thinking they were anything of importance BUT he kept mentioning those weird sounds we heard the first night and how he thought they might have been something. I didn't think too much about the sounds besides doing my rendition of them for my wife, brother, and sons until the night of Friday August 17th. Up until that time the main reason why I didn't pay them as much attention as I later would is that they didn't sound like the sounds available on the BFRO website. That all changed on the 17th though when I was getting ready to put a movie in the VCR and noticed that \"Encounters with the Unexplained\" on the PAX channel had a special on Sasquatch. After watching for about three minutes, they played supposed bigfoot sounds and several of them WERE JUST LIKE THE ONES I/WE HEARD!! My wife who was in the next room unpacking heard the same sounds on the tv and noticing how similar they were to my renditions made a comment as to whether or not those were the same I heard. In that instant when I heard those sounds on TV I decided that we had heard a bigfoot and for about the next half an hour I had goosebumps going up and down my body (my wife was shocked/amused about how shaken up/freaked out I was). On Sunday I called A.S. up (he had been away for the weekend) and questioned him more about the sounds that had originally woken him up. He said that he had first heard a long moaning like sound followed by a loud wail which was followed by the coyote and other sounds which I had also heard. We decided that we might as well submit this report to BFRO and after talking with D.G. he also agreed. My apologies that this is such a long story just about some bigfoot sounds and possible prints but I am still very excited about it all and thought that you might be interested due to this all happening in the area close to Skookum.","location_details":"Sounds heard while at Tillicum campsite located about 4.5 miles NE of Skookum meadow. Possible prints found on deer trail off of hiking trail 21 while going to the meadow.","county":"Skamania County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 3024: Campers hear vocalizations and find possible prints near Skookum Meadow","date":"2001-08-11","number":3024,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c21qkq7cyq","year":2001,"geometry":[-121.8,46.1333]} {"observed":"First of all, I feel the need to preface this report with some background information. I have been in the process of writing a book on Ape Cave near Mt St Helens. I contacted Jeff Lemley about getting some reports about Bigfoot stories to add to my book. I have kept in close contact with Jeff since the first contact and emailed him immediately after we got back from our trip. I told my husband, Larry, that I wanted to go camping at Peterson Prairie for my birthday (August 15th) with my twin sister, Vicki and her husband, Jim K. I thought it would be fun to take in a cave or two, time permitting. My husband and I are avid cavers and enjoy spending free time exploring the wild caves of Southern Washington State near Mt St Helens and Mt Adams. We both felt it would be a good time to introduce my sister and her husband (and their toy red Poodle, Sparky) to the sport of wild caving. The four of us drove our two minivans through the Dark Divide and arrived at camp late in the day on the 14th. Our favorite camp spot was still available so we proceeded to set up camp. As it turned out, my sister and her husband, took the safe way out and set up camp in their Dodge Caravan, while I pitched our miniscule backpacking tent 50 feet South of the camp in a small clearing surrounding by small pines. It was just enough room to pitch a small tent and still be able to tie off the guy ropes to keep the rainfly away from the tent. As far as I knew, the night was uneventful until my husband spoke up the next morning. Larry told all of us that he thought he heard a Bigfoot howling (my husband is an extreme skeptic when it comes to anything related to Bigfoot). We all talked about it for a while and then decided to get ready to go caving in Cheese Cave, a local lava tube. Later in the day, we rode our bikes to some local caves and then went back to camp. Later, Larry and I left my sister and her husband at camp to rest while we set out to find Dynamite Cave. We drove around all of the dirt roads in the STR that we thought it was supposed to be located in. We parked the van at several locations. At one spot, my husband started walking down a remote trail with me following a short distance behind him. I stopped on the trail not far from the car because I heard something very large run through the bush to my right, just off the trail. My husband kept going, but I was too apprehensive to move. Whatever it was, it was huge; but it didn't sound like an elk moving through the bush. Also, I felt like something was watching me. It was quite creepy! Since Larry had moved out of sight, I felt very vunerable and literally ran up to catch up with him. I kept telling him I wanted to go back to the car; but didn't want to go by the one spot alone. He finally relented and we walking briskly to the car. That night we all walked to the clearing due East of camp, next to the road which led to the group camp to watch the stars and anything else interesting in the clear skies. After turning in about 10PM, we slept soundly until about 3AM, when I was awakened by an incredibly loud howling, unlike anything I had ever heard in my life. Since I am an avid outdoorsperson, I have camped out and seen and heard most of the wild things that occur in the forests and mountains. This was like nothing I had ever heard before. There was absolutely no other sounds from the forest until a Barred Owl responded to the howl. I woke Larry up to ask him about the howls. He said that it was the very same thing that he heard the night before. We both listened to it banter back and forth with the owl. After maybe 10 to 15 minutes of howling, the owl took off flying North through the trees. We could both hear his wings flapping as he was hooting. He was much closer to us than the thing which was howling; but the howling was much louder than the owl. What happened next sent chills down my spine. I was laying on my stomach in the tent, needing very much to go outside and relieve myself; but unwilling to venture outside due to the howlings I was still listening to. Larry had fallen back asleep, so unfortunately, the thing I heard next fell on my ears alone. The best I could describe it was a howling turning into an Ape-like chattering. It sounded like someone was practicing phonics by contorting their mouth, while at the same time, reciting all the vowels. That is the best I can describe it. The sounds were incredibly loud and quite frightening sounding. I lay motionless until the sounds died down and I fell asleep. I was awakened one more time around 6:15 to 6:30 in the morning. Light was already finding its way into camp which I could see through the mosquito netting at the head of our tent. This time I heard a pack of coyotes start up, followed again by that same howling sound. At this point, I was really getting freaked out; but was still not willing to venture out of the tent. As soon as it was light enough, I got up and ran to my sister's van. I rapped on their window and asked if they heard the howls. Of course, they hadn't heard anything; but were quite interested in what Larry and I had heard that night. When I got home, I emailed Jeff Lemley to see if he had any wave files to listen to that might sound like what we heard. I listened to every owl sound on the web and nothing sounded like what we heard. A few days later, I got an email from Jeff about the other report four days before ours, only 6 miles North of us. As I told Jeff, both my husband and I would like to think that the sounds we heard were in fact, Barred Owls. Anyone sleeping in a flimsy nylon tent would probably convince themselves of the same. But then again...","location_details":"This happened at Peterson Prairie Campground, six miles West of Trout Lake, South of Mt Adams on FS 60 and 10 miles SE of Skookum Meadows.","county":"Skamania County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 3188: Spelunkers hear loud, garbled howls on consecutive nights near Trout Lake","date":"2001-08-15","number":3188,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c21mrrvp2m","year":2001,"geometry":[-121.6667,45.9667]} {"observed":"My son (31) and myself were returning from a fishing expedition in the Gifford Pinchot Ntl Forest, SW Washington. All of a sudden, less than 100 yards away, we noticed an entirely black upright creature. Even though we're driving a noisy Cummins Diesel , when we came around the corner, going about 15 mph, we managed to startle it. It immediately walked fast - didn't run - from the right to the left, up a hill and was gone. Now this whole event didn't take more than 3-4 seconds. We immediately went to the area, and investigated. We found one print that was about 12-13 inches long on the side of the road. This print was made in the somewhat soft silt/gravel that is so common on forest service roads. It only was about 1/4-1/3 deep at best. Today we're going to try and make a copy of the print. A couple of things about the animal. 1. It was totally black, like a black bear. It had no facial features that we could detect at all. It didn't appear to have a nose, eyes, mouth or anything, that we could see from the 100 yards we were away. 2. The animal was in bright sunlight as it crossed the road - there was no mistaking it for a bear - and bears don't have 6 ft strides. 3. The animal appeared to be about 8-8.5 feet tall and slender build. It wasn't the massive muscular specimen I have thought they may be if they exist at all. I would estimate the weight in excess of 400 lbs. 4. The animal's arms moved in a pedulum manner, like an ape - not like a human. It moved very fast - BUT NOT a RUN!","county":"Skamania County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4738: Fishermen encounter upright, slender animal near Lone Butte","date":"2002-08-03","number":4738,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c21k9gns9q","temperature_high":74.24,"temperature_mid":62.955,"temperature_low":51.67,"dew_point":44.48,"humidity":0.55,"cloud_cover":0.3,"moon_phase":0.82,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.45,"summary":"Overcast starting in the evening.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":272,"wind_speed":2.64,"year":2002,"geometry":[-121.9063,45.8083]} {"observed":"My original plans were for a trip to northern California to visit the famous Bluff Creek film site and drop off some casts and pictures to the Willow Creek Museum, arriving on this day, the 35th anniversary of its making, October 20th. I had talked with Joe Beelart about this trip, because he had just returned from the area with a party of 10, including Peter Byrne, Todd Neiss, film crew and our own Al Berry and Ron Morehead. Joe talked me out of going there by myself because of the terrain and for safety reasons, so I altered my plans. I decided to divide this trip up into three parts doing some things and going some places I had been meaning to for a long time. Skookum Meadows revisit, Estacada and the Wynooche river drainage. I usually make trips like this in search of areas to investigate for longer periods of time at later dates. I do these scouting trips mostly alone and try to cram as much as possible into them. Oct 19 Met with Jeff Lemley and his brother around 10:00PM in the Skookum Meadows area to do some late night call blasting. By the time I got there they had already tried a couple of sets. It was quite foggy, but the sound still carried well, with echoes lasting a few seconds after the source stopped. This is the best time to blast out these sounds, late evening, early morning in the fog since the air is quite dense at this time. Interestingly enough, the primates that do use long type calls for communications between members also choose this time of the day to do so. Jeff and Alan Terry have built themselves quite an impressive sound blasting system. It is modular and has very good output. The sound was clear, I heard no distortion or feedback during the blasts he made. It ran off his car battery. I was quite tired and didnt last too long sitting outside with Jeff and company in the cold, I crawled back into my truck around 11:30PM and quickly fell asleep. My day job work shift gets me out of bed at 2:30AM and I usually work 10 hour days. I was starting this out all wrong. Jeff woke me around midnight and said that they were going back home and that they had heard nothing while I was sleeping. I thanked them for meeting with me and bringing the equipment. I watched them leave. I quickly went back to sleep. Oct 20 I woke at my usual time 2:30AM (great!) and started to drive the back roads, visiting the Skookum Meadows Expedition base camp, hill top and ridge top sites as well as the cast site. I wanted to take some measurements, get another average GPS reading after the military eliminated the scramble signal at the cast site and just have a look at the general area during hunting season. One deer and a lone coyote, evidenced by their tracks had visited the cast site. I collected a soil sample, documented the cast site with pictures, GPS and did some tape measurements. I found some interesting things traveling around the area this trip: A skid mark, looking very much like a human buttock on a road side bank, complete with what might have been hand prints and three impressions that hinted at being bare footprints 16.5 long x 6 wide at the ball and with toes. At the exact spot where, during the expedition, I had been filmed looking at some heat tracks on the road with the thermal imager and where I cut open a melon fruit, I found a bee hive, broken in two. It was a natural hive. I couldn't think of why a bear would carry a hive around like this only to suck on it out in the open on a dirt road. There were more large human shaped tracks leading down the road side embankment nearby. Along the roads, on the side banks, I found 20 25 fir trees growing half way up. Large human shaped tracks led up to a spot behind these trees and then back down to the road. Some stomping around behind the trees was evident. This lead me to envision something treking up these small slopes, evading night time drivers, returning to the roadway only after passing. Someone had been leaving fruit... I photographed these findings and casted a track.","location_details":"Skookum Meadows area, Big Creek","county":"Skamania County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 5176: Several sets of tracks found near Skookum Meadows","date":"2002-10-20","number":5176,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c21q1xtjzh","temperature_high":57.87,"temperature_mid":52.255,"temperature_low":46.64,"dew_point":49.88,"humidity":0.89,"moon_phase":0.48,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":345,"wind_speed":0.59,"year":2002,"geometry":[-121.9191,46.0969]} {"observed":"My wife and I were on a family camp out with my inlaws. I stayed up after everyone had gone to bed to let the camp fire burn down. I had noticed earlier that day the dogs would go nuts barking into the woods. Since there were no other campers within miles of us I figured it was deer or some other critter they were barking at. It was after midnight and was quite dark the fire was down to coals. I got this intense feeling that I was not alone, I put it down as over active imagination that feeling you get when you are alone but feel like someone is watching you, so I decided to head for the tent. Some time in the morning between 3:00am and 4:00am I was awakened by what I thought was coyotes howling. It was high pitched. It was not loud at first but grew in intensity, it awakened my wife also, it sounded like one than others joining in. It sounded like five or six animals as it grew in intensity. I knew it was not anything I had heard before. I jumped up thinking it was an alarm and that the woods were on fire but the night was dark and no smoke so we listened to it and could tell it was some sort of animals. I thought it was elk my wife and sister inlaw had spotted a heard down the road earlier that day but I have never heard elk sound like this and if it was they were in pain, as I said it started out low and others joined in and it grew in intensity like it was far away and getting closer it lasted about 10 maybe 15 seconds and then just stop abruptly! It was in unison starting with one than another until it sounded like 5 or 6 going at the same time and then just stopped all at once. It was a very high pitched scream, not a trumpet like an elk or the squeek of a deer and it was not the cry of a cougar. I have heard these animals before and this was new to me. When we were on our way home after the camp out we stopped at the Eagles Cliff store and my wife mentioned what we heard to the girl working there and she said there had been other people that had heard it too and some mentioned having rocks thrown at them out of the dark. I dont know if what I heard was bigfoot. I never believed in the story. All I can say is it was something I had never heard before.","location_details":"You take the 90 Rd., west from Eagles Cliff to the 25 Rd., follow the 25 Rd. to the 93 Rd. across the Muddy River. Follow the 93 Rd. about 14+ miles to the end where it forks take the left fork (40 Rd.?) and go about a quarter to a half mile our camp was on the left next to the (Wright) creek just before the road crosses it just before a trail head on the right. It has been used for elk camp for 15 years and is set up as such.","county":"Skamania County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6559: Multiple screams heard","date":"2003-06-25","number":6559,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c21qctm4sx","temperature_high":74.62,"temperature_mid":64.075,"temperature_low":53.53,"dew_point":40.67,"humidity":0.56,"moon_phase":0.88,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":300,"wind_speed":1.43,"year":2003,"geometry":[-121.9192,46.21583]} {"observed":"I had backpacked into Deadman's Lake for a one night stay. It was during the Washington bow season for elk. As I was heading in I ran into two hunters on the trail hunting down to their vehicle to dry out and stay in their camper. They told me that a group had been hunting in the area but had to leave because there horses were acting up. As I got to the lake I could tell that the horses had been kept in a small meadow near the campsite area. I pitched my tent in this area. I was at the lake doing a little fishing before dark when I heard a howl way off in the distance. I didn't think much of it, it was miles away. There were also several bull elk bugling in the hills behind the lake and at one point I could hear some cow elk \"talking\". Being an elk hunter myself, I am very familiar with the sounds elk make during this time of year. That was one of the reasons I had gone to this area was to try to call in and get pictures of the elk. As night fell I stayed up until approximately 9:00 PM listening to the sounds of the woods. I could hear a couple owls hooting back and forth across the lake as I fell asleep. At 11:24 PM I was awoken by the same screaming howl I had heard before but it sounded like it was coming from the meadow I was camped next to, about 50 yards away. It sounded like a cross between a wolf and a very loud human. It sounded as if it were a hailing call. I opened the front flap of the tent and grabbed my light and the only weapon I had, my knife. I also grabbed the camera just in case I could see something. The howl had also scared the two owls I had heard hooting earlier that evening. The owls continued to call back and forth to each other for a time after that but I never heard the howl again. I stayed awake for hours after that and eventually was able to relax and get some sleep. I woke up that morning to the sound of bugling elk and when it got light enough I went to look for any sign of what I had heard the night before. I found a herd of cow elk by the lake but nothing unusual. The weather started turning about this time so I packed up my stuff and headed back to my car.","location_details":"Goat mountain trail #217, 6 miles (I don't think it was that far) to Deadman's Lake. Southeast end of lake.","county":"Skamania County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 10646: Elk hunter hears loud screams at night near Deadman's Lake","date":"2004-09-15","number":10646,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c21puf7dd3","temperature_high":47.32,"temperature_mid":43.435,"temperature_low":39.55,"dew_point":43.44,"humidity":1,"moon_phase":0.04,"precip_intensity":0.0124,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Light rain in the morning.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":98,"wind_speed":0.33,"year":2004,"geometry":[-122.1301,46.3751]} {"observed":"My wife (now-ex) and I were camping at Iron Creek campground, mid summer, and decided to go for a drive. The exact area cannot be remembered at this time, but it was a couple hours before dark approx 6:30-7:00 P.M., and we were traveling down a dirt road, that inclined and turned slightly to the left, and there was a branch (logging) road that dropped slightly down and to the right as the main road went left. As we were traveling about 25 MPH, i glanced down the side road, and about 75 feet down the logging road, in the middle of that road was an erect standing creature, approximately 6.5 to 7 feet tall. Dark brown, almost black. I did not slow or stop, mostly because I was only armed with a .380 cal auto, and driving a compact mazda 626. Not too much of a defensive position to take. It was clear outside, comfortable 70-75 degrees, and no rain for days prior. As we went further, we couldn't really understand what was seen. And by the time we processed what we saw, we decided to just keep moving.","location_details":"if you can find a topo map, look for a more established road on a slight incline, bending to left, with a less established road (logging?) going straight at apex of bend, and slightly dropping in elevation. Well wooded. Cannot remember any other road details","county":"Skamania County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 8339: Couple has sighting of something standing on a gravel road","date":"2004-11-08","number":8339,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c21r3w86pw","temperature_high":56.12,"temperature_mid":46.065,"temperature_low":36.01,"dew_point":34.28,"humidity":0.61,"moon_phase":0.86,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":60,"wind_speed":1.84,"year":2004,"geometry":[-121.9256,46.3105]} {"observed":"I was going for a late night drive. I drove up past Cougar on 503. When I hit snow on a couple of corners, I started to get a little nervous about driving up any farther but still I chose to keep going. I had been seeing animals all night so I was really keeping my eyes open. When I slowed down to turn around, my car died. While trying to start it I was looking forward and noticed a large object standing on the side of the road which looked like a large man but I couldn't tell because it was out of the reach of my headlights. When my car started up the object quickly turned and strided off into the timber. That's when I knew it wasn't just a tree or anything like that. I have been up in those parts of the woods a lot and never seen anything like that. When I saw it turn away from me I couldn't calm down. I was terrified - the hair on my neck was standing up. It was just not a normal feeling. I believe I saw a bigfoot standing in front of my car along the edge of the road.","location_details":"please do not post these on the internet.","county":"Skamania County","state":"Washington","season":"Winter","title":"Report 9946: Motorist Has Late Night Sighting Near Eagle Cliff","date":"2004-11-29","number":9946,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c21mbznsxn","temperature_high":39.59,"temperature_mid":34.675,"temperature_low":29.76,"moon_phase":0.59,"precip_type":"snow","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":1,"wind_bearing":115,"wind_speed":2.89,"year":2004,"geometry":[-121.95,46.05]} {"observed":"It was on a warm summer night in 1978, as I was watching television at about 11 pm, that my father and I heard some loud, high-pitched screams coming from the forest behind our house. The screams only went on for a minute or so, but what surprised me was that my father, who has lived in Stevenson his entire life and knows the woods and the local animals well, did not have any idea what was making that sound. I was 17 at the time, but just recently, my teen age daughter, who has an interest in such matters, played me the 1978 Snohomish County recording of Bigfoot calls, and I have to admit I got a chill from hearing it, because it was, to my recollection, just what I heard on that summer night in August of '78. She urged me to file a report with the BFRO, even though it's \"ancient history\" by now. My father and I did go out on the porch and look around a bit upon hearing the screams, but did not leave the area of the house in the darkness.","county":"Skamania County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 7593: Stevenson Ridge vocalization startles father and son","date":"2005-02-05","number":7593,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c21k47t5c0","temperature_high":41.31,"temperature_mid":38.36,"temperature_low":35.41,"dew_point":33.32,"humidity":0.81,"cloud_cover":0.86,"moon_phase":0.88,"precip_intensity":0.0012,"precip_probability":0.41,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1020.92,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":8.73,"wind_bearing":267,"wind_speed":3.34,"year":2005,"geometry":[-121.8864,45.723]} {"observed":"It was early to mid-August when myself and 4 friends decided to camp in the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. Around dusk, we heard something in the trees near our campsite. Whatever it was walked through the brush quite loudly. We figured it was a bear and made noise and scared it away. Later that night, however, we began to hear some sort of scream. None of us knew what it was, but we all agreed it was like nothing we've ever heard. It was very dark and we decided not to try and find out what the noise was, as it was quite some distance away. Until recently, we still wondered what we heard, but then we listened to vocalizations on this website and heard the same sounds. What we heard was very similar to the 1978 Snohomish County recording. We now believe that we heard at least 1 sasquatch howling that night we were camping.","location_details":"From Olympia, Washington, take I-5 south to exit 21. Take exit 21 at Woodland and take WA-503 east towards Cougar. Follow WA-503 about 28 miles (just before Cougar) and take a left on Forest Service Road 81 towards Merrill Lake and Kalama Horse Camp. We took a small gravel turnoff near the Kalama Horse Camp and camped right near the Kalama River.","county":"Skamania County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 13183: Campers hear possible vocalizations at night near Kalama Horse Camp","date":"2005-08-19","number":13183,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c21n2r4tj3","temperature_high":80.05,"temperature_mid":68.905,"temperature_low":57.76,"dew_point":52.15,"humidity":0.62,"cloud_cover":0.16,"moon_phase":0.51,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Overcast overnight.","uv_index":8,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":254,"wind_speed":0.36,"year":2005,"geometry":[-122.3291,46.13795]} {"observed":"I was looking to the south from the summit of Silver Star Mountain. On the ridge across from me I saw something I thought looked a little strange. I got out my camera and took some pictures. Right after I took the first shot it moved or stood up so I took another picture. It then moved towards the south, away from me. I then had to reajust because the wind was so strong. It was difficult to move because the snow was waist deep. I got closer to a rock to steady myself and took another picture. It was then was moving down the hill. I don't think it was another backpacker or snowshoer.","location_details":"Top of Silver Star Mountain.","county":"Skamania County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 13115: Daylight sighting by a backpacker on Silver Star Mountain (See Photos)","date":"2005-11-17","number":13115,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c21h62pbrw","temperature_high":43.21,"temperature_mid":36.445,"temperature_low":29.68,"dew_point":35.56,"humidity":0.99,"cloud_cover":0.38,"moon_phase":0.56,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1029.63,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.15,"wind_bearing":51,"wind_speed":1.98,"year":2005,"geometry":[-122.2339,45.74715]} {"observed":"Driving up road, we hit snow. In a clearing we noticed lots of tracks of wildlife then some large foot prints on left side of road. We investigated the prints. It was definitely bare foot prints coming down the side of the road then turning up into the woods. The feet were 18\" long. A large heel and tows were visible. We turned the truck around, parked near the prints, and started a fire. My friend, Rob knocked two logs together three times then repeated this twice. Within 10 minutes at around 11:45 we heard a bark from a distance. 5 - 10 minutes later I heard the sound of a person whistling for a dog but there were no cars around that we could see nor were there any on the way up to our location. Immediately after the whistle, I heard more whistling in the same direction but from multiple sources. The whistling began to sound like small birds or birds chirping. Rob and I contemplated what kind of a bird would be in the mountains chirping at midnight in the middle of winter. We figured there are none. At about 12:15 I heard some fast paced foot steps beyond our field of vision. We viewed the area with our flashlights and I didn't see anything. Rob told me on the drive out of there that he saw something cross the road while we heard the footsteps. The footsteps sounded bipedal. Then Rob heard a branch brake behind him behind a pile of logs. I asked if he'd like to leave because I was feeling like we were being approached by something big and I couldn't see it. Rob later commented that it was as if we were being hunted. We headed out at about 12:30 feeling that we were leaving just in time before whatever it was got too close.","location_details":"Turn off Hwy 2 on FR 62. 3 miles up main dirt road. Area has recently been clearcut. We were just above the snow level. There was a foot of snow on the road.","county":"Snohomish County","state":"Washington","season":"Winter","title":"Report 1674: 18\" tracks found in the snow by two witnesses who felt like they were being \" hunted \" by something big.","date":"2000-02-06","number":1674,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c23rz7n3x1","temperature_high":49.5,"temperature_mid":44.995,"temperature_low":40.49,"dew_point":42.43,"humidity":0.92,"cloud_cover":0.6,"moon_phase":0.04,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1024.68,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":2,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":111,"wind_speed":7,"year":2000,"geometry":[-121.6647,47.7853]} {"observed":"In the summer of 2000 I had two strange encounters with a creature I will simply describe as a monster by the way it sounded. on a warm summer day at dusk I stood with my two dogs at the edge of a ravine that had a small stream that emptied out of a small pond at the edge of my property. The back 10 acres was heavily forested with thick underbrush. I could hear something very large moving through the thick underbrush and downed alder trees. Large branches were breaking like twigs. While the sounds of the trees being snapped were happening loud roars and screams like I have never heard before or since were being vocalized. I yelled. There was no response, just the same noises happening. I did not want to walk into the swamp at that point. I listened for about 10-15 minutes. The two dogs I owned that were very brave watch dogs just stood by my side, not wanting to investigate. This was odd in itself as they were very territorial. I remember them looking up at me with a look like \"were not going in there\". I went inside the house and told my girlfriend as I wanted her to come out and listen. She said if it was what I said it was she didn't want to go outside. We stayed in the house the rest of the night and I was not scared but very tingly on my skin and alert. The next day i walked into the swamp to try to see evidence of the creature. I didn't make it very far because of the mud up to my knees and thick russian thistles. My friend came over later that day around dusk. I told him of the encounter and he asked where it had happened. I walked him to the location. When we arrived the same thing happened as the day before. The creature was still there and I was just down in the swamp a few hours earlier and heard nothing. My friend listened for about five minutes. I asked him what he thought it was. he replied,\"I don't know Chuck-but good luck\". Then he hurried to his car and jumped in and left just leaving me standing there with this thing roaring. I went inside the house with it still there. I didn't feel like shooting it. It didn't pound on the house or anything like that. I never heard it again after that. I sold the 20 acres and the two houses within 6 months after the incident. Good luck to the new owners.","location_details":"Happy Valley Road-south of the river-","county":"Snohomish County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 17220: Loud roars and screams heard from an unknown animal near Stanwood","date":"2000-09-01","number":17220,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2941uh45s","temperature_high":66.01,"temperature_mid":57.01,"temperature_low":48.01,"dew_point":46.4,"humidity":0.7,"cloud_cover":0.73,"moon_phase":0.12,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1009.58,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":136,"wind_speed":2.19,"year":2000,"geometry":[-122.2612,48.1864]} {"observed":"About 2001, I was up on Mt. Loop Hwy with my best friend. We decided to go for a late afternoon hike that we were familiar with, Heather Lake Trail. In fact, that was our routine exercise spot because we knew it was safe. Before I explain that incident, there is something else I need to share...we went up there on another occasion and noticed a really LARGE kind of hut off the trail. It was somewhat difficult to get to due to the steep terrain. I can't even recall how we even noticed it because it was so well-disguised. It was enormous, though. We made it down there and explored it: heavy amount of broken branches covered over a hollowed out tree stump, roof made of fresh branches, tons of more branches on the floor that appeared to be matted as if it was slept on, entrance was covered by more branches. I'm 5-03\" and it was high enough to be a 2-story home for a kid's playhouse... about 7ft high. It was amazing, but very eerie because it was obvious that it was recently built and used. Also, there was a stinky odor (wet dog). Within a few minutes, Cyndi and I felt like we were being watched and left the hut right away to continue our hike. We thought nothing of it after that- didn't suspect a bigfoot at all because that didn't cross our mind. The original story I wanted to share was one where Cyndi and I went up as the very last hikers on the trail that late afternoon. A couple coming down warned us about it getting dark and being the last ones. It takes about 45-50min to hike up and when we got up there, we turned around to head back down. Before that, we both had to pee. Cyndi went first and went behind some trees to squat. She came out with a smurk on her face asking why I had been throwing rocks at her. I denied doing so, but she didn't believe me even when I said I couldn't see her because I was doing last second site-seeing about 20 ft away. Then I had to go pee and we switched places and just as I squatted a rock was thrown about my head and hit the tree I leaned against. There was no way it was Cyndi because I knew she was behind me, not in front. I freaked out and told Cyndi it must've been some creepy guy watching. So, we started hollering out \"a**hole.\" It was so silent up there and we can feel like we were being watched yet we knew we were the only ones up there. I told Cyndi let's go now and we started walking really fast and then we started running. Parallel to us running on the trail, we could hear/feel the ground stomping and branches breaking. We freaked out and I grabbed Cyndi and we hid behind a tree off the trail. The sounds of someone following us stopped. Then, BAM! Another rock gets thrown at us while in our hiding spot. We started screaming and ran down that mountain I swear in 15 minutes. Bloody scraped legs and wet clothes from sliding down the small water-filled rock beds, we got to our car and cried. We didn't know who or what that was. No joke, about 2 years later, I watch on TV a couple describing their face-to-face encounter with a big foot on Heather Lake Trail! I called Cyndi and now I'm convinced that's what it was. The smell, the strange hut, rock throwing, ground stomping, branches breaking... we were being followed by a big foot.","location_details":"Heather Lake Trailhead... also, Boulder River incident in 2003 on a backpacking trip. Something crossed the river and walked past my tent. That trail is also off the Mountain Loop Highway.","county":"Snohomish County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 37307: Rocks thrown at two hikers on Heather Lake Trail","date":"2000-09-02","number":37307,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c293kxdjsm","temperature_high":57.52,"temperature_mid":48.695,"temperature_low":39.87,"dew_point":45.28,"humidity":0.91,"cloud_cover":0.83,"moon_phase":0.16,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1012.47,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.32,"wind_bearing":175,"wind_speed":3.45,"year":2000,"geometry":[-121.7915,48.0744]} {"observed":"At 10PM, sounds were heard from large animal in back yard in a corn garden. Next day a large 16-17\" footprint was found. Several ears of corn were missing from the top of some of the 9' tall corn plants, husks were found on the ground. Picture was taken of the track.","location_details":"3/4 of a mile out of town, along a creek that runs into the Pilchuck River.","county":"Snohomish County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 1529: Footprint found, scream heard in family corn field","date":"2000-09-20","number":1529,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c2930f9kx6","temperature_high":57.84,"temperature_mid":55.215,"temperature_low":52.59,"dew_point":54.01,"humidity":0.94,"cloud_cover":0.89,"moon_phase":0.74,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.38,"summary":"Light rain in the afternoon.","uv_index":3,"visibility":4.04,"wind_bearing":296,"wind_speed":0.61,"year":2000,"geometry":[-121.9572,48.0028]} {"observed":"A dear friend bought several hundred acres of land in Washington State, near Monroe in the mountains. While building a road and house over the last eight years, he has had many strange occurrences, too many to discuss here. This is second growth forest and is virtually un-touched. I have always been a believer in Bigfoot, and a fellow Bf'er and I went up there this past August to check it out. To make a long story short, while hiking in a very dense gorge between two mountains, we came across a nest. If you have never been to the wilderness of the Pacific Northwest, let me tell you - it is DENSE! I mean, there could be a hundred Bigfoots within twenty yards of you and you wouldn't see them. Ferns and other under growth are growing anywhere from waist to shoulder length, with absolutely towering trees every few feet - truely amazing. The nest was completely conceiled, and if I hadn't walked directly in front of the opening, I never would have even noticed it. The construction was unbelievable; the under growth was woven to form a about a seven foot tunnel leading to a larger doomed inner room, about the size of a mid-sized car. The tunnel leading to the room was perfectly round and had another bush pulled towards it to conceal the entrance. We went inside to look for evidence or smell, but could find neither. While investigating inside we both looked at each other, for no reason, and both of us suddenly became very spooked. We didn't see or hear anything, just knew we had to get the hell out of there and did. We were going to go back later, but the weather went to hell and was pouring down rain. We had been trying to find some caves that are down in the gorge but never found them. I am going back in the spring to this same place where we found the nest and camp for a couple of days. My buddy who owns the place, knows an Indian who lives nearby and he can take us to the caves, even though he won't go near them, he will point us in the right direction.","location_details":"I would rather not say online, my friend is a very private person. I would discuss the location by phone however.","county":"Snohomish County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 3585: Hikers find nest-like structure in dense forest north of Monroe","date":"2001-08-01","number":3585,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2920xb6gf","temperature_high":68.08,"temperature_mid":64.26,"temperature_low":60.44,"dew_point":51.83,"humidity":0.72,"cloud_cover":0.59,"moon_phase":0.43,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1017.38,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":173,"wind_speed":2.99,"year":2001,"geometry":[-121.9697,47.85556]} {"observed":"On a hike from Barlow Pass through Monte Cristo up to Silverlake my girlfriend and I had a strange experience. On the lower part of poodle dog pass there is a set of steep switchbacks in the trail. It was logged a few years before but was too steep to see above us on the trail. All of a sudden verything got real quiet. All the birds stopped singing. Then we heard a whooping noise. It started about 100 yards away above us on the hillside. We stopped and listened. The noise continued about every 2 minutes and got closer and closer. Once it got within about 30 yards away directly above us, it was really loud. We could smell something that was like a dirty wet dog smell. I pulled my sidearm. I did not remember ever hearing anything like this before and was concerned we were about to be attacked by something big. We sat waiting on the trail for about 5 minutes after the last noise. I was scanning the hillside above us but could not see or hear any movement. The birds started singing again and the smell went away. My girlfriend has less time in the woods than I so she asked me what that was. I calmly stated it was \"just a bigfoot, but he's gone now\". I was kind of kidding to make her relax but not sure I was wrong. We slowly continued up the trail. It was dry hard gravel and dirt so there were no tracks. We did not see anything so we went on up to the lake and had a good time. Once we got home I went to the BFRO site and listened to the sound recordings. One of them was exactly what we heard. The hairs on my neck stood up. What ever made that noise in the recording was what we heard. Also I thought the smell could be some type of plant that smelled like a dog and that was why it was called poodle dog pass. I looked around at the plants but did not see any that smelled like that wet dog. At the top of the trail near the lake there is some stinky plants but they are different than what we smelled.","location_details":"It took place on the lower part of the Silverlake trail out of Monte Cristo town site. The new trail, not the old one.","county":"Snohomish County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 26353: Hikers hear possible vocalizations near Poodle Dog Pass outside Monte Cristo","date":"2002-05-15","number":26353,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c298vmn9kq","temperature_high":55.36,"temperature_mid":40.375,"temperature_low":25.39,"dew_point":33.72,"humidity":0.91,"moon_phase":0.11,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":312,"wind_speed":0.04,"year":2002,"geometry":[-121.4008,47.97205]} {"observed":"A college friend and I where camping just out of Index. We got up on a late damp Saturday morning about 10:30. We decided to take our cameras and [get] some pictures of the wilderness. I [have] lived in Washington my whole life and spent a lot time in the woods with my father. He moved here from Tennessee and was excited to see the wilderness of Washington. We spent a lot of time around the North Fork of the Skykomish that day. About 3:00ish we went back to camp and chose to go down a part of the road we camped on that had been blocked off by small trees that had fallen across (it looked like it had not been used for a long time), in [the] hope [of] finding some cool river shots. We headed south down the road thru the damp brush about a 1/4-mile. As we were walking in the area I noticed some small tree that where broke off at about 8 to 9 foot height and 4 to 6 in dia., at the break. It made me curious but I didn't say anything to my buddy. Then about a hundred and fifty yards or so, (give or take) we walked across a soft area in the road. At first I saw [only one] footprint but looked again, it was big and other than the ones we left it was the only one. It looked like the right footprint but no others, we found the soil was too firm. I asked my friend to put his foot next to it to compare. He wears a size 10 1/2 to 11 this was much bigger. I repeat, much bigger. So I took pictures of it with my camera.","county":"Snohomish County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6527: Campers find a large track","date":"2003-06-21","number":6527,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c298qnnu1c","temperature_high":50.34,"temperature_mid":46.745,"temperature_low":43.15,"dew_point":43.3,"humidity":0.91,"moon_phase":0.75,"precip_intensity":0.0029,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Light rain in the afternoon.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":247,"wind_speed":0.47,"year":2003,"geometry":[-121.3676,47.8901]} {"observed":"From 1997~ 2003 I lived in Snohomish, Washington, located near the top of Cathcart Hill which I think is about 350 ft above sea level, maybe higher. It also was all forested west of there for 5 square miles until they developed it all over a short period of time. Now it is only forested to the east. I had heard many calls during the development of all the land near me. I suspected Bigfoot but didn't know what it sounded like at the time. Also, a strange thing happened around my house. When I smoked outside at night I would hear what sounded like an elephant smashing through the ten feet tall blackberry bushes towards me. It scared a friend if mine so bad when he went outside to pee and it screamed a blood curdling scream from the bushes. So these things happened for years. Then one night I came around the corner driving north on Snohomish Ave. towards my road coming home with a friend and right before my road there was a swamp, I came around the bend and saw eye shine so I slowed to a crawl so not to hit what it was. Then I inched closer and it came across the road, I thought it was a pony at first then I saw its size was disproportionate. Its back end was taller than the front.on all fours. It turned and looked at us right before it went into the darkness and I thought its face reminded me of a sloth. I still didn't know what I'd seen. It wasn't dark brown. It was a light color like grey or maybe white. Then I pulled forward and my friend and I rolled down the side window and tried to see where it went and we smelled a strong sulfur smell, but we couldn't see anything and we got scared and went home. I tried to look up if we have some species of giant sloth in Washington. Now days I've been better educated about Bigfoot from watching shows on TV and I'm very sure that is what we saw that night. My friend was convinced it was Bigfoot that night but I wasn't sure because it was on all 4's & wasn't brown or black. Now I know, that its the only thing it could've been. I think it was running out of habitat and with many other wildlife was driven east thru that neighborhood. It's unknown if it is there still as I moved a long time ago and haven't felt stalked since.","county":"Snohomish County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 44489: Witness recalls unknown animal seen crossing road near Snohomish","date":"2003-07-01","number":44489,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c290hwpqpf","temperature_high":64.09,"temperature_mid":57.64,"temperature_low":51.19,"dew_point":46.41,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":0.58,"moon_phase":0.06,"precip_intensity":0.0007,"precip_probability":0.88,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1018.39,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":359,"wind_speed":2.68,"year":2003,"geometry":[-122.1357,47.8465]} {"observed":"My niece was living with us at the time of the sighting. She was a senior in high school. Our house is about 6 miles out of town and in 1987 when the incident occurred, it was very rural, though now it has become quite developed. The school buses didn't go down the side roads so kids would have to walk to the closest main road. We live not too far off the bus route. The neighbor girl drove to school and she would often stop and give my niece a ride as she was walking to the bus stop. On this particular morning she had just gotten in the neighbor's car when about 50 yards ahead, this creature came out of the swamp area on the right side of the road, paused in a crouching position, started crossing, then dashed very quickly across the road and into the woods. She said she turned to the neighbor girl and said, \"What the hell was that?\" To which the girl answered \"I don't know!\" She says it was about the size of a bear, brown in color, but was definitely not a bear. It started crossing the road walking like a gorilla (she even wondered if it could have been an orangutan or some kind of ape), then it ran the rest of the way very fast on all fours. The whole incident happened so fast that she was not able to see much of the hands or feet. She described it to me as being like an ape, but also sloth-like. I said unless there had been an escaped primate from a traveling circus, we just don't have them in Washington. She said it had hair covering its entire body and she noticed hair hanging from its arms. She also heard from the swamp a whoop-whoop-whoop sound. Thinking back she realizes that she had heard that sound coming from the swamp before, but thought it was some kind of bird. It ran into an area of hundreds of wooded acres which eventually dip into the valley beyond (we are up on a plateau). There is a ravine in the middle of this area. To the right, past the swamp and as the crow flies there is Woods Creek about a mile or more away. The deer pass by this area headed toward water at Woods Creek. My niece said that she and the neighbor girl didn't say a word all the way to school and when they arrived she said again \"What WAS that?\" They both were dumbfounded. She said it gave her the creeps and she felt scared. We have talked about it on and off for years trying to think what it could have been. A couple of weeks ago we sat down and I made a sketch while she guided me. Actually she had to modify and finish it because I just could not figure out what she meant about how the head, chest and face looked. When I saw her alterations I thought no wonder she was scared.","location_details":"off SR2 in Monroe,","county":"Snohomish County","state":"Washington","season":"Winter","title":"Report 8597: Bigfoot crosses road in front of two teens going to school","date":"2004-07-03","number":8597,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c29265z30y","temperature_high":68.78,"temperature_mid":62.34,"temperature_low":55.9,"dew_point":54.61,"humidity":0.79,"cloud_cover":0.77,"moon_phase":0.55,"precip_intensity":0.0012,"precip_probability":0.75,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1018.1,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.3,"wind_bearing":350,"wind_speed":1.33,"year":2004,"geometry":[-121.8943,47.87725]} {"observed":"My family's property bordered a small creek, the other side of the creek basicly was the north central cascades. An area composed of huge tracts of USFS land mixed with clearcuts. The creek supports a modest run of salmon, my dogs and I were out to see if any fish had made it up into \"our\" part of the river. The field we were walking in is bordered by very thick brush that grows along the fence. Beyond that lies the creek. The far bank is 20 feet high, covered with cedar, hemlock and brush. We were walking through the field when the most earth shattering sound stopped us dead in our tracks. The sound was best described as a \"hoot\", but delivered with incredible volume...HOOOOOOTTT!!! We stopped dead in our tracks. I knew exactly what I was hearing. Frozen, the feeling of terror was overwhelming. This lasted around 5 seconds, when the second HOOOOOOTT!! rang out. The plan was clear, we ran. Fast. As we ran, the final HOOOOOOT!! came from behind us, streaking thru thigh high fieldgrass, I was sure that I was seconds away from having my arms ripped off by a mountain devil. I can laugh now about how I felt, but after talking with other friends who have had run-ins with Sasquach, the common thread in our experiences seems to be uncontrolable fear. Like being hunted. The dogs and I ran into the house, breathless and bug eyed with terror, I made my mother come out to the backyard where we listened for the noise. Of course, all was quiet.","location_details":"Hwy.530, Turn R. 3 miles E. of Arlington. Jim Creek Road","county":"Snohomish County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9128: Boy walking near Jim Creek in afternoon hears unknown vocalizations.","date":"2004-09-30","number":9128,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c294r0x1pk","temperature_high":61.03,"temperature_mid":53.06,"temperature_low":45.09,"dew_point":49.64,"humidity":0.84,"cloud_cover":0.56,"moon_phase":0.58,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1018.57,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":3,"visibility":7.95,"wind_bearing":315,"wind_speed":1.68,"year":2004,"geometry":[-122.0262,48.21095]} {"observed":"I heard a series of low pitched, long howls while on a ladder cleaning the gutter of my two story house located about 2 miles NE of Granite Falls, WA. It was about 9:30 AM on a Saturday morning. Dogs began to bark once the howling started. The sound was nearly identical to the long howls heard in Ohio provided on this website on the audio clips page. My wife has heard these calls as well coming from the large ridge next to our house when we first moved out here.","location_details":"The howls seemed to come from the vicinity of the ridge adjacent to the Canyon formed by Canyon Creek, a tributary of the South Fork of the Stillaguamish. There had been a recent clear-cut, as I had observed log trucks traversing along the ridge road earlier in the month.","county":"Snohomish County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 23170: Possible \"Ohio\" Howls heard near Granite Falls","date":"2005-03-01","number":23170,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2938x1fdw","temperature_high":58.43,"temperature_mid":51.885,"temperature_low":45.34,"dew_point":41.9,"humidity":0.75,"cloud_cover":0.5,"moon_phase":0.68,"precip_intensity":0.0027,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1016.34,"summary":"Drizzle in the evening.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.97,"wind_bearing":123,"wind_speed":1.18,"year":2005,"geometry":[-121.9677,48.11509]} {"observed":"Submitted on behalf of the witnesses, husband and wife, with their permission. This was the couple's first summer in WA and they had out of state guests. They wanted to show them NW wilderness and took them to Hannon Lake which was difficult to get to on a beat up logging road. The couple, a brother, and cousin rowed around the lake together in a boat while others remained on shore. The boat passed in view of a cove while still in site of the shore party. A creature was standing in knee deep water in the back of the cove facing outward but bent over splashing water on its chest the way a person tests the temperaure before getting in. Someone said \"WHAT IS THAT?\" Altogether the boaters looked to shore and the creature straightened and looked directly at them. Without hesitation or hurry it turned and walked out of the lake and into the woods. The boaters rowed over to the shore intending to see what might be found. They abandoned the effort when the boat got into murky, weed choked water. The shore was covered by dense trees and was creepy under the circumstances. The sighting distance was about 100 yds. The creature is described as having a uniform length of thick auburn-brown hair all over except for the mouth and eyes. It was 7+ ft. in height with a massive, muscular bulk and proportional build. S. had the impression it was male due to its thick coat, no genitalia were seen. The head was oval, possibly peaked.","location_details":"Hannon Lake is SE of Monroe. From Hgy 203 turn onto High Rock Rd, then onto Lake Fontel Road. The road is presently gated about 1 mile from Hannon Lake, Lake Fontel is about 1/4 mile beyond.","county":"Snohomish County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 10397: A bipedal subject seen standing in Hannan Lake","date":"2005-04-20","number":10397,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c23w4s3s0j","temperature_high":56.9,"temperature_mid":46.785,"temperature_low":36.67,"dew_point":38.99,"humidity":0.88,"cloud_cover":0.12,"moon_phase":0.38,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1017.6,"summary":"Foggy overnight.","uv_index":8,"visibility":9.87,"wind_bearing":215,"wind_speed":0.13,"year":2005,"geometry":[-121.5287,47.485]} {"observed":"The year was 1993. I was employed with the US Forest Service in Skykomish, WA on the Mt. Baker Snoqualmie NF. I was part of a wildland firefighting crew on the Skykomish Ranger dist. I should point out that I grew up in mountainous regions and did lots of hunting and hiking all my life. My father was a hunting guide when I was a young boy and I'm very familiar with all species of Northwest wildlife, tracks, sounds, smells, etc. On the night of the 22nd of July, the district encountered many lighting strikes. The following morning we (firefighters) met with officials to determine what areas were hit and to find out who would be going where. We split-up in teams of two. After reaching the end of the Beckler River drainage I saw the smoke and the area of concern which was high on a steep, thick, north facing hillside. Me and my partner geared up and started climbing the mountain. The terrain was VERY rugged, steep, rocky, and thick with Devil's Club & Salmon Berry brush. After hiking approx 2 1/2 to 3 hours through this terrain, moving slow due to the steepness, we finally reached the fire. We worked on the fire for about 2 hours then started our decent back our truck. We took a slightly different route than the way we came up. We were about 200 yards down from where we had been working when my partner (Joe) slipped and dropped his shovel, it slid down the steep hill about 100 feet or so. I offered to go down and get it for him. When I climbed down to the shovel, it had landed on a rocky outcropping and I had to carefully scale the terrain to get down to the ledge. When I got the shovel, I noticed a small cave entrance that had brush surrounding it. As soon as I got closer to inspect, I could smell a foul odor coming from inside. I shined my light inside the cave and could tell it was larger inside. I wasn't able to see how deep it went back with my light. The odor kept me from going any further in. I had heard of the foul odor associated with bigfoots and immediatley became uncomfortable. It was an overall eerie feeling. I yelled up to Joe that I had found a cave and it really stunk. He seemed to just want to keep heading back to the truck so he continued down the path we were on before I climbed down for the shovel. I was looking down the mountain to see how I was going to get down off the ledge and connect with the trail we were on before. As I was standing there, I saw out of the corner of my eye, a bowling ball-sized boulder came flying from over my head. It crashed and rolled into a ravine about 10 or 15 yards downhill from me. I yelled back up the hill to Joe, \"Did you throw that!!?\". When he said \"No!!\", I realized that he had already walked away from where he had been and was now way to the left of my location. It was at that moment I realized that rock COULD NOT have been thrown by him, nor did it roll down the hill because I would have heard it crashing down from above me. I then looked back uphill from where the rock had come from just in time to see ANOTHER rock coming from above me. The second rock hit the ground more to the left and below me. I was visually scanning the area where the rock had come from when I heard movement in the brush. I crouched down and watched the area. I then saw a dark, hairy figure walking upright along the side of the mountain, away from me. It was always partially obscured by brush and trees so I couldn't really tell color or exact heighth, but I would guess about 7-9 ft. tall. I watched it for a few seconds then yelled to Joe \"I see it!\", I think I said \"I think it's a bigfoot!\". As soon as I yelled that, I looked back up and it was dead still and silent. I felt like it stopped and hid when I yelled because I didn't see or hear anything else. At this point I really wanted to get out of there so I side-hilled over to Joe and we quickly decended back to our vehicle. We were both very freaked out and talked about it all the way back to the ranger station where we reported the incident to our wildlife biologist and other officials at the ranger district. I was later contacted by someone at the U of W who wanted to interview me and have me take him to the site. I moved from the area shortly afterwards and I never took him there. Which is why I'm submitting this report. I want people to know my story.","location_details":"[Beckler River Road area ; Internal database (FLATS) has more specifics.]","county":"Snohomish County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12929: Daylight encounter with firefighter near Skykomish","date":"2005-11-03","number":12929,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c23zfh7cv5","temperature_high":29.37,"temperature_mid":28.345,"temperature_low":27.32,"dew_point":28.9,"humidity":1,"moon_phase":0.06,"precip_intensity":0.02,"precip_probability":0.96,"precip_type":"snow","summary":"Snow (47 in.) throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":29,"wind_speed":0.22,"year":2005,"geometry":[-121.1958,47.79222]} {"observed":"I just found this website so I am going to tell you about an incident that happened several years ago. I was about 14 years old and in the Boy Scouts. My troop was from Portland, Or., and we were attending a Boy scout summer camp near Spokane somewhere....I can't remember the exact name of the camp...but it was near Spokane. The different troops lived in various campsites ringed around a lake and a main lodge. My troop had one of the furthest campsites from the lodge and the lake. During the daytime, our campsite was normally empty. For the first few days everything was fine and then things started coming up missing and evidence that someone had been going through our belongings was evident. Needless to say, one morning I woke up and felt sick. I was given permission to stay in my tent and rest while everyone else left and partook of the morning festivities. Well, I was resting in my tent and thinking about what would happen if the thing or person going through our camp showed up while I was there alone. Then in the distance I heard the voices of boys from my troop making there way back to camp. One boy was in the lead of the group and just about back into our camp when I heard him yell \"Hey, what are you doing?\" I knew I was the only person in camp and I was not visible as I was in my tent...I darted out of my tent and looked down the trail to my right and saw my troop mate...then something flashed by to my left. It was upright on two feet and all I can really say is that it was large and brown. At the edge of our camp it darted into the brush and proceeded up a small incline. Whatever it was moved with incredible speed and ease through this thick underbrush. It stopped at the crest of the hill and looked back at us....Then we being young and dumb started into the brush...and it turned and disappeared. I am not sure what I saw...I do know it was in two legs and moved quicker than any human I have ever seen, through some very, thick brush.","location_details":"It is a Boy scout camp that is on a lake in Eastern Washington...that is all I can remember about it.","county":"Spokane County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 10354: Boy scout observes large brown animal on two legs run by him","date":"2005-02-15","number":10354,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c2kwcqke7u","temperature_high":35.43,"temperature_mid":26.12,"temperature_low":16.81,"dew_point":12.58,"humidity":0.6,"cloud_cover":0.17,"moon_phase":0.24,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1028.82,"summary":"Partly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":2,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":352,"wind_speed":0.55,"year":2005,"geometry":[-117.3606,47.62769]} {"observed":"On the last day of hunting season just before dark my friend and I were walking slowly on an old logging road. We were heading through an area where a small spring crossed under the old road. The forest was very dense on one side of the road and clear cut 30+ years prior on the other side so there was alot of brush, but still quite open. Just then about 50 ft into the dense thicket above us we hear a very loud breathy yell followed by what sounded like a large stick hitting a tree. We were so close that we could feel the percussion in our chests from its yell, and the knocks echoed for miles. We both checked to make sure that our rifles were loaded not knowing what the noise was we make our way back to our spots we had chosen to sit until dark. Over the coarse of about an hour it yelled about 50-60 times following each yell with 1-2 wood knocks per yell. There were no other people that had access to the area and we saw no one else all the way down the mountain. My friend never spoke a word of it to anyone and has since past away (RIP) it scared him so bad he never said a word to anyone what we had experienced.","location_details":"On Dunn mountain","county":"Stevens County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 50212: Hunters hear aggressive yells and knocks near Addy for over an hour","date":"2004-10-15","number":50212,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2s5hkc1c2","temperature_high":59.51,"temperature_mid":52.395,"temperature_low":45.28,"dew_point":39.38,"humidity":0.68,"moon_phase":0.06,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":229,"wind_speed":0.34,"year":2004,"geometry":[-117.9368,48.36624]} {"observed":"I observed and took pictures of footprints on the road on my property in Eastern Washington. I would like to have someone take a look at my pictures (I have scanned them and can e-mail them to you if you'd like).","location_details":"Until I show these pictures to someone, I'd rather not, but when the time comes, I can show you exactly where the prints came out of the woods and aproximately where they went back in.","county":"Stevens County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 3673: Woman finds large tracks on her property near Clayton, Wa","date":"2004-10-17","number":3673,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2s2fytjx6","temperature_high":46.77,"temperature_mid":42.885,"temperature_low":39,"dew_point":44.7,"humidity":0.99,"cloud_cover":0.97,"moon_phase":0.13,"precip_intensity":0.0269,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":995.62,"summary":"Rain until afternoon, starting again in the evening.","uv_index":2,"visibility":8.23,"wind_bearing":50,"wind_speed":2.07,"year":2004,"geometry":[-117.6454,47.981]} {"observed":"I am prompted to submit this story after reading several months ago on this website about the incident that took place in August, 1967 in the same area. It has taken me a couple of months to decide to submit this report, but am now convinced that it may be helpful to you: I was an Infantry Lieutenant with the US Army in April, 1979 participating in a escape and evasion (E&E) course. Our class was dropped off at the southern end of Weir Prairie in the South Rainier Training area late that afternoon. The purpose was for us to break up into small teams and E&E north to the Nisqually Bridge. We were given 24 hours to accomplish this and had to evade search teams on jeeps that were sent out to pursue and capture us. A relatively large group (about 10 men) chose to follow myself and my Platoon sergeant (name unknown) and we proceeded north along dirt roads as far as the intersection of roads 1 km northeast of Flander Lake. There, we started to encounter jeeps patrolling the roads. We decided to leave the road 1 km north of this intersection and walk due west cross country to another dirt road that ran north-south. About an hour and a half into our walk we began to worry that maybe we were lost. There was much dead fall and dense brush that slowed us down. My platoon sergeant walked ahead to scout out the area while we rested. When he did not return a half hour later I went forward to find him. I'd walked about 100 meters when I heard noises to my right front that sounded like heavy foot steps. Thinking that our pursuers would not be off the road after us, I called out my sergeant's name. A large, dark and hulking figure loomed up at the other end of a clearing about 50 feet in front of me and ran to my front for about 20 feet. I only saw it for a moment before it disappeared into the woods. I turned to go back to my patrol when my platoon sergeant appeared. He asked me if that was me running around out there crashing in the bushes. I told him \"no\", that maybe he saw and heard what I saw. We compared notes briefly and decided it was not a deer, a bear or another human. From his angle, he only saw a dark form running away from him into the woods. We decided to say nothing to the others and proceeded on since whatever it was, it probably wanted nothing to do with us. We reached the other north-south road about 45 minutes later and continued to our destination without incident. Later, at the end of course, I checked with the other E&E teams to compare routes and where they were at that time and found that the nearest team was well over two kms away. Over a year later, just before my platoon sergeant was ready to transfer to Germany, we talked about the incident. Both of us were hunters and outdoorsmen. Whatever it was, we were both convinced that it was a not a deer, a bear or another animal and the way it moved through the woods, not possibly another person. Whoever it was definitely wanted to get away from us. I have trained in the same area off and on for quite a few years after and never saw or heard of anything similar until I read the August, 1967 report. I have heard since that there are bear in the area, but I doubt that is what we saw that nite.","location_details":"The incident took place at Fort Lewis, Washington in the Rainier Training. The location is a wooded area between two unpaved roads in grid square 2401 about 2 kms north of Flander Lake.","county":"Thurston County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 3281: At night, soldier in training has sighting at Ft. Lewis","date":"2004-10-10","number":3281,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c22g0jezgf","temperature_high":62.1,"temperature_mid":53.8,"temperature_low":45.5,"dew_point":49.64,"humidity":0.86,"cloud_cover":0.64,"moon_phase":0.88,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1024.62,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":8.49,"wind_bearing":193,"wind_speed":1.36,"year":2004,"geometry":[-122.69,46.96515]} {"observed":"This is how it all started i was walking home from my boyfriends house i would have to walk [past a] creak it was about 10:00 p.m. something kept throwning stuff at me like sticks and rocks i would turn around and look but i could not see anything then i would have to go across a Bridge it would not stop follow[ing] me it would hide when cars go by it had this really bad smell to it i did[n't] like the smell so i started running i knew it was a something so i just ran [and] stood on the bridge [and] it ran when i ran then it ran into the bushes and started throwing sticks and rocks on the bridge where i was i could[n't] see it really good but it was the scarys thing in my life","location_details":"nope","county":"Thurston County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 11137: Young Girl Experiences Rock and Stick Throwing","date":"2005-03-31","number":11137,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2267xsde6","temperature_high":53.84,"temperature_mid":49.4,"temperature_low":44.96,"dew_point":40.62,"humidity":0.79,"cloud_cover":0.87,"moon_phase":0.71,"precip_intensity":0.0093,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1024.53,"summary":"Rain starting in the evening.","uv_index":4,"visibility":8.48,"wind_bearing":106,"wind_speed":1.36,"year":2005,"geometry":[-123.2383,46.8434]} {"observed":"On 4-24-03, my friend was driving home from work from Naselle, WA to Puget Island, WA around 12:30 a.m. on Highway 4 (Wahkiakum County, WA). He observed a large bipedal animal (approx. 6 to 8 feet tall) broad shouldered with dark bluish/grey hair walking down a steep slope on the other side of the guardrail at the top of KM Hill. He reported seeing a large set of shoulders but didn't see the head due to catching a glimpse of the animal as he was driving by. It appeared the animal was walking down the slope. He reports that a bear (even a large bear on it's hind legs) would not demonstrate the shoulder width that this animal did. He said there are elk there all the time when he drives home but due to the size of the shoulders and color of the hair it was not an elk. The weather was good although the light conditions were low being that it was past midnight. He didn't hear anything or get out of the car to check for footprints. He kept driving because he wasn't packing heat.","location_details":"This sighting took place at the top of KM Hill on Highway 4 traveling from Naselle, WA towards (eastbound) Cathlamet, WA. The location is between the beginning of the slide area to the end of the slide area traveling eastbound. The slide area was fixed a few years ago and is marked by the hydroseeded grassed area.","county":"Wahkiakum County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 6232: Nighttime sighting by motorist on KM Hill near Skamokawa","date":"2003-04-24","number":6232,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c20psdyhd6","temperature_high":48.29,"temperature_mid":42.125,"temperature_low":35.96,"dew_point":39.11,"humidity":0.91,"cloud_cover":0.6,"moon_phase":0.79,"precip_intensity":0.0086,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1008.54,"summary":"Rain in the morning and afternoon.","uv_index":6,"visibility":9.62,"wind_bearing":179,"wind_speed":2.75,"year":2003,"geometry":[-123.5439,46.33425]} {"observed":"a group of friend and i took 3 different trucks up blacksnake ridge at 12pm to look for evidence of Sasquatch activity. once we made it to the top of blacksnake we 4x4 in the snow a bit before heading back down. once we were heading down i was in the back following the 2 other trucks. i was far enough behind to lose sight of them and was looking for tracks along the road when i came apon a series of tracks that warrented investigation. i came to a stop and got out and video the tracks which came out of the woods, crossed the road and went over a slash pile and back across and into the woods again. my friend had turned back to see if i might have gotten stuck and were shocked by the tracks i pointed out to them. We followed them back into the woods till they faded out due to the wind and snow. We got back into our trucks and headed home when i got a flat tire and another truck ran out of gas. I headed back to town in the # 3 truck while the other friend who ran out of gas waited in his truck with his girlfriend for us to return with a spare and gas. while we were heading down blacksnake back to town we saw another set of fresh track coming ut og the woods, walking down the road a bit then off into the woods again. we got out to look these over and it took two steps of my friend to match one step of the Sasquatch tracks. we made video of the tracks and wen into town to get our supplys. apon coming back u blacsnake the tracks were gone due to weather. We repaired the trucks and went home","location_details":"mill creek road to blue creek follow to five points and head up blacksnake","county":"Walla Walla County","state":"Washington","season":"Winter","title":"Report 1917: BFRO field investigator finds sasquatch tracks in the snow","date":"2000-03-06","number":1917,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2hn1dm4xk","temperature_high":35.45,"temperature_mid":30.495,"temperature_low":25.54,"dew_point":28.46,"humidity":0.97,"cloud_cover":0.93,"moon_phase":0.02,"precip_intensity":0.0287,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1008.06,"summary":"Heavy snow (13 in.) until afternoon.","uv_index":3,"visibility":6.68,"wind_bearing":175,"wind_speed":8.77,"year":2000,"geometry":[-118.0519,46.0675]} {"observed":"While walking along the Mill Creek Constitutional Path on 12/15/2000 witness Harley Michaelis observed large barefooted tracks along the trail. Harley estimated the tracks to be 18-20 inches long and 9-10 inches wide, he also noticed a smaller set of tracks along with the other tracks. Harley said the second set of tracks were about 10 inches long. As he followed the tracks he came to a wooden bridge and lost the tracks there. Harley did not report this sighting till 14 days later out of fear that he would be considered a nut.","location_details":"take mill creek road to the rooks park turn off and follow till you reach Rooks Park","county":"Walla Walla County","state":"Washington","season":"Winter","title":"Report 1263: Rooks Park Investigation","date":"2001-01-16","number":1263,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2hjuh07w6","temperature_high":22.27,"temperature_mid":21.295,"temperature_low":20.32,"dew_point":22.09,"humidity":1,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.76,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1033.09,"summary":"Foggy in the afternoon.","uv_index":1,"visibility":4.67,"wind_bearing":268,"wind_speed":1.45,"year":2001,"geometry":[-117.9486,46.03333]} {"observed":"While driving Blacksnake Ridge doing field work I came across large bipedal footprint going across Blacksnake ridge. i got out to investigate the tracks. From heel to heel to prints were 4 1/2 feet apart, tracks were approx 16 inches long. one tracks still had toe impressions in it. I counted about 20 good tracks and there were others that were fading out. I shot video of the tracks and went home. The next day I went back up to look for more in that location and found more across the road but they were badly weatherd.","location_details":"Mill Creek rd to Blue Creek rd, go left and follow to Fivepoints, go right on Blacksnake ridge","county":"Walla Walla County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 2196: BFRO investigator finds tracks in snow 2001","date":"2001-03-08","number":2196,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c2hn1dm4xk","temperature_high":43.55,"temperature_mid":35.545,"temperature_low":27.54,"dew_point":38.73,"humidity":0.98,"cloud_cover":0.84,"moon_phase":0.47,"precip_intensity":0.0366,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1018.97,"summary":"Rain until afternoon.","uv_index":3,"visibility":8.86,"wind_bearing":187,"wind_speed":9.41,"year":2001,"geometry":[-118.0519,46.0675]} {"observed":"witness was ridding with some friends up blacksnake ridge in their suv. They came to a stop to spot Elk, The witness Stephanie was looking in an area called laird gulch when she noticed what she said to be a black colored, upright walking primate. Witness says the creature was approx 7-8 foot tall and could see its arms swinging back and forth as it walked down a ridge. She asked her friends to take a look with thier spotting scope to confirm what she was seeing but they woul not take the time since they were watching a herd of elk on the cloe ridge. The sasquatch walked down and into the woods at which point she lost site.","location_details":"take Mill Creek road to Blue Creek rd, go left and follow to Fivepoint then go right on Blacksnake ridge","county":"Walla Walla County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 2195: Girl watches large black sasquatch walk down ridge","date":"2001-03-11","number":2195,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c2hjcjpppv","temperature_high":46.7,"temperature_mid":40.665,"temperature_low":34.63,"dew_point":32.97,"humidity":0.83,"cloud_cover":0.17,"moon_phase":0.58,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1020,"summary":"Partly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":4,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":194,"wind_speed":11.24,"year":2001,"geometry":[-118.0711,46.03944]} {"observed":"My dad got drawn for a big bull elk permit in the Mill Creek Watershed. He harvested a bull on November 1, off of Green Peak. We were packing out meat on Tuesday, November 4 in the late afternoon. We were taking our time following the trail back to Lewis Peak. There was about an hour of light left. We stopped at a rock outcropping to take a breather when I saw motion out of the corner of my eye. I told my dad that there was something coming across the openning we had just previously crossed. I was not sure what it was, as it had moved behind a tree. As it continued across the ridge, I noted that the animal was walking on two legs. The distance from where we were to the animal was approximately 500 yards. It was very clearly a bi-ped. We are very experienced hunters (20+ years for me, 40+ years for dad), with a lot of time in the field. We have harvested many, many deer, elk, and bear. This animal walked upright, and very quickly covered the distance across the openning, which was over a steep, loose-shale part of the trail. The trail was covered with packed snow from foot and horse traffic, and was fairly slippery in the cold weather. We had just crossed it, and had to take our time with the backpacks to make sure we did not slip. The animal crossed this openning very quickly, with no apparent difficulty whatsoever. It appeared to be approximately 7-8 feet tall and very dark from head to toe. It did look our direction, but did not stop to observe us. After a quick debate about what the heck we had just seen, noting that we were not carrying firearms at the time, it was heading in our direction, and that we had two loads of elk parts on our packs, we quickly left the area. I watched the trail as my dad tied the packs to the 4-wheeler, but did not see anything come down the trail.","location_details":"Walla Walla Mill Creek Watershed. On the intake trail between Green Peak and Lewis Peak. Sighting occurred on an open, rocky face, within 1/4 mile of Lewis Peak, just before leaving the National Forest boundary.","county":"Walla Walla County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7406: Father and Son Hunting Mill Creek Drainage Near Walla Walla, WA see biped walking across slope","date":"2003-11-19","number":7406,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c2hn526p5p","temperature_high":51.88,"temperature_mid":38.04,"temperature_low":24.2,"dew_point":30.19,"humidity":0.78,"cloud_cover":0.54,"moon_phase":0.85,"precip_intensity":0.0048,"precip_probability":0.83,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1010.36,"summary":"Snow (< 1 in.) starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":1,"visibility":9.46,"wind_bearing":223,"wind_speed":7.94,"year":2003,"geometry":[-117.9793,46.0573]} {"observed":"On Sunday, September 9, 200l my husband, Joseph and I were picnicing at Mt. Baker in the area of Heather Meadows. About 2pm we observed a large black figure that appeared to stand erect traversing a snow field below Table Mountain. We were about a thousand feet below and were amazed at the speed the object moved. At first we thought we were watching a person but realized a human could not move at that speed up an ice field. We were mesmerized by the speed and the steepness of the terrain. At that point we knew it was not human. We found a park ranger and he suggested it might have been a bear. However, this thing stood erect the whole time, maybe 10 minutes. Joe and I kidded that we saw Big Foot but the more we think about it the more we don't think it was a bear. Too bad we didn't have our binoculars. I am a teacher in Bellingham and my husband is an accountant. Hopefully, somebody else saw this. Please let us know. Roxanne","county":"Whatcom County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 3107: Long range sighting of a tall, fast-moving animal traversing a snow field below Table Mountain (Mt. Baker area)","date":"2001-09-09","number":3107,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c29gbzc7f0","year":2001,"geometry":[-121.2543,48.5149]} {"observed":"Hi there, i don`t know if this is of any intrest or help to you but i just wanted to tell it anyway. Im a 23 year old german/american who just came back visiting my uncle in Spokane, WA. I live in Stuttgart, Germany. On August 2nd i visited my cousin who lives in Bellingham, WA. My partner on this trip was my uncles American-Staffordshire \"Kane\". We had a nice weekend in Bellingham and so on. We drove back on August 4th at about 7-7:30PM. We took Interstate 5 and then Highway 20 cause i wanted to drive through Skagit Valley and the N.Cascade NP. At about 9PM i had to loosen my water(hopefully u know what i mean). We were just about by a River of which i don`t exactly know the name. I pulled over to the side and what happened then has changed my thinking of the world a lot. I got out of the car looking for relief and all of a sudden \"Kane\" started growling like i never heard him before(the window on his side was rolled down a little). It was almost dark so i looked over around but couldn`t see anything, so i thought maybe a deer or something. I went on with my buisness and then \"Kane\" totally flipped out(Barking and everything), so i looked around and saw something real big jumping over the streets with like 2 steps and then vanishing in the woods(It was about 30yards away). Since i`m a courageus youngster from a relative big city(Stuttgart has about 700000) i decided to check it out. So i got \"Kane\" on the leash and we walked to that position and after about 20yards the dog stopped, pressing out all his muscle and started growling. I tried to pull him with me but he wouldn`t move a inch. I had a little flashlight with and pointed towards the woods but couldn`t see anything. Then i realized this awful smell(smelled like ferrets but much more intense). The dog then started backing up and i thought it was time to get outta here! We were back at the car when all of a sudden the bushes and trees behind us started cracking and bursting towards us. We got in the car and hit the gas. The reason im writing you is this: Im not supersticous at all, Am.-Staff`s are courageus dogs and i never seen a probably 6`5\" man running across a street vanishing in the woods in my life! I haven`t told no one about this and probably wont, `cause they`ll think i`m crazy. But since that day i believe that there are somethings on this earth which man can`t explain. Hope i didn`t waste your time. Thankfully G. R.","location_details":"About 10-15Miles into North Cascade National Park. Route from Bellingham to Spokane. Near a bigger river.","county":"Whatcom County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4808: Road trip pit stop in the woods","date":"2002-08-04","number":4808,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c29kjs7fxz","temperature_high":62.59,"temperature_mid":58.08,"temperature_low":53.57,"dew_point":47.75,"humidity":0.7,"moon_phase":0.86,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_speed":0,"year":2002,"geometry":[-121.745,48.53944]} {"observed":"This was a long time ago. In the summer of 1972. My cousin and I were spending a weekend fishing on the South Fork of the Nooksack River. The exact location was at the end of the Strand Road off of Highway 9 between Sedro Wooley and the Mt Baker Highway. We were both going into the 8th grade. Our parents dropped us off on a Friday and would pick us up Sunday. Crazy werent they! We set up camp fairly close to the end of the road, about 50 feet from the river. We spent Friday afternoon fishing and came back to our camp and built a fire. Finally we went to bed. We both stuck our pocket knives in the sand next to us in case we needed them at night. I was startled awake in the middle of the night by a sound and as I awoke sleeping in my sleeping bag saw the silhouette of something on the other side of a small fence, and slightly above us. It was about 20 feet away. There was a full moon behind which created a perfect silhouette image. This creature made a series of long hissing type sounds. The best discription is a hissssssssssss. Then it would stop for a bit and do it again. It did this 5-6 times. The silhouette was from about the waist up, it was broad shouldared with no neck. It had a sloping forehead and not noticable ears that I could detect. It rocked slightly from side to side as if it was smelling us or trying to see us laying there a bit better. It could not have gotten right us without going through this fence and under some small branches. It appeared that it was likely crouching down maybe on one knee. I was obviously petrified. It was there for probaly 3-5 minutes. When it left it kind of pivoted its entire body to its right and was gone. I would estimate this to be about 3 in the morning. I heard nothing as it walked away. I layed there for the rest of the night frozen stiff with fright, to the point that my body began cramping up! I did not hear anything as it left, nor smelled anything. I did hear shortly after it left, from the direction of the river and sounding like across the river a series of clicks with what sounded like rocks being hit togethor very rapidly. They were hit togethor 3-5 times very fast. I heard this a few times firt fairly close, then farther off as if going away from us. My cousin did not hear a thing.. sleeping away. We stayed there the following night without incident. although with a big fire going and fishing line tied to each others wrist, should we need to wake each other! In the morning I told my cousin and we looked for tracks, but did not see anything. The field that this thing was on was hard packed and it was very hard and dry, so no indentations. I know what I saw! It was not a man nor a bear, nor someone trying to scare us making a growling sound or something.. None of that! It makes the hair stand on my neck as I recount this incident even though it has been nearly 30 years ago!","location_details":"Heading South on Highway 9 from the intersection of Highway 9 and the Mt Baker Highway, past Van Zandt about 5 miles to the Strand Road. Turn right on the Strand Road, going about 3/4 mile until it dead ends at the South Fork of the Nooksack River.","county":"Whatcom County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 5771: Silhouette awakens boy while camping near S. Fork Nooksack River","date":"2003-04-23","number":5771,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c29j6ut7fn","temperature_high":50.51,"temperature_mid":47.79,"temperature_low":45.07,"dew_point":43.66,"humidity":0.85,"cloud_cover":0.87,"moon_phase":0.76,"precip_intensity":0.0148,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1007.52,"summary":"Light rain throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.38,"wind_bearing":87,"wind_speed":2.7,"year":2003,"geometry":[-122.2156,48.76075]} {"observed":"Two friends and myself decided to go camping in my \"backyard\" which happens to be 10 acres in the foot hills of Van Zandt. It was getting to be later in the afternoon, about 3pm or so, and we decided to find a place to pitch a tent. By this time we were about 80- 90 feet above the house and in the woods at this old single room trailer that is left up there, locked. In the front there is a fire pit and so that's were we decided to pitch the tent. My two friends, one a guy about 20 years old, the other a girl about 17 years old decide to go and grab some wood from, just near by. Not but a minute after rounding the trailer, I hear both scream and run back around the trailer with shear panic on thier faces. It freaked me out just by looking at them. They both swore up and down they saw a very large, hairy, upright \"thing\", move very quickly out from behind a tree into thicker brush near by. I thought g at first and figured it was my stepdad checking up on us. We decided to stay anyways and within a couple of hours it was pouring rain with thunder and lighting. I did end up asking my step dad if he came out and he denies any involvment.","county":"Whatcom County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 10948: Campers startled by large figure behind their site","date":"2003-07-13","number":10948,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c29jdbdrsv","temperature_high":65.2,"temperature_mid":61.42,"temperature_low":57.64,"dew_point":54.59,"humidity":0.79,"cloud_cover":0.94,"moon_phase":0.51,"precip_intensity":0.0186,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.83,"summary":"Rain starting in the evening.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.25,"wind_bearing":179,"wind_speed":1.51,"year":2003,"geometry":[-122.2196,48.78336]} {"observed":"I have been an amateur sasquatch researcher for 10 years. I recently had an experience that I would like to share with you. My friends and I were camping on the Nooksack River. Our campsite is a 'freebie' meaning it is on the Federal Land in the Mount Baker National Forest. Our site was protected underneath the forest canopy, with the river bank approximately 20 feet away. We were having a 'bachelorette camping party' for our friend. Three of us arrived at the campsite at about 11:00 am on Friday, August 15th and set up the camp without incident. To tell you the truth, I was looking forward to a weekend with the girls. Two more girls arrived and set up their tents. The entire area was on a fire ban so we had to cook our dinner using the propane stove. We had a few drinks, but nothing substantial and we stayed up talking until about 11:00pm. We secured the site for animals and we each climbed into our tents to get a good night sleep as we were hiking Hannigan Pass the next morning. Around the 2:00am - 3:00am point (not sure) I could hear something in the site. We are all seasoned hikers and have become accustomed to hearing 'critters' in the campsite. I know for a fact that the other girls usually wore earplugs so these sounds didn't drive them crazy. I was lying awake (a little bout of insomnia) and just assumed it was a racoon or something. Although, in my mind sounded a little bigger than a racoon. I kept quiet and tried not to move while my heart was beating rather fast. The sound came closer to my tent and then something brushed up against my tent (enough to crinkle the tarp I was using as a fly). My tent was a 5 foot high dome tent and whatever it was crinkled the tarp near the top. The sound went away shortly after that. As a researcher, I should have stuck my head out of the tent to see what it was, but that is the closest I have ever come to an actual sighting and it was a little too close for comfort. To make a long story short... I was scared out of my wits. The next morning, the girls were up and making coffee. They were preparing for their hike. I made a conscious decision not to tell them about the encounter as most of them are skeptical about this animal. I made an excuse not to go on the hike. I had a badly cracked callus on my heel so it wasn't difficult to beg out. Just before the girls left, one of the girls (Allyson) came over to me and asked if I had heard anything strange during the night. I told her what I heard and she told me that something had 'walked' around her truck and gave it a nudge. Allyson sleeps in her truck bed (which has a canopy). She said she looked out the window and saw a shadow... then it was gone. I asked her to keep this to herself and the girls left on their hike. I began to 'audit' the campsite for tracks or other evidence. Since the girls were up and around before me, I had no idea if there would be anything visible or not. I started with my tent. My tent was pitched between two old growth trees with approximately 4 feet of space on either side. On the left side of the tent (facing the door) between the tree and the tent were 2 footprints - one print was sunk at least an inch into the pine mulch. The other print was more to the rear of the tent, but not castable. I tool my tool and boxed both prints. I stood beside the good print and attempted to make a footprint in the pine mulch to see if I could get it an inch deep. I wasn't even close. I barely disturbed the mulch enough to get an outline. I went in the direction the prints were sort of headed and about 5 feet off the deer trail I found one more track. Half the track was in a little puddle of dried mud and the other half was in the mulch. Unfortunately, the mud side wasn't enough to cast. I boxed that track and moved on to the other tents. There was nothing visible around the other tents so I moved on to the vehicles. I discovered 5 tracks around Allyson's truck. Her truck was parked more on the hard dirt so only the outlines were visible, but they were not deep enough to cast. Two of the tracks had sandal prints over top of them. I am assuming they belong to Allyson. After I boxed the prints, I checked for any prints or hair on the sides of the vehicle. There was a smudge in the dirt on the passenger side door, but nothing I could consider as tangible evidence. I walked over to the Explorer and found another 4 tracks. Some of the tracks had been tromped on by the girls getting their packs out and such, but there was nothing castable. I boxed them and and continued to look around the campsite to no avail. It didn't surprise me that there was nothing around the firepit or perimeter as the girls were up a good hour before I was so they probably destroyed anything that might have been there. I got out my kit and cast the one good track beside my tent. It measured 12 1/4\" in Length and 7 1/4' in width (width was measured between the two points of the 'ball') and 7/8' deep. My guess is that it was an adolescent as it was not as big as I have seen in the past. It was definitely larger than any man's foot I have ever seen. As I waited for the cast to dry, I thought I would make myself a cup of coffee and read my book for awhile. I was sitting in my camp chair and I heard some 'clicking' sounds about 100 feet back into the forest. It almost sounded like two rocks being hit together, or perhaps the sound of someone pounding in a tent peg. I went back reading and almost a half an hour later, the clicking was still going on. I decided to venture back into the woods (with bear spray in hand) to see where it was coming from. As soon as I reached the beginning of the deer trail, it stopped. I know it sounds like a clich, but I really understand now what people are saying when they feel like they are being watched. The hairs on my arms and neck were standing on end and it was about this time I was really wishing I had not stayed behind. I went back over to my chair and sat down. I thought if I put the radio on, it would get my mind off of this stuff for awhile. I checked the cast and it was still tacky. Although my research tells me that these animals try to avoid humans as much as possible (as do bears), I was really starting to get scared. I got my book and I sat in my car for awhile and blasted the heat. Once in a while, I would get out of the car and check the cast. The clicking was still there. The atmosphere was really erie. It was a little overcast it seemed as if the temperature dropped 5 or 10 degrees. Finally I said to myself \"you've been waiting ten years for this - stop being a baby\" and I got out of the car. By this time the cast was dry and I lifted it up. Because this was cast in pine mulch, I had to get as much of the mulch off as possible. When doing that, I noticed some black hairs embedded in the cast around the ouside of the print. The hairs are about an inch and a half in length. By this time the clicking had stopped but I still felt like someone was watching me. I made the decision to put the cast in my trunk and not mention any of this to girls as I did not want to scare them (and I didn't want to be subjected to the ridicule of non-believers). I saved the one print that I had cast, but I went around and destroyed all the other prints. I decided to make myself something to eat and wait for the girls to return. When the girls got back, I walked towards them and they said \"You look like you've seen a ghost\". I told them that it was really eerie here by myself and that I was glad they were back. The girls went into their tents to change into their bathing suits so they could go down to the river to wash. Allyson came over to me and asked me what happened. I told her everything, but asked her not to say anything to the other girls. Allyson mentioned that her friends live in Maple Falls and they have problems with sasquatch all the time. They hear screams, their gardens are raided and there are commotions at night. She said that her friends have dealt with them for years and it has just become a part of life. I eventually told the girls and they were a little scared/excited going to sleep that evening. I explained that whatever it was, was curious and probably wouldn't come back. To my knowledge... it didn't.","location_details":"Follow the Mt. Baker Highway East from Bellingham. Go through Maple Falls and drive for 37 miles. Turn left into Snoqualmie Snow Park and follow gravel road. Turn left at the fork and follow until you come to the banks of the Nooksack River. Campsite is on the right (Silver Fir Campground).","county":"Whatcom County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6864: Campers hear footfalls, rock clicking and find foorprints","date":"2003-08-15","number":6864,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c29qnxp0vm","temperature_high":84.15,"temperature_mid":69.825,"temperature_low":55.5,"dew_point":45.87,"humidity":0.44,"moon_phase":0.62,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1015.03,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":99,"wind_speed":0.72,"year":2003,"geometry":[-121.6967,48.9058]} {"observed":"Was out camping with a bunch of friends at a campground at Baker Lake near the dam. I was in a small tent in the middle of the campground with lots of camper travel trailers surrounding me. For some reason I woke up in the middle of the night and layed there trying to get back to sleep. I started hearing distant yelping sounds like the Snohomish sounds I've heard before. I also heard a lot of the camper's dogs barking. So I listened to both for a while to distinguish one from the other and make sure I wasn't just hearing the dogs. I could tell they were two distinctive sounds and not related. I listened for quite a while (hour or so) because it was so interesting. The sounds were forceful but didn't sound like they were terribly close so I wasn't scared of the tent shaking and getting a visitor. The yelping would stop then I would hear loud vocalizations like a couple of them were speaking to each other. Can't remember those sounds exactly, but thought it was very cool to be hearing these noises. Wish I had my PDA fired up at that time. Did hear some rocks being thrown around in the woods too. Didn't think it was any of the other campers because they were pretty much all drunk and sleeping by that time. Didn't see anything.","county":"Whatcom County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12997: Possible vocalizations at Kulshan Campground on Baker Lake","date":"2005-12-03","number":12997,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c29sy4w5hz","temperature_high":24.67,"temperature_mid":21.095,"temperature_low":17.52,"dew_point":20.79,"humidity":1,"moon_phase":0.08,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":39,"wind_speed":0.09,"year":2005,"geometry":[-121.3685,48.66175]} {"observed":"It may seem a little bit late to be reporting this, but it just recently occurred to me that it may be of some help to those who are tracking bigfoot. I was camping with a friend of mine. I'm not quite sure how far up we were, although I know we had just followed logging roads up to a spot near \"Clear Lake\". We were awakened early in the morning (approximately 5am) by howling and screaming all across the forest - we assumed several beings were trying to communicate with one another. I have spent most of my life living at the edge of a national forest and have spent much time hiking in the wilderness. I am familiar with the many strange mating sounds of deer, elk, bear and other creatures - and the sound we heard that morning absolutely wasn't recognizable to me until I listened to some sound bites of bigfoot howls online. This next detail may or may not be relevant since it is quite inconclusive, but I'll mention it nevertheless. As we began to stir around 7:30am and decided to continue with our plan to take a hike through the woods, a large, dark, agile creature ran crashing into the forest as we approached. I cannot in that case be wholly certain that it wasn't simply a bear that had simply come a little too close for its own comfort. We were the only campers in that particular area that night, although I'm sure there were others within a one or two mile radius of us, since a dog barked incessantly during the howling earlier that morning.","location_details":"I don't know many street names because I'm a local, so directions would be difficult to follow and riddled with landmarks. The area is quite easy to find on a map of this region. Clear Lake is a well known spot and can be reached either by going in back of Stemilt Hill via Malaga or behind Wenatchee Heights - both of which I think take you to Stemilt Loop Road. You must turn off the main road and drive on windy/poorly maintained forest service roads for a few miles.","county":"Chelan County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 1109: Campers hear vocalizations near Clear Lake","date":"2000-07-15","number":1109,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c26mnd2hwz","temperature_high":74.56,"temperature_mid":60.725,"temperature_low":46.89,"dew_point":40.46,"humidity":0.49,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.48,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1021.18,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":302,"wind_speed":3.45,"year":2000,"geometry":[-120.3,47.29833]} {"observed":"I am 47 yrs old and have been hunting since a small boy. I have heard deer, elk, bear, cougar and all of the different noises they make. What I experienced recently while hunting was something I have Never in all my life seen or heard before. It shook me up very bad. I was always very skeptical of bigfoot but after this experience, I am convinced. On Oct. 17th 2002, I was hunting deer on Silver creek, approximately 32 miles up the Entiat River valley, at about 4500-4700 ft elevation. My plan was to hunt up the creek on steep, heavy timbered ground up toward a knob called Big Hill. I planned to hunt slowly. Go as far as I could until noon and head back down to my truck which was parked on an old non maintained forest service road about 5 miles from the Shady Pass Road ( which is a steep dirt rd. It also goes up to big hill and then over to lake chelan....a 34 mile trip). I left the truck and was in the timber before daylight (about 6:50 am). I was hunting uphill, going slow, and angling away from the creek. I was finding lots of deer sign and it looked like a promising day. I went about 100 yards before seeing a small buck bedded and jumping some does up. I walked on for 45 or more minutes. The deer sign quit except for a couple old tracks. I was standing quietly to plan my direction when I heard what sounded like logs or poles being thrown onto a pile of more poles. I heard this sound three different times in a row, just a few minutes apart. There were no hunters or other people in this remote area. Walking further up the hill I saw a draw coming up. Looking around for my best entrance, I see a White Fir tree approx. 24 \" on base with an oval piece of bark missing. I figured it must have been done by bear or buck deer. I walked down to it to discover only one gouge on the bark above scar. It obviously wasn't done by a bear or deer. It appeared to be pulled off gently and exact. The top was eye level to me, and the bottom was about 10\"-12\" above ground. there was only one small piece of bark on the ground about 4\" wide and 12\" long also shaped in a perfect oval. The sap on tree was untouched. I turned and walked to the edge of the draw. Looking down only 12 feet or so at the bottom, was what appeared to be a large deer bed. When I got down to it, it was an area the size of three dinner tables. It was covered in fir and pine needles and obviously well packed. Standing there I could hear water running. Looking down into a hole on the downhill edge of this, was a short under ground creek exposed. The hole was approx. 4 feet long, 12 in wide, and 20-24 inches deep, with a flow of water at the bottom. I glanced up the draw. It was steep and covered with nothing but fir needles and old rotten logs. The same below but not as steep. The next thing I noticed really got my attention. Water had recently been splashed up and over one side of the hole onto the dry fir needles. Feeling uneasy, I walked up and out of the other side of the draw on a well worn, well packed path covered in fir and pine needles. The area has a lot of little bushes which resemble a miniature huckleberry, the plant no taller than 6\" high. These on the edges of the path were also smashed down flat. There was no sign of bear tracks in area. At the upper crest of the path I studied a track, human like but with no signs of toes. It was about the length of my boot (I wear a size 12). Where the ball of the human foot is straight across, this seemed to bump up in the middle but no sign of toes. (Meaning that the whole size of this foot had to have been much larger than that of any humans). The ground was hard and had some needles on it. Looking up ahead I saw Willow bushes in an opening in the timber. I was trying to decide whether to go up or below it when I noticed what seemed to be stacked dead logs inside of what appeared to be a circle of Willow bushes approx. 60 feet in diameter. Planning to walk closer to get a better look, I almost step on feces that I have never seen before. (I have been an avid hunter and hiker for many years and have NEVER seen the looks of this before). It was a weird textue and color and looked more human than bear or cougar. I decided to take a picture with my disposable camera I had in my backpack. As I was taking my pack off, I glanced downhill and caught a glimpse of what looked to be some brown fur quickly ducking down behind a buckskin log. I didnt get a good look so I thought it could have just been a squirrel since the area was full of them, but it was too large, and also, the last thing you see of a squirrel is its tail and not a patch of fur. I began to get very uncomfortable. I pulled out my camera from my pack and knelt down and took a picture of the feces. Wanting to be sure it worked, I decided I should take another one. I then got the idea that after I took the second picture, I would empty a ziploc bag I had in my pack containing my trail snacks and take a feces sample back with me to turn into someone for some further investigation on it. I knelt even closer to get my second picture, started to wind the camera and all of a sudden from behind me I hear a sound I cant even really describe. You had to be there to hear it yourself to get any sense of just how this thing sounded. It was a \"whuuuuuuuuu\" sound. A kind of a roar like, yell like sound. It was very low and lungy and louder in decibals than any human, even one shouting as loud as he could right in my ear. It had to have come from something with a very large set of lungs. It was a very threatening, warning type of sound accompanied by a large crash like that of a log being thrown through large bushes. Looking up and behind me, all I saw was two squirrels running panickedly down the hill through the draw and up a fir tree not more than 10 feet in front of me. I decided I was OUT OF THERE, shoving my camera in my pack. I looked up to the squirrels sitting on the lower branches. They were looking in the direction the noise came from and making a lot of racket. I think I may have even said outloud \"OK I'M LEAVING\" as I got my pack onto my back. Not thrilled about having to go back in the direction of the noise, I unsnapped my 44 mag. handgun in my holster. I was trying to leave lower toward the creek than I had come. As I passed by the draw I looked below to see the tree with the bark missing, so I headed even more down hill. I could faintly hear Silver creek below me maybe a 1/4 mile or so away. Inititally trying to be quiet, I felt it best to make all the noise I could. So I stepped on every dead limb and branch I could. Going around a tree, I almost stepped on some more feces. It was the same color, gray and tan with some white specs throughout, but this was much larger and more of a constipated texture. It had kind of a pink or champagne tint to it. I thought about stopping to retrieve a sample but I wasnt about to stop and kneel down again. For the first 200 yards or so, I could hear something purposefully making loud noise (Stuff crashing around and what sounded to be large things being tossed and thrown) it stayed just out of my sight below and behind me. Then as I neared the road, it all appeared to just stop and I felt I was left alone. As I finished my desent out ,and for the rest of the day, all I could think about was that sound. How loud and breathy it sounded. A person standing right behind me couldnt be even half that loud. It sounded like the exact same sound my son and daughter's boyfriend had described to me last November while hunting In the late buck season. They had something answer the grunt tube call they were using not more than a mile from the same spot.","location_details":"North on Hwy 97 Alt to the Entiat turn off, NW on this road for about 30 miles, past the small gas station, post office, cafe and church with the sign of Ardenvoir on it. Just about half way up the 5900 road to Shady Pass is the turn off for the 5901 road. Silver creek intersects this road mid way to a junction with the 5902 road.","county":"Chelan County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 5162: Man hunting deer finds unusual feces and hears animal","date":"2002-10-17","number":5162,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c26qn5f7u5","temperature_high":71.6,"temperature_mid":55.455,"temperature_low":39.31,"dew_point":32.77,"humidity":0.4,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.39,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1013.76,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":347,"wind_speed":0.13,"year":2002,"geometry":[-120.319,47.4822]} {"observed":"I'm sorry to say I don't have a very exciting report. Last summer when I was out at our cabin with our boys, I heard this really weird \"yelling\" from the ridge in back of our house. Our cabin boarders the National Forest, so it gets pretty dense back there. It was very late at night, and I was alone with the kids that night so I didn't tell them (I didn't want to spook them). At first I thought it was some teenagers partying up on the forest service road, but that would be impossible to hear, really, and it wasn't like that at all. The \"yells\" went on for a long time. They sounded, perhaps, 1/2 mile away? I was actually pretty scared. There are quite a few houses up at our place, but almost noone is there but me and boys on week days. Also, a few weeks before my neighbor who is a hunter and such heard \"screaming\" from closer in to his place. Just thought I'd let you know.","location_details":"Our cabin boarders National Forest. If you head over Steven's Pass until Cole's Corner and turn left towards Lake Wenatchee/Fish Lake, our place is off of Conard Road. The sound was coming from Nason Ridge, above us and it sounded far away. When I went to your website and played the calls, it sounded just like that so I thought I would log this in. I guess you can post this on the web, but not my name because I have friends who might think I'm nuts if they see this. You should really try and contact my neighbor who heard lots of noise one night which really freaked him out. He is an elk hunter and such. Although I am not a hunter, I have spent lots of time outside and have heard cougars and bears and stuff, and this was not that.","county":"Chelan County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 11554: Two neighbors hear mournful screams from nearby Nason Ridge","date":"2004-08-11","number":11554,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c26pv14j89","temperature_high":92.93,"temperature_mid":79.3,"temperature_low":65.67,"dew_point":44.57,"humidity":0.32,"moon_phase":0.87,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":134,"wind_speed":0.55,"year":2004,"geometry":[-120.715,47.775]} {"observed":"I am the brother In-Law of the person who told me they had an experience back in the early 70's. My brother In-Law told me it bothered him for at least a year after he saw something. Strangely enough,I have reported a sighting my family had in 1994 in Wyoming.This was reported in your February 2001 listing under new sightings. My brother In Law Dan, told me of his experience after I told him that I reported mine to BFRO! Dan's story goes like this: He had gone up to visit some people camping in a trailer. As he arrived and turned off his motorcycle engine, he observed something dark in color moving on an open hillside below a timber line. There was snow on the ground, it was getting towards dusk and it was a little foggy.The thing was two hundred and fifty yards away approximately. As Dan observed this thing, he noticed it was quite tall, seven feet or more in height. This thing let Dan know that he saw Dan by looking back directly at Dan, as he continued walking uphill towards the timber. He looked back at Dan several times without breaking his stride. His stride was long, longer than a man's, and was effortless as he walked through the snow. Dan thought, what kind of a man would be wearing a dark hairy suite that covered his entire body, out in the forest? Dan also noticed that this thing was much bigger than any man he has seen and it's build was very big! Dan felt it could weigh a good six hundred pounds or so. This creature disappeared into the timber. Dan knew he had seen something very unusual and he was aware of Big Foot sightings in the news. He just let his story go all these years until I am now reporting it to you.","location_details":"Will need to talk to Dan to get the details, he can give them to you.","county":"Chelan County","state":"Washington","season":"Winter","title":"Report 2070: Two men see something walk up and over ridge behind home","date":"2004-10-17","number":2070,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c26mqs77x8","temperature_high":49.13,"temperature_mid":44.69,"temperature_low":40.25,"dew_point":44.76,"humidity":0.92,"cloud_cover":0.88,"moon_phase":0.13,"precip_intensity":0.0157,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":993.41,"summary":"Rain in the morning and afternoon.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.35,"wind_bearing":321,"wind_speed":0.76,"year":2004,"geometry":[-120.2955,47.35305]} {"observed":"It was several years ago and I was camping with my family. We were camping in the Wenacthee national forest. Are camp sight was near fish lake. It was about 9:30-10:00 p.m. we were all sitting by the fire when we all heard this loud whistling screaming type noise. It was really loud when we first heard it. it then started fading of soon after it started.","location_details":"the camp sight sits in the forest about 3-4 miles from the main highway","county":"Chelan County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 5186: Campers hear loud vocalizations at Fish lake.","date":"2005-01-20","number":5186,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2d0hgxg6d","temperature_high":47.96,"temperature_mid":44.03,"temperature_low":40.1,"dew_point":34.93,"humidity":0.74,"moon_phase":0.36,"precip_intensity":0.0002,"precip_probability":0.82,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":301,"wind_speed":0.32,"year":2005,"geometry":[-120.718,47.8323]} {"observed":"While Turkey Hunting in the Ingersol (Colockum Wildlife Area in Central WA.)on 4-15-05 I came across some fecies with a diameter of about 2\". Which at the time I thought to myself it must be a Huge Bear. The following day 4-16-05 I walked about a mile down a fire guard road above where I had seen the fecies. The fog was coming in and I had not seen any Turkeys so I turned around and headed for the truck. The Fog was getting thick and I could only see about 35 yards.About halfway to the truck the wind changed and was blowing down the hill. I smelt this awful musty skunky smell and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. I quickly turned facing the smell with my shotgun slung but I did not see or hear anything.Again I could only see about 35 yards because of the Fog.At this moment I felt it was the smell of a Sasquatch. Then I got to thinking about the Fecies and told myself it must be a Bear. That evening I called my Nephew because he was going Hunting with me Sunday 4-17-05. I told him their must be a Large Bear in the area because I saw the fecies on Friday and on Saturday I had smelled him.Sunday mourning we arived at Daylight where I had seen 5 Turkeys the day before.We got all of our gear ready and hiked about 300 yards up the hill. I took out my Turkey Box Call and started Yelping with it.A Howl started below us about 150 yards a Coyote that turned into a Wolf that turned into a roaring blood curling sceam! I am 47 Years old and have Hunted the Cascade Mt.Range all of my life! I have NEVER heard anything like it in my entire life. My nephew turned and looked at me He's 16 and said what is that? I looked him strait in the eye and said it is a Sasquatch. The Length and the Volume and the Depth of the Howl could not be duplicated by a human being.I asked my Nephew if his gun was loaded and if he wanted to try to get a look at it? He said yes.We moved a little closer toward the scream but did not see anything. It was in scatered Pine Trees.We headed back up the ridge and West aways and stopped. Again I took out my Turkey Box Call and started yellping. Again about 400 yards up the canyon we heard a Deep Long Howl. The creature was making his way up the draw at a high rate of speed.I yelped on the Turkey Call again and he Howled again!!!He was moving away into thicker Timber this time he was 500 to 600 yards away and we never heard him again.","location_details":"about 3.3 Miles up the Ingersol Road. N 47 15.824 W 120 13.426","county":"Chelan County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 11313: Turkey hunters surprised by loud vocalizations near Wenatchee","date":"2005-04-17","number":11313,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c26sbhpen2","temperature_high":51.11,"temperature_mid":42.31,"temperature_low":33.51,"dew_point":27.84,"humidity":0.57,"cloud_cover":0.12,"moon_phase":0.29,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1013.7,"summary":"Partly cloudy in the afternoon.","uv_index":6,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":292,"wind_speed":6.43,"year":2005,"geometry":[-120.2238,47.2637]} {"observed":"I work for BNSF railroad. I am an Engineer and have been working the Stevens Pass run for over 10 years now. I have heard many noises at the top of the pass over the years. I never said anything publicaly except there is a few of us that have experianced incidences and keep among ourselves. The 3 weeks since the snow has started to fall the noises are starting again. Today as I was pulling my train out of the siding I saw an odd foot print and thought some one slipped and that's just a big hand. Then the train went another 100 yards over a bridge and again saw a more clear indication of what it was. Large long finger like foot with a open toes spread. I am a experianced hunter and have traveled to B.C. to hunt moose and trophy bear. In my home is a 7' black bear and this print don't even come close. I have seen a grizzly tracks in the wild. There were no claws! The train was moving about 6-7mph account coming from a stopped state. There were a total of 4 tracks. Spaced very...distant. I would see one then a ways saw another. It must have been walking down the middle of the tracks at one point. These were fresh and clean. I wish I stopped now. But,I can't stop the train and my conductor didn't believe me. I got home 2-1/2 hours ago from working over 14 hours and spent time looking on the web for a foot print and found that one from the Idaho site looked so close that it makes me nervous. Thats how I found this site. I have always believed in them and had 2 incidents one a posible sighting and another of one walking next to me on a hiking trip, on the back side of pilchuck mtn. on the walt bailey trail. Early Aug/2001 in a large meadow on our way back to the truck a good 3 miles yet away. It followed me and the dog(ex police dog german shepard, it was my friends and she didn't like me going by myself)The dogs head was in the back of my leg and scared like I had never seen him scared we had been hiking together for over 2 years. This happened for a good 1/4 mile untill I was to the edge of the ravine out of the dense tree/vegitation. I had my 44mag ready and have never been so scared in my life. It wasn't a cougar I have experianced that before it made sounds at me. Howl low tone eech and move making lots of noise, swat at brush. I would stop and look into the brush but to thick and saw something DARK but no outline. My hunting started at age 10 with the neighbor kid his dad had hounds. He was a guide. We participated in programs looking for grizzlys in the Cascade mtns. For the next 7 years I was with them every season for Bear, cougar, bobcat, racoon. This sound was very diffrent and like GET OUT FAST AND NOW. I am sorry to rambell and hope you get something good out of this. Thank you..","location_details":"I will not give directions No tresspassing on railroad property. I don't want problems with my job.","county":"Chelan County","state":"Washington","season":"Winter","title":"Report 13063: Train engineer reports track find and vocalizations on Stevens Pass","date":"2005-12-03","number":13063,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c26ps7tfvr","temperature_high":32.41,"temperature_mid":26.59,"temperature_low":20.77,"dew_point":19.29,"humidity":0.71,"moon_phase":0.08,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":296,"wind_speed":0.55,"year":2005,"geometry":[-120.7426,47.74435]} {"observed":"I am european and I enjoy hiking alone in the American National Parks (I've been in Yosemite, Death Valley, Arches, Canyon Lands, Mesa Verde, YellowStone...). I've already seen bears (black bears and a grizzly in YellowStone). Last year in October 2000 I visited Olympic National Park and the last day of my stay I hiked on a loop trail begining at \"Obstruction Point\". I let my car at the park located at the end of Obstruction Point road which is about 6 miles long and is a not very good track (no tar and some holes). At the beginning of this road near Hurricane Ridge Visitor Center there was a pannel indicated that overnight stays were not permitted. When I arrived at the car-park around 10.30AM, there were no other cars. I hiked to Grand lake and Moose lake that I reached at about 12.30. I stay there about one hour and then I return via the \"Badger Valley trail\". At about 4.45PM I was at the bottom of Obstruction Peak just bellow the car-park and I decided to stop to have a rest before climbing. So I looked around and noticed two \"hikers\" who where walking on the \"Elk Moutain trail\" towards the car-park. I looked at them with my binoculars because I didn't see anyone for the whole day and I was curious. They were at about 500 meters from me in the late afternoon sunshine and I was in the shadow so I think that they couldn't see me. My binoculars are not very good but I immediately noticed that they carried no equipment (no bags, no sticks...)and that they seemed to be very tall. There were no trees on the trail to confirm that impression but they really seemed to me very tall, specially the second one. Then I notice that they were \"dressed\" in a uniform dark colour from the top of their heads to the tip of their hands and legs (I couldn't see their feet because I was below them). I could not see any other colours on them even on their faces or their hands. I thought that they were looking like giants dressed as the police special forces men! I decided to look specially at the second one because I could not see the two of them in the same time in my binoculars. I noticed he had a strange way to walk: His head was down like he was looking at his feet and his arms which seem very long (the hands were at the same level than the knees) were moving amply. It was like he was tired (because of the position of the head) and alert (because of the movment of his arms and legs) in the same time! At one moment the first one who was walking about 10 meters ahead stopped to look at the second one but didn't wait for him and continue to walk. Then I began to think that these two hikers were really strange and I realise that they were walking in the same direction than me so I climb to the car-park as fast I can to check if they had a car there. I was thinking that if there was another car beside mine it would prove to me that everything was OK and that these two \"hikers\" were just like me. But when I arrived at the park there was no other car so in a very short time I thought that: 1- it was almost the end of the day. 2- We were 6 miles from the concrete road. 3- It was forbidden to make an overnightstay in this area. 4- These two strange looking \"hikers\" didn't carry anything on their back to spend a night in the outback. And I thought about the patterson film I saw on a TV show some years ago so I decided to get out of there very quickly. I did not see any car or people until I reach the concrete road and the Hurricane ridge visitors center. I know now that the patterson movie is maybe not the hoax I thought it was. Sorry for the bad english, feel free to correct the mistakes.","location_details":"SE of Hurricane Ridge ranger station, on Elk Mt. trail.","county":"Clallam County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 1106: French hiker observes two bigfoot in Olympic National Park","date":"2001-01-04","number":1106,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c2828kxtvb","temperature_high":29.57,"temperature_mid":28.66,"temperature_low":27.75,"dew_point":27.18,"humidity":1,"cloud_cover":0.99,"moon_phase":0.32,"precip_intensity":0.0694,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1018.55,"summary":"Snow (913 in.) starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":1,"visibility":3.49,"wind_bearing":205,"wind_speed":0.98,"year":2001,"geometry":[-123.3769,47.9261]} {"observed":"I live in the Olympics, and usually in the Spring I hear a high pitch scream in the forest about 600' from my cabin. It is very scary, makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up, I go into my cabin, and I don't come out- this is mid morning time. This year I didn't hear the screachy scream in the Spring. I took my grandchildren for a walk in the woods in search of mushrooms and discovered a hole in the ground with branches over it.....??????????? It wasn't a tool dug hole in the ground, but that of an animal with the fine throwing of the soil. I didn't think much of it since there was a beer can thrown in it, but still my curiosity was profound. We left the woods. Within a week of this happening, 70 ' across the road from my cabin came a very loud whistle, scream, and huge growling noise, all simultaniously, and witnessed by five people. I have experienced rocks being thrown at my cabin, and the most scary was when I looked across the road a few nights ago and saw whitish blue bright eyes- with no lights shining on them! Is this a Sasquatch? It is frightening me very much. Before this experience my daughter and I had been smelling something like rotten dead animal smell.....and it was coming from under my porch.......when I had the maintenance man look under there....nothing there!...but the smell. A few days ago my daughter and I smelled the smell of fresh earth dug up two days in a row, but there has been no digging here. If this is a Sasquatch, why isn't it leaving here and migrating? Any advice you could give me would be appreciated. Thank you,","location_details":"edited","county":"Clallam County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9510: Family and friends hear a late night vocalization from their home near Lake Sutherland","date":"2004-09-20","number":9510,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2818bsxc2","temperature_high":61,"temperature_mid":54.39,"temperature_low":47.78,"dew_point":42.71,"humidity":0.72,"cloud_cover":0.18,"moon_phase":0.22,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1021.46,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the evening.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":274,"wind_speed":3.36,"year":2004,"geometry":[-123.7108,48.08025]} {"observed":"Upon request of Chris Bradley (BFRO investigator) I am submitting this report of what I believe to have been an encounter with a Bigfoot or Sasquatch. I Rodney Frank Williams (Rod) DOB 12/19/42 residing at P.O. Box 140 Joyce Washington give the following account in a sequence of events leading me to believe of an encounter with a Sasquatch (Bigfoot), according to information directly given and acquired through my personal investigation. This happened in the Joyce Washington Clallam County area. 10/11/04: At 0615 my two daughters Tamar 14 and Laura 13, were up before anyone else awoke, they heard a strange, prolonged noise from Laura's bedroom on the northwest corner of the house. The bedroom window was opened but covered with plastic while the house was being painted. Both girls were visually upset. They said the noise came from the state forestland behind the chicken coup northwest of the house. Immediately after hearing the noise the two dogs became very aggressive in barking. When I questioned them as to what they heard Laura stated that it sounded like a combination of a whale and a dinosaur of which Tamar agreed. Finding the answer comical I stated that I wasn't around 2 million years ago to know what a dinosaur sounded like. \"like the dinosaur on Jurassic Park, Dad\". Both affirmed that they did not hear a coyote and I was able to determine that it wasn't the bugle of a bull elk. My wife Stella also heard the same noise thinking I was blowing my shofar. 10/12/04: The house painter returning from lunch, (he lives just behind the Joyce General Store) stated that two surveyors working at the corner of his property where it intersects Crescent Beach Road were spooked by loud, fierce growling where they were working. My house painter was commenting that the younger surveyor was really upset and the older was convinced that it was two bears in \"one-hell-of-a-fight\". The painter told me that there was a bad smell in the area. Within the hour I went up to the location to talk to the two men and found them to have left. This was about 1300. After fininshing up my business I took my Labrador (dog) and went into the forest in the general area of the reported incident. I immediatley came across what smelled like something rotten. I found no garbage or decaying carcass but did find several game trails and one main trail that leads up to the road that runs parallel to state highway 112 west of the Joyce General store. 10/13/04: At about 1100 I called the surveying company and talked to the supervisor. He told me that the two surveyors on that job had left and wouldn't be back to finish until Friday. I asked him about the bear fight and he told me that after talking to them that he believed that it was an encounter with a Sasquatch. I asked what would cause him to believe that over a bear fight, especially in that he was not present. He stated that he had encountered this type of behavior before while surveying in a remote area and once while hunting. Both times had the bad smell. 10/15/04: At 1100 I went to the area of the supposed bear fight and found the two surveyors working on the south side of the road. In questioning the older of the two he confirmed that it was two bears in a \"hell-of-a-fight\". I asked why two bears. He stated that two distinct noises from two distinct bears were making the noise. He stated that the fight was so furious that the bush and alder saplings were shaking, and that a fir tree was shaking like a twig from the bears banging themselves against it. He also stated that there was definitely a foul smell during the fighting. The younger of the two surveyors earlier stated to the painter that immediately after the fighting that whatever it was headed due south across the road towards the Olympic Mountains. He was not able to see it across the road from where he was but heard it going through the brush on the far side of the road. The older of the two then took me to the spot where they were surveying and pointed out the fur tree, which stood no more than 25 feet into thick brush from where they were standing. He told me that he wouldn't go into that bush unless he had a big gun for protection. At about 1400 I went into the brush to inspect the fir tree and surrounding area. In cutting sign in the the area I found that the fir tree was eight inches thick eighteen inches up from the forest floor. The base of the fir was covered with a heavy coat of moss and numerous small twigs a foot to two feet long in the lower regions of the fir. The forest floor was beat-up pretty bad yet the moss on the fir tree was not disturbed, nor were any of the prominent twigs on the lower part of the fir disturbed. At about five feet up I did find one broken twig. I find it impossible for two bears to be fighting and banging into the fir even lightly and not disturb the moss or break the lower twigs and branches. I am 6'1'', 210 pounds and in good shape. Reaching up as high as I could I was able to easily reach and grasp the fir and at much smaller circumference, but barely able to shake this fir. Because of the temperate rain forest conditions that we experience the forest floor was covered with moss, and rotten vegetation making it difficult to cut sign on an actual footprint. I did find about 12 feet from the fir tree a pad print (much like a large wide human print dressed in a moccasin). I was able to determine that it was possibly a right foot because of what apeared to be a distinctive big toe. It measured about 15 inches long and was a minimun of 4 inches wide at the heal, and 5 1/2 to 6 inches wide at the top. The heavy brush receded as I went further into a more open environment with numerous alder saplings. Here I found what I know to be a humanoid type pad print. The toes curled into the forest floor the the big tow of the right foot breaking through the vegetation and leaving an obvious toe print in the wet dirt. The print was going from east to west in the direction of the fir tree. It measured 14 1/2 inches and otherwise the same as the other print. The half-inch difference would account for the curled toe. At 1430 I woke my neighbor form his nap (a logger) and took him to the location. He admitted to the big toe part of the print but was skeptical and said it was bear tracks. In searching the immediate area around the fir tree we found fur of which I feel belongs to a bobcat, lynx, or possible cougar pressed down into the forest floor and laying loose. 10/18&19/04: Searched the web concerning Sasquatch sighting and sounds, also read John A. Bindernagel's book, The Sasquatch. Possibly made a mistake in confiding with other local residents of my feelings of this being a Sasquatch. I have now told my neighbor and others that it was possibly a big bear in a fight with a lynx or cougar and that the prints were that of a large bow hunter in that it is bow season. With this, I am no longer looked at like a nut. 10/20/04: After finding on the Internet voice sounds of a Sasquatch I had my two daughters and wife listen to the different recordings. They each agreed that what they heard sounded like the whooing sound recorded by Dave Clevlan in a 1972 encounter in Estacada, Oregon. 10/23/04: Diana after returning home from a football game at around 2130 the night before placed two large pumpkins weighing about 15 pounds apiece next to the house under the eve. The next morning 10/24/04 when leaving for work she found one of the pumpkins had been moved and seemingly placed next to the rear tire of the van which was 25 feet from the pumpkins. Thinking that possibly one of the dogs or a raccoon had rolled it to the spot I looked closer. There was no indentation in the pumpkin indicating that it had been rolled across about 10 feet of gravel driveway. There were no teeth imprints on the stem. Diana's statement: \"I placed those two pumpkins next to the house, came inside, put the kids to bed, locked the doors, and nobody went out till I went to work the next morning.\" Our driveway is 3/4 of a mile long into temperate forest. The dogs never alerted to anyhting during the night. Their doghouses are on the backsides of the house. They would not neccessarily alert to something coming out of the forest such as deer but would to anything coming down the driveway. 10/24/04: After returnig from a trip to Seattle, I went back into the area of the fir tree and cut sign again. I took the protective cover of the one distinct footprint and again confirmed to myself that it was humanoid in its nature. I took a direct bearing to the South towards the olympics and drove over to Highway 112 in a line with my bearing. Near this location I found an embankment coming up from a creek bed. On this embankment again I found what could have been a large pad print because of time and weather unable to be certain. It was in an excellent location to view the traffic and cross the road to good forest cover on the other side. In cutting sign at this location south of HWY 112 I found the terrain to be full of game trails and a straight shot up into the security of the Olympic Mountains. 10/25/04: At 0600 woke up to a noise that I was unable to identify. My daughter Laura told me that again she heard the same loud whooing sound but this time of a higher pitch and coming from deeper in the forest behind the chicken coup. I have decided to make a report of the incidents(s). 10/26/04 The dogs were very agitated during the early morning hours. At 0630 when feeding the chickens I experienced a very horrible foul smell similar to rotten garbage. It is hard to explain the smell except that with what I had learned in my investigation it made the hair on the back of my neck, no! the hair on my complete body stand on end. I then realized why the surveyors would not venture into the forest on 10/15/04. 10/28/04: Neighbors dog dragged a deerskin out from the woods. The skin had been turned inside out as one would skin a rabbit. One front leg was still in the hide. Of interest was that the lower bone of the leg had been broke or twisted off like one would break a chicken bone. Several people saw this. Most belive that this was very possibly the work of poachers. Of interest I found no evidence of neither a bullet or arrow wound in the hide. NOTE: Both Salt Creek and the Elwha River were experiencing a record large salmon run during this time period. The top of the estuary of the Salt Creek salmon run where the salmon bunch-up before running up-stream is in good cover with forested terrain to allow predators such as bear and sasquatch to traverse and feed without being detected. What investigation I did of the area provided no evidence of bear or sasquatch. NOTE: During the 1970's as a Border Patrol Agent assigned to the U.S. Mexican and an Immigration Inspector on the Canadian Border I had extensive training and experience in cutting sign or \"tracking\" illegal aliens and smugglers crossing our borders. Also I have spent a large portion of my spare time back-packing the wilderness parts of the Pacific Northwest. At no time have I ever run across any sign of a Sasquatch until now.","location_details":"Covered in report.","county":"Clallam County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 10091: Series of vocalizations around the town of Joyce","date":"2004-10-11","number":10091,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c281b74cpv","temperature_high":60.54,"temperature_mid":56.885,"temperature_low":53.23,"dew_point":52.14,"humidity":0.9,"cloud_cover":0.67,"moon_phase":0.92,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1024.82,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":228,"wind_speed":1.84,"year":2004,"geometry":[-123.7349,48.1368]} {"observed":"Date: Oct. 2000. Location, lower Sol Duc River, FS Marker D2000, north of Hwy 110. This event happened during one of my many fishing trips to the Olympic Penninsula. I traveled this forest service road D2000. This is an off road private forest area owned by Rayonier. I fished the first turn out many times. Often at the first turn out, which is pretty isolated, I would hear big thuds when I would be outside my vehicle working on my fishing setup. It sounded like a huge rock bouncing back and forth, starting slow and then speeding up only to then abruptly stop. If I could describe it, I would say it went, Thud (2 seconds pass), then Thud (two more seconds would pass) then the thuds went quicker. Overall, it was Thud...Thud...Thud.Thud.Thud.Thud.Thud. Then it was silent. I thought it was odd, but I was armed with my Colt .45 and fearless. I was alone as I often was in those days. So that day I decided to go further down the trail, proud of my 4x4 and it's capabilities I reached the end of the road that had a 4x4 trail that ultimately ended near the river. When I fish I'm stealthy. I'm real silent when I approach the river. So after I parked and walked down to the river I started casting. I fealt kind of odd and frightened and I shrugged it off as just being alone in the woods. After my second cast I decided to have a cigarette. Dang nicotine! As soon as I used my lighter I heard a large crack in the bushes across the river from me. This was probably a distance of 40 feet. I looked up, startled to see the thick bushes moving alot across the river, but not too worried because I had the river as a safety buffer. It was thick brush and I thought it was an animal sleeping in the bushes. I saw a big brown figure moving in the bushes but I couldn't make out any details. The bank where the bushes were had a slope above it that was probably a 30 degree angle. This posed an uphill path for the figure in the bushes. Then, the next thing I know I see a tree, in the brush, probably two feet in width (not too big, but not too small)that suddently cracked and fell up the hill! It was apparent that whatever I saw had run into the tree, probably startled by my presence because about 10 feet away from that tree was another tree, that cracked and fell up the hill in the path of the brown creature hastly departing the bushes. After that, the creature was gone into the deep brush and forest adjacent to the river. I was convinced this was Bigfoot. Never in my life had I experienced a tree cracking and falling up hill or the sight of something that large that had moved so quickly. I immediately pulled out my gun and ran back to the truck. I drove very quickly out of the area with my heart racing.","county":"Clallam County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 6058: Sol Duc River fisherman experiences large animal crashing through heavy brush","date":"2005-04-05","number":6058,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c0x2y0xgw7","temperature_high":48.05,"temperature_mid":47.75,"temperature_low":47.45,"dew_point":39.04,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.99,"moon_phase":0.89,"precip_intensity":0.0235,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1016.85,"summary":"Breezy in the morning and rain throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":8.96,"wind_bearing":132,"wind_speed":18.25,"year":2005,"geometry":[-124.5301,47.9477]} {"observed":"I have often thought I saw someone run across the road while I deliver the paper. I often stopped to use the restroom in the same spot. I heard funny noises, but thought it was a bear or some other animal grunting and what not. Last night (about 4:30 AM actually, so this morning) I was stopped along the road looking over my route sheet, when out of the corner of my eye I saw someone walking. I slowly reached up and turned off the light. I put the car in gear, and looked over. What I saw made the hair stand on the back of my neck, and got tears in my eyes. It wasn't 7 feet tall, more like 6 feet or so - I'm guessing, because it didn't seem to be bending over too far to look at me. It was maybe 5 or 6 feet away from my car. I was so frightened that I drove off as fast as I could. I called 911 and they thought I was a nut, and said it was most likely a vagrant, or homeless guy. I don't think so.","location_details":"Within a mile of Moulton Falls. I can show you.","county":"Clark County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6806: Man approached by Sasquatch, south of Yacolt, WA","date":"2003-11-05","number":6806,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c20uwz8jhj","temperature_high":46.63,"temperature_mid":37.945,"temperature_low":29.26,"dew_point":21.73,"humidity":0.54,"cloud_cover":0.28,"moon_phase":0.4,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1022.16,"summary":"Partly cloudy starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":2,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":84,"wind_speed":3.21,"year":2003,"geometry":[-122.3985,45.8331]} {"observed":"A young man, age 35, walked out of his rural home near the Snake River at approximately 0330 hrs., to retrieve some firewood from a firewood pile just outside his home, and located under a fir tree. He had no more than walked out onto his porch, when his attention was immediately drawn to the \"thing,\" which allegedly was standing next to his house, staring into his dining room through a plate glass window. The young man instantly propelled himself back through his door, slammed it shut, and locked not only that door, but all other doors and accesses to his house. My understanding is that he remained awake until sunrise, and he walked to a nearby town to contact our Center by telephone. The party who allowed the witness to use his telephone reported to us the following day that the witness was visibly shaken on Monday afternoon, when he walked into their residence to use the phone. The witness appeared on the Art Bell radio talk show, \"Coast to Coast,\" on the following night, 25 JAN 00, together with both me and Mr. Matthew Moneymaker, founder and curator of the BFRO.","county":"Columbia County","state":"Washington","season":"Winter","title":"Report 939: Large, bipedal creature looking in the cabin window","date":"2000-01-24","number":939,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c2k07z0ep3","year":2000,"geometry":[-117.9592,46.48917]} {"observed":"I had just recently purchased a cabin in the Blue Mountains of Washington, and my friend and I were in the process of doing some repairs. We later decided to drive down into the Tucannon area to do some fishing in Spring lake. I had been fishing for around a half hour when Steve got bored and started around the lake, he was on his way back when from behind us across the road where we had to park came a very loud gutteral howling accompanied by grunting and sounds of anger, some bushs were being totally thrashed, this caught us extremly off guard and we just looked in the direction for some time waiting to see what had made the sounds. Getting dark we decided we did not want to meet what ever it was in the dark and crossed the road and got into the truck, we had to drive right by where we had heard the sounds, we never saw any bushs being trashed, only heard them. We drove around up and down the adjoining forest roads for sometime to look for tracks and for a possible sighting, but we heard or saw nothing more.","location_details":"Just due east of Spring lake by 1/4 mile up Cummins creek drainage, on the Tucannon Rd.(f.r. 47)","county":"Columbia County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 89: Fishermen hear large animal crashing through the brush in the Blue Mountains","date":"2000-07-24","number":89,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2hrd4wrnn","year":2000,"geometry":[-117.6767,46.33333]} {"observed":"Up until last year I owned a bait and tackle store on the Kalama River in Kalama, Wa. I guess I would have to say that there were some strange things happening to several of my customers who would fish directly upstream from my store at a hole known as Beginner's Hole. For instance, one of my customers, Steve and his girlfriend Tasha, arrived on the river a couple of hours before daylight and decided to get some rest in there car before the usual crowed arrived. They laid there seats backed and turned up the radio when all of a sudden something hit the driver's side window with enough force to almost break the glass. Steve later told me that he thought it must have been a rock of considerable size as it shook the whole car. He immediately started the car and turned on his lights only to find nobody could be seen in the large parking area and Tasha was so shook up by it that she made him leave and spend the rest of the night parked under the lights of my store. I guess I really didnt think much of to until approximately a week or so later at about 9:30pm after just locking up for the night and being startled by someone frantically pounding on my store door only to open it and find a very scared fisherman who had claimed to have seen a Bigfoot within a block of my store just standing on the riverbank looking at him walk by on the road 75 feet away. It was late May or early June (2001) so it had just gotten dark. I cant remember ever seeing a grown man so afraid of a wild animal in my life as Jason was at that moment. He just kept saying that he just witnessed Bigfoot and to stay inside for fear it was going to get us. I grabbed a flashlight and tried to talk him into showing me where he had seen it but he refused to go outside, insisting I was crazy because he said it must have been at least 7 foot tall. A week or so later I went up to Beginner's Hole at about 10:30pm with my beer distributor Travis to do some glowballing for summer-run steelhead as I had for many years in the past when it started to get warmer and the fish seemed to get more active. We pulled into the parking area and I ran over the bank so I could get the first cast because it was usually payday and Travis stood in front of the headlights still rigging his pole. I had taken several casts with no luck when I noticed the fish down river in the deep hole were jumping like I had never seen before. I climbed up the bank as Travis was just finishing and told him to come on. We were going to walk down and see what was going on. As we arrived at the hole about 200 yards down stream, we quickly climbed down the bank and began casting. Travis was located 50 feet below me behind a large bush when I heard a loud splash from his direction. Thinking he must have fallen in I yelled to see if he was alright when to my surprise we were face-to- face and he was yelling for me to run in a very panicked voice! I wasted no time following him up the bank because it must have been something pretty serious to scare Travis as he stands 6ft tall and weighs over 220 lbs. As we climbed in the car, he was yelling something about a giant ape-like figure that had porpoised, went under and then came back out of the water and jumped. What ever it was, it must have been very large judging by the sound that I had heard and seeing that Travis was very wet from the splash that it had made. I guess thats when I started believing that maybe Bigfoot was real! Being very knowledgeable of the river and the fish runs, I came to the conclusion that combined with the fact that for the last few years the woods had been closed to public entry 90% of the season and that the summer-run steelhead where being let go out of the lower hatchery and almost all of them stopping at Beginner's Hole because thats where they had been released that maybe it had come down from up river looking for food and quite possibly had found a steelhead paradise. It took several days before I or Travis had found the nerve to venture back up there but the thought of those fish made us finally give in to our fear. What a mistake! Arriving at the hole, I as usual ran over the bank to get the first cast and Travis as usual stood rigging his pole in the headlights. As I started to cast I felt very uneasy and continued looking up and down the river trying to see in the nighttime darkness when directly across the river from me I heard a baseball-sized rock hit the water a few feet off the far bank. I strained my eyes to see what had thrown it thinking that after telling several of my customers of the earlier incident that maybe someone was playing a trick or something. Thats when I heard it! A low, deep moan-like sound that turned into a high pitched scream. I have been in the woods enough to know that there is no animal that could possibly make the noise that I had just heard and it surely wasnt a customer. As I screamed for Travis I felt reassured to see him already coming over the bank asking what the hell had made that noise. He couldnt even finish his sentence before that sound let loose again! It seemed to be on the opposite shore and running directly away from us at a speed I had never seen an animal run at before. It almost seemed like a bird it was going so fast through the trees directly away from us up the hill. It had seemed like seconds before it reached the top of the hill maybe an eighth of a mile away and remained there for several minutes making a noise that had every hair on your entire body standing at perfect attention. Then as quick as it had started it stopped and we found ourselves climbing in the car speeding for the safety of my store where we sat up all night going over and over what we had just heard. It wasnt until a couple of weeks later that I was forced into going back there because I am a licensed fishing guide and the only one who does nighttime drift boat trips down the river. Seeing that I had two paying customers, one a young man in his late twenties from Iowa and the other, a regular customer who also owns a house on the river, I felt obligated to do my best to get them fish and as scary as it may seem, I knew that beginners was the spot. I launched the boat directly into Beginner's Hole at about 10:30pm and had planned to take about a 2 mile trip down stream hoping to get a quick fish or two out of the hole and get the hell out of there but the fish just werent going for it. Every time I suggested that we head on down I was cut off by the local home owner telling me that we were in the hot spot and he wanted to try it longer and to quit being a baby, that there was no such thing as bigfoot. He, too, had heard the rumors going around about what I had seen. As he teased me, it got the Iowa guy asking all kinds of questions because that was the first he had heard of the monster that lived at Beginner's. I tried to avoid the hole thing as best as I could but he wasnt about to leave it alone and talked me into telling my story. I was almost finished reciting the months' events when something happened that I will never in all of my life forget. All of a sudden the pole that I was holding almost got ripped from my hands and I yelled fish on! Or so I thought. It took but seconds to realize that something was not right by the way it was pulling. It felt like I had hooked into a bail of hay that had floated by in the heavy current but yet you could tell that it was alive. The Iowa guy was screaming for me to give him the rod cause that was to be his first steelhead ever and he took the rod from my hands. As I stood there in my drift boat watching the line slowly peel off of the reel, I couldnt help but feel confused about what could possibly be attached to the other end when it stood up in the middle of the river 30 feet below my boat and seemed, by the glowing corkies and sand shrimp, to be hooked in the left shoulder and not at all comfortable with the whole situation, nor where either of the two gentlemen in the front of my boat. The Iowa guy was shouting something about it being a dead body and I cant recall the local man saying anything at all. The river was about 4 1/2 feet deep where it was and it seemed to me in the moonlight to be standing waist deep, slowly swinging its arms trying to get free. As I pulled my anchor and tried to stay my distance, the Iowa guy was pulling for all he was worth. I was using 30Lbs line and there wasnt much chance of it breaking. Maybe 3 minutes passed or so it seemed like before it finally freed itself and dove under water never to be seen again, just a wake of water heading downstream into the deep hole and as far as I could tell, never coming up for a breath in at least 100 yards till it rounded the bend and out of sight. To this day I have not fished Beginners Hole and I am no longer a guide. I mainly stay at home and work on computers. What happened to me on the Kalama River will stay with me for the rest of my life and Im sure that all of this sounds pretty strange but I will tell anyone who wants to know the names of every person involved and would gladly take them to the place and show them. I am almost certain that if someone was to spend next spring and summer at beginners hole on the Kalama River between the hours of 10:00pm and 4:00am it will quite possibly change the way they view Bigfoot for the rest of there life! Thank You;","location_details":"Beginner's Hole","county":"Cowlitz County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 7382: Various incidents along the Kalama River.","date":"2001-07-15","number":7382,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c20tuyw7g9","temperature_high":60.12,"temperature_mid":57.26,"temperature_low":54.4,"dew_point":49.21,"humidity":0.76,"cloud_cover":0.9,"moon_phase":0.82,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1014.33,"summary":"Light rain in the evening.","uv_index":4,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":316,"wind_speed":2.08,"year":2001,"geometry":[-122.8294,46.0471]} {"observed":"On May 9th, 2002 at approximately 3p.m. my buddy and I were headed towards Mt. St. Helens. We had just passed Hoffstead Bluffs heading east and I was looking down into the wash. The Toutle splits in this area and there was a section that went between a heavily wooded area and the hillside leading to the road. It is approximately 300 yards to the bottom. I noticed something walking thru the creek at an angle and heading northeast. It happened quickly and I yelled instantly to stop. I saw it for maybe 5 seconds. I could see the space between its strides and I knew it had to be much bigger than a man from that distance. The arms were long and it was dark colored. We didn't get stopped quick enough for both of us to see it. We scanned the entire area for at least 10 to 15 minutes but saw no other movement. I could see the area where I assume it left the woods and the ground did appear to have been disturbed. I could not see the bottom of the hillside where I was standing.","location_details":"Approximately 1 to 2 miles east of Hoffstead Bluffs. Looking down into the Mt. St. Helens wash it was viewed from the highway.","county":"Cowlitz County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 4301: Elk hunter sees large, black animal walking upright along the Toutle River","date":"2002-05-09","number":4301,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c20zs3rj54","temperature_high":53.67,"temperature_mid":45.505,"temperature_low":37.34,"dew_point":35.97,"humidity":0.75,"cloud_cover":0.56,"moon_phase":0.91,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1021.83,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":271,"wind_speed":1.96,"year":2002,"geometry":[-122.4988,46.3261]} {"observed":"We were driving down the highway away from Mt.St. Helens and saw a hairy being, a sasquatch, alongside the road. It was seen by all in the car, my wife, my child and myself. It looked to covered in black hair all over it's body and was moving quickly from one group of trees across a meadow to another group of trees. It moved in a quick loping fashion with it's arms extended downward and swinging at it's side. In it's right hand it carried a club like item. We backed up and went down a side gravel road and went up it looking for the sasquatch. After a few hundred yards we turned around and went down and tried another area but still saw nothing. We then went back to the meadow area and drove slowly up the slope of the meadow. The meadow was surrounded by trees and was about a football field in length. We were at one end and all again saw the sasquatch at the other end of the meadow. It was turned away from us looking in the direction we had just been in and appeared to be looking to see where we had gone. I got out of the car and started approaching it quietly from behind. I got within 30 yards of it when my wife called out to me and it turned it's head.","location_details":"It was on the right hand side of the highway when you are going down the mountain away from Mt. St. Helens","county":"Cowlitz County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 4359: Motorists spot sasquatch and give chase near Mt. St. Helens","date":"2002-05-18","number":4359,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c20zf6rywg","temperature_high":66.16,"temperature_mid":55.79,"temperature_low":45.42,"dew_point":42.63,"humidity":0.67,"cloud_cover":0.36,"moon_phase":0.22,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1011.93,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":8,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":321,"wind_speed":1.46,"year":2002,"geometry":[-122.5855,46.3758]} {"observed":"I'm going to put down three different incidents that has happened since I move to the mountains of northeast washington. The first I have already reported. It happened back in march of '05. It was about 1 or 1:30 in the morning and it was pretty warm in my room, so I got up to open the window. As I was standing there let the cool air hit my face I heard a cry that was kind of what I would have to say a moan/growl. It was coming from the hill that is in front of the house I live at. I have lived up here since '96 so I get to hear the sounds of nature and I can say for sure this wasn't anything I've ever heard before. I didn't even think it could be a bigfoot until the next week when I told my dad. He told me son I think you heard a bigfoot. I wasen't ready for that, then he tried to tell me what it would sound like from what other people reported and that was what I heard that night. The second is like the first close to where I heard the first. I was on a back road between my house and the next road over. It was dusk out and I was coming to an intersection just before I got to a cattleguard when I heard something. I stopped and turned off my truck to listen better. I stuck my head out the window when I heard the some type of moan/growl as in first. This time I got pretty excited. It was coming from behind and on a high bald hill to the east of where I was. This incident happened in august of '08. Now for number three. This happened back in '08 but in Febuary when there was snow on the ground which dosen't make walking very easy. Well I went to this hill over looking the area I live which is above my friends place. I have walked this same area for awhile and this is this first time I ever found a foot print. As I was starting to climb out of a dip in the hill there it was. I thought it was weird for someone to be out in the snow in their bare feet. As I stood there looking at the print I remember what I read in some reports find something to compare the size to. Two problems one I didn't get my digital camera until may and all I had to compare the size to was my size 13 foot. The size of that print out did me by three sizes. Can someone tell me I have a 13 foot and stand at 6'. This out did me by three sizes, what was the size of the creature that made that print.","location_details":"republic north on 21 hwy. to malo turn east. to fork in road take north fork until you get to blue place road. go on blue place road until you go over cattleguard. you will be below the hill.","county":"Ferry County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 26035: Possible vocalizations heard and large footprints found near Malo","date":"2005-03-01","number":26035,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2etw0zjxz","temperature_high":43.81,"temperature_mid":39.19,"temperature_low":34.57,"dew_point":31.13,"humidity":0.75,"moon_phase":0.68,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":89,"wind_speed":0.29,"year":2005,"geometry":[-118.5545,48.7844]} {"observed":"First of all I'm 18 yrs old and I've had 4 encounters with bigfoot. My first encounter was 2 years ago with my uncle up towards Humtulips. We were goin hunting for bear and cougar. We had to park right next to the highway at a locked gate and walk in. After walking a while, probably about 2 miles we start goin around this corner and somthing to our right about 50-75yds in front of us in the thick brush started banging what sounded like a rather large stick/club against a tree. We both stopped and looked at each other and I asked him do u hear that and he replyed yes, Then i asked him what it was and he didnt have a clue and I thought that was strange cause he spends every minute he can in the woods, he has his whole life. Then after we stoped for a minute the pounding stoped then we start walking towards it and it started pounding again. The only thing going through my mind was bigfoot, so just to be safe I loaded a 30-06 cartridge into my chamber. Every little bit we would stop and the pounding would stop until we got right up to it. We looked around but couldnt see anything it was so thick and we listened for somthing to take off running but we never heard anything so we proceeded on and never heard anything from it again. After I got home I was thinking about it and I thought maybe it was a bear slamming a smaller tree onto a fallen log but bigfoot just stuck in my head for some reason I knew it wasnt a bear, it was just to weird, then about a month later on the news there was a bigfoot expert on and he described what I heard exactly. He said he thinks that it is a warning of some kind. The next 3 happened all last year in 2000. The first one of the year was when me and 2 friends were camping out at Humptulips. We have been sitting around the campfire for a while now with LOUD music playin the whole time we were there and it was about 1am and we all decided to get some sleep so we got in the tent and we were layin there for about 5 maybe 10 min at the most and somthing about 30ft from our tent picked up a rather large rock and dropped it on the ground, i sat up right away and said did u guys hear that and only one of my friends did so I grabbed a flashlight and went out there and there was nothing to be seen, but it wouldnt be that hard to hide when its pitch black out and theres woods all around. Everyone says it was probably somthing just kicked a rock, It wasnt, somthing picked up a rock and dropped it. It didnt skip on the ground like if something would have kicked it, it was one solid thud. If you know somthin that would or could pick up a rather large rock and just drop it I would like to hear from you cause the only thing I can think of it being is bigfoot. The second encounter was with my friend deer hunting. We were out in the black creek area and we pulled up to this clearing and got out of the truck and not even 30 seconds out I heard the pounding like with my first encounter 2 yrs ago, we sat there for a little bit listening and it kept goin and wasnt stopping so we decided to try and find it. We went down the road and stopped every once in a while to listen for it and we finally found a canyon closer to it then another one started but then the first one got farther away. It was like they were communicating by it, one would pound on a tree then stop then the other one would start. We never did find them it was starting to get dark so we decided to head home and that was the last of that one. I havent been back to that area since but i plan on it soon. The third encounter was out in north river on the c line. I was elk hunting with my grandpa and we took a spur off the main road and we drove down and found a beaver pond frozen and we stopped and ate and bout 15min later we started to head back out and my grandpa looked down a dead end spur and we got just past it and he slammed on his breaks and said I just seen bigfoot so he put it in reverse and went back fast but it was gone. So we drove down to take a look and but couldnt find it although we found about 5 grouse beds and a pile of grouse feathers and a grouse leg in the middle of it, the feathers were in a neat pile and i thought that was wierd. Then as im looking around I found one visible track from the bigfoot and it was bigger than the size 13 boot I was wearing and I can also see a trail of footprints not very clear prints but they were leading back into the woods with grouse feathers from a different grouse on the trail. Im looking around in the trees and i can see where it was sneaking around through the trees up to the grouse, so we must have caught it when it was eating. Not right when I got there but after a little bit of looking around I noticed a smell, it wasnt very strong like ive heard of a bigfoot smell but there definatly was a different smell there. I havent been back to that site since that day but I want to, I wanna set up a camera so I can get a good picture of it.","location_details":"Dont know any road names to give directions, But I can find out if someone wants to know.","county":"Grays Harbor County","state":"Washington","season":"Winter","title":"Report 1131: Hunter hears strange noises near Montesano","date":"2000-12-01","number":1131,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c0rg95e77t","temperature_high":46.42,"temperature_mid":46.42,"temperature_low":46.42,"dew_point":42.88,"humidity":0.9,"cloud_cover":0.97,"moon_phase":0.18,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1017.42,"summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","uv_index":1,"visibility":8.59,"wind_bearing":85,"wind_speed":10.92,"year":2000,"geometry":[-124.053,47.0413]} {"observed":"My son and I were heading north on hiway 109 just north of Moclips, WA. We were in my pick-up truck and I was driving. It was cloudy, but no rain. The sun had just set but there was still plenty of light. 109 is a two lane road along the ocean and there wasnt any other traffic, so I was driving sort of slow and enjoying the nice summer evening. As I was driving, I was enjoying the view to my left and just caught a glimpse of a decent sized animal that darted from right to left across the road and into the left ditch, where I lost sight of it as I drove past. As I drove I continued to look to my left to take in the view when movement near the road ditch to the left side of my truck caught my attention. I turned my head to look out the drivers window and saw some sort of animal running on all fours in the ditch to the left beside the back of the truck about 25 feet away. It was easily keeping up with the truck as I drove about 35 mph. My mind couldnt identify what sort of animal it was so after a quick look at the road I looked at the animal again. My instant reaction was that the animal looked like an ape based on how it was built and how it was moving. Im no ape expert, but Ive seen them in the movies and TV and thats what it looked like. After another quick look at the road, I turned to view the animal again but it was gone. We saw it for maybe 10-15 seconds. It was about 3 feet tall as it ran on all fours, stocky and thick with a dark brownish color. It had hair/fur of a uniform length of about 3 inches all over. One of the reasons it reminded me of an ape so much was the way its front legs were longer than its back legs making its hind end lower than its front end as it ran. Because I could only get short looks at the animal as I was also driving, the face was all a blur and I didnt see any details. Ive been in the woods and outdoors all my life working, hunting and playing in Washington and Alaska and Ive seen many animals and this was like nothing Id ever seen before. After the sighting, my son and I drove to a restaurant and tried to make sense of what we saw, but couldnt. Id filed it away as a mystery until my cousin told me recently that its believed sasquatch young run on all fours and it suddenly made sense.","location_details":"A mile or two north of Moclips on highway 109.","county":"Grays Harbor County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 28781: Two witnesses see strange quadruped from truck near Moclips","date":"2002-08-01","number":28781,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c0rsvpf015","temperature_high":58.2,"temperature_mid":55.875,"temperature_low":53.55,"dew_point":48.36,"humidity":0.82,"cloud_cover":0.41,"moon_phase":0.76,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.95,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":8,"visibility":8.25,"wind_bearing":305,"wind_speed":7.97,"year":2002,"geometry":[-124.2306,47.2838]} {"observed":"My experience happened a few years ago on a logging road between Wishkah, WA and Montesano,WA. The logging road we were on takes you out to the Wynoochie lake. A friend of mine and I were driving out to meet some friends who were camping. They were a few miles back off the paved road. We stopped the truck to get out and check the bed to make sure we had everything before we got too deep out in the woods. Like food, beverages etc.. It was just getting dark so we had the headlights on and the dome light lit up everything around us, so we couldn't see a few feet (10+ or so from the truck). We both get in the truck about the same time and close the doors, dome light goes off and we notice something standing roughly 15-20' ahead of us, in the middle of a single lane logging road. We were in a lifted Toyota Tacoma, I'm about 6'4 and the truck was taller than me. What we saw was grey-ish brown colored and fully covered in hair. The part of the road we were parked was cut out from a small hill. The banks were roughly 6' high on each side of the road. Before we could take a picture, honk, do anything at all, from a standing position it jumped up and was up and over the bank. The headlights didn't show the exact height but in my guess it had to be at LEAST 7'. I'm over 200lbs and it made me look like a baby. To this day, I still haven't gone down that logging road. If you'd like to know the exact place, it is called the A-Line on top of 13 corners. We were traveling from Wishkah side so the road was on our left. I've always been a believer in Sasquatch, my grandpa was a logger a long long time ago and actually worked while they were building roads to the dam. He told me all about the weird knocks, sounds that he would hear while staying in the cabins out there. I'm in my mid 20's and have lived in the country for the past 10 years. Love camping and being in the outdoors. I tell all my friends about my experience and still after all these years it still gives me goosebumps when I tell it. I'll never forget that.","location_details":"Traveling from Aberdeen,WA. Head out B Street to Wishkah road. Follow Wishkah road for 10 or so miles. Wynoochie-Wishkah road will be on your right side. It is only a few miles at most to the top of 13 corners. There is no sign postings for the logging road but it is the last pull over area on the left side of the road before you start going down the hill.","county":"Grays Harbor County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 36326: Nighttime sighting by campers stopped on remote road near Wishkah","date":"2004-07-15","number":36326,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c225bsnkch","temperature_high":70.13,"temperature_mid":64.3,"temperature_low":58.47,"dew_point":55.57,"humidity":0.83,"cloud_cover":0.93,"moon_phase":0.95,"precip_intensity":0.0004,"precip_probability":0.85,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1017.62,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.75,"wind_bearing":244,"wind_speed":2.49,"year":2004,"geometry":[-123.7194,47.08824]} {"observed":"On July 29th,2004 my mother,aunt, and I were leaving the Lake Quinault Lodge after having lunch there. We decided to take the shortcut between Neilton and the Lake Quinault park turnoff to go towards the ocean at Moclips. About a mile from the Quinault fish hatchery we all saw something none of us believed in. It was very tall, dark brown hair, walked on two legs like a man but resembled a gorilla, (sort of). This was at about 2:30 in the afternoon, no rain, clear day with sunshine. It crossed the road a few hundred feet in front of my pick-up. When it crossed, it didn't seem to be in any hurry, glanced breifly our way and continued as if we were unimportant. It's stride was such that it easily stepped from the road back into the brush without losing any momentum. I stepped on the gas to try to get a better look as this thing was moving fairly good clip but didn't seem to be running but just moving right along. I would say it was approximately 8' tall. I say this as I am almost six feet tall and this thing towered over my truck. This was NOT some guy in a suit, as the area is fairly isolated and not many cars go down this road. In fact, we only saw two more cars on that road until we reached the ocean turnoff. It was also not a bear, or at least no bear I have ever seen to walk like this did. It was also hunched over somewhat or didn't have any neck but gave me the impression of being hunched forward somewhat. It was not scruffy or dull colored hair but appeared to be healthy especially the way the thing moved.","location_details":"about 1 mile from the Quinault hatchery","county":"Grays Harbor County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 14112: Afternoon sighting by motorists near Quinault Fish Hatchery","date":"2004-07-29","number":14112,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c0rv6ynqp9","temperature_high":80.2,"temperature_mid":68.3,"temperature_low":56.4,"dew_point":55.98,"humidity":0.76,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.43,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1016.43,"summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":6.98,"wind_bearing":274,"wind_speed":1.84,"year":2004,"geometry":[-123.9718,47.3631]} {"observed":"I returned from a two hour drive to Seattle Saturday night, after visiting family for an early Christmas celebration. I walked onto my back porch and noticed an unrecogizable sound. Since I'm into nature observation and tracking, and had heard audio recordings of alleged Sasquatch vocalizations, this possibility was in the back of my mind. I walked to the edge of the ravine and listened intently to the patterns of barks and growls. They were more audible than any canine and had an order to them which reminded me of sogbirds, repeating notes over and over. They didn't sound like any coyotes or elks or other fauna. I went into a slight panick at the thought of it being a Sasquatch, which I was sure it was. I ran back to my house as fast as I could and grabbed my tape recorder which I usually use for recording bird songs. I spent the next twenty minutes waving the microphone into the night air. I then went back inside to see if it was working, but found to my dismay that the battery in the microphone was dead! By the time I got it working, the animal had stopped vocalizing. Throughout this twenty minute period, several dogs gradually began barking with greater and more frequent intensity. It was interesting to contrast the difference in the dogs barking to the complex patterns of the alleged Sasquatch noises. The sounds were more structured, they had a greater range of expression and caried further through the forest. The next day, I went out on foot to the spot and found the broken and trampled branches, the ripped tarp, the coyote carcass, the dog food bowl and the unknown animal scat. I surmised this was a form of territorial marking. Perhaps the Bigfoot picked up the items from a backyard or killed the coyote. There didn't appear to be any recent human activity there. There were no regular trails, the terrain was steep, and slippery, the nearest house about 800 feet away. Tommorrow I am planning to return with my camera and a flash, extra film and a ziploc bag or two to collect any samples, and document the site.","location_details":"In dense lowland forest, the ravine behind my property, which is semi-wilderness about a mile from the city limits where the real wilderness begins.","county":"Grays Harbor County","state":"Washington","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10062: Man Hears Evening Vocals in Prior Sighting Area","date":"2004-12-18","number":10062,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c0rgm3ukzq","temperature_high":58.85,"temperature_mid":52.195,"temperature_low":45.54,"dew_point":47.07,"humidity":0.91,"cloud_cover":0.41,"moon_phase":0.25,"precip_intensity":0.0007,"precip_probability":0.5,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1028.71,"summary":"Overcast in the morning.","uv_index":1,"visibility":8.91,"wind_bearing":87,"wind_speed":5.22,"year":2004,"geometry":[-123.8647,46.988]} {"observed":"My buddy and I went out deer hunting on 10/15/05 opening day. We were going to a favorite spot of his on [a particular road in the area]. Anyway, we got to the spot at about 6:00am still dark, we sat in the truck till it got light enough to see better. We were at the start of the spur truck not running, windows down. We were talkin when I noticed a loud sound on my side of the road, it was stick beating. There were loud 7 slams in a row. It stoped for maybe 5 seconds then 7 more from further off in the distance. This went on for aprox 8 minutes. I asked my buddy if he was hearing it and he said yes but he thought it was just a hunter trying to spook up deer. I don't think so ... why would somebody do that back in the woods an hour and a half before daylight? At one point later on a low bed truck came down the road, most likely to pick logging epuipment. When the truck got closer the driver of the truck stopped, then quickly shined a spotlight in the timber around where we heared the beating. He then took off grabing the gears fast (I know because I drive a log truck too.) The stickbeating stopped after that. However, when we did hear the beating, they were very hard and heavy bangs. I'm 6'2\" 250 lbs and I tried to make the same sound, to describe to my brother in law what I heard. The loudest knock sounds I could make weren't even close to what I heard. I haven't been back since due to my work schedule. So there it is, Tell me what you think...","location_details":"Just west of Aberdeen, on the way to Westport.","county":"Grays Harbor County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 12876: Deer hunters hear wood knocks near Aberdeen","date":"2005-10-15","number":12876,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c0rgn09x09","temperature_high":58.08,"temperature_mid":55.13,"temperature_low":52.18,"dew_point":51.54,"humidity":0.88,"cloud_cover":0.96,"moon_phase":0.44,"precip_intensity":0.0019,"precip_probability":0.85,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1009.04,"summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.91,"wind_bearing":86,"wind_speed":2.8,"year":2005,"geometry":[-123.8358,46.93755]} {"observed":"Driving home around 3AM returning from my sister's house, I came around the bend on 'B' Street in Aberdeen, after (Stewart?) Park, when I saw a huge upright figure with dark fur. It seemed like it probably had just come from the river side of the road, and didn't seem too concerned that I was driving past. It was watching me pass the same as I was watching it. I was in disbelief, and didn't even think to stop, or even wake my then boyfriend. I know this figure wasn't a bear, I know that it wasn't just a huge man in a fur coat. I do know that what I saw was a Sasquatch. Since it was dark, the only real description I can give is that it was huge, probably around 7', it was mostly upright, with a slight slouch, and the fur looked somewhat matted.","location_details":"The location was on 'B' street in Aberdeen. Coming from Whishkah towards Aberdeen, he would have been on the right hand side of the street. Like he had just crossed from being at the river, maybe.","county":"Grays Harbor County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12838: Night time sighting along B Street outside Aberdeen","date":"2005-12-01","number":12838,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c0rgq3xfeb","temperature_high":39.06,"temperature_mid":36.8,"temperature_low":34.54,"dew_point":32.33,"humidity":0.84,"cloud_cover":0.76,"moon_phase":0.01,"precip_intensity":0.0026,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1001.52,"summary":"Snow (< 1 in.) until afternoon.","uv_index":1,"visibility":8.91,"wind_bearing":80,"wind_speed":5.19,"year":2005,"geometry":[-123.8161,46.98621]} {"observed":"My wife and I exited our house at approx 4:30 A.M. through the electric garage door. We each had a dog on a lease and were proceeding to the road to walk the dogs. I live in a private community on Whidbey Island, WA, about 10 miles south of Oak Harbor, in Island County. The area is heavily wooded, and there are no residents on the opposite side of the road from our house. Immediately upon exiting the garage to the short driveway leading to the road, we encountered a very powerful smell. The smell was like something had died and decomposed. Upon entering the road we heard a very loud call, half animal and partial human in nature. It came from directly across the road in the edge of the woods. A second call came from our side of the road, but further down the road. That call came from the woods at the edge of my property. It was an identical call, but it seemed to be a smaller animal. The two creatures communicated for about three minutes using various tones in the calls. My wife and I became fearful and the dogs were frozen in their tracks. We decided to go back in the house. I finished getting ready for work and came back outside at 5:30 A.M. The smell we had encountered was completely gone and there were no more mysterious calls. I had never encountered anything like that in my 14 years on the island.","location_details":"Private community about a mile and one half from main road (SR 20).","county":"Island County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9047: Morning dog walkers hear repeated vocalizations and find scat near Oak Harbor","date":"2002-10-15","number":9047,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c28f2p4ens","temperature_high":57.74,"temperature_mid":52.565,"temperature_low":47.39,"dew_point":43.45,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.05,"moon_phase":0.33,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1020.6,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":8.93,"wind_bearing":287,"wind_speed":4.4,"year":2002,"geometry":[-122.6916,48.247]} {"observed":"I and my husband have been visiting the Lake Quinault, WA area for the past 5 summers, for up to 10 days at a time. This past June,2003, around the 17th, about 5 PM, we were hiking the Quinault Rainforest Nature Trail,on the south shore of the lake, down at the Cedar Bog area. While at the bog, something dark and large moved behind the reeds/ tall plants there, about 10 yards from where we stood. It could have been a bear, or something that had been crouched down looking for something.Whatever it was, it moved away, and we never got a [good] glimpse of it. On June 19th, we took the hike up to Wolf Bar around 5 o'clock P.M. Twice,on our way up, we heard what sounded like rapping/ tapping on a hollow log, back towards the places on the trail where we had already hiked. Since there was a herd of Roosevelt elk in the area, we didn't think too much about it. When we got to the end of the main trail, we stayed about 15 minutes just enjoying the quiet. There were no other hikers that we passed. We decided to turn back when we began to smell a strange, not very pleasant smell, and heard 3 knocks on what seemed to be hollow wood (this time the sound came from just past the end of the main trail, where we hadn't been.) I kind of joked about the smell, thinking that it was only the shallow water in the stream there. But we had remained at the same place near the trail end, and had not smelled that smell during the prior 15 minutes. The next day, about 7:00 P.M. we took the short hike to Irely Lake. On our way back, the sunlight was getting fairly dim, so we had to watch where we were walking. About 3/4 of the way back, we heard this tremendous sustained roar-growl sound - almost like it was out of a science fiction movie. Not like any bear that we've heard, and certainly not at all like a mountain lion. It was loud, but seemed to be somewhat distant - perhaps 100 or so yards off in the forest. And it never repeated itself. We scurried back to our car and drove home. We hesitated about reporting this, simply because we love that area and were worried about what publicity would do to the area if indeed a bigfoot/ family of bigfeet were found there. However, I know that if one is ever to be found and photographed, sightings and noted sounds need to be reported.","location_details":"Since the report is for 3 separate incidents, in 3 nearby but separate places, the counties are Jefferson and Grays Harbor, I think. One is on the south shore, and two on the north shore, of Lake Quinault.","county":"Jefferson County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6814: Couple Sees Large Animal and Hears Vocalizations and Knocks","date":"2000-06-17","number":6814,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c0ryh8skc8","year":2000,"geometry":[-123.8979,47.4645]} {"observed":"My nephew and I were out bowhunting for deer in the early season. The area I hunt in is 2 or mile hike from behind our ranch. We went out late in the day to catch the deer bedding down. we set up in front of a well used deer trail. W waited for some deer to come nto our shooting lane for around 2 hours, but nothing happened. After 3 hours it was getting dark, but i was very determined that day. i happened to glance up on the hill above me, which is 500 yards to the top, and i saw a tall black somthing walking around, but i didnt pay any attention to it, i figured it was my eyes playing tricks on me. Soon after that somthing didnt seem right about the where i was at, i felt like i was being watched, my nephew told me he did to, so we headed home, which was a 2 or 3 mile hike downhill. We were probably only 3/4 of a mile away form home when we heard a big crash in the brush behind us, i never run from anything, but i ran from that crash, whatever it was. and as we ran, we could here somthing running behind us, i didnt look back, i just ran faster. this thing chased us for at least 1/2 a mile. when we saw the gate to the pasture, we jumped it,cleared it. we ran a little further and than stopped and turned around. what i saw still gives me goosebumps. standing behind he gate was a massive creature, 6 1/2 to 7 feet tall. icould see it was hairy form the backround of the sky, but it was too dark to see any facial details. When i saw it, my shoulder blades and spine tingled, this tngle went al the way down to my feet, and i could not move a muscle. The creature and i studied each toher for at least 30 seconds, maybe shorter,maybe longer. it did look massive and broad,but it still was to dark to make out a lot of detail. After 30 seconds, it just tunred around and walked off on to legs. the shoulders were indeed broad, i could make that out when it walked out from under the tree it was under . it walked like a human,not a bent walk. about that time i came to my senses,my nephew came to his, and we ran all the way back to the house. Before this sighting happened, i always believed there were bigfoot up in the woods behind our ranch. every summer i would hear them scream and moan at least twice a month, i also heard sounds that sounded like the recording Del Norte recording. I've also heard them since. the last experience i have had at night was a few nights ago, putting up the dogs, and i heard wood knocking, but only from one loaction, there were also twigs snapping up in the woods, not 40 yards from the dog house. i've also heard strange laughing sound, chukling would be a better word, like a human laughing, but much much deeper, and very loud. i have also found some footprints, but never got around to taking pictures of them, except for one that i found after my sighting, and it might not be one it just had the general shape. i have had one rock chucked atme.","location_details":"I'm 17, my family has had some bad experiences with people over the internet, i have to respect there rules, and i cant give the exact location. but my sighting was near tarboo lake, a lake that isnt well known, but it does have alot of activity.","county":"Jefferson County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 8978: Boys are chased on way home from bow hunting","date":"2001-09-15","number":8978,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c288skjpg3","temperature_high":65.23,"temperature_mid":57.315,"temperature_low":49.4,"dew_point":53.3,"humidity":0.95,"cloud_cover":0.24,"moon_phase":0.94,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.34,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":5,"visibility":7.74,"wind_bearing":299,"wind_speed":1.94,"year":2001,"geometry":[-122.8531,47.9237]} {"observed":"I was traveling west on highway 104. I was traveling for work and headed toward Port Angeles. Traffic was very light as usual on this stretch of road. I had just crested a hill and spotted a car approaching from the west. It was a dark blue VW Rabbit or Golf. The vehicles met and I glanced in my rear view mirror in time to see the car approach the top of the hill. As the car reached the summit the sighting began. A creature appeared from the southern roadside and proceeded to walk across the highway and leave to the north. It was covered in reddish brown fur/hair and appeared to be about six foot tall. It had disproportionately long legs and even longer arms which hung to just above mid thigh. It seemed to not be in a hurry yet walked directly across the road. The vehicles were of no interest to it. I saw no facial features. I never looked away from the creature the entire time it took for it to cross the road. I stopped my truck at the next turn off about 500 yards and turned around [to go back] hoping to see more. As I approached the crossing area I slowed and searched the woods carefully for anything, but I saw no more.","location_details":"Hwy 104 mile markers 3-4.","county":"Jefferson County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 6309: Man see's an upright animal walk across the road","date":"2003-05-08","number":6309,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c288tz3dj2","temperature_high":57.14,"temperature_mid":51.315,"temperature_low":45.49,"dew_point":41.47,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.6,"moon_phase":0.23,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1014.89,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":8.44,"wind_bearing":315,"wind_speed":3.64,"year":2003,"geometry":[-122.7919,47.94056]} {"observed":"This may be just a small thing, but if it helps you tie anything together, then it's probably worth it for me to share this. First, I must say that I am not easily taken to believing \"out there\" kinds of stories, but I feel I can explain most things in my environment while other things simply put, defy explanation. I lived in a 22 ft. travel trailer in the woods just outside of Port Townsend, Washington at the time, which - for this report I will say roughly - was about summer 1998 or so. It was long after dark and I was inside writing or something and heard a strange bellowing noise just off through the woods. It was so different than anything I'd ever heard since I moved there a year or so before that I got up and opened the door and stepped out onto the open porch. It was a clear and still night and out in the country there it is very dark and very quiet. I could see the stars so well. When I heard it the second time I was immediately perplexed by what I was hearing, followed by the kind of sensation where they say \"the hairs on the back of my neck stood up\". It sounded like a call from a large beast. I study music technology and am well familiar with timbre, frequency, and volume and I can honestly say that the type of voice mechanism and size of it's vocal chords/chest cavity had to be at least the size of a large buck to an elk or bear. I am also a long time, studied and experienced singer. I do very well at imitating voices and I was struck by this bellowing as being from not only a large animal, but also an animal which must be nocturnal AND trying to communicate. But with what or who? So, I only heard the two bellows and after waiting a few minutes, I decided to get a flashlight and walk up the dirt road where the noise was coming from. I didn't find anything, but I did hear other voices through the woods in the vacinity from which the noise came and I recognized them as coming from a nearby yurt, just on the other side of a small lake from me. It was in comparison of these voices that I determined that the crys I initially heard were coming from a distance of about 100 to 150 yards. The only other thing I should mention about the instance is that I lived on the edge of a green belt that runs, unbroken, from Port Townsend city limits, all the way into the Olympic National Park. Furthermore, my good friend, Todd, living on the same green belt was sleeping outside one night and heard a creature of large size come lumbering up, sticks cracking and brush sweeping and all, and get very close to where he was in a tree- loft, then sat quiet for several minutes before crashing off through the brush, the way it had come. Please understand, I have hiked the deep Olympic Mts. avidly for 12 years. I've even worked out there at times, and I've never heard anything like the bellowing I heard that night. And at the risk of sounding cliche or hoaky, that voicing sounded more like wookie, without the rattling throat sound that any other known sound. But it's true also that after years of hiking and tracking in the mountains, I've never seen a bear or cougar, nor their remains and though I know they are out there, I have only but chanced to stumble upon a fresh cougar den along the Lyre River but nary a single cat in sight. Call it what you will, I say had a sasquatch experience and some of my trusted friends can report similar strange occurances. Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Browns and Blacks, whatever they call them out here, they're real. And researcher Grover Crantz recently moved 35 minutes down the road from here in Sequim. So \"something's\" up, anyway.","location_details":"Traveling into Port Townsend on State Route 20, you pass a sign that says \"P.T. 4 miles\". A mile or so later you come to a left turn onto Jacob Miller Rd. You follow that for a few miles, passing the county landfill, and you come to Hastings Rd. You turn right, and less than a mile later, you turn left on Cook Av. perhaps half a mile later you round a curve and find Elmira Rd. On the left. This is the general vacinity from which the bellowing came from. The location of the friend's occurance would be the same turn onto Jacob Miller, but then a quick left onto Old Discovery Rd. and taking, I believe, the second right onto Arcadia Rd - then a quick left down this dirt road which I think is unmarked except for red fire markers. That dirt road goes for a few miles into the woods. His Tree loft was next to a small cabin and Gazebo at least a mile back in there.","county":"Jefferson County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 3613: Late at night, man hears powerful vocalizations south of Port Townsend","date":"2004-10-10","number":3613,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c289t5f4z1","temperature_high":59.76,"temperature_mid":55.7,"temperature_low":51.64,"dew_point":51.61,"humidity":0.89,"cloud_cover":0.89,"moon_phase":0.88,"precip_intensity":0.0001,"precip_probability":0.09,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1024.21,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.96,"wind_bearing":148,"wind_speed":2.4,"year":2004,"geometry":[-122.8241,48.09725]} {"observed":"I was about 13 or 14 at the time, and went with a group of church kids on a hike up into the Olympic Mountains. There were about 10 kids and 4 adults leaders. We hiked up the Dosewallips River headwaters to the Royal Basin where there are a couple of small lakes. We made camp and eat dinner then went to bed. The adults stayed near the campfire area. One group slep under a large rock overhang. I chose to sleep a little away from all their noise of the others. I remember looking up at the stars and the jagged mountains. After a while I looked up again and saw that the mountains appeared smooth! I was thinking, how could this be, when the \"smooth\" mountain started to sway a little. I smelled a definite skunk cabbage smell. I then realized that this was not the mountain but the silouette of a large animal. I was seeing its head and shoulders as it was standing at the foot of my sleeping bag. I pulled the sleeping bag up over my head. Later I looked out and it was gone. The mountain was back to its normal jagged shape. Then the group down by the overhang rock started yelling. \"Whats that over there?\" \"It looks like a big gorilla!\" \"Look you can see it, its moving!\" The adults were upset at all the talking and screaming. I heard each of the adults in turn saying to knock it off and get back to sleep! Not one of the adults could have been pulling a prank. They were all off to the lake side as I could hear. The next morning there was a lot of talk of what they saw the night before. The adults thought the older kids were just trying to scare the younger ones. I think they were telling the truth.","location_details":"Headwatters of Dosewallips River, Royal Basin near the largest lake and rock overhang in the medow.","county":"Jefferson County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 5299: Camping group has night time sighting near the Dosewallips River","date":"2004-10-13","number":5299,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c282h5q9mq","temperature_high":54.24,"temperature_mid":48.485,"temperature_low":42.73,"dew_point":45.57,"humidity":1,"cloud_cover":0.02,"moon_phase":0.98,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1028.54,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":6,"wind_speed":1,"year":2004,"geometry":[-123.2135,47.8306]} {"observed":"This happened during the October 2004 Washington BFRO Expedition on the Olympic Penninsula. It was the first night of the expedition and my brother and I had been asked (as well as two other team members) to go to a location that had a recent sighting reported by [a local law enforcement officer]. The objective for the night was to walk a portion of the mountain road while making occasional wood knocks with hopes of attracting a sasquatch. By the time we arrived at the location and prepared all of our gear it had become completely dark. We started walking down the mountain road. After about 5 minutes of walking we heard two short grunting sounds that came from the woods to our left (south of the road). The grunting noises were very deep sounding, had some power behind them. There were a few moments of silence and blank stares between us. We continued down the road, wondering if the thing would make more noise. We continued doing wood knocks as we walked. A few hours passed as we continued to walk up and down the 3/4 mile stretch of the road, knocking every 20-30 minutes. Then we were contacted by radio from another team that was positioned approximately 3-5 miles from us along the banks of [a river]. The river team had apparently been hearing wood knocks coming from somewhere between their location and our location. They wanted to check if it was our wood knocks they were hearing. To see whether the river team could hear our wood knocks, we made some loud knocks and asked if the river team could hear us. The river team asked us to repeat the knocks a few times. After a few tries they said they were not able to hear our knocks at all, so whatever they were hearing was closer to them. We continued back up the road. Not longer after climbing back up the road we heard what I could only describe as a scream that came from the southwest of us, approximately 250 - 300 yards in the woods. The \"scream\" started as a low, deep moan and went into a very high pitched screech lasting at least a few seconds. It was very unlike anything we had ever heard. We were shocked because we had hunted in the Pacific Northwest for years and knew every kind of large animal sound. Several minutes of silence went by and we decided to proceed up the road further to where the truck was parked. After reaching the truck we unloaded some of our equipment. We were ready to start heading back down the road again when we heard the second scream. This time the scream was much closer, within 50 yards of us and on the opposite side of the road from the first scream. The scream again started as a low moan and reached a very high pitched screech. The volume and power of the scream was amazing, it made every hair stand on end. The scream probably lasted a few seconds, but was so loud that I was expecting this animal to come through the trees at any moment. All four stood there in complete shock at what we had just heard. We eventually gathered ourselves and continued walking up and down the road for a period of time, wondering what was going to happen next. Nothing further happened that evening. My brother and I are experienced outdoorsmen. We have spent most of our lives in the woods in and around the Pacific Northwest. We both are very familiar with the calls and sounds of all of the known animal species in the area, especially elk, deer and bear. The screams we experienced were not any animal that either of us, or any of the others in our team, had ever heard before. If any of us had heard something like this before we sure would not have forgotten it. We'll definitely remember what we heard on this trip.","location_details":"[Details removed]","county":"Jefferson County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 11040: Vocalizations heard by expeditioners on Olympic Peninsula.","date":"2004-10-21","number":11040,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c0rwd8zcmn","temperature_high":52.9,"temperature_mid":50.965,"temperature_low":49.03,"dew_point":43.66,"humidity":0.78,"cloud_cover":0.72,"moon_phase":0.28,"precip_intensity":0.0003,"precip_probability":0.82,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1009.48,"summary":"Light rain overnight.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.12,"wind_bearing":209,"wind_speed":3.09,"year":2004,"geometry":[-124.3324,47.5532]} {"observed":"We were on the Spruce Trail in the Hoh Rainforest when we came across this track (I attached the picture). To provide some size reference I put my foot next to the track. My boot is a size 11.5 (wide). It's a Vasque boot and I'm sure the dimensions are available online. Anyways, my boot was slightly smaller than the track (maybe 1/2 inch). The trail was full of Elk tracks as well. Adult Elk and baby Elk tracks were present everywhere and signs were posted about the Elk. There are many game trails that crisscross these hiking trails. Later on we continued on the trail and we came across another foot print that was slightly smaller but it had been stepped on by someone and it was only a partial print. Here are some details I gathered from my observation that day. The track in the picture appeared to be about two days old in my opinion. I weigh 210 lbs, I'm 6\"1 and my boot size is a size 11.5 (wide). The track had to be an inch and a half deep. I stood on one leg and pushed very hard and I didn't leave nearly (maybe a 1/4 inch) as deap of a track. Granted the moisture level may have changed in the mud causing more resistance. Also noted was the outer edge of the print and how much mud had been displaced. I also saw sharp nail marks on the toes and some say they can see it in the photo I attached. I noticed them because earlier in the day I saw a cougar track at another location and the nail marks seemed similar. I can tell by the way the toes are slanted, the depth, and the arch that this is likely not a fake print. I couldn't see any dermal ridges in the track.","location_details":"The Spruce Trail from the Hoh Visitors center.","county":"Jefferson County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 12098: Hoh Rain Forest print photographed","date":"2005-09-15","number":12098,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c0xb7b8q2d","temperature_high":61.18,"temperature_mid":55.445,"temperature_low":49.71,"dew_point":44.53,"humidity":0.67,"cloud_cover":0.66,"moon_phase":0.41,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1018.03,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.75,"wind_bearing":260,"wind_speed":1.52,"year":2005,"geometry":[-123.9364,47.86028]} {"observed":"In early May 2000, I had decided to go hiking in an area which is closed between November and May 1st. On previous hikes and camping trips in the area I had noticed a trail and on this day I decided to see where it went. I stopped my car, and upon getting out noticed that the area was silent; no birds, frogs,or other animals were calling out, which I found odd. I had started up the trail(approx 1/8 mile) when I heard(and felt) what sounded like someone pounding on a hollow tree in an incredibly fast and hard manner. The sound was coming from my left and I guess it was maybe 1/4 to 1/2 mile away. Approximately 10-15 seconds later, I heard the same type of noise more to the right and closer. I would say within 200 yards. I could feel the percussion as well as hear it. I continued walking uphill along the trail for another five minutes when I encountered an odor that I had never smelled before. I did note the breeze was in my face.I continued for another 40 yards when something started walking/running rapidly through the brush approximately 20-30 yards ahead of me, moving from my left to my right. Every time it stepped, I could feel it through the ground, so whatever it was was big. I immediately took a trail to the left that led downhill, as I thought I may be cut off on the trail I was on, and I didn't want to get in anythings way if it was coming down the trail I was coming up. Whatever it was then moved from my right to my left through the brush as though to cut me off on this trail as well. I then started running to my left diagonally through brush and deadfall to try and cut the trail I came up on. I did cut the trail and ran back to my vehicle. Whatever was there did not follow me down to my car, nor did I ever see it. Upon reaching my car I again heard the same drumming noises, this time the second one was much closer and uphill of the trail I had started on.","location_details":"To get there go up highway 410 eastbound. Go through Greenwater, take the \"_\" FS road up onto Huckleberry Mountain. Note: Witness did not want exact location of events made public for reasons of public safety. BFRO Investigator has verified the exact location witness described.","county":"King County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 1815: Hiker encounters intimidating beating sounds and heavy running footsteps","date":"2000-05-15","number":1815,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c23kr967dd","temperature_high":63.22,"temperature_mid":56.28,"temperature_low":49.34,"dew_point":41.9,"humidity":0.57,"cloud_cover":0.52,"moon_phase":0.42,"precip_intensity":0.0009,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.23,"summary":"Light rain in the evening.","uv_index":7,"visibility":9.79,"wind_bearing":222,"wind_speed":3.51,"year":2000,"geometry":[-121.6594,47.1608]} {"observed":"In the Summer of 2000 I took a friend up to Rattlesnake Lake in North Bend, WA. It was a clear night, full moon which makes for a breath taking view of Rattlesnake Ridge. This was before all the development was done so we pulled his truck into a clearing (to the left of the main road as you come up on the lake.) We parked and climbed in the bed of the truck. I would say 15 mins later we heard a rustle in the bushes. When we turned to look there was a very large animal of some sort. It was taller then the average black bear and stood like a man. We litterly sat there froze for a good 2 minutes. It would turn to the left and walk 3-4 large steps, stop and face our direction. A few seconds later it would do the same to the right. I would say it was a good 40 yards from us and a good 15 yards from the tree line. It stood 7+ feet tall, long arms, covered in what seemed to be dark hair and walked like a human as it paced. It was dark and too far away to see its face. Finally my friend slowly grabed my arm and asked me what the hell that was?! I replied that i had no idea, but it is freaking HUGE! We both jumped out of the bed of the truck throwing his spare tire on top of our blankets and made a mad dash for the cab. As he drove away I watched out the back window and it just stood there. To this day i wish he has turned a full circle and shined his lights at it so we could have gotten a better look. I grew up in the Snoqualmie/North Bend area and spent many summer nights a days at that lake and in the woods. My friend was a hunter and in the military. There was no way it was an animal from this area... I didn't tell anyone about this for years and when i finally did they all laughed at me like I was a nut case. But i know what i saw and i know the fear that i felt. That paralyzing fear and dread...","location_details":"As you drive up to the lake there was a clearing that was surrounded by wooded area on 2 sides of the clearing... it might be parking now or part of a bike trail...","county":"King County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 24568: Multiple witness sighting at Rattlesnake Lake","date":"2000-08-14","number":24568,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c23mv5k6bs","temperature_high":66.27,"temperature_mid":57.605,"temperature_low":48.94,"dew_point":48.72,"humidity":0.76,"cloud_cover":0.4,"moon_phase":0.48,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1020.5,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":6,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":217,"wind_speed":3.09,"year":2000,"geometry":[-121.7666,47.43534]} {"observed":"My encounter took place along the white river,we were out hiking, the sun had gone down and we began hiking back under the moonlight, which had illuminated the trails nicely. As we walked down the trails through the woods I occationally heard the sounds of twigs and branches breaking as if somthing was moving through the trees and bushes about 10-15 feet off the side of the trail. I became greatly alarmed because whatever was creating the disturbance had been following us for quite a distance as i began paying more attention to the sounds of branches breaking i could hear that they were footstepts, just like the ones a human would make walking through the brush, i knew in my heart that it was a bipeadal creature at that point. still, we kept going but now i began to feel little bits of sticks and pebbles being thrown at me, as i turned my head to look behind me i saw a piece of stick come flying right at me from the bushes. at that same point my friend also turned and yelled at me to stop throwing stuff at him, i told him it was not me and i told him that whatever was throwning stuff was just beyond our sight off the side of the trail. we were all very scared. we stopped to rest along the river bank near the end of the trail, as we sat quietly i heard a low bass toned growl. judging from the sound it had to be a large creature, possibly a bear, but is a bear capable of walking on two feet for such an incredible distace and is a bear able to throw bits of sticks and pebbles with its paw? its from these facts that i belive we were stalked by a bigfoot.","location_details":"the white river is glacier runoff surounded by pine trees","county":"King County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 12138: Hikers report possible stalking and rock/stick throwing in White River drainage near Muckleshoot Reservation","date":"2002-05-01","number":12138,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c23hgqhkf4","temperature_high":53.16,"temperature_mid":49.57,"temperature_low":45.98,"dew_point":43.78,"humidity":0.81,"cloud_cover":0.82,"moon_phase":0.67,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1019,"summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.51,"wind_bearing":200,"wind_speed":7.84,"year":2002,"geometry":[-122.195,47.275]} {"observed":"Me and my friend were going back on a service road at Mud Mountain Dam In Washington State near Enumclaw, WA on Mud Mountain Road. We walked down the road and it slopes down and to the right. On the right is a hillside that goes straight up and to the left was a hillside that goes down and at the bottom is a circular area that is dry and wetlands. I looked to my left as I neared the curve in the road and what I believe to be a bigfoot was crouched down getting water from the swampy area. It then snapped its head over really quick looked at us and then stood up. It had to have been around 8 feet tall. It was a brown red color, darker than a mountain lion. I ran as fast as i could back to my car. I looked back and my friend had seen it and he was right behind me. I have been back many times and have never seen anything again but I will never ever forget what I saw. I am reporting this so many years later because my friend recently saw something a few miles up 410 near scatter creek and I know there is something in that area!","location_details":"Mud Mountain Dam area.","county":"King County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 26255: Woman tells of daylight sighting while hiking near Mud Mountain Dam","date":"2002-07-15","number":26255,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c23k1hssqh","temperature_high":73.98,"temperature_mid":62.17,"temperature_low":50.36,"dew_point":49.05,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":0.09,"moon_phase":0.2,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1016.33,"summary":"Partly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.82,"wind_bearing":326,"wind_speed":1.85,"year":2002,"geometry":[-121.9418,47.13485]} {"observed":"I had an experience in 1984 which closely resembles the report filed # 1385. Their report evidensed hearing a very loud scream...etc. Back in August of 1984 I was camping above the Alpental Ski resort at an alpine lake I believe is referred to as Snow Lake (not certain this is the correct name however). It is a fairly exhaustive hike with substantial elevation gain and mileage from the trailhead. I took my brothers black lab for companionship and we found a spot at the lake near the trail. As I was setting up camp that evening I met a young couple that stopped briefly to ask for camp site reccomendations..As I recall we were the only people up there that evening. As night progressed it got dark and fairly cold..I had a camp fire going and could see the other site a few hundred yards down the lakeside. At approximately 10:00 PM that evening I saw my lab sniff the air and get extremely irritated as if another dog were in the area. Within seconds the dog was up and pacing the campsite and acting very nervous (hairs were stanging on his back). At that same time I heard a very loud scream that was high pitched but also changed octives to a low gutteral roar at the end. This sound continued for at least a couple of minutes and then nothing was heard after. I realize that a lake can carry sound fairly well but this noise sounded as if it were literally just outside my camp. The following morning I got up and stirred the fire. Around 6:00 AM the same couple that I met that previous night came up to me to ask if I had heard the sound. I admitted that I heard something I couldnt describe other than a loud scream-roar. The people then described to me that they heard it right outside their campsite. As they described their experience they mentioned that the creature was passing near their site and making the sound.They could actually hear tree branches snapping outside their camp. The couple indicated to me that the 'animal' was pacing around their camp for a few minutes while it was wailing and roaring. These people were most certainly scared by something that evening..as was I.Apparently they had'nt slept the entire night and it looked like it to me. They appeared emotionally and physically exhausted to me. They never gave their name but they made the effort to come to me and inform that they were leaving immediately and I would be 'solo' up on the lake. I realize that there are several animals in the northwest that make various noises..mountain lions for example. This noise was nothing like I've ever heard. I have sampled the audio recordings you have on your site but they dont compare to what I heard. The screams are very similar but there was most certainly a change of octive as I described to a low roar. If instinct tells me anything this was a territorial 'notice' or noise...needless to say I left not long after the couple and havent returned since. I would actually like to exchange any information on audio experiences similar to mine for that area. Feel free to post this if you deem it appropriate. I always wondered if that same couple may have posted their experience. Hopefully I'll get another chance to get back there..I feel privelleged to have had the experience even though it scared the H... out of me.","location_details":"Take I-90 east of Seattle..Alpental Ski Resort..the trailhead starts above the ski zone and travels up to the treeline where it ends at the lake.","county":"King County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 8670: Hiker hears roar north of Alpental Ski Resort at Snow Lake","date":"2004-05-25","number":8670,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c23wh2qhtn","temperature_high":61.01,"temperature_mid":51.715,"temperature_low":42.42,"dew_point":39.84,"humidity":0.79,"cloud_cover":0.39,"moon_phase":0.2,"precip_intensity":0.0076,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1016.01,"summary":"Rain starting in the evening.","uv_index":10,"visibility":8.32,"wind_bearing":238,"wind_speed":0.65,"year":2004,"geometry":[-121.4454,47.46312]} {"observed":"I had gone up to Tinkham for a solo camp before spending 5 days in Utah visiting my father. I've given these whistling sounds alot of thought, as two of the three sounded entirely not like any bird I've ever heard - more like a person would whistle, really, only pretty loud, but flat and smooth. The third sounded more like a bird, but the last of its three notes would reverberate all over itself - a piercing note that echoed fairly intensely after termination. (Maybe two weeks earlier, I heard the same sound in the Upper Cle Elum River valley, up on a slope going east away from Tucquala Meadows, coming from several individuals, which I assumed were some kind of bird I'd never heard before. But, then again, I've heard WHOOPING in the same approximate location before, only to write those off, too, as some kind of bird I've never heard before.) The first two, flat-toned, human-like whistles (but with more \"air\" behind them - far \"richer\") were to my northeast and east. The northeast whistle was noticeably stronger and sounded like it was getting closer. The east whistle sounded like it moved a little closer and towards the road (south), when the third whistle began. For about maybe 15 seconds it sounded like they were going back and forth. Then it just stopped, and all went absolutely quiet again, save for a ground-branch snap to the east immediately after it ended. I tried to ignore the nature of the whistles as best as I could but an occasional branch being crunched on the ground kept me on edge for about the next hour. I didn't feel alone, but didn't feel threatened either. I even slept in the back of my truck, under the trees. The whistling described in report #1674 spurned me to share this. Because \"trying to sound like birds\" crossed my mind while hearing the first two whistlings, and I've heard none of these \"bird sounds\" before. What gets me is that on the Upper Cle Elum I was whistling back and forth with a single because I thought the way it ended was extremely impressive (piercing). I was fascinated by how far and fast the end-note was pushed through the air by its maker. Then a couple more joined in, with one sounding to be a good couple-hundred yards in the woods, and a couple hundred feet up the slope, but it was still plenty loud. Hell, maybe they were birds, and maybe the last one to join in at Tinkham was a bird, too, but the other two in no way sounded like a bird, hawk, eagle, owl or anything. This leads me to believe these all weren't bird sounds. In fact, I had no inclination to try whistling back at Tinkham whatsoever. The first two whistles had me very much \"on alert\".","location_details":"Approximately 1.5 miles east of Tinkham Campground, but still west of Hansen Creek. Also, Tucquala Lake, SE end.","county":"King County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9121: Outdoorsman hears vocalizations near Tinkham Campground","date":"2004-07-22","number":9121,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c23t9v273c","temperature_high":86.72,"temperature_mid":74.445,"temperature_low":62.17,"dew_point":53.91,"humidity":0.59,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.17,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1018.94,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":329,"wind_speed":0.43,"year":2004,"geometry":[-121.5633,47.40245]} {"observed":"I have read most of your reports that cover the West Coast states. I have yet to see it mentioned but, a friend of mine that has read numerous reports on both your site and others told me that one type of B class reports deals with hearing a thumping sound like a padded baseball bat hitting a large tree trunk very rapidly. I need to know if this is evidence of proximity to the Sasquatch. I live just outside the old Weyerhauser Tree Farm in Snoqualmie Valley and spend alot of time taking early morning walks there with my dog to take pictures. One morning I had hiked in about 1.5 miles off a logging road to a swamp that was partially exposed by logging and was sitting for about 20 minutes on the ground up from the edge of the swamp in the bushes waiting for the frogs to start up again when on the hillside across the swamp from me I first heard thumping. It was rapid short duration and deep. There was no more than 5 or 6 knocks. The sound was much deeper than the sounds made by woodpeckers, I have heard and seen these too while out there walking. The tree thumps are very rapid, I couldnt knock that fast one handed at all with something heavy enough to make that sound. The sound is also much fuller bodied than knocking a dead branch against a tree branch; the sound is more like if 4 people were to hit a hollow trunk in fairly quick succession 1 1/2 to 2 times. This first thumping was followed shortly by a second simular series of resonant thumps about 250 yrds from the first on the same side of the hill. This thumping was closely followed by 2 short calls coming from each original thumping source areas repectively on the hillside. The calls were one constant sound for a short duration, one call and then from the other location exactly the same sound. They sounded like a howler monkey in hollowness and pitch. There used to be howler monkeys just in the entrance of the San Diego Zoo of which I used to have a yearly membership. Like the thumping it was a sound that traveled far. The other location where I heard the thumping was right outside the Chester Morse watershed which is off limits. I was again out hiking in the early morning with my dog for picture taking. No vocalizations this time, just the same rapid patting of a tree trunk. I can't stress enough that this isn't woodpeckers, I do know that sound. The speed of the contacts wasn't as fast as a woodpecker. I guess my question is does this \"thumping\" show up before in your experience proximity of the animals? I know you're very busy but, I just need to know if any one else has reported hearing sounds like this or if you know what I am hearing?","location_details":"First incident was in the Weyerhauser Tree Farm outside of Snoqualmie just off the county road that runs thru it. Second incident was outside of the Chester Morse Watershed by Rattle Snake Lake and the John Wayne Trail.","county":"King County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9929: Hiker Hears Loud Vocalizations and Thumps","date":"2004-09-30","number":9929,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c23mug3dh6","temperature_high":59.32,"temperature_mid":53.045,"temperature_low":46.77,"dew_point":49.87,"humidity":0.88,"cloud_cover":0.62,"moon_phase":0.58,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1016.05,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":3,"visibility":8.93,"wind_bearing":336,"wind_speed":0.55,"year":2004,"geometry":[-121.7812,47.4352]} {"observed":"This sighting took place back when i lived in washington last year. I was sitting on my windowsill at 11 at night, i lived next to a large wetland/swamp area. my back yard was a large hill infront of the wetland. I was sitting on my windowsill and saw a large figure come out of wetland, walk down the hill, and then re-enter the wetland at the bottom of the hill. The figure was probally 7 feet tall (i doubt it was 8 or 9) dark in color, and very large in build.","location_details":"it was directly in front of a large wetland that was located in what i would consider heavily forested are (anyone who lives in duvall knows what i mean) it was probally five or six miles down paradise lake road, it might have been duvall road though, im not exactly sure","county":"King County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 14305: Late night sighting near Duvall","date":"2005-06-23","number":14305,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c23r86stdf","temperature_high":70.41,"temperature_mid":61.14,"temperature_low":51.87,"dew_point":50.71,"humidity":0.72,"cloud_cover":0.41,"moon_phase":0.56,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1020.32,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.95,"wind_bearing":330,"wind_speed":1.6,"year":2005,"geometry":[-121.9749,47.7393]} {"observed":"Hello, I grew up in the Sierra Nevada mountains (Lake Tahoe). I am an avid outdoorsman that has hiked from Mexico to Canada. I have always believed that there is bigfoots running around. I now live in Seattle and go to the Cascades to fly fish on a very regular basis. A couple years ago I was fishing a little creek that is a trib to the Middle fork of the Snoqualmie. As I approached the creek I saw a large footprint. The hair on my neck stood up. I looked at the other side of the creek and their was another large track. Not bear, not lion- like nothing I have seen before or since. I got a little spooked because the tracks looked quite fresh. As I broke back through the alder on the way back to the car I sensed something looking at me. Very scary, like I was being followed. I got within 30 feet of my ride and heard breathing coming behind me but no footsteps. I jumped in and sped away. I was very spooked. I would be willing to show an expert where I saw the prints. I will not go back their on my own. Not that it would hurt me, but more that it was an ominous presence. Please respond to me, I am not lying to you.","location_details":"Swamp Creek, just before Taylor River","county":"King County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 23062: Angler finds tracks, hears knocks and senses ominous presence east of North Bend","date":"2005-07-16","number":23062,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c23wd3hdeg","temperature_high":65.84,"temperature_mid":58.83,"temperature_low":51.82,"dew_point":52.83,"humidity":0.79,"cloud_cover":0.8,"moon_phase":0.33,"precip_intensity":0.0003,"precip_probability":0.31,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1017.72,"summary":"Foggy until afternoon.","uv_index":5,"visibility":6.22,"wind_bearing":270,"wind_speed":0.48,"year":2005,"geometry":[-121.5354,47.55477]} {"observed":"Observation: vocalizations. Hello, I am now 48, and my dad was a telegrapher during the 1960's at the former depot at Scenic. I used to greatly enjoy spending a week at a time at Scenic with him while he was on duty, staying in his trailer near the depot, and it was a wonderful place for a young railroad enthusiast to grow up. In later years I started an annual tradition of camping at Scenic and spending several days picking huckleberries on Tonga Ridge. On August 24, I had finished picking berries for the day and had returned to Scenic to a little, mostly forgotten camping spot just inside the edge of a dark old-growth forest. The southern hillside becomes somewhat steep a short distance away. It was dusk, I was setting up to cook some dinner, and had my Coleman light burning. A few minutes before this, two or more men in two BNSF vehicles had parked next to the tracks waiting for an eastbound freight to arrive which was having engine trouble coming up the hill (knew this from my scanner). I could hear them talking in their vehicles. Suddenly, from what seemed to come from up above the hillside, there was a bizarre two-second-long very loud ascending-frequency swooping cry. I have perfect pitch so I can tell you it started around 500 Hz and went up to about 800 Hz. This was followed by three or four bizarre shrieks of some sort, a little higher, which almost sounded like some kind of goofy laughter, but... I had not read anything seriously about Sasquatch for many years, and had not then ever heard a recording of one, so these sounds did not make any sense. The only possibility, I thought, was that some practical joker was up there, had seen my camplight, and was trying to spook me. But there were no other vehicles that I knew of, and there was no reason for anyone to BE up there on that hillside above a forgotten campground. The intensity of the calls did not make sense, either. I doubt if a human could have made a call that loud. I went about my business, but as I sat there eating dinner with the light burning I had this very odd feeling that something was watching me. (I know how silly this all sounds.) I slept in the car as planned (doors locked). Next night, camped near the Cascade Tunnel west portal. On the night of the 26th, camped at the first location again. Heard nothing, but had that same creepy feeling that something up above was watching everything. I thought about walking up that hillside to a familiar old waterfall on Surprise Creek, but something told me, \"Not this time.\" As a Christian, I do believe in angelic protection, but after reading dozens of encounter stories in the last couple days, and reading Judy Walter's story from 1970 just tonight, and hearing the audio clips, I don't feel at ease about camping there anymore, unless I do it at the other side of the tracks under the night lights! The difference between what I heard and most of the audio files I have heard: the latter have sounded mostly like ghastly shrieks out of some horror movie. This was more of a pure tone at first, then the following sounds had other frequencies mixed in. A very intense sound. I have a question about animal scat. While picking berries on Tonga Ridge on the 27th, I walked about a thousand feet northwest of the road where people never go, through the trees and brush, looking for a better berry spot, and saw a pile of what I thought was bear scat in an open place. Now I'm not so sure that's what it was. It looked similar to human, but about two inches diameter; broken in many segments; well defined, as though not having a high moisture content when deposited, and was black & grey with much fiber content; probably several days old. I note this because you have another story in this collection about someone seeing the creature on a Foss River forest road, which is the one I go up to get to Tonga Ridge, on F.S. 6830. I'm also wondering now if those skunky smells I encounter now and then while driving across the mountains late at night are always skunk. ???","location_details":"Forested campsite Scenic, WA.","county":"King County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12510: Vocalizations near Scenic interrupt a campers quiet evening","date":"2005-09-12","number":12510,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c23z7jdh9g","temperature_high":61.24,"temperature_mid":52.2,"temperature_low":43.16,"dew_point":45.75,"humidity":0.82,"moon_phase":0.3,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":325,"wind_speed":0.5,"year":2005,"geometry":[-121.1544,47.71167]} {"observed":"I was lying in bed, trying to go to sleep, when I heard an unusual sound from outside through my partly-opened window. It sounded like a cross between a person moaning, a dog howling, and a cat growling (the timbre was human-like and in human vocal range, it was a high-to-low pitch sound like a howl, and there was a hint of growliness underneath that sounded like an angry cat, but much larger). It sounded almost like someone moaning \"booooooo\". The \"b\" sound was faint, but definitely present. Each vocalization was about 5-6 seconds in length, with about 5 seconds between each. It didn't seem very loud, but it also was not faint. I listened for several seconds, then got out of bed to peek out the window. My front yard is well-lit by a streetlight, but I didn't see anything. I have very bad eyesight, though, so after looking and listening for a minute and seeing nothing obvious, I went to get my glasses. I noticed my cat was staring at the window very intently, not moving. Normally when he hears a noise outside he will ignore it, glance over casually, or watch intently with his tail switching. He didn't move a muscle. I looked out the window, through the blinds, with my glasses on but still saw nothing. Being very familiar with the noises of dogs, cats, and coyotes (howling, fighting, mating, growling, etc.), I was spooked when I could not place the sound. The next day I also looked up sounds for different types of owls, bears, and large cats--no matches. I went to my parents' bedroom to wake up my mom. My bedroom is at the front of the house, and theirs is at the back (both on the 2nd floor). I was shocked to hear the noise just as clearly from their room, echoing around the neighborhood. From my room it just didn't seem that loud. This makes me wonder if whatever was making the noise was really at the front of the house, or if it was elsewhere in the neighborhood and the sound carried. By the time I awakened my mom I had been hearing the sound for about 4-5 minutes, at fairly regular intervals of no more than 10 seconds. When she got up I told her to listen to the noise and asked her to come to my room (since I still thought the creature might be visible from my window). She went to the window and quickly pulled up the blinds and opened the window (which made quite a bit of racket). We saw nothing, and the noise immediately stopped. I never heard it again that night, or any night after. It was somewhat simliar to the Mississippi recording. If my neighborhood were in a more sparsely populated area, I would probably be much more certain of the possibility that it was a sasquatch.","location_details":"Neighborhood is near Marymoor Park (640 acre county park), which is linked by sparsely populated, wooded areas to the Cascade foothills about 10 miles away.","county":"King County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 17847: Possible late night vocalizations heard outside Redmond","date":"2005-10-12","number":17847,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c23pjkjvgk","temperature_high":57.53,"temperature_mid":54.685,"temperature_low":51.84,"dew_point":47.54,"humidity":0.79,"cloud_cover":0.74,"moon_phase":0.33,"precip_intensity":0.0019,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.24,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":160,"wind_speed":2.08,"year":2005,"geometry":[-122.105,47.6597]} {"observed":"I saw [a] bigfoot about five years ago on the Kitsap Penninsula in Washington State. I was between Kingston and Hansville. I was giving a friend of mine a ride home and it was very late at night. We had just past \"Kountry Kornor\" and as we approached what the locals call Maple Tree Cornor we saw a huge animal that neither of us could identify. It was standing on one side of the road and as we approached, it started crossing to the other side. It stopped for a moment and looked right at us. It seemed to be a little stunned by the headlights. Then it ran across the street and jumped down a very steep ravine. There is a streetlight on that cornor so I was able to see it very clearly. It appeared to be about six to seven feet tall. It's hair was light in color...almost gray. The hair hanging down from the underside of it's arms was very long. I know it sounds silly, but I had two very distinct impressions as I looked at this creature...that it was female and that it was sad. You know I take back what I said about not being able to identify it...the second I saw it I knew exactly what it was. As we approached the spot where it had jumped into the woods I slowed down to see if it was still there. The man that I was with was completely panicked...he yelled at me to speed up and get out of there. He and I only talked about it once after that...he seemed to be completly unsettled by the experience. I was more curious than afraid. I did not get the impression we were in any danger. I hope than one day I will see [a] bigfoot again.","location_details":"Past Kountry Kornor on the back road to Suquamish.","county":"Kitsap County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 11918: Late night sighting by motorists near Kingston","date":"2000-09-01","number":11918,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c22zgechgj","temperature_high":66.01,"temperature_mid":59.38,"temperature_low":52.75,"dew_point":46.32,"humidity":0.66,"cloud_cover":0.79,"moon_phase":0.12,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1009.65,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":184,"wind_speed":4.41,"year":2000,"geometry":[-122.54,47.79]} {"observed":"I have worked as a wilderness guide for about eight years, many of which where spent in Katmai National Park and the Yukon delta. So it's fair to say I know what lives in the woods, and the behavior of the woods. I will make my story brief. My experience happened in Washington state, mid summer back in 2003. A close friend and myself decided to go shoot some ground fowl in the Indianola area of Wa. After entering a clearing some 1000ft open, we stopped to smoke a cig. I must note the air was still and damp, and I could smell death of a creature close by. Some time during the smoke I had movement in the corner of my eye. An animal stood 400 or so ft away from me. I know what a bear looks like, I worked as a Brooks River guide. It was not a bear. It was not a person. I'm 6ft 4. It was much much larger and beefier than me. It was not someone messing around. I was armed. But I can say that animal had a stride not matched in North America. It did walk some 200ft from the left to right in my vision. I was not going to shoot it. I wanted nothing to do with it. Needless to say we exited back to the truck back to back. I have not spoke of this due to the fact it would taint my career as a wilderness guide. But note I have nothing to gain or loose, but that animal I saw was your Bigfoot.","location_details":"I would advise against it. But I can provide upon personal request. I feel people would be put in harms way.","county":"Kitsap County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 39825: Wilderness guide in Indianola observes a large bipedal subject while hunting","date":"2003-06-15","number":39825,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c22zgf3z48","temperature_high":71.05,"temperature_mid":61.775,"temperature_low":52.5,"dew_point":46.14,"humidity":0.59,"cloud_cover":0.36,"moon_phase":0.55,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1022.86,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":8,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":351,"wind_speed":2.66,"year":2003,"geometry":[-122.528,47.78212]} {"observed":"We were having a family reunion and on saturday night everybody was having a good time. When everybody decided to settle down for the night it was about 1-2:00 in the morning. On Sunday morning one of the family members who had slept in a tent said that they had here a growl type high pitch yell they sounded almost man like but with power behind it. Enough power that it seemed to have come off of the mountain side that was behind us. While talking about it one other family member claimed that they heard it also. They both agreed that it was about 5:00am when the grumble occured. That following night everybody was cooking dinner on the barbecue's, steak, hamburger,etc. At about 10:00pm we decided to go the the \"frog ponds\" is what we called it. Parts of the creek that cut through land and made little swimming holes. A half hour later and only one frog, we decided to go down stream, cut through camp and go about 50 yards out. We were all four having a good time laughing and joking around when we came to a little road that seemed to lead to a camp next to ours that was empty. Then this awful smell like human feces, maybe even worse, was in the air. We thought nothing of it and was joking about somebody passing gas. Granted we had two dogs with us, one an 8 yr. old german shepard and a 6 yr. old husky. We all heard this rustle in the heavily wooded area to our right. Thinking that it was a deer or elk we all got down low and shined our flashlights hoping to catch a glimpse of the animal. Then we heard another rustle, very loud, like it was pushing over trees only coming in our direction. Then two very heavy thuds that were to close to being human like then a deer maybe even a bear was heard, and like cowards, maybe smart ones, we ran back to camp. All of that happened in a matter of seconds which seemend like minutes. After we calmed ourselves and grabbed a gun, three of us headed back determined to figure out what it was. The fourth was so terrified she was sick to her stomach. We found nothing to be in the area and no other sounds were heard. Although we didn't realize it at the time there was absolutly no odor in the air surrounding us. And we also realized that the dogs that were with us had no reaction to what happened either. We preceded to go back to camp and tell some of the others. Five more men got there guns and went to look for tracks. Still no odor and nothing was really found in the darkness. One witnessed a den like area across a marsh type area of the creek. Where it seemed that something had just made itself comfortable for a while to rest. What ever was out there we felt that it knew we were coming before we even knew what was going on. It seemed like it wasn't even scared or intimidated by us to turn and run away. It did just the oppisite. The terror we felt was more then anything I've ever felt before. We brought or tents in the middle of camp after deciding not to let the fear make us pack up and leave.","location_details":"If you follow the road through Cle Elum on through Roslyn and Ronald and then about 15 miles more you will come to a guard station on you right. You take an immediate right up the hill on a dirt road. Follow that road almost exactly 9 miles up and you will come to a camp area on your left with a fairly large open field. That is where we were camped.","county":"Kittitas County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 175: Campers encounter large animal near Cle Elum","date":"2000-07-30","number":175,"classification":"Class C","geohash":"c23yjeh20w","temperature_high":77.29,"temperature_mid":67.31,"temperature_low":57.33,"dew_point":57.94,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.99,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1017.6,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":229,"wind_speed":8.78,"year":2000,"geometry":[-121.0415,47.47745]} {"observed":"Traveling North in a 4x4 truck on road FR 4828 in Easton, WA, me and a friend made a sighting of something that resembled a bigfoot. We were about 2 miles down the road from the I-90 interchange and came to a point where we could see about 200 yards up the road. Further up we saw what looked like a person walking in the other lane heading towards us, but on the shoulder. We were traveling at about 40mph and as we got closer to this figure, we soon realized that this thing looked to be all one color (black) and was walking in an odd fashion, like it had a swagger to it. We almost immediately knew that this thing wasn't a person, but was something else. My friend immediately told me to stop the car, which I eventually did. I watched this thing and could see that it was quite large, or bulky, because the arms and legs looked pretty huge. There was no features I could make out, it was all one color. My friend told me to back up and was starting to panic a bit. I reluctantly did and about the same time the thing headed off into the woods, but was still near the shoulder of the road. It began moving branches on trees with what appeared to be considerable force. I continued to back up and took one more glance down the road, where I saw that this thing had returned to the shoulder of the road and was walking towards us again. We then turned around and headed back to I-90 where I dropped my friend off and went back to look again. On the way back to I-90 at least 3 other cars passed us in the other direction, so I didn't have much hope that it would stick around. Sure enough, when I got back there, I saw no sign of it.","location_details":"Take the FR 4828 exit off I-90 and head north about 2 miles. It was spotted BEFORE reaching the cabins and after passing some snowmobile turn-offs.","county":"Kittitas County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 423: Daylight sighting by fisherman near Easton, Washington","date":"2000-10-08","number":423,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c23v0jyqnt","temperature_high":64.57,"temperature_mid":57.55,"temperature_low":50.53,"dew_point":31.69,"humidity":0.41,"cloud_cover":0.05,"moon_phase":0.35,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1017.1,"summary":"Partly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":4,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":192,"wind_speed":1.47,"year":2000,"geometry":[-121.2802,47.3178]} {"observed":"Me my wife and my friend and his wife and two children were camping at lost lake. Lost lake is in Kittitas county in washington state, near snoqualmie pass. Lost lake is about 15 miles from I-90, up an old logging road. We were the only people camping there at the time. It was the year 1991, when this happened. We had all went to sleep, M. and R. and his children (my friends) were sleeping in a tent, located about 30 feet away from our vehicles. My wife and I were sleeping under a tarp that we had hung from a couple trees, located next to the vehicles. At about 5:00 am in the morning something awoke me. Even the crickets had stopped chirping and it was dead silent. I dont sleep very sound the first night i am out in the woods and we all had firearms with us. I had my 45 auto under my pillow. Well anyway, I woke up and set up on my elbows to see if i could see what had woke me up. However, M's Chevy Blazer was parked right next to us so I couldnt see what was behind it. Then this animal screamed at me from the other side of the Blazer. The sound is hard to discribe but what ever it was grunted twice and then let loose with a low blood curdling scream and then beat on its chest about six times, and then it was totally quiet. I didnt here it walk off, and believe me i was listening as good as I could. I guess I could have stood up and looked on the other side of the Blazer and saw what it was, but I really didnt what to know. Even with my gun I didnt feel safe, and it sounded big. I am a hunter and have been out in the woods several times and I have never heard anything like that before or since. No animal that I know makes a sound like that and it wasnt human.","county":"Kittitas County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9175: Just before daybreak, camper hears loud vocalization near Lost Lake","date":"2004-08-18","number":9175,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c23tm3h50r","temperature_high":76.63,"temperature_mid":65.27,"temperature_low":53.91,"dew_point":54.45,"humidity":0.78,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.09,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1019.52,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":8,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":235,"wind_speed":0.66,"year":2004,"geometry":[-121.4044,47.33515]} {"observed":"I saw the story about the BFRO on animal planet's Animal X show and the tape recorded \"calls\" you were using to attract Sasquatch was exactly what I heard about while camping on Lake Cle Elum in central Washington state. My Mom and i had gone camping for the weekend and Saturday morning she claimed she heard the most terrible screaming sound the night before that lasted a few hours.I'm a heavy sleeper so I told her to wake me up if the sound continued that night as well. Around four in the morning she woke me up and told me to listen. It wasn't long before I heard the screaming that sounded like nothing either of us had heard before. It was also very very loud. We left the tent and everyone around us in all the other campsites was awake too.The sound was exactly what I heard on your recording. A chill still runs down my spine when I hear it.","location_details":"from Cle Elum, drive ten miles northwest on highway 903, then turn west on forest service road 112","county":"Kittitas County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 1996: Screams wake campers on consecutive nights at Cle Elum Lake","date":"2004-10-16","number":1996,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c23uuzcfmj","temperature_high":53.42,"temperature_mid":49.855,"temperature_low":46.29,"dew_point":46.86,"humidity":0.88,"cloud_cover":0.98,"moon_phase":0.09,"precip_intensity":0.012,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1002.24,"summary":"Light rain in the morning and overnight.","uv_index":2,"visibility":1.99,"wind_bearing":261,"wind_speed":1.57,"year":2004,"geometry":[-121.0777,47.2842]} {"observed":"I was on a two day camping trip with several other adult volunteers and a group of about ten inner city youth. We went out past Roslyn from Cle Elum toward Salmon La Sac and the Wenatchee National Forest. There were many small dirt roads off Salmon La Sac road leading down to the resevoir on the left. We decided to camp down one of these small road between the resevoir and the main road. It was not a campground, but had some decent places for tents and had been used by campers before as evidenced by a fire ring. There was another tent camper a few hundred yards away. The weather was poor. It began raining on the trip up and kept raining and drizzling off and on the entire time we were out there. After unpacking all our gear and getting camp set up we began to notice medium sized rocks (golf ball to baseball sized) flying into our camp. At first we thought it may have been one of the kids goofing around, but after an hour or so we had accounted for all the kids and the rocks kept up. We continued to have rock thrown into our camp until the next morning. In addition, roughly ten times during the night we heard very loud screams coming from further down our side of the resevoir. We were a little worried because we weren't sure who or what was screaming. If we weren't so far from a town we would have called the police for fear that someone was being hurt. We took turns keeping watch until morning because of the wierd stuff going on. At daybreak we decided to cut our trip short and head home. The weather, rocks, and screams were just too much for some volunteer counselors to handle. I didn't think of the possibility of sasquatch until several years later when I heard recordings of sasquatch screams that closely matched what we had heard that night.","location_details":"From Cle Elum take highway 903 through Roslyn. Highway 903 turns into Salmon La Sac Road. We camped several miles down the road between the road and the resevoir.","county":"Kittitas County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 5136: Multible witnesses hear loud screams and have rocks thrown into camp near Cle Elum lake","date":"2004-12-07","number":5136,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c23vsk9pfb","temperature_high":34.1,"temperature_mid":33.58,"temperature_low":33.06,"dew_point":29.63,"humidity":0.9,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.85,"precip_intensity":0.0054,"precip_probability":0.56,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":996.98,"summary":"Snow (< 1 in.) in the evening and overnight.","uv_index":1,"visibility":1.36,"wind_bearing":69,"wind_speed":0.58,"year":2004,"geometry":[-121.1008,47.3991]} {"observed":"While making an evening Hunt for Elk in the area of Guler MT. One of my routes intersected with the Monte Cristo Trail aprox 2.5 SE of its head at the 080 spur rd. Following the Trail NW, I found evidence of months old Elk droppings, Similurly aged Coyote scat, fresher by weeks cougar piles, and a set of Buck tracks that were leading off ahead of me and had been made no more then the night before. The Trail followed the ridge line, connecting a series of saddles and hilltopets. some times the trail scurted around knobs and ledges. Which made for perfect preditor observation ambushes. Curious to learn more about the nature of the animals in the area and carefull not to be ambushed myself I checked every terrain character independently. I found many cougar prints on the high areas and plenty of scat, some very fresh, along the trail. About a mile from 080 road on slight rise that formed a small grass and moss covered table I left the trail by 10 feet to look over the ledge. There was however a stunted evergreen that blocked the view further NW down the trail so I steped out in front of it. Looking down I saw a Sample of scat I did not recognize. I was shocked at its size and looked closer. It was aprox 10-12 \" long and 1.5\" wide, tubular and colored dark perpal black, close to the color of bear or cougar droppings but the dropping was almost one continuous losenge and not pinched sharply at the end, like cougar or coyote nor piled like a bear paddy. It looked much to me like Human feces if not for the color. It was clumped and broke once in the center and laid in a line. Using a stick I checked its contents, It was preditory with some hair, but also obvious had indication of berry coloring but no seeds, possibly, berry skin. In addition like an animals feces it did not stink. It may possibly be Cougar or bear considering I dont know everything about thier diet, but if it was cougar it was a montrous cat, if it was Bear it was the most uniform bear scatt ive seen and if Human a very strange diet indeed. One of the things that made me look closer is where the feces was left, behind a low tree off the trail from behind a vantage that could observe aproaches both NW and SE down the trail. It is exactly where a human would go in order not to be seen, nor would it be a place were an animal would go. Animals dont leave their path to far to deficate, and Cougars, Coyotes and as far as I know, Bear, dont deficate where they lay in waite, or may lay again. Secondly A Human being would have a hard time making this size stool. Im not sure this may be helpfull, But there may be a possibilty this could have been the stool of a large primate like animal. The Monte Cristo Trail in this area is out of the way and extemely unaccessable for humans from the sides.","location_details":"Aprox 1 mile SE on the Monte Cristo Trail(53), from the trail head leading off the 080 Spur, which connects to the FS86 Rd.","county":"Klickitat County","state":"Washington","season":"Winter","title":"Report 741: Hunter finds unrecognizable scat near Guler Mountain.","date":"2000-09-14","number":741,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c21t1qfmd6","temperature_high":84.46,"dew_point":52.61,"humidity":0.6,"cloud_cover":0.13,"moon_phase":0.53,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1011.21,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":6,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":310,"wind_speed":4.47,"year":2000,"geometry":[-121.5825,45.91694]} {"observed":"I have always known about these creatures but, never really gave it much thought til it happened to me. I was working for a local rancher in Klickitat Co, just NW of Goldendale WA. My boss said that there had been cattle getting out in this pasture land he rented from someone, we keep cattle out there during the summer, and was to feed out everyday at least twice a day, this pasture land was about 5 miles , NW of a once town called Block House . Well he sent me out there to investigate and check the fencing, and find out where they were getting out . So I hop into my truck stretchers in hand and more barbed wire to fix the fence. Once I had reached this pasture land I stepped out of my truck and noticed a strange smell, smelled like someone had just shit them selves .I didn't give it much notice and started walking fence line heading W. I stopped for a cig and something didn't feel right , like someone or something was watching me. I got up and started N on the fence line got half way through checking the N side fence when I saw why the cattle was getting out. There had been a tree thrown through the fence and was down.This tree was about 14 -15 inches in diameter laying where the fence used to be. I thought this was odd, and upon futher noticing, there was a brownish reddish hair on the barbed wire. I have been around cattle all my life and never seen this before, the hair smelled awful. So I finally got the tree moved but was no small chore, it was heavy ever than hell to lift but being 6'6'' 240 lbs I was in good shape .But still it was hard for me move it, but eventually I got it moved. All the time I felt like I was being watched from afar. I didn't like the feeling I was getting, so I quicky mended the fence and finshed checking the fence line on the N side, then turned back to the E, and came down to a small creek and noticed these huge footprints in the still wet mud. They looked fresh like an hour or two old, but the size of these were bigger than mine I wear a size 12 to 13, and placed my foot next to the footprint in the mud, and it was so much bigger than mine . I knew that this wasn't normal cause the left foot where the big toe is looked like it was being dragged . Well this isn't a poss, I thought theres no way a human could make this print it was about a size 19 or 20. I was saying, to myself that I know Shaq hadn't been here cause he's the only human that wears a size 22 triple E so I knew something not human made this. At this time I heard a grunt coming from where I had just been fixing the fence and it had scared me. I walked fast, and I mean nothing short of running flat out back to my truck which was parked about 2 miles away.I got back to my truck and noticed that tools , like shovel, and plastic gas can and empty soda cans thrown out of my truck bed like someone was looking for something or helping me clean out my truck bed. I picked everything up threw it all back in the bed of the truck, and just as I was getting ready to get in, I heard this high piched scream coming from where I had just been so that was it, I was gone. I never heard anything like that in my life. As I was driving back down the road, I thought please don't let that fence break again ,cause I didnt want to have to come back here unless someone was with me. That was the last time I ever went out there. A few weeks later I changed my job and enlisted in the U.S.ARMY, but that day will stick with me forever. People dont believe until it happens to them. Well, that day made a believer out of me that there's something out there, and if it doesn't want to be found, you're not going to find it, it finds you .","location_details":"I know exactly how to get there but I don't remember the Hwy leading W out of Goldendale but stay on it then you come up to block house. Drive through and keep following the hwy for about 4 miles you come to a sharp 20 mile corner and instead of taking the corner go straight off the road. It becomes gravel road. Follow it for about 5 miles then you should come to an old run down homestead off to your left that open field is where this took place ...This is known as the Grayback mountain range leading up to Mt Adams","county":"Klickitat County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 5495: Large prints found in mud and then vocalizations heard south of Yakama Reservation","date":"2003-03-18","number":5495,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c21vqfm53t","temperature_high":49.75,"temperature_mid":41.7,"temperature_low":33.65,"dew_point":31.28,"humidity":0.76,"cloud_cover":0.38,"moon_phase":0.52,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1024.24,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":223,"wind_speed":1.08,"year":2003,"geometry":[-120.9855,45.9358]} {"observed":"I am new to the net,found your site in a magazine today at the doctors office.This event takes place about about 15years ago on a hunting trip in the Klickitat-Wahkiacus area of Washington State.Our family has hunted this area for many years on this trip things got a little spookey.There was a total of 7 of us all hunting the same place 2 are now deceased.We started off this saturday morning the second week of October, opening weekend of deer season driving our vehicle down a old abandoned skid trail in the vecinity of the old Woodruff mill,to get into a hot spot where we would park my disabled mother on a stand.When it was starting to get light enough my father and I proceded east from the vehicle to head off on what we called a drive(try to push the deer out of the brush and to my mother). We were walking down the road it was a little soft from the night before rain and dense low fog.W e were loking for sign when we encountered the tracks right on top of where are tires had just rolled something had followed our vehicle.At first we thought it was a big bear immediately we were on alert.As we examined the tracks more closely we determined that bears dont walk on their hind feet for this long of a period of time.There was no front paw tracks!We continued on our drive encircleing the area.On our way thru the thick buckbrush heading west back to the truck we started hearing noises,something was now tracking us.We could smell a strong oder that was like cat urine or a dirty cat box.At this point we were both scared we could hear it smell it but we could not see it.The visibility in this brush was near 5ft.in most places besides the trail we were on where you could see 20ft to the front or rear of you.We started to move faster for the truck as we sped up so did it.The brush behind us was cracking so we took cover behind 2 trees each of us on the oposite side of each other aiming to where the noise was.At this time whatever it was squealed in a high pitch(almost like a woman giving birth)and took off running n.w. of our position.Hoping it was gone and fearing it was heading for mom we scrambled that way.When we got to the truck she was in it with the doors locked.She told us it was N. of her position making lots of noise(thrashing).We went to investigate,we found more tracks and trees about 4inches in diameter were uprooted and thrown down the gullyside,there was no sign of it.We met up with my uncle and cousin and showed them the tracks they could not beleive it.We went back to our uncles camp for lunch when we got there we noticed more tracks it had come into the camp.My cousin is a big guy his shoe size is a 15,these tracks had more than 3-4 inches on him whatever this thing was it is BIG!! I dont tell to many people about this for fear of being laughed at or called crazy but for the 7 of us we will never forget.","location_details":"North at old Wahkiacus post office for approx. 4 miles there is a school house.From there it is approx. 2mi N.W. on private land.","county":"Klickitat County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 5953: Family hunting near Wahkiacus is stalked by a large animal","date":"2003-04-23","number":5953,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c21v48r28u","temperature_high":55.54,"temperature_mid":46.695,"temperature_low":37.85,"dew_point":36.72,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.3,"moon_phase":0.76,"precip_intensity":0.0127,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1007.24,"summary":"Rain overnight.","uv_index":8,"visibility":9.83,"wind_bearing":238,"wind_speed":2.68,"year":2003,"geometry":[-121.1692,45.88039]} {"observed":"This is a compilation of experiences over a period of years in the same area (1988- 2009) - feeling of being watched, wildlife silenced, tree breaks, strong smell once, numerous late night vocalizations, rock knocking, things being thrown near our tent and an actual daytime sighting. Some of the things I mention here I didn't know were typical when I was experiencing them, but now do, since I've read other sightings on BFRO's and other sites. My husband and I have been camping and caving in the Trout Lake, WA area for about 20 years and are both very experienced in the outdoors, particularly in the Northwest. We've gone primarily to this area for caving for many years. The first encounter with something unusual was in 1988-89 on a caving trip in this area as we penetrated the forest, heading toward Mt. Adams through some old clearcut to visit a familiar cave. Birdsong of various types is always present, but as we made our way toward the tree line, the birdsong and even insect noise seemed to cease. I looked up, no indication of foul weather or damp wind, indicating rain. Our group ( I think 7 or 8 of us) was familiar with the deep woods and a couple people noted that this was strange. For some reason, we all stopped in our tracks, even though no one had heard anything; everyone was looking around at each other and listening. Something seemed wrong. Then, I had a very strong sense of being watched from further in, not too far away, but did not tell anyone else. I have a feeling the others sensed this as well, and we all pushed quickly on to get to the cave, sticking close to one another. This happened on several caving trips over the years, but not in the same location; the proxmity, however, was fairly close- all within about a 5 mile radius. Another time, around 2002, my partner and I were dispersed camping alone, right next to a very seldom-used forest road in the same area, east of the main forest road. We got out of our vehicle to begin setting up camp as we had done several other times in this area and noticed an almost vomit-inducing stench. It was not the smell of something dead, it was like a combination of sun-baked garbage and feces. We decided that perhaps some local had driven back here and dumped their garbage, but then about 5 minutes later, the smell just went away?? I had no idea about the smells encountered by others at this time, so I blew it off. We walked, sniffing around the area a little and there was nothing, so we decided to camp there anyway, thinking that something must've just been carried on the wind, but it was still strange as to how strong it was. We've also heard some late night sounds when camped at Peterson Prairie many times. Some dismissed them as coyotes. These sounds were like whoops, with several animals at once. I remember silently filing through the animal sounds that I'd heard in the wild: (elk, coyote, deer, cougar, wolf, owls, marmots, bear, human) in my mind and came up blank. Nothing matched. Still we tried to dismiss them as coyotes and went to bed. But it was like something was making the initial sound and the coyotes were answering. But then later in 2003, another type of sound in this area made my blood turn to ice water. It was August, about 11:30 at night at Peterson, as we wanted the \"luxury\" of camping at a site, instead of dispersed, where there was running water and outhouses. We were dousing the fire and about to head into the tent when from the north, about 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile, it seemed, there began a howl. Not a wolf or coyote howl, but it almost reminded me of those emergency sirens you hear in rural towns. The pitch was quite low and then it raised to a higher tone and was held there for about 6-10 seconds, but was still low in tone. I thought about Pavarotti and some very skilled baritones that I'd heard in concert. I came to a sickeningly horrifying conclusion that in all the years of voice I'd studied and heard, not one human had ever uttered something at this tone, nor could they do it at this volume. The lungs of whatever was doing this had to be absolutely huge, and as in the forest, it echoed a lot, but it was *not* echoes that made it sound strange. I looked at my husband, who was also startled and looking at me, and then we looked at some of the other campers across the scrub from us. They had stood up and were motionless, looking back at us, then looking in the direction it was coming from. I asked, \"What IS that?\" to my husband, who said he didn't know. We remained standing and it continued for about 2 minutes, then ceased. In all the years we have camped and caved in that area, (or anywhere, for that matter) we had never heard anything like that. No human lungs were capable of that power. I have pretty much always been a die-hard tenter/backpacker, but that night I couldn't sleep in the tent. I was too frightened with the realization that what I had just heard was impossible- impossible! No creature existed that could make that sound-- unless-- no way-- NO WAY! Then I remembered that this area had quite a few sightings of Bigfoot over the years. I just could not accept it, but I also could not sleep in the tent, so we got our bags and pads and slept in our truck that night. I barely slept, and was very glad to be leaving in the morning! I was shaken for quite a while. We went to the Mt. Adams ranger station in town that morning on the way out and asked if there were any reports of \"unusual animal activity\" the night before. The ranger looked at me like I was under the influence. I never said the words, but I knew she was thinking it. She said she had not heard of any, and by the way, just what was it that I thought I heard? I never answered. Well, terror and curiosity sometimes go hand in hand-- we decided to go back to the area in 2004. We camped at Peterson, as there was no freaking way I was going to camp dispersed, just the two of us, in that area now. So we're there, visiting our favorite caves in the area and early the last afternoon, my husband and I decide to go cave hunting. (What was I thinking? But it was broad daylight, so...) We trekked down a side forest road that was so overgrown with vine maple and had large tree fall at the beginning so that you couldn't drive it anymore. We bush-whacked through the grown-up vine maple in the remnants of a clearcut and split up and had planned on coming around to meet each other, as we knew this particular forest road curved around a bit. I'd had enough bush-whacking after a while and decided to just meander down the forest road on some more even terrain. So I headed toward the mountain on this road with my husband off in the deep bush to my left. I noticed how warm it was and it was quite still- it was an uncomfortably hot day. Nothing but the sound of my boots crunching on the packed gravel. Then I heard the gravel move behind me, probably about 20 yards. I took my time turning around, thinking that it was a probably a cow, because this was an open range area, and as weird as it seems seeing cows in the forest and clearcut, this was not uncommon at all. It had sounded heavy. Then I felt faint, like I was going blind & seeing colors and shot up with some halucinogen all at once- I watched as a HUGE, hair-covered, dark cinnamon-colored human-like thing cleared the ditch in one stride, glided into the tree line in one more lightning step and then stood absolutely still. There I was, by myself, in the middle of this isolated forest road with a hairy (it seemed almost like semi-glossy fur?) cinnamon-colored shoulder and arm unhidden by the tree it was behind. The shoulder was absolutely massive, as was the arm, which was so long, it was almost as tall as I am. If I look, for example, at the door jamb in my office here, I'd put the shoulder's height at just under the bottom of the jamb. I could see the contour of muscles under the hair/fur. It was obviously very strong. The hair/fur appeared to be about 2-3 inches long. I couldn't see the full hand as it was blocked by some undergrowth. And there it was, standing stock still, watching me- did it think it was fully hidden? I've heard about people being paralyzed with fear and could never imagine that, but that's exactly what was going on. I thought I was going to die very soon. I just really had no idea what was going to happen. I was completely defenseless. I wanted to move, but couldn't, I was frozen. I thought it might chase me if I ran. I could not turn my back on it. Survival mode must've kicked in somehow, because I remembered my training about bears. I began to back away very slowly and spoke very quietly and was even tempted to leave my pack for it. It still didn't move, and just stayed there, still as stone. I must've backed down that gravel about 100 yards and since there was no movement still, I decided to risk it and yell for my partner- there was no other way out of there. I yelled for help at the top of my lungs and he answered, \"Where are you??!!\" I somewhat meekly called, \"Here..\", afraid then that my additional shouting might have the opposite effect of what I wanted and agitate the creature. A few minutes later my husband came crashing through the underbrush, a look of panic on his face. He asked what was wrong and I told him a bear- he looked disgusted and was angry. He asked where and I pointed and it was gone. He asked if it had exhibited agressive behavior. I said no, but he looked worried and started to look around and we headed away from the area. We cut through the vine maple in the opposite direction of my encounter and hightailed it back to the car. As I thought about it afterward, I noted that there was no smell during this encounter to warn me, but there was also no wind that afternoon and it was very warm. It took me 4 years to even tell my husband what I saw. Fortunately, he's a pretty reasonable person and believes (with astonishment) what I've told him. Recently we've listened to recordings on the web of what people think are Bigfoot, and some of them sound just like what we've both heard in the area. The combination of smells, feelings & those sounds never fully registered as being connected until we found some Bigfoot sites on the web. We realized that we've experienced alot of different things in the area that were likely a Sasquatch nearby over the years. In 2009, we camped in Peterson Prairie again, in August. I had alot of reservations about camping in a tent there due to my previous encounter in the area, but I thought with all the other campers around (6-7 sites occupied), (and right next to the obnoxious camp host RV) there wouldn't be a chance. It was raining, which was unusual for that time of year. We pulled into the campground in the evening and set up the tent in the site just north of the camp hosts. We made dinner and called it a night, with it still raining. Something woke me at about 2:30am. It was what sounded like two rocks being knocked together, south of us, down the mostly dry creekbed. I was listening for sounds of clothing, car or camper doors, or soft voices, thinking someone was up really late. After listening intently for about 5 minutes through the sounds of light rain on the tent walls, there were no sounds of \"human\" movement nearby. Then the rock knocking again. Just a couple times. I wanted to wake my husband to have him hear, but the sleeping bags make so much noise and I couldn't be sure he'd be silent when waking, (I also didn't want to risk becoming an item of interest to the rock knocker.) I was then shocked and terririfed by what I heard next. Something \"whooshed\" nearby and then I heard a thud on the ground. I was astonished. What can possibly be moving so fast through the air that it would make a loud whooshing sound? I listened for any sound of leaf noise in case a tree limb had fallen, but no undergrowth impact noise nor leaf noise, as I've heard before, when a limb falls. What could possibly be whooshing so strongly through the air that I hear it and then I hear an impact nearby? Something was being thrown or beaten on the ground. Based on our experience in the area, I was pretty sure it was rocks or pieces of wood. But how freaking big (and close) did it have to be so I could hear the \"whoosh\"? That was terrifying. I was literally afraid for our lives, if one of whatever it was hit the tent. I listened for footfalls or scrub noise to see if I could tell if something was coming closer. No foot falls, but another whoosh/thud. I was out of my mind with fear, thinking we'd be hurt or killed by an impact through the tent. How is it that I didn't hear something close by, either breathing or moving? It must have been from quite a distance. I didn't sleep the entire night. My husband woke up around dawn and I was still wide-eyed in my bag. He asked me how long I'd been awake and I told him the entire night. I then told him what I'd heard and he'd wished I'd woken him up, as he believes me about my encounter and actually wants to see/hear one. I told him that I didn't want to risk becoming even more of a target by making noise during the night, so I remained still. We now have a micro camper that we're going to start using to camp/boondock with, as we're both getting older, so a trip down to Skamania/Klickitat County is soon on the books. I'll feel a little safer in it, but you never know how interesting it might look to a night time visitor- I hope not too much so. A parabolic mike and some night vision binoculars might come with us, too. Fear and curiosity-yikes.","location_details":"Deleted by investigator at witnesses request","county":"Klickitat County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 30051: Vocalizations and tense sighting reported by couple hiking and camping near Trout Lake","date":"2004-08-14","number":30051,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c21t2nywyv","temperature_high":75.68,"temperature_mid":67.64,"temperature_low":59.6,"dew_point":53.34,"humidity":0.58,"moon_phase":0.95,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":289,"wind_speed":0.83,"year":2004,"geometry":[-121.6314,45.96112]} {"observed":"During the spring of 2000, my Mom and her friend were going to town, it was in the evening when we saw it. As my Mom left she reminded me to lock up, so I went to the door to lock it. As I locked the door, I watched my Mom and her friend drive past throught the window on the left side of my door. When I looked out side I noticed the outline of a pair of legs strolling through my neighbors yard. My first thought was that someone wearing adidas pants was going through my neighbor's yard and that some on must be snooping around. Being the nosy person that I am, I cupped my hands on the glass to get a better look. When I did, I saw a large dark redish brown brown figure with long stringy hair, About 8.5' tall. It seemed so musclular and it's legs did not straighten but remained bent. As it walked it swayed it's arms back and forth as I watched in amazement. When I realized it it was something out of the ordinary I panicked and jumped back behind the door. When I looked back it was gone, Moments later the phone rang, it was my Mom on her cellular phone. She sounded very startled when I answered it and automatically ordered me to make sure the dog was in and all the doors and windows locked because she had just seen something very weird. On hearing this I was relieved that I wasn't losing my mind. She said they were almost to the end of my street when a large animal with long reddish brown hair crossed the road in front of them and took one easy step over my neighbors barbed wire fence (mom clarified it was a metal gate) and kept going. In interviewing the mom, she explained to me that she might have seen the sasquatch Chris was looking at if she had looked to the left into her neighbors yard as she drove by. But, her and her girl friend were distracted looking down the street at a very large man standing next to a 6' 6\" street sign. The top of the sign came about mid chest level. It stood still like it was hiding behind the sign. When they got closer to it, it bolted, taking two steps to clear the road and striding down her neighbors driveway and stepped over the metal 4' gate in one easy step. She said \"the long reddish brown hair swung back and forth as it swung it's arms. Moved very quickly, having a smooth and graceful gait.\" Also, she has seen his eyes glowing in the head lights of her car coming home at night. \"There have been time where I believe it has watched me at night when I have stayed up late working on paperwork in the dining room\". Her girl friend and her have been on the porch at night and heard it screaming and wailing over in the Duck Pond area.","county":"Lewis County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 1777: Family views large, reddish-brown animal near their home outside of Morton","date":"2000-04-15","number":1777,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c230cedze9","temperature_high":55.16,"dew_point":45.89,"humidity":0.84,"cloud_cover":0.82,"moon_phase":0.4,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":5,"wind_bearing":147,"wind_speed":2.83,"year":2000,"geometry":[-122.2739,46.55861]} {"observed":"T's Account: When I was coming from Chehalis, I was right between Brown's Mechanics and the old chicken barns, and I saw what looked like a bear hunched in the ditch. I stopped the car and it stood up, and I thought it was a gorilla... it looked right at me, turned it's head toward me, and it looked like it was hurt on it's right side. I remember I saw blood, and noticed the arm was slouched to one side. It looked right at me, as it walked across the street. It had a sad expression. I could tell it was hurt. I said to myself, \"your bigger than me, you go right ahead\" and then I drove home. It happened so fast. I didn't tell anyone this story, until my son came home telling about his teacher talking about sasquatch and encouraged me to talk to him. I wonder how many people don't tell other about what they saw. The skin was black and leathery around the nose and eyes and the ears were pointed and protruded through the hair on the side of the head. It looked really athletic and musclular from the waist down, and it's upper body was really big and strong looking. It's hands and feet were big also. Strange things have been going on in our neighborhood from time to time. When I called the sheriff, they said this stuff has been going on all over from Randle to Morton. D's Account: We were traveling towards Morton and home. I was dozing off when Mom hit the breaks and yelled; \"lOOK KIDS A BEAR... OH SH_ _ IT'S A GORILLA!\" Mom came to a stop as it walked right in front of our car. It walked real slow looking at us and then slid down the embankment catching it's balance with it hand. it was moving toward the woods that leads to the river. Every one was real quiet. When we got home mom kept saying it was a bear. But it did not look like a bear to me. The back and shoulders were shaped like a triangle, very wide and tapered to the small of it's back, big muscles all over. Someone had shot it in the lower back. You could see the blood and matted hair. It was slouched forward and to one side, the side it had been shot on. Told my teacher about it the next day at school. It was a sandy brown and black color. S's account: I noticed it coming onto the road. It walked on two legs. It was light brown in colored and walked like a human but more slouched over, it appeared to be hurt and it was walking really slow. Mom said afterward, when we were almost home \"What was that?\" We said nothing and mom was really shaking and seemed really scared. Mom later told me to say it was bear so D. would not be scared. D. argued with mom about what it was and mom just would change the subject after repeating it was a bear.","location_details":"On Hwy 508 west of Morton.","county":"Lewis County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 1772: Family encounters large \"gorilla\" along road west of Morton","date":"2000-10-11","number":1772,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c230cj699e","temperature_high":58.63,"dew_point":48.06,"humidity":0.9,"cloud_cover":0.53,"moon_phase":0.44,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.88,"summary":"Foggy until afternoon.","uv_index":2,"visibility":5.6,"wind_bearing":48,"wind_speed":0.89,"year":2000,"geometry":[-122.2963,46.5672]} {"observed":"I dont know where to begin with this, other than to apologize for this being such an old story. I hope that it isnt useless to you. I guess I need to tell you about the area I lived in first before I start into the rest of the story because there is a lot to it, and I think it will be confusing if I just stumble into it. In Washington state there is a town called Morton. It is an old logging community and it has a population of around 1500. It is surrounded on all four sides by mountains, and is located along highway 12, about 45 minutes east of Interstate 5 past Mayfield lake and north of rife lake. The town is only about 1 square mile in all and when you look at road maps it is truly in the middle of freakin no where. In fact, it is about 2 miles south of the southeastern tip of the Snoqualmie national forest. When I lived there though I was 11 years old and I didnt know any of that. I only bring it up now because this asks for information on the area and how to get there. I lived on 7th street. When you look at the map it is the very first street you come to when traveling east along highway 12, and we were the third house from the highway. Directly across from my house is the Graveyard. It isnt well lit, but there are a few lights, a lot of shrubs, and a few huge trees, as well as a huge hedge wall along the right side of it, when looking at it from my house. On the other side of the hedge is the power plant, and it is super well lit. There are light posts all over and you can see everything over there. To the left when looking out my window is highway 12, and there is a large hill directly on the other side of the highway. It hadnt been logged when I saw this, but the next year they did some stuff up there. Thats probably not important, but anyway to the meat of this whole thing Like I said I was 11 or so. My family had moved up from California for work and we took the first place we could get. Im not going to lie the place was a piece of junk. It was drafty and poorly insulated, and whoever lived there before must have had 100 cats they let pee everywhere because it stunk too. It has since been re built a bit but at the time it was a little blue shack that didnt have a bedroom because it had burnt down before we bought it. Because of that I slept on the couch, and my brother slept in the reclining chair. its the north window of the house that I slept next too, facing the street, and I used to sit there at night looking out the window at the stars and hoping deer would come eat my neighbors flowers so I could see one up close. Most people in morton are older, and all my neighbors were elderly the town has the only local hospital so a lot of older folks live there. Anyway, she always complained about the dear eating her roses or something, and I just wanted to see the stupid deer. Having come from Cali, Id never seen one in real life. So there I was, laying on the couch propped up with my head peeping out from under the curtain waiting for deer. It was a towel actually, we didnt have curtains, but it worked just as well I guess. The towel left about a 4 inch gap at the bottom before the sill where you could see outside without moving the curtain at all. Most nights nothing happened, and it became a habit for me to just look outside. We didnt have cable TV or anything, just the videos my uncle would send us of shows hed recorded, and I couldnt read a book because my brother got mad if the lights were on, so it was the only way I could wind down before I went to bed. Most days I didnt see anything but starts, but one day I saw a deer chillin out there eating grass or something, and I just thought it was the coolest darn thing ever! I watched it for a long time as it just kinda walked around and ate stuff, I guess. Having seen hundreds of deer since then I kinda laugh thinking about it but MAN was it ever cool at the time. So Im sitting there, watching the deer, and all of a sudden it sticks its head strait up in the air and looks behind it and freezes. Then it took off running, veering left and right and changing directions, but I couldnt see what was chasing it at first, until it ran back towards the mortuary where there is actually some light and then I was even more awestruck because it looked like a bear was chasing it! It was this big, thick, kinda fat looking thing, running on all fours and I couldnt see a tail so I figured it couldnt be a wolf, but man was it ever fast! It was so cool! I never knew bears could run fast and Id certainly never seen one before, and then the deer ran behind the mortuary, around the other side, and back towards my house with the bear right behind it. The bear was catching up, but then the deer ran right into the road and ran around the hedge into the power plant area, where it just stopped and stood there in the light. The bear didnt follow it, and kinda hung out in the shadows for a while. I could see it moving around but it was all dark. Maybe a minute went by and then the bear walked back towards highway 12 real slow, just taking its time. Well, there was a little ditch before the highway, and then the guard rail and I was watching it walk over it, and thats when it stood up. It just stood up and walked over it, walked across the road on two legs, stepped over the other guard raid, and went up into the hill across from the highway. I had NO idea what to make of it. I knew bears could stand up on two legs but I knew they couldnt walk like that... I mean it just walked right like I would have. I never told anyone about it because I thought Id get in trouble. I had gone to a private Christian school in Cali and so making up stories got you in trouble, and I really didnt want to get detention. I never told that story to anyone as a real story I should say I have always told my friends its A monster story and added stuff about huge fangs and stupid stuff because I just needed to get it OUT, you know? But I didnt want people to think I was crazy I was trying to fit in to a new school Later in the year I was watching a tape my uncle had sent to us and a comercial for burger king 99 cent whoppers came on. I thought it was stupid because there were no burger kings here, so I muted it and turned my head towards the window. When I looked out the window I saw a pair of eyes looking back at me, glowing from the light of the TV. I was scared and threw my blanket over my head and held absolutely still. I could hear something running away from the window, but I think that may have just been a curious couger Everything ive read about bigfoots, since someone finally told me about them the year after I saw the thing chase the deer in the graveyard, has said that they are very shy and wouldnt come up to a house like that. Anyway, thats my two stories. I hope they are somehow helpful. I also hope maybe you can give me some insight? I really dont know what I saw still, but the only thing that makes sense anymore is if it were a Bigfoot.","location_details":"Its litterally just on the edge of town in morton. If you go to morton just go to the graveyard and thats where it was at.","county":"Lewis County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 28301: Woman recalls as a young girl possibly watching a sasquatch chase a deer through a cemetary in Morton","date":"2000-10-15","number":28301,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c230c6g658","temperature_high":57.63,"dew_point":42.96,"humidity":0.84,"cloud_cover":0.8,"moon_phase":0.58,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1018.97,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":2,"visibility":6.68,"wind_bearing":180,"wind_speed":4.01,"year":2000,"geometry":[-122.2842,46.55354]} {"observed":"Our family was coming home down I-5 from visiting our daughter in PeEll. It was a very warm spring day, discount that we have estimated in May 2000. We were traveling south bound just from the on ramp. We saw a very large figure crossing the rail road tracks. It was probably 8' or 8 1/2' tall. It moved gracefully across the rail road tracks. At first I thought it was a man dressed up in a dark brown fur suit. Some one said, \"Did you see that?\" and then the 3 of us started trying to rationalize what we had seen. Almost at the same time we said that was a Big Foot! We have never told anyone about this until today at the Onalaska Sportsman Show. We saw the BFRO exhibit and my husband talked to Kevin Lindley, next thing I know we were sitting down telling our story. We have really tried to discount the idea that it was something else we saw, but we know what it was, a Big Foot. He was large, long arms, dark brown fur from head to toe. It was in the area of the steam train, but the other tracks that the AM Trak travels.","location_details":"The tracks at I-5 as you are going accross the bridge between hwy 6 and 13th street exit. The tracks that Am Trak travels. There are trees and bushes along both sides of the tracks.","county":"Lewis County","state":"Washington","season":"Spring","title":"Report 4737: Afternoon sighting by family on I-5 near Chehalis","date":"2001-05-13","number":4737,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c2293yt712","temperature_high":67.37,"temperature_mid":57.56,"temperature_low":47.75,"dew_point":46.6,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.86,"moon_phase":0.7,"precip_intensity":0.0005,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.77,"summary":"Light rain in the morning.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.56,"wind_bearing":206,"wind_speed":4.45,"year":2001,"geometry":[-122.9627,46.6622]} {"observed":"Saturday of Labor Day Weekend. My family and I were on our way to White Pass, Washington heading East from Tacoma. About seven miles or so outside of Packwood heading up the pass we rounded a corner on Highway 12 and saw something covered in fur standing on the passenger side of the road at about 10pm. Going probably 60, we passed it very fast. Both my wife, kids, and I could not believe what we had just seen. After waiting for a car to pass I quickly pulled a U-turn behind it and by this time had the kids screaming in the back of the van not to go back. As we came back down we were looking out the drivers side window to were we had just seen it when the kids all screamed \"there it is.\" The car in front of us had slammed on it's brakes too, so I assume they saw it also. It had crossed the road and was now again on the passenger side walking along the guard rail. As we passed by it we got a pretty close look at it. We again turned around and were heading back up but now it was gone. I have no idea what it was other than to say it walked on two legs, was covered in brown hair. My gut insinct tells me it was fake, but I do not know. I have tried to find any rational explaination for it but I am unable.","location_details":"I wrote down the milepost, but I do not have it with me as I write this. It was near the Mount Rainer/Chinook Pass turnoff highway 12.","county":"Lewis County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 3202: Nighttime sighting by family on Hwy 12 near Packwood, Labor Day Weekend","date":"2001-09-01","number":3202,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c23990pwcv","year":2001,"geometry":[-121.5863,46.67111]} {"observed":"Due to some computer problems, the witness in this case filed his report telephonically with BFRO investigator Charles Lamica. Below is a synopsis of that interview. About eight years ago the witness and his wife lived in western Washington, near the town of Winlock. The couple owned several horses and spent a great deal of time riding them on the trails and logging roads near their home. One sunny afternoon in late spring or early summer they were riding on a logging road in a wooded area when the witness saw what he describes as a chimp-like animal cross the dirt road in front of them. According to the witness, the animal was a couple hundred yards in front of him and the sighting lasted only a couple seconds. He described the animal as Moving fast, using its arms to help it along, exactly like a chimpanzee does. He said the animal was black in color. Due to the distance and the short duration of the sighting he didnt get a good look at the animals face. He remembered the animals arms were Long and skinny, and were much longer than its legs. He never saw the animal stand up, but estimated that if it stood erect it would have been about five feet tall. He said the animal moved very fast, About the speed of a loping horse, and disappeared into the vegetation on the other side of the road. The witness said hes very familiar with bears and is positive the animal he saw wasnt a bear. He stated, If this was a bear it was a horribly deformed bear. He felt that such a bear would not have been able to move as fast as the animal he saw. He further stated that bears seen in profile tend to have a rather horizontal back, while the animal he saw had a steeply slanted back due to the arms being a lot longer than the legs. He related that bears have a noticeable neck, but the animal he saw seemed to have little or no neck. After the brief sighting the couple rode their horses to the spot where the animal crossed the road. At that point the horses became very frightened and hard to control. The witness says the horses refused to go further and became so unmanageable that they eventually had to turn around and go back the way they had come. The witness said he and his wife had ridden those horses on that same stretch of road Hundreds of times, and never before or after the sighting did the horses refuse to move forward. The witness also related that he has ridden his horses in close proximity to bears and the horses never acted as frightened and unmanageable as when they saw the Chimp-like animal. The area where the sighting took place was typical western Washington forest with a lot of salal bushes, large ferns, vine maples, and big fir trees. The area is generally mountainous, although the place where the animal was seen was relatively flat. The witness said that when he lived in that area it was not uncommon to hear very loud and unusual howls at night.","county":"Lewis County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 28409: \"Chimp-like\" animal briefly seen by backcountry horseman near Winlock","date":"2002-06-15","number":28409,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2288d94b8","temperature_high":71.74,"temperature_mid":61.37,"temperature_low":51,"dew_point":49.35,"humidity":0.72,"cloud_cover":0.63,"moon_phase":0.17,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1018.42,"summary":"Overcast until afternoon.","uv_index":8,"visibility":9.89,"wind_bearing":315,"wind_speed":2.03,"year":2002,"geometry":[-123.0235,46.50835]} {"observed":"It was Saturday, 9/14/02, at around 11:15AM while fishing on Riffe Lake. I had my son and a friend of his in the boat with me. We had pulled up to a point and shut down to start fishing when I scanned the clearcut like I always do looking for deer or elk. About 150 yards off of the shore, I noticed something walking. My first thought was \"it sure is awful warm to be bundled up like that\" and then immediately thought \"your coat sleeves are really long\". I then said to the boys, \"hey look, a sasquatch\". They both spotted it and it was walking away from us at a 45* angle looking back over its left shoulder. It went behind a big stump and we didn't see it for several seconds. It came out from the other side and stood facing us and just looked at us for probably 30 seconds. At this point we all got serious because we could tell that it didn't appear to be a human and I know it was not a bear. It turned and started walking away from us looking back ever so often. It stopped just before going down a little raven and stood looking at us again. It went down in the ravene and up the other side then disappeared into the timber. The boys were very \"excited & nervous\" by now. We discussed this amongst ourselves and I guess we watched this thing for close to 5 minutes. I am originally from Arkansas, just a farm boy who has hunted and fished all of my life. I have heard people talk about these things for years and haven't given them much thought one way or another. What we saw definetly was not human, it was hairy from head to toe and was large, I don't know how tall. It walked with long strides and it's arms & hand swung in an long swings as it walked. At approximately 150 yards, coupled with the amount of time it was in sight, we had a pretty good look. We are going back to the lake this Saturday and I am going to get out and look around. This time I'm taking binoculars and a camcorder. I'm not one to get caught up in myths, but what we saw wasn't ordinary.","location_details":"There was actually a highway closer than SR 12 but I don't know what it is called. We put in on Riffe Lake @ Mossyrock State Park and ran all the way up the lake to Kosmos. We were at a point in view of what is called the \"fishing bridge\" and there is a highway there.","county":"Lewis County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 4940: Morning sighting by three fishermen near the east end of Riffe Lake","date":"2002-09-14","number":4940,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c22bwp7h22","temperature_high":83.58,"temperature_mid":69.7,"temperature_low":55.82,"dew_point":51.19,"humidity":0.51,"moon_phase":0.28,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Mostly cloudy in the evening.","uv_index":1,"wind_bearing":4,"wind_speed":0.7,"year":2002,"geometry":[-122.4275,46.5347]} {"observed":"My wife and I were wakened by the loudest vocalization I have ever heard , similar to a Peacock but much louder and more timber to its voice , there was no anxiety in its voice not a scream but more of a call , it called about 12 times then went silent I went outside and tried to mimic its call at which time it answered me about 6 times getting closer with each call , close enough that I felt uncomfortable enough to go back inside. I would say it went as far as the edge of my yard where it could have seen me through the trees and still remain unseen. The odd part about this is that not one of my 3 dogs barked they were very alert and tense. These dogs bark at the slightest provacation one of these dogs I had to fit with a bark collar to stop her nuisance barking","location_details":"One mile at the dead end of Cropsey Dr. which is off of Kiona about one mile from the intersection of Savio and Kiona Savio is off of Hiwy 12","county":"Lewis County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 4985: Vocalizations heard by couple at dawn near Randle","date":"2002-09-19","number":4985,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c230xjxzqb","temperature_high":74.14,"temperature_mid":61.01,"temperature_low":47.88,"dew_point":49.16,"humidity":0.67,"moon_phase":0.44,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":33,"wind_speed":1.62,"year":2002,"geometry":[-122.0252,46.5256]} {"observed":"Hello I'd like to start out by saying I'm not a believer. I now consider myself a skeptic. I started out on 01 Nov 02 on my very first elk hunt. All my friends told me to go and hunt in Packwood. So being in the Army I did a good map recon. Talked to the locals and head out for my hunt. I drove about about 30 minutes north of Packwood on the 02 Nov 03 The day was kinda warm. So I packed light. I had my rifle, pistol and a small day pack with camera. I hiked about 5 hours till I got to the top of the ridge line. Stop for lunch and decided to take some pictures cause it was so beautiful up there. There where small patches of snow behind rocks and trees where the sun couldn't reach. As I walked around a big rock I' saw these tracks that took my breath away. Well I'm not one to scare quickly and there is not much that scares me except sharks but after see these tracks in the snow. It made me feal very uneasy. After calming down I pulled out my camera and took these 2 photos the last 2 pictures in the camera. My foot is a 11 regular but the track was about 2\" wider and maybe 3\" longer. After taking the last picture something threw a rock. It didnt push it or it didnt fall on its own it was about 150 meters away but when the rock hit it started alot of other rocks to fall. So I took out my bino's and glassed in the direction the rock came. I could see what looked like a indention in the rocks. So after I calmed down again I decided to come down off that mountain kinda quickly. Again I'm not a believe but something spooked me I guess it's the fear of the unknown. Sincerely SSG Brian R. Wood U.S. ARMY","location_details":"North of packwood on Tatoosh ridge.","county":"Lewis County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7038: Large footprints found in snow above Packwood","date":"2002-11-02","number":7038,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c233z996q9","temperature_low":21.8,"dew_point":7.98,"humidity":0.42,"moon_phase":0.92,"precip_type":"snow","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":81,"wind_speed":1.58,"year":2002,"geometry":[-121.6606,46.7225]} {"observed":"this all started when we were asked to be night watchmen for a logging company to watch the big equipment during the summer months of july and august. it was last week of july when we got there . first incedent we went fishing at the pond there and as we were there for about 1 hour and all of sudden we heard a strange short scream with a deep tone off to one side then behind us was another short scream witch sounded like a responce to the first scream. the sound of these screams startled us to as what this could be. my boyfriend has been a hunter and has lived in around these areas for years never have he or i heard a sound like that. then about 15 min or so another scream back and forth to eachother while we are in the middle then about 7 ducks come out of the bush right at us as more screams were let out by this thing. we emediatly ran to the car and went to drive back to our trailor. another duck came threw the trees and flew directly into the windshield as i kept driving. about two days latter as i was checking the equipment and making sure they were all locked up as i was walking back down the hill the sun was on the back side of this thing. it looked as though something was down in the water drinking i could here the snorkling as i was standing there thinking posible elks but because the fur seemed to be dark and long kind of a burnt red color. as i stood watching this looked to be a huge log standing up with lots of fur. i couldnt move i just froze. i couldnt scream i simply couldnt move. this thing turned and took one huge step over the top of a log on the ground i thought it was coming after me. then i finally started running down the hill to my boyfriend screams coming out of me and then screams coming out of this thing i yelled as loud as i could for him to run to the trailor. we got over by the door of the trailor. my boyfriend was still over by the car he then heard this thing screaming as it was headed toward the trees then the branches were breaking as screams and then screams down behind us we both went into the trailor. i was so scarred i couldnt leave the trailor. my boyfriend went back out side and listened it sounded as though it was done. he came back into the trailor and asked me what i saw i told him this thing it just came out of the ground. he said a bear i said no taller than a bear like andre the giant just stepping over the rope thats how big this thing was 8 or 9 foot tall easy the following morning we went out to look for some kind of foot prints saw a couple about 4 foot split between them. the trees were up rooted some were twisted bend down twisted broken off about 7 foot up the tree . we desided to stay. maybe we could comunicate .... we got comunication by screaming threw the construction cone witch worked almost right away. my boyfriend would scream threw the cone then about 5 min this thing would scream possably 10 yards into the tree line or just very loud. eather way it was the same screams and noises as down at the pond. as days and nights went by my boyf would keep in contact with this thing it would answer all the time when it was close. the twigs and branches we placed in the ground scinny side pushed into the ground the trees were not the branches of the trees around pushed into the ground. we then saw stumps that were completely surrounded by branches and branches weeved into trees and looked to beds we found hand prints where the beds were we found hair trapped into the ground like a straw bed. other things were happening also but i would like to talk to someone about this ordeal i still have nightmares about this please if you read my story contact me thank you Investigators Addition The following is a narrative based on an interview with the witnesses at their home on 3/15/08. The witnesses arrived at the logging site on July 20th 2003. Their job was night watchmen over the logging equipment. It was their responsibility. They were on duty all night. They were off duty during the daylight hours while the equipment was being used. First Site: The first location is where most of the activity occurred. From the gate the pond is three miles up the road on what they call the Main Line. The trailer was parked a mile further down the road beyond the pond. A large clear cut was on the north side of the trailer site. A road ran north through the clear cut, bending to the east about in the middle. A spur road extended north from the bend in the road and ended at the tree line. First encounter The pond. Date: August 1st Time: Dusk Moon: New The couple was fishing at the pond in the late afternoon. They had been fishing for about an hour when suddenly the first creature screamed, then in a few seconds the second creature screamed. It was just getting dark. The witnesses could not see what they were, but said that the creatures were only about 40 yards to each side of them. The first creature was across the pond to the right side, and the second creature was on their side to their left. The second creature was just beyond where they parked their car. Not knowing what it was that was screaming, they became afraid and decided to leave. As they were rapidly trying to get to the car, a flock of ducks was flushed from the brush at the end of the pond where the first creature screamed from. The ducks were very spooked. The witnesses jumped into their car and began to head towards their trailer when two very frightened ducks rocketed through the timber between the pond and the road and one actually collided with the drivers side mirror of their car. Second Encounter Eyes in the clear cut. Date: August 2nd Time: 12:00-1:00AM Moon: New Location: Up in the clear cut, near the logging equipment, which was parked about halfway between the road and the tree line along the right side of the spur road. Later that night, (after the encounter at the pond) they walked up the road into the clear-cut to check on the equipment. They took a laser light pen with them. After checking the equipment to make sure it was locked up, they were looking to see what might be out in the clear cut (like deer, elk, bear, etc.), when they saw three sets of red colored eyes close to the ground, in the open, just to the left of the spur road. The eyes moved from the left of the road up, onto the road. When the witnesses shined the laser light on the creatures, the eyes seemed to bob and weave trying to duck away from the laser light. The creatures stayed close to the ground, with one set almost on the ground, and the other two higher up. When the laser light hit the creatures, they could see hair about four inches long. Then one set of eyes rose up to be about six feet above the road. They assumed it stood up. Then all three creatures turned and walked away, up the spur road to the tree line. At the tree line, they turned left and headed down through the trees. The witnesses said that they could hear branches breaking as they walked. They could also hear vocalizations periodically. It sounded like two people who were very annoyed, and complaining. The screams were short vocalizations, like shouts, and were exactly the same as they heard near the pond. That ended the second encounter. Third Encounter - Whistling, Date: August 2nd Moon: New Time: Late afternoon to dusk Location: Halfway between the pond and their trailer, on the north side of the main-line road. The next day, the witnesses decided to take a walk. It was late afternoon. They walked from their trailer back towards the pond and then went up a cat road for a distance. They then turned around because it was getting dark. The boyfriend was getting an uneasy feeling about the situation. As they were walking out, they began to hear a flute like whistle. When they would stop to listen, the whistle would stop. When they started to walk again, the whistle would start up again. What was making the whistling sound followed them all the way back to the main road. They could not identify what was making the sound. Fourth Encounter The little one Date: August 6th Time: 11:30 PM Moon: full Location: At the creek which ran down from the clear cut and past the trailer. The female witness went to get water from the creek. She was up in the clear cut a short distance, at a place on the creek where it was easy to fill up the water jugs. She was crouching down filling up her water jugs when she looked up and saw two yellowish looking eyes framed by black, shiny skin. She could see the eyes, nose, cheeks, and forehead. It was five feet away,but down on the ground, looking up at her. She said softly, You stay right there., and backed away. She went to get her boyfriend. When they came back a few minutes later the creature was gone. Fifth Encounter The big one Date: August 7th Time: Dusk, 10:00 PM Moon: A little more than full Location: In the clear cut, at the head of the little stream that flowed out of the clear cut and past the trailer. The next night, just at dusk, they could still see well enough to work on their car, which was having problems. It was about 10:00 PM. There were big black bees that kept them inside the trailer during the day, so they went back out after the bees went away to work on the car. The female witness walked up the road leading into to clear cut to check on the logging equipment and make sure that the doors were all closed and locked. Having done that, she was walking back towards the trailer, when she heard this snorkeling sound over by the creek. She walked over to take a look at what might be there and saw this big, fur covered butt about 60-70 feet away. At first she thought it might be a bear or an elk. It was on its knees, bending forward, drinking from the creek. Then it stood up as if in slow motion. She said that it looked like a big stump just growing out of the ground. Then it stepped over a 3 foot high stump. She said the creature was 8-9 feet tall, and moved like Andre the Giant stepping into a wrestling ring. She said the hair was a burnt red color with gray tips. She then ran in fear down towards the trailer, screaming as she ran. She stated that she didnt know if it was chasing her or not, but she could hear it screaming also. Her boyfriend, hearing her, walked across the road to see what was going on. He said that the creature was moving away, screaming. He said that it threw a fit up in the trees. It was yelling and screaming, breaking trees and branches. The screaming was the same sound as they heard down by the pond. This was the first time they realized what they were encountering. Sixth Encounter Tree breaking Date: August 8th Time: Approximately midnight Moon: A little more than half full Location: 40 yards from the trailer. The same night they saw the big one in the clear cut, they went out to get water from the creek, but stayed close to the trailer, within 40 yards. They wanted to be close enough to run to safety if necessary. While getting water, they heard a creature walking in the woods close by. The boyfriend threw some rocks in the direction of the sounds. The creature reacted to the rock throwing by violently shaking a small tree. It shook the tree so hard that it fell over. This scared the witness, so he fired his one shot into the air to scare the creature away, and yelled, Stay away! At this, the creature went silent and walked away. After the shot, the male creature made a call from above and behind them in the clear cut. By this time, they could identify the two individuals by the sound of their voices. The male makes a louder, deeper call. The female voice is higher pitched, not as loud as the male, and has a distinctive short howling sound she makes at the end of her vocalizations. After the 5th and 6th encounters, they started walking in the woods during the day, looking for tracks. They found impressions in the moss which were quite large. The interesting thing about the impressions is that there would be a deep heel print, then an undisturbed space, then the front of the foot. The stride was 4 feet. At one muddy bank, the found a track where the sasquatch tried to step up the bank, but its foot slipped and made a long five toed slide mark in the mud. They began to find stick structures in the shape of tripods and tee-pees. There were large ones and very small ones. The interesting thing is that the structures were made with the tips of the poles inserted into the ground and the root end up in the air. They found lines of single poles stuck in the ground, tip end down, like trail markers. They found lean-to type structures made against a large tree, and there was what appeared to be a sleeping nest under it. Inside they found hair, which looks like elk hair, and a full hand print. The hand print was close to human proportions but dinner-plate large. They found a log laying on the ground that had sticks arranged leaning on the log at even intervals. The couple constructed their own tee-pee near where they found the stick structures and the sleeping nest. The idea was to make a structure as a blind, and then hide out in it at night to see what might show up. They leaned poles up against the side of a big stump and lodged the lower ends into the stump roots. Then they wove sticks horizontally. They spent several hours that night inside this blind. After a few hours, with nothing happening, they decided to go back to the trailer. They said, I wonder what the sasquatches will think of our structure. As they were walking away, they heard one of the sasquatches hoot at them. They were being watched the whole time. The next day, they went back to check on their structure, and found it disassembled, and the sticks neatly stacked in three piles. Later, they decided to try to mimic the calls they were hearing. They used a construction cone as a megaphone, and by making a call while sucking in air, the male witness was able to imitate the calls. When he called, the creatures would almost always answer. This interaction continued intermittently until the end of August. The creatures seemed curious about them and hung around at each of the three locations where they camped. They would hear vocalizations from time to time. They said that it would be what they called the squawk call, and sometimes there would be wood-knocks or rock-clacking. They heard both the male and female. The couple was stationed at the first logging site for about one month before being moved to the next logging site about a mile away. This move happened around the first of September. Second site. The couple stayed at the second site for about three weeks. During this time, they would hear heavy, raspy, breathing from time to time as one of the creatures walked by their trailer. There was a lot of human activity at this time. The sasquatches curious about them, but left them alone. Third site. They stayed at the third site for two weeks. At this site, they explored the woods around the area. They found stick structures, impressions, and the beds. The end. The third week of September, they told the logging crew boss about what they had seen and experienced. He was not surprised, but said, Dont tell anybody!. He said that they were afraid that if it was proven that there really were sasquatches then the woods would be closed to logging. The next day, the witnesses were fired. They were told that their services were no longer required. This was supposed to be a six month job. Three days later, while they were in town, the logging company pulled their trailer out of the woods and left it by the highway.","location_details":"Between the town of Morton and Riffe Lake.","county":"Lewis County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 22475: Night watchmen at logging camp near Morton describes multiple incidents","date":"2003-08-15","number":22475,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c2308vke4s","temperature_high":67.7,"temperature_mid":60.745,"temperature_low":53.79,"dew_point":51.42,"humidity":0.65,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.62,"precip_intensity":0.0003,"precip_probability":0.31,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.88,"summary":"Overcast until evening.","uv_index":4,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":255,"wind_speed":0.87,"year":2003,"geometry":[-122.3045,46.52352]} {"observed":"possible vocalization? this happened when i was a sophomore going into junior year of high school. it was summer and me and about 10 of my friends went camping to the rainbow falls state park. they have alot of wildlife listed on their website to be known in the area, but none that would make a noise like the one me and one other friend can recall. after we put our fire out and people started going to sleep me and one other friend were the last to be up, we sitting on the picnic bench talking, about 5 minutes later we went in our tent where everyone else in our group was already asleep. we layed down and a couple minutes later i started to notice this high pitched howling noise way in the distance. at first i didnt think any thing at all of it, me and my friend who was awake were joking that it sounded almost like tires screeching way in the distance. It only caught my attention recently when i was browsing the bfro site and listened to the puyallup recording and it sounded almost identical to the noise i heard that night in rainbow falls. It gives me goosebumps when i hear that recording, just thinking about the whole incident now.","county":"Lewis County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 24024: High School friends camping at Rainbow Falls State Park hear vocalizations near Chehalis","date":"2004-06-12","number":24024,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c22379p06e","temperature_high":61.64,"temperature_mid":57.26,"temperature_low":52.88,"dew_point":44.77,"humidity":0.76,"cloud_cover":0.47,"moon_phase":0.84,"precip_intensity":0.0018,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1018.36,"summary":"Light rain in the evening and overnight.","uv_index":7,"visibility":9.69,"wind_bearing":194,"wind_speed":0.82,"year":2004,"geometry":[-123.2349,46.63153]} {"observed":"On 11/12/04 my husband and I were hunting in the Mossy Rock, WA area in a clear cut next to a stand of timber, (This was about 6 days after opening day of Elk season.) It was about 0710, and a clear, dry, morning. Rob, my husband, was about 50 yards from me closer to the woods, I was on the upper part of the clear cut, I had heard the tail end of the first scream. Rob had asked me, \"if I heard that?\"(We had ear bob radios on) I stated,\"Yes'\" than about 1 minute later, we both heard another Scream! Very close and very Human like. When Rob reached me, I told him that, \"That! was Bigfoot!\" He said, \"That's what I thought!\" I have seen documentaries on Bigfoot, however, Rob never has, so he had no idea what Bigfoot might sound like.The area was the 520 GMU, but if you need more info. just E-mail me back. Both of us are in a branch of Law Enforcement, so most everyone we know thinks we were hearing things, however, both Rob and I grew-up in the woods and wide open spaces both of us know, that was nothing he or I have ever heard!!! I am an Animal Control Officer for Pierce County and the closest thing that it may have been other than the scream off the doctumentary, was a half human, half baboon in a leg hold trap, really pissed off!","county":"Lewis County","state":"Washington","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9811: Hunters hear early morning vocalizations near Mossy Rock","date":"2004-11-12","number":9811,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2300n3w4p","temperature_high":45.85,"temperature_mid":41.89,"temperature_low":37.93,"dew_point":39.53,"humidity":0.97,"cloud_cover":0.94,"moon_phase":0.01,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1019.99,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":2,"visibility":6.53,"wind_bearing":91,"wind_speed":1.39,"year":2004,"geometry":[-122.3416,46.44165]} {"observed":"Labor Day, 2005, late, late Sunday evening or very early Monday morning. We were camping on the edge of Gifford Pinchot National Forest where some friends keep there horses tied up to ride the Tarbell Trail. I am uncertain of the exact location but could find out if you need me to. There are about 6 campsites and there were about 10 horses with us. We left to go on a night hike and followed a trail down the river, very far down the river where we found a great dark spot in thick foliage to sit and have a beer and watch the stars and throw rocks into the river. As we were leaving we could here what sounded like something following us. We all had lights but could not see anything at all. When we made it back to camp we sat in a nearby clearing and watched the stars some more. The ladies who were at the camp reported someone throwing rocks near them and could here brush being moved around. They ignored it thinking that it was just us guys playing around. We headed back to the tents around 1am and went to bed. Before any of us were asleep that night we heard a screech or scream a few times. We all heard it. Later that morning around 3am we heard it again and it sounded farther off. All of this sounded as if it were coming from the area were we were by the river that night. Before the sunrise that morning my girlfriend was awoken by a growl that sounded very close to the tent. I just made it home from our trip and listened to the recordings on your site and I can tell you what we heard was the same sound you have on your recordings. I have always belived that they existed however, I will be thinking twice about midnight hikes around Gifford Pinchot from now on. I have heard and read many similar stories and always joked about it. \"Hey! Maybe this time we will see the sasquatch, har har har...\" Well we got to hear it and it was freaky. Keep up the great site, I will now be visiting it on a regular basis. Take care.","location_details":"[Information removed at request of witness.]","county":"Lewis County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12523: Campers hear possible vocalizations in Gifford Pinchot NF, near Tarbell Trail","date":"2005-09-05","number":12523,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c214eff1fx","temperature_high":70.29,"temperature_mid":59.055,"temperature_low":47.82,"dew_point":46.73,"humidity":0.72,"cloud_cover":0.07,"moon_phase":0.06,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1020.82,"summary":"Partly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":7,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":298,"wind_speed":1.01,"year":2005,"geometry":[-122.1761,45.4549]} {"observed":"Grande Coulee, Wash -- Mid Aug 2002 Spring Canyon -- Way up in the canyon, there is a densely wooded region behind a dry water fall, in the highest part of the canyon to the SouthEast. I didn't actually see anything, but having climbed up there to get a view, I was warned in no uncertain terms -- a grunting hum with a stamping of feet. The Beast inhaled and exhaled with a sound like a large bull. The animal must have enomous girth, given the sound. And then total silence. I altered by approach to the water fall's edge. I waited, no sounds, no nothing. I wasn't going in those woods, however. I thought it might be a rogue bull, but given what I've heard about how BigFoot is, how he sounds, the rocky hard-to-get-to area, and the very dense vegatation. It might be a BigFoot residence. It's probably worth a look.","location_details":"174 E from Grand Coulee There is a road that goes down to Lake Roosevelt, ie. the Spring Canyon Road by Lake View Terrace Mobile Park. Turn on this road going uphill (south from 174). The road is blocked by two gates. The gate on the left is the one you want. The road is disguised at first. Walking up the road, there is a 1920's/1930's vintage water pipe going with the road. At the top, as the road curves to the left at a high point, there is a small mesa on your right. Spring Canyon winds around this Mesa. Climb on top for a view. To the SouthEast, there is a beautiful dry waterfall with dense vegatation behind it. That is the lair. The best way up is to go directly East/up and walk around a wheat field.","county":"Lincoln County","state":"Washington","season":"Summer","title":"Report 5249: Man exploring canyons southeast of Grand Coulee is growled at by unknown animal","date":"2004-10-13","number":5249,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2e2t1wguk","temperature_high":71.49,"temperature_mid":57.745,"temperature_low":44,"dew_point":37.9,"humidity":0.49,"moon_phase":0.98,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":278,"wind_speed":1.15,"year":2004,"geometry":[-118.9505,47.9093]} {"observed":"I was driving my car near my house. The road curves a bit, then you go up a small hill, and as I as coming down the small hill near the RR crossing I saw a HUGE, 7-8 foot, 300-400lb, creature walking with its back to me on my side of the road. It was silvery white/grey with dark grey roots and grey patches. It had very broad shoulders and almost no neck. I dont think its head was pointed. It was almost leisurely walking down the road. I was so scared, I didnt know whether to stop, honk, or turn around, so i kept driving. As i got closer I started to scream in terror, The closer I got the louder and more terrified my screams became. I remember seeing a cowlick on its back. At the intersection of K and 170th (road I was on) I stopped for a minute, hyperventilating and full of adrenaline. I wanted to turn a car over or serioulsy hurt something. I was so scared, and angry (must have been the adrenaline). I didn't dare look in my rearview, because if I saw its face, I would have had a heart attack.","location_details":"County road K going out of New Richmond takes you to 170th Street (where my parents live). There is a river, a small pond/marsh, RR tracks, nearby. This is about 3/4 of a mile off K on 170th.","county":"St. Croix County","state":"Wisconsin","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8502: New driver frightened into screaming as he passes huge creature walking along road","date":"2004-06-16","number":8502,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"cbn285fxhc","temperature_high":73.27,"temperature_mid":66.92,"temperature_low":60.57,"dew_point":59.71,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.7,"moon_phase":0.97,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":8,"visibility":9.92,"wind_bearing":2,"wind_speed":2.65,"year":2004,"geometry":[-92.4573,45.1097]} {"observed":"I had gone up to visit a friend of mine and I was driving home. It was just getting dark. I was South, outside of Peshtigo WI. I had gone to Marinette WI for the weekend. I looked down to turned on my radio when I looked up a huge black and brown creature ran across in front of my car about 60 ft in front of me. I slowed down to about 35mph not sure what I had seen. I looked in the direction it ran and didn't see anything through the trees. I had my window cracked and smelled a skunk type smell. At that point I locked my car door rolled my window up and got out of there.","location_details":"The traffic was sparse I was driving southwest. It ran upright on 2 legs, it made it across the road in about 4 steps was moving right side to the left side of the road","county":"Marinette County","state":"Wisconsin","season":"Summer","title":"Report 51317: Motorist has dusk sighting on Hwy. 41 outside Peshtigo","date":"2004-06-20","number":51317,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"f018ug6cuf","temperature_high":73.02,"temperature_mid":64.575,"temperature_low":56.13,"dew_point":46.31,"humidity":0.59,"cloud_cover":0.3,"moon_phase":0.09,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1016,"summary":"Mostly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":7,"visibility":9.82,"wind_bearing":218,"wind_speed":8.26,"year":2004,"geometry":[-87.6779,45.15]} {"observed":"I've been visiting this lake since a small child, so I am familiar with the animals that live there and the sounds they make. The first time I was fishing with my father in a little cove on the lake. I heard some rustling in the woods and thought maybe there was a deer and i was looking through the trees. I didn't see anything at first but then I saw something fairly tall, I'd say between 6 and 7 foot. The only view I got of it was a profile and it was walking very quickly on 2 legs with arms swaying. I thought for a seconds it was a bear, but i noticed it did not have the ears of a bear nor did it have a snout. My dad didn't notice it (he was too intent on catching a fish) and when I told him what I thought I just saw he laughed and didn't pay much attention to what I said. I've seen bears in the area before and this shared only 2 features with the bears I've seen, It was hairy, and was large. It had hair colors ranging from dark brown to light brown and very long arms. I never saw the legs. I'm sure I could have if I had looked but I was trying too hard to catch a glimpse of the face that I never looked down. The second was a year later in the same genral area on the same lake. I never saw anything this time but I heard some very loud footsteps on the shore(i was in a boat) and branches snapping. This could have been a bear. The steps were too loud and thumping for it to have been a deer or elk. The sounds I heard a half hour or less later were definitely not bear sounds. There were several sets of high pitched squeals coming from the same direction sometimes they seemed closer sometimes they seemed farther away, like two animals communicating. My friend claimed they were elk mating calls, but I have heard those before and am pretty sure thats note what these sounded like, this coupled with the loud, heavy footsteps made me think it was a bigfoot. I don't think elk would be hanging around making mating calls if it was a bear I heard.","location_details":"Willow Reservoir, between Tomahawk and Minocqua, WI.","county":"Oneida County","state":"Wisconsin","season":"Summer","title":"Report 5516: Large hairy figure observed at Willow Reservoir.","date":"2001-07-15","number":5516,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"f00h4u5xtd","temperature_high":80.92,"temperature_mid":71.025,"temperature_low":61.13,"dew_point":59.91,"humidity":0.71,"cloud_cover":0.66,"moon_phase":0.81,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.26,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":6,"wind_bearing":179,"wind_speed":1.52,"year":2001,"geometry":[-89.8741,45.7264]} {"observed":"IT WAS NOV 2002 DEER SEASON IN PHILLIPS WISC, I WAS WALKING THE ROAD AND LOOKING FOR DEER, AS I LOOKED DOWN THE ROAD THERE WAS A LARGE BLACKISH BROWN OBJECT WALKING UPRIGHT COMING DOWN THE ROAD TOWARDS ME, SINCE WE HAVE A LOT OF BLACKBEAR IN THE AREA THATS WHAT I FIRST THOUGHT OF IT BEING, BUT WHEN I BROUGHT UP THE SCOPE TO GET A BETTER LOOK, IT WAS NO BEAR IT WAS LIKE A MAN. IT STOPPED AS SOON AS I MOVED INTO A CROUCHED POSITION TO STEADY MY VIEW. I KNOW BLACKBEAR. BEAR DO NOT WALK UPRIGHT FOR LONG DISTANCE THEY WILL STAND TO GET A BETTER LOOK BUT WHEN THEY RUN OFF THEY WILL DROP ON ALL 4 AND RUN. THIS THING RAN OFF TO THE RIGHT INTO THE ALDER SWAMP ON 2 LEGS HUNCHED OVER LIKE A MAN SLUGGED IN THE GUTS. IT WAS NO BEAR. I WENT TO THE AREA AND LOOKED FOR TRACKS BUT ONLY FOUND THE AREA OF MOSS THAT WAS DISTURBED FROM THE THING STEPPING THROUGH THE WATER. IT GAVE ME A STRANGE FEELING THAT IT WAS WATCHING ME AS I STOOD THERE LOOKING INTO THE ALDERS. I AM A PRO OUTDOOR WOODSMAN AND I SEEN WHAT I SEEN. AND AT 200 YARDS WITH A 3X9X40MM SCOPE IT WAS VERY CLEAR TO ME IT WAS NOT MAN OR BEAR.","location_details":"edited.","county":"Price County","state":"Wisconsin","season":"Fall","title":"Report 5507: Man sees reddish brown figure near Phillips jump off road","date":"2002-11-24","number":5507,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"cbpskkgwd7","temperature_high":25.07,"temperature_mid":18.755,"temperature_low":12.44,"dew_point":15.83,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.96,"moon_phase":0.65,"precip_type":"snow","summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","uv_index":1,"visibility":8.87,"wind_bearing":302,"wind_speed":6.75,"year":2002,"geometry":[-90.51145,45.7743]} {"observed":"This is totaly unbelievable, it has happened again. I can not even believe this myself, one sighting in a lifetime is hard enough but when this thing shows itself to me again, I'm starting to think maybe it is hanging around in the same type of woodland areas that I do. I am a Pro. woodsman and most of my outdoor treks take me away from all other human interferance, another words I go where other people do not want to go or will not attempt to go. The reason for this is that in my area the public are getting more and more populated in the areas that I choose to hunt or just get away, so I travel in deeper woods and swamplands away from there interferance. Well as I said I have seen this thing again, and this time it was about 3 miles from where I had spotted it the first time during hunting season. This sighting was as though it was curious or that it was following me, staying in the shadows moving only when I moved. Although this time at first it took me by complete suprise, I remained calm and also let myself observe this thing's every noticed action, trying not to let it have any knowledge that I was watching it as well. I would move taking a slow pace for about 50 yards at a time, turn to my side and kneel down acting like I was picking at the ground. It would stop and watch me from the shadows, as I move another 50 yards and watched it, it would wait till I would get about another 50 yards then it would stop and simulate what I was doing, it would crouch down and paw at the ground where I was kneeling. It would continue to sniff at the air and try to catch scent of me. After about a hour of this cat and mouse it dissapeared. I got a real uneasy feeling when I notice it about 75 yards to my right it was flanking me. This action made me very nervous, I have seen this with coyotes tracking a wounded deer. The thought ran in my mind that it was hunting me, but this feeling passed as I kept moving on. Again it would only move when I would move, perhaps it knew that its movments would be hidden by my coinciding movements, or it was trying to get in a direction of catching my scent. I kept moving in a southeast direction, stopping every 50 yards acting like I was digging and rutting around on the ground, keeping my head down and turning looking up with my eyes and not moving my head up. I thought it was gone but noticed it behind a uprooted tree root system peeking through a hole in the roots. It was closer now and was not aware that I new its location, at only about 30 yards I could make out its eyes and the right half of its face. The eyes seemed to be the color of a whitetail deer, no whites only dark. I moved on and after about another half an hour I was getting close to a area that loggers had clear cut, and it was gone. I sat in the area for at least another hour but it did not appear to me again. While I was watching this thing I got a chance to observe it and notice a lot of its features and charicteristics. Its height is only about 6 to 6 1/2 foot, it stays in the shadows, has dark brown hair with blackish streaks almost like what you could call brindle. Walks with a hunched over ape like character. I did not notice any smell. And it made no sound. I am convinced that this is a creature that with some time I can get close enough to again. No one can tell me that this freek of nature does not exist. It has showed itself to me twice.","location_details":"1 mile north of Lugerville grade road and 1/2 mile east of rock creek road, deep woods.","county":"Price County","state":"Wisconsin","season":"Fall","title":"Report 8121: Hunting & fishing guide has afternoon encounter in deep woods near Lugerville","date":"2004-07-14","number":8121,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"cbpsmvhdwn","temperature_high":78.86,"temperature_mid":66.715,"temperature_low":54.57,"dew_point":58.22,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.33,"moon_phase":0.91,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Partly cloudy in the afternoon.","uv_index":7,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":350,"wind_speed":5.04,"year":2004,"geometry":[-90.444,45.775]} {"observed":"About midnight my wife went out on the deck to have a smoke before she retired for the evening. She heard a growling screaming like sound coming from our field across the road. The sound was moving from the field across the road to the field behind the house. She heard the sound every couple min. She tried to observe any movement in the moonlight, but saw nothing. The next day after work she told me what she had heard. Being the 10th of Dec. it was dark when She got home at 5:30 p.m.. We decided to take a spot light and see if we could see any couger tracks. What we found were tracks that walked on two feet had a long stride and had a large footprint. The next day after thinking things over I went back out to the tracks and took a few photo's. The weather was warm for Wis. this time of the year and the tracks were all but gone, howerever I did find a couple somewhat intact prints.","county":"Price County","state":"Wisconsin","season":"Winter","title":"Report 9980: Family hears vocalizations and finds footprints near Park Falls","date":"2005-01-06","number":9980,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"cbptme15ch","temperature_high":19.39,"temperature_mid":12.62,"temperature_low":5.85,"dew_point":2.18,"humidity":0.7,"cloud_cover":0.53,"moon_phase":0.86,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Overcast until afternoon.","uv_index":1,"visibility":7.98,"wind_bearing":232,"wind_speed":1.73,"year":2005,"geometry":[-90.46,45.94]} {"observed":"This happened in Vilas county when i was hunting during the bow season. I was near Trout lake or i call it Trout Springs. Anyways i woke up that morning at about 4 in the morning and i hopped in the truck and drove there. I got to the place and it had been really windy before i left and when i go tout of the car it was silent. It was kind of Erie. So i got out. Then i thought i heard something, i didn't think anything of it because there are alot of animals walking around. Then the steps began to get louder. I thought maybe it was a buck chasing a doe becauseit was the rut. But then i Heard a loud groooooo groooooo grooooo.I just froze. Then i hopped in the truck and got the hell out of there. I talked to a guy later that day and told him the story. He told me that it might be a Bigfoot.","county":"Vilas County","state":"Wisconsin","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9717: Man hears footsteps, inexplicable noise in Vilas County","date":"2001-10-15","number":9717,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"f00jzwy5m5","temperature_high":46.41,"temperature_mid":38.295,"temperature_low":30.18,"dew_point":36.7,"humidity":0.87,"cloud_cover":0.8,"moon_phase":0.96,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.17,"summary":"Light rain in the morning.","uv_index":2,"wind_bearing":263,"wind_speed":7.68,"year":2001,"geometry":[-89.66195,46.0484]} {"observed":"I work up to 2 a.m. in the morning. I drive home on Hwy K that goes threw some good wooded area near Hatfield WI. Anyway there are some sharp turns and you can't drive too fast on this Highway. As I was coming down the road I saw a dark figure half in the road crossing into the other lane. My head lights had hit about half way up it's body. I first thought it could be a deer, but deers are light brown and this was a dark brown. It was walking upright. On two legs. As my van was getting closer the head lights was moving up it's body I could see more that it was walking. Now it was in the ditch and went into the tree line. As I said it was 2:15 at night and I was alone. I wasn't going to stop or slow down.","location_details":"Black River Falls is off Interstate 94. Turn off to Hwy 54. Drive east on 54 for 6 miles then turn left on Hwy K. Hatfield is about 6 miles. The sighting was about half way there.","county":"Jackson County","state":"Wisconsin","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10446: Motorist has nighttime sighting of upright animal near Hatfield","date":"2005-02-05","number":10446,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9zzkrx4hvf","temperature_high":54.4,"temperature_mid":47.695,"temperature_low":40.99,"dew_point":30.21,"humidity":0.61,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.88,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Overcast overnight.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.37,"wind_bearing":167,"wind_speed":5.5,"year":2005,"geometry":[-90.7221,44.3801]} {"observed":"I have been haunted for 5 years by an experience I had when I lived in Door County Wisconsin. I lived in a small town called Forestville. We lived in the woods. I should have called the DNR when it happened but I wrote it off as a bear even though I know all the bears in Wisconsin are black. What I saw in a thicket beside my house was redish brown. I walked down my driveway to get the mail....it was very early Spring. I heard loud noises that sounded more like a man than an animal. I peered through the thicket and all I could see was the hump of its' back as it pounded its' head or shoulder against the tree. It was large. I was so very curious to see more that I walked up onto our mound so I could look down into the thicket. I could not see it better but it must have picked up my sent or seen me because it ran toward me. I could hear it running and growling. It hit some downed trees and could not catch up to me....I heard it hit the trees as I was running to my back door. I am not crazy. I am an educated woman. I know what I experienced. I have contacted the DNR of Wisconsin from where I live now because I just have not been able to get the experience out of my mind...it haunts me. The DNR said it could not have been a bear. So what was it??","location_details":"I lived in the woods on a private road called \"Sleepy Hollow Drive\" in Wisconsin.","county":"Door County","state":"Wisconsin","season":"Spring","title":"Report 23496: Possible daylight encounter by a rural resident south of Sturgeon Bay","date":"2003-04-15","number":23496,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpcy2cpseu","temperature_high":71.93,"temperature_mid":52.135,"temperature_low":32.34,"dew_point":41.71,"humidity":0.6,"cloud_cover":0.13,"moon_phase":0.46,"precip_intensity":0.0108,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Breezy in the morning and rain starting in the evening.","uv_index":7,"visibility":9.75,"wind_bearing":235,"wind_speed":3.94,"year":2003,"geometry":[-87.49564,44.69867]} {"observed":"On June 1,2002 I checked out animal tracks on a muddy curve near Danbury, Wisconsin. I soon noticed a 17 1/4 inch human like footprint. So drove into town to purchase a camera and casting material. Before leaving the find area I tossed some apples from the car into the brush at the site. Returning there after about one hour in town and driving. I took photos of the footprint and surrounding area. I then began to cast the print. While doing this a commotion of rustling bushes started up nearby. It appearred to do so without benefit of much wind. So I stood up apprehensibly and looked in that direction. As I stepped back to get a better look the rustling\"bushes shot twenty feet in the air accompanied by a loud crack. Where upon the top of a birch tree that had been pulled down and shaken fell to the shoulder of the road within a few feet of me. That was followed by three or four whinny type vocalizations very close by in the woods. The sound did not appear to be a threatening one but rather a mischievious chuckle of some type. Days later the outline of a bigfoot creature was found on one of the photos. I am with holding that photo until I can authenticate it thoroughly. The figure stood about seven feet or so and on several other occasions following June 1st made himself known to me by following me as I checked the road for further footprints{none \"castable\" found] . Creature appearred to cross the road in three places,each where the stream nearby passed close to the road. Either to avoid being seen in the water or to avoid areas where modern day trappers put beaver sets. Creature travels otherwise exclusively in the water for which he is perfectly evolved.Think about it ,the wide feet, the up then straght down step, the weight to anchor against current s ,the height to still spot danger and long arms to reach down ,not up!. To scoop up the crayfish and things IN THE WATER>.","location_details":"Around 5 miles north of Danbury","county":"Burnett County","state":"Wisconsin","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4789: Tree top snaps off while man casts suspected sasquatch track near by","date":"2002-08-19","number":4789,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"cbnmgx9401","temperature_high":73.29,"temperature_mid":63.775,"temperature_low":54.26,"dew_point":50.09,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.11,"moon_phase":0.4,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":320,"wind_speed":1.07,"year":2002,"geometry":[-92.30575,46.05229]} {"observed":"Initial report received as the associated media article linked below. I spoke with James Hughes tonight and he sounded very credible. Mr. Hughes told me that on the morning of March 28th at approximately 5:15 a.m.,he was driving on County Highway H, approximately 11/2 miles from his home, in Clark County, York Township, when he saw a large dark figure up ahead in the road. As he got within approximately 35 ft. of it, he saw this creature step down into a ditch on the side of the road. When he was almost up to it, approximately 200 to 300 yds. away, he said it was carrying something that looked like a goat or a sheep. When he got up to where it was, he slowed down to get a better look, and it turned and looked right at him. Mr. Hughes said that it was covered with fur, even the face area, except for two darker spots that were where the eyes would have been. It had large, honey colored patches of fur all over it. This area is aproximately 9 miles N.E. of the city of Neillsville and mostly farm land with some wooded areas. Mr. Hughes got out of there as fast as he could and did not report this to the Clark County Sheriffs Dept. until the next day for fear that people would say he was crazy. The Sheriffs Dept. sent a Deputy to check the area out but he did not find any footprints or other evidence. Mr. Hughes said that there is a very large hayfield where he saw this creature and that the ground is very hard sod which would not show footprints. He thinks that this creature must have come across this hayfield.","location_details":"1 1/2 miles from Granton on County Highway H. York Township. 9 miles NE of the City of Neillsville.","county":"Clark County","state":"Wisconsin","season":"Spring","title":"Report 2215: Newspaper deliveryman sees large gray colored creature that was walking on two legs and carrying dead animal. (Newspaper account, follow-up by the BFRO and Sheriff's documents included.)","date":"2000-03-28","number":2215,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9zzyp1444k","temperature_high":42.72,"temperature_mid":35.6,"temperature_low":28.48,"dew_point":25.75,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.77,"precip_intensity":0.0004,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1004.14,"summary":"Light precipitation and breezy in the morning.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.99,"wind_bearing":341,"wind_speed":14.28,"year":2000,"geometry":[-90.0411,44.6543]} {"observed":"April 2004 Our family has land just out side of Hatfield towards Neilsville. We decided to take our camper up to the land and stay overnite with our 3 children. At aprox 2:00am I woke up because I heard something walking around the camper. We are in a remote area in the woods near a gravel road. The footsteps were right next to the camper. I was very still but knew that my husband was also awake. I whispered to him \"do you hear that?\" He replied that he did and it woke him also. He had hoped that It would not wake me. We were very still for a few minutes listening to the steps. This was a creature that was walking on two feet. We could hear the crunching of leaves and twigs under it's feet. We decided to make some noise and see if we could scare whatever it was away. I flipped on the camper lights and we yelled for whoever it was to make themselves known as we were armed. Nothing replied but the foot steps stopped. We waited about 5 muinutes and turned the lights off again and waited. About 10 minutes after that the foot steps started again. My husband went outside with his flashlight and weapon to take a look. Keep in mind it is a really dark night and we are set in the woods away from anyone who might be able to hear us if we needed help. Again, nothing. He came back in and we settled down again, 10 minutes later the steps started again. I know that this is something on two feet that is not afraid of us but is not human. We decided to get out of there with our boys. My husband stood outside while I carried them into our mini van and we left. We spent the night in the parking lot of Kwik Trip in Black River Falls. In the morning we went back to break the camper down and look around for traces of anything unusual. Because of the heavy leaf and pine needles covering the ground we were unable to find any footprints. We looked at the camper and tried to determine if something was rubbing on it to make the sound. There was nothing there. As we were taking the camper down I felt really creepy, like we were being watched. My father in law several years earlier told my husband that he saw a big foot crossing Fischer Rd on his way back to camp. He told my son that he thought he saw one in the woods while deer huntiong also. My husband while hunting when he was younger found several deer carcases in the woods all piled on topp of each other. At the time they dismissed it as someone hitting them with a vehicle and dragging them into the woods. Now when he looks back at it he thinks they were way too far into the woods for someone to drag in from the road. The carcases were picked clean. While we never saw anything I really truly believe we had a bigfoot encounter. I know that the creature walked on two feet and had a long stride. It came back over and over again. I wish we would have had a stronger flashlight, we only had a mag light on us. Now we have a really high power flashlight in the event we need to look far into the woods. I have been back to the spot several times and my husband and his family hunt every year in that same spot. As far as we know nobody else has had the same experince. I will never go back and camp there again. If they are as big as people say they are they are it could have easily pulled my kids out of that camper through the canvas. My husband and I have jobs that require us to be honest and not embelish experinces. This was by far the most terrifying thing I have ever been through.","location_details":"Forest Road, north of Hatfield, witness prefers to keep exact location private.","county":"Clark County","state":"Wisconsin","season":"Spring","title":"Report 14987: Family in a camper describes stalking outside town of Hatfield","date":"2004-04-15","number":14987,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9zzkzxyjgt","temperature_high":68.96,"temperature_mid":57.95,"temperature_low":46.94,"dew_point":36.37,"humidity":0.53,"cloud_cover":0.33,"moon_phase":0.88,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1014.2,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":7,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":132,"wind_speed":7.67,"year":2004,"geometry":[-90.7167,44.4723]} {"observed":"My mom and I were driving to my grandparent's house early in the morning when we both saw what appeared to be a gorilla sitting in a field a little ahead of us. As we got closer to the creature we both said \"my god it's a Sasquatch\"!! It was just sitting in the field with its back to us. It was HUGE! She was probably going about 45 miles per hour and our biggest regret has been and always will be, not turning around to confirm our gut feeling. We did not see it's face and/or it's whole body because it was sitting and facing the opposite direction. It was big hairy and brown. It's head was oblong and sort of came to a point with no real definition between its head and neck until it's broad shoulders. It's arms were extremely long as well. They were so long the hands were kind of bent beside it's upright body. It was NOT a bear! I would be willing to put money on that it was a gorilla before a bear. It was sitting on its butt just like a person would. People have said we are crazy for years and say it was a bear. The location where we saw the Sasquatch is not a prime bear location!!","location_details":"Heading North out of Wisconsin Dells on Hwy 13. The sighting occurred between Wisconsin Dells and Adams, WI","county":"Adams County","state":"Wisconsin","season":"Summer","title":"Report 43211: Gorilla-like figure spotted by two motorists along a roadside near Mauston","date":"2000-06-10","number":43211,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpb1s0p7uk","temperature_high":81.74,"temperature_mid":76.765,"temperature_low":71.79,"dew_point":68.46,"humidity":0.76,"cloud_cover":0.47,"moon_phase":0.3,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1007.9,"summary":"Humid and mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":9.31,"wind_bearing":209,"wind_speed":10.79,"year":2000,"geometry":[-89.81407,43.85809]} {"observed":"My dad and 2 of his friends and I were on a hunting trip in WV. My friend and I went to go get firewood. We got to the pile of wood with the truck and started loading. Out of nowhere some loud screams came out of the valley. The screams sounded like a woman was being attacked. They sounded LOUD. The lungs that belted these screams out had to be huge. I've heard some scream recordings on the Internet since then and they are similar. There is no way a human could scream this long and loud. It sounded like it was only a hundred yards away. Through the night, we heard similar screams in the distance, from more than one direction. Had to be more than one.","location_details":"There is a X-mas tree nursery before the entrance and only one road in, one road out.","county":"Wetzel County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Fall","title":"Report 12862: Possible vocalizations and rock clacking near Knob Fork","date":"2005-10-09","number":12862,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpn9wy07zh","temperature_high":59.61,"temperature_mid":55.6,"temperature_low":51.59,"dew_point":50.66,"humidity":0.9,"moon_phase":0.21,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":32,"wind_speed":0.97,"year":2005,"geometry":[-80.5621,39.6723]} {"observed":"It was a warm June afternoon when my dog Sadie and I went for a walk back in the woods on our property. After we walked threw the woods on our property i decided to take the gravel road the mile or so back home instead of traveling threw the woods again. I got a half mile away from the house when i kept hearing something like a rock or a branch hitting against a tree. At first i thought it was just animals or my husband goofing off in the woods to scare me. When i reached where i thought the noise was coming from i stopped and was looking up into the woods, but i couldnt see anything, so i proceed to yell, ha ha very funny because like i said i thought it was my husband. Well the banging got louder then stopped completly. I got the feeling something was watching me so i told Sadie lets go girl and started to walk a little faster. Just then a fairly sized rock came whizzing out of the woods and just missed me. I stopped looked in the woods because i couldnt believe what just happend, but i still couldnt see anything. So, i really started to pick up the pace just then another rock came flying out of the woods and just missed me. By the time all this happend i was at the bend in the road and i looked up in the hollar where the last rock had come from when something i can not explain let out the awfulest low growl then scream i have ever heard. It scared me and Sadie so bad we took off running and i dont think i felt the ground under my feet i was running so fast. I told my husband about it when i got home and realized it was not him he had been there the whole time. A few days later he convinced me to take him back where it all happend and along side the road was a foot print that was fairly large but shaped different. I have not adventured back there since then and really dont care to.","county":"Tyler County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Summer","title":"Report 11828: Woman experiences rock throwing, vocalization during walk","date":"2004-06-05","number":11828,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpn33kt8fc","temperature_high":65.81,"temperature_mid":60.41,"temperature_low":55.01,"dew_point":58.8,"humidity":0.93,"cloud_cover":0.96,"moon_phase":0.59,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1018.53,"summary":"Light rain in the morning.","uv_index":5,"visibility":6.23,"wind_bearing":8,"wind_speed":1.41,"year":2004,"geometry":[-81.14833,39.61958]} {"observed":"My son and I were delivering newspapers in the Talcott WV area. We were on a one lane road, I pulled into a driveway to deliver a paper, as I was putting it in the box, my son [23 years old] says look dad a gorilla. I turned quickly to look. It was walking in the yard of the home towards the woods. We watched it for about 30 seconds as it left our view. I told my son there are no gorillas in WV. Thats a bigfoot. It was about 7 feet tall with long arms, like a gorilla. It didn't seem to care about us at all. It just walked away. It was very hairy. We both got a real good look at it. We both got goose bumps. It was about 4 am. It was in Sept. around the 5th. in 2001. We looked every night in that area for the next 6 months, but never saw it again.","location_details":"route 3 from Hinton to Talcott.","county":"Summers County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Fall","title":"Report 12812: Early morning backyard sighting by newspaper deliverer near Talcott","date":"2001-09-05","number":12812,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnww4q9xj8","temperature_high":78.97,"temperature_mid":68.495,"temperature_low":58.02,"dew_point":58.26,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.29,"moon_phase":0.58,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1019.88,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":8,"visibility":6.34,"wind_bearing":355,"wind_speed":1.53,"year":2001,"geometry":[-80.7582,37.6541]} {"observed":"There is a church where I attend services. We were practicing our Christmas play on the evening of November 12th 2001. It was about 8:45 p.m. when we finished practicing, when myself (age 17) and 3 other teenagers (15, 14, and 16) decided to go for a walk, while the adults stayed inside to talk. My cousin ran ahead and hid behind a pine thicket. These pines are in someones yard, they are probably about 12 or 13 ft. tall, and they are all in a row and real close together. Myself and the other two decided to turn back and head toward the church, not realizing that my cousin was not with us. We were to the end of the pines and starting up the church driveway, when she came running out from behind the trees screaming at the top of her lungs and stating that she had seen something. Just as I turned around, I saw a Very Tall and muscular looking figure walk out from the trees, and cross the road. It was about 7 to 7 1/2' Tall and slightly hunched over swinging it's arms well below it's thigh area, almost to the knees. It turned it's whole upper torso area and glanced at us while it was walking up the hillside. After we got into the car my cousin, still very petrified, stated that when she was behind the pine trees, something about 5 feet away from her pulled back a branch on one of the trees as if to get a better look at her. She stated that it's eyes were very far apart and sunk deep into it's face. She said the hand was 3 times the size of my uncles hand,(he is a large man, and he is her step father). She said that the hand was covered on top with coarse looking hair and it had black fingernails. She said she didn't smell or hear anything. She said the reason was, that her face was so cold and her nose was plugged up and she couldn't have smelled nothing anyway. She said the creature was very tall about 7'-7 1/2' tall and very muscular. It's forehead was sloped and the top of its head looked like it had tufts of hair coming into a peak. Note; (This is exactly the way she described it to my family and hers.)","location_details":"24 miles east of Parkersburg","county":"Ritchie County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Fall","title":"Report 3655: Daylight sighting near rural church on Rt. 31, east of Parkersburg, near Cairo","date":"2001-11-12","number":3655,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnyr157x3f","temperature_high":51.89,"temperature_mid":38.93,"temperature_low":25.97,"dew_point":28.5,"humidity":0.76,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.91,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1033.72,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.5,"wind_bearing":22,"wind_speed":0.88,"year":2001,"geometry":[-81.16211,39.21833]} {"observed":"My fiance B. and I just got done watching a movie, when the dogs started barking, then within 5 minutes they got really quiet, and went into their dog houses. We thought this was strange so we opened our back door toward where the dogs were barking at a few minutes before and saw something near our mineral feeder for the cows. We live on a farm so we had an unused mineral feeder in the back yard. It looked at first that it was on all 4 legs, and as big as the outline was we assumed it was a bear, until it stood up on two legs. Now mind you we still thought it was a bear because well you know bears do stand on there hind legs. We had our back porch light on so we could see it, but the thing we saw was still about maybe 80 ft away. Anyway what we thought was strange was after it stood up it heard us at our back door,and turned its head our way and when it did we saw big yellow like eyes, we looked at each other to make sure we both were seeing the same thing. Then we saw its side arm move and it looked like it was below its knees. When it started to walk away it walked mostly upright on 2 legs swinging its arms and still looking at us until it turned its head to the hay field and walked away. To this day we stil can't explain what we saw, but we did see it.","location_details":"We live near Bruceton Mills in Preston County, WV","county":"Preston County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Fall","title":"Report 14280: Night sighting outside rural home near Bruceton Mills","date":"2005-10-05","number":14280,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpp3y54d3g","temperature_high":80.74,"temperature_mid":68.68,"temperature_low":56.62,"dew_point":56,"humidity":0.7,"cloud_cover":0.15,"moon_phase":0.07,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1023.33,"summary":"Partly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":146,"wind_speed":0.09,"year":2005,"geometry":[-79.5375,39.6995]} {"observed":"Actually, I didn't make anything of this experience until I began watching the show on OLN \"Mysterious Encounters\". That's when the excitement of possibly having an encounter of my own hit me. I was traveling up a very steep and rocky ridge about 2 hours before daylight one Saturday morning. I was packing a tree stand and my bow. It was mid-october, and daylight would bring the opening day of bow season. I was on a very rugged ridge in Pendleton county; and I had taken several deer in the area in the past. After ascending the first half of my climb, I heard russling up the ridge in front of me. I shined my small mag light in that direction. There, about maybe 60 yards in front of me were about three or four sets of (Yellow) eyes. I noticed the one set of eyes go vertically several feet, still looking in my direction. Keep in mind that our deer are about 3 feet high at the shoulders at best. Plus, the encline was about a 1:1 ratio (or steeper than the nose on most peoples faces). I also noticed that two sets of eyes were very close together, and that one of those sets of eyes didn't loose contact with me when they run off. I kept anticipating a white tail as they moved off, or at least a snort. This is very common in our deer, even jumped up in the dark. This whole scenerio took maybe about 3 or 4 seconds. About 15 to 20 seconds after they had moved off, I remember something rather heavy falling near me. I just assumed at the time that it was something falling from an oak tree or something. I now think that it was instead something thrown at me. Another very short time lapse revealed some rather peculiar \"deer vocalizations\". By this time, the creatures of source at moved across a very deep/steep hollow from me. I remember thinking to myself that those sounds couldn't be coming from a deer or any other wild animal I have ever encountered. That included my hunting travels east and west. That's when the cold sweat broke out on me when I heard something very similar on the T.V. show. I would like to add that the area that I was in was in close proximity to where the encounters occurred at Dolly Sods. There is probably about a two thousand feet difference in elevation at where I was at; but it is only a few miles traveling across the Allegheney Mountains. If these creatures are known to eat white-oak acorns and wild fox grapes, then they would have been in business at that time of year, as they were fairly plentiful in that area. I also remember the skunky smell where I think they were bedded down. Several emotions come over me now when I think about it and relive it.","location_details":"It was located in a portion of the Monongahela National Forest, east of the highway.","county":"Pendleton County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Fall","title":"Report 8796: Hunter experiences object throwing and vocalizations near Onego","date":"2001-10-16","number":8796,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnzt11qv05","temperature_high":56.49,"temperature_mid":46.38,"temperature_low":36.27,"dew_point":37.28,"humidity":0.9,"cloud_cover":0.45,"moon_phase":0.01,"precip_intensity":0.0076,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1016.86,"summary":"Rain starting in the afternoon and breezy in the evening.","uv_index":4,"visibility":7.2,"wind_bearing":251,"wind_speed":7.26,"year":2001,"geometry":[-79.3999,38.8554]} {"observed":"It was on a clear day, sun shining, I was on my way to work, it was August 2002. I came around a turn and he/she came walking out of the woods, he walked up over the bank, took about 3 steps and walked up the other side of the bank, when he crossed the road he turned his head and looked at me and kept walking. He was reddish brown with long arms.","location_details":"Upper Tract take Smucker Rd towards Kline about 3 1/2 miles turn on Kiser Gap Rd go about 4 miles","county":"Pendleton County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Summer","title":"Report 50589: Recollection of a daytime road crossing near Upper Tract","date":"2002-08-08","number":50589,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnzdxnryeg","temperature_high":79.57,"temperature_mid":64.255,"temperature_low":48.94,"dew_point":55.05,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.21,"moon_phase":0.99,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":10,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":42,"wind_speed":2.37,"year":2002,"geometry":[-79.1347,38.44367]} {"observed":"My Daughter and I were enroute to Spruce Knob which is in Pendelton County WV. While traveling up a very long dirt road(we were about 6 miles off of the main road at an elavation of approximately 3500 feet) we observed very large footprints in the snow. My husband wears a size 12 shoe and these were larger than that. The foot prints looked like a barefoot human foot. The 2nd toe was longer than the others. The footprints went up the mountain and crossed a fence. We did not attempt to follow them.","location_details":"I'm sorry but I do not have a map at the moment so I'll do my best to explain where we were. We left Green Bank, WV heading toward Seneca Rocks. I think that it is Rt.55. We took a dirt road which ran west off of the main road. It was marked 17miles to Spruce Knob. We only made it about 6 miles up that road and had to turn around because the road became snow covered and icey as we got higher. I would guess that we were about 3500 ft because it seems that we almost reached the top of the mountain and were just traveling around the ridge. There was a mountain spring where we stopped and got water close to where we saw the footprints.","county":"Pendleton County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Winter","title":"Report 7727: Mother and daughter find footprints in snow near Judy Gap","date":"2004-01-01","number":7727,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnzkj7ym6h","temperature_high":48.17,"temperature_mid":42.79,"temperature_low":37.41,"dew_point":35.47,"humidity":0.9,"cloud_cover":0.27,"moon_phase":0.32,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1028.68,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the evening.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.73,"wind_bearing":266,"wind_speed":2.25,"year":2004,"geometry":[-79.5653,38.6934]} {"observed":"I live in Pocahontas county near the Monongahela National Forest. It covers pretty much all of the county. It was on a mountain named Spruce Flat. I can look out my front window and see it. I have heard a howl much like the one from Ohio come from there. While walking down the road one night me and a friend heard a strange vocalization then the sound of heavy footsteps coming down the field to our right. They sounded pretty intent, so I got out my gun. Then I heard a crunch and a thud as the footsteps went over the side of the hill to our left, circled around until it was right beside us at the bottom of the hill. It never showed itself. It stayed out of the light but it did make another vocalization, the same one it made before coming down the field. It was sort of a high pitched hoot but it dragged out kind of long. It wasn't an owl. I am familiar with the local animals and the sounds they make. This was something new to me. I walked down the road farther and could see where this thing just pushed the old fence down. It had to be pretty powerful to do that even though it was an old fence","location_details":"[Edited out]","county":"Pocahontas County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Fall","title":"Report 14739: Possible vocalization and stalking near Spruce Flat","date":"2004-10-30","number":14739,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnycrd5ygj","temperature_high":68.9,"temperature_mid":61.695,"temperature_low":54.49,"dew_point":56.2,"humidity":0.85,"cloud_cover":0.68,"moon_phase":0.58,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Foggy in the morning and windy overnight.","uv_index":4,"visibility":5.76,"wind_bearing":250,"wind_speed":11.67,"year":2004,"geometry":[-80.17294,38.20065]} {"observed":"I was on the BFRO's West Virginia expedition this past April. The expedition lasted ten days all together. I participated from April 7 to April 11, as did over a dozen other people. The base camp was along the Greenbrier River. Almost all of the incidents on this expedition happened within a few miles of this base camp. On the first morning after I arrived I heard a vocalization very much like the Ohio Howl recording. [Click for the Ohio Howl recording.] I was just falling asleep in my tent when I heard it. At first I thought the guides were call-blasting. It was long-drawn-out moaning howl. It sounded real, and clear. It was echoing up through the river canyon. There may have been an upturn or a sharp yelp at the end. It was startling. While I was thinking about the sound, I heard radio calls going back and forth from some of the people who were near the river: \"What was that?\" and \"Did anyone else hear that howl?\" When everyone returned to camp, I and the other people who heard the howl compared notes. We all agreed that it was a loud, distant, echoing animal sound, and it was similar to the Ohio Howl. [Click for the Ohio Howl recording.] ------------------------------------------------- The next incident occurred on the second night. I hiked with two other people along a river trail to rendezvous with another small group. We were on a stretch of the Greenbrier across from a very large tract of land where hunting is forbidden, and where whitetail deer are abundant. One of the guys in my group had gen-3 night vision goggles. At one point he asked if I and the other guy could see a spotlight up ahead. We saw nothing except the starry sky and the silhouettes of the hills around us. After taking the goggles off and on, he said it must be an infrared beam up ahead. It was visible through the nightvision goggles, but not visible to the naked eye. The person up ahead who was shining the infrared beam was with the small group that we were trying to rendezvous with. He was sweeping the light beam across the riverbank on the other side, as if he heard something over there and was trying to illuminate it. We reached them and asked if something happened. They said they thought they heard something over there, but it was probably just a deer snorting. We stayed with them for a while. Eventually they got cold and wanted to go back to camp. The three of us stayed on the trail. One guy slept on the trail for a half hour. When he woke up he asked if anything happened while he was sleeping. We had not heard anything so we all agreed to give it a few more minutes then hike back to the vehicle. The first sound happened as we were getting up on our feet. It was a loud splash in the river. It was a bit like a carp or a gar would produce on a warm-water lake on a summer night. This isn't warm water though. Two of us heard the first splash and didn't know what to make of it. A few moments later, it happened again. This time it was louder. All three of us heard it clearly. One guy mentioned that some of the reports from the Greenbrier were from fisherman. Some said they've heard rocks thrown into the water near them when they were fishing at night on the river. People from this area know what a beaver tail slap sounds like. It wouldn't happen in this river anyway. The Greenbrier is a swift moving, snow melt river in April. It's not the sort of body of water that beavers will guard and slap their tails in. Beavers will quietly swim around and slap their tails in ponds, lakes and slow moving creeks. It sounds like a big rock hitting the water. Beavers won't do this in rivers with strong currents and rapids though. A beaver would get swept away in April if it wasn't constantly using its tail to fight the current here. We started moving back along the trail, back toward the vehicle. We didn't want to scare off the splasher, whatever it was, by shining bright lights across the river. We actually wanted it to follow us, and it did. We strolled down the trail with out headlamps turned off. We talked and laughed at normal volume. We wanted to make our presence known. We wanted to show that we were on the move, and make it clear that we weren't trying to sneak up on anything. Before long we heard another loud splash. We stopped and listenned. Nothing. We started walking and talking again. Within a few minutes there was another loud splash. It was keeping pace with us on the opposite side of the river. We kept walking and talking and joking and laughing along the river trail. Every few minutes there was another loud splash, directly across the river from us as we walked down the trail. We were obviously being paralleled by something. After each splash we would stop for just a moment to get a bearing on the direction of the sounds. We also listenned for walking or brush snapping sounds, but there was too much noise from the rapids to hear anything subtle. We returned to the truck and drove back to camp. We told everyone who was still up about what happened, before turning in for the night. --------------------------------------- On the third night, most of the participants spread out along the same river trail. All the vehicles were parked well away from the river, up on a bluff. There was a twisting, steep gravel road for accessing the river. I had to walk this road by myself after accompanying some attendees back to their vehicle. As I was looking up the slopes above me I saw a stick come flying from right to left. The stick hit a tree, and bounced, and fell onto the road in front of me. The stick was the thickness of a baseball bat, but longer. When I caught up with the other people I told them what happened. One guy walked back to the spot with me. As we were getting close we could hear something big climbing up away from us on the slope. We radioed for the rest of the people to come to us. When they arrived, one of the guides wanted to examine the stick that I thought was thrown. He looked at the stick and showed it to everyone else. He pointed to the mud and stains on it. The caked rim of mud and water stains showed that it had been sitting on the ground for a long time. It could NOT have just fallen off a tree from above. It must have been picked up off the ground and thrown. To be able to throw something like this, you need an arm, and a hand, and a thumb.","location_details":"Along the Greenbrier River","county":"Pocahontas County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Spring","title":"Report 13083: Participant observations during BFRO WV Expedition","date":"2005-04-09","number":13083,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnybz1r476","temperature_high":72.2,"temperature_mid":56.085,"temperature_low":39.97,"dew_point":38.25,"humidity":0.56,"cloud_cover":0.06,"moon_phase":0.03,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":93,"wind_speed":1.57,"year":2005,"geometry":[-80.19044,38.10785]} {"observed":"My husband and I attended the BFRO expedition in West Virginia in Spring of 2005. The base camp was next to a river in the mountains near the Virginia border. On Thursday afternoon most of the people crossed the river by canoe in order to hike down the trail along the opposite bank of the river. After that group set off, Steve, my husband, headed out in his truck with a big handheld radio to see if he could reach the others who had walked down the river trail. I was alone in the base camp. After about a half hour I went outside and stood at the nose of the camper and looked up the road to see if Steve had driven away, then I turned around to go to the river. I looked through the trees and saw what I first thought were two people from the river group coming back up the trail, around the bend in the river trail. I walked straight over to the river's edge to get ready to take pictures of them crossing back over in the canoe. When I got to the riverbank I looked across and saw no one, which was surprising. There was no place to hide along the river trail for the next 200 yards. One side of the trail was the riverbank. The other side was the jagged rock face of the river canyon. From the ground upward, the rock face was mostly bare for about the first 15 feet. Then there was thick mountain laurel the rest of the way up, covering the rock outcroppings and ledges. You could not get out of view unless you were to climb up into the mountain laurel above the trail. It was a near vertical climb, but there was no other way they could have vanished so quickly in any other direction. Then I started thinking about the figures I saw. They had looked pretty slender, but it was a cold day. Everyone was bundled up for cold and rain and looked a bit plump. The figures I saw seemed lanky with a lazy walk. They were also walking into the sunlight when they came around the bend, but I didn't see any color no clothes, no light skin, no sneakers, no hats, etc. They were tree-trunk dark. The taller one was walking closest to the hillside; the shorter one was closer to the river. Steve returned to the camp and I asked him to radio to the group that walked down the river. They had walked past that same bend and would have noticed anyone walking up the trail in the opposite direction. The river group responded and said no one passed them in the oppositive direction. They said anything coming around that bend must have come down from the side of the canyon, then climbed back up the canyon wall. They offered to walk back to that point to provide some scale, for me to compare the height. They asked me to return to where I had been standing when I saw the figures. I went back to the same spot. The river group radioed that they were coming around the bend in the trail. They said to look over at them as they came into view. When I did it immediately struck me that they appeared much smaller than the figures I saw. There were other things about their appearance that sharply contrasted with the figures I saw. I could see the gaps of air between their arms and torso -- unlike the humans who were so bundled up with rain gear that you could not see any gaps betwen their arms and torsos. Several other things happend along this same river during the expedition. I'll let the other people who were present on the expedition describe those occurrences.","county":"Pocahontas County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Spring","title":"Report 11432: Possible sighting during BFRO's West Virginia expedition, Spring 2005.","date":"2005-04-13","number":11432,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnybz96jhe","temperature_high":51.97,"temperature_mid":41.05,"temperature_low":30.13,"dew_point":38.7,"humidity":0.82,"cloud_cover":0.78,"moon_phase":0.16,"precip_intensity":0.0033,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":4,"visibility":6.55,"wind_bearing":83,"wind_speed":2.02,"year":2005,"geometry":[-80.17528,38.10833]} {"observed":"I used to work as a bartender in Canaan Valley WV and lived at the base of Dolly Sods Wilderness Area. On a mid-summer night around probably 3am, I had driven home, which was about a half hour drive. We had no neighbors and there were no lights on as I pulled up. I parked with the left side of my vehicle facing towards the wilderness line which was about 100 feet uphill. I got out of my car and closed the door. Immediately after my car door closed I had the loudest, most intense scream I have ever heard in my life call out from near the wood line. I ran for the door of the house and once inside I grabbed a shotgun, floodlight, and went back to look outside for it, from inside the screen door of course. I never saw a thing or found a sign of anything. This was the first of three times this happened to me, my mother who lived there as well and also worked late had it scream at her several times(she said 4 or 5) as well, and my brother had it scream at him once.","location_details":"The actual encounter was at the base of Mount Port Crayon in a temperate deciduous forest. Pine forests dominate the highlands above the encounter area. And I believe these animals use a specific stream that feeds into Red Creek. All of our encounters have happened in the summer.","county":"Randolph County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Summer","title":"Report 39812: Family hears possible vocals on summer nights at their home near Dolly Sods Wilderness Area","date":"2000-07-15","number":39812,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnzt8ymspq","temperature_high":72.15,"temperature_mid":62.395,"temperature_low":52.64,"dew_point":59.48,"humidity":0.89,"cloud_cover":0.64,"moon_phase":0.47,"precip_intensity":0.0029,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1008.35,"summary":"Light rain in the evening.","uv_index":7,"visibility":9.68,"wind_bearing":317,"wind_speed":2.08,"year":2000,"geometry":[-79.4123,38.9706]} {"observed":"It was January 2005 and I was living in Job, WV with my daughter who was five years old at the time. I was renting the house which was a little ways from the road. It was about 3:30pm and I was walking down the long drive way to meet my daughter to get off the school bus. It had been snowing the night before and it was cold out with a few flurries. Well as I got to the end of the drive way the bus came and stopped and I went across the street to get my little girl off the bus and I turned around and at first was talking to my daughter I didn't look straight ahead in front of me but when I looked up I noticed a very large brown figure standing below my porch which was second story and as I walked up holding my daughter's hand it just stood there staring at first I couldn't figure out what it was I have been in WV all my life and had seen many bear, bobcats and even a cougar. So I knew this was not any of these and it was standing at least eight foot tall with man like features it had kind of a flat nose its eyes were shaped like an owls and it blinked several times it didn't move the whole time we were walking to the other side of my porch to go up the steps. In fact we even looked down on it from the upstairs porch. My daughter threw some pebbles down and it still didn't move we didn't stay outside to see when it walked off but I will never forget what I saw I haven't seen anything else like it since.","location_details":"I'am not good with directions but it was on the Job road going to Harman","county":"Randolph County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Winter","title":"Report 47460: Woman and daughter recall their close daytime encounter at their home east of Elkins","date":"2005-01-13","number":47460,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnzmjd6tnk","temperature_high":62.65,"temperature_mid":47.23,"temperature_low":31.81,"dew_point":48.86,"humidity":0.75,"cloud_cover":0.61,"moon_phase":0.12,"precip_intensity":0.0096,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1012.9,"summary":"Rain starting in the evening.","uv_index":2,"visibility":8.4,"wind_bearing":185,"wind_speed":5.33,"year":2005,"geometry":[-79.55928,38.8609]} {"observed":"This took place in the late summer of 2002. I was walking the property next to mine as logging interested me in how it worked and how the land looked afterward. I'd go onto the place after the workers left for the day at 3PM. It was rather hot and plain nasty so I usually headed out after 4 -5 PM. This day they were at the far end of the valley (or \"holler\" as the locals call it-I'm from CA originally). I was armed as there are wild dogs, bears, and a black panther running round back here. Walking to the far end there are two smaller branches off to your right, the first is shallow and only extends a few yards. Every time I walked to base of the hill before, I felt like I just didn't want to venture into the woods. I had found another way onto the ridge above on the right a few months before-but I also got pretty badly spooked and kind of stayed away. I had trails and just went wherever-until the loggers hit this patch. The past few weeks before this I had roamed all over the logging trails and as soon as they got back there I began to feel very uneasy. Walking alone, I decided to keep looking around staying extra cautious. This day I went left and followed a trail that took me to the ridge top which is dead center of the valley. I also had a very \"something is watching me\" feeling so I wasn't what you would call happy, just taking note of where things were and enjoying the view. The trail followed along this ridge and would take me near where I had all the strange feelings. I stopped as the feeling of being watched was getting a bit too much when I heard a tree fall, just on the other side of the ridge not more than about maybe seventy yards away. I was wondered just why in the hell would a tree fall but something told me not to investigate and to get off that hill. I decided to turn around to call it a day. I walked maybe ten yards when something loped between two trees on the ridge to my right. My first thought was some loggers or forestry guys were still on the property. It looked to be wearing Carhart brown clothes. I went maybe twenty more yards and then it hit me: I had been on that ridge a few days before, I knew where those trees were and if, IF it was a man he had to be around seven to eight feet tall. A day or two later I went back to the ridge where I saw the thing and took a good look. I never felt any real strangeness on this side and didn't then, but I did confirm that whatever I saw was very big. I also could swear I saw the right arm and leg but not the head, thinking back it was kind of leaning forward as it walked along so the head was behind the tree when I noticed it.","location_details":"At Pennsboro, WV follow 74 North for approximately 4 miles.","county":"Ritchie County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Summer","title":"Report 26279: Logging reveals a brief sighting of a bipedal creature near Pennsboro","date":"2002-08-13","number":26279,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnyrysr7rz","temperature_high":94.61,"temperature_mid":81.105,"temperature_low":67.6,"dew_point":63.97,"humidity":0.67,"cloud_cover":0.24,"moon_phase":0.18,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1018.43,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":9,"visibility":6.87,"wind_bearing":174,"wind_speed":2.93,"year":2002,"geometry":[-80.915,39.355]} {"observed":"I walked out onto the forst road just north of the Red Creek Campground. About 300 yards north walking down the forst road was a figure walking up the forest road. The \"person\" was from head to toe in a seamless dark color, lighter than black and darker than brown. There was no gap of skin and it appeared the hands, neck and head were the exact same color as the body. The \"person\" was walking in the same direction as me and thus did not see me. Suddenly, the \"person\" tore off into the brush very quickly and where there is no trail. The \"person\" never emerged from the side of the trail. I confess I was quite far away from the figure so I never got a really good look. But it was either a human clothed from head to toe in a dark color on a summer day wearing dark gloves or it was something else.","location_details":"In the Dolly Sods north of the wilderness boundry and just north of Red Creek campground.","county":"Tucker County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Summer","title":"Report 203: Possible sighting by a camper near the Dolly Sods Wilderness area","date":"2000-07-23","number":203,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnzw6bk826","temperature_high":62.22,"temperature_mid":56.97,"temperature_low":51.72,"dew_point":54.23,"humidity":1,"cloud_cover":0.87,"moon_phase":0.73,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1021.96,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":6,"visibility":7.89,"wind_bearing":30,"wind_speed":0.02,"year":2000,"geometry":[-79.32608,39.06881]} {"observed":"I was out for a ride on road bicycle and had to stop on the side of the road to take a nature break. The section of road where I took my break had woods on both sides of the road. The right side of the road where I was stopped at was at the base of a banked hill. The opposite side of the road dropped down into a valley where a creek ran through it. There were no houses close in the area, and I was really out in the country. As I was taking my break all the sudden this rock goes flying across the road in the air about 15 ft off to my right shoulder. I just caught it going through the air out of the corner of my eye. I turned just in time to look across the road and see it land on the other side of the road. I looked up the hill to see who could have been throwing it, but could not see anyone. The hill had a very steep slope to it and most of the leaves had fallen off the trees, so it was easy to see deep into the woods. Getting a weird feeling I finished my business, and got back on the pedals and left the area. I heard no sounds, nor did I did smell any orders. But the location I was at no one could have seen me coming and climb this hill fast enough to get out of my line of sight. of sight.","location_details":"Southeast of Sistersville WV. Along county road 3 miles from the Ohio River.","county":"Tyler County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Fall","title":"Report 13312: Bicyclist reports possible rock throwing incident outside Sistersville","date":"2005-12-12","number":13312,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpn2v0sd2t","temperature_high":31.99,"temperature_mid":21.44,"temperature_low":10.89,"dew_point":19.04,"humidity":0.72,"cloud_cover":0.49,"moon_phase":0.4,"precip_intensity":0.0011,"precip_probability":0.85,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1014.23,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.96,"wind_bearing":293,"wind_speed":4.81,"year":2005,"geometry":[-80.985,39.51]} {"observed":"Just after hunting hours on November 16, 2004 I started to gather my gear and got ready to climb down and head to my atv after bowhunting from my treestand when I heard several loud howls followed by a hair raising scream. It sounded like it was several hundered yards down the valley and deeper into the woods. Instantly I couldn't recognize what I had heard. I have been hunting for over twenty years and logged hundreds of days in the wood in Wisconsin, Canada and out west. I have personally heard every known animal in Wisconsin during my outings. My immediate reaction was to leave the area, quickly. I raced out of the tree, up the valley, and out to the logging road and my atv. I drove back to camp which was around 3.5 miles from my stand.","location_details":"North of Hwy 2 and West of Washburn in the Chequamegon National Forest near Horseshoe Lake Camp. Approximately one mile north of forest road 245 and one mile west of forest road 427.","county":"Bayfield County","state":"Wisconsin","season":"Fall","title":"Report 11026: Possible vocalizations heard by deer hunter in the Chequamegon National Forest","date":"2004-11-16","number":11026,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"cbr1m75068","temperature_high":47.39,"temperature_mid":45.685,"temperature_low":43.98,"dew_point":41.09,"humidity":0.93,"cloud_cover":0.88,"moon_phase":0.15,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1021.45,"summary":"Foggy overnight.","uv_index":1,"visibility":2.51,"wind_bearing":202,"wind_speed":4.35,"year":2004,"geometry":[-91.1713,46.6425]} {"observed":"hello. some time back i submitted a report about strange noises i and my family had been hearing over the years. i spoke with someone on the phone from bfro about it and informed him that my father had actually seen a bigfoot here in the past. well, much to my shock and horror i have seen one too. i was checking on my children in their bedroom last night at about 1:00 in the morning, when i saw the motion detection light we have mounted on the outside of the house go on. where my childrens bedroom is it is right against a hillside that leads to very dense woods. anything can walk out of the woods and onto a small porch that we have off of my childrens bedroom. well, anyhow as i was saying, i was checking on them and there is a window that you can look out onto this porch {it is on the second floor, but up against the woods} and also a door for access.when the light came on i instinctively looked over to the window because i knew whatever had set it off would be either there on that porch or in the woods. it goes off if a raccoon or a cat scurries by so itis not uncommon for this to occur. when i looked over to that window i could not breathe. all i could see was a massive, coal black, very shaggy haired creature standing there on two very bulky legs looking in the window at me. i felt very frightened, as this window is only about 6 feet from where my childrens beds are. i could not see anything but the two legs and the rear end of this thing because the window has a blind on it that was halfway down. it is one of those straw blinds that you can see through partially. with the light shining behind this thing i could make out the perfect outline of it's upper body. i am about 5 feet tall and this thing was, i am guessing, about 8 feet tall because it towered over the window. it just stood there for a brief moment and then went in the direction of the woods. i was too scared to go over to the window and look and see where it went. i took my children into my bedroom last night and i laid awake in fear all night.what i keep remembering is the muscles and the bulk in the legs. the rear end {the butt} also was quite muscular. and that ratty coal black fur. there was no smell at all and it made no noise. i am sure that the light coming on suddenly spooked it, but i got the impression that it was curious as to what was inside my home. it gives me the shakes to think of it. it was a cold winter night last night, but the ground was still muddy so i mustered up some courage this morning and went looking for tracks.i found some long slide marks on the hillside as if something had slid down the mud. no distinct footprints though.","location_details":"Off of rt 2 in warwood.","county":"Ohio County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10006: A woman has late night sighting when a motion detecting light illuminates her back porch","date":"2004-12-12","number":10006,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dpnsk411rj","temperature_high":37.97,"temperature_mid":34.13,"temperature_low":30.29,"dew_point":28.72,"humidity":0.78,"cloud_cover":0.95,"moon_phase":0.03,"precip_intensity":0.0037,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1006.32,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day and breezy in the evening.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.16,"wind_bearing":232,"wind_speed":11.3,"year":2004,"geometry":[-80.68192,40.1333]} {"observed":"There are three encounters that I have had not in the physical or in another words I did not have a visual sighting but had heard weird behavior in the woods. To begin with I am a 40 year responsible adult male and I have not told anyone about these encounters or experiences that I have had for fear of being ridiculed and/or being labeled as loony by my friends, family and the community. I found this website many years ago on my own by accident and was surprised to read about others who had the same experiences as I had. I finally found the courage to tell you what had happened to me. I have been in and lived near the woods all my life. In my family hunting is a tradition. All the animal noises and natural sounds of the woods I know and am familiar with and have honed over time a very acute sense and perception that most hunters have or any outdoors man would have honed. I would go sqirrel hunting often after work along some railroad tracks that ran just a quarter of a mile from my home at the time. One late fall afternoon I was just walking with my .22 mag rifle at the ready quietly along the tracks when I heard a noise or a rustling of leaves in the woods when I suddenly stop and stood motionless while I scanned the woods with my eyes looking for the source of the noise thinking it my be a large gray or fox squirrel. After awhile I did not hear nothing more so I moved on. Now I have hunted alone many times and had never been afraid of anything but just after I had moved on I began to hear what sounded like foot steps in the woods just behind me and parelling me 50 to 75 ft. away. At first I thought of deer or a dog or a person walking up in the woods and after a few minutes I decided to call out to who ever may be there and let them know that I was where I was there for safety precautions. Well there was no reply and I called out a couple more times just to be sure. No reply. So as it was about 1/2 hour before sunset I was compelled to call it quits for that day and head back to my truck which was parked about a mile back near the RR. Whatever it was proceeded to follow me keeping pace with me at a parallel distance of 50 ft. It became more and more clear that what ever it was was heavy and big for several times along the way back I heard loud heavy branches breaking and heavy footfalls that I know could not have been a deer or bear (there has not been a bear seen in the area that I was hunting for as long as I can remember nor have I had ever found any sign of one in that area.). Every time I would stop it would stop and when I moved it moved this when on until I came to the area near where my truck was parked and was an opened field. Whatever it was followed me right up to where the wood line was about to end and the field begin. The other encounter happened in the same area only a year or two later and this time the unknown animal was shadowing me on the other side of the tracks between the tracks I was on and the river. There was a heavy growth of rhododendron bushes that ran the entire length of the shelf of land that was about 50 yards wide from the river to the tracks. There is an embankment that is an accent of 75 ft. from the rhododendron bushes to the tracks above where I was at. I could see the wake that this thing was making from time to time through the rhododendron bushes for it was right in the middle of them as it was keeping up with me, which was remarkable to me how it did that without exposing itself in some manner, but again I thought through all the possibilities of what it could be for there are few animals that would follow you for a mile stopping and starting in sync with your every step. I never saw any part of it as it moved through the brush and even though I could see a wake made by the branches as it moved through the thick brush it was only here and there, mostly it was if a large contortionist where moving through the heavy with the brush with the utmost of ease. The third time was near spruce knob in Pocahontas County, WV while on a field trip for a summer class I was taking in the spring of 2003 some of my fellow classmates and I were outside one night trying to call in Bard Owls. After some minutes later we heard a few in the pine trees near our camp returning our calls. We were having fun with our success with calling them in and after 30 minutes we had called in 4 or 5 more in the pine trees that bordered the road across the road from our camp. Then all of a sudden while in the act of making more calls we heard a huge commotion up on the hill about 75 yards. from us it sounded like a couple of huge guys romping around and making the Bard Owl call, we all stood there trying to make out what it was but could not see anything. Someone shined a flashlight in the direction of the sounds and they ceased immediately. We did night hear anything more on that hill that night. I do not know for sure what it could have been but would not rule out that it could have been a bigfoot.","location_details":"Northeast of Morgantown, WV","county":"Monongalia County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Spring","title":"Report 15475: Hunter describes being paralleled along railroad tracks northeast of Morgantown","date":"2003-05-10","number":15475,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dpp1svfrv4","temperature_high":70.09,"temperature_mid":67.46,"temperature_low":64.83,"dew_point":63.78,"humidity":0.91,"cloud_cover":0.85,"moon_phase":0.3,"precip_intensity":0.0312,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1010.99,"summary":"Rain in the morning and afternoon.","uv_index":6,"visibility":6.84,"wind_bearing":197,"wind_speed":3.94,"year":2003,"geometry":[-79.9442,39.6716]} {"observed":"It was Thanksgiving night of 2003 at around 11:30pm. I had taken a friend of mine home and was driving back on route 50 near Burlington, WV (that's in Mineral Co.) I came around a turn and slammed on my brakes to avoid hitting what I thought might be a very large dog. I barely missed hitting it and as soon as I stopped I realized that this was definitely not a dog. It was too big. It was on the right side of the road, crossing to the left. It was black and walking on all fours, its front legs were longer than the back legs. I was petrified. I had no idea what it was. When it got to the left side of the road it turned and looked at me, its eyes were glowing orange in my headlight. I couldn't even scream. I had chills all over and tears were rolling out of my eyes. I sped home which was about 4 miles away and ran into my house. I was hysterical and crying and I woke up my mother and told her about it. She believed me. Other people didn't believe me and I was made fun of. I referred to it as a \"black demon\" basically because I didn't know what it was. I can't drive by that place in the dark to this day without thinking of that creature and praying that I never see it again and if I do that someone will be with me. Seeing a picture of the Jacob's Creature on MSNBC tonight prompted me to check out your website. It looks exactly like what I saw that night","location_details":"It was in front of a business selling storage buildings.","county":"Mineral County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Fall","title":"Report 21894: Large creature on all-fours seen crossing US-50 near Burlington","date":"2003-11-27","number":21894,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnzzg89yzz","temperature_high":57.14,"temperature_mid":52.645,"temperature_low":48.15,"dew_point":42.33,"humidity":0.88,"cloud_cover":0.45,"moon_phase":0.14,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Partly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":2,"wind_bearing":140,"wind_speed":0.14,"year":2003,"geometry":[-78.94501,39.335]} {"observed":"We were riding our 4-wheelers in Mason Co WV, We were off of Greer Road on a friends property and stopped to get something to eat. This area we were at is not populated at all. I went over and sat on a log to eat and my husband asked me what kind of track was by my foot, When I looked down I was astounded! My husband wears a size 13 boot, And this was in cold weather so the thick boots make his foot look even bigger and this footprint made his look small! it was atleast 16 to 18 in long and 6 to 8 in at the widest point.There were about 3 or 4 more footprints leading down to the creek. I walked up and down the banks looking for more but I couldn't find anymore. I am 5'9\" and have fairly long legs and I could not put my foot beside one of the prints and reach the other one. This was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen! Regretably none of us had a camra, but there were aprox 15 of us who seen these. Everybodys first reaction was that it was a hoax, but in my opinion if someone was going to fake this they would have done it in a more populated area. Our friend Jack , whos property we were on called the Department of Natural Resourses to ask them about this, they sent one truck down to look at the print. This truck left and came back with about 5 more trucks. They told Jack not to come back there while they were there. After they were done one of them stopped and told Jack that it was only a black bear print, I am no zoologist but I have seen black bear prints, and this was not one. There were no claw marks, but there were toes. And if that was a bear, and it left tracks that big, I wouldn't want to meet it! This happned in winter of 2001, I have not told very many people because the ones I have look at me like I need to be locked up! I am very glad to find this site, and to share my amazing experince with people who understand!","location_details":"Off of Rt 2 on Greer Rd.","county":"Mason County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Winter","title":"Report 7241: ATV'ers find footprints near Pt.Pleasant","date":"2001-01-20","number":7241,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnvsup7x75","year":2001,"geometry":[-82.0849,38.8448]} {"observed":"As we were driving...I was watching closely at the roads and conditions, because my wife was driving and I was a bit nervous about that! As we were traveling north on I-77 near the 150 milemarker (I looked after the incident!)...I noticed something up ahead on the right hillside. It was a fairly steep, snow-covered hillside. I thought I saw something that looked like a very big man walking on this steep hill. As I turned my head (we were traveling about 65 mph...so we went by quickly)...I could SWEAR I saw this very tall \"image\" walking from right to left across this mountain side, maybe 30 yards from our car! He(IT) appeared to be covered somewhat with snow, like you would imagine a mountainman who was out in the wilderness hunting would look. But this was 3:30 in the morning! I had a very uneasy feeling and a rather stupid feeling. I still can NOT believe what I'm pretty damn sure I saw! ...and that was EITHER a very tall man, wearing allot of winter gear with either a hooded coat or long hair and a beard that barely glanced in our direction as we drove by....or something else that I would rather not venture to guess upon! THIS IS NOT A JOKE!!!!! I HAVE NEVER SEEN OR DONE ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE! I'm a 47 year old father of four. I am as serious as a heart attack about this report! I reluctantly submit this and would rather not be ridiculed by anyone that knows that I did.","location_details":"We were traveling northbound on I-77 toward the Ohio border, around milemarker 150!","county":"Jackson County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Spring","title":"Report 10945: Passenger has late night sighting along interstate","date":"2005-03-13","number":10945,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnvvcr2f2g","temperature_high":41.59,"temperature_mid":30.975,"temperature_low":20.36,"dew_point":19.31,"humidity":0.62,"moon_phase":0.12,"precip_intensity":0.0028,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"snow","summary":"Light rain until afternoon.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":320,"wind_speed":1.53,"year":2005,"geometry":[-81.85806,39.01972]} {"observed":"So much time has elapsed since this incident, so I am not sure of exact dates and times, so those aspects will be approximations. However, I DO remember EXACTLY what I saw. It was approximately 9pm, and it was dark and cold. I believe it was around Thanksgiving. My girlfriend lived, at that time, on Green Mountain, about 6 miles outside of Keyser, WV. The area is hilly to mountainous and I will enclose a mapquest picture of the area (although it has changed a bit since the picture was taken). It is technically Rt. 46/4, and the sighting occured along this route, what is now known as Green Mountain Road locally, but older maps may list it as \"Hoover Hollow Road\". I was returning home after dropping her off. I was alone and beginning my descent back down the mountain, at approximately the halfway point. The road changes levels several times in a short distance at this point; many dips and slight rises before the meat of the descent begins. I was in this section and on one of the rises when something on the left side of the road caught my attention. There appeared to be someone sitting on a log on the bank above the road; the \"person\" looked at me and I realized it wasn't a person at all. The motion of the creature-- for lack of a better term-- indicated that I had startled it-- very sharp, quick movements. The eyes glowed yellowish/amber as my lights hit them; the being had long brownish fur with strands of white (maybe) through it; it appeared matted, or dreadlocked; the feature that struck me most was the size of the thing-- I can't even imagine the actual numbers but, I have a 300 pound Brother-in-law and a 6'3\" tall Brother and they both would have been dwarfed by this guy, both in height and weight. I would conservatively estimate the creature to have been at least 400lbs and every bit of 7 feet tall. Upon seeing my car, this creature stood up and jumped from the bank, landing somewhere near the middle of the 2 lane road, and began to run from left to right, into a deep pine and laurel thicket. I do not know why, but I stopped near the point that the creature entered the thicket and turned my vehicle off. My windows were rolled down slightly, so I could hear the thing running through the thicket-- the sound receded quickly, as if it was moving with considerable speed. I listened for mere seconds, before recognizing the stupidity of my actions forced my hand and I continued on. As I drove on, I saw what appeared to be a fire burning directly ahead of me. The road bends to the right and the fire was actually on the same side of the road as the point where I observed the creature. Around the fire, I saw several people. They were talking and partying. To me, it appeared that the spot where the creature was sitting was a PERFECT observation point for the happenings at the campfire. And, I remembered him (I say \"him\" because I got the distinct impression of masculinity from this enormous creature-- barrel chest, thick arms and legs and just a \"maleness\" to it's movements) turning his head to face me and it turned in a way to suggest that it was looking TOWARD the clearing where the fire was burning. I remember thinkin, \"Huh... He just wanted to see what they were doing\". I immediately called my girlfriend after observing the campfire. I told her that I think I just saw a Bigfoot, and I related what I saw. She panicked and told me to come get her, but I was too spooked by then to turn around.","location_details":"I have a mapquest image of the area and I labeled it with some approximate points from the incident. I will gladly send this to you. From Rt. 220 in Keyser, turn onto St. Cloud Street. Head west for several blocks, until you come to E street. Turn Left onto E, and continue on Parkview (E becomes Parkview) and pass the playground on the left. Continue past Potomac State Farm (Left) and St. Thomas Cemetary (on Right) and continue for approximately 2 miles up Green Mtn. At the top, there is a sweeping left turn. The slightly curvy section after this turn is the area where this incident occured. It is between a public access to a hunting area and a residence. They do NOT appear on the mapquest image as it is old.","county":"Mineral County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Fall","title":"Report 23437: Night time sighting by motorist outside the town of Keyser","date":"2004-11-25","number":23437,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnzz3grtp0","temperature_high":52.62,"temperature_mid":39.5,"temperature_low":26.38,"dew_point":38.84,"humidity":0.81,"cloud_cover":0.76,"moon_phase":0.47,"precip_intensity":0.0078,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Light rain until afternoon.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.54,"wind_bearing":271,"wind_speed":8.72,"year":2004,"geometry":[-79.01405,39.26188]} {"observed":"I am a carpenter, self-employed; at times my job will be many miles away from my home. When I take one of these it fits my life style perfectly because I enjoy camping, so there is a perfectly good reason to be in my favorite place the great outdoors. This summer while at my tent home there was many times this strange sound could be heard. It was not like any I had heard before. The sound would awaken me, always after midnight. My camp sight was in a low part of a meadow. When I was awakened by the moans, I noticed the sound was one following the next ( moannnnnnn -- 1234-- moannnnnnn --- 1234 --- moannnnnnnn. The long hours I worked kept me from looking for any tracks, the weather had been very dry this summer. The camp was hidden under four trees in which had low hanging branches. Near by perhaps three hundred yards was a large forest. One day I went down a near by road which took me to the Tygart Valley River, nearly two miles away from camp. This was new to me. The forest and large rocks were on both sides of the road. There were no sounds during the day. A number of times there would be walking sounds near camp at night. I saw nothing with my flashlight.","location_details":"Rt. 250 north between Belington and Philippi, Two miles from US 250","county":"Barbour County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Summer","title":"Report 13141: Possible vocalizations heard by camper near Tygart Valley River","date":"2005-05-30","number":13141,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnzn5uvfsz","temperature_high":68.31,"temperature_mid":58.78,"temperature_low":49.25,"dew_point":48.5,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.29,"moon_phase":0.75,"precip_intensity":0.0011,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1016.28,"summary":"Light rain starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.37,"wind_bearing":311,"wind_speed":0.43,"year":2005,"geometry":[-79.98335,39.05]} {"observed":"There were two separate incidents within 12hr time of sounds so unusual that, to this day, I can't explain or rationalize out of my mind. I had arrived at a campsite near Thompson Pass, the evening before the start of deer hunting season. The campsite was about 500yds off the forest service road and in a dense pine forest, near a logging trail that led to a creek. I settled in for the night in a sleeping bag in the cab of my truck, waking up at about 0400, with the need to go to the bathroom. I rolled the window down and listened for any \"critters\", most notably bears. Grabbing a flashlight, I left the truck and relieved myself. As I was preparing to return to the truck, I began hearing the sounds of something breathing deeply to my left and to the rear. Shining my flashlight in that direction, I saw nothing, heard nothing move. I quickly got back in the truck, and then began hearing this warbling, like a man yodeling in a high pitch, from the direction of Thompson Mountain. I rolled up the window and stayed awake with my .44mag. I waited until dawn to leave the truck to hunt- I usually leave about a half hour before dawn, depending on how far I'll be walking to the area I plan to hunt, but those noises had really spooked me. I got to the heavily wooded ridge partially up Thompsom Mt, at the convergance of two main game trails, remaining there until about 3pm, only seeing one small doe moving quickly head hunched down. I passed on it. I then began moving down back in the general direction of my truck, and keeping an eye on the area where a spring comes out of the side of the mountain, and trickles down to Witherspoon creek. From the area where I had been hunting came this bone vibrating sound, so loud with like multiple harmonics , its hard to explain. It was beyond a roar. I half expected to see a dinosaur crash through the trees, it was such an unreal sound. It lasted 4-5 seconds. I was out of there and on the way home, scared spitless. I've since mentioned the experience to a few co-workers, and none have had or heard of anything like it.","location_details":"Bridger Teton National Forest- HWY 30 out of Cokeville, WY, North to HWY 89 to Salt Creek pass, right turn onto Forest Service Rd 10072 east into National forest about 16mi from main highway to FS 10138 to 10128 north to Thompsom Pass Please don't post actual directions online.","county":"Lincoln County","state":"Wyoming","season":"Fall","title":"Report 6037: Hunter hears unusual vocalizations on two occassions","date":"2002-09-14","number":6037,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9x93emc0f4","temperature_high":70.8,"temperature_mid":49.03,"temperature_low":27.26,"dew_point":27.67,"humidity":0.44,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.28,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.18,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":267,"wind_speed":1.73,"year":2002,"geometry":[-110.5979,42.4829]} {"observed":"Apr 20, 2003- A friend and I were carrying in supplies on foot to a bear bait site about 2 miles west of hwy 89. This area is restricted to foot or horseback only and is on the Idaho/Wyoming border. I had carried in the bait barrel and some bait items a week earlier, having noted some bear tracks in the snow along the creek the first week of April. We walked along the foottrail early morning and about a mile in came upon the fresh carcass of a muskrat right on the trail, which was about 30 feet up from the creek and along the bend of the mountain. We were both startled by the dead muskrat because it was just there with no evidence of a predator in sight. I suggested that it may have been dropped by an eagle, but honestly there had been no sightings of eagles on our walk. Another mile in and we began placing our bait in the barrel, having noted that the bait already there had not been disturbed by anything. We were preparing to leave the site when we heard the cracking of branches and looking in the direction of the noise,we watched a large piece of a tree tumbling down the mountainside towards us. About 400yds up on a ledge stood something bipedal, the color of a moose, leaning against the remains of a tree. I asked my friend \"What is that?\" He replied \"must be a moose\". And I answered \"but it only has 2 feet!\" He did not reply, but started walking back to the trail. I looked back at the animal which was 7-8ft tall as best as I could estimate, very broad at the shoulders with legs that appeared long and thin compared to the rest of its body. It was hard to make out the shape of its head, as I couldn't see a neck and its head appeared to be bent, looking down the mountain towards us. It then quickly moved behind the broken tree and into the treeline . I wished I'd had my binoculars that day, but in our haste to get on the trail that morning, I accidently left them in the truck. My feeling while returning along the trail to the truck was almost of myself being stalked, a strange \"role reversal\". My friend moved quickly down the trail, no words spoken about what was on that hillside. When I recounted the experience a couple months later to friends, I had forgotten the part about the dead muskrat, which my friend quickly interjected to them as a very disturbing incident to him. Yet he laughed when I told them we may have seen a Bigfoot, which he readily dismissed. This bear bait site, coincidently, is along a drainage that connects to a larger creek near where a year ago, I had heard some strange and disturbing sounds on a moutain pass while hunting deer. I related the incident about the sounds to BFRO this past winter.","county":"Lincoln County","state":"Wyoming","season":"Spring","title":"Report 6951: Bear hunter has sighting while approaching bait site","date":"2003-04-20","number":6951,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9x91dpqdm7","temperature_high":50.64,"temperature_mid":36.105,"temperature_low":21.57,"dew_point":19.8,"humidity":0.54,"moon_phase":0.65,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":154,"wind_speed":1,"year":2003,"geometry":[-110.9967,42.4914]} {"observed":"I am an outdoor enthusiast who was visiting the Cody, Wyoming area this summer during the second week of July (July 14). While traveling the highway to Yellowstone National Park, about 30 or 40 miles west of Cody, I encountered heavy tourist traffic late in the day. I decided, rather than fight it, to pull off the highway for a while and go for a walk. I hiked up an unmarked path north of the highway through intermittent timber. I was traveling at a leisurely pace, exploring rocky outcrops and looking for Native American artifacts. About half a mile from the road (I could still hear traffic), I heard some rocks rolling down hill ahead of and above me. It was maybe 50 to 100 yards away. Mule dear and other game animals are plentiful in the area and I didnt think much of it. I had bear spray with me as this is well known Grizzly country. Maybe another half an hour went past and I was taking a break, sitting on a rock ledge with a good view of the valley to the south. I heard underbrush breaking not far away on a steep, timber-covered slope that led down to a dry stream bed. I was able to distinguish the pattern of an animal walking through the trees. Again, I didnt think much of it. Im used to hearing game in the woods and dont spook at stuff like that. I guessed that it was probably dear feeding along the slope (a little odd considering the time of day). Its behavior was highly inconsistent with bears, which dont hang around when people show up. I started hiking again and almost immediately heard something move through the brush just below me in the same spot. This was a little strange I thought, like it was staying with me or something. I tried to see down the hill, but when I stopped I couldnt hear it. It seemed to stop moving when I did and I couldnt get a fix on its location. I began to get a somewhat uneasy feeling about things at this point. There is no good way to describe it other than something seemed to be intentionally staying with me. I started walking again and, shortly after (not having heard anything for a little while), I heard something run across the rocks not far up in front of me. It was up out of the drainage at this point. I was getting a little apprehensive by this time and decided to start back towards the road, which was maybe a mile away. I walked pretty quickly and for most of the way I heard nothing. But about a quarter mile or so from the highway and maybe 15 minutes since I turned back, I heard rocks and debris falling downslope again. It seemed awfully close and I instinctively whirled around thinking that I might see something, which I did. I will do my best to describe it, but, as I got only a short glimpse, I cant be too sure of what it was. It was about 60 or 70 yards away on a rocky slope, immediately adjacent to the same heavily timbered slope I had been hiking along. As soon as I turned and looked at it, it jumped right away into the cover and completely out of sight. There is one thing I am absolutely certain of. Whatever it was, it was upright. I clearly could see two limbs off the ground that appeared more like arms than legs. They were definitely hanging down the side, and not down the front as one might expect of a four-legged animal standing on two legs. This doesnt mean that it wasnt a bear, but Ive never heard of a bear acting like this thing was. That is if Im right, and it was the same animal that I feel was following me all along. You hear about predatory bear behavior where they follow people though, so who knows. At any rate, the animal was brown with very long hair. I noticed that when it leapt into the woods, the hair swayed to one side from the sudden motion. It seemed longer than bear hair, and to notice this swaying effect at this distance I would guess that maybe the hair was a foot long or more. Also, for just that initial instant before its flight, I got a pretty good look at its face, which was long and somewhat flat. It was too far away to clearly make out individual features, but I have seen several bears at greater distances and it doesnt strike me that thats whatit was. I was not aware of this site at the time, nor of the occurrences detailed in it for this area. When I mentioned the incident to a friend, who had not heard of the site either, we did a net search on Bigfoot out of curiosity. I was a little astonished to see the main page indicating this region as potential Bigfoot country with recent sightings. I figured I might as well say something. I think all three of the other incidents had witnesses, and I didnt. So I cant point to another who can verify anything I saw or heard. It would have been nice just to see if someone else had seen something resembling what I think I saw. Trust me, it takes a little bit of time for it to register. You just dont think right off, hey, theres Bigfoot. I was probably almost at my vehicle before I even let that thought enter my mind. I cant say for sure that what I saw is what I had been hearing in the woods throughout the hike. One tends to make thes!! e connections afterwards, but I really have no way of knowing. I will say, however, that I think it might have been. This is based more on a feeling than anything else. I realize that breaking branches and rock slides dont exactly constitute scientific certainty. It really was like something was checking me out though.","location_details":"The incident happened about 30 to 40 miles west of Cody. I was hiking an unmarked trail that left near a car pull-off on the north side of the highway (trail went north).","county":"Park County","state":"Wyoming","season":"Summer","title":"Report 1242: Day hiker sees large, hairy animal which seems to follow him","date":"2000-07-14","number":1242,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9xfjh1869f","temperature_high":93.74,"temperature_mid":82.45,"temperature_low":71.16,"dew_point":31.33,"humidity":0.18,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.44,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":10,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":261,"wind_speed":2.15,"year":2000,"geometry":[-109.5113,44.48134]} {"observed":"Leaving the east gate of Yellowstone near sundown. Somewhere between there and Cody...maybe halfway...and after dark. I saw a dark, bipedal motion moving out of the tunnel of light provided by my van. It was very brief. When I got back to Florida at some point I received a field & stream and read about the skookum cast. After reading it I went to your site and found the \" Wyoming Hotspot\" and it all came back. I'm a cautious observer and realize how your eyes can play tricks. I asked my wife...prior to telling her about the skookum cast article or the information on your site... about whether she remembered me saying anything on the way to Cody when we left Yellowstone during our trip there. She said all she remembered was me joking about seeing Bigfoot. I wanted to be sure it wasn't a \"manufactured memory\" because sometime had passed. It was a long day...we had seen lots of wildlife and finished with a nursing grizzly with 2 cubs just before leaving the park. What I saw reminded me of a moose in color. I've always described moose as being difficult to see at night by saying it's the black that moves at the outer limits of your lights. Often you don't get a clear outline of the animal but know by the way it moves. I don't know if that makes sense but it's 2:30 am now so I'm a bit groggy. I was planning a trip back this summer to take a better look around. I was finishing a Masters last summer at Colorado State and had a week between classes so we headed to Yellowstone in the hopes of seeing Grizzly....and the Park. Had I been in Washington I probably would have been looking for Gigantipithicus. Many years ago I talked to Dr. Krantz and Peter Byrne while working on a project for an Animal Behavior class at the University of Florida. When I called them they seemed credible and were helpful. My memory is from a second or 2. Two strides that took it from the middle of the eastbound lane, to the middle of the westbound lane, to the gravel on the side of the road...dark...large. Half laughing I told my wife I saw a sasquatch...she said so did she...we both laughed and said we must be tired...she said turn around, which made me laugh even more...We're just tired. She pointed out we didn't know when we'd ever get back. I didn't think anymore about it till I went to your site. I'll be going back this summer...probably June...depending on the cost of gas...it's getting crazy again.","location_details":"Maybe 20-30 minutes east of the Park","county":"Park County","state":"Wyoming","season":"Summer","title":"Report 2216: Driver sees bipedal creature in headlights near Yellowstone hot spot","date":"2000-07-20","number":2216,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9xfj1h8kxk","temperature_high":74.73,"temperature_mid":61.22,"temperature_low":47.71,"dew_point":42.46,"humidity":0.51,"cloud_cover":0.04,"moon_phase":0.63,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Breezy in the afternoon.","uv_index":10,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":75,"wind_speed":2.25,"year":2000,"geometry":[-109.6429,44.49817]} {"observed":"In Yellowstone park on road on Mt Washburn. My Wife, myself, and my two boys observed from our car a large, big chested, very tall (8 foot), dark colored humanoid figure walk up a ridge line some 300 meters away from us. Can not explain what we saw and for sure it was not a bear. It strided up the hill on two legs just like any human, it leaned slightly forward as it walked. July, 2002","county":"Park County","state":"Wyoming","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4735: Noon sighting by family of four near Mount Washburn, Yellowstone National Park","date":"2002-07-19","number":4735,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c836pqjjj5","temperature_high":75.91,"temperature_mid":62.91,"temperature_low":49.91,"dew_point":47.25,"humidity":0.54,"moon_phase":0.34,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":271,"wind_speed":1.44,"year":2002,"geometry":[-110.4165,46.79165]} {"observed":"I was in my parent's car on the northwest side of Mt. Washburn in Yellowstone National Park,Wyoming when my mom,dad,brother,and I saw a humanoid figure,too tall to be human walking upright along a ridge around 300 yards off. It looked hairy, and between 8 and 10 feet tall. It was around noon and it was partly cloudy and my family was scanning the ridge for bighorn sheep when we saw it.","location_details":"It was on a ridge on a road in Mt. Washburn, Wyoming.","county":"Park County","state":"Wyoming","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4692: Noon sighting by family of four near Mount Washburn, Yellowstone National Park","date":"2002-07-19","number":4692,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c836pqjjj5","temperature_high":75.91,"temperature_mid":62.91,"temperature_low":49.91,"dew_point":47.25,"humidity":0.54,"moon_phase":0.34,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":271,"wind_speed":1.44,"year":2002,"geometry":[-110.4165,46.79165]} {"observed":"I was delivering newspapers on a lightly snowing early morning in Novemeber of 2005. Id guess it was 4:30 or so, just before dawn. The roads were barely dampened. It was a very pretty almost wintry scene. The high Uintas range was behind me. I turned from highway 411 to highway 410, which takes one back into the town of Mountain View. There are no lightposts until you cross the bridge and drive maybe 1/4 or 1/8th mile. As I turned from hwy 411, I looked towards the first light, about a fourth mile away. It could have been 1/2 mile. There was something pretty big walking. It was walking toward me, and it looked like it was all one bulky thing- no coat or hat lines that I could see. It seemed to have its head pointed slightly downward. Not a lot, just a tad. It also seemed like its arms were slightly long. It didnt seem to be bothered by the cold or the light snow. It was just walking like it had somewhere it was going. It walked diagonally across the road, towards a clump of brushy trees. It seemed like it strode big, but not in a big hurry, but not a casual stroll, but it crossed faster than a man. It walked on two legs but not exactly like a man...Ive seen moose, deer, elk, steers, skunks, foxes, one little bear, porcupines, you name it, but it wasnt any of these. I got to where I had seen it go into the brush area, and there was nothing. There wasn't a roadway where it had crossed, being in between two ranch houses, located farther in than where this thing was. Being an isolated area at that time in the morning, I slowed to see if I could see anything like if it had been a person for some crazy reason out for a walk there at that time of morning, and it was a bit cold. I figured if it was a person, Id see it walking on one of the ranch house roads, but no, nothing was there. I felt pretty uneasy, so I continued to drive home. The area there is pretty, with a river running East and West just before where I saw that larger than a man thing. It may have been between 7 to 9 feet tall, but I'm estimating with the size of the lightpost, the trees it disappeared in, things like that. I couldn't see if it was black or brown, but it didn't seem dark enough to be black. Years ago in the early eighties we had lived in Lyman, six miles past Mountain View. We had a dog, as a lot of our neighbors did. One night while my husband was on graveyard shift, the dogs raised a ruckus. It was a pretty moonlit night I think in summer. Or almost fall. But I looked out my bedroom window and saw walking behind our house in the alley something really big, swinging its arms and seemed silently just striding past. I got so scared I pulled my covers over my head and didnt move for a long long time. My dog and others were howling. After a while things quieted down. Way back I had a friend who had been driving up in the Uintas on the Utah side who claimed a bigfoot thing walked in front of their truck, stopped and looked at them, them continued on. This was I think in the late sixties to 70. The Uintas are beautiful, and are probably 8 to twenty miles within distance of where I saw that thing in Nov of 2005. I didnt hear anything when I stopped to look. If it was hiding in the bushes, it wasnt moving, because I didnt hear any limb cracking. But I did have a strong sense that something was staring at me. I normally see a deer or two in that area, but I dont think I saw any that morning, I dont recall for sure. For awhile I would go through that area (still having to deliver papers) feeling like something watched me at times. I'm pretty spooked by this whole thing.","location_details":"Well, if you are coming west from a small town called Milburne, you would turn left(towards north) from highway 411 onto highway 410. It takes you into Mountain view, a slightly larger town. If you were to be coming from the north from Mountain View, you would continue south on highway 410 and eventually you could go to the Uintas. Im not good at directions.","county":"Uinta County","state":"Wyoming","season":"Winter","title":"Report 14714: Early morning sighting by newspaper deliverer near Mountain View","date":"2005-11-15","number":14714,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9x36ms0r7k","temperature_high":26.83,"temperature_mid":21.385,"temperature_low":15.94,"dew_point":4.05,"humidity":0.66,"cloud_cover":0.12,"moon_phase":0.49,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1034.95,"summary":"Mostly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":225,"wind_speed":1.34,"year":2005,"geometry":[-110.5,41.2]} {"observed":"I will start with what happened back in the late 1970's. My husbands uncle and a friend were frog gigging on this farm, that we have now lived on for the last 10 years. (It is my father-in-laws land, which has been in the family for over 30 years.) He said that they just crossed the creek that is directly behind our mobile home (of course our home wasn't here at the time!). They heard a noise about 30 feet down the creek. It was nightime, so they shined their lights in the direction of the noise. They saw a animal creature bending down at the creek, drinking water out of its hands. The \"animal\" stood up, on two legs like a man, was gray, and hairy all over. It then took off up the holler, running on two legs like a man. It was no bear. A bear wouldn't run like a human does. My husbands uncle and friend immediately left, they were so scared. Now lets skip to the early 1990's. My husband and I move a mobile home in on the farm. For the first time in many years, someone has finally occupied this land. Our first summer here, in 1991, I would hear all sorts of noises. Being from the suburbs, and not used to nighttime country noises, I didn't know what they were, and always kept the windows shut, no matter how hot it was inside. I felt like something was just \"out there\". We have always heard weird things over the years. Now lets skip 10 years to this past June 2001. My kids, ages 13, 11, 9 and 6 were playing in the field, out behind our mobile home. They came in, wanting my camera. They said they found \"footprints\". I laughed it off, and told them just don't take too many pictures. They took the pictures, I forgot about them for about 3 weeks. When I went to get the pictures developed, I was shocked at the footprints! They are nothing like I've seen before. About a week later, the end of June 2001, my kids were playing again, at the creek that runs behind the field, that is behind our mobile home. Our dog was with them. All of a sudden they hear something running across the hillside, sounding as if it was tearing down trees as it went. The dog ran after it. Whatever it was, kept on running, with our dog on its trail. We then heard the dog start yelping, crying like whatever it was got him. I was too scared to go and see if he was ok. We waited for him to come back. He did several hours later, covered in some kind of slimy stuff. Like slobber. He was ok, but never did find out what that stuff was. I had told the kids not to go down to the creek again, till we find out what is up on the hill. Of course, being kids, they didn't listen. They took off on the hill, to see if there were any small trees or shrubs knocked down by whatever ran through the woods the day before. They weren't up there very long, before huge rocks down tumbling down the hill at them. It was like something or someone was up there actually throwing huge rocks at them. I am talking rocks that are bigger than a persons head. They came running back down the hill. Two days later, around 9 am, I had all the windows open to our mobile home. Everyone but me was still in bed. I heard a very loud, long growl. I have never heard this sound before in my life. The dogs, which were sleeping in the yard heard it, and took off on the hill after whatever it was. Over the years, there have been unexplained things and noises happening. This past winter (around Jan. 2001), something hit the side of our mobile home in the middle of the night. It was like someone had taken a ballbat and smacked the side of the wall where our bedroom is as hard as they can. We have hiked on the hill, and heard unidentified loud growls. At night there have been screams and growls. My husbands uncle, the one who had sighted the \"animal\" in the 1970's had lived in a small shed on our farm in the mid' 1990's. He would work late shift and come home in the middle of the night. He would have to walk 1/4 of a mile to the shed. He would tell us all the time how creepy it was to walk up the holler at night. And all the sounds he would hear.","location_details":"(edited)","county":"Cabell County","state":"West Virginia","season":"Summer","title":"Report 2786: On-going encounters makes rural family cautious","date":"2001-06-15","number":2786,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnvdu3eudg","temperature_high":89.4,"temperature_mid":79.405,"temperature_low":69.41,"dew_point":71.63,"humidity":0.81,"cloud_cover":0.29,"moon_phase":0.8,"precip_intensity":0.0043,"precip_probability":0.5,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.79,"summary":"Humid throughout the day and partly cloudy starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":9,"visibility":6.82,"wind_bearing":209,"wind_speed":2.82,"year":2001,"geometry":[-82.07358,38.46118]} {"observed":"The witness' daughter originally submitted this report after he had relayed it to her. Subsequently, Vince Lauria and myself met with the witness on March 19, 2003 and conducted a personal interview and had the witness take us to the actual sighting location. The following is the account of the sighting as told to us by the witness. On February 18, 2003 at approx. 5:30 AM, the witness was heading eastbound on Interstate 10 when he saw what he first believed to be a person stepping out onto the highway just as a tractor-trailer rig had passed it. Because the tractor-trailer rig's rear lights illuminated the animal he was able to see it. The witness tapped his brakes to disengage the cruise control and turned on his high beams. He stated to us that his first thought was perhaps someone had broken down on the Interstate or been involved in an accident but when he got a better look at it, he realized it wasn't human. He stated that, \"its hands hung almost to its knees and it moved in a hunched posture.\" When questioned further, the witness stated that it moved with its knees bent in \"almost a glide\" and that its arms stayed by its side as opposed to swinging back and forth. He further described the creature as being approximately 7' in height; 250 to 275 pounds with a muscular, \"squatty\" build and was covered with reddish hair. The head appeared to sit directly on the shoulders and was somewhat pointed. A note of interest; the witness told us the hair on it's head looked \"slicked back\" as if it had just been combed, not as if it were wet. He also stated that the creature never looked toward his truck so he didn't notice any facial detail. According to the witness, the creature wasn't running but was moving \"at a good trot\". It crossed both traffic lanes and the breakdown lane in 4 or 5 steps. At the time of the sighting, the creature was approximately sixty to seventy yards from the witness, and the sighting lasted about thirty seconds, maximum.","location_details":"Interstate 10, east of Caryville","county":"Washington County","state":"Florida","season":"Winter","title":"Report 5884: Road crossing sighting by motorist","date":"2003-02-18","number":5884,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dj7nbr8vrs","year":2003,"geometry":[-85.76891,30.7599]} {"observed":"I was in Page Springs Arizona on Oak Creek in July 2005 with my kids, camping, and my daughter and I saw something. I saw it twice. Also, a friend of mine and myself had some bad feelings in a particular area there. He was camping further down the creek. What I saw was odd. It was grey, 4'-5' tall, slender, fast moving, able to hide, and made a screeching noise twice, once when I think it hit something while moving and again, far away when tons of dogs were barking. Could hear stones clicking, walking and breathing nearby after I went into my tent for the night. Our peaceful camping trip turned into us being frightened.","location_details":"Lo Lo Mai Springs Campground","county":"Yavapai County","state":"Arizona","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12266: Camping family glimpses a grey animal twice in three days","date":"2005-07-06","number":12266,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9w0mvcg9mt","temperature_high":97.62,"temperature_mid":79.285,"temperature_low":60.95,"dew_point":22.73,"humidity":0.13,"cloud_cover":0.02,"moon_phase":0.02,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1013.92,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":11,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":213,"wind_speed":2.9,"year":2005,"geometry":[-111.8907,34.7706]} {"observed":"I was driving, I just crossed river about 200 yards back when in front of me it crossed the highway. It was on all fours, trying to look different. It took about 4 to 5 seconds to cross the highway. It was dark, red long hair.","location_details":"I was headed east on Highway 90 just came off river bridge","county":"Washington County","state":"Florida","season":"Fall","title":"Report 42885: Possible daytime highway crossing on US-90 outside Caryville","date":"2003-10-15","number":42885,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dj7jqd93k2","temperature_high":76.14,"temperature_mid":65.115,"temperature_low":54.09,"dew_point":48.78,"humidity":0.56,"cloud_cover":0.05,"moon_phase":0.66,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1017.72,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":9.08,"wind_bearing":6,"wind_speed":6.17,"year":2003,"geometry":[-85.4937,30.46805]} {"observed":"IT WAS AROUND 9:30 PM ON 8/8/04. I HEARD MY MINIATURE HORSES MAKING A RUCKUS IN THE YARD. EARLIER THAT DAY I HAD CLOSED THE FRONT GATE SO THEY COULD GRAZE IN THE YARD. IT WAS RAINING FAIRLY HARD AT THE TIME AND MY OUTSIDE FLOODLIGHT BY THE SHED/BARN AREA WAS NOT WORKING. I HAVE A 300 WATT FLOOD LIGHT ON THE BACK PORCH AND I PEERED THROUGH THE DOOR 12 INCH WINDOW AS I TURNED THE LIGHT ON. I OBSERVED WHAT APPEARED TO BE WHAT IN FLORIDA IS KNOWN AS A \" SKUNK APE \". IT WAS DIRECTLY STRAIGHT ACCROSS FROM THE PORCH ABOUT 40 TO 50 FEET OUT IN A SMALL AREA OF PINE TREES. IT STOOD ABOUT 7 TO 8 FOOT HIGH. AS I TURNED ON THE LIGHT IT LOOKED DIECTLY AT ME THEN TURNED TO THE RIGHT AND WALKED BACK INTO THE DARKNESS BEHIND AN OUTBUILDING THAT BLOCKED THE LIGHT. I COULDN'T BELIEVE WHAT I SAW AND TILL NOW I KEEP THINKING I'M GOING NUTS AND IT PROBABLY WAS A HORSE BUT MY HORSES ARE34 INCHES AND UNDER AND IT WAS ON MY SIDE OF A FENCE THAT RAN BEHIND THE SHAPE I SAW THE RAIN MADE IT SORT OF SHINE ON ITS ARM THAT SEEMED TO HANG I'D SAY TO THE KNEE AREA. TOTAL TIME I SAW IT WAS AROUND 2 TO 3 SECONDS BUT AS IT WALKED AWAY INTO THE DARK IT SEEMED TO KEEP LOOKING BACK AT ME.","location_details":"TAKE HWY-77 SOUTH FROM GREENHEAD ABOUT 3 2/2 MILE.","county":"Washington County","state":"Florida","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9174: Man has nighttime sighting in his yard","date":"2004-08-08","number":9174,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dj7j76hzxh","temperature_high":87.77,"temperature_mid":81.575,"temperature_low":75.38,"dew_point":68.05,"humidity":0.65,"cloud_cover":0.45,"moon_phase":0.77,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1016.05,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until afternoon and humid throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.62,"wind_bearing":92,"wind_speed":6.11,"year":2004,"geometry":[-85.6316,30.4664]} {"observed":"When I was around 11 years old, I had a strange encounter in the field behind my house. At that time, I believed I saw a crazy old man, but I now realize that is all I could rationalize it to be. I was walking alone at dusk with my dog. This was not unusual as I loved to be outside- my parents often had to force me inside by calling me in for the night. Well, from what I can remember of that particular night, I was picking up rocks in a ditch and looking at them. I might have been looking for a certain kind of rock but I can't remember exactly what I was doing. It was definitely getting dark, but I could still see well enough to keep after the rocks for awhile longer. I remember holding a stick I was using to pry rocks out of the dirt. It was very quiet and still and there wasn't much wind. As I was looking at the ground, I heard a noise in front of me and I looked up to see what it was, and that is when I saw him. He stood right in front of me at a distance of 5 to 10 feet, he was tall, but hunched and quietly staring right at me. He wasn't much taller than a normal man, but I got the impression he was old because he was hunching. He looked like Rip Van Winkle to me, and that is what I thought of when I saw him. He had a long shaggy beard around his facial area, but he was completely naked but for the long shaggy hair that was in matts all over his body. I remember the hair was thin at his face, the base of his neck, and upper torso, but thicker around his beard, lower torso and legs. All the hair was grayish white and very long and shaggy. Mats of hair dangled from him in tatters. His feet were bare. His face was very humanlike, but not quite normal as it had very exaggerated wrinkles- again, a reason I thought he was a crazy old man. His head seemed normal, but there was so much hair it was hard to make out his features except where the hair was thinner. He appeared gaunt and thin, but in just a moment I would realize he was not like an old man at all. I screamed as loud as I could out of fear and I noticed my dog bolted towards the house while I was taking in the sight of this strange thing in front of me. The shaggy old man let out a scream of his own when I screamed. He was staring right at me screaming in a voice that sounded like a woman shrieking- he seemed very scared of me as well. I turned to run for my house. I looked over my shoulder to see if he was following me and I saw him run up the ditch in the other direction. He was extremely agile and fast- he was definitely not Rip Van Winkle. He ran in a full sprint, very quickly for someone so hunched. I think I caught the dog running back to the house, as I was so frightened. I remember running into the kitchen and telling my Mom there was a crazy old Rip Van Winkle in the field. I remember describing how he was old looking, hunched, naked, and his hair was very long and matted like he hadn't cut it in 20 years. I told her about how he had hair all over his body. Needless to say, I wasn't believed. I became obsessed with what I called \"the Shaggy old man\" or \"the Crazy old man\". I believed that he must have been an old deformed hermit. I kept a notebook in which I drew many sketches of him. I remember keeping the notebook secret from my family, hiding it out of fear of being ridiculed. I wish I had those sketches now but sadly I've misplaced that notebook. I remember I went back to the spot in the field looking for him on other occasions, but I never ran into him again. I wasn't aware enough to look for prints or anything like that, but I knew that he was out there somewhere and I wanted to prove he really existed to others. What changed my opinion of this sighting was a late night visit to a bigfoot website. I was just browsing their sightings index and I came across several sightings in the same county I lived in and all described white or grayish colored creatures. Honestly, I didn't realize bigfoot were sighted in this part of the country at that time, or even for most of my life, and just seeing all those other sightings was a revelation. I realized for the first time that what I witnessed may not have been a crazy old shaggy man, but rather a bigfoot. When I think back on the sighting, it all makes sense in that light. There would be no reason for a naked old man to wander that field, much less to be covered in grayish, white, shaggy tattered hair. The only reason I never thought of it as a bigfoot before was that I had never heard of an Alabama bigfoot, so the thought never entered my mind. Also, I had never heard of a whitish gray colored bigfoot, and this creature was thinner than a typical bigfoot description- maybe he was older or maybe even younger. He looked a bit hungry to me, as he was not some hulking powerful creature, but he was still strong looking and extremely agile.","location_details":"Around Moody, Alabama.","county":"St. Clair County","state":"Alabama","season":"Fall","title":"Report 8679: Adult recalls childhood sighting at dusk near Moody","date":"2004-09-30","number":8679,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djfx22mjdg","temperature_high":78.01,"temperature_mid":66.605,"temperature_low":55.2,"dew_point":51.38,"humidity":0.69,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.57,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1017.5,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":9.21,"wind_bearing":328,"wind_speed":0.44,"year":2004,"geometry":[-86.4664,33.6205]} {"observed":"I was coming home from work, turning off a major 4 lane hiway. After aproximately 1/4 mile, near a new subdivision, I saw something moving very fast, as it ran across the hiway in front of my car. It appeared to be 8 to 10 feet tall, with reddish-brown looking hair. It didn't look at me, but I noticed long hair from its arms, legs and also shoulders. It moved across the road, it appeared, in 4 to 5 strides running.","location_details":"Shelby Co. Road 43 north, off State Hwy 280. After approximately 1/4 mile, there is a man made lake on right, with houses on left and up behind lake.","county":"Shelby County","state":"Alabama","season":"Winter","title":"Report 8171: Nighttime Sighting on County Road","date":"2004-05-09","number":8171,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djfmu6q5nq","temperature_high":89.48,"temperature_mid":78.525,"temperature_low":67.57,"dew_point":58.77,"humidity":0.61,"cloud_cover":0.16,"moon_phase":0.68,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1019.51,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the evening.","uv_index":10,"visibility":9.4,"wind_bearing":47,"wind_speed":0.2,"year":2004,"geometry":[-86.64066,33.3674]} {"observed":"My husband has described a hairy biped that has been seen by him on at least 2 occassions, and by his father on one occasion on Brindley Mountain in Morgan County Alabama. This biped is well known to residents of this side of the mountain. I have always been sceptible, thinking perhaps they are seeing bears or such. My husband is a seasoned outdoorsman however, and he rarely mistakes wildlife. In summer of 99, my husband was clearing land for a family member close to the bluff where sightings were reported off and on. I was sitting on a car watching him in a tree, (hes a tree surgeon). I happened to look off toward the tree line for no reason that I recall, and I saw perhaps several hundred feet off, a tall reddish manlike creature with no apparent neck, standing off in the shadows of the treeline. I looked up at my husband and gestured toward the area. Upon looking back, the creature was gone. My husbands nephew was also sitting next to me, and he saw the same thing I saw. I still to this day wonder what in the world I saw. I know bear, having seen many, and having travelled out west, and this was no bear. Since that incident, my husband was hunting, and he and his father saw from their tree posts the same creature. He would have to tell you the details. He has had I believe one other sighting, but there are many accounts within his family and surrounding neighbors on the bluff. I have heard screams late at night around 2 or 3 am, that no one can match them to any certain animal. They are very similar to sound files we have heard online. Very much like a bobcat/hounddog combo. It is like a howl,scream very loud and drawn out. We continue to watch for further evidence, but have not had or heard of any activity for a couple of seasons to date.","location_details":"Off of Hiwaay 231South, out of Huntsville towards Arab. Take a right on Apple Grove road to Water Tower Road, Left onto Darden Drive that winds around to the property on the edge of the bluff,","county":"Morgan County","state":"Alabama","season":"Summer","title":"Report 3028: Daylight sighting by lady while her husband was clearing trees","date":"2000-06-01","number":3028,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dn4khw7e9z","temperature_high":87.05,"temperature_mid":74.185,"temperature_low":61.32,"dew_point":59.18,"humidity":0.62,"cloud_cover":0.05,"moon_phase":0.97,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1021.06,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":10,"visibility":9.45,"wind_bearing":151,"wind_speed":3.79,"year":2000,"geometry":[-86.6333,34.4881]} {"observed":"When I was about 8 or 10 yrs old, I saw a Bigfoot. It was on Green mountain near Huntsville, Ala. It was unpopulated then. Now there are million dollar homes there. I was on my way home from my uncle's house on a gravel road. I was on one side of a hill. The road went down this hollow and back up the other side. In the ditch line was Bigfoot, about 8 ft. tall with arms that looked like they reached down past his knees. It was slightly leaned foward looking straight at me. It scared the daylights out of me. So I went back to my uncle's house and told him. He got his shot gun and we went back. It was still there looking at us. Uncle threw up the gun to shoot and I told him we needed to get closer. So we went down the hill and as we did we lost sight. When we got back up the other side it was gone.","location_details":"In Huntsville. Just ask where Green Mountain is.","county":"Madison County","state":"Alabama","season":"Summer","title":"Report 7235: Recollection of an afternoon sighting on Green Mountain","date":"2004-05-28","number":7235,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dn4mx4v73r","temperature_high":75.96,"temperature_mid":69.615,"temperature_low":63.27,"dew_point":66.6,"humidity":0.85,"cloud_cover":0.79,"moon_phase":0.3,"precip_intensity":0.0037,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1012.31,"summary":"Light rain in the afternoon.","uv_index":6,"visibility":8.62,"wind_bearing":259,"wind_speed":2.09,"year":2004,"geometry":[-86.52105,34.7325]} {"observed":"oct 10 2000 valhermosa springs morgan county alabama. I and my husband were driving down cabbage patch, a narrow gravel road near pine thicket, looking for deer when husband said what is that. I looked and said what the heck is that. I saw a large brown object slightly bent over as if to pick up something. it raised straight upon two legs had long arms broad shoulders and stood about 7 to 8 foot tall, very hairy. about that time it ran in to the pine thicket with the speed of lighting. We were about 20 to 30 yards from it. we went back to the sight the next morning and we found a small foot print about 8 inches long and a big foot print about 13 inches long in sight of where we seen it. we found some hair on a fence and metal poles that have been step on and bent over the fence was pulled up off the post and bottom fence all the way to the ground. we found a percimon in the area that it was seen and there was no percimon tree no where around. the sightening was about 1:30 pm CST it was about a 1/2 a mile from my house","location_details":"south of tennesse river in morgan county valhermosa springs area cabbage patch road near creek area","county":"Morgan County","state":"Alabama","season":"Fall","title":"Report 435: Daylight sighting by husband and wife near home near Valhermosa Springs","date":"2000-10-10","number":435,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dn4kebhwzk","temperature_high":66.51,"temperature_mid":48.85,"temperature_low":31.19,"dew_point":26.19,"humidity":0.51,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.41,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1028.85,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":25,"wind_speed":3.49,"year":2000,"geometry":[-86.66465,34.5422]} {"observed":"My brother-in-law and myself were walking along a creekbank in rural St.Clair Co. Alabama and we stumbled upon a print that we weren't sure what it was. It looked like a human foot.The print was about a size 9 or 10 in shoe sizes but only about 3 1/2\" wide and was approx. 2-3 deep in the dirt. I tried to replicate the depth with my foot but I had to stomp in the dirt with the heel of my boot to replicate the depth of the print. The print was not a bear or any other wildlife that we have seen in the woods as we are avid hunters. There were 2 prints,1 looked like it was walking out of the creek and stepped up on the bank with just the ball of its foot, then the track beside it was a full print as decribed before.","county":"St. Clair County","state":"Alabama","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10501: Hikers find footprints near Pell City.","date":"2005-02-05","number":10501,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"djfxk69z84","temperature_high":63.47,"temperature_mid":52.17,"temperature_low":40.87,"dew_point":32.02,"humidity":0.57,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.88,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1027.49,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.37,"wind_bearing":103,"wind_speed":1.18,"year":2005,"geometry":[-86.2952,33.6332]} {"observed":"My husband, myself and my husbands friend were walking on a narrow trail to Salt Creek Falls near Talladega National Forest. I stopped on the trail when I smelled a foul smell. We did not see or hear anything at this time. We walked down to the falls the water was very low so we walked out onto the large rocks to sit, we sat talking for about 30 min. I heard a sound like trees moving then I heard nothing else so we were on our way out when we saw a very large footprint in the sandy creek bank. It was approx. 18 inches long and about 7 inches wide it had very pronounced toe prints.","location_details":"Salt creek falls close to Cheaha State Park","county":"Talladega County","state":"Alabama","season":"Summer","title":"Report 1419: Large footprint found in a sandy creek bank near Talladega National Forest","date":"2000-07-15","number":1419,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"djfyx0j9gk","temperature_high":92.42,"temperature_mid":78.475,"temperature_low":64.53,"dew_point":64.68,"humidity":0.66,"cloud_cover":0.05,"moon_phase":0.47,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1008.54,"summary":"Partly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":11,"visibility":8.25,"wind_bearing":331,"wind_speed":4.64,"year":2000,"geometry":[-85.8175,33.48665]} {"observed":"It was late June and I was driving home around 2:00 in the morning on a dirt road I use for a short cut from a friends house. It was dark, and cloudy I guess because there was no moon or stars out. I had just crossed over the creek and around a few curves when I saw something huge close to the side of the road. As I proceeded to get closer I turned on my brights. I realized this thing was standing on two feet, and kinda hairy, but looked as if it were humanlike. It looked to be 9 or 10 feet tall, larger that anything I wanted to stop for. Its back was turned to me as if my lights were blinding it. This was like no human I had ever seen. I pushed the gas pedal as hard as I could, swung the car to the far left, and went around the thing as fast as I could. I never looked back, my heart was pounding because I was so frightened. It was enormous. I had never really seen anything like that before. I had wondered if my mind was playing tricks on me because I was tired. I never mentioned this incident to anyone I just stopped traveling the road. Up until just a few weeks ago I wouldn't ride down this road even in the daylight. The reason for me to go back was absolutely amazing. My father made a discovery of his own. Large footprints, feces, and a trail into the woods not far from where I had seen this \"thing\". I mentioned my story (about that night) to my parents when they told me about the discovery they had made. I went to the place with them to help cast the prints, take pictures, and collect some of the feces. If it hadn't been for their discovery, no one would have ever known what I had seen. I still don't travel that road at night, but have become braver to do it during the day.","location_details":"Withheld at witness' request","county":"Tuscaloosa County","state":"Alabama","season":"Summer","title":"Report 7031: Lady sees large hairy creature on the side of the road","date":"2003-06-28","number":7031,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djcvjnbgd4","temperature_high":87.11,"temperature_mid":77.57,"temperature_low":68.03,"dew_point":69.9,"humidity":0.83,"cloud_cover":0.4,"moon_phase":0.96,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1015.77,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning and humid throughout the day.","uv_index":8,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":83,"wind_speed":0.35,"year":2003,"geometry":[-87.31821,33.26035]} {"observed":"My husband and some others were preparing a field for planting when he noticed a pile of pooh in the field. He walked over to it and stated that he wondered what might have made such a large pile. As he looked around for horse or cow tracks, another person walked over to look at it and said \"Look at the size of these foot prints\". They all began looking around and found tracks coming out of a grassy area onto a dirt road. The tracks went about 20 feet then turned left into the freshly plowed field (plowed the day before). They proceded about 30 feet into the field. There you could tell where it paused to squat repositioning it's feet to do so and did it's business. While in this position it dug up some turtle eggs in front of it and ate them leaving broken shell behind. The feces were the consistancy of horse droppings in that they were of high fiber content and contained undigested muscadines(a kind of wild grape). But the droppings weren't in the shape of horse manure,(round ballshaped piles) but were long and cylindrical like that of a dog or human. The feces(2) were about 18-24 inches long and about 2 1/2-3 inches across. Rather large I must say. The tracks then turned left again into an area of tall grass, small pines and other small trees that lined a field at the edge of the woods. I wasn't able to follow them very far due to dead branchs, briars and undergrowth that blocked my progress. Plus I was wearing only sandals, shorts, and a tank top. Not prepared to trek through the woods. I took pictures of the tracks and the feces with a yardstick for size comparison. I also took a specimen of the feces and turtle egg shells which are still in my freezer. I have a cast of a left and right foot. The right one broke trying to pick it up but is still n pretty good shape. The left one is completely intact. They measure approx 18 inches long, 8 inches wide at the toes and 4 1/2 inches at the heels. The stride measured 3 feet from the toe of one foot to the heel of the next step. Each foot has 5 toes. A humanlike large toe on the inside of the step and each toe following being smaller than the last. There is an arch to both, showing it is not flatfooted. I took these samples to the Univesity of Alabama and showed them to a professor who is an anthropology professor in forensics. I walked away disappointed to hear him insist that what I had were Bear tracks. But he had been on a bear trip since I had spoken to him a few days prior about my find. When I arrived at his office, before he even looked at the cast he was talking bears and showing me books and pictures of bears and bear tracks. I tried to say Bears don't have a Big toe, but he tried to make up reasons that these tracks of a \"bear\" had a big toe. I realized this person was not going to believe what he was looking at was not a bear. It either frightened him to think it was a possible Bigfoot out there or he was embarassed to say he didn't know what it was. Just a \"Bear\". Well there is our encounter of a Track sighting. When I was looking through the internet for sighting reports in the Alabama area I was excitedly surprised to find the one on your sight (report#245 Class A) which is in the same general area as ours.","location_details":"Withheld at witness request","county":"Tuscaloosa County","state":"Alabama","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6938: Tracks and feces found in freshly turned field","date":"2003-08-30","number":6938,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djcuujuydz","temperature_high":90,"temperature_mid":81.03,"temperature_low":72.06,"dew_point":73.43,"humidity":0.85,"cloud_cover":0.6,"moon_phase":0.1,"precip_intensity":0.018,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1020.25,"summary":"Heavy rain starting in the evening.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.65,"wind_bearing":185,"wind_speed":1.11,"year":2003,"geometry":[-87.35664,33.21145]} {"location_details":"South of Montgomery , Al near the town of Hayneville at a small fishing club with about 5 pond/ lakes around more details available if interested","county":"Lowndes County","state":"Alabama","season":"Spring","title":"Report 24646: Early morning sighting by a fisherman south of Montgomery","date":"2001-04-13","number":24646,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djdrjfctkk","temperature_high":83.33,"temperature_mid":71.44,"temperature_low":59.55,"dew_point":69.63,"humidity":0.84,"cloud_cover":0.53,"moon_phase":0.69,"precip_intensity":0.0005,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1018.15,"summary":"Light rain in the afternoon.","uv_index":6,"visibility":8.65,"wind_bearing":248,"wind_speed":5.78,"year":2001,"geometry":[-86.581,32.184]} {"observed":"One evening my wife and I decided to go to my hunting club property to a place where we used to go sit and talk. We got there just before dark and had been there for several hours when it happened. The place where we were is on a large power transmission line right of way.There is a small stream that crosses the clearing, and a very steep hill on the side where we parked. In fact, so steep that it is difficult to drive a four wheel drive down to the stream. On the other side of the stream there is a low level spot that then becomes another steep hill. I would say that the hills are a good 50 feet higher than the stream. I had parked my truck on the hilltop, and we sat on the tailgate facing the stream. Around 11:00 pm we heard a very loud snorting noise coming from the bottom of the hill, and the sound of brush moving and breaking. I thought that it was a wild hog, because they are plentiful in this area, so I told my wife to get in the truck, because I was afraid it would attack us. She got in the truck while I tried to find my flashlight and my gun. When she slammed the door, I heard a loud, low growl/grunt and it sounded like something large started running up the hill towards us. I was standing in the bed of my truck by now trying to shine my light down the hill, but the batteries were weak and I couldn't see very far.There was a very bright moon out so I turned off my light, and could see a large shadow moving around about halfway up the hill towards us. I was listening to it move around and make the same growl/grunt noise. I could also hear what sounded like breathing noises. I then caught scent of a strange, musky, sour odor and heard more brush breaking and what sounded like stomping noises. I was certain by now that this was not a wild hog, but couldn't figure out what it might be. So I told my wife to start my truck and rev the engine a few times and when she did, I heard what sounded like something crashing through the brush heading down hill and moving fast. We were both a little spooked by now so we left. As I pulled out onto the dirt road off the power line trail, I turned toward the bridge that crosses the small stream (the road roughly parallels the power line) a large number of deer ran at high speed across the road,heading away from the stream. I tried to convince myself that it was just deer that I heard,but couldn't explain the shadow I saw.","location_details":"Moved to private investigatiors section.","county":"Lee County","state":"Alabama","season":"Spring","title":"Report 18033: Possible stalking of couple parked at power line cut outside Opelika","date":"2002-05-30","number":18033,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"djg3utxj6g","temperature_high":83.62,"temperature_mid":72.515,"temperature_low":61.41,"dew_point":64.15,"humidity":0.76,"cloud_cover":0.32,"moon_phase":0.65,"precip_intensity":0.0154,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1010.51,"summary":"Heavy rain in the evening.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.21,"wind_bearing":84,"wind_speed":4.65,"year":2002,"geometry":[-85.2222,32.6825]} {"observed":"well me and my cousin were deep in the woods deer hunting close to our little camp site when we heard some very loud popping sounds maybe 35 yards away, we froze, tried to figure out the sound but couldnt. We started walking it was getting late almost dark we started to smell something. It smelled awful deader than dead my cousin hears something walking heavy, we turn around look down the logging road and see this thing step out of the treeline, it was a good 40 to 45 yards away it had dark brown hair, walked on two legs was very big 9 to 10 feet tall and it just stood there. Out of being so scared we couldnt move either, I couldn't of shot it if I wanted to but we stared at each other for about 3 or 4 mins and when it took a step into the woods we ran. 1st time ever saw anything like that. I told some people but they laughed and asked me how much I had been drinking but I dont drink so I saw the sight and decided to get this off my chest. I've been holding for years and I havn't been deer hunting that far in the woods since.","location_details":"off hwy 72 you will see baker lane, go down baker lane you'll see emmette holland road, go down that road it'll open up into fields and woods and you are there","county":"Colbert County","state":"Alabama","season":"Winter","title":"Report 27568: Daylight sighting of a Bigfoot outside Muscle Shoals","date":"2005-01-12","number":27568,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dn1t6t4udv","temperature_high":68.22,"temperature_mid":64.325,"temperature_low":60.43,"dew_point":58.97,"humidity":0.81,"cloud_cover":0.8,"moon_phase":0.09,"precip_intensity":0.0002,"precip_probability":0.58,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1014.15,"summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.08,"wind_bearing":174,"wind_speed":8.43,"year":2005,"geometry":[-87.77686,34.70112]} {"observed":"This is a secondhand report posted by the BFRO investigators involved. Witness information withheld. The following is the witness account as related to Investigator Tim Cullen: At approximately 1:30 a.m. on a night in February 2000, the witness and a friend were planning to visit a girl who lived close to the sighting location. They were riding together on a motorcycle and knew they would not be able to ride up to the girls house without alerting her mother to their presence. They decided to hide the bike on the side of a dirt road and walk to the house from there. Very shortly thereafter, they began to hear what the witness described as very heavy walking/stomping noises. The witness described these sounds as similar to: 1. an extremely large person walking or 2. like a horse galloping only on two legs, coming from a swampy area which was northeast of their location. They squatted in the bushes and listened for a couple of minutes, at which time they determined the noise was getting closer to them and increasing in pace. At this time they decided to make a break for the motorcycle and vacate the area. The friend of the witness was in the lead and caused a branch to swing back hitting the witness in the head, knocking him down and damn near knocking him out. He got back up and began running after his friend all the while hearing the sounds of stomping and the crashing of underbrush getting closer to them. When he reached the spot where the motorcycle had been stashed, his friend was already pushing it out towards the road. He commented that at this time he could also hear heavy breathing which seemed to coincide with each footfall. Once they had the bike on the road, they both jumped on and his friend managed to kick start it and take off. The witness stated that he looked back just in time to see a very large creature leap from the edge of the woods out into the road. (I later measured this distance and it was a 12 to 15 jump, more or less.) He said it hit the road on all fours and then stood fully erect. He did comment that when the creature landed on the road, it let out an audible grunt he could hear even above the noise of the motorcycle. He said the moon was full or near full, and it was already in the western sky causing the creature to stand in its own shadow. Since the creature was silhouetted, he was unable to make out any detail such as facial features. However, he was emphatic that what he saw was not a bear as hes seen bears before and they are much #8220;narrower than what he saw (He emphasized this by hunching his arms forward and dropping his shoulders to indicate how a bear would stand and then standing fully erect with his arms out from his sides in the stance that he said he observed the creature to be in.). He said this creature was very wide and had fluffy hair which covered it entirely. He was unable to see any fingers on the hands although he did state that from what he could tell the hands appeared to be clenched and that the arms were longer than a humans. He also said that from what he could see the creature appeared to be a dark brown or black color. When asked about the height of the animal, he said it was at least six to seven feet tall. After thinking for a moment he stated that his father is 6 4 and that this thing was bigger than his dad, making it closer to seven feet in height. ----------------------------- What follows is a slightly less detailed report by Investigator Vince Lauria who videotaped the interview at the sighting location: The sighting took place in February of the year 2000 to the best recollection of the witness, a boy, 15 years old at the time. The moon was full or nearly so. He and a friend had just parked a very loud dirt bike at the edge of the woods along the dirt road near a swamp at about 2 a.m. They planned to walk up on a nearby mobile home to visit a girlfriend. Their \"caper\" was interrupted when they heard heavy footsteps running through the woods toward them, breaking limbs, etc. The main witness was slapped in the head by a limb that was released as the other boy pushed the bike back off of a sandy drainage ditch (which fork slightly off these roads) and onto the dirt road. The witness, almost knocked out by the hit to the head, got up, jumped on the back of the bike and they roared off just as something large and black jumped onto the road, landing on all fours, then stood up and faced them. The moon was lighting the road, and the creature, from the rear. Hair was described as long and not shaggy, but \"fluffy,\" dark brown or black. It stood, obviously broad and manlike and BIG, looking at them as they drove off, its arms at its sides and longer than a man's arms. Estimated height near 7 feet. Investigator Cullen: When Vince asked the witness if hed gone back the next day to see if they could locate any tracks, he told Vince Hell no I havent gone back! He said it was probably two weeks or better before they even went near that particular spot again.","location_details":"Southern Conecuh county. Exact location not published to protect residents.","county":"Conecuh County","state":"Alabama","season":"Winter","title":"Report 4743: Nighttime sighting by two teens in southern Conecuh County","date":"2000-02-10","number":4743,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djd160w2pv","temperature_high":71.83,"temperature_mid":62.885,"temperature_low":53.94,"dew_point":41.93,"humidity":0.72,"cloud_cover":0.14,"moon_phase":0.17,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1017.85,"summary":"Breezy in the afternoon and mostly cloudy starting in the evening.","uv_index":5,"visibility":7.89,"wind_bearing":206,"wind_speed":6.13,"year":2000,"geometry":[-87.09069,31.16]} {"observed":"On approx. January 5, 2000, three friends and I decided to camp on one of my friend's land. We had two fourwheelers and a dog with us. It was a rainy day and the ground of surrounding area was significantly wet. We decided to camp anyway. It stopped raining about dusk when my friend and I started to pitch the tent, while the other two went back to there house for some more supplies. Mind you we were only camping about a mile from the road and one and a half miles from the landowner's home. About ten minutes after their departure me and my friend started hearing strange grunts, foul smell, and heavy footsteps. It went on for about ten minutes, with sounds getting closer and at random, as though the \"animal\" was trying to scare us or get us to make a move. It stopped when my friends arrived back and we dismissed as deer, spooked by our presence. We told of the incident to our friends and the landowner's son explained that his dad had been experiencing \"strange\" occurences lately. We went on with our camping and rode four-wheelers for about two hours. When we arrived back at camp, we decided to stay for the rest of the night. About ten minutes after arriving back, the same strange grunts and heavy steps began again. This time they were more aggitated and frequent. The sounds came within at least twenty yards of our camp. The area is heavily wooded so I could not see the animal at this time. The animal was across the creek at the beginning of the sounds and eventually jumped down into the creek, about a seven foot drop, and stayed there making grunts and heavy steps there for about five to ten minutes. Being very frightened and defensive, I picked up about a ten pound rock and threw it in the vicinity of the animal below in the creek. I could not see the animal due to the foliage. It must have hit the animal because it gave a loud shriek and ran up the creek away from us, then jumping back up on the bank, a seven foot jump, and running back behind our campsite. It then proceeded to make very loud grunts and ran around the back of the campsite about twenty yards away in the woods out or our fire's sight. It then stopped and we could hear it breathing heavily. Talking amongst ourselves and shouting at the animal, it then made the most blood-curdling scream I have ever heard. I would describe it as high-pitched and seemed to echo everywhere around us. I have heard bobcats and screech owls and can tell you this was not one. We then proceeded to leave hasitly on our ATVs and went and got the father of my friend. He came back with us and stayed awhile with no occurences. He left and we somehow got ourselves to stay for the night. Nothing happened the rest of the night and we went to sleep. I awoke at 3am to the same grunts and heavy footsteps. This time they were very close. They lasted by my watch til 345am. Not awaking my friends in fear of the animal becoming aggressive, I laid there and listened to this animal. Afterwards, I laid there until sunrise and told my friends of the sounds and occurences of the night. They asked me due to my, as they described, pale face and rattled demeanor. We then went and looked for any evidence of the animal. We found locks of hair in the trees, approx. seven foot high, and numerous large footprints, similar to a humans, but with no arch and a very large great toe. We then proceeded to follow the footprints to where, amonst downed trees and foliage, we found where a large animal had been laying. We found hair there also. We continued to trail the animal's leavings when came across the same sounds of footsteps. They were too scared to go over the hill and see the animal making the noise so they told me to. Reluctantly I did, and saw a large upright creature, approx. seven to eight feet tall, walking with its back to me. It was covered in hair, black to dark brown, and had an awful smell. It turned and alarmed by my presence ran away from me. I then turned and ran away from it towards my friends who I shouted to to run. They got up and ran and we ran back to our campsite and stayed there where I told them what I saw. For a few months after that we heard the same grunts and shrieks down the creek where we camped that night. We frequently rode ATVs down there and an occurence was frequent. Occurences also happened at other places, two to three miles away from the area of occurence. A sighting was also reported at a park about a mile up the road from my house, three miles from the creek. We also found footprints in nearby rock quarry. My brother and I also saw a \"brown\" animal, who we thought to be a man at first, but, trailed him to find that could not have been a man, on hunting land a mile from our house. No occurences have happened in the past three years. But, I also don't ride or camp as much, either.","location_details":"Near a creek that runs through the county called Phelps Creek.","county":"Lee County","state":"Alabama","season":"Winter","title":"Report 7427: Four youths have harrowing experience in Alabama backwoods.","date":"2003-11-26","number":7427,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djg384dgf8","temperature_high":64.6,"temperature_mid":57.605,"temperature_low":50.61,"dew_point":36.96,"humidity":0.64,"cloud_cover":0.05,"moon_phase":0.11,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1019.86,"summary":"Overcast overnight.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.99,"wind_bearing":113,"wind_speed":1.17,"year":2003,"geometry":[-85.4258,32.6218]} {"observed":"The subject that my brother saw was between 8-9 ft tall. It had brown hair covering its body, appeared to have no neck, very long arms, took long strides. It was started to cross a road when he came up on it. It never moved any faster, just glanced sideways at the car, and kept walking till it crossed the road into the woods. he determined the height of it by comparing it to a road sign on the side of the road.","location_details":"swan creek management area","county":"Limestone County","state":"Alabama","season":"Fall","title":"Report 3296: Man on his way to work sees sasquatch crossing road in his headlights","date":"2001-10-15","number":3296,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dn4jk17dy1","temperature_high":73.38,"temperature_mid":59.66,"temperature_low":45.94,"dew_point":47.95,"humidity":0.71,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.96,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1020.64,"summary":"Partly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":6,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":125,"wind_speed":3.17,"year":2001,"geometry":[-87.00665,34.6802]} {"observed":"My friend James and I were fishing in one of his dad's ponds. We were frustrated that nothing was biting and had finally moved to the last of about 7 ponds. We had been there for about half an hour when we started hearing a whoop whoop sound and then some lound knocking like two tree trunks being banged together. We both made comments about what it might be but thought much of it. While I was browsing your site I found the recordings. I listened to the whoop and knock on that one recording and almost fell out of my chair. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WE HEARD!!! The whoop and the knocks were identical to those sounds we heard just above and behind us. It was that far from us but there was a hill that kept us from seeing anything. It was completely wooded in the area the sound came from.","location_details":"i was following james to his house so i can't be sure but i can find out","county":"White County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 11786: Vocalizations and wood knocks heard by fishermen near pond.","date":"2005-05-01","number":11786,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9ynxe0m3x9","temperature_high":70.01,"temperature_mid":61.56,"temperature_low":53.11,"dew_point":38.49,"humidity":0.56,"cloud_cover":0.28,"moon_phase":0.77,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1022.08,"summary":"Partly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.87,"wind_bearing":312,"wind_speed":2.53,"year":2005,"geometry":[-91.97,35.07]} {"observed":"I got up one morning in August and decided to walk next door to my mother's home. When I walked through the bedroom door, I noticed that she had a gun lying next to her on the bed. She immediately began telling me that something had been outside her window the previous night. She stated that she felt someone watching her and she then heard movement outside her bedroom window. She then described a smell to me. She said that it smelled like a cross between a wet dog and a \"pole cat\" (skunk). I wasn't exactly sure what to think so I walked outside and began to look around. Right outside of my mother's bedroom window was the most exact footprint. I was shape like a human footprint but with no arch, like someone flat footed. I measured the print and took photos. It was 17 inches long and approximately 7 1/2 inches wide at the ball of the foot. It was very distinct.","location_details":"Beck Spur area between Forrest City and Palestine.","county":"St. Francis County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 13516: Footprint found in Beck Spur area.","date":"2001-08-18","number":13516,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9ypqfnmtt1","year":2001,"geometry":[-90.95902,34.97181]} {"observed":"In early November 2002, I decided to get in an afternoon of squirrel hunting before deer season opened and the woods got full of hunters. I drove to an oil well location that is located south of town off the main highway and parked my truck there. I left the location and walked down an old road and headed east into the woods to hunt along the ridge and wooded area that joins the swamp. I'd walk the road and then leave it and wade through the bushes looking for squirrels then head back to the road and follow it for a ways and then leave the road again. I'd been hunting for a good while and had gotten to an area where the briars and bushes had taken over the old road. I decided to turn around and hunt back toward the truck since it was getting late, and I hadn't seen but one squirrel and that was soon after I got into the woods. Just as I started to head back, I got a whiff of the most foul odor that I have ever smelled. It actually made me gag, because I have a very weak stomach. I figured it was a dead animal or a wild hog, but I'd never smelled any hog that stunk that bad. I knew I couldn't stay there with that smell, so I turned to head back down the road. As I did, I heard something make a couple of growling type sounds in a clump of bushes off to my left, and saw the bushes just shaking like hell. I still figured it was a hog, but I'd never heard one that sounded like that and figured if it was a hog it would grunt instead of growl. I was getting nervous about meeting up with a big boar, or maybe even a big cat, so I took off at a fast pace back up the road. After I'd gone a ways, I heard what sounded like three squealing hoot type sounds, still to the left of the road. I was very spooked by then thinking that can't be a hog, and picked up my pace even more. After a ways, I stopped to listen and when I did, I heard something out to my left take a couple of steps and stop. It sounded like someone walking out in the bushes, and it didn't sound like it was too far away from the road and I could swear I heard heavy breathing. I headed for the truck again wanting to break into the clearing before it got completely dark. Just as I got within sight of the well location, I heard the walking sound again and looked behind me thinking I'd see a person following me on the road. What I saw was a tall reddish looking creature cross the road behind me about 20 yards. It was moving in a hurry and I only saw it for a second or two. It stepped completely across the road in one step, then it sounded like it was running away from the road through the bushes. I took off for the truck at a full run and when I reached the truck, I jumped in and got out of there in a hurry. I don't know what it was that I saw, but I'm sure that it was at least a foot taller than my 5'8\" and it looked massive, like a giant hairy man with long arms and long hair all over it's body, and the fastest moving thing I've ever seen or heard. I've been back to the area since then with my nephew, but the timber has been cut in that area and it's no good for hunting anymore. I didn't smell, see or hear anything when we went back to those woods.","location_details":"South of El Dorado, AR on Hwy 167 there is an oil well location about 300 yards off the highway to the east. I parked at this location and continued into the bottom/swamp for another 1/2 mile or so.","county":"Union County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 10913: Squirrel Hunter has encounter south of El Dorado","date":"2002-11-05","number":10913,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vyhs6pv5e","temperature_high":53.78,"temperature_mid":47.485,"temperature_low":41.19,"dew_point":48.13,"humidity":0.92,"cloud_cover":0.95,"moon_phase":0.03,"precip_intensity":0.0316,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1009.82,"summary":"Rain in the morning.","uv_index":3,"visibility":7.4,"wind_bearing":303,"wind_speed":3.7,"year":2002,"geometry":[-92.61493,33.14663]} {"observed":"My friend and I were on a vacant road (Victory Dumas)directly off of Calion Road in El Dorado, AR. We were sitting on the tailgate of my truck just hanging out. I got up to go get my cell phone from the passenger's seat and was about to open the door when I glanced up. I saw a creature, about 15 yards away, standing upright about 4 to 5 feet tall on the left side of the road. With great speed, it ran across the narrow road, and paused when it got to the other side without looking at me. It took off into the woods. When it did so, my friend jumped off of my tailgate, not seeing (only hearing it) and asked \"What was that?\" I said \"I have no idea\" and then I told her to get in the truck. When we got in, I told her that I saw \"something that didn't appear to be human but was running upright.\" It appeared to be dark brown or black in color and looked to be covered in hair. It was hunched over, yet very quick. I can honestly say I have never seen anything like that. We sat in the truck for 5 minutes out of fear. I gassed it and left the road quickly. Do you think this may be a young sasquatch? After all it was only 4-5 ft. tall.","location_details":"A quarter mile before reaching 167 North, on Calion Road, turn right onto Victory Dumas and drive 500 yds to the dead end.","county":"Union County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 11632: 4' - 5.5' upright animal seen crossing dead-end road.","date":"2005-05-07","number":11632,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vyj5zthkn","temperature_high":82.77,"temperature_mid":70.16,"temperature_low":57.55,"dew_point":51.48,"humidity":0.64,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.98,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1017.41,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":11,"visibility":9.75,"wind_bearing":153,"wind_speed":3.81,"year":2005,"geometry":[-92.64066,33.26462]} {"observed":"I am writing this because i think that i might have had a recent experience with a bigfoot. I live in Springdale, Ar. Springdale is not very rugged as far as forest goes, but it can get pretty secluded in the right places. On october 10,2002 me and a friend set out on a trip to follow a creek to see how far it goes, because i followed this creek when i was young. This creek goes through springdale, and winds in through Elm springs,wheres theres nothing but dense trees on one side the left, and open fields, to the right-private properity. Well Elm springs is not a big city, and you would never know the surrundings where i was not unless you owend the properity.It was about 5:00 pm when i decided that it was time to try to get out of the creek and up on the bank,we had been walking about 2 hours in and out of the creek,and i decided that we could cover more ground on land before the sun went down. Now im about 5\"9 and i guess the creek bed must have been 7 foot high,so i had my friend C hoist my foot up while i got my knee up high enough to pull myself up.Now the original plan was to yank him up once on top,but looking back on it now i realize how foolish this was because i would had to be extremely strong,because i probably could have just have barely have had touched his fingertips from way up there,but it didnt matter because what i saw when i got on my feet scared the crap out of me. The best way to explain it is just to tell you that my heart sunk,and I was just extremely stunned. When i got to my feet i was facing nothing but dense forests or woods,somthing caught the corner of my eye about lets say 75 to 100 yards off. Just before getting a good enough look at it i could tell it was big and brown,now ive never seen a bear before out in the wild, so imediately i started to panic. I took one quick look down and figured i would break every bone in my legs if i were to jump,for the water was only maybe a foot deep, with all this happening in what i would say just about 2 seconds,and keep in mind i havent even been able to warn my friend yet of what i thought to be a charging bear, i look back to see this thing or whatever it was walking extremely fast! It was then i noticed that this couldnt have been a bear. I got a clear look at it for just a second.Ill never forget what i saw that day.I remember its head, real long head,i guess you could say it was shaped like an egg, i just know it wasnt like a humans, the eyes must have been dark because i couldnt make them out,i didnt reall notice a nose ether, but there was so much hair, it was hard to make anything out except for the head.The biggest thing ill never forget is the height and weight of this thing.It was so big,legs coverd with hair, so massive,that had to have been the biggest part of this thing,so wide,had to have been as wide as a refrigerator.In comparing the legs to my legs i would have to say each leg made two sets of both of my legs.The shouldars were massive,could have been three feet or over from shoulder to shoulder.I also remember how it walked, besides taking extremely wide steps, it kind of walked with its front body slightly hunched over,i dont know, like some one with bad posture.The height of this thing was astronomical.The tip of its head was in the tree tops!!! now dont get me wrong, the trees werent that tall, but they were at least 8 to 9 feet where the limbs started to curl out and i remember the head was up there with them, there is no way i could have jumped and touched the limbs, they were just to high up.So i would put whatever it was that i seen to be 8 to 9 foot tall. And looking back on it now, the frame could have easily held 500- 600 pounds,the arms on it looked long, and they swayed back in forth heavily,i do not recall a odor,or anything like that,for this thing was out of my view in about id say 5 to 7 seconds. Now i realize when i was getting up the creek bed, i had spooked the thing,because it sure didnt waste no time getting gone into the woods.And i was not about to follow it.So with all this said,i asked my friend if he had heard anything,which he said no because of the running water,and i guess because he was down there,and i said man,i just seen a monster go into the woods! ofcourse my facial feachure was very solemn and serious,but he still didnt believe me.I repeated this several times to him,and i guess he could tell by looking at my face i was serious.He later said my face looked white. With his help i got down back into the creek,but it did take a few minutes,and even then i wound up falling back down in the creek,luckly i wasnt hurt,just wet and scared,the sun was setting,and we jogged and trampled our way back,never once daring to go back up on land. We talked and thought better of muterring such foolishness around for fear of people thinking were nuts. Truthfuly,i dont even think he beleives me.But putting myself in his shoes i probably wouldnt either.But it doesnt matter, i know what i saw, so in closing i have ruled out the possbility of a hoax,1. why would somebody be out in the middle of nowhere in this kind of costume? 2. how would they know we were coming?3.how do you account for the height and size, it was easily a foot taller than any human ive ever seen.It was so tall,you cant duplicate that kind of height.Ihope someone reads this and takes it seriously because i dont know if ill ever go into the woods again.","location_details":"Im not familiar with location,me and my friend followed Spring creek from Springdale into Elm Springs,where there is only dense woods,id say about five miles into Elm Springs,out of the creek bed,to the left,about fifty yards off.","county":"Washington County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 5316: Daytime sighting by hiker near Spring Creek.","date":"2002-10-10","number":5316,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9ykvzxhgbs","temperature_high":66.2,"temperature_mid":63.63,"temperature_low":61.06,"dew_point":55.66,"humidity":0.86,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.16,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1016.99,"summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":8.74,"wind_bearing":68,"wind_speed":3.92,"year":2002,"geometry":[-94.23417,36.20611]} {"observed":"I was riding my 4 wheeler about 11 am when I came over a hill by my house on some gas lines. I saw a harry creature standing about 7 1/2 to 8 ft tall staring back at me. It scared me so I reved up the motor and turned the atv around looking back at the creature as I topped the hill I came to a stop. As I watched the animal it seemed to be very calm as it turned and steped off into the woods as if wasn't a bit courious of me being there. That was the first encounter I had with this creature. One of the other encounters I had was this year. Me and a friend from my church went to my land and found ourselves being chased off the back porch of my house by a very large animal about 1:30 in the morning. I'm sure it was the same animal I'd seen years before. I have had two more run ins with this creature no doubt the animal is in this area.","location_details":"Private Property","county":"Chilton County","state":"Alabama","season":"Spring","title":"Report 26886: Daylight sighting while riding ATV on his private property outside Verbena","date":"2000-05-13","number":26886,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djf6rvs91v","temperature_high":91.94,"dew_point":63.84,"humidity":0.51,"cloud_cover":0.77,"moon_phase":0.35,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1014.06,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":8,"visibility":6.93,"wind_bearing":276,"wind_speed":6.83,"year":2000,"geometry":[-86.4891,32.76967]} {"observed":"I saw bigfoot twice in Chance, Alabama and my mom seen him also. He's been living down here far over thirty years. I'm forty seven years old and I remember riding my bicycle through there and hearing all the noise in the woods. I thought it was a big deer going through the woods until I got older. Now I know what it was if you want to see him let me know he's been there from 1980's when I was hearing him and I saw him in 1992 and 2002. One of our cousins said he thinks it was attracted to one of his horses in 2010. I know he's still there.","location_details":"Hwy 31 from Atmore to 84 west then right on county road 01 about 5 miles to the bridge","county":"Clarke County","state":"Alabama","season":"Fall","title":"Report 43402: Possible ongoing activty in a rural community near Chance","date":"2002-09-16","number":43402,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dj9szqduu5","temperature_high":91.61,"temperature_mid":81.6,"temperature_low":71.59,"dew_point":72.53,"humidity":0.86,"moon_phase":0.35,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Humid throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"year":2002,"geometry":[-87.56807,31.809]} {"observed":"I was in the Arkansas Ozarks this fall just touring around checking out different streams to fish. I had gone into the Richland Creek area and parked in the primitive campground. I was alone and didn't see anyone else here at that time. Anyway I found a trail and took it heading downstream from the campground. I had read that there were bears in the area so I really payed attention to my surroundings. It had rained the night before leaving the trail wet and it seemed that no one had been on the trail that day due to the lack of footprints. I left the trail two or three times to climb down into the creek to fish. It was very rocky terrain. I had gone about a mile down from the camground on the trail. When I got down into the creek I noticied a small area of very small gravel about 5 by 10 feet on the edge of the creek and decided to look for animal tracks. I saw four round prints in a small group that were not very detailed in the soft gravel. Then I saw a very large, 18 inches or more, print looking very much like a foot right on the edge of the water a few feet away from the other prints. This \"footprint\" was about 4 inches deep and full of water. It lacked any detail in the gravel except that it had very definite, entire edges and was shaped like a human foot. Well, I reached for my camera to shoot it, then I laughed to myself thinking people would think I was crazy. I mean at the time I did think it was funny and I discounted it on the spot. I did look around for more prints but the rest of the creek bed in the immediate area was solid rock. I had a long drive ahead that day and blew it off. It wasn't until I got back home to Dallas that I really had to stop and wonder about what I had seen. I felt like an idiot for not photographing it! I haven't been able to come up with a logical explaination for it such as an animal digging or a tipped over rock. Nothing. I told a few friends about it. I guess some people considered me sane still. My older brother seems to think I've been in the outdoors enough to know what I'm looking at. Who knows?","county":"Searcy County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 5342: Fisherman finds footprint near Witts Springs.","date":"2002-10-30","number":5342,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9ymgtj8cpj","year":2002,"geometry":[-92.943,35.8019]} {"observed":"I was six at the time. my family on a bus coming from memphis ark. to ft.smith ark. sister and I was in back of bus on the long seat so we could sleep. bus driver stopped bus to use the woods. he jump back in bus and said hold on every body there is a big ape out there that almost got me. as the bus started to move my sister and I looked out the back window and saw what I beleive to be big foot crossing the road. at the time I didnt know about big foot so we thought it was a ape that had excape from a carnival. it looked like an ape that we had seen in a carnival once. it took long strides crossing the road and was not leaning over on its hands to walk. it was more like a real big man in a ape costume. the picture til this day is still fresh in my mind. and it wasnt an ape that I have ever seen in zoo,s or carnivals","location_details":"I dont remember the name of the little town we stopped so the driver could report it. but he said we would be in little rock in about fourty five more minutes. this has been to many years gone by to make a diffrents. just wanted to say I know he is real.","county":"Lonoke County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 2494: Bus driver encounters ape like creature during an unscheduled stop","date":"2001-08-11","number":2494,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9ynvbsb8gw","temperature_high":90.74,"temperature_mid":82.915,"temperature_low":75.09,"dew_point":74.42,"humidity":0.84,"cloud_cover":0.81,"moon_phase":0.73,"precip_intensity":0.0269,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.81,"summary":"Light rain until afternoon.","uv_index":7,"visibility":6.73,"wind_bearing":216,"wind_speed":4.24,"year":2001,"geometry":[-91.735,34.787]} {"observed":"We had things happen that we did not realize were possibly Bigfoot related. 1. There was a owl that would hoot every night. Louder than any owl I have ever heard in my life. We used to joke that it must be as big as a man. It was also slightly off sounding. Also, it called like this all year long. Not seasonally. 2. Our kids became afraid to sleep in their rooms. They said someone was watching them. They never saw anything, but said they just felt weird. So they slept in our room with us. One night around 2 a.m. we were all woken up by a pounding on our house. Pounding so hard on the other side of the house that our bedroom windows were rattling. My husband yelled and it didn't let up at all. Just a rythmic pounding. Our gun case was in the room closest to the banging. My husband jerked that door open, grabbed his gun and ran outside with a flashlight. There was nothing there. He ran around the house and still didn't see anything. The next day we walked around the house looking for prints of some sort and there were no visible prints. The grass was very thick and lush at the time. Our nearest neighbors were over a mile away. This was about June 2002. 3. We had a momma goat that gave birth to twins. We found her and one baby dead by a pond about a mile from the house. Not much left of either except the hides. We thought it was coyotes or maybe a mountain lion, but even then it seemed unlikely. More like they were carried there. No drag marks anywhere. 4. Our new neighbors and their children came over for dinner. My husband and our neighbor went to check Gates and cattle in a pickup. The kids were playing outside in the yard and the wife and I were talking in the living room with the door open so we could hear the kids. About 45 min before sunset her 13 year old son came up to the house and told us he was scared. His mom asked why and he said he heard something weird in the woods. He was starting to tear up while he was telling us but his mom said oh stop that, go play. And he did. I yelled at the kids and told them to come closer to the house and stood with the door open listening. I thought I heard something off in the distance, but I thought maybe it was a bull and sounded odd because we lived down in a narrow valley. I stayed in the doorway watching the kids and chatting and heard the sound again and told the kids to come on in, because it was kind of creeping me out. I was feeling on alert but still wasn't exactly worried. My husband is a prankster and I thought he was trying to scare me. By now it's right at sunset and the woods about 100 yards from the house are too dark to see into. I heard the call again and I have never before or again heard a sound like that. By now the kids are freaked out, crying and telling me to come inside, my heart is pounding and I'm thinking- that's not my husband.... The sound started low and slowly went high, I have no idea how long it went on but the thing that made that sound had to have MASSIVE lungs. It wasn't a monotone sound. Almost like there were two sets of vocal cords sounding at the same time. A couple of very low sounds, almost like I could feel them in my chest more than I could hear them, and then it yelled again. It sounded like the call came from the other side of the creek about 150 yards from the house, directly in front. I was more stunned than scared at this point, but my eyes were watering and I did feel strangely sad suddenly, and I had backed all the way up to the door. Right then the guys came back, from the opposite direction of the calls. We told them what we heard and they listened but heard nothing, grabbed some flashlights and ran down to the creek and followed the creek about a quarter mile but didn't see anything. I didnt hear it again after that but our kids never played outside close to dark after that either. After that we had some stuff moved around or missing. A couple of dogs disappeared and one night it sounded like rythmic tapping on the water pipes in the house in the middle of the night. My husband even crawled under the house to find out what was going on but saw nothing. The next day we saw the pin was pulled on the latch for the well house (by the creek) and the door was standing open. Just odd things like that. We didn't spend time outside at dusk or night after the August incident.","location_details":"The Google maps directions are accurate. The house is still there, but we moved two years after this incident and have not been back.","county":"Madison County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 59520: Family describes the strange activity at their former rural home near Wesley","date":"2002-08-14","number":59520,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9ymmxptzk1","temperature_high":74.83,"temperature_mid":71.235,"temperature_low":67.64,"dew_point":64.27,"humidity":0.87,"cloud_cover":0.85,"moon_phase":0.22,"precip_intensity":0.0264,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.7,"summary":"Rain in the morning.","uv_index":5,"visibility":8.56,"wind_bearing":203,"wind_speed":3.54,"year":2002,"geometry":[-93.5515,36.1655]} {"observed":"I was going home from work. I work nights at a plastics company and went up to the lake that night going home that way. I seen something that looked like a big goat at first. Then I got closer and it stood up in the middle of the road. It was white and taller than the car. I did not see it after I went by, it was gone. This happened at about 3:00 am. It was weird to me. I've never seen it again but would like to find it. It makes me very curious.","location_details":"Take Arkansas Highway 178 going north from Flippin towards Bull Shoals Lake. In one and half miles turn left (west) on Quarry Mountain Road (County Rd 8060). Go to the top of the mountain and around the first corner. That's where I seen it.","county":"Marion County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 27948: Motorist has nighttime sighting on a mountain road north of Flippin","date":"2004-01-14","number":27948,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yqnkpgx6c","temperature_high":64.7,"temperature_mid":46.85,"temperature_low":29,"dew_point":35.83,"humidity":0.65,"cloud_cover":0.34,"moon_phase":0.74,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1019.05,"summary":"Overcast in the morning.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.25,"wind_bearing":282,"wind_speed":5.48,"year":2004,"geometry":[-92.63179,36.29871]} {"observed":"I observed a hairy manlike creature approximately 8 foot tall walking away from me. It had sticks and leaves matted in its thick reddish brown hair. the wind was blowing my way and i smelt a very distinct musky smell. I was very frightened when it stopped and looked in my direction. I had a gun but would never shoot anything unless it is game. I now carry a video camera but have not had an opportunity to observe it again. I observed the creature one other time in 1985 and it is still hard for me to believe what i saw.","county":"Miller County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 4090: Sighting in wheat field near Fouke","date":"2000-01-15","number":4090,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vvjr8423d","temperature_high":64.33,"temperature_mid":60.285,"temperature_low":56.24,"dew_point":37.48,"humidity":0.61,"cloud_cover":0.07,"moon_phase":0.3,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1030.52,"summary":"Partly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":186,"wind_speed":8.09,"year":2000,"geometry":[-93.886,33.26666]} {"observed":"I was driving around the backroads of fouke and the jonesville area, it was a saturday late evening just before dark. I was looking over all the damaged trees that were still down from the Ice storm we had in this area during christmas.As I came near boggy creek it was getting somewhat dark, so I decited to turn around and head back home. I pulled into a dirt drive in front of a hunting lease to turn around and suddenly I heard a Howling sound like I never heard before. It was then dark to where I could not see threw the trees anymore so I decited to get home. Later on I was able to listen to some sound recordings of bigfoot and just as I thought, I got a rare chance to hear the real thing.","location_details":"3 to 5 miles due west of Fouke near boggy creek.","county":"Miller County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 2104: Howling sound heard in the Boggy Creek area of Fouke Arkansas","date":"2001-04-01","number":2104,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vvm88681g","temperature_high":71.32,"temperature_mid":65.285,"temperature_low":59.25,"dew_point":41.71,"humidity":0.57,"cloud_cover":0.11,"moon_phase":0.27,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1014.87,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the evening.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":158,"wind_speed":5.14,"year":2001,"geometry":[-93.8417,33.31194]} {"observed":"I'm probably going to regret telling this story. Everyone I know will probably laugh me out of the country. I myself for many years would hooraw and laugh every time someone would mention these creatures. Here it goes. I live in Northeast Texas not far from Texarkana. I haved lived in the Texarkana area for quite some time. I don't coonhunt anymore my business has become more demanding. Coonhunting is a sport that really demands a lot of time. I found I didn't have the time to devote to it so I got rid of my Walker hounds. I was so into the sport at one time I had hunting Licenses in 3 states. I had several Night Champions to my credit. Several years ago on a cold night in Jan/Feb I believe it was in 2000 - don't remember the exact date. I was coonhunting in Miller County, Arkansas. I don't know exactly how far from Mercer Bayou we were but I know we were in an area the ole timers call Thornton Wells. While we were hunting in this flooded timber, our dogs split treed. I went to my dogs who had treed on the other side of the swamp.The other guys went to their dogs on the other side. I got to the tree my dogs were treeing at and looked at my coon and caught my dogs. Everthing seemed ok so I decided to amble back toward the others. I could just barely hear their dogs treeing way across the bayou. Suddenly I heard something walking in the flooded timber. (Bare in mind this whole area is 8-15 inches flooded with brackish swamp water.) I could tell by the gate that it was someone coming in the flooded woods. So I called out to them thinking it must of been one of my hunting companions. To my dismay no one answered - instead all I heard was a deep throated gurgling growl and the awfullest putrid smell. The smell was like when you kill a wild hog and grab him by the hind leg and then you give out dragging him and put your hand up to your nose and the smell knocks you over. I also heard a whining kind of a whistling sound. My dogs were on my leash and were whimpering. Now these weren't just any dogs. These were UKC Lipper bred Walkers, they probably weighed in at close to a 100lbs.They would could rip a 20lb coon apart. Yet there they were cowardly crouched behind my legs whimpering. I knew I had seen them tear coyotes to shreads that had tried to come into a tree where they were treeing. I couldn't understand it. Still in all I was not concerned about any of this and got my dogs and started back across the swamp. After a few mintues I heard this sound of someone or something walking in the water again. So I stopped and turned around and standing right behind me was a creature of immense size. He must have been at least 8 or 9 ft tall. He was covered from head to toe with a real dark hair and when my coonbuster coon light hit in the eyes his eyes glowed like a deer in a spotlight. Talking about the hair on the back of your neck standing up, I was scared. I don't ever remember being that scared. He made a hissing sound and reached down and took his hand and started scooping water and throwing it up at me and making a deep throaty noise. My dogs started chomping at the leash and growling trying to get at it, having regained their bravery. I grabbed the leash and tore out across that swamp so scared that for awhile I went in the wrong direction. I got to a big Cypress knee and caught my breath. I could hear the thing behind me sounded like it was about a 100 yards or so back. It followed me for a ways then after a while I could hear it across the bayou making a moaning sound and moving away slowly. I got my breath and my compass and my bearings and started back to the truck. When I got there I didn't say a word to my friends about what I saw and heard for fear they would laugh me down. Needless to say I never returned to Thorton Wells nor do I plan to. For a long time I kept this to myself I even had nightmares about it. The only person I ever told was an old coonhunter from Doddridge, Ark. He's dead and gone now but I do remember something he said to me that day. He said, if you're smart you'll keep that to yourself I know from experience that people will laugh at you and call you a liar. I've hunted in the Sulphur River bottoms many nights but never have I seen anything like that before or since. I'm not one for tall tales but I thought I would share this terrifying ordeal with you all because it seems we might have something in common.","location_details":"Close to Miller County Wildlife Management Area, not far from Mercer Bayou in an area called Thorton Wells not far from Fouke, Ark between 71 and Old Blackmon Ferry Rd.","county":"Miller County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 7971: Coon hunter and dogs experience close encounter in Sulphur River bottoms between Doddridge and Fouke.","date":"2004-02-19","number":7971,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vvhy1ms8x","temperature_high":71.91,"temperature_mid":65.2,"temperature_low":58.49,"dew_point":44.08,"humidity":0.66,"cloud_cover":0.15,"moon_phase":0.98,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1013.87,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.35,"wind_bearing":183,"wind_speed":10.09,"year":2004,"geometry":[-93.9475,33.18639]} {"observed":"I am a native of this area. I am an experienced woodsman and this is my first siting at the age of 38. It occured on county road 32 east of Cove AR. I came around corner it was standing on left side of road. It immediately turned its face away from me and was standing there. As I got behind it, it was between nine and ten foot tall and three foot wide at shoulders. Its fur was the same color as the dirt road it was on. I drove past it and was as close as 6 foot to it. It kept its face turned away from me the whole time. I drove away in disbelief and shock.","location_details":"4 miles east of cove","county":"Polk County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 16696: Dusk sighting and vocalizations around property near Cove","date":"2004-10-15","number":16696,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yhgs2wtfv","temperature_high":73.57,"temperature_mid":62.195,"temperature_low":50.82,"dew_point":43.19,"humidity":0.76,"cloud_cover":0.12,"moon_phase":0.05,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1007.81,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":9.14,"wind_bearing":293,"wind_speed":1.85,"year":2004,"geometry":[-94.3745,34.369]} {"observed":"It was late summer at my grandfather's cattle farm. My grandfather owns XX's of acres of property in Pope County, in the city of Russelville. He lives on a small corner of his property on about XX acres of land on which he grazes his cattle. One night when were sitting on the porch of his trailer home, we noticed that something was disturbing the cattle. The \"Brem\" Cattle that were usually calm and scattered by the barn on the far side of the property, came running to the fence as they usually did when threatened by a Coy dog. Without giving it a second thought we hopped in the truck, grabbed the night vision binoculars and the high beam and started around the perimeter of the grazing land. We saw nothing until we came down near the pond where the cattle were watered. At first, we missed it with the night vision goggles because it was so still. But when we ran the light through the trees, we caught the glare from its eyes looking right at us. It was too far up in the trees to be a deer or a coy dog and the eyes were too big to be an oppossum or coon. We trained the light on its eyes and as we scanned down the tree, we saw what looked like a very large man leaning very still against the tree. He was huge, around 8 feet tall with black hair and eyes. His hair covered every inch of his body except for his face which was slightly less hairy around the eyes and forhead. I saw him first because I was using the high beam to scan the tree line and brush for eyes. I was too afraid to say anything and by the time I finally found the words to say and pointed grandpa in the right direction, the creature had turned and walked away. The next day we went to look where the creature was standing, but we found no prints because of the shale that was used to form the levy for the pond.","location_details":"Withheld upon request","county":"Pope County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 7815: Man while checking spooked cattle with his grandfather observes 8'-9' bipedal animal leaning against tree","date":"2003-08-12","number":7815,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9ymb8wnpjt","temperature_high":84.42,"temperature_mid":78.12,"temperature_low":71.82,"dew_point":66.34,"humidity":0.8,"cloud_cover":0.24,"moon_phase":0.53,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1016.42,"summary":"Rain in the afternoon.","uv_index":9,"visibility":6.83,"wind_bearing":41,"wind_speed":1.48,"year":2003,"geometry":[-93.13361,35.27833]} {"observed":"We started hunting this 80 acres around 2003. I was sitting in my Deer stand when some dogs came barking through the woods like they were chasing something. They went up into this corner where the woods and the fenceline meet and started rolling around in the dirt and barking so I got down to run the dogs off and to see what they was rolling on and when I got to the corner I could smell something that smelled like dead animal, musky and sour. Then as I turned something across the powerline in the woods approximately 50 yards away let out this deep long growl. I have never heard anything like this in my life so I started backing away and when I got to the path I ran to our truck. After we got home my husband and I looked up growl sounds and I never could find anything that sounded like this it was horrifying to me! I also had another incident with my husband back in about 2003 we was going out there to this property and feeding the deer. We was on our four wheeler and we drove to the powerline and the man who owned the property had been there and bush hogged and had moved some tin that was laying there and the grass was dead where the tin had been lying. Right in the middle was a cell phone so my husband picked it up and It have been chewed on by dogs are coyotes or something so he laid it up on the tin which was about 4 feet away. So we filled our deer feeders and left. We come back the next day job to the powerline and the cell phone was back in the dead grass area exactly where we had first found it. So my husband picked it up put it back on the tin. So we check the feeders and left. We come back the next day drove back to the powerline and the cell phone was gone and they're in the dead grass area laid a piece of pipe about 2 foot long so we picked up the pipe and put it on the tin and we left. We didn't get to come back the next day but the following day we came back drove to the powerline and the pole was gone but there in the dead grass laid a little white button. It was the kind of button you see on mobile home ceilings. By this time we was freaking out. So we put the button on the tin and I laid in the dead grass area a ponytail holder I had and also I mint. Nothing took the ponytail holder or mint. My husband found the cell phone again approximately 75 yards up the Powerline about a month later but we never seen the pipe or the button again","location_details":"When you are leaving Pocahontas Arkansas going towards Imboden Arkansas you drive approximately 4 miles to MacArcher Rd. Turn right and go to very end approximately 3 miles. Its all wooded in all directions.","county":"Randolph County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 56443: Possible sightings and strange incidents experienced over time on rural property near Pocahontas","date":"2004-11-26","number":56443,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9yrjxjwk34","temperature_high":57.51,"temperature_mid":52.925,"temperature_low":48.34,"dew_point":38.18,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":0.4,"moon_phase":0.49,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the afternoon and breezy overnight.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":181,"wind_speed":13.37,"year":2004,"geometry":[-91.09,36.154]} {"observed":"My friend and I were in the woods near my house hiking when my friend fell and hurt his ancle. I wanted to see something ahead of us real quick before heding back to my house so he sits down while i go ahead. I walk about 50 feet, not quite out of sight of my friend when this HUGE, tall hairy creature was kneeling. I turned to run and it chased me! I caught up with my friend. I didnt have to tell him what i saw. He saw it and ran with me. We got out of the woods and turned around and it was gone. No noises or nothing. We didnt bother to tell anyone. We were both white because my mom asked what was wrong but we said nothing and went on about our business. We never forgot it though.","county":"Saline County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 186: Two boys are chased by sasquatch","date":"2001-08-11","number":186,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9ynkd9xrwe","temperature_high":89.34,"temperature_mid":82.065,"temperature_low":74.79,"dew_point":73.36,"humidity":0.85,"cloud_cover":0.82,"moon_phase":0.73,"precip_intensity":0.0275,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1016.08,"summary":"Light rain until afternoon.","uv_index":7,"visibility":6.74,"wind_bearing":216,"wind_speed":4.52,"year":2001,"geometry":[-92.34083,34.55056]} {"observed":"I was on my way to work just before day light, it was starting to get light, when I saw something moving out of the corner of my eye across an over grown farm field. I hit my brakes to get a better look thinking it might be a deer. What I saw was about 7 feet tall weighing about 300 to 350lbs running on two legs fast. It was not light enough to get a better look. I came to a stop to watch it run into the woods, I was about 75 feet from where it disappeared. I tried to see where it was going to come out at but never got a second look.","county":"Saline County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8420: Early morning motorist driving to work sees bipedal animal running through field","date":"2004-04-03","number":8420,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9ynk3nq9w9","temperature_high":72.78,"temperature_mid":60.415,"temperature_low":48.05,"dew_point":39.45,"humidity":0.54,"cloud_cover":0.22,"moon_phase":0.44,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1018.19,"summary":"Partly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":8,"visibility":8.15,"wind_bearing":307,"wind_speed":5.79,"year":2004,"geometry":[-92.40778,34.53167]} {"observed":"On Monday June 7th at around 3:00 I went horseback riding at a friends house. Shortly after I got out of the driveway and onto the dirt road the horse spooked and jumped sideways. I heard 2 HEAVY footsteps in the woods quite close to the road. You could hear small trees and branches beeing trampled. I saw a large white hairy figure moving quickly through the brush. It was hard to make out the complete figure. It was tall and big as far as I could see. Then as suddenly as it had happend the sounds were gone and I could no longer see anything. I have a few friends that are going to go up there with me next week to see if there are any signs of anything left at that spot.","location_details":"(Removed per witness)","county":"Searcy County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8819: Woman on horseback hears footsteps; observes animal running away through woods","date":"2004-06-12","number":8819,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9yq72rep25","year":2004,"geometry":[-92.44583,35.77]} {"observed":"I was visiting some friends in Huntington Arkansas in the summer of 1988. We all decided to go to a local lake for some bass fishing. They had warned me that there were tons of water moccasins and to be VERY careful where I stepped. I was moving along the bank fishing and I was paying a whole bunch of attention to where I was placing my feet when all of a sudden there was a commotion in the woods about fifteen feet to the right of me. When I turned and looked I could see a very large creature, about 7 to 8 feet tall with very broad shoulders, and could hear a sort of \"whoooop whoooop\" noise. Thinking it was one of my companions trying to scare me I moved toward it. At that time it grabbed the tree trunk next to it and just twisted it off, and kind of slapped the ground with it, and made a very low guttural growl. At that point I was more scared than I have ever been in my life. It was really intimidating because its muscles were flexed, and its head was tilted down and it was staring right at me. My Dad had taught me about encounters with bears and what to do. My instinct was to run, but my Dad always taught me that an animal will chase you if you run. I just dropped my pole and looked down at the ground and slowly backed away. The animal followed me a short way and just turned and walked into the woods. When I got back to where my friends were I told them happened and they just laughed at, and made fun of me. I have never been back to that part of the country and now live in the desert where there are few trees.","county":"Sebastian County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 8527: Man has extraordinary, close encounter while fishing near Huntington","date":"2004-04-23","number":8527,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yhzsukpcu","temperature_high":76.76,"temperature_mid":69.965,"temperature_low":63.17,"dew_point":66.4,"humidity":0.87,"cloud_cover":0.71,"moon_phase":0.13,"precip_intensity":0.0013,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1012.62,"summary":"Heavy rain overnight.","uv_index":6,"visibility":8.51,"wind_bearing":89,"wind_speed":4.27,"year":2004,"geometry":[-94.356,35.09306]} {"observed":"It was about 1:30 am on Sunday, July 29, 2001. I was up watching television. My dogs started to bark, so I went to my door to see what was going on. I turned on my porch light, and called my dogs. When my dogs got to the porch, I smelt a strange odor. The air was filled with an odor of raw sewage and rotting meat. I went on out in my yard about 10 feet and looked around. Just over a fence that was about 5 yards from me, I noticed what I thought might be a bear up on two legs. I yelled for it to \"get out of here\". Then I noticed that instead of walking on all 4 legs, it walked like a human, upright. It was about 8 feet high and long, ape like arms. It had long hair on \"his\" body. Upon telling my grandmother this, she told me that she had been awakened by a strange deep growl.","location_details":"Rural Area. 16 Miles South of rison, in a small community called Herbine (pronounced Her-bean).","county":"Cleveland County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 2931: Daylight sighting outside rural home in small community of Herbine, south of Rison","date":"2001-07-29","number":2931,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yn83syynz","temperature_high":92.95,"temperature_mid":85.295,"temperature_low":77.64,"dew_point":75.23,"humidity":0.78,"cloud_cover":0.15,"moon_phase":0.33,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1016.53,"summary":"Humid throughout the day and partly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":10,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":221,"wind_speed":7.09,"year":2001,"geometry":[-92.03389,33.82111]} {"observed":"Five of us were sitting in a boat in the middle of Beaver Lake about 11:00 PM. It was just before I moved away from the area, so we were getting together at our friend's lake cabin one last time before I left. We were all talking and some coyotes started to yip and howl. After about approximately ten seconds of this, we heard a low gutteral howl. This howl was much lower and longer than the coyotes. I said, \"did you hear that?\" and about that time this sound repeated two or three more times in succession. Two of the guys dismissed these as howls of a Husky breed of dog. One of these two owned a Husky in the past. However, this sound was much deeper than the sound I heard his dog or the coyotes make. It was almost exactly the same as the vocalizations I listened to on your website. It was not the screeching vocalizations. All the sounds appeared to be several hundred yards away. After that, no more sounds were heard. Neither the coyotes nor the other sound. I believe these were sounds from a Bigfoot. I did not tell of my suspitions, for I have only revealed my beliefs to the guy who owned the Husky. I felt as though the others may not believe me or make fun of the situation. It took me a while to get to sleep that night knowing that a Bigfoot may be in the area.","location_details":"Off Hwy 23 about 8 to 10 miles. (More specific address removed at witness' request.)","county":"Carroll County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 3032: Vocalizations heard by multiple witnesses","date":"2001-06-15","number":3032,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9ymqf2nn98","temperature_high":80.79,"temperature_mid":69.62,"temperature_low":58.45,"dew_point":60.29,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.38,"moon_phase":0.8,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.94,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":11,"visibility":8.81,"wind_bearing":279,"wind_speed":3.6,"year":2001,"geometry":[-93.76,36.34389]} {"observed":"In May 2001, my wife and I were traveling from Pine Bluff, AR to Watson,AR, a town 16 miles east of Dumas, AR. It was late at night, about 1:00 a.m. I don't remember the exact date but it was late May. I'm not from this area and my wife's relatives had told me about sightings in the past. I wasn't convinced. However, on this night my attitude changed. My wife, of course, was asleep so I'm the only one that saw it. We were about five miles outside of Watson on Hwy. 1 when suddenly I saw a tremendous blur of white about 30 yards in front of the car. It was a large animal or man at least 7 feet tall tearing across the road. I yelled at my wife, \"did you see that?!\". Of course, she did not. But I believe what I saw to be a bigfoot or sasquatch.","location_details":"Take Hwy 1 from Dumas, AR towards Watson, AR.","county":"Desha County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8913: Late night sighting by motorist","date":"2001-05-15","number":8913,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yp070ff9c","temperature_high":89.93,"temperature_mid":78.025,"temperature_low":66.12,"dew_point":60.01,"humidity":0.57,"cloud_cover":0.04,"moon_phase":0.76,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1016.07,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":10,"visibility":8.61,"wind_bearing":204,"wind_speed":6.9,"year":2001,"geometry":[-91.27056,33.7985]} {"observed":"Several friends and myself had gone together to purchase 120 acres of cut-over forest land that was totally surrounded by several thousand acres of timber company land. This land was at the end of a small valley, and at the far end of a dead-end road. On my portion of the land was a small rise in the northern half of the valley, and I was building a shack to be used for hunting and camping. One night,about 8:00, while working inside by lantern light, I decided to step outside on the deck for a cigarette. As soon as I lit my lighter, a roaring, crackling scream commenced from the slope of the ridge to the south; about 300 yards away, but in direct line of sight. I was too startled to do anything but stay rooted to the spot and feel the hair stand up on the back of my neck; something which hasn't happened to me in years. While the scream lasted for only a couple of seconds, it seemed to go on much longer. Since it was very cloudy and dark I ran inside for a flashlight, all the while wishing I had brought my rifle inside from the truck. With a flashlight and a hatchet I headed for the truck only to find that the truck itself seemed to be moving. In the bed of the truck I found my German Shepherd ( I had forgotten all about him.) curled in a tight ball in the corner and shaking so hard he was moving the whole truck. We left immediately. Several nights later, one of the friends who had laughed at me when I told the story came out to see how I was progressing with the shack. He laughed more at the extra lanterns I had placed inside and outside, and at the pistol and shotgun I had laying on the table. We stepped out onto the lit deck and almost immediately the same grating scream came from exactly the same spot on the south ridge. In a flash my friend was standing back to back with me as we stared out into the dark. Since the dog was not with us, and because we were armed and had good flashlights, we stayed there for two more hours, but heard nothing else. But I was certainly glad to have a witness this time. Several weeks later my friend and I ran into one of the other property owners and were relating the story to him when I noticed him becoming a bit pale. He finally told us that he had been burning piles of deadfall on his part of the property - that butts into the south ridge - and was walking back and fourth to the stream to get water to put out the several fires when he heard something walking around him in the woods. It was too dark to see, but he at first assumed it was a deer or maybe a bear. After he had listened for awhile he decided it sounded like a two-legged creature and believed it was one of us trying to play a joke on him. So he continued putting out his fires while listening to whatever it was make a circle around him. But when it got upwind from him he began to smell a terrible odor that he admitted scared him so badly that he got in his truck and left, ignoring his still smoldering fires. I cannot say what it was that we heard, or what the other man smelled. But I have heard several kinds of big cats, bears, howler monkeys and other large animals in my years hunting and in the Army, and I have never heard anything that sounded remotely like what was heard those two nights.","location_details":"Witness requested that location not be disclosed.","county":"Hot Spring County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 7059: Vocalizations heard on remote piece of Arkansas property.","date":"2003-10-31","number":7059,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9yjewkx0m8","temperature_high":78.82,"temperature_mid":70.48,"temperature_low":62.14,"dew_point":68.22,"humidity":0.86,"cloud_cover":0.81,"moon_phase":0.23,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1018.62,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":8.98,"wind_bearing":160,"wind_speed":4.57,"year":2003,"geometry":[-93.23111,34.39]} {"observed":"Wednesday, October, 12, 2005 our neighbors dogs were very active and barking all night. The next morning about 5:30am my own dog was barking in the backyard. I opened the door to calm her down and I heard something in the back of our property near the fruit trees. It was very heavy sounding and I could hear branches breaking as it departed. The next morning around 8:30am my husband went to his truck in the backyard and heard something behind our shop take off running. He thought it was a hunter and ran to the back to listen. He thought it sounded like it was on two feet. He said it stomped very heavily as it was running through the woods and he could hear snorting. Sunday, October 16th, I went walking around the neighborhood road and discovered several sets of large and small barefootprints on the gray slate road in front of our house. At first I thought it was a childs footprint until I looked closer. There were two sets. The largest measured 13.5 by 7 inches and the small print measured 9 by 4 inches. I took pictures of all the prints and measured each print. They consistenly measured the same size. The large print is about 3 inches wider than my husbands foot and he's a big man.","location_details":"This area is in the Arlie Moore area of the corp land surrounding Lake DeGray.","county":"Hot Spring County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 12824: Two sets of tracks found near Lake DeGray.","date":"2005-10-16","number":12824,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9yjepz53bd","temperature_high":81.24,"temperature_mid":66.23,"temperature_low":51.22,"dew_point":52.63,"humidity":0.65,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.47,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1018.99,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":9.41,"wind_bearing":145,"wind_speed":1.03,"year":2005,"geometry":[-93.17056,34.31611]} {"observed":"On 12/4/05, at approximately 8:15 a.m. I was standing approximately 50 yards from the south-west corner boundary marker of my property when I heard the neighbors dogs start to bark and run southward on Arkansas Highway 7. They only ran a short distance before stopping. I immediately thought that they must be barking at a deer that was crossing the road. My first thought was to get my gun from my truck. Then, I remembered that I had parked outside the fence in front of my house. So, I decided to just stand there and see if it was a doe or buck and hope it would not feel pressured since the dogs had stopped barking. I also believed the deer would change directions if it saw me hurrying in its same general direction. Therefore, I just stood still and waited in hopes of getting a glimpse of it. Then, if the dogs would keep quiet, I could hunt it later. Only one got to see it for 2 to 3 seconds, but I saw it clearly. My first impression was that I was observing a very large man who was wearing a hooded black parka, then I realized it was some kind of animal. It was approximately 50 yards away and was on the opposite side of an old fence that has been overtaken by grass, weeds, vines etc. I only had a left side view as it was traveling east along an old fence row. It covered a distance of about 20 yards in about 3 seconds. I could only see its upper body. I could see that it was not a bear but I couldn't make out distinct facial features from the side from that distance. It was like an ape in some ways but its posture appeared more man-like. I can best describe the size by comparing it to a very large man I know who is approximately 69 and weighs roughly 280 pounds. This creature was least that tall, possible a little taller, but close to the same build. I did not get a long view of it. I probably would not have had time to take a picture even if I would have had a camera in my hand. It was moving at a brisk pace, but not lightening fast. Its stride resembled a trot or a jog. The body was moving quickly but there was no up and down motion. It appeared to have a moderately thick coat of black hair. From what I could tell its face was dark too, as if there was some hair on its face. It was moving through a well used deer crossing. There is an old fence row there, on of both sides of Arkansas Highway 7. The west fence row had recently been cleared and the east side was logged about five years ago and has a fair amount of undergrowth and a game trail running along the south side of the fence row. Just a little to the south west of the spot there is a thicket that is approximately 3 acres in size. There are a couple partial open areas in the woods here. Most parts of this thicket can be walked through fairly easily. In places the thicket is too thick to move through without clippers and or a machete. I did not see where the creature crossed Arkansas Highway 7 but it most likely came from an area that is about 40 yards away from the highways west side ride-of-way. I believe that this creature waited until there were no cars coming becoming before crossing the road. I did not get the impression that it was running from something. I have mentally replayed the entire scenario many times and I have stood and looked at the same area where the creature was seen. I looked for tracks after the incident but the ground was too brushy for obvious tracks. I've stood in the spot where I observed the creature from. I've watched as vehicles traveled north and along Arkansas Highway 7 and considered every other possible scenario. It wasn't any kind of illusion. It was there and I saw it.","location_details":"The general location is approximately 3 miles south ouf Bismarck.","county":"Hot Spring County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 13211: Early morning sighting by resident along Highway 7 near Bismarck.","date":"2005-12-04","number":13211,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yjg013s85","temperature_high":43.48,"temperature_mid":36.265,"temperature_low":29.05,"dew_point":29.25,"humidity":0.59,"cloud_cover":0.64,"moon_phase":0.11,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1018.09,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.77,"wind_bearing":27,"wind_speed":3.83,"year":2005,"geometry":[-93.162,34.285]} {"observed":"I was gathering some firewood from a stack of previously split wood behind my house. I kept hearing a strange \"whooping\" sound coming from the thick woods about 100 yards away. My nearest neighbor has horses which I could hear bolting away about the same time. My dog ran to the edge of the woods and kept barking and running around back and forth in that area. I have never heard these kind of sounds before. It was after dark about 9:00 pm. I also could faintly smell a very odd smell. Strangly enough the smell reminded me of a zoo. The incident lasted about one or two minutes. I believe that I was being watched.","location_details":"The area is near the small community of Salado. About 10 miles from Batesville and about 10 miles from Oil Trough going the other direction.","county":"Independence County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 13286: Possible vocalizations near Salado.","date":"2005-12-15","number":13286,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9yqgjdbt5k","temperature_high":51.17,"temperature_mid":40.15,"temperature_low":29.13,"dew_point":24,"humidity":0.5,"cloud_cover":0.19,"moon_phase":0.51,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the evening.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":279,"wind_speed":5.29,"year":2005,"geometry":[-91.51528,35.69958]} {"observed":"In late November 2000, my son and I were walking my terrier dog and looking for arrowheads along Beaver Lake. My dog began to follow a large and well defined set of raccoon tracks along the lake shore. The shoreline was larger than usual due to the lack of rain. The morning was sunny with the temperature being about 50 degrees, sweat shirt weather. The raccoon tracks proceeded about 20 yards away from the water, to an area of great disturbance in the packed sandy soil. Disturbance as in some type of scuffle. The raccoon tracks intersected with two sets of human like footprints which had come from a nearby wood line. From the disturbance site, the human type tracks returned to the wood line, but the raccoon tracks ceased to exist. We did not have a camera or tape measure, but one set of tracks were 16-17 inches long and about 5 to 6 inches across at the ball of the foot. The smaller set, which ran parallel to the larger, were about 11 inches in length and maybe 4 to 5 inches at the ball. The larger set were impressed in the soil about 4 inches and the smaller pair only a couple of inches. These tracks were very flat in appearance as well. I weigh 130 lbs and my son 180 lbs, we left only faint impressions in the same soil. We attempted to follow these tracks back the way they had come, but we lost sight of them in the forest as the ground was much firmer and covered with leaves etc. One final note, my terrier dog was whining and acting very unusual, defecating and urinating on the disturbance site, then attempting to cover the location with sand and dirt.","location_details":"Highway 264, north of Hickory Creek Marina, south of White River on Beaver Lake, Arkansas.","county":"Benton County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 2635: November, 2000, Arkansas, Benton","date":"2000-11-27","number":2635,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9ymn70q2y2","temperature_high":53.53,"temperature_mid":41.1,"temperature_low":28.67,"dew_point":28.59,"humidity":0.67,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.06,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1018.49,"summary":"Mixed precipitation until afternoon, starting again overnight.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":269,"wind_speed":1.38,"year":2000,"geometry":[-94.07806,36.25639]} {"observed":"I was working in the northern part of New Mexico training to be a Wildland Fire Fighter. In September 2003 (maybe the second week of that month) I was dispatched with 22 other people to the Del Loma Fire in the Shasta/Trinity Forest area, the Northern part of California. Each Crew had about 20 people, our plane that left Albuquerque held 2 crews. For almost the whole two weeks, we were all on standby. On the 4th to the last day of our 2 weeks of Fire call, we were setting up camp close to a river, about 5-10 miles out from the original forest fire. It was close to sun down when, a couple of guys were amazed at something. I heard them from inside my tent, but just ignored the whole thing until one of my crew members came and pulled me out of my tent. I had no idea what I was supposed to be looking at or for. He pointed across the river and I was in shock when he pointed out the biggest, hairiest mammal I had ever seen just walking along the river side minding his own business. It stopped and looked at us. The way he stood on his hind legs was like an ordinary human. He had dark, long hair and stood about 7ft tall with a muscular build. At this point I was the 4th person standing there in amazement. Maybe about 5 minutes of watching him watch us, with more people coming out with flashlights (because the sun was still going down) he darted in to the trees. He was running, taking long strides, and was gone in about 3 seconds.....and was literally pushing trees out of his way (not breaking them, but pushing them out of his way). The trees behind him on his path up the mountain were swaying back and forth. I was surprised to see to these trees moving because they are thick in width and very tall. By this time it was dark but lit enough to see which way he was headed. Up the mountain a little, there was a clearing, where we spotted him again before he disappeared for good. He made no noise, no yelling or screaming. He was just as timid as can be. I have heard many stories about Bigfoot, and known that they are real but when seeing one in real life....you get a sense of respect for them and just have that feeling that there is more to life than you know.","location_details":"In the Shasta/Trinity Forest","county":"Trinity County","state":"California","season":"Fall","title":"Report 13419: Firefighter describes multiple-witness sighting during the Loma Fire","date":"2003-09-15","number":13419,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9r0rffh1ny","temperature_high":87.95,"temperature_mid":67.64,"temperature_low":47.33,"dew_point":32.02,"humidity":0.25,"moon_phase":0.66,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":252,"wind_speed":0.71,"year":2003,"geometry":[-123.2718,40.7485]} {"observed":"Was hiking/running the Stuart Fork trail (Trinity Alps)yesterday, and came upon about a dozen footprints right where the trail enters Morris Meadows. The trail gets very heavy use (tho didnt see anyone yesterday) so the prints are most likely a prank or maybe superimposed boot prints, but they interested me enough to make this report (i personally dont believe in bigfoot). They werent very clear, but each print was about 15\" long and the they were a good 4+ feet apart. They were much deeper than surrounding boot prints, which is what caught my attention. I took a few photos; ill send you a copy when they get developed.","location_details":"right on trail, where trail first breaks into open meadow--about 50 ft or so of prints; the trail surface becomes too hard to sustain prints before and after the tracks, so i couldnt follow them very far.","county":"Trinity County","state":"California","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7115: Mountain runner spots large, deep footprints on Stuart Fork Trail in Trinity Alps","date":"2003-10-14","number":7115,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9r29puv95q","temperature_high":75.08,"temperature_mid":61.57,"temperature_low":48.06,"dew_point":23.64,"humidity":0.24,"cloud_cover":0.01,"moon_phase":0.64,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1019.78,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":226,"wind_speed":0.47,"year":2003,"geometry":[-122.6986,40.98333]} {"observed":"My sighting was in May of 2000 on the Tule River Indian Reservation in Porterville CA. I worked on the reservation at this time at the end of the paved road (very remote), my secretary (who is a member of the tribe) and I stepped outside for a break. My secretary spotted it first on the mountain behind our office. She pointed it out to me, it was a large hairy mammal standing in front of a rock about 100 yrds away with it's left arm extended upward holding on to a rock ledge. It was easy to see and make out the animal's face and eyes. We watched it for about 10 minuets but then my secretary got scared so we went back into the office. She then told me that her people believed that the bigfoot was sacred and that they lived at the area we had saw the bigfoot and that they help to carry their dead through this mountain to the other side. I then went back out side and it was gone.","location_details":"Tule River Indian Reservation, Porterville CA.","county":"Tulare County","state":"California","season":"Spring","title":"Report 9357: Workers have daytime sighting on Tule River Indian Reservation","date":"2000-05-01","number":9357,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9q7t41842g","temperature_high":83.28,"temperature_mid":63.47,"temperature_low":43.66,"dew_point":41.97,"humidity":0.47,"cloud_cover":0.01,"moon_phase":0.91,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":10,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":243,"wind_speed":1.63,"year":2000,"geometry":[-118.7402,36.0438]} {"observed":"In May or June of 2001, 3 friends of mine and I camped out near Mineral King at the top of a saddle between two mountain peaks. We camped in the woods,nowhere near a campsite of any kind-near no one else. We had hiked all day to get to that spot. In the middle of the night-around 1AM I guess- huge rocks (sounded like boulders because we could hear flying debris when they hit) began to rain down around us. None of them seemed close enough to actually hit our tents-and I got up many times to see what could've done it. The geography or lay of the land around us was such that there werent any cliffs or anything like that to create the momentum necessary for such force. The other odd thing is that it went on for a few hours-maybe 3 then stopped. Another discomforting issue was that the whole way up and the whole time pitching camp and even the early evening it was quiet as could be. I never saw anything although on the side of our makeshift camping area I saw one deer-opposite from where the noise came from. We thought of everything-ice cracking rock,dislodging rock fall-but couldnt answer the timing of it-nor the fact that there wasnt enough of a grade anywhere near us to cause such a thing. In addition to the rocks-there were very loud cracking of branches. I cant remember if it was the large rocks hitting trees or if it was breaking of branches and large rocks seperately. I never heard any \"screams\" or anything-but something made alot of racket that night. We were all terrified-and my friend has been an avid hiker who's hiked in different parts of the US and never experienced anything like this. As much as it made an impression on us-no one really likes to talk about it-nor did anyone have an answer. Two of us mentioned that we should speak to a Park Ranger. Ive been meaning to contact one but I never got around to it. Your title made it easier for me, because I frankly don't know what to think. I can't imagine the force it would take to have rocks rain down around us like that-nor could I possibly justify to myself why it never happened ever around us all day-in the morning, nor early evening or after the incident. I've been interested in going back to that same location-but have fallen out of touch with the only friend willing.","location_details":"This was in the Sequoia National Park. All I can say for now is that on the way there, we passed a lake, then turned off onto a road into the woods. It took us a long time, we crossed a very old bridge, and the parking area we left our car at had marmot warnings. Apparently they eat into hoses or belts on the car. People had chicken wire and such to keep them out.","county":"Tulare County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6922: Campers have rocks thrown at them near Mineral King","date":"2001-06-01","number":6922,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9q7xkgzrjq","year":2001,"geometry":[-118.6092,36.4525]} {"observed":"I was camping in the backcountry of Sequoia National Park. Just after sunset, I heard numerous repeated screams. They were not human and I have never heard an animal that made that sound. I have been camping and backpacking in those woods for 20 years and I have never heard anything like that. It sounded almost identical to some supposed bigfoot screams that have been recorded over the years. It sounded like a combination of a man yelling, a woman screaming and a dinosaur roaring all wrapped into one sound. It went on for maybe 30 seconds and abruptly ended. It was a very unnerving noise.","location_details":"It was in the South Fork Meadows area in southern Sequoia National Park near the border of the Golden Trout Wilderness area. The specific backcountry campsite is in the Hockett plateau area at about 8,500 feet elevation.","county":"Tulare County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 3121: Hiker hears loud scream in Sequoia National Park","date":"2001-09-06","number":3121,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9q7w56pyw5","temperature_high":72.03,"temperature_mid":57.625,"temperature_low":43.22,"dew_point":44.01,"humidity":0.69,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.62,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":273,"wind_speed":1.86,"year":2001,"geometry":[-118.6744,36.22306]} {"observed":"My family and I were at The Golden Trout Wilderness Packing Station in the lower Sierra's over the labor day weekend. We were there for horse back riding which we have done for the past 4 years. The time was approximately 4PM when my wife, son, daughter, Sierra(daughter of the owner of the pack station), and myself became aware of a high pitched \"whooping\" call coming from a distance down the forestry access road approaching the station. The kids started to call back in the same manner. We all guessed it was an approaching hiker or horse back rider approaching the station and calling out for fun. The calling continued for the next 15-20 minutes and was percieved as getting closer. My son became bored with the game and went on to something else to do. The calling continued and I observed that it passed the station and finally grew faint towards the trail head entering a section of the golden trout wilderness area. My daughter went to the access road just adjacent to the mule packing platform to greet the caller upon their arrival. The call grew louder and that was the reason for her appearence at the road at that time. She observed a being and was afraid of what she saw. When I asked later that evening whom had come down the road she was timid in her response. I thought this odd and continued to question her. She was afraid to tell us what she saw because she thought we would accuse her of lying. She has just turned eight. Her description was as follows with little lead in by myself or my wife. We are both physicians and trained in the scientific method. We tried or best not to \"bait\" her answers: The thing was bigger than me (>7 foot) and had a long beard. When I asked her what he was wearing she answered nothing. I then asked her what color was his skin and she answered that she could not tell because he was covered with hair. All over I asked, yes, all over. I then asked if his arms were short or long. She answered long. I asked did he see you and her answer was no. I asked if he made the sound we had been hearing and she stated not at the time she saw him. I then described three different gait patterns by example and she picked the long stride and lumbering type verses the noraml human gait or small steps. She stated that he had a big mouth and walked quickly. She was brief and direct with her answers and I believe she saw something not typically human in form. She has no imaginary friends and has been taught that lying will only hurt the one who lies. I was a bit spooked and fearful for my family's safety for the rest of the night.","location_details":"Golden Trout Wilderness Packing Station - it's web site is under the same name.","county":"Tulare County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4887: Family has strange experience in Golden Trout Wilderness","date":"2002-09-03","number":4887,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9q7tqug4hh","temperature_high":81.3,"temperature_mid":68.215,"temperature_low":55.13,"dew_point":33.2,"humidity":0.28,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.88,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":10,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":277,"wind_speed":2,"year":2002,"geometry":[-118.5272,36.10556]} {"observed":"This report details a two-year investigation of bigfoot activity in the Twain Harte area by BFRO investigators Kathy Moskowitz and Montra DuMond. Only highlights are listed here, but monitoring occurred daily. March, 2001: screams heard; the locations of the screams are pinpointed by four broken trees. April, 2001: blasting of Lake Tahoe and Ohio scream begins. Seven additional broken trees appear, one each the morning after blasting occurred, and in the same location where the blast originated. late April-early May, 2001: baiting begins at the PG&E Columbia ditch. Baiting material is apples. Bait is taken within a day. New bait is placed every other day. May 12, 2001: new broken trees, dozens of fresh footprints, and two nests are found. An obvious trail crosses the road in the same location, so the area is staked out. Although no bigfoot is seen, something very large and walking on two feet approaches the stakeout location. A sudden oncoming car scares whatever it was downhill and a large, two legged creatures is heard crashing through the brush. May 13, 2001: all the broken trees, two nests, and dozens of footprints (14 inches, 5.5 foot stride, trees broken at the 6 to 6.5 foot level) are documented. One nest was \"incomplete\" and obviously not used recently, but the other was very unique. As an archaeologist, it was obvious that only hands could have constructed the shelter (the branches were interwoven). The body imprint (matted down veg), was 7 feet long. This location is about 1/2 mile from the other location with the 10 broken trees, and where he had been taking the bait (and always leaving just one apple). This week, no fruit was taken (PG&E is clearing trees along the powerline, disturbing the area). May 18, 2001: nests investigated. The nest floor was excavated and screened; construction photographed, and the nests taken apart to determine construction method. A detailed report, with photos, is at http://www.bfro.net/ref/fieldres/sasquatchnest.asp May 29-31, 2001: intensive field investigation, more prints found. Local resident reports screams from Big Hill area. June 23-31, 2001: intensive field investigations, more prints and broken trees found. CDs (to try to recover finger prints) placed in nests and general area. July, August, Sept. 2001 - no new information or activity. Hot weather may have driven the bigfoot uphill. October, 2001 to Feb. 2002 - checked the area about once a week (when the roads are snow free). Checked the nest area for new activity, nothing. Checked CDs hung all over the location, all are still in place and no fingerprints noted. Tried blasting, but nothing responded. March, 2002 - continue to check the Big Hill and Ditch areas. No new trees, nests, prints, or other activity noted. Baiting location reestablished with apples, peanut butter, and various vegs. After three weeks, no bait taken. Snow has been very heavy, unlike last year when March was warm (Spring weather). Usual vegetation is not yet blooming. Local deer herd appear to be in need of food, as they are eating non-native shrubs, which they haven't eaten before. Next few weeks are supposed to be warmer. March 2002 to current - PG&E cleared the area of trees to prevent fires. No new activity has been noted since that time. It is likely that whatever was in there is now gone.","location_details":"Location: a two mile radius around the Regional Learning Center on Big Hill Road and 2N01.","county":"Tuolumne County","state":"California","season":"Spring","title":"Report 3072: BFRO Investigators detail activity around Twain Harte","date":"2001-03-01","number":3072,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qf2rqb3qf","year":2001,"geometry":[-120.2667,38.05]} {"observed":"The witness went snowshoeing Sunday morning, April 22, 2001 on the road past Long Barn that runs down to the Clavey. There was snowfall the previous Fri night/Sat. morning and there was six to eight inches of fresh snow on the ground. The road was closed at the first gate, so he parked the car there and hiked in on the road aprox. 1 to 1 1/2 miles. All told, approx 2 miles from the highway. He spotted a small animal trail and was kind of watching the path when he came upon six prints going across the road. He had a camera and took pictures. He used a adjustable ski pole as a measuring unit and has those measurments. It was hot and sunny that day with temps over 65. The sides of the road were heavily forested and went down a steep incline (no snow). He did not go off the road to follow. He hiked for another hour or so and when he came back the prints were melting rapidly. Approximate sizes were 3\" deep, 17\" long with a 5 foot stride between each print. Width 7 1/3 inches at widest, heel was 4 inches. The prints seemed to go in a straight line, not staggered like humans. No other footprints human or otherwise around.","location_details":"Take Highway 108 to Long Barn, and take the Long Barn road toward Fahey Cabin.","county":"Tuolumne County","state":"California","season":"Spring","title":"Report 3071: Man see large prints outside of Long Barn","date":"2001-04-22","number":3071,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qf8dgrpb7","year":2001,"geometry":[-120.1039,38.07584]} {"observed":"May 15th, 2001 My wife and I recently relocated to Sonora from San Jose Ca. I live in the vicinity of Nile River Drive. My back yard is open to the forest before you get to Comstock Ranch. Well my wife and I were just finishing up dinner. The sun had just set and I decided to let my 2 small dogs off the deck and let them run around outside. About 10 minutes while I was at the back of the house, I heard this indescribable scream. I told my wife to let the dogs in as I could hear through an open window the rustling around, one of my dogs was barking...I ran to open the sliding glass door...only one dog made it back in. The other one never came home. I contacted DFG and notified them of the screams that I heard. I still hear them every once in a while coming from the back of my home that leads to the forest. I do not let my dogs outside at night any longer.","location_details":"My home is located on Nile River Drive, Upper Crystal Falls. Major cross street, Longeway, Middlecamp road.","county":"Tuolumne County","state":"California","season":"Spring","title":"Report 7299: Couple hear strange nighttime screams near Twain Harte","date":"2001-05-18","number":7299,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qf2r7dwx4","year":2001,"geometry":[-120.2636,38.03305]} {"observed":"We were staying at Sand Bar Flat campground, when my mother and I heard a scream that lasted for two hours, not far from our tent. It started at about 2:00 a.m. and ended around 4:00 a.m. There were probably two individuals, as we heard return calls down the river from where we were. I am familar with mountains lions, bears, and other animals, and this was not one of them.","location_details":"Sand Bar Flat campground is a well-known area. Take Highway 108 to the turn off. It is right on the Stanislaus River.","county":"Tuolumne County","state":"California","season":"Fall","title":"Report 4649: Women hear late night vocalizations at Sand Bar Flat Campground","date":"2001-09-01","number":4649,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qf91z4j29","year":2001,"geometry":[-120.1547,38.18389]} {"observed":"I noticed a report on your website from September of 2001 at the Sand Flat campground (State of California, County of Tuolumne). The hair stood up on my neck when I read this due to the similarities with my experience. My experience occurred the same month and year at the Clark Fork campground, about one mile Southwest of Sand Flat. My wife and I arrived at the Clark Fork campground on Thursday, September 20th 2001. This was our first ever September camping trip (we usually go in mid-August). We were surprised at how few people were in the campground compared to our 4 previous trips to this area. One factor that probably lead to the extremely low occupancy was that the 9/11 terrorist attacks had happened the week before. Out of 88 camp sites, probably only twelve were occupied. We set up our camp in the B loop and settled in. The B loop is our favorite of the 2 campground loops. It has a slightly nicer setting (more pine trees, nicer bathrooms, etc.) and is closer to the wilderness than the A loop. But on Sunday the 23rd, the two retiree campground hosts told us the B loop was closing for the season and that we would need to move to the A loop of we were going to stay. After relocating to the A loop on Sunday morning we noticed that there was only two other campsites occupied. All other campers had left. One group was a young couple with two very young children, the other was two older men in their 60s or 70s with a trailer. I had never seen so few people in this area. It was really nice to practically have the whole place to ourselves. It was very quiet. Sunday night it rained hard, and we spent most of Monday morning patching our leaky tent and drying everything out. On Monday night, we did as we always did before bed: played cards and listened to the radio. We climbed into our tent and went to bed at about 10:00 p.m. Late that night after 2 a.m., I slowly came out of a deep sleep due to high-pitch noise which I initially thought was a wounded coyote. After I was fully awake, the noise got much louder. It was clearly a screaming sound rather than howling, yipping, yelling, or shouting. The screaming appeared to be coming from the Clark Fork River area, north of the access road which leads to the campground. The sound got progressively louder and was obviously not from a canine. I wondered if any human being could make a sound so loud, long, and hideous. The sound changed pitch and tempo many times. My wife woke up about a minute into the screaming. She asked, Why is that man screaming? I had no idea what could have made such a sound but it was very unsettling. My wife said it sounded like a man was being murdered out in the forest, but then commented that a person couldnt make a sound like that. Whatever made these sounds had to have an enormous lung capacity. The screaming went on for about 5 full minutes before it stopped. I laid awake for a while, nervous and wondering what it could have been. Frankly I didnt want to know. As I drifted off to sleep about an hour later, I was awakened by a very loud metal-on-metal bang coming from the closed B loop portion of the campground. It was obvious to me that the sound was one of the bear-proof dumpster lids being lifted up and then dropped. Ive heard the sound many times. Now thats fine and dandy, except that it was 3:00 a.m., bears cant open the dumpster lids, and there was no one else in the area where the sound came from. The B loop was closed. This really bothered me. I did not fall asleep until almost dawn. I laid clutching a pistol with my heart racing every time I heard a rustle outside of our tent. I refused to leave the tent until it was light. I have heard hundreds of coyotes throughout the years, both in the Sierras and in the California desert, and this screaming was not a coyote. As for the possibility of a mountain lion making these sounds, I would bet my life that it wasnt a feline. Ive heard mountain lions make some strange noises, but the bottom line is that a cat sounds like a cat. Its easy to distinguish between noises a feline, a canine, or a bear makes. The screaming that my wife and I heard was none of these.","location_details":"Popular area off Highway 108 corridor. Clark Fork campground is located next to the Clark Fork (river) near the Carson-Iceberg Wilderness in the Stanislaus National Forest.","county":"Tuolumne County","state":"California","season":"Fall","title":"Report 16448: Possible vocalizations awaken campers in Clark Fork Campground","date":"2001-09-25","number":16448,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qff3vexdr","year":2001,"geometry":[-119.801,38.3958]} {"observed":"I took a trip over the fourth of July to visit a friend in Modesto. We traveled to Tuolumne County, past Sonora, and camped off of Gargoyle trail above Strawberry on the night of July 4th. We got to the camp site at about 4:00pm and set up. My two friends took a nap after setting the tent up but I decided to look around, so I took a hike down a dirt road that lead into the forest. I was hiking around when my friend came to look for me. We hiked further into the forest and found a big rock formation and climbed up. The top was about the size of a football field. On top we found three stacked rocks and took some video of it. The bottom rock was big, it came up to my shins and the top two were smaller. Maybe five pounds each. We then went off into the unknown on the other side of the rock formation. We had to hike down a lot of boulders and the brush was getting pretty thick. It was now probably 7:00 or 7:30 so the sun was disappearing and it was getting dark. As we got closer to the trees I felt as though we were being watched. Just my imagination I thought, so we hiked on. This feeling remained and I started to think about how long it would take to get up the rocks we were clibing down. Besides if something was watching us it could have been a bear. I convinced my friend to go back to camp and we did. At about 8:30 or 9:00 my friend heard rocks being clinked together of in the distance and he said they were answered off in the opposite direction. I didn't believe him but soon I heard the clinking too. It was fast but obviously not a wood pecker. My friend commented that the pattern seemed not human, but I thought it could have been. This banging went on for about twenty minutes and then quit. We went to sleep later and didn't hear anything all night. I did notice it was a moonless night and the forest was pitch black. The next morning we got up and I checked for foot prints around the camp fire were I cleared everything within five feet but saw nothing. As we were packing up we heard the banging off in the distance again so I decided to try and copy the patterns. I tried using two rocks and the sound wouldn't carry. So I then tried a rock on a log. Finally I settled on a small branch on the log because it sounded to me like what was coming from the forest. The banging was repititious with a pattern on the end. I mimiced the banging for about ten minutes before it stopped answering me. I started packing up again and we heard it another time so I tried to answer it. No answer. It did it again, I answered, no answer. There were long pauses in between my responces and its banging. I got the feeling what ever it was, wanted to continue it's banging but not in response to me. We finished packing up and left.","location_details":"Take Highway 108, past Strawberry to the Trail of the Gargoyles.","county":"Tuolumne County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4650: Campers find stacked rocks and hear unusual rock banging near Strawberry","date":"2002-07-04","number":4650,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qf9tdb5n3","moon_phase":0.81,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":126,"wind_speed":5.08,"year":2002,"geometry":[-119.9924,38.24805]} {"observed":"I was traveling with my father and my fathers friends. Now i should tell you that my father was an active hunter, hiker and outdoorsman. My father was also 6'3 and two hundred and fifty pounds. There where exactly 6 of us including my self. We had traveled to the end of forest route 3n83 and had planned to camp in the general area for the night. Later on my father and told me that all this was planned so i could get used to hunting, and camping, this was a surprise for my 13th birthday. he said that we were supposed to spend two days there. We began to travel east of the end of the road. We walked for about 20 minutes through moderatley dense underbrush and reached a clearing where my dad decided to teach me how to make a fire. After around two hours i finally succeeded in making a fire. At around 4:30pm I finally made a fire. At this time my father decided to camp here, his friends agreed and set about setting up camp. Now as they set up they talked about there other hunting experiances, me being young and stupid i decided to re-enact some of the stories. I decided to walk in a general east direction playing with a stick pretending it was a rifle. I eventually got to a smaller clearing and saw a squirell or some other small mammal and decided to chase it. It ran across the clearing and up the nearest tree. I threw two rocks at it and then became bored. So i continued in the direction i was headed. I came to an area where the tress thinned and i could see a meadow. At this time it had just begun to get dark. I turned around to go back to the camp when I noticed a terrible odor. It smelled like a very large wallowy pig. I covered my nose and continued walking. I began hearing brush breaking about 50 -100 feet behind me. At this time i noticed that me father and his friends had begun to look for me and I could hear them calling. As soon as i could hear the voices the brush breaking stopped so i ran back to the camp. When i got back to where they were they had already started to pass around beef jerky and water. I sat next to my father and awaited the food. That night i was in a tent with my father who was sound asleep, when i thought i heard some brush breaking. We had divided our group into three tents, two in each. I sat there very still not sure what to do but i felt that something was wrong. I quietly woke up my dad to tell him about the sound. He woke up and I motioned him to be quiet and he heard the brush breaking around the edge of our camp. He grabbed his hand gun, and yelled whos there? The brush breaking stopped and then the area got quiet. My dad cocked the safety back and yelled again. This time there was a kind of crashing noise like a branch snapping, and then it got quiet. My dad crept form the tent and checked on the others, they were woken up by my dads yelling and had heard the crash. They lit a fire and remained awake the rest of the night. The food we had hung 6 feet to 7 1/2 feet of the ground was gone. The branch it was on had broken about a foot's length from the trunk of the tree, the branch there was at least 4 to 6 inches in diameter. There was also the faint wallowy odor in the forest around the clearing. We packed our stuff up and left the woods. My father and i have since moved from california and my father has never spoken of the event again.","county":"Tuolumne County","state":"California","season":"Fall","title":"Report 25648: Possible nighttime encounter, food taken from hunters camping near Tuolumne","date":"2003-09-15","number":25648,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qf8kkc4pz","temperature_high":77.95,"temperature_mid":65.715,"temperature_low":53.48,"dew_point":37.61,"humidity":0.35,"moon_phase":0.66,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":239,"wind_speed":1.9,"year":2003,"geometry":[-120.0459,38.03917]} {"observed":"Christmas Eve 2003, my wife and I spent XMas in Twain Harte, CA with friends. This area is deep in the Sierra Mountains and has plenty of snow during the winter months. We stayed at our friends cabin, which sleeps twelve people with no problem. The cabin is about six to eight feet off the ground and the only way in is by using wooden stairs to climb into it. There was plenty of snow and we were warned about walking on the porch. To get to the porch we had to go through the house. The cabin was warm with the great wooden heater even though the windows had no coverings. Christmas Eve was upon us and the traditional events came and went. After midnight, everyone eventually went to bed and retired for the night. I was sleeping in a room by the porch and the windows like I said before, had no curtains or shades. I could see very little from all the windows except for one, which was near the outside porch light. I could see a small portion of the porch from that window. I went to sleep as did everyone else, but was awakened several hours later. There was a slight movement all around the cabin like a small earthquake. I turned over thinking just that. Moments later, I felt movement again but this time it felt like someone was walking on the porch. I sat up to look around and did not see anything or anyone. I decided to use the restroom since I was awake and eventually found my way back to bed. It was then that I noticed something moving by the porch light. At first, I thought it was a man with long brown hair, but then noticed that it had hair on its arms and back. After a better look, it had hair all over its body, but it seemed more of an orange-brown color. Frightened as can be, I just kept looking at this thing. It had its back towards me for several minutes and then slowly turned to look in my direction. I was about twenty feet from the window so I am certain that it did not see me. It leaned over to see through the window. I would estimate it to have been about six foot six inches tall. Its weight was about three hundred pounds and well proportioned. I compared compared the beast to a friend who is six foot two inches tall and weights three hundred pounds. It looked fairly young like a teenage boy. There was also no odor as this thing walked around. The face was more like a caveman but very sad looking. I could barely see its eyes in the dark, but I noticed them when it looked left and right. They seemed to be dark brown. The beast was frightening when it turned and looked in towards the window. Its chest was like that of a male and I am assuming that it was not quite a grownup yet. It was searching for something but I dont know what. I also noticed that our friends dogs were no where to be heard or found in the cabin. After a quick scan of the room, it turned and headed towards the porch rail. Eventually, it jumped from the porch, which was a six to eight foot drop. In the morning, I did not mention this event to anyone nor did I go looking for evidence. I believe there are different species scattered around the world. I always believe they existed but my thoughts were reinforced with this citing. This is also the first time anyone has heard or read this story from me.","location_details":"I've only been there twice and there are so many streets to turn too that I still have no idea how to get to the cabin. All I know is how to get to Twain Hearts.","county":"Tuolumne County","state":"California","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10980: Man has late night sighting near Twain Harte","date":"2003-12-24","number":10980,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9qf2rg37v9","temperature_high":43.89,"temperature_mid":39.7,"temperature_low":35.51,"dew_point":42.62,"humidity":1,"moon_phase":0.06,"precip_intensity":0.0596,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Rain until evening, starting again overnight.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":136,"wind_speed":2.24,"year":2003,"geometry":[-120.2434,38.0312]} {"observed":"On the Navajo Indian Reservation, I was driving along the washboard dirt road (7) that heads east along the south side of Canyon de Chelly looking for a place to duck into to camp for the night. I was about 7-10 miles east of Chinle driving at about 20 mph. It stepped out from the left side and walked across the road right in front of me, about 40 feet away or so, right at the edge of the bright part of my headlights, walking briskly but in no hurry crossing the road and slightly away from me at the same time so that it was probably 5 feet ahead when it reached the other side of the road. As soon as it crossed the road and the little swale of a ditch it bent over just as it was behind a bush as if to take cover as soon as possible. At first, all I kept thinking was \"I just saw an ape of some kind.\" but I quickly realized what it had to be. It wasn't particularly large, about six feet tall or so, but very solid for it's size and uniformly covered in dark brown hair. It never looked at me. I only saw it for about three or four seconds but saw it clearly. I ended up going back a little, turning north on a paved road that leads to the edge of the canyon, just a mile or so, and turning off into the woods a little to sleep in the back of my truck for the night just two or three miles at most from where the sighting occured.","location_details":"on the Navajo Indian Reservation on the western edge of the Chuska mountains","county":"Apache County","state":"Arizona","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6552: Bigfoot crosses road in front of vehicle traveling on Navajo Route 7 near Canyon De Chelley National Monument","date":"2001-06-17","number":6552,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9w6jmfjk0n","year":2001,"geometry":[-109.4276,36.09081]} {"observed":"Myself and a friend were hunting this water hole where deer and elk come to drink. The location is approximately 7 miles north of the small community of Sawmill, Arizona on the Navajo Reservation. It was during the Archery Elk season on the Reservation of the very last day of the season which was Sunday. At about 6:00pm, we set up a small portable blind near the water hole and crawled inside. We waited quietly for about acouple of hours or so. We observed some cattle that came in to drink. There was also a coyote that came to drink. At 8:30pm, the sun went down behind the ponderosa trees. We decided to crawl out of the blind and break the blind down. As we were taking the portable blind down, we heard a high-pitched scream that came about 200 yards NW of the water hole. We stopped and listened thinking it was an bull elk. Again, the scream came 30 seconds after the first scream. Right then, I said \"that don't sound like a bull elk at all\". As I said that, another scream came which seemed to lasted a lot longer. At this point in time, we decided to leave the area. We didn't know if the scream was coming closer to our location.","location_details":"This incident took place about 7 miles north of Sawmill, Arizona, on the White Clay Road after passing the power lines. Then its about 1 mile east off the road.","county":"Apache County","state":"Arizona","season":"Fall","title":"Report 12214: Possible vocalizations near Sawmill,AZ","date":"2003-09-28","number":12214,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9w6ksh5u2j","temperature_high":81.24,"temperature_mid":58.635,"temperature_low":36.03,"dew_point":23.26,"humidity":0.32,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.09,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1014.66,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":8,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":263,"wind_speed":2.63,"year":2003,"geometry":[-109.155,35.97]} {"observed":"REPORT: In the summer of 1977, I was in the U.S Army, stationed at Fort Huachuca Arizona. During this period of my military career, I was assigned to the post drill team. As part of our duties we did functions such as parades, special ceremonies, and military funerals. Fort Huachuca is approximately 70miles south of Tucson. I remember it was a day in July, on a Saturday morning. We had to do a funeral in some small town in Arizona. I don't remember the name of the town. What I do remember is that it was a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky, it was a perfect day. If you know anything about Arizona, its desert, and on a clear day, you can see for miles. We loaded on to the military bus, and we started on our trip. Right out side the gate from Fort Huachuca is a small town called Sierra Vista, which is a small military town basically. There is a main road, that leads from Sierra Vista, that goes up to Highway 10, which is the major highway that runs through Arizona. I forget the highway number of the road that leads to Highway 10, but I'm sure if you look on any map, you could find that out. We turned left on the road and started to drive towards Highway 10, it takes about 15 to 20 minutes to get To Highway 10. After we got to Highway 10, we turned right, heading north on Highway 10. We were driving about 10 or 15 minutes, and suddenly, the bus starts to jerk. The driver pulls over, and there we are on the side of the road. Everyone got out of the bus but me. I was sitting on the left-hand side of the bus, or the driver's side, looking out of the window at the passing traffic. On the far side of the road, I could see a big white house, with a road leading from it. (This is very important, because I'm sure that house is still there, I think it was some kind of ranch actually, but I remember that it was all white). Any way, I'm sitting there, looking across the road, and an 18wheeler, was coming up the far side of the road, on the other side, heading south. Just as the 18wheeler past, I saw something, coming up out of the gully, on the far side of the road. I'm sure you know how when you see something, first you see it, then your mind processes what it is. My first thought was, is that a bear? Then as the thing kept coming up the embankment, I could see that it was walking on two feet, that's when my mind then asked, is that Gorilla? I remember it was dark tan in color, with long hair, you could also see it was very muscular, and it had these long flowing arms. As it came up the embankment, it turned its head, and it was like time stopped. When I looked in its face, I actually saw man like features. It's hard to explain, but it was like a big hairy man. From it facial expression, I could tell it was frightened. It actually ran with its head looking back for a good distance. (Note: on the phone interview, John stated that he could also see his chest when it turned to look back at the highway.) I truly believe that the sound of the 18wheeler scared it. Back a little ways, I told you about the white house, and the road leading from it. I sat there, for oh, at least 45 seconds, watching it run up this road. You should have seen how fast it could run, and how long the stride's were, it was amazing. It was also a very hot that day, as days are in Arizona, but it was like it ran with ease. Then it turned off the road to the left, and it was gone, into the desert. I just sat there in disbelief for a long time, and then realized what I just witnessed, a sighting of Big foot itself. Needless to say, none of my friends saw it, because they were playing around on the other side of the bus. For the rest of the day, I could think about nothing but that. Later that night, when my mind was thinking clearer, I had time to make some assumptions. After my sighting occurred, I had time to think about what had happened. For some reason, this creature came down to the road, why I don't know, but I don't think it was trying to cross. From the look on its face, and the way it was running, I got the impression that the 18wheeler actually scared it. It was running full speed up the embankment. I truly think its curiosity got the best of it, until the sound of the big truck scared it. I also wondered why no one else on the bus or highway seen it, because it was so big. I don't know how it got down in the gully. But, unless someone, just by chance looked out their passing car window, I could see why it went unseen. I also noticed that the color of it, witch would make it very hard to notice especially in the dessert. If it saw someone coming, all it would have to do is knell down, and it would go unnoticed. An assumption of mine is that this creature has learned how to go unnoticed, I truly believe it is intelligent, and can probably get very close to humans without it even being detected. Another thing I must say is, other than a picture, foot prints, video, or a dead body, it is going to be very hard to prove this creature exist. As far as shooting one, I guess that is a possibility. But, if that does happen, it would have to be out of fright, or because a person thinks it a bear or something. I say this because, if you look this creature in the face, you are going to see so many features that a man has, that it would be almost murder to shoot one, it is just so man like in the face. From the distance I was, it would be hard to say how tall it was, but I would put it over 6 foot easily. As far as the weight, it would be hard to estimate, but I would have to guess at least 300lbs. The thing that impressed me more than the face though, was it powerful build. Broad shoulders, wide body, and you could see the muscles in the arms, and its legs were very strong and muscular. After I had a long time to think about it, I almost felt sorry for the creature, because I can only imagine that it lives a lonely life, all alone. I do think it enjoys its freedom though, and it is truly the ruler of its domain. In the end though I truly think we will find proof one day, if for nothing but because man is expanding all over the place, and this creatures curiosity with man, might get it into a situation it can not get out of. It is going to be very hard for this creature to hide forever, but for some reason I know it will try. I have had 20/20 vision all my life. I again, have kept this too myself all my life because who would believe such a story, sometimes I don't believe it myself. It's funny now though. Sometimes, I'm sitting around watching TV, and I see all the shows about whether Bigfoot is real or not. And, I just shake my head, because one day, man is going to get the shock of its life, because this man/creature is out there, I know, I saw it with my own eyes. Again, I don't want any recognition or fame, I just wanted to finally share this story with someone. I also can not speak on the other sightings, as to their truthfulness or not. What I do know is there is at least one in Arizona somewhere. One suggestion though is, if someone really got serious about finding this creature, with today's technology, you would think it would be easier. One technique I think would work is to go up in a helicopter of plain with infrared heat sensor equipment. One thing I know is that it is a hot-blooded creature, and if someone could finance it, and have the patients to track it, I think you would hit pay dirt. Oh yeah, one other thing, Unless you drug this creature, or shoot it dead, I would hate to be on the team that tried to capture it. From what I saw, if you corner this creature, it would have the strength to rip your head off your body. Well I guess that's it, if you have any further questions please feel free to ask. COMMENTS: First I would like to thank you for the wonderful information you have on your web site, you are doing a very good job. Though I can not vouch for any of your other stories, or sightings, what I can say is one day the hole world is going to get the shock of their lives. Because, this man creature we call Big Foot does in fact exist, I know because I saw one with my own eyes in the summer of 1977, in Arizona. Like many, I did not believe my eyes. Till this day, I don't know why God allowed me to see this creature, and I replay the seen in my mind almost everyday. The thing I will never forget though, is when the creature turned around, and I looked it right in the face. What I saw, is the thing that has stayed with me, because even though, I knew it was a wild creature, its face is so man like it will scare you. I saw intelligence, fear, and also saw that this creature is just as curious about us, as we are of them. For years I have kept this to myself, because who would believe me, they would think me crazy, as you probably do also. But, let me say this, I'm not looking for any recognition, fame or fortune. All I know, and can say, is that this man creature does exist, and one day, we all will find this out.","location_details":"About 10 to 15 min. northeast of the town of Benson, on Highway 10. Accross from a white ranch house, with a road leading down to the highway.","county":"Cochise County","state":"Arizona","season":"Summer","title":"Report 440: A daylight sighting report by an ex soldier","date":"2000-10-10","number":440,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9t9tuxwg6m","temperature_high":69.78,"dew_point":54.94,"humidity":0.78,"cloud_cover":0.9,"moon_phase":0.41,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1012.97,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.5,"wind_bearing":131,"wind_speed":7.05,"year":2000,"geometry":[-110.1835,31.99003]} {"observed":"a few years agao i took my wife and the kids camping and quad rideing....we camped in northern arizona about 30 miles east of flagstaff.....we camped in an area named Mormon mountian, very old forest never logged, old grown trees everywhere....that night while we were going to sleep in our tent i heard the yell first..thinking i might have dreamned it first i never got up or said anything to my wife at first...then it yelled again makeing a whooping sound....it did this over and over as it went around our camp..i got up thinking this thing might be hostile...ill tel you ive been in az all my life and have hunted and fished here all my life...and ive never heard anything like this.UNTIL.....i heard thesame sound or yells on your website.....","county":"Coconino County","state":"Arizona","season":"Summer","title":"Report 10877: Midnight vocalizations disturb camping family near Mormon Mountain.","date":"2000-06-24","number":10877,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9w0wyhz9fq","temperature_high":73.59,"temperature_mid":57.57,"temperature_low":41.55,"dew_point":45.73,"humidity":0.64,"cloud_cover":0.32,"moon_phase":0.74,"precip_intensity":0.0005,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1018.19,"summary":"Light rain in the afternoon.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.91,"wind_bearing":262,"wind_speed":5.89,"year":2000,"geometry":[-111.5228,34.96295]} {"observed":"on christmas eve of two thousand my cousin and I where driving on highway eighty seven. We where driving to Winslow Arizona we where about thirty miles from Winslow in the area of Jacks Canyon when we noticed a seven foot creature hairy creature walking down the side of the highway. We saw the creature in the headlights of the car as we passed the area by Jacks Canyon the creature covered its face as we passed we turned around because we couldnot believe what we saw,we both said what was that we couldnot find the creature when we had turned the car around.","location_details":"JACKS CANYON ABOUT THIRTY MILES SOUTH OF WINSLOW ARIZONA","county":"Coconino County","state":"Arizona","season":"Winter","title":"Report 3482: Nighttime sighting by motorists on Hwy 87 in Jacks Canyon, 30 miles south of Winslow","date":"2000-12-24","number":3482,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9w1ntfbe9u","temperature_high":56.54,"temperature_mid":43.59,"temperature_low":30.64,"dew_point":13.22,"humidity":0.46,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.97,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1018.93,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":174,"wind_speed":2.25,"year":2000,"geometry":[-110.8403,34.90831]} {"observed":"We always try to get as far out as possible and this past weekend we went in a little further then last. It was on Friday the 8th of October when we got to our location we set up camp in less than an hour and we were just enjoying the views looking forward to some relaxation... We got our fire started about 7:00 pm because it was getting really chilly about an hour later we were talking away just shooting the breeze when We heard something from a distance I turned to my boyfriend and I said shh, listen and sure enough clear as day the most sharp clear screams just came over the wilderness as if it was so clear. We counted them and finally they ended at 12 being the last scream count. The final two of the screams sounded most horrible from the other 10 you can immediately hear the difference it was as if in pain a painful scream. That was it for me to scare me half out mf my witts begging my boyfriend to please explain to me what the hell that was as if he could give me an answer, but all he could say is I have no idea. It seemed as if it were a distance away east of us the steep canyons I am sure carry sound further then it really is but I would estimate it at being 1 to 2miles away all I know is it was clear and carried through the woods. what in the wordl would have a pair of lungs like that? If I had to choose animal or human animal would be off and human no way not that scream in the niddle of no where. Now, I know that they're are plenty of animals in the wild and I know they all have their own distinct sound, but this was unlike any animal I have heard.. we went down the list of known animals that inhabit the Arizona wilderness and as we marked each one off it became more clear to us that was neither animal, bear, mountain lion, elk buggle sheesh even havelina,which are only in the more lower elevations and in more desert terrain. nope, there is no way. When we came back from our trip it was all we could talk about there and all the way home. Just to mention I didn't get much sleep after that, that night we came home and I put in one of my videos on bigfoot just to hear the audio on one of the recordings and we both just looked at echother like wow! too similar to discard the possibility. since then I have heard all I could get my hands on of any audio I could find. Now looking at my maps of the United states and keeping track of sightings from all over it doesn't seem impossible that they could be here with New mexico and Texas around the corner why not. Next time I will be taking my tape recorder. I won't be caught off guard again that is for sure and will pursue leads as they come to prove he can be in any dense wilderness in any state. Thank you","location_details":"From Tempe az Take beeline hwy east to hwy 87 NE go through town of payson take hwy 260 to woods canyon lake pass woods canyon lake up to knoll lake an additional 20-25 miles once at knoll lake you proceed further pass the lake east old dirt roads go in all directions hard to explain. you follow the one heading east to it's end that is the site we were at.","county":"Coconino County","state":"Arizona","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9506: Camping couple hears loud nighttime vocalizations near Knoll Lake.","date":"2004-10-08","number":9506,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9w15f5m61h","temperature_high":69.17,"temperature_mid":57.965,"temperature_low":46.76,"dew_point":28.37,"humidity":0.34,"moon_phase":0.82,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":70,"wind_speed":1.1,"year":2004,"geometry":[-110.9986,34.4274]} {"observed":"Directions to Location 3 Miles east of Lake Mary Rd. on R124. Lake Mary Rd runs southeast out of Flagstaff. This is popular area for camping and hunting. Guess we were about 30 miles from Flagstaff. Nearest Town Mormon Lake Nearest Road FR124 east off of Lake Mary Rd. Narrative Observed My wife and I were camped along FR 124 Sun. afternoon through Tues. morning. Monday night, Memorial Day PM, at 7:30 I went for a walk heading east on FR 124 to maybe see some elk before dark. I went at least 1/4 mile and heard a coyote sound off. I stopped to listen and a whole chorus of coyotes joined in for about 4 seconds and stopped as quickly as they started. I would guess they were 1/4 to 1/2 mile southeast of me. A second or so after that I heard an \"AH,OO\" just as distant or even further away in the same direction. I thought someone was calling back to the coyotes but what an odd sound for a person to make, then there was another just the same as the first. I turned back to camp and wondered about these two calls as I walked I didnt stop to listen again as it was getting dark and I wanted to get back to camp. At 8:15 I was back and I sat outside our trailer to listen again. Just I sat down I heart the \"AH,OO\" again from the same direction followed by a high pitch \"WOW\" sound then another and then one more \"AH,OO\". So there were four \"AH,OO\" and two \"WOW\" sounds all together, that I heard anyway. The \"AH,OO\" was a mid pitch for a male person, The AH was about 1 1/2 seconds with OO short and slightly lower pitch. The WOW was very high pitch and lasted about 3 seconds. Both of these calls just started and ended without fading in or out and without waver. I listen until 9 PM without any more calls then went in to sleep. The calls were not real loud, if I was walking on the gravel road rather than stopped I might have missed them, but they were bit enough to carry over the sound of the breeze in the trees which was coming from the west. I was hesitant to report this since it was just sounds, but , rather odd sounds for a person or any animal I know of. Also I thought the time, date, location, and type of sounds may be worth reporting for past or future incidents. Thank you for the opportunity to record this.","location_details":"3 Miles east of Lake Mary Rd. on R124. Lake Mary Rd runs southeast out of Flagstaff. This is popular area for camping and hunting. Guess we were about 30 miles from Flagstaff. .","county":"Coconino County","state":"Arizona","season":"Spring","title":"Report 11807: Twilight vocalizations heard near Lake Mary.","date":"2005-05-30","number":11807,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9w0xguutb4","temperature_high":68.59,"temperature_mid":52.735,"temperature_low":36.88,"dew_point":32.14,"humidity":0.38,"cloud_cover":0.01,"moon_phase":0.76,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1008.62,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":12,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":220,"wind_speed":8.48,"year":2005,"geometry":[-111.6259,35.1394]} {"observed":"well my self and my dad were camped at woods canyon lake in the spilway camp ground.. well on friday around 3 to 4 in the after noon i was fishing on the spilway.off the the east is a hicking trail that gose up the hill and around the lake..out of no where a bolder the size of a basket ball come flying thru the middle of the pine trees an 10 to 15 feet into the lake.well befor this happen u could hear birds cherping.well when is happen it got quiet quick..another guy saw what i did we bolth looked at 1 and other and he ended up leaveing","county":"Coconino County","state":"Arizona","season":"Summer","title":"Report 16397: Rock throwing incident at Woods Canyon Lake.","date":"2005-09-15","number":16397,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9w156t4z68","temperature_high":72.85,"temperature_mid":62.65,"temperature_low":52.45,"dew_point":25.32,"humidity":0.28,"moon_phase":0.41,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":187,"wind_speed":1.49,"year":2005,"geometry":[-110.98,34.35]} {"observed":"in sept of this year my son and myself and brother innlaw heard Loud whoops and screams in the Woodscanyon area near lake at midnight...i have heard same sounds and have made other reports....in other Northern AZ....i own the BFRO vocalization Cds and these whoops and screams were the same....","county":"Coconino County","state":"Arizona","season":"Fall","title":"Report 12795: Vocalizations heard at Woods Canyon Lake","date":"2005-09-16","number":12795,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9w15744wk0","temperature_high":74.03,"temperature_mid":62.635,"temperature_low":51.24,"dew_point":24.77,"humidity":0.25,"moon_phase":0.45,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":206,"wind_speed":4.47,"year":2005,"geometry":[-110.9583,34.33335]} {"observed":"My roomate and I were moving from Austin,Tx to Olympia,Wa. We left Austin at 8:30 am and headed west driving straight through the night. Honestly it was a long day of driving which is what makes this story interesting. We were both on about six red bulls to stay alert for the long nights drive and all seemed normal. About 40 miles north of Phoenix I went around a corner and saw what I thought was a bigfoot standing motionless on the side of the road. This was a highway that had many large rocks that could look like the creature if you were tired enough however this large object had eyes that reflected off my head lights. The creature was a light brown color much like the sand and rocks it was standing around. I didn't want my roomate to make fun of me or think I was crazy so I said nothing about my sighting and continued on for about another hour until we stopped in Kingman and bunked down for the night. Once we checked into the hotel we tried falling asleep but after drinking that much red bull neither of us could fall asleep. As we continued to try and sleep we discussed what a long day it was and my roomate remarked I was so tired I thought I saw bigfoot. He described the same location as my sighting. I rarely speak to anyone about this incident do to the fact that they think I am making it up but I know what I saw and I was not the only one. Bigfoot is indeed real.","location_details":"About half way between Kingman and Phoenix right where the road bends before the bridge","county":"Mohave County","state":"Arizona","season":"Summer","title":"Report 33484: Possible late night sighting along US Route 93 near Kingman","date":"2001-06-30","number":33484,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qpkd1suq6","year":2001,"geometry":[-113.46,34.55]} {"observed":"I DID NOT SEE ANYTHING. I DID HEAR A LOT. WHILE IN A BOAT FISHING WITH TWO FRIENDS WE WERE ALONG THE SHORE LINE JOKING AROUND AND TRYING TO CATCH SOMETHING WHEN WE HEARD A VERY LARGE ANIMAL RUSTLING IN THE WOODS. THE ANIMAL/OBJECT WAS NOT ALL THAT FAR FROM US BUT WE COULD NOT SEE DUE TO THE DENSE VEGITATION AND THE LOW LIGHT CONDITION. THE CREATURE DID SOUND TO BE VERY LARGE AND THE THRASHING OF THE VEGITATION BECAME LOUDER. THE THREE OF US IN THE BOAT DID BEGIN TO SPECULATE WHAT WE WERE HEARING AND NONE OF US WERE WORRIED UNTIL WE HEARD THE SHRILL FROM THIS ANIMAL. IT CAN ONLY BE DESCRIBED AS VERY LOUD, BONE CHILLING AND IN DID STRIKE FEAR IN ALL OF US. WE BEGAN TO PULL OUR LINES AND START THE BOAT ASAP TO LEAVE THE AREA AND THE ANIMAL BEGAN TO RUN AWAY FROM OUR LOCATION. I THINK THE DIRECTION WAS S/E. WE STILL COULD HEAR THE ANIMAL MOVING THROUGH THE DENSE VEGITATION AT A FAST FACE WITH NO APPARENT PROBLEM. THE ANIMAL CONTINUED TO SHRILL ON OCCASION STOPP ING APPROX. EVERY 200YDS. THE DISTANCE THE FINAL SHRILL WAS HEARD AT WAS APPROX. 1/4 TO 1/2 A MILE AWAY THROUGH DENSE WOODS, UP HILL. THE TIME FRAME WHICH THIS TOOK PLACE IN WAS SO FAST WE WERE UNABLE TO THINK OF AN ANIMAL WHICH COULD SOUND SO LARGE, HAVE SUCH A DEEP SHRILL, AND MOVE SO FAST. THE SHRILL WAS NOT AS ANY OTHER ANIMAL I HAVE EVER HEARD NOR WAS IT TO THE TWO OTHER PEOPLE I WAS WITH. THE SHRILL WAS LATER HEARD BY BE APPROX. 2YRS LATER WHILE ON MY WAY HOME FROM WORK IN WI. I WAS LISTENING TO ART BELL AND BIG FOOT WAS THE TOPIC AND SOMEBODY HAD AN AUDIO OF A BIG FOOT. WHEN THE AUDIO WAS PLAYED I AGAIN BECAME AFRAID, SPEACHLESS, THE HAIR ON MY NECK STOOD UP AND MY EYES TEARED.","location_details":"THE LOCATION WAS IN THE GOVERNMENT TRACK LAND WHICH SURROUNDS LAKE NORFOLK. THE LAKE IS A MAN MADE LAKE AND THERE ARE NO HOMES ON THE WATER FRONT, AS THE US/GOVT OWNS THE LAND. THIS INCIDENT WAS EAST OF THE 101 BRIDGE BUT NORTH OF THE(62?)BRIDGE. THE AREA IS DENSE FOREST.","county":"Baxter County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 76: Three fisherman hear thrashing about and loud vocalizations","date":"2001-08-11","number":76,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9yqquv0wdy","temperature_high":88.66,"temperature_mid":79.975,"temperature_low":71.29,"dew_point":69.07,"humidity":0.78,"cloud_cover":0.33,"moon_phase":0.73,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.91,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":10,"visibility":9.02,"wind_bearing":297,"wind_speed":0.29,"year":2001,"geometry":[-92.25139,36.37139]} {"observed":"It was Jan of 03 in Baxter County AR. location Hwy 62 and 101 intersection. Time 2 to 3 a.m. Cold clear winter night. Coming home from fishing as we rounded the 30 mph curve right before the stop sign we were headed south on 101 an animal walking upright came into clear view as \"he\" was in my high beams and was on the west side shoulder. My buddy Joe who was with me and I said not a word to one another. We were now at maybe 20 mph as we watched this big critter who was standing upright take one step and went from the far side of the shoulder to the center line. Where \"he\" paused for a moment, looked us up and down altho we felt no fear from it Joe and I each felt like \"he\" looked at each one of us, me first then Joe. before turning his head straight . Then he leaned forward and put his knuckles on the pavement and swung his hips through his arms and was now on the far side of the east shoulder. And was gone.","location_details":"On State highway #101 near its junction with U.S. highway #62 about 1.5 miles west of Norfork Lake.","county":"Baxter County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 55376: Two fishermen have close-up sighting while driving home at night from Norfork Lake","date":"2003-12-15","number":55376,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yqqumdtbe","temperature_high":57.48,"temperature_mid":47.14,"temperature_low":36.8,"dew_point":39.11,"humidity":0.7,"cloud_cover":0.41,"moon_phase":0.72,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1008.03,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day and breezy in the afternoon.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.87,"wind_bearing":168,"wind_speed":10.58,"year":2003,"geometry":[-92.27071,36.37399]} {"observed":"Well i live in bentonville Akansas right now, my dad own his own buisness. One Day we got on the subject i was telling him that i had bought a little book of ghost stories and bigfoot sightings and how i was very itrested in bigfoot. Then he told me that he seen bigfoot before and he told me the whole story. At fist i didnt belive him, but a couple of years later he told me the same story when we got on the topic again. The story is that he was riding ATVs with his friends around or in ether lost bridge lake of bever lake and he was at the front of the group of 4-wheelers and they were going down this hill that led to a dirt road. Since he was in front of the group he went down first and got on the dirt road and stopped to wait for the rest of the group to come down. before they came down he lokked over across the dirt road on the other side of the hill on the tree line where the evevning sun was shining through the trees and seen the big foot walking. He said it was taking really big steps and apered to be 7-8 feet tall. He couldnt se the color because the sun was shining through the trees and big foot so you know it apeared as a shadow. Then the rest of the group came down and he told them what he saw and they didnt belive him. Thats all he told me. He told me he coudnt remeber every detale. But he still knows more than me, i cant remeber everything. The reason i'm telling you and not him is that i probably coudn't get him to get on here to tell you this. I'm telling you this because im learnig about bigfoot in our biology class at bentonville high school. my teacher is a marine biologist and a cytozoologist. We watched the big foot movie and the legend of boggy creek in class. Plus the sightings in Decator which is write by our town. So all this bigfoot stuff is making me so excited to dicover the bigfoot and do my part in adding another unreported sighting, since i know theres got to be alot of them out there. If you need any more info i dont have a phone but you can write me at (Withheld) my name is (withheld) or you can call my dad who was the one who seen it at (withheld)","county":"Benton County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 7045: Man riding 4-wheeler observes a bigfoot reaching into a tree","date":"2003-10-31","number":7045,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9ymnwpy9x6","temperature_high":77.63,"temperature_mid":65.425,"temperature_low":53.22,"dew_point":57.48,"humidity":0.72,"cloud_cover":0.71,"moon_phase":0.23,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1017.36,"summary":"Light rain in the afternoon.","uv_index":3,"visibility":8.69,"wind_bearing":218,"wind_speed":2.98,"year":2003,"geometry":[-93.94583,36.34167]} {"observed":"In early to mid October of 1981 I was 17 years old. I was working weekends in Fayetteville, a town 28 miles from where I lived in Siloam Springs. I usualy left for work around 5:30am.I would drive the old highway #68 towards Fayetteville-Springdale. One morning I was on my way to work and as I was coming close to where Fairmount road was I could see something by the bridge at first I thought it was a coyote or large dog scratching around the bridge with its back legs as I got closer I realized it was not and that it was a sasquatch, it was a reddish-brown color, I could see its face area had almost no hair and the skin tone was lighter than the rest of it. It looked up at me as I passed on over the bridge, my car was a vw bug and the lights were not very bright, it seemed to be startled. I lokked into the rearview mirror to see it jump up and run across the road. It moved in long strides and very quickly. It was tall maybe close to 7 feet and was thinner than I would have expected it to be. The activity it seemed to be doing when I first saw it was digging at the ground next to the bridge the motion it was using was similar to what primates do, the manner in which it moved across the road was however more like a human would move.","location_details":"Fairmount bridge","county":"Benton County","state":"Arkansas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 6178: Motorist crossing a bridge sees sasquatch digging in the dirt below","date":"2004-04-04","number":6178,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9ykvffcz4v","temperature_high":64.89,"temperature_mid":51.52,"temperature_low":38.15,"dew_point":29.4,"humidity":0.43,"cloud_cover":0.01,"moon_phase":0.47,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1020.89,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":8,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":36,"wind_speed":4.02,"year":2004,"geometry":[-94.44694,36.18333]} {"observed":"A neighbor's chicken coop was raided. I keep birds also so I was curious how I may reinforce my cage to avoid the same situation. I investigated. What struck me immediatly was the strength necessary to \"bend and compress\" the wire used in my neighbor's coop. There is no way with my bare hands could I bend and compress the wire of this guage. I collected hair samples. No cat could have done this. A bear would have taken a much more destructive entry.","location_details":"along deer creek","county":"Nevada County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4885: Chicken pens being raided by unknown thief near Nevada City","date":"2002-08-01","number":4885,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qczq5ref1","temperature_high":90.74,"temperature_mid":76.625,"temperature_low":62.51,"dew_point":50.31,"humidity":0.43,"cloud_cover":0.02,"moon_phase":0.76,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1012.06,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":10,"visibility":9.29,"wind_bearing":207,"wind_speed":0.96,"year":2002,"geometry":[-121.015,39.26167]} {"observed":"After reading report 7804, I suspect that my son may have seen a bigfoot in early December, 2003. His mother and I are divorced and where she lives outside of Grass Valley. There are houses out there that are close together but also big areas of wooded lots. He told me that he thought he had seen Bigfoot while walking home from his bus stop. Normally, my ex-wife picks my son up at the bus stop, but he had asked to walk home this day. It is about 1/2 mile from the bus stop to his house. As he was cutting across the woods, about 100 feet from the bus stop and 20 feet off the pavement, he jumped up onto a stump. Below him he saw a black figure, taller than 5'10\" (my height). It was about 15 feet from him and breathing very heavily. It had its arms to its side and was rocking slowly, side to side. My son was afraid, but didn't want to scream in case the animal reacted badly to the noise. He just slowly backed up the hill, keeping his eyes on the creature and when he got to the pavement, ran home. He said the creature turned its head to follow his movements, but otherwise didn't move. When my son got home, he immediately told his mother and then later, me. Neither of us believed it at first, but after seeing report 7804, which was in the same area, I thought I should submit the incident.","location_details":"The sighting was near Grass Valley.","county":"Nevada County","state":"California","season":"Winter","title":"Report 8026: Child has daytime sighting near Grass Valley","date":"2003-12-02","number":8026,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qfp0ght9m","temperature_high":56.53,"temperature_mid":49.77,"temperature_low":43.01,"dew_point":43.77,"humidity":0.85,"cloud_cover":0.53,"moon_phase":0.32,"precip_intensity":0.0018,"precip_probability":0.78,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1025.81,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":2,"visibility":7.91,"wind_bearing":134,"wind_speed":0.88,"year":2003,"geometry":[-120.8983,39.21667]} {"observed":"We were driving up (withheld) road to pick our son at a friends house when the creature passed in front of our vehicle, approx. 15-20 feet in front of us. It was clearly illuminated by our head lights. It appeared 7 to 8 feet tall w/ thick brown/black hair. It had two long legs and only took two strides to cross the street. Then, about 30 minutes later on our way back, we saw it again, this time our son was with us.","location_details":"Nevada County, near Nevada City, Californa.","county":"Nevada County","state":"California","season":"Winter","title":"Report 7804: Family has two late night sightings near Nevada City","date":"2004-01-04","number":7804,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9qczq5wz07","temperature_high":41.99,"temperature_mid":35.54,"temperature_low":29.09,"dew_point":24.96,"humidity":0.77,"cloud_cover":0.05,"moon_phase":0.41,"precip_intensity":0.0002,"precip_probability":0.13,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1027.33,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":31,"wind_speed":0.23,"year":2004,"geometry":[-121.0161,39.26361]} {"observed":"First of all I am a 55-year-old male former Marine, fireman and state police officer just recently retired. I have been all over the world in the military and an avid camper. I have often heard of big foot and thought possible not likely. Although I didnt believe they existed I kept an open mind. I have seen many things in my time that were hard to explain but were not as vivid as the following. I was driving on Rte 80 e/b in California at 14:30 hrs. on 08/16/04 and I had just passed the truck inspection station and State Work yard which was west of the Donner Pass. As I was crossing over a bridge which crossed over a ravine with a river through it I looked down into the ravine and saw what looked like (about 7 to 8 foot tall) broad shouldered possibly male, all black from head to toe form stepping from the tree line on the west bank approx. 300 to 400 yards south of the bridge. I immediately pulled over to the side of the roadway on the bridge and slowed so that I could see it better (traffic was extremely light -two other cars.) When I looked down I was able to see that the form had no identifiable clothing or demarcation lines or hat. It then was walking in a lanky movement with arms swinging as it crossed the stream/river. I then noticed a slightly smaller (6-7 foot tall)(pos male due to no obvious breasts or femine movements) come out from the tree line behind the other male trailing him by about 30 feet and slightly south by about ten feet. They both continued across the stream and into the tree line on the east side and disappeared. I sat there trying to evaluate what I had seen. I then concluded that these forms were not any animals I've ever seen. They were one solid color from head to toe with no discernable clothing. They had nothing in their hands or on their feet. I could not come up with any possible concept as too why these individuals would be out there. The temperature was extremely warm so the clothing if it was clothing was way too much. Their faces and hands were the same color as the body. I then proceeded e/b with no further sighting.","location_details":"As you pass through on the east bound side on Hwy 80, just before Donner Pass, there is a truck inspection station. Approx 1 to 2 miles east of that is the first bridge. There is a large ravine with a river through it. This is the spot. They were 300 to 400 feet south of the bridge they crossed over west to east in a straight line. I could return and show you the exact location.","county":"Nevada County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9555: Retired Law Enforcement Officer Has Daytime Sighting","date":"2004-08-16","number":9555,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9qfrtvu4y0","temperature_high":70.63,"temperature_mid":59.575,"temperature_low":48.52,"dew_point":41.36,"humidity":0.52,"cloud_cover":0.31,"moon_phase":0.02,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1013.93,"summary":"Partly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":7,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":214,"wind_speed":0.41,"year":2004,"geometry":[-120.3275,39.31917]} {"observed":"I was camping with my father and my brother at a little spot that we had \"discovered\" last year and had camped out a few times. We had arrived early in the afternoon, set up camp, I shot a can or two with my pistol, ate dinner, and had settled in for the evening (it was about sunset), and we had heard this fairly high pitched \"moan\" or wail, that continued off and on throughout the evening. It seemed to be coming from up the hill at first, and if I had to guess, within 300 yards. Well, as time went on, we heard the noise move down the hill and down the side of the mountain, which is extremely hard to traverse. My dad and I kept speculating as to what it was, as he had hunted bear, deer, and elk, and could not place what it was. We thought, from the tone, that it could have been a lost animal, as it had a mournful tone to it. It had a very resonant quality to it, like it was a good sized animal. Anyway, the noise seemed to move along the side of us, and then we would hear it back at its original location rather quickly. I briefly thought that it was a large bird that kept flying back and forth, but it finally dawned on my dad that there was two sounds; they seemed to be calling to each other; that unnerved me, and my father and I went to take a look with our spotlights and me with my pistol and camera (I always carry a little disposable camera in case I see a bear or deer). We walked up the hill, (on the dirt road), maybe 50 yards and saw nothing; when we got back to camp, I jumped in my truck and drove up the hill maybe 3-400 yards and saw nothing; I did not get out of my truck to look around as I was highly agitated (read:pretty dang spooked) I turned around and kept flashing my spotlight down the side of the mountain occasionally and went past camp down the hill on to Foresthill Road and drove up the road a little ways before turning around again and heading to camp. My dad and brother reported that they had heard nothing and it was quiet for awhile. I sat around the fire and watched the tv that my dad had brought with him; my brother was tired and had gone to bed fairly early. Everything seemed fairly quiet until I went to go \"number one\" by a big pine tree across the road and as I was juggling with the belt that was holding my pistol in its holster, I heard that noise behind the tree and it seemed like it was maybe 30 yards down the hill, it startled me, to say the least, and I ran back to the relative safety of the campfire holding up my pants with one hand and my pistol with the other, much to my dads amusement. Needless to say, I did not venture from camp the rest of the night. We continued to hear the noises until we went to bed, around 0330 or so, I remember hearing it around 0345 and yelling to my dad (he slept in the back of his camper, my brother and I in my tent, 15 ft away) \"there it is again!\", but he was sleepy. I finally drifted off to sleep shortly thereafter and no noise was heard again. THE \"NOISE\": Resonant. Very similar to the \"Howl\" on your website, but of a shorter duration, 2-3 seconds or so each time. A note about my father and brother: my brother was very tired from working the night before and he drank quite a bit of beer on this evening; he may have also thought that I was trying to \"spook\" him as he does not go camping much. He was disinterested and does not remember much. My fathers curiosity was piqued, but he was not agitated or spooked like I was; his philosophy is that humans are the most dangerous creatures out in the forest,and this was an animal, though he was not sure what it was and still doesnt. Also, he states that I heard brush or sticks being broken, but I cant recall stating that. I would not have even wrote this in until I had read the reports from the Tahoe area, which described such a similar noise, and is only about 60-70 miles as the crow flies from there.","location_details":"From Sacramento: take I-80 East towards Reno,take the Auburn Ravine Road exit and turn right, cross the intersection and this is Foresthill Road. Follow it for about 17 miles and you'll hit Foresthill, then go approximately 20 more miles to Historic Marker 8, which is Ford Point and look to your left, there will be a dirt road going up a hill. Follow that for 1/4-1/2 mile and look for a flat area with a rock ring off the right side of the road. The dirt road continues up the hill where it gets very rugged and you need Four wheel drive to continue much farther; it will then pop you up on another dirt road, which, if you go left, will dead end to another flat spot and another \"primitive\"-type camp ground. During this camping trip we went to that higher campground and thought about camping, but changed our minds","county":"Placer County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 502: Three people report screams near Foresthill","date":"2000-06-17","number":502,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qfjfx0p5h","temperature_high":84.1,"temperature_mid":76.63,"temperature_low":69.16,"dew_point":40.29,"humidity":0.29,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.53,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1004.55,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":11,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":89,"wind_speed":3.8,"year":2000,"geometry":[-120.8275,39.01917]} {"observed":"Me and my fishing buddy went camping at French Meadows reservoir to get in the last days of the season. In the campground we were alone and everything was shut down, nighttime temps were 32 and 29 the second night. We were in the last campground on a dirt road a mile east of the lake. Very few hunters were in the area because its a game refuge and no other fishermen were in the area. We got in camp around 9pm because the fishing was great and it took time to clean our fish. As soon as we got there i gave out my whoop whoop whoop whoop, hoping to hear a return call. This went on every hour and my buddy all the while half cracking up looking at me like Im nuts. At 1am my buddy was asleep in the sack [his Cherokee]. At 1:30am, I let out my last calls, you could here the echoes for 3 to 4 second's afterward. 10 second's after my call I got a woooraa back. I was shocked to get my first return call ever, it sounded to be a good 300 to 500 yards out and with a two D-cell flashlight, Ii was not going to investigate. The direction the sound came from there were no roads or camps. I knocked on my buddys car and got him up hoping he had heard it but all he said he heard was me. From now on I will take a recorder. Ive been hunting fishing and hiking all my life and that was the only time I heard this sound. It was not a coyote, a cat or an owl [I know them well]. In my heart I believe it was either a person or a bigfoot. The remote area from which the sound came from tends to make me believe the latter.","location_details":"From Foresthill follow the signs to the lake, roughly 30 miles to the reservoir.","county":"Placer County","state":"California","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7331: Fisherman hears late night scream near French Meadows Reservoir","date":"2003-10-14","number":7331,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qfqd8j9vp","temperature_high":70.03,"temperature_mid":59.29,"temperature_low":48.55,"dew_point":22.73,"humidity":0.27,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.64,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1015.5,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.95,"wind_bearing":199,"wind_speed":1.4,"year":2003,"geometry":[-120.4683,39.11167]} {"observed":"This is a late report, but however, it is a valid one. What prompted this report is the fact that I now currently reside in Snohomish County Washington and just read about local sightings in my area, surprised at the number of reports. I used to live in Orange County California, and an old girlfriend of mine and I, were camping up in Dutchmans Flats area, near Idyllwild. We were out-packing, not in a campground. We were awakened by screams that resembled the sound of a pack of coyotes that had just made a kill right outside of our tent. The screams however had a bit of a deeper tone than a coyote. At the time that is what we thought it was, so we stayed quiet not wanting to interrupt a wild animals meal. The screams and screeches continued for what seemed like an hour, but was probably about 5 or 10 minutes. The screams stopped, but we could hear what sounded like heavy footsteps right outside the door to our tent. We could hear sniffing sounds, and heavy breathing sounds. That is when I got really scared. I know a coyote does not step like a 300+ pound man in combat boots. I was too scared to even turn on my flashlight, and take a look. (Thinking maybe a bear had just run off what we thought were coyotes). We stayed up, paralyzed all night with fear until the sun came up. Even then there was still a dead silence. No birds, no crickets, nothing. I was still scared to go outside, but did. I could see that something was in our camp, due to the scattering of pine needles and dirt around our tent. But there was no sign of a coyote kill, like no blood or fur laying around. What I did see was a pair of big deep footprints going away from our site down into a deeply wooded ravine. The thing, what ever it was, walked upright, and had a 3 to 4 foot gait. I followed the steps for a few yards down into the ravine while my girlfriend watched. It was still deathly quiet and I had a very eerie feeling that I was being watched. The footprints led right into a thicket and I could see it was a wide path left by whatever it was. I turned and ran back up the hill, packed our stuff up in a big hurry and left. At that time I was in my early 20's. I am in my late 30's now and take my wife and kids camping all the time up here in Washington, but I do it with a new respect for nature now.","location_details":"I,m sorry , it has been 12 years. I remember it was in the Dutchmans flats area near Idyllwild. We were camped maybe a mile off one of the trail heads.","county":"Riverside County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 5253: Backpackers report screams and camp stalking near Dutchman's Flats outside Idyllwild","date":"2002-12-01","number":5253,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qj004zfr1","temperature_high":49.73,"temperature_mid":40.19,"temperature_low":30.65,"dew_point":34.6,"humidity":0.92,"cloud_cover":0.09,"moon_phase":0.91,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.45,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the evening.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":87,"wind_speed":0.79,"year":2002,"geometry":[-116.7078,33.7655]} {"observed":"I was camping with my 7 year old son on top of Mt. San Jacinto, specifically Round Valley. This was the third year we had done this and the plan was to spent the night at 9200 feet and do the peak the next day. Spend another night in Round Valley and go back down the mountain the third day. The place we set camp was on the south east side of Round Valley with some large granite boulders to give us some shelter if the wind picked up. Surrounding our camp were ponderosa and jeffrey pines and not too far away was a small stream. This was early June and there were still some snow drifts in the shaded places. My son and I had eaten dinner and were getting ready for bed. At about 10:00 p.m. we were in our sleeping bags, but still talking and planning the trip to the peak in the morning. Suddenly without warning we heard a loud, low pitched whooping call in the boulders just above us. The hair on the back of my neck stood up and my son asked me if that was a monkey and I, not wanting to deal with a panicked 7 year old, told him it was just an owl. We did not smell anything or hear footsteps. Everything calmed down and we finally fell asleep. About an hour later I heard a load boom that sounded close to the tent. I looked out the window in the tent and saw a few clouds in the moonlight so I pulled our boots into the tent in case we got a thunderstorm in the night. The next morning we got up and had breakfast, then headed for the peak. We made the peak but by the time we got back to camp my knees were swollen and sore so I put some snow in a sandwich bag for a cold pack that evening to reduce the swelling for the trip out the next morning. That night was uneventful and we slept well in the high altitude air. The next morning we got up and began to pack up for our trip off the mountain. I went up on top of the boulders to make sure none of our trash had blown away from camp and make sure everything was picked up. I then saw what had made that load boom the night before last. 30 yards from our tent on top of those boulders was an 8 inch diameter ponderosa pine snapped off at the base. The tree was still green and fresh and had no rot in it and there was no wind to speak of either night. The only explanation I can come up with is that the animal that made that whooping sound had pushed the tree over. The tree was not aimed in the direction of our tent but rather parallel the direction our tent was pitched. I don't think the animal was trying to do any harm but may have just been expressing it's dominance over us.","location_details":"S.E. area of Round Valley in the Mt. San Jacinto Wilderness Area.","county":"Riverside County","state":"California","season":"Spring","title":"Report 26152: Backpackers hear whoops and tree push over SE of Round Valley in the Mt. San Jacinto Wilderness Area","date":"2004-06-05","number":26152,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qj03unt02","temperature_high":84.45,"temperature_mid":67.43,"temperature_low":50.41,"dew_point":40.91,"humidity":0.41,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.6,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1005.28,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":12,"visibility":9.98,"wind_bearing":265,"wind_speed":1.15,"year":2004,"geometry":[-116.6329,33.81678]} {"observed":"I was hunting with a friend for wild boar in the Los Padres National Forest near Lake Cachuma, Ca. The lake runs on sort of an angle from west/northwest to east/southeast. Just above the lake when travelling north on hwy 154 is an access road leading into the forest to a point near the northwest end of the lake (probably about 2 1/2 miles from the lake). Near that point and about 3/4 to one mile away from the ranger station located there, my friend and I hunted along the west side of the road. We were both armed with high powered rifles (I had a 300 H&H Magnum with 200 grain roundnose bullets). This is rough country! We were sitting on a hillside looking down the hill when we noticed what seemed to be movement. After about 1/2 hr or so, and not seeing any more movement, we decided to go and investigate what the movement had been below us on the hillside. We crossed the trail which led into the area and went further down the hill toward the ranger station which was about 3/4 mile lower on the hillside around a bend. Nothing was observed. About 5-10 minutes later, we climbed back up the hill and onto the trail only to find some footprints. The footprints were about 18 inches long and (although we did not measure them) approximately 40 inches apart. Whatever made the prints was heavy because the prints were deep in the soil, much deeper than any person could have made (especially in that short a timeframe). The prints lead along the trail going w/nw. and were on top of our footprints where we had crossed the trail going down the hill less than 10 minutes before. We followed the prints for approximately 1 mile, but never saw anything except the continuing footprints. We finally reached a vantage point and could view the trail ahead for a mile or so. It was empty, so we gave up and returned to the car. Whatever made those prints was able to get far enough ahead of us that we could not catch up and it had to be far enough ahead to be out of view when we reached the vantage point. I do not think a person could have done this even if running. I never did see anything there but that was the last time I ever ventured into that area!","location_details":"see above","county":"Santa Barbara County","state":"California","season":"Fall","title":"Report 13236: Boar hunters find fresh footprints north of Lake Cachuma.","date":"2005-09-30","number":13236,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9q4sv7byre","temperature_high":86.61,"temperature_mid":71.785,"temperature_low":56.96,"dew_point":41.74,"humidity":0.34,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.91,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1009.02,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":9.68,"wind_bearing":175,"wind_speed":0.51,"year":2005,"geometry":[-120.0023,34.60665]} {"observed":"We have had various incidents over the past few years since 1998-2004 including 3 sightings, one amazing vocalization occasion, wood knocking, and one footprint. First I must say that I don't think a bigfoot lives real close to where I live but I do think we live within it's (plural) normal range or migration route. The first sighting was in 1998 in the winter, we are not really sure... My brother was driving home and was on our private driveway when he drove by something that he could not describe. He walked in andsaid he had just saw a bear or a big black person wearing animal fur, or a cow... Basically his mind could not fit what he saw into any specific category and he was very confused. Upon questioning him he said it looked like a homeless person wearing animal skins. He said they passed right by eachother going in opposite directions. Since our road is a graveled one lane road they must have been within a couple of feet from eachother! He told me it had just happened so we went to investigate. I was thinking there was a homeless person passing through... But then we turned a corner and I saw the footprint from about 50ft away! I was so amazed that I stopped my truck and got out and immediately took off my shoe and sock to compare sizes... I was not thinking about a bigfoot, it didn't really cross my mind until a couple of years later actually... I was still thinking it was a homeless person with huge barefeet! I'm a size 12, I put my foot inside this track... It was 4-6 inches longer and 3-4 inches wider than my foot. And it was sunk into a hard pack dirt road about an inch or more. Being 200lbs myself, I jumped around trying to make an impression an inch deep in this strata but to no avail. I couldn't sink my own track at all! I mean no inches, nada! So now I was thinking about a homeless person wearing animal skins with huge feet and that was significantly heavier than me... But there were two problems to this obvious bigfoot sighting (in hindsight)... Number one, bigfoot do not live so far south in California (or so I thought), and my brother did not come in and say, \"I just saw a bigfoot!\" So it never occurred to either of us that this was a bigfoot sighting!!! It wasn't until a couple of years later that I asked him if what he saw could have been a bigfoot and he said,\" oh yeah, that makes sense now...\" It took us awhile to put 2 and 2 together but we finally did with the help of this website. I found it while web surfing and his sighting started to make sense... Then I became more aware of my surroundings in relation to bigfoot. We live in a typical second growth redwood forest with all the typical animals that I see quite often. But I was never looking for bigfoot until now. 2004 was an exciting year. We had 2 more sightings and a very loud vocal performance! So, I was watching tv outside in the covered porch/ gazebo. If you turn down the tv you can hear all of the night sounds as if you were outside. Around 11:30ish pm I heard something so I turned the tv off. I then heard a very loud screaming roar right in front of my house. And judging from the location of the first sound I heard that was distorted by the tv, I deduced that whatever this was was walking down my driveway and was very close! It roared twice more while following the road. I was dumbfounded!!! And then I got scared... I've lived in the woods my whole life and think nothing of walking around in the dark with out a flashlight. You couldn't have dragged me outside at this point! I'm 6'3, 220lbs, and this thing sounded huge. I compare the roar to the decibel level of a siren! It just echoed off the hills. I have compared it to the recordings on this sight and it is very close to the Washington recordings, especially the one from 2005. I am so glad that my dad and mom both heard this! It just gave you the impression that it had huge lungs to make such a loud noise! But interestingly enough the last roar was ended with two very clear dog barks that I presume were mimicked... All of the dogs in the vicinty were going crazy except the dogs that were the closest to where this thing had traveled... Two nights later was the second sighting. This time it was in the front yard of my Dads house. I was leaving in my Suburban. I was just edging down the driveway when I got something out of the corner of my eye. I turned and looked at what appeared to be a large pile of redwood bark lying in the yard as if my dad had cut down one of his trees and had raked all the bark into a pile. Redwood bark is reddish... As I passed slowly by I realized that my dad had not cut down any of his trees and that there would be no reason for a large pile of redwood bark to be piled there. What I have deduced is that a bigfoot was balled up hiding from me! And it semi worked. There was a fence between us and if I were in a smaller car I wouldn't have seen it, but I was very high up in a raised Suburban so I could see over the fence. It looked as if it was on it's knees hunched over with its head on the ground and it's arms over it head. I say semi worked because I kept driving and didn't realize what I had seen until a couple of minutes later. When I went back my pile of redwood bark had disapeared. I was so disapointed because I was only about 15 ft away! The next sighting I again missed out by seconds! My wife and I were driving on our driveway and she said she had just I contact with someone... I had driven about 30 more ft and stopped. I asked her and she said she saw a dark face with deep inset eyes and a shaggy head looking at her from behind a tree. The windows of the car were still dewed up from the cold morning so I backed up and got out. I heard bi pedal footsteps walking away through the oak leaves. It was a very definitive sound... I would have followed if I was not in business clothes... So I think a bigfoot or more lives in the area. There are 60-70,000 acres near by and I believe we are in a corner of their range that they visit every once in awhile since the occurances are not everyday.","county":"Santa Cruz County","state":"California","season":"Spring","title":"Report 11162: Family has sightings and encounters in Santa Cruz mountains","date":"2004-10-01","number":11162,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9q96qxsu87","temperature_high":63.77,"temperature_mid":54.775,"temperature_low":45.78,"dew_point":50.55,"humidity":0.84,"cloud_cover":0.53,"moon_phase":0.61,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1016.41,"summary":"Overcast until afternoon.","uv_index":6,"visibility":9.97,"wind_bearing":282,"wind_speed":0.78,"year":2004,"geometry":[-121.7,37]} {"location_details":"At Lake Shasta Caverns, take tour/boat across lake then up mountain to Cavern entrance, look off to the ravine in front of you and look for skid trail of large proportion","county":"Shasta County","state":"California","season":"Winter","title":"Report 11986: Daylight sighting by guide and two tourists at Lake Shasta Caverns","date":"2001-03-15","number":11986,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9r3016zyh4","temperature_high":56.41,"temperature_mid":45.88,"temperature_low":35.35,"dew_point":34.1,"humidity":0.66,"cloud_cover":0.43,"moon_phase":0.72,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1017.45,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":4,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":256,"wind_speed":0.23,"year":2001,"geometry":[-122.278,40.7974]} {"observed":"It was about 3AM at Lake McCumber, California. I was with my mom, aunt and uncle, and my uncles son and daughter in law. My uncle and his son stayed up all night listening to the strange noise that was somewhere in the meadow. They had no idea of what animal it was, I did. I had heard this noise before. I woke up my mom who didn't want to hear it at all. I bet that the nieghbors across the meadow seen the creature, or at least heard it more clearer than us. This event happened June 26th of 2002.","location_details":"off interstate five, turn towards Dutsches RD. that is next to the outlet stores in Redding.","county":"Shasta County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4637: Family hears late night vocalizations near Lake McCumber","date":"2002-06-26","number":4637,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9r1qtgtzkf","temperature_high":89.64,"temperature_mid":73.27,"temperature_low":56.9,"dew_point":46.14,"humidity":0.39,"cloud_cover":0.08,"moon_phase":0.57,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1010.34,"summary":"Partly cloudy in the afternoon.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":212,"wind_speed":2.25,"year":2002,"geometry":[-121.7314,40.53806]} {"observed":"Here's what I encountered on 4/19/2003, at least the best that I can remember; at the Jones Valley Campground, Lake Shasta, CA. It was about 22:00, slightly over cast and very calm and quiet. In hindsight I remember how odd it was for it to be that quiet on a Saturday night on Lake Shasta. Not even insects were making any noise.I had been sitting in front of a small, almost-out fire for some time when I heard a large tree branch break about 50 yards away. It was sort of an instant 'pop' sound and the branch never hit the ground. Initially it startled me but after about 10 minutes I had just written it off as one of the normal noises that the woods make at night. Then I heard another branch break in the same fashion maybe 10-15 yards from where the first had been broken, again never hitting the ground. Within a minute or two I heard approximately 10 to 13 VERY heavy footsteps heading more or less in my direction. Then after a few more minutes had passed I heard another branch break about 10 yards from were I was. I woke up one of the other fellows that were camping with me and told him something was coming up on us and I had no idea what it was. We then heard about 3 or 4 more footsteps and that was it. My friend took up refuge in the camper at this point. I didn't see anything as it was very dark and whatever this was was in an area of trees. I have been camping in the woods since I was a very young boy and have encountered just about every type of animal there is, at least in California. This was definitely walking on two feet. I'm confident that it was not a bear because they generally don't take very long strides when they stand on two feet. Furthermore most of the bears that I have encountered in this region are black bears and not very large. I'm submitting this in hopes for an explanation. Was it a deer in season or a rabid bear or what I don't know, I'm at a loss.","location_details":"An undeveloped campground in Jones Valley, on the way into Jones Valley Resort.","county":"Shasta County","state":"California","season":"Spring","title":"Report 14323: Possible camp stalking in Jones Valley, Lake Shasta","date":"2003-04-19","number":14323,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9r1pu423fy","temperature_high":71.83,"temperature_mid":57.66,"temperature_low":43.49,"dew_point":28.44,"humidity":0.38,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.61,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1018.21,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":293,"wind_speed":1.29,"year":2003,"geometry":[-122.1675,40.75]} {"observed":"We had driven from the San Francisco Bay Area to Sierra County for a camping trip. When we arrived, our usual campground was full and we went to a less popular campground which was a few miles further down the road. By the time we arrived it was already dark and we hurried to set up camp for the night. Our intention was to camp at this campground for the night and look around the surrounding area for a better site closer to the water the next morning. Since we has children with us they had to go to the bathroom and my friend (who had spent his youth camping in the area and this campground) took the girls to the closest outhouse while my husband and I started setting up camp. They came back and everyone was talking about how horrible the area around the outhouse smelled and we laughed saying it was close to end of season and about time to clean out the vault toilets. Soon we finished setting up tents and unpacking the few things we would need for the night. I decided I should visit the outhouse and my daughter (who had already been with our friend) said she would show me the way. We set off down the trail and my husband decided to join us. We walked down the trail slowly because it was very dark and I had only brought a small flashlight that I always keep in the jeep since we hadn't fully unpacked. The outhouse was located in an area that was about 10 feet below the trail from the campground. My daughter finally found the trail down and I flashed my light down into this gullky to look for the outhouse. I found the outhouse and also found two red eyes looking back at me. The eyes which were reflected in my flashlight seemed to crouch down. I decided that I didn't need to go to the bathroom after all andmade the decision to walk back to camp rather rapidly. When we got back to camp my husband and friend decided to go back and look around with a better flashlight but found nother although both noticed that it didn't smell as bad as it had before. The next morning I got up and decided I had to go to the bathroom no matter what was there! When got to the outhouse I realized that the eyes I saw reflected back at me had stood about 7 to 8 feet off the ground. Also on further investigation we found some small trees uprooted and pushed over in the outhouse area. And most important of all, the smell was gone.","location_details":"We were in Ramshorn Campground in the upper campsite area.","county":"Sierra County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 7363: Family Encounters Red Eyes and Unusual Smells","date":"2002-08-30","number":7363,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9r4143nxnu","temperature_high":87.92,"temperature_mid":74.17,"temperature_low":60.42,"dew_point":41.57,"humidity":0.32,"cloud_cover":0.13,"moon_phase":0.74,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1010.57,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":227,"wind_speed":0.94,"year":2002,"geometry":[-120.8294,39.5575]} {"observed":"I Don't Have A Personal Story To Relate, But I Felt Moved To Share A Sighting/Video Encounter Told By A Friend. Let Me Start By Filling In The Details. Last Weekend, A Group From Our Church, Went Up Into The Mountains, Near Graeagle, Ca. For A \"Big-Boys\" Camp-Out. Sitting Around The Fire At Night, The Subject Of Bigfoot Came Up. I Asked A Friend If He Believed In Bigfoot, He Said \"Yeah\", Then Told The Group This Story: He Told Us How His Friend, XXX, Had Gone Up To Marbel, Mountain Ca. With His Family To Camp. XXX Decited To Hike Around The Area Of His Camp, And Soon Came Across A \"Hut\" With A Big Doorway In Front, And A Smaller Doorway In The Rear. Upon Closer Examination, He Noticed That The Branches Used To Make This Hut, Were Way To Big To Be Broken, And Set Into Place By A Human. He Noticed That The Inside Of The Hut, Was Lined With Fresh Pine Neddles, And Sunken In The Middle Where Something Very Heavy Bedded Down. XXX Then Went Back To His Camp To Get His New Video Camera, And His Wife And Son. They Went Back Out To The Hut And XXX Began To Film The Hut, With His Son Going In Through The Doorway, And Out Through The Back Doorway, When His Son Said, \"Dad, There He Is\" XXX Turned Around And Saw A Tall \"Creature\" On The Adjacent Ridge, With Arms That Hung Down By It's Knees, Moving From Side To Side. The Bigfoot Seemed Confused, Wondering How He Was Going To Handle These Intruders, Checking Out \"His\" Hut! XXX Leaned Against A Tree, And Filmed About 5 Minutes Worth Of Video. He Offered To Show The Video, At One Of The Gatherings We Often Have. This Sighting Happened Around The First Of July, 2001. I Thought You Might Find This Account Interesting.","location_details":"The Sighting Took Place By Marbel Mountain, In Northern California, Trinity County (I Think It Is In Trinity County)","county":"Siskiyou County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 2928: Eighteen campers find hut; videotape distressed bigfoot walking down mountain ridge","date":"2000-07-20","number":2928,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9r27q46hxm","year":2000,"geometry":[-123.1317,41.3657]} {"observed":"I was in a creeky wooded area outside of Dunsmuir, CA. I was sitting high on a side of a large hill. I noticed a bigfoot squatting down in the creek bed catching fish. He/She was about 7 1/2 foot tall and very dark colored long hair. From the distance I was at I couldn't see its face. The area was dead silent... I moved to get my binoculars and it senced me and took off down the creek bed.","location_details":"An old dirt road that goes into the Castle Crags Wilderness. Road is now blocked off.","county":"Siskiyou County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4630: Afternoon sighting by hiker outside Dunsmuir","date":"2001-06-15","number":4630,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9r343wtqxt","temperature_high":85.07,"temperature_mid":67.065,"temperature_low":49.06,"dew_point":45.26,"humidity":0.44,"cloud_cover":0.01,"moon_phase":0.8,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1017.13,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":11,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":19,"wind_speed":0.99,"year":2001,"geometry":[-122.2703,41.21361]} {"observed":"I was hunting with my close friend Chris R. in Sonoma County, CA on our family property that is adjacent to Pine Mountain. We were walking along an old camp road that had become overgrown with brush and scrub. It was obvious that bear had been using this trail as there was a considerable amount of bear sign along the old road. We got to a point in the trail where there was an overhang of pine limbs over a slight depression on the right side of the old road. Upon inspecting the depression we noticed what appeared to be a left foot print, and a right leg outstretched in the pine needle cover on the ground. We continued to survey the area, and noticed what appeared to be more tracks leading away from this overhang and depression. I took photos with a disposable camera. I have the prints, but they did not come out very clear. Which was a disappointment, but something to look at nonetheless. We finished poking around, and continued on our way. We got just a bit further down the trail, and we walked through an extremely strong smell of skunk, or wet dog-like odor. No sooner had you smelled it that is disappeared, but if you took a few steps back it was extremely strong again. I have been hunting and recreating outdoors for many years, and I am very familiar with skunk spray, and how it seems to permeate a large area. This was not simply the spray of a skunk. It was very centralized. It was literally like you walked through it, and it disappeared, then you could turn around and walk through it again. The two of us spent a few moments looking around, and we noticed, something very peculiar. In the middle of the trail and not far from this smell, and the foot prints we had seen, was a large pile of oak acorns. The strange thing was there was not an oak anywhere near this pile of acorns! They seemed to have been placed in this location. They were not a collection of shells from squirrels, they were fresh dropped acorns. Enough to hold a hungry deer, or two for a little while. We theorized that whatever had been hunkered down under the pine overhang in the depression may have placed these acorns, then set up under the overhang off of the trail in ambush. Our intent was to walk to the back of Pine Mountain, then still hunt our way up to the top of the mountain. We had used this road for years to access the back of the mountain, and we were very used to the topography, so anything out of the norm would be noticeable to us. Chris and I team hunt very well together and after a short strategy chat, decided to use a 50 step method: one of us would go 50 steps, stop and whistle to let the other hunter know it was their turn to take 50 steps, and then just watch and listen. We were approximately 130 yards apart. The ground was covered in heavy and dry leaf litter so the going was somewhat noisy. I had gone nearly three quarters of the way to the saddle at the top, and I heard what sounded like a whistle, but not the whistle I recognized as Chris'. I also heard what sounded like a very large boulder break loose and roll down the back of the hill. I had assumed that Chris had rolled it down hoping to kick something out, but based on the last whistle, this rock was rolled from that area, and seemed to be 60 yards to my right, when Chris would have been twice that distance away from me. I though that maybe he had gotten closer to me as we made our way up, but that would not have been the case in the past. We work very well together and spacing is everyhting on our team hunts. We got to the top of Pine Mountain, and we had a discusion and he told me that he thought I had rolled the boulder, and vice versa. I told him about the whistle, and he told me the exact same thing. He also had this overwhelming feeling of being followed up the hill. Like something was timing it's footfalls so as to not be detected. I have to admit, I felt this way too, even more so after the discussion about the boulder.","location_details":"Dry Creek Road comes off of Highway 29 out of Middletown, Dry Creek Road goes into the back country through much privately owned land, to our ranch. Our property is adjacent to and North of Pine Mountain.","county":"Lake County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9648: Hunters have strange experiences and make an unusual discovery.","date":"2002-08-13","number":9648,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qbsryhx4g","temperature_high":86.39,"temperature_mid":70.195,"temperature_low":54,"dew_point":50.53,"humidity":0.59,"cloud_cover":0.53,"moon_phase":0.19,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1011.41,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":10,"visibility":5.85,"wind_bearing":188,"wind_speed":1.02,"year":2002,"geometry":[-122.7,38.75]} {"observed":"While camping in the Sierra, several members of our group were awakened by repeated screams very similar to the Klamath and Washington State sound files at bfro.net. I first heard the eerie bellowing screams at 4:45AM and they continued until 5:05AM, followed by another short series soon after . I thought it was over for the night until a short series of screams began at 6:30... from a different direction. The vocalizations were grouped in a pattern of 4 or 5 \"blasts\" (lung-fulls?) with a (resting?) pause of a few seconds followed by another series of 4 or 5, a pause, and so on. This continued with only slight variation for 20 straight minutes; then the two other series mentioned above. While my wife says her heart was \"beating like crazy\", I was simply astonished. I've been interested in the bigfoot phenomenon for more than 30 years, so I had tears in my eyes as I paid close attention to this almost indescribable sound. To my thinking there are only two possibilities to explain these nocturnal screams: 1) Someone playing high-fidelity recordings at high volume at 4:45AM, or 2) A sasquatch was screaming out at night in the forests of Calaveras County. Either way -- MANY other campers had to have heard what we did.","location_details":"We camped at Big Trees State Park, 3 miles or so up from Arnold, in the North Grove campground. Our two campsites were adjacent to the highway.","county":"Calaveras County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 3021: Campers hear early morning screams near Calaveras Big Trees","date":"2001-08-18","number":3021,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qf3wz1yhw","year":2001,"geometry":[-120.2867,38.27194]} {"observed":"Three successive screams starting from about 50 yards away, moving away to 100 yards, then finally about 200 yards away. Each scream was about 1 second in duration with almost identical characteristics.","location_details":"Starting from Big Meadow Campground heading down to the river, we camped about 100 yards from the river.","county":"Calaveras County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 8226: Campers hear late night screams near Arnold","date":"2003-08-07","number":8226,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qf3tk11vu","temperature_high":79.57,"temperature_mid":66.185,"temperature_low":52.8,"dew_point":48.78,"humidity":0.6,"moon_phase":0.34,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":262,"wind_speed":1,"year":2003,"geometry":[-120.3536,38.25472]} {"observed":"This happened yesterday: My wife and I were exploring some forest land northeast of West Point, Calaveras County, CA yesterday in our 4x4 and on foot, scouting for deer. Near dusk we set out a picnic next to a creek. About 15 minutes after sunset a long howl came up the canyon from downstream. It was loud enough to hear over the noise of the creek five feet away. In between the howls there was deep toned \"jibberish-barking\" noise, almost like two deep voiced men talking at the same time. It did not sound like humans, but we couldn't rule it out, until another howl answered from up on the ridge behind us. Howls were exchanged from the creek valley to the ridge us and we were in between! This ruled out humans making odd howls and \"jibberish\". The next thing we noticed is the cows that were grazing downstream all started heading upstream, away from the howl. We could monitor their movements from their cow bells. We decided to pack up and high-tail it out of there, leaving right at dark. Our departure route followed the creek downstream towards the source of the first howl. As we neared where the howl came from, a buck bolted across the logging road in front of us, fleeing the creek bottom where the howl came from. It was bolting up the hill before it noticed our vehicle. There are a few undeveloped creek access areas along the road and we looked at each one as we drove out, confirming no one was in there. A week earlier (last weekend), as we were leaving the area during a previous trip, my wife stopped her 4x4 because someone/something whistled from the woods. The whistle was loud and nothing like any birds she'd ever heard. The kids heard it, too. (I was following her in a Jeep). Upon arriving home we listened to our \"Sierra Recordings\" CD's and the audio files on the BFRO site. The howls were just like the Ohio recording and the distant \"ridgetop\" howls on the Sierra Recordings CD, and the whistling was just like the whistling on the Sierra Recording's CD. i also noticed lots of (dozens) broken trees and photographed some a few weeks ago. I'm undecided as to the cause of their breakage. This area is very easily accessible, with logging roads through-out and only about 25-30 minutes out of West Point, CA. Parts of the area are currently being logged, with miles of fresh, very fine dust perfect for finding prints. Much of the area has been gated off for about 4 years and is now open due to the logging.","county":"Calaveras County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9051: Family hears strange sounds near West Point at dusk","date":"2004-07-24","number":9051,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qf63q777k","temperature_high":94.92,"temperature_mid":79.665,"temperature_low":64.41,"dew_point":44.09,"humidity":0.29,"moon_phase":0.24,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":255,"wind_speed":0.39,"year":2004,"geometry":[-120.5264,38.39917]} {"observed":"At our home south of South Lake Tahoe, we have been hearing tell-tale screams for the last three months. I have several recordings of these screams, and have been in coordination with three of the curators involved with the BFRO for northern California. Suffice it to say that almost nightly, we have been witness to a resounding number of screams/wails which have not been attributable to coyote nor other \"known\" forms of animal call/sound. The sounds have occurred from 9:00pm through 7:00am in the morning on a consistent basis. I have made several recordings, mostly from my bedroom window. We have made several all-night forays into the forest in an attempt to capture the sounds. My brother and I have made extensive backpacking trips into the wilderness surrounding this area in an attempt to pin down the most likely locations for activity, and we feel we have narrowed it down very well (based upon our normal reception of sound and habitational demographic...) I have found tracks in this area which i have photographed as well as \"beds\" with torn branches/etc. which may very well be attributable to bear activity, although the screams at night are definitely not. Areas in question are well off of the beaten path. Description: A mournful wail. Sounds like a locator beacon (like a sonar \"ping\") usually answered by another of lower pitch, and both seem to converge at some point--after which both cease to sound. We (my brother and I) have noticed coyote howls interspersed with the \"other\" sounds. We have thoroughly explored the areas surrounding our location, some of which our dogs refused to enter. We've camped out all night with bait, only to give up and head in to hear them after we've been tucked away for a good thirty minutes--leaving us dead tired with no \"substantial evidence\".","location_details":"south of South Lake Tahoe","county":"El Dorado County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 147: Sound reports from resident in South Lake Tahoe","date":"2000-06-15","number":147,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9qftmxwg46","temperature_high":87.97,"temperature_mid":64.875,"temperature_low":41.78,"dew_point":45.01,"humidity":0.56,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.46,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":12,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":1,"wind_speed":2.58,"year":2000,"geometry":[-119.9833,38.93333]} {"observed":"Well me and my friend were hiking through the sierra nevadas until we heard a walking through the brush. I wasnt sure what it was but when i looked to my left i saw this big hairy creature it smelled as a garbage can. It had yellow eyes and was walking away. I tried to get a picture but it was moving in and out of trees. Later on in the night we heard a moving noise outside. my friend said it was a deer but i think it was the creature.","location_details":"You take a hike from wrights lake to desolation wilderness and from their at lake schmidel","county":"El Dorado County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 913: Hikers see creature in Desolation Wilderness","date":"2000-07-01","number":913,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9qft2wvrsm","temperature_high":69.21,"temperature_mid":51.32,"temperature_low":33.43,"dew_point":30.57,"humidity":0.54,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":12,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":206,"wind_speed":5.22,"year":2000,"geometry":[-120.205,38.93]} {"observed":"During the second week of July 2000 my son (16 years old then) and I had backpacked into the northern part of Desolation Wilderness from the Loon Lake Trail head in Eldorado County, California. Desolation is located in the El Dorado National Forest. To get to the trailhead you take Hwy 50 east out of Placerville and turn off on the Crystal Basin Lakes Road. Follow this road about 20 miles to Loon Lake and the Desolation Wilderness Trail head parking lot. From the trailhead we hiked into Rockbound Lake and camped near the outlet of the lake which goes down to Buck Island Lake. We stayed there for four days. This is a place that we backpack into quite often and are very familiar with the area. We usually set up a base camp at Rockbound and then day hike and fish at several lakes in the area as well as the Rubicon River. Desolation Wilderness is just west of Lake Tahoe and the Pacific Crest Trail. On our third night there we sitting in camp. We had fished until dark and it must have been about 9:30 or 10:30PM. It stays lite very late in the summer and we usually fish until dark. At that time we heard a very loud scream that came from the northeast shore of the lake. A few seconds later we heard two more loud screams that came from the same direction. These screams were very loud and not like anything that we had ever heard before. My son and I have both heard mountain lions scream before but these were much louder and very high pitched. We knew that the screams were to loud to be a bird and really didn't know what they were. At that time we didn't even think that it may be a bigfoot. We had both heard about Bigfoot but it wasn't something that came to mind when we heard the screams. Shortly after the screams we went to bed and didn't hear anything else. The next morning I got up just before daylight so we could pack up and hike back to Loon Lake before it got to hot. My son was awake but still in our tent. At this time we both heard the biggest loudest roar that was nothing like we had ever heard before. This roar came from the south end of the lake. My son quickly got out of the tent and we just started to ask each other what it was when there was another loud roar from across the lake. About ten seconds later there was another loud roar from way up in the Rubicon River canyon which was about 2 miles away. This roar was muffled because of the distance but was still loud enough to hear. About five seconds later there was another loud roar that came from where we had heard the screams the night before. Five seconds later there was a very, very, loud roar that came from about 50 yards or less behind our camp. At that time my son and I turned and ran over a small hill behind our camp to see if we could see anything. The area behind camp was fairly open with alot of granite and brush and a few trees. At that time we really didn't know what we were looking for but we thought that we might be able to see something. We hiked around the area and over to a snow pond but didn't see or hear anything else. At that time we returned to camp, packed up our stuff and started to hike back to Loon Lake. On the hike back we talked quite a bit about what we had heard and were joking that it was probably several bigfoots communicating with each other. I guess we really didn't want to believe that we had heard a bigfoot but we both knew that there is no other animals in the woods that can make the type of screams and roars that we had heard. A few days later I drove back to the El Dorado National Forest Ranger station at Camino, Calif. and asked a couple of employees at the counter if they had ever had anyone report hearing any loud roars or screams in the Desolation Wilderness area. One of the employees told me that someone else had reported hearing some loud screams a few weeks earlier. I then told the employees what my son and I had heard and one of them said it sounds like a bigfoot to me. They also told me that there was someone at that office who takes reports on possible bigfoot happenings and I left my name and number but never heard from anyone. Over the next couple of years my son and I had told several people about what we had heard but really didn't find anyone else who had heard the same thing. Most people we talked to had no reason not to believe us but really had no idea how loud the screams and roars were. By this time we both began to believe that we had heard several bigfoots communicating with each other but really had no way to prove it. A friend of mine then told me about the BFRO Wedsite and we logged on and found out that there were other hikers that had reported actually seeing a couple of Bigfoots in the Desolation Wilderness not very far from where we had camped. We talked about submitting a report but never got around to it. A couple of months ago the same friend gave me a video tape of the Discovery Channel show about Bigfoot. When I heard the recordings of Bigfoot screams I knew then that we had heard the exact same thing. The only difference was that the screams we heard were louder. Probably because we were actually hearing them naturally and not on a tape. About a month later my son was able to view the Bigfoot video and when he heard the screams he said, Dad thats exactly what we heard. We listened to them several more times and agreed that we would submit a report. There has never been any doubt in our minds that the screams and roars we heard could not have come from any known animal species that lives in the Sierras. We both wanted to believe we had heard a Bigfoot but really had nothing to compare it to until we heard the screams on the Discovery Channel video tape. My son was raised in the Sierras and I have lived there for 20 years so both of us are quite familiar with the local animals and sounds. I am also a wildlife biologist and know that the sounds we heard could not have come from a bear or mountain lion. We both now believe that the sounds we heard came from several Bigfoot type creatures or at least an animal that has not currently been identified.","location_details":"See above report.","county":"El Dorado County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6130: Hikers hear strange screams in the Desolation Wilderness","date":"2000-07-10","number":6130,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qfmzgk6x9","temperature_high":76.95,"temperature_mid":58.955,"temperature_low":40.96,"dew_point":42.78,"humidity":0.62,"cloud_cover":0.13,"moon_phase":0.32,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Partly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":10,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":258,"wind_speed":0.67,"year":2000,"geometry":[-120.2392,38.99778]} {"observed":"Well about 2 years ago, I heard strange noises while camping at Suger Pine Campground. I heard \"whooping\" sounds and long \"wails\" coming from the forest behind me. They scared me, so I ran into my trailer with my dad and step mom. I didn't know that this could be a Bigfoot until just last week end, when I found out that I was going to be camping this summer at Smith River (I heard that the most recent sighting was 8 months ago). I came to this website and read about the sightings in the Sugar Pine area and heard the Bigfoot screams. I realized that was the sound that I heard and it was in fact the famous wails and whooping sounds of sasquatch! Bigfoot does exist! The next year (2001; I go every year) I found what looked like humungus human tracks but with only 4 toes (I am not positive they were related to Bigfoot though).","location_details":"It was thick and foresty, lot of tall pine trees.","county":"El Dorado County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 3822: Campers hear nighttime vocalizations at Sugar Pine Campground on the west side of Lake Tahoe","date":"2000-07-31","number":3822,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qfte7bpgs","temperature_high":90.21,"temperature_mid":72.28,"temperature_low":54.35,"dew_point":41.34,"humidity":0.39,"cloud_cover":0.26,"moon_phase":0.03,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Partly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":10,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":288,"wind_speed":0.37,"year":2000,"geometry":[-120.0914,38.9575]} {"observed":"On Saturday night Sept 23, 2000 (last night) my wife and I were on our way back form dinner and were driving south on HWY 89 just south of Tahoma (west side of Lake Tahoe), about 100 yards north of the Sugar Pine Point State Park Campground turn off when my headlights illuminated what appeard to be a furry animal crossing the road. When it saw our vehicle approaching it began to run from the center of the road to the other side into the trees as we passed. The general motion was from right to left heading west to east toward the lake form the campgroud area. The strange thing was that it was clearly not a bear or any kind of four legged animal. It had a distinkt two legged run as I would expect a human to have, but was covered with hair (or fur) that was much longer than that of other furry animals and had a rust colored hugh to it. It ran slightly bent over and had medium hight (5-6'). It happened too fast to make out special features like feet, hands or the shape of the head. I could only see the running form of the body. The first thing that I thought was that it looked like a big foot, but was hesitant to suggest that to my wife. She in her exitement pointed to it and began to say \"look at the bear\" but stopped up short. I told her that I didn't look like that to me. She was the one who suggested that it really looked more like a Sasquatch, and at that point I know that we had both seen the same thing. A few reflections: 1. I would prefer to believe that it was just a prank by some fun seeking camper, but it was very real. This animal did not run or move as I would expect a human to run or move. What we saw was not a prank. 2. I can't think of a reason why anyone would go to that much work to fool a motorist for no apparent reason. 3. I have been a bit of a sceptic until yesterday, but we saw what we saw. I've been unable to find any other expanation for it. 4. As one might expect, we were unable to get a photograph and will have to live with our rememberance. I hope that this may help you or other who are keeping track of sightings.","location_details":"West Lake Tahoe just north of Sugar Pine Point State Park Campground","county":"El Dorado County","state":"California","season":"Fall","title":"Report 353: Night sighting by two motorists near Lake Tahoe","date":"2000-09-23","number":353,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9qfte7bpgs","temperature_high":64.52,"temperature_mid":44.145,"temperature_low":23.77,"dew_point":31.37,"humidity":0.64,"cloud_cover":0.33,"moon_phase":0.85,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":7,"visibility":8.25,"wind_bearing":328,"wind_speed":1.63,"year":2000,"geometry":[-120.0914,38.9575]} {"observed":"It was a clear night. There was a full moon and it was about 10:00. We were camping out in Sugar Pine State Park. All of the sudden, there was a loud whooping noise. It sounded close by. Then, we heard a loud crunching, like branches breaking. It couldn't have been a bear, it was too big. In the morning, we saw some footprints by our tent that were about 12-16 inches long. They were much too big to be a bear's. We still dont know what it was, but we are about 90% sure it was Bigfoot.","location_details":"At the Sugar Pine Campground next to Lake Tahoe.","county":"El Dorado County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 3794: Campers hear more nighttime vocalizations at Sugar Pine Campground, on the west side of Lake Tahoe","date":"2001-08-01","number":3794,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qfte7bpgs","temperature_high":79.67,"temperature_mid":58.885,"temperature_low":38.1,"dew_point":39.14,"humidity":0.52,"cloud_cover":0.11,"moon_phase":0.43,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.41,"summary":"Partly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":11,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":200,"wind_speed":2.93,"year":2001,"geometry":[-120.0914,38.9575]} {"observed":"My husband and I were out quading up by Stumpy Meadows, that is up out of Georgetown, California. I have lived in that area for roughly 40 years. I have smelt some awful smells up there in the woods. This day my husband and I rode down this one road and found out it didn't go anywhere, so we turned around and rode back out. I went out ahead of him, I got far enough ahead that I couldn't see him when turned to look to see if he was following. Anyway I stopped to wait for him. I thought I smelt someting dead, or like something peed there more then once. It was a really strong smell. My first thought was a bear. While I was sitting there looking around I got this wierd feeling that some one was watching me. I was really getting scared, I always carry a 44 mag with me, so I figure I can be pretty much safe when I'm out there, but not this time. I decided to go find my husband, as I started my quad up I heard a branch break. I'm still thinking bear, but the smell was awful. I started to pull away and I looked down and there over the tracks we made earlier going down the road were the biggest footprints I have ever seen, then I knew that was no bear. I took off, I got about ten feet down the road when my husband pulled up. He looked at me and said what's up?, you see a snake? So I showed him the tracks. Now my husband is the type of guy that would have to be knocked down by a bigfoot before he would believe. Then still he would say it was something else. He said that because the road was so dusty that the prints looked larger then they actually were. He said he didn't smell anything but a faint smell of something dead. I wanted to believed him. I never went back to that area again.","location_details":"Down one of the many cow trails that lead away from Stumpy Meadows Lake.","county":"El Dorado County","state":"California","season":"Fall","title":"Report 11948: Quad riders find fresh footprints, encounter overwhelming stench near Stumpy Meadows","date":"2002-09-07","number":11948,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qfm25wvyn","temperature_high":71.56,"temperature_mid":60.3,"temperature_low":49.04,"dew_point":29.1,"humidity":0.36,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.03,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1012.69,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":8,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":251,"wind_speed":0.92,"year":2002,"geometry":[-120.5764,38.91185]} {"observed":"My wife, my two children, and I were driving on Hwy 50, west bound, leaving South Lake Tahoe at 9:55 PM. We just passed the agriculture inspection station in the town of Meyers, CA, when both my wife and I saw simultaneously a large animal crossing the road about 100 yards in front of us. I thought it was a bear but wasn't sure. So I asked my wife. Her response was most unusual. She said that she saw it walking on two legs and that it looked like a monkey, about 5 1/2 feet tall, with light brown fur. She has better eye sight than me so I questioned her further. \"What else did you notice,\" I asked, very curious. She said that it had walked rather slowly, across the road, and that it was definately an animal, like a monkey, and walked like a monkey would walk. It disappeared into the trees, before we could get close enough for a better look. I wanted to turn around and look some more but my wife didn't want to. So we kept driving. That's when I had a chance to question her more. My wife has had Laser surgery on her eyes, and I wear corrective lenses, which, most unfortunately I wasn't wearing at that moment. This is why she was able to see better than me.","location_details":"\"It\" crossed Hwy 50 close to Upper Truckee River. I can pinpoint the location because Hwy 50 crosses Upper Truckee River. I know the area well, I want very much to look for tracks in this area. But I live in Sacramento and I'm too busy right now.","county":"El Dorado County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6639: Couple have night sighting near Lake Tahoe","date":"2003-07-20","number":6639,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9qftj12yp3","temperature_high":83.43,"temperature_mid":70.63,"temperature_low":57.83,"dew_point":50.54,"humidity":0.51,"cloud_cover":0.08,"moon_phase":0.73,"precip_intensity":0.0043,"precip_probability":0.54,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.88,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":11,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":224,"wind_speed":0.33,"year":2003,"geometry":[-120.0133,38.85556]} {"observed":"The weekend of August 16th my family and I went camping on Union Valley lake. We had three tent sites about a 100 yards from the shore. On Saturday night my 2 year old son had trouble sleeping and kept me up. I'm guessing it was around 1 or 2 am because of where the moon was. About 200 yards to the south of our site in the woods this very loud and drawn out scream rang out. I immediately stopped moving to try and see if I could hear any movement. Then, from the west across the cove, the same sound responded. The scream from the west continued at least 15 to 20 times. There were other campsites and I remember seeing someones shadow as they walked to the bathroom. The screams got louder and the individual hurried to the bathroom letting the door slam behind him. The screams stopped and did not return. My wife and two kids slept through the whole thing which surprised me considering how loud the scream was. The next morning I asked my father-in-law and my wife's uncle, who were in the other sites, if they heard the screams. Both them and their wives heard them as well. My father in-law, and my wife's uncle thought it might have been a group of coyotes, but we all agreed that we never heard anything like that before in our lives. I can usually immitate any sound, but this scream was impossible for me to mimic. It was too loud for me to do. I have listened to all of the audio that I could find and the recordings in Pallyup Washington are similar.","location_details":"Campground on Union Valley Lake. From Highway 50, take Ice House Road and follow for at least 12-15 miles into the hills. Some of the areas around the lake looked like it had been destroyed due to a fire a few years back.","county":"El Dorado County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6868: Campers hear late night screams near Pollack Pines","date":"2003-08-17","number":6868,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qfk8021ry","temperature_high":91.24,"temperature_mid":76.205,"temperature_low":61.17,"dew_point":41.28,"humidity":0.31,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.68,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":10,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":246,"wind_speed":0.33,"year":2003,"geometry":[-120.5856,38.76139]} {"observed":"I am posting this report after several months of trying to dismiss what I saw as a bear or other common animal. I have come to the conclusion that what I saw could only have been an unknown animal such as Sasquatch, as the behavior and curiosity of the animal does not match any animal I am aware of, yet is consistant with Sasquatch descriptions I have read on this and other web sites. I had heard recent reports of black bear sightings becoming more common in the Pollock Pines area and that the bears are extending their range from the Rubicon/Desolation Wilderness area south to Pollock Pines. Two black bears had recently been hit and killed on Highway 50 about 3 miles north of my encounter. All this talk of bears in our area is what led me to initially conclude that what I had seen was a bear. Approximately 5:30am sometime in early fall I was travelling northbound about 45mph on Sly Park road heading toward Highway 50. It was almost completely dark, there was some light starting to become visible, there where no other vehicles. I rounded a sharp corner to the left going downhill when my highbeams hit a large animal on the left side of the road, it was standing on two legs and was facing to the left. It appeared to be grabing at something in the trees in the front yard of a residence. As soon as my light hit the animal it quickly turned 180 degrees to it's right in a twisting motion going down on all fours and proceding to run on all fours to the other side of the road. The right side of the road had thick brush which at that time appeared to be about 3 feet tall. The right side of the road also opens into thick forest land. Upon first seeing the animal I slowed down to about 25mph to be sure this large \"bear\" got across the road without me hitting it. As I drove past the location where the animal had entered the brush I looked out the passenger window and to my surprise I saw it's face in the brush looking right into the window only a few feet away. I saw large reddish brown eyes, a large brown head and a dull black (not shiny) area that would have been the nose. I did not see ears and since it was looking straight on, I was unable to discern a flat or pronounced snout. In retrospect the face appeared to convey an emotional look of concern or panic. During the encounter I did not consider the animal to be anything other than a bear until several minutes later when I thought it was odd that the animal would cross the road to escape then stop just inside the brush to watch me pass. I would think a Bear would continue to run into the forest. Even with this curious behavior I continued to assume it had been a bear. I was shocked into reconsidering my expanation a few weeks later when road crews cleared the brush away revealing that the brush was growing on a drop off that was 5 feet lower than the road, making the brush 8 feet tall. This would rule out the animal being on all fours while looking into my passenger window. The animal had to have stood up again immidiately after entering the brush to reach the hight required to look into my window, that would place the animal at approximately 8 feet tall. Is it likely that all the behavior I have described can be attributed to a bear, not likely in my opinion.","county":"El Dorado County","state":"California","season":"Fall","title":"Report 8595: Man has early morning sighting near Sly Park","date":"2003-09-01","number":8595,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9qfk2118qq","temperature_high":92.39,"temperature_mid":77.83,"temperature_low":63.27,"dew_point":41.29,"humidity":0.3,"moon_phase":0.18,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":106,"wind_speed":0.08,"year":2003,"geometry":[-120.5836,38.72139]} {"observed":"I wanted to comment on your report case #8595. My parents live in Sly Park. They are at the edge of the National forest. I have heard sounds late at night along with my brother who lives there. Last summer was the last time. But more importantly I have some photo's that I would like you to see. I have heard that Bigfoot often times will mark their territory or paths that they travel on.","county":"El Dorado County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 8650: Brothers hear unusual, late-night vocalizations near Sly Park","date":"2004-05-10","number":8650,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qfk283t01","temperature_high":58.15,"temperature_mid":49.76,"temperature_low":41.37,"dew_point":35.64,"humidity":0.61,"moon_phase":0.72,"precip_intensity":0.001,"precip_probability":0.62,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":168,"wind_speed":1.14,"year":2004,"geometry":[-120.5619,38.71806]} {"observed":"i went fishing with my girlfriend at stumpy meadows last winter. we been up their about five days out of the week. early in the morning we would arrive try to get the line in the water as much as possible. the rest of the time i would be looking for gold. we mostly stuck around the dam and the spillway. my gold fever and wanting to catch a trout with my fly poll got me to wonder down along the spill way. the hole time i couldnt shake the bad filling i had well we had. it was the hair on the back of your neck being watched felling. i was at the vary bottom of the spillway in the middle of the stream standing on a rock fishing. my girlfriend was about twenty feet away panning. she said something lick lets get otta here somethings watching us. i told her i was catching it for awhile now to. so we climbed out of our little spot and onto a service rode that ran along the spillway. the hole time rubbernecking left right and especially behind us .some thing was putting the creep on us and was getting closer. we were walking as fast as you could without running or looking like you were scared sh**liss .but we both knew if one or the other broke and made for the car you might be last. so we held our ground and walked as casually as could be. i informed her that something was up on the other side of the spillway the hole time we were their watching us. and it was keeping pace with us as we made our way up the steep road. the thing behind us came from down bellow us on the same side of the stream and it was following just far enough not to be seen. we would stop it would stop. im a native american from auburn, and some of my relatives live in foresthill. and ive spent many nights with my cousins hunting though hills. Ive been followed by mountain cities a couple times. so i know the experience when thats the case. this was not the case sadly, if you were there you could say sadly, i would much rather a cat follow me somehow. but just in case it was a cat driving us or not. i told her to lock and load. that usually does the trick for the hiby jibys but not this time. the things present made my firearm fill like it was a rubber band and folded paper, and extra weight for when she bolted before me to the car. the last twenty feet to the car was easy. the thing had stopped about seventy feet before the car i stood watch as she loaded the car in record speed. a inflatable two man canoe four fishing poles ice chest, tackle, fit in the back set of my camero some how in thirty seconds. we pulled out of the entrance way and on to the road in the middle of the dam. it was dark by now no cars nothing all day. we got out to gather ourselves and unload and put away the pistols, while she did that i walked back towered the spillway something big and black came up and around the spillway and up the other side of the hill were the other thing was. i was about one hundred feet from were they were. i didnt feel the fear as before. in a gap between some cwaycky brush one large thing and two smaller things followed. i yelled hey loudly. the things gurgled some what back at me. they kept this up as they walked up over the hill from me. it was some what like four quick gereag gereag gereag gerags, than lick two than a couple more. than they some what repeated the same sequence again. all the while walking up over the crest of the hill, into the darkness. it reminded me of a mother giving me a tongue lashing or her children one after a close call. well thats what i related it to, but what was fact is it was talking something. im not to certain on the right number of individual words there were but it definitely was in some sort of sentence structure, stopped than repeated again.","location_details":"the dam or reservoir, what ever you call it, has a road running over the top of it. coming from gorgetown going to loon lake you would start going over the dam before you cross it you go over the spillway. a big cement canal runs down the back of the dam down into a cannel. on side has a shear face the other has an access road leading down along the spillway to the bottom. a maintenance road you might say. but at the top of the road has a gate with a lock. but its enough to park a car of the road. if a ranger came we would of surly gotten a ticket.","county":"El Dorado County","state":"California","season":"Winter","title":"Report 11656: Couple Has Early Evening Encounter Near Stumpy Meadow Reservoir","date":"2004-11-01","number":11656,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9qfjrd5k76","temperature_high":58.25,"temperature_mid":48.965,"temperature_low":39.68,"dew_point":23.92,"humidity":0.45,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.65,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1025.26,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.93,"wind_bearing":85,"wind_speed":1.08,"year":2004,"geometry":[-120.6033,38.90333]} {"observed":"We were at Lake Tahoe the first week of may this year - 2005. While walking on the beach looking for pretty stones, my friend noticed this print in the beach gravel. What really caught our eye was the depth of the print (3 inches) and how the stones on the bottom had been incredibly compressed as if done by a great weight. Other prints were visible, but not as good as this one. We were south of Tahoe City, and north of Sugar Pine Campground.","location_details":"We were south of Tahoe City, and north of Sugar Pine Campground.","county":"El Dorado County","state":"California","season":"Spring","title":"Report 11837: Man sees and photographs large print on shore of Lake Tahoe","date":"2005-05-05","number":11837,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qftehkn7q","temperature_high":45.75,"temperature_mid":40.535,"temperature_low":35.32,"dew_point":37.23,"humidity":0.87,"cloud_cover":0.99,"moon_phase":0.92,"precip_intensity":0.0069,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1009,"summary":"Light rain in the morning.","uv_index":6,"visibility":9.26,"wind_bearing":220,"wind_speed":1.47,"year":2005,"geometry":[-120.0969,38.96]} {"observed":"I used to live in Camino, CA and would go up into Desolation Wilderness as often as I could. The trout fishing was really incredible and it left a wonderful lasting memory with me. Since moving from the area, I hadn't been there in several years. I talked to a friend of mine about going up and camp overnight and do some stream fishing. He agreed and also invited another friend along for the ride. We got up there in the early afternoon and hiked upstream from Wright's lake and then set up camp. A couple hours later a ranger came by and informed us that we hadn't actually made it into Desolation Wilderness yet, and that we needed to keep hiking for a while. We broke camp and then the 2 guys that were with me, suggested that we go into Placerville and get a room. Apparently they weren't up to camping and fishing after all. I said no thanks and that I wanted to come up here, to come up there and fish, not go party somewhere in town. So they left and I went up the hill farther. The ranger had suggested a great camping and fishing location, but because it was starting to get later in the afternoon, there was no way I would make it all the way before dark. He gave me a general location of where it could be found and what trails to take to get there, but when most of the area is large (football field size) sheets of granite, the trails are only marked with stacks of rocks and they are few and far between. I ended up getting lost a bit, but I could hear the stream flowing over rocks to the north of me. I walked in another half mile or so and located the stream. Below me about 35 feet down a granite cliff was a stream that did have a pool in it, right on the tree line. I thought what a beautiful place that would be to have a campsite and then picked my way down the steep cliff side. I set up my camp directly next to the pool and also with the treeline and some very dense woods about 6 feet away to the north. The pool was on the east side of me. I started fishing as soon as my tent was back up and had a gorgeous finish to a very nice day. Then after it got dark, I climbed into my sleeping bag looking to the east to the Crystal range, I think it is called, and watched as the glow of a full moon worked it's way up over the top of the granite mountains. Once it was over, my day was complete and I decided to go to sleep. That was at 10:30 pm. As I started to drift off to sleep, I heard what can only be described as a very low rumbling growl. When I go into a wilderness area, especially a place I know has bears really thick, I always carry a handgun with me. On this occassion it was a .45 compact. When I heard the growl, it really scared the crap out of me, because it was so close. I jumped up, with my .45 in hand and looked out the top of the screen mesh on the tent. I could see a dark mass about 4 1/2 feet tall, right at the edge of the tree line, 6 feet from my head. I yelled some really loud obscenities and started climbing out of my tent. Once I was clear of the door I brought up my pistol and fired into a dead tree a few feet away from what I thought was a big black bear. As soon as the pistol went off, it turned and ran back into the brush, but it didn't seem to go very far and that concerned me. Bears will usually run like heck and for a long time when they get a shot that close. This seemed to go maybe 50 feet or so into very thick brush. I could hear it thrashing about as it moved deeper into the trees, but then it just stopped. It all went quiet for about 15 minutes or so and then I tried going back to bed. Shortly after I started hearing what sounded like somewhat large rocks, hitting in the water, just above the pool I was camped beside. It would happen every couple of minutes or so. It was the sound of not only the splash, but also of the rock hitting other rocks, submerged in shin deep water. That \"cracking\" sound. This really concerned me, thinking the \"bear\" may be circling my campsite and trying to get at me from a different angle. I got out out my tent on several occasions, and was trying to see if I could make out any movement on the other side of the stream but nothing. I usually keep a small flashlight in my tackle box, which I had, but it was one of those small \"shake it\" and it charges up the cell and lights up for a few minutes. Not much of a flashlight really and worse yet, the handle is clear and so when I would turn it on, the handle would light up too, actually making it harder to see. I had a full moon though and the area is surrounded with stark white granite slabs, and so except in the darkest of the woods, I could see pretty clearly. This went on like this until 2:00 am. That was when I got another \"visit\". I didn't get to see it, this time, but I heard movement really close to my tent again, same place as the first time, and when I yelled at it, I got a return of something that sounded like an \"Ooof\" \"Ooof\", but really deep sounding. I jumped out of my tent again thinking I was going to see it again, but didnt. Still, I put another shot into the dead tree and off it went crashing through the brush again. Again it only went about 50 feet back. There was something odd about the way it sounded when it was running too. I didn't catch what it was though until I listened to the footsteps of a bipedal walking from your site here. It was only on two feet!! It concerned me enough to realize that it didn't sound like a 4 legged animal at the time, but I didn't know what was different until I heard your recordings. Anyway, still thinking I was dealing with a rogue bear, I started trying to figure out what it wanted with me. Was I camped on it's trail to the water? Was it used to finding food in tents? Desolation is a very high traffic place. This particular place was a ways off the trail and it didn't appear to have much in the way of hikers. Hikers usually leave some kind of sign, trash, fish hooks, something to say that they were here before, but this place was very clean. So I decide to take my sleeping bag out of the tent and move over to the middle of this big slab of granite that I am on. There is about a 4 foot tall ledge facing the woods where all the activity was going on. But now the treeline is 50 feet away and not 6. Figuring this would give me some advance warning if I got charged. The rocks kept flying, and I kept trying to sleep with one eye open, hoping the sun would come up soon, and checking my watch all night long. Then \"she\" showed up. It was 4:40 am and something woke me. I heard movement at the tree line again and I looked to where it all started from. I didn't see anything but then I looked at my tent. Standing right next to my tent was the \"creature?\". My tent is about 4 feet tall maybe a little less and what I saw was more than twice as tall. At first I couldn't see any features, just the outline. Then it took a couple of steps towards me. I almost pee'd my pants right there. I picked up the .45 and took a shot off to the left of it. It stopped and looked at me. Then it started walking towards me again. It was very fast. I don't mean that it was running, it's just that the steps were so big, the distance was closing very fast. Had it been a bear, I would have shot it immediately, but honestly, I don't think my .45 would have been able to stop it. One shot would definitely not killed it or stopped it in its tracks. Then as it was approaching me, I took another shot, but this one much closer. I could see it very clearly at this point and yes I did pee my pants. The second shot made her stop again, and then she took off running to the northwest through an area of mostly granite slab and dotted with scrub pine. This was the last time I saw her. She ran off out of sight at great speed. I stayed up the rest of the night until it got light enough for me to hike back towards Wrights Lake to the South West. For the remainder of the darkness I pretty much stayed put with the ledge to my back and my gun in my hand, and shaking in my skin. I have not been able to sleep right since then, and for the next couple of months after the incident, I couldn't sleep at all. Everytime I closed my eyes, I would hear the growls and the rocks splashing and then see her coming at me. I would be willing to take someone back up there to show where it happened, but only during daylight hours. I have been a hunter and fisherman most of my life and have seen what I thought, was every animal in the woods at one time or another. Nothing like this has ever shown it's face before, and I hope it never does again. There was another incident however. On December 13th, 1992 up in Snow Mountain Wilderness area, above Elk Creek California. I would be willing to talk to someone about this also.","location_details":"trail from Wright's Lake to Enchanted Pools","county":"El Dorado County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 15821: Backpacker's moonlit encounter near the trail from Wright's Lake to Enchanted Pools","date":"2005-08-20","number":15821,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9qft06d3s8","temperature_high":75.45,"temperature_mid":62.795,"temperature_low":50.14,"dew_point":43.04,"humidity":0.55,"cloud_cover":0.02,"moon_phase":0.54,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1018.87,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":10,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":248,"wind_speed":0.99,"year":2005,"geometry":[-120.2201,38.86165]} {"observed":"After fishing small stream off Ice House Rd. and driving back on Wentworth Springs Rd. just past Stumpy Meadows campground I stopped at the overflow concrete runway on the dam. I looked to my left to the lake area that is roped off for the runway. It was just starting to get dark between 8:30pm - 8:45pm \"I checked my watch after the incident.\" I felt the urge to put my cordless spotlite on and look to my right down the concrete runway giving it a quick glance my urge told me to look to the left into the trees, that is when I saw a pair of the biggest red eyes glowing back at me that I have ever seen. We watched each other for 2 minutes it then moved sideways and it was at this time I could see it's outline in the fading light. It was standing upright as it moved behind a tree, when it moved there was another pair of red glowing eyes but much smaller, I must rephrase and say shorter than the original outline.","location_details":"I was heading towards Georgetown and stopped on the dam at Stumpy Meadows where the concrete overflow runway is.","county":"El Dorado County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12518: Fisherman has an evening encounter with two upright figures near Stumpy Meadows Lake","date":"2005-08-23","number":12518,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qfjrd4nqp","temperature_high":87.64,"temperature_mid":74.015,"temperature_low":60.39,"dew_point":38.11,"humidity":0.3,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.65,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1007.49,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.98,"wind_bearing":230,"wind_speed":0.48,"year":2005,"geometry":[-120.6049,38.9037]} {"observed":"There were three of us hiking through the rock creek area of the Ansel Adams Wilderness. Michael discovered the tracks and brought them to our attention. The tracks were heading in a northern direction across this large meadow. The tracks were eighteen and one half inches long and had a width of eight inches. Some of the tracks were up to three inches deep. The stride varied from four feet to six feet in length. There were over twelve tracks that were idenafiable. Then to our surprise we found a broken branch next to one of the footprints that had three hair samples clinging to the bark. We have no results from the hair samples because we lost two of the hairs and we only have one in our posession at this time.","location_details":"Area is remote and very few hikers travel through this area.","county":"Fresno County","state":"California","season":"Fall","title":"Report 5418: Hikers find footprints and hair near Huntington Lake","date":"2001-09-22","number":5418,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qe5y9zdpn","year":2001,"geometry":[-119.235,37.23167]} {"observed":"I was hunting at sample meadow above Huntington lake, I had just walked through a marshy area and had gotten into some dense pine trees when I spooked two deer up and I got a glimpse of them as they ran through the trees. I stopped and was motionless for a couple of minutes when I heard a loud expulsion of air and a branch snapped behind me in the thick pine trees I had never heard anything like that before so I froze and did not move, and about one minute later I heard the same sound from a little farther away and then the next time I heard it, it was closer and to the north, this happened about six times each time it was in a different location like it was trying to see what I was and scare me off. The last time I heard it sounded like it was right behind me and I flinched then it must have seen me I heard it running away from me through the trees making the same noise and breaking limbs as it was running off. I stood in the same spot for about five minutes and did not hear it again. I walked out of the woods to my truck where my dad was waiting for me and we drove about a mile down the road to a campsite to eat lunch. At lunch I told my dad what happened and described the noise and he thought it might have been a buck grunting it sounded good to me since I never heard a buck grunt. So we decided that the buck might come back to that spot. So we ate lunch and drove back to the same spot. We hiked in and at the marshy part I told him to go in the direction that the deer ran to and I would try to spook them out again I waited for him to get out of site then I walked toward the pine trees, I got to the pines trees when I seen three does running in my direction toward the grove of trees in front of me, just before they got to the trees I heard the same noise again the expulsion of air and a branch break it spooked the deer two of them ran downhill and the last one ran uphill right at me it stopped within ten feet of me but it never seen me it was so frazzled by what it saw it stopped slowly turned around and tried to see around the tree to what had spooked it. It stood there for about one minute oblivious to me it then slowly turned around and started walking right at me it got within five feet of me then I flinched my arm so it would see me before it walked into me, it startled it so bad the deer fell down on its side did a spin on the ground and jumped up and ran the other way when it got around the tree and down about twenty yards I heard that noise again. The deer ran down and to the south and I seen it stop about 150 yards away through a clearing it would look at me then it would look at where the noise came from, it looked back and forth several times then it slowly walked away. I then followed where the deer had ran to see what was making that noise I walked very slowly came around the tree and about thirty yards down the tree line I saw a large figure with black hair sitting under a large pine tree sunning, it had large shoulders four to six inch hair but you could still see the muscular definition of its chest and shoulders there was a fallen tree blocking my view below its waistline. But we locked eyes and stared at each other motionless, it had dark eyes I could not see any white, I could see the hair on its head blowing slightly in the breeze, I didnt see any facial hair just a very dark skin face like an ape, after looking at each other for about a minute I wanted to get closer but the fallen tree was in my way so I took a step to my left to go around and when I got out of its site I heard it get up and bound through the trees making the same noise as it ran away from me the loud expulsion of air and breaking branches as it ran off.","location_details":"Near Keiser pass east side of sample meadow","county":"Fresno County","state":"California","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9296: Hunter has daytime sighting near Huntington Lake","date":"2001-10-25","number":9296,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9qe5z60x1k","year":2001,"geometry":[-119.2119,37.23389]} {"observed":"Camped at Jackass Meadow just below Florence Lake. I was tired from a long day of fishing and driving to Lake Edison, so I ate and fished a little more and retired for the evening. It was a full moon out and everything was really calm for a campground. I went to bed in my tent fairly early and woke up several times during the evening. Every thing was quiet and I got up to store my food in the bearboxes around camp. I didn't hear anything or see any thing when I was awake. I went back to bed and nodded off. I awoke again from my sleep to a noise that I had never heard in the mountains. It was late, and everyone to my knowledge was asleep. The noise was coming from the east of the campground i'd say approx. 1/2 a mile to a mile. I would say that it sounded the same as someone blowing through a conch shell mixed with and large mammal of some sorts. I heard the noise two times after I awoke in five second intervals, right after one another, and then silence. It was fairly loud and I knew that it was off in the distance because there was no other noise in the woods. I have been camping/hiking/and mountaineering all over the West Coast and I have never heard anything like that sound.","location_details":"Jackass Meadow campground, on the outskirts of camp.","county":"Fresno County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12165: Camper hears nightime vocalizations near Florence Lake.","date":"2005-07-24","number":12165,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qekhfwyn6","temperature_high":82.84,"temperature_mid":66.235,"temperature_low":49.63,"dew_point":46.41,"humidity":0.51,"moon_phase":0.63,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":11,"wind_bearing":276,"wind_speed":1.17,"year":2005,"geometry":[-118.9614,37.2804]} {"observed":"On the day of the incident, a co-worker and myself where sent to close the Port-Orford-Cedar gates for the winter season. Both of us are Forestry Techs and worked for Six Rivers Nat'l Forest (Seasonals). As the day progressed and gates were closed we decided to take lunch at the Onion Lake area. Once we got to the lake we had our lunch and rested in our own way. I decided to walk around the lake to take my mind off things. About half way round the lake I spotted something strange in the water, up the lake embankment, and into the forest. I called to the co-worker. We saw Bigfoot tracks that lead from the water into the forest. I ran back to the truck and got a measuring tape and ran back to the tracks. The tracks measured 14\" long 5 1/2\" wide. The distance between the tracks were 3'. We wrote down the track details in our IDEA pads (pocket note books) and then left the area to finish our work day. We decide not to tell our supervisors because we thought our bosses would not believe us.","location_details":"Depending where you are coming from - Take highway 96 to the Fish Lake Road (13N01), follow the road till you see a sign saying Onion Lake. For better directions call Orleans Ranger District (530) 627-3291.","county":"Humboldt County","state":"California","season":"Fall","title":"Report 4043: Forest Service employees see footprints in Six Rivers National Forest","date":"2001-11-01","number":4043,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9r252h9ru7","year":2001,"geometry":[-123.7481,41.37861]} {"observed":"During the last week of June, my girlfriend and I decided to take the dogs on a long walk. We were driving up the coast planning on a beach walk when I decided to go to a area on redwood creek where my friend had heard some unusual and scary whistles and screams. He is a very experienced hunter and outdoorsman with a degree in wildlife biology and he had never heard anything like it. Anyway, we were walking up the north bank, where the trails are, when I decided to cross to the south bank to check out some sandbars. I loaded up my girlfriend on my back and waded across. We then continued upstream a shortways when we came across three distinct footprints. They were approximately 14 1/2 inches long. I measured them with a stick that I saved. I compared them with my own barefoot track for depth and they were nearly twice as deep. I weigh about 280 lbs. I was surprised that they weren't wider, they were almost narrow for their length. I at first thought they were human because of this. The best print had 5 very distinct toes and was flat, no arch at all, with toes straighter across than a normal human. It appeared that it had just leisurely walked into the creek. I scoured up and down for an exit point but the terrain wasn't suitable for tracks other than the odd sand bar. The strides were about 4 feet. It had come across a packed gravel bar leaving a few faint impressions. Nothing else observed.","county":"Humboldt County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 8234: Couple see large prints near Orick","date":"2003-06-28","number":8234,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9prfbup3c5","temperature_high":99.86,"temperature_mid":79.295,"temperature_low":58.73,"dew_point":51.44,"humidity":0.4,"cloud_cover":0.31,"moon_phase":0.97,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1011.11,"summary":"Foggy starting in the evening.","uv_index":10,"visibility":7.89,"wind_bearing":305,"wind_speed":1.22,"year":2003,"geometry":[-124.0586,41.28694]} {"observed":"Last Sunday (November 16, 2003) My friend, my dog and I traveled from Portland, OR to Northern California for some late season backpacking. We stopped at the Aikens Creek campground (West of Orleans, CA and just west of Bluff Creek on HWY 96) at approximately 6:00pm, as it was too late to hike in anywhere that evening and the Six Rivers NF website listed it as one of the campgrounds open through November. As we neared the pay station a sign deferred us to render payment directly to the campground host, and as we approached the host's site it became clear that the site was vacant with just a few small items left behind. So, we took the liberty to drive in and explore the portion of the campground that was open. Driving near the Southern edge (nearest to the Klamath river) we smelled a pervasive \"skunky\" odor, but thought nothing of it at the time. Eventually we pulled into a campsite (second or third from the entrance at the foot of a large hill). Our intent was to get out of the pickup (leaving the dog inside), get on our rain gear and set up the tent as quickly as possible, as it was already quite dark and raining. Just after donning my rain gear, however, I heard some distinct \"hoots\" from within the woodline which were decidedly not owl-like nor quite human-like, but could be most accurately likened to those of an ape. I asked my friend if he had heard that, but he had not, as he had two hoods pulled up over his head. I quickly scanned the woodline with my head lamp, seeing nothing out of the ordinary through the dark and rain. We began setting-up the tent when I heard it again. \"There.\" I said, \"Did you hear it that time?\" \"No.\" he responded, but he did pull his hoods down. Shortly thereafter we both heard another set of \"hoots\". \"What do you think that is?\" he asked. I have had a casual interest in the Sasquatch phenomenon since childhood and find its existence to be scientifically plausible. I am also quite comfortable in the wilderness, having spent much of my life in the outdoors from Alaska to Costa Rica professionally, academically and recreationally, but I never honestly expected to experience anything first-hand with such a creature. So, being educated and reasonable, I declined to respond. As we continued, we began hearing other noises. First we heard \"whacking\" sounds of wood against wood (more probably stick against tree). Perceiving this \"hooting\" and \"whacking\" as a less-than-friendly display, we became a little nervous and contemplated leaving; but curiousity and the dread of packing up, moving to an unplanned location and reconstructing in the dark, while already soaked; compelled us to stay. So, we continued constructing the tent between periodic scans of the area. The \"whacking\" continued and we noticed it would come from different locations in short sequence (too short for one individual to move from point A to point B). Again my friend asked: \"What do you think that is?\" I gave the guarded response: \"I'll tell you what, I've spent alot of time in the woods and observed alot of animals, but I've never heard anything like this.\" I assume he read through the evasion to the meaning of my response, given the ubiquitous usage of the word \"Bigfoot\" , and images thereof, in the surrounding communities and some casual conversation we had had on the subject during our drive. Shortly before turning in for the evening, I heard a short series of what sounded like heavy footsteps on the rocky terrain of the hillside, in the rhythm of a two-legged walk. Turn in we did, however, with senses piqued and dog tucked securely within the tent. We slept intermittently and restlessly hearing sounds throughout the night. Most frequently we heard the \"whacking\"; most regularly a rather hollow-sounding report originating from a point some distance to our Northeast and up the hill. We would, however, periodically hear closer and clearer \"whacks\" from varying locacations to our general Southeast; once hearing a disturbingly close and firm \"whack\" from our South/Southwest. I awoke, once, at approximately 3:00am and heard distinct, single-note \"whistles\" from the general direction of the distant, hollow \"whacking\" which were, again, decidedly unbirdlike, yet not quite human. Soon thereafter we were all startled upright by a \"crack\" followed by loud rockslide, terminating distressingly close to our location. My friend informed me he had heard two other, smaller slides earlier that night. After all was quiet for some time (except the perpetual \"whacking\") we eventually slumbered down again, awakening to sunlight and (finally) quiet surroundings. In the daylight we observed that the hillside was quite steep, rocky and slightly parabolic in shape, and the rock slide ended up in our South adjacent campsite, leading us to conclude that: 1. Inspection of the hillside would be dangerous and turn up little or nothing in the way of footprints; 2. Sounds could have originated from well up the hill and carried down the \"amphitheater\" hillside; 3. If it were people playing a prank, they must be extremely dedicated to risk their lives negotiating that hill in the dark and rain and to wait in the woods any given night for the off-chance campers might come by in November; 4. Though rock slides may naturally occur there on occasion, they certainly must not occur on the order of three a night or someone would implement measures to ensure no one camp in that location; 5. Maybe that \"skunky\" smell we had encountered just previously was not a skunk. At any rate we drove on the next morning to the Willow Creek Ranger's Office (making no mention of the events) to inquire as to open trails. We were instructed that much of the back country road system (and corresponding trails) was closed due to the Port-Orford Cedar Root disease, but that we could drive into the Horse Linto Creek area and hike along the closed roads. We took that advice and spent the next five nights uneventfully. We decided to return to Aikens Creek for the final night (Saturday, Nevember 22) to take advantage of the open, flat space to dry wet equipment and see if we could observe anything further. We picked an open site midway between the foot of the hill and the highway, layed out equipment for drying, then decided to day-hike somewhere nearby. We drove up Bluff Creek Road to its closure at the road junction to Fish Lake then hiked 1.6 miles down that road. I payed close attention to the steep clay roadsides, and once noticed what could have been a partial footprint of a large, humanlike foot from the heel (about 4\" in width) to a point about 6\" forward (and perceivably midway along the length of the foot. I found, however, no other footprints or enough context to draw any real conclusion about the impression. That night, back at the campground, we kept a large campfire and kept some down and dead cedar boughs nearby to throw in for quick brightness if needed. At one point , my dog suddenly barked and charged towards the trees at the edge of the campground just below the freeway. I halted him and went to investigate, but found nothing unusual. Though better prepared we neither saw nor heard anything further that night. We returned home however with a new awareness.","location_details":"Aikens Creek campground, immediately West of Bluff Creek on HWY 96","county":"Humboldt County","state":"California","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7452: Campers Hear Unusual Evening Sounds","date":"2003-11-16","number":7452,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9r24d4duvm","temperature_high":51.63,"temperature_mid":49.66,"temperature_low":47.69,"dew_point":45.18,"humidity":0.84,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.74,"precip_intensity":0.0178,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1017.86,"summary":"Light rain throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":6.86,"wind_bearing":150,"wind_speed":0.28,"year":2003,"geometry":[-123.6581,41.23528]} {"observed":"I have spent a lot of time in the woods. I was a climber for ten years and I have heard it all out there. This was different. I was with my sons. We all wanted to camp in a bigfoot area, so we we went to a campground near Bluff Creek. We were all in the tent and in our bags, the camp had settled down and all of a sudden there was a whoop! They were loud as if behind us, in succession whoop whoop bah-whoop!! And it seemed that there was more than one, I estimate three, one to the left of us, one behind us, and one off in front at a distance. Also, something either took a large step or jumped off something, and it was big. The one behind us would call first and the one off in the distance would call back. The one to the left would whoop once, but the one behind would whoop three times and the others once or twice. At the start of the whoops would be almost a pucker or click sound. I figure the one behind us was the lead because he would call out and they would answer. After about ten minutes the lead creature started to move off with the one to the left towards the other. I wanted to look out the tent but my youngest was with me who is 6 and was real scared, because the calls were so loud. I stayed with him and did not get to look till it was over. I found no evidence in the morning, but earlier that day I noticed there were markings on a tree that was not made by a bear, almost as if the bark had been picked off. I have always followed this phenomenon and believed there was a possibility. This solidified everything.","location_details":"[Location specifics removed]","county":"Humboldt County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 13362: Possible vocalizations near Bluff Creek","date":"2005-07-02","number":13362,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9r249vkdtj","temperature_high":80.58,"temperature_mid":65.31,"temperature_low":50.04,"dew_point":49.31,"humidity":0.61,"cloud_cover":0.58,"moon_phase":0.88,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1016.99,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":9,"visibility":7.74,"wind_bearing":286,"wind_speed":1.05,"year":2005,"geometry":[-123.6667,41.25]} {"observed":"This was a vocalization by an unknown animal. The following event happend on the second night of a two night deer-hunting trip. The woods were alive with animals and fresh sign -- scat (bear and deer); prints (bear, deer and cat). We were both in sleeping bags and in a small two-man tent since 2000 (mainly because the temperature dropped so quickly and it was the warmest place to be). Sometime after 0000 and before 0400, my hunting partner and I were woken out of a sound sleep by these sounds. The clear, cold air in the mountains makes it difficult to estimate the distance of the vocalizer (s). I would guesstimate .5 to one mile -- far enough away that neither of us felt \"threatned\" enough to get situp with our pistols. Number of vocalizations: 5; within seconds/minutes of each other. First vocalization: from the northeast. Second vocaliztion: 5 seconds or less after the first vocalization; from the northeast. Third vocalization: 10 seconds or less; farther away (fainter) than the first two vocalizations; from the east/northeast. Forth vocalization: 5 seconds or less; farther away (fainter) than the first two vocalizations; from the east/northeast. Fifth vocalization: 1-3 minutes after the forth vocalization; closer (slightly louder) than first two vocalizations; from the south. Description of sound: Unknown. Myself, hunting partner and other hunters spoken to the following morning are undecided as to what made the sound. Possibly a cat, bear cub (why would it be out at night?)...sound variously described as resembling a seal, though higher pitched and faster; somewhere between a coughing growl and a scream. We joked that it could have been bigfoot, except we were too far south. After checking your site, I find I am in error! After the trip, and having just watched the special on Discovery Channel (?) I checked out your site and some of the recorded vocalizations -- they were enough to put the hair up on the back of my neck; very close to what we heard. I am glad I didn't listen to them before the trip!","location_details":"Piute Mountain region of the Sequoia National Forest, located 20 miles southeast of Lake Isabella. Our campground (Saddle Spring) was located 5.7 miles north of Piute Peak (campground). The coordinates of our campsite were 35 31.185 N, 118 24.748 W; at an elevation of 6,866 ft.","county":"Kern County","state":"California","season":"Fall","title":"Report 5251: Hunters hear, and possibly see, a strange creature near Lake Isabella","date":"2002-10-26","number":5251,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9q7dm4bqvv","temperature_high":58.11,"temperature_mid":49.415,"temperature_low":40.72,"dew_point":37.98,"humidity":0.66,"cloud_cover":0.14,"moon_phase":0.67,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1010.86,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":5,"visibility":3.98,"wind_bearing":231,"wind_speed":0.69,"year":2002,"geometry":[-118.6078,35.56805]} {"observed":"I am a long term seasonal with the US Forest Service. I do know the different tracks the wildlife leaves behind. What I and a co-worker saw was not a typical wildlife track. On this day, we decided to go to the Piute Mountain to cover illegal OHV trails. As the day was going we covered 5 illegal trails around the Landers meadow area then decided to head for the Weldon and Woolstaff meadow area. As we were heading towards the Weldon Meadow area a rancher stopped us to ask if we saw some of his cattle. Are reply was \"No, if we see them we'll let you know.\" Never found them. At Weldon meadow we stopped for lunch and this was are next area to work. During lunch, the co-worker went to do a little exploring. After about 10 minutes the co-worker yelled to me to come and see and ID some wildlife tracks. These were not wildlife tracks. We saw what looked something like a human foot track but, it was way to big with a slight distortion in the toes. The tracks measured about 16 inches long and 7 inches wide. The tracks looked like the ones I saw last year at the Six Rivers National Forest. I snapped a picture of the track and looked to see wher the tracks were going. The tracks followed the barbed wire fence. The meadow area is used for cattle grazing. The co-worker asked me what it meant. I said, \"It's possible that Bigfoot was looking for food or was heading for the spring at the end of the fence.\" We then proceeded to do are work so that we could finish this area and head for the other area. We finished and headed towards the Woolstaff Meadow Area. Once down there we proceeded to do are job. While working on the project, I spotted the same tracks that we saw earlier. The tracks cut across the trail and headed towards some rock outcroppings. This was enough to spook my co-worker and so we left the area. Back at the office the co-worker told what we saw and was laughed at. I didn't tell them that I snapped pictures of the tracks. I too would have been laugh at.","location_details":"From Lake Isabella - head east on hwy 178 to Kelso Valley Rd. On Kelso Valley Rd - travel 17 miles to a dirt on the right hand side. There you should see a small wood sign saying \"Claraville 10 miles, Landers 8 Miles\" etc., etc. Take the dirt road (27S02) past Claraville and go another 2 miles to French Meadows (28S27). Follow the road to a sign pointing to Weldon Meadow or Steve Springs. First site is Weldon Meadows (28S27A). After that go down towards Steve Springs (28S27 then to 28S25 then to 28S24). Go past Steve Springs and head to Woolstaff Meadow (28S24 - Lowest gear or 4 WD - not for low riding vehicles). When you come to a split in the road - take the left road. Follow the road for about a 1.5 mile +/- (You'll pass the Dry Meadow Trailhead). At the end of the road, you'll walk up a south facing slope for about a 1/4 mile +/- (this is the second site).","county":"Kern County","state":"California","season":"Fall","title":"Report 5294: Forest Service employees see big footprints near Lake Isabella","date":"2002-10-27","number":5294,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9q7f50y9st","temperature_high":58.97,"temperature_mid":46.39,"temperature_low":33.81,"dew_point":32.37,"humidity":0.75,"cloud_cover":0.15,"moon_phase":0.7,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":213,"wind_speed":0.1,"year":2002,"geometry":[-118.3356,35.51222]} {"observed":"While deer hunting my father in law and I had become lost while following a game trail we took a short cut from one hill to the next and had crossed a ravine at the bottom as we crossed the ravine we found another game trail as we followed this trail I noticed large 14 to 15 inch human type foot prints impressed deeply into the trail these track led down a hill until the terrain became to difficult to follow.","location_details":"Location is north of golf meadow on top of mount breckenridge as for the exact location of tracks to difficult to be exact we were lost however i will be making an attempt to relocate the area.","county":"Kern County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6854: Deer hunter finds possible footprints on Mt. Breckenridge","date":"2003-09-07","number":6854,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9q79tt7nku","temperature_high":77.25,"temperature_mid":60.87,"temperature_low":44.49,"dew_point":44.84,"humidity":0.54,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.4,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1011.87,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":287,"wind_speed":2.01,"year":2003,"geometry":[-118.5821,35.44986]} {"observed":"I cannot say this is a Bigfoot event. I did not SEE what was happening - I only HEARD it. I was outside early one morning in June, 2005 - around 0600 - when I heard perhaps three dogs start to bark. They were perhaps two or three blocks away (the forest is very near there) when they began. This went on for a couple of minutes until the dogs began to bark louder and more fiercely. Then I heard a very loud howl, which certainly didn't sound like any dog I've ever heard. It reminded me of a Gibbon call in the zoo; more ape-like than dog. The dogs continued to bray, and the howler got louder and tended to drown them out. It did not sound like a fight but rather, a bunch of animals having a verbal argument over their respective territories. This went on for several minutes - perhaps 5 - until the animals grew tired of their noisy discourse. It presently stopped. I did not see any of my neighbors out and about so am not sure who if anyone else heard this. I am not a believer in Bigfoot per se, but since being up here and that episode, I have to wonder.","location_details":"I live near Susanville California in a small community just off Eagle Lake Road (which branches off Highway 36 about four miles west of Susanville proper) surrounded by the Lassen National Forest. It is a mountainous pine forest, above 5000 feet in the northern Sierras. My community is about a 2 - 3 mile drive through Lassen forest up Eagle Lake Road from Hwy 36.","county":"Lassen County","state":"California","season":"Spring","title":"Report 15039: Possible vocalizations heard by resident near Lassen National Forest","date":"2005-07-12","number":15039,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9r4nh2wg5v","temperature_high":91.83,"temperature_mid":72.04,"temperature_low":52.25,"dew_point":42.82,"humidity":0.4,"cloud_cover":0.02,"moon_phase":0.19,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1016.04,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":11,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":241,"wind_speed":1.1,"year":2005,"geometry":[-120.7413,40.43298]} {"observed":"Last night, Jan.16,2005, I took my dog outside for a little walk. We live on 2 acres in Redwood Valley, CA. It was dark and about 6:00 with a mod. overcast sky, the moon peeking through the clouds. We have a small dog that will usually bark in response to any other dog barking in our area. Houses are well-spaced on our rolling hillside that's covered with a mix of oak and pines. From Hwy. 101 looking west, you see very few houses on our hillside. Anyway, as I was walking I could hear this very unusual \"animal\" sound unlike any I've heard before. It was NOT a dog howling and I'm not even sure how to describe it. We have coyotes and mountain lions and the sound would not fit the description of their cries or calls either. It had a yelling/howl quality that lasted about 5 seconds , would break off and then resume about 15 seconds later. I went in the house to get my husband so that he could hear the sound. My dog was not barking which is really unusual because he's inclinded to bark at dogs or other unfamiliar sounds. None of the dogs on our hillside were barking either which seemed odd to me. I was kind of scared . My husband came out and listened. His initial response was, \"Anyway, it's on the other side of that hill.\" I said, \"It's not a dog, and our dog is not barking at it.\" He agreed it was strange but wasn't concerned. Soon thereafter, a dog could be heard barking and our dog started in with his typical barking response. The unusual sound stopped and I didn't hear it again. This is not the first time we've heard unusual sounds that we can't identify. We woke up one night hearing whooping sounds outside the house that I can't connect with any animal I'm familiar with. My daughter has also heard whooping sounds on the same hillside where we heard the unusual sounds last night. My teenage son heard whooping sounds last summer in the manzanita to the north of our house. We had an odd experience last summer. My college aged son and his friends were imitating \"Big Foot\" sounds that they'd heard on the internet . It was about 11:00 at night when they were fooling around , loudly imitating the sounds. About 1:00 AM, that same night, we were watching a video and we heard a scratching at the window. We all thought my son was outside trying to scare everyone. All of a sudden , water was splashing all over the side of the house. A water sprinkler pipe outside the window had been snapped off, and water was geysering out of the pipe. My son walked out of the bathroom and it turned out he'd been in the house all along. No one had been outside and we still wonder how the pipe was snapped off. Whatever had been scratching at the window had apparently broken the pipe. We all wondered if it was a response to the Big Foot calls that the guys had been making. Anyway, here's a synopsis of a few incidents. We decided to post these after last nights occurrence of the strange, unidentifiable call.","county":"Mendocino County","state":"California","season":"Winter","title":"Report 10279: Family hears unusual calls","date":"2004-01-16","number":10279,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qbrm9hzv4","temperature_high":52.37,"temperature_mid":48.6,"temperature_low":44.83,"dew_point":43.3,"humidity":0.86,"cloud_cover":0.96,"moon_phase":0.81,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1017.15,"summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.96,"wind_bearing":325,"wind_speed":0.99,"year":2004,"geometry":[-123.15,39.25]} {"observed":"This past Sunday, 5/23/04 at 10:30 am, we found strange foot prints in the muddy parts in the road along Murry Range, Covelo CA. The print did not resemble bear tracks. These tracks where longer and had no claw imprints in the mud. After taking pictures of several different foot prints with a tape measurer, we started to look around for other sign. We did not see any thing but more foot prints and a smaller version of the foot print.","location_details":"North of Hwy 162 on Murry Range on the lower road. This was reseravation land.","county":"Mendocino County","state":"California","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8735: Hikers Find Multiple Tracks Near Covelo","date":"2004-05-22","number":8735,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9r06w6y6sd","temperature_high":71.03,"temperature_mid":56.825,"temperature_low":42.62,"dew_point":44.67,"humidity":0.62,"moon_phase":0.11,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":180,"wind_speed":0.41,"year":2004,"geometry":[-123.115,39.83]} {"observed":"Re: Our Bigfoot encounter in California My wife and I have had two incidents over the year, including vocalization and wood knocking. We are San Francisco City people, artist; not hunters. We are not used to the outdoors or accustom to the forest and nature and the shock of fresh clean air. The first encounter was on Tuesday evening, 8/16/05 at 5:17pm on highway 128 in the Redwood forest. We were on a vacation, driving west on 128 and heading towards Fort Bragg, CA. Once we entered the state park, we stopped and parked to smell the fresh air. I marked the time, because I was shooting with my digital camera. We walked into the forest, on a trail, and were having a great time, enjoying our time alone. There was little traffic or noise from the road. The forest was quiet and powerful. We have lived in the center of San Francisco for 15 years, and were stunned and amazed to experience the silence and peace of the Redwoods. As we got deeper into the woods, about 20 minutes, I started to get uneasy; feeling like someone was watching us. The digital photos my wife took of me show my concern, the longer we stayed. Then we heard it. It was a growl-grunting. Just above the hearing of my ears. I would described it as infra-sound- a deep sound that was low in pitch, deep, almost inaudible. My body felt it more than my ears. It threw me in a panic. The fear in me rose fast. I looked at my wife and she was feeling the panic. We both looked around. We could not tell the direction. We could not see anything in the thick woods around us. It could have been a bear or a wolf. But my instincts said no. I did not know what it was. But, the \"vibe\" message was becoming clear- GO AWAY NOW! Predators do not warn-they ambush-right? My wife looked at me and said Did you hear that? I said Yes. She said, Lets get back to the car. I said Good idea! It was a weird feeling. We were stunned and mystified as we ran back to the car. We drove away nervous and excited about what happened. On our way to Fort Bragg, CA, we were talking about the experience. Was it a bigfoot? Did we have a Bigfoot encounter? We felt something special had just happened. We had to learn more about bigfoots. Over the year, I became obsessed with bigfoots. I read as mush as I could about the Sasquatch, Yeren, Almasty, and Yeti as my time permit. My wife became obsessed also. Together we decided to go back to those redwoods and try to make contact with the forest giants. We made it back to highway 128 on Monday 9/4/06. Something told me to pull over at a different spot. As soon as I got out, I had the DV video camera running. On the camera my wife tells me to make my Whoop-Whoop Bigfoot call, into the redwood forest. As soon as I did, the camera records wood knocking and tree breaking. Soon the smell of a dead animal/skunk filled the air. The sounds and smells go on for about three minutes, then stops. I could tell he moved away after my calls to him, inviting him to be photographed. We left the redwood forest, excited about our contact. My wife wants to see a bigfoot. I do not want to see him. I hear that many people die or have very bad luck after seeing a Bigfoot. Remember Dr. Morbius from the movie Forbidden Planet? Maybe Bigfoot is the ID, coagulated from the quantum soup of our collective unconscious mind. Maybe, Bigfoot is us.","county":"Mendocino County","state":"California","season":"Fall","title":"Report 15782: Possible intimidation/interaction heard by couple on two occasions in route to Fort Bragg","date":"2005-09-16","number":15782,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qbnnzwyuw","temperature_high":74.17,"temperature_mid":63.605,"temperature_low":53.04,"dew_point":48.95,"humidity":0.65,"cloud_cover":0.41,"moon_phase":0.45,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1018.65,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":7,"visibility":8.48,"wind_bearing":327,"wind_speed":3.81,"year":2005,"geometry":[-123.4439,39.06583]} {"observed":"I heard a very strange, and very eery (stand your hair on end) kind of \"howl\". I know it was no coyote, wolf or mountain lion as some would like to convince me of. Just what it was I don't know but I know it was not very far away from me. I couldn't see what it was or exactly where it was. I live in Alturas, Ca. I have no idea exactly what I'm supposed to put in this report but I've not heard this \"howl\" again. When I heard this, I was going down to close my gate. My dog (pit bull) came with me as always but stopped about half way down the hill. I called him but when we heard this \"howl\" for the second time he turned and ran to the house and when I got back up the hill, he was as far back in his dog house as he could get. This is strange for him as he thinks he is the worst thing in the community and really not afraid of anything. I don't know what else to tell you except it was really an eery kind of howl and not anything like I've ever heard before. We have a lot of dogs in this part of Modoc Estates and at that particular time, not even one was barking like usual.","county":"Modoc County","state":"California","season":"Spring","title":"Report 2255: Woman hears late night howl near Alturas","date":"2001-03-30","number":2255,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9r6k1082tf","temperature_high":60.82,"temperature_mid":42.83,"temperature_low":24.84,"dew_point":29.19,"humidity":0.62,"cloud_cover":0.01,"moon_phase":0.19,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.94,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":9.69,"wind_bearing":330,"wind_speed":2.52,"year":2001,"geometry":[-120.5414,41.48722]} {"observed":"I was in Mammoth Lakes, Ca. on a weekend trip playing softball. It was a Sunday night. My roommate, my brother and myself were the only ones to stay that night. It was around 1:30 in the morning, when my dog woke me up. She was whining and pacing in the tent. I was trying to calm her down when I heard this sound. I am a serious bigfoot believer and visit the BFRO site often. The sound I heard, which I recognized immediately, was exactly like the HOWL recordings on the BFRO website. When I heard this howl, I instantly sat up. I listened for about 20 or 30 seconds when my brother suddenly sat up and said \"what the hell is that?\". I said I wasn't sure because I didn't want to sound crazy by saying it was bigfoot. The howl went on for another minute or so. When it was over, my brother said \"I have never heard a noise like that. What was that?\" That's when I told him I think we just heard bigfoot. I have since played the recording of the HOWL back to my brother, and he agrees that is what we heard. My roommate never woke up so he never heard it. The entire time the howl was going on, my dog was really freaking out. I know in my heart, I heard bigfoot that night.","location_details":"As you get off highway 395 to go to Mammoth Lakes, you will come to a stop light. Right before the stoplight, there is a campground on the right called Shady Rest Campground. We were in the group campground area.","county":"Mono County","state":"California","season":"Spring","title":"Report 2942: Brothers hear late night howl in Mammoth Lakes","date":"2001-05-01","number":2942,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qeqjn08c8","year":2001,"geometry":[-118.9592,37.65028]} {"observed":"just a note re: Report # 2942 (Class B) Submitted by witness J.B. on Sunday, August 05, 2001.... I was in the area north of mammoth during that same week...maybe 10 miles north of the reports location.... I have been visiting a fly fishing location on the Owens river for five years in a row during the first week of may in the same location...kinda midway between mammoth and june lakes. My friend and I heard 3 very loud...very long screams on the night of the 3rd of may... We were backing in my truck to get loaded up to go home the next day...as we backed in next to the cabin, we suddenly heard a terrifying scream about 10 seconds in duration...It sounded like it was right behind the truck..and we had the windows all closed....We just sat there and were saying to eachother \"what the f**k was that????\" We thought we ran over a deer or something big...I immediately turned the truck around and hit the high beams...nothing there so we opened the windows a few inches and just then another scream...this time it sounded off my side of the truck and a bit further away...maybe 20 or 30 yards....once again about 30 secs later one more scream a little shorter this time and further away...it was definitely moving away from us... At this point we saw some people in a cabin about 200 yards away shining flashlights up and down the mountainside (I questioned one of the ppl in that cabin at 7 am next morning outside as he passed our cabin but he denied hearing anything at all that last night...I KNOW...VERY STRANGE...) i recall him saying it was probably a rabbit...i have heard rabbit screams when they get bitten and it was not that for sure...too loud and long anyway.. Needless to say we were freaked out pretty badly and took 10 minutes or so to get up the (courage) to go into the cabin...hate to admit it but we moved tables against the doors that night....and i moved my bed away from the window to the middle of the room...... Didn't know if i was ever gonna post this but after reading the class B report that occurred during the same week really close by...I didnt know that there were any sightings so far south...... I do have some lingering doubts however that what we heard may have been a mountain lion maybe??? (a link to normal wildlife sounds would be great to at least rule out the possibilities of other noises) The sound was VERY similar to the ohio bigfoot screams but higher in pitch and what i would call \"angrier\" sounding.....it was a very threatening sound....","location_details":"Exact location withheld for privacy reasons.","county":"Mono County","state":"California","season":"Spring","title":"Report 3105: Campers hear late night scream near Mammoth Lakes","date":"2001-05-03","number":3105,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qeqfrjq85","year":2001,"geometry":[-119.0736,37.78861]} {"observed":"We (my husband, my son, and myself) were in Mono County this past weekend, Sunday August 21st, 2005, for a day hike to Roosevelt Lake and its twin. We arrived at the lakes at appx. 11 a.m. and fished until 2:30 p.m., at which time we decided to head back down the trail for home. There were quite a few hikers in the area over the course of the day, appx. 13 hikers and a pack train consisting of 4 riders and 8 horses and a dog. Some coming in, some going out. Anyway, we headed down the trail following the pack train. We stopped on the way down to read the sign about the wagons that tried to use that trail way back in the day. I heard a noise like some one else coming down the trail behind us and told my family let's get going. The trail was pretty dry and dusty and my husband kept insisting that we give the hikers ahead of us some time so we could avoid walking in their dust. The next section of trail was slightly up hill so after cresting the top and going a short distance down the other side we stopped for a water break. We heard what we thought was a shout, my son shouted back and something answered, but the echo was pretty bad, so we couldn't make out what was being said. We continued on down the trail and had just approached the south end of Leavitt Meadows, when my husband says \"What is that?\" Both my son and I stopped and looked across the river toward the meadow. From the beginning it was a strange sight, because this large black thing appeared to be floating across the meadow. At first I thought it was a backpacker perhaps riding a bike, because it was moving so quickly across the meadow. It was moving quickly and smoothly. It didn't make sense. If it was a back packer, to be moving that fast, he would have to be running and running with a back pack is anything but smooth; if he was riding a bike, then why couldn't I see the bike and its arms and legs were in line with its body, not bent at an angle like it was sitting on something. Also the color, I couldn't figure out why a backpacker would be wearing black, black cap, black backpack, black pants, black coat. It was at least 80-85 degrees. We stood and watched silently for a time, perhaps 10-15 seconds. The speed and smoothness with which it traveled was mesmerising. Then my husband and son took off running further up the trail to another vantage point; they continued to watch it silently, then just shortly after I caught up to them, my son yelled, and the thing stopped and turned toward us. It didn't turn as a human would turn, even one wearing a backpack. Then it began moving across the meadow again. Not faster or slower, just the same floating type pace. We were on the trail above the meadow, looking down and appx. 500-800 yards a way from the object. My husband believes the thing was following the pack trail. We left the trail and went down to the meadow. We stayed on the trail side of the river. The thing was on the opposite side of the river. By this time it was gone or hidden from us. The best way to describe it is like this. The thing had a head that sat directly on its shoulders. It did not appear to have a neck. That is why we at first thought it was a backpacker. It went head, broad shoulders or backpack, no neck, large body. We could not discern its legs or arms due mostly to the angle at which it was leaving us. The grass in the Meadow obscured some of the legs. We have spent many hours in the woods, my husband was raised in Plumas county, neither he nor I have ever ever seen anything like this. It could not have been a bear, they can't walk that far on 2 legs, nor that smoothly or quickly.","location_details":"The trail goes into the Hoover Wilderness beginning at Leavitt Meadows Camp Ground. South end of the meadow.","county":"Mono County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12383: Hiking family has daytime encounter in Sierra","date":"2005-08-21","number":12383,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9qfczte969","temperature_high":75.09,"temperature_mid":63.165,"temperature_low":51.24,"dew_point":33,"humidity":0.36,"moon_phase":0.58,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":285,"wind_speed":1.22,"year":2005,"geometry":[-119.5483,38.3068]} {"observed":"My father and I were elk hunting in October 2005 in the White River National Forest near the Flat Tops Wilderness. This area is in Rio Blanco county outside of Buford, CO. My father has hunted there most years since the 1970's. I have been a dozen or so times since the 80's. The area is along the [edited] at about 10,000 feet. Very remote, few hunters. We backpack in and camp in the primitive style. Our site is [edited]. My father killed an elk and asked if I could meet him one morning to dress it and haul it down a steep slide. The slide is an open area that extends up the side of a mountain about 1/2 mile. It is steep and as a result has a central corridor that is devoid of trees. It is surrounded on both sides by dense forest growth. It is rocky and very rugged. I met him one morning at about 1030 am to help out. When I arrived he told me he had heard a series of very loud knocks sometime before I arrived. He said it was up the slide toward the rim and the flat tops area on the top of the mountain. He said that they were very loud and sounded like a man hammering on a tree with a hammer. He said that the knocks were so unusual, he thought I was up above him messing around with him. I told him that I had not been, and then jokingly commented that bigfoots are said to make sounds like that. Anyway, we started working on the elk and I was there about a 1/2 hour when we heard the knocks again. This time, they were to our left (south), at the same elevation on the moutain we were on. They came from dense growth and seemed to be no further than 100 yards away. There were 8-10 knocks, very rythmic, and quite loud. They were strange and obviously not made by anything we could identify (unless it was a 200 pound woodpecker). They sounded like a rock hit against wood -- very clear and crisp. No other unusual sounds. We have had a couple other unusual occurances and perhaps I will submit them. At any rate, I checked your site and to my suprise, found that the knocks on your \"Whoops and Knocks\" sound bite are hauntingly similar. Best Wishes!!","location_details":"(edited at request of witness and for further investigations)","county":"Rio Blanco County","state":"Colorado","season":"Fall","title":"Report 13699: Possible knocks heard near the Flat Tops Wilderness area of White River National Forest","date":"2005-10-17","number":13699,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9x5ee4mzqf","temperature_high":60.44,"temperature_mid":47.845,"temperature_low":35.25,"dew_point":34,"humidity":0.65,"cloud_cover":0.03,"moon_phase":0.51,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1021.03,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":236,"wind_speed":1.42,"year":2005,"geometry":[-107.4381,40.00385]} {"observed":"We pulled into camp on a rainy night about midnight. Cows were in the camp, so as they were leaving we heard - at least what I told my nephews - a bull really upset with us. It was a throaty, gutteral huffing noise. Only the pitch never varied to a higher one at the end, like a bull bellowing. Only the so-called bull never left with the herd. That, and I never recalled seeing a bull in the herd. Then, after 15 or 20 min. of the huffing in front of us, it got quiet. Then my Sister heard a noise behind her in the woods, that sounded like an angry growl. I told her it was only the dogs growling at something. She informed me both my dogs were right there with her, and it wasn't them. So, she pulled out a pistol and turned and faced the direction it came from, and I went to get my rifle, and slung it across my back. Then, it got quiet and we didn't hear anymore of that during the night. Whatever it was knew what a gun was. My dogs never barked or went to investigate anything. They stayed right with us. They are watch dogs at my home, and have been camping numerous times. They seemed to want our protection this time. The next night, we heard some stirring out in the woods, became real uneasy because everything went dead silent. So, we went hastily to bed in the camper, dogs and all, and locked down. During the night, my Sister said she had been looking at the sky, and stars, and when she looked back again, she said all she could see was like a \"black mat\" over the window. She and her boys said they heard the dogs growling low, and the boys said they saw \"something black\". The next night we broke camp about an hour before dark, and once more everything became deathly quiet again, and the feeling like we were being watched. We finished loading about dark, and as we started to leave, it came a downpour, so I was coming down off the mountain about 5 to 10 mph. At one point my Sister commented about one \"bushy pine tree\" in a grove of aspen trees, when the headlights flashed. About halfway down a vehicle caught up with us, and informed me the doors were open on my trailer. We stopped to close them, and my lock was broken. When we got into town, we stopped at a gas station, and there I noticed handprints and muddy smears on the camper. They we too big and too high for any of us to reach. One of the handprints was very clearly one of a primate. That is where I noticed the lock had been twisted until it broke, instead of just popping off, like I thought at first. Obviously, we were going slow enough for it to follow us, and check out our trailer. We had just built the camper on the trailer, and it was a nice shiny sheet-metal one. The door is on the rear of the trailer","location_details":"In the Jersey Jim Lookout tower area.","county":"Montezuma County","state":"Colorado","season":"Summer","title":"Report 3086: Large creature leaves 12\"+ handprints on camper trailer during rainy night","date":"2001-09-08","number":3086,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9wej1ev4gu","temperature_high":60.31,"temperature_mid":42.32,"temperature_low":24.33,"dew_point":22.22,"humidity":0.45,"cloud_cover":0.01,"moon_phase":0.68,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1012.65,"summary":"Breezy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":354,"wind_speed":8.15,"year":2001,"geometry":[-108.2083,37.4625]} {"observed":"A large human-like footprint by Helmets Peak. The area around the footprint was very rough.","location_details":"On the west side of Helmets Peak. A little ways up from the base.","county":"Montezuma County","state":"Colorado","season":"Fall","title":"Report 6755: Another large footprint in SW Colorado high country","date":"2003-08-30","number":6755,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9wehg6wxx5","temperature_high":61.47,"temperature_mid":50.805,"temperature_low":40.14,"dew_point":45.24,"humidity":0.84,"cloud_cover":0.28,"moon_phase":0.11,"precip_intensity":0.0061,"precip_probability":0.9,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1016.96,"summary":"Rain until afternoon.","uv_index":8,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":47,"wind_speed":1.2,"year":2003,"geometry":[-108.1292,37.4125]} {"observed":"2 years ago i was driving on us highway #160 in colorado in between durango and cortez colorado i was going eastbound (towards durango)and i saw something run across the road very rapidly from my right(south) to my left(north) on 2 legs. it was large and dark colored I am a professional driver and i drive for a living","county":"Montezuma County","state":"Colorado","season":"Fall","title":"Report 14243: Dusk sighting by charter bus driver on Hwy 160 near Mancos","date":"2004-10-15","number":14243,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9wduqtrufu","temperature_high":65.57,"temperature_mid":50.46,"temperature_low":35.35,"dew_point":21.57,"humidity":0.32,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.05,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1014.02,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":311,"wind_speed":3.59,"year":2004,"geometry":[-108.3364,37.33925]} {"observed":"I was standing on the front deck of my girlfriend's summer home, looking down at Eleven Mile Reservoir., when I heard the sound of an animal calling. It was all most human in nature, but unlike any sound I have ever heard in my life. It was spine- tingling. I can not describe it. It lasted about 3 or 4 minutes. It sounded lost or was looking for an offspring. I am 65 an have spent a lot of time hiking & camping over the years an never have heard a sound even close to the one I heard this fall.","location_details":"One mile North of Eleven Mile Reservoir on Park County Rd #92","county":"Park County","state":"Colorado","season":"Fall","title":"Report 1237: While standing on the deck of vacation home man hears eerie human-like calls","date":"2000-09-01","number":1237,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9wuvrrx714","year":2000,"geometry":[-105.4917,38.93333]} {"observed":"Cabin at 11,000 feet southwest of Fairplay, Colorado, 44 acres. Strange sound one night. Dog-rooster best describes it. First thought was dog hit by a vehicle, then changed to more rooster sounding. Next few days, found and photographed two footprints. Wife noticed \"skunk\" smell.","location_details":"8.8 miles west of Hwy 285, south side of Park County Road 18 (4-Mile Creek/Horseshoe Basin)","county":"Park County","state":"Colorado","season":"Summer","title":"Report 529: Couple hears strange cry, finds big footprints in Pike National Forest near Fairplay","date":"2000-09-21","number":529,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9wux129gtw","temperature_high":53.92,"temperature_mid":44.015,"temperature_low":34.11,"dew_point":32.42,"humidity":0.81,"cloud_cover":0.68,"moon_phase":0.78,"precip_intensity":0.0083,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1003.38,"summary":"Mixed precipitation in the morning.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.25,"wind_bearing":345,"wind_speed":2.19,"year":2000,"geometry":[-106.1143,39.2026]} {"observed":"At approximately 0030 hrs. on May 12, 2001, my children and I heard the worst sound we have ever heard in our lives. We were sitting at our dining room table eating a late-night snack when suddenly this very loud, frightening human/animal-like cry came from about 200 feet from our front door. It lasted approximately seven seconds or so. This sound was like something you would hear in a horror movie. It sent chills up my spine and immediately made me sick to my stomach. My kids and I were extremely frightened and we froze for about a minute or so. We could not move. It was like nothing we've ever heard before in our lives. My husband was gone at work, so it was that much worse. After we got over our initial shock, we ran quickly ran upstairs to my bedroom, where we remained until my husband came home. After reading a report on (the BFRO) page where it describes a rooster/dog sound (SR # 529, August 2000, Park County), it sounded like if you put those two sounds together it would be very close, except 10 times louder. However, there is really no way to describe it exactly. It was unearthly! We are having a hard time getting over it.","location_details":"Withheld at request of witness.","county":"Park County","state":"Colorado","season":"Spring","title":"Report 2493: Family startled by overpowering cries near their rural home","date":"2001-05-12","number":2493,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9wvj3cxbbj","temperature_high":67.62,"dew_point":43.88,"humidity":0.7,"cloud_cover":0.43,"moon_phase":0.67,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1018.76,"summary":"Partly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":10,"visibility":6.6,"wind_bearing":174,"wind_speed":6.95,"year":2001,"geometry":[-105.3812,38.9]} {"observed":"This story was related to me by my Aunt last year: My Aunt and her husband are both Romany Gypsies living here in the UK, but once a year travel to Fairplay, Colorado to visit extended family - decendents of family that used to mine the area. They were staying in a Log Cabin with one of the family members, and had spent the first few days of thier trip walking the outlying forestry, and going to old mining sites and other places of interest. On the fourth day, they all decided to spend an evening out with a barbeque and invited over a few friends from a travelling show that they know from Iowa. At dusk, my aunt said that two of the travellers (J & S) returned to the barbecue, after hiking up a small valley for about 5 miles. Both were visibly shaken and upset. They told everyone that they had been followed by something at a distance of 30 ft or so for the past few hours, it smelled similar to old, damp caravan interiors and when J had shouted towards the creature, it seemed to back off slightly before violently shaking foliage. This is when they both panicked - as J could see 'fur' as the creature moved, and thought it could've been a bear. My aunt requested that everyone leave just in case the 'bear' had followed J & S back to camp, but due to inebriation most of the group were laughing, and didn't take the story too seriously. At about 10:00pm, a fire was lit, and some of the travellers started juggling firesticks or playing thier instruments. My aunt thinks this may have been a lure, as over the festivities they heard a very loud, very high pitched scream just off the small clearing. One of the more drunken members of the group started walking and shouting towards where the vocalization had eminated - he later stated that he was 'trying to communicate' - when a few of the people at close range saw what was described as 'a very tall, very powerful ape-like creature' moving at first into the clearing, and then away from the camp at great speed. It had long beige hair, approx 6\" long, and a dark area around the face and elbows. Everyone left the scene quickly and in panic - J left his very expensive juggling batons and a few other important belongings, so it is clear that they didn't want to stick around. No-one wanted to return the next day to the site, and one of our relatives waited a week before going to look for lost property. Unfortunately, new fires had been lit suggesting that campers had been in the vicinity since, and no belongings or tracks could be found.","location_details":"Outside of Fairplay, in dense forestry at a clearing often used by caravans and campers.","county":"Park County","state":"Colorado","season":"Fall","title":"Report 3112: UK Gypsies vacate Colorado campsite after encounter with 7' creature","date":"2001-09-30","number":3112,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9wux4cwv1k","temperature_high":59.79,"temperature_mid":46.6,"temperature_low":33.41,"dew_point":28.27,"humidity":0.58,"cloud_cover":0.38,"moon_phase":0.44,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1023.01,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":139,"wind_speed":2.35,"year":2001,"geometry":[-106.0417,39.20834]} {"observed":"Was hiking around a lake in the Leadville Colorado area. This lake is well above treeline, 13,000 ft area? Found what appears to to be a footprint in some mossy areas between the glacial rocks. Further investigation around this lake found more depressions and tracks.","county":"Park County","state":"Colorado","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4897: Family finds and hears compelling evidence near Leadville","date":"2002-08-31","number":4897,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9wux850tk3","temperature_high":62.95,"temperature_mid":48.74,"temperature_low":34.53,"dew_point":25.88,"humidity":0.45,"cloud_cover":0.44,"moon_phase":0.77,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1018.23,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":298,"wind_speed":2.18,"year":2002,"geometry":[-106.171,39.3045]} {"observed":"While headed back to Denver from Buena Vista, My wife and I saw something very large pass in front of another car. This car was in front of us by about 25 feet. The weather was not good as it was snowing and dark out. I was driving about 12 to 15 miles per hour. At first I thought that it was a person getting out of the car infront of us. This struck me as odd considering the weather and the time of night, not to mention the location. We were in a 4x4 pick up and I guessed this thing to be about 7 to 8 feet tall. Very dark body with a large head and huge hands. It crossed the highway in a smooth fluid motion, paying no mind to the vehicles coming in either direction.It crossed the road in three or four strides, then disappeared of to the west side of the road. My wife and I remaind speechless for a couple of minutes and then I asked her what she thought she saw. She said it looked like bigfoot. I agreed.","location_details":"south on 285 coming down on the backside of Kenosha Pass headed towards jefferson.","county":"Park County","state":"Colorado","season":"Winter","title":"Report 22801: Further apparent corroboration of multiple-witness, winter, nighttime, road-crossing near Kenosha Pass","date":"2002-12-15","number":22801,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9xhb0gc2m9","temperature_high":44.18,"temperature_mid":33.25,"temperature_low":22.32,"dew_point":5.19,"humidity":0.29,"cloud_cover":0.27,"moon_phase":0.37,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1012.48,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":2,"visibility":7.07,"wind_bearing":264,"wind_speed":4.19,"year":2002,"geometry":[-105.7854,39.39565]} {"observed":"For the past several years, my hiking partner and I have been heading out to the Crested Butte area of Colorado for a week-long backpacking trip. This year we both decided to be extremely aggressive and hike over an expanse of land we'd been eyeing on the topo map since our trip last summer. Because of the vast amount of land we would be covering in 5 days, we decided to acclimate so that altitude sickness wouldn't claim us halfway through the trip. We flew into Denver, spending a night in Boulder. The following day we drove to Breckenridge and spent a night there. Finally, we made it to Crested Butte and spent a night in town before hitting the trails. On Monday, August 21, 2000, we headed out on the trail toward our final destination, Snowmass Lake","location_details":"Included in above report.","county":"Pitkin County","state":"Colorado","season":"Summer","title":"Report 470: Late night sighting by backpacker near Crater Lake","date":"2000-08-23","number":470,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9wgykz3yfy","temperature_high":67.48,"temperature_mid":53.09,"temperature_low":38.7,"dew_point":41.79,"humidity":0.75,"cloud_cover":0.28,"moon_phase":0.79,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1021.54,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the evening.","uv_index":10,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":166,"wind_speed":2.58,"year":2000,"geometry":[-107.0153,39.1084]} {"observed":"I lived in Colorado for 29 years. Eighteen of those I spent working at ski resorts. Over the years I've seen hundreds of deer and elk as well as dozens of bear, everything from cubs to large 400 pound males. In the last 4 years I've had 3 separate sightings of 4 creatures that I hesitate to identify. My second sighting occurred during February 2001 near Aspen. I was hiking with my dogs on BLM land at the base of Sopris Mountain. I was on a steep trail that snowshoers had packed down firm. My dogs began to sniff the air and get excited, so I knew they had picked up the scent of an animal. Then two dogs that live on the other side of the road and up the hill began to bark. When I looked down at them I realized they were looking at something ahead of us, not at me or my dogs. Sure enough not 50 yards ahead of me sat what looked like a gorilla sitting in the snow under the shade of a pine tree. It was looking at the barking dogs across the little valley. I could tell it hadn't spotted me yet and I was determined to keep this one in my sight. The trail switched back to the right up ahead and I wanted to see it move when it did finally see me. After walking about ten more feet, I tripped in a deep hole in the snow that the snowshoers had left with their poles. I stood up as fast as I could only to see the back of a large furry head disappear over the ridge. I tried to find a path or some tracks to follow up the hill but without success. The snow was up to my waist off the trail so I couldn't get any closer.","location_details":"Trail access was off a BLM access road, about 2 miles up West Sopris Creek Road, on the left.","county":"Pitkin County","state":"Colorado","season":"Spring","title":"Report 3653: Daytime sighting by hiker, off West Sopris Creek Road","date":"2001-02-20","number":3653,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9wgzg9hje9","temperature_high":46.26,"temperature_mid":37.9,"temperature_low":29.54,"dew_point":16.48,"humidity":0.51,"cloud_cover":0.29,"moon_phase":0.92,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1017.41,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the evening.","uv_index":4,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":233,"wind_speed":2.96,"year":2001,"geometry":[-107.0671,39.3375]} {"observed":"I'm not sure even how to tell the events as they unfolded. All I know is that a large something followed me from a place I was sitting half way back to camp. At first I thought it was a back bear until I came to a large open field on top of the mountain. I had walked out of the heavy timber on a trail to an open field (the moon was very bright almost like daylight in the field , it was very easy to see my surroundings). I walked to the middle of the field, sat and waited, and nothing happened. So I continued on, reaching the heavy timber on the other side of the field on the trail. I turned and looked back and noticed a large black bump sitting where I waited just moments ago. Then it stood up and walked right at me. Then I said Hey you in a loud voice. Then it turned and it walked or ran very fast directly to the north into the timber. No noise, but it looked to be like a bear due to the heavy coat. But when do bears walk like humans? And it had a large swinging motion on the torso area. Very weird. So I'm afraid really to tell this story because I do not want my friends or family to know about this. It's such a weird thing to tell people.","location_details":"The sighting location was about 7 miles east of Aspen at the top of the Hunter Creek drainage of the Hunter-Fryingpan Wilderness Area.","county":"Pitkin County","state":"Colorado","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7036: Elk hunter trailed by large biped in twilight, finds tracks the next day","date":"2003-09-17","number":7036,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9xh0mxnhcm","temperature_high":59.46,"temperature_mid":38.61,"temperature_low":17.76,"dew_point":28.12,"humidity":0.53,"cloud_cover":0.48,"moon_phase":0.72,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1003.01,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":8,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":257,"wind_speed":4.42,"year":2003,"geometry":[-106.625,39.45824]} {"observed":"My girlfriend (now wife) and I were snowshoing in the mountains above fish creek falls outside of steamboat springs, CO in the winter. We were off trail and decided to attempt to shortcut down the mountain to get back to the trail head. We miscalculated and found ourselves in a very steep ravine just above fish creek and we were trying to find a way back up the steep incline as it was nearly humanly impossible to scale the side of the canyon. Ahead in the snow we saw a set of tracks heading straight up the side of the ravine. Initially we though it must be an elk or deer, but looking at the spacing of the tracks they appeared to be created by a bi-pedal creature with a gate much larger than I could span (I am a little over 6 foot tall) The tracks appeared to have the basic shape of a human foot and toe impressions could be faintly seen in a couple of the tracks. The tracks were postholed - 16 - 24 inches deep and most impressive was how this creature powered it's way through this deep snow up a slope that was over a 45 degree angle. A deer or elk would have left long dragging skids through snow this deep, but there was no dragging, just deep, large, single steps that would look just like a humans gait, except maybe a foot more between each step. We pondered it at length and I have a couple of digital photos, although honestly not much showed up with the whiteout action of the snow. I spend a lot of time outdoors and I have seen countless elk, deer, and bear tracks. This was none of thsoe for certain. A friend of mine who is active in your organization told me I should post this despite the lack of credible proof, so here it is! I can provide the actual month and date when I dig up the digital photos...","location_details":"Take the fish creek falls main trail across the bridge (passing the falls) and continue up the trail about 1/2 mile until you are past the switchbacks and the trail straightens heading WSW. Take a right off the trail go a few hundred feet and then turn ENE and follow back down the ravine towards fish creek. Decend towards the creek until your about 150 feet above the water and then follow the creek back towards the bridge and falls (heading approx wnw) and you will pass over roughly the same area we did. I estimate that we were about 1500 feet from the falls (heading towards them) when we saw the tracks.","county":"Routt County","state":"Colorado","season":"Winter","title":"Report 16661: Possible tracks found by snowshoers near Steamboat Springs","date":"2004-01-15","number":16661,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9xhn63mb08","temperature_high":35.8,"temperature_mid":29.895,"temperature_low":23.99,"dew_point":6.71,"humidity":0.42,"cloud_cover":0.39,"moon_phase":0.78,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Overcast starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":2,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":139,"wind_speed":1.28,"year":2004,"geometry":[-106.7682,40.4805]} {"observed":"We were hunting third split rifle in section 26 of Flat tops in 2005. I had not seen many Elk in area this year. I hunted an area I had seen Elk before in the early morning by myself and saw nothing. My brother Greg got up late and went to same area. He said in open grassy area on side of hill was a large group of Elk in plain sight. Greg took a shot at about 200 yards from a fence. He shot at a large bull in group. He thought he was successful, but nothing dropped. He walked accross Derby creek down a big canyon chasing them, but to no avail. He came back and got me from camp excitedly after looking all afternoon. I have confidence in my brother shooting, so I said lets go back and look some more. After, we got back, we went to side of the open hill and found two separate blood trails. Not one, but two, which is strange. You could smell what I thought was Elk heavy still in area, so I thought. I followed blood trail down the ravine towards Derby creek. As I got about 1/3 down on Elk run at a very steep angle the huge bull Elk from the group came running crazed up the trail and was on me in no time. It about run me over and I jumped to get out of the way and I fell down. Then after I got my wits back from nearly being gored. A bout 30 seconds later we heard the loudest angry howl or growl I have ever heard come from the hill below me from the heavy woods. It made my hair stand on end. Everyone heard it, it was a 100 times louder than an Elk bugle and sounded like an angry animal or human of some kind as it echoed through the ravine. It really was something. In fact, it was the most awesome sound I have ever heard in my life. It spooked the horses from our other hunters and the guides horses as well as the hunters. In my mind, we may ruined a another hunters hunt. This is why the second blood trail, and the foul smell and the angry yell. I will never forget that day and my brother and I speak of it often.","location_details":"The area is the Derby Creek drainage system near Stump park.","county":"Routt County","state":"Colorado","season":"Fall","title":"Report 23305: Hunter hears loud vocalization and is nearly trampled by a spooked Elk north of Burns","date":"2005-11-07","number":23305,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9xh4uef8p2","temperature_high":58.17,"temperature_mid":49.495,"temperature_low":40.82,"dew_point":20.61,"humidity":0.41,"cloud_cover":0.15,"moon_phase":0.2,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the evening.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.82,"wind_bearing":226,"wind_speed":1.81,"year":2005,"geometry":[-106.6735,39.879]} {"observed":"In November 2001, I was guiding for a husband and wife team and was also accompanied by my own wife during a elk hunt. That morning we had located a herd of elk in some remote country and had stalked to their location to find that it was only cows. Since we had bull tag only we did not pursue but instead went out on the point of a mountain to glass for any potential bulls. As our party was sitting and glassing I called periodically hoping for a response from a bull. To my surprise (all of our surprise) we heard a low guttural moan. At first I thought it to be a bull bedded down but the second time I realized that it was no bull at all and could not possibly be a bear. I immediately went toward the noise to confirm what ever had made it and found no animals, no elk, deer, bear, etc. Shortly after hearing and investigating the sound I moved the party up the mountain to a aspen grove where I knew mid-day bulls would visit to eat. Shortly after positioning the hunters my wife and I took a position higher up the mountain to get a better view and for calling. After sitting in the grove for less than an hour we heard logs being hit together. Not like two bulls fighting but more like someone taking a sizeable log and hitting against another. The end of the day came and we returned to the camp and the hunt was over. That night two inches of snow fell and I went back to the same location and found a dead cow elk with only her chest cavity being open and from what I could tell having most of her internal organs. I am of course no expert in zoology or cryptolgy [sic] but from my best guess and knowing what I have seen from the past I think that my hunting party and I disturbed a bigfoot while hunting that morning. I did find tracks but due to the sun melt the tracks were very large with no distinguishable marks. This took place only 8 to 10 miles from the previous sightings.","location_details":"It was off Gold Camp Rd., two miles east of the watershed road.","county":"Teller County","state":"Colorado","season":"Winter","title":"Report 3588: Hunting party hears vocalization, wood knocks; finds elk carcass, off Gold Camp Road near Victor, in Pike Nat'l Forest","date":"2001-11-05","number":3588,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9wvk1z5w9c","temperature_high":60.52,"temperature_mid":47.16,"temperature_low":33.8,"dew_point":24.56,"humidity":0.54,"cloud_cover":0.26,"moon_phase":0.65,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1021.82,"summary":"Partly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.23,"wind_bearing":4,"wind_speed":2.06,"year":2001,"geometry":[-105.0354,38.71145]} {"observed":"My family (5) and I go on vacation every year. One year we decided to go to Colorado on a camping trip. We also would always our dog and this year my brother took his rat. After a long trip across Kansas, we finally crossed the border to Colorado. We headed to Colorado Springs. We were going to stay at a camping trip, but as usual we found a place to set up camp away from any sites or towns. It was pretty secluded where we were. Our camp site was surrounded by woods except to the east there was a long field. Now it was the very first night and we had two tents. In one tent was my Parents and my sister. In the other tent was my brother his pet rat and I. We ate a good meal of hot dogs and s'mores. A sitting around the fire for a little while, we went to bed. It was a very clear night and I remember how bright the moon and stars were. I really ever heard of \"bigfoot\" or paid to much attention to it before. It seemed like I hadn't had much sleep before I awoke to find my brother's rat digging around in the bag at the top of the little pup tent(my brother let the rat run around in the tent). Its rustling is what I think woke me up. So I got up to take him out, but I froze as did my blood. I was suddenly wide awake. I just stared because to the left of me I saw the silouette of a tall two legged creature through the door( we had zipped up the screen and left the cover off ). I was and still am sure that it was not a bear or any other animal, and I am especially sure it was no human. Its arms were shorter than its legs and it was covered with hair. I got the feeling it was alarmed because right when stopped a jerked its head and walked speadlily away. My eyes were glued to it and I watched its every move. It walked away towards the field, turned around, and I lost sight of it. I can still remember thinking about the way it moved. It definatly was not normal. It bent at the knee and when it turned, it seemed like its whole upper body moved around. Of course the next day when I told my family no one believed me, but I know and I have known that it is a fact that sasquatch is real and is a living breathing animal. I also believe that it is not a threat. I definatly encourage people who are trying to bring sasquatch into reality for others for the right reasons. Ever since then I been very interested in it and cryptozoology.","location_details":"off the road from Woodland Park to Decker.","county":"Teller County","state":"Colorado","season":"Summer","title":"Report 5493: Young camper has early morning encounter.","date":"2005-03-19","number":5493,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9wvntbbmm4","temperature_high":47.11,"temperature_mid":38.37,"temperature_low":29.63,"dew_point":15.07,"humidity":0.5,"cloud_cover":0.8,"moon_phase":0.31,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1012.33,"summary":"Foggy starting in the evening.","uv_index":5,"visibility":3.4,"wind_bearing":205,"wind_speed":1.56,"year":2005,"geometry":[-105.2155,39.11636]} {"observed":"I was done working for the day. I had my fishing pole with me this afternoon, hoping I would have time to do some fishing at Lake Alpine. I was fishing for about a half hour when I heard these strange howls form a distance that lasted for about 20 seconds, it repeated at least 3 or 4 times. I would say the howls where at least a quarter of a mile away. There were 2 people fishing on the lake at the time. The closet person was about 1000 feet away from me. I am very familiar with animal vocalization in the area. The howls where not from black bears, mountain lions or coyotes. Nor where any birds calls. I am a avid birder and I known my bird calls.","location_details":"right next to Lake Alpine lodge","county":"Alpine County","state":"California","season":"Fall","title":"Report 8463: Fisherman hears afternoon scream at Lake Alpine","date":"2001-11-01","number":8463,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qfdvhx5xv","temperature_high":53.77,"temperature_mid":38.29,"temperature_low":22.81,"dew_point":26.99,"humidity":0.81,"cloud_cover":0.16,"moon_phase":0.52,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1020.22,"summary":"Partly cloudy starting in the evening.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.08,"wind_bearing":183,"wind_speed":1.71,"year":2001,"geometry":[-120.0047,38.4775]} {"observed":"We heard something we can only speculate about but I can still remember clearly the sound. It was the middle of the night and I was awoken by the sound that started low and went to a high pitch scream. I'm sure my hair was standing on end. Then I heard it run off. It was right outside our tent. We were camping at Lost Lakes by Blues Lakes. Our altimeter read about 8400 feet. There were no other people in the camping area around the lake and it was very quiet. It was a week night and the nearest campers were down at the Upper Blue Lake Campgrounds. My husband is a very sound sleeper and did not hear it and said I must have dreamt it. He almost had me convinced when the next morning our friends who were camping with us and had their tent a little ways away asked if we heard the strange scream. He said he got up and went out side the tent to see what it was an was and saw nothing but there was a terrible smell outside. We still cannot give credit to another animal and our family are hunters and have spent many hours in the wilderness around the country.","location_details":"Hwy 88 to Blue Lakes Rd. You go back to the PGE Campgrounds. Go the the Upper Blue Lakes campground and continue up the dirt road to Lost Lakes. If you continue on the road it takes you to Red Lake. Eldorado National Forest.","county":"Alpine County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 5791: Campers hear late night scream near Woodfords","date":"2002-08-01","number":5791,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qfu97m0uy","temperature_high":86.69,"temperature_mid":68.49,"temperature_low":50.29,"dew_point":38.3,"humidity":0.35,"cloud_cover":0.27,"moon_phase":0.76,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1017.49,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":11,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":295,"wind_speed":0.1,"year":2002,"geometry":[-119.8208,38.77778]} {"observed":"My family and I were driving in a remote area of the Sierra Nevada mountains last Tuesday looking for a place to ride our sleds. The sites we were seeking were few and far between as the area had no significant snowfall in over 3 weeks. We were above the 7,000 altitude marker along Hwy 4 and it was a mild, sunny day. The ground was covered in snow. We had exited Hwy. 4 at the snow-play area west of Bear Valley and proceeded along the road to Spicer Reservoir despite patches of shallow snow still in the road. We were driving slowly along the road and, approximately 1 mile from Hwy 4, we noticed deep impressions in the snow along the right hand shoulder. We stopped to examine these prints, although I am hesitant to use this term as no details - like toes - were present. These had obviously been here quite some time and had melted and frozen several times. They were large and deep, measuring 16\" long. What impressed me the most was that these prints were in a straight line. I recalled this was an attribute of bigfoot track trails, having read this in Dr. John Bindernagels book and in other texts. I retrieved my tape measure and discovered the distance of the step (that is, the distance between one impression to the next) was 60 in the first measurement and no less than 56 in the others. I am 6 tall and was not able to match this step, especially not in shin-deep snow. I decided to submit a report of a possible track trail along with this photograph.","location_details":"1 mile south of Hwy 4 along Spicer Reservoir Road.","county":"Alpine County","state":"California","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9898: Family finds trackway near Bear Valley","date":"2004-11-23","number":9898,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qfdu1nfj0","temperature_high":42.89,"temperature_mid":33.165,"temperature_low":23.44,"dew_point":24.13,"humidity":0.78,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.41,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1019.69,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.83,"wind_bearing":271,"wind_speed":0.17,"year":2004,"geometry":[-120.0491,38.45799]} {"observed":"My wife and I were hiking for the afternoon in the Mokelumne Wilderness in Alpine County, California. Our destination was Granite Lake, two miles from the outlet of Upper Blue Lake. We reached our destination, had lunch and were returning, following the trail back the way we had come. When we reached a pond, about 1/3rd of the way back, I expressed a desire to my wife to take a hike southward across the same elevation level as the pond, to another lake called Evergreen Lake. There is no trail or pathway to this lake, and I thought it would take about 20 minutes to reach it. My wife declined to accompany me, so I told her I would return in a while. I began walking, trying to keep my position along the same contour line as the pond. The forest was fairly dense, and generally well covered with pine needle duff, generally underlayed with decomposed granite. After a short walk, I realized that very likely few people had ever gone where I was headed, as there were no signs of previous travel, and the going was sometimes difficult. I tried to stay on the contour, but kept slipping lower down I went. After a while - more than 20 minutes, I realized that I wasn't going to find the lake, so I started back. As I walked back I took a different route, trying to regain the elevation I had lost on the trip out. I came across a section of forest floor where there was mostly decomposed granite, and as I followed this - which was a bit easier to travel on - I come across two sets of footprints. The first set looked almost human, except they were wider and longer than usual. Noticeable were the toes, and a definite arch. The second set of prints were from a larger creature, and left a deeper impression, especially in the heal area. This track was wider still than the first, and looked similar to typical casts of Bigfoot prints. There was no noticeable arch, and the toes were not especially evident. Both set of tracks were superimposed at points, indicating that one creature was directly following the other, stepping in the same spots at times. The tracks quickly were lost in the pine needles further ahead. It had snowed two days before, and the ground was damp, but most of the snow had melted. These tracks were fresh, likely less than 24 hours old.","location_details":"There are no other directions to give, aside from what was given inn the narrative.","county":"Alpine County","state":"California","season":"Fall","title":"Report 12818: Hiker leaves main trail and finds two sets of footprints","date":"2005-10-15","number":12818,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9qfewmzn84","temperature_high":41.9,"temperature_mid":37.165,"temperature_low":32.43,"dew_point":27.95,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":0.23,"moon_phase":0.44,"precip_intensity":0.0017,"precip_probability":0.5,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1010.17,"summary":"Partly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":243,"wind_speed":0.76,"year":2005,"geometry":[-119.9501,38.6167]} {"observed":"I was camping with 4 friends at Feather Falls campground several miles outside of Oroville. We were the only ones camping there. We stayed up late talking and what not and had gone to sleep about 1:00 AM. Some time later, it was still dark out, I heard what sounded like a tree branch being wacked against the trunk of a tree, it had specific patterns and rhythms...but the interval of time between \"episodes\" was random...I heard similar noises from another spot in the area. I would estimate that these noises were about 300-400 yards away, maybe more. My friends who heard it, who don't believe in anything they don't see, said it was a woodpecker. I've heard a lot of woodpeckers, but never at that time of night, or with the irregularity of the sounds. I didn't hear any vocalizations at all.","location_details":"Go to the Feather Falls trailhead. There's a small 6 spot campground there. We were in the 3rd or 4th spot, the only one with wood stairs leading down to it.","county":"Butte County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 4917: Campers hear late night \"banging\" near Oroville","date":"2002-09-07","number":4917,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9r1c82g3x6","temperature_high":75.18,"temperature_mid":60.195,"temperature_low":45.21,"dew_point":33.9,"humidity":0.39,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.03,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.22,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":8,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":209,"wind_speed":0.2,"year":2002,"geometry":[-121.2733,39.64306]} {"observed":"It was dusk my friend, his girlfriend and I were relaxing and swimming at a launch ramp off of Vinton Gulch Road near Oroville CA. When we got there we heard faint sounds like there were two, what we thought at the time, mountain lions calling each other off in the distant. My friend fished while I explored and his girlfriend swam. When all the other anglers that we fishing too me and my friend started making very loud sounds just to hear the echos off the surrounding canyons of Lake Oroville. Then I remembered hearing on one of the sound recordings off of this website and how there was sort of a whistle at the end of the recording from bigfoot so I started trying to imitate the whistle. Well after about five minutes I heard something \"running\" through the treeline of thick bushes above the lake line. It was coming towards us. I asked if anyone heard that and the said no. Right after I said that we heard the same sound earlier but within I'd say 200 ft from us at the bush line. We jumped in the car and turned around so we could make an escape in case anything attacked. My friend shined his light along the treeline and seen some eyes low at the tree line. So I stared whistling like I did before and it would make its sound softly. Well after three times I started mocking it and to our surprise and what made us leave was it whistled back to us. We took off. I tried finding sounds of mountain lions off of the internet that sounded the same but to no avail. Then I listened to monkey and bigfoot sounds and the only thing that came close was a Black Howler monkey. It had almost the same cooing sound. I don't know if it was a mountain lion that could whistle but I believe bigfoot is around and I will continue hunting on around Oroville CA for signs or answers.","location_details":"North down Hwy. 70 of Oroville. Turn right down Cherokee Rd. Turn left down Vinton Gulch Rd. to launch ramp on Lake Oroville","county":"Butte County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 8896: At dusk, swimmers hear vocalizations and whistles near Lake Oroville","date":"2004-06-21","number":8896,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9r18gte2gx","temperature_high":91.36,"temperature_mid":76.205,"temperature_low":61.05,"dew_point":54.93,"humidity":0.52,"cloud_cover":0.01,"moon_phase":0.12,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1010.12,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":11,"visibility":9.19,"wind_bearing":168,"wind_speed":2.17,"year":2004,"geometry":[-121.4822,39.53722]} {"observed":"In the early morning hours of Tuesday, September 21, 2004, I drove towards Lake Oroville (approx. 25 miles from my house) to see if I could get any photographs of the lights of the Valley before sunrise. As I drove, I stopped a couple of times to take photos. It was extremely dark at the time, since the sun was not yet up and the area is against the mountain side to the North and North East sides. I turned my truck around stopped with my truck pointing toward the South West looking out over the Valley. My passenger side window was rolled all the way up but the driver side window was down. I had only been sitting there a couple of minutes when I heard a loud, very angry sounding \"roar\" coming very rapidly toward the back of my truck on the passenger side. I was quite startled (to say the least.. I think I might have screamed) and immediately looked back toward the direction of the sound but could not see anything but blackness. I then threw my truck into gear and took off rolling up my window as quickly as possible. It has been less then 48 hours since the incident happened and I am still very upset and more then a little traumatized. What frightened me the most was that the sound came from above the height of the cab of my truck and nowhere near the ground. It began behind me near the far edge of the road and lasted about three to four seconds then ended abruptly right at the back of my truck near the tail light on the passenger side. I could tell that whatever was making the sound was approaching very quickly. The sound was quite loud and very angry sounding and can only be described as a cross between a lion's roar and the sound a tire makes spinning in deep gravel. I have never heard anything that sounded like it before in my life. I do not know whether it was a bigfoot or not, but if it was a bear it had to be standing upright and at least 7 feet tall. I have since found out that the only bears in that area are small black bears that are not aggressive. I am a 44 year old mother of four and Grandmother of two. I will glady agree to take a polygraph test to confirm what happend to me.","location_details":"Take Hwy 70 North from Marysville, CA approx. 30 miles to Oroville. Take the Oro-Dam Blvd. exit East through Oroville and follow the signs to Lake Oroville.","county":"Butte County","state":"California","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9368: Photographer hears early morning vocalizations near Lake Oroville","date":"2004-09-21","number":9368,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9r1950k3vy","temperature_high":82.35,"temperature_mid":65.68,"temperature_low":49.01,"dew_point":35.24,"humidity":0.34,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.26,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1020.11,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":332,"wind_speed":1.87,"year":2004,"geometry":[-121.5027,39.55249]} {"observed":"I lived in Las Animas county, Colorado, with my mother and step-father in a canyon called San Miguel which is located along the Raton Range on the Colorado/New Mexico border. We lived in a very remote area. (Behind Fisher's Peak near Trinidad, CO) I used to have to get up real early to get to school. It was daybreak and our dog was outside barking hysterically. I had never heard her growl or act this way before or after this morning. She was looking into the canyon. I went to our kitchen window which faced the canyon. I could see something running into the canyon. It was on two legs, tall and covered in hair. It didn't run like a man, it ran as if it was straddling a small rut, side to side. I ran down the hall to my parents room to wake them up so they could see what I was seeing. When they got to the window it was gone; however, I saw it one last time as it passed between bushes.","county":"Las Animas County","state":"Colorado","season":"Spring","title":"Report 5608: Young student has early morning sighting.","date":"2005-04-12","number":5608,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9wtg0b9b4r","temperature_high":57.41,"temperature_mid":43.725,"temperature_low":30.04,"dew_point":18.96,"humidity":0.49,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.13,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1015.98,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":10,"visibility":9.62,"wind_bearing":213,"wind_speed":2.17,"year":2005,"geometry":[-104.3786,37.09263]} {"observed":"It was in 1978... My former husband and I had taken our children for a picnic at Wellington Lake, just south of Buffalo Creek, Colorado. What I saw was not the same as what I've seen in photos, however, what I saw was a bipedal creature with white fur. This may sound strange, but, I was talking with my former husband when the creature stepped out from behind a boulder. I told my now exhusband, to look. He turned around but the creature ducked back behind the boulder. My exhusband turned back to me and said, \"I didn't see anything.\" At that very moment the creature showed itself to me again. I told my ex to turn around. He did, and the creature ducked behind the boulder again. This happened four or five times, and then the creature was gone. The creature was partially bipedal and then would stoop like an ape and touch the ground. It had a human-like feeling about it because it was obviously playing some sort of a game with me. I have never told anybody except for people I trust not to make fun of me. I was a resident in the area for many years and I knew what wildlife was there...nothing came close to this creature. I've seen mountain lion, bobcats, linx, badgers, deer, elk, bear, and many more creatures in that area, but nothing like this.","location_details":"Drive from Hwy 285 down 67. Drive through the small town of Pine. Right when you get into Buffalo Creek, there is a road that leads to Wellington Lake. Drive to the picnic area by the lake and that's the general area where we were.","county":"Jefferson County","state":"Colorado","season":"Summer","title":"Report 7225: Picnicker has daytime sighting outside Buffalo Creek","date":"2005-02-04","number":7225,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9wvpdt7kjn","temperature_high":51.23,"temperature_mid":40.775,"temperature_low":30.32,"dew_point":16.85,"humidity":0.48,"moon_phase":0.85,"precip_intensity":0.0007,"precip_probability":0.38,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Foggy throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"visibility":1.1,"wind_bearing":197,"wind_speed":0.76,"year":2005,"geometry":[-105.3542,39.31667]} {"observed":"EAGLE RIVER, COLORADO Track Find Investigation by Keith Foster; BFRO - Colorado/Kansas Photos by Bill B. of Eagle, Colorado In early April 2000, Colorado resident Bill B. noticed three large human-like tracks while fly fishing along the south shoreline of the Eagle River, approximately one mile east of Eagle, Colorado. The tracks caught Bill's attention because a different Colorado fisherman (Vern P. of Grand Junction, Colorado) reported finding a number of 18 to 20 inch long human-like tracks along the same river a few days prior. Vern had reported his find to the Vail Trail Newspaper. An article mentioning the tracks appeared in the 3/28 edition of the paper. Vern's tracks were found on 3/21/2000, on a sandbar/silt/gravel area just west of the town of Gypsum, on the Eagle River. Gypsum is approximately 7 miles west of the city of Eagle. Bill B., a resident of Eagle, thought someone should know about his find of similar tracks along the river, so he reported it to the Eagle County Sheriff Department. Officers from the Sheriffs Department eventually went to the scene of the tracks. Bill B. also submitted a report of the track find to the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization via their web site (BFRO.net), upon the recommendation of Sergeant Kaufman. As a Colorado investigator for the BFRO, I spoke with Bill B., Sergeant Kaufman, and Vern P. to confirm the details. Bill B. returned to the site a few times and documented the scene thoroughly. The photos below are low-res, reduced-sized versions of the photos he took. Track casts were not made because of the poor condition of the tracks at that stage. The measurements and photos clearly showed that the tracks were not superimposed bear tracks.","county":"Eagle County","state":"Colorado","season":"Spring","title":"Report 1355: BFRO Investigator, Keith Foster's evaluation of tracks found on the south shore of the Eagle River. App. 1 mile east of the town of Eagle.","date":"2000-03-21","number":1355,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9xh19s2qvs","temperature_high":51.16,"temperature_mid":35.95,"temperature_low":20.74,"dew_point":20.68,"humidity":0.58,"cloud_cover":0.25,"moon_phase":0.56,"precip_intensity":0.0004,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1011.37,"summary":"Light precipitation in the morning.","uv_index":7,"visibility":9.89,"wind_bearing":260,"wind_speed":3.92,"year":2000,"geometry":[-106.8085,39.6632]} {"observed":"Possible footprint observation, FR 578 near Hermosa Peak, Dolores County Colorado, Friday, June 20, 2003 We were staying in a cabin northeast of Vallecitos on Middle Mountain, just off of FR 724. I arrived in the area Tuesday the 17th of June. We had spent several days in the area, including trips to Mesa Verde, horseback riding on West Mountain in the Weminuche Wilderness, and fourwheeling up FR 724 on Middle Mountain. Friday morning (the 20th), we drove into Durango and rented a couple of late model Jeeps. We drove out to attempt a drive on FR 682 but found it closed due to a recent fire. The Jeep rental folks had suggested FR 578 as an alternate if we found 682 closed, so we proceeded north on US 550 to the Purgatory\\Durango Mountain Resort area and picked up FR 578. At the junction we followed FR 578 and took it up through the Graysill Mine and Graysill ghost town, over Bolam Pass, and then west from the junction with TR 638. We followed FR 578 until the trail terminates at a berm installed on a spur of FR 578, presumably installed to close the trail to motorized traffic. While my wife and daughter and I stopped to eat lunch, my sister, brother-in-law and father hiked towards the base of Hermosa Peak (12,579 ft). I estimate we were at approximately 11,500 to 12,000 feet, near the timberline. When they returned from their hike (about 3 PM), my sister (age 28) reported that she had noticed what she thought looked like a large bare human footprint on a closed portion of trail, approximately mile WSW from the berm. Having been interested in the Bigfoot phenomenon for some time, I though she might be pulling my leg but I took my video camera and we walked down the path together, looking for where she thought she had seen the footprint. We noticed a large amount of Elk sign in the area, and what appeared to be motorcycle tire tracks. We had not noticed anything and had actually started back towards the area where the Jeeps were parked when she found the print. I videotaped the print, and compared my hiking boot (size 12) to the print. The print appeared to be perhaps 2 inches longer than my hiking boot which measures 12 inches, and about 1 to 2 inches wider than my hiking boot which measures about 5 inches wide, making the print approximately 14 or 15 inches long by about 6 to 7 inches wide. The print had what appeared to be a clear heel line, foot shape, ball print and toe marks. The print appeared to be a left foot. As we continued towards the Jeeps, we found another print, much more clear than the previous print about 3 to 4 feet away. When we first observe this print I am clearly heard on the tape to say Oh my God because the print was so obvious. This print appeared to be a right foot. Relative size compared to my hiking boot was similar to that noticed on the first print. This print had more definition of the heel print, arch and ball print, indicated flexibility due to a sharp rock that would have been near the center of the foot, and had five very distinct toe marks. The rock appeared to have been displaced either by whatever made the print, or subsequent to that by the passing of Elk or my family. My sister joked at this point that he stubbed his toe due to the shape of the print and proximity to other rocks. About 3 or 4 feet further along the trail (heading back ENE) we found a third print that was not as easy to distinguish but which approximately matched the distance from the first to second print and was again similar in size. The ground on the trail was getting progressively harder and more stoney, but this appeared to be a left foot again. No further prints were observed as we made our way back to the Jeeps, but we continued to observe Elk prints made in the muddy sides of the closed trail (evidenced by curling and ridges on the prints). I initially took the whole event in a rather non-serious way, even though I have been a real student of Bigfoot stories and research for sometime, especially during my teens and early twenties. In hindsight, we could have marked the prints and tried to take more accurate measurements of gait, print size, even sketched them, as well as heading back down the trail (towards Hermosa Peak) where the ground was softer and more likely to have recorded additional prints. We also could have looked around the area for other signs, there were several nearby stands of trees, snow and other fresh water sources. I do have several minutes of video that includes the surrounding area to verify my location and for reference, and this includes some clear images of all three prints. I weigh about 180 pounds and made very little in the way of tracks in the dirt, with only occasional traces of boot tread showing in the same area. I do not recall noticing ridges on the prints indicating they were not likely made while the ground was overly wet or muddy. I am 33, do not drink or smoke, work in management at an aerospace company, and am married with a 7 year old daughter. Having had several days now to think about this event, and to have gauged the reactions of the few folks I have told about our observations, I am still not exactly sure what we saw and what I taped, but it definitely appears to be large humanoid footprints, made in varying terrain, showing a 3 to 4 foot gait and a foot that is somewhere near 14 or 15 inches long and about 6 or 7 inches wide. I am not a great outdoorsman but I am aware that some bear prints can appear almost human, but the video shows what I believe to have been clear human or humanoid footprints with no evidence of claws as on a bear. Honestly, the thought now that we might have seen footprints of a large animal such as Bigfoot is quite unsettling, and made me uneasy at night, both while in the cabin near Vallecitos, and even at my home in Rio Rancho, near Albuquerque. I can be available for any follow-up or to try and make copies of the video available if desired.","location_details":"See description.","county":"Dolores County","state":"Colorado","season":"Spring","title":"Report 6538: Large tracks found in southwest Colorado mountains","date":"2003-08-02","number":6538,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9wenx2e54c","temperature_high":66.79,"temperature_mid":54.82,"temperature_low":42.85,"dew_point":41.92,"humidity":0.71,"cloud_cover":0.46,"moon_phase":0.15,"precip_intensity":0.0151,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Rain starting in the evening.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":178,"wind_speed":0.06,"year":2003,"geometry":[-107.9584,37.70835]} {"observed":"I work at Arrowhead Golfcourse in Roxborough, Colorado. Me and two other of my co-workers were going around getting all of the flags at the end of the night. As we were going around the corner for hole 13 (it backs up to Roxborough State Park), out of the corner of our eyes we saw this huge whitish grey figure that was clearly distinguished as a large human like figure. Maybe about 7-8 feet tall. Then we went around the corner before realizing what we had seen. We sat for a second and I questioned my friend as to if he had just seen something as well. The answer was \"yes\" and we turned around to go back to where we had seen it. When going around the corner my two friends had seen it again. unfortunatley I missed the second sighting. Acording to my friend the \"figure\" had peeked its head around the corner and stared at them. They claim to have seen a \"shoulder\" move and then started screaming. Once they started screaming the \"figure\" moved and was out of sight. We put the golfcart into reverse and drove out of that area as fast as possible. We went up to the cart barn and got a cart that was fully enclosed that had front headlights and went back to hole 13. As we got there we stopped around the corner (just before the point in which my friends saw the shoulder move) to see if we could find footprints or anything out of the ordinary. As we sat there, we started hearing very strange creaking noises that came from the back and to the left of us. We stood there listening to this sound for about 5-10 seconds and nobody was moving because we were all scared to death. We left the area quickly. The next couple days we attempted to look for \"it\" again and haven't seen anything since.","location_details":"Rampart Range Road to Arrowhead Golfcourse in Roxborough Park. Hole 13 Pro Tee Box.","county":"Douglas County","state":"Colorado","season":"Fall","title":"Report 12802: Nighttime sighting by golf course worker at Arrowhead Golfcourse, aside Roxborough State Park, Rampart Range.","date":"2005-10-07","number":12802,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9xj22uu48y","temperature_high":72.94,"temperature_mid":60.325,"temperature_low":47.71,"dew_point":25.39,"humidity":0.42,"cloud_cover":0.05,"moon_phase":0.14,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1015.17,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":5.78,"wind_bearing":177,"wind_speed":0.58,"year":2005,"geometry":[-105.0787,39.4455]} {"observed":"My girlfriend and I were hiking the Lake Charles Trail in the Holy Cross Wilderness area. We had hiked approximately 3 hrs/6 miles when we reached a basin which included 2-3 small lakes. Upon reaching the basin area (a clearing) after climbing a steep switchback, we immediately heard what sounded like a loud scream coming from approximately 50-75 yards away in a dense pine cluster at the base of a mountain. The sound grew louder as the animal was moving in a diagonal to us through the pine cluster somewhat towards us. The vocalization now sounded like a large man wailing or moaning in a loud, rhythmic pattern. The vocalization would last for 2-3 seconds then pause for 4-5 seconds then start up again. This went on for 2-3 minutes. I am an avid hiker and outdoorsman and am familiar with animal vocalizations including bear, elk, coyote, and mountain lion. I can say that what we heard was not an ordinary animal. I had with me two dobermans that have a tendency to chase a moving animal however, on this occasion, they were motionless showing a curious stance and looking in the direction of the sound. As the sound grew louder, I became extremely frightened due to the volume and unknown nature. I leashed the dogs and reached for my pepper spray as the sound moved towards us. I cannot emphasize enough the rhythmic nature of this call and sheer volume. The vocalization eventually stopped and we continued our hike. 5 minutes later, we passed a White River Forest Ranger, \"Lisa\", who we questioned regarding the vocalization. She had heard it also and stated that in her years of service, she has never heard a sound like that before. She had no idea what it was.","location_details":"From Eagle, CO, take Brush Creek Road south to East Brush Creek Road(415)to the Fulford Cave/Lake Charles Trailhead. Incident took place in Holy Cross Wildnerness.","county":"Eagle County","state":"Colorado","season":"Summer","title":"Report 1251: Threatening bellows directed at hikers and their dogs in the Holy Cross Wilderness","date":"2000-09-19","number":1251,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9xh0qpvwyk","temperature_high":62.86,"temperature_mid":50.255,"temperature_low":37.65,"dew_point":36.25,"humidity":0.7,"cloud_cover":0.25,"moon_phase":0.7,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1009.03,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the evening.","uv_index":7,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":304,"wind_speed":4.23,"year":2000,"geometry":[-106.6035,39.4627]} {"observed":"My family was on vacation in Colorado Springs, Co, last summer. We were driving up Pike's Peak on the main road, and turned off onto the first rest area parking lot. The region was composed of large and small rock formations and was forested, primarily with pine trees. A stream was across the street. It is an area that is not inhabited by human, except for the traffic on the road: tourists visiting Pike's Peak. I was standing on top of a large rock formation, looking down on my dad, who was about to take my picture with his camera. I shouted, \"Dad, look!\" as I saw what I immediately believed to be a bigfoot 100 feet behind him. My dad did not turn around and look at the bigfoot, because he wanted to take my picture. The bigfoot was in motion, black, and was quickly out of sight. I know what bears look like, because I did a report for school on bears last year. This was not a bear.","location_details":"first visitor parking lot on the Pike's Peak Highway, right turn (going uphill)","county":"El Paso County","state":"Colorado","season":"Summer","title":"Report 3710: Daytime sighting by Pike's Peak tourist","date":"2001-06-30","number":3710,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9wvm6cekkj","temperature_high":81.39,"temperature_mid":67.345,"temperature_low":53.3,"dew_point":47.98,"humidity":0.56,"cloud_cover":0.56,"moon_phase":0.34,"precip_intensity":0.0033,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.91,"summary":"Rain starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":7,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":150,"wind_speed":5.88,"year":2001,"geometry":[-104.9917,38.9006]} {"observed":"Last year during archery season my 12year old son and I were elk hunting off Rampart Range road between forest rd 322 and Mt Herman rd and herd strange noises. I am an avid archery hunter and have hunted all typs of animals all my life and what we herd that night still sends shivers down my spine. I do alot of calling for myself and friends for elk so I am familiar with alot of noises in the woods, we had seen elk in the aera the week prior to this incident. We drove in to the end of a trail off 322 and parked the car it was getting late and having my son with me I decided to just go to the end of the trail that overlooked 3 beaver ponds and try calling. We got to where we could see the ponds and sat down to wait a few minutes and listen for bugling elk. After hearing nothing for a few minutes I decided to call, when I bugeled from the ridge opposit us we herd what seemed like part elk, part cat, whining, but it sounded like there was 20 or 30 animals on the ridge across from us all making this moening/whining type noise. It lasted about 15 seconds. I wasent sure what I had just heard so I bugeled again we heard the same noise again. I didn't recignize the noise and the hair on the back of my neck was standing up so I decided to leave. I also heard water splashing, it was getting dark and I looked all over the beaver pond through binos and could see nothing moving so we left. There is very few animal noises in the forrest that I do not recignize much less make me nervous but those noises we heard that night I will never forget.","location_details":"Between balanced rock rd and Mt Herman rd aprox 1/4 mile east of rampart range rd.","county":"El Paso County","state":"Colorado","season":"Fall","title":"Report 6164: Hunter's elk calls ellicit vocal responses from multiple animals","date":"2002-10-09","number":6164,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9wvq4r531p","temperature_high":62.38,"temperature_mid":48.825,"temperature_low":35.27,"dew_point":30.97,"humidity":0.61,"cloud_cover":0.39,"moon_phase":0.12,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1015.6,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":6,"visibility":9.35,"wind_bearing":185,"wind_speed":1.66,"year":2002,"geometry":[-105.0138,39.0621]} {"observed":"My uncle and I were elk hunting near Fossil Ridge northeast of Gunnison, CO when this incident ocurred. It was late afternoon when we noticed a strong odor that we thought might be elk so we headed east toward a small ridge hoping to find one on the other side. As we got closer we heard the noise of rocks being banged together. As we topped the ridge we saw a large dark brown animal squatting at the edge of a dry creek bed with it's back toward us. It was banging 2 rocks together with it's \"hands\" and making a grunting/growling noise each time the rocks hit. It seemed to sense our presence almost immediately and turned around and looked at us. Then it quickly stood up and jumped across the creek in one motion. I remember thinking \"nothing can move like that!\". It ran up the slope on the north side of the creek bed at an angle and disappeared into the pine and aspen trees farther up the hill. We could see it for about 50 feet before it was gone from sight. It moved real quietly for something that big. I estimate it's height as 6'5''. It was covered with long dark brown hair that made me think of a yak. It had a strong smell, at least there was a strong smell in the area that was like elk urine. After we calmed down a bit, we went into the creek bed and found the 2 rocks which were chipped and broken. We looked for other signs in that place but couldn't find anything else.","location_details":"The south side of Fossil Ridge near the base of it in a dry creek bed that runs east and west and has a game trail running along the north side of it. It's within Hunting Area 55. From Gunnison go east on Hwy 50 about 11 miles to Parlin. Go about one mile on the road to Pitkin (3101?) and turn left on Road 3103. This road goes about 8 miles north and becomes Forest Rd 583. From there hike about 2 miles northeast along the base of Fossil Ridge.","county":"Gunnison County","state":"Colorado","season":"Fall","title":"Report 6782: Hunters observe dark creature pounding rocks together","date":"2003-09-04","number":6782,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9wu5t6cvhm","temperature_high":66.58,"temperature_mid":55.685,"temperature_low":44.79,"dew_point":37.47,"humidity":0.62,"cloud_cover":0.31,"moon_phase":0.29,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Partly cloudy starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":8,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":242,"wind_speed":0.41,"year":2003,"geometry":[-106.6417,38.59998]} {"observed":"I was camping with my family around Taylor resivor, towards Aspen in a Coleman pop-up camper.Around midnight I heard something moving or licking our cast iron skillet that was washed and left by a tree outside our camper. I got up and opened the door of our camper expecting to see a bear. At that time my friends dogs that were sleeping in his tent about 100 feet from our camper strated to bark. In the distance I saw a large dark object running into the woods. The suprising thing was that our camper started to shake rapidly. In the morning I asked my wife if she could feel the camper if I ran by it. I weigh 220 lbs and couldn't make it move at all. When this animal ran away from it it felt like an earthquake. Very Strange.","county":"Gunnison County","state":"Colorado","season":"Summer","title":"Report 16038: Possible camp stalking at Taylor Reservoir outside Aspen","date":"2004-08-01","number":16038,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9wujfy97m6","temperature_high":69.62,"temperature_mid":56.05,"temperature_low":42.48,"dew_point":35.8,"humidity":0.5,"cloud_cover":0.21,"moon_phase":0.54,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1015.51,"summary":"Partly cloudy starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":11,"visibility":9.91,"wind_bearing":189,"wind_speed":1.15,"year":2004,"geometry":[-106.7522,39.01577]} {"observed":"My wife and I were about to start a fire for a barbecue at our ranch south of Leadville. We had just got the fire started when we heard something like a holler or a yell in a very deep tone. The first vocalization lasted about 5 seconds. Then after a moment it hollered again. We have a large pasture behind the house where we graze our horses. After the second vocalization the horses were running \"full blast\" towards us. When they got to us they were very spooked. Then it hollered again, stopped, and then uttered a few short very gutteral noises. We put out the fire and left, since the sounds seemed to be very close, at the tree line on the end of the pasture. I would estimate the distance was no more than a quarter mile away. The noise this thing made is hard to describe or mimic. It had to be felt as much as heard. It was deep low frequency holler that vibrates in your bones and literally shakes your guts. You could tell it was a very large animal that was making the noise. We have had our ranch for a number of years. This is not the first time we have heard these noises. This was unique, because it was the longest, lasting over a three to four minute period. We have also heard what appeared to be rocks \"clacking\" together, and then \"clacking back from a farther distance as if they are answering each other.","location_details":"Witness requests anonymity. But the location is generally south of Leadville, east of the National Fish Hatchery, North of Highway 300 and west of Highway U.S. 24.","county":"Lake County","state":"Colorado","season":"Summer","title":"Report 3604: Rancher, wife startled by vocalizations near Leadville","date":"2001-07-30","number":3604,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9wur5stnnj","temperature_high":74.59,"temperature_mid":62,"temperature_low":49.41,"dew_point":35.98,"humidity":0.44,"cloud_cover":0.31,"moon_phase":0.36,"precip_intensity":0.0001,"precip_probability":0.14,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1009.48,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":178,"wind_speed":2.43,"year":2001,"geometry":[-106.3625,39.225]} {"observed":"On Sept. 4, 2001, I climbed Mt. Massive, southwest of Leadville. The route I took starts at the Mt. Massive trailhead, in the wooded valley where the Colorado Trail crosses Halfmoon Creek. The elevation of this area is just over 10,000 feet. Near the end of this long hike, at about 6:30 PM, I was approaching the trailhead parking lot, maybe several hundred yards ahead, when I heard an animal walking through the trees to my right. The trees in this area are dense, so I couldn't see anything moving. But I could clearly hear loud footsteps crunching through the underbrush, about 100 to 150 feet away. I was not particularly worried, because the animal was rapidly moving in the opposite direction I was headed. After about 10 or 20 seconds, the animal made a loud, deep, resonant bark, like a combined dog bark and foghorn. The crunching footsteps continued moving away, when after 20 or 30 seconds, the animal made another loud bark, exactly like the first. I didn't hear anything else. I never saw anything. No one else was in the area. I immediately presumed this animal was a black bear. This explanation seemed satisfactory until a few months ago, when I found out that black bears don't make any sound similar to the bark I heard. Also, the footsteps sounded as if made by a bipedal animal, but bears don't walk on two legs.","location_details":"On the Colorado Trail, a few hundred yards east of the Mt. Massive trailhead","county":"Lake County","state":"Colorado","season":"Summer","title":"Report 24194: Hiker describes possible near encounter on the Colorado Trail near Mt. Massive","date":"2001-09-04","number":24194,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9wuqf26k5g","temperature_high":68.34,"temperature_mid":51.77,"temperature_low":35.2,"dew_point":34.39,"humidity":0.55,"cloud_cover":0.34,"moon_phase":0.56,"precip_intensity":0.0006,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1016.36,"summary":"Light precipitation in the morning.","uv_index":8,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":113,"wind_speed":1.9,"year":2001,"geometry":[-106.4213,39.15735]} {"observed":"I was determined to summit Mt. Elbert, the highest peak in Colorado. I had made 2 previous attempts in 2001 and 2000 and on both attempts I was turned back at 13,000 ft. by weather. I have always gone solo. On this day May 29th 2002 I left the Black Cloud Trailhead at 7:00am solo. I summited Mt. Elbert at 1:45pm. The weather was perfect and unseasonably warm. There must have been very little snow during the winter because there was very little snow left even at summit. I stayed on top for 10 minutes took pictures with my digital camera. My sighting occured around 3:30pm at approximately. 11,500 feet. I was decending and very tired.The trail is not very popular because of its steepness and because it's very rugged in spots. I did not see anyone the whole day. I was traveling on the trail through the only level portion which is a high mountain plateau that lasts maybe 300 yards. The trail hugs an avalanche area to the left and to the right is a pine forest which is moderately dense. As I was walking I heard a fairly high pitched but gutteral cross between a scream and a growl. It must have been heard for miles. I froze in my tracks and unsnapped my holster. I scanned in the direction I thought it originated from but it's hard to tell in the mountains because of echo. I looked to the right first into the forest and saw nothing, then slowly did a 360 scan and now I'm looking back to the forest. At 50 yards I spot the bigfoot. It is standing still facing me approx. 7 feet to 7 1/2 feet tall. I was wearing army camo and I think it had a hard time figuring me out for a few seconds. I was so scared and astonished at what I was looking at I could not move.Then suddenly it turned and ran with a huge stride and it was fast. Its color was black and brown mixed and its fur or hair was thick and matted in spots. It ran like a man except with a slightly haunched upper back and a much bigger and more powerful gait. I lost sight of it in about 10 seconds after it began to run. At this point I pulled my pistol and immediately started cautiously down the trail. My heart was beating so hard I thought it was going to come out of my chest. I could actually hear it beating in my ears.I was no longer tired and the adrenaline was pumping. All the way down the trail I was doing looks over my shoulder and scanning everything. My camera was in my light backpack and I didn't even think about it till I got back to the cabin I rented. I know what I saw and nobody can take that away from me but I didn't dare talk about it until I accidently stumbled upon this website. I hope this helps your research.","location_details":"At 14,433 ft. (4409m) Mt. Elbert is the tallest peak in Colorado. Located in the Collegiate Peaks Range inside the San Isabel National Forest. Mt Elbert is surrounded by designated wilderness on the north, south and west. It is quite close to Mt. Massive and Twin Lakes. This part of Colorado's high country, which lies between Aspen and Leadville, has been one of the most consistent generators of sasquatch reports going back to the mining era of the 1880s. The Black Cloud Trailhead is accessed from CO 82 on Independence Pass.","county":"Lake County","state":"Colorado","season":"Spring","title":"Report 6785: Startled hiker sees tall shaggy biped on trail near Leadville","date":"2002-05-29","number":6785,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9wuq3u7t8t","temperature_high":64.55,"temperature_mid":49.725,"temperature_low":34.9,"dew_point":23.1,"humidity":0.4,"cloud_cover":0.2,"moon_phase":0.62,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.72,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":12,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":340,"wind_speed":3.78,"year":2002,"geometry":[-106.4417,39.0917]} {"observed":"The BFRO Colorado Expedition was conducted in a remote area in the same part of Colorado as some major ski areas -- Vail, Ski Cooper, and Breckenridge. The area was heavily forested and had plenty of water. The expedition was well planned and was executed well. The majority of the participants arrived at the initial base camp location on 8 Sept and individual camps (groups of two-three) were positioned along the drainage. We had all been briefed on the history of sightings, tracks, and vocalizations in the area, and the methods we'd use to determine their presence. We spread out that evening, stayed in touch via walkie talkie, and conducted wood knocking and calling in an coordinated manner. We had night vision devices, recording devices, and IR detection equipment. We worked well into the early morning hours (2 AM). Nothing was heard. The next morning (9 Sept) the guides said we should move the base camp to another target area, because we would have heard any sasquatches the night before if they were in that drainage. We drove a few hours to a new location across the Continental Divide. The night of 9 Sept was spent in canyon near the new base camp. Participants were positioned a half mile to quarter mile intervals (I think) with the sound blaster positioned in the middle of the group. The calls and wood knocks announced and timed so as not to be confused with a response. Nothing was heard. The next day (10 Sept.), the focus moved to a different canyon, near where some possible vocalizations were heard the night before by one of the guides. A group of five or six worked the top of the drainage from well above the timber line and hiked down in the direction of the base camp. Two others worked the road on ATVs above the valley, and a few others worked the hillsides above the drainage. I hiked up the same drainage starting from the base camp. As I was walking up the trail next to the creek, about a mile or so from camp, I was in radio contact with the group above me. We would announce when we would call or wood knock. We could hear the knocks and calls between us, but just barely. I proceeded to a fork in the trail and found an old hunting camp site that had been used in previous years but had shown no signs of recent use. I started to take an old trail that went through the camp site when I heard two distinct and clear wood knocks to my left approximately 150 - 200 yards away at most close enough to startle me significantly as I was by my self. I stopped and immediately got on the radio no one was within a mile of two of me and no one had said they were knocking. The sound was much closer and more distinct that those made by the guys way up on the ridge above me. After about two minutes, I picked up a large stick and made two or three loud wood knocks in reply. I got an immediate response of two knocks that appeared to be a little farther away (maybe 300-400 yards) but still very clear. The knocks were similar to the first I had heard but just a little farther away. I responded again with knocks and then a whoop or two over a 30 minute period but got no additional replies. I was alert to any movement or smells in the area but noticed none. Eventually I decided to return to base camp. After arriving at camp I linked up with a few other guys. We road ATVs to the location where I heard the knocks to investigate further. One guy took the ATV further on the trail that forked to the left at the old camp site. He went for about .7 miles in the direction where the sound came from. He later said he noticed a musty smell in that area. The group that worked the drainage from the top had found a couple of sets of tracks (which they photographed). I saw the pictures and thought they were pretty clear. As they moved down the valley they also noticed a distinct smell about 500 yards to the left of the above referenced wood knock incident. This is the same area where Lee picked up the smell and turned around on the trail. Some things happened later that night around the base camp. I'll let the others describe those incidents. I recommend that as a prerequisite for attending expeditions, each attendee should listen closely to the Sierra Sounds CD. I bought it after the trip and wish I had heard it before the trip. It gives a good understanding of what they sound like, the wood knocks, the vocalizations, and all. The expedition guides from the BFRO were very informative and helpful. They brought a lot of experience to the event. The guides from Colorado had extensive knowledge of the encounters in this area, including some of their own. Other attendees were witnesses from Colorado. I hope to work with the Colorado guides and the other newbies over the next year (may even be up for a trip to Wyoming). I now have a working sound blaster, and a couple of digital trail cams enough to be dangerous. I hope to attend some of the other expeditions over the next year (Oklahoma, Arizona or Oregon) and work with this group again. My wife thinks I have lost it. I have to get her involved.","county":"Lake County","state":"Colorado","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12904: Notes from the Colorado BFRO Expedition","date":"2005-09-09","number":12904,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9wux91hevb","temperature_high":50.69,"temperature_mid":43.885,"temperature_low":37.08,"dew_point":41.35,"humidity":0.91,"cloud_cover":0.77,"moon_phase":0.19,"precip_intensity":0.0032,"precip_probability":0.77,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1010.69,"summary":"Foggy until afternoon.","uv_index":7,"visibility":5.78,"wind_bearing":255,"wind_speed":0.78,"year":2005,"geometry":[-106.1215,39.29325]} {"observed":"A friend and I and my dog were hiking in the Loveland Pass of Colorado. We parked on highway 6 where it crosses the continental Divide and hiked south along the divide for about five miles. We meandered down into one of the valleys carved into the divide on the eastern side. We were looking for pioneer artifacts from the many who passed through this area on the trek to California. We had descended below the tree line where the valley peteres out into a boggy meadow. This meadow runs down to a stream to the immediate east. The stream is large at this point and I think this is the same stream that can be seen from Interstate 70 at the Eisenhower tunnel several miles north at the Loveland ski resort. Dense brush and tree cover run along the opposite bank. We began to hear what we thought were noises from a large animal across the stream. We tried approaching the source of the noise, but as we moved closer the sound moved away downstream along the opposite bank. I started catching glimpses of a large, hairy, brown and black animal and thought we were following a bear. My friend had the same idea and our pace slowed to a halt. The animal then moved a little closer to us and appeared to watch us for several seconds. Its height made it look like a bear reared up on its hind legs. It then turn and moved off downstream through the brush in a long, loping, two legged gate that would have been impossible for a bear. We did not care to follow. Adding to my belief that what we saw was not a bear or other wild animal is the fact that my dog did not bark or show any of the aggressive excitement he usually displays upon encountering a wild animal. He actually drove an adult black bear, which was pillaging garbage cans, out of a campground several years ago. During our encounter in Loveland he only showed the polite interest he shows in people in the woods.","county":"Clear Creek County","state":"Colorado","season":"Summer","title":"Report 408: Daylight sighting by hikers in the Loveland Pass area (Cont. Div.)","date":"2000-08-26","number":408,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9xhc8jbk19","year":2000,"geometry":[-105.8199,39.67095]} {"observed":"On Dec, 20, 2000, my wife and daughter were walking along (withheld) Road when they spotted two large footprints in the snow about five feet off the road a quarter mile from our cabin. Due to the size of the prints, at first they thought it was a bear. But as they got closer, they saw it was a huge foot similar to a man's without shoes on. They came home insisting I come and look at this thing. I examined the print by placing my foot next to it. My shoe size is 10 1/2 and this print was five inches longer and double the width. I estimated it was 14 inches long with toes, and a slight curve in the arch area. It was left a mystery until today's Denver Post arrived with an article on bigfoot displaying the same footprint we examined on Dec. 20.","location_details":"Withheld at witness request.","county":"Archuleta County","state":"Colorado","season":"Winter","title":"Report 1232: Family marvels at huge barefoot tracks in snow","date":"2000-12-20","number":1232,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9weg95k12t","year":2000,"geometry":[-107.1771,37.19583]} {"observed":"(Witness stated the incident occurred while he was with his mom, dad and uncle four-wheeling on the Como Road in the Sangre De Cristo Mountains in the San Luis Valley in Colorado on Sunday, August 20th, 2000.) We had made it past Lake Como and to the end of the Jeep road, where we fished for a while and ate our lunch. When we left the last lake, it was about 1:30 p.m., with my uncle and me in the lead on our four-wheelers. We had gone about a half a mile when my uncle and I spotted both something that looked like a dead, burned tree stump that was about 7 to 8 feet tall. We didn't think to much of it until it moved. It stood upright and walked like a man. At first, we thought it was a hiker but it was all the same color, from head to toe. It walked about 15 yards before it walked into the trees. My uncle and both stopped to make sure we saw the same thing. But we drove down the road about 300 to 400 yards before we decided to go look for it. We walked into the trees about 200 yards and came to a small meadow. My uncle was looking the other way when at the other end of the meadow it ran through. I yelled, \"There it goes\"!. We took off after it, on foot. This time I got a little bit better chance to look at it. The creature was a light to a medium brown and had shaggy long hair, it stood about 7 feet tall. When we reached the end of the meadow, each of us went in an opposite direction. My uncle went the same direction as the bigfoot, and I went the other way in case it double-backed on us. But we didn't see the creature after that. We did find a few footprints, but didn't have any plaster to make a mold. So we went back down the mountain. I know what I saw that day and no one can tell us otherwise.","location_details":"From I-25 at Walsenberg, take U.S. 160 westbound. Turn right on Co. 150. Go about 2 miles and turn on what is called Lake Como Road. This is the toughest Four Wheel Drive Road in Colorado, and the third toughest in the U.S. You take the road untill it ends at a lake, that is 6.8 miles. It will take you about4 hours.","county":"Alamosa County","state":"Colorado","season":"Summer","title":"Report 348: Teen and uncle chase reddish bigfoot in San Isabel National Forest","date":"2000-08-20","number":348,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9wsvz34f2v","temperature_high":65.15,"temperature_mid":48.14,"temperature_low":31.13,"dew_point":42.2,"humidity":0.87,"cloud_cover":0.16,"moon_phase":0.68,"precip_intensity":0.0034,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1020.16,"summary":"Light rain in the evening.","uv_index":11,"visibility":9.34,"wind_bearing":352,"wind_speed":2.17,"year":2000,"geometry":[-105.4979,37.57915]} {"observed":"About twelve years ago we were on a very remote and desolate stretch of highway, southeast of Live Oak, Florida, headed south. It was about 1:15 AM. There were four of us in an older model Monte Carlo pulling a Coleman travel trailer loaded with cave diving gear, (probably weighing in around eight-hundred pounds gross). A Tennessee State Trooper was driving and I was shotgun. The two men in the back were asleep. Suddenly, right out of nowhere, (with only our headlights for illumination), a tall, huge black form rushed from the right edge of the roadway and came toward us, (in a perpendicular path as if to cross the highway). It was so quick that the driver had no reaction time whatsoever! While the car missed this erect, but stooped, huge black form the trailer obviously got it. The trailer sounded as if it had exploded and I saw, in the glow of our brake lights, that the entire trailer became airborne and went about as high as the roof of the car! What did we hit? was the question yelled by the sleepy owner. The other sleepy passenger yelled, What the hell? The trooper calmly looked over at me and in an astounded voice asked, What the hell was that? Did you see that? I replied quietly, I saw that and I have no idea what that was! The owner asked from the back seat, Was it a bear? Ill bet it was a bear! The trooper, in total agreement with me replied, I dont think so. It was too big! Well, all the while we had been braking to a stop. We all got out, checked out the trailer, checked the passenger side of the car, looked for a corpse, looked for blood, looked for hair, but found nothing at all! The best I remember we even turned around and drove back past the point of impact but saw nothing! It will be passed off as a bear, (I am certain), but I do not believe a bear could possibly be that big, move that fast, or suffer that kind of impact without being injured. (Just my opinion) I have never thought about this being a bigfoot until a year or so ago and then it all sort of began coming together for me. (Whatever it was, it was huge, black, fast and one tough son-of-a-gun!)","location_details":"A major two-lane heading south probably southwest of Live Oak, FL.","county":"Suwannee County","state":"Florida","season":"Summer","title":"Report 33784: Car pulling camper hits something on US 129 South of Live Oak","date":"2000-07-15","number":33784,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"djm52j39n1","year":2000,"geometry":[-82.96643,30.13156]} {"observed":"First of all, I am a 57 year old H.S. & College Psychology and Humanities teacher with a background in phenomenon reasearch. I have two Masters degrees and I have often been nicknamed the \"resident sceptic\" because I demand scientific principles in real time for all observable data. I despise hoaxes. My wife and I were standing on a boardwalk on a bright, moonlit night around 11:30 p.m. I was looking north when I first saw it at about 100 yards. At first, I thought it was just a late night jogger. After it got about 50 yards closer I alerted my wife to \"turn around\" because I realized that this was not your \"average jogger.\" It walked with a smooth, long stride with arms swinging about two feet in front and back. It was a uniform, solid black or brown (\"shadowy\") in color; no light face, hands or shoes. We watched it walk south right at the edge of the surf, southward until it disappeared down the beach. And I am quite sure that it saw us. I thought about yelling or \"encountering\" it but that thought lasted just for two seconds. This thing was walking fast, with a deliberate stride and a slight forward stance. It was \"on a mission, as it were. There were no footprints because it was walking slightly into the water. I KNOW what I saw; my wife and I were in complete agreement on all of the details. I guess this is another incidence where I can only REPORT the data. There seems to no way to research it; unless someone else happened to see or confront it.","location_details":"It was walking down the driving area of the beach southward toward the wildlife preserve...","county":"Volusia County","state":"Florida","season":"Summer","title":"Report 2848: Large humanoid figure seen at night near beach","date":"2004-11-07","number":2848,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"djnkzu424g","temperature_high":75.82,"temperature_mid":63.01,"temperature_low":50.2,"dew_point":53.4,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":0.02,"moon_phase":0.83,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1017.65,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.96,"wind_bearing":345,"wind_speed":3.06,"year":2004,"geometry":[-80.86715,28.98195]} {"observed":"BFRO, My friend and I, were 'spotting' gators one night in Ormond Beach, FL when we had an encounter with something, well...unknown. We were near a lake when we heard something large in the woods behind us. When we shined our lights into the woods to see what was making the noises, we heard a series of blunt beating noises, about a second to two seconds apart. The sound was like that of a wood baseball bat hitting a tree. This went on from about 30 seconds to a minute before the tree fell. As we heard the crackling of the falling tree we ran back towards the nearest safe place to us. At this same time we heard in the woods to our left, something almost stalking our every move. Once we got to \"civilization\" and realized we were out of danger, we decided to go back to find out the source of what happened. When we returned, almost an hour later, we found a tree freshly broken in half, the break being about eight feet from the ground. The break was not a clean cut like that of a hatchet, rather like the tree had been bent to its breaking point. We knew this was a fresh break from the dripping sap, which next day was dry so it was definitely the source of the noise of a falling tree. On a branch about seven feet from the ground we found a hair sample. The hair is still yet to be identified. The best description we can give is it is a two to two and a half inch light brown hair, which is wavy with a kink close to the middle of it. The tree is about 25 to 30 feet tall. The break was about seven to eight feet in the air. At waist, the diameter is about ten inches, and at the break between six and eight inches. Please help us to determine if this was from a known and indigenous species or if it was our distant friend. Also, If there is a credible source to send the hair, to find out its origin, please send us a lab. Thank you. ***A NEW REPORT (37689) OF THIS INCIDENT WAS FILED 11/25/12. THIS IS THE STATEMENT FROM IT. BOTH REPORTS ARE NOW COMBINED. While walking down the dock, the woods next to the dock began moving and shaking violently. We were scared but assuming it could be a bum, we shouted into the woods. Eventually the shaking stopped and a few minutes later, we heard a knocking sound. It sounded like a 4x4 size pieces of wood hitting a tree. The knocking went on for several minutes. We continued to yell trying to figure out what it was. Next, was the scariest part. A tree about 25-30 feet from the dock started rocking violently. Still screaming, the tree fell toward the dock and we started running, the whole time we heard something keeping pace parallel to us on the dock and grunting. We later went back and found a brown/red hair hanging from the bottom of a branch.","location_details":"From US1 head west on Wilmette. After a small rightward bend, you will see an apartment complex called Willow Pond on the right, after entering the complex, follow the parking lot all the way to the back, and once you find the pool the entrance to the dock is on your right. Follow the dock about an eight of a mile to a large uprooted tree. Another 40 feet directly back, off the dock, is the tree in question.","county":"Volusia County","state":"Florida","season":"Spring","title":"Report 12068: Possible intimidation behavior experienced while shining for alligators in Ormond Beach","date":"2005-05-24","number":12068,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"djnqdujykc","temperature_high":90.46,"temperature_mid":80.67,"temperature_low":70.88,"dew_point":68.06,"humidity":0.71,"cloud_cover":0.24,"moon_phase":0.53,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1006.55,"summary":"Partly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":8,"visibility":7.74,"wind_bearing":255,"wind_speed":5.95,"year":2005,"geometry":[-81.08198,29.29063]} {"observed":"It was Friday, January 25, 2001. At first I was not even going to go down to the area were I and a friend saw a bigfoot. I was going to finish watching the Pagosa Basketball team play and go home. But a boxing match was on the same night and my best friend's (not the friend that saw it with me) brother-in-law was going to buy it on Pay per View, and his brother-in-law lives in the area of Cromo and Edith, Colorado. There are always some crazy sightings of UFO's and Bigfoot sightings. I really didn't believe in these type of things until I saw one for myself. We watched the boxing match and after it was over we started to head back to Pagosa Springs on Cromo Rd and we were almost to Highway 84 when about 20 yards in front of us this thing or big foot crossed and went quickly, almost as if we were seeing things. I didn't know what to think, so I asked Sammy if he saw it, and he said, What was that? We got up to where it crossed and I opened my door to look down on the road and saw a foot print and Sammy opened his door and saw a track too. We both freaked out and I drove as fast I could to Pagosa Springs. We didn't tell that many people, only the ones that would believe us.","county":"Archuleta County","state":"Colorado","season":"Winter","title":"Report 5586: Large creature crosses road in 1 1/2 strides","date":"2003-04-11","number":5586,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9ws48khnm0","temperature_high":67.73,"temperature_mid":51.22,"temperature_low":34.71,"dew_point":13.9,"humidity":0.24,"cloud_cover":0.35,"moon_phase":0.31,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":8,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":277,"wind_speed":2.69,"year":2003,"geometry":[-106.8583,37.025]} {"observed":"Two friends and I went camping in the San Juan National Forest just east of Lake Vallecito on 6-1-04. DC and I were from out of state but JG was a regular camper there. We went 12 miles up the forest service rd. and picked a campsite. We saw no one else that day and it was a dead-end road. JG said it was the first time he'd been there alone. We spent the day hiking around and cooking meat over the campfire. We did not see or hear anything unusual that day other than a partial horse skeleton. At about midnight, we were winding down when we heard three, 2-tone howls to the hill approx. 1/4 mile to our north. We knew it was not a coyote but almost sounded like a person trying to imitate a coyote because it had a deeper bass tone. About five minutes later, we heard the same thing again. Then I heard something like a gunshot in the same area but there was no sonic crack. It was like something hit a tree really hard. Both sounds came from the same place as the first set of howls. We were all standing around the fire wondering what it was. JG had his shotgun in hand and we were all starting to get a little edgy. We all are police/former police/former military so it takes a lot to get any of us \"edgy.\" We all have camping experience and none of us had ever experienced anything like this before. About five minutes later, directly to our west, was a very loud 2-tone howl approx. 100 yds. away. It howled again and it was closer so it was closing in on us. DC and I drew our pistols and flashlights and all of us focused on the logging rd. that it/they would have to cross to get to us. There was a bright full moon so the open areas were well illuminated. It howled one more 2-tone howl before stopping at what we estimated to be 50 yds. away in the woodline. It seemed like it covered at least 50 yds. going through the woods while howling three times. Whatever it was was BIG and LOUD! There was a lot more bass to the howls than a dog/coyote/wolf has. Each time it howled it was 2-tone, in a series of three and it seemed unemotional or intelligent. About a minute later, another series of three 2-toned howls came from the hill to the south approx. 1/4 mile away. It seemed to be answering the one hiding in the treeline in front of us. Then the one in the treeline let out three more of the same howls. Let me stress again, this thing was LOUD! We were all pretty shaken. We felt that we had aroused at least three, big things that were communicating among themselves and closing in on us. We were all facing out from a dying fire with weapons and flashlights drawn. We didn't know if we were being studied or they were getting in position for attack. We decided to leave. After some debate, we decided to pack the trucks while one of us took turns watching with flashlight and gun. A few minutes later we were packed and headed down the mountain to the main rd. We did not see or hear anything while packing or leaving. When we got to the road, we stopped to unload our guns and stow them legally in the trucks. There was one house close to the road and after a while the dogs started to bark. I joked to JG that \"they\" were coming after us. Just then, we heard another set of howls about a mile back the rd. we'd just come down. Whatever it was had followed us and we left immediately. We were not sure what it was that night but after talking about the incident quite a bit, we think we had a Bigfoot encounter. It was a remote, wooded, mountain location with a large lake over the hill. There were at least three intelligent beings communicating that sounded loud and large. We had been leaving our scent all around and had been cooking meat all day. No person would be crazy enough to risk getting shot playing a prank on us. The howls were very eerie. Like I said, they were all like the first 2-tones of a wolf howl but much deeper. There was no trailing off like a dog/coyote/wolf howl, just 2-tones. Each 2-tone howl was in a series of three howls that took approx. 5-6 seconds per series. The only thing missing from the encounter was the lack of the famous Bigfoot stench. There was no wind so maybe the thing in the treeline was far enough away for it not to reach us. We are not out to hoax anyone. We hope none of our colleagues find out so our day to day judgment is not questioned or ridiculed. This was the first time any of us had seen any of the other ones scared. We just felt that we had to share our experience for what its worth.","location_details":"The encounter took place above Beaver Meadow Spring in the San Juan National Forest east of Vallecito Reservoir. The camping area is accessed by taking Forest Road 604 from CO 160 and proceeding due north via a welter of forest roads.","county":"Archuleta County","state":"Colorado","season":"Spring","title":"Report 9018: Campers driven off mountain by unseen intruders","date":"2004-06-01","number":9018,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9wesdt3jsr","temperature_high":67.88,"temperature_mid":49.285,"temperature_low":30.69,"dew_point":18.18,"humidity":0.29,"cloud_cover":0.01,"moon_phase":0.45,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1011.77,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":12,"visibility":9.75,"wind_bearing":291,"wind_speed":1.64,"year":2004,"geometry":[-107.4667,37.38334]} {"observed":"We were on Highway 17 in southern Colorado, heading south through the Rio Grande National Forest toward Chama, NM. As we neared the border, Highway 17 began snaking up a five mile grade beginning at the Conejos River and cresting at La Manga Pass (10,230ft). Midway up the grade, we pulled off at a turnout to take a break and survey the surrounding forests, enjoying the view the elevation afforded us. The morning was quite brisk and one of the individuals in our party let out a \"whoop\" as we exited our vehicles. Soon after the echoes of the \"whoop\" had faded into the distance, we heard what sounded like a very loud roar (made by some type of nearby \"animal\"), unlike anything I'd ever heard before, that lasted for several seconds. Following a short pause there was another roar, then a pause, and then a final roar. The \"roar\" can best be described as being almost exactly that (sound, duration, pausing) which is currently found on this website, listed as a potential Bigfoot \"howl\" recorded in Ohio. In fact, listening to the \"howl\" and noting the distinct similarities to the \"roar\", is what prompted me to submit this report. In the silence following the final roar, I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand on end and uttered the only thing that came to mind at that point. Namely, \"What the hell was that?\" And, needless to say, I apparently wasn't alone in my thoughts as, with minimal discussion, our group quickly departed. In retrospect, even though we were seemingly alone on the grade, someone could have been playing tricks on us. Whatever, whether it was someone or something, the \"whoop\" issued by a person in our party is seemingly what precipitated the sounds we heard.","location_details":"Highway 17...Rio Grande National Forest...midway up the grade rising from a small bridge over the Conejos River to La Manga Pass.","county":"Conejos County","state":"Colorado","season":"Spring","title":"Report 407: Possible vocalizations heard while motorists were taking a break at turnout near La Manga Pass","date":"2000-04-19","number":407,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9ws75s34gx","year":2000,"geometry":[-106.3681,37.1137]} {"observed":"Preface: The following is an excerpt from a true story my brother wrote several years ago for a hunting magazine. Ive edited it down to just the relevant portion of the story where he has an encounter withsomething. ************************************ .sliding on my wallet with boot heels braking, I claw to a halt beside a dense stand of willows. Parting the foliage, I see the bull is mine at last. Snapping a few quick photos, Im hoping to slide the his sizeable mass down to a creek side flat for field dressing, but wedged in the tangle, its a case of too much elk and not enough me Nightfall has now engulfed the landscape. Stepping aside, by Braille I grope through my pack for a flashlight. Successful, I turn its beam across the downed elk, only to be startled by the sounds of a heavy animal scrambling uphill from beside the carcass. While my adrenal glands havent exactly been on vacation this evening, all sensory gauges are now pegged. It appears Im not the only one who has followed the blood trail. Shouting threats into the darkness, Im hoping to make it clear to this interloper exactly who this elk meat belongs to. How could an animal come so close without detecting the feared human scent? Having my share of bear-in-camp encounters, Im confident that this creature will, as others always have, amble off in search of easier pickings. Standing in the blackness of heavy canopy, I hear the crunching leaves from circling footfalls that tell me this time might be different. Looking at my bow and one remaining arrow, I feel like Im on safari with the proverbial switch. I briefly consider building a fire to keep the animal at bay, but as I scan the surroundings I find only fresh aspen growth upon a hillside too steep to support a fire. While Im generally a stickler for prompt field dressing, Im hesitant to make myself vulnerable by turning my back to the night and whatever is out there watching me. Sunrise is eight hours away and I know that if this continues much longer, my flashlights batteries will begin to fade. While pondering my dilemma, I hear footsteps and trickling beads of gravel dancing down the face of a rocky overhang directly behind me. Im not sure what Im up against, but something tells me its time to back away and leave the elk to whatever it is thats skulking in the darkness. Scanning for eye-shine with my failing flashlight, I descend the mountain, tying surveyors tape to aspen limbs to help me retrace my steps in the morning, and begin following the creek back to camp. Moments into the journey I stop and cock an ear into the night. Fifteen yards into dense willows, I again detect footfalls, seemingly paralleling me. I shouting once more. Im weary of all this, and not equipped to do anything other than continue on. Its a long, mentally exhausting hike back to camp. As soon as I get there I reach under a nearby log and feel the cold steel of my stashed .38. Gazing to the stars, I reflect upon my night. Unbelievably, I again hear the pacing of heavy footsteps on the wooded flat rising behind camp. The pistol is an enormous confidence builder, and wanting to get to the bottom of this, I rush the bench only to hear heavy footsteps dash off through breaking brush. Now, to have an animal come to a carcass is understandable, but why in the world would it pass up a freshly killed elk to follow me back to camp? Sleep is not going to come easy tonight. Even in the darkest woods, Ive always been comfortable; its just the same beautiful forest with the lights turned off, right? But tonight, Im truly unnerved. Contemplating the 4-mile journey to the security of the Jeep, I realize - whatever it is - its still out there. After wrestling the elk, Im sure I smell like one. Slipping into fresh clothes, I have a seat in a large clearing and scan the surroundings. As meteors race across the moonless sky all seems calm, and soon my sleeping bag beckons. At first light I eat a quick breakfast and head out, fully expecting to find my bull the subject of somebodys midnight snack. An hour later, Im ascending to the site. A metallic clang of the .38-barrel striking a Sierra Cup announces my approach to any lingering scavengers. Cautiously advancing, Im amazed to find my bull intact. Hmmm why then, was I followed? One question remains: Why was I pressed off the downed bull then apparently followed back to camp? Having stood my ground for some time, did the animal and I experience synchronized cowardice, mutually backing away, only to cross paths enroute to camp? Maybe. Or, was I intentionally followed? And, if so, what were its motives?....","county":"Conejos County","state":"Colorado","season":"Fall","title":"Report 23065: Bowhunters report unusual encounters in the South San Juan Mountains","date":"2001-09-15","number":23065,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9ws5zdehwf","temperature_high":59.75,"temperature_mid":51.38,"temperature_low":43.01,"dew_point":34.95,"humidity":0.52,"cloud_cover":0.22,"moon_phase":0.94,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":8,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":221,"wind_speed":5.72,"year":2001,"geometry":[-106.541,37.2362]} {"observed":"The following is a report of unusual noises. First, I would like to qualify myself as a competent woodsman...certainly no 19th century mountain man, but one who knows his way around the outdoors. I was camping in the Rio Grande National Forest in Conejos County Colorado in September of 2005. For those famaliar with this geographical area, I was in a district of the forest known locally and on topo maps as 'Jacob's Hill.' I have hunted and camped in this area for many many years. It was in late September and I was sitting in front of my campfire around 9 pm when I heard the most bone chilling and indescribable wailing roar that I have ever heard. It was a very throaty sound and could best be described as an animal in agony. While I have never heard a mountain lion roar in person I have heard this and other \"cat\" noises on T.V. and this did not sound at all like those noises. The closest thing I could relate it to would be the noise of a hereford bull bellowing....but it was not that either. The sound continued uninterrupted for about 5-10 seconds and then ceased. Immediately coyotes from several different locales in the vicinity began howling and yelping as tho very disturbed. I did not hear the noise again during that particular outing. Now, fast forward 2 months into November in camp in the same location for the elk hunting season. Bear in mind that until this moment in November I had not mentioned this incident to anyone. I awoke at 4 AM one cold morning and noticed that someone else was awake and had built our camp fire again. Because I was going to get up in another hour or so anyway, I got up and stepped outside. It was my brother prowling around and I asked why he was up so early. He replied that he had gotten up to go to the bathroom and the weirdest thing had happened. I interrupted him immediately and told that before he told me what had happened I wanted to tell him about my experience. I related to him the very story I told above. When I was finished my brother just looked at me in amazement and said that is exactly what he had just experienced verbatim; right down to the coyotes reacting. He, like me, could not relate the sound to anything we had ever seen or heard.","location_details":"[GPS coordinates were supplied, and are shown in the internal database, but have been removed by the Editor from the public version of the report.]","county":"Conejos County","state":"Colorado","season":"Fall","title":"Report 19804: Hunter reports unusual roars In South San Juan Mountains","date":"2005-09-20","number":19804,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9wskk3gh1j","temperature_high":66.13,"temperature_mid":56.935,"temperature_low":47.74,"dew_point":25,"humidity":0.32,"cloud_cover":0.06,"moon_phase":0.6,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1026.01,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":8,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":240,"wind_speed":2.42,"year":2005,"geometry":[-106.3325,37.3199]} {"observed":"Hello. I live in okeechobee co. florida. I am a christian and a family man and this report is as factual as I can make it, as god is my witness. I was not alone when this account occured. here are the details. Me and my hunting buddy were hunting boar with dogs one evening a few sommers back. We were on private land and not allowed to be there wich is why I suppose I never got to see what scared us so bad, I will explain. Me and tim were huntin all nite, mostly letting the dogs run and we just sit and listen for baying and then run to the dogs, catch the pig and release it. well this evening we had just left the treeling bordering a swampy area and were crouching down resting and smoking, Id guess it was 3am. Suddenly as we sat there, we heared what sounded like footsteps. We stood up and looked and listened, they immediately stopped.. we both whispered \"what was that\" to each other fearing a game warden or the owner of the land..then we heared a palm frond move and two distinct steps.We looked at eachother and ran three steps, stopped looked wide eyed, unsure of what we were hearing. then we heared a frond move and three steps and again it stopped. We turned, ran two and stoppped then we noticed it was immitating us, stopping when we did etc and comming closer. again we turned and took a step and it took a step and stopped. Me and tim looked at eachother and ran as fast as we could, we knew it was a game warden or a person, it had to be. we stopped after 200 yards or so and turned and looked there was nothing behind us but along the tree line we had left ( we were now 250yds across the swampy opening across from the tree line) about at 2 O clock position in the distance we coul hear something smashing its way through the undergrowth and breaking everything it touched heading away from us... we would always talk about it and I personally regret running, I had a strong light, I should havetried to get it closer, I think I could have, it was interested and following us. I know it was no animal, was easy to tell because you could hear it clear the path and then take distinct steps.. each step the exact count of our own. that is my story but I would like to add this. Timmy has been dog hunting every nite for 5 or more years and after this incedent he described a swtrange encounter where he was with three other people who all saw the same thing... He stated that one nite while hog hunting during a half moon him and the guys were stopped and resting when tim noticed an outline at the bottom of a tree.. all the guys looked and they became concerned and frightned because there was the distinct outline of a huge man sitting at the base of that tree, plainly outlined sitting on his butt, feet streight out in front of it..Tim said it had huge shoulders and was just eanourmous..he said \" We freaked out and ran like hell\" funny thing is it was again private land and at first they thought it was a warden, but after a few mins they had no idea what it was but became extremely afraid of that massive torso sitting at the base of that tree watching them. ( I am beginning to notice there is almost always a tree involved in these sightings) I believe timmy, there is no person I know who has covered more ground in pitch black woods than him and we spent a few together doing it. Honestly it has haunted me since and led me here to study and make an effort of my own to discover this being. That is all I have, take care. George","location_details":"I do not wish to disclose this as I may return","county":"Okeechobee County","state":"Florida","season":"Summer","title":"Report 13961: Possible stalking of boar hunters at night outside Okeechobee","date":"2003-08-15","number":13961,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dhy7ts4fz6","temperature_high":91.08,"temperature_mid":81.855,"temperature_low":72.63,"dew_point":74.74,"humidity":0.86,"moon_phase":0.62,"precip_intensity":0.0005,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Drizzle in the evening.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":93,"wind_speed":2.5,"year":2003,"geometry":[-80.96515,27.35644]} {"observed":"I am a 39 yr. old professional in Miami, Fl. I had an experience 24 yrs. ago that I will never forget. When it first happened, I shared the details with family and a few close friends but no one believed me. It became a topic of such ridicule that I just stopped talking about it (what was the point). I've always had a casual interest in the bigfoot dilema. When I moved (in 1974) to south florida, neighborhood kids would tell me stories of a bigfoot-like creature (they called it a \"skunk-ape\") roaming the fringes of the everglades with the occasional sighting. They said it was large (about 9'), smelly and a very swift runner. This all seemed too bizarre and I really didn't believe them. Then when I was 15 yrs. old I had my experience. I'm not about to say that what I saw was a skunk-ape, but I can say that (since my experience) I absolutely believe that animals (even large ones) can co-exist around us without our knowledge of their presence. Here's my story .... I was with my family on a summer camping trip at Johnathan Dickinson State Park (just north of Jupiter, Fl). There was an observation tower (about 30 ft high) along the same road that leads to the campground. About 5:30 or 6:00 pm I jogged from the campground to the tower alone (it was probably 2 to 3 miles). When I got there, the fence around the tower was locked. Since this was an un-manned tower setback from a road that had very little traffic (in-fact the entire time I was gone from camp, there were no cars), I decided I would hop the fence. I'm not one for blatantly breaking rules, so I was very careful not to make too much noise climbing the fence. When I got to the top of the tower, there was a built-in wood bench that wrapped along the perimeter of the deck (about 12'X 12'). I spent about 5-10 minutes looking in all directions (but there wasn't much to see). The skys were clear and there was about 45 minutes to an hour of sunlight left. There was a clearing of low-lying brush (about 3-4 ft high) that extended out from the tower for about 30-50 yds. in all directions. At that point it became pretty densely wooded. It was peaceful up there and I was tired so I rested for about 20-30 minutes by laying down on the bench. When I got up, I noticed the sunlight was beginning to fade so I figured I'd better get moving. I remember being upset with myself for staying so long because I would not make it back to camp until nightfall and I didn't want my parents to worry. When I got to the base of the tower, I climbed the 8' high fence at a point that was perpendicular to the road. Once on the other side, I could walk the 100' or so along the fenceline to the road. Unfortunately, I slipped at the top of the fence so I instinctively pushed off the fence and dropped to the ground on the other side. When I came down, I landed in a bush which made a lot of noise (I had been deliberately very quiet up til that moment. The position of my body was slouched over and facing away from the fence towards the woods beyond the low brush. It seemed as soon as I hit the ground, making all that noise, something popped its head up from under the brush (about 25 yds. away) and I saw it immediately because I just happened to be looking in that direction. I saw just its head at first and we just stared at each other for a few seconds. At first, I was not sure whether I was looking at an animal's head or a person's head. I remember it was rounded at the bottom and more elongated towards the top. It seemed a little bigger than mine and was covered with short silvery-gray hair. Its face seemed human with a flat nose, its eyes were small and dark. It made no sound. After a few seconds of silent starring, it turned towards the road and began moving quickly. It seemed to be running on all fours at first; but after about 10 yds. it stood up on just two legs and continued to scamper until it crossed the road and then disappeared into the woods. I would guess that it was about 6-7' tall. It's frame was very large from the hips up and it was covered with shaggy silvery-gray hair. After it was out of sight, I stood there for a moment trying to rationalize what I had seen. I saw it clear enough to know what it wasn't. It wasn't a man - it was definitely an animal. It wasn't a bear, deer or panther. Not even close. Surprise had turned to confusion and was now becoming fear. I didn't want to hang around (defenseless) against an animal larger, stronger and faster than myself. I ran back to camp, checking behind me as I ran. By the way it had reacted, I assumed it was probably as scared of me as I was of it. When I reached camp, I tried to tell my family, but they just laughed it off and said it was probably a dog or a homeless man. Of course, I knew this was not the case, so I became upset. Not wanting to continue the conversation, my father became stern and so I dropped the subject. The next day we went home and I've never been back. Until recently, I've pretty much kept this story to myself over the past 24 yrs. When I found your site (and some others)on the internet and read of other encounters it motivated me to share my experience. I sent info about my experience to a web-site dedicated to finding \"skunk-apes\", but I really found much of their material to be uncredible. I wanted to share my experience on this site because I feel your opinions and observations are genuine, thoughtful and reserved. P.S. I remember watching the local news one night (around 1977) about a supposed skunk-ape sighting by not less than 14 people during an air-boat ride thru the everglades. They interviewed the driver and a couple of riders who stated seeing a large hair-covered animal walking upright near the edge of an island in the swamp. I thought having so many witnesses would have made this a more credible and compelling sighting. Although I have read of many sightings in Florida which matched the stories my neighbors told me when I was younger, I have never seen or read anything (on the internet) about the airboat sighting. Have you or any of your readers ever heard of this sighting. Perhaps it was proven later to be a hoax or a mis-identification.","location_details":"The entrance to the park is off US 1. The observation tower is along the road to the campground. Note: It's been 24 yrs. and a lot has changed in the area. I'm not even sure the park is the same.","county":"Martin County","state":"Florida","season":"Summer","title":"Report 5369: Man recalls childhood evening encounter in Johnathon Dickenson State Park","date":"2004-08-02","number":5369,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dhz18t181d","temperature_high":85.02,"temperature_mid":79.405,"temperature_low":73.79,"dew_point":72.97,"humidity":0.86,"cloud_cover":0.82,"moon_phase":0.57,"precip_intensity":0.0138,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1014.83,"summary":"Rain starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":6,"visibility":9.83,"wind_bearing":223,"wind_speed":5.28,"year":2004,"geometry":[-80.13215,27.0099]} {"observed":"I was driving south east on US Hwy 441 North between Ft. Drum and Okeechobee, Florida on Jan. 18, 2004. It was almost dusk, approx. 5:30 PM. There was only one other car on the road and it was several miles away in the west bound lane coming at me ( two lane road). I took this opprotunity to remove my sun glasses. A spring type clip on which I need both hands to remove. I turned my head and dropped them in my purse on the seat next to me. As I looked up toward my rear view mirror a flash of movement caught my attention. It happened so fast all I saw was the last few steps of a small hominid running across the road in front of me. It wasn't close but I'm not sure how far away. It stopped on the edge of the road for a split second and made a leap over the roadside ditch and a barbed wire fence. I tired to reason I had seen a limpkin or a sandhill crane but knew it wasn't. I braked as soon as I saw the first movement and slowed to 20 mph by the time I thought I was where it had leaped into the bushes. I couldn't see any bushes moving or water movement. I was so intent on looking at the side of the road I didn't think to look into the pasture on the other side of the barbed wire. If I had been sure in my mind I had seen a wading bird I wouldn't have slowed as I see them all the time. I knew in my heart it was something different from what I'd ever seen before. I have reported this to the Mysterious Encounters web site and have thought more on it and will now revise my estimates of it's size. I judge it to be 3 1/2 to 4 feet tall and between 75 and a 100 pounds. It had a very round head on an upright body no neck to speak of. The hair was long and silky not matted or tangled. It was a brownish red, more light brown than red. I'm sure it had it's head turned away from me and I was seeing the back of it's head as I didn't see any facial features. I remembered seeing it's foot later. It was like a person of color whose skin is darker than the sides of their feet. The hair hung lightly over the sides of the edges of it's foot. I saw one arm and it reached almost to the knee. When it leaped it didn't swing it's arms out or bend it's knees to jump it just leaped flat footed, pushing off. The distance it leaped was approx. 20 to 25 feet. Seeing it bothered me and then I saw the Redwood Giant episode of Mysterious Encounters, Jan. 24, on OLN. A man on the show said a three foot tall hominid ran in front of his car in NC. It hit me like a shot, I knew what I had seen then. That's when I filled out the report form on their web site. I did a Google search tonight and found your site. The more I've thought about it and talked with my family ( after they stopped laughing) we have come up with other times we could have been in the presence of these hominds over the years. Once two years ago my son and I were on the Kissimmee River, the western boundry between Okeechobee County and Highlands County, Florida. We heard a call...scream.. yell, from a distance. After discussing it my son said it must have been a big bellied redneck out hunting or a skunk ape, we laughed it off but kept a watch around us the rest of the day. It was very disturbing. A year a go a friend and I were on the board walk of the Grassy Waters Preserve on North Lake Blvd in northern Palm Beach County, Fl. It was early morning and we were walking to the end to go into the little nature museum and looked out across the water and sawgrass toward a cypress head. Standing in plain sight was a BIG dark figure. It would bend over and do something in the water at the base of a cypress tree, then stand up and act like it was eating something. This went on for quite a while, bend over- stand up. The woman who was in charge of the museum came out with a pair of binoculars but they were so badly fogged we couldn't make out details. Just a big homind figure. There are many more times and incidents I could relate but they go back to the mid 1970's. So I will stick with the present.","location_details":"The hominid ran across hwy 441, the location was maybe a 1/3 the distance between Ft. Drum and Okeechobee. I would rather not put the location on the site for fear the locals will go and try to hunt it. There have been reports of a panther and somet took to the woods with guns. Several years ago an escaped or released python was sited and some people wouldn't rest until the had killed it. That's the mentality around here.","county":"Okeechobee County","state":"Florida","season":"Winter","title":"Report 7904: Woman observes small bipedal creature cross 441 near Ft. Drum","date":"2004-01-18","number":7904,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dhyec780c4","temperature_high":70.8,"temperature_mid":66.415,"temperature_low":62.03,"dew_point":61.24,"humidity":0.91,"cloud_cover":0.57,"moon_phase":0.88,"precip_intensity":0.0341,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1011.3,"summary":"Heavy rain until afternoon.","uv_index":3,"visibility":7.97,"wind_bearing":212,"wind_speed":3.46,"year":2004,"geometry":[-80.8044,27.3973]} {"observed":"After watching several episodes of your show on Animal Planet, I decided to tell my story; I am actually getting goose bumps thinking of it. This happened in Orlando, Florida around the early 2000s, we lived in a suburban area but around it has a heavy forest area and this was before any of the major shopping centers and housing were built. My cousin had come up for the weekend from Miami to hang out, we were probably in our second year of high school. I remember it was around 2am to 4am and we were driving home and before our entrance to our neighborhood there is a small lake with a patch of forest in the middle of it, and across from it there is the neighborhood playground and a daycare which was pretty dark at that time so my cousin decides to pull in by the playground to smoke a cigarette. So the lake was across from us and the cars front was facing the playground, I stayed in the car and my cousin was leaning on his side of the car. After a bit my cousin starts frantically trying to open his door which I dont know if it got locked and he left the keys in the ignition or the door doesnt open from his side, so I look in the rear view mirror and there standing is this huge dark figure ( here comes the goose bumps again) standing there, in the dim light you can see the fur texture and the muscles, so I turn around and look through the window and I see it just standing there like if it was shocked to see us there and I remember as soon as I opened the door and my cousin started the car it took off to the right and we hauled butt to the left towards our neighborhood. When we got to the entrance of our neighborhood we decided to go back towards where it was heading and of course we couldnt find no trace. I can still picture the figure plainly and right now I feel the tingling of goose bumps as I am thinking of it. We didnt tell anybody about the incident and being that young we wouldnt think people will believe us anyway, its just crazy our something like that can stay planted in your mind after so long so clearly, but I just wanted to let you guys know my story, keep up the awesome work with the show and the research.","location_details":"Waterford Lakes, Orlando Fl 32828","county":"Orange County","state":"Florida","season":"Winter","title":"Report 32746: Man recalls his nighttime sighting of a tall hair covered biped outside Orlando","date":"2000-02-28","number":32746,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djn625ztkr","temperature_high":75.65,"temperature_mid":64.38,"temperature_low":53.11,"dew_point":57.24,"humidity":0.76,"cloud_cover":0.55,"moon_phase":0.79,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1021.31,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":5,"visibility":8.51,"wind_bearing":24,"wind_speed":5.2,"year":2000,"geometry":[-81.20045,28.54205]} {"observed":"I was kayaking with a friend in econlockhatchie river in orange county the east side of orlando fl it was 2003 early spring or very late winter my friend was much slower than me so I was having fun suprising these very large alligators that were sunning them selves in the early morning sun.The river is very narrow and has tight winding corners which allowed me to pop around a corner and to my delight most of the time a huge gator would slip into the river silently I would glide over the spot thinking that gator has to be lurking on the bottom.Anyway The wind was light out the west very dry and cool a real treat for a floridian I paddled a ways on a strait with the wind blowing from the woods to the water when I smelled such a strong overwhelming oder musty thick moist pugent smell I never experienced before I looked to see what on eart could it be when I saw big patch of long flowing fur it was shiny and light brown and moving fast then this animal crashed through the woods with so much force that small trees were popping and snapping as it ran away from me and the river then that smell was lingreing over the area and was so strong I finnaly held my breath and had paddle to get some fresh air.I had heard that bigfoot smelled like that but I had no idea they had been reported in fl.Anyway I had watched monster quest for years and not one person ever mentioned the smell I only remember it from seventies on tv when i was very young I never reported this til now because I felt stupid and confused then after watching tonights episode where 2 different reports described that same smell I felt compelled also the location seemed very odd orlando fl just seemed too odd but internet searches showed many reports","location_details":"ecolockhatchie river off st rd 50 between 2 spots where we drop the kayaks then drive 2 cars then drive back so we can float down stream and drive back so we dont have to paddle up stream then float back to the same spot where we parked the car get to see more of the river","county":"Orange County","state":"Florida","season":"Spring","title":"Report 25577: Kayaker smells a terrible odor and then sees a hair-covered figure on the Econlockhatchee River","date":"2003-03-15","number":25577,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"djn640ff0n","temperature_high":79.93,"temperature_mid":71.5,"temperature_low":63.07,"dew_point":65.06,"humidity":0.83,"cloud_cover":0.71,"moon_phase":0.4,"precip_intensity":0.0008,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.72,"summary":"Foggy overnight.","uv_index":6,"visibility":6.83,"wind_bearing":32,"wind_speed":2.47,"year":2003,"geometry":[-81.11927,28.48106]} {"observed":"A friend and I had towed my canoe from Okeechobee to Lake Park to paddle the water catchment area EQQ. It was early morning before 8AM. We were told we had to rent a canoe and couldn't go out by ourselves, had to go one a guided trip. I grew up in the area and had covered on foot, horse, swamp buggy, canoe, etc. But they ranger still wouldn't let us go. So we walked the boardwalk and I looked out to the cypress heads and squatting down at the base of a cypress tree was a dark figure. It would dig a little in the mud at the base of the tree and stand up and put a hand to it's mouth. I asked a Ranger for binoculars and she came out to look. The humidity was so high the binoculars fogged over and were useless. We watched the figure squat down and repeat, dig around, stand up and it did it over and over. Another Ranger came and my friend and I watched this motion for about five to seven minutes more then left. I have no idea how long the rangers watched it or if they saw it leave. If it turned out to be a bear that would thrill me too. No bears had been seen in Palm Beach County since 1979. But I'm sure it wasn't a bear. It stood too straight and bent at the waist and squatted at the knees like a human. A Bear doesn't bend the waist. I had forgotten about it until after I had a sighting in Okeechobee Co. I filed a report on the Okeechobee sighting and spoke with and went out to the area with an investigator. I've decided to report the first sighting because of the way Fish and Wildlife handled a sighting here in Columbia County, Fl where I now live. Big joke, lots of laughs. I take offense to that attitude. I've spent a life time in the swamps and woodlands of Florida, put in 12 years as a wildlife rehabilitator in Palm Beach County. It's pretty safe to say I know what I'm looking at. My friend and I talked about the sighting in 2006 and she said if that's what I thought we saw she was happy with it because she didn't know what it was either. I should mention she is a Veterinarian nurse, pretty familiar with animals too. Since the second sighting I've been putting a lot of research into the subject and would like to discuss ideas with other people but haven't found anyone to carry on a serious conversation with. Since the Finding Bigfoot program came on air and as more information comes out I hope to get past the jokers. The funny part is Grassy Waters is almost across the road from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission headquarters. Wonder if they had a visit?","location_details":"Northlake Blvd and St Rd 710, south on Northlake Blvd to Grassy Waters Preserve. On the left maybe two miles.","county":"Palm Beach County","state":"Florida","season":"Summer","title":"Report 30929: Daylight observation of a hair-covered bipedal figure in the Grassy Waters Preserve","date":"2003-06-14","number":30929,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dhybx8q3x5","temperature_high":86,"temperature_mid":80.025,"temperature_low":74.05,"dew_point":72.81,"humidity":0.75,"cloud_cover":0.53,"moon_phase":0.51,"precip_intensity":0.0041,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1016.38,"summary":"Rain in the morning.","uv_index":7,"visibility":9.75,"wind_bearing":127,"wind_speed":11.14,"year":2003,"geometry":[-80.16933,26.80829]} {"observed":"About 26 or 27 years ago when I was about 9 or 10 at the time and my sister was either 7 or 8, but we both remember exactly what we saw. We shared a bedroom in the mobile home that we lived in. The bedroom window was only about a foot wide and a foot tall and was only about one foot from the ceiling. One summer night we both woke up with a feeling like something was watching us, and when we looked at the window we both saw a dark figure looking down at us through the window. the thing that got us both was the red eyes that almost glowed in the dark. We were so scared that neither of us moved a muscle until whatever it was left. a couple of weeks later, my mother and I were sitting in the living room watching tv late at night when all of a sudden we both heard a loud bang and the mobile home shook. the next day when we went outside to look, the middle of the back door had a fist print in it about half way up the door and it was bent in a little. (it was a metal door.) and there were big bare foot prints under the door. the mobile home sat about three feet off the ground at that time, so the bedroom window alone had to be at least 8 feet from the ground. the last thing was in either December or January that winter, my sister and I were waiting at the bus stop to go to school, when we heard something in the palmetto bushes behind us. We both turned around and saw a dark figure moving the palmetto bushes aside with it's hand to look at us, then duck back down behind the bushes. it did that for about 10 minutes or so until more kids started showing up at the bus stop, then we didn't see it again. Neither of us were brave enough at that time to go see what it was.","location_details":"about 40 miles east of Pasco county, and about 5 miles south of Hernando county. At the time it was nothing but wooded area very sparsley populated.","county":"Pasco County","state":"Florida","season":"Summer","title":"Report 7627: Man recalls childhood encounter near Hudson","date":"2004-02-15","number":7627,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"djj9dv1d6s","temperature_high":69.58,"temperature_mid":56.865,"temperature_low":44.15,"dew_point":57.88,"humidity":0.82,"cloud_cover":0.72,"moon_phase":0.83,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1014.25,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":9.83,"wind_bearing":250,"wind_speed":2.73,"year":2004,"geometry":[-82.1426,28.41655]} {"observed":"It started last year when it was cool enough to sit around a fire. My husband, I and some nieghbors heard a growl or deep groan that we had never heard before coming from the woods behind our properties. The next night it was late. My husband and I were sitting around the fire and we heard what sounded like something large running and knocking down trees. My husband said, \"That was no hog or deer. They dont sound ike that.\" We ran inside the house as it got closer to us. Later that week I heard our dog whinning and barking. I looked out the back door window and I saw it. It was standing at the fence line looking in the back yard towards the fire. It was the biggest scarriest thing I've ever seen. I quitely walked away from the window and took my dog with me, in fear that the barking would bring it in closer. I burried my head under my blankets. We told people about it and no one believes us. It seems the fire brings it in. This year we are having fires again already. Late at night about 12-2am sitting by the fires the noises are back. I would love for someone to come and see if they can find this thing. It is very swampy behind us. You can literally get lost back there. Description of it: About 8-9' tall, Reddish brown colored hair, hairy all over, arms that literally hung to the knees and it stood slightly crouched. It was as if it was observing us. When it comes around there's a very pungent smell. Almost like a combination of dirty swamp water and a skunk. It's eyes are very dark almost empy looking. Width of it's body was about 4' give or take. If it ain't a bigfoot... please tell me what it is!","location_details":"[Edited - Near the border of Polk and Hillsborough Counties]","county":"Polk County","state":"Florida","season":"Fall","title":"Report 12732: Couple describes vocals and a sighting on their fence-line outside Mulberry","date":"2004-10-12","number":12732,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dhvwwwh4qe","temperature_high":85.81,"temperature_mid":77.045,"temperature_low":68.28,"dew_point":69.96,"humidity":0.8,"cloud_cover":0.72,"moon_phase":0.95,"precip_intensity":0.0001,"precip_probability":0.26,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.77,"wind_bearing":138,"wind_speed":0.94,"year":2004,"geometry":[-81.9742,27.89469]} {"observed":"i had a sighting of what i belive to be a bigfoot. on the way to work,myself and onther were in a truck. we took a short cut through the eglin res. and got on the wrong road. so not to get lost ,theres alot of dirt roads in there.we cept folloing the road we were on .we were prety deep in when we stoped to to relive myself.when i got back in the truck i looked up the road .and thats when something came out of the tree line on one side and crossed to the other side. IT TOOK THE DIRT ROAD IN 3 OR 4 STRIDES! and looked our way not stoping while it walked we were kind of far away we were on one side of a gully it was on the other. it was about 6:30 to 6:45 in the morning. the bottom of the gully has a creek that leads in to the river. the dir, it was heading.it was dark colored, to far away to see a face. id say it was realy big! when we got to the other side of the gully we stoped i got out. there was a stink in the air i tryed to see if i could see it again but it was gone .i walked the road from one side to the other it took me about 7 or 8 strides to get to the other side.im 6,1 .the area is very woody scrub oaks and tall pine. a lot of creeks and a couple of rivers. it happend in 2000 june i think . i started reading up on it on your site.after i saw it. and tho its problly nothing. ive herd of 3 derr kills in the area from my soon to be broter in law.he found behind his land at the bottom of a hill.near a creek .young deer, one was a spike they were very close to one another like a pocher but nothing was taken like meat or the head. i didnt see them .but he said ther were no bullet wounds. he found them in the winter. just north of crestview. my sighting was south of crestview closer to santa rosa .south of i 10. eglin is huge and no one around for miles. in okalosa county. the pan handel.fl","location_details":"go down 85 south turn right on dirt road it goes straight to 87 thru eglin res.","county":"Santa Rosa County","state":"Florida","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9113: On the way to work, motorists have morning road-cross encounter near Eglin","date":"2000-06-01","number":9113,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dj6mgk9q43","temperature_high":86.17,"temperature_mid":77.55,"temperature_low":68.93,"dew_point":67.07,"humidity":0.72,"cloud_cover":0.24,"moon_phase":0.97,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1020.39,"summary":"Partly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":8,"visibility":7.9,"wind_bearing":172,"wind_speed":3.87,"year":2000,"geometry":[-86.6913,30.56775]} {"observed":"Hello, I just found ur web site, have 2 reports. NO B.S. This occured in North Port, Florida in 1999, in the summer. My wife & i were sleeping & about 2am we both woke up and heard something outside are window. We were living at the time on the backside of Myakka State Park. This area of Myakka State Park is very desolate, very isolated. Besides ur regular wild animals only other thing that would be walking around would be ur Florida marijuana growers in the swamps out here. My wife & i have lived in Florida 30yrs and both are avid outdoors types. I hung out in these woods in this area for over 20yrs,and thought I had heard everything, my wife also. Well anyway when we woke up and heard something out are widow, we had a very strong odor of something coming thru are window. My wife & i looked at each other with looks on are face ,with wonder, we both said at the same time, what the hell is out there, right as we said that this thing shreeked almost human sounding, but a real wild shreking...I was going to send our lab & pit bull after it but we couldn't get them out of our room,& they had never been scared of anything.Then I went to check on are little girl,she slept thru this. When this thing screemed in our window, to reach the window from outside it would have to be at least 7ft tall. We did not dare go outside, espically since our dogs wanted no part of what ever it was...","location_details":"As I said ,this area is swamp area of the park,are street Ruff st. is right next to the large cannal that borders myakka park,no one goes out on this end of the park except ur local pot growers,becase it is very isolated,still is today.","county":"Sarasota County","state":"Florida","season":"Summer","title":"Report 8561: Husband and wife hear early morning vocalizations near back of Myakka State Park","date":"2004-08-05","number":8561,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dhvd97srfr","temperature_high":87.83,"temperature_mid":83.73,"temperature_low":79.63,"dew_point":75.38,"humidity":0.79,"cloud_cover":0.42,"moon_phase":0.68,"precip_intensity":0.0018,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1012.75,"summary":"Humid throughout the day and partly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.86,"wind_bearing":271,"wind_speed":5.17,"year":2004,"geometry":[-82.20475,27.1788]} {"observed":"Camping by a lake with family. Step brother took me to go get firewood from a clearing. The clearing was about 50 feet in diameter. Firewood was stacked outside the perimeter. I was about 14 years old at the time. My step brother was telling me how he would protect me if we came in contact with a bear. I was kinda frightened camping and being alone in the dark so he told me that to comfort me. Well when we arrived to the clearing we split up to get firewood. So I walked to the very outer rim and bent down to pick up a piece of wood. At first I heard a growl like a bear... I was stunned. I immediately looked for my step brother to tell him to knock it off. He looked at me and said I didn't do anything what are you talking about. As soon as he said that to my left in the dense tree brush I saw out of the corner of my eye a tall dark figure stand up about 8-9 feet tall (approximation but it was huge). It then grabbed two nearby small trees and began to shake them and my eyes lit up. My brother ran over to see what was happening and then took one look and bolted off to the other side back to camp leaving me. I ran to him screaming and I guess he felt bad doubled back to pick me up and then ran back to the campsite. This is important to note that it was not an alligator or a bear or anything I can identify that can reach that height standing like a person. I am a non-denominational christian and I don't necessarily believe in \"bigfoot\". But what I saw really does put me off and fits the description to the T. Im now stationed in Colorado in the United States Army and cant wait to go back to Florida.","location_details":"Dark secluded woodsy area bordering a lake.","county":"Seminole County","state":"Florida","season":"Summer","title":"Report 44404: Memory told of a possible night encounter while camping near Sanford","date":"2003-04-15","number":44404,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"djnhjufz2z","temperature_high":80.18,"temperature_mid":71.08,"temperature_low":61.98,"dew_point":58.95,"humidity":0.71,"cloud_cover":0.12,"moon_phase":0.46,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1022.09,"summary":"Partly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":8,"visibility":9.28,"wind_bearing":71,"wind_speed":6.67,"year":2003,"geometry":[-81.306,28.8555]} {"observed":"This happened tonight. I had gone outside on the porch to have a cigarette about 9:00 pm and my two German Sherpards went out with me. I was outside about 2 -3 mins. when less then 100 feet from me just at the woods edge I heard a very loud yell/scream. My two dogs immediately jumped off the porch and took off towards the sound and I ran inside to get a shotgun and light. The dogs where running around sniffing the ground frantically but staying in the yard and not going into the wood. With my flashlight in one hand and gun in the other I went out into the yard and was looking around for a clue as to what could have made such a weird loud noise. Even though we live in the country we do have a few houses around us and the only thing that I could come up with is that it had to be some kid messing around and at that time I became mad and yelled \" you might think messing around here playing games is fun but I'll tell you I have a gun and someone could very well get hurt messing around like this in the dark\". I had barely gotten the words out of my mouth when I would say about 25 yards into the woods came the scream again. The dogs dashed into the woods and even though they normally obey me very well, all of the yelling would not get them to return to the yard for about 5 mins. Two things stand out as very odd about what happened tonight. One is that it was right in my yard, granted it was at the edge but it was in the yard none the less. It made such a loud yell as though it wanted me to know that it was there! The other thing I find strange is that the dogs never once barked or growled. You would have to know my dogs to understand how strange that is. They are very protective of the yard. They will bark at a leaf blowing though, and if anyone comes up the drive, watch out! They love to hear themselves bark. They did not bark once, they just kept running around as though they had gone nuts. My wife was in the living room and heard it. It was loud enough to hear it with the windows closed and the TV on. I am 45 years old, have hunted and camped a good part of my life, spending a lot of hours outdoors and I have never heard anything even close to what I heard tonight.","location_details":"It happend on St. Ambrose Church Rd. You take St. Rt. 207 east out of St. Augustine for about 7 miles. Off to the right is a road that y's off, That is St. Ambrose Church Rd. I am about 3 miles down the road on the right.","county":"St. Johns County","state":"Florida","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12351: Possible vocalizations heard by residents outside Elkton","date":"2005-08-19","number":12351,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"djq16mnf56","temperature_high":92.53,"temperature_mid":84.575,"temperature_low":76.62,"dew_point":75.19,"humidity":0.78,"cloud_cover":0.08,"moon_phase":0.51,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1018.04,"summary":"Humid throughout the day and partly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":9,"visibility":6.46,"wind_bearing":113,"wind_speed":0.92,"year":2005,"geometry":[-81.45421,29.7788]} {"observed":"This sighting report was originally submitted by the witness' mother. I contacted the witness and spoke with her about her sighting. She told me that on New Year's Eve, she and her family were at her uncle's house shooting fireworks. She and her cousin were playing with cap guns and had wandered towards a wooded area on the back of her uncle's property. The witness stated that when she looked back into the trees, she could see something very large, standing half behind a tree looking at her and her cousin. She described it as being \"furry\" with red eyes. Her cousin also saw the creature. They both turned to run back to their parents and the witness said when she turned back the creature was walking away on two legs. She further stated that it was walking funny and appeared to have a limp. When I asked her what she meant by walking \"funny\" she told me that it walked somewhat like an ape would walk. She and her cousin both ran back to their parents and began telling them about what they'd seen but she said her uncle started making fun of them seeing a \"bogeyman\". A few minutes later she and her cousin, using a flashlight, went back to see if they could spot the creature again. She said that upon their return, it had apparently left because they didn't see it.","location_details":"East side of Tallahassee. North of Mahan Drive.","county":"Leon County","state":"Florida","season":"Winter","title":"Report 5702: New Year's Eve, two cousins observe creature watching them","date":"2001-12-31","number":5702,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djkj7v37g4","temperature_high":51.83,"temperature_mid":40.04,"temperature_low":28.25,"dew_point":23.15,"humidity":0.52,"cloud_cover":0.74,"moon_phase":0.54,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1020.79,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":344,"wind_speed":4.08,"year":2001,"geometry":[-84.20835,30.4836]} {"location_details":"I lived just north of Spring Hill on Sunshine Grove Rd by Hexim Rd. near your other report approximately 3 miles. What I saw was seen by 4 or 5 people over 20 to 30 years. By Whitehurst Lake about 2 miles from US 19. I saw a man-like thing approx 7 foot tall. Its arms were longer than a man. Its head was small. It walked labored, swinging its arms. It had no real shape to it that I could tell. Just big. It stopped on the lime rock road for 1 or 2 seconds, then walked toward the lake. I ran the other way. When I told my mother she said that they had seen them for years in the 70's.","county":"Hernando County","state":"Florida","season":"Winter","title":"Report 6708: Man has brief encounter near lake","date":"2004-02-17","number":6708,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djj6d1618h","temperature_high":59.56,"temperature_mid":49.33,"temperature_low":39.1,"dew_point":46.58,"humidity":0.8,"cloud_cover":0.75,"moon_phase":0.91,"precip_intensity":0.0004,"precip_probability":0.55,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1026.2,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":9.37,"wind_bearing":337,"wind_speed":3.51,"year":2004,"geometry":[-82.52655,28.5716]} {"observed":"The incident happened two years ago in the Richloam Hunting Area in centeral Florida. The Green Swamp. My friend and I had been awake for fifteen minutes. We were sitting around the fire. I had just stoked the fire and added some more wood. That is when we heard something walking toward us in the woods. After it came to the road, it continued through the middle of the campsite, which led to the river, and then the other way into the woods. The animal ran down towards the water then turned around, ran back up the road and into the woods. At this time it went on the back side of the campsite. My friend and I were shocked, we thought it might be a bigfoot but decided to go hunting. Once we got out of the stand we went to go investgate what had happened, and that is when we saw the footprints left in the sand. The foot prints were proably 16\" long and far too wide to be human. There were five toes.","location_details":"The incident occurred at the Richloam Wildlife Managament Area in the Green Swamp on the west side of 471 off of center grade (road) back in the campsite.","county":"Hernando County","state":"Florida","season":"Fall","title":"Report 22074: Possible early morning encounter by hunters in the Green Swamp","date":"2005-09-01","number":22074,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"djjd7e8env","temperature_high":86.44,"temperature_mid":81.48,"temperature_low":76.52,"dew_point":76.84,"humidity":0.89,"cloud_cover":0.2,"moon_phase":0.93,"precip_intensity":0.0003,"precip_probability":0.25,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1014.26,"summary":"Humid throughout the day and partly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":8,"visibility":8.37,"wind_bearing":262,"wind_speed":1.39,"year":2005,"geometry":[-82.11083,28.54028]} {"observed":"I went down to Florida with my family while my dad was working there. We didn't want to stay in a hotel because we had just bought a camper so we decided to go camping. So we stayed at the Hillsborough River State Park. One day I took my bike out around 2 in the afternoon. The camp had a few trails to ride on so I decided to take one. As I was riding my bike, I stopped and looked over the ledge at a few alligators I spotted. I heard a rustle in the trees and thought maybe it was a gator so i got steady on my bike and got ready to take off. As I was looking around I noticed a tall dark brown hairy figure just standing there looking at me. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me so I looked harder at it and It took off running. I would also like to note that it was running on two feet, not four. I rode my bike back to my camper as fast as I could and elaborately told my mother and my sister that I just saw Bigfoot. They both claimed I was crazy and told me it was a black bear because the camp guide told us not to leave food out because they had some of them in the area. But I am most certain that this was not a bear. this \"Thing\" stood at least 7 1/2 feet tall and ran upwards on two feet. I know what I saw,and ever since then I've been fascinated with this creature. I know its out there!","location_details":"It was at the Hillsborough River State Park on one of the bike trails","county":"Hillsborough County","state":"Florida","season":"Winter","title":"Report 26377: Young man has a close daylight encounter while riding his bike along the Hillsborough River","date":"2001-01-13","number":26377,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djj807z57d","temperature_high":62.39,"temperature_mid":54.415,"temperature_low":46.44,"dew_point":45.51,"humidity":0.85,"cloud_cover":0.38,"moon_phase":0.64,"precip_intensity":0.0002,"precip_probability":0.38,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1020.83,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":3,"visibility":8.95,"wind_bearing":0,"wind_speed":5.28,"year":2001,"geometry":[-82.24487,28.14617]} {"observed":"Me and my friend were planning on camping out in the woods near my uncles house, near an old well where a old house used to be. It was march and it was just starting to warm up around the area and well we setup camp and head back to my uncles house, it was about a three minute ride by four wheeler. We get some food and tell him we are turning in for the night so we head back to the site. It was about 6:30 when we get to the tent. We get a good fire going and talk for an hour or two. we get in the tent at about 8:30 or so. About an hour or so later my friend wakes me and he tells me to listen and it sounded like big thuds and tree limbs breaking. It almost sounded like it was circling the or site. It couldnt have been about 40 or 50 feet away. But the woods are so thick back there we couldnt figure out what it was. It sounded like it was getting closer. My friend was laying in front of the tent opening and sounded like it was 5 ft away. It got quite and we are trimbiling. and then we heard deep grunts almost like a gorilla it was very strange. Then it sounded like it was moving away from us going towards a bottom. There is a creek that runs through there and it sounded like whatever it was it was headed that way. We looked at each other and my friend had tears in his eyes. We never went back to sleep that night and we were to scared to leave. As soon as the sun was peeking thriught the trees we took off to my uncles and told him what happened and he could tell we were upset. We take him back down to the tent and look around but we found nothing. The ground was to hard to leave foot prints and it was covered in pinestraw and leaves. I have nor my friend has ever experinced any thing like that in our lives. We only told my uncle about what happened until now.","location_details":"I would rather not say. If what was my land then i would but it is my uncles place and i have to honor his request in not saying the specific location but our camp site was on ten mile creek, just off highway 2","county":"Holmes County","state":"Florida","season":"Spring","title":"Report 23399: Possible night-time visit at campsite near Esto","date":"2005-03-13","number":23399,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dj7p4jnhfb","temperature_high":78.66,"temperature_mid":68.795,"temperature_low":58.93,"dew_point":55.05,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.06,"moon_phase":0.12,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1011.2,"summary":"Mostly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":8,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":214,"wind_speed":5.79,"year":2005,"geometry":[-85.685,30.79]} {"observed":"My second night on the Florida expedition, I set up my camp in the hot area and had one of the most terrifying nights of my life. For the first two hours after dusk, I was by myself and heard what seemed to be three large animals, breaking branches and knocking on trees all around my camp; they moved in what sounded like a triangular pattern, came between me and my vehicle, which was only 20 yards away, and broke a branch that had to be thicker than my wrist. Later in the evening, we heard a very strange, gurgling sound that sounded like nothing I have ever heard before. All this was followed by a 25 second tree-knocking session that would have amazed anyone who heard it. These sounds had to be made by an animal with opposable thumbs; if they were made by humans, they would have had to have been able to navigate one nasty swamp in pitch black dark with the speed and agility of a cat. The guys that camped at that site the next night had audio recorders and got some. As for me we had one low quality tape recorder that didn't pick up more than the wind. I have since obtained a bird call digital recorder with mic. The next trip will be easier because we confirmed the area to focus on last time.","county":"Lake County","state":"Florida","season":"Winter","title":"Report 12903: Stalking in swamp during Florida BFRO expedition","date":"2005-02-11","number":12903,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"djnj605uwh","temperature_high":59.31,"temperature_mid":48.195,"temperature_low":37.08,"dew_point":26.21,"humidity":0.44,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.1,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1022.35,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":312,"wind_speed":4.98,"year":2005,"geometry":[-81.4692,29.04865]} {"observed":"In 1963 I was nine years old and living in North Fort Myers, Lee County, Florida. In the weeks before this happened to me, there were several sightings of bigfoot reported in the newspaper. One of the sightings had taken place in a wooded area not far from where I lived. Our house was on the corner of Estate Drive and another street I can't remember, near a canal. We lived a block away from U.S. 41. On the corner was a street light that usually lit up my bedroom, which I shared with my younger sister and my grandmother. It was around 10pm, and I was in bed, trying to go to sleep. I was startled by some heavy footsteps outside on the grass and as I turned to the window I saw a huge shadow pass by as I continued hearing the footsteps. Whatever it was walked right past my window with a human-like walk. I couldn't make out what it was but it was not any four-legged animal, such as a cow. This thing walked on two feet and was taller than a man. Then I heard a low pitched but quite loud moan that just scared the heck out of me. I was not asleep (as my parents later asked) because I sat up straight in bed and seeing that my sister and my grandma were sound asleep, I ran out of my room and jumped into bed with my mother and father sobbing and shaking. I know that I heard and saw bigfoot's shadow. I had never before, nor never after had an experience like that one. I will never forget it. At school, when I mentioned what had happened, several kids had stories of sightings, but of course, kids will make up stuff like that.","location_details":"I don't have directions to that area but I did a search and found Estate Drive in North Fort Myers, so it's not difficult to find.","county":"Lee County","state":"Florida","season":"Spring","title":"Report 6992: Large bipedal creature passes child's window near Ft.Myers","date":"2004-02-17","number":6992,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dhtz8yg5k2","temperature_high":64.43,"temperature_mid":54.555,"temperature_low":44.68,"dew_point":50.42,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.33,"moon_phase":0.91,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1025.09,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":7,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":335,"wind_speed":8.18,"year":2004,"geometry":[-81.8768,26.6685]} {"observed":"I was helping my mother-inlaw with the begining stages of preparing her 8 acre property so that she could build a house on it. The area is mostly covered in Oak trees, Cabbage Palms, Scrub Oaks, Mullberry trees, and Brazian Pepper trees With wild Grape vines hanging out of the trees to the ground.The majority of the acreage is flat ground covered with Oaks there is a state drainage ditch that runs close to the East side of plot, that is where I was working near the road. on the other side of the ditch there is an extremely low swampy area near the North side of the land along the road in the wet season (May to October)I have seen small fish, turtles, and gators in this area. My wife's cousin lives in a in a house in the ajacent property with Oaks covering a good bit of it but cleared under the trees. On a previous Previous trip out to my mother-inlaws land I in stalled a tempory gate in the barbed wire fence. This time out I hired a friend's 15 year old son to help haul branches that I was cutting back to a clearing In the middle of the property to be burned at a later date. I cleared and he hauled for a few hours, after a while I noticed that he was getting tired and it was starting to get later in the day. around 5:00-5:30 PM so decided to stop clearing and help him carry the branches back. For a good bit of the time the cousins dog follow him back and forth as he hauled the branches. Anyway as we were walk back we came to a spot where the fence was pulled back between the two parcels and the dog came through the gap in the fence, at the moment coming out of what would be the back of the low swampy area was three whoops. The first one was long and drawn out the two that followed were short. A chill ran down my spine as my mind was trying to place a animal to the sound. It was too loud and too deep to have come from an owl. What ever it came from it came from a large chest. At this point I did think Bigfoot and looked down at the dog but she was calm and seemed happy. I then looked back at the area that the whoops came from and there was a squirrel sitting on a downed palm flicking its tail. This made me dismiss the Bigfoot idea. I immediately asked the boy if he had heard that. The thing is theres no way anyone could have missed it, it was so loud. then he said he heard it on one of his previous trips back. For days I racked my brain for what could have been I have been hiking in the woods and swamps of Florida all my life and know the sounds of the local wild life and couldn't come up with anything that fits the bill. It did sound alot like the Howler Monkeys I've heard in zoos, but the tone was way too deep to be a Howler Monkey. About a week later I was out with a cotractor to talk about putting in a drive back to where the house is to bee built. He also has been in Florida a long time, so told him of the noise I heard and asked him if he could tink of any animal that could have made that sound and he said a Whooping Crain. I said oh! yah that must be it. I went home satisfied with that answer. About week later I was poking around the internet and I looked up info on Whooping Crains and there was recordings on the site I found. When I played the track a chill ran through me not because it was the sound I heard but because it wasn't. I thought about sending a report in for months now, but because of being so unsure of what I heard I held back. Well today I was at my daughters babyshower and the cousin was there for some reason my 12 year old decided that it was a good time to blurt out I saw a Bigfoot, correcting him I said I heard a noise, and of course he said that I heard a Bigfoot I again corrected him and said that I didn't know what it was and elaberated that it was out on the property. At this point the cousin became very interested and asked what it sounded like, so I imitated whoops for her at that she said that she had been hearing strange sounds out there too. I asked if they were whooping and she said yes but there was other sounds to it also she said screaming and whooping I ask if it sounded like a woman screaming and she said kind of but not exactly. She ended it with there is some thing out there.","location_details":"It's about 15 miles East of I-75 right off of SR. 80 e-mail for more info.","county":"Lee County","state":"Florida","season":"Spring","title":"Report 9885: Possible vocalization east of Ft.Myers","date":"2004-12-04","number":9885,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dhtzyf678y","temperature_high":75.49,"temperature_mid":64.845,"temperature_low":54.2,"dew_point":45.86,"humidity":0.59,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.74,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1019.94,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":41,"wind_speed":3.4,"year":2004,"geometry":[-81.6143,26.6878]} {"observed":"One day in the fall of 2000, while hunting, I was standing on the dirt road that surrounded the wooded hunting area. We were all spaced a few yards apart and out of each others line of sight and shooting lane. As I was listening for the dogs and looking up and down the wood line, hopefully for my shot at the deer, I caught something out of the corner of my eye on my left side. The road that I was on was just wide enough to fit two full-size trucks passing each other, and the swamp monkey, that's what we all called the supposedly made up animal that lived in this area, crossed the road in two strides. It looked like it could have been about 6 - 7' tall. We had one gentleman that hunted there with us that was just under 7' and I would say it was about the same height as him from a distance. It had such a thick build with gray hair or fur covering all of its body. A somewhat fluid stride for its massive size. Not knowing what I actually saw and wondering if maybe it was hunters from another camp, I turned around and started to walk to the person that was closest to me in the other direction, hoping that they had a truck that I could ride back to camp with them in, being the only female and not knowing exactly who or what it was that I saw, I thought it best to go find someone else from the camp at that moment to be around. The day was a nice cool, bright fall day, approximately 11:00 am. That night at camp over dinner I had told the others what I had seen and they all said that I saw my first swamp monkey. The next day I didn't venture too far out of camp to hunt by myself, because what ever it was had crossed from another camp into our hunting area. After a while I did get the nerve up to get a little pellet gun and walk down the road to look for squirrels. I made it down about 50 yards down the road and started to notice that there were no sounds from the woods. No birds, no squirrels, nothing. Then I heard something just inside the wood line breathing and grunting growling thinking it may be a wolf or bear I turned around and started to walk back to camp. What ever was next to me did the same. I started to walk faster then jog, the animal in the woods did the same. Laughing to myself I stopped to catch my breath, so did the noise in the woods.. no more footsteps but more harsh breathing. I couldn't see any shapes or movement but decided to run the rest of the way back to camp and did not look back. That was the last time that I had any such encounter of that kind.","location_details":"Private Hunting Grounds.... Intersection of Hwy 19 & CR 326 East on 326 approx 3 miles to dirt road on right...follow in to about the 3rd or 4th dirt road on right Padlocked & Gated entrance","county":"Levy County","state":"Florida","season":"Fall","title":"Report 14457: Daylight sigting by a deer hunter near Gulf Hammock","date":"2000-10-01","number":14457,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djjnp4p9zu","temperature_high":80.83,"temperature_mid":71.835,"temperature_low":62.84,"dew_point":65.29,"humidity":0.78,"cloud_cover":0.58,"moon_phase":0.13,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":6,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":24,"wind_speed":7.89,"year":2000,"geometry":[-82.6505,29.191]} {"observed":"About three years ago me and a buddy of mine went scouting in the Goathee State forest off of highway 336/337 like we do almost every other day. Seeing that his house line was aganist the forest. That morning we decided to go further back than usuall, to try and find new deer trails or run up on a family of hogs. We were about three miles back and we started smelling something that I can only explain as being a dead carcuss mixed with a skunk. We have always been interested in Bigfoot, so I knew that it stinks but didnt think it was in central florida. Although there has been sightings in the ocala national forest. We keeped walking and came up on an old logging or ranger trail, it was covered with overgrown grass and had branches all over it. The road had palmettos lining it with a creek or runoff ditch on one side. We started walking down the trail towards our house. We were still about 2 3/4 mile from 337 when we came up on a bend in the trail. We walked around slowly to try and see deer or maybe some hogs on the trail, knowing that there are a couple herds in the area. There was nothing so we keeped walking. I told my friend to stop walking because I thought I saw something standing about 150yds down. I pointed at what I saw and we couldnt figure it out. He told me it was probably a tree, seeing that the had spray painted the trees to get them cut down. We keep walking and then it moved quite quickly toward the side of the trail, by then I was really nervous. We watched it from about 100yds away. It stayed on the left side of the trail neeling in some palmettos just staring at us. After about 10 minutes we were able to slowly get down in the creek out of the road but makeing sure it was still visible. After about 15 minutes of us staring at it, not believing that we actually are seeing a bigfoot it got up and walked back across the trail being followed by a smaller less intimidating one. The smaller one was not as dark as the bigger and had more of a redish color to it. they went out of sight when they crossed the creek into a densely cover underbrush. We found two footprints but no other signs of them. The bigger one was a dark brown with a hint of red in the sunlight. With lighter chest. Not really any hair on his face. We mesure the hight of them by what they walked by and the larger one was around 7 1/2-9 foot tall and the smaller was around 6-7 foot tall. I took my shoe off and put my foot in the print, I wear a size 11 1/2 shoe and the print was larger than my foot.","location_details":"Take SR 19 to 336 then 336 to 337 off of 337 in the woods. Or take 41 to 40 then 40 to 336 and 336 to 337. About 90 from st. pete and 12 miles from crystal river.","county":"Levy County","state":"Florida","season":"Fall","title":"Report 17644: Daylight Sighting in the Goethe State Forest","date":"2005-09-01","number":17644,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djjmtd4qs8","temperature_high":85.38,"temperature_mid":80.44,"temperature_low":75.5,"dew_point":75.98,"humidity":0.88,"cloud_cover":0.16,"moon_phase":0.93,"precip_intensity":0.0012,"precip_probability":0.29,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Humid throughout the day and partly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":10,"visibility":8.27,"wind_bearing":245,"wind_speed":0.73,"year":2005,"geometry":[-82.3722,29.1039]} {"observed":"A few years ago I was visiting friends in Dunnellon, Florida. It was New Years Day 2000. There is a state park called Rainbow Springs State Park. I went to the park that morning simply to bird. This is a fairly large state park but only a small fraction of it is open to the public. That morning I wanted to go outside the public areas of that park, just find a trail and keep walking. The ground was white sand and there were no human foot prints anywhere. I remember this distinctly because I was IDing foot prints of animals and insects. I had a pair of binoculars with me and I was looking for birds as I went along. I figured I was about 2 miles into the park when I came to a clearing, and a stand of White pines on the edge of a field of Saw palmettos. The pine closest to the edge of the clearing had a wood duck box mounted on it. I noticed that right away. It made me laugh because the river or nearest water source was over a mile away. I figured a wood duck that used that nest box would have to be desperate. I decided to look at the box through my binoculars hoping I would see a screech owl using it considering I have seen this quite often. It was then when I noticed something gripping the tree trunk well below the wood duck box. I thought I was seeing things but it was a reddish brown hairy arm. I raised my binocs to get a better look. What I saw still bothers me today. That arm was attached to something that can only be described as a bigfoot. I got a very good look at it. It was hugging the tree its face pressed to the back of the tree outta sight from the front. It would peek out to look at me then pull back. It had grayish black skin around its face. It was pretty much hairless. It had a human like nose, with a slight nose bridge and a nose more typical of people of African decent. It was not like an apes nose at all. They have flat noses with upturned nostrils. You could not see its nostrils. It had no white to its eyes.The eyes where all brown with black pupils. I could see them dart back and forth, very similar to how a terrified or trapped animals eyes look. Its lips were thin and it appeared that they were long for its mouth looked rather big. There was very little hair around the face. It pretty thick on the sides and top of the face/head. I couldnt see any ears. It appeared to have a very short neck with the back of the neck kinda fading into its shoulders. It had a small cone shape to its head It looked very muscular but not blulky. I moved several times to my right and left to get a better look and it moved just like a squirrel does around a tree trying to avoid you. I can't say how long this actually went on but it had to be several long minutes cause I was busy running thoughts through my head as to what I was seeing. The closest thing I could come up with was this had to be an orangutang. The color may have been right but after that, forget it. I decided to move forward, just to get a better look I took two steps toward it (it was about 100 yrds away) and it ducked down and ran like hell. I didn't see it as it ran away but it left a sea of moving palmettos in its wake. I didn't make any other noice and I didn't smell anything.","location_details":"Rainbow Springs State Park FL. Dunnellon, FL is a small town about 100 miles north of Tampa.","county":"Marion County","state":"Florida","season":"Winter","title":"Report 12921: Birder has daylight sighting in Rainbow Springs State Park.","date":"2000-01-01","number":12921,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djjms3ps4u","temperature_high":78.98,"temperature_mid":65.47,"temperature_low":51.96,"dew_point":52.99,"humidity":0.72,"cloud_cover":0.3,"moon_phase":0.85,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":4,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":199,"wind_speed":1.33,"year":2000,"geometry":[-82.42,29.098]} {"observed":"A couple weeks ago we all heard it and it sent my then 10 year old son running into the house, still light out but getting dark. It was still pretty far away. Three Sundays ago (10/15/00) the dog kept going off, starting around midnight till 2:30am, my husband,C., went out several times with the rifle but never heard or saw anything. At 2:50am the dog went ballistic and C. told me it was my turn. When I opened the front door you could he it over the dog barking. It was all the way back into my property behind the horse lounge ring at the back of the property line. It continued to sound off as my husband was loading the other rifle for me and then it sounded like it killed something, this was awful. When we got outside, we stood behind the truck about 50 yards from where the noises were coming from. Then it stopped but heard no movement in the woods, the dog continued this entire time sounding off. After about 5 minutes of silence, my husband shot off a round into the ground and could hear it break branches as it moved behind that old parts truck in the woods. Then he let off another round and it went farther in the woods and that was it. I called Fish & Game and went through the same old BS I did a couple of years ago. I went to K-Mart and bought a GE auto voice recorder and we started setting it out at night. We got it on tape that same week, we never heard it from inside the house but were able to hear the dog barking. I have let several people listen to it and no one can ID it. Again, this is not like anything that I heard prior or like on those tapes. Last night (10/28/00) we had a party after my art show, two of the people who previously heard the tape were there. We had a fire going for a bar-b-que and we were all pretty loud. At around 10:00pm you could hear it over all the noise in the same general area. They ALL HEARD IT. Except two women that went to get Lotto's at the store. Three male friends and one of their girlfriends were over by the lounge ring where they had parked their car. When we ran over to them, the one guy who had previously heard the tape said \"what the #@!% was that?\" We heard it moving in the woods and we ran in the house for the recorder and the rifles. Total Chaos!! There were no kids present at this time only adults. We listen to it WALK in the woods and you could hear it breaking branches as it moved. One guy said \"Its big whatever it is\" And another turned to me and said \"it sounds as though it's walking on two feet\". We never mentioned that from the first experience, but we heard it and it did sound as thought it was two footed. C. went back into the house to get the flashlight and he and R. went into the woods, whatever it was stayed at least 100-200 feet away from them. The whole time R. (ex-law enforcement officer & paramedic) could hear it breaking the branches as it moved through the woods as he guided my husband in the general direction it was moving in, (My husband can't hear certain tones from a far distance) never saw or heard it again. We also had a Realtor friend, D., and some good ole boys. A good mix of people and no one could ID the sounds, only that whatever it is has an attitude and is big. The comment was made by more then two people that it sounded as thought it was on two legs. Could not find any tracks, deep layer of oak leaves.","county":"Marion County","state":"Florida","season":"Winter","title":"Report 598: Vocalizations and Footsteps heard","date":"2000-10-28","number":598,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"djjtj1rvxn","temperature_high":84.19,"temperature_mid":69.8,"temperature_low":55.41,"dew_point":54.49,"humidity":0.7,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.05,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.78,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":8.83,"wind_bearing":40,"wind_speed":0.86,"year":2000,"geometry":[-82.03495,29.01175]} {"observed":"It's been 4 years and I have never told anybody about what I saw. I worked in the Ocala National Forest. I maintained 117 miles of forest roads, for logging trucks. It was 95 degrees that day. I thought I had seen everything in that forest, as far as wildlife. But I was wrong. 200 yards in front of me there it was. A large dark brown animal, standing on the side of the road, about 6 and a half feet tall. It looked at me, and then crossed the road. I drove my moter grader to where it crossed,and there they were--the tracks, about 12 inches long. I had no radio, and figured I best keep this to myself. It crossed the road in 3 steps. I had a job to do, and finished grading the road. This is the first time I ever told anyone. I know what I saw, it was real.","county":"Marion County","state":"Florida","season":"Spring","title":"Report 23076: Road grader operator observes creature crossing logging road in Ocala National Forest","date":"2004-06-15","number":23076,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djjz6qktm2","temperature_high":88.21,"temperature_mid":80.51,"temperature_low":72.81,"dew_point":73.06,"humidity":0.87,"cloud_cover":0.3,"moon_phase":0.93,"precip_intensity":0.0024,"precip_probability":0.7,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Humid throughout the day and partly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":10,"visibility":8.1,"wind_bearing":128,"wind_speed":1.22,"year":2004,"geometry":[-81.80878,29.43465]} {"observed":"This morning we were awaken up by the sound of tapping on what seemed like the window of our bedroom. We have three pit bull dogs and they are very agressive when they hear unusual noises but they were terrified by something outside. My son **** went out to see what the noise was and I followed him. I noticed an awful smell, like something dead or nasty garbage. Then this huge man-like creature ran right in front of us and headed to the woods. I was scared and so was ****. We were both frightened. We just stood there frozen. We have alot of trees on our property and this thing was as tall as our orange tree (about 8 feet). We woke everyone up in the else and kept watching to see it was coming back. We live on 3.6 acres of heavy wooded property on the edge of the Ocala National Forest. I have never seen anything so scary in my life. This creature was dark and hairy and was walking on two feet. We have just had the storms from Hurricane Frances pass over this Sunday night and the weather has been terrible. We have alot of trees down and power has been out since Sunday. We are hoping this thing does not come back as we are living in total darkness out here and will not have our power restored any time soon. My son's girlfriend is sending this email to you as we need to let someone know what we have seen. There may have been other neighbors in our area that has seen this but we haven't be able to talk to them as of yet.","county":"Marion County","state":"Florida","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9282: Two bipedal animals seen in the aftermath of Frances","date":"2004-12-03","number":9282,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djjv2jnppt","temperature_high":64.07,"temperature_mid":56.135,"temperature_low":48.2,"dew_point":41.69,"humidity":0.64,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.71,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1019.51,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":338,"wind_speed":1.61,"year":2004,"geometry":[-81.9055,29.07655]} {"observed":"I would never have made any type of report about this incident but after listening to the first 2 audio recordings on your site I was compelled to tell you about an incident that I experienced along with 2 of my friends. It was fall of 2000 and we were riding in a jeep through the woods north of Panama City in a wooded area near the power plant off of hwy 77. We were doing some low grade four wheel driving in an area that falls between immediate coastline and some heavily wooded areas; areas that are sometimes incredibly thick and densely wooded swamps. We happened to stop the jeep in order to make a navigational decision when we all heard the loudest and definitely the strangest sound I had ever heard. It was truly beyond description and I am not a person to be lost for descriptors. The three of us immediately began a \"did you hear that?\" dialogue when we heard essentially the same noise again. The only reason I bothered to submit this is because of those audio clips. I am an audio engineer and am very familiar with sound. In addition I have lived in this area for the majority of my life having spent many days and nights in the woods hearing and seeing all sorts of things. This was, until tonight, beyond my experience. None of us could, with any certainty, say what we heard.","location_details":"From Panama City travel north on state hwy 77 through Lynn Haven and just north of Southport. Turn left on the road that goes to the power plant (the steam plant in local parlance). Towrds the end of the road (where the power plant sits) is a dirt road, heavily rutted, that brings you to a canal used by the power plant as a collection canal. The water is usually very warm and in the winter people fish there (esp at night) and sometimes go swimming there (very NOT safe to do). There are sandy/muddy trails/roads throughout the area that cover LOTS of area. The area is very diverse in landscape/topography and varies from coastal wetland/marshland to thick wooded swamp.","county":"Bay County","state":"Florida","season":"Fall","title":"Report 13313: Possible vocalizations heard by four-wheelers near Southport","date":"2000-10-14","number":13313,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dj7h71yj45","temperature_high":81.11,"temperature_mid":65.015,"temperature_low":48.92,"dew_point":48.21,"humidity":0.59,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.54,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1022.57,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":8.87,"wind_bearing":76,"wind_speed":2.33,"year":2000,"geometry":[-85.64108,30.28881]} {"observed":"My family moved to Charlotte County in 2000, bought a house in a quiet area and have been pleasantly surprised with the amount of wildlife in the area. We had moved from Ft. Lauderdale and would frequently exercise, bike ride, walk, run or rollerblade. It was January 2001 or 2002, sunny day, a cold front just went through the area. It was mid-afternoon, about 65 degrees, wind was out of the North, North East. I even remember what I was wearing. My wife and I decided to go Rollerblading that day, and we had a basic route we skated. As we made our way away from our house we got to one of our favorite roads, Koala, and proceeded down to the end at an easy pace. About 2-3 blocks from the intersection of Koala and Collingswood we stopped and saw what I first thought was a very large dog, on all four legs, in the swale about 20 ft. from the intersection. I looked at the animal and I thought I was looking at the profile of a dog, a really BIG dog. Although I did not see a tail or a head I did not give it another thought. I remember saying to my wife, \"We should have brought a lead to see if someone lost a dog. I would hate to see it get hit. As she was agreeing with me, we just started to move towards the animal and all of a sudden its head rose up and stared right at us. The animal was not in the swale in a profile view on all fours, it was on all fours facing us. It had a dark face which did not register with me. The hair was long, reddish-brown. As the animal looked up at us there was about a 2 second delay before it took off at an alarming pace. RIGHT FOR US. Fight or flight sense kicked in. It started running, I looked at it as it gained speed and its hair was flowing in the breeze, there was no standard locomotive process. It seemed to float. The shoulders did not break a plane. We turned around and started to get the heck out of there. We feared that this animal was after us. As I kept checking back at it, thinking I may have to confront it, I saw it move from the swale to the roadway effortlessly. Again it appeared to float up the bank to the road. Once in the road I could see the hair moving in the wind as it chased after us, I could see the front legs moving but the shoulders never broke a visual horizontal plane. It took up a quarter of the roadway, 3-4 feet across, I would estimate 4-5 foot at the shoulder. The animal drifted off into the woods to the north side in to an area that appeared to have been an opening made through the brush. Maybe we were too close to its lair. I dont know. I do not know what it was, I thought perhaps at first it was a dog, then maybe an exotic large cat, or a bear but I ruled them out just due to the unbelievable speed, overall size (huge) and locomotive process this animal executed. It just appeared to float. The whole thing lasted probably 20 seconds. I still get the chills thinking about it and when I go past that area.","location_details":"On Koala just east of intersection of Collingswood. North side of Koala","county":"Charlotte County","state":"Florida","season":"Winter","title":"Report 45137: Husband and wife have close encounter while roller blading outside Port Charlotte","date":"2001-01-20","number":45137,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dhv96ww1be","temperature_high":66.29,"temperature_mid":49.195,"temperature_low":32.1,"dew_point":57.18,"humidity":0.84,"cloud_cover":0.6,"moon_phase":0.88,"precip_intensity":0.0055,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.24,"summary":"Light rain until afternoon.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.83,"wind_bearing":291,"wind_speed":6.5,"year":2001,"geometry":[-82.1475,26.9745]} {"observed":"My husband and I have lived in Charlotte County FL our entire lives. We have camped with our families for over 40 years up the peace river (only accessable by boat) into Desoto county...After Hurrician Charley, We had gone early to set camp and meet friends. Later that evening, we heard an undescribable screem/yell/growl from somethin very big. Because of the number of alligators there, I at first thought an animal was getting bitten and dragged into the water as we heard water splashing and the yell continued and went from sounding hurt and suprised to angry and mad (I had heard for a long time that there was a big foot in that area, but have never heard, smelled, or seen anything...well into our 40's we never thought we would.) The yell lasted approx 5 seconds, going from something sounding like it was hurt fighting and then angry. It made our hair stand strait up. My husband immediately retrieved his gun, and we were very uncomfortable all evening. We have never heard anything like this before...until...we watched a special on bigfoot and the gentleman from florida stated he had audio. When we heard the audio, we both jumped to our feet in shock, as it was the same type of yell we had heard up river...It is a sound you would never forget.","location_details":"Very primitive..swampy area with a fresh water river, only accessable by boat...We can take you to the place where it happened.","county":"Charlotte County","state":"Florida","season":"Fall","title":"Report 27587: Couple hears an unusual scream while camping overnight on the Peace River","date":"2005-10-20","number":27587,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dhvdn1rznp","temperature_high":87.83,"temperature_mid":81.72,"temperature_low":75.61,"dew_point":72.3,"humidity":0.81,"cloud_cover":0.25,"moon_phase":0.61,"precip_intensity":0.0001,"precip_probability":0.72,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.64,"summary":"Foggy in the morning and humid throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":8.5,"wind_bearing":92,"wind_speed":3.34,"year":2005,"geometry":[-81.99105,27.07842]} {"observed":"The following is the account of my student, identified below. He is with me as I type this. He does not have a computer, so I therefore am making this report for him. I am his high school biology teacher. \"We (4 of us) were riding in a pickup truck on a dirt road on my grandfather's property. That portion of the property is planted pine flatwoods with little undergrowth other than native grass. Three of us were in the back of the pickup, looking for deer with a spotlight. We were traveling about 10 mph. The person with the spotlight swept the light across the side of the road, and all 3 of us that were in the back of the truck saw this creature standing about 25 feet from us, and back off the road in the trees. It was just standing there looking at us. The light swept across the creature, and all three of us saw it and yelled or said something. The light was on it a second or two. We immediately backed up and with the light looked again but could no longer see it creature. It was gone. We were all very excited asked each other what it was, but confirmed that we had all see the same thing. Here is what we saw: It was about 8-9 feet tall, and covered with long dark fur. There were no ears on the head, but it's eyes shown yellow in the light and the sholders appeared like a football player's. His belly stuck out to the sides a bit, like he was thicker in that area. His arms were long and appeard to hang nearly to his knees. When we backed up to see him again, he was already gone, but we all noticed a really foul smell, that I would describe as similar to a sour hog. We were all fairly scared, and immediately left the area.","location_details":"This road passes from Interstate 10 to Hwy 21.","county":"Clay County","state":"Florida","season":"Spring","title":"Report 14354: Night time sighting by three boys outside Middleburg","date":"2003-07-01","number":14354,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djmg53bhte","temperature_high":88.11,"temperature_mid":81.225,"temperature_low":74.34,"dew_point":73.91,"humidity":0.79,"cloud_cover":0.56,"moon_phase":0.06,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1018.64,"summary":"Humid and mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":8.13,"wind_bearing":165,"wind_speed":7.39,"year":2003,"geometry":[-81.771,30.069]} {"observed":"One night in early April of 1994, my two daughters and I were driving in our car, headed west, on SR 16 near Penny Farms in Green Cove Springs, Florida. The stretch of road was lightly scattered with houses, but had mostly dense wooded areas with an occasional cow pasture. The weather was clear with a light night fog. As we approach one of the more deserted areas along the road, I spotted something off to the right hand side of the road. At this point it was not clear as to what it was. I slowed down a bit thinking it may be a dog or animal. I've commonly seen many nocturnal animals along this stretch of road in the past. As we approached somewhat closer, it stepped out into the path of the car. We, at this time, were moving approximately 20 MPH as the animal came in to direct headlight. I was stunned to see that which I had assumed would be a raccoon, actually stood at least 6 to 7 feet tall, walked on two legs, and was covered with brown hair, (was somewhat skinny). I completely stopped the car as it crossed the road. A car coming in the opposite direction stopped as well. I almost could not come to terms with what my eyes were seeing. My oldest daughter, which was nine years old at the time, said \"oh my gosh! What is that? It crossed the road quickly into the thick brush on the left hand side of the road. Once again she said \"Dad, what was that?\" I sat there with my mouth hanging open, then tried to think of what to say that wouldnt spook her. We had just passed a cow pasture about 30 feet prior, so I babbled, \"I a...a...a think it was a cow.\" We drove silently for a few miles. The whole time I'm thinking to myself, \"You just saw a Skunk Ape\". She then turned to me and said, \" Dad, cows don't walk on two legs... Looked more like a Bigfoot to me.\" I stuck with my ridiculous \"cow story\" until she was much older. She's now 18 years old, and we've laughed about the cow story for years. These days we both use each other as our witness that on that April in 1994 we both did truly indeed see a Bigfoot. My youngest daughter was asleep in the back seat during the entire event. But she says she has seen plenty of cows anyway. Cows... INDEED!","location_details":"SR16 near Penny Farms in Green Cove Springs. About a 1/2 mile from CR218. Green Cove Springs is located approx. 16 miles south from Jacksonville ,Fl.","county":"Clay County","state":"Florida","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8316: Father and daughter have nighttime sighting","date":"2004-03-18","number":8316,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djmfd9g50e","temperature_high":79.42,"temperature_mid":65.695,"temperature_low":51.97,"dew_point":47.92,"humidity":0.64,"cloud_cover":0.12,"moon_phase":0.93,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1020.37,"summary":"Partly cloudy in the evening.","uv_index":8,"visibility":9.32,"wind_bearing":169,"wind_speed":3.17,"year":2004,"geometry":[-81.80005,29.98085]} {"observed":"It was a warm day in June of 2005 it was around noon and me and three of my friends decided to go fishing we had cooked left over pork chops as bait since where we were fishing on private property and we were tresspassing I have been reluctant to say anything about this, after about an hour or two of fishing the older of my two friends said \"Hey (name) I think theres a bear in those pallmetos.\" So I being the oldest of the three decided to go over to the bushes and check it out when I got about ten feet from the bushes I saw two dark brown eyes filled fear and curiosity I stopped dead in my tracks and then the creature let out a loud grumbleing noise so naturally being as terrefied as I was I let out a yell which is when I saw the creatures eyes go from fear and curiosity to rage and anger then it rose out of a crouching position to tower about nine feet above me I can distinctly remeber the odor coming off the creature and around the eyes there was no fur the creature also had a very noticible mark on it face right above the upper lip I cant remeber if it was the left or right side, the creature had a flat nose kind of like a gorilla and human mix the skin was really dark and course the creature had extremely long arms and also there was no hair around the lips the fur was really dark and notted sort of like a matted dog. So after the creature rose out of the crouching position we all ran up the hill to the house to get a camera and a .270 we returned to the scene several hours later to find the pork chops gone the fish gone the poles scatterd around on the ground and we had all had our shirts off since it had been hot and they were laid about 11 feet up on a live oak branch with no sign of the creature left. Then about five days later I was riding my bike down a trail that is by my house going to a freinds house who lives on bluejay when out of the corner of my eye I saw something that grabbed my attention I looked to my left to see a huge creature walking across the scrub oaks about 200 yards away this was to the left of me by the swamp which has since dried up so I proceeded to quickly turn around and head home. And recently since about the begining of the summer of 2007 I have been hearing wood knocks in the woods by my house, normally they come from three diffrent locations but sometimes there will be four or five, the knocks are about two to three minutes apart the most recent knocks were on monday october 15 2007 at 6:32 in the morning I havent wanted to report these because I was tresspassing and I never really knew how to.","location_details":"Middleburg","county":"Clay County","state":"Florida","season":"Summer","title":"Report 21879: Teens have very Close Encounter with Creature","date":"2005-06-15","number":21879,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djmer6km2p","temperature_high":93.86,"temperature_mid":84.925,"temperature_low":75.99,"dew_point":74.14,"humidity":0.77,"cloud_cover":0.56,"moon_phase":0.27,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1011.36,"summary":"Humid and partly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":8,"visibility":9.2,"wind_bearing":229,"wind_speed":1.17,"year":2005,"geometry":[-81.94118,30.11584]} {"observed":"In march of 2001 There was about 5-7 guys on a camping& fishing trip in the everglades national park.We were camping at a romote campsite in the park called the \"Watson Place\" on the chatham river. The campsite is about 3-4 miles up river from the mouth that meets the gulf. The campsite is on an old shell mound that the indians used to call\" Bad Land\".The site is only accessed by boat and it takes about an hour to get to the site from the nearest ramp in chokoloskee. The national park butts up to Big Cypress Preserve. The weather was dry & cool. One of the nights five of the guys decided to do some night fishing in the backbays of the everglades,They left the camp and you could hear their motors running for miles back in the bays. They had been gone since about 2- hours when the other person at the camp turned in for the night. I was fishing off the bank relaxing & waiting for the guys to get back.It had been about an hour since the other person turned in.It was around 11:30 at night when I heard the most piercing scream I have ever heard in my life!.....It made the hair on the back of my neck stand up stand up!!! I have heard panthers scream and bobcats and this was a more high pitched sound!I was turning all the lamps on in camp whem about 30 seconds after the first scream, I heard a second. same exact sound. I estimated the sounds to be about 75-100 yards. I thought to myself \" this cannot be a person, I would have heard their boat coming from miles away and the island is filled with razor sharp mangroves with oysters & barnicles all along the banks\"The only place to get off is the campsite. I did not hear anymore screams that night! About 20-30 minutes later I heard my buddy,s motors coming in the distance. When they got to camp I told them about what I heard and not one of them laughed or did not take me seriously. The landscape is Mangrove islands with lots of shallow bays.Florida has been in a drought for years and the everglades have been real dry in the interior.","location_details":"The national park service will give you information to the watson place.","county":"Collier County","state":"Florida","season":"Spring","title":"Report 2915: Campers hear unfamiliar vocalizations at night in the Everglades","date":"2001-03-01","number":2915,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dhw5j9sgcu","year":2001,"geometry":[-81.3142,25.84875]} {"observed":"I was headed west down the easement road off Turner road. I came around a turn and saw what I assumed was a monkey or an ape. It sat on all fours with its rear end down and its front end higher, kind of like a gorilla. It ran, then stopped and looked at me for a few seconds, then ran away. It ran in the same manner it was setting, on all fours with the front end highest. It never stood on its hind legs. The rear legs definitely seemed shorter than the front. It was dark brown in color and covered in hair. The hair seemed to be short. On all fours it stood about 21/2 or three feet tall.","location_details":"Off Turner Road, east side.","county":"Collier County","state":"Florida","season":"Winter","title":"Report 16303: Daylight sighting by motorist near Everglades City, off Turner River Road.","date":"2001-10-15","number":16303,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dhw5zwx6fr","year":2001,"geometry":[-81.22285,26.0079]} {"observed":"In may of 1973 I and my father were working for XXXXX XXXXXX Drywall in Boynton Beach, Florida. We had just finished a job and came into the office for a new assignment. Frank told us he had a \"special job\" and would consider it a favor if we did it. The developer of Boca Teeca had a couple of hunting cottages, in the everglades, and it wouldn't take us more than a couple of days. We would have to camp over since it was too far to drive and there wasn't any lodging around. Now my wife was over 7 months pregnant and I wasn't crazy about doing the job. However, Frank was persausive, \"If you want to continue working for me you'll do it!\" I didn't have health insurance and was making payments to Bethesda Hospital, in advance, for my wife's upcoming hospital stay. So I caved in and took the job. The next day we packed some camping gear in the station wagon. My idea of camping was a state park or KOA camp. We set off. The directions were simple: take the Florida Turnpike south and go west on Alligator Alley, about halfway across you will see a gravel road to the left. Pass it and take the next gravel road to the left. The work site would be halfway between Alligator Alley and the Tamiami Trail. Looking back I would say this would have put it in Collier County, Florida (the beginning of everglades country). We taveled miles and miles, under the hot sun, on Alligator Alley, for what seemed miles and miles of miles and miles. Coming to the second gravel road we turned left and traveled more miles and miles down a washboard gravel road. I had packed fishing gear and a .22 cal. magnum pistal (with holster) and two .30 cal.M1 carbines. A canal ran parralel to road and I had at least wanted to get my hook wet. I talked him into stopping for 15 mins. or so (to stretch our legs) and I dropped a line in the canal. It was full of alligator gar which were stacked up like cord wood. My father spotted a water moccasin on the other bank and I took my .22 mag, aimed behind the head, shot and took its head clean off. We started up again and after many more miles saw a sign \" XXX XXXXX Site.\" We arrived in the early afternoon. The two cottages turned out to be two houses. Each identical and 2 stories high. The developers had a drive made by dumping a pad of coarse gravel, about 2.5 to 3 feet high, about 300 yeards back into the swamp. At the end, and right, of each drive was a big square of gravel the houses were built on. This was going to be more than a 2 day job. We started taping the houses. While I was working I could hear something rummaging around out in the bush. I couldn't see anything but there was a strong odor similar to the pig farm next to my grandfather's farm (in Ohio). XXXXX XXXXXX had a reputation as being a boar hunter and I assumed it was a boar. We worked till dark and cleaned and packed up our tools. I had Dad start a camp fire on the part of the drive that went past the house (you had to do a 3 point turn in the car port area to turn around). I set up the cots and put on my holster and .22 mag revolver (just in case we encountered a charging boar). Dad brougt a slab of bacon (his idea of camp food). Oh well, he was doing the cooking. It smelled good too. One thing about Dad, he's a master chef when it comes to ruff grub. We ate bacon and beans and home fries and then sat around the fire talking. The whole time I kept hearing the rummaging around in the everglades. The sound seemed to be getting nearer. It occurred to me if it were a wild boar, or anthing as larges as the sounds indicated, the .22 mag probably wouldn't be too effective. I decided to go get one of the carbines. As I stood up and started to go to the wagon I turned and saw two eyes staring from about 20 foot away. First thougt... an owl. But then I realized what I was looking at. I froze in my tracks. Next thought a bear. Only I was staring level in its eyes. I was on a gravel pad about 2.5 to 3 foot higher than it was. I am 5 foot 6 inches. My God... it was 8 to 9 foot tall. My hand went for my gun. I drew it and was going to fire. Only I realized if I shot this thing all I was going to do was really piss it off. Also, it wasn't acting threatening. It was just watching. It had a face more human than a bear or ape. Closer to an Australian aborriginal. I could also see its skin. It didn't have thick fur. It had sparse, long and whispy like strands. The hair was more like an orangutan. Only these were things I put together later. At the time I was just plain scared. As a Viet Nam verteran, with a purple heart, I wasn't overscared either. Let just say I had a strong sense of self preservation. I made a bee line for the house and momentarilly thought about stopping to get the carbine from the wagon. However, my feet took me into the house and up the stairwell. My Dad was hot on my heels. I went to the window which faced the camp fire. As I looked out the window I asked Dad, who was across the room, \"Did you see that?\" He said, \"No.\" I told him, \"then what the heck were you running for?\" He said, \"I saw you draw your gun, then didn't shoot and then run off. I figured you had a good reason.\" I told him, \"we need the carbines. You go out and get them and I will cover you.\" He wouldn't do it. Still looking out the window I noticed we left the slab of bacon on a log near the camp fire. Then I saw it come out of the brush. I told Dad, \"There it is. Come over here and look at it.\" He woudln't do it. I don't know if he could have got across the room in time any way. It crossed the viewable area, may 100 ft. in a few strides. As it walked it scooped up the slab of bacon. It didn't really bend over. It just dropped a shoulder slightly. It was walking upright the whole time. I might add it was walking, not running. It was casually strolling as if it didn't have a care in the world. It dawned on me that it didn't mean any harm. It justed wanted the bacon. Anyway I went to the wagon and got the carbines. Even though I wasn't sure what I saw and I concluded it didn't mean any harm I wasn't taking any chances. I told Dad we were going to take two hour watches. He decided to sleep first. I woke him up in two hours and told him to awaken me in two hours. I woke up in the morning and he was fast asleep. Whatever it was could have had us. If it had wanted to. The doors had not been installed yet. I went out and looked for tracks. Nothing on the gravel. I didn't expect any. I climbed down to the ground. I thought it would be soft. It was dry and there was a thick pad of pine needles. There were a few scruffed places but the distance between them looked too far apart to be foot steps. I thought about venturing out and looking for a soft spot but at the time I wasn't trying to prove anything but to myself. If my Dad wasn't such a chicken, and had seen it, then I would have been more resolved to look further. Only now I was beginning to wonder if I had imagined the whole thing. I really didn't make the connection until a few weeks after I came home and there was a newspaper article about Sasquatch sightings in the area I had been in. I just made a mental note to ask if any circus or zoo animals had escaped, in that area, and if so I would call and tell them what I saw. I am not relating this encounter to make you a true believer. At that time I know I saw something and this is a report on what I thought I saw. After 28 years I now question it myself. The more time that passes the sketchier the recollection is. I only offer this record in hopes it might help those who are seriously looking for it. I have one reservation. If this creature is real, and is it found, will that doom it to extinction?","location_details":"I believe Alligator Alley is now called I-75. I haven't been back there since.","county":"Collier County","state":"Florida","season":"Spring","title":"Report 2856: Construction worker has startling encounter outside hunting cottage","date":"2004-02-21","number":2856,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dhw7grfnqk","temperature_high":82.71,"temperature_mid":70.24,"temperature_low":57.77,"dew_point":60.64,"humidity":0.78,"moon_phase":0.05,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":243,"wind_speed":1.87,"year":2004,"geometry":[-81.0651,26.01535]} {"observed":"I was camping with family in the big cypress area near alligator alley april week of the 15th. I saw what i thought was a black shadow standing 8ft tall in the woods in front of me. I told my friend and turned my head. A few minutes later looked again and that black thing was gone and i was able to see through the forest. I shook the feeling off then that night is where it began. That night for dinner we cooked chicken legs and turkey meatballs over the fire. My brother left the garbage bag hanging 10 feet away from us and we went to bed. 4am I awoke hearing this strange sound in the far distance sounding 3 miles away. The sound came closer and closer to the point i knew it was heading towards my campsite. I woke up my ex-boyfriend, then my brother in another tent. I said do you hear that sound? they said yes be quiet. The sound was a wailing sound with a heavy breath at the end. I thought it was an alien and my ex thought it was a monster. The sound was horrible, and it got closer and closer to the camp. I heard it go by my tent and head in the direction of my brothers to the side of it, then left and went down a trail path behind our tents. I got up and wanted to look out of the tent window but my ex grabbed me and said are you crazy. The next morning we woke up and talked about it and began to trace the direction where the monster walked. I looked down and found a footprint in the sandy trail it looked like a huge foot both wide and long. Both guys put their foot in the print and it was way bigger than their foot in width and length couldnt be a persons foot. It looked like 4 big toes. This wasn't there the day before. We went up the trail and saw a few more of the prints. When we went home a guy friend of my cousins was interested in this phenomena so i went back with him and showed him where it occured and the footprint but it had slightly been messed up. He took picture but it didn't come out good. I wanted to go back again that year but my ex, brother, and cousin said no way. my cousin said she would have to bring a gun if she ever did go back. This strange happening scared them to death. I did go back with my kids and we were fine, no noises heard that night. I heard on the computer the noises of the skunk ape since the guy told me to listen and i couldn't believe it, it sounded a lot like what we had heard at the campsite. Hope you enjoyed the true story i just told you. I will be visiting it again sometime soon, i would rather not give the direct area since i don't want it to sell out when i need to camp. The location i gave was correct but it is a long radius. Bye Meg","location_details":"I already included in my story.","county":"Collier County","state":"Florida","season":"Spring","title":"Report 18737: Campers report possible vocalization and footprint in Big Cypress National Preserve","date":"2005-04-09","number":18737,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dhw5ssw75v","temperature_high":80.75,"temperature_mid":70.69,"temperature_low":60.63,"dew_point":60.83,"humidity":0.75,"cloud_cover":0.23,"moon_phase":0.03,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1011.9,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":285,"wind_speed":3.79,"year":2005,"geometry":[-81.356,25.953]} {"observed":"We were driving eastbound on US 41 to go fishing off of Turner River Rd. about 11 AM. at approx. 1/2 a mile east of the I 29 and US 41 intersection. My girlfriend looked to the north side of the road and said \"Jerry, I think I see something.\" I looked immediately and saw the creature turn approx. 90 degrees take 3 steps and kneel straight down into the grass like a human would. Judging by the height of the grass, we guessed it was about 8 feet tall and by the size of the torso it weighed probably around 400 pounds. The creature was about 50 yards north of US 41. The whole sighting lasted around 10 seconds considering we were driving around 60 mph.","county":"Collier County","state":"Florida","season":"Summer","title":"Report 13514: Daylight sighting by motorist on U.S. 41 near I-29","date":"2005-06-02","number":13514,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dhw5mrc79x","temperature_high":77.43,"temperature_mid":73.72,"temperature_low":70.01,"dew_point":71.69,"humidity":0.96,"moon_phase":0.86,"precip_intensity":0.0565,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Heavy rain until afternoon, starting again in the evening.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":81,"wind_speed":1.96,"year":2005,"geometry":[-81.33,25.927]} {"observed":"about 8 or 9 years ago, when i was working as a patrol offficer for a company here in jacksonville florida, a friend of mine was in a building that was backed up next to a large area of woods. he said that he saw something standing next to a pine tree. i told him that i would be there in about 10 or 15 minutes. i told him that i was in the woods chasing some poachers out. he said to come to the back side of the building and i did. i told him on the radio that i was back there and he told me to put on my spotlight and when i did , i heard a noise that i will never forget. i saw something running past the trees, it was tall brown and hairy and was running fast. i then got the hell out of there and went to see my friend in that building. he asked me if i heard that noise and i said oh hell yes. we then went to where it was standing and about 9 feet up was a broken branch from that pine tree. the branch was at least 5 or 6 inches in diameter and it was clearly pulled out. last night on the radio i heard that same scream. i tried to call but the line was always busy on coast to coast.","location_details":"Off I-95. The area sits between Southside Blvd. to the west. J.Turner Butler Blvd. to the north. Gate Parkway to the east and 9-A St. Johns Bluff Road to south.","county":"Duval County","state":"Florida","season":"Unknown","title":"Report 20940: Security guards have nighttime sightings outside Jacksonville","date":"2000-08-01","number":20940,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djqh02rnuh","temperature_high":88.24,"temperature_mid":81.075,"temperature_low":73.91,"dew_point":74.06,"humidity":0.81,"cloud_cover":0.18,"moon_phase":0.06,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019,"summary":"Light rain in the afternoon.","uv_index":10,"visibility":9.22,"wind_bearing":135,"wind_speed":6.68,"year":2000,"geometry":[-81.54172,30.23693]} {"observed":"I am a security officer in Jacksonville, FL. I was on duty in an area know as Deerwood Park. Located in a quickly developing area that was once owned by Skinners Dairy. The area is still heavily wooded. Two weeks ago I was on duty in a building and went outside to smoke a cigarette. I was outside for 5 minutes. I heard a noise like something moving through the tree line. I turned my head toward the noise and the noise stopped. I called on of our vehicle patrols in the area and we moved to the tree line to investigate. We could hear the movement of something very large making very suttle movement. The officer with me and myself felt very uneasy. Laying on the ground 8-10 feet from the tree line was a branch from a pine tree. The needles on the branch were still green.There were no burn marks at the break to indicate lightning had struck. The branch was approximatly 3 inches in diameter and appears to have been broken and then ripped from the tree.What ever it was,sounded as though it moved away from us through the marsh land. This whole incident really creeped me out.On Fri/9-1-00 at about the same time 2:30A.M. The same patrol officer and myself were again standing outside the building I guard. We heard a sonic alarm coming from the building to the north of our location. The patrol officer I was talking to walked back to his car to drive over and investigate. The alarm stopped as though it reset or was deactivated. I informed the patrol officer that it was probably the cleaning crew. As we continued talking about what we were going to do in the gym that mourning. The officer I was talking to turned his head and his eyes got real big. He replyed.\" Look at that\". I turned around and looked toward the tree line and observed nothing. The patrol officer I was talking to sped off in his vehicle in the direction of the trees and I followed on foot. We searched the area and found nothing. The officer told me that he observed heavly built individual who's estimated height was between 7-8 feet in height. The individual appeared all black. The officer I was talking to said when he told me to look, the subject had crossed out of my line of site around another building 100 feet to the south of our location. This officer appeared to be very serious about what he saw. On Sun/9-3-00. I was talking to the other officer who works the same area. He told me of a resident he talked to six months ago,who lives 1 mile to the east of my post. This resident inquired if we did foot patrols through his community? Which was at the time was sparsley populated. When the officer said, \"no\". The resident continued that a few nights before around dusk he heard a splash in the lake behind his house. What he saw climb out of the lake and walk toward the south and into the trees was exactly what the other officer told me he saw. The resident further stated that this was a regular occurance.","location_details":"Off I-95. The area sits between Southside Blvd. to the west. J.Turner Butler Blvd. to the north. Gate Parkway to the east and 9-A St. Johns Bluff Road to south.","county":"Duval County","state":"Florida","season":"Summer","title":"Report 446: Security Guards have sighting while on duty near Jacksonville","date":"2000-09-22","number":446,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djq5bzb39p","temperature_high":82.09,"temperature_mid":78.675,"temperature_low":75.26,"dew_point":76.81,"humidity":0.91,"cloud_cover":0.33,"moon_phase":0.81,"precip_intensity":0.0162,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1016.23,"summary":"Rain until evening.","uv_index":5,"visibility":8.52,"wind_bearing":140,"wind_speed":5.03,"year":2000,"geometry":[-81.52915,30.2333]} {"observed":"i SEEN A LARGE CREATURE WALKING THUR MY BACK YARD. ITS WAS SOMETIME AFETR KATRINIA, AND IT HAD BEEN REALLY DRY. THEIR ARE UNDERGROUND RIVERS AND ABOVE GROUND SPRINGS ON MY LAND. IT WAS SEPTEMBER THE 18, 2005, ABOUT 6;30 PM. I ONLY SAW IT FOR ABOUT I MINUTE AND IT LOOK TO BE ABOUT 72 PLUS INCHES TALL, WITH A HAIRY BODY AND WALKED UPRIGHT. I HAD THE FUNNY FEELING IT WANTED ME TO SEE IT. IT WALKED VERY FAST AND SEEN TO HAVE APOINTED HEAD.","location_details":"FLORIDIA GEORGIA LINE","county":"Gadsden County","state":"Florida","season":"Fall","title":"Report 13298: Early evening sighting in backyard on the FL/GA border, north of Tallahassee","date":"2005-09-18","number":13298,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dj7y520w1n","temperature_high":95.98,"temperature_mid":84.66,"temperature_low":73.34,"dew_point":72.27,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.35,"moon_phase":0.52,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1016.52,"summary":"Humid throughout the day and foggy in the morning.","uv_index":6,"visibility":6.58,"wind_bearing":6,"wind_speed":1.07,"year":2005,"geometry":[-84.583,30.587]} {"observed":"A relative recently built a house in a slighty remote southern area of Upson County. The property of about 50 acres has a small lake which has been there for about 30 years. A few miles south is lots of wooded areas, and the county is bordered by the Flint River. Around June 15, 2004, about 10:00 A.M one mostly cloudy, but hot and humid morning, I arrived at her house to plant some flowers in her flower bed. I had been there about 45 minutes and had taken a break to drink some water when I heard a sound that I had never heard before, but knew for sure that whatever it was, had power behind it. It really got my attention since I was alone at the time. I listenned for about 2 more minutes and I heard the sound again much clearer and could tell that it seemed to be coming down towards the lake. The lake can't be seen from the house. This creature called Bigfoot automatically came to my mind because I knew it had to be powerful to produce that sound. I left immediately because I was frightened and came home to look on the internet for bigfoot sounds. I found on the Oregon Bigfoot site the sound. the first 2 screams on the \"Puyallup Screamer\" file is exactly what I heard. I told my cousin's roommate that I had heard something and she said immediately that I should talk to my cousin because she had heard it too.","county":"Upson County","state":"Georgia","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9001: Possible howls heard near Thomaston","date":"2004-07-15","number":9001,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dju4dsts0z","temperature_high":90.73,"temperature_mid":79.03,"temperature_low":67.33,"dew_point":72.93,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.19,"moon_phase":0.94,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Humid throughout the day and mostly cloudy in the afternoon.","uv_index":10,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":321,"wind_speed":4.75,"year":2004,"geometry":[-84.25755,32.80865]} {"observed":"Initial report received as the associated media article linked below. Preliminary investigation by the BFRO: I talked to the reporter and called the BP Quick Stop and spoke with one of the women who was there the night the guy came in to use their phone. I have yet to get in touch with the witness, J.N. that saw the creature. Here are a few extra notes: Tim Chitwood (reporter) heard the story from a Sheriff's deputy in Russell County. The incident happened on August 30. The call to 911 was made at 10:54 pm. J.N. never called a Game Warden as the story stipulates. He called 911 from the Quick Stop in Fort Mitchell, AL. No report was filed with any police agency due to the fact that the witness was not willing to go back to the camping area with an officer. On the 911 tape the witness did state that \"it\" walked upright. The women at the Quick stop would not give their names, but stated they saw the dog, and it looked okay, they didn't see any blood. Apparently, the dog had walked off from the camp site and started making strange noises. The women did concur on the fact that the witness was \"scared as hell\" when he came in. The witness told them that it was taller than himself, and he saw the silhouette and the eyes as it kept moving towards him. The camp ground where this occurred is named after an old plantation owner who owned the land. It is also known for it's Indian Mounds. The mounds are not burial sites, but foundations for the dwellings the Indians lived in. (circa 1000 AD-1500 AD). \"Sheky Bean\" is the name the locals have given to whatever is wandering around the area.","location_details":"Rood Creek Park just south of Florence Marina.","county":"Stewart County","state":"Georgia","season":"Summer","title":"Report 2220: Two campers report seeing tall creature at Rood Park campground and boat landing by the Chattahoochee River, just south of Florence Marina","date":"2000-08-30","number":2220,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djew2g5ngm","temperature_high":89.7,"temperature_mid":80.7,"temperature_low":71.7,"dew_point":66.55,"humidity":0.69,"cloud_cover":0.4,"moon_phase":0.05,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.53,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":8,"visibility":6.92,"wind_bearing":38,"wind_speed":4.52,"year":2000,"geometry":[-85.0409,32.0538]} {"observed":"I was hiking the Appalachian Trail in July of 2005 and I stopped to spend the night at the Gooch Mountain shelter. There was a hiker there at 16:00 but he left around 18:00 to get in a few more miles. It was a normal night on the AT until around 2:30 in the morning. I was awakened by a very heavy rustling sound. I immediately jumped up in the sleeping bag thinking it was a bear. I was sleeping in the loft upstairs, for just this reason, and I had seen a bear earlier that day. When I shined my headlamp out the front of the shelter there came a tremendous whooping sound. It was a mmoooooopp. It was pitch dark and dead silent except for this tremendous whoop. I was almost painful to the ears it was so loud. I could not see anything. The sound seemed to be about 50 feet away and moved from left to right out of range of my headlamp repeating this loud whoop. There were no other sounds in the woods, nothing, not even the crickets or frogs until 3 or 4 minutes after the sound stopped. I did not sleep the rest of the night. I looked in the morning and found no evidence of a bear, raccoon, or other animal, but the ground was very hard and dry. The sound came from the area where I had my food hanging in a tree away from the shelter. I am a big guy, ex-military and spend a lot of time hiking and surviving in the woods. I have never heard anything close to this sound from any animal I have ever encountered. I do not scare easy but this had me really shaken. I watched a show on The Discovery Channel (I think) a while back and they played a supposed recording of a Bigfoot, then I realized this was exactly what I heard. Until that time I had dismissed the event.","location_details":"Gooch Mountain Shelter","county":"Union County","state":"Georgia","season":"Summer","title":"Report 23701: Vocalization heard at close range on Appalachian Trail (Gooch Mountain Shelter)","date":"2005-07-03","number":23701,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnhjpsr697","temperature_high":73.24,"temperature_mid":69.67,"temperature_low":66.1,"dew_point":68,"humidity":0.98,"cloud_cover":0.49,"moon_phase":0.91,"precip_intensity":0.0075,"precip_probability":0.66,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1014.85,"summary":"Rain in the morning.","uv_index":5,"visibility":6.17,"wind_bearing":88,"wind_speed":0.43,"year":2005,"geometry":[-84.0354,34.6527]} {"observed":"Hi me and my friend have been hearing some weird stuff while we are hunting. My friend heard the sonds first. Then I heard them the next evening right before dark. The sounds sound like something screeming. But kind of high pitched screems. My friend also thought he heard somthing throwing stuff around his treestand. The reason I think it is a bigfoot is because there is some property behind ours, and they have been clearcuting all of it. I think it has run the bigfoot on to our property. If I see or hear any thing else I will send you more info, but from what I have already heard I think it is a bigfoot.","location_details":"Take Hwy 136 West from LaFayette, GA. Area of interest is between Wright Mineral Spring and Hwy 341 off of Hwy 136.","county":"Walker County","state":"Georgia","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7088: Deer hunter hears strange screams and possible stalking near Pigeon Mountain","date":"2003-10-07","number":7088,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dn5mf68u9b","temperature_high":75.04,"temperature_mid":68.715,"temperature_low":62.39,"dew_point":59.49,"humidity":0.85,"cloud_cover":0.56,"moon_phase":0.42,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1018.86,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":7.45,"wind_bearing":65,"wind_speed":0.82,"year":2003,"geometry":[-85.3297,34.77525]} {"observed":"It was June 15 1997, Father's Day. My friends and I had been rock climbing at Raven Cliff Falls in the Chattahoochee National Forest outside of Helen, Georgia. After climbing all day Friday and Saturday morning, a rain storm made us pull down our rigging and head out of the woods. We drove down to Helen and walked around until around 5:00 pm. We filled up the truck and headed back up towards Raven Cliff to find a camp site for the night. We found a small dirt road that had been barricaded with a large dirt birm. We drove over the birm and drove into the forest. We drove until we had a half tank of gas which put us several miles back in. Around 11:00 or 11:30 pm, we found a small clearing and decided to stop and make camp. Once we exited our truck, we found a shallow hole that was about three to four feet in diameter that appeared to be an old fire pit. It had a large log laying on one side of it. We gathered wood for a fire and began to set up camp. Since the weather was nice, we decided to not to mess with tents and hammocks. After about thirty minutes of laying down, I heard a noise in the tree line on the left side of our camp. It sounded like an animal moving through the brush. I dismissed it and tried to go back to sleep. I continued to hear the noise for several minutes. I have spent alot of time in the woods hiking and camping. The next thing I heard was like nothing I had ever heard before. I heard a grunt and then a scream that did not sound like any other animal. It sounded like it came from maybe fifty to a hundred yards away. I asked what it was and my friends did not have an answer. We began kidding saying that we were out a good way and it could be a sasquatch. I did not go to sleep for awhile after the scream. Finally, I drifted asleep and slept until day break. As we got up to get our gear packed, we noticed prints next to the fire pit that none of us had ever scene before. They definitely were not human, but were to big for any animal known to be in indigenous to that area. We quickly loaded up and left the area.","location_details":"The dirt road was on the left hand side of the road before you get to the trail head of Raven Cliff Falls. I am not sure which road it was though.","county":"White County","state":"Georgia","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8880: Possible vocalization and camp stalking in Raven Cliffs Wilderness Area","date":"2005-06-15","number":8880,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnhmkq4erv","temperature_high":79.87,"temperature_mid":66.895,"temperature_low":53.92,"dew_point":63.14,"humidity":0.78,"cloud_cover":0.01,"moon_phase":0.27,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1010.85,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":11,"visibility":8.29,"wind_bearing":312,"wind_speed":2.36,"year":2005,"geometry":[-83.8329,34.7064]} {"observed":"I was sitting on my couch watching tv with my small dogs around me. My male Yorkie saw it when I did out our back door. It was sitll daylight. I thought it was a man at first, but it was too large, too dark, and fleeting. The dog jumped up and ran to the back door but I moved slowly over there, being a little frightened. When I looked out the door it was gone. My first impression of it being a man was because of the general shape, but the dark figure wasn't wearing clothes and had to be over 10ft. tall to see it through the dorway like I did. I was able to see the upper body from where I was sitting. The porch drops off with a stairway to the patio around the pool. That's where it was walking rappidly next to the house. By the time I got to the door to look out it was over the fence and gone. My instinct was to check the gate and I saw it was still latched and locked, never having been opened. It wasn't a human it was too large. It wasn't a bear it was running upright. I can't come up with any other thing that could be that tall and that could do what it did. And having seen what I sawe in 1999 I don't take this lightly.","location_details":"my backyard","county":"White County","state":"Georgia","season":"Fall","title":"Report 9465: Witness watches tall biped cross her backyard","date":"2005-07-14","number":9465,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnhmr9fhjz","temperature_high":85.1,"temperature_mid":77.9,"temperature_low":70.7,"dew_point":69.34,"humidity":0.81,"cloud_cover":0.71,"moon_phase":0.25,"precip_intensity":0.002,"precip_probability":0.67,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.72,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":3.57,"wind_bearing":211,"wind_speed":1.06,"year":2005,"geometry":[-83.69085,34.68319]} {"observed":"It was about 11pm and we just laid down to sleep. We were staying in a cabin that we had rented for the weekend. I heard this high pitched horrific scream/howl. It was close. It was not some faint, distant sound. It was very clear and close. My first thought was a woman in distress. Then, about 20 seconds later, I heard it again. I also heard dogs barking above me, higher up the ridge. This time I realized it was probably not a human. This sound was a forceful, deliberate, high pitched reverberating scream/howl. Because I was inside the cabin, it is hard to tell how far away this was. I would guess within 750 feet. Perhaps as close as 200 feet. The scream/howl continued about four/five more times, repeating about every 15-25 seconds. I have military and hunting experience and have never heard such a sound. I cannot think of an animal that could make this type of sound. I will never forget it, that's for sure.","location_details":"Go through Helen. Turn left on Alt. 75, just past flea market. Cross bridge and turn right on Poplar Stump Rd. Turn left on Myra Branch Rd, Then left on McConnell Court.","county":"White County","state":"Georgia","season":"Winter","title":"Report 13178: Vacationer hears possible vocalizations late at night southeast of Helen","date":"2005-11-25","number":13178,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnhmjy5efp","temperature_high":53.84,"temperature_mid":42.595,"temperature_low":31.35,"dew_point":15.03,"humidity":0.35,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.8,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1020.05,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":312,"wind_speed":0.71,"year":2005,"geometry":[-83.76585,34.66255]} {"observed":"I am subitting this true report for my Cousin who I am very close to and keep in touch with regularly that lives outside of Gainsville, Florida, in Ocala County. She has told me this amazing story several times before, and she is a very trustworthy person. I strongly felt that this amazing encounter of hers should be reported, and she agreed. As she told me, it was a very clear morning. My Cousin was driving her and her younger Son to town on a narrow stretch of road near Gainsville, Florida, early one morning around 7:00 AM. She may have been taking her Son to school but I cannot remember. The narrow road she was on had swamps on both sides of it and looked messy. As she was driving along all of a sudden a hairy upright creature walked right up out of the swamp on one side of the road and continued walking out in front of her car, and then it just stopped. She immediately stopped the car just a few feet away from this thing not wanting to hit it, and just stared in shock at what she and her Son were seeing. The \"manlike\" creature had stopped in the middle of the road and was turned around looking directly at them, and they got a very good look at the whole body of the creature. The creature walked upright like a human with a gait and looked like a \"caveman,\" is the way she put it to me. The creature had hair all over its body except for around the eyes, nose, and mouth of its face. The most astonishing feature that she noticed though was that the creature was wearing some kind of \"animal skin\" for protection or something. She was in shock. This creature had to be intelligent to create and wear its own hand-made animal skin. The creature showed no aggressive behavior, and after a couple of minutes or so just casually walked back into the swamp on the other side of the road. The thing looked half human and half ape! The creature was about 7-8 feet tall as well. When she got home she told her Husband what had happened, and at first he didn't believe her. For further reference I can give you my telephone number so you can contact her in Florida. I am a true mystery writer, and just had to share this amazing story with you. I do know that these amazing creatures really do exist!","location_details":"Very swampy area.","county":"Alachua County","state":"Florida","season":"Summer","title":"Report 27076: Woman has close daylight sighting while driving through Payne's Prairie outside Gainesville","date":"2000-06-13","number":27076,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djm2q3wbf7","temperature_high":94.23,"temperature_mid":82.865,"temperature_low":71.5,"dew_point":69.92,"humidity":0.77,"cloud_cover":0.36,"moon_phase":0.4,"precip_intensity":0.0032,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1020.04,"summary":"Rain starting in the evening.","uv_index":9,"visibility":8.63,"wind_bearing":179,"wind_speed":0.61,"year":2000,"geometry":[-82.33316,29.58358]} {"observed":"I lived in Burnt Hickory Estates off of Hwy 61 in a 2 story house with my mother, sister, step-father. We had over 125 acres in the back yard nothing but woods. The woods were covered in trees and little creeks. Me and my friends always played in the woods. For years we would find crazy things out there that just didn't make sense like trees bent over and I remember a big hole like 20 feet deep maybe 40 feet wide round. We called it the hole. Well we decided to transport our horses behind our house so we cut down about 4 acres of trees, leveled it off and built a barn and fenced the area in. About 5 months later after everything was built and finished I would get bored and I would go in the pasture and hang out with the horses, feeding them just hanging out. I have 3 horses: Rambo, a Tennessee Walker, all black and 17 hands high. Reno, a Blanket Apaloosa, grey/white, 12 hands high. And Dakota, a Morgan red tone, 13 hands high. I was in the pasture standing by my horses Rambo and Reno. The pasture had a barn in the far back, in the right corner. As I'm standing by Reno and Rambo I heard some movement in the brush to my right. To the left of the barn about 40 yards from me as I turned and looked, my horses Reno and Rambo spooked and ran toward my house away from the barn. As I look at this thing, I could only see the left front side of it facing me, hidden in the brush. The color was a red auburn. I thought, what is Dakota doing? Then I realize this thing is outside of the fence. I thought Dakota got out so as I walk toward what I thought was my horse, Dakota. At that time, Dakota runs out of the barn beside me and runs to the house. At that point I froze and the hair stood up on my neck. This up-right walking figure stepped to its left, made a grunt sound/breathing, looked right at me then turned pushing small trees and brush over and taking off into the woods. It was about 8 1/2 feet tall, massive in size and covered in red hair. The thing I call Bigfoot was ripped, very strong. As it took off you could hear the foot steps, very heavy. I ran towards the house and told my mom and everyone just looked at me like I was crazy. So I kept it to myself. This is my first sighting. Then about 9 months ago in 2012 I had another sighting. I'm about to write that sighting next.","location_details":"Off of Hwy 61 in Dallas Georgia in Paulding County. In Burnt Hickory Estates Stephen Court. Behind my house in the 125 acre woods behind my pasture that was 4 acres. Standing to the left of my barn.","county":"Paulding County","state":"Georgia","season":"Spring","title":"Report 38870: LEO recalls his daylight sighting as a youth with his horses NW of Atlanta","date":"2004-05-15","number":38870,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dn59t7yjgk","temperature_high":80.63,"temperature_mid":71.36,"temperature_low":62.09,"dew_point":60.56,"humidity":0.7,"cloud_cover":0.37,"moon_phase":0.89,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1021.55,"summary":"Partly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":6,"visibility":9.35,"wind_bearing":165,"wind_speed":1.58,"year":2004,"geometry":[-84.83903,34.03528]} {"observed":"it was autumn, and 4 or 5 of us decided to go camping. we went to the chattahoochee national forest in murray county ga.we had been there many times before, and seen many kinds of wildlife bear, deer, turkey and wild hogs. we set up camp and built a fire beside a creek. we sat there talking and telling stories and such. well around 11:oo p.m we started hearing strange noises like a high pitch shrill .someone in the group said it could be a panther since they have been known to scream. we sat there about another hour or so with the noises happening around every 20 minutes or so.then we heard limbs moving and twigs cracking from the other side of the creek. so we all looked that direction and just could make out the brush and trees at the edge of the creek. it sounded like whatever it was started getting closer.when all of a suuden we all seen limbs from the magnolia trees moving and out step this figure into the fire light.it took 2 more steps, then we all could plainly see it.it was around 6'5'' or 7' tall with a huge broad chest maybe 3' wide. one of my friends got scared and dove into the tent and made a bit of noise,but it didnt seem startled. it looked at us and then squated by the edge of the water. it appeared to be doing something with its hands,all the while keeping a dead stere on us.then we all pretty much paniced, and it calmly stood up and walked out of distance of the light and our flashlights.","location_details":"near Cohutta Wilderness","county":"Murray County","state":"Georgia","season":"Fall","title":"Report 25043: Campers see animal observing campsite in Cohutta Wilderness","date":"2001-10-15","number":25043,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dn5y51znfr","temperature_high":67.41,"temperature_mid":55.705,"temperature_low":44,"dew_point":44.34,"humidity":0.81,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.96,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":9.79,"wind_bearing":346,"wind_speed":1.9,"year":2001,"geometry":[-84.58501,34.8155]} {"observed":"It had to be July of 96, on a Sunday. It was the month of the \"blue moon\". Myself, a friend and my 17 year old son was going fishing at yellow jacket creek in West Point Georgia. I felt we needed to cut our all night fishing trip short, it was an urgent feeling I had, and knew we had to go. We were leaving the park about 12:00-1:00 A.M. There wasn't any lights on the long road and we were the only ones out that time of night. We were in a Mitsubishi truck pulling a med size boat, needless to say, we couldn't go too fast. I'd say about 20 to 25 miles and hour at best. My friend and I saw something in the headlights and shouted \"a deer!\" At first Bud (my friend) thought it was a deer, but I could tell it was much bigger and was slowing down to get a better look. He was approx. 8 feet tall and was about the color of a deer. He was walking upright with long strides, his arms hung down to his knees, and his head was extremely large. It looked to me like his head was bigger than it should have been. He had sharp pointy features and darker hair was on the top of his head and down the back of his neck, spreading across his shoulders to about the shoulder blades and fading out. The rest of his hair was lighter in color and was close to the skin, like a deer. He walked on the right side of the road and as we approched, he veered off the shoulder of the road and eased off in the ditch, where he reached up and grabbed a mimosa tree limb, pulled it down as if to hide his face from us. We both could see him from his shoulders down. I seen his ribs, the muscles in his hips and thighs, and legs, and partly his back. That's when I seen the hair fade into short close hair. I remember in detail, his face was distorted almost, and darker. The cheek bones were almost spikey, (for lack of a better word). Bud and I don't hate each other, but we are not the best of friends but he will verify everything, and, no, we were not drinking or doing drugs of any kind. It was a Sunday, and it was a full moon, the month of a blue moon. Bud said it had to be a werewolf for the longest, till I said it had to be bigfoot.","location_details":"Yellow Jacket Creek..... there is a little store at the entrance and it is about 1 to 2 miles to the lake... Bud could tell you more about the road numbers and names. I can get Bud's phone number for you to talk to him. You can call me if you'd like. Just let me know. I have tried off and on for the last few years to get some one and tell them what we saw, with no luck. I tried to call a 1-800 # and it was no longer in service and had to let it go. But it DID happen and I know what I saw. There is also an elderly man in Tucker Ga. who as a young adult was hunting around Yellow Jacket Creek and he made his sister bring him to me, an hour's ride, so we could talk about it. Said no one belived him and he was afraid to tell it. As we talked he started to cry. He had to be 80 at this time but said he remembered it in detail and was so glad that someone else had seen it, that he KNEW he wasn't crazy. This stays on my mind and I hope to hear from someone. Thank you.","county":"Heard County","state":"Georgia","season":"Summer","title":"Report 398: Woman and friend drive past amazing animal on Georgia backroad","date":"2005-01-31","number":398,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djgmqbkm5g","temperature_high":48.42,"temperature_mid":45.32,"temperature_low":42.22,"dew_point":34.25,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.64,"moon_phase":0.7,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":7.26,"wind_bearing":81,"wind_speed":1.55,"year":2005,"geometry":[-85.12705,33.26885]} {"observed":"I was in military stationed Ft. Stewart Ga we were conducting wargames my squad was moving through the woods when we started to hear a very low growl then a hi pitched scream as soon as we came out of the woodline to the south of my squad we saw what we thought was an an opposing force we were about 250 feet from the animal so be again to close in on it we called out twice to it and again we heard the growl it then stood up and we realized that it wasn't human it was between 7 and 8 foot tall and realizing that we were in danger we began to back away at this point it began throw rocks toward us and then took off there was about 300ft between it and the wood line and it took it about 20 seconds to make the distance the rest of the night we heard strange sounds from the woodline from what thought was multiple creatures","location_details":"we were just south of the di-ped","county":"Liberty County","state":"Georgia","season":"Summer","title":"Report 28526: Encounter by a squad on maneuvers while training at Fort Stewart","date":"2004-07-15","number":28526,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djtvywxzvh","temperature_high":91.38,"temperature_mid":79.67,"temperature_low":67.96,"dew_point":73.8,"humidity":0.83,"cloud_cover":0.61,"moon_phase":0.94,"precip_intensity":0.0089,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1010.46,"summary":"Rain in the evening.","uv_index":6,"visibility":7.12,"wind_bearing":239,"wind_speed":7.19,"year":2004,"geometry":[-81.61756,31.9853]} {"observed":"Three years ago I was up in the Cohutta Wilderness in N Georgia doing some hiking and fishing by myself. I set up camp at the remnants of an old logging camp, basically just a clearing. It was right next to a small river called the Conasauga river. As soon as I started setting up camp I started hearing what sounded like a big thick stick repeatedly getting wrapped against a tree. I don't remember how many times it was but I remember it going on for a minute or two. I low crawled down to the river and peeked out from under some trees and looked upriver where the sound was coming from but did not see anything. The sound stopped and I went back and finished setting up camp. After I set up I waded across the stream and went to where I thought the sound came from and found nothing but a bunch of beaver chewed trees. When I saw those chewed trees I attributed the noise to them. After that my entire trip there was quiet. I was by myself and was about 8 miles from anything resembling civilzation.","location_details":"I have to dig out my old GA topo maps! They still have the lat long on them for the campsite. I just have to find them again! But will email them to you when I do find em!","county":"Murray County","state":"Georgia","season":"Spring","title":"Report 19129: Camper reports possible knocks in daylight near Conasauga River","date":"2005-04-21","number":19129,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dn5yd3h3mf","temperature_high":68.99,"temperature_mid":61.92,"temperature_low":54.85,"dew_point":50.63,"humidity":0.75,"cloud_cover":0.34,"moon_phase":0.41,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":6,"visibility":9.87,"wind_bearing":222,"wind_speed":0.73,"year":2005,"geometry":[-84.6216,34.8983]} {"observed":"About two years ago I was riding my bicycle with a friend of mine out in a rural area. Just out side of Calhoun, and just barely over the county line in to Walker County. I heard what sounded like heavy wood knocks. Big loud ones. At the time I just thought maybe someone was building something off in the woods. But now Im more inclined to believe that it could have been a Sasquatch. Because there was nothing but woods, and fields in the section of the road where I heard the noises come from. I havent rode out there in a long while either so nothing further to report. My friend that I was riding with would have no recall of the incident. Like I said just sounded like building going on.","location_details":"Take 156 out of Calhoun going west take a right on Everett Springs Rd. Everett Springs turns West Union when you cross the County Line.","county":"Floyd County","state":"Georgia","season":"Summer","title":"Report 22813: Cyclist hears loud wood knocks in Chattahoochee National Forrest","date":"2005-08-15","number":22813,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dn5kpmmgsw","temperature_high":95.53,"temperature_mid":84.03,"temperature_low":72.53,"dew_point":72.95,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.07,"moon_phase":0.35,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1017.78,"summary":"Humid throughout the day.","uv_index":10,"visibility":7.27,"wind_bearing":353,"wind_speed":0.98,"year":2005,"geometry":[-85.10299,34.4826]} {"observed":"We have had several encounters with this creature. We used to have it living in the back of our woods near the swamp, but since clearing of land further back from other neighbors, it has moved to the other side of the forest. It still frequents the area. Run-ins still occur and have now for years. And now, there is a young with the mother. I really do not know what to say but the most important thing to me is trying to protect this animal, aka Bigfoot. This creature has not harmed anyone, is shy, but is really not afraid of people. I am hoping that someone here will help me out in determining the next step I could take. I DO NOT WANT THIS ANIMAL TO BE HARMED IN ANY WAY POSSIBLE OR REMOVED FROM ITS HABITAT. IT IS NOT A THREAT TO ANYONE OR ANYTHING!! There have been too many occasions to name that just proved to me and others that we have a family living close by. Seen, heard, smelled, footprints, etc. I would like to somehow get help from the govenment to protect this creature so no harm could come to it from anyone and that no one would try to hunt it down just for the money and fame. That is the only reason I am not giving the location of where all this is occurring. I am a registered nurse. I care about my job and reputation but I would rather have a \"rep of being crazy\" than ever having any harm done to this creature. Please respond with some help to point me in the right direction to help secure this animal's well-being and safety. Please. Thank you for your time and I await anxiously for your response.","county":"Elbert County","state":"Georgia","season":"Summer","title":"Report 26201: Family reports numerous incidents since 2000","date":"2000-06-01","number":26201,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnj1f39qyn","temperature_high":90.66,"temperature_mid":78.145,"temperature_low":65.63,"dew_point":58.47,"humidity":0.58,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.96,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1021.1,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":11,"visibility":8.52,"wind_bearing":244,"wind_speed":2.08,"year":2000,"geometry":[-82.86789,34.06705]} {"observed":"I am mainly submitting this report to see if any one else has recently submitted a report in this location for the same date. On Thursday April 1st at around 9:00 a.m. myself wife and two sons were on our way to Hilton Head for spring break, We were also following my Parents. As we were coming down the hill on Hwy 16 East (about a mile from the Swainsboro exit) which is a four lane highway two lanes on each side seperated by a large median, most of the area in this part of middle GA is swamp or marsh. Fairly heavy traffic was around us too, which I should explain as about 3 cars right around us with about a hundred yard break and then at least 5 to 6 more. The group of cars is where this happened. The group of cars in front of us were approaching a wooded area in the median (which widens even furter at that point, and on either side of the highway was dense woods) at this point something came out of the woods on the right side of the road and sprinted across the road almost right in front of a semi. What was so strange was that this thing seem to clear 2 lanes in 2 steps. At his point I was trying to rationalize why a man would do this and not wait for a break in traffic. I watched leap in to the woods. At this point I looked at my wife and and without a word she looked back and said did you see that. I immediatley called my parents in front of us and my mom answered the phone and her first words did you see that and what was it. All i can tell you is it moved at lightening speed my wife said she saw it go across the other 2 lanes. But we all had the same conclusion it was large because you could see the comparison of its head as it seemed to run in front of a long nosed Peterbuilt semi. Another oddity is that it ws completely black from head to toe.","county":"Emanuel County","state":"Georgia","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8454: Multiple witness sighting on Hwy. 16 near the Emanuel/Candler county line","date":"2004-04-01","number":8454,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djv80rshwt","temperature_high":64.11,"temperature_mid":53.24,"temperature_low":42.37,"dew_point":35.42,"humidity":0.58,"cloud_cover":0.17,"moon_phase":0.37,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Partly cloudy starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":289,"wind_speed":7.8,"year":2004,"geometry":[-82.24886,32.38575]} {"observed":"My mother one night heard a whistle sound about 2am. So we went out to see if somebody was out back. We had a pool deck that was a good 8ft. off the ground. When I stepped up on the step something came toward me so I back up to the front door and shined the flash light out back and it was a good 2ft above the deck with red eyes. It kept movin its head around tryin to get the light out of its eyes. Then it start walking away it would turn and kept looking back a us. When it moved behind my neighbor shed it stop and stick its head out from behind the shed. It was like it was seeing if we was going to follow it.","county":"Floyd County","state":"Georgia","season":"Fall","title":"Report 30004: Backyard nighttime sighting in a village outside Rome","date":"2005-10-10","number":30004,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dn56mt2vh0","temperature_high":76.03,"temperature_mid":70.365,"temperature_low":64.7,"dew_point":62.84,"humidity":0.87,"cloud_cover":0.82,"moon_phase":0.25,"precip_intensity":0.0009,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1012.44,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":4,"visibility":4.49,"wind_bearing":341,"wind_speed":1.23,"year":2005,"geometry":[-85.18678,34.17521]} {"observed":"MY brother and I were fishing on wolf creek in a area known as high shoals. This area is heavily wooded with steep terrain and a rushing waterfall. We had park our truck at the top of the hill and walk down the trail to the creek below. We had been fishing about a hour and had no luck when we decided to move upstream. We got our gear together and starting walking up the shoals and heard a large splash hit the water up ahead. We first thought it was a rock that had rolled of the side of the steep terrain when suddenly a large black/brown human like creature was slashing at the water with it's long arms. The creature never new we were there and we must have viewed him for 2-3 mins playing around in the water. We never moved only making eye contact with each other. Suddenly it darted off to the right up the steep terrain not knowing whether it had seen us or not. We never got a good look at it's face. It must have been 6-7ft. around 300-400lbs. and look very healthly. We were around 25-30yds from it. We kept this to ourselves for quite a while only shareing it with family members . We have returned to the area several times and have never seen it again but have seen unexplained markings when no bear is to be in the area.","location_details":"The area is steep terrain in some places clear cut in some and very wooded in others. This is a very remote area with several thousands of acres. There is plenty of game in the area and a well known whitetail hunting area.","county":"Carroll County","state":"Georgia","season":"Summer","title":"Report 7113: Brothers have close, long sighting of \"thing\" in Wolf Creek","date":"2003-10-26","number":7113,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djgwuc838v","temperature_high":67.09,"temperature_mid":64.15,"temperature_low":61.21,"dew_point":61.71,"humidity":0.92,"cloud_cover":0.85,"moon_phase":0.04,"precip_intensity":0.02,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.27,"summary":"Rain in the morning and afternoon.","uv_index":3,"visibility":4.86,"wind_bearing":121,"wind_speed":0.81,"year":2003,"geometry":[-84.869,33.5388]} {"observed":"I am about to graduate with a BS in Biology, and want that noted. The incidents began in the fall of 2004. It started out as hearing strange howling sounds in the evening. I never heard the vocalizations in the day time. In the fall of 2004 some friends and I went camping on my driveway. It was the middle of October, and around 2 in the morning I heard a loud grunting sound and trees snapping. The noises were so loud that they woke me up. It was a full moon that night and clear, and when I opened the window on the tent I could not believe what I was seeing. I saw a large dark figure with eyes that seemed to illuminate red in the moonlight. It was beating something in the head which I found to be a deer come sun up. The creature drug the deer up to the top of the hill above the camp sight. It walked up on top of some big rocks and I could make it out perfectly. 8 to 10 feet tall and covered in hair. The one friend who stayed the evening saw the exact same thing. I watched it eat the deer. It pulled off appendages like it was nothing. Shortly after it started eating it noticed our tent. It walked right down to the side of the tent, and the smell coming off of it was intensely musky. It knocked the frying pan out of the tree by the tent as it was walking by, and when it hit the ground, it ran back to the top of the hill. The deer carcass was gone, but hair and intestines were left behind. The liver, spleen, heart and lungs must have been eaten. We followed the drag marks from the carcass and found a mass of pine trees bent and broken into some form of shelter. I have many other encounters that I can share. They are real and they are here. I have had rocks thrown at me, and I have been charged by one twice. I barely got inside the house both times. They do not like light, and they do not like it if you shine a light directly at them. I say them because on more than one occasion my fianc and I heard at least three. Hardwoods and swamps surround my house. When this started there were many subdivisions going in, and massive habitat loss which had to drive them to my property. There is also a 20,000 acre national forest that is squatchy as all get out about 7 miles from my home. The sounds are not as frequent now, but they can still be heard from time to time here. I only hear them in fall and winter though. I am also a hunter, and when I was hearing the Squatches every night, there was not a deer to be found. When I did see deer they were very jumpy. This was during archery season that I made this observation, therefore no gun shots were occurring to spook them. I promise you from the bottom of my heart that they are real. I have seen them in person more than once. If the wind is right you know when they are close because of the smell.","location_details":"Halls Bridge road runs parallel to Jackson Lake. They are many cow pastures in the area that people rarely go in.","county":"Butts County","state":"Georgia","season":"Fall","title":"Report 31888: Scary encounters outside a rural home near Jackson","date":"2004-10-22","number":31888,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djumdwte52","temperature_high":71.61,"temperature_mid":64.09,"temperature_low":56.57,"dew_point":62.67,"humidity":0.92,"moon_phase":0.31,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":92,"wind_speed":0.36,"year":2004,"geometry":[-83.90588,33.34677]} {"observed":"I was fishing on a wetland area that is owned by my family. My mother, grandmother, 3 yr old daughter and son were with me. This is an isolated farm that I don't want to I.D. any further online to keep lurkers off the property. It is loaded with wildlife. We were sitting spread out along a small channel. My mother, grandmother and daughter were at the end of the channel and my son who was around 7 at the time, was sitting next to me. My daughter was crying because she was getting in trouble for getting too close to the water's edge. It should be noted there are a ton of alligators in the wetland and the channel. I had looked in their direction several times and on the last time I caught movement from the corner of my eye. I sat quietly trying to get a better look at what was moving. It was across the channel from us in a densely wooded area. I was worried it was a bear. Then it stepped out of the trees and was looking in the direction of my daughter crying. It stood there for about 30 seconds before slipping back behind another tree. I didn't alert my family at the moment hoping to catch another view of it. It was very large, around 7-8 feet. Broad shoulders with shaggy matted fur. It stood on its back legs and appeared to be brownish to dark brown with some lighter brown to grey around the facial area. It's arms hung down at it's side as a human would. It made no sounds except the crunching of leaves and a breaking of a small stick here and there as it left the area. I didn't notice any abnormal sounds prior to me seeing it move. It walked away when my daughter stopped crying. I do believe it was only curious as to her crying. It didn't seem aggressive in its stance or movement. It seemed to just be sneaking a peek. I have no clue how long it had been watching us. I never felt in danger either. I did notice a skunk/trash type odor after the sighting but not during. I decided it was time to leave after about 30 min of no further sightings and only told my family once we were in the vehicle to leave.","location_details":"A 100+ acre family farm outside Ray City, GA.","county":"Berrien County","state":"Georgia","season":"Summer","title":"Report 59113: Family observed by a Bigfoot while fishing in private wetland near Ray City","date":"2000-06-15","number":59113,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djsbg9cwz4","temperature_high":95.37,"temperature_mid":82.38,"temperature_low":69.39,"dew_point":69.02,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.78,"moon_phase":0.47,"pressure":1016.7,"uv_index":6,"visibility":6.898,"wind_bearing":176,"wind_speed":5,"year":2000,"geometry":[-83.16414,31.08012]} {"observed":"Last December in Brooks County Georgia in the early hours of the morning I was driving home to Florida on Clyattville Road. I was approaching the longest bridge between ROCKY FORD ROAD & Rt 53, I saw something that looked like very tall man standing near the side of the bridge. I had my bright lights on, so I flashed my lights to warn this pedestrian at this hour that I was approaching. I then tapped the horn, but this very large figure didn't run. It appeared as I drew closer to be reaching for something beyond the bridge, (perhaps leaves of the trees) I began to slow down as I approached the bridge, fearing this very big man was drunk, and would stagger in front of my car. But as I approached the object I saw this was either a GIANT of a man in a shaggy fur coat, or a HUGH animal I had never seen! It was standing on two feet, and its arms were long, this I noticed as it turned its head toward the car, it dropped one arm to its side. I cannot describe its face, because I was \"SCARED\" nearly to , because as it turned its head my lights reflecked in its eye, and it glowed RED, instead of green, or yellow, as I am used to seeing from animals I had viewed at night on the road. I was scared so bad I raced home, but didn't mention this until weeks later to even my husband, because I was trying to rationalize this in my mind as fatigue, night illusions whatever I could label it. Besides I was afraid of being told I was crazy. I am a professional that needs to remain sane in the public's eye! I would very much like to get some feed back on this, but I positively do NOT want my name, or profile mentioned on the internet! I am willing to work with anyone that is serious about finding what this is,but I must maintain a low public profile, because not only am I a professional, but I am a woman! But I am NOT a crazy woman, I know positively what I saw!","location_details":"This occured on Clyattville Road between Rocky Ford Rd. and Route 53","county":"Brooks County","state":"Georgia","season":"Winter","title":"Report 4393: Early morning sighting of large, upright animal on rural bridge in Southern Georgia","date":"2002-06-10","number":4393,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"djkwmzm1xw","temperature_high":88.2,"temperature_mid":78.515,"temperature_low":68.83,"dew_point":66.92,"humidity":0.75,"cloud_cover":0.45,"moon_phase":0.99,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1017.56,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":6,"visibility":9.05,"wind_bearing":64,"wind_speed":6.97,"year":2002,"geometry":[-83.412,30.67]} {"observed":"Date: October 2003. Place: Cherokee County, Georgia Conditions: Clear, Crisp Weekday Morning I live in Cheokee County, Georgia in a semi-rural area of small horse farms and subdivisions. My ususal routine is to walk my two dogs early in the morning off my property on an improved road and back to the house. Upon entering the house at approx 5:45 AM we (the dogs and I) were startled by a series of very loud \"vocalizations\" coming from the direction of our horse barn (approx 200 ft away beyond a creek and tree line). At this time of morning I am familiar with the usual sounds of the area, including dogs, cats, horses, etc. This was like nothing I have ever heard before as it was very wild and loud animalistic \"yell\", but with a human vocal quality that immediately caught my attention. The second \"yell\" was almost \"monkey-like\" vocalizations and moving off to the western edge of the property. I went down to feed the horses and did not see or hear anything unusual. I have not looked for tracks or evidence as of four days later.","location_details":"Southern Cherokee County approximately 30 miles northwest of Atlanta","county":"Cherokee County","state":"Georgia","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7004: Possible vocalizations, etc., heard near Canton","date":"2003-10-02","number":7004,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dn5ft1hx63","temperature_high":68.15,"temperature_mid":55.99,"temperature_low":43.83,"dew_point":40.58,"humidity":0.63,"cloud_cover":0.04,"moon_phase":0.24,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1020.46,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":344,"wind_speed":0.88,"year":2003,"geometry":[-84.50055,34.1962]} {"observed":"I was playing paint ball with my son, and some kids he was freinds with, about summertime 2003. I had taken the youngest child(about 6) with me, and the other kids(mostly late teens) were looking for us. We were hiding in an overgrown ditch near our home, in a fairly populus, rural area. We both heard a strange groaning noise coming from the direction of some nearby appartments. The little boy I was with, was quite afraid, and wanted to go inside. I scared him so bad, he was crying. We went inside, and I told my wife, the boys mother, and the other kids about the sound. We all went into the yard, and heard the groans. I just listened to the Mississippi groans, and that was what i heard. I also checked to see if there was anymore sightings in my area, and I am about 25 miles from the Lanier county Georgia sighting.","location_details":"Turn left on hwy 441/221 at the hwy 82 intersection(center of Pearson), go south for 1/4 mile, and turn left on Cogdell hwy, for approximatly 2 miles.","county":"Atkinson County","state":"Georgia","season":"Summer","title":"Report 17477: Witness and family hear Mississippi type howl from wooded area near home","date":"2003-08-12","number":17477,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"djt1s6r2yz","temperature_high":84.38,"temperature_mid":78.86,"temperature_low":73.34,"dew_point":72.72,"humidity":0.85,"cloud_cover":0.27,"moon_phase":0.52,"precip_intensity":0.0023,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1016.64,"summary":"Light rain in the afternoon.","uv_index":8,"visibility":6.9,"wind_bearing":178,"wind_speed":3.02,"year":2003,"geometry":[-82.77173,31.2137]} {"observed":"Yesterday, October 24 my husband took our son duck hunting. They were at a public access huntiong area in Marion county outside of the town of Pella. My husband saw a crane and he was watching it fly away and pointing it out to our son when he saw something run across the trail about 40 yards away. He said it was solid white and tall. It was on two legs and very fast. He said the weirdest thing was how fast and quiet it was, almost as if it couldn't have been there because it didn't make sense. He said he got a weird feeling because it was just so odd and he had our son sit down and he loaded his gun and went to see if he could see anything at all of it or foot prints to indicate what it was. However it was gone and there were no prints as there are leaves all over the place. I told him it sounded like bigfoot stories my dad read to me as a child and my husband said he doesn't believe in bigfoot but it was just too fast to see its features. Just two legs and running upright. It was too fast for a man and so quite with the leaves and all. My husband said he doesn't want to look like an idiot and hear the jokes so he is not going to ask around about it and he isn't sure he would say it was a sasquatch because he has never thought they existed but he cant think of anything else that does exist that it looked like unless a super fast man in a big white hairy suit, with the grace and quiet of a ballet dancer was running through the woods. Are there any authentic sasquatch reports of a white one? I don't know a lot about it but my husband is not one to get scared outdoors or to make up things. So, I know he saw something strange. Please mail me as to whether or not they are all white in color.","location_details":"Public Hunting Access about 3 miles south of Pella, IA in Marion County.","county":"Marion County","state":"Iowa","season":"Fall","title":"Report 511: Daylight sighting by duck hunter near Pella.","date":"2000-10-24","number":511,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9zmgmfxxnk","temperature_high":75.63,"temperature_mid":69.33,"temperature_low":63.03,"dew_point":59.59,"humidity":0.84,"cloud_cover":0.72,"moon_phase":0.91,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1026.92,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":4,"visibility":4.92,"wind_bearing":124,"wind_speed":3.63,"year":2000,"geometry":[-92.9008,41.3675]} {"observed":"I heard the deer coming toward me over to my left. I was going down the trail and the deer was coming in the opposite direction about a hundred feet over to my left. He kept looking over his right shoulder at something. I wondered what he was looking at and I lifted my head a little and that is when I saw the thing. At first I thought it was a human being. I mean it had a head, shoulders, arms and legs, chest. It saw me at a distance of about three hundred feet and when it saw me it kind of hunkered down. I have seen deer do the same sort of thing when they are preparing to take flight. After hunkering down, it made a 90 degree turn and leaped and bounded through the air. Both feet were off the ground. It made another 90 degree left turn and disappeared among the trees. I could see the blackness disappearing behind and among the trees as it left. The total viewing time was no more than 3 seconds. It left in a big hurry. It was tall, about 6 feet or a little taller, black, slim and quick. I mean it was quicker than a deer. Imagine an Olympic class sprinter cooking off a hundred yard dash. Multiply that quickness by a factor of 2 or 3. It was incredibly quick, quicker than a deer.","location_details":"On the bike trail that goes between Birdland Marina on the south end and Big Creek on the north end. Between Euclid Avenue and Birdland Marina within the city limits of Des Moines. Very rugged land close to the Des Moines River, ravines, many tree branches down on the ground. Not like a smooth football field.","county":"Polk County","state":"Iowa","season":"Winter","title":"Report 1271: Six foot tall or taller, black creature was observed leaping into the air and disappearing into the trees on a bike trail near the Des Moines River","date":"2000-02-15","number":1271,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9zmkv1nbex","temperature_high":58.43,"temperature_mid":38.455,"temperature_low":18.48,"dew_point":27.73,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":0.47,"moon_phase":0.36,"precip_intensity":0.0003,"precip_probability":0.5,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1011.4,"summary":"Breezy throughout the day and mostly cloudy starting in the evening.","uv_index":3,"visibility":6.27,"wind_bearing":259,"wind_speed":5.38,"year":2000,"geometry":[-93.63804,41.62183]} {"observed":"My husband was outside our apartment building on the outskirts of town, when he heard what seemed to be something very large and heavy running through our backyard by the fenceline. He came into the house and told me about it. About ten minutes later, I went outside, and I saw something that looked very large and hairy moving in the shadows in my barn. My three dogs were barking up a storm and suddenly stopped. I went back into the house. The next night, my husband heard it once again, but this time it was right outside our bedroom window. He saw a shadow move across outside, and our window is about 9 foot off the ground on the second story. He could see from it's shoulders up. It had a dome-like head. He then heard it make its way around the house torwards the bean field across the street. It let out a moan-like cry that just sent chills down his spine. The following two nights, us and a couple friends from out of town were outside playing hide-and-seek on our property when we heard strange noises again. My husband and his friend went to investigate the noises, and came running back to the house. It was only 50 yards away hiding between two large silos. It had goldish eyes that reflected light like a deer's. There seemed to be another one just like it only a little smaller with it the last night it was spotted. We've heard it every night for about 5 nights now, and have grown accustomed to hearing it and seeing it. It's not really frightening, but it is intimidating because of it's size and our lack of knowledge as to what exactly it is.","location_details":"West side of Hampton, Iowa on Olive Ave South. Turn left from Highway 3, and go about a quarter mile and it's right next to Farm Service.","county":"Franklin County","state":"Iowa","season":"Fall","title":"Report 3093: Observation of possibly two animals in or near back yard of apartment complex","date":"2001-09-01","number":3093,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9ztensmf5c","temperature_high":76.86,"temperature_mid":68.105,"temperature_low":59.35,"dew_point":54.64,"humidity":0.76,"cloud_cover":0.01,"moon_phase":0.46,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1016.97,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":9.23,"wind_bearing":154,"wind_speed":7.31,"year":2001,"geometry":[-93.22192,42.73854]} {"observed":"A 38-year-old man and his wife were driving on an unimproved road to a relatives cabin at 6:30 A.M. on July 16, 2004 when they smelled a horrible odor. Soon afterward they saw a massive creature standing up ahead about 50 yards on the right side of the trail. The couple looked at it and it looked at them its eyes were red, thought the wife (conveyed by the husband). After a moment it turned and walked off with long strides into the cover. The creatures description: \tCovered in reddish-brown hair \tNot much of a neck, head sunk into shoulders \tHands came to or below its knees \tAbout 7 feet tall, weight about 500 pounds \tLooked like an ape type thing \tHad an ape/human like face The witnesses did not submit a written report but I have spoken to the husband twice by phone about the incident. His wife refused to talk to me about it, apparently because the incident frightened her badly and it is too upsetting to recount. The husband said she doesnt like to speak about it even to him. He impressed me as completely sincere and told me the sighting has made him think differently about some strange past events from that area.","location_details":"Near Wipsipinicon River by Troy Mills","county":"Buchanan County","state":"Iowa","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9089: While heading to cabin at 6:30 a.m., husband and wife have sighting near Wipsipinicon River","date":"2004-09-12","number":9089,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9zwb99x72m","temperature_high":84.87,"temperature_mid":71.39,"temperature_low":57.91,"dew_point":59.36,"humidity":0.72,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.93,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1018.03,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":8.74,"wind_bearing":156,"wind_speed":4.73,"year":2004,"geometry":[-91.68192,42.28422]} {"observed":"Driving home one night from a ball game, with my daughter and her friend, I saw something crossing the road. My lights were on high-beam, and I was driving slowly because there are enough wild animals in the area to jump out of no where and they end up getting killed. Just something large, shiny, black, furry, walking across quickly....I knew it wasn't a cow as cows don't normally walk upright and I've seen enough cows on the road to know that normally I have to stop, but I didn't need to stop for this one.","location_details":"On one of the hair pin curves on J66, near the wooded area. A lot of farm land in this vicinity, as well as the park, Nine Eagles State Park.","county":"Decatur County","state":"Iowa","season":"Summer","title":"Report 1554: Multiple witness road-crossing sighting near Nine Eagles State Park","date":"2000-06-14","number":1554,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9zjqfn3144","temperature_high":72.36,"temperature_mid":65.155,"temperature_low":57.95,"dew_point":58.77,"humidity":0.77,"cloud_cover":0.75,"moon_phase":0.43,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1005.99,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day and breezy until evening.","uv_index":8,"visibility":9.25,"wind_bearing":246,"wind_speed":11.99,"year":2000,"geometry":[-93.77783,40.59604]} {"observed":"My Cousin and I were walking in the woods, in an area over-looking the Boone River. We came to a steep ravine, just over the river and began to look around. As I was glancing I saw something out of the corner of my eye, at first glance I thought that it was a deer, but upon closer inspection, It appeared to be a tall man. I thought that it was my cousin's brother trying to scare us, as he is very tall. But this thing was large and reddish brown, and within a few steps disappeared into the woods without a trace.","location_details":"It was an open area, with woods on either side, about 100 ft. wide. It was on top of a ravine over-looking the Boone River.","county":"Hamilton County","state":"Iowa","season":"Fall","title":"Report 1046: Sasquatch surprises hunter in prairie grass while hunting with bb gun","date":"2000-11-25","number":1046,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9zt39hfk9u","temperature_high":43.84,"temperature_mid":35.46,"temperature_low":27.08,"dew_point":26.04,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.07,"moon_phase":0.99,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Foggy overnight.","uv_index":2,"visibility":7.44,"wind_bearing":341,"wind_speed":3.04,"year":2000,"geometry":[-93.82007,42.47806]} {"observed":"Me and 5 friends were walking in the woods at night on April 2nd this year and we saw something pretty big and real thick and furry crouching behind a bush that was in between two trees. He had his hands on the tree and poked up to look at us. We had a video camera with us at the time but it does not show the creature. The reason we had the camera with us was because the all the dogs in our town were going crazy the last few days and we had heard odd noises coming from down in these woods which were right along side the Des Moines River. We got extremely scared at the sight of this thing and took off running right after we flipped the camera light on to try to get it on tape. The next morning we went down to the same spot to try to find some evidence. We found nothing real important there except some broken twigs and what not. However a little ways away we found a large femur bone either from a cow or a human -- it was much to big to be a deer and wasn't a horse. This led us to dig around and we found 22 more bones. We also notices a bunch of fur around that area like rabbit or something. About a week later we went back during the day cause we were scared of night and found a deer dead with its rear bit completely off, shredded. We still have these bones and movie. We reported it to the police they said to give them the movie and bones. I was wondering if this would be the right thing to do. I would be glad to show any skeptics out there the tape and bones and if you come soon enough the deer but I imagine it will rot soon.","location_details":"Sumner ave bridge if your going soutwest then take a left before the hill and go over into the woody area and walk about a 1/4 of a mile down ther take right and down about 50 yards.","county":"Humboldt County","state":"Iowa","season":"Spring","title":"Report 2170: Youths see unknown hairy primate staring at them from distance","date":"2001-04-02","number":2170,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9zsgpcj9dy","temperature_high":50.23,"temperature_mid":42.13,"temperature_low":34.03,"dew_point":33.11,"humidity":0.72,"cloud_cover":0.23,"moon_phase":0.3,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the afternoon.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":67,"wind_speed":5.56,"year":2001,"geometry":[-94.22206,42.72063]} {"observed":"In the summer of 1997 I worked on a buffalo ranch near the town of Dubois, Idaho. The ranch itself sits about 30 miles outside of Dubois near the Continental Divide. I am an avid fisherman and after working long days on the ranch I would spend many evenings fly-fishing along Medicine-Lodge Creek. One night as I was fishing, a rainstorm quickly moved in over the divide ( as is common in the summer months). I decided to start walking back to the ranch, to avoid getting soaked. I had been fishing on the opposite side of the river from the ranch and therefore had to cross back through the river to return home. I walked the banks of the river for a few minutes in order to find an ideal crossing spot. I finally found a break in the willows and started wading across the river. By this time it had started to rain and a cold, dreary feeling had set in over the river. As I was wading across the river I saw a slight movement above me in the river. I turned my head and froze immediately. At first I thought I wall looking at a moose or even a bear which are both common to the area. The creature was probably 200 ft above me in the river. I was scared to death, and could not move. Then the unthinkable happened. The creature, which had previously been hunched over slightly, stood up on two legs and looked directly at me. It was then that it occured to me that I was looking at the infamous sasquatch. One of the things I remember that was striking was how human-like the creature's face was. It was much darker obviously, but very much human. It had broad shoulders, although so do I, I am 6'6\" and 300 lbs. (I have recounted this story to many people who have joked that I saw my reflection in the river). I remember thinking that the sasquatch was not as hairy as I would have thought and that it was not as tall as I had ever imagined. After what seemed an eternity, the sasquatch, started to walk into the willows. As soon as I saw movement I began to run across the river (as fast as I could in waders and in water). When I got to the bank I took a glance behind me to make sure the sasquatch hadn't circled around to come after me, after seeing that it hadn't I took my waders off and sprinted back to the ranch. I will never forget this experience. I have had many friends try and discount it and talk me out of what I saw--I will never change my story.","location_details":"Take 1-15 North aprox. 60 miles from Idaho Falls to Dubois. Exit Dubois and take the sr that goes to Medicine Lodge Canyon. (I do not know the name of this road)","county":"Clark County","state":"Idaho","season":"Summer","title":"Report 11070: Fisherman sees bipedal, human-looking animal in river","date":"2005-05-09","number":11070,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9xb4c4bc2t","temperature_high":55.78,"temperature_mid":48.165,"temperature_low":40.55,"dew_point":42.73,"humidity":0.8,"moon_phase":0.05,"precip_intensity":0.0358,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Heavy rain in the morning and afternoon.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":159,"wind_speed":5.75,"year":2005,"geometry":[-112.455,44.0925]} {"observed":"We were on a back packing trip in the Mallard Larkins Roadless area of Idaho, and it was high noon , beautiful sunny day, and we were on a pack trail that was climbing above Heart Lake. We came to a lookout, and looked down on the lake. We saw what at first appeared to be two people standing in the high grass next to the lake, with what looked like their dog. They were standing still all next to each other, as soon as my friend said, \"Hey check out those people down there,\" they heard us and started to run as fast as they could. At first they were running like kids, jumping over logs, and through the swamp. One was larger than the other. Their arms were long. As we watched them run I noticed that their pet was running just like a bear. They were all one color -- Brown. We were close enough to them to tell they were not wearing clothes. All this lasted about 15 seconds at the most. This is what I was saying once they started running. \"Look. They are kids . No ... they're too big to be kids. Their dog is running like a bear. Those people are all brown, and... \" then they ran into the trees. I looked at my friend and said, \"Did you see that? \"What did we just see?\" We pondered for a minute, and then I said, \"Maybe we just saw bigfoots ... Lets go take a look.\" My friend said, \"No way, I'm not going down there if those were bigfoots.\" We talked about what we saw. Why would humans run away like that at the sight of another human? Why were they all one color from head to toe? Why would those people be standing out in the bog of a lake? Fishermen sit on rocks. And the way they were running with their arms long and stretched out, jumping over logs and such. And what's up with the little bear following them?. They were all standing next to each other perfectly calm, until they heard us up on the cliff. The larger of them ran the fastest, then the other, and then the 4 legged one was running way behind them. If it were a dog ... usually dogs will run faster than the humans.","location_details":"Look on a Topo Map, at Heart Lake is where we saw them","county":"Clearwater County","state":"Idaho","season":"Fall","title":"Report 22651: Multiple witnesses see multiple figures on the edge of a small lake in the Mallard Larkins Roadless Area","date":"2001-09-03","number":22651,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c2mg1c0v6f","year":2001,"geometry":[-115.586,46.94]} {"observed":"About midnight on a September evening I was walking across a 100 yard expanse between the shower facilities and my cabin when I was halted mid-step by an awful sound. The hair stood up on the back of my neck. It was a low growl that progressed to a loud inhuman scream that was higher in pitch than the first of the growl/scream. I remained motionless. The sound came from a creek bed about 300 yards from my location. After a few moments I heard it again. I speculated that it could be some drunk person screaming his lungs out but the timbre was not human in its low or high end of the auditory spectrum. In fear I ran to a neighbors cabin and banged on the door. I wanted someone else to hear this sound! The call was repeated approximately 10-15 times and the location of the source grew nearer and farther while traversing from side to side. Neither I nor my neighbor could determine what type of animal could produce such a peircing and bone-chilling sound. The total elapsed time from first hearing the sound until the last was about 15-20 minutes. This places the calls at about 1-2 mins apart. After the last growl/scream had faded in the distance, I went to my cabin, latched the door, and put my axe and rifle within a moments grasp. Upon relating this story to others in the area I was informed that a group of 3 individuals---one being my brother---had been walking down a road in the area a few nights earlier and had heard something scrambling along the top of the ridge adjacent to the road and about 100 yards up from their location. They told me they had seen a dark object moving in the shadows and were frightened that it could have been a black bear sow with cubs. I have spent many nights in the forest and I am conversant with all big game species in North America. NOTHING I have seen or heard before could have produced this sound.","location_details":"200-300 yards directly behind the employee housing complex in the direction of Fish Hook creek by Redfish Lake in Stanley, Idaho.","county":"Custer County","state":"Idaho","season":"Fall","title":"Report 13717: Possible vocalizations heard by staff at Redfish Lake near Stanley","date":"2001-09-01","number":13717,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9ry70uu68y","temperature_high":78.27,"temperature_mid":57.56,"temperature_low":36.85,"dew_point":35.6,"humidity":0.53,"moon_phase":0.46,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1010.43,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":190,"wind_speed":2.44,"year":2001,"geometry":[-114.9221,44.14765]} {"observed":"I was lying in my tent on the last night of our camping trip. I remember thinking about a story my brother told me about an incident several years earlier where he and my other brother encountered a bear in this same area. I was on the verge of drifing off to sleep when suddenly an overwhelming sense of dread and fear overcame me. I was immediately wide awake, but was afraid to make any noise so I remained still. I heard footsteps very near my tent. I could feel the presence of something very large. It moved slowly and I could hear what sounded like deep throated breathing. When I heard whatever it was move closer to my tent, I sat up as quietly so I could put my glasses on and grabbed my .44 magnum revolver. I wasn't even thinking about sasquatch at the time. I was afraid a bear had possibly wandered into camp. I finally got the courage to turn on my flashlight and everything outside went silent. I heard no more sounds, and never smelled anything unusual. Then as suddenly as it started, my intense feeling of anxiety was totally gone. I did not hear anything running away, but I felt safe and was able to relax enough to go back to sleep. Nothing else happened that night.","location_details":"It is a fairly popular campsite called Copper Basin which is a high mountain valley in the White Knob mountains of central Idaho. Elevation at the campsite was about 8,000 feet. Just leave Sun Valley Idaho on Trail Creek Road and follow up to Trail Creek Summit. Copper Basin is clearly marked by road signs from there. About 1.5 hours from Sun Valley.","county":"Custer County","state":"Idaho","season":"Summer","title":"Report 10960: Possible stalking outside a campers' tent in the White Knob mountains","date":"2004-08-01","number":10960,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9rz11kv704","temperature_high":78.66,"temperature_mid":64.65,"temperature_low":50.64,"dew_point":27.13,"humidity":0.25,"cloud_cover":0.38,"moon_phase":0.54,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":195,"wind_speed":4.99,"year":2004,"geometry":[-113.8441,43.79615]} {"observed":"While out deer huntning myself and my wife found a set of tracks alongside Forest service road 2302. This road starts on Forest service road 406 and travels for approximately 1.5 miles before dead-ending on a hilltop. The tracks were approximately .75 miles up the road just past a clearing. These tracks were about 16\" long and 7\" wide. The toe prints were clearly visable. It had rained earlier that morning and had light showers intermittently throughout the morning. The tracks had no water puddling in them and appeared to be fairly fresh. I have been a avid hunter for many years and can distinguish between fresh and old tracks. I never have been a believer in the Bigfoot stories and legends but have since changed my attitude. I didn't really believe what I had found until I took my wife up and showed her. She agreed that they could, in fact, be Bigfoot prints.","location_details":"Buckles Mountain east of Garwood, Idaho","county":"Kootenai County","state":"Idaho","season":"Fall","title":"Report 15206: Possible tracks found on Buckles Mountain","date":"2005-10-06","number":15206,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2t04wbdwb","temperature_high":50.13,"temperature_mid":45.815,"temperature_low":41.5,"dew_point":40.25,"humidity":0.91,"cloud_cover":0.24,"moon_phase":0.11,"precip_intensity":0.0001,"precip_probability":0.25,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the evening.","uv_index":4,"visibility":8.66,"wind_bearing":79,"wind_speed":2.01,"year":2005,"geometry":[-116.6079,47.85001]} {"observed":"OCt 27 2005 Hello - quick note from me, a geologist (40), and unfortunately only 2nd party to two witnesses that had an extended sighting in July of this year (lasting ~20 min.) -- quite similar to other sightings I've read on your excellent site. (Note from Investigator: the witnesses provided a detailed written account. It is included in its entirety in the Investigator Commentary section below.) The bottom line: Latah County Idaho, ID July (I think), this year. Ponderosa fields. From a promontory, large dark colored, sitting, sometimes turning Sasquatch was observed. It had a lighter colored smaller one with it and it was later deduced that the large one was intermittently nursing the younger one. Then they were seen moving, both across a field, and along a road. After they left the witnesses went to the place and observed crushed dry grass, very large stride traces of foot prints in the dry terrain and were surprise by the remarkable scale of vegetation versus the clear views of these bipeds. The male observer in his 40s - is a pilot with 20/10 vision, experience as a backcountry bow hunter, and in fact as a young man at a hunting camp (somewhere UT?) was told by one of the elders that the weird howls in the middle of the night were in fact Sasquatch. However, he was very surprised/ intrigued by this long visual encounter. His partner, that clear sunny day, was Female, also 40s, but a city girl with little naturalist experience.","location_details":"Moscow Mountain","county":"Latah County","state":"Idaho","season":"Summer","title":"Report 12913: Long-duration daylight sighting (distant) on Moscow Mountain","date":"2005-07-01","number":12913,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"c2kfm3d11j","temperature_high":71.49,"temperature_mid":59.58,"temperature_low":47.67,"dew_point":44.42,"humidity":0.57,"cloud_cover":0.01,"moon_phase":0.85,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1012.95,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":10,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":252,"wind_speed":4.92,"year":2005,"geometry":[-116.8368,46.8102]} {"observed":"Let me start by saying I'm a non believer in Bigfoot, but what my Uncle and I heard and smelled one camping night I can't explain. My uncle and I spent 12 years exploring the back country of Challis, Salmon, and Stanley, Idaho. Our ultimate goal was to find a way to drive into a chain of mountain lakes called Hat Creek lakes at the base of mount Tayler. We decided to do some exploring past Yellowjacket mine on FR 112 rd. We camped at the end of the rd. at a very small hunters camp at Middle Fork Peak in the Yellowjacket Mts. We set up camp that evening and was just getting ready to fall asleep when the most hair raising howl, scream, grawl I ever heard in the wild. I asked my Uncle if he heard that and his eyes were wide open with a quick \"yes\". Then suddenly the same scream came from the oppisite direction of our camp only a little more distance. These screams continued as if whatever was making them were talking to one another from one ridge to another staying the same distance away. This went on for several minutes and the whole time my Uncle and I were trying to figure out what was making these erie sounds. We both have spent most of our lives in the wilderness and heard all the wild life sounds, elk bugle, coyotes howl, wolves howl, bears grawl, moose ect. but never heard anything like this before. It made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. While we were talking about what it could be, in the tent, after they quit screaming, we decided it was some kind of owl although in the back of my mind an owl could never make this sort of scream. I could just tell whatever was making this scream had huge lungs. We talked for several minutes afterward then started to try to go to sleep when I started smelling a foul odor. My uncle looked at me as if I farted and I told him \"it's not me\". The smell was awful like decomposing, rotting corpse, maybe a hint of a skunk, and a touch of landfill. During this time the forest was completly silent. We decided the breeze shifted a bit and we was smelling a dead carcass nearby, deer, elk, bear ect. The smell went away and soon after we fell asleep. The next morning we packed up camp to explore somewhere else. To this day them screams is etched into my mind and have never heard anything like it to this day. I have kept this to myself until now after finding this site. My Uncle passed away in 2001 at the age of 65, but he said he never heard anything like them screams either.","location_details":"W. of Yellowjacket mine on Forest Service Rd. 112 to the end of the road, small camp site. Turn off Panther Creek to Big Horn Craigs and Yellowjacket mine.","county":"Lemhi County","state":"Idaho","season":"Summer","title":"Report 18050: Series of loud vocalizations from two sources heard in the Yellowjacket Mountains.","date":"2000-08-01","number":18050,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9ryrycnv8c","year":2000,"geometry":[-114.655,44.9625]} {"observed":"We went camping in a remote spot off of Highway 21, 18 miles east of Lowman. Turn left onto Old highway 21 and take a right on a dirt road in front of an old ranger house. The road curves around a couple of miles and we camped in front of a dirt airstrip (warm springs airstrip). We were only there for a few minutes and began setting up camp when we heard these loud high and low pitch screams coming from the woods. I asked my husband if he heard that. We listened for a moment. I screamed back at them. I am not sure why I did that. My first thought was that there were people playing down by the river. But then as we listened I noticed the sounds were screams...that seemed to go back in forth from one direction and then something returned from the other direction. It was long with high and low pitches. This happened, off and on, for 30 min. or so. We soon forgot about about the sounds and began camping out. The next day, my sons ( ages 13 and 9 ) asked me if they could go up a tall hill and come back down. I could watch them through binoculars and they would talk to me with walkie-talkies. Not sure why I allowed this. Anyway, they began their walk and at the bottom of the hill they reported seeing a dead deer. They said it looked like the back leg was missing and saw another bone a few feet from it. There was meat on it and fur but they didn't notice any guts. They kept walking up the hill. After reaching the top they told me there was a valley on the other side and they wanted to walk just for a minute more. After about 2 minutes they began telling me there was an awful smell that they described as being the grossest smell they had ever smelled. They said it was like something was dead, but worse. They said they were scared and ran over the top of the hill and came back toward me fast. They later told me there were woods off to the left that they entered into. They didn't see or hear anything. I am not sure if this is at all related to Bigfoot activities. I decided to write because a few months back I saw a show that had a man that was recounting his Bigfoot sighting in Ca. outside of some caves and they played a taped recording of what they presume is Bigfoot. I got a lump in my throat. That was what I heard. I played a type recording off of another site for my boys who are now 15 and 11. Without any coaching, I asked them if they had ever heard that noise before. The older one replied, \"Yes, when we went camping at the hot springs. What is it?\" We will be camping near there in a couple of weeks and I will now be more aware of my surroundings.","location_details":"18 miles East of Lowman ranger station. Turn left onto the Old Highway 21 take a right in front of an old ranger house and about 2 miles back is an airstrip and across from that is where we camped. It is about a 20 min. hike to a hotspring.","county":"Boise County","state":"Idaho","season":"Summer","title":"Report 15416: Possible vocalizations heard by campers near Lowman","date":"2004-06-19","number":15416,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9ry50h3qkq","temperature_high":69.3,"temperature_mid":57.73,"temperature_low":46.16,"dew_point":35.49,"humidity":0.49,"moon_phase":0.06,"precip_intensity":0.0057,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1017.05,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":220,"wind_speed":0.38,"year":2004,"geometry":[-115.3106,44.14555]} {"observed":"I only wanted to tell you that I saw a big foot in the 1990's possibly early 2000. I don't remember the date. I didn't document anything. Early one beautiful spring morning after my husband left for work, as i do many times is I looked through the mini blinds outside toward the barn behind the house. I was just gazing out the window wind I saw what looked like a bigfoot walk out of the tall weeds upon the hill. He (or she) but my senses tells me it was a he. He sensed me looking at him immediately. He waived his hand as if he was saying forget about you.. he continued to walk behind the barn on his merry way. I never looked at him anymore. I could tell immediately he didn't want me looking at him. I never pursued it any further. I've never seen another one since this. My husband thought I was nuts and ignored me. I didn't talk to anyone about it for years, but now that the monsters, finding bigfoot shows are on, my husband now believes they really exist. The one I saw was as shiney black as could be, looked very clean and neat as if his hair had been combed. His hair was all over his body but his face was a bit different than some of these on tv. He was more black like leather around his eyes and mouth. His hair neatly laid around his face. My guess he was approximately 8 or 9 ft tall. He looked more muscled not rugged at all. I live by a bottom which many of us that has lived here all our lives have known of some wild species seen down there. I've been told including devil worshipers. A friend and a buddy of his took the dogs to hunt down in the bottom one night and they smelled an awful smell and the dogs turned around and ran home fast as they could..so of course they ran home fast as they could. He commented it scared him to death! These boys hunted all the time and I believe this incident stopped their hunting altogether. I don't know if anyone else has ever seen bigfoot. It used to be no big deal to go into the woods at night around here but most people dont do that anymore. Only some 4wheelers possibly. Well I also live near Washington County lake in Nashville, IL. I read the story of a man fishing one night and his experience with one of these creatures. I know that area and I wouldn't doubt it, for it is very secluded. Water, woods, and seclusion they seem to like. Thank you for letting me tell you my little story. Not much, but I saw one plain as day and in the daytime.","county":"Washington County","state":"Illinois","season":"Spring","title":"Report 57303: Memory told of a sighting on a farm near Nashville","date":"2000-05-18","number":57303,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnb6neqvwc","temperature_high":77.57,"temperature_mid":68.205,"temperature_low":58.84,"dew_point":63.41,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":0.53,"moon_phase":0.52,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1008.43,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day and breezy in the morning.","uv_index":7,"visibility":8.79,"wind_bearing":196,"wind_speed":13.93,"year":2000,"geometry":[-89.35323,38.33912]} {"observed":"This is a two part report of what may be easily explained,or not. My first odd experience was in Kickapoo State Park, in Vermilion County Illinois,in Oct.2005. I was fishing at a pond in the park, when I heard two BIG splashes in the river about 50 to 75 yards behind me. My first thought was a deer bounded across the river, then I heard the most awful scream I've ever heard. Almost immediately after the scream, I could hear what sounded like a scuffle in the dry leaves. After the rustling in the leaves stopped, I could hear what sounded like a large cat breathing hard or \"purring\". I don't know how else to explain it. [We don't have large cats in our area.] The purring sound lasted maybe a minute, then I could hear this creature moving away. I'm an old Boy Scout, and have spent alot of time camping in this area, and I know most of the sounds in the night woods. This sound flat out scared me. It bothered me enough that I went home. I got home and my wife asked me why I was home so early. I told her the story, and thought that was the end of the story. Untill.... the following spring, fishing along my favorite stretch of the same river, I run across a tree that had been snapped over (I can take you to it). That may very well be explained by spring flood waters, but I find it odd, the direction it is snapped. In early summer (late May,early June) I was driving through the park, and smelled a terrible musky stench.There are alot of deer in this area, but you almost have to be standing next to them to smell them. I don't think we have enough wooded habitat to harbor these kinds of animals, but it is a large enough area for them to use as a \"highway\". I have not observed any footprints on the soft sandbars. I'm not a jumpy type of person, but I no longer go to my fishin' hole alone.","location_details":"Vermilion County - Kickapoo State Park [specific directions edited out per request of witness]","county":"Vermilion County","state":"Illinois","season":"Fall","title":"Report 15844: Possible sounds heard, etc., in Kickapoo State Park","date":"2005-10-01","number":15844,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dp1s7mefmv","temperature_high":81.1,"temperature_mid":67.935,"temperature_low":54.77,"dew_point":45.3,"humidity":0.58,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.94,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1019.51,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":166,"wind_speed":4.51,"year":2005,"geometry":[-87.7424,40.1527]} {"observed":"I was 14 in 2000, and it was a soggy spring day. Overcast, threatening rain. I had been playing with a childhood friend with whom I've since lost contact on my Grandma's 14 acre wooded property. I was standing on a large stack of railroad ties my deceased grandfather had accumulated from his time in U&P employ, and stacked up behind the barn, next to the horse corral. I was standing on top of it, throwing rocks into the swampy ground down the hill, or building a fort or something at the time. My friend was milling around the gate between what would become my aunt's property, a 6 acre parcel of land with an abandoned house on it at the time, the same wooded creek running on the north side of the property that separated my Grandma's land following it's property line. He had been heading through it into the empty property. I remember looking away for a few minutes, before looking back up, and spotted him running full-tilt with a look of panic in his eyes. Instead of climbing over the gate or under the horse corral's fence to get back into my Grandma's yard, he threw himself over the barbed wire fence, cutting his hand pretty badly in the process. I jumped down onto a lower section of the tie pile trying to yell at him and get his attention, to find out why he was running, when I saw it. Standing on the other side of the gate, only sixty feet away or so, was a 7 foot or better figure, covered in dark brown fur. Bulky, but covered in long-ish hair, so you couldn't make out much beyond that. It was standing on the other side of the gate into the empty property, poking at the ground with a stick it had in it's hand. I couldn't see it's face, but when it's head tilted up toward me, the hair stood up on end. I only got a few seconds of looking at it before I backpedalled in panic off the tie pile, fell to the ground, and bolted around the back of the barn and up to my Grandmother's house, where my friend was already yelling and trying to explain to my aunt, her boyfriend and my Grandma what had happened while they bandaged his hand up. We went back down looking for any sign of the thing within 15 minutes, but we never found even so much as a footprint. The ground it had been standing on was grassy, and it didn't appear to leave anything behind, or even drop the stick when it left. We searched along the creek bed for nearly an hour afterward, but found nothing there, either.","county":"Whiteside County","state":"Illinois","season":"Spring","title":"Report 29287: Memory told of a daylight sighting as a youth near Fenton","date":"2000-04-07","number":29287,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9zrvw1yh79","temperature_high":46.67,"temperature_mid":36.085,"temperature_low":25.5,"dew_point":29.91,"humidity":0.69,"cloud_cover":0.91,"moon_phase":0.1,"precip_intensity":0.0065,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1009.65,"summary":"Mixed precipitation until evening and breezy starting in the evening.","uv_index":4,"visibility":6.71,"wind_bearing":34,"wind_speed":14.31,"year":2000,"geometry":[-90.0795,41.7584]} {"observed":"I believe it was a saturday morning, late summer of 80-81 I don't recall the year exactly, I was 8 or 9 years old been awhile. however the incident is very vivid.... I was in the garage that morning smashing some aluminum cans. When I heard my dog barking rather franticaly. I stood up and went to the back door of the garage, and called out to quiet him down. That is when I observed him turn tail and head into his dog house. The sound is what struck me first, I comepare it to the sound of a galloping horse...per say or at least something very heavy running paralell to where I was standing. It's like you coould fell the vibrations throught the dry ground. About 6 or 7 rows back in the cornfield I saw a rather large humanoid, roughly 7' or so I compare it to the height of the corn. Very bulky looking, It had redish brown hair and glanced at me for just a moment. It was in dead run, this whole incident lasted all of maybe 20 seconds. It was coming from the east heading roughly west, southwest. I remember the swinging of the arms out in front of itself like it was pushing it's way through the corn. once it reached the ditch line it jump from the field it was in trying to make it to the next field. But fell short roughly a few feet. I don't recall how wide the ditch was. But I could show the location. It never looked back and disappeared into the brush. Of course I was petrified took me a few moments to gain my composure and snap out of it. I ran to tell my mother what I saw but she did not believe me...never played back there again.","location_details":"First lot on the rightside of Woodside Dr. directly behind house about 60 yards.","county":"Whiteside County","state":"Illinois","season":"Summer","title":"Report 10037: Youth has daylight sighting in corn field near Rock Falls.","date":"2004-12-22","number":10037,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dp2jxjf2yz","temperature_high":12.11,"temperature_mid":7.82,"temperature_low":3.53,"dew_point":-2.89,"humidity":0.58,"cloud_cover":0.01,"moon_phase":0.38,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.96,"wind_bearing":319,"wind_speed":5.67,"year":2004,"geometry":[-89.689,41.7798]} {"observed":"I was playing with my dogs about 200 feet from the campfire right before sunset. I heard a weird sound behind me, pretty far up the mountain. I thought that I just imagined it and kept playing with the dogs. After about 10 minutes I heard it again, along with a second call farther up the canyon. I thought that I imagined it. Another 5 or 10 minutes went by and I knew the third time that I had heard it. I was a very loud, sharp call very much like what a primate sounds like (from what I have seen on t.v.). I was instantly on edge, as I have camped/hiked in this area many times over about 10-12 years, without any previous incidence of these sounds. I went back to my campfire to start dinner when I heard it again-this time my dogs took notice and were very uneasy as well. After 2-3 more instances, with my 3 dogs cowering at my feet, I decided to respond. Immediately there was a call in reply that sounded agitated, They proceeded to call back and forth, progressively getting closer to my location, and it was getting dark. I got in the back of my SUV with my dogs to try to relax and think, and then I heard sounds very close in the trees not far from me. The dogs went from terrified to attack mode, barking and jumping at the back & side windows, and I realized the sun roof was open. I panicked, jumped over the seat and started the vehicle and jetted out of there.All of this happened in about an hour or so.","location_details":"A very popular southern Idaho creek valley, just on the Utah border.","county":"Bear Lake County","state":"Idaho","season":"Summer","title":"Report 28386: Camper and his three dogs hear possible vocalizations and cut camping trip short in Beaver Creek","date":"2003-06-21","number":28386,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9x88yq8xxe","temperature_high":58,"temperature_mid":47.775,"temperature_low":37.55,"dew_point":37.04,"humidity":0.72,"moon_phase":0.75,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":7,"wind_bearing":265,"wind_speed":3.5,"year":2003,"geometry":[-111.5212,42.35635]} {"observed":"It was during the winter of 2000-2001 and a friend and I were trying to pass the long winter in rural north Idaho with a \"snow hike\" to a waterfall. The closest town is called Clark Fork, population: a couple hundred. There was deep snow on the ground and it was cold, dark, and snowy on that day. We drove up a dirt road as far as we could until it was chained off. We parked the car and walked up some snowmobile tracks to where the trail usually is. I say usually because it was totally covered in deep snow. Most people would have thought us crazy to be hiking that trail that day but like I said before, it was something to do in N. Idaho in the middle of winter. So we managed thru the deep snow up a slight ravine. There were no other tracks that a human would make such as footprints, snowmobile, or snowshoe going up this ravine. Probably about half way up the trail/ravine, we crossed some tracks. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as I looked down at the tracks. I knew instantly what I was looking at but I tried to explain it some other way at first. The friend I was with grew up in Clark Fork and had lived there all his life. Without mentioning the word bigfoot or sasquatch, I looked at him and said \"Is this what I think it is?\" and he non-chalantly replied something to the effect of \"We see this kind of stuff around here all the time\". I definitely believed in the possibility of the existence of sasquatch at the time but these tracks really sealed the deal in my mind. I know what bear tracks look like in the snow. Moose, deer and elk also have a certain kind of track. The tracks that I am reporting were huge. I could fit my boot covered foot into them and they were definitely bigger than my boot. What was even more telling was the distance between the tracks. I would have had to jump from track to track to make it. So to sum it up: the tracks were roughly human foot shaped but very large-too large to be human. They were obviously made by a two legged, upright walking creature. The path of the tracks came across the ravine and up the other side- from \"nowhere\" going into \"nowhere\". This area is miles and miles of national forest on the Idaho/Montana border. There is no other rational explanation for tracks of this size and shape to be found where they were, when they were. Believe it or not, but I know what I saw.","location_details":"Go from Clark Fork and cross the river on a small one car bridge. Take the dirt road parallel to the river and turn off on a \"fire road\" to head towards the waterfall. The locals know it well but it's been years since I wintered there and can't recall the names of the roads and landmarks off the top of my head.","county":"Bonner County","state":"Idaho","season":"Winter","title":"Report 20221: Winter hikers find trail of footprints near Clark Fork","date":"2000-12-31","number":20221,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"c2t6w0hbd5","year":2000,"geometry":[-116.0969,48.25206]} {"observed":"I live in Freeport, Illinois in a trailer pk. I was out bow hunting in my timber I own. I got up in my tree stand about 6:50 a.m. while it was still dark, hoping a deer would come in right at light. I heard something come up under my tree, and it was breathing real hard. I thought it was a big deer at first, it stood at the base of my tree a good 10 minutes and left to my south-east. I could hear it walking away. About 7:10 to 7:15 am it was foggy, not real bad, a light fog, real thin. It was about 50 degrees out and fairly light by now. I have good eyes and looking for deer, when I noticed this big human like figure. It was about 100 yards away from me. It walked to the east at a fast pace. I think it heard me go to my tree-stand. It knew I was in the tree. It acted like it was scared, I think I was more terrified when I heard its breathing under my tree then when I saw it walking. I tell my friends, and they think I am nuts. I'm not, I know when I see something like that, I did not believe in big-foot until I seen it that morning. I also seen large foot-prints in certain areas but never told anyone. I seen them for about 2 years after my sighting. Thank you.","location_details":"It was in my 5 acre timber I own west of Illinois Route 73 south of Pearl City, Illinois.","county":"Stephenson County","state":"Illinois","season":"Fall","title":"Report 15347: Deer hunter has early morning sighting from tree stand near Pearl City","date":"2003-10-26","number":15347,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dp805kj5p6","temperature_high":39.78,"temperature_mid":37.47,"temperature_low":35.16,"dew_point":31.75,"humidity":0.81,"cloud_cover":0.81,"moon_phase":0.04,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":274,"wind_speed":6.57,"year":2003,"geometry":[-89.85,42.21]} {"observed":"My sister and I were driving North on Hwy 67 just past Rushville, Illinois. It was about 3 am, we came up on a part of the road that veered left in a wooded area. I saw an image up ahead in the road so I started to slow down. At first I thought it was a big big bear but I realized it was slimmer with very broad shoulders and black. It was bending down standing on the back legs, it picked something up out of the road with great care, looked right up at us and then took off so fast in the woods on its two back legs standing up caring for whatever it was that it picked up. My lights shined on it, it was not a bear. I've never seen an animal like that before and I have traveled the roads a lot. I've been hesitant to say anything because it just sounds crazy but it still bothers me because I don't know what it was. My sister saw it as well.","location_details":"North 67 maybe within 10 miles of Rushville. I'm not familiar with the area and have not been back through since.","county":"Schuyler County","state":"Illinois","season":"Winter","title":"Report 40457: Memory told of a close encounter by motorists just north of Rushville","date":"2000-01-09","number":40457,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9zpt42e2y1","year":2000,"geometry":[-90.59952,40.25679]} {"observed":"It was midsummer of 1990, I was living alone in a mobile home in the woods adjoining Shawnee National Forest. I decided to go for a walk in the woods because I was bored and was thinking about shooting my rifle a bit. Nothing special, just what I normally did as a youth (since I'm not much of a people person I spent a lot of my youth in the woods). I was walking up a field road that passed thru a patch of woods that led to a larger feild on top of a hill a few hundred feet away. As I got halfway up the hill, I was suddenly shocked by a very loud whistle that was quickly followed by a scream that I had heard many times before as a kid. I knew from previous experience that I didn't want to hang around even though I was \"armed to the teeth\". I was 19 going on 20 at the time and I've spent the majority of my youth spending time alone in the woods, hunted almost everything in the area that could be legally hunted, so I know what the normal sounds of the woods are, and no, it wasn't a swine, bear , coon, or any other such creature. The scream I heard instantly filled me with fear even though I had an 8mm Hakim Mauser, 12 ga. shotgun, and a 22 cal. pistol. I always went hunting heavily armed because I have stumbled across sasquatch a few times before and decided that next time I'd be more prepared. I was about halfway up the hill when I heard the scream a few ridges over (1/2-3/4mi away from me). I quickly turned and decided to call it a night, as I was walking down the hill, I heard another scream at the top of the hill I was walking down (either they can run like hell or there were two). Before I got to the bottom of the hill, I then decided that although I had a lot of weapons and ammo, this wasn't anything that I wanted to shoot alone at night with only a maglite taped to my barrel. I figured running for the road would take too long and a more direct route would be better, so I cut across the field and jumped the creek behind my house. I guess I didn't notice till after I had crossed the creek, but it had followed me home (which wasn't far, maybe a few hundred yards). I can tell you that to keep up with a terrified 20yr old running faster than ever before, that thing had to be extremely fast. I stood by the back porch and could hear its heavy breathing and growling. It sounded kinda like a horse that had just run till it was winded, but the breathing wasn't labored. It was breathing in a normal rhythmic tone, not labored. I was terrified because even after firing a few rounds in it's direction I could still \"feel\" it's presence and hear it, so I unloaded in that direction. I fired over 100 shells thru the Hakim, a full box of shells from the 12ga. and every shell I had for my 22 before I ran in the house to grab more ammo and turn some more lights on. I must've shot around 150 or more shells, I figured that I had shot at it enough and wanted to save what ammo I had left in case it decided to try to come in for a visit durring the night, so I went in the house and stayed awake all night. The next day(about noon) I decided to go see what I hit. When I crossed the creek I could plainly see where I had fired because of the holes in the trees and the saplings that were broken from bullets. Found no blood, no footprints(it was dry) but I did find something I didnt expect...it had laid down when I began shooting and must've been there for a while because there was a flattened area that looked like a deer bed. Although deer do frequent the area, I sincerely doubt it was deer, because there was no scat, and deer scat alot in and around their beds, as well as it was a good 1/4 mi. from the nearest deer trail. I'm an experinced woodsman, and I have never run across a creature that was smart enough to lay down and stay put while bullets were flying over it's head...animals just don't have the reasoning it would take to exert that type of behavior. Like I said, I never saw it, I just heard it and heard it's foot falls, it was absolutely two legged, it was huge, and I don't think it wanted to say hello. Not sure what it wanted, but it was definately very intelligent. That was the only event of this nature during the time I lived there(6yrs.)...oh yeah, I don't remember smelling it's body funk till after I had started shooting, maybe it wasn't close enough for me to smell it or I was just to scared, either way, I hope this info helps your investigation.","location_details":"My place was on the left side of the road, there was only one trailor there at the time, and the feild I was in is across the treeline on the same side of the road as my house, north east of my home was the two fields, the one closest to the road was at the bottom of the hill, the creek snakes across the back of my yard and the area is definately thick brush. I have given you all the info I have, complete with a pic of the area.","county":"Pulaski County","state":"Illinois","season":"Summer","title":"Report 5742: Young man hears nighttime vocalizations and is followed in woods near Mounds.","date":"2004-11-27","number":5742,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dn8e4k2jfk","temperature_high":48.29,"temperature_mid":40.41,"temperature_low":32.53,"dew_point":41.17,"humidity":0.82,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.53,"precip_intensity":0.0204,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1008.32,"summary":"Rain until afternoon.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.08,"wind_bearing":188,"wind_speed":6.46,"year":2004,"geometry":[-89.1979,37.1142]} {"observed":"Note: the witness names have been changed for privacy. My name is Jim, and I've reported a vocalization experience which happened approximately 11 years ago in the same area. Regarding this following report, I'm submitting it on behalf of my nephew, who is the primary witness and who experienced the sighting. I've discussed this experience with him, and questioned him at length about his sighting. I can confidently endorse this young man, knowing him to be intelligent and level headed, with no previous history of exaggeration or embellishment. He is 14 years old, a high school freshman, and has lived in this area since his birth. However young, he has a substantial amount of hunting and wilderness experience, and he's familiar with the indeginous wildlife of the area. He contacted me by phone on the evening of the 18th to discuss his deer kill, along with his unusual sighting of the morning. I've followed up with him in person today, November 19, 2005, to reconfirm his account prior to posting the report to your organization. His account follows; \"My name is [Jason]. In the early morning hours of the 18th of November, prior to dawn, I prepped my hunting gear and left my house. My deerstand is approximately 600 yards behind my parent's home. Directly behind our house is a large open field, with an estimated 250 yards east to west, and 500 yards north to south. The perimeter around this area is medium growth forest [e.g. Oak, Silver Maple, Elm, Sassafras]. I was walking back to my stand on the far edge of this field, along the edge of the forested tree line. I had parked my ATV at the treeline and began to walk the rest of the way back, and was carrying a flashlight and 20 gauge Remmington Express shotgun. As I approached a turn in the treeline, I immediately saw something walking toward me, at a distance of about 45-50 feet. I could only make out a dark silhouettte. At first, I thought it was my uncle who was also hunting in the area behind my house, but quickly realized that it was NOT my uncle, for several reasons; 1) it had no orange hunting vest, 2) it was extremely large, and 3) as soon as I saw the creature, it evidently saw me and it turned quickly, then ran into the tree line (towards my treestand). Again, it was extremely large. Unfortunately, it was too dark to visualize any specific features, but the silhouette seemed to be approximately 7-8 feet tall. It was definately walking on two legs, and it was entirely too fast to be my uncle. (My uncle is a coal-miner who has an ankle injury and cannot jog or run at this time.) I didn't have any time to shine my flashlight on it, or pull up my shotgun to take aim. The entire sighting lasted approximately 10-15 seconds, possibly shorter. I didn't notice any smell before or after the sighting, and didn't hear any sounds. The creature moved with unusual quiteness and stealth. I also heard no foot-falls as it ran, but I realize that I may have been too shocked to notice sounds. I then moved to my deerstand where I got up into the stand as fast as possible, then called my mother to let her know that I had made it to the stand and told her about the sighting.","location_details":"8 miles south/southeast of Harrisburg, Illinois, 2 miles south of a small burg called Mitchellville, at the edge of the Shawnee National Forest.","county":"Saline County","state":"Illinois","season":"Fall","title":"Report 13070: Youth has pre-dawn encounter on the way to deer stand near Mitchellville","date":"2005-11-18","number":13070,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dn9n0frfek","temperature_high":50.76,"temperature_mid":42.85,"temperature_low":34.94,"dew_point":23.39,"humidity":0.59,"cloud_cover":0.11,"moon_phase":0.59,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":197,"wind_speed":3.73,"year":2005,"geometry":[-88.55,37.63]} {"observed":"I have pictures of very large footprints outside our house when my brother was camping here. He said he heard something outside the tent and came inside. We checked the next morning and found very large footprints right outside of the tent. The night before he thought he heard deer there, but these were no deer tracks. We have deer here all the time. My daughter and I had heard a low growl a couple of nights before this. The whistles that we heard earlier this month also sound like those that we heard on your website.","county":"Tazewell County","state":"Illinois","season":"Fall","title":"Report 12836: Family hears vocalizations and finds footprints in their backyard east of Pekin","date":"2005-10-06","number":12836,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dp0r12y4qh","temperature_high":51.54,"temperature_mid":46.75,"temperature_low":41.96,"dew_point":38.48,"humidity":0.66,"cloud_cover":0.35,"moon_phase":0.11,"precip_intensity":0.0001,"precip_probability":0.41,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1021.52,"summary":"Overcast overnight.","uv_index":5,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":317,"wind_speed":6.72,"year":2005,"geometry":[-89.585,40.61]} {"observed":"It was in 2004. I told my husband at the time I saw sasquach (not sure if I am spelling it right). He laughed and said I was nuts, so I really never brought it up again until.... 2 days ago I saw on the news reported sighting of a bigfoot in Central IL. I did not come face to face with him thank God. I caught him running. I could see his backside big tall and hairy, very hairy. I was at my home on the Fulton - McDonough County line. We lived near Vermont Lake easy walking distance down a gravel road right off Elk Road. I was outside doing my chores feeding the horses. We lived near forests all around all sides (Vermont Lake as our backyard). We lived atop a small hill slope with a gully running all around. I saw him come out of the woods to the west and run very fast through our pasture and back into the woods. I saw him jump the creek which seemed to me impossible, too far, but he did and ran up the hill back north and he was gone. I have never seen him again.","location_details":"Pastures and a lake to the south. Pastures and fields to the north. A road, field and a forest to the east. A forest to the west.","county":"McDonough County","state":"Illinois","season":"Fall","title":"Report 15007: Daylight sighting by resident near Vermont Lake","date":"2004-09-11","number":15007,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9zptme3c8x","temperature_high":82.69,"temperature_mid":67.375,"temperature_low":52.06,"dew_point":57.64,"humidity":0.76,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.9,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":9.5,"wind_speed":0,"year":2004,"geometry":[-90.459,40.316]} {"observed":"My wife and I went Franklin Creek area for hiking and we found a bigfoot track by the creek. Its about 2 miles from parking lot. We have to walk about 2 hours back to parking lot before dark and heavy rain on that night. Creek flooded and the footprint gone.","location_details":"Creek, lot of forest and hills. lot of kind of mushrooms, berries and plants.","county":"Lee County","state":"Illinois","season":"Summer","title":"Report 11121: Hikers find large footprint along Franklin Creek.","date":"2003-06-14","number":11121,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dp2qnvne0t","temperature_high":80.67,"temperature_mid":68.955,"temperature_low":57.24,"dew_point":58.62,"humidity":0.69,"cloud_cover":0.24,"moon_phase":0.51,"precip_intensity":0.0024,"precip_probability":0.4,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.11,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the evening.","uv_index":10,"visibility":8.84,"wind_bearing":55,"wind_speed":3.97,"year":2003,"geometry":[-89.34285,41.86395]} {"observed":"I had actually put most of the details out of my mind, until a friend asked me a few months back if I had ever had a sighting. It was October '04 between 9-9:30pm, heading south about 3/4 of the way to Springfield Il. after passing the interchange to go to Lincoln, not sure which county. There weren't many cars on the road. We were in the left lane, I was the passenger. At the very far edge of the high beams I saw what looked like one of those big black 50 gallon lawn bags sitting with a bunch of garbage right off the side of the road between where the pavement meets the grass. It looked like someone had dumped trash... I was wrong! Grant you this all took place in like 8-9 seconds. As we got closer I saw the garbage was fast food bags and the black garbage bag had arms and a head! When we were maybe 5-6 car lengths away it swung its arms out in front of it and shot straight up, taking a small step backwards. My friend and I both said 'what the hell is that?' As he slowed down a little. In the split seconds it was full on in the head lights standing I saw a medium build, not massive at all, but thick, hair was 4-6\" and flat black in color with just a little bluish silver reflection from the headlights and the face was a lighter shade than the hair like charcoal grey, I don't recall seeing breasts and the hair seemed thinner and shorter on its front. Facial features at that speed were impossible to make out, but its chin seemed to jut out from where the collar bone area would be on a human. My friend owned a Mitsubishi Montero at that time. It rode about as high as the smaller big pick up trucks do. I'm 6'4\" and I had to step up slightly to get into the seat, and as we passed it close up, in the windshield and out the drivers side window its waist was as high as the top of the hood, probably 4 1/2 feet, and the rest was at least that much. My friend asked me; \"Dude was that Bigfoot?!\" at the same second I yelled \"That was Bigfoot!.\" Funny I have read countless books on the subject from the time I was in grade school, and let me tell you... All the information in the world beforehand does not prepare you for a sighting.","location_details":"I could return to the area or close to it, but the only thing I can add was that it was on a stretch of I-55 where the northbound lanes were a little closer to our side.","county":"Logan County","state":"Illinois","season":"Fall","title":"Report 30203: Nighttime sighting by motorists along I-55 near Lincoln","date":"2004-10-30","number":30203,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dp0kmhneus","temperature_high":64.09,"temperature_mid":51.82,"temperature_low":39.55,"dew_point":46.69,"humidity":0.62,"cloud_cover":0.25,"moon_phase":0.58,"precip_intensity":0.0097,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1005.09,"summary":"Breezy until afternoon and partly cloudy in the afternoon.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.79,"wind_bearing":242,"wind_speed":13.12,"year":2004,"geometry":[-89.41959,40.14471]} {"observed":"It happened like this. Myself and a friend were out on the edge of the woods. We had decided that we would build a blind for hunting squirrels. On the way in we spotted a dead tree. We both tried to push it over, even worked together, but couldn't so we went back to work. Awhile later we heard the tree start to crack then it was smashed to the ground. We didn't get a good look at it but what we saw I would estimate between 7 - 8 ft tall. There other things that have happened back there as well. I have been howled at and had rocks thrown at me.","location_details":"If you would like info on location give me a call.","county":"Madison County","state":"Illinois","season":"Summer","title":"Report 10535: Two teens have daylight sighting near Alton.","date":"2004-07-08","number":10535,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yzvkmd5rz","temperature_high":85.55,"temperature_mid":79.675,"temperature_low":73.8,"dew_point":69.59,"humidity":0.82,"cloud_cover":0.58,"moon_phase":0.73,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1012.27,"summary":"Humid and mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":8,"visibility":9.96,"wind_bearing":132,"wind_speed":2.03,"year":2004,"geometry":[-90.16171,38.92241]} {"observed":"I spoke with the witness by telephone. I visited the site and spoke personally with his parents in their home which is a couple of miles from the sighting location. Stan - Can you please explain what you saw? Mark - It was my junior year of high school, so 2005, probably November. I was driving home on the back roads to the house. I saw a big black head sticking out the top at the corner of the corn field. And I stopped and saw this big black hairy thing. Then the head disappeared and a couple of seconds later it came walking across the road, and disappeared in the corn across the road. I took off then, I didn't even take time to turn and try and see it walking, I just kept going. Stan - How tall do you think it was? Mark - Eight feet to nine feet.tall. Stan - And what color was it? Mark - Dark, very dark brown. Stan - How was it built? Mark - Very muscular. Stan - How much would you think it weighed? Mark - Close to 300 lbs. Stan - Did it walk slowly or did it run across the road? Mark - It had a normal walking pace, it just walked across like nothing was bothering it. Stan - Did it look at you? Mark - It looked at me when I stopped, when it was sticking its head out of the corn. Stan - Were you able to see its face at all? Mark - No, I couldn't see the face.","location_details":"Go south of I-72 1 1/2 miles on Illinois 267. Then east on Lake Jacksonville Rd.","county":"Morgan County","state":"Illinois","season":"Fall","title":"Report 28533: Daylight sighting by a motorist near Lake Jacksonville","date":"2005-11-19","number":28533,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9zpcefbjyn","temperature_high":58.43,"temperature_mid":45.155,"temperature_low":31.88,"dew_point":29.36,"humidity":0.58,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.62,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1017.94,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":201,"wind_speed":9.23,"year":2005,"geometry":[-90.18651,39.6548]} {"observed":"Around five years ago me and a buddy were mushroom hunting and came across about ten feet prints walking down a almost dried creek. The creek went from water to a muddy spot about 15'(?) long and then back to water. It looked like they walked out of the water into the mud making the prints then back into the water on the other side. The feet prints were from bare feet as the toe and heel impression were very reconizable. They were about the size of my size twelve shoe and had a longer leg stance then me (i'm about 5'10\"). They went east straight down the creek/ditch heading towards the Embarrass River which is about 1/8 mile away from the prints. There shouldn't have been anyone walking barefoot down a creek down in the bottoms so that's what really got our attention. There are no houses within miles and there are no campgrounds or any reason anyone other then farmers or hunters to be down there and I just can't conceive any of them not wearing boots and not to mention walking down a creek with water in it. We were going to get pictures but didn't get to it in time because it ended up raining a few days later.","location_details":"Longitude-87.97622 Lattitude-38.94564","county":"Jasper County","state":"Illinois","season":"Spring","title":"Report 10879: Mushroom hunters find series of large footprints near Ste. Marie.","date":"2000-05-06","number":10879,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dncmw1cdv3","temperature_high":80.45,"temperature_mid":73.265,"temperature_low":66.08,"dew_point":61.96,"humidity":0.78,"cloud_cover":0.15,"moon_phase":0.09,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1017.8,"summary":"Breezy in the afternoon and light precipitation in the afternoon and overnight.","uv_index":9,"visibility":7.73,"wind_bearing":186,"wind_speed":8.9,"year":2000,"geometry":[-87.97622,38.94564]} {"observed":"The first sighting was in late Sept to early October of 2003. I apologize for not remembering the date exactly. In the small town of Goodwine, IL on the west side. It was cool weather, clear skies, about 55 to 45 degrees F. The sun had just set and my kids and I had been collecting fire wood for a bonfire from the woods behind our property. I sent them and the dog inside to get ready for dinner. I went back to get a few more pieces of wood. I didn't have a flash light with me at the time and it was starting to get pretty hard to see so I went back to the house and as I walked down the road (which is a dead end road), I got within about 150, 200 feet of the house and that's when this big large dark thing appeared in front of me. It scarred me pretty good not because of its size but it was about 5 to 10 feet from me. It blocked the light from the house and the buildings across the street from our home. it quickly moved to the south into the grass and disappeared. This lasted a good 10 seconds. I then promptly made my way to the house. After a while I told the kids to stay inside and made my way to where it was. I couldn't see any thing nor did I find any sign of that there was any thing there. A few days later my wife said that she saw something out there in about the same location so I went out side and check things out I made my to edge of the property and didn't see anything but I did hear a sound like a hollow log or rail road ties being hit or dropped on each other in the distance. As I went towards the sound it got louder then went away. On my way back going down the same road in about the same place a dark figure looked like it was crouching in the tall grass along the road. I looked at it and continued to walk by it. It never moved nor did I hear any noise. The next morning I noted that the place that I saw this dark figure the night before the grass looked like a deer bed (matted down like when deer bed down in tall grass to sleep) and you could see where it pushed down the grass to leave. My wife told me that she had seen similar things out there in the same area and closer to the house after the two that I saw. Then after a few month of seeing nothing, it was a afternoon full sun and it was a mild day, my wife and I where siting at the kitchen table when a dark figure about 6 foot maybe shorter went down the drive towards the road. I at first thought that my eyes where playing tricks on me so I didn't say anything. Then my wife said did you see that? I replied the dark figure out in the drive. She said yeah. After that she saw another one close to the tree in the front yard by the drive at night with the flood lights on in about the same area where we saw the one in the day light. For note there is a wooded area right across from the house. I have never seen anything like this before nor did I believe that there was anything out there like this. I am a avid sportsmen and backpacker. I have hiked all over and never seen nor heard anything. I have also gone out at night and never came across anything like this.","location_details":"West side of town.","county":"Iroquois County","state":"Illinois","season":"Fall","title":"Report 14404: Several sightings and strange occurences near a residence west of Goodwine","date":"2003-09-06","number":14404,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dp1v3xc8z7","temperature_high":76.81,"temperature_mid":63.375,"temperature_low":49.94,"dew_point":51.03,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.37,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1020.39,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":8,"visibility":9.81,"wind_bearing":7,"wind_speed":0.05,"year":2003,"geometry":[-87.47077,40.34057]} {"observed":"I was in So. Illinois visiting my Grandmother and sister on my Grandmothers farm located in the Shawnee Nat. Forest. I grew up on this property and lived there for about 23 years. While living in this area I have heard and seen a vast assortment of wild animals. The National Forest Service has released many different animals into the Shawnee National which has given me a good opportunity to hear, see, and also track different wild animals. I have either heard or see bears, turkeys, bobcats, cougars, owls, fox, beavers, coyotes, opossums, racoons, hawks, buzzards, crows, ducks, geese, rabbits, squirrels, and lots of deer. On this night my wife and I were going to sit on the front porch with my Grandmother and sister when we started to hear a sound that raised the hair on the back of my neck and as I type this out I get that feeling all over again. I have NEVER heard a sound like this before. It was to say the least very frightning. I do believe that yeties do exist but did not believe that one would be anywhere near Southern Illinios. We continued to hear the sound which sounded like a calling that started out low pitched and ended out in a higher pitch that had somewhat of a human characteristic to it. It was continueous for about 5 to 8 min. The only other thing we could hear was neighbor's dogs going bezerk! Everything else was absoulutely quiet. My Grandmother looked at me and asked if it was human and I said definatly no. It was without a doubt the eeriest and scariest sound I have ever heard. I estimate it to have been about a quarter of a mile away and maybe closer. It was at that time that I regreted not taking the time to bring my sidearm with me. My Grandmother, sister, wife and myself stood in general disbelief of what we were hearing. None of the witnesses have ever heard a sound like this before. In carefull reflection of that night and replaying the sound over in my head, I would have to say that if asked what it was I would say it was a Yeti. As far as hard evidence I have none. I had to leave that night and have to been back to look over the land to see if I could find anything.","location_details":"approx. 2 miles east of Rt.34 in the Shawnee National Forest.","county":"Hardin County","state":"Illinois","season":"Summer","title":"Report 3018: Late night screams heard near Rosiclare.","date":"2001-08-16","number":3018,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dn9jmdsm6d","year":2001,"geometry":[-88.3461,37.5]} {"observed":"It was a year ago, during deer hunting seaseon (2000) It was at dusk. When i was going around the outside of the timber I had to go around a point. When I started to go down the other side there it was shaking a tree. It did that for a little bit I stopped to look at it, said some thing to it, then I whent 75 yards further to some open field, saw some deer, shot at the deer. I heard it take off running through the timber. It looked about 8 feet tall, black, hairy. I could not see much of anything else. the time that I stopped and looked at it, it acted like a curious child like it used the tree to play peekaboo. That's what it seemed like. I have not seen it yet this year but the weather has not changed yet. It usually comes around in the fall. I'll keep an eye out for him when I hunt.","location_details":"Edited","county":"Hancock County","state":"Illinois","season":"Fall","title":"Report 3521: Deer hunter sees large hairy black creature that \"plays peekaboo\" near Webster.","date":"2000-11-15","number":3521,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9zpq1nxmcg","temperature_high":48.64,"temperature_mid":41.335,"temperature_low":34.03,"dew_point":24.2,"humidity":0.64,"cloud_cover":0.31,"moon_phase":0.64,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1014.85,"summary":"Overcast starting in the evening.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":186,"wind_speed":8.57,"year":2000,"geometry":[-91.0007,40.4664]} {"observed":"My wife and I on several nights have heard a sound just like the recordings. On every occasion our dog growls like she is ready to kill someone. On every occasion it goes on for a few minutes and then stops. On every occasion coyotes start to howl almost as soon as it starts. Whatever it was it seems to not be so frequent, but now that I have heard what you say is a bigfoot on your website I will make sure NOT to investigate it..","location_details":"Follow Highway 96 threw Hamilton and take a left in front of Keokuk Hamilton Bridge. It is along the river bottoms.","county":"Hancock County","state":"Illinois","season":"Spring","title":"Report 2992: Unusual vocalizations from Mississippi River bottoms between Hamilton and Warsaw.","date":"2001-05-16","number":2992,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9zpj8qj4d6","temperature_high":86.7,"temperature_mid":75.875,"temperature_low":65.05,"dew_point":69.34,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.06,"moon_phase":0.79,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Humid throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.75,"wind_bearing":240,"wind_speed":4.77,"year":2001,"geometry":[-91.3883,40.3752]} {"observed":"My friend and I were out arrowhead hunting. It was late September 1985. We were driving looking for a good spot when I spotted a ridge that was a wash out. I told her to pull over and hunt there because it was off the beaten path. I climbed to the top and spied a cornfield. So we proceeded to hunt the field. The corn stalks were small that year and you could see the whole area. In the fence row was what I thought was a black tree that was topped off. But, I kept getting the feeling I was being watched. At closer observation of the object it was like it was grinning at me. This was in the space of a half an hour. I looked around for my friend and she was nowhere to be found. So I beat it back to her car. She was right behind me. She said, \"Did you see that?\" And I said half jokingly, \"what Bigfoot?\" She said, \"you seen it too?\" I told her I thought it was a tree that was cut off at the top. But, I had the creepy feling someone was watching me,and kept looking back at it. We drove around and I said we have to go back. We did and my \"tree\" was gone. I've told different people about it. They think I'm nuts I'm glad I wasn't the only one there. I rarely see her but every time I do she always brings it up.","location_details":"I've been back over there several times and can't find it. But my friend said she was over there recently and want's to take me back there.","county":"Henderson County","state":"Illinois","season":"Fall","title":"Report 4099: Daytime sighting by two arrowhead hunters near Gulfport.","date":"2004-11-26","number":4099,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9zr0pmbypq","temperature_high":48.6,"temperature_mid":46.945,"temperature_low":45.29,"dew_point":34.43,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.56,"moon_phase":0.49,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Light rain overnight.","uv_index":2,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":177,"wind_speed":7.45,"year":2004,"geometry":[-91.0863,40.8139]} {"observed":"I was coming home from work, heading from Albion towards Fairfield, which would have been about 11:30 that night. It was near Red Hill Road. I started smelling something first, I had my window down, it was a little warm. I thought what in the devil is that! And all of a sudden I saw this huge, huge figure off to the side of the road, between the ditch and the field. It was walking east towards Albion. It stopped and I just went. I don't know why it stopped. I was about 120 feet from it. It scared the crap out of me, I said what the heck is that. It is walking upright, it wasn't no coyote or wolf, we don't have bears up there that I know of, I grew up there. That was the one I seen on the way home from work.","location_details":"It was near Red Hill Road on Route 15 between Albion and Fairfield.","county":"Edwards County","state":"Illinois","season":"Spring","title":"Report 34919: Motorist has a possible nighttime sighting west of Albion","date":"2000-03-15","number":34919,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnc67f3qgh","year":2000,"geometry":[-88.07554,38.3778]} {"observed":"I was 16 years old and I worked for my uncle on a farm by Chandlerville, IL. It was mid-December. We just got done feeding cattle. We decided to take a break and go target practicing behind the farm. We were standing by the creek shooting targets on the ice. I looked down and saw a footprint in the ice. It was big. The creek was approximately 6ft wide and ankle deep unfroze. I told my uncle and he said \"Yeah its a weird looking track, it looks like a foot.\" It had five toes. It was twice the size of a normal human's foot. On the other side of the creek there was a heel print on the other side where the water met the bank. Then there was no others prints, that was what was weird about it. This area has big hills and alot of timber that goes on for miles. In my opinion I think this was the tracks of a big foot.","location_details":"Near the Illinois River","county":"Cass County","state":"Illinois","season":"Winter","title":"Report 6820: Tracks found on a creek bed near Chandlerville","date":"2004-11-14","number":6820,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9zpgu9fzm6","temperature_high":52.34,"temperature_mid":44.19,"temperature_low":36.04,"dew_point":31.5,"humidity":0.71,"cloud_cover":0.03,"moon_phase":0.08,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1038.23,"summary":"Mostly cloudy overnight.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.52,"wind_bearing":97,"wind_speed":5.86,"year":2004,"geometry":[-90.1498,40.04505]} {"observed":"Ok, I seen this thing, and I loved it. The hair stood up on my head. I told the girl at the scale house because it was about a mile from there. She said she would not be surprised at seeing any thing around there. But that has been a few years now but I cant get that guy out of my mind. About 8 feet tall walking with a long stride crossed the road in front of me, about 100 ft. away. I was driving a dump truck so I got a good look but he went right into very heavy brush, a deep place falling to the north, I was going east. He was brown and hairy. I could tell he knew I was there, but he didn't look my way, just minded his own business. Came from the south pretty open field except for trees along fence by road. Thank you. Can't remember year, maybe 2005.","location_details":"4 Miles west of Ellisville on County Highway 17.","county":"Fulton County","state":"Illinois","season":"Summer","title":"Report 47649: Truck driver has a daylight sighting west of Ellisville.","date":"2005-07-15","number":47649,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9zpxp78cyb","temperature_high":91.91,"temperature_mid":78.4,"temperature_low":64.89,"dew_point":63.37,"humidity":0.63,"cloud_cover":0.03,"moon_phase":0.29,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Partly cloudy in the afternoon.","uv_index":10,"visibility":7.86,"wind_bearing":14,"wind_speed":3.06,"year":2005,"geometry":[-90.3832,40.625]} {"observed":"I was just out snake hunting the roads and I saw a spot and thought I would go up and look for some snakes. I heard like a rustling, kind of like something was futher in front of me. There was a tree line there and it breaks off into an opening. Right outside of the tree line I saw the back half from the waist up of this bigfoot. It turned ever so slightly, it didn't face me, but it turned towards my direction a little bit kind of like it acknowledged me there and then continued to walk off.","location_details":"This is on private land.","county":"Grundy County","state":"Illinois","season":"Summer","title":"Report 11831: Snake hunter has daytime sighting near Seneca.","date":"2005-06-02","number":11831,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dp350tph7f","temperature_high":75.83,"temperature_mid":68.935,"temperature_low":62.04,"dew_point":55.81,"humidity":0.7,"cloud_cover":0.36,"moon_phase":0.86,"precip_intensity":0.0037,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1013.62,"summary":"Light rain in the evening.","uv_index":10,"visibility":9.05,"wind_bearing":91,"wind_speed":6.82,"year":2005,"geometry":[-88.562,41.3368]} {"observed":"The following phone interview was conducted by Stan Courtney. Because the witnesses do not have Internet access, the information was entered with their permission. The first names of the witnesses have been changed. Tom: I told John about my sighting of the 2nd of June 2005 and he and his son went with me to the location. This was about a week after my first sighting. Right about 30 feet before the bend in the road I parked my car there and I was showing John where I saw the animal the first time. And we heard some commotion over in the woods and we were looking down into the trees. John was the first one to spot the silhouette and he asked me to come over, I guess my eyesight is a little better, and he said \"Hey, what does that look like to you?\" And then that was the time when we both saw its arm move and so I get on the hood of the car and I tried to get a better look 'cause I was going to see if it was either a shadow or three dimensional. I was trying to get looks of it from all angles without losing sight of the thing. It was standing motionless on the back side of a tree and you could see the majority of the body, he wasn't hiding behind a tree he was more leaning against it. That is when after we noticed the arm movement I'm on top of the hood of the car. Something caught my notice out of the corner of my eye to the right of the silhouette. Out in plain sight, plain as day there was an actual fur bodied, walking, probably 10 to 20 feet away from the silhouette I saw a smaller one and this one was starting to walk where the trees thin out it started to make its way to where the trees get thicker, and just walking. So at this time, I tell John, \"There's another one.\" And he says, \"Where, where?\" And I point in the general direction, I jump down off the car and run into the woods after it. It didn't run until I got about 20 feet in, that's when its pace picked up. It brought its elbows real high as it was running. And then I lost sight of it, because I didn't know that the ground actually sloped down. By time I got back to the hill I couldn't see it. Stan Courtney: Okay, when you started chasing the smaller one what had happened to the bigger one? Tom: I really couldn't tell you. I made a beeline straight for the one in front of me. John and his son were watching the big one. Stan: When you first saw the big one and you just saw a silhouette why did you think it was a bigfoot? Tom: At first I didn't know what to think. If anything it could be a man in a suit. When I saw the second one in the clearing as plain as day, I guess I don't know how to explain it but I just knew it wasn't a man at that time. Stan: What about the first animal? What did you see? John: When a truck came down the hill and around the bend the animal turned its head very slowly and smoothly and watched it pass by. Then it slowly turned its head back. Tom: I didn't see the head turn. Stan: What about the hand movement? Tom: Actually we saw the silhouette of the body, and as we were watching this thing the arm comes up as if to touch its face. And then we see the hand go back down. And I mean this was slow motion, it moved up as slow as it went down slow. Stan: How long did you watch it? Tom: From the time we saw the silhouette of the big one in the trees till the time I saw the little one was probably five minutes. I remember telling John \"We could stand here all day and this thing is going to wait longer than us.\" John: I kept looking at the first, larger animal. I concentrated on watching it. When Tom got half-way into the woods I glanced over to see where he and the smaller animal were. When I looked back towards the larger animal it was gone.","location_details":"This is on private land.","county":"Grundy County","state":"Illinois","season":"Spring","title":"Report 12439: Three men have daylight sighting near Seneca","date":"2005-06-10","number":12439,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dp350tph7f","temperature_high":87.87,"temperature_mid":78.955,"temperature_low":70.04,"dew_point":69.27,"humidity":0.72,"cloud_cover":0.19,"moon_phase":0.12,"precip_intensity":0.0006,"precip_probability":0.66,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1011.79,"summary":"Partly cloudy until evening.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.16,"wind_bearing":182,"wind_speed":4.39,"year":2005,"geometry":[-88.562,41.3368]} {"observed":"I was driving home from a girlfriends house in the early hours of the morning on a late summer night. Patches of ground fog were scattered about over the fields. As I drove up to a ninety degree turn in the road my headlight shown on a figure in a bean field that boardered a corn field. The headlights caused the eyes to shine red and I could make out the shape of a large figure. It was standing in an area of the fog and its head and upper body were above the fog. It was as tall as the corn in the field next to it. Since the figure was next to the corn field (standing in the beans) it gave frame of referance for height. It was as tall as the corn which in Indiana at that time of the year is at least seven to eight feet tall. I could not make out facial features or hair because of the fog and the fact that it was at least twenty yards into the field. I turned at the curve and punched the gas. My hair was standing up on my arms and head and it really scared me. I was by myself so I was not about to hang around. I did not tell anyone as I thought that I would be ridiculed.","location_details":"Smithland road in southern Shelby county. It was at a ninty degree turn in the road where I think it changed from East to North direction.","county":"Shelby County","state":"Indiana","season":"Summer","title":"Report 10153: Motorist has nighttime sighting of animal in soybean field near Flat Rock","date":"2005-01-23","number":10153,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnfzyqnvwx","temperature_high":19.32,"temperature_mid":12.35,"temperature_low":5.38,"dew_point":-1.83,"humidity":0.58,"cloud_cover":0.04,"moon_phase":0.45,"precip_intensity":0.0008,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1031.42,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":348,"wind_speed":2.73,"year":2005,"geometry":[-85.8486,39.365]} {"observed":"These are my husband and his family's accounts. The first sighting was in 1953. The Tippecanoe River runs beside a cluster of cottages near the little town of Winamac, in northern Indiana. A long suspension bridge, spans the river, and was the only means of getting to the five cottages, other than by boat. At each end, flood lights were mounted, and at night, each lighted the bridge half way across. The bank of the river was rather steep. Behind the group of cottages, the woods was thick and dense. Children were not allowed to wander there, and play was confined largely to the area right around the cabins. Two brothers, each with large families, had come for the weekend to enjoy fishing, boating, and just generally, being together. My husband, one of the children, was then about five. On this particular day, a group of little girls, his sisters and cousins, were playing between two of the cabins. The grownups, and some of the children, were inside. About the middle of the day, terrified screams came from the group of girls. When the adults, hearing the screams, ran outside, they found the girls crying hysterically, and pointing towards the woods. A huge creature, about seven feet tall, walking on two legs, covered from head to toe, with long dark hair, was walking the other way, towards the treeline. He was walking upright, on two feet. One child was saying that it had touched her, others were saying that it had just one eye. A rifle was was brought out from the cabin, and one man, my husband's father took aim. He had the beast in his site, held the gun for a few seconds, and then lowered it. Cries of, \"Shoot him,\" could not persuade him to fire at the beast. When asked later, why he didn't shoot, he said, \"I was afraid that I might be shooting a man.\" One of his children, now, my husband, came running outside with the adults and saw the creature's back as he walked towards, and into the woods. Ten years later, in 1963, my husband,(then fifteen), and his family, were once again spending the week in one of the cottages. Late one night, after all the others had gone to bed, he was down on one of the docks. Loving the river at night, he often walked it's banks. On this particular night, he began to hear a movement coming from behind the cabins at the edge of the woods. He walked up the bank, and went around to the back of the cabin to see what was making such a ruckus. There, in the darkness, coming out of the woods slowly, was the same creature that had frightened the family ten years ago. He ran back to the front porch, hurried into the house, and woke up his father. The two of them, without waking the others, went onto the screened porch, which was in front, towards the river, and in the darkness, with a 22 rifle and only the bridge lights shining, they waited. They began to smell a terrible stench, like that of rotten meat, getting worse as the creature neared them. This cabin was right next to the bridge. They knew that if the creature was going to cross it, he would walk right by them, about ten feet away, and pass under the light. Inside the cabin, the family dog was beginning to whine. They stood quietly, and soon the creature was beside them, about ten feet away. He seemed to be intent on going for the bridge. As he passed the porch, he turned and looked towards the teen and his father, but seemed not to see them, and didn't regard them in any way, nor, the dog, which was now howling, and tearing at the door. The creature made his way to the bridge. As he passed under the floodlight on the cabin side, he was clearly seen, as huge, covered with dark hair, and walking upright like a man. The smell was horrible. When he got to the bridge, he went down on all fours and began to cross it using his arms and hands, as well as his feet. When he passed the half way mark on the bridge, and neared the other side of the bridge, the dog was let out on the porch and crashed through the screen door, running after the creature. It raced across the bridge. By this time, the creature had crossed the bridge and was in the darkness beyond. The teen and his father could only guess what was happening by the sounds they heard - growling, fighting noises, and then whimpering and yelping. The dog came back to the cabin covered with cuts and blood. The only other time that anyone said that the creature had been seen was an account told to me by my husband's neice, who often stayed in the same cabin as a child. She said she woke up one morning and saw a large, yellow, hairy creature looking through the door. He left quickly. This was about 1976.","location_details":"All the sightings were near the Dentwood cabins, right off River Road, just outside of Winamac.","county":"Pulaski County","state":"Indiana","season":"Summer","title":"Report 9245: Family has several sightings at a summer cabin near Winamac.","date":"2005-01-22","number":9245,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dp63t7pg3z","temperature_high":17.95,"temperature_mid":8.04,"temperature_low":-1.87,"dew_point":7.27,"humidity":0.7,"cloud_cover":0.94,"moon_phase":0.42,"precip_type":"snow","summary":"Snow (< 1 in.) in the morning.","uv_index":2,"visibility":4.6,"wind_bearing":23,"wind_speed":7.13,"year":2005,"geometry":[-86.5945,41.062]} {"observed":"Ok... not \"just a story\"... this happened to us recently here \"at home\" one night... Friday night, Oct. 10th, 2003 - Saturday morning, aprox. 1:00am....... My son and two of his friends were coming home late one night, just about 1:00am on a Saturday morning after recent home-coming activities. Since their plans had gotten changed, I wasn't expecting them home; they were supposed to stay somewhere else. When they pulled into the drive/yard, I was already in bed halfway sleeping, when I awoke to the sound of someone pounding on the front door and yelling excitedly. Then I heard my name and \"dad\" coming from them. So, I slowly pulled myself from bed and made my way to the front room where I heard the sound of one of the bedroom windows sliding open. My son came falling thru and ran to the front door just about the same time I reached it so we opened it and let his other two friends in. They came in very quickly. In a jumbled mess of excitement, they started telling me about \"it\" being \"down there and coming up here\" and all sorts of things I was too groggy to understand. Saturday after work, I finally sat down with two of them to hear it all again and get the whole story, in order, and without all the confusion there had been the night before. Here's how they explained it.... After pulling into the yard up near the trailer, they walked in the dark up to the porch and started to knock. Friday night, the 10th of October was right around a full moon, and the sky was absolutely clear that night. As they walked up on the porch to knock, one of the three looked back over his shoulder 'coz he heard something and noticed a \"stump\" down in the yard, about 150' away, near the boats at the edge of the water. The other two looked then to see what he was talking about, when \"the stump\" got up and just stood there. Even in the moonlight, they could see it was NOT a deer... not an \"anything\" except the form of a person, 'coz it stood there directly facing them and they could see it easily. So as they started to knock more excitedly, it began to walk away quickly to the east on the shore line, but then abruptly turned around and began to move much quicker right back across the yard where it had been and toward the marshy area and light woods and tall grass immediately south of the porch and trailer. When my son saw this he came running around the trailer and let himself in through the window. Now the other two could hear the sound of \"this guy?\" running heavily into the tall grass, sticks, branches and all the stuff that was down in the woods between the trailer and the lake, but then heard it starting to move closer in up the hill. That's when the hard pounding and yelling to let them in really started. We let the other two in, locked the door... I went back to bed, while they stayed up half the night rehashing what had taken place and how it freaked them out. 4 hours later, I was up... ready for work and out the door around 5:25am. I had my son get up and briefly talk me thru what they had seen earlier. Even at 5:30am as I was leaving, the moon had made it mostly west in the early morning sky and was still so bright I could easily make out every tree, patch of grass, boat at the shoreline... every little thing we're used to seeing out here. Back at 1:00am when this happened, it was even much more illuminated with the moon directly overhead, especially with the light bouncing off the water as well. So, maybe it was \"just some guy\" out squatting and then standing in 5 inches of lake water at 1:AM in the middle of the country? Well, when I'm 6 foot and about 200 pounds, and they see some \"guy\" who's way taller than me and a lot larger... and built a LOT larger... way taller... way larger... and grunting slightly as he ran...?? We only have one neighbor, and knowing them, they don't run around in a yard of standing lake water at one in the morning... or Noon for that matter. He's also not approximately in the range of 8 feet tall, and built large at that height. Then my son reminds me when I asked what it looked like, he says, [ you know, like that thing xxxx and I saw about a year ago up between the sheds one night. >] You see, somewhere about a year ago, he and a friend were out running around with flashlights and a paintball gun after dark, when they see what they thought was a stray dog laying in some tall grass between two of our outdoor sheds. They decide to shine the light on it and then shoot a couple paintballs at it when \"it\" starts to get up revealing that it isn't a dog, just some LARGE hairy...??? bigger than a man... but \"we don't know what it was... so we just ran\" kind of thing. They never saw a \"face\", but did see a large eye that reflected orangish red back at them when the flashlight hit it as it seemed to turn it's head slightly toward them. When they DID see the eye reflecting back and realized that was a head, they observed there was no muzzle of any sort. That's when they realized it wasn't a dog. They didn't stick around for \"it\" to get up all the way off the ground. They could see that as it was getting up, it was large, hairy, more like a person and not a dog. So he really felt like this Oct. sighting was the same thing they had seen some 6 or more months ago. So... that's basicly it. After much grilling on my part, I do believe them. I didn't see it myself. I wish I had the presence of mind that morning to grab a gun and stand on the porch and see if something did make it's way up the hill in the little woods. Why I didn't, I'm not sure. Too late to speculate.. only thing to do now is plan for \"the next time\".","location_details":"This is a private residence on a small lake about 1+ miles north of town. Just to our east by a mile is a 4000 acre state wildlife fish and game area.","county":"Kosciusko County","state":"Indiana","season":"Fall","title":"Report 8438: Youths have nighttime sighting near North Webster","date":"2003-10-11","number":8438,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dp751v2krp","temperature_high":77.72,"temperature_mid":64.17,"temperature_low":50.62,"dew_point":58.97,"humidity":0.78,"cloud_cover":0.26,"moon_phase":0.54,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1016.82,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":5,"visibility":5.8,"wind_bearing":164,"wind_speed":1.78,"year":2003,"geometry":[-85.7037,41.3382]} {"observed":"A friend of mine cornered me late one day and told me a strange tale. He was going to shoot a rifle that he owns and he said he smelled something dead or rotten. He thought maybe someone had killed a deer or another critter. As he proceeded to walk through the woods, he said he saw a huge animal hunkered staring at him. He said the shoulders were massive. His rifle was loaded, but he felt he didn't have a big enough gun (.223 cal.) They stared at each other for a few seconds, but my friend turned to the right and proceeded forward to get away from the \"MONSTER\" (his word). He said it bolted in the same direction as he did and ran past him in a second and a half. I said was it a bear? He said no. Was it on two legs or four? He said two. It broke tree branches as it ran thru the trees and brush. He was so scared that he did not return to the woods for 8 or 9 months, and when he did, it was with a loaded 12 gauge shotgun loaded with deer slugs. The first person he told was his wife and she laughed at him. I listened to his story and did not laugh at him because he was so serious. I will say this, he didn't know about the bigfoot sites or even mention the name bigfoot during the telling of this tale. One other thing, he was carrying a bag of apples, he felt later that the MONSTER was after that. That part of the story I know is true. I saw the bag! I read your reports, and can tell you I don't know whether to believe them or not. I think my friend saw something strange and was scared. He warned me not to go into those woods any more. I said bigfoot didn't eat you so he won't eat me. He said he wanted to post a sign next to the woods that said \"MONSTER IN THE WOODS\", but I said no because I didn't need every guy in Indy with a 300 magnun chasing a myth or legend. I said if you did see a bigfoot, your one lucky guy! This is the truth. No hoax. Thanks","location_details":"[edited out by request]","county":"Johnson County","state":"Indiana","season":"Spring","title":"Report 13242: Hunter has daylight sighting near Nineveh","date":"2002-05-11","number":13242,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dp4b08bt5s","temperature_high":69.71,"temperature_mid":66.645,"temperature_low":63.58,"dew_point":44.14,"humidity":0.56,"cloud_cover":0.57,"moon_phase":0.97,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1023.34,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":108,"wind_speed":10.95,"year":2002,"geometry":[-86.11,39.38]} {"observed":"On Friday, April 2, 2004, at about 5:00 PM my wife was returning by herself from a trip to drop off our daughter at a friend`s house west of Waubee Lake in Milford, Indiana. She was travelling east on County road 1100 North. She approached the intersection with County road 300 East, which leads into Oswego, and came to a stop at the stop sign. She looked left, right and briefly ahead. Before beginning her turn she noticed movement directly ahead on road 1100 N. She saw crossing the road from left to right,(heading south) approximately 250 feet ahead, two large, black, hair covered figures, taller than an average man walking on two legs at a hurried pace. Her first reaction was to say out loud \"what the heck was that?\". The way they were walking very close together and hurrying suggested that they were aware they were exposed in the open and wanted to get back to cover quickly. By the time she saw them they were in the middle of the road but she saw them take 5 to 7 steps over several seconds. They were stooped forward and looking down and swinging their long arms quickly. After this they entered the woods. She said they were close enough to have scared her if they had looked her way. Also, they were close enough to see they were not just men in black clothing as there were no divisions where shirt, pants and a hat would be; only solid black from head to toe. My wife, who is a college educated professional, then made her turn onto 300E thinking she would then have something interesting to tell me immediately upon arriving home. When she reached home however, something else unusual happened. Instead of telling me, she apparently blocked out or repressed the experience from her memory, as if in denial. I have been a Bigfoot enthusiast for many years and have read of this happening before to people seeing a Bigfoot. It is like your mind refuses to believe what the eyes are telling it because it is so new, different and without a reference point. About 2 days later we were talking and I said something that brought it all back to her suddenly. She then told me the whole experience in detail, showing signs of alarm and even imitating the way they walked. Of course I wasn`t about to believe her without asking questions. After all I was the Biology major in college, I'm the outdoorsman and I'm the bigfoot enthusiast - I'm the one who should have seen them! I asked all the typical questions that the BFRO interviewers asked and she answered them all correctly, even adding additional detail. I asked if they might possibly be some young high school guys in all black Gothic clothes, as some of them like to wear. The answer was \"they were absolutely not men in black clothes\". The thought also occurred to me that she was messing with me - playing a joke to mislead me, so I asked. This was the last straw; she got hurt and angry with me for not trusting her after 27 years of marriage, and I got the silent treatment for 2 days and had to do a lot of apologizing. I'll have to just agree with her - based on the evidence, she saw 2 Bigfoots crossing the road. Wish I had seen them! Hopefully, by learning as much as I can about this creature I will be able to remain calm enough to stay and observe it, if I ever see one, instead of freak out and run as most do. Some may say \"your wife learned all this from listening to you go on and on about what you read on the internet. Believe me, when she tells her story you can tell it was a very real experience for her; whether anyone believes her or not she knows what she saw, and will say so.","location_details":"300 feet east of the intersection of county roads 1100 north and 300 east. This is east of Waubee Lake in Milford, IN.","county":"Kosciusko County","state":"Indiana","season":"Spring","title":"Report 9642: Motorist has daylight sighting of two animals east of Waubee Lake.","date":"2005-01-21","number":9642,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dngpguusqk","temperature_high":26.02,"temperature_mid":22.665,"temperature_low":19.31,"dew_point":10.75,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":0.37,"moon_phase":0.39,"precip_intensity":0.0013,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1019.84,"summary":"Snow (< 1 in.) in the afternoon.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.91,"wind_bearing":68,"wind_speed":7.96,"year":2005,"geometry":[-85.61,39.3579]} {"observed":"My friends and I were going for a walk and we came across a bare footprint. It wouldn't have seemed odd, but it was in the melting snow and it was the only one we could see. We ran to my parents and told them what we found and we brought a tape measure and took a polaroid picture of it. It only measured 13-14 inches long which is not very long at all but it did seem wide. I don't know how significant this information is but you never know. It was a long time ago anywhere from 10-15 years ago...I guessed on the year, I think I was anywhere from 8-10 years old.","location_details":"It is at the old Oaks Campground, the county line is less than a mile from there where it meets Jasper County.","county":"Pulaski County","state":"Indiana","season":"Winter","title":"Report 7239: Footprint found in the snow near Francesville.","date":"2005-01-26","number":7239,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dp61nm134v","year":2005,"geometry":[-86.911,40.9847]} {"observed":"I am a 40 year old engineer and have been passively interested in Bigfoot since I was a kid. I never gave it much serious thought until two or three years ago a strange animal was sighted near Bloomfield, IN were my Sister lives. This event re-ignited my interest and I began doing a little research on the subject and ran across your website. Since then a co-worker John (not his real name) told me about an experience he and his wife and son had last summer on a 600 acre farm along Blue River in southern Indiana near Fredericksburg. The farm belongs to the C.E.O. of our company. He uses it for recreation only. There is a house on the property but no one lives there. Over the past few years he has some problems with the folks who used to own the property and one of the neighbors stealing things and tearing stuff up. My friend/co-worker is not at all interested in cryptozology or Bigfoot and would not take the time to write this report, therefore, with his permission I am submitting this report to you on his behalf. By June, we were all stressed out trying to finish our project on time. John (my co-worker) said he took his wife and 12 year old son out on 4 wheelers, to the boss's farm for some fishing and stress relief. I ask him how the fishing was and he said \"We didn't catch a thing, but I think that crazy drug fiend was back their messing with us\"! \"What do you mean\", I ask. \"We were fishing in the river and right after it got dark somebody kept throwing BIG rocks or something in the water where we were fishing trying to scare us off. I think it was that nut that used to live on the property or the crazy neighbor\" he continued, \"I just couldn't get a look at him\". He was adamant about how big of a splash it was making and went on and on. I was intrigued and said, \"Tell me the whole story from the beginning\". This is how he related the facts to me about what happened to him, his wife and son. They drove the truck to the back of the property, unloaded the 4 wheelers and drove down the hill into the dry stream bed and followed it to where it intersects with Blue River. They arrived about 8:00 p.m. They were set up in the mouth of the dry stream bed where it dumps into Blue River. They had a lit a Coleman lantern as it became dark about 8:50 p.m. It had been dark for almost an hour when they heard a huge splash in the water about 150-200 feet up stream (to their left). His son asked \"What was that?\" It was a big splash. He explained to his son that it was probably just a limb broke off and fell in the water. They continued fishing, talking, and relaxing. After a minuet or so there was another big splash in the water. This time it was a little bit closer. He described the sound of what ever was hitting the water as large enough to make a huge splash and then rain water droplets for two or three seconds afterward. It was loud enough to be heard over a 100 feet away in a running stream of water. He said it sounded like something the size of a bowling ball, or a heavy log; say 8 inches in diameter and 20 inches long, or a similar large heavy object hitting the water with great downward force. So by now he's kind of wondering what's going on here? He can't see anything beyond the circle of light projected from the lantern so he goes to the 4-wheeler to retrieve an ultra high intensity portable search light. Just then splash! A third time still closer, he shines the light around and doesn't see anything. The brush around the creek bank is pretty dense. They are standing a dry feeder stream basin about eye level to the ground on the surrounding banks so it is extremely difficult to see very far. His son is kind of scared now. John starts talking out loud \"Alright, I guess I'm going to have to get my gun out now\", as he rattles around in the tackle box. Splash! Just then a fourth object hits the water yet closer to them, still upstream a little. Again all of these objects, though never seen, are appearently 10-20 lb. hitting the surface displacing a large spray of water. My friend is mad now. He's shining the light around, turning it off and on trying to pick up any movement, looking for any anything that will indicate who is doing this and where they are. He shouts out loud, \"Come on out where I can see to shoot\". All of this is a bluff of course, as he doesn' t really have a gun at all. So then he turns the light off and listens. A minuet or two passes then Splash! This time he is ready with the light and sees the spray of water from the impact about 30-40 feet away. At this point his son is pretty scared and ready to leave. He keeps trying to determine where the objects are coming from. He can not tell if whoever is throwing them is on the opposite bank or on his side further upstream to the left. He said he feels like they were coming from the opposite bank, but he never saw anything to confirm or deny this notion. The opposite bank is a steep hillside that goes up a hundred feet or more at an angle of about 80 degrees. Their side is relatively flat with an open meadow and tree line along the bank to their left and dense woods to the right. By now his son was very scared and they have decided to pack up and leave. As they gathered their gear, Splash! something hits the water again about 20 feet away! Finally just as everything was ready to go, Splash! something big hit the water so close the water spray hit the bank where they had been standing a few seconds earlier. John said this time he saw the column of water spray shoot up into the air about 20 feet. He indicated there did not seem to be a forward or directional component to the objects path. He said it looked like something had dropped straight down out of the sky into the river. At that point they climbed on their 4-wheelers and rode back to the truck. The whole time he was telling me this story he became more agitated over who ever it was messing with them and spoiling their fun. The thought of a creature doing this never crossed his mind. Of course I was trying not to jump headlong to that conclusion, but I was very intrigued to say the least. John said he checked his watch and all seven objects had hit the water within 12 to 15 minuets at approximately 1.5 to 2 minuet intervals. (F.Y.I. Blue River is about 30 to 40 feet across at the point where they were fishing). I ask him, & \"Did you hear anything?\" \"No, nothing\" he replied \"I kept listening to try to get a fix on where they were but I could never hear them moving around\". \"How do you pick up something that big and hurl it into the water seven times without making some noise on the ground?\" I ask him. \"The lantern and the stream made some noise, we were talking off and on, I don't know.\" he replied. \"Did you smell anything\"? I ask. \"No.\" He replied. \"Did notice if the nature sounds had ceased?\" I asked. \"I didn't notice the nature sounds one way or another\". He stated. \"Did you have any foreboding or erie feelings?\" I probed. \"Not really, I was more aggravated than anything else. I was obviously worried and concerned for my family' s safety and tried to maintain my composure throughout the whole ordeal, but when that last object hit the water so close, with such force, it really did scare me a little. I didn' t experience any creepy feelings until we were on our way back to the truck and loading the 4 wheelers. At that point I did feel the hair on the back of my neck stand on end. It felt as is we were being watched, that if I turned around suddenly someone would be there looking at me\". John replied. \"Did you hear any unusual animal noises at all?\" I continued to inquire. His face changed a little and said, \"Yes, we did hear something, now that you mention it. We did hear a strange scream once about 15 minuets after dark, way off in the distance, like a half mile away, upstream. Then again 20 to 30 minuets later, real loud, much closer maybe 200 yards upstream about 10 min. before all of the rock throwing business started\". He described the screams as high pitched and approximately 4 to 5 seconds in duration. He could not determine what they were. At that point I was very interested and determined to go out there the next day and have a look around. It rained heavy that night and the next several days and flooded that whole area. I went out there about two weeks later to look for any sign and came up empty. I'm sure he and/or his wife would talk to you about their experience. I can put you in touch with them if you like. He just don't care enough about what happened it to report it. I wanted to go ahead and document it just in case someone else might have seen or heard something.","location_details":"South of Hwy 150, on Blue River a few miles west of Fredricksburg, IN off of S. Sheppard road. I can drive there but I don't think I could give you adequate directions.","county":"Crawford County","state":"Indiana","season":"Summer","title":"Report 10284: Vocalizations heard and rocks thrown at fisherman and family on Blue River","date":"2004-06-12","number":10284,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnfdt9vx3r","temperature_high":79.34,"temperature_mid":73.935,"temperature_low":68.53,"dew_point":65.68,"humidity":0.75,"moon_phase":0.84,"precip_intensity":0.0752,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Heavy rain in the afternoon.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":161,"wind_speed":0.74,"year":2004,"geometry":[-86.23506,38.4191]} {"observed":"This happened about 13 years ago, but I remember it like yesterday. I used to knock on my younger brother's window at night to scare him, it had been a long running joke between us. I climbed out the window in the bedroom I was staying in and brought my mom's small dog with me. When I got to my brother's window to knock I got about three inches away from knocking when I heard a load growl/roar. It was really dark so I couldn't really see very well. The figure that growled at me was way taller than me, had to be at least 6-8 feet tall. The growl was so load that it vibrated through my body. I was so scared that I couldn't move at first. When I was finally able to move I ran as fast as I could and dove back into the window I came out of. I was so scared that I ran to tell my brother about it and slept on his bedroom floor that night and never knocked on his window again!","county":"Harrison County","state":"Indiana","season":"Summer","title":"Report 46063: Sister remembers possible incident while attempting to scare her brother near the town of Elizabeth","date":"2001-07-15","number":46063,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dng0kdg7uu","temperature_high":86.39,"temperature_mid":75.22,"temperature_low":64.05,"dew_point":52.99,"humidity":0.51,"cloud_cover":0.26,"moon_phase":0.81,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1016.57,"summary":"Partly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.96,"wind_bearing":109,"wind_speed":2.32,"year":2001,"geometry":[-85.57882,38.02847]} {"observed":"My wife and I were night fishing for catfish on a Wednesday night on the Salamonie Reservoir when our occurrence happened. We were in a boat, at a remote part of the reservoir not accessible by vehicle or foot. The nearest road is over 1 mile away. There was no one else at the boat dock when we put in, and I saw no other boat or boat lights on as we motored to are fishing spot. We were sitting there fishing for about 3 hours. It was roughly 3-4 a.m. and we were sitting roughly 30-40 feet from shore. All of the sudden there was something thrown at us from shore, something very large and heavy. The object thrown at us had to have weighed in the neighborhood of 30-60 lbs. by the splash it made in the water about 10 feet from the boat. I instantly grabbed the 5 million power spotlight and lit up the area on shore. There was nothing. We sat there for about 5 minutes with the light on shore discussing what had just happened. We then decided no human couldn't have possibly been there being so remote, nor threw something that heavy that far. The splash actually made waves enough in the water to move the boat. I then started the boat and made fast tracks for the boat ramp. I first thought it might have been just kids messing around, but, like I said, nothing moved near shore for 5 minutes. I had the whole shore line illuminated, and the object, probably a rock from shore, was very, very heavy by the splash.","location_details":"If you cross over State Road 9 going south, look to the left, as you can see, that is the idle only part of the Salamonie Reservoir, it is not near any county roads, no campgrounds, no homes, nothing is back there but woods and water.","county":"Huntington County","state":"Indiana","season":"Summer","title":"Report 28797: Fishing couple describes possible rock throwing on reservoir 10 miles south of Huntington","date":"2002-07-01","number":28797,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dp5pucck62","temperature_high":91.92,"temperature_mid":80.95,"temperature_low":69.98,"dew_point":71.72,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.25,"moon_phase":0.72,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1019.81,"summary":"Humid throughout the day and partly cloudy starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":8,"visibility":7.85,"wind_bearing":259,"wind_speed":7.42,"year":2002,"geometry":[-85.57069,40.74765]} {"observed":"The Wednesday before Thanksgiving (I think it was 2003) we were headed to Arkansas to my mother-in-laws house. We left home after my husband got off work. We took I-35 South out of Wichita, which was quite backed up. The sun was just beginning to go down and everyone had on their headlights. It was also beginning to drizzle the further out of Wichita we got. We had passed all the little small farm plots and houses south of Wichita. There are several farms to the west of the interstate along with roads cut off by the interstate and drainage ditches. Cars were slowing down due to the drizzle and traffic after we passed a tree line that ran east to west. South of that tree line a ditch runs along the interstate, possibly a creek drains into it. Along this ditch are some small trees and bushes. It seemed to be deeper with higher banks than the other ditches along this road. The trees and bushes stop for a while and then start in again as the ditch comes up to a closed road and curves to the west. I saw what I thought was a large wet dog with very long dark hair, running in the ditch but kind of loping along. As we got closer I realized that it wasnt a dog and that the ditch was a lot deeper than I thought. The animal was way bigger than a large dog. It was bent over at the waist and had long hair which was hanging down off its back and arms/legs and was soaking wet. The head was large and the face was turned away from the traffic. As we pull along side of it, the animal stood upright on its back two feet, keeping its head turned away from us, and took two steps up the bank (right foot ,left foot) and then straddled a barbwire fence with his next step and then easily cleared the fence with his left foot and disappeared into the tree line going west. I tried to watch him as he walked further into the tree line but due to the car moving, the drizzle and the sun setting, I could not see if he continued west or not. There was also a farm house and a barn further west along the north side of the road. The tree line ended well before you came to the farm so if he continued west to the farm he would have been very exposed. However, there was also another tree line to the south of the barn that ran north and south that was pretty thick. I thought that maybe he was headed to that tree row as it was the best coverage. Judging by his clearing the fence in one stride he had to be at least 7 1/2 to 8 feet tall, very wide at the shoulders and you could make out a butt on him as the hair was all wet and stringy like. I yelled at my husband, Stop the car, stop the car!!! Did you see that!? Did you see that!? His responded I cant look at anything except the traffic. You want us to have a wreck!? Needless to say when I told him what I saw he said he didnt see anything except the cars passing us and the car in front of us. I did wonder if anyone else saw the bigfoot as all the right lane cars were going pretty slow. Maybe they did and that was part of the traffic problem.","location_details":"Not sure if it was in Sedgwick or Sumner County. I'm pretty sure that I could find the location again even though it has been several years.","county":"Sumner County","state":"Kansas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 40035: Memory told of a dusk sighting as a passenger in traffic on I-35 outside Wichita","date":"2003-11-15","number":40035,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9ydukq2dck","temperature_high":63.27,"temperature_mid":49.115,"temperature_low":34.96,"dew_point":42.52,"humidity":0.82,"cloud_cover":0.51,"moon_phase":0.71,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1012.83,"summary":"Foggy overnight.","uv_index":3,"visibility":7.55,"wind_bearing":197,"wind_speed":3.81,"year":2003,"geometry":[-97.1953,37.3444]} {"observed":"A women and her boy friend were on a walk on the Junction City side of Fort Riley. They were in a rural area about 10:00 p.m. on a brightly moonlit night. She describes how something followed them for about a half mile, but oddly, they did not panic. They could hear something moving in the brush. She never saw the creature, but her companion saw a creature on two feet from about 20 feet away as it came out of the tree line. It was very tall, as he told her five years later. He didn't want to tell her at the time as he didn't want to spook her.","county":"Riley County","state":"Kansas","season":"Unknown","title":"Report 1315: Couple reported being stalked while walking along a dark country road.","date":"2001-01-18","number":1315,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9ygnsy25sz","temperature_high":37.58,"temperature_mid":24.97,"temperature_low":12.36,"dew_point":22.34,"humidity":0.8,"cloud_cover":0.48,"moon_phase":0.82,"precip_intensity":0.0088,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1020.35,"summary":"Mixed precipitation until afternoon, starting again in the evening, and breezy overnight.","uv_index":2,"visibility":8.03,"wind_bearing":328,"wind_speed":2.37,"year":2001,"geometry":[-96.8223,39.1463]} {"observed":"Walking the trails there are small ponds near one parking lot. Back in February, I had heard 3 equal-length whoops while in the woods there, about 10 seconds before a train came through. I thought it was probably an owl. Tuesday afternoon, the 26th, I took this picture near the edge of the smallest ponds near the parking lot. I took the photo because I thought it was odd that a bare human-looking footprint would be there in the mud, fairly fresh, as the nightly temperatures had been near or at freezing recently, and the water/mud would have been quite cold too. The more I looked at the footprint, I noticed how flat the sole was and how even the toes were. I don't know what to make of it, so I'm reporting it here.","location_details":"Directions withheld by request of witness.","county":"Shawnee County","state":"Kansas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 11493: Hiker hears vocalizations and finds footprint near Topeka.","date":"2005-04-26","number":11493,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9ygyjprehv","temperature_high":54.65,"temperature_mid":45.47,"temperature_low":36.29,"dew_point":34.89,"humidity":0.68,"cloud_cover":0.54,"moon_phase":0.58,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1007.11,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":6,"visibility":9.66,"wind_bearing":311,"wind_speed":6.02,"year":2005,"geometry":[-95.74633,39.06381]} {"observed":"This is the story my son's best friend (Ben, not his real name., age 19) told me the day after the occurrence. My son and a friend were in the same car traveling south on I-35, in Sumner County, Kansas, returning home for the weekend from college in Kansas City, MO. Their classmate, Ben, was traveling in front of them, alone, in his own car. It was after dark and was in the Spring of 2003. The leading car (Ben's) had a flat tire & pulled over on the highway shoulder; my son's car passed it and attempted to pull over to the shoulder, but could not do so, as there was an overpass or bridge Kansas 166, so he drove to the south side and pulled over (the area was described as 4 miles from the N border of Oklahoma). Both of the two drivers had a long-distance walkie-talkie, upon which Ben contacted my son to confer about what they should do; as the moon was very bright & visibility was good, Ben decided to walk along the highway to my son's car (about 1/4 mi. south of his, on the S side of the overpass). Not wanting to walk directly on the highway over the overpass, he began walking down the slope bordering a pasture, along a (cow?) fence, planning to walk up the other side back to I-35. As he approached the bottom of the slope he saw what he thought was a large pile of trash & continued to walk toward it. When he was about 6 ft. from it, he noticed that it was moving, squatting down and digging around in the dirt. He stopped walking, and the thoughts went flying through his mind. He thought it was a female child in a (white)fur coat, squatting down to urinate (this was not logical to him, as it was warm outside & a child would not be alone in this area); then he thought it must be a farm dog & began to get frightened. Only a second or two passed when the thing glanced at Ben and began to stand up, groping very slowly for the barbed wire fence beside it. Ben stood frozen, realizing that this was neither a child nor a dog, as the thing began slowly shuffling sideways away from him along the fence line (on two feet) & holding on to the fence. Ben described it as about 3 to 3 1/2 feet tall, covered with white or light gray hair, with a darker (gray), triangular patch of fur on its chest. Its face was shaped like a human's, although covered with hair, and its nose was not large (like a dogs's would be); he could not see visible ears. It's arms were too long for it to be a human and it's gait was more like a human's than a primate (which would walk with knees bent & legs open), although he only observed it walking sideways. (I have hand-drawn pictures Ben created the day after the occurrence). Ben then began backing away from it and turned & ran (all the while he was talking to my son on the walkie-talkie) back the way he had come to his car. He glanced over his shoulder once or twice; saw the 'thing' on the first glance & at second glance, it was gone, under the overpass, he assumed. My son said he could hear Ben yelling & cussing but only between steps, as the walkie-talkie apparently lost reception each time Bs foot came down. Ben was yelling \"YETI, YETI! A yeti is going to kill me!\" When Ben got back to his car he locked himself inside & told my son over the walkie-talkie what had just happened. Ben also phoned AAA for help with his flat tire. My son drove to the very next exit, and crossed to the E side of I-35, where there was a convenience store & a auto repair or auto tow-truck station ajacent to one another (where the flat tire was eventually fixed). A day or two later, I told this story to a personal friend of mine who immeidately got goose-bumps & told me that a friend of hers had, not two weeks before, told her a similar story, with a 'thing' fitting the same description.","location_details":"I-35, Under an overpass wherein the very next (southbound exit) has a convenience store and tow-truck station (east side of I-35)","county":"Sumner County","state":"Kansas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 7709: Close roadside encounter of juvenile biped animal near South Haven","date":"2005-01-27","number":7709,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9ydfc41p44","temperature_high":39.61,"temperature_mid":36.88,"temperature_low":34.15,"dew_point":27.57,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.55,"moon_phase":0.57,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1027.14,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":9.58,"wind_bearing":79,"wind_speed":5.35,"year":2005,"geometry":[-97.3374,37.0581]} {"observed":"I was stationed at Ft. Leavenworth in 1976, I was assigned to the 205th Military Police Unit. One of our duties was to guard the CAC building at the fort. This is the most important building on base. It is what we called the Comand Staff War School. It was guarded 24/7 everyone in had to sign in and out. NO EXCEPTIONS this was a very serious detail. Personally I hated it. I found myself on duty at the CAC with another MP we called JJ he told me about how an MP Officer had seen some big hairy thing along the river banks just a few days earlier, The officer was scared spitless according to JJ's story. He went on to say that this thing had been seen several times over the last few years and it's got everybody pretty spooked. The Officer in Question made a formal report about his experiance. His career was over shortly after that, The military keeps records on everthing including this one. The river runs along the entire east side of this installation and it is really thick flooded timber and lowlands. You could hide a herd of elephants in there for years and no one would ever know. I never saw this thing but we did see foot prints one evening down along the river. I was impressed with the size of these things, They were 14-16 long but it was the width that was really shocking, 6-7in. wide. It was almost like a snow shoe at the ball of the foot, It was in fresh snow and back in the heavy stuff where no one would have gone to play games. We were sent there to search for a runaway dependent. (Some Officers daughter that had gone to Kansas City with her boy friend as it turned out.) Like I said these prints were big. It was never officially reported because of the recent short term career matter mentioned earlier. If you see one of these things and report it you are history, Period. Check it out you will find several old by now I'm sure reports of strange beings around Ft.Leavenworth. Good luck in finding this thing, It does exist. NO DOUBT!","location_details":"The tracks were found in the refuge area along the river. The sighting was along the river near the building (cac).","county":"Leavenworth County","state":"Kansas","season":"Winter","title":"Report 7558: Military police find tracks at Ft.Leavenworth","date":"2005-01-08","number":7558,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9yuxbrrujw","temperature_high":29.71,"temperature_mid":29.1,"temperature_low":28.49,"dew_point":21.81,"humidity":0.86,"cloud_cover":0.85,"moon_phase":0.93,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1024.7,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":6.38,"wind_bearing":150,"wind_speed":2.13,"year":2005,"geometry":[-94.9,39.3716]} {"observed":"One Saturday evening at about 6:30 PM in October, a friend and I where walking along the Ninascah river and saw eight to ten very large foot prints in the sand. The prints where eleven to fourteen inches long and about six inches wide in the largest spot. Right away I knew that the tracks where not human, they had to belong to bigfoot. The prints had five toe marks at the end. They were about 1/2 a mile from the rocky dam under a bridge. The tracks led to the water, and could not be followed.","location_details":"Location is near a set of railroad tracks, that is near the South Fork Ninnescah River west of town.","county":"Kingman County","state":"Kansas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 739: Three youths find footprints while walking along riverbank","date":"2000-10-14","number":739,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9ydnph34wn","year":2000,"geometry":[-98.12825,37.641]} {"observed":"I teach botany/ecology at a local college. My wife and I were out hiking on the skyline trail (hike/bike trail) to see if any early wildflowers were out yet. We decided to take the Mad Mile extension, since it runs parallel to the lake and is visually quite nice (as well as exhausting). I was taking photos of mosses, so I was paying attention to the ground quite a bit. My wife walked ahead a bit, and I was kneeling down to take some more moss photos when I saw this print (attached Word document). I was very excited, as I had just started reading again about bigfoot, so I took a couple of photos (attached to the document). The first photo is just a overhead pic, the second photo has my size 12 shoe lined up at the base to show how long the footprint was. This was the only footprint noted, with good reason--the leaf litter on the trails was extensive. I did see raccoon tracks, and my wife saw a turkey trot away; later we saw a cottontail scurry off. This may be nothing, but as there was a sighting of BF some 20 miles away at the Baker Wetlands, I thought this might be interesting.","location_details":"Perry State Park. Hike/bike trail, after you cross over Lake Perry, it's up the hill and you take the first right for about a mile to the parking area; we were on the Mad Mile extension of the Skyline trail.","county":"Jefferson County","state":"Kansas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 10797: Hikers find footprint in Perry State Park.","date":"2005-02-26","number":10797,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9yunejgybm","temperature_high":59,"temperature_mid":52.1,"temperature_low":45.2,"dew_point":30.91,"humidity":0.6,"cloud_cover":0.3,"moon_phase":0.58,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1019.18,"summary":"Mostly cloudy starting in the afternoon.","uv_index":5,"visibility":9.97,"wind_bearing":122,"wind_speed":2.47,"year":2005,"geometry":[-95.488,39.1441]} {"observed":"I was taking pictures for my Photography class at Haskell University near the Wetlands. I had walked over a pile of dead and chopped wood into the woods about fifty feet when I heard something ahead. I looked up and saw something standing there, then immediately take off, and without much of a start jump about 7 to ten feet in distance over a fallen tree which was about five feet high. It disapeared into the bush, and did not make a sound in its retreat. The first moment I thought it was a worker from the nearby factory wearing a big coat, then I quickly realized what it was. It had a full body of dark blonde/light brown hair, about 6'6\" or taller, and had a slight slouch to itself. It was also very fast, very illusive, and had seemed to disapear in a glimmer when it took off. I could not hear it beyond the brush where it took off to, so I thought it was still close by. So, as scared as I was but with a camera in my hand I had to follow, but when I got into the brush there was nothing. I didn't hear anything nearby, no bushes moving, no twigs cracking, nothing. Though I felt as if I was being watched, as if something was still there, close by. I just took a deep breath and took off to my car and went home. It was the coolest yet scariest moment in my life.","location_details":"South of Haskell University near the Wetlands.","county":"Douglas County","state":"Kansas","season":"Fall","title":"Report 2033: Photographer has daytime sighting in woods near Lawrence","date":"2005-01-26","number":2033,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9yum2k57ws","temperature_high":40.63,"temperature_mid":35.11,"temperature_low":29.59,"dew_point":29.48,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.62,"moon_phase":0.54,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1022.05,"summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","uv_index":2,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":357,"wind_speed":6.92,"year":2005,"geometry":[-95.2577,38.9142]} {"observed":"Part of my travel route to work is along Kentucky State Route 164 from Kentucky State Route 807 to U.S. Route 68 at Canton, KY in Trigg County. I was driving along jamming on the radio, but looking for deer. Deer are constantly running out in front of vehicles and causing accidents. So I try to stay alert for the deer. On this day I saw much more that I bargained for. There on the side of the road in the edge of the woods was a bigfoot. It was just standing there watching me drive by. It did not seem violent or mean spirited. It was at least 10 feet tall and covered with thick black hair. I've watched for it every since then and have yet to see it again.","location_details":"It was on Kentucky State Route 164 between mile markers 3 and 4.","county":"Trigg County","state":"Kentucky","season":"Summer","title":"Report 13289: Daytime sighting near Canton on State Route 164","date":"2005-07-15","number":13289,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dn93pfmh2e","temperature_high":82.73,"temperature_mid":77.565,"temperature_low":72.4,"dew_point":72.44,"humidity":0.9,"cloud_cover":0.58,"moon_phase":0.29,"precip_intensity":0.0049,"precip_probability":0.74,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1012.72,"summary":"Foggy in the morning and humid throughout the day.","uv_index":7,"visibility":3.26,"wind_bearing":224,"wind_speed":0.72,"year":2005,"geometry":[-87.89472,36.75139]} {"observed":"It was the middle of August & about lunch time. A friend of mine & I was heading south of Union town & decided to go to Ft. Scott for lunch. So we cut across on a gravel road. I was reading a Big Nickle (advertisment paper) and we were talking & going along when my friend suddenly seemed to quit talking in mid sentence. I looked up and saw somehting running upright manlike all hairy, about 5 feet tall but it was going so fast it was to the trees & gone by the time my eyes had focused. My friend (who was driving) says \"did you see that?\". I said was it about 5 feet tall & reddish haired. He said \"it looked at me\". I said what was it, you saw it better than me, I just looked up. He wouldn't say it but it was a Bigfoot. It ran very quickly across the road. Otherwise I would have always thought it might be a prank but it ran way faster than I could. It was about 1 block ahead of us when it crossed the road. It was on the east side of a creek & we were just coming to a low water bridge. It was very windy that day. As we drove past the place it went into the woods I looked but saw nothing more and I could see 3-400 yards up a grade to a ridge. As it ran across a small group of birds flew up out of the ditch as it ran into the woods.","location_details":"The easiest way to get you there is from Highway 3. Going north out of Crawford County the hiway jogs over on Highway 39 (I think) and goes north, from there go 3 miles north (there is an old red church buldind on the NW corner, go about 1 & 3/4 miles to the low water bridge & about 100 yards past the bridge is where it crossed. It was going south.","county":"Bourbon County","state":"Kansas","season":"Summer","title":"Report 5532: Motorists have daylight sighting near Uniontown.","date":"2001-08-17","number":5532,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9ysqyew8vs","temperature_high":82.34,"temperature_mid":73.345,"temperature_low":64.35,"dew_point":65.82,"humidity":0.75,"cloud_cover":0.28,"moon_phase":0.95,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1017.65,"summary":"Partly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":9,"visibility":9.83,"wind_bearing":103,"wind_speed":2.82,"year":2001,"geometry":[-94.97862,37.7684]} {"observed":"Back in 2004 my boyfriend and I were driving around at night. We were near Murdock Kansas on a dirt road when we seen something running up along the fence line. It was grayish white and about 8 ft tall. I turned the car around to see if it was still there and it was gone. I have always joked that it was bigfoot never knowing that there had been sightings in Kansas.","location_details":"Highway 54","county":"Kingman County","state":"Kansas","season":"Spring","title":"Report 38143: Couple driving at night see a tall, greyish white figure running near Murdock","date":"2004-04-15","number":38143,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9ydseytjh7","temperature_high":80.58,"temperature_mid":69.525,"temperature_low":58.47,"dew_point":50.54,"humidity":0.6,"cloud_cover":0.48,"moon_phase":0.88,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1009.81,"summary":"Partly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":8,"visibility":8.76,"wind_bearing":182,"wind_speed":15.32,"year":2004,"geometry":[-97.56253,37.3901]} {"observed":"As I approached a wooded area near the McCreary County-Whitley County line. I saw something move in the distance on the side of the road. Thinking it might be Deer that would dart out in front of me, I slowed down a bit. As I got closer I was astonished to see that whatever it was, was about 7 feet tall with Gray hair that covered the entire body. It turned toward me and it's eyes were large and seemed to be a reddish color. The thing ranted around like it was angry or something and I floored the vehicle. I was scared to death and I immediately drove to my cousin's house to calm down and tell him what had happened. I've traveled that road alot and never saw anything like that. I had a clear shot of the thing and was fairly close. I'm not one to usually believe these stories but this IS what I saw.","location_details":"Highway 92","county":"McCreary County","state":"Kentucky","season":"Winter","title":"Report 5881: Man observes sasquatch looking at him along Highway 92 near Pine Knot","date":"2003-02-20","number":5881,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dns08f1wbn","temperature_high":45.93,"temperature_mid":45.08,"temperature_low":44.23,"dew_point":40.79,"humidity":0.97,"cloud_cover":1,"moon_phase":0.63,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Overcast throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":7.52,"wind_bearing":44,"wind_speed":1.87,"year":2003,"geometry":[-84.33998,36.66257]} {"observed":"I am sending you the information I have on two seperate sightings that occurred in the same area but on different days by my grandfather and my father. My grandpa drove a school bus and at about 5;30-6;00 one morning he said that what he thought was a big man with shaggy matted reddish brown hair came out of the woods and stepped up on the road in front of the bus and ran across the road. My grandpa said he thought it was a man until he seen how big it was then he thought it was an ape but it walked like a man only it was slouched over at the shoulders. Some of the old buildings around his house which was close to the sighting at the time had wierd looking hair stuck to the screens where we thought dogs had been going in or something. We never seen anything but we always heard a really scary sound that was like an ape and a chipanzee mixed with human and it would make a screaming howling noise up in the hollow behind there house. The men would all gather up to go out spotting to see if they could find out what it was but they never found anything. When my father seen this creature he was also driving the school bus at about the same time as above he said that there was a path that joined on both sides of the road he said it was a deer run. When he came around the curve there was a big thing that looked like a man and ape with matted patchy red/brown hair like it had been burned or something running down the path so he hit the brakes and the thing ran across the road and down the other path. He watched it til it was gone and then when he got back he was telling my grandpa about it and thats when my grandpa said he seen the same thing about half mile from where my dad seen it. My family still lives in this area of Ky but we haven't heard or seen anything like this. The year would have been the late 70s for I was little then and I am not sure about the month but I might be able to find out. This took place on Rock Run Road in Vanceburg , Ky 41179. I would love to go looking for tracks and evidence but I am afraid of what I might find while I am by myself so as soon as I get enough family members willing to go tracking we are gonna look and see if there is anything there. Well thanks for listening hope this helps you find the truth about bigfoot.","location_details":"On Highway 59 at the top of Vanceburg Hill, turn left onto Rock Run Road and drive to top of hill. This was first sighting, then go over the hill and turn sharp curve at the end of the curve was the second sighting.","county":"Lewis County","state":"Kentucky","season":"Unknown","title":"Report 6210: School bus drivers have two daylight sightings near Vanceburg.","date":"2005-02-05","number":6210,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnuerujskv","temperature_high":54.25,"temperature_mid":48.245,"temperature_low":42.24,"dew_point":29.19,"humidity":0.57,"moon_phase":0.88,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":108,"wind_speed":2.26,"year":2005,"geometry":[-83.32354,38.56277]} {"observed":"In April of 2005 i was in a doctors office in pike co. ky. i was looking out the window and seen a tall creature on a rock cliff accross from the jail , at the mouth of chloe creek. It was acting very confused or anxious. It walked slumped over and made three different trips from the edge of the cliff back to the tree line. The creature was brown in color. It was at a distance that i saw the creature. It seemed to be thin and tall. The lady in the doctors office seen it too. We attemped to point it out to other people in the office but it had disapeared into the treeline by then. I am not the type to believe anything unless i have seen it myself.I know what i seen. Cant explain what it was, but it was alive and real. not like any other animal i have ever seen. I live in est tn. now and think of that eposode every now and then. i have told very few people about this.","location_details":"over looking the town of pikeville","county":"Pike County","state":"Kentucky","season":"Spring","title":"Report 28575: Bipedal creature observed on a cliff outside Pikeville","date":"2005-04-15","number":28575,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dntm4qbp25","temperature_high":72.18,"dew_point":27.29,"humidity":0.25,"moon_phase":0.22,"precip_intensity":0.0008,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":31,"wind_speed":5.02,"year":2005,"geometry":[-82.5183,37.47975]} {"observed":"Hello my name is **** and I have a story. I was walking home and I think I saw bigfoot. It was about 2:30 when I was walking down the road in Powell co.I had stop to rest,I heard a big splash in the river. I looked around and saw a big shape in the water.I at first thought it was a bear but it stood up it looked like it was fishing. I don't know how deep the water is but it looked like it was standing about four feet out of the water, and had long shaggy hair.","location_details":"Travel about 1 to 2 miles out of Stanton before you get to the dump.In the elbow of the river. (This is the Red River- T.G.)","county":"Powell County","state":"Kentucky","season":"Spring","title":"Report 8517: Pedestrian has nighttime sighting along the Red River","date":"2004-04-20","number":8517,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnsrhy4qtn","temperature_high":74.82,"temperature_mid":68.33,"temperature_low":61.84,"dew_point":52.71,"humidity":0.6,"moon_phase":0.04,"precip_intensity":0.0045,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Rain until afternoon.","uv_index":0,"year":2004,"geometry":[-83.81139,37.82708]} {"observed":"I was working as a security guard at a strip mine location in the mountains of ky near Whitesburg. One night after making my rounds I came back to the guard shack, did my report and was just relaxing listening to the rain........that's when I heard a loud crunching sound beside the shack. So I stood up and watched the shadow from under the sides of the shack.it was moving towards the door. A few seconds later it was trying to open the door by pulling on it. That's when I yelled what do you want........That was when I heard the most terrifying sound ever, like a screaming howl. And it then began to pull harder on the door. So I got a poker and put it in the coal stove that was our heat source for the shack..it got red glowing hot. I then told whaterver it was what i had and was going to do with it if it opened the door. After a few minutes it got quieter and I watched it's shadow move from under the door. After several minutes I made a decision to get to my car..I threw open the door of the guard shack so that the light from inside would show a little outside.and I made a run for my car,got in locked the doors started it up put it in drive and got on the C.B. radio to inform the other guards of what I had just encountered.I stayed the rest of the night in my car.The next morning when my relief showed up I informed him of what I had encountered and I looked for footprints.but the heavy rainy made it difficult to find any that would be useful. But I know what it was without a doubt.it was A Sasquatch!!","location_details":"It was so long ago that I cannot even be sure of what town,or hwy was the closest.","county":"Letcher County","state":"Kentucky","season":"Summer","title":"Report 26036: Man describes encounter at a strip mine near Whitesburg","date":"2003-09-01","number":26036,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnt5e7wxkf","temperature_high":84.62,"temperature_mid":76.525,"temperature_low":68.43,"dew_point":64,"humidity":0.69,"moon_phase":0.18,"precip_type":"rain","summary":"Breezy until afternoon.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":199,"wind_speed":7.52,"year":2003,"geometry":[-82.81679,37.19822]} {"observed":"I saw something along Interstate 75 South in Kentucky, maybe 30-40 miles south of Cincinnati. I don't recall exactly where along that highway I was at the time, somewhere after three lanes had been reduced to two. And it happened 4-5 years ago, in 1999 or 2000. I don't recall what time of year it was, maybe autumn. It never occured to me to report it, and I just found this site so I thought I'd let you decide if it has any merit. It was late, between 1-2 AM, and I was heading back to Winchester, KY (20 miles E of Lexington on Interstate 64) after a visit to PA. No other traffic was on the road at the time I sighted what appeared to be a large animal standing in a recess along a road cut, which I wouldn't have seen but for my headlights; there were no street lights or other sources of light. It stood erect and was covered in dark fur like a bear, which I imagined it must be, but it had no muzzle like a bear. I wondered if it could have been an elk because it was the right height, but I couldn't reconcile an elk with the other body features. It was only in view for 3-4 seconds and was not moving, only looking directly at my car as I sped by. I passed within 15-20 feet of it. I looked directly at it, and it had an angry expression on its face. It made my hair stand on end. I usually didn't travel via Cincinatti when I lived in Winchester (I live in Lexington now), and in subsequent trips along that stretch of road I have been unable to find the exact spot at which I sighted it. Perhaps the roadway has since been modified to eliminate overhanging rocks; there has been a lot of road work along that stretch in the last few years. And I've wondered if it was just the play of shadows from my headlights that gave the illusion of something standing there, but the shape of a shadow changes as the light source moves, and this figure did not change. I was not sleepy; I work a night shift so I'm usually awake at that time. I'm reasonably certain I saw something, just not sure what. In summary, whatever I saw was 6-6.5 feet tall, dark brown to black fur, bipedal posture, angry demeanor. And it appeared to be holding its arms/paws up at shoulder height, as though it were a tree, or stiking some pose intended to frighten me, which was very effective. My initial impression was that it struck a very human posture. I heard no sound and it it not move.","location_details":"30-40 miles south of Cincinnati, OH on Interstate 75.","county":"Grant County","state":"Kentucky","season":"Fall","title":"Report 8715: Motorist has nighttime sighting of animal along Interstate 75.","date":"2005-02-02","number":8715,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dngg5jucue","temperature_high":36.59,"temperature_mid":33.765,"temperature_low":30.94,"dew_point":25.96,"humidity":0.81,"cloud_cover":0.39,"moon_phase":0.77,"precip_intensity":0.0019,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1026.43,"summary":"Mixed precipitation starting in the afternoon, continuing until evening.","uv_index":3,"visibility":6.27,"wind_bearing":55,"wind_speed":2.6,"year":2005,"geometry":[-84.588,38.528]} {"observed":"well it was really dark outside and i could not make a good visual of the creature but it was unlike anything i have ever seen before in my life. If was about 8ft tall and i would say about 450 pounds. it was walking like a human kinda but not exactly. It was very hairy looking and was making some weird grunting noises. Then when it saw me i about **** my pants i was so scared i thought about running but i was too scared to run so i stayed and then it left i was so relieved. There is such a thing as bigfoot i took pictures of his foot prints in the mud and i think that they should send researchers out here to look for it i believe that you will find it actually i promise you will find it.","location_details":"Start at Raceland Super Quik \"Gas Station\" on US23 and head towards Greenup until you get to the caution lights on the highway. Then you will see on the left about 1 mile up the road a set of gates on the left. It used to be addingtons landfill. But now it is abandoned and there is just alot of forest back there now. After you go through the gates you stay on the main road which is blakctoped and you stay on that road for about 2 miles and then it turns to gravel. Follow the gravel road until you come to another set of gates and go through them. Stay on the gravel for about 2 miles then there is a dirt road to the left follow it to pine thicket and then you go up this real steep hill and that is the area where i saw bigfoot.","county":"Greenup County","state":"Kentucky","season":"Winter","title":"Report 1265: Sighting of 8-foot tall, upright creature","date":"2001-01-04","number":1265,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnv55ye8mv","temperature_high":30.56,"temperature_mid":29.05,"temperature_low":27.54,"dew_point":22.9,"humidity":0.81,"cloud_cover":0.94,"moon_phase":0.31,"precip_intensity":0.0002,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"snow","pressure":1020.63,"summary":"Light precipitation until afternoon.","uv_index":2,"visibility":8.64,"wind_bearing":236,"wind_speed":5.94,"year":2001,"geometry":[-82.7989,38.53187]} {"observed":"Myself and a friend were bored one afternoon,so we decided to take his dad's small john boat and look around some creeks just a couple miles from his house.After putting in a time or two,we found one that kept going and stayed wide and deep enough to follow it for awhile.We only had paddles so we moved fairly quiet,i guess.After paddling for a few hours,and having to get out from time to time and drag the boat over beaver dams,it had became late afternoon and the sun started to go down.We had been talking and laughing the whole time,so we really weren't trying to be quiet.As we rounded a bend in the creek,we both saw a large piece of rock come flying out of the trees and land in the middle of the creek,making a big splash probably about 50 yards or so ahead of us.At the time,i was a police officer and was armed pretty much everywhere i went.That particular day we had been shooting trash like cans and bottles that we found alongside the roadway just up from where we put in at,so we were both armed.My friend immediately opened fire with warning shots in the general direction where the rocks came from, 5 or 6 shots as i was trying to turn the boat around.We normally wouldn't have freaked out like that but,it was the manner in which it occurred that scared us.The rock appeared to be bigger than anything either of us could've picked up,let alone throw like that.Another thing was,the height from which it came.Which was about 2 or 3 feet higher than i am tall from what i saw,and i am 6 foot one.Also,it was heavily wooded,flat,swampy creek bottoms so it didn't just fall from anywhere,and had the circumstances been where it could've fallen,it would'nt have landed in the middle of the creek.It would've just landed on the bank.After we got turned around and started paddling like crazy in the other back toward the truck,we didn't hear or see anything,but we still didn't waste any time.As it got darker,we started hearing footsteps up in the woods on our left.I say \"footsteps\" cause it didn't sound like any deer hooves that i had ever heard,it sounded like somebody large and heavy.When we'd stop paddling,it would stop walking.It would walk only when we paddled.This went on all the way to the point where we got close enough to the road to hear traffic going by,and it was all the way dark by then and had been for some time.Once we got to the road,we loaded up and got out of there in a hurry,not hearing anything else and very shaken.There were no houses for miles in either direction from where we parked other than my friend's house which was a few miles to the west and nothing to the east for roughly 5 miles.The property that the creek runs on is a 3000 acre tract of land that used to be a coal mine but had been shut down for several years.I tried to explain it away to myself but,it just didn't add up.I always figured,even if it had been some person large enough to throw a rock that size,they would've said something when my friend opened fire on em'.And,they sure wouldn't have followed us all the way back to the road for fear of being shot at again you would think.The swamp we were in runs across several counties, and is largely unpopulated in most parts so,who knows.","location_details":"There are other waterways that connect with the creek we were on and these bottoms run thru several counties.Head out of madisonville on hwy70 west to Beulah.Turn right on hwy109 north until you reach hwy502 which turns to the right just past a community called Rabbit Ridge.Follow it until you reach a swamp that is on both sides of the road about 4 miles or so off hwy109 on hwy502.We put in on the right side about 3/4 to a mile from the entrance to the old coal mine.","county":"Hopkins County","state":"Kentucky","season":"Summer","title":"Report 27399: Two boaters experience possible intimidation behavior outside Madisonville","date":"2000-08-15","number":27399,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dn9sm8ffqs","year":2000,"geometry":[-87.64487,37.3141]} {"observed":"This incident occured in late July early August 2000,My wife had been fishing with me on a couple of occasions earlier that season , but was wanting to go where the weeds werent so high ,I had found a place that was popular for folks that like to catfish .We arrived there at about 3 pm , to set up our gear before nightfall.originally we planned to stay till midnight if the fishing was good, we had brought coffee and snacks , enjoying the chance to be out together, she kept me fairly busy baiting her hooks and re-rigging her line, We had a couple bites , lost some hooks etc. It was pitch dark at about 9:30 ,but the lanterns kept the area well lit almost back to our pick-up it was parked back behind us about 75 or 100 ft. at the top of the boat ramp. The noise started behind us to the left ,it was rustling sound that became a loud snapping and cracking that seemed to come closer ,there was a thumping sound as well this lasted maybe a couple of minutes , we stood there looking in the area expecting someone to come out into the light.My wife was visibly shaken ,but I re-assured her \"it was probably a deer\".I hoped to re-assure myself as well,encouraging her to get her line back in the water, I kept glancing back in that direction cause I knew we werent alone out there now ,as we recast our lines something ran across the gravel road behind us,the gravel scattered under its weight,into the tree line along the side of my pick-up ,as it went along side ,whatever it was \"slapped \" the truck bed ,three times quickly , then there was cracking and breaking of limbs on that side of the woods.The lanterns were glowing on the underside of the branches above as they shook and swayed the \"thumping\" was its feet on the ground,i felt it. We both had already dropped our poles , My pistol was hammer back and aimed that direction , my wife was behind me holding onto my belt loops we were ready to go ,but afraid to go toward the truck,something was over there ! \"that aint no deer \" she said \"thats somebody\" We stood there for a couple of minutes (seemed like a hour)I felt it was right there watching us ! When we did get to the pick-up I opened drivers door so fast it broke the retaining spring on the hinge ,I put her in and locked the door ,wanted to see if there were dents in the side of bed,I walked around to the dark side of the truck with my flashlight,(the feeling of being watched at a disadvantage was overwhelming )when my wife started the engine ....I thought my heart stopped ! After I stumbled back around to the drivers side I turned on all of the lights (even the interior) swung around ,backed down to where the gear was . got up enough nerve to get out and reel in the lines and gather up the stuff, while loading I felt as though I was about to be \"approached \" by something .I was scared ...And then when it screamed ,I did too!It sounded loud and close , the sound echoed out into the deep woods, it was unearthly,high pitched,short but it had a lot of emphasis,if it meant to hurry us along..... It worked ! we left there fast ! When we arrived home we told our sons about what had happened because they had occasionally went there to fish as well..Lately we have heard other stories from this area as well,theres something out there .. Im thankful to be able to share this with others who are interested .Told our new game warden about it a couple of weeks after the incident he seemed surprised ,and was quite interested , but had his own explanation, teenagers !","location_details":"Requested no post.","county":"Hopkins County","state":"Kentucky","season":"Summer","title":"Report 1433: Couple fishing at night are frightened by large, heavy animal in the near woods","date":"2000-08-15","number":1433,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dn9gg535bh","year":2000,"geometry":[-87.40585,37.2402]} {"observed":"It was about 9 or 10 feet tall, it was so big it covered the entire window. The window was long and narrow and about 4 feet from the ground. I'm guessing the hair was about 3 inches long and the color looked like copper in the bright light. The pictures you have on this site looks just like the one I saw except the face. The face of the one I saw was covered with hair and the eyes were big and round. It had brown eyes. The lips were not big and thick, they were thin compared to the pictures. The nose I didn't notice maybe the hair covered it or I don't remember it anyway. I mostly remember the eyes. It never showed it's teeth or made any kind of facial expression. I didn't scream or do anything myself but look into it's eyes. I wasn't afraid of it, infact I have always thought that it didn't want to scare me away. I felt sorry for it, for some unknown reason I felt it was a female that had lost it's young. It had made it's home under my back lawn. There must have been a mine or cave on the other side of the hill that lead back under the lawn. There were houses close beside my house and none of the nieghbors saw it. I think that they are a very curious animal. I will end this with the fact that I would be afraid of it now.","location_details":"I'm sorry I don't remember the name of the road, but it's the main road between the school and a place called Wolfpen Hollow. The house set between a house owned by a family known as XXXXX and a XX XXX XXXXXXX on the other side. There was a rail road track across the street. The XXXXX family I think bought the house where this happened but she passed away about 10 years ago. now I don't know who owns it. I move back to Ky in hopes that I might get it back. but it's only a dream.","county":"Johnson County","state":"Kentucky","season":"Unknown","title":"Report 2155: Woman describes creature she observed from window","date":"2004-04-21","number":2155,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dntnvhcuxu","temperature_high":77.87,"temperature_mid":67.375,"temperature_low":56.88,"dew_point":48.26,"humidity":0.44,"moon_phase":0.07,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":0,"wind_bearing":213,"wind_speed":7.89,"year":2004,"geometry":[-82.74628,37.77591]} {"observed":"In 2005 while fourwheeling with my girlfriend in some bottomland near where I live I was following the laurel river as it snakes its way through these dense bottoms. it was getting dusk dark and we where on the left side of the river as we were riding we had met about 6 deer that were on our side of the river and we sat and watched them with out turning off the fourwheeler. I was carring my sony hi8 camcorder because i have seen bigfoot before but it had been awhile. i also had my .44 magnum pistol on me for we have lots of wildlife around hear and i would rather be safe than sorry. well as we continued our ride we came to a bend in the creek and the tree frogs and crickets were so loud that they about drowned out the atvs engine roar. so i turned it off so we could hear them better because the sound was just really nice and soothing. as we sat and listened i caught a movement out of the corner of my right eye across the river. now first i must tell you that the woods across the river had been logged about 2 years prior so it had a second growth of timber and the animal that i saw was about 75 yards away. anyway i saw a movement out of my right eye so i turned to see an animal which looked like a gorilla for it was on its all fours but was the color of an orangutan for an orangish/red and when it turned its head to look at me its face which i saw pretty well was white much like that of a skull. my girlfriend was looking the other way when i jumped off the atv to film this creature. the creature moved quickly to the base of a downed tree top which it was in front of and just climbed right over onto the otherside where i lost sight of it. my camera was around my neck so i poped off my lens cap cover and started filming in which all i got was a short video of the main branch of the tree shaking where it had just went over. this all took place in just a few seconds possibly 12-15 seconds. i was very disappointed as im sure anyone who looks for these creatures would be. i have alot of other reaports from around hear that i will post as soon as i can and i also have gamecameras in the woods at all times hoping that maybe one day he will run by it. thanks for your time . wes i.","location_details":"hwy 229 to 830 to 1189","county":"Laurel County","state":"Kentucky","season":"Summer","title":"Report 18174: Small gorilla-type animal seen at dusk along the Laurel River near London","date":"2005-07-20","number":18174,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dns6cmzr44","temperature_high":89.76,"temperature_mid":81.02,"temperature_low":72.28,"dew_point":70.47,"humidity":0.77,"cloud_cover":0.28,"moon_phase":0.47,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1019.02,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":9,"visibility":7.29,"wind_bearing":209,"wind_speed":1.87,"year":2005,"geometry":[-83.95846,37.0787]} {"observed":"A few years ago.Me and my wife was going ginseng hunting.Back in the woods behind our home.It was starting to get warm out the sun was up.We started over the hill top.And the under brush started to get thicker.but we went on.my wife started looking down in this wash out (ditch) I was going along the top of this wash out.(the wash out or ditch mind you was about 12 foot deep and about 20 wide and goes all the way down this hill about 300 feet)We were just going along looking.I heard some noises coming from across the ditch.about 20 to 30 feet away.I tought it might have been a deer or something .I kept on looking in the way the noise was coming.The noise was trees and brush slapping togehter.I seen some brush moving around.then it stop.I was looking trying to see what was making the noises.thats when it came into my view.there was.this thing with redish brown hair.alover at least the parts I seen.I only seen from the chest up.I was only 20 - 30 feet away from it I could see its dark eyes,face,everything.It looked like a man to me.My wife was still down in the wash out.I could see her.I watch this thing.look down at her then back at me.I had a loaded.22 rifle with me but I could not bring the gun up.It watch us for a few minutes.then I got up enough nerve.To tell my wife to head back up the hill.We was only there about 20 minutes she ask me why are we leaving so fast?.I told her to just get up the hill.But go slow .I didnt know if it would come after us.If we took off running.I watched as she went up the hill.I was walking backwards.Trying to see where it was.and what is was doing.i seen its chest thru the brush As we headed up the hill.thats when my wife seen it to.She started to run.But I got her to stop.We made it home.We have had dogs missing.Only to find them later on tore apart.There insides tore out.This pass deer season (2004).I was back behind my house.hunting I started up the hill.across from where I and my wife seen (Bigfoot).I had a big rock thrown.at me .The rock hit in the top of a big tree.I watched it bounce.off the tree.and hit the ground .I put up my gun looking thru my scope I couldnt seen anything.It was cold on this day","county":"Lawrence County","state":"Kentucky","season":"Summer","title":"Report 11966: Ginseng hunters have daytime sighting near Blaine.","date":"2003-07-03","number":11966,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnv074e086","temperature_high":87.62,"temperature_mid":78.615,"temperature_low":69.61,"dew_point":66.26,"humidity":0.8,"cloud_cover":0.37,"moon_phase":0.13,"precip_intensity":0.0004,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1012.09,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":9,"visibility":5.75,"wind_bearing":194,"wind_speed":3.16,"year":2003,"geometry":[-82.83278,38.02653]} {"observed":"While looking through reports for Kentucky I came across report #11966 in Lawrence county, KY. I had a sighting/experience around the same time period and same area near Blaine, KY. I have never told anyone of this other than at the time it happened I told my wife I had been stalked out of the woods by something large and packed my family up, leaving the area. In 2003 my wife and I took our daughter and youngest son with our travel trailer to camp at Yatesville Lake State Park in Lawrence county,Ky near Blaine. We arrived on a Friday in August with intent of fishing and I always go on ginseng hunts where I am able/allowed. I think it be noted I am an avid outdoorsman having hunted, fished, hiked, and camped in at least 28 states of the USA for 40+ years. I am well acquainted with big game animals including bears, mountain lions, elk, deer, and wild hogs. I stake my reputation on my word and kept this encounter to myself. On Saturday morning I took my family to fish in the lake at a spot where Highway 32 bridge crosses a fork of Blaine Creek. After my family was set up, I took off into the mountain on the southwest side of this bridge and possibly part of Yatesville Lake WMA to hunt ginseng. As I had worked my way up a long deep hollow and neared the top of the ridge and to my left I heard knocking like someone striking a piece of wood against a tree (similar to what researchers hear/do). I also had several rocks come through the trees from the top of a small cliff at the top of the ridge, but thought they had fell off the rock formations on their own. Then as I happened to look back behind me from the hollow I came out of on the far side of that ridge I saw a very large dark hair covered figure that was watching me and it was standing upright, it definately was not a bear. I estimated later it was near 8' tall, I'm also a carpenter and pretty good at measurements. As silly as it sounds, when it left my sight, I spoke aloud to this \"thing\" and said \"Old one I mean no harm and I'm only taking what I need\" all the while easing my way around and down toward my family, once I was out of eyesight I took off down the mountain as fast as I could, I could hear this \"bigfoot\" following at a distance. Once I got to my family I told my wife to get everything to gather and packed my family out of the area telling them a bear was stalking me off the mountain. It was not a bear and I guess I'm only reporting this now because of the other sightings in the area around the same time. BFRO is welcome to contact me and I would be willing to travel back to the exact spot and show where this occurred even though it was over 8 years ago.","county":"Lawrence County","state":"Kentucky","season":"Summer","title":"Report 34725: Ginseng hunter has an unexpected encounter near Blaine","date":"2003-08-16","number":34725,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnv0w2fn45","temperature_high":86.36,"temperature_mid":76.33,"temperature_low":66.3,"dew_point":72.28,"humidity":0.83,"cloud_cover":0.38,"moon_phase":0.65,"precip_intensity":0.0047,"precip_probability":0.51,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.19,"summary":"Humid throughout the day and foggy in the morning.","uv_index":8,"visibility":3.57,"wind_bearing":239,"wind_speed":1.07,"year":2003,"geometry":[-82.69125,38.06181]} {"observed":"I was deer hunting, watching a clearing between two thickets. It was between 7:30 and 8:00 in the morning in November, the temperature was below freezing and there was a thin layer of snow on the ground. The thickets were cedar thickets. I was sitting on an old road, in the head of the hollow, about a hundred yards from the trail crossing the clearing. The clearing was about 50 or 60 yards across. I heard, from the top of the thicket to my left, crashing, brush and limbs breaking, very loudly, like large limbs. It lasted maybe ten seconds or so. About five minutes later, I heard the same noise, maybe fifty or seventy five feet down the hill in the direction of the clearing. Brush and limbs thrashing, breaking, hitting together. Then about five minutes later, the same noise closer down the hill. The last time, it happened about 20 yards into the thicket from the clearing. Then, out of the thicket stepped something, walking on two legs, black from head to toe, with it's arms swinging by it's sides it walked across the clearing in probably no more than five or six seconds. I was too scared to move, but I took my gun and eased out of there, too busy watching the clearing to really look for tracks, but the grass was so thick I couldn't have seen any anyway. When I got to the truck, I waited on my hunting partner, worried that something might have happened to him, I walked partway back into the area and met him coming out, he asked if I had seen a large pile of feces in the road through the clearing on my way out. I had walked down that road about 30 minutes earlier and it wasn't there then. He said it was in the area where I saw this thing cross. He described the feces as loose, with grass and long, black hairs in it. I then told him what I saw and he said he was sure it was a bear and my imagination added to it. He never did believe me and no one else has, either. But it's true, I am a minister and have no reason to lie.","location_details":"About four miles from Blaine. I can't remember the road number, but I could take someone back to the exact spot.","county":"Lawrence County","state":"Kentucky","season":"Fall","title":"Report 7023: Deer hunter has early morning sighting near Blaine","date":"2005-02-09","number":7023,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnv074cfw5","temperature_high":55.32,"temperature_mid":43.72,"temperature_low":32.12,"dew_point":47.27,"humidity":0.89,"cloud_cover":0.98,"moon_phase":0.03,"precip_intensity":0.0066,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1012.75,"summary":"Light rain in the evening.","uv_index":3,"visibility":3.9,"wind_bearing":270,"wind_speed":2.89,"year":2005,"geometry":[-82.83425,38.02825]} {"observed":"My family and I (my wife and two daughters, aged 10 and 15) were vacationing in Mammoth Cave State Park (Diamond Resort specifically) from June 27 - July 1, 2003. We had a cabin situated on a golf course at the resort. We were in the area that was furthest from the pool, clubhouse, tennis courts and all other facilities. We were in a condominium and at the time were the only family staying there. Just after sunset, while still dusk (Astronomical twilight would be the most accurate term), I heard a load scream. At first, I dismissed it as a Coyote, but then I heard it again. After this vocalization, I realized that every other sound had discontinued - no crickets, birds, dogs - nothing. It was absolutely silent. Being a curator for the BFRO since 1998, my interest was understandably piqued. The third vocalization was absolutely unmistakeable - the nearest human counterpart would be that of a women being brutalized and screaming as a result. I immediately contacted Matt Moneymaker by cell phone to see if we could hear it again, but that was the last time. It was very difficult given the terrain to determine distance or even location. After the incident, I personally yelled and heard echos from nearly every direction. Other than my sighting at the age of 9, this is the only other experience that I have had. There is no question in my mind that this was a Sasquatch. Why he/she was vocalizing is anyone's guess!","location_details":"Diamond Resort with the Mammoth Cave State Park System in Kentucky.","county":"Barren County","state":"Kentucky","season":"Summer","title":"Report 6632: Vacationer hears vocalizations at Diamond Resort.","date":"2005-02-04","number":6632,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dndg6duu4g","temperature_high":51.22,"temperature_mid":39.53,"temperature_low":27.84,"dew_point":27.14,"humidity":0.72,"cloud_cover":0.2,"moon_phase":0.84,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1029.63,"summary":"Foggy in the morning.","uv_index":4,"visibility":5.41,"wind_bearing":39,"wind_speed":0.75,"year":2005,"geometry":[-86.0163,37.1496]} {"observed":"The appearance of the thing was just as I have seen on tv stories and descriptions I have heard of. As far as the behavior of it, it was very shy as it appeared to not want to be seen. My son and I had been deer hunting on a local farm. When time came to leave, we met up and started back to my truck. About 50 yards down our path we heard something coming out of a cedar thicket and we both saw it. It stood app. 8 feet tall and had long brown hair all over it. We stopped and it stopped at the same time. We didn't know what to say or do. Then it just stepped back into the thicket and went away out of sight. We got back to my truck as fast as we could, but we could hear something following us the whole time. But it did stay completly out of sight. I haven't told too many people about this, because they always laugh at us or start making jokes. I know I'll never forget it as long as I live. It was really scary. That thing was huge.","location_details":"On Bods Mill Rd. there is a hidden entrance to the old Simms farm. It is 100 acres and is very dense in growth. The farm has since been sold.","county":"Anderson County","state":"Kentucky","season":"Fall","title":"Report 1045: Father and son have a daylight encounter while deer hunting near Lawrenceburg","date":"2005-01-09","number":1045,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"dnexfmfuh8","temperature_high":51.43,"temperature_mid":47.24,"temperature_low":43.05,"dew_point":35.31,"humidity":0.75,"cloud_cover":0.51,"moon_phase":0.97,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1024.94,"summary":"Overcast in the morning.","uv_index":2,"visibility":9.76,"wind_bearing":191,"wind_speed":6.2,"year":2005,"geometry":[-84.97527,37.95708]} {"observed":"My late Grandparents owned a home outside of Scottsville, Kentucky for many years in Allen County. The area has always been well-known for sightings of the \"monkey man\" as he is called there throughout this area of Kentucky (Monkey Man Hollow). The first sightings began back in the old pioneer days. This story is true because my late Grandmother, an honest woman and Christian, saw one of these \"bigfoot\" creatures on two seperate occasions both at night time. I was there during one encounter she had as well. This creature would come into their front yard at night and lean up or kneel down against a large beech tree in their front yard. She described the creatures as standing tall and upright, and walking like a man. Both creatures were covered with white, and somewhat curly, hair all over. I thought they may be older ones of these creatures because of the white hair. The creatures just got up and walked away on two feet just like a person would do back into the woods. Also, a friend and neighbor who lived down the road from them saw a Sasquatch one time leaning against a fence post in his front yard across a road in broad daylight. He has told this story to lots of people many times, and always the same way. When his dogs gave chase to the creature, tall and upright like a man with brown hair all over, just leaped over the fence and walked away into the valley below. Although I haven't seen one of these creatures, I did hear screaming sounds like a woman would make one night when I stayed overnight with them. It woke us all up. Trust me, this eerie sound would make your hair stand on end, and this was no ordinary animal sound either. They always told me that it was just that \"thing\" that lives in the woods. Many people throughout the years have seen these creatures all across the Allen County area. This story is absolutely true and accurate to the best of my ability. These creatures are real!","location_details":"A few miles outside of Scottsville, Kentucky taking the old Glasgow Road until you turn right onto Durham Springs Road. About a mile up this road all along this area there have been sightings-even one in 2007.","county":"Allen County","state":"Kentucky","season":"Spring","title":"Report 22941: Man tells of Grandmother's encounters with shaggy white creature near Scottsville","date":"2002-04-15","number":22941,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"dnd9py0uqm","temperature_high":83.09,"temperature_mid":73.105,"temperature_low":63.12,"dew_point":61.59,"humidity":0.73,"cloud_cover":0.12,"moon_phase":0.09,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1015.98,"summary":"Mostly cloudy in the morning.","uv_index":8,"visibility":9.83,"wind_bearing":203,"wind_speed":8.71,"year":2002,"geometry":[-86.1425,36.772]} {"observed":"I will tell about my visual siting. I do have an on going encounter with many sound and oder encounters which happened the same waythen Ihad the sigting. It was a winter night about 22:00hrs.I took my dog out. We were outside about ten minutes. When I saw a creature standing 20-25ft. away. Itwas next to a small building with the woods behind it.There was astreet light 50ft.behind me. Iknow it was not my shadow, My shadow stoped 10ft. short of its feet. As we looked one another over.the dog just wonted to go inside.At this time Iheard a noise to my right I turned to se what it was .Isaw nothing. Iturned back an the creature turned to look also.The smell was like awet deer but ten times worse.The creature was around 8-9ft.tall. Dark hair covered its body.It seemed to get up set becouse I did not run. It took a type of defensive posture and looked me up and down.The mood seamed to change I thought it might charge.At this point I went In side let the dog go got my handgun and went back out but it was gone.However Icould still here him in the woods. It was about 8-9ft.tall and at the least (500lbs).The shoulder span was around 4-5Ft. I this had to be alarge male. Due to the way it acted and its movement and presents. I say htis from my years of hunting and just whatching wild life.The next day I found single print that was about 5in. wide at the hill .This was the best part You could see. It was about 18-20in. long.I feel there was only the one due to the fact we had norain for weeks.The night was dry and clear. there was no wind or clouds in the sky. Ihave no dought what Isaw. IKnow what all the local wildlife looks like including the rare black bear that comes alone. Iwould be very intrested in speaking to some one from your group.This as been going on for the last three years and not slowing down. Thanks for giving me a place to report. Iknow of other people that have had encounters also.","county":"Sabine Parish","state":"Louisiana","season":"Winter","title":"Report 9567: While taking dog outside witness sees large bipedal shadow next to his shed","date":"2003-11-12","number":9567,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vte8jt0zh","temperature_high":85.67,"temperature_mid":71.595,"temperature_low":57.52,"dew_point":66.36,"humidity":0.8,"cloud_cover":0.7,"moon_phase":0.61,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"summary":"Mostly cloudy throughout the day.","uv_index":4,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":235,"wind_speed":3.43,"year":2003,"geometry":[-93.50845,31.5831]} {"observed":"Mr. E.H. stated to me that he was returning from work one afternoon when he came out of a curve in the road (gravel) traveling West and saw a creature he estimates to have been 6-7 feet in height and weighing over 300 lbs. cross the road approximately 3 telephone poles up from his position. The creature was traveling South to North. He stated that he was traveling about 30mph. Mr. E.H. also stated that the creature was brownish-red in color, no facial features were noted as the creature never looked in his direction.The head appeared to look like a humans. The creature crossed the road in about 3-4 steps, and was very fast. He said that the creature looked to be hunched over. The arms were swinging in a pumping like fashion, like a sprinters arms would pump. Mr. E.H. stopped at the area the creature crossed and looked around, no smell or odor was noted, and no tracks were found due to the hardness of the road and ground. Nothing else was noted. This is the second sighting. The 1st was in 1976 on a pipeline by Mr. E.H. and his wife. The creature in this sighting was also a brownish color and was seen crossing a pipeline.This is in the same area as the 2nd sighting. This area appears to be an active area. Unknown vocalizations also occur at this area. Mr. E.H. has lived and hunted in this area for 40+ yrs and has never heard the vocalizations being heard before. He lives approx. 5-7 miles into the woods. During my visit on 4-5-2000 (Wednesday) myself, Mr. E.H. and his son found a 12\" track near his home. We were on 4-wheelers traveling to an area near a previous sighting by a family member. We came to a large puddle in the 4-wheeler trail and were trying to negotiate around it when he asked me to come look at something. What I found was a 12\" track that was no more then a few days old. The track had some wear due to the rain from Sunday night through Monday late afternoon. We were approximately 1/2 - 3/4 of a mile into the woods. I sent his son to get my plaster box from the back of my truck as I had no where to carry it in. After looking around I found another track about 10 yards from the other but in a very wet and flooding area. I photographed this track as it was impossible to cast. No other tracks were found. After his son returned I measured the track and found it to be 12\" inches in length, and was 3/4 to 1 inch into the ground. Mr.E.H. tried to make a track in the ground nearby but was unsuccessful ( he weighes over 200Lbs). It was unclear how many toes were present due to the mud and leaves in the track. Several photos were made of the track before plaster was poured into it. Due to prior obligations I was forced to leave the cast till Friday 4-7 when I could return. Mr. E.H. and myself secured the area as best we could. I returned on Friday around 10:30 am with my brother Shane.The 2 of us along with Mr.E.H. returned to the spot to retrieve the track cast. We retrieved the cast with no problems. We looked around the area and found what appeared to be Pine saplings that had been bitten and picked at to retrieve termites that were in the trees. We found approx. 8 -10 of these ranging from 3ft to 7ft off the ground. We also found a tree about 3 inches in diameter that had been twisted at the base and broke over. Photos were taken of these. Due to rising water we were unable to go very far into the area to look further.","location_details":"on a pipeline and on a gravel road near Georgetown","county":"La Salle Parish","state":"Louisiana","season":"Spring","title":"Report 1458: A motorist observed a hunched over, brownish-red creature crossing the road #2. Cast made of a 12\" track, only a couple of days old, that was found 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile into the woods by BFRO investigator Scott Kessler","date":"2000-04-05","number":1458,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vwk5rtegy","temperature_high":73.08,"temperature_mid":61.51,"temperature_low":49.94,"dew_point":43.04,"humidity":0.63,"cloud_cover":0,"moon_phase":0.03,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1021.19,"summary":"Clear throughout the day.","uv_index":9,"visibility":10,"wind_bearing":197,"wind_speed":5.98,"year":2000,"geometry":[-92.3104,31.6825]} {"observed":"About two or three years ago I was rabbit hunting using a flashlight. It was about 10pm and I was walking out of the woods, down an old lane. I could hear something following me off to my side in the bushes. At first I thought it was an armadillo or something like that but I could not see anything when I would shine my flashlight in that direction. The movement sounded to be only about ten feet from me. Everytime I would stop, it would stop. Whenever I would shine my light over there I could see nothing. After it followed me for about a hundred and fifty yards I got a little scared and turned the flashlight off and took off running the rest of the way to my truck.","location_details":"State Line road runs between East Feliciana Parrish Louisiana and Wilkensin county Mississippi State Line Road is a gravel road","county":"East Feliciana Parish","state":"Louisiana","season":"Winter","title":"Report 4552: Strange late night sounds heard near Norwood","date":"2001-01-28","number":4552,"classification":"Class B","geohash":"9vx0pj6q2z","temperature_high":69.22,"temperature_mid":65.265,"temperature_low":61.31,"dew_point":57.34,"humidity":0.88,"cloud_cover":0.94,"moon_phase":0.13,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1021.08,"summary":"Light precipitation overnight.","uv_index":3,"visibility":7.16,"wind_bearing":112,"wind_speed":11.41,"year":2001,"geometry":[-91.0955,30.96745]} {"observed":"Encounter as told to BFRO researchers Scott Kessler & Patricia Normand on January 27,2001 by two teenage (both 14 y/o) hunters (K.H. & L.C.) about their encounter November 18th, 2000. We had ridden a 4-wheeler to a deerstand not far from the house. We had been there about 30 minutes. It was near 4 pm and the sun was just beginning to go down. It was almost dusk. We were out there hunting for deer when I told my friend K.H. that there was something moving closer to a group of wild hogs about 40 feet from us.When it got closer we saw what appeared to be a man \"duck walking\" towards the hogs. It scratched it's head and looked around and began to shuffle one foot back and forth (as if it was shifting its weight) .It was also making \"blowing sounds like a deer does\". I shifted my position in the deerstand and hit my shotgun ( 20ga.) against the inside of the deerstand and it heard it and stood up. The hogs ran off when it stood upright. We bolted out the back door of the stand and jumped on the 4 wheeler and hauled it out of there,after turning a corner and across a small creek I (L.C.) looked back and saw it standing by a tree watching us leave. We had watched it all total for about 10 minutes. It was reddish brown, covered with hair and we could see it's eyes . The face was somewhat covered with hair but not as covered as the rest of the body. It was about 7 feet tall and maybe 300, to 350 pounds.","location_details":"On file w/BFRO","county":"La Salle Parish","state":"Louisiana","season":"Fall","title":"Report 1536: Two teenage deer hunters have encounter while hunting","date":"2000-11-18","number":1536,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vwk5rtegy","temperature_high":39.67,"temperature_mid":38.37,"temperature_low":37.07,"dew_point":37.11,"humidity":0.95,"cloud_cover":0.95,"moon_phase":0.75,"precip_intensity":0.0439,"precip_probability":1,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1023.1,"summary":"Rain throughout the day.","uv_index":3,"visibility":7.72,"wind_bearing":43,"wind_speed":7.76,"year":2000,"geometry":[-92.3104,31.6825]} {"observed":"Sat. 12-10-05 went hunting in Kisatchie Nat. Forest in Natchitoches Parish in Louisiana. I went in this part of the woods about 9:00 . I always carry a chair to sit in, was sitting for about 35 minutes when I seen a very large man walking though the woods at 1st look. At my 2nd hard look I was looking to see the background to gauge the size of this person. the thing I notice was it was very black ,had no hunter's orange on.{ in the Nat. Forest you must wear an orange vest and hat}it was white from the ground up on each leg about 12\" to 20\" up both legs. It was about 60 to 80 yards from me only seen it take about 8 or 9 step's in open woods, it walked behind a falling tree was going to rise my gun to get a better look when it came in to the next opening. It never came out of the brush. I then left.the more i thought about it i had to go see how big was the trees it was walking by. went back the next day i would say to was 9 to 10 feet tall. long legs and arms. i found no foot prints or anything.the ground is very hard we have had no rain.Heard . it was very strange.","location_details":"Kisatchie National Forest","county":"Natchitoches Parish","state":"Louisiana","season":"Winter","title":"Report 13350: Hunter observes upright hairy creature in the Kisatchie National Forest","date":"2005-12-22","number":13350,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vtyjtn16v","temperature_high":53.29,"temperature_mid":42.545,"temperature_low":31.8,"dew_point":34.76,"humidity":0.74,"cloud_cover":0.39,"moon_phase":0.72,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1026.61,"summary":"Overcast in the morning.","uv_index":3,"visibility":8.52,"wind_bearing":186,"wind_speed":0.71,"year":2005,"geometry":[-92.914,32.0199]} {"observed":"Encounters told to me by Logger Earl Whitstine. Sighting one occurred on Tuesday August 22, 2000 around 1300hrs. Mr. Whitstine stated he was operating his cutter, which resembles a skidder in that the only difference basically is one has huge shear type cutters and the other has a holder. Whitstine was approaching some fallen trees when he saw what appeared at the time to be the rear end of a horse. Thinking this was a nearby resident's horse, he rattled the cutters in an attempt to scare it away, but as he rattled the cutters the object turned and stood up. It was at this time he realized that he was not looking at a horse but a large bipedal creature. He noticed that it was covered from head to toe in thick, long, jet black hair. The hair around the face was also long and he couldn't make out any facial features. The creature turned and began to head for a nearby logging road that ran parallel to Flaggon creek. Whitstine then began to follow in the cutter, and as he got nearer to the creature it turned and jumped into the creek (bayou) and began to try to swim to the other side. Whitstine stated it looked like it couldn't swim very well as it \"kept bobbing up and down trying to keep its head out of the water, but would occasionally go underwater.\" After reaching the other side, the creature stopped and looked back then fled into the adjoining woods. Whitstine called his boss who thought he was joking and brushed it off. Whitstine also told fellow loggers who also poked fun at him. Whitstine stated that he got as close as maybe twenty feet. Encounter number two occurred on Thursday August 24, 2000 around 0700-0730hrs while surveying a property line with another logger. As they walked the line they came upon the creature again alongside a drying bayou (Boggy Bayou). They came within eighty feet (measured during the investigation) of the creature as it stood looking at them from beside a large bush. He yelled out to it \"Hey, what are you doing?\" The creature then fled north away from Whitstine and the other logger. Whitstine then called his boss and the property owner. The land owner notified Wildlife and Fisheries, the Rapides Parish Sheriffs Office, along with the local paper and tv station. The paper had the owner contact the BFRO.","location_details":"On file with BFRO","county":"Rapides Parish","state":"Louisiana","season":"Summer","title":"Report 3777: Logger has two encounters over three day period","date":"2000-08-22","number":3777,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vw7hb9009","temperature_high":97.99,"temperature_mid":83.755,"temperature_low":69.52,"dew_point":72.46,"humidity":0.78,"cloud_cover":0.15,"moon_phase":0.75,"precip_type":"rain","pressure":1019.68,"summary":"Light rain in the evening.","uv_index":9,"visibility":7.68,"wind_bearing":143,"wind_speed":2.23,"year":2000,"geometry":[-92.2508,31.4676]} {"observed":"I was driving home from work and it was about 7 o'clock in the evening. I had my headlights on. I live in Sorrento, La. off of Hwy. 61 (Airline Hwy) About two miles from home (driving west) on 61 I saw a creature. I always look at this time for deer, armadillo, possum, dogs, etc.. While I was looking off the passenger side of the road, this creature sprung up from the ditch. My headlights shined right on the front of it. It was somewhat like a sloth. Hairy all over, but a light gray color. It had a small round head with a brown nose. The eyes did not glow, but were white around them. It had extra long arms and a very thin body. It was at least 6-7 feet tall. I couldn't believe what I had seen. I wanted to turn around, but there was no turn crossing. Alone, I just kept driving. It stood upright and seemed to be leaping up out of the ditch. Its hair was not long and bushy, but sleak and close to the body. I seemed smart. Unlike the sloth, it was man-like.","location_details":"From Sorrento, La. heading East 2 miles on Hwy 61","county":"Ascension Parish","state":"Louisiana","season":"Fall","title":"Report 514: Early evening sighting by motorist near Sorrento","date":"2000-10-23","number":514,"classification":"Class A","geohash":"9vr7sxt89v","temperature_high":83.21,"temperature_mid":70.245,"temperature_low":57.28,"dew_point":62.69,"humidity":0.75,"cloud_cover":0.17,"moon_phase":0.87,"precip_intensity":0,"precip_probability":0,"pressure":1026.63,"summary":"Mostly cloudy until afternoon.","uv_index":4,"visibility":8.05,"wind_bearing":99,"wind_speed":7.16,"year":2000,"geometry":[-90.8493,30.1878]}